#liverpool women's show
liverpoolfcw · 1 year
Liverpool Women’s Show - Christmas Special (2022)
with Rachel Furness, Rachael Laws, Leighanne Robe, and Melissa Lawley + Katie Stengel for the What Would Katie Do segment
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sprocketsciencer · 1 month
Disaster game. Everyone just shoots straight at the keeper. We can’t bring home a silverware like this. This is bullshit.
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reasonsforhope · 23 days
Double dose of articles about how crime is actually plummeting
From the UK:
"Seventy-eight per cent of people in England and Wales think that crime has gone up in the last few years, according to the latest survey. But the data on actual crime shows the exact opposite.
As of 2024, violence, burglary and car crime have been declining for 30 years and by close to 90%, according to the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) – our best indicator of true crime levels. Unlike police data, the CSEW is not subject to variations in reporting and recording.
The drop in violence includes domestic violence and other violence against women. Anti-social behaviour has similarly declined. While increased fraud and computer misuse now make up half of crime, this mainly reflects how far the rates of other crimes have fallen.
All high-income countries have experienced similar trends, and there is scientific consensus that the decline in crime is a real phenomenon.
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The perception gap
So why is there such a gulf between public perception and the reality of crime trends? A regular YouGov poll asks respondents for their top three concerns from a broad set of issues. Concern about crime went from a low in 2016 (when people were more concerned with Brexit), quadrupled by 2019 and plummeted during the pandemic when people had other worries. But in the last year, the public’s concern about crime has risen again.
There are many possible explanations for this, of which the first is poor information. A study published in 1998 found that “people who watch a lot of television or who read a lot of newspapers will be exposed to a steady diet of crime stories” that does not reflect official statistics.
The old news media adage “if it bleeds, it leads” reflects how violent news stories, including crime increases and serious crimes, capture public attention. Knife crime grabs headlines in the UK, but our shock at individual incidents is testament to their rarity and our relative success in controlling violence – many gun crimes do not make the news in the US.
Most recent terrorist attacks in the UK have featured knives (plus a thwarted Liverpool bomber), but there is little discussion of how this indicates that measures to restrict guns and bomb-making resources are effective."
-via The Conversation, May 13, 2024
And the United States:
"[The United States experienced a spike in crime rates in 2020, during the pandemic.] But in 2023, crime in America looked very different.
"At some point in 2022 — at the end of 2022 or through 2023 — there was just a tipping point where violence started to fall and it just continued to fall," said Jeff Asher, a crime analyst and co-founder of AH Datalytics.
In cities big and small, from both coasts, violence has dropped.
"The national picture shows that murder is falling. We have data from over 200 cities showing a 12.2% decline ... in 2023 relative to 2022," Asher said, citing his own analysis of public data. He found instances of rape, robbery and aggravated assault were all down too.
Yet when you ask people about crime in the country, the perception is it's getting a lot worse.
A Gallup poll released in November found 77% of Americans believed there was more crime in the country than the year before. And 63% felt there was either a "very" or "extremely" serious crime problem — the highest in the poll's history going back to 2000.
So what's going on?
What the cities are seeing
What you see depends a lot on what you're looking at, according to Asher.
"There's never been a news story that said, 'There were no robberies yesterday, nobody really shoplifted at Walgreens,'" he said.
"Especially with murder, there's no doubt that it is falling at [a] really fast pace right now. And the only way that I find to discuss it with people is to talk about what the data says." ...
For cities like San Francisco, Baltimore and Minneapolis, there may be different factors at play [in crime declining]. And in some instances, it comes as the number of police officers declines too.
Baltimore police are chronically short of their recruitment goal, and as of last September had more than 750 vacant positions, according to a state audit report...
In Minneapolis, police staffing has plummeted. According to the Star Tribune, there are about 560 active officers — down from nearly 900 in 2019. Mannix said the 2020 police killing of George Floyd resulted in an unprecedented exodus from the department...
In Minneapolis, the city is putting more financial resources into nontraditional policing initiatives. The Department of Neighborhood Safety, which addresses violence through a public health lens, received $22 million in the 2024 budget."
-via NPR, February 12, 2024
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Ausenal II
Arsenal Women x Teen!Reader
Summary: You travel for an away game
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It was a long drive up to Liverpool.
Like four plus hours kind of long.
Which meant you had plenty of time to do your homework.
Steph wandered around the house, picking up her bags and sorting through the last of the mail before turning to you.
"Have you packed your laptop?"
You nodded.
"And your calculator?"
You nodded.
"And your boots and your socks?"
You didn't stop nodding.
"Okay. Let's get this show on the road."
Steph drove you both to the training grounds. She looked at you in the backseat and adjusted her rear view mirror. "Did you pick up your lunch?"
You held up the little brown paper bag she'd packed for you.
Steph nodded. "Good. Right, onto the bus with you. I'm just going to pop in and grab some water from reception."
You nodded.
Away games like this were always the same. Steph let you have a little lie in as she double then triple checked your bag and made you your lunch. Then, she would wake you up where you would beg to just have something small for breakfast like a protein bar but she would make you eat a full meal. Next Steph would drive you to the bus where she would make you get on while she slipped inside to get you some extra water in case you got car sick.
Now came the next part of your routine.
"There she is!" Katie crowed from her spot next to Caitlin. "We've been saving you a seat."
She nodded to the seat opposite her and you sat.
This was normal as well. Leah and Alessia were set up at the table across the aisle, playing cards as Kyra kneeled on her seat so she could annoy Lotte and the new American signing, Emily.
No one would sit on your other side but Steph would definitely take up the seat in facing Kyra to make sure she behaved.
"What have you got today?" Katie asked as you got out your schoolwork.
You made a face. "Biology and Chemistry."
"Did you bring the funny calculator?" Caitlin asked, making grabby hands for it.
"I need it," You said.
"I only want it for a bit," Caitlin said," I'm going to send Macca and Lanni a picture of me writing boobs."
"You're so childish," Steph said in greeting as she arrived on the bus," Leave her alone. She has deadlines." She passed you over two bottles of water and looked at you sternly. "Drink one of them now."
"She means," Katie cut in," Make sure you finish it in the first half of the journey so when we get to the services, you can have a toilet break there."
That was part of the normal routine too and you just nodded.
You got to work quickly even as the bus turned into carnage the moment you set off.
At some point, Caitlin had grabbed your calculator and was amusing herself using the graph function after sending the boob picture to Macca and Lanni.
Kyra was still annoying Lotte and Emily even after Steph made her sit down and turn around.
Leah and Lessi's card game got progressively more aggressive as the time lagged on and you found yourself abandoning your schoolwork to watch.
"You can't cheat at Uno, Leah! You're being a bad loser!"
"I haven't lost yet and there's no way you had that many plus fours! You're such a cheater!"
"Just because you have bad luck doesn't mean that I do! Now pick up your cards or resign!"
You snapped out of your watching to look across from you. Katie raised a singular brow and looked down at your laptop.
"Didn't Steph say you had deadlines? Come on, get it done so you can relax on your way back."
You huffed and got back to work.
"And start drinking your water too! It helps with brain power!"
You diligently typed away, absentmindedly snacking on whatever Katie pushed your way and having to fight back you calculator from Caitlin.
When it came to the twenty minute break at the services, you were more than happy to escape into the fresh air.
"Hand," Leah said as she caught up with you, holding her own hand out expectantly.
"Leah," You began to whine but a firm look from her had you slipping your palm into hers.
Kyra snickered behind you and you felt your face go bright red. "Don't wander off," Kyra teased as she moved past," Wouldn't want to get lost, would you?"
"Kyra!" Steph snapped as she approached," No teasing! It's mean!"
You and Leah didn't stick around to hear anymore of the lecture because you were dragged to the toilet and then to the little store to pick up a new book.
You were distracted though and kept peering around Leah to look at the snacks.
"No," She said," That's not good for you. Come on, you're choosing a new book."
You picked up the next book in the series you were reading but made sure to take the long way back around to the checkout, purposely walking Leah through the snacks.
"No," She said again, waving a teasing finger in your face.
"Please?" You begged," I finished my schoolwork. And I ate the lunch Steph packed for me!"
Leah looked at you through narrowed eyes, studying you before sighing. "One snack. And not too big either. I mean it, this stuff isn't good for you."
You grinned and went to grab your favourite chocolate bar, dragging Leah with you when it was clear that she wasn't going to let go of your hand.
"Go on," She said, guiding you up onto the team bus again," You promise that you finished your work?"
You nodded.
"Okay. Go and sit with Lessi. Kyra can sit in your old seat."
Alessia was already waiting for you. At some point while you were away, she'd gotten out a blanket.
"Come on," She said softly, beckoning you closer," You look like you need a nap. You had to wake up early."
"I'm not a baby," You complained even though you were already taking your shoes off so you could curl up properly on the seat.
"Teenagers can nap too." Alessia wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you a bit closer.
"I'm not tired," You said," I've got a new book."
"The book can wait. We need you fighting fit for the match later. Kyra's already asleep."
You turned your head to spot Kyra face down on the table, eyes shut and drooling. You huffed and looked back at Alessia.
She was giving you one of those looks that you were more accustomed to seeing from Steph or Kim so you blew out all your air in a big sigh and rested your head on her shoulder.
"Good," Lessi said," I'll wake you up when we get there."
