#like sorry i don't want to work a 12 hour shift today i want to continue with my plans that i have with my friends
quick-drawn · 7 months
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despite what the most recent posts on my blog will tell you, i did actually get some things done around here these past few days. mainly working on drafts. but i didn't manage to finish anything. head's been all over the place and i've been drowning that out with video games. mandatory overtime is supposed to start this week, but i got a message from the boss yesterday that demand isn't as high as they were expecting it to be, so we're working our normal 8 hour shifts. except for me. because i already had appointments booked for my 12 hour shifts. including monday ( which i don't normally work, but we were required to since we're getting thanksgiving off ). so i only got 1 day off to recoup from that horrid week i had last week. so here i am at 12am, fighting off a headache so i can get some sleep for this 12 hour shift i shouldn't be working, while everyone else either gets to stay home because they didn't book any work or gets to go home early. and, oh yeah, let's not forget that i STILL DON'T HAVE A HELPER —
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pierogi-png · 7 months
my job has been running me fuckkng ragged having me work 11 days in a row (currently on day 4) and then really tried to get me to work 5am-5pm today like umm what if i blew my brains out right now
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tomssexdoll · 1 month
so ofc u don’t have to do it but it’s just an idea could you pretty pls do a fic with bill and f reader, and reader (idk how what to call it, sorry i’m so confusing) is not really used to showing love in any way, and isn’t used to being shown love, and for the first time she asks bill to cuddle after a rough day or whatever (up to you) and it’s just rlly rlly cute and stuff
SORRY ITS SO CONFUSING i just need more fluff bill😞
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I had a really, really rough day today. Work was so busy, I was working a 12 hour shift at the hospital I work out. I'm a nurse so I deal with so much ever day.
I came home to see Bill waiting on the couch for me, wrapped in blankets ane watching his favourite show, his eyes lit up when he saw me and he ran to me, "hey baby!" he smiled, I groaned "not now honey..im so tired im sorry" I sighed and grabbed his hand, walking to the couch with him.
Me and Bill have been dating for 9 months and he knows I don't really show affection and that I'm not used to recieving love, in past relationships I was severley neglected and used and it scared me, driving me away from any affection at all.
But tonight was different, after being yelled at, puked on, peed on and slapped 2 times I just needed his touch, I yearned for his arms around me, stroking my hair and kissing me.
We did show some affection of course but it was mainly him.
I whined and looked up at him, "can we cuddle..please.." his eyes widened and his head snapped towards me, "oh..uh..of course baby let's go to bed first" he held my hand, leading me to the bedroom and helping me change into comfier clothes, his actions quick so I wouldn't change my mind.
We slipped into bed and he grabbed my waist, pulling me closer, gently stroking my cheek and kissing me softly. "Why the sudden change of heart liebe?" he whispered softly, looking down at me and smiling like an idiot.
"After being abused all day I just need your touch, I need to be in your arms and feel loved.." I buried my head in his chest, wrapping my arms around him tightly and feeling his heartbeat against my ear.
"Do you want to do this more often schatz? I mean if you like it, why not do it more often, hm?" he stroked my hair gently, I considered it, I loved the way his arms felt around me, it was like relief after so long of being mistreated.
"I think we should, I was just scared and had to face my fears I guess, I could spend hours like this" I smiled, he chuckled "me too, me too"
After laying in silence for a while, enjoying each others company and Bill giving me occasional kisses or back rubs, he whispered softly in my ear, "you're becoming sleepy schatz, let's go to bed" I nodded softly and slipped off his chest, turning around and backing into him, I felt his arms wrap around my frame and hold me close, kissing my neck softly before whispering a loving 'goodnight' to me.
I was too tired to even speak and just replied with a mumble, Bill chuckled and turned the lamp off, slowly falling asleep in each other embrace.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @ballhair @ge-billsgf @estxkios @bkaulitzlover @itsangelll @cyberleathalz @charliesgoodboy @tomkaulitzloverr
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nyrasbloodyclover · 1 year
hypnotic (kai anderson x reader)
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cw: breeding kink, eating disorder (it's really really bad), mommy issues, mentions of suicide, parental abuse, cults, kai is his own warning really, murder, overstimulation
a/n: if you're not into this pleaseeeee leaveeeeee i don't want tumblr to delete my blog again. also you can read this fic on ao3 if you'd like, link is in my pinned post. and if, by any chance, you relate to this i am so sorry.
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What I wanted right now, was to get out of my house, go anywhere, just so I could stop listening to constant fighting and screaming from my parents. I couldn't bear it anymore. I had one year until college but it seemed impossible to survive that long. 
"Oh, look who locked herself in her room!" My mother bursted in and a pit started forming in my stomach. I didn't move. "When are you going to start being useful? You're in here all the time, you could start paying rent." 
Now, what was I supposed to say to that? If I told her that the reason I spent all my time in my room was because they wouldn't stop screaming at each other and I would just be their punching bag, she wouldn't listen and the situation would only get worse.
"Or maybe it's time for you to find a job. Now you're just living like a parasite." I stared. My mother was a very complex character. I think she would be capable of pulling Gone Girl on us. She has the mentality. Just saying.
My father on the other hand, he's weak. Or she made him weak. I don't remember the last time he stood up for himself. He's tired, I can see that clearly. I just wish they would get a divorce. It's so draining to wake up everyday and live in fear that your every move is going to be a mistake, something to criticize. 
I don't remember the last time I felt truly at peace, but I could afford myself distractions. That's how I ended up scrolling through Tumblr 12 hours per day and forgetting to eat because the skinny girls I came across were just so pretty. Food was my enemy. We couldn't stand each other. And the guilt simply because of eating was the worst feeling ever.
Empty is pretty. And I wanted to look pretty, so I starved. It was my sport. It still is. The joy of seeing my hipbones and ribs after some time was indescribable. I loved to lay awake at night and touch my bones, feel them as I tried to fall asleep. Of course, there were many times when I just couldn't take it anymore and I binged. I would regret it immediately and restrict even more.
"Alright. I'll find a job." I stared at her with empty eyes. I was dizzy, almost like I got drunk. She exited the room and slammed the doors behing her. I think I'm never going to fully understand her.
I stared at my ceiling, having no energy to move, even though I had unfinished assignments hanging above my head, screaming at me to do them, but I just wanted to sleep. School can wait. I think my red lipstick was smudged, but I had no energy to take it off. My hair was a mess, too. I tried to straighten it but my natural waves were too stubborn. I fell asleep.
A week passed. My life stayed the same except for my new job at the restaurant—The Butchery On Main.
The two sweet women who own it were kind enough to let me work even though they don't employ people under eighteen. I worked mostly after my school, until the closing. I didn't mind since I got to leave the house and get a break from my parents. 
People were nice, I took their orders, served their food. The restuarant was mostly empty during my shifts, but nonetheless it was almost hard, working with food. All those calories around me made me want to puke. And I wasn't much of a puker. I had the urge to binge. It was disgusting. But I wasn't going to throw all my work out of the window just like that. 
I had my diet coke and if I got hungry Ivy said that I could eat whatever I wanted, and I wanted cucumber. With pepper. They had those.
Today, I had much free time so I was just sitting at one of the tables and doing my homework while scrolling through Tumblr and eating freshly peeled cucumber with some seasoning on top. I was thriving. I was almost happy. It seemed impossible.
The door opened. A man walked in. He was dressed in black from head to toe and what stood out the most was his blue hair with grown out roots. He walked like he owned the building and everyone in it. I immediately stood up, while he was pulling out his chair, fixing my uniform. I let him read through the menu for a couple of seconds and then decided to approach.
"What would you like to order?" I smiled. I was nice. I am always nice. Why hasn't he looked at me yet? Why is he ignoring my presence? His head was bowed down until he raised it and I was met with black pools that stared at me, or rather through me. I felt dizzy and it wasn't the diet.
"Surprise me," he cocked his head, "I would love to see what you liberals like to eat the most. Maybe it'll make me change my political views."
"Al..right," I dragged on, "Is that all?"
"Yes," he replied.
"Everything will be done in a minute." I wanted to get away from him, as soon as possible. He was probably some Trump obsessed republican who's most likely to tell me to make him a sandwich. Which I am practically doing right now. But I couldn't deny it - He had a beautiful face. I wouldn't consider him that attractive if it weren't for his dead, piercing eyes that silently commanded you to obey every one of his rules. 
The food was ready. I had a feeling I would fall on my face next time I locked my eyes with his, which wasn't good. I didn't even know his name! Rachel, one of the cooks, handed me the best steak they had, house's special, "Who is it for?"
I didn't dare look at him. "The one with the blue hair. Just please don't stare. He's creeping me out."
Her eyes went wide, "That's Kai Anderson."
I looked at her blandly. The name didn't mean anything to me.
"You seriously need to watch more television."
"I'm fine, thanks. And if he's some menatlly deranged politician, then I'm not really missing out."
All the politics drained me, and don't get me wrong, I loved to be informed, but when I had to argue with someone about basic human rights, I'd rather not know anything.
I walked over to his table, and put the food on it. "I hope you're not vegan. Either way, enjoy your food." I kept my eyes everywhere, just not on him. He was so unsettling. I had to get away.
"I certainly will," he said and I walked away without a second glance. Jesus Christ, his mere presence was intense.
My shift ended in half an hour and that's when the restaurant was supposed to close. Ivy left early because of some family emergency, so she asked me to close and lock everything for her. I changed into my regular clothes—denim skirt and a white button down with my favorite black sweater, docs and a pair of knee socks. I untangled my hair and tried to brush it out with my fingers.
The tables were empty. Well, mostly. So-called Kai Anderson was still here, not even eating, just looking at some papers and flipping them over, for a while now.
I needed some extra balls to approach him and ask him to leave. Why did I accept to be the last one here? I could've been home by now, sleeping or watching a sitcom, but instead I'm stuck in this building with the strangest and the scariest man I've ever met. But then again, If I were home, my mother would be screaming at me. So I guess it's a win? Also I had to thank Kai for occupying my mind and not letting me think about food. I seriously needed to go to bed before I ended up eating something. Or worse- binging. I think I had less than 200 calories today which is a sign that I am slowly approaching danger zone. It isn't a diet anymore. I can't eat normally. I thought I could go back, but I guess my body won't let me. Or was it my mind?
"Miss?" Someone waved before my eyes.
"Yes? Sorry." Kai was standing beside the table that I occupied. 
"Are you closing soon?"
Should I lie? But then again, he isn't stupid. "Yes. Do you want to pay?"
"Oh no. I already did. I just wondered what occupied your mind that much." He had no idea.
"Nothing much. Just tired I guess. Can't seem to balance school and work."
"Ah. You see," he sat across me, "I don't believe you."
"Okay? I didn't try to be persuasive."
He smirked. Dear God, why was he so creepy but so hot at the same time?
"I still want to know what made you zone out for that long." Has he been staring at me the whole time?
"That's creepy. I don't even know you."
"What's that got to do with anything? I just asked you to tell me what's been botherung you. You looked fucking stressed."
"It really doesn't matter." I just wanted him to leave. 
"Wait. Here, I'll give you..." he reached into his  back pocket, "Fifty bucks if you tell me."
My lips curved. Come on, you can't blame me. Extra cash at my age isn't something you just don't accept.
"Ah! I knew it," he smiled, "Come on, doll, speak."
"It isn't anything interesting. My mom is just being a bitch, nothing unusual." I gave him the least I could and snatched the cash from his hand.
"She isn't letting you sleep over at your boyfriend's or something?" He laughed like I had the dumbest reason for not liking my mother.
"Not really. She just...Wants too much, I guess? And I'm not able to give her that." It felt weird saying that out loud. I think I never said it.
He stared at me for a second.
"I want to show you a trick." He put his right hand on the table. "Don't worry. It's something me and my older brother always used to do when we were little."
He reached with his pinky finger over to my hand. We locked fingers like we were making a pinky promise. 
"This is weird. And please hurry. My shift ends in fifteen minutes." 
"We have enough time. Okay, listen. Pinky power. Once the skin contact is made, no lies can be told and whatever we say, stays between us," he narrowed his black eyes, "Trust me, if you lie, I will know. Ready?"
When did I agree to this? Well, fuck it, I'll do it anyway.
"Do you love your family?" He asked, his expression serious.
"Yes." His mouth twitched.
"Do you like your family?"
"Absolutely not." I shook my head.
"Why is that?" 
How do I explain this to him without sounding like a total maniac? "My father is weak, he doesn't know how to stand up for himself. And my mother screams at me for merely existing. Her favorite hobby is emotionally draining me, then pulling my hair or slapping me because she feels like it. She regrets having me. I think she wants me to kill myself. It would be easier to have a dead daughter." My mind went blank. I felt nothing in that moment. Whatever he asked, I was going to tell him.
"Did you ever try to kill yourself?," he asked with a flat voice.
I thought for a second. Should I tell him the whole truth? He said he's going to know if I lie, but that doesn't mean...
"Don't think too much." His eyes went dark while I was literally choking under pressure of his gaze.
"No. I was never suicidal. I like living. But I..." words were stuck in my throat, "I...Sometimes, she would starve me. Saying I didn't deserve it. I had no money to buy something to eat. So I made a game out of it. I developed a disorder. It was the only thing I had some control over. I started it out of spite, but now it's real. It's worse than ever. But I don't want to stop."
His expression never changed. Not once. "Do you hate your mother for that?"
"You have no idea."
"I think I do have some idea about hating one of your parents. So, from experience, I need to ask you one more question."
I nodded. "Have you ever dreamt about killing her?"
I wanted to pull back from him, but his hand wouldn't let me. He pulled me even closer. "We can't break the contact," he gritted through his teeth.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry," I exhaled, "Yes. And no."
The restuarant was silent. I couldn't even hear the sound of cars outside. Lights were practically out. 
"I...I wanted her dead. But I don't think I would be able to do it. I had a," I inhaled, "A fantasy about someone killing her while I watched. It's so fucked up, but I just couldn't help it. It brought me relief that she was gone and someone cared enough to get rid of her for me." 
I was scared to look at him. He was going to call the mental ward and lock me there. I was fucked. Why did I tell him all of that? 
I looked up.
He was smiling. It wasn't a sympathetic smile, or a sad smile, or anything similar to that. He was grinning like a maniac. He released my hand and I realized my eyes were filled with tears. I blinked them away. 
He shook his head with closed eyes, "You're perfect. Perfect."
My voice was low, weak. "What? How could you think that after what I just told you?"
"Don't ask too many questions. I have a solution for you because I know you're destined for greater things. Tell me, do you wish to never be under your mother's thumb again?"
"I mean, yes? That's going to be when I turn eighteen, so I have to be patient."
He laughed. "Oh, no, baby, no. She's never going to let you go. She'll suffocate you until there is nothing left but a shell. No matter the age or what the law says, you'll always be controlled. While she's alive, at least."
"What are you saying?"
"Do you want my help? Do you wish to be finally free?"
This was so fucked up. I never met this man in my life. Why was he offering me help?
"What's in it for you?"
He cocked his head, "I get to keep you by my side."
My mouth was dry. I was scared, but...excited. Thrill rushed down my body as this psychopath was staring at me, offering me a sick escape. I was supposed to say no. I was supposed to save my soul.
"Yes, what?"
"I want your help."
He looked so happy, it made me happy.
"Good. Then, we're leaving now." I was hypnotized by him. I just nodded, not asking where or why, my mother taught me I shouldn't get in the cars with strangers, especially men, but my mother was also the reason for many of my problems. I'll do something that'll piss her off.
I got into Kai's car and shut the door. I was okay with the fact that he might end up killing me.
He said nothing for the most of the ride, but I noticed him glancing over at my skirt that rose up to my thighs. I didn't bother pulling it down. I mean, I wore mini skirts for a reason, right?
I pretended not to notice as I looked at my reflection in the closed window. Hollow cheeks, red lipstick, pale face. I was obsessed. I always wanted to look like a corpse with make up. My face was perfect, lipstick untouched, mascara a little smudged, dark circles under my eyes from sleepless nights. 
"You know you could eat a burger." I looked at him. I almost wanted to hug him. His words made me feel proud, like I achieved something big. And I guess I did.
"Really? Do you know that you're the first person ever to tell me that?" I felt weird happiness in my chest. 
"Well, yeah. Why do you look so surprised? I didn't mean it as a compliment. You have a problem. I'm not even sure it's supposed to be a compliment." He frowned, not taking his eyes off the road.
"It doesn't matter if it's supposed to be a compliment or not. Thank you for saying it." I didn't give two fucks if he thought I was some anorexic lunatic that needed years of therapy. I was happy. And he wasn't my parent or my guardian to tell me what to do.
"Just think about it. What's the point of being so skinny? It's not even attractive."
"The point is in being clean. I don't want to see a pound of fat on my body. It's disgusting. And I am to do with my body as I please. I don't give a fuck if someone likes to eat like a fucking pig because It's not my body, and certainly not my problem." I was so angry. Who the fuck he thought he was?
"Just saying. You look sick. And I mean really, really sick."
"I am aware. Like I'm also aware that I'm fucked in the head. And that's the reason for all of this," I gestured over my figure. 
I could feel his anger. He didn't like that I disagreed with him and stood up for myself, even if I was wrong.
"We're here." He suddenly said, getting out of the car. I followed him into the house I guessed was his. The whole neighborhood was silent. Lights were off everywhere. 
We got into his house and I didn't even got to see it clearly because he practically dragged me into his basement and started changing. He put on a black leather coat while looking for something. His phone? He called someone.
"I'm expecting you'll be here in five? Well don't try to make up excuses. This is a perfect opportunity. I don't care— No, drag yourself and your pathetic wife here." He called two more people and I just stood in the middle of the room staring at him. 
"What's your adress?" Was he really doing that now? "You know what, never mind. I found it." I wasn't going to ask him how. He looked like the person who instead of Instagram browsed dark web. 
"Okay, let's go. They're here." I had to ask him because he said nothing about it. I had to be sure.
"Why are we going to my house?"
Beat. A moment. "To kill your mother, of course."
There were other people with us, but I couldn't see their faces because of the creepy clown masks. Kai had one too. I felt like I was drugged. I didn't know what happened to me. I suppose I had enough. I know Kai is not the answer for my problems, at least not all of them. He's going to get rid of her and then what? No. Stop thinking. 
I listened to my brain this time. It was late. My parents were probably asleep. Probably in separate beds. It's going to be easier for Kai and the others to do the job. They kept their mouths shut and I didn't blame them. I still wasn't sure if I was part of this sick cult or whatever it was. I read enough about them to recognize a cult leader when I see one. 
The car suddenly stopped. We were in front of my house.
"This played out so good, little lamb. I knew you were perfect." Kai's voice was muffled under that mask and his words made my heart flutter. He was so sick. "Don't just stand there, baby. Be a good host. Invite us in. Come on," he gestured with one gloved hand towards my house. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I turned my back and started walking towards the door. What did he mean by this playing out good? Did he plan this before? It certainly did not matter.
We got in, doors creaking, but not enough to wake anyone up. My father was downstairs, in the guestroom, but my Satanic mother was in their bedroom. I went first, up the stairs, one by one, they followed me, Kai first, then the rest of them. 
I showed them the doors. 
