#mads mikkelsen x reader
imninahchan · 1 day
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𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖ 𐙚 ⌜ 𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐒: mads mikkelsen, contagem de palavras (1,6k), diferença de idade legal, cigarro, sexo casual, shower sex(?), dirty talk, degradação, corruption kink, masturbação fem + fingering, choking, daddy kink (1 vez só!) ⁞ ♡ ̆̈
꒰ 𝑵𝑶𝑻𝑨𝑺 𝑫𝑨 𝑨𝑼𝑻𝑶𝑹𝑨 ꒱ @cheolcam esse é pra vc diva ─ Ꮺ !
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.⸙ A PRIMEIRA COISA QUE ELE FAZ ao sair do banho é acender um cigarro. O ruído sutil do isqueiro é suficiente pra te fazer abrir os olhos, encarar a figura do mais velho pelo quarto. Ele se arruma, afivela o cinto da calça, busca pela camisa que estava usando antes de chegar aqui contigo e a veste. As mãos correm pelos cabelos acinzentados, ajeitando os fios úmidos, ao se virar na direção da cama. O pito entre os lábios finos, um pequeno sorriso se estica ao te observar entrelaçada com o lençol. Nua, de bruços.
“Vamo'”, ele murmura, “te dou uma carona.”
Você aperta os olhos, o corpo encolhe sobre o colchão, fazendo manha, mais e mais abraçada pelo lençol. A garganta arranha, feito uma gatinha. É verdade que a sua vontade é ficar aqui nessa casa, com a vista pacata da metrópole europeia, fingindo que não tem mais nenhuma obrigação senão estar com o corpo aquecido pelo dele agora que as temperaturas estão abaixando conforme a nova estação chega. Mas não pode, infelizmente. E, às vezes, 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒔 faz questão de te lembrar que não pode.
Caminha pra beirada da cama, esticando a mão para ti. “Quer um banho também?”, te pergunta, com bom humor. Traga, enchendo os pulmões, e ergue o queixo para soltar a fumaça para cima. “Deveria”, aponta, “não pode voltar com o meu perfume.”
O seu suspiro é longo, claramente demonstra bem que não está nada a fim de retornar para a realidade. No entanto, aceita o convite, se apoia na mão dele para levantar o corpo. “Para de usar perfume quando for me comer, então.” A sua resposta faz parecer tudo muito simples, e ele ri, soprado, claro.
Vai com ele caminhando pelo cômodo, passos curtinhos e braços jogados sobre os ombros do homem. Não faz o mínimo de esforço para externar uma feição convidativa; está com as pálpebras caídas, os lábios torcidos. Ele encosta a porta do banheiro, te encara parada de pé com essa expressão carrancuda, ia até falar algo, jogar uma piadinha, mas prefere te guiar até o box, rindo de cada resmungo que você solta.
Gira o registro, checa a temperatura da água corrente, pode ir, avisa. “Não ia me dar banho?”, é só quando faz o questionamento que a cara melhora. A sobrancelha levanta, a face se ilumina com um sorrisinho de lado, sugestiva para além das palavras já explícitas demais para o contexto. 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒔 descansa o cotovelo na linha de vidro do box aberto, coça o caminho entre o sobrolho, pensativo, sorrindo também, antes de te responder “acho que já está bem grandinha pra tomar banho sozinha, não?”
Você abaixa a cabeça, revirando os olhos de levinho. Se aproximando do chuveiro, para umedecer os pezinhos descalços no acúmulo que se forma até escorrer para o ralo. Está de costas para ele, embora sinta o peso do olhar sobre a sua figura. Daí, escuta o barulho do box sendo arrastado, fechado, e não pode deixá-lo ir. Mads, chama. Ele torna a atenção a ti, antes que possa pegar na maçaneta. Te vê, as gotinhas de água escorrendo pela barriga, pelas coxas até os pés — esses que andam em direção ao vidro, cada vez mais pertinho, até as suas mãos espalmarem na superfície que aos poucos nubla por causa do vapor. Até a pontinha do seu nariz resvalar ali, até os seus lábios se unirem num biquinho, os olhos se fecharem, viajando ao encontro do vidro. Beijar. Suave. Delicada. Mas tão, tão impura.
Ele adora a visão, sim. No fundo, porém, sente que, depois de tanto te sujar de porra noite após noite, parece que concebeu a garota mais mundana, completamente sem deixar os vestígios do anjinho que você costumava ser. E não é como se se arrependesse. É... excitante.