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neymarsangel · 1 year
Pushover - Joao Felix x reader
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Joao Felix x female!reader
Summary: The anger started when Joao overheard you and Mason discussing his relationship. The brunette tells you he hates you with every fibre of his being but a run-in with your ex during a match suggests something else. After another argument, he corners you in the bathrooms at the end-of-season awards to show you his true feelings.
Warnings: Cheating (ish), smut, unprotected (please wrap before you tap it), angst, swearing
Word Count: 5.3K
To put it plainly, Joao Felix was a pushover and it wasn’t just you who saw it, the whole Chelsea team did. Everyone had heard the rumours about him and his girlfriend, she’d cheated on him multiple times and yet he still forgave her, again and again… and again. He wasn’t exactly hard to look at either so you really couldn’t work out why he didn’t just dump her, anyone who was cheated on deserved better, especially Joao. 
Working for Chelsea’s media team meant you saw hundreds of women come and go when it came to the lads, some you missed and others you didn’t. But even if you liked the girls or you didn’t, you always supported the boys. After all, they were like family to you, a dysfunctional one sure, but a family.  
“I still can’t see why he’s with her…” Mason flashed Joao girlfriends Instagram your way. The pair of you sat at lunch together, he was busy stalking whereas you were attempting to meet a deadline. Glancing over you caught sight of his phone screen. 
“I would say money but he’s fine in that department.” You replied, not caring about those around you who might pry an ear into your words. “Maybe he’s lonely.” Your eyes never left your laptop as you continued to work. 
“Considering he spends most of his time with us I think he’s fine there.” Mason spared you a glance. 
“Any of you ever spoken to him about it?” You asked, your eyes now looking at his phone. “Maybe that’ll sway his mind.” 
“Maybe you could talk to him.” 
“Why would I do that?” 
“Maybe he needs a new woman to catch his eye.” Your eyes met Mason’s as he sent you a suggestive glance. 
“I’d rather not.” Your eyes darted back to your laptop screen. 
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t date pushovers.” As you finished speaking a sudden slam on the table caught your and his attention. Joao was standing before you his face smoothed with rage as he slumped down into the chair opposite you. His eyes burned holes into your skin as he spoke. 
“What are you working on?” He asked as if he hadn’t heard your entire conversation with Mason. 
“Just a graphic for the game against Liverpool in a few days…” Your eyes were glued to his, you wanted to rip them away from his gaze but you were stuck like a deer in headlights. 
“Hmm… are you planning to meet your ex after the game?” You nearly choked on his words. 
You’d had what those would describe as a summer fling when he was at the England camp and you’d been asked to cover some work due to having minimal at Chelsea because of the summer break. It wasn’t a relationship, you wouldn’t even consider him an ex-boyfriend more just someone you used to sleep with. Only a few of the lads knew about it, Mason and Ben being the main two you’d told after you and Trent decided a relationship wasn’t in the cards for you. 
Your glared at Mason who was now trying to hide himself behind his phone screen. “Did you tell him?” 
“It may have slipped out… but it wasn’t just me! Ben was speaking about it too!”
You pulled your eyes away from Mason to focus back on Joao. “He isn’t my ex and my love life doesn’t concern you-”
“But mine concerns you.” He had a point. Could you really tell him he had no right to question you when you and Mason were spending your lunch discussing his love life? 
“If anything we’re looking out for you.”
“By implying that I’m a pushover?” 
“Her words, not mine!” Mason raised his hands in defence. 
“Well, you do keep going back to someone whose favourite hobby is to publicly cheat on you.” You stepped in. 
“At least someone wants me enough to be in a relationship, Trent clearly didn’t want you around.” 
“Your girlfriend cheats on you if that’s what ‘wanted’ means I’d rather be alone.” 
“She does have a point.” Mason looked between the two of you. “Look mate we just want the best for you -”
“You might be she doesn’t!” Joao looked at Mason as he spoke. “Ever since I joined she’s had it out for me!”
“That isn’t true!” You defended yourself, your tone turning sour. 
“My first game and you couldn’t stop talking shit about me!”
“You got sent off in your first match meaning you couldn’t play for weeks! This season has been shit for Chelsea and the man they thought would be their knight in shining armour embarrassed them all!” 
“We all make mistakes y/n, clearly you made one with Trent. Maybe if he wanted you, you wouldn’t be moping around with an ‘embarrassing team’.” He smirked at his words, something you couldn’t believe he even had the balls to do after looking at the state of his situation. Before you could even reply Joao grabbed the last of his lunch and stormed out of the lunch hall. 
“Well…” Mason watched as Joao left. “That went well.” 
“Why did you tell him about me and Trent?” Your brow arched as you spoke to the brunette. 
“Look I’m sorry y/n, it just came out during training. You know I like to give Trent a hard time when we play after what happened between the two of you, I know you liked him too.” Mason gave you a sympathetic look as you tore your gaze away from him. 
Mason had a point, part of you did wish it had worked out with Trent. Over the summer you’d spent every single day with one another and he treated you like you were his girlfriend. He showed you off to the guys and you’d even met his family but only days after the two of you had left the England summer camp he was pictured with another girl outside a club. Any hope you had of the two of you ever picking things back up was shattered the second you saw that photo. Mason and Ben were the only two who knew your feelings towards him but little did you know the two of them had let your true feelings slip to Joao. 
You found yourself nearly missing the team bus to Liverpool. You clambered on just in time only to find that the only free seat was next to Joao. Everyone’s eyes drifted to you as you awkwardly wished a seat would randomly become free but your prayers were left unanswered. 
“Do you want the window seat or the aisle seat?” The brunette spoke up, slicing through the tension. 
“I- I don’t mind-” The last thing you wanted to do was to capture more attention on yourself. 
“You can have the window.” Grabbing his phone and bag he stood up, towering over you as he let you slide in next to him. You didn’t need to meet his eyes to know he was staring as you slotted yourself into the window seat. You cleared your throat as you pulled out your laptop and started to work on something to distract yourself from the situation before you.
“What are you working on?” His question caught you off guard, after what happened a few days ago you never expected him to attempt to start a conversation with you. 
“Just some plain graphics for the game.” You turned your laptop screen to him. Joao moved his head to get a better look at your work. “I leave the background blank as the photographers send us pictures throughout the game that we can put there and the numbers where the score would be are always left blank as we obviously don’t know what the score will be.” You looked over at him, your heart jumping as you realised he was already looking at you. 
“Is that what you mainly do? Graphics?” 
“Partly, I’ve filmed videos for the social media accounts, interviewed, edited, written captions, tweets, and even detailed a few apologies for some of the lads before. It’s basically a bit of everything.” You gave him a light smile. 
“How long have you been working here?”
“Started stewarding when I was eighteen and then when I was twenty I finally got a chance to work full time with the media department so a few years now.” You were beyond confused as to why he was suddenly so curious about you. “Why do you ask?” 
He shrugged his shoulders. “Just thought if I have to be stuck with you for hours on end that I might as well start a conversation rather than give you the cold shoulder for the journey.” 
“I thought you hated me?”
“I could say the same about you.” He glanced over at you before pulling out his AirPods. “Convinced you wanted me to fail-”
“I wouldn’t say fail… more hated the way you dealt with things.” 
“Well, I hated the way you spoke about me.”
“That’s fair…” You looked up at him to be met with his smirking grin. 
“Want one?” Offering you one of his AirPods with his cocky grin you took one and thanked him. He started playing music as he watched you work. The coach was quiet the most you could hear was the occasional chat from the lads and the typing of a few colleague's laptops. “Do you ever stop?” Joao asked out of the blue?” 
“It’s hard to.” You spared a glance at him. “We don’t just post things we also have to monitor comments, unfortunately, a lot of football fans believe they have the right to abuse players and discriminate against other fans that aren’t like them. Not all fans are like that though, most of them really do care about you guys.”
“You can tell.” He smiled. “I’ve never heard so many chants about different players.”
“If you like it now then imagine what it’ll be like if you guys start winning.” You smirked at him which earnt you a laugh from him. Attempting to hide a yawn you finished your work before putting it back in your bag. 
“Is that why you were late?” 
“Did you oversleep?”
“That amongst other things.”
You knew he wanted to keep the conversation going so the pair of you didn’t descend into madness during the long journey. “My cat-”
“How can a cat make you late?” He shifted in his seat so he faced you, clearly intrigued by your story. 
“Well the last thing I do before I leave is feed my cat -”
“What’s your cat called?” He asked. 
“After Lampard?” His face swelled with amusement. 
“When I moved out my best friend got sick of me complaining about how much I missed my cats that lived with my parents so she decided to get me Frank and because I work for Chelsea she named him after Lampard, fitting now he’s taken over as a caretaker manager.” 
“And how did he make you late?” His smile grew. 
“As I said, the last thing I do before leaving is feed him. I was in my uniform and I was putting his food into his bowl when he jumped up and the food went all over me and well… I’m not exactly coming in smelling like tuna.” Joao couldn’t help but laugh at your words, catching the attention of Mason who was attempting to hear what the two of you were discussing. 
“Well,” He shifted in his seat again before patting his shoulder. “My shoulders here if you want it.” 
“You’d shrug me off just as I fall asleep.” You narrowed your gaze at him. 
“I’m a prick but I’m not that bad.” A small smile fell on both your lips. 
“Fine.” You didn’t want to argue, not again. 