Kai got in and they followed him. I shut the door behind me. I felt like I was seeing things through someone else's eyes. I didn't feel guilt and I wasn't regretting my decision. I remember everything through a coat of blur. Knives, a lot of them. They killed her in her sleep. Stabbed her too many times, I lost count. Sheets were soaked with red and the room started smelling like iron too. Kai used her blood to draw some sign on the wall that was facing the bed. It looked like a smiley face, but I wasn't sure. The job was done. I was free. I was free of any charges, since I wasn't home when it happened. I was going to sleep in my bed and wake up in the morning, shocked, petrified, screaming for help, calling the police, my father is going to be terrified too, but relieved. He would never admit it thought. 
We were in the car again. Then in front of Kai's house. "Leave. I want some time alone with our newest member."
"Kai, no. You can't drag her into this. She's just a child—" A feminine voice scorned him under her mask.
"Don't tell me what to do, Winter. Now leave," he raised his voice and I flinched. "We have much to talk about." He took off his mask and smiled knowingly at me. I wasn't scared of him anymore, though I knew I should be. He killed my mother for Christ's sake! 
We went into his basement again. The lights were already on and I watched him as he took off his mask and black coat. His shirt was soaked with my mother's blood. 
"What did you want to talk about?" I cocked my head.
"You were so good. I knew you could do it. Next time, maybe you'll even be the one holding the knife. You didn't even flinch!" He paced through the room and laughed, like he was talking to himself.
"You didn't do this for me, did you?"
He stopped, then looked at me, "I already told you. This played out perfectly. And I've been watching for quite some time now," his eyes darkened "When I found out that the woman who's been talking shit about me over her social media had a daughter, I had to see if she was as bitchy as her mother." Oh, so he did this to save his reputation. Of course.
"And," I swallowed, "Is she?"
He didn't answer me. Instead he marched to the other side of the room and pushed me against the wall, slamming his lips on mine. I was out of breath, not being able to process everything. Oh my god, he was kissing me! This insane, sick in the head, narcissistic, 30-something, psychopath was kissing me and I opened my mouth to him like the whore I was. I wanted him to touch me. No, I needed his blood stained hands on me right now. 
I pulled one of his hands and put it on my chest as his tongue continued to explore my mouth. He took off my sweater and shirt. I was left in a black bra and skirt.
"Aren't you scared of being arrested for fucking a minor?"
"I commited far more monstrous crimes than fucking a seventeen year old and you know it, " he breathed into my mouth. Red lipstick was smudged over his lips. His hand that was on my chest slipped under my skirt and found my panties. 
"You know it," his fingers entered me with ease, "And yet, you're still so fucking wet for me." My mouth fell open as he buried his fingers deeper if that was even possible. I wasn't a virgin, but then again, I've never been with a man. I took my own virginity so that I didn't have to bother. 
"Kai—" I breathed. I needed more.
He sat on one of the chairs beside the circular table and pulled me onto his lap, his thigh between my legs. My clit was aching for some king of friction so I started rubbing myself against the rough fabric of his jeans. 
"Aren't you desperate?" He pushed me on the floor, between his legs, he pulled out his belt and unzipped his pants. His intentions were clear and I was happy to oblige, but I had to touch myself or I'd go insane. I started stroking his already hard dick and rubbing my clit at the same time. 
He noticed. And he wasn't happy about it. "I thought you were going to be patient. But I guess not." He took his belt and with one move he tied my hands behind my back while I was still kneeling in front of him.
"Please, I just need to—"
"Yes, yes, I know, but you have to deserve it. Am I right?"
I nodded hesitantly and he scooped up my hair in his fist and used it to pull my head down. I took him into my mouth as the wetness and ache grew between my legs. 
Kai continued to pull my head down until his tip hit the back of my throat and I gagged. He chuckled.
My eyes teared up as I sucked his dick like my life depended on it.
He grunted and raised his hips, so I knew he was close. And I knew he was going to either come in my mouth or...
He pulled out and finished on my tits, painting my chest with his cum. 
"You were so good," he said with his head tilted back and eyes closed. He let my hair fall down my back and over my face. Kai dressed and got up, then pulled me with him, still tied.
He slammed me on the desk and I was able to just lay there and let him do whatever he wanted to me. Not that I minded.
"I feel like I'm going to break you," he said as he traced my very visible ribs with the tips of his fingers. "Break every bone in your body." 
I could feel my stomach sinking in and his words made me even a bigger mess than I already was. "Do it, please, please," I cried out as my hips rose towards him. 
"Since you asked so nicely...And the skirt stays on. Do you know how much willpower it took me not to bury my hand under your skirt and make you beg for more while we were driving?" He pulled my skirt up and didn't even bother to take off the panties, he just ripped them. He towered over me as I layed on his table, feeling the cool air on my swollen clit. 
Kai's fingers went over my aching pussy and my back arched towards his touch. He did nothing for a split second and then came the first slap. I yelped as the burning spread between my legs, but I didn't tell him to stop. He slapped me even harder and I cried out, most ungodly sounds coming from my mouth.
"Don't worry, you can scream as loud as you'd like."
He slapped my dripping cunt once more and after that I was sure I was going to feel his hands on me days after. He didn't wait for me to recover from his brutality, instead he buried two fingers inside me and started scissoring, wanting to spread me even wider. I threw my head back as he added one more. He buried them knuckle deep inside me and began curling them.
"I feel like you're a big girl. You can take one more." He didn't wait for my agreement. His four fingers were inside, making my pussy burn with pleasure. I wasn't able to form words. He spat on me and started massaging my clit while almost his whole hand was thrusting in and out of me. I felt pressure deep in my lower stomach and started panting and moaning for him to continue, but he did exactly the opposite. 
My cunt was left empty without his fingers and I could almost cry. I just needed a bit more.
"Don't look so upset. I'm not finished with you." 
Kai untied me and took his belt. He spread my legs as wide as he could and started spanking my pussy with it. I screamed more in pain than surprise, "Kai, no, stop, please stop-"
The pain was unbearable, but it was just enough  for my clit to start pulsing more and that pressure in my belly to grow. I screamed in pain as he continued to hit me with no mercy. I could feel my walls clenching and my back arched as I came undone. Orgasm hit me and I came down from my high, but Kai didn't stop. 
He started rubbing my abused cunt, overstimulating it. He was deaf to my begging and crying. It was too much. There was no pleasure anymore, just pure pain, but he continued to massage it and after a couple of minutes I was shaking with another orgasm. I knew I was too sensitive, but when I tried to close my legs, he stopped me. Then I noticed his rock hard dick under his jeans and my heart dropped. I was going to pass out. He was going to use me, not caring for my pleasure anymore.
"Just hold still a little more, doll." He pulled his dick out and slammed himself inside me, making my eyes roll to the back of my head. Everything hurt, but he didn't care. His thrusts were fast and rough, I couldn't keep up. I could feel his orgasm building and he had no intention of pulling out. Kai continued to slam into me until he reached his peak. He filled me with his seed and when he finally pulled out I could feel it dripping from my pussy.
Kai helped me get up and as he was untying his belt, his hot breath was on my neck. "Welcome to the cult, baby."
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Other Parts: Part One, Part Three (short version), Part Three (long version) and Part Four.
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Finnick was woken by a loud knock on his door. He startled and was confused as to where he was, then he saw you and relaxed. He took some deep breaths to calm his rapidly beating heart and checked his watch. It was 12:00 in the afternoon! You'd both slept in hours after your shifts started. The door went again and he was annoyed at how loud it was. He didn't want it to wake you! So he got up as carefully but quickly as possible and opened the door.
Haymitch was still there leaning against the door and it was only then that Finnick realised he was naked. He shifted so the door covered his lower half and smiled "hey Haymitch, what's up?". "You're 3 hours late for work and Y/n is 4, any idea what happened?". "Oh shoot! We were up late last night exercising and I think we overdid it, sorry Haymitch". "Exercising huh?" Haymitch asked and Finnick nodded "yeah you know like we do in Beetee's lab". Haymitch nodded "right and would you happen to know where Y/n is as she's not answering her door". Finnick was struggling to think of a lie when he was saved.
"You know full well that I'm in here you pervert so leave us alone!" your voice suddenly carried through from Finnick's room and the two men froze. "Can't we have one morning off for fuck sake?" you finished. Finnick smiled "yeah she's fine she's with me" and Haymitch nodded "I figured, yes you can have the morning off Y/n because you already have! They want you in work in half an hour" and with a nod he left.
Finnick closed the door and came back inside to find you awake but still burrowed in his quilt. "Assholes, can't they give us one lie in?". Finnick smiled coming back to you in bed, even if it was just for a few minutes. "I mean we did sleep pretty late". "Yeah because you kept me up most of the night" you smiled tracing his chest before you paused "is this...are you okay with what happened last night" you asked "you seemed pretty sure last night but I wanted to check". In response, Finnick gently kissed you before pulling back. "I'm more than okay with this" he smiled as he leaned over you "I'm happy".
That took you back a bit and you nodded "oh, that's...that's good" you said and Finnick laughed remembering Masons weren't too upfront with their emotions. "I guess we'll have to do it again then" you said and Finnick nodded "definitely, it was the best kind of sparring. I'm pretty sure you won last night but I think next time will be my victory". You were fiercely competitive so that statement got your attention right away. "Really?" you asked "okay then why don't we go right now and see who wins?". You sat up letting the quilt fall away from you and arched your back so you were inches away from Finnick.
It was one of the most beautiful sites Finnick had ever seen and it took everything in him not to kiss you. "I would but if we start we won't be done in half an hour and we don't want to be disturbed, do we?" he asked playing with your chin. You nodded "good point" and moved away from him. "I guess I'll see you next time then" and with a smile, wrapped your towel around yourself and left.
You got to work within half an hour and not a minute sooner. Haymitch saw you walk in and raised an eyebrow. "Thanks for gracing us with your presence" he said and you mock bowed to him "you're so welcome". You were a good worker who just put her head down on got on with it but today was a little different. Finnick kept popping into your head and moments from last night flashed through your head making you smile. You kept thinking about how Finnick looked at you and the things he'd whispered in your ear...it made you walk with a bounce in your step and you felt so desirable. The power of Finnick Odair.
Your excellent mood persisted all day, so much so, you even made some small talk with some co-workers as you were clocking out! You headed straight for the dining room for dinner and that's when you saw Finnick. He was lining up to get his portion when he looked up and spotted you...and a smug smile spread across his face. A matching smirk appeared on your face involuntarily and you grabbed a tray and joined him in line. "Good day at work?" you asked him and he nodded "the best! Then again, I did have a really good sleep last night so that might've helped". You smiled "same, I had the comfiest pillow. A bit clingy but I didn't mind". "Oh I know you didn't mind" Finnick snapped back and he actually made you blush! That never happened and Finnick loved it. He chuckled to himself and didn't take his eyes off you until he got to the front of the line.
Neither of you were too focused on your food and 4 minutes in Finnick just set his knife and fork down "do you want to just head to mine and repeat last night?". "Yes definitely" you agreed standing up and were out of the room in the blink of an eye with a grinning Finnick trailing.
It was like that a lot at first, the two of you sneaking off together and constantly swapping between your room and his depending on which one of you caved faster. You loved everything about being with Finnick and had truly found your match. Nobody had even been able to capture your attention nor make you crumble as quickly as him and you couldn't stop yourself going back for more. Luckily, the feeling was mutual.
4 weeks from when you and Finnick had first hooked up, things had settled down a little. You weren't constantly trying to rip each other's clothes off and could now be in close proximity without it turning into a make-out session. So sitting across the table from him as you ate dinner was safe for you now. It was Monday and one of the days you had training planned. "I was speaking to Gale earlier and he said he'd appreciate some combat lessons so I said he could join us tonight" you told Finnick. He paused and looked at you "in our sparring sessions?". You nodded "yeah, you don't mind sharing right?" with a purposeful look and Finnick shot you a winning smile "the more the merrier".
That was not the vibe you got when Finnick walked into the training room but it probably didn't help that you and Gale had both arrived early and were already sparring when he walked in. You and Gale were standing metres apart, each trying to catch the other one off guard. You heard the door open and knew it would be Finnick, Gale looked up to check and you used that to your advantage. You managed to get Gale on the floor and stabbed a knife next to his head "dead!" you declared happily "hey Finnick". "Hey" he said dryly.
You'd noticed Finnick had lots of different voices and faces, almost like they were performances and the voice he was using tonight was his public one. "So I see you got right into it". Gale nodded getting to his feet "thanks for letting me join, I'm good with a gun but don't have much experience fighting hand-to-hand". Finnick nodded "well we can definitely help you out with that. Why don't we spar together?" he asked gesturing between Gale and himself. Gale nodded "sure!" and the two lined up. You could see how tense Finnick was and despite Gale being the bigger of the two, you didn't like his chances.
You were right, Finnick made sure Gale spent most of the time on the floor and he walked out of the training room a lot stiffer than when he walked in. "That was mean" you commented and Finnick shrugged "I have no idea what you're talking about".
You changed the subject and managed to get Finnick back to normal until you passed Katniss on the coridoor. "Oh hey Gale mentioned he sparred with you two, I didn't know you were training". You nodded "yeah have been for a few weeks now" and Katniss nodded. "You can join us if you want?" you offered and Katniss smiled "thanks, I might do" you walked away.
When you were alone you asked Finnick if he'd mind Katniss joining. He shook his head "no Katniss is fine" and you couldn't help but smile. "What?" Finnick asked and you laughed. "I was joking earlier but are you really jealous of Gale? You hated him joining". Finnick didn't reply so you knew it was true and took in a sharp breath. "Wow, the god himself Finnick Odair is jealous!" you gasped mock fainting and Finnick rolled his eyes. "He's a good-looking guy okay, I could see any girl liking him...possibly including the one I'm interested in". "So you were worried I'd trade you in for Gale?" you asked with a smile but there was nothing jokey in Finnick's expression. "Something like that" he agreed staring at you closely "see I know you're into me. I can tell because you told me, you were the one who initiated this and you fall apart every time I touch you". "Not every time" you argued but Finnick shot you down with a sharp "most of the time, especially when I touch you just right" and you felt your breathing increase at the intensity of Finnick. "I don't worry you want me but the idea of Gale or another guy touching you" Finnick let out a sigh "I don't like that, as far as I'm concerned it's my job to please you and nobody can do it better than me". You tilted your head to one side "really...because Gale is taller than you and probably a little stronger than you plus his shoulders are so nice and broad, I could imagine holding onto them all night long". "Stop" Finnick said and you smiled "why, don't like that mental image? Because it's growing on me". "Don't" Finnick said tensely "don't think about him that way". "Make me" you shrugged and it was as if those were the words Finnick had been waiting for.
In seconds he had you pinned to the wall, your arms trapped neck to your head as he fought you for dominance. You kept him going for quite a few minutes and finally Finnick pulled back for breath. "You're cute when you're jealous" you told him and his jaw got even tighter. "If you're so sure I don't have such an effect on you then how about we raise the stakes tonight?" he asked "you can't react to anything I do, if you don't then I'll admit I'm not the best guy to please you but if you move, or whine or moan" he smiled "then I'll stop, until you admit how good I am. Deal?". You loved the sound of having all of Finnick's attention on you so nodded "sure but how are you going to ensure I don't move or play back?". Showing you he'd thought ahead Finnick pulled some straps from out of his drawer and you got the message as he began attaching them to the bed frame. "Come on sweetie, don't get shy on me now" Finnick said patting the bed and your ego came back. "Happily" you replied "I'll even help you out" and removed your clothes swiftly before striding over to him "give it your best shot".
You always were a big talker and this was one of those occasions. Finnick won the bet easily and had you begging for him in minutes. He made you wait a little longer and then finally gave you everything you wanted. Literally everything. You both looked like you'd just taken a shower with how much your were gleaming and you felt on cloud nine. You also must've been going soft in your ripe old 20s because you turned to Finnick and smiled. "Well as amazing as that was, it wasn't too necessary. No guy has caught my attention since you". "Oh really?" Finnick asked sarcastically and you hit his arm. "Shut up! I was trying to be nice!" you said turning away but Finnick caught your arm "no I was just teasing, I get that. I know you weren't worried about other girls but you don't need to be either". You nodded "so in line with that...I'm not seeing anyone else at the moment except you and I'm not planning on changing that, we can keep it just the two of us if you want?". Finnick looked at you "I might want that if you want that? Do you want that" and you grinned "yes you idiot" and Finnick smiled "take that Gale" making you shake your head. "Please, Gale has nothing on you honey" and you swear Finnick had a permanent smile on his face for the rest of the week.
Dating Finnick was not what you expected it to be at all. Some things made sense, like Finnick being extremely hot, flirty and a lot of fun. He loved to be teased and thrived under your attention. However, there were other sides to him you didn't expect. Finnick could be very considerate and attentive, if you mentioned something once to him he'd remember it especially if it was something you said you liked. He did love attention but seemed to love spoiling you more, especially in the bedroom. He was so responsive to your body and would be watching you constantly for clues as to what you'd like best next. He very rarely demanded anything for himself and was definitely a quick learner. He was also softer than you expected, when he told you he preferred to be the little spoon you thought he was joking until you saw how soundlessly he slept in your arms. After that, you let him be the little spoon every time and the smile Finnick gave you each time made it all worth it. You felt really happy with Finnick and it made you wonder if you had any right to feel that way.
"Do you think we should feel bad for this?" you asked him one night and Finnick looked at you "For us? Annie's dead and you've...never had any other partners?". You elbowed him in the chest making him laugh "please I've had tons of others! Men and women swoon at the sight of me". "That I can believe" he smiled turning on his stomach so he could see you better "okay then for what?". "For enjoying ourselves?" you asked "for...being happy". Finnick looked at you "I'm making you happy?". You blushed but nodded "since we've gotten together things just seem brighter, more hopeful, happier". Finnick didn't say a word, he just bent down and kissed you. "Y/n there is nothing better in the world than you being happy, so if I make you happy then screw everything else. It can only be a good thing and you deserve this". "Even when Johanna is..." and your voice cracked. Finnick quickly wrapped his arms around you, he held you close and soothed you as you tried not to cry. "It's okay" he said softly "we both know your sister loves you more than anything else in the world. She'd want you to be happy, she'd be glad we found one another and I can't wait to tell her when we rescue her". You looked at Finnick and smiled because this was the first time he'd suggested telling people. He saw your reaction and it warmed his heart so he continued. "I think we should stop hiding it now we're official too, I think we should tell people". You nodded "if you're ready". Finnick laughed "please baby I was born ready" making you laugh too. "Okay then, we'll tell people" you agreed and Finnick nodded. "After tomorrow though, I want you all to myself for another 24 hours" and there was no way you could say no to that.
Neither of you said anything public to announce your relationship, instead, you just stopped being discreet. You'd already been pretty suspicious so when people saw Finnick kiss you in the dining room that confirmed it and the rumour spread like wildfire, even to the highest in the chain.
"You and Finnick?" Katniss asked as she saw you in the corridor and you looked up surprised. "I'm shocked you noticed Mockingjay". "Prim told me" she admitted "She saw you this morning. I wouldn't have noticed if she didn't tell me, I had no idea you two were...was it going on before?". You shook your head "no, I always thought he was hot but I didn't meet him until a year after Johanna won. Then he was so focused on Annie, I don't think he knew any other girls existed. This all happened after we got here". Katniss nodded "I'm happy for you" she said and you smirked "well you could try and sound it!". Katniss went to apologise but you brushed her off "come on don't be stupid, I know you're happy for us and you don't have to pretend to be over the moon just for appearances. Coin did that and it was so fake". "Really?" Katniss asked and you nodded "she called Finnick and I into her office and told us how happy she was we'd found happiness here and then asked if we'd broadcast it to the Capitol". "What did you say?" Katniss asked and you grinned "I told her no of course! So don't worry, you don't have to do or say anything, you don't owe us or anyone anything". Katniss nodded to you "thank you" and you could feel some heavy emotion in those words. You knew things had been difficult for her and again felt guilty you and Finnick were having it so easily. You put a hand on her arm "District 13 might want to hire you as an actress but you don't have to do that around me".
