#lilac answers asks
theminecraftbee · 2 months
It doesn’t matter. There are… sandwiches. Strangely soggy ones. Doc lifts his up. It’s not—the bread isn’t really soggy on the outside, really. It’s been toasted, actually. Sort of the anti-soggy bread move, really. Except it’s sort of… Doc can’t exactly say it looks like the best sandwich in the world, because there’s an inexplicably soggy quality to it. It’s not a sogginess that Doc can put his finger on, really. The sandwich doesn’t make his hand wet or something. It just makes it… soggy.
this is a HYSTERICAL paragraph for you to have managed to hit btw i'd forgotten i'd written this and am kind of losing it now,
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💜✨✝️ commissions ✝️✨💜
Reconnecting masterpost!!!
My Spiderverse masterpost!!!
asks and commissions are open 💜
Reconnecting’s Discord!!!
Oh boy a ko-fi and a patreon !
Main tags below ⬇️
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ask-the-sinclars · 3 months
Did any of you fall ever in love with someone that came to town? Or not?
Vincent looks over at Anthony, who slept in his bed, as he put his pencil down. He had lied to Bo, telling him that he did killed him, and he closed his eyes. Anthony’s shoulder was wrapped with care as his leg was lifted on pillows and in a homemade cast. His breathing was now normal, but his fever hasn’t broken.
Vincent stood up from his chair and sat on the edge of the bed. He took the bowl of cold water with a rag floating. He rang it and placed it on his forehead.
He’ll make this right. He has to make it right.
‘Yes.’ He signs towards the radio.
Lester looked at the shy anon sleeping his shoulder. He smiled and turned the radio down just a bit. “Yeah, I have,” he kisses their head and looked back at the road.
“…there was this… one girl,” Bo drawled, blowing smoke up into the air. “She was somethin’. Kept her to myself,” a small smile formed, “she was beautiful.” He smile faded as he took another drag. “…ever killed someone you loved?” He asked over his shoulder at the radio. “Tears ya apart.” He finishes his cigarette and flicks it away. “Keeps ya up and ‘er ghost won’t let ya be.”
He felt phantom arms wrap around his waist and smelt warm lilacs. He hung his head as the brim of his hat casted a shadow over his eyes to hide tears falling. Bo felt his chest cave in as his heart ached.
“…I miss her… my lilac.”
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jovenshires · 7 months
hello legend ive got major smosh ship brain rot so i was wondering in your fave smosh ships do you know who fell first and who fell harder? pretty please with malic acid on top
hello bestie this ask will send me into absolute brain rot but yeah let's do it why not
spommy: spencer fell first, tommy fell harder
shaymien: damien fell first, shayne fell harder
amangela: amanda fell first, angela fell harder
courtivia: olivia fell first, courtney fell harder
shackie: shayne fell first, jackie fell harder
kimney: courtney fell first, kimmy fell harder
jamien: damien fell first, jackie fell harder
arangela: arasha fell first, angela fell harder
shaynse: shayne fell first, chanse fell harder
ianthony: anthony fell first, ian fell harder
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lilaccatholic · 3 months
May I make a prayer request?
Please pray for a 4mo old child- he's going on a 2hr ambulance ride with a nurse escort for respiratory distress
Oh gosh, of course! St. Hugh of Lincoln, patron saint of sick children, pray for us!
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Babes.... hear me out... Trevor Wagner reminds me of a grown!Sebastian Sallow with beard and piercings and tatts.. 😭😩🥵 if you dunno who he is, instagram/tumblr him... *drops these here*
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*drops these in return*
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Hands. Arms. Belt. Beard. Tattoos. Thighs
He’s a little too buff for my idea of Sebastian (other than that he’s perfect) but goodness me he’s dreamy. I would gladly die under him btw
There was a pic where he was holding a belt in his hands and I found myself whispering “spank me, Daddy”
I love you for sending me these 💖💖💖💖
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pebblesblog · 8 months
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Rabbit and lilac stimboard for @the-moth-from-elsewhere ! Hope you like it! Xx
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askthechronoverse · 2 months
Rj what are you doing-
RJ? Who's that?
The name's Rex Dangervest! I've never gone by RJ.
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watery-melon-baller · 4 months
Hi! I'm wondering why you chose to share a blog, as two people. Which of you uses it more often? Do you tend to post different things?
this is a great question with a long answer! also tumblr deleted my first answer to this because it's a shit. also this is all lilac speaking
so way back years ago aru wrote a silly little crack fic. i was immensly entertained by this and was like you should post it online. so i made an ao3 acc called watery_meln_baller bc "our fics are so bad they make you want to water melon ball your eyes out". we used to have a whole taglline about using the kudos as a dislike button it was great. over time aru wroye a few more crack fics and i would post them for aru.