You knew you and Mason were in the wrong discussing his relationship but he was also in the wrong when he hit back at you with comments about you and Trent but you didn’t want to dwell on what happened any longer. You let your head fall on his shoulder, you felt Joao warm to your touch as you got comfortable. Mason couldn’t believe his eyes at what he was seeing, he couldn’t help but nudge Ben several times in the ribs to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.   
Before you knew it, Joao was gently nudging you awake and the gates to the Liverpool ground were now behind you. You thanked him one last time before handing his airpod back to him. You left him with the rest of the boys as you followed the rest of your media colleagues towards the dugouts and journalism area. Everything ran smoothly despite your horrific morning, Joao was in the starting eleven which gave you the green light to use him as the main poster boy to announce the team news although you would’ve definitely picked Reece James if he wasn’t so nice to you. 
In the Liverpool line-up was Trent but that didn’t surprise you. When the teams came out of the tunnel for the match Trent looked up to the journalism area. His eyes met yours and sent you a wink and a smirk, an expression that caught the attention of Joao. He knew how you felt towards Trent after the England Camp and he knew his expression was just a way to get to you after the press continued to pit Chelsea and Liverpool against one another after their horrific seasons. 
The first half had ended goalless, Chelsea had a few decent chances, especially Joao but he was yet to get the ball in the back of the net. Within ten minutes of the second half, you watched Joao say something to Trent which had clearly rilled the scouser up. Trent shoved Joao and he quickly retaliated, shoving him back and shouting back at the man in red. The referee quickly ran up to the two of them whilst their teammates pulled them apart. They both received a yellow card and the game resumed.
You watched Joao carefully, wanting to tell him to lay off Trent because knowing his luck he’ll end up getting another yellow which will lead to a red. As if he could read your mind Joao eyed as Trent was given the ball, without thinking Joao threw himself at the lad, studs up causing Trent to fall to the ground in pain. Joao got up and yelled something at him as he clutched his ankle in pain. He stormed off, he knew it would be straight red. Liverpool fans booed and screamed at the Chelsea boy. The travelling Chelsea fans couldn’t believe what they’d seen, two red cards and he hadn’t even played a full season. 
Joao stormed down the tunnel and threw the door of the changing rooms open before slumping down on the bench where his stuff lay. You excused yourself from the media spot before jogging down to the changing rooms after Joao. You opened the door to see him throwing his boots across the floor. His eyes met yours as you walked into the room. 
“Haven’t you got graphics to make? Posts to make about me getting a red -”
“Why did you do that?”
“Do what? Get a red or put that prick in his place?” He huffed before continuing. “I saw the way he looked at you when we came through the tunnel. He was being a prick, Mason told me -” 
“What did Mason tell you?” You snapped, your eyes glaring at the man. 
“He told me you liked him and he treated you like you were his girlfriend then after deciding he didn’t want you he ran off with another girl.” 
“I’ll kill him-”
“It’s not his fault, I asked what had happened. I shouldn’t have pressed him but I did.” 
“Well, maybe Mason should keep his mouth shut.” Your eyes were still fixed on his. “And you should too, what did you say to him?” 
“I didn’t say anything to him.”
“Don’t lie to me Joao, I saw you said something to him when you two got your first yellow cards.”
“It was nothing -”
“What did you say to him?” Your voice grew louder. “Joao-” 
“I told him I was glad he didn’t want you because if he stayed with you then I wouldn’t get to hear you moaning around me every night.” He looked proud yet embarrassed at his words. He knew it would rial Trent up but he also knew a cheap joke at your expense would also piss you off. 
“You’re not fucking serious.” 
“y/n I’m sorry I -”
“Look I know I was a dickhead to you a few days ago but I was still right, you are a pushover, you even let Trent push you around all because he looked at me?” You stepped closer to him. “How did you ever make it professional when someone who looks at me pisses you off?”
“He made you uncomfortable, I wasn’t going to let it slide.”
“If it made you that annoyed you couldn’ve dealt with it off the pitch. The fans don’t deserve this and neither do the rest of the lads, it’s not fair!” You took a deep breath. “Why the sudden need to be a hero? I don’t need you to fight for me and make up something that would never happen between us -”
“You know all I was trying to do was to be nice!” He stood up and walked over to you, his breath on your face and his voice raising in aggression. “Most people would thank me for what I did.” He looked down at you. “You really think that wouldn’t happen between us either?” He now smirked at you, his hand reaching up to tuck some hair behind your ear. “I could have you underneath me in a heartbeat.”
“I’d thank you if you didn’t get sent off or made some shitty cheap joke about me! And if you ever think I’d even go near you like that you are very much mistaken!” 
“Yeah, we’ll see.” He ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath. “I get it but you aren’t perfect too!”
“I never claimed to be!”
“You sure act it, judging everyone else's relationships but god forbid someone makes a comment about yours!”
“We were never in a relationship!”
“I can see why…” He snapped, turning his back towards you as he threw his shirt over his head and discarded his shirt. You might have wanted to slap him back down to earth but you couldn’t help but spare a glance at him. How his girlfriend cheated on him you’d never know, the man was gorgeous. 
Ever since yours and Joao’s dispute you’d hardly spoken to him unless you had to conduct an interview for Chelsea’s social media pages. Tonight was the end of the season awards and just like every single year you were attending. You made sure to match your dress to the exact shade of the Chelsea shirt. Your hair and make-up were done to perfection as you walked through the halls towards one of the lounges which was decorated with a million shades of blue and shades of silver and gold. Every year the hospitality team always outdone themselves and this year was no different. 
Mason greeted you with open arms and so did his family. Most of the boys bought their family or partners along however one player was completely on his own and that was Joao. He was sat on one of the tables opposite you, his eyes were fixed on you but his expression was hard to read. Was he pissed off? Was he apologetic? You weren’t sure but one thing was for certain, he wouldn’t look away. 
The night seemed to drag on, awards after awards were being dished out, some for credible achievements such as top goal scorer and others for more interesting achievements such as most pints downed after a win. You sat alongside Mason and his family when the awards ended. Music filled the lounge as everyone continued to socialise and drink the night away. You excused yourself from the table, getting sick of Joao watching you, you headed to the bathrooms to touch up your make-up but you didn’t realise someone was following you. 
“You look beautiful.” The familiar sound of Joao’s voice made you jump. He was leaning against the wall of the bathrooms, his eyes raking over your body. 
Joao regretted everything he’d said to you that day against Liverpool. The pair of you had spent many hours with one another in the media rooms, creating content for Chelsea and although you didn’t get off brilliantly due to his red card on his debut, he could tell you only wanted the best for everyone at the club, no matter if they were a player or simply cleaning staff. He’d come to his sense on the way to the Liverpool game that you were right about his relationship. Hearing your stories about your work and even your cat named after Frank made him think, perhaps that was the real reason why he went for Trent. 
“You know this is the women’s bathroom.” 
“I’m aware.” He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to you. “But my point still stands.”
“Thank you.” 
“Can we talk?”
“In the women’s bathroom?”
“No time like the present.” He smirked. You were still facing the mirror and Joao was standing behind you, looking at you through the mirror. “I’m sorry for what I did.” 
Huffing at his words you met his eyes briefly if the pair of you didn’t talk now the issue would never be resolved and if Joao wasn’t to sign permanently then you knew you’d never forgive yourself for the way the two of you ended things. “I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have called you a pushover.”
“But, I’m not sorry for what I said and did to Trent.” His hands snaked around your waist as he spoke. “Or for what I said about you.”
“Which part?” You set your lipgloss down, doing your best to pretend that you couldn’t feel his breath on your neck and his touch on your hips. “The part about me having you.”
“In your dreams.” You tried to step away but that would only push you closer to him. His grip tightened on your hips whilst his lips ghosted your neck. “You have a girlfriend-”
“No, I don’t.” He kissed your neck bore he spun you around to face him. “Why did you think I turned up alone?” 
“Well… you may have been right besides… the ‘pushover’ has had someone else on his mind recently...”  
Joao didn’t hesitate, his lips met yours, one hand cupped your cheek whilst the other went down to your thigh, pushing your dress to the side and allowed his hand to travel along your skin. You hesitated for a second before kissing him back. You couldn’t lie to yourself that Joao was hot, he was beautiful and if this was the way the two of you would make up then well… it was worth getting into a fight with him. 
Your hands went to his hair, tugging on the strands as he allowed his hand to travel higher up your leg. “God you’re perfect.” His lips now travelled down your exposed neck, gently tugging on your skin as his grip on your leg tightened. 
“You ruined my lipgloss.” You pouted as Joao pulled back to smirk at you. 
“You’re lucky we’re in the stadium otherwise I would ruin more than your lipgloss.” His lips met yours once again. He tugged on your bottom lip, making you moan as he pulled the zip of your dress down. Jumping at the sudden gush of cold air against your back he smirked into the kiss before letting his warm hands trail down your back as he peeled the dress from your body. He let the front of it pool around your waist. 
Your hands moved from his hair to his suit jacket, pushing it off his shoulders before grabbing his tie and pulling him back into a kiss. He lightly moaned as your nails raked across his white shirt. Joao’s hands went to your bra, unclasping it within seconds. He pulled away from the kiss as his hands cupped your boobs. “We should’ve argued sooner.” 
Smiling at his words you watched as he took your nipple in his mouth whilst grabbing the other with his free hand. “Fuck…” You moaned, your legs parting so he could get closer to you. Your bliss was cut short when he moved away. His hands hooked themselves around the backs of your thighs. 