Your mind sometimes went to dark places and one evening while Finnick was polishing his trident you let your thoughts come out. "What do you think it would've been like if we were in the same games together?" you asked. "In the quarter quell?" Finnick asked "we'd have teamed up of course". You shook your head "no in a normal game, if you got reaped later and I got reaped earlier". Finnick looked at you and shook his head "I don't even want to think about that" but you weren't having that. "Oh come I know you have because I have. Whenever I spar you there's a part of me wondering if I'd be able to kill you. If you were coming at me to murder me I'd be able to take you down instead. If you'd be a threat or a cannon".
Sometimes Finnick forgot the games had left a mark on you because you hid it a lot better than anyone he knew. He forgot you weren't just a hot pretty flirty girl but a victor who had killed 5 people in her own games. You were a murderer just like him.
He took a breath "well I think you could kill me and you could use your brains to do so. You're smarter than me, sometimes quicker and have good endurance. In the games, I think it would've just depended on circumstance as to which one of us killed the other". You seemed satisfied with that answer and nodded.
"Gale said they might be ready to put me in combat soon" you said trying to change the subject but it wasn't a great one. Finnick must've done a worse job hiding his face than he thought because you took his hand. "I know you're not too keen on me fighting but I'm doing well in training and think I'll be able to help. Plus it's not a famous victor like you or Katniss so it's no great risk". "Don't say that" Finnick said and you shrugged "why it's true". "It's not" Finnick said "you're valuable Y/n and a lot of people care about you, i care about you". You turned to look at him as if checking he was being serious. Finnick stared into your eyes and eventually your own softened. "Thanks, I care about you two" you said hugging him "but you don't need to worry. Nothing's agreed yet". "I hope it never is" he said and he wasn't joking.
Something changed in your relationship that night. It was no longer just sex but had crossed into something else. Finnick held onto you tighter and it dawned on him how much he'd come to rely on you. How much he craved as well as needed you. Finnick realised this was something more serious than he'd even realised.
You didn't know there was a rescue attempt for the other victors until Finnick told you he'd be broadcasting while they did it. He seemed nervous when he explained it to you making you pause. "But you'll be safe the whole time right, you'll be here?" and Finnick nodded "oh yeah don't worry I'll just be talking" but the way he said it didn't make sense. Then when he started talking about his life in the capitol it all made sense.
Everyone was of course fixed on the task force infiltrating the capitol but you couldn't tear your eyes off of Finnick. It was like a bad dream, the more he said, the more horrified you became. You had no idea all the things that had been done to him and his body, the things they had made him do and let people do to him. Just when you thought the Capitol couldn't get any worse they surprised you. Finnick came to your room late that night and the second he stepped in the doorway you just stared at one another. You broke the silence first.
"I'm really sorry" you said quietly "for what they did to you I...I had no idea". Finnick shrugged "it's okay I mean why would you?". You didn't know what to say or do, you just wanted to hug Finnick but also didn't want to touch him in case it scared him. Finnick looked up and smiled sadly to see you watching him so carefully "you're frowning" he said "careful it will give you wrinkles". His smile and words didn't match though and he stopped after he saw your response. "Y/n it's okay" he said "it was a long time ago". "But those sorts of things stick with you" you said "they don't just go away...is that what you have nightmares about?". Finnick's eyes went away, you saw his consciousness disappear for a second and you wanted to sob but you stopped yourself from crying. This wasn't about you or your tears, it was about Finnick. You could cry later.
He came back to you and let out an awkward laugh "yeah sometimes, it's always either in the games or after the games, sometimes I think I've left the games but I haven't and at times I can't actually tell which was worse". You swallowed and stepped forwards "we will make them pay for this Finnick, I swear to you I will avenge your child self, I will get justice for what they did to you. You will not have suffered for nothing".
Finnick stared at you without blinking and you wondered if he'd gone away again until a tear fell down his cheek. "Thank you" he said, his voice strained as he was clearly holding it in. "Can I...can I hug you?" you asked and Finnick nodded his head, immediately more tears fell and he began to sob as you hugged him. You held him as he cried his eyes out and comforted him as best you could. You held onto him tightly and once he'd got through the worst of it whispered how he was safe and loved. "I won't let anything bad happen to you again" you told him and he clung to you.
He needed to believe that and luckily, you meant every word.
Later that night, something occurred to you. "Finnick, is your experience as a young Victor the reason you pulled away from me when I first got out? We were close and then you started avoiding me". Finnick looked down before nodding "it was Johanna's idea and I agreed with it the second she suggested it. Johanna did a pretty great job scaring people off her but she'd marketed you as this pretty charming girl. We were scared if people saw you with me, the people who bought me would want to buy you...or even both you and I together" Finnick swallowed "so Joanna took your home, made sure everyone saw you with your scary sister and waited for the buzz to die down. I'm sorry I avoided you". You nodded "it's okay, I just totally knew you were into me and there had to be a logical reason you backed off instead of you not being attracted to me". Finnick laughed and it was a genuine one. You were growing to love those smiles and it worried you but there was nothing you could do about it. It was like falling down a hole, you couldn't stop yourself and didn't know if you even wanted to.
Finnick shook his head coming towards you "well you're right, I thought you were beautiful when I first saw you and I've always been attracted to you. I'm glad I'm finally able to tell you" he said and then got his mischievous smile "and do this" and he leaned in to kiss you.
It was a good kiss. The kind that had you breathless but wanting more. Finnick pulled away knowing that and shot you a downright devilish smile "am I forgiven?". "You know you are you smug git!" you cried and Finnick pulled you even closer. "You know you love it" he commented and you couldn't even argue with that.
You couldn't sleep until you got word from your sister and you and Finnick stayed awake as you waited for news. Then, after hours of silence, everything was chaos and you ran to the infirmary to see people everywhere. Nobody could tell you what happened or even if Johanna was alive. You were getting more and more frantic when you heard "Y/n there!" as Finnick grabbed your arm and you spotted her.
"Johanna!" you cried rushing over to her. She was ripping some cords off her arm when she smiled at you. "Y/n" she said and she opened her arms. You rushed into them and hugged her tightly making her wince. "Careful kid I'm still injured remember?" she asked. "Then why were you ripping all the wire out that help you?" you shot back and your sister smirked "touché, has she been this smart-mouthed since I've been gone Finnick?". Finnick was standing at the end of her bed, smiling a the two of you. Everything felt right in the world, you were leading a rebellion, you had Finnick, you had your sister back... then everything went to shit.
Finnick went to answer your sister when with a sharp scream a red-headed girl engulfed him in a hug. "Annie?" he asked looking as if he'd just seen a ghost and you looked to Johanna "we thought she was dead?". "Nope, Capitol just said that. I think it's when they started suspecting things were up but she's fine and they're back together".You followed her gaze to where Annie was now in Finnick's arms. Finnick was searching her face, clearly asking her the same questions you'd asked Johanna and then she leaned down and kissed him.
You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you and you turned to Johanna "we need to get these all back in you" you said pointing to the wires on the floor "doctor!" and you took off after one heading as far away from Finnick and the love of his life as you possibly could.
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noramoons · 1 year
and tomorrow we’ll begin anew | l.sm
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pairing: lee seokmin x g/n reader
genre: fluff, slight angst
rating: T/13+
warnings: language, descriptions of anxiety/insecurities, (not proofread 🤡)
word count: 2k
summary: today has been a colossally bad day—luckily, your boyfriend is there to remind you that you don’t have to deal with it alone.
a/n: this is so wildly self indulgent it is not even funny…not even sure i like this piece anymore tbh but it is here! 🤭
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7:17 a.m.
The morning light streaming into your bedroom is warm, basking you in the golden glow of a new day. It doesn't bring you the reassuring warmth it's meant to, however, when you wake up to see your alarm clock and realize you've slept in an extra half hour.
8:07 a.m.
Okay, you're seven minutes late to work. Fine. Whatever. That shouldn't send your entire day up in flames.  
But it burns down anyway. Everything past that first hour is tinged with smoke, hanging heavy over you like a cloud of inevitable mistakes. You've nearly forgotten a deadline. Your printer stops working. One of your coworkers calls in sick and you end up having to do double the work you would normally do.
And even with all of that, the day drags—you think to yourself no less than five times throughout your shift that you're aren't sure you'll ever make it home again.
Okay, you aren't delusional enough to not realize how slightly dramatic you might be behaving—but you really can't remember a day at work worse than this in a long while. You feel utterly useless. There's no other way to put it.
4:12 p.m.
It isn't until your clock finally ticks on the last hour, a single glimmer of hope in what has been an absolute shitshow of a day, that you remember your day has really only just begun.
> s ❤️
> i'm heading over your way now! sorry i'm a little early lol
> just looking forward to seeing you :)
Oh, Jesus Christ. With the near-constant nightmare that your shift at work was, you'd almost entirely forgotten—you made dinner plans with your boyfriend to eat at your apartment tonight. You know that should excite you, relax you, even, at the thought of seeing him at the end of a long and exhausting day.
Instead, it fills you with nothing but dread.
Your relationship with Seokmin is new—still in that cautious, tip-toeing early phase of dating where you don't really quite know each other yet. You know him, sure—know his name, his phone number, some of his favorite shows and movies and songs, just the same as you know most of these facts about your regular friends. The fact that you do know what the tender, delicate sensation of his lips on yours feels like is the only thing so far that distinguishes him from most of your other casual friendships.
But that's not to say that you don't want to learn more. You do—God, you do. Seokmin is unbelievably funny and sweet (and punctual, you're delighted to learn now). So you'd offered last week for him to stop by your apartment for dinner, telling him he could let himself in with the key underneath the potted plant by your front door. Nothing incredibly complicated—just a dish you've made a million times and that you know you can't possibly screw up (and that you hope might still impress him a little). You'd bought the ingredients on your grocery run over the weekend, so all in all, it should be something you can do with your eyes closed.
Or it would be, at least—if the only thing on your mind now wasn't dropping everything you're currently holding at your front door and collapsing into your bed, ready to sleep off this ridiculously exhausting day. And if you'd been dating Seokmin for longer than you have now, you'd tell him that. Tell him that you need to reschedule your dinner date because the only thing propelling you through this last half hour of work is the thought of getting to be in a coma the minute you set foot in your apartment.
But you haven't been in this relationship for that long—and so you don't quite know how he'd react to that. Would he think you were avoiding him? Think that you were tired of him already? Those thoughts certainly aren't the truth—so you'll just have to put an Oscar-winning performance for a few hours in the hopes that he'll stick around for another (less inwardly painful) dinner date.
And it isn't Seokmin's fault by any means. Certainly not his fault that you're so anxious about the beginning of this relationship, one that seems almost too good to be true, that you've found yourself working overtime to make sure you don't scare him off the first time he sees you under stress like this.
You'll just have to make an effort to plan your next date on a day you're aren't so in your own damn head about everything.
5:03 p.m.
By the time you're finally speeding your way out the door of your office, you're already mentally rehearsing what you need to do to hurry the evening along as quickly as possible but not seem like you don't want Seokmin to be there. The lettuce for your meal has been washed already, so you won't have to worry about that, and there's still leftover rice in the fridge you can serve your entree with—all you need to do is marinate the meat for half an hour and cook. Maybe Seokmin will want to talk about a TV show he's been enjoying and you can steer him away from discussions about work, because you know you won't be able to hide your exhaustion if the conversation lingers there. You can't offer any wine tonight, even if it does pair terribly well with this beef—that will just have to be a next-date plan. If he sticks around.
You're still cycling through your well-crafted lines in your mind as you finally reach your apartment, bracing yourself as you make your way up each stair step, practically holding your breath as your reach your door and turn the doorknob—
The door shuts as you walk in.
He turns to face you. "Y/N!" Seokmin beams, grinning ecstatically like he hasn't seen you in years—that damn smile that fills you with the warmth of the sun itself.
You let go of that breath.
And it isn't all you let go of. Seeing that goddamn stupid smile of his is like the straw that breaks the camel's back—because your bag slips out of your fingers and onto the floor before you even realize it. There's tears welling up at the corners of your eyes, leaving tracks down your cheeks before you even realize you're crying.
But Seokmin realizes. He's rushing out of his seat in an instant, making his way to your side and begging you to tell him what's wrong as he leads you to the couch.
"Look, it's just...I just had a bad day," you admit as you sink into the couch, embarrassment creeping back in to your conscious mind once you feel Seokmin's thumb rubbing over your hand reassuringly. "That's all." Why are you like this? Even now, your first instinct is refusing to let him in—because what if he finally sees how you can really be, and runs away screaming in terror?
His frown deepens. "I don't think it was just a bad day. You can tell me, Y/N—please tell me. If you want to."
The urgency in his voice feels genuine—feels real, in a way that nothing else today has felt. So you do. "It's been nonstop," you tell him, laughing a little through a sniffle. "Like ever since the moment I woke up today, I've been doing something wrong. I was just exhausted when work was over, but I didn't want to cancel this date because we've been planning it for a week to accommodate both our schedules, and I...I like you, Seokmin." There it is—your last card, laid in front of him to examine if he so chooses. "And I would really, really rather not fuck this up."
A soft grin starts tugging up the corners of his lips before he moves to cup both of your cheeks in his soft hands. "I really like you too, you know," he says, laughing a little. And you laugh too—how can you not, when the sound of his voice is enough to set you so simply at ease, enough to practically erase all the earlier worries of the day?  "You haven't fucked anything up. I don't want you to ever feel like you have to prioritize your day over mine—if you're having a bad one, then that's what the two of us can worry about."
Seokmin squeezes your cheeks a little, and the action makes your chest tighten with affection. "I don't want you to feel like you have to put on a performance around me, either. If you've had a bad day, you've had a bad day—and you can tell me about it. I won't put on a performance for you, either. Mostly because I've been told I'm a terrible actor," he informs you, and it pulls another light laugh from you. "And just so you know...I like you too. I like being around you, no matter what. One bad day is never going to change that."
His words are like waves cascading over the sand, washing away whatever had been written there before—but you still can't shake that last itch that refuses to subside. "But I ruined our date."
"What date?" he asks, smirking a little. "I thought we scheduled it for tomorrow. Remember?"
It takes you a moment to understand what he's saying, but when you laugh, it's real—a loud, joyous laugh that leads Seokmin to burst into giggles as well, throwing his arms around you and enveloping you in that comfort that he is. He reminds you that tomorrow will always be there—a promise that you can always try again.
9:48 p.m.
The two of you talk for hours after ordering in dinner, laughing (and crying one more time) about anything that comes to mind. Seokmin was right—you don't have to put on a performance around him to feel comfortable. The conversation feels practically never-ending, which is fine by both of you.
Seokmin makes a move to stand up and leave right before 10:00 pm. You know he's giving you an out for if you still want some time to yourself today.
You reach out a hand to stop him, to make him stay—but you don't even have to say a word before he's taking your hand and sitting right back down in his seat, grinning at your ability to have an entire conversation without words.
11.27 p.m.
By the time you're crawling into bed beside Seokmin, tucking yourself into his side, the exhaustion from your day earlier is finally, finally, catching up with you—you think you're barely conscious when he's leaning over to kiss the crown of your head and humming a soft goodnight.
But it doesn't matter how the day ends, you think. Like Seokmin had said, tomorrow will always be there too—a chance to begin anew. 
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a/n: thank you sm for reading! feedback is always welcome through reblogs, comments, and messages 💛 
taglist:  @petrichor-han @kangroo-chan @ot7lonelylover @lilacdreams-00 @mainexiii @awkwardnesshabitat @lotus-dly @elizabeth11moreno @nerdysl-t @seung-scrittore  
©️ noramoons 2021-2023. do not translate or reupload my writing.
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randomshyperson · 1 year
Wanda Maximoff Needs a Hug - Chapter Two - Series
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Summary: Since joining the team, Wanda Maximoff has captured all of your attention, even if she has no idea about this. In a six-part story, you'll do your best to give her everything she needs and maybe she never thought she deserved it. Along the way, you two might end up realizing you were in love with each other the whole time.
Warnings: (+18), Friends to lovers, smut in the last few chapters, slow burn, conversations about self-love and individual worth, mentions of anxiety, past trauma, avengers being a family, canon-fix, a lot of magic. Words: 5.246k
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Chapter Two - Wanda Maximoff needs a therapist
"I'm not hungry."
It would be strange to say that you knew she hadn't eaten anything for at least 12 hours, because you were sure it would look like you were monitoring her, and it was the complete opposite of that. You noticed her, it was different.
Shifting the weight of your feet hesitantly, you put down the tray of food. "Okay. Can I still eat next to you, though?"
It’s Wanda's turn to hesitate. She doesn't want to send you out, to block you off. She really doesn't want to. But today, it's officially been six months since Pietro was dead, and she wasn't feeling the least bit sociable.
Still, you stared with puppy dog eyes, and Wanda was giving you space to get in before she even thought about it.
You didn't eat quietly - You filled the silence of the room with as many things as you could talk about. About the team, about work, about television. Every joke was an attempt to make her smile, and it was only at the first laugh that Wanda began to cry.
"God, I'm so sorry, I'm such a mess." She tried to disguise her own tears, wiping her face with the sleeve of her blouse and evading your gaze. But you moved away from the table and knelt in front of her on the carpet. Gentle hands on her knees.
"Talk to me." You asked in a whisper. "I'm right here for you."
Wanda collapsed. She doesn't think she had ever cried so hard, not since Pietro was gone. She just couldn't stop - He was gone and it was forever. Nothing would ever change that. And with each passing day, she seemed to miss him more. She wondered when it would get better, and you, holding her in bed against your chest, hands caressing her back until she stopped sobbing, said it wouldn't.
"I'm sorry." You said immediately. "There is no magic formula. You lose someone, and the pain gets numbed with time, but it never goes away. The thing is, you're not going to face it alone anymore. I'm right here."
She sobs. "What happens when I lose you too?"
You huff softly. "I'm fucking immortal, what are you talking about?" You tease, managing to make her laugh past the crying. She hides her face in your collarbone, perhaps it's closer than a friend should get, yet neither of you makes any mention of pulling away. A moment later, you comment, "If you want, we can go to the memorial. Pay tribute to him."
Wanda nods, exhaustion falling on her body, forcing her to fall asleep. "Thank you." She whispers and is asleep before she hears your reply.
It's not difficult to get released from the missions to go to Sokovia next weekend. Wanda has the impression that you have blackmailed someone.
In fact, the country no longer exists. It is a very sad trip for her, despite your thoughtfulness.
Everything she knew was gone, and now all that was left was a black stone with the names of the victims. It took her almost ten minutes to find her brother's.
The words she muttered were not so familiar to you, and with your hands in the pockets of the thick coat you were wearing, you waited for Wanda to finish her prayers before commenting:
"I didn't know you were a religious person."
She gives you a sad smile, instinctively intertwining her arm with yours, and you don't mind one bit. "I'm not, but our parents were. Jewish. Pietro tried to follow their faith for a while, but when you grow up in the midst of war, orphanage to orphanage, sometimes you lose your connection to that kind of thing."