then i decided to take a crack (ha) at writing crack fic and was nervous about it, and since th waterymelonballer acc was for crack fics i just uploaded it on there instead of making my own. i had never written fic before and then it blew up and i was like oh damn. im famous. and then i started getting FANART for the fic and people were like do you have a tumblr so i can tag you?? and i was like okay. time to make a tumblr! i did not excpect to actually use it for anything besides being a place where i could post updates and behind the scenes stuff for fanfics
after identity fraud i went back to barely using the account. around the same time aru got into like, danny phantom n shit and then they started using the account a bunch. and began posting podfics, and non-crack fics. so aru used the tumblr for a while, and then they abandoded around the same time i started getting into toh and writing WAB. then i took over the account, started posting shit, and now i've been using it conistsently ever since! oops, sorry aru. ive got a whole circle of mutuals its a great time we are all buddies. aru will pop on here and post occasionally its great. tthere was a bit of time where we weren't talking as much bc of life but now we're back to regular texting and being buddies. but tbh if i had to share a tumblr account with anyone, aru would be the best :]
i do have a seperate art accoutn i made a while back. i want to use it more but. ah. im lazy and forget to use it regualry so i just post fanart on it once in a blue moon. its here if u wanna check it out
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liliansun · 6 months
so in order to break my writers block, I started a fic impromptu and it’s almost done..😀 so should I post a teaser? LMK BC IM STRUGGLING TO DECIDE IF I SHOULD OR NOT??
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lipglossandsacrifice · 7 months
Tab get your boyfriend he’s going through some shit
Man, again?
I really ain't got the time for this... >:C
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circulars-reasoning · 11 months
Why is syscourse about fucking plural headcanons now??? Do you know?????
I was just talking about this on Discord—
Anyways, while I know why, I think it’s rather silly. Someone posts a headcanon, people get salty, then people get salty about the salt.
Personally, I feel there is a difference between saying “I think this character could be read through this lens” and “this character 100% has an incredibly stigmatized disorder.” (Note; that’s in cases of people suggesting characters have CDDs).
It’s all brought back to mind something that happened when I was still MotCR. A user (a singlet) made a post that was extensively researched and expertly written, essentially saying “What if Steven from SU:Future had DID?” And analyzing with that premise. No, they didn’t say “Hey, Steven’s a system!!” They said “let’s analyze this as if he does, this is an interesting headcanon.” To this day, when I was Steven universe content, I think about it through the lens of my own experiences as a system and find it vastly more enjoyable than it already was.
Then someone reblogged it with vitriol, hatred, and aggression, because they read it in bad faith, and read it as if the user was suggesting that Steven DID have DID within the show, and screaming about how it was falling into stereotypes. The original post was deleted, the user wrote a huge apology, and sought out everyone to ask that they delete any reblogs, lest their “ableism” spread.
It’s unfortunate how much of the online plural community reacts strongly to plural headcanons; it’s also unfortunate how people sometimes use those headcanons to reinforce negative stereotypes.
For the record: I do love headcanons about my disorder. I am just wary of individuals deeming a magical case of transformation or amnesia to be DID. Headcanon what you will, but stating things in absolutes will always be a source of trouble.
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ch9xhleye · 10 months
Hello, do you have headers for this one?? please and tysm
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helloo ! I made these, i hope it's to your liking ♡⁠
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thanks for the request!
you're welcome ;)
headers/divider are mine
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sentientsky · 19 days
hi Wren 🧡 for the ask game🦷📚🪲?? (only if you want :)
omg hi marcela! :) thank u so much for the ask!!!! 🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on these are all over the place, but here ya go:
resting can be productive. i know it doesn't feel like it cause capitalism and colonialism have conditioned us to see productivity as residing solely within the realm of wealth accumulation, etc. but u need rest, and there's no shame in caring for yourself
in an emergency, moss + pine sap + willow bark can act as a great natural first aid kit. moss (specifically spaghnum moss) is twice as absorbent as cotton bandages, and it has significant antiseptic properties. pine sap is antibacterial and antifungal and can help heal wounds. willow bark reduces inflammation via salicin.
audiobooks! from! the! library! (use libby, hoopla, overdrive, or one of the others. it's a great way to support your local library)
adobe express is a great free tool to make rly nice gifs
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?  okay, so for context, i keep a list of all the things @actual-changeling recommends to me. the last thing i wrote was this:
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🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here my most recent wip is a poetry commission, which i don't think i can share until it's done. uh. so have this paragraph from an x-files wip instead:
Something in him rises to the surface, all scar tissue and broken promises, and it begs him to pull away, to stumble back into safety. And yet, in perfect synchronicity, like two metronomes moving in tandem, a much louder part of him makes itself known--it urges him into the light like Icarus reaching for the sun. He pulls in breath. He remains trapped, a man possessed by the weight of kindness given without a scrap of expectation. Mulder doesn't know if he's ready to burn.
ask game
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weltato · 4 months
2, 12 and 17 for the ask game please? :D
Sure thing! <3
This was what I wrote out on paper in uni for my Grace NPMD fic. Not my best handwriting, I'll admit, but it's not the worst I've done.
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My best advice would probably be the post I made about writing and not stressing out about it. It blew up on #writeblr for some reason 😅
3 things that make me happy? Hmm, probably musicals, reading and playing The Sims. I have so many things that I enjoy, choosing just 3 is hard.
For you, I'll ask 1, 2, 17 and 38, if that's ok? :)
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lilaccatholic · 2 months
Bestieeee!!! How are you holding up??
I am so incredibly mentally unwell about this album
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