“Jump.” He instructed you. Without hesitation, you jumped into his arms and he placed you on the bathroom counter. “Good girl.” His hands went to his own shirt, undoing the buttons so your hands could now trace his skin. Your nails raked his skin as Joao let his hands run up to your underwear.
“You do know someone could walk in right?” You spoke with a heavy breath. 
“And?” He kissed you again. “Keep quiet and they won’t.”
“You don’t know that-”
“y/n… shut up and trust me.”
“Make me.” You teased but he didn’t need to be told twice. Joao moved your dress aside so he could see your underwear. Pushing your underwear aside he let his fingers tease your clit. The light touches sent butterflies through your stomach as Joao started to add pressure. Your head fell back at his movements. “Please…” You moaned as Joao watched you come undone around him. Leaving your clit he moved towards your entrance. Joao slowly pushed two fingers inside of you which earnt a sudden moan from you. 
“I was right…” He breathed out, his hand pulling your face to look at him whilst he quickened his pace. “Your moans are beautiful.” Whilst his fingers fucked you his thumb went to your clit and started to bring you closer to your high. 
“Fuck you.” You breathed out. 
“Think I’m the one doing that love.” 
You could feel his hard-on against your thigh which only made you wetter against his touch. Joao could feel you getting closer, your moans continued to grow louder as he quickened his pace. “You look so gorgeous about to come around me…”
“Please Joao… please…” You whined at his actions, your nails leaving red marks across his skin. 
“Please what?” He taunted. 
“Please let me come.” 
“Yeah?” His lips ghosted yours as he kept adding pressure. “Come for me then.” He pressed his lips back onto yours as you came. You moaned into the kiss, your grip on his skin leaving darker marks which you knew wouldn’t fade for a while. “Such a good girl for me.” He kissed you before moving his fingers to his mouth so he could taste you. He savoured the moment before he quickly unbuckled his belt and allowed his cock to spring out. 
He pumped his cock a few times whilst his free hand went to your face, his thumb traced across your bottom lip before he spoke. “As much as I want your mouth around me right now… I need to fuck you.” 
He let his thumb fall into your mouth as he lined himself up and slowly pushed himself inside of you. Your face scrunched up at his size slowly pushing inside of you. Joao cupped your face whilst his free hand gripped your hip. “Is it too much?” He asked. 
“No… just go slowly.”
Joao kissed you gently. “Of course my love.” Your heart fluttered at his nickname but that feeling soon spread to your stomach when you felt Joao pull out and thrust back inside. “You feel so good.” His head fell against yours, your lips ghosting one another as he repeated his actions. Feeling used to his size you allowed your leg to hook around his waist and pull him deeper into you. 
“Faster…” You moaned in his ear. He didn’t need to be told twice. Pulling out he quickly slammed his hips back into yours and started to move at a quicker pace. “Fuck Joao…”
“My name sounds so pretty falling from your lips…” He moaned in your ear as he continued going faster. The pair of you knew that if it wasn't for the music in the lounge then everyone would have heard you. His fingers go back down to your clit and he quickly started to apply pressure to the bud. Your hands gripped onto the back of his neck, pulling him into a moaning kiss as he continued to fuck you faster. 
Pulling away from the kiss Joao pulled out completely before pulling you off of the counter. With one last kiss on your lips, he spun you around so you were facing the mirror and bent you over. With a harsh smack to your ass, he quickly pulled your dress back up and around your hips before kicking your legs apart. Grabbing a fistful of your hair he forced you to look at yourself in the mirror. 
“He could never fuck you as good as I can… could he?” He was evidently referring to Trent but your mind was too clouded with pleasure to even care. Joao lined himself up again, slowly letting the lip tease you. He couldn’t suppress the moan that fell from his lips at your wetness leaking onto him, he was so close but he wanted you for as long as he could. “Could he?” He repeated again. 
“No…” You moaned out, wanting nothing more than for him to fuck you again. 
“Who fucks you this good?” He quickly slammed himself inside of you again, tugging on your hair so that you were leaning closer to him. 
“You do…” You whispered. 
Joao pulled out before slamming back in. “I can’t hear you…” He taunted you with his slow movements. 
“You do Joao fuck!” You screamed as he started to fuck you again. His pace quickened as he pulled you against his chest, fucking you as faster. His hands reached around to play with your clit which only added to your pleasure. You started to grind back onto his cock as he slammed back inside of you. You could feel him stiffen inside of you which indicated he was close. 
“Joao I’m gonna come…” You let your head fall as you felt your stomach tighten. 
“Yeah? Come then baby… come all over my cock…” 
You couldn’t hold back for much longer, you felt your high wash over you and that was all you needed for Joao to finish inside of you. He pulled you closer to him as he finished, his groans filling your ear as the two of you slowly came down from your high. 
“So good for me.” He kissed your head as he slowly pulled out. He quickly got himself cleaned up before he helped you back into your clothes so you looked presentable to head back out to the party. “Beautiful.” He kissed your lips one last time. “I’ll head back out now, wait for a second and then follow me out. Just in case.” He turned on his heel but you called out to him before he left. 
“Joao?” He turned to meet your gaze. “Who was the other person on your mind?” 
He smiled at your words before replying. “Turn around and you’ll see her.” 
If you turned around you’d be met with a mirror, and you were the only one in the bathroom. 
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matan4il · 3 months
Daily update post:
On Friday, there was yet another Palestinian terrorist attack. Terrorists started shooting at Israelis near a yeshiva, and as security forces gave chase, an explosive device was set off through remote control, which shows just how sophisticated some of these terrorists are getting. Seven Israeli soldiers were injured. The explosives were homemade, and I heard one estimate that if they had been "proper," the number of casualties would have been much higher.
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Friday was also International Women's Day, when we asked people to remember Israeli and Jewish women, including the ones still being abused by terrorists in captivity. Here's a small round up of a few related global events... In South Africa, Jewish women marched, asking their president and government to condemn Hamas' sexual violence, protesting against the extra burden of proof demanded of Jewish women. Similar protests were held in other places around the world, among them in front of the UN headquarters in NYC. Following an Israeli request, the US, the UK and France have asked the UN's security council to have an emergency session on the UN report regarding Hamas' sexual crimes, Israel's Foreign Minister and the families of the hostages are meant to attend. But maybe the most poignant news come from the Norwegian capital of Oslo, where protesters holding up signs in support of the Israeli women held hostage by Hamas were barred from participating in the International Women's Day March by its organizers, after other participants of the march were physically stopping the group supporting the kidnapped Israeli women.
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Biden's recent MSNBC interview, where he's said that "there has to be another way to deal with the trauma caused by Hamas," has managed to piss off even left wing journalists here. I'm gonna pass along what one said... Biden doesn't get it. We're not fighting in Gaza to deal with trauma, this is not the equivalent of going to therapy. We're facing a terrorist organization that massacred us, rules an entire strip of land, and has turned it into the world's biggest base for terrorist activity, turned its 2.1 million people population into a human weapon, and if there is another way to make sure Israeli civilians are safe by destroying Hamas, with less casualties on the other side, let him present it in practical matters. So far, all he does is to give the vague, abstract, "Israel needs to do better," which is not a practical plan of action, and it's especially condescending, when we don't actually have historical examples of any country doing better during fights conducted under the conditions created by Hamas in Gaza.
I have written about the incident in northern Gaza, where over 100 people were killed in a stampede, as they were storming humanitarian aid trucks. It was a complex situation, in addition to those who died from the pushing and trampling (something we've seen in lots of tragic disasters around the world, which were by no means a massacre, such as a fairly well known stampede of Liverpool soccer fans), apparently some of those who died, were ran over when the (Arab) truck drivers were scared and tried to drive away from the mob, while a small number of suspicious people advanced menancingly on the soldiers. An IDF investigation report confirms the Israeli soldiers only fired at this smaller group, suspected of being terrorists, not at anyone else, and certainly not at the aid convoy itself. Of course none of this complexity was reflected in any anti-Israel propaganda posts, which labeled this a massacre. But now the size of the stampede has been confirmed as well, which in itself says a lot about this tragic chain of events: no less than 12,000 (!) Gazans were storming those aid trucks. Given the size of that crowd, it's almost a miracle that not more people were killed. Just compare the Liverpool fans stampede, where the size of the involved crowd was smaller, the situation less complex (no moving trucks or terrorists around), and the number of fatalities was practically the same, at 97 people killed.
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This has got to be one of the worst things I've heard since Oct 7 brought new focus to the antisemitism problem on American college campuses. One of the morally clearest voices against this Jew hate has been a Jewish Israeli professor at Columbia University, Shai Davidai. Now apparently the uni has started an investigation into him, instead of... IDK, learning from the criticism he has raised regarding their failure to address antisemitism. They sure are doing a great job, showing Jews they're listened to and cared about, and protecting Davidai's freedom of speech, that last line of defense that all the college presidents fell back on when they had to address why calling for the genocide of Jews is not considered bullying or harassment on their campuses.
This is 100 years old Yocheved Gold (on the left, obviously).