You blink in surprise at the information, but nod in understanding. Walking side by side down the old street, you let Wanda guide you to a coffee shop you saw on the way.
"What do you want to do now?" You ask, once inside, sitting at a table in the back.
Wanda smiles sadly. "I think I just want to lie down and not move."
You swallow dryly, hands moving to hers on the table. "I think you should talk to someone."
Wanda frowns in confusion, "I'm talking to you."
You stroke her fingers, drawing patterns that shiver her skin. If you notice, you don't say anything. 
"I meant..." You almost hesitate, not wanting to press too far. But Wanda has been your friend for six months now, and you care enough to say. "I'll always be here, of course, but I don't know what to say very often. You should talk to someone, a professional, who will."
Wanda is surprised, really. She doesn't have any kind of prejudice toward therapy, it just never occurred to her, especially due to the way she grew up. No one had time to listen to any of her anxieties in the midst of an armed conflict. 
The possibility of solving her problems sounded almost absurd. It made her laugh with nervousness.
"What? Like... therapy?" She needed to confirm, and you nodded immediately.
"I did it for a while, I really needed it." You counter. "You know Sam has a veterans support group, right? We've all been through some pretty bad shit, Wands. It's important to deal with it in a healthy way. Natasha was in intensive therapy for a long time after the Red Room, and so was Steve when he got off the ice. Tony and Clint do follow-ups to this day for PTSD."
Wanda gathers her hands from yours, suddenly very exposed. Very vulnerable. "I don't...I don't think that's a good idea."
You don't push. Never. Instead, you smile at her and nod. "All right then. Let's order some breakfast."
But when you get back to the compound, the same day at the quinjet, Wanda calls you before you go to your room.
"Thank you, for today." She murmurs sincerely, taking a deep breath before adding. "About your suggestion, I'll think about it."
You move closer again, and hold her by the shoulders, before kissing her forehead, and then each cheek. Sweet and firm, and it makes her skin prickle, her chest warm. Wanda almost melts against you, static and afraid to move and causing you to pull away. Her fists clenched at her sides. 
"I'm here for whatever you need, Wands."  You assure her, and it's a good thing you leave after that because Wanda has the impression that she would do something stupid if you remained that close.
Therapy is strange for the first few weeks.
Her doctor is very kind and is part of Shield which is a good thing because she has experience with special agents who have dealt with death on a daily basis. And well, sad pasts are not lacking for war heroes.
Wanda thinks she might be getting better when she buys some Jewish items for her room.
"Maybe I should get a haircut." Your phrase immediately attracts her attention. You are in her room, helping her with the cleaning. Or rather, Wanda is cleaning and you are getting in the way and looking annoyingly pretty while doing it.
"Why?" she asks confused and curious, using magic to lift a couch. She's tidying up because it was your idea of a room that had her whole personality, and Wanda simply accepted that she didn't know how to say no to your ideas.
"Because I'm a secret agent, of course!" You retort as if it were obvious, your elbows propped up on her bed. "Black Widows change their appearance all the time, you know. Nat told me. And I'm supposed to preserve my secret identity."
"You don't have a secret identity." Wanda retorts. "You literally tell everyone that you are the Iron Angel. Yesterday we went to buy bread and you introduced yourself like that."
"Okay, first of all, rude." You sit down on the bed indignantly. "I was trying to get us a discount!"
"With bread?" 
"I'm a poor person, Wanda!" At this point, both of you were chuckling. She grumbles for you to stop getting in the way of her cleaning, throwing a pillow at you, and consequently losing concentration on the air-raised couch, which makes a loud noise when it falls. 
"Tsk, let me help you, little witch." You tease, leaving the bed and hooking your sleeves up. Wanda rolls her eyes.
"I'm not a witch."
You laugh. "Debatable, pretty girl. All you do is these magic tricks. And who uses magic? That's right, witches."
Wanda rolls her eyes, definitely unable to have this discussion, or any when you lift the couch with one hand. Muscles flexed and exposed by the short, tight shirt.
Something inside her boils, right at the pit of her stomach.
Maybe she's getting sick.
"Earth to Wanda." She blinks embarrassedly away when she notices you calling her. You chuckle, thinking she has been distracted by the cleaning. "Shall we get something to eat later? I think it's Steve's night to cook and he's terrible at it. Want to grab a pizza with me, maybe go to a movie?"
That screams date energy, and Wanda agrees before actually thinking about it. You offer her a wink, pleased with the confirmation, and go back to talking to her normally as if Wanda isn't hyperventilating over the amount of exposed skin on your stomach when you keep holding the couch up in the air and gesticulating as you tell stories.
If she survived the afternoon of cleaning, she might survive the date. Of friends.
Apparently, you enjoyed Wanda's company as much as she enjoyed yours. 
It was a good thing and eventually turned movie nights into a recurring event. Wanda sometimes forgot how shy and introverted you could be outside the tower - with the Avengers, who were your family, you were comfortable and always making jokes with everyone. Outside, fumbling with simple matters like ordering in a cafeteria reminded Wanda that you had in fact grown up in a laboratory.
She was just happy to follow whatever schedule you were comfortable with, more or fewer days outside or under the covers, what mattered was if you were together. 
And it didn't take long for you to grow practically inseparable. It was almost strange to think that when she first arrived at the Compound, Wanda barely exchanged two syllables with you, and now, she sleeps in your room practically every night.
The thing about intimacy, though, is that it included sharing. Even subjects that make you cranky.
"I just have a connection with him." Wanda half-heartedly justifies herself, because you are, again, muttering about the strange interest she had in Vision. 
Wanda thinks it's because you don't trust machines - After Dr. Zola, she couldn't blame you. But if anyone asked any Avenger why you didn't like Vision, none of them would think Zola was the reason.
You hum at her justification, and Wanda huffs softly. "What's the problem? You always act so weirdly about this."
You frown. "Oh, I'm sorry I don't like your new best friend."
Wanda crosses her arms. "Don't be silly, Vision is not my best friend. You are." Your gaze begrudgingly softens over Wanda's sweetness. She smiles at your insistent pout. "Is that what this is about, then? You're jealous of Vision."
You huff indignantly, leaving the small pile of blankets on her bed where you were chatting in a jump. "Jealous? Now you're the one being silly!" You retort, cheeks softly rosy. Wanda stares at you in surprise at the scene. "You can have as many friends as you want, I don't care."
She looks away, uncrossing her arms to play with the loose threads of the mattress. "I don't, though." She mumbles half sadly, shrugging when you look at her with confusion. "I don't really have any other friends, Y/N."
The anger unravels at once from your chest, and you sigh, crawling back onto the bed. "Nonsense. Everyone loves you because you're amazing." You retort, getting a weak laugh from her. You lean over her, nose brushing her cheek, and Wanda holds her breath, but it is only an affectionate gesture, and soon, you are on top of her, face on her collarbone and weight on her body. Arms around her, keeping her pinned on the bed and your body. Warm and safe. "Everyone here is your friend. Don't forget that, Wan. The Avengers are your family. I am your family."
She feels something burn behind her eyes. For so long, the only family she had was Pietro, and she lost him too. And now, she had this group of people she could lose as well. Terrifying, honestly. And the thought of losing you made her hold you tighter.
"I don't like fighting with you." She confesses, and you chuckle softly.
"We weren't fighting, I was just jealous." Your admission brings butterflies to her stomach, but she masks it with a giggle. "Don't mind me. Be friends with Vision, he could use some company."
You may have said it for real at that moment, but it didn't mean you made living with Vision any friendlier, given that at every opportunity you responded to him with rude storms, and interrupted any moment Wanda might have with the synthesized. She didn't mind, your company was always welcome, but he might have been annoyed. But who cares about Vision anyway?
While your relationship with the synthesized didn't improve, you nevertheless worked to make Wanda's relationship better with other Avengers.
For Natasha, Clint and Steve there was no need to try too hard - The three of them were very affectionate towards Wanda, and patronized her naturally. Always teaching her as much as they could and keeping her company.
For Sam, it was easy too, because he was a very sociable gentleman who was available for almost every movie night. He was also easily impressed by Wanda's magic, and it was some sort of fresh air to be around someone who hadn't fought her and didn't have any bad memories about Ultron.
Tony was the tricky one. You were trying to convince him to apologize to Wanda, without being awkward or forced, and he was not a person who dealt very well with the past. Much like your friend honestly.
It was a coincidence that Wanda had a session in therapy about forgiving and moving on the same day Tony approached her in the kitchen with a tablet in hand that he placed on the counter next to the glass of juice she had just picked up.
The team stood in absolute silence, watching the interaction from the breakfast table.
"Maximoff, I want to talk to you." He announced seriously, one hand in his pocket. Wanda frowned slightly.
"Okay." She muttered. Tony took a deep breath, bringing his attention to the tablet and on it, clicking so that a small hologram of data appeared in the air. It was several numbers and Wanda figured it was for some mission. But Tony cleared his throat and explained:
"These are the shipping lots for all the Stark companies' ballistic supply." He begins. "It took some time to gather everything, but it's here. In 99, one shipment went to Sokovia. Lot 7212, collected from the rubble of a civilian building. Authorization to sell, Obadiah Stane."
Wanda crosses her arms, uncomfortable. "Stark, what is all this? Why are you bringing this up now?" She asks, looking away from the holograms of the exploded bomb, collected from a building she knows well.
Tony takes a deep breath, and faces her, "I was a different person, Wanda. I didn't care about any of it, all I wanted to do was spent my money. I didn't know what was going on at Stark companies, the war funding. I stopped that when I discovered it." He blurts out. "But, yes, I designed those weapons. And I have a share of guilt for ignoring my responsibility to them. And I want to apologize for that because my negligence caused the death of your parents."
Wanda looks down, with tears in her eyes. The other Avengers exchange tense looks and Tony swallows dryly, taking a step closer.
"I know nothing I say will change things, but I wanted to say it anyway. You're part of the Avengers now, you have my loyalty. Maybe, someday, we could even be friends." Wanda raises her eyes, returning his small smile with another.
She sighs and nods. "Thank you, Tony. For apologizing. It doesn't change things, but still... thank you."
"Of course, kiddo." He offers her a gentle tap on the shoulder before collecting the tablet and leaving the kitchen.
Wanda steals a glance at you at the table, and you smile at her in assurance before she too leaves the kitchen.
Nat is the first to speak. "Was anyone else surprised at how mature Tony was about everything?"
The Avengers laugh and go back to eating, and you keep to yourself the last two weeks you've been nagging Stark about it.
It was interesting, that less than two weeks later, Tony was the person assigned to teach Wanda to fly.
The thing is, Sam had iron wings - so he flew differently than Wanda could. And well, you wouldn't fly if you could help it because you hated heights. Yes, Wanda couldn't miss an opportunity to tease you about that. So it was left to Tony and his armor.
"You can focus your magic on your hands, like the way it works on my suit." He guided alongside her in the outer courtyard, with the whole team watching. "And keep your feet together to stay balanced. This way. Try it."
It took a few tries for Wanda to successfully glide a few inches off the ground, but it wouldn't be long before she could fly more effectively.
It was you who tried to find out if she could focus magic on other parts of her body.
The question must have come out in a strange way because it made Wanda look at you curiously, her cheeks half rosy, and the odd expression of Steve and Natasha pausing their practice behind her made you clear your throat.
"I mean you use your hands during the fighting, right?" You try to explain further. "You could try focusing your magic on the soles of your feet, to fly. And then you would have your hands free."
"Oh, I get it." She mutters. "I could try, but I don't think it would make that much difference. I control my magic mentally; It flows around my whole body, even if my hands are busy."
"You always impress me, Maximoff." You praise naturally, missing the way she smiles shyly because you are stepping closer to Nat and Steve's tatami. "And Captain Rogers keeps missing out on the same strike. How sad."
Steve frowns in confusion, "What strike?" He asks, and his distraction momentarily is enough for Nat to hit his legs and knock him down. Laughing as you do. "Very funny, ladies." He complains from the floor, but you are already waving for Wanda to follow you to the next tatami.
By now, she has grown more confident in fighting you, knowing that she won't hurt you. 
"You need some new tricks." You tease between one punch and another, half as breathless as she is. Nat has improved - considerably - Wanda's hand-to-hand combat, and well, you don't mind a bit exchanging a few punches with her. Mixed fights with magic are just as perilous as they are fun. 
Wanda laughs, deflecting five of your blows in a row with precision, before managing to grab your wrist. She's not physically stronger, by any means, and Hydra's description is that you're like a war tank, so in theory, she couldn't take you down. But her magic does the hard work, pushing your legs apart. You are thrown by her shoulders, falling backward onto the tatami. 
"I think I'm doing fine." She confidently retorts, offering you a cocky wink, before offering her hand to help you stand.
But you move your feet instead, and knock her to the ground as well, wasting no time in mounting her, immobilizing her hands. 
"You can't get cocky in a fight, that's a beginner's mistake." You recall. Wanda struggles against the grip, without any success. War tank after all, and when focused, you simply absorb any magic she tries to use on you. "You're fighting well, Maximoff. But what if you didn't even need to engage in conflict?"
She frowns, impressed that she could keep her gaze on yours when you are so close. "What do you mean?"
You lick your lips, it's your turn to be distracted by the position. Whatever is going on is completely broken with Steve and Natasha approaching the tatami, and the widow speaking before you:
"She means mind tricks, Wanda." Says the widow, and the witch hesitates immediately. You sigh, letting go of her arms, and acting way too casual when still sitting on her hip.
"Wanda is powerful, she shouldn't waste her abilities." You try, but all three of you are unsure about it.
"Hydra taught her that sort of thing. It's not a clean way to fight." Steve says, and you grimace indignantly.
"Clean? What's that supposed to mean?"
Steve sighs. "I just meant it would be an unfair fight. It's not that there's anything wrong with her powers, Y/N. It's just that it feels wrong to act like that, it's like mental torture. You don't know how it feels because Wanda never used it on you."
Wanda looks away, embarrassed. You snort indignantly. 
"That's fucking hypocrisy, Captain Rogers." You declare angrily, standing up. "You think you have some short of honor in shooting people instead of bewitching them? You're fooling yourself that's what." You continue, ignoring his attempt to explain. "Wanda is the strongest among us, and you are impairing her potential for greatness out of fear! She should not fear who she is!"
"Y/N, that's not what we're trying to do-"
"Then let me teach her!" You cut him off. "I'll take responsibility. I trust her. I can teach her to do more than Hydra did. Hell, she can get inside someone's head. The possibilities are endless! She could end any fight before she even starts them!"
Steve hesitates, but Nat rests her hands on the supports of the tatami, looking at the girl sitting on the floor. 
"What do you think, Wanda?"
The witch looks at your confident and curious gaze, and then at Steve Rogers' hesitation. She sighs and hugs her knees.
"I trust Y/N. If she teaches me, I could try to learn."
You celebrate softly, ignoring Steve's protest. Natasha smiles at you. "Just be careful, okay? I don't want anyone getting hurt."
You twitch your nose, glancing at Wanda over your shoulder. "Don't be silly, Nat. Wanda would never hurt me."
"I'm still learning to trust people again. But she is my safe haven. I don't know what I would do if I messed that up."
The confession surprises herself as much as it surprises Dr.Christina Raynor, who stops writing to raise her eyes to Wanda.
"You have a history of loss, Wanda. It's normal to hesitate and worry that it will happen again. But you need to trust that you will be able to handle it. With my help, of course. But also with the help of others, because you are no longer on your own. Death is part of life, it is a painful truth. You can learn to deal with it in a healthy way."
Wanda nodded, unsure if she could manage that at all. That day she told about starting to practice mind tricks with you next week, and how anxious it was making her. Christina reminded her that she could refuse if she was uncomfortable with the idea, but she explained that it was about the possibility of hurting you, not about her magic. The doctor asked her to act as was best for her, and not for other people.
And so, Wanda was late for her first class.
You decided to create a comfortable setting for her. Soft armchairs on the balcony, overlooking the whole compound, and a table of sweets and drinks on the side.
It felt almost like a picnic together and made Wanda's stomach churn when she remembered what she could do with you.
"Hey, little witch, I almost thought you weren't coming." You tease about the fifteen-minute delay, getting a small smile from her. "And it would be, all right, okay? If you didn't show up. We don't have to do anything you don't want to do."
"It's fine." She assures as she swallows dryly, and moves closer to occupy the empty armchair in front of you. "I want to learn more about myself."
"Speaking of which, I have gifts." You state raising a finger in the air for a moment. You lean over to grab something from behind the armchair, and Wanda watches you take out books that you place on the coffee table. "Hydra had a dozen or so files on the stone, but nothing really helps us. I did my own research, and it turns out that there are a lot of people who do cool tricks. There's a bit about telekinesis here and traditional witchcraft. High chances that it's all fake, but it's better than nothing."
Wanda simply leans over and hugs you by the neck, really tight. It's so sweet, the way you care for her. She murmurs about it and your response makes her swallow dryly.
"That's what friends are for." You whisper, and she lets you go. "Shall we begin?"
She nods, confused about the conflicting emotions in her stomach. 
You place your hands on your thighs looking up at her in anticipation before giving an awkward chuckle. "Well, I suppose it's you who has to start sweetheart. I'm only here to serve. I mean. not serve, like help-"
She laughs at your nervousness, raising her hand to your face. "Shush now, darling, relax." She asks gently, appreciating the way you shut up immediately, swallowing dryly. So obedient. Her magic leaves her fingertips when she touches your eyelids. "Show me your fear."
You choke, eyes glowing red like hers as your surroundings transform.
Wanda feels different - It is your abilities, she assumes. You can absorb her magic, so in a way you are allowing for what she sees, creating and maintaining the connection. She thinks to ask about it to confirm but shuts up at what she sees.
It is the compound, completely destroyed. And there are bodies lined up that she recognizes as the team. You are crawling in the grass, blood and dirt mingling in your torn iron suit. The man on the hill, Wanda doesn't know.
"You did well, puppet." He praises, turning around. Wanda does know him, she realizes. She has seen Dr.Zola's pictures in some reports before. "Our own angel of death, bringing Hydra's vengeance on these traitors."
You cough, blood on the grass. Wanda narrows her eyes and recognizes herself in the row of bodies. You are trying to touch her, but Zola steps on your fingers. 
"That's not my name." You gasp in a sob, looking at the man, "I wouldn't hurt my family."
"But I am your family, Y/N. And you have hurt me, haven't you?"
The illusion is transformed, but you and Zola remain at the center. What was once the destroyed compound is transformed into a laboratory room. Steve and Nat, now alive, help another version of you on a stretcher with chains. The day of your escape.
"How could you destroy me, child? After all I've taught you." Zola questions, also watching your memory, the way you destroyed every piece of metal that make up the computer. "I created you, and you turned your back on me for them."
The memory turns again, to before Wanda. Your early, strange, awkward years with the Avengers and Shield. Until Hydra's influence was out of your head, and you could live with them. The nasty jokes from agents, the strange looks. Flashes of painful memories that make her sick
"That's enough." You say from the floor and repeat until Wanda realizes that Zola and you are looking directly at her. You are talking to her, not to him. "That's enough, Wands. Please."
She panted, her memories getting faster all around. "I-I don't know how to stop, I don't-"
Your eyes glitter. "Show me your fear then."
The destruction returns, but this time it is a civilian apartment. Wanda chokes on a sob, hugging her own body.