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Yocheved was born in 1923 in Germany. In 1936, as a Jewish teenager who was mistaken for a Christian girl, and despite her fear, she refused to hand a bouquet of flowers to Hitler at the Berlin Olympics. Two years later, at the age of 15, she was among the last Jews to flee Europe before WWII. She managed to make it to the Land of Israel, which saved her life. On Oct 7, she was in kibbutz Sa'ad, one of the southern Israeli communities attacked by Hamas terrorists. Eighty years after antisemites first forced her to flee her home, she had to do it again, and is maybe the only Israeli evacuee to be over 100 years old. Now she has returned to kibbutz Sa'ad, even though most still haven't (as they don't feel safe from Hamas), because she said she doesn't want to die away from home.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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lenetaylor · 1 month
John Lennon's collage "for" Paul
I was very curious about the collage image going around tumblr (e.g., here, here, and here) that was identified as being made "for Paul" and titled "I Only Have Eyes for You", and done by John Lennon "at art school". Here it is; I scanned this from Julian Lennon's book Beatles Memorabilia: The Julian Lennon Collection (by Brian Southall and Julian Lennon, 2010)
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You can see that Paul has written at the bottom "J.L. Collage - To Julian - love Paul x".
The book caption reads
A distinct and original collage of faces and bodies dedicated to Julian from Paul. It was created by John and given to Paul.
But the first time this previously unseen collage surfaced was in 2000. It was included in a show held by artist Peter Blake at the Tate Liverpool, called About Collage.
An article in The Independent at the time says
A John Lennon collage never seen in public is to feature in an exhibition that opens 30 years ago to the day the Beatles split... Lennon's collage, done at art school in the 1950s, comprises faces and figures cut from magazines, and features a number of eyes and lips pasted on images of girls. Blake said: "The style tied in with my Sgt Pepper's album cover, which was simply a more organised version, with bigger heads." Natalie Rudd, who helped curate the exhibition, said: "No one really knows much about Lennon's collage. … It has no title and is rather dark, with a lot of black and red and we can only guess at what he was trying to say."
In this 2009 Guardian article, Blake says,
By then I knew that Paul McCartney owned a collage that John Lennon had done, so I borrowed that. Paul also made a sound collage of Liverpool, and he made an artwork too.
Another quote from Eye Magazine in 2000:
He hopes to borrow an unseen art school collage by John Lennon, owned by Paul McCartney.
There was a book produced to accompany the show, called Peter Blake: About Collage (2000). The collage is reproduced in the book:
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The credit reads "John Lennon 1940-1980, Untitled, late 1950s, Paper collage, 970 x 675mm, Private Collection". It does not have the handwritten note by Paul at the bottom.
Peter Blake's comments say:
I have followed Paul McCartney's career as an artist, so when About Collage emerged, I suggested that he made a collage, perhaps from sound, which he has pursued. John Lennon made a collage at art school during the late 1950s which is included in the show.
Paul did make a sound collage for the show, and released it as an album called Liverpool Sound Collage; some of it is on YouTube. (There used to be a website for it, long gone now, but you can see bits of it at the Internet Archive). Here's his artwork, titled The World, mentioned by Blake above (the central image is a back and white photo of Jerry Lewis):
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So, to summarize:
The collage does NOT have an official title. I don't know where the "I Only Have Eyes for You" title came from
It's not clear that the collage was made for Paul specifically, only that it was given to Paul, date unknown
It's not clear if the collage Paul gave to Julian is the original or a copy
It seems unlikely that it was made at art school, as some of the images are of women in classically mid-1960s clothes and hairstyles. The only source for the date of composition seems to be Paul
It's not stated who gave the collage to Paul - it might have been John, but it could easily have been Julia or Yoko (or even Cyn?)
Paul's artwork was NOT made for John
PS. I looked through the book Paul McCartney: Paintings but the collage isn't mentioned.
PPS. I tried doing some image searches on the clearer photos of women in the collage, but got no results. Perhaps someone else will have better luck.
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The Beatles invigorated the role of the fan because they were the first cultural product to engage holistically with the figure of the teenage girl. They emerged onto ground broken by Elvis and then outpaced their predecessor creatively and commercially. Elvis supplied an avatar for the forbidden promise of sex, but his appeal rested in how easy he was to objectify, his obviousness. Cartoonishly handsome, he was a body onto which the teenage girl could project unspoken and illicit desire. He inspired adoration, but it could not compare to the ferocious awe frothed up among Beatles girls. There is no Elvis equivalent to the term "Beatlemaniac." "To younger teenagers, the Beatles' cheerful, faintly androgynous sexuality was more approachable than Elvis's alpha-male heat," wrote Lynskey. The Beatles offered something more complex than an empty sexual template. They presented an opportunity for identification. A girl could invest her desire in the band, but she could also discover herself there. The gaze cast on the Beatles was a queer one from the start. Before American women looked at the Beatles, they had been seen by Brian Epstein, the closeted gay record clerk who discovered and ferociously advocated for the band when record executives failed to give them a second glance. Watching them play a lunch hour show at a grimy club in Liverpool, Epstein picked up on the magnetic potential of the four young men. In Vivek Tiwary's graphic novel The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story, artist Andrew Robinson closes the frame around the future manager's stunned face as he beholds the Beatles for the first time, as if he could sense his life pivoting around that one rapturous moment. "There was some indefinable charm there," he wrote in his 1964 memoir A Cellarful of Noise. "They were extremely amusing and in a rough 'take it or leave [it] way' very attractive." Upon becoming their manager, Epstein was tasked with convincing the world to see the Beatles the way he saw them: via a gaze that desired its objects without othering them. Heterosexual desire spans a chasm, coveting difference. Queer desire pulls together like elements, finding attraction in affinity. That teen girls could even feel the kind of active, demanding sexual desire evinced by their screams was still a novel concept in the early '60s, which carried vestiges of the prior decade's postwar conservatism. "In a highly sexualized society (one sociologist found that the number of explicitly sexual references in the mass media had doubled between 1950 and 1960), teen and preteen girls were expected to be not only 'good' and 'pure' but to be the enforcers of purity within their teen society—drawing the line for overeager boys and ostracizing girls who failed in this responsibility," wrote Barbara Ehrenreich in a 1986 essay. "To abandon control—to scream, faint, dash about in mobs—was, in form if not in conscious intent, to protest the sexual repressiveness, the rigid double standard of female teen culture. It was the first and most dramatic uprising of women's sexual revolution." Befuddled by the Beatlemaniacs' exuberance, interviewers and critics (who were more often than not men) pinned the scream to a desire, of all things, to mother the band. "It has been said that you appeal to the maternal instinct in these girls," began an interviewer in 1964. John cut him off: "That's a dirty lie." Joking or not, he was right. The dynamic at hand did not correspond to a mother/son model. Beatles girls wanted the way men were expected to want: unabashedly and directly, as active agents in the exchange of desire. There was nothing coy about their hunger.
Sasha Geffen, Glitter Up the Dark: How Pop Music Broke the Binary
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queen-of-reptiles · 7 months
description: In which Marie Hobinger's partner enjoys the thrill of surprising her lover after leaving Bayern Munich for her.
marie hobinger x female reader
disclaimer: I am in now way saying marie is bi-sexual or lesbian, this is all fiction
warnings: language, bad google translations and, slight angst, also just fluff
y/n just posted
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tagged fcbfrauen
y/n Danke Bayern für die Jahre, die du mir geschenkt hast. Ich liebe euch alle. ❤️
thank you Bayern for the years you have me. I love you all.
view 18, 098 comments
username1: Nein! Ich werde sie so sehr vermissen! 😭
no! I will miss her so much!
username2: I wonder where she is going next?? 🧐
username3: There is a rumour of Real!
username4: there is also rumours of an English side!
stanwaygeorgia: Gonna miss you mate !! Zeigen Sie ihnen, wie es geht! 🩷
show them how it's done!
y/n: Gonna miss you more G! Ich werde dich beobachten! 🩷
I'll be watching you
manuela_zinsberger: Hmmm, ich frage mich, wohin du gehst ... 😶
hmmm, wonder where you're going...
y/n: shhhhhh 🤫🤫
username5: omg maybe she is coming to Arsenal!!!
username6: But isn't she also really close with Marie Hobinger who plays for Liverpool?
username7: True!!!
marie_hoeb: Where are you in the second photo? 🤨
y/n: lying on the floor behind them, too tired to get up 😊
marie_hoeb: scoring goals is your job?
y/n: so is yours, wouldn't know it tho.....😌
marie_hoeb: Wichser
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stanwaygeorgia just posted on her story
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y/n just posted on their story
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Marie sighed as she put down her phone, slight anger boiling in her at the fact her lover had yet to tell her where she had transferred. After her contract was up, Marie hoped she would come to Liverpool.
But she didn't even know if her lover had been offered a contract by them. She knew Real Madrid had offered and that Arsenal had made a swinging bid for the CAM but she didn't know what her lover had chose.
The two, when they first came together years ago, made a promise to never affect the other with their football, they were to focus on their careers and their careers only, the rest they could make work, even if they were oceans apart.
"You okay?" Grace asks Marie, her head tilted in kindness as she asked.
"Yeah, fine." Marie smiles, accepting her friend's hand to pull her to her feet.
"Right." Matt Beard calls, clapping his hands as the group gather around him and the staff. "Now, we've been relatively quiet this transfer season, however, we have got a new arrival." Matt explains.
"You what?" Jenna asks, confused as to how this was all kept quiet, the press more often than not finding a thread to pull on and unravel.
"It was kept quiet and cleverly so." Matt continues. "But please give a drum roll for..." Matt begins.
The Liverpool women all begin to stomp their feet excitedly and start a quiet 'ooh' with jazz hands, it was something they started a few seasons ago to make newcomers feel welcome.
"Our new CAM y/n l/n!" Matt cheers and y/n jumps out from behind the tunnel, a few of the girls cheering loudly as they knew the girl quite well.
Marie however charged forward, her shorter body wrapping into y/n's the taller girl picking her up and keeping her close to her body Maire pulls her head off of y/n's shoulder.
Marie's hands come around her face, cupping her cheeks as y/n keeps a tight grip on her, the Austrian talking quickly at her, the German language spilling past her lips as she questioned her lover.
"Marie, pass auf, dass dein Team da ist." y/n chided quietly.
marie, careful, your team is there.
Marie had been the one who wanted to keep the relationship quiet, and almost six years in, y/n wasn't as worried about people knowing, but she knew Marie still looked over her shoulder.
Marie huffed out an annoyance, tucking her head back into y/n's neck as the woman set her back on her feet and moved over to the rest of the team.
"I know most of you, I am aware, but either way, It is exciting to be play with all you." y/n hums, her English getting slightly confused in her head, which no one bothered to mention.
"This is so exciting." Grace cheers jumping at her friend who laughs and hugs her.
liverpoolwfc just posted on their story
tagged y/n and marie_hoeb
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y/n just posted
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liked by, gracefisk, liverpoolwfc, and 298, 378 others
tagged liverpoolwfc
y/n thank you for the lovely welcome! I'm ready for this! xx
view all 12, 378 comments
username1: AHHH so excited to have you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
username2: GO ON! THREE POINTS 🥹🥹🥹
stanwaygeorgia: Miss you buddy!!!!!! 🩷
y/n: MISS YOU MORE!!!! 🩷
username3: friendship of the year!
username4: that link up between her and Marie!!!
username5: They're so cute - the are as good together for Austria as well!! 😊😊
username6: Are they dating????
username7: some people say yes, some say no! They have never confirmed.
username6: Okay, thank you!!!
manuela_zinsberger: wrong shade of red :( 😩
marie_hoeb: NEIN!! 🙄
y/n: Sorry Manu! But I look best in this shade. 😏
marie_hoeb: I agree!
username7: So excited to have youuuuu!!! 🌟
username8: 🥰🥰🥰
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y/n laughed as Grace mimicked her second goal celebration, the new CAM subject to some teasing as she scored her second against Brighton and then panicked, not knowing what to do to celebrate.
In y/n's defence she hadn't expected the shot to go in from so far away, so just stood there in shock for a second as her team jumped on her excitedly.
The group had all changed and were heading to their cars and Marie grabbed her lovers bags, packing them in her car as the two had rode here together.
The team didn't seem to question the fact they were living together, despite Marie living in a one-bed apartment. Out of reflex, y/n muttered a thank you in German and pecked her lover's lips, Marie, holding her neck for a moment to lengthen the kiss.
Marie didn't seem to notice as she continued and shut the boot of her car, turning around to see her team paused confused as y/n stood with an awkward look on her face.
Marie paused, going to ask what was wrong when her hand flew to her lips in shock, as y/n tucked her head in her hands as the team flew into shouts of confusion.
"Well, I guess no better time than this." Marie chuckles. "Yes, we have been together, together since we were 17 and no, we didn't feel the need to tell anyone." The girl explains to her teammates.
y/n still had her head in her hands, annoyed at herself for outing them in such a way, so she didn't notice Marie sigh and slowly kneel, her teammates suddenly silencing in shock.
"Meine Liebe?" Marie asked softly.
my love?
y/n groaned, her head still in her hands as she muttered apologies under her breath.
"Fünf Jahre Liebe mit dir, also vielleicht eine letzte Übertragung, meine Liebe, auf meinen Nachnamen?" Marie asked.
Five years of love with you, so maybe one last transfer my dear, to my last name?
y/n's head snapped up, her hand coming up to her mouth as she noticed her love on one knee, ring box in hand. Grace was crying, wiping the tears which wouldn't stop.
"Ja. Ja. Ja." y/n whispered, tears being blinked away as Marie grinned standing up to hug her lover whispering sweet nothings in her ear as the team cheered.
The two pulled away, leaving just enough space for Maire to slide the ring over y/n's finger, before they met in a kiss made of pure love as their team-mates tried to understand what had just happened.
y/n just posted
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liked by, gracefisk, marie_hoeb and 301, 286 others.
tagged marie_hoeb
y/n one last transfer surprise for you all, from y/l/n to Hobinger xo happy six years my love xo
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marie_hoeb just posted
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tagged y/n
marie_hoeb my last name will sound great, happy six years baby <3
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username1: HOW THE FUCK
username2: WHOMST THE FUCK
username3: WHERE THE FUCK?
username4: WHEN THE FUCK
username5: how did we not clock it? 6 years
username6: we are all idiots.
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hope this is what Anon wanted !! Tried my best with what was given!!
- Queenie xox
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liverpoolfcw · 2 years
Liverpool Women's Show - November 2022
with Rachel Furness, Rachael Laws, Taylor Hinds, and Leanne Kiernan
Taylor knowing a little sign language
Leanne's injury
Helping out in the LFC Foundation
Furney's goal vs Leicester in the Conti Cup
Ireland's qualification to the World Cup
Ceri's huge impact in the team so far
Dealing with criticism on social media + having team psychologists that they could talk to about it
Player chants!
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paulmcf4rtney · 1 year
teddy boy george x reader please!! fem reader, maybe paul or john’s sister? lots of fluffy cavern goodness would be much appreciated!! 💗
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anon asked for Teddy boy!George x fem reader!!!! THANK U SM FOR THE RQ! <33
definitely gonna go with paul hehe
-You being the sister of the prettiest boy in school gave you lots of attention, girls asking you for favors, giving you notes to pass n share to your brother, the list goes on.
-Paul always flirted back with the women he talked to, but he had competition with George either way when it came to girls.
-You were so in love with him the more you noticed his presence, which of course made it worse, you couldn’t help it. His smile, his wink.. The way he talked to you like you were the only girl in the world.
-Paul found out about this and gave you a stern talking to, about not to “date boys” and especially NOT GEORGE. It was hypocritical, he could flirt but you couldn’t date a single boy?
-Did you care though? No, no you didn’t. You felt seen for once, and not like a shadow behind your brother. You knew it wasn’t his fault and he was only trying to protect you.
-Either way you were on George’s radar, you both started to get closer (emotionally and physically) to the point you were having dreams about him.
-You talked to him almost every day at this point, before, during and after school. Your brother caught on but you told him nothing would happen.
“Aye, you wanna come by my place? My parents aren’t gonna be home, we can watch a movie.” George whispered to you in class with that thick Liverpool accent that made your body melt.
You nodded, trying not to alert the teacher and get you or him in trouble.
And after-school outside like always you meet up with him, this time you told your brother you had somewhere to be and not to wait up for you, that had raised a little suspicion from Paul but he didn’t want to give you a hard time anymore than he already has.
You were nervous? Sort of? This was the first boy that paid this much attention to you in what felt like forever. You held George’s hand by instinct, you were gonna pull away out of embarrassment but he locked his fingers with yours.
If your face wasn’t red before it was definitely red now. George spoke up again, “My house ain’t too far but I still gotta drive..”
“You have a car???” Surprised, I mean, why wouldn’t you be surprised!? When he walked you out to his vehicle you realized partially why girls liked him so much.. A hot ride and a guitarist at the same time was all he needed to score.
“Yep, a real beauty ain’t she?”
You hummed in response
You got in as he did, strapping in. He started the engine and drove off. You didn’t dare to touch anything or even look at him, you were bad with eye contact when it came to your crushes. (Sucks that Paul decided to always scare them away) But you knew George was different.
He didn’t take shit from anyone, not even your brother. In fact i’m sure he likes the idea that he’s going against Paul. George didn’t say much the whole ride, he put on music though.
You didn’t mind how quiet it was, but you were too deep into your thoughts to realize he had parked the car already, snapping you out by the sound of his voice. “Cmon, i’ll show you inside n’ let you pick out the movie if ye want.” And there was that fucking smile again.
He let you step out of the car, holding your hand again. His hands were very soft just like his voice, he didn’t rush you or try to make a move.. It was nice.
You entered, and his house was actually really pleasing in decorum. His parents definitely raised him well, it showed.
There was blankets folded next to the couch in a basket, pillows perfectly placed on each side.
George kicked his shoes off, so you did the same, he was asking you what you wanted to watch since his parents owned a collection of tapes/movies you looked through them, picking one that happened to be horror.
You both were *almost* cuddled up on the couch under the blankets, until a scary scene came on you jumped and grabbed onto George’s shirt, hiding your face in his chest. You liked scary movies but the scenes still make you jump.
He held you tight and petted your hair, whispering to you that there was nothing to be scared about. “Ya don’t need to be so frightened i’m here, it’s okay.”
You sniffled at his response, opening ur eyes to look at him and that’s when he kisses you. Softly, yet holding back in case you weren’t ready.. But you were ready and knew it.
It felt like a thousand butterflies were in your stomach and chest by how close your faces were.
George didn’t let you go or stopped kissing your head until the movie was over, anytime the movie had a jumpscare he’d hold you tighter. You really have never experienced something like this, it was so comforting.
This was the first step to dating and having George as your own, all to yourself.
“I can drive you home, pretty girl.” He said with that gentle tone again, kissing your lips longer this time, a smirk plastered on his face.