She can hear someone crying, a little girl. Under the table.
"I don't want to see this again. Please, let's come back." She asks into the empty room, and it shouldn't take you half a second to stumble up behind her, holding her by the shoulders, but Wanda feels like it took forever.
You hug her, letting her hide her face in your collarbone, and your gaze goes around. "It was here, wasn't it? When they died?"
"Y/N, please...."
"I'm not doing anything, Wan." You mutter. "It's your magic, remember? I don't control it. I just gave it back. You have to control it." You explain, rubbing her back. 
Wanda takes a deep breath, lets her arms wrap around your body, and ignores the sound of the bomb ringing in your ears. You hug her tightly. "Concentrate. Get us out of here, take us somewhere nice."
You have to close your eyes a few times to get used to the clarity of the next illusion. It is the beach, and it makes you chuckle lightly.
"I used to go swimming with my family when I was a kid. When it was safe." She confesses as she turns away from your collarbone, and you can see a family running into the water in the distance.
You smile at her. "I'll take you to the beach, Wands. In real life, so you can have new memories."
She nods, refusing to let go of you. "I could stay here a little longer."
You frown slightly. It's a dangerous thought because it's an illusion. A memory. Wanda shouldn't be stuck in it, she should move on. Stay with you.
"Let's go back. We've practiced enough today."
She hesitates, the sound of her mother's laughter, lifting a smiling 7-year-old Pietro under a wave making her hesitate.
"Now, Wands." You insist so seriously that she swallows dryly. But your gaze softens, and your hand is warm on her cheek. "We'll make a blanket fort in your room today. We can sleep side by side and watch some TV series. What do you think?"
Paradise, she would say. And before you need confirmation, the illusion is shattered and you are back on the balcony of the complex. Both of you were half out of breath, blinking confusedly at the new brightness.
"That was..."
"Fucking incredible!" You declare with a laugh, surprising her with your excitement. "You have the most amazing skills! And that was just the first day, imagine what you'll be able to do when you master this mind stuff completely! Damn, that was wonderful. Come on, I promised you a movie night."
You are pulling her by the hand before she can protest, not that Wanda was thinking of doing so anyway.
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thelovelylolly · 1 year
hi!! i saw your requests were open so i thought i’d send you one :) can i get a poe dameron x reader, where the reader is a mechanic and everything is so hectic with the resistance, that everyone is kind of ignoring/speaking over/forgetting them. maybe they’re especially hurt that poe is acting like that, but they understand that everyone is busy? i was thinking sort of like a hurt comfort with a confession at the end? i absolutely adore your work <3
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Summary : It's a hectic time in the Resistance, and you seemed to be singled out by everyone. Including Poe. Warnings : being ignored and stuff like that i guess Notes : thank you for the request :) im so glad you enjoy my work love <3
You knew when you joined the Resistance that things would be a bit crazy. You worked hard to protect the galaxy, everyone had a part to play. But recently, things seemed to be turned up to 11.
Your friends were always busy, having no time to even say 'hi' to you. At meetings, you would be ignored or even talked over. You were busy as well, one of the top mechanics on the base, but you tried to make time for everyone.
What hurt most was Poe seemed to ignore you entirely.
You and Poe had been good friends since you had joined the Resistance, and you had quickly caught feelings for him. You two always hung out whenever you could, you two were inseparable. But recently, you two had slowly had stopped hanging out.
You had made an effort to talk to Poe and spend time with him, but he was always busy and whenever he wasn't, you were.
It was always "I have to finish mission reports" or "I have to run drills" or "the general is having a meeting and I have to be there" from him.
You tried to get by without seeing him everyday, but it was hard.
One day, you had woken up from a nap after a long shift and decided to run to the cafeteria for some caf and a snack. You walked in and got your caf, but then you heard a loud laugh. Poe's laugh.
You turned around, seeing him laughing with some other higher ups. He had told you that he was working, that you two couldn't hang out because he was busy. Why did he lie to you?
You sipped your caf before walking over to him, a smile plastered on your face. "Hi Poe," you said, catching his attention.
"Hey! I didn't know you had today off," Poe replied, turning to face you.
"I, uh, I don't. I worked the early morning shift today."
"Don't you usually take the 12 hour day shift? You're one of our best mechanics, someone has to be out there to make sure people do what they need to do," he joked.
You looked down at your cup of caf, your finger tapping the side of it anxiously. "Yeah, I do, but I asked for the early shift so we could hang out. Then you told me you were busy and it was too late to change it, so here we are."
"I did? Kriff, I'm sorry, I-"
"You're clearly very busy with your other friends so I'll just go."
As you left the cafeteria, you heard Poe calling for you, but you ignored him just like he had ignored you recently. Were you overreacting? Maybe, but if he didn't want to hang out with you, then you wouldn't bother him.
You downed the rest of your caf, throwing the cup away on your way back to your room. Once you got there, you changed into fresh, comfortable clothes. You were so tired after your early shift that you fell asleep in your mechanic uniform. You didn't know what you were going to do the rest of your day since you had it off.
A knock at the door snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Go away, Poe!" You yelled, tossing your dirty clothes into a hamper to get washed.
"How'd you know it was me?" You heard him call back.
You sighed before walking over to the door and opening it. "Because I heard you calling after me when I left the cafeteria."
"Can I come in?"
"Please? I just want to talk, that's it. And I know you're not busy because you have the rest of the day off and you never know what to do on your days off."
He knew you too well.
You rolled your eyes and stepped aside to let him in. The door slid shut behind him and he turned to face you. Your arms were crossed in front of your chest as you glared at him.
"Listen, I know I'm a jerk for doing that-"
"Jerk is an understatement, Poe. You lied to me. I thought we were best friends, that we don't lie to each other to hang out with other people-"
"I thought our shifts wouldn't line up-"
"Poe, you know that I've been trying to hang out with you or see you or even say 'hi' to you, but we've been too busy for all of that! But at least I've been trying to see you! You don't even put in effort to see me-"
"Why are you so upset over this? We're all busy, it's just part of the Resistance! You're not the only one overwhelmed and stressed over this!"
"I've been talked over and ignored, I haven't gotten proper sleep in weeks, and on top of all of that, I never see you! We went from spending everyday together to not even hearing from each other for days! And what makes it worse is that I love you, but you don't seem to even care!"
You were so worked up, so upset, that you didn't even notice what you had said until it was too late. You and Poe stood there, a little out of breath from the yelling match you were having.
You tried to blink away the tears that had started to form. You shakily took a deep breath, looking anywhere but at Poe. "Just ignore what I just said-"
"You love me?"
You finally looked at Poe and nodded, wiping the one stray tear that had fallen down your cheek. "For awhile now."
Poe's heart ached when he saw you wipe away the tear. He quickly pulled into a tight hug, his chin on the top of your head as you buried your face into his chest. His arms wrapped tightly around you.
You two stayed like that for only a few minutes, but it felt like eternity for you. After weeks of not seeing each other, a hug was just what you needed. Even if Poe knew you had feelings for him, and even if he didn't have the same feelings for you, you were just happy to have that moment.
Then, Poe pulled away a little bit. One of his hands tilted your head up before cupping your cheek. He leaned in and softly kissed you. You quickly forgot the argument, melting into the kiss and getting lost in it. But he pulled away again, leaning his forehead against yours.
"I love you, too, sweetheart," he murmured, pressing another soft yet short kiss to your lips.
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teagballs · 29 days
michael bluth x reader where reader also works in business and has a bad day or something and since michael is at work (they work in diff places) he goes drinking with gob once he is done. michael taking care of a drunk reader lol. i love ur writing
take them home | michael bluth x !drunk reader
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authors note: did u miss me hiiiii definitely hasn't been three months or anything. SORRY YALL im in the middle of exams rn im struggling so hard 💔 motivation to write came back when i should be studying tho ??? wtf ???? idek. anyway heres some sweet michael for the SOUL he'd be the best bf ever!!!!!
cw: drunk reader, drinking too much, vomiting. other than that just fluff!! enjoy
You swear you could have cried when the clock finally struck six. Today was terrible, putting it simply. From an early start to annoying co-workers to an abundance of paperwork, it seemed you couldn't catch a break. To make matters worse, you knew Michael wouldn't be home till late. The responsibility he had in his position left him working after hours. You needed to release some of your built-up stress, you needed a drink. But who would you go to? Who would be without responsibilities or cares and would be willing to get wasted with you?
"Hey Gob, do you wanna get a drink?"
He was more than happy to hit the bar with you and also a terrible influence. Drinks seemed to tally up within minutes when it had actually been hours and hours. He definitely could handle his drink better than you. Because while he was still able to form a coherent message, you were a blubbering mess.
"Another!" You slur out.
Gob discourages you finally, "Don't you have work tomorrow?"
"Who cares! All- all those pieces of shit can go- can- can go fuck... themselves" you stutter.
Gob wasn't having fun anymore. Now he was just taking care of a drunk person - he didn't want that weighing him down. So he called Michael to come pick you up.
Michael was not pleased to hear that after his 12 hours in the office, he had to pick up his absolutely shit faced partner up from his brother.
"You let them get that drunk, Gob? What's wrong with you?" Michael barked as you rest against his shoulder.
You lean against his form, looking up at his tousled locks. He definitely had them in his stressed grip a couple of times today. You play with the bottom of his tie as he speaks. Gob shrugs his lecturing off and leaves the pair of you.
With some difficulty, Michael gets you into the stair car and drives you to your apartment. He guides you up to your place and gently guides you to the sofa. He makes quick work of getting you a glass of water.
"Here, drink this," he hands you a glass. It's a chipped and old looking glass, just in case. You ignore the glass and instead try to get him to sit down with you.
"Michael, you looked tired, come lay down with me," you dragged, giving him the best puppy dog eyes you could. You were spread across the sofa ungracefully, limbs anywhere they would be comfortable.
"You need to go to bed," he tells you gently. You whine out like a toddler.
"Come on! I wanna stay up with you!" you say before shifting up into a sitting position and giggling.
"You have work tomorrow," he sighs at you. He, too, has work tomorrow and would love to stay up with you, but can't.
"So? I hate that job! Who cares if I'm off cause of a-" you cut yourself off by covering your mouth and dry heaving, "a hangover-" you bolt up right and stumble to your bathroom, stabilising yourself on the walls. Michael follows closely behind.
He runs hand up and down your back and holds your hair as you throw up. The vomiting must have sobered you up a little because you suddenly feel the not so fun effects of alcohol. You rub your face, feeling hot a clammy. Michael looks at you with only concern as he hunches on the floor with you. He cups your face, and you lean your face away.
"Don't..." you grumble. "I'm gross and drunk."
Michael smiles as he smoothes over your cheek, "That may be true, but I still love you," he chuckles. You're unsure how he's even facing you with how bad your breath probably is.
"I'm tired," you sigh deeply and sniffle a little.
"I'm sure you are." Michael agrees, doing that knee slap thing as he makes his way to his feet again. "C'mon," he holds out his hand for you to take. Supporting one hand on your bath, you use the other to take his.
He guides you to your bed where you flump down. With effort, he takes your shoes off, and you turn over and wrap the duvet tight around your frame.
"Alright, sweetheart, I'm off. I'll see you tomorrow," Michael murmurs and watches your exhausted form.
"No!" you exclaim. "No, don't go!" Suddenly frantic, you unwrap yourself from your duvet cocoon.
"What do you want me to do?" He forms a lips pressed together smirk, he finds your pure distraught at the idea of him going home and getting a good night's rest awful amusing.
"Stay here! Stay in my bed!" you beg your boyfriend. In the morning, you'll remember how drunk and pathetic you were last night and grimace.
"But I have work in the morning. I'll need to go home and get ready." He toys. He already knows he'll be staying the night. He'll just have to get up early and grab his stuff for the office. Or maybe he'll take the day off, he deserves it after all.
"No, please!" You whine out again and tug on his hand. He laughs heartily and drops onto the bed, making sure to squash none of your limps.
Finally satisfied, you wrap your legs around him. You're both still in your work clothes, but who cares? You're cosy.
Tucking your head into his neck, you slur out a, "love you,"
"Love you too," he smiles, exposing his little tooth gap.
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sneakyparsnipslicer · 10 months
The Disappearance of Bobby Krauser
[Another transformation story, I've been having a lot of ideas, so there could still be a lot more stories coming in the following days]
Today might have just been the worst day for Bobby, certainly the worst for a good while. The day had started like any working morning did. Alarm went off at 4am, went to his kitchen to make a coffee, sort out his backpack with food and tools he'd need for the 12 hour shift. He'd been in this routine for 2 and a half years, work was at a factory that made food products for some Belgium-based brand. 48 hours a week he worked per block, four days on, four days off. The pay was good too, even though he was still a temp worker after so long. He'd managed to finally move out of his mother's house at the age of 27 thanks to the money he was earning from the constant work. In many ways it had made his life better, but as a side effect it had made him into a bit of a workaholic.
Bobby had gone to work, same as usual, started working in his section of the factory at 6am, his job was to watch the conveyor belts and set the machines right if something went wrong and the alarms sounded, like a carton getting stuck on a diverter or a cardboard box not being taken off the pile correctly. It was easy since he'd learned all there was to know about the job. Only trouble was he'd tried applying for a full time job over the past year, three times.
During his first work break he sat in the canteen, he was approached by one of his co-workers Kyle. 'Morning Bobby, how are things?' Kyle asked. 'Hey Kyle, I'm good thanks, what's up?' Bobby asked, looking up from his phone. 'So I know you've been wanting that machine operator job for a while now' Kyle began. 'Only for about a year now mate' Bobby chuckled. 'Yeah, see I told a friend of mine about the job… and they've taken him on' said Kyle. Bobby's smile fell at the mention of this. He looked at Kyle. 'I'm really sorry Bobby' stammered Kyle. Bobby sighed and shook his head. 'That's fine I guess, I've only been passed over 3 fucking times now' said Bobby passive-aggressively, looking to his phone. 'Look man, my friend really needed a job and I mentioned it to him' said Kyle nervously. 'And that's fine, really. I'd probably have done the same. Well I can't really do anything about it now can I, this has to be fine' grumbled Bobby, not making eye contact with Kyle. Kyle looked down sheepishly. 'Anyway, I've gotta go. See you around' said Kyle hopefully. Bobby waved his hand and watched Kyle as he left. Bobby sat back in his chair and sighed. 'Fucking hell' he breathed, looking at the ceiling. He looked over at the clock and saw he was needed back in the factory in the next 5 minutes. He packed his stuff up, washed his hands and returned to the factory. The rest of the shift went as average as it could be, around 3pm his team leader, Luke entered the factory and asked Bobby to come with him to one of the meeting rooms. In the room was one of the ladies from the agency he worked for. Bobby and his team leader sat down.
'Right, Bobby. Long story short, we're letting you go' started Luke. Bobby's face sank. 'Why?' asked Bobby, sitting up in his chair. 'We've come to realise you're not happy here' said Luke. 'Luke, I've been here 2 and a half years, I've never been late, if I didn't like it here I'd have found work elsewhere long ago' said Bobby firmly. 'We've also had another applicant for the job you applied for and we've got a really good feeling about him' stated Luke matter-of-factly. 'So you're just going to throw 2 year's training down the toilet for some guy off the street?' asked Bobby, trying not to get over-infuriated. 'Bobby, we're grateful for all you've done for us, but we just don't need you anymore. You can leave straight away, we'll give you a week's pay' said Luke. Bobby looked to the agency lady and back to Luke. This was unbelievable. 'Well can I at least finish my shift today, we clock out in 3 hours and I'd hate to leave my team in the lurch' said Bobby. 'No Bobby, you can leave right now' said Luke firmly. Bobby got the hint, they really were kicking him out the door. 'Susan here will help you find other work, I'm sure you'll be fine at your mother's for now' said Luke. 'I moved out of my Mum's 2 years ago Luke, how do you not know this? You're leaving me in a flat with no secure job future' argued Bobby. 'Oh… well, you'll find something better' said Luke. Bobby rolled his eyes. 'Well, guess I'd better go get my things from the locker room then' said Bobby, getting out of his chair and leaving the room. On his way to signing out, he saw Kyle and decided to busy himself with the clocking machine. 'Bobby, I just heard, I'm really sorry' said Kyle. Bobby looked to Kyle, he really wanted to say what he thought of him, but shook his head. 'It's alright, I just hope your friend's as good as everyone's making him out to be' said Bobby. 'But it's just you have your flat and all' said Kyle. 'And the agency will find me other work, don't worry about me Kyle. That's my job now' said Bobby, and he proceeded to leave the factory building. On his way home he checked his phone, a few of the other factory workers had caught wind of what happened and had messaged him on Facebook. It cheered him up, being asked to keep in touch and them passing on their anger about how Bobby had been handled. But he put his phone away, he needed to do something about this predicament.
Arriving home his first thought was to fire up his computer and print off some CVs, then head into town and look for work. So he put the kettle on and got to work on doing that. He popped a handful in his backpack and headed into town. It was funny, his work life had just vanished, 4 hours ago he had a job, and now here he was keeping an eye out for shop windows that said 'Staff Wanted'. Maybe he could've just gone online and saved some trouble but he just needed some fresh air to clear his head. He stopped by a few shops and supermarkets, those that would accept CVs got one, but most places told him to apply online. It really was a sign of the times, back when he'd started his work career it felt a lot more normal to meet someone in person at a shop and hand them a CV. Approaching one alleyway, he came across a small building that used to be a café that he used to frequent before it shut down about a year ago. The windows were darkened and a sign above it read 'Enrique's Escapist Emporium'. Bobby reckoned this place can't have been open all that long, but there was a 'Staff Wanted' sign on the door and the sign said 'Open' so he shrugged his shoulders. Why not.
Walking inside, he heard a small bell ring as he opened the door. The room beyond was dimly lit, and he could faintly hear a radio playing near where the serving counter was. Squinting, Bobby could see someone sitting there and began to make his way over. The person sitting at the counter was caught up in a crossword, funnily they looked as if they belonged to a gym more than a dainty little shop. They put down their reading glasses and crossword and smiled at Bobby. 'Good afternoon, how can I help you?' they asked. 'Uh, hi. My name is Bob, and I'm looking for a job' said Bobby, smiling. The guy smiled and chuckled. 'Well if that's not the most Quentin Tarantino thing I've heard all day' the guy remarked. 'Have you got a CV on you, Bob?'. Bobby paused for a moment and then took off his backpack, rummaging through it and handing one to the man. Who took it and looked. 'Bobby Krauser' said the man, reading the top of the paper. 'Oh yeah, that's me' said Bobby. It was strange, this person seemed well-mannered and decent, but something was making him feel nervous. Maybe it was the lack of light in the room. 'Have a seat please, Bobby' said the man, gesturing to a small wooden chair. Bobby took a seat and waited in anticipation. 'Oh please, make yourself comfortable. I'll begin your interview shortly' said the man. Bobby took off his backpack and coat and tried to calm his nerves.
'Tell me about yourself then Bobby, you from around here?' the man asked. 'Oh yeah, I was born at the hospital on the other side of town' said Bobby. The man smiled and nodded. 'And you're… 28, 29 maybe?' he asked. 'Yeah, 29. Reaching the big 30 next year' said Bobby, chuckling. The man looked at him and smiled. 'So, you've been a cleaner, a kitchen assistant and a factory worker then?' asked the man. Bobby nodded. 'Oh I also worked at a game shop for a few months, so I did retail for a while' added Bobby. The man nodded and placed the paper down, putting his hands together and taking a good look at Bobby. 'So then Bobby, do you have any questions for me?' he asked. 'Uh, well is your name Enrique? It's just I know the shop sign says Enrique's Escapist Emporium' said Bobby, pointing to the front door. 'Yes that's correct' Enrique smiled. 'Ah, have you had this place long?' Bobby asked. 'We opened a couple of weeks ago, moved from up country but I rarely stay in one place' Enrique answered. 'I see. So what is it you do here exactly?' asked Bobby. 'Here we sell whatever the customer wants' said Enrique vaguely. Bobby looked on confused. 'That seems to be a broad range then' chuckled Bobby nervously. Enrique shook his head. 'Not at all. May I ask you a question, Bobby?' asked Enrique. Bobby thought for a moment. 'Sure, go ahead' said Bobby. 'What do you want?' Enrique asked calmly. 'Well I want a job if you've got one going' replied Bobby, shrugging his shoulders. Enrique chuckled softly. 'I like you Bobby, you're funny. I mean what do you really want, out of life?' he asked. Bobby thought for a moment. 'Take your time' said Enrique reassuringly. 'I… I want to be happy again' said Bobby, looking to the ground. This response made Enrique raise his eyebrows. 'How do you mean, Bobby?' asked Enrique.
'Well, I think in recent years I've become a bit cranky. My last job just let me go a few hours ago. I moved out of my Mum's after years of her telling me I needed to get a proper job, then I needed to get myself a place to live. I just wasted 2 and a half years as a temp worker at a factory, my friends that I have tell me I've become passive-aggressive. I've got a lot going on in life and… I just wish I could be happy, like I was back in school' Bobby lamented. Enrique looked at him sadly. 'Well from what I've seen Bobby, you're funny, friendly and kind-spirited' smiled Enrique. Bobby smiled. 'Thanks Enrique, but you've only just met me. I was here to make a good first impression' said Bobby. 'But you've been genuine. I can tell you've been through a lot, but you seem to bottle that away well' said Enrique observantly. 'So do I qualify to work here then' asked Bobby, trying to bring the conversation back around to the reason he came in. 'I suppose I could take you on, but I feel you're more in need of your happiness first' said Enrique, standing up. Bobby came to realise that Enrique was a pretty tall guy, easily 6'3, towering over his standing height at 5'2. Bobby had the chance to see he had a very muscular build, biceps and triceps galore, he wondered for a moment if Enrique had to turn sideways to get through the front door when he entered the shop. Enrique walked off to the back room, Bobby could hear him rummaging through the shelves. He wondered if he should get out of there, he began to feel nervous again. Their conversation had gone unexpectedly deep. What exactly did Enrique mean by 'giving him his happiness'.
Enrique returned with a small box. 'Sorry to have kept you waiting Bobby, it's still pretty cluttered back there' Enrique chuckled. He placed the box on the counter and sat back down. Bobby and Enrique looked at the box, then Bobby looked to Enrique who was looking at Bobby searchingly. 'Bobby, I'm going to give you a choice and I really want you to think hard about this' warned Enrique. Bobby nodded nervously. Enrique sighed and began. 'Think of this as Pandora's Box, Bobby. Your happiness lies within it, however it comes with a price' said Enrique. 'Oh, just let me get my wallet-' began Bobby jokingly, but Enrique shook his head. 'Bobby, for the short time I've known you, you strike me as a lovely, wonderful person. You are probably loved and cared for by so many people. Even if you don't see it yourself, there are those that genuinely care for you. You open this box and Bobby Krauser ceases to exist. You'll become someone new, you might be happier, but you won't be beloved Bobby anymore' said Enrique ominously. Bobby looked to the box, then back to Enrique. 'And what's the other choice Enrique' asked Bobby, sweating nervously. 'You remain Bobby and continue as Bobby. You may even work here and travel as Bobby. The choice is yours'
Bobby considered his options, a fresh start at life as someone else. He could leave his old life behind, leave everything and everyone he knew. He'd sometimes thought about how if he'd died, he'd love to know who would mourn him. But on the other hand, him actually vanishing would make that thought a reality and he thought of his family, his friends near and far. The alternative was to live as himself and just pray that life magically got better over time. Bobby looked at the box, looked to Enrique and placed his hand on the box. Enrique sighed sadly but nodded in acceptance. 'Very well then, you'd better open the box' said Enrique. Bobby curiously lifted the lid and peered inside. There was a single, dusty purple bottle with a cork in the top. He picked it up, there was no label on it. He looked back to Enrique. 'What is this Enrique?' Bobby asked. Enrique folded his arms and looked to it sadly. 'It's a gel, it'll help you become who you're going to be' said Enrique. He stood up and went to the front door, turning the sign to say 'Closed' and locked the door. 'You'd better come to the back room' Enrique said. Bobby stood up and followed Enrique.
Inside the backroom was a bizarre sight. There were shrines lining the walls with pictures of various nameless people, surrounded by candles and garments that presumably belonged to the framed people. 'People come here seeking escapism, Bobby. Much like yourself. They may not wish to be remembered, but I never forget them' said Enrique, looking around. 'So, when do I stop being me?' Bobby asked. 'That bottle. Remove your clothes and rub it's contents all over your body' said Enrique. Bobby shrugged and did as he was told, removing his shoes, socks, trousers and t-shirt. He opened the bottle and began to rub it's contents all over him. Soon he was all lubed up and glistening in the candle light. He turned to Enrique who had also removed his clothes and gelled himself up. They both looked at each other for a moment. 'Such a beautiful soul. Farewell Bobby Krauser' said Enrique. Bobby looked at him confused. The next thing Bobby knew, Enrique's big, slimy hands grabbed his jaw and prised his mouth open. He moved his right hand into Bobby's mouth and pushed down, to Bobby's surprise, his neck began to expand as Enrique's fist and forearm slid down into his chest. Bobby's knees buckled and he was kneeling on the floor before the giant man. Bobby looked into Enrique's eyes as he placed his left arm into the gaping void that was now Bobby's mouth. The sound of stretching elastic filled the room as Enrique raised a foot and lowered it into Bobby's mouth. The foot and leg snaked down, to fill out Bobby's skinnier leg, making it bloat out three times it's previous size. Bobby was amazed, this was a crazy way to go out. But if he was going to become Enrique, he just knew he was going to love it. Enrique lifted his second leg into Bobby's mouth and moved him around to align with his own body. By now Bobby's feet and legs were darkening, expanding and squeaking, becoming massive. Bobby already had Size 11 feet, but with Enrique invading them, they shot to a ridiculous 18. His legs thickened like tree trunks and Enrique began to pull Bobby's body upwards. As Enrique continued to slide into Bobby's body, everything just got bigger. Bobby's relatively flat ass become like two big watermelons and his already six inch dick became an absolute monster of a serpent with two basketballs hanging below it. His belly compressed against Enrique's impressive washboard abs and his arms became enormous. By now Enrique was nearly entirely inside Bobby, all that was left was to match up the chin and lift his head over his, completing the transformation. Enrique stood in the middle of the room, huffing and panting, an absolute hulk of a man. Skin still bubbling and contorting, Enrique grabbed his dick and began jacking it hard. Picturing Bobby's kind face in his mind, he roared the most animalistic roar as he shot a huge load worthy of several giants. The cum pooled on the floor and began to shape as a new form emerged. A new man was birthed from the warm sludge, he stirred and gasped as he took his first breaths. Enrique stood against the wall panting and sweating as the new man began to explore his tanned body. He was a bit more built than Bobby had been, dare he say even more handsome. The man's eyes were bright with new excitement and amazement. He looked at Enrique, who was starting to look more like how he did before he slipped into Bobby and gave him a hug.
'Enrique, thank you, thank you so much' he cried. Enrique smiled. 'Here is your happiness, as promised' Enrique said. The man smiled at Enrique. 'I think from this day forward I'll go by Gabriel. Always liked that name' said Gabriel. 'Well Gabriel, the world's yours now. Be who you want to be. Go start your new life' said Enrique. He found some clothes out for Gabriel and put back on his own clothes. They both left the backroom and Enrique unlocked the shop door for him. Gabriel felt the wind on his new face and sighed with contentment. He sauntered off and Enrique returned to his shop. He looked to the counter and saw Bobby's backpack and coat. He sighed and picked them up, looking towards the back room. They were mementos now, belonging to a man that no longer existed.
A few months have passed since the strange disappearence of Mr. Bobby Krauser. Many have suspected suicide, but no body can be found. Those that remember him hope that he may one day return and remember the best of times they can recall with him. Police managed to find his phone inside an old and long-abandoned café shop that closed a year ago, why it was there is a mystery, though no other leads can be found in this investigation. It has been discovered that Mr. Krauser's bank account had been emptied around 7pm the day he lost his job at a cashpoint within his hometown. It is unknown where Mr. Krauser went following his unjustified suspension from his previous job, but if he's out there still, we hope he has found peace. -DCI G. K. Ralser
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
Late nights: Simon "Ghost" Riley x gn reader
Another COD post? Yes, and this time it's longer. I recently started a new job where I work pretty late hours and I get home pretty late at night which has been messing with my sleep schedule but I thought I might as well make content out of it. I kept the job vague because I'm kinda lazy.
Warnings: Tired reader, fluff, comfort, maybe ooc Ghost
You got off your seven hour shift 20 minutes ago and you're finally home. It's around 12:30 in the morning and you know the minute you walk in the door Simon is going to wake up and come downstairs and tell you to be more quiet coming in when he quite literally can wake up from one of his hairs moving.
You turn off your car and get out, your feet feeling like they're going to break if you try to even take one more step. Your neck and back are stiff from picking up and moving so much all day long. You open the door and hang up your keys. Taking off your shoes you set them down and make your way upstairs. You can see your bedroom light on and you sigh, knowing a lecture is waiting for you. You're too exhausted and your feet hurt too much to bother showering tonight so you make your way into your bedroom and find your boyfriend sitting in bed, reading a book, waiting for you.
"Hey honey," You say taking off your work shirt and putting on one of your sleep shirts, "I'm sorry I woke you up. I really tried to be as quiet as I could be." You take off your work pants next and put on pajama pants before walking over to your bed and collapsing onto the mattress. You often complained about how it was too firm for you, but tonight it felt like heaven against your tired body.
"Don't be too sorry about it. I couldn't sleep anyway," He sets his book down and turns his attention over to you and your aching body and mind, "I assume you're very tired at the moment." You can't even nod, you just groan in agreement.
"I swear I need to start working different shifts. Sleeping in isn't this worth it." You shut your eyes as you feel Simon's large hand move to your shoulder and start to massage it. You sigh in pleasure as you feel yourself start to fall asleep. His soothing motions and the soft hum of the fan on your ceiling mixing together into the most beautiful harmony of sleep.
Eventually you're passed out and Ghost turns off his lamp, laying down next to you and falling asleep himself.
You wake up the next morning to Simon spooning you from behind. You smile to yourself and roll over onto your other side to face him. He obviously wakes up and smiles back at you. Your body aches but you're ignoring it the best you can.
"Good morning Simon. I hope you know I have to get up soon from the way you're holding me so tight." He groans and pulls you in closer against him.
"You're not getting out of bed today. You've been working all week. I want to treat you." He says in his low morning voice, his accent just making it hotter to hear.
"So we're just going to lay here in bed all morning?" You ask, rubbing your hands up and down his back.
"You're staying in bed for the day. I'm doing everything else for you." You pull away from him to look him in the eye. He's completely serious.
"Simon you can't really expect me to let you do everything yourself today honey. I'd feel bad if I didn't try to help you at least a little bit."
"I'm really expecting you to take today off and just relax baby," He presses a kiss to your forehead, "Just let me take care of you." You sigh and press back into him.
"Alright fine. Just stay here for a little while longer."
"That I can do.
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soemthingsparkly · 6 months
The Hermit Coffee Co. Pt 1
I got made redundant without entitlement to redundancy pay a couple days ago so I needed to make comfort art so have this hermit coffee shop chatfic I spent most part of the evening on
Grian and Mumbo 10 Nov 23 7:32am
Grian: guess who got the fucking job then
Mumbo: was it you
Grian: of course it was me
Mumbo: nice
The Hermit Coffee Co. 10 Nov 23 8:04am
Grian has been added to The Hermit Coffee Co.
Xisuma: Everybody welcome Grian to the team. He'll be working weekday afternoons, with the occasional weekend shift.
Joe™: welcome to the gang, Grian :B
CleoZo: hey fresh meat!
Impulse: Hey Grian, will be nice to finally meet you :)
Grian: hey guys! im excited to get started
ScarGT and Mumbo 10 Nov 23 10:31am
ScarGT: ahoyhoy MumboJumbo
Mumbo: Scar, I told you to stop calling me that
ScarGT: but it's your name, is it not?
Mumbo: when we were freshmen, scar
ScarGT: pish posh! you're never too old for a nickname sir jumbo
Mumbo: hello scar what can I do for you today?
ScarGT: so this grain fellow - is this your British friend?
Mumbo: …
Mumbo: yes
ScarGT: intresting intresting
Mumbo: is it?
ScarGT: why of course!
ScarGT: gaining a new member to our little bodare is always exciting!
Mumbo: bodwhat?
Mumbo: nevermind
Mumbo: don't scare him away immediately, okay? you lot are intense as it is
ScarGT: I can't believe you'd suggest such a thing mumbo!
ScarGT: I would never do such a thing as that
ScarGT: the fact that you think I would is inconcivebel
ScarGT: inconsievible
ScarGT: I can't consieve of it!
Mumbo: oh yeah? and what did you do when Bdubs started?
ScarGT: …
ScarGT: Well
ScarGT: Hm
ScarGT: In my defence I didn't realise Cub had already poured two shots in beforehand
ScarGT: I didn't know it even was possible for eyes to blow out like that in real life!
Mumbo: see you tomorrow Scar
Mumbo: and it's Grian by the way
ScarGT: what did I say?
ScarGT: dang it
The Hermit Coffee Co. 12 Nov 23 9:01am
Xisuma: Shipment of coffee coming in tomorrow. Should arrive after lunch rush. Can someone who's on let me know and I'll come and put it in storage.
Joe™: yessir
Xisuma: Thanks Joe.
Grian and Mumbo 12 Nov 23 9:12am
Mumbo: Sorry in advance for whatever shenanigans are inflicted on you tomorrow
Grian: well thats ominous
Mumbo: I'd warn you ahead of time but I don't know what he might have planned
Mumbo: just don't drink anything Scar makes for you
Grian: who
Grian: oh wait thats your college buddy right?
Grian: ye ol American Frat Bro™
Mumbo: we were not a frat
Grian: werent you?
Mumbo: we weren’t
Grian: just a house full of nerdy frat bros getting wasted and redstoned together
Mumbo: it wasn't a frat, we were just living together
Mumbo: we were roommates
Grian: and they were roommates
Mumbo: I'm not having this conversation with you again
Grian: remember the time you rang me at like three in the morning because you were on a four day bender with the boys
Grian: and you were off your face
Grian: and you kept saying you wanted to tell me something but you couldn’t remember what and you kept dropping in sentences about redstone from conversations you’d had hours before
Grian: do you remember that Mumbo
Grian: do you
Mumbo: …
Mumbo: in my defence that was Tango's idea
Mumbo: and also it wasn't a bender, it was a swarm session and it was finals and
Mumbo: why am I explaining myself to you again
Mumbo: I'm not explaining this to you again
Grian: what was it you guys called it again?
Mumbo: don't make me say it
Grian: something beginning with a J
Mumbo: Java Circuit
Mumbo: but it was a joke
Mumbo: not a frat!
Grian: hahahahahahahahaha
Java Circuit -1 12 Nov 23 11:13am
Tango added Impulse Tango added Skizz Tango added Zeddaph Tango added ScarGT
Tango: So this is definitely the guy Mumbo's been crushing on for years right?
Skizz: Oh absolutely
Impulse: Most definitely.
Zeddaph: What guy?
Impulse: Zed, you really need to start reading the work chat.
Zeddaph: Well I would if it wasn't all weekday admin stuff I don't need to know!
Tango: what else do you expect from a weekend boy?
Tango: Hey, Z, why don't you pull yourself away from that PhD of yours for two seconds and pay attention to something that actually matters?
Skizz: XD
Zeddaph: oh right yes my apologies
Zeddaph: how dare I seek to expand my mind and pursue an academic career
Zeddaph: may the heavens forgive me
Tango: forgiven
Tango: now go read
Zeddaph: alright alright I'm going
Impulse: :)
Skizz: I'm gonna interfere
Impulse: Skizz, no, leave them alone!
Tango: ahaha
Skizz: aw come on impy
Impulse: Be nice!
Skizz: what do you mean be nice?? I am being nice!
Skizz: If our beloved MJ needs some gentle nudging then consider me a nudger
ScarGT: what's this?
Zeddaph: okay okay I'm caught up
Zeddaph: hang on a second, Skizz doesn't even work at the shop 
Zeddaph: how does he know before me!
Skizz: because I pay attention
Impulse: Yeah and because he thrives on workplace gossip.
Skizz: and that, yes
ScarGT: wait what are you guys talking about?
Impulse: Sorry, Scar. We’re talking about Mumbo’s old friend.
Tango: Mumbo's old British friend
Tango: the one that's starting tomorrow
Skizz: little mumby's loverboy
ScarGT: what?
ScarGT: you mean Grian?
Impulse: Yeah tango thinks mumbo is crushing on him.
Skizz: as we all do.
Impulse: As do we.
ScarGT: why do you think that?
Tango: scar, are you serious?
Tango: the guy basically funded his move here
Tango: they're always texting
Tango: they were basically always on call during senior year
ScarGT: well sure
ScarGT: but
ScarGT: I just assumed they were good friends
ScarGT: like Skizz and Impulse!
Skizz: yes but you forget an important part of that comparison scarface
ScarGT: what?
Skizz: me and impy are special
Tango: jeez get a room you guys
Impulse: Okay, but in Scar's defence, they could just be good friends. We’re jumping the gun a little. 
Tango: nope, no way
Skizz: I know what love looks like, impulse
Tango: it looks like a fully grown moustached-man mooning over the tawny haired British guy on his computer screen
Skizz: this is what love looks like, impulse
ScarGT: you really think Mumbo's in love with him?
Impulse: At least a crush, maybe.
Skizz: absolutely head over heels
Tango: I mean think about it Scar
Tango: if Mumbo wasn't trying to hide something, why haven't we met the guy yet? 
Tango: He's been in the country for at least a week now
Tango: and there was plenty of opportunity to introduce us over call, too
Tango: you know why we haven’t met him yet, scar? 
ScarGT: why?
Tango: its because Mumbo can't control his broody face around him
Tango: also wheres @Zeddaph gone?
Skizz: he's afraid of love
Tango: coward
Tango: @Zeddaph
Zeddaph: Hello yes
Zeddaph: would you believe this weekend boy is working his weekend shift?
Zeddaph: I'll catch up with your mother's meeting when I don't have a queue out the door thanks very much
Skizz: …
Tango: weekend waster
Skizz: total weekend waster
Grian and Mumbo 12 Nov 23 10:44pm
Grian: [image attachment]
Grian: this kind of thing is good for tomorrow, right?
Mumbo: yeah, looks ace mate
Grian: alright cool
Grian: why am I nervous about this?