“Oh shoot yeah, you definitely should.. So, does this mean we’re like.. Dating?” You sprouted the question to him, averting your eyes.
“Guess it does, why else would I be kissing ye?”
You knew you would have to explain to Paul and your parents why you were gone so long, but it would be worth it. So so worth it when you get home. <3
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player1064 · 4 months
Hi! All such great carraville drabbles so far! If you’re still doing them, may I request them coming out publicly and the various reactions of news broadcasters, other ex/current footballers and of course, the internet. Thanks!
aaa thank you!!! and yessss I love fics where it's public reaction to stuff and i LOVE multi-media type fics so this was fun to write (even though i am much too lazy to come up with fake twitter usernames)
Group: MU mob
Phillip: forwarded an instagram post by gneville2 Phillip: ???
Gary: what Gary: do u think I was too nice to him in the caption Gary: I can edit it to add something about scousers maybe Gary: or how he never won the league
Phillip: you and Carragher???
Gary: ?
Paul: whyd u make me look at that rot first thing in the morning Paul: put me off my breakfast that did
Ryan: im not installing instagram for this whats he done now
Nicky: ^
Phillip: he’s dating Carragher?????
Ryan: where have u been for the last 2 years its literally all he talks about
Phillip: America! I have been! In! America! Phillip: Gaz I can’t believe you told them and not me?
Paul: I wish he hadnt told us to be fair Paul: they r so annoying
Gary: sorry phil I mustve forgot Gary: timezones etc Gary: gtg we’re having breakfast before he has to head to studio 🥞😍
David: nice post Gary 😊🏳️‍🌈 Happy for you x
Chat: Stevie G
Missed call from Stevie
Stevie: Carra
Missed call from Stevie
Stevie: Jamie Lee Duncan Carragher Stevie: pick up your damn phone Stevie: you are shit at this best friend thing yknow Stevie: also Gary Neville??? Stevie: you were moaning about him when I called you just last week Stevie: but if he makes you happy that’s alright then Stevie: tell him he’s buying me a pint next time I’m home Stevie: in liverpool mind Stevie: don’t care if you love him you won’t see me in pub in manchester
The Daily Mail
Former rivals turned co-pundits posted Valentine’s day messages on their Instagram accounts which appear to show an intimate relationship between the two men, who were both married to women for over ten years. Neither has responded for comment.
> they’re the worst pundits on sky anyway they don’t even try to hide the bias for their teams
> gary neville’s always trying to bring politics into everything rishi was right he should stick to football!
> well I will be getting my commentary from MOTD moving forward. wish I could cancel sky sports but can’t afford to miss all the match coverage so they will be getting a strongly worded letter from me instead.
The Guardian
There are still no openly gay players in the top tier of the men’s game. Now that two retired premier league footballers have come out, we have to ask: why is this headline news?
Both Liverpool and Manchester United football clubs have posted messages in support of Neville & Carragher, and so have many current and former players. But it begs the question why they thought that support might not be implicit, or why the two pundits had to publicly “come out” at all.
> tbh I didn’t even know who they were until I saw Beckham’s ig story 💀
> surprised Gerrard’s not said anything, thought he and Carragher were mates >>> probably can’t if he wants to keep his manager contract $$$
> the guardian: why is the media making a fuss about two ex-footballers coming out? the guardian: is part of the media making a fuss about two ex-footballers coming out…
Sports - Trending Gary Neville 264k tweets
Jamie Carragher 151k tweets
@.1111 they’ve been obsessed with each other for years is anyone really surprised
@.222 ngl I thought Gary Neville was already out as gay? You’re telling me people have believed he’s straight this whole time??
@.333 it’s giving slow burn enemies to lovers 150k words…
@.444 sky already wheels the two of them out together whenever they need to promote ANYTHING I bet it’s gonna get 10x worse now
Chat: J ❤️
G 👹👸: good luck on show tonight G 👹👸: no vday dinner :( G 👹👸: I shall have to waste away and pine instead G 👹👸: drown my sorrows etc
J ❤️: should be back to hotel by 1 at the latest J ❤️: I know that’s past ur bedtime old man so don’t wait up
G 👹👸: I will be up (😉😉) and ready to give you your dessert 😘 G 👹👸: might have a cheeky nap before though to be fair
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crepesuzette2023 · 8 months
Paul McCartney, Celia Mortimer, Iris & Vi Caldwell & Mike McCartney: Sketches for a Coming-of-Age Novel.
All quotes from TUNE IN by Mark Lewisohn, except the last one.
[Paul] had two main girlfriends in the last weeks of 1962 and neither knew of the other. One was Celia Mortimer, 17, the strikingly attractive redhead from art school who designed her own clothes and was a big Beatles fan at the Cavern.
'In my first year at art College everyone was wild about trad jazz, but then word came up the hill that ‘things were happening’ at the Cavern; a few of us went down one lunchtime to have a look—and there were the Beatles. […] It was the first time anyone in Britain had the black polo neck, black corduroy, existentialist look. I instantly took their lead and started to make hip black corduroy things to wear.'
‘[…] Paul was attractive, intelligent, arty, all the things that appealed to me, plus he was good to be with: a genuine, gentle person who wanted to please. He was the complete opposite of John, who was snarly and grumpy and incredibly, incisively funny. Paul was the nice one. We started to go out, but things were still quite innocent. Because I lived some way out of Liverpool there weren’t many places we could go, except to sit in his dad’s front room or my friend’s front room, or the cinema—we saw the first James Bond film.’ EXOTIC NIGHTMARES
Paul’s other girlfriend was Iris Caldwell—Rory Storm’s witty, pretty, blonde sister; George’s first love; the 18-year-old daughter of Ma Storm, whose house, Hurricaneville at 54 Broad Green Road, was central to the Beatles’ late-night social scene.
‘He had a beautiful voice and puppy-dog eyes,’ Iris says, ‘and he was much more interested in me than I was in him. I wanted more than a tuppence-ha’penny guitarist of a Liverpool group.’ Iris’s professional dancing career had taken off: she was as busy as Paul, working summer seasons and London shows and touring around the country; they could only see each other when their diaries dovetailed, and just as Paul was with Celia when Iris was out of town, she was secretly going out with Frank Ifield. […]
Iris always knew that a big part of the attraction for anyone going out with her or Rory was the chance of extended time at Hurricaneville, to hang longer around her dad Ernie and especially her mum, Vi. […] ‘Mum never chucked anyone out,’ Iris says. ‘We were all late-night people apart from me dad, who the Beatles called the Crusher because he had exotic nightmares and ate household objects.’ […]
Mary had been gone for six years this October, and Vi Caldwell was one of the women who tried to fill the breach. ‘I was practically a mother to Paul,’ she said without boasting. She made him food and drink, took his stage-soaked shirts and washed and ironed them, and shared easy intimacies. ‘Paul used to like her combing his legs,’ Iris says. ‘He had really hairy legs and he’d come in from the Cavern all tired, roll up his trousers and she used to comb his legs. How ridiculous can you get? But he adored my mum and my mum adored him.’
Vi recalls: ‘Paul was very temperamental. He would come on occasions and would be terrifically friendly and down-to-earth, and on other occasions he would come and be rather aloof and we wondered if we had offended him, as if he was thinking ‘I’m being too friendly so I’ll keep you in your place.’ That was our impression.’
[Paul] was without the others, but with Celia Mortimer…and a new song. It was Tuesday/Wednesday 23/24 October [1962], the Beatles’ sole two-day break of the year, and Paul decided to leave his car at home and have an adventure: he and Celia hitch-hiked to London to see Ivan Vaughan. Paul loved hitching: he enjoyed chatting to strangers and seeing himself in an observational role, but he’d only done it with George or John, never with a girl. Celia—intelligent, chic, a pretty redhead—made it thrilling in a different way. And it was to see the brilliant Ivy, his Institute mate and John’s boyhood pal. […]
The new song was I Saw Her Standing There, though it had no title as yet. Its melody and structure skidded into Paul’s head late on Monday as he drove back from a Nems Enterprises Showdance in Widness. This was a sophistication of delivery had never experienced, inspiration so excitingly hot that when he got to Hurricaneville he grabbed an acoustic guitar and started working it out. […] It was truly a magical moment for Rory Storm, who’d never seen anyone write a song before. Vi and Iris would always maintain that he asked Paul if he could have it, exclusively, and Paul said yes—but as Rory didn’t have a record contract it’s unclear why he asked and Paul may have said yes only to regain some necessary peace and quiet.
Celia: ‘We had an amazing time, just wandering the streets in the sunshine, looking at London, holding hands and having fun, and Paul had the melody of what became I Saw Her Standing There going round his head all day, humming and singing it and fleshing out the words. […] He said, ‘What rhymes with “We danced through the night?” and I came up with ‘We held each other tight’, which was really quite naff, but he used it.’ BACK TO McCARTNEY-LENNON
However, the song was completed only when he had a front parlour session with John at 20Forthlin Road. They tried out little bits on Jim Macs Nems piano but mostly used guitars, working ‘eyeball to eyeball’ just like when they’d first written together here as schoolboys. Mike took photographs of them sitting by the little tiled fireplace—important historic images, the only such photos ever taken—so here we see these two sharp ambitious tuned-in young man looking down at an old Liverpool Institute exercise book in which Paul has written the words, complete with plenty of crossings-out. John is wearing his black horn-rim glasses and playing his Jumbo Gibson, Paul is playing a cheap Spanish acoustic of unknown history. Another original, a McCartney-Lennon one, is taking shape right here, right now. BIG PLAYER CELIA AND THE OTHER McCARTNEY BOY
Celia Mortimer’s relationship with Paul ended in the last weeks of 1962. ‘As the Beatles spent more time in London, Paul was there and not in Liverpool so much, and our situation just fizzled out. There was no time for it.’ She went on to become a big player on the London fashion scene, with her own label and studio on Great Portland Street, just a long from where she spent a few hours with Paul in 1962. In between times, she went out for a long time with Mike McCartney and was part of the Liverpool poetry scene.
Mike (a Ladies’ hairdresser at the time): MY FIRST LOVE AND BOB 'FOLK RUBBISH' DYLAN (from The Macs, 1981)
One day my first real love, after mum, walked into the salon; she was one of a group of models posing for the Daily Post and Echo. I was brushing up the hair as it cascaded endlessly down on to the floor. I wasn't exactly the brushing up which excited her, it was the way I did it (isn't it always?). The brush was balanced, she later recalled, on the end of my index finger, the furthest point from my body and, with absolute disdain, I followed it across the shop floor.
Not being a Post and Echo model at all, but in truth a hungry student plying her body for money, she returned for the free evening classes where she became my model, and I discovered that her name was Celia. From a model customer she became a model model, and from a model model we became a model couple.
She was the first woman I gave myself to, and she gave herself in return. In her Husky Street flat we got lost in each other's body and mind; we swam together through many Liverpool 8 late nights and often into the morning, when she would get up to cook breakfast and put on records. I would just lie there, male chauv-like. One morning she kept playing a particular album which didn't impress me.
'Who's that Ceel?'
'Someone they keep playing at college . . . Bob Dylan.'
'Never heard of him.'
'Neither had I, but after a while he's quite good.'
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"Ceel—my first real love (after Mum)." Photo by Mike McCartney.
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ts1m1kas · 4 months
Original Ask: this time its based in liverpool, our scottish gremlin being set up to go on dates by james milner ( cause of course its milly ) and he hates all of them until one night, his date doesn't show up ( or so he thinks ) so he goes to a bar to drink when he spots the reader who unknowingly is his date, it turns out the reader had been caught up with something that she forgot the date 🫢 (@findingnemosworld)
Word Count: 596 words
(author's note: nemo never fails to send the best requests ever !! i know robbo isn't everyone's cup of tea, but i love writing for him 🫶)
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It was well-known that Andy and James were good friends. Throughout their years at Liverpool, they had gotten very close, which resulted in them telling each other everything. So, when Andrew came to James and told him he was struggling in the dating scene, he was eager to help the Scotsman find the love of his life.
However, date after date had gone by, and none of the women had made Andy feel special. He had started to lose hope in ever finding someone when he got a text from James;
‘Get ready, found you another bachelorette ;)’  
Andy pulled on a nicer outfit, checked his hair, and sprayed some cologne onto his neck. Once he was happy with his appearance, he checked his phone again to find the details of his date. Setting off to the restaurant, the nerves began to hit.
Andrew had sat at the table alone for 25 minutes before he decided he’d been stood up. Standing up and tucking the chair back under the table, he headed towards the door.
“Hi there should be a table under Robertson? I know I’m quite late, I hope he’s still here.”
At the mention of his last name, he looked up and walked in the direction of the young woman.
“She’s with me.” Andy said, nodding at the waiter.
“Thank goodness, I didn’t want you to think I had stood you up.”
“No worries, shall we go sit down?”
She nodded at the suggestion and followed him back to the table that Andrew had previously been sitting at.
“Again, I’m so sorry I’m late, the traffic in my area was so bad.”
“Don’t worry about it. It was out of your hands. You’re here now. That's all that matters.”
“I love your accent. Are you Scottish?”
“Yeah, born and raised. Only moved down here for work, what about you?”
“I’ve lived in Liverpool my whole life. I currently work in a café. My dream is to work in football media or journalism, though.”
“I could probably put in a good word for you.”
All of a sudden, it dawned on her. “Oh my goodness. You’re Andy Robertson. As in the Liverpool footballer”
Andrew laughed. “That’s my name, don’t wear it out. Speaking of names, you haven’t told me yours.” 
“I’m Y/N. Y/N L/N to be more specific. Sorry, I just can’t believe I’m on a date with Andy Robertson.”
He smiled, “I’m really nothing special, just a regular man.”
“But you are, though. You’re so talented. And funny. And very handsome.”
“You’re not too bad yourself, lass.”
Y/N face flushed pink at his words, and the conversation continued. The pair flirted back and forth while getting to know one another. Drinks kept flowing, and before they both knew it, the sky outside was dark, and it was time to call it a night.
The pair exchanged numbers with the promise of meeting up again soon. Feeling bold, Y/N leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to Andrew’s lips. He kissed back, the contact soft and barely there.
When they parted, they split ways, both walking home with a smile. When Andy got home, he pulled up James’ number and shot him a quick text:
‘You picked a good one mate, think she’s the one.’
He turned his phone off and got into bed with a smile, his heart filled with optimism for the first time in months. Y/N, in her own home, unknowingly mirrored these movements, the same feeling of optimism enveloping her as she drifted off to sleep.
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jordanpickford · 7 hours
waiting patiently here for someone to explain the Trent Jude lore (not to be confused with Jude Law, father of Trent’s kind of girlfriend, showing my age here)
I have been surprised by the rabid Trent Jude comments and I am a Liverpool fan so I feel I should know…? I know they hung out at the Qatar World Cup and one of them did an Instagram post which was like “evening walks with bro” and also they were spotted at a Chris Brown concert but this… this is not enough for me
Thank goodness I am not alone in this??? England posted earlier asking who people want on the first lions den and men and women alike were going crazy for Jude and Trent??? Like balls out JUDE AND TRENT every single one of them!
I went on Ao3 and there was a plethora of stuff!!! Honestly the whole thing is not on my radar even remotely I knew Hendo was grooming both but had no idea they were bffls of their own accord!!!!
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rhapsodynew · 2 months
For most people, House of the Rising Sun evokes memories of the 1964 hit The Animals. The song itself, however, has a hidden and shockingly extensive history that began much earlier than the mid-1960s.
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The melody itself is a traditional English ballad, but it has become popular as an African American folk song. It was recorded by Texas Alexander in the 1920s, then by a number of other performers, including Ledbelly, Woody Guthrie, Josh White and later Nina Simone.
But it was Nina's version that The Animals heard.
No one can claim the rights to the song, which means that it can be recorded and sold without royalties. But many bands made covers of it after it became a hit with The Animals.
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Historians have not been able to definitively identify what the "House of the Rising Sun" is, but here are two of the most popular theories:
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1.This song is about a brothel in New Orleans. The House Of The Rising Sun was named after its owner, Madame Marianne Le Soleil Levant (which means "Rising Sun" in French). The brothel operated from 1862 to 1874, and then closed due to complaints from neighbors.
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2.We are talking about a women's prison in New Orleans called the Orleans Parish Women's Prison, the entrance gates of which were decorated with paintings of the rising sun. This could explain the phrase from the song "ball and chain".
Ethnomusicologist Alan Lomax recorded his version of the song in 1937 with a 16-year-old girl named Georgia Turner. In this context, the song is sung in the first person in the present tense, when the singer laments how the House of the Rising Sun destroyed her life. In this traditional folk version, the main character is either a prostitute or a prisoner. The Animals changed the character to a gambling enthusiast to make their version more suitable for radio.
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In 1964, this folk song became a worldwide hit for The Animals. Their version reached number one in the UK on July 9, and in America on September 5.
Animals vocalist Eric Burdon explained in a 2010 interview for Songfacts:
House of the Rising Sun is a song that I was just destined to perform. She was made for me, and I was made for her. It was a great song to tour with Chuck Berry because it became a way to reach the audience without copying Chuck Berry himself. It was a great trick, and it worked. In fact, not only a trick, but also a great record.
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Bob Dylan included this song on his first album in 1962 with a folk arrangement like that of American folk singer Dave Van Ronk. When The Animals recorded it two years later, it transformed Dylan. The musician realized that he could apply a rock rhythm to a folk song. Bob bought an electric guitar and started playing it, which made him famous at the Newport Folk Festival in 1965, where he performed an electric set for the first time.
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The Animals recorded the song in the studio in just one take, as they honed it by constantly performing on tour. John Steele, the band's drummer, recalled this.:
On May 17, 1964, we played in Liverpool, and then went to London, where Mickey Most booked a studio for the ITV show Ready Steady Go! Because of the reaction we got to Rising Sun, we asked to record this song as well, to which he said, "OK, we'll do it in the same session." We tuned in, played a few bars for the sound engineer – it was mono without overdubs – and recorded it only once. After listening, Mickey said: "That's it, it's a finished single." The sound engineer said that the song came out too long, but instead of shortening it a little, Mickey plucked up the courage and said, "Now we live in a microgrove world, we'll release it." A few weeks later, the song became No. 1 worldwide. When we knocked the Beatles off the top in America, they sent us a telegram that read: "Congratulations from The Beatles (band)."
Producer Mickey Most added:
Everything was in the right place, the planets were in the right place, the stars were in the right place, and the wind was blowing in the right direction. It took only 15 minutes to record, so I can't take much credit for producing it. It was just an incident that captured the atmosphere in the studio.
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My old collection of cover version
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