Mumbo: new jobs are scary?
Grian: I've done scarier things
Mumbo: well yeah but it's a big group of new people in a high pressure setting you’re not familiar with yet
Mumbo: I think you have every reason to be nervous
Mumbo: but don't worry, I start at 10, so I'll be there before you and we'll close down together later :)
Mumbo: it's all going to be good, I promise
Mumbo: the guys can be a little intense but I know you're gonna love them
Mumbo: they're absolutely insane so you'll fit right in
Grian: pfft thanks
Mumbo: don't mention it :)
Mumbo: are you gonna knock off soon?
Grian: I'll try but I've been having vivid dreams again
Grian: like I'm stuck in a confined space and I feel compelled to
Grian: anyway
Grian: yeah I'll sleep soon probably
Mumbo: you want to call? don't mind keeping it on overnight if you need it
Grian: I'll be okay I think
Grian: Pearl's TV is on in her bedroom and it's actually kind of soothing lol
Grian: feels normal I guess
Grian: what I assume is normal anyway lmao
Mumbo: alright
Mumbo: listen I'll probably be awake for a bit anyway, Zed's sent me part of a manuscript he wants me to have a glance over so just text me if you need me
Mumbo: I should probably be heading off soon myself but you know I can't help myself with this kind of stuff
Grian: you can't ignore the call of a Java Circuit brother
Mumbo: ha ha
Mumbo: that's not what I meant but I know you know that and I know you're making fun of me so i won’t bite
Grian: ;)
Grian: just get some sleep, yeah?
Grian: I'm gonna need you to make sure I don't make a fool of myself tomorrow
Grian: not that I will, obviously, but just in case
Mumbo: I'll make sure you don't make an absolute spoon of yourself mate, don't worry
Grian: cool thanks
Grian: alright I'm gonna crash
Grian: I'll see you tomorrow
Grian: don't stay up too late
Mumbo: sure thing
Mumbo: Night Gri
Grian: Night Mumbo
Grian and Mumbo 13 Nov 23 2:44pm
Joe™ and Wels 13 Nov 23 2:45pm
Joe™: are they… texting each other across the room?
Wels: I try my best to keep my head down and not to get involved
Joe™: that's sensible
Wels: yeah i think so
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Midoriya-sensei AU
Chapter 12: Sports Day
I've decided I'm going to officially change updates to the 15th of every month, because I just don't have to time to post twice a month considering the chapters seem to be getting longer (who's fault could that be? ^^') and I don't want to disappoint
Also, I made a POLL regarding a minor side plot, so let me know if you're interested or not!
Part 11 | Ao3 | Part 13
[Sunday 8th October]
Me [1812]: I'm sorry im watching ths news and.erm did you jut use YOUR FIRE???
Me [1813]: Thats so amazing you look great I'm so proud of you!
Me [1814]: I will be screaming to you about this next time I see you but for now I'll just scream over text
Shoto-kun 🙏 [1833]: 🔥
Izuku, understandably, felt extra excited when he walked into work Monday morning. It had been over a week and not only had Shoto taken what he’d said to heart, but he’d actually started training his fire!
Initially, Izuku had been concerned—Shoto’s replies had been slow and abrupt since their hangout, and Fuyumi had even noticed that he’d been staying back at the agency later than usual—but after his friend’s shift yesterday evening, a phone call had quickly put those worries to rest. It turned out that Shoto had simply spent the past week training his left side; he’d even called for private coaching from Eraserhead and Endeavour, the latter of which was surprising but logical.
‘He’s not a complete bastard wank anymore, and what good is my father if I can’t take advantage of his knowledge?’ He could practically hear the shrug in Shoto’s voice. ‘He was pretty helpful, and Eraser was his usual brutal self. I learnt a lot.’
‘I’m really glad!’ Izuku’s cheeks hurt from smiling. ‘So you’re feeling more confident?’
‘The past week’s been hell, and I still have a lot of catching up to do, but yeah.’ A pause. ‘I feel confident to begin using my… my fire, in the field.’
Izuku honestly couldn’t wait to see Shoto’s growth. He was already so proud of his friend, and he knew his family would be too, especially Rei. It was a huge step—he was going to need to compile a new notebook dedicated solely to Shoto's left side.
He was still grinning about it, even as he walked across the field, setting up the obstacle course for the students.
Part of Izuku was also thankful for the timing, as Shoto's news was what was currently suppressing the anxiety bubbling in his stomach. After all, today was sports day, and while the event was typically one of his favourites in the academic calendar, they were also using it to implement their last minute plan to help Hiru.
They couldn't afford for anything to go wrong.
‘Hey.’ Fuyumi walked over, smiling gently. She’d already finished helping one of the other teachers set up the beanbag toss. ‘How’re you doing?’
‘Ask me again in approximately eight hours.’ He chuckled humorlessly as he lined up the tunnels, before positioning the skipping ropes on the other side. 'I'll be honest, I'm feeling a nervous poop coming.'
'You sound like Natsuo.' She snorted, immediately reaching down to help him with the equipment.
‘I’ll take that as a complement.’ He stuck his tongue out in response. ‘Thanks.’
His lower body grumbled with discomfort and he pulled a face. ‘Once this is finished, I’ll pop over. Just the sacks left after this.’
‘Don’t worry about it, I’ll finish off here.’ Despite her kindness, there was an assertive air to her voice which told Izuku that she wasn’t accepting no for an answer.
That was fine with him.
‘Really? Thank you! You’re the best honestly!’ He immediately dropped everything and ran to the building. Once inside, he beelined for the staff toilets. ‘Thank fuck…’
Once he was finished, Izuku checked his phone to find that it was only a few minutes before the first bell. Luckily, his classroom wasn’t too far. Anxiety still lingered in his body—he suspected it would for the duration of the school day—but it wasn’t overwhelming; he still smiled brightly as he greeted his students and took the register, before leading them to the assembly hall. They had all come to school in their PE kits, so it was rather amusing to see them wearing their usual school shoes instead of their trainers, due to being inside.
Izuku then took his place next to Fuyumi, like clockwork, and the two of them watched the other students filter in.
‘Did you get sorted okay?’
‘Yeah, all good.’ She shrugged. ‘Did you have a good poop?’
‘Y’know, I’m still not sure… but I certainly needed it.’ He answered shamelessly. There wasn’t really a filter between them at this point—they’d seen their students do more horrifying things over the years.
The Head soon began with the usual topics—reminding the faculty about the HQA information session that was coming up in a few weeks—before he eventually brought up the giant elephant in the room.
‘I can practically hear you all vibrating with excitement, even without my quirk, so no point delaying. As you’re aware, today is sports day!' He paused while the students cheered. 'This year, however, we’ve put a special twist on it…’
Usually, grades were kept separate—the two classes competing against each other—but this time, there would be four distinct teams: Lemillion, consisting of classes 2B, 3A and 4B; Dynamite, including classes 2A, 3B and 4B; Shoto, of which Fuyumi’s class, 1B, was a part of, as well as 5B and 6A; and All Might, encompassing the final three classes—Izuku had been fierce in his demand to be put on the latter team. So, while each grade would still go around each activity together as a whole, the allotted points they’d accumulate went to their designated teams.
That meant that Hiru and his antagonists had to rely on each other to win, and the prize was a trophy for each winning class.
The formal reason behind the team set-up was to encourage the different grades to support each other and build a rapport. Hopefully, it might also allow certain individuals to reflect on their differences.
‘Now that you all have your teams, it’s time for the schedule.’ The Head brought up the next powerpoint side, showing a table. ‘Some of you will notice that your homeroom teacher is running an activity. That is why each grade will walk around together. So, for example, grade one will follow Todoroki-sensei, while Midoriya-sensei runs the obstacle course. Make sense?'
A sea of heads immediately bobbed up and down.
The Head smiled. 'Great! Now, your teacher will also have a copy of the schedule, so there's no need to memorise it…'
There were a few more minutes of technicalities—a few kids clearly becoming impatient—before everyone was finally released. While Fuyumi gathered their students together, Izuku quickly made his way back out to the field, along with a few other teachers. Some parents were already congregating around the activities, eager to support their kids. He smiled in greeting and exchanged pleasantries with a few, but otherwise remained silent as he waited.
He rocked back and forth on his feet, imagining all the different outcomes of the day. Hiru was the fastest runner in his grade—probably the older ones too—due to his quirk. That was why they’d deliberately scheduled the whole school for the relay race at the end of the day. That way, they could set it up so each team could cheer each other on for the final event.
His thoughts were interrupted before he could truly get lost in them, as a flock of children suddenly swarmed the field.
There were five other events, not including the obstacle course and relay. Tug of war was fairly self-explanatory, as was dance; along with the bean bag toss—throw as many beanbags into your team’s basket as possible before the time runs out—and the cavalry battle. Admittedly though, the latter wouldn’t be as impressive as UA’s infamous cavalry battle due to the lack of quirk usage.
The event that was often the most confusing for foreign students was oodama, but that was just because of the name, which was just “giant ball”. Essentially, each team had to carry a giant inflatable ball together to the goal point; if they dropped it, they’d have to start again. Izuku really hoped Hiru had brought along his personalised cover for his quills, otherwise they might have some issues with that one.
‘Namaste, Midoriya-sensei!’
He smiled as the sixth graders surrounded him, all bowing simultaneously. They were the year below his previous homeroom class—when he’d had India for global month—so naturally, they’d all joined in during the legendary “Namaste phase” and made sure not to let it die out entirely.
Indulging them, he put his palms together and bowed.
‘Namaste, bachche! How're you all doing?'
He snorted when they immediately began speaking over each other—clearly excited—and waited until they’d all calmed down before taking them through the usual rules. There would be six races, with roughly ten students per race. Then, the winner of each race would enter the final, and points would be assigned based on their placement.
It wasn’t too difficult considering the sixth graders had already done the course before—with just a few minor changes—but once they’d moved on, his next group was the first graders.
‘Hey, Sensei!’ His students greeted excitedly. ‘We just did our dance routine!’
‘Did you?’ He gasped. ‘How did it go?’
‘It went really well!’ Hana jumped up and down. ‘Our parents all watched as well, which was super fun! Okaasan took pictures!’
‘We didn’t win though.’ Haku pouted, crossing his arms as class B joined them.
‘It was really close!’ Fuyumi tried to placate. ‘You were all really good! Like professional dancers!’
‘Like Pinky?’ Izuku offered, knowing his students would appreciate the comparison. When Fuyumi quickly agreed, they brightened up significantly, and he explained the rules.
It ended up being a close one, but after the first set of races, the finalists were decided: four from class B and two from A. Luckily though, Hiru and Touta managed to bag the top two spots, bringing the scores to a tie as they went off to the next activity. Izuku waved farewell as he quickly prepared everything for the second graders.
By the time lunch came around and the scores were tallied, team All Might were in joint second with Dynamight, while team Shoto was in the lead. It was pretty close, which was to be expected—especially to build suspense and competition—but it still made Izuku nervous.
His leg was twitching.
'Stop overthinking.' Fuyumi nudged him from where they were sitting: a picnic bench in the playground, as the children played around them. 'We've set everything in motion, it's up to the kids now.'
'I know.' He sighed, exasperated. 'But I'm a worrier!'
'And I'm not?' She scoffed with a laugh. 'Come on. There's nothing else you can do for now.'
'Only because I haven't thought of something yet.' He argued weakly.
Maybe there was some way he could figure out a plan to have the different grades work together, or set up an ethical way to jeopardise-
‘Nope. Not going there.' Fuyumi interjected, before slurping up more noodles. He must've been staring at his bento for too long and mumbling out loud. 'Tell you what, I'll change the subject. How was your weekend?’
Not even subtle… but Izuku chose to take the bait. Worrying made his stomach hurt.
‘Pretty uneventful…’ He shrugged, using his chopsticks to move his food around. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't quite keep the smile from his face as his mind recalled a certain hero. ‘Y’know, other than the obvious. You?’
‘Yeah, I was pretty much the same.’ She laughed halfheartedly. 'You really must be nervous for Hiru, considering you haven't even brought up Shoto until now, and that was with some prompting.'
'I've just not had the time to properly gush about it.' He placed a hand over his chest, then eyed his friend cautiously. 'Plus, I wanted to check first: how're you feeling about it?'
She flashed him a grateful smile, then shook her head affectionately.
'It's… I'm feeling hopeful, I think.' She pursed her lips, pondering. ‘It was just… surprising, to say the least. As you know, we were all concerned about him the past week, but then, before he went to work yesterday, he told us to keep an eye on the news and promised that it was nothing bad…' Her tone turned sarcastic. 'That didn't worry us at all.’
‘Of course.’
‘So we kept the tv on during dinner, then all of a sudden, okaasan called my name, and I rushed in, and on the screen was Shoto using his fire to catch a villain, like some kind of fever dream!’
She hesitated then; Izuku tilted his head to the side.
‘Was that good or bad?’
‘Oh, definitely good!’ She was quick to clarify, then looked down at her noodles in thought. ‘We just… never expected it. Shoto had always been so against using it in combat. Something must’ve happened.’
She paused and slowly looked up to meet Izuku’s eyes. ‘Hang on.’
He chuckled nervously.
Her eyes narrowed. ‘You never said what your argument was about when you hung out at the house, just that you disagreed on something. Come on, spill.’
As she looked at him expectantly, Izuku tapped his index fingers together and bounced his legs under the table.
‘He kinda… told me about why he didn’t use his fire, so I kinda… to sum it up, basically called him immature and explained why he was being dumb.’
‘I know, it was stupid, I don’t know what I was doing. I guess I was just…’ He faltered. His phone buzzed in his pocket, but he ignored it. 'I was just…'
‘Being your usual self.’ Fuyumi eventually finished for him, causing him to look at her quizzically. ‘He’s needed telling for years, but he’s stubborn and all of us were afraid of the consequences. Our family’s been through so much, we didn’t want to risk breaking it again.’
She sighed. ‘After everything that happened, I think he’d resigned himself to not using his left side… because otherwise he’d have to admit to not “giving it his all” against Touya. He didn't "try hard enough" to save him, if that makes sense?’
‘I didn’t think about that.’ Izuku murmured, guilt immediately washing over him as he slapped his forehead. ‘Of course he feels responsible for what happened, and I was so insensitive.’
He groaned, twitching as he recalled the argument. He made several more little noises of annoyance and shook his head. Fuck, it’s a wonder he doesn’t hate me…
Fuyumi regarded him carefully, chewing the inside of her cheek. She was used to his stimming by now, so didn't mention it, which he was thankful for.
‘I don’t know what you said specifically.’ She began slowly. ‘But whatever it was… it worked, so don’t beat yourself up too much like I know you’re currently doing.’
‘You know me too well.’ Izuku snorted. 'Gahhh, I just… he looked so sad and angry.'
‘He’s been sad and angry for a while, but he used to be worse.’ She conceded, but her tone wasn't accusatory. ‘Therapy has done most of the work to get him where he is today, but he’s always been so adamant about his fire… until now. You don’t need to feel bad for telling him what he needed to hear, promise.’
Izuku tightened his lips and searched her expression.
‘Are you really sure?’
She snorted.
‘If Shoto hated you, you’d know it by now.’ She told him simply. ‘Has he messaged you today?’
Izuku paused.
‘Well, yeah... He wanted to wish me luck.’
‘All right, all right, fine.’ Izuku smiled despite himself, as he took his phone out of his pocket. ‘It was really thoughtful-’
He paused when he realised Shoto had actually messaged him a few minutes ago.
‘Yeah, he fretted over the wording for ten minutes this morning.’ Fuyumi divulged—Izuku doubted her brother wanted him to know that little bit of information—before taking a sip from her drink. ‘So you’ve got nothing to worry about… and I know that smile, you’re looking at his messages, aren’t you?’
‘Hush.’ He stuck his tongue out, but before he could unlock his phone, one of his students suddenly appeared at his side. ‘Oh, hello, Nagisa-chan.’
‘Hi.’ She swung her arms out. ‘What happens when you die?’
Fuyumi choked on her drink, while Izuku just took a moment to process the question.
‘Erm… me specifically, or just people?’ Despite asking for clarification, the answer would remain the same: he didn’t have a clue.
‘Well, is it different for you?’ She tilted her head to the side.
Point taken.
‘I’ll be honest, Nagisa-chan, I’m not sure.’ He admitted. ‘That’s the thing about dying… you can’t really come back and let everyone know what happens.’
‘What about people who die and then they come back to life with the electric oven gloves.’
Izuku’s left eye twitched.
‘You mean a defibrillator?’ He asked, slowly.
‘I like my name better.’
‘Yeah, me too.’ Fuyumi chipped in.
Izuku hoped the name comment would distract her from the question, but alas, Nagisa continued to stare at him expectantly.
‘Er… well, I guess if they’re brought back to life, they couldn’t have been truly dead?’
‘Even Jesus?’
‘Do you… believe in Jesus?’
‘Not really.’ She sighed, looking over at where some students were playing hopscotch. ‘So what DOES happen when you die?’
Izuku bit his lip to prevent any muttering—he could go to various lengths about different religions and their beliefs, along with potential theories—but figured no one would appreciate that.
‘What do you think happens?’ He asked instead.
‘Hmmm.’ She placed a contemplative hand on her chin. ‘Probably… if you’re a good person, you turn into a dog or maybe a butterfly, but if you’re bad, you turn into… a wasp.’
‘A wasp?’
‘Yeah. No one likes wasps.’
‘What about good people who don’t like dogs?’ Fuyumi asked.
‘I guess… then maybe you turn into your favourite animal if you’re good.’ She twirled some of her hair around her finger. ‘And if you’re bad, you turn into something you don’t like.’
‘I can get behind that.’ Izuku agreed, then finally asked what had been on his mind since the start of the interaction. ‘What made you ask the question?’
‘My goldfish died last night.’ Nagisa pouted. ‘Okaasan flushed Floella down the toilet.’
‘That’s sad.’ Izuku frowned.
‘Yes, very.’ She put the hair she was playing with in her mouth and started chewing. ‘Anyway, see you later, sensei.’
Before he could say anything else, she sprinted off to join those playing hopscotch.
‘That was lovely.’ Fuyumi commented, as the two of them watched her go.
‘I think I have whiplash.’ Izuku deadpanned, before finally looking at his phone.
Shoto-kun 🙏 [1239]: Hope it’s going well
Me [1250]: So far so good! How’s work?
Shoto-kun 🙏 [1251]: On my lunch now, so can’t complain
‘Mei-chan, don’t you dare put that worm in your mouth!’ Fuyumi suddenly shouted, before bolting off towards the aforementioned student. ‘It’s every other day with this girl.’
Izuku snorted, then scanned the playground. The rest of the children seemed to be enjoying themselves, whilst most parents chatted with each other around the many picnic benches; some families stayed together, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Me [1253]: Same… 7 more minutes left tho
Shoto-kun 🙏 [1254]: That’s rough buddy
Shoto-kun 🙏 [1254]: What time do you get off?
Izuku furrowed his eyebrows.
‘Have you finished your lunch?’ Fuyumi was suddenly at his side, a little out of breath. When he nodded, she scooped up his container. ‘No problem, I’ll pop these back in the staffroom while you chat up my brother.’
‘I am not-’ He faltered when she quickly sped away out of earshot, then grumbled as he turned back to his phone. ‘I wish.’
Me [1255]: The school day finishes at 3 15 but I won’t be leaving till half past. Why?
He tapped the edge of his phone as he waited for a reply, periodically monitoring the students.
Shoto-kun 🙏 [1257]: Just wondering for when Fuyumi comes home
Izuku tried not to feel disappointed with the answer.
Me [1258]: Fair enough. Anyway, I gotta start rounding up the kids. Speak to you soon!
He quickly put his phone in his pocket and got to his feet.
Once everyone was organised and lunch was officially over, Izuku left the first graders with Fuyumi and jogged back over to the obstacle course, anticipating the fourth graders. In truth, he handled them relatively easily. They were especially boisterous, but the rowdiness didn't manifest into disobedience, and the parents watching from the sidelines cheered them on in good sport.
It wasn't until they left and grade five appeared that Izuku felt anxiety return. He tried not to let it show as he explained the rules to the students, who seemed particularly riled up, as teams All Might and Shoto were currently tying for first place.
'Ugh, I hope those annoying first graders don't ruin it for us!' One rolled his eyes, while his friend groaned with frustration.
'I bet they do! They're so useless!' Hiru hadn't provided him with names, but Izuku knew enough to suspect who the bullies were. 'Especially that mutant porcupine-'
'Have you got something you want to share with everyone?' Izuku interrupted, stern. When the rest of the grade turned to share at the duo, embarrassment flooded their cheeks and they shook their heads. Izuku tried not to pay attention to the way some parents turned to whisper to one another and even point at him. 'Well then, I hope you were discussing the rules, because it’s time to split into teams.'
His smile returned as he continued on with the event. However, his eyes did occasionally scan certain individuals for longer than he usually would.
'Is that him?' He'd hear some of the adults whisper. 'The Quirkless one?'
He'd heard similar questions and hushed comments throughout the day—not all malicious, mainly curious—but right now, Izuku was struggling to ignore them. Maybe it was because there were parents among them who were overtly and dangerously quirkist. Realistically, he knew that he was safe and that he was doing his job to the best of his ability, but he still felt like he was under the spotlight; if he fucked anything up in front of them, then he was setting a bad example for his fellow HQ community.
Luckily, whispers aside, the remaining forty five minutes passed without any incidents, and Izuku exhaled with relief once he was left to pack everything away while the students and parents made their way to the athletics track. It was only a brief interlude—it was easier putting everything away compared to setting it all up this morning—but he welcomed it all the same. It gave him a chance to briefly recharge and gather his bearings.
Once everything was sorted, he—along with a few other teachers who had also been on clean-up duty—jogged over to join the rest of the school. It was loud, many voices cheering and whooping. From the look and sound of it, the third graders were competing, which meant that there were only two more races left.
He hadn't missed the final then.
Izuku spotted the first graders sitting together with Fuyumi, and smiled as he strode over
'How's it going?' He nudged her gently and joined her on the grass, leaning back on his ankles. He tried not to alert the students of his presence so they could enjoy the race. 'Miss anything?'
'Your initial predictions were right, as usual.' She crossed her arms and nodded towards the blackboard by the finish line. 'If team Lemillion win, which looks like it's about to happen, then no matter how team Dynamight do in the grade two race, they still won't be higher than third. That puts our kids competing for the overall first place in the final round.'
'Seriously?' His eyes widened. 'I never expected it to go that smoothly, especially considering I don't know the other grades as well as ours.'
'Yeah, but I distinctly remember walking into your classroom after school to snap you out of your three hour strategizing session because housekeeping was about to kick you out.' Fuyumi shrugged. 'Once you get fixated on something, that's it, so I was pretty confident with what you'd come up with... even if it requires me having to console my poor students after their inevitable defeat.'
'Look, it's not my fault the fastest first grader is in my class.' Izuku grinned when Fuyumi mock sneered at him. 'I just hope it's worth it.'
His friend hummed, but didn't comment further, as the race came to an end. As expected, team Lemillion won—which meant both teams were out of the running for first—but that didn't prevent the second graders from giving it their absolute all in their race for third place. While that was going on though, Izuku tapped his class's four candidates on the shoulder.
'Hey, sensei!' Hana and Tomoyo both exclaimed, while Hiru waved.
'Are you here to escort us to the start line?' Touta asked, straight to the point.
'You bet I am!' He smiled, gesturing for them to get up. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Fuyumi do the same with her students. 'Are you ready?'
'Yes!' They jumped up.
'Do your best!' Haku called out, prompting the rest of the class to shout their good luck.
'I believe in you!' Nozomi pumped her fist. 'Show them what you're made of, Hiru!'
'Gotta go fast!' The aforementioned giggled, as they made their way around the course.
Instead of the typical 400m relay, they had painted a track half the size; therefore, to run a full lap, each student participating would run 50m. It was the ideal size, as it meant everyone had enough space to spectate, including the parents.
By the time they made it to the starting line, the penultimate race concluded, as teams Dynamight and Lemillion shouted accordingly—the cheers outweighing the groans of the losing team. Izuku wasn't quite sure who had won, until he heard Tomoyo inform Touta that Lemiilion had made a last minute comeback and had beat Dynamight by one point.
'Alright, everyone!' The Head announced through a loudspeaker; Izuku winced at the volume. 'Has everyone enjoyed today?' He paused as the field filled with whoops and excited "yeah"s, before continuing. 'It's time for our final race of the day and the battle for first place! Show some support for the first graders!'
Amongst the noise, the students got into position and the first runners were given their baton.
'I was telling the others about how you can start running before your partner gets to you.' Touta informed Izuku. 'That way, there's no stopping, which could slow the race down, but I also told them not to start running too early. Don't worry, we practised yesterday during playtime!'
'Is that so?' Izuku nodded in understanding. 'How did that go?'
'Very well! I'm confident we'll win!' Touta nodded firmly, before getting on the ground into the proper position, unlike the other student, who was just standing normally and side-eyeing him.
Izuku quickly stepped to the side and gave a thumbs up. Anticipation set in as the Head counted them down, and suddenly they were running. Touta—ever idolising Ingenium—had an intense look of concentration as he hand chopped with each stride; somehow not losing the baton.
True to his word, Tomoyo started running as he came closer—not too fast and with her arm stuck out ready—and the transition was fairly smooth. Despite Touta's start, the race was still neck and neck; the class B girl running against Tomoyo was very fast—Izuku could feel Fuyumi’s smirk from here—so they quickly took the lead. His heart almost burst as Tomoyo’s face went red in her attempt to frantically catch up, but it was no use.
It wasn’t over yet though. Once the baton went to Hana, they were able to make back some of the gap. By this point, everyone was cheering and shouting—Izuku included, whilst trying not to let the desperation show in his voice—hoping for victory. Hana did well to pick up their pace, and once Hiru started running, nothing could stop him; he easily overtook his opponent and sprinted towards the finish line. His quills shook where his sports shirt had been modified, his nose bounced with each step, but his face was determined, focusing only on one goal.
Izuku looked around him, searching everyone else’s expressions. Most were watching with amazement, others with delight, whilst those on team Shoto were clutching their heads in anguish. When his eyes scanned over the fifth graders from earlier, he was glad to see them staring at Hiru with wide eyes; their mouths agape with shock. That was progress, at least, and when Hiru crossed the finish line—an easy victory—they punched their fists in the air and cheered with everyone else.
Izuku let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding and turned back to Hiru—who was being crowded by the rest of class A—and joined them in their congratulations, making sure to commend the other runners as well. The background noise all mingled into one, so once he'd said his piece, Izuku made his way back to Fuyumi, a smile on his face…
Until he passed the adults.
'To let a mutant participate in this event is ridiculous.' He overheard one of the parents complain. 'They clearly have an unfair advantage.'
‘Exactly! That’s what I’ve been saying for the past three years!’ Another chimed in. 'They should have their own category or something, especially when the normal kids aren't allowed to use their quirks.'
Izuku's jaw tightened and he turned.
'Excuse my intrusion.' His heart pounded against his chest. What was he doing? 'But I hardly think a children's sports day warrants any extra categories based purely on physical attributes—we don’t split the beanbag toss up depending on height, after all. Plus, one member of class B's relay team also had a heteromorph quirk, so I don't think there was any "unfair" advantage.'
'Of course you would think that.' The first parent rolled her eyes. 'Everyone has an advantage over someone quirkless, so it's all the same to you.'
Wow, no hesitation there.
That stung, but Izuku wasn't about to submit.
'I have a joint-honours degree in both teaching and quirk studies, with a postgraduate specialisation in the development of quirks.' He replied, easily. 'So I don't think you can just write me off as not knowing what I'm talking about simply because I'm quirkless, which is a prejudiced argument if I've ever heard one.'
'Well if you're so smart, then you should know about how these genetic mutations are illnesses-'
'Illnesses?' He couldn't help but scoff. 'Do you believe everything Speak Out tell you? Do you know the studies they cite are super dodgy and often anecdotal?'
'That's because the scientists doing peer reviews are politically motivated.'
'No, it's because the studies' methods are shi- rubbish, and the word "illness" is thrown around too liberally.' Izuku remained steadfast. Luckily, they hadn't attracted a crowd yet, but he could tell some of the other parents were looking at them. 'Anyone with critical thinking knows that.'
'Are you saying I have no critical thinking?'
'Well, if the shoe f-'
'Midoriya-sensei.' Fuyumi suddenly appeared at his side, her smile placating. 'Why don't you let me take over? Kimura-san and Shimizu-san’s children are in my class. I'll meet you in the staffroom.'
She looked at him deliberately, but Izuku didn't retreat straight away. He held her gaze for a few seconds first, clearly not happy about the situation.
Casting the parents one final glance, he took his leave. As he made his way through the crowd though, he clenched his fists tightly and bit the inside of his cheek to prevent any angry muttering.
It's always one step forward, two fucking steps back.
'So, you told me to ask again in eight hours.' Fuyumi said as they walked out of the school building. 'How're you doing?'
Izuku sighed, kicking a small stone.
'At least the kids are acting in a friendly way.' He tried to focus on the positives. 'Those fifth graders even called Hiru cool.'
'Yes… But that's not what's on your mind.' Fuyumi stated pointedly. 'It's that conversation with the parents that would’ve escalated if I hadn’t intervened.'
Izuku chuckled humorlessly, still staring at the ground.
'You got me.' He conceded, spreading his palms in surrender. 'It was just so frustrating.'
'I know.' Fuyumi waved at the school caretaker over by the bins, prompting Izuku to also wave politely. 'I wasn't able to talk much sense into them after you left, I'll be honest, but I pointed them to the information session we'll be hosting—they said they'll be there.'
'You stop that now.' She swatted him without any real malice. 'You were the one who…'
Izuku turned to look at her when she trailed off, only to find her staring at the school gate, mouth agape. Confused, he followed her gaze and baulked when he saw red and white hair.
The aforementioned was leant against the wall, still in his hero costume, and scrolling through his phone. When he noticed them approaching, however, he pocketed the device and nodded in greeting.
'What a lovely surprise.' Fuyumi sounded almost amused. 'What brings you to this side of the world?'
'Midoriya told me what time you'd both be finishing, so I thought I'd walk home with you.' Shoto answered easily, like this was perfectly normal behaviour. 'I figured if he was going to scream at me, may as well do it in front of an audience.'
'Scream?' Izuku took a moment to process what he meant. 'Ooooh, the texts. I said I'd scream at him next time I saw him because he used his fire… Good screaming.'
'I was beginning to worry.' Fuyumi snorted. 'Good idea. Izuku could definitely do to let off some steam with a distraction.'
Shoto's expression immediately shifted into concern.
'That bad?'
Izuku sighed.
'I'll tell you about it later, but for now…' He paused for dramatic effect. 'Tell me everything about your fire!'
By the time they parted ways—the Todorokis turning left at the crossroads and Izuku going straight on—he couldn't deny he was definitely in a better mood than he had been an hour ago.
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 5 months
Part 2: The Kindness
*Disclaimer for talk of death of loved ones and performing CPR. I don't want to upset anybody. I'm just writing things that pop into my head ❤️
I'm sitting on the floor in Julie and Tom's living room. I'm wearing the scrubs I've been sweating in for 12 plus hours. I was supposed to work a double shift today, but they sent me home because I was inconsolable. This day couldn't have been any worse. I'm not sobbing, but I'm on the verge. Hot tears are streaming down my cheeks. Whatever little makeup I wear is smeared all over my face. Julie is sitting with me. She's in her scrubs as well. We both experienced something truly awful today. It's not the first time, but it's infrequent enough that it will never get easier.
I hear Tom walk in. "What the hell happened? Are two alright" he rushes to Julie and she stands to hug him. Someone else sits down on the floor next to me. It feels familiar but I can't place it. I'm staring ahead. I feel numb.
Julie speaks softly. "We uh...we lost a patient today" she starts crying for the first time today. "Nat was doing CPR on her...." She trails off.
I look up and my tear streaked face meets Evan's face. Oh. I didn't even realize he was here. The concern on his face brings a new wave of tears. I speak as well as I can.
"I uh..I did CPR on her for 25 minutes." I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "I cracked her ribs. I thought oh that will bring her back, that hurts like hell, right? When you don't respond to your ribs being cracked then I guess ..." I don't continue that thought.
"We are trained to keep doing CPR for as long as we can. Especially when we know a family member is on their way. It shows we are trying. We have to use our judgement" Julie explains.
Evan is listening but his eyes do not leave me. Not once. He stands and holds his hand out. I take it. He helps me off the floor and then he sits me on the couch and takes a place next to me.
I speak again. Barely able to talk. "The worse part was when her husband came into the room. Julie called TOD and I saw him sway. I knew his legs were giving out. I instinctually jumped down and caught him. Sat him on the floor and held him".
I'm sobbing now. "He kept....he kept screaming her name. And then he kept repeating 'what am I gonna tell our 4 year old? How do I tell her mommy isn't coming home?'" I can barely breathe. Evan wraps his arms around me and pulls me to his chest.
"I can't stop hearing him scream. His raw pain. She was beautiful and I know he must have adored her. I whispered to her that I'm sorry I cracked her ribs. I feel so numb and paralyzed. Am I in shock?"
"You might be honey" Julie says
I'm a mess. Evan hugs me tighter. He's planting soft kisses on the top of my head. I can feel his heart racing. I allow him to hold me and he doesn't even shift for the longest time. He starts singing to me. I know it's to try and put something else in my head. I've never heard the song, but it's comforting.
I finally pull away. Mascara stains my face. I'm red and swollen. I look at the clock and its been hours since I've been here. "How long have you been sitting with me?" I ask Evan.
"Hour and a half maybe?" He replies.
I just stare at him. He asks me what's on my mind.
"You're a really kind man, do you know that?" I say to him. He's staring into my eyes. His eyebrows are furrowed.
"You barely know me and you just sat with me for over an hour and sang to me so I could not hear horrible things in my head." New tears.
He shakes his head but he's speechless
"I don't know where you came from but I appreciate you and I always will" I say.
oh my this one 😭
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 1 year
75 for dayasco please if you’re still doing them
yes i still am! got a few i still need to do and
75. “You… You just kissed me.” 
"Bos! You're never going to believe what happened today!" Daya said, running into the apartment and jumping onto the couch with her. Bosco was startled from the book they were reading by the tall girl plopped into her lap.
"Jesus Daya! Careful. I'm a weak Victorian child, don't go snapping my bones."
"Sorry." The blonde gave a sheepish smile. "But anyways, can I tell you?"
"You're going to tell me anyways." The dark haired girl chuckled. "Tell me everything, Betty."
"Oh my god you will not believe any of it!" Daya started rambling on and on about something Willow said and drama at work while Bosco tried to listen. The blonde was going a million miles a minute and they had to smile at her. She was so energetic and touchy after work.
They’ve been friends for years so when Bosco said she was looking for a roommate, the spot was basically Dayas without question. They fell into a familiar routine and it was strangely domestic. Catching up after work, reminding each other about appointments, even texting about the cats being demons.
It filled Bosco with a warm and fuzzy feeling she never wanted to live without. She looked at Daya and smiled softly. Her hand was rubbing her back gently and she raised her other hand up and cradled Dayas cheek.
The blonde stopped mid story at the touch, looking over at Bosco with wide eyes. “Bos? What’re you-“
Then she felt soft lips against her own and it made her brain short circuit. They parted after a moment and Bosco smiled at her. “Sorry about that. Keep going with your story.”
“You… you just kissed me.”
“And?” Daya blinked at her, shock all over her face. “Keep going with your story baby. I wanna hear it all.”
Daya smiled softly. “Okay.” She said in a quiet voice. Her hand found Boscos and she held on tight, talking about the rest of her day. She never thought it’d end like this after a 12 hour shift but she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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sp00kygr33n · 6 months
I am drunk and sad so I'm gonna vent cause this is my blog and I can do whatever the fuck I want to
(Sorry to interrupt your scrolling)
So like it's christmas fucking eve and like some of my friends went home and they are sending photos of their nice dinners and gifts under the trees and shit and like. I gkt explicitly told to not come to my family's christmas
Not like I wanted to but you know. Rejection hurts even when you try to do rejection first
And like one of my online friends was very sad abot me not getting any gifts really (me and my friends had secret santa at the beggining of the month and I don't want to sound ungrateful but it did feel underwhelming cause my gift didn't even get wrapped it was just in a messed up cardboard box and I did feel a bit hurt but this is so evil of me to think because someone spent their time and money on me I just....)
So like. Gift giving is my primarly love language. When I was a kid, people throwing gifts at me was the only indication they cared about me (even if it was to win a divorce). So I learned early on that if I give someone something, they will know I care about them. I'm bad at showing it otherwise. I keep wishlists for everyone and every time they are like "oh i want xyz!" I will make a note and then I slowly get them things for like birthday or when they're down or when I just have some extra money. I think I perfected gift giving. I will color cooridinate the item and some additional things like candy or face masks or nice candles. I will pick up the expensive shiny wrapping paper. I care so much about giving people gifts. And I think that becuase I couldn't even afford proper food in december, surviving or one serving of plain rice or pasta a day while working 12 hour shifts, I didn't feel the holiday spirit at all cause I failed everyone and couldn't give them gifts. We're all poor, we get it, it just made me devastated cause if I can give people things, how do I stop them from hating me? How do they know I have infinite love and care for them? How do I make them happy??
Idk. I'm just sad.
But I was actually making a point. My friend asked me "if you could have anything today, what would you want?"
My response was a seven minute cuddle session. I don't want to inconvinince people any longer, but I think seven minutes is in the realm of reason when asking, you know? It feels like I could be allowed that much.
And idk I'm just really touch starved. And I want a cuddle. But like the one when I'm being held and shit? Possibly maybe not ignored and maybe if we're getting into the wildest dreams maybe I would want my back to be rubbed for like 34 seconds and I know it is a bit long but yk
Anyway this is probably so stupid and I would probably cry which would make it weird but I was asked if I could had anything, so I responded truthfully
But it feels like such a stupid want. I feel like I should be above that. Am I a child who needs to get a hug? Gods I feel so stupid about it
And I had way too much beer today so I went to talk to my roommates and I just rambled about shit for like two hours and I feel so guilty and stupid cause it was just. So unnecessary and absurd they didn't need to hear me talk. And probably didn't want to, in my mind I just annoyed them so then I proceeded to leave the room and put on my headphones and I had a breakdown and it feels stupid too and i just
I'm sad and drunk and merry christmas
Sorry for oversharing
I mean it's not like people are going to read this and I kinda feel more stupid now but I guess sending this into the ether gives me some relief yk
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