“Me fode mais”, você sussurra, ao que ele avisa não podemos demorar, e você insiste “só um pouquinho...”
𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒔 retorna, cara a cara contigo, apenas a dureza do vidro os separando. “Tá molhada”, diz, “vai me molhar todo.” Só que você tem as respostas na ponta da língua, simplória uma vez mais, não precisa tirar nada, conta, põe os dedos em mim. O homem arrasta a porta do box, rapidinho joga de qualquer jeito o cigarro na pia do banheiro para apoiar o ombro na parede e manter o foco somente em ti. “meus dedos?”, repete, te vendo fazer que sim, desejosa esperançosa de prolongar a estadia sempre breve ao lado do dinamarquês, “vai ser suficiente pra você?”
Você segura na gola da camisa, os olhinhos descendo por entre a abertura dos primeiros botões desfeitos, a visão dos pelos fininhos no peitoral masculino. Vai ser, sopra. Sente os dedos dele tocam na sua coxa, envolvendo a pele, apertando, porque precisam reter firme e erguer a sua perna o suficiente para que a outra mão comece descendo da altura do seu ventre até cair pelo monte de vênus. “Tem certeza?”, ele quer confirmar, sacana, “só vou te tocar uma vez.”
“Tudo bem.”
“É?”, os dedos mergulham na umidade entre as suas pernas. Ainda está meladinha de ontem à noite. Não se deu ao trabalho de se limpar quando terminaram, já estava tão cansada, os músculos pulsando, que pegou no sono de imediato, sem nem saber ao certo se ele adormeceu contigo na mesma hora ou não. Aí, o oceano de melzinho e porra junto facilita o carinho, não vai precisar te molhar primeiro, pode ir direto onde importa, onde quer te preencher. O indicador acha o caminho sem erro, deslizando até esconder-se pra dentro.
Você une o sobrolho, adorável, “um só?”
Ele se inclina mais pra perto, roça o nariz fino na sua bochecha, sorrindo, o dedinho único entrando e saindo de ti, “calma, vou te dar mais”, te olha de novo.
“Mas não foi você que disse que a gente tá com pressa?”
“Eu sei”, soa paciente, elegante, “mas não vou socar tudo nessa buceta e foder com força pra você gozar rápido.”
“Não?”, você aparenta desapontada.
“Não”, e ele explica, “você tem que estar sentada, bonitinha, no meu carro até eu te levar pra casa. Não posso te entregar parecendo que era eu que 'tava te comendo.”
Ah, é, a sua vozinha ecoa boba, cínica, completando o que estamos fazendo é proibido. 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒔 estica mais o sorriso de canto, soma o dedo médio no seu interior quentinho. “é por isso que a gente continua? Hm?”, instiga. Está de olho na boca alheia, nos fios espetados da barba grisalha por fazer, “porque proibido é mais gostoso.”
Ele pende a cabeça pro lado, “tecnicamente, não é proibido.”
“Você é velho demais pra mim.”
“Pois para de dar pra mim.”
Você sente os dedos dele recuando de novo, dessa vez, porém, para sair de vez, te abandonar e ainda quentinhos, abafados pelo seu fervor, subir pelo seu sexo em busca do pontinho. “Não, você me fode tão bem, ah...”, a fala é interrompida pelo gemido manhosinho, o ar expulso dos pulmões ao vergar para frente, segurando na nuca alheia e escondendo o rosto no pescoço dele.
Recebe um carinho fatal, de fazer as suas pernas estremecerem, de pensar que não vai se aguentar de pé caso o estímulo continue, “vai foder comigo até quando, então?”, a voz do mais velho recheia o seu ouvido, rouca, profunda, “até achar um moleque pra casar contigo?”
Você cerra os olhos, sorrindo, gosta da brincadeira com as palavras, “é o plano”, diz, “Vai me dedar na minha lua de mel também?”. 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒔 esfrega o cantinho do rosto no teu, terno, reprimido de certa forma, porque o tesão se acumula e a vontade era estar com o pau sufocado pela sua buceta até te deixar com a porra dele escorrendo entre as coxas. Por que você é tão cachorra assim?, a frase é sussurrada contra a sua pele.
Tem que encará-lo de novo, estar olhando nos olhos dele, ardentes, pra respondê-lo você que me fez assim. “É tudo culpa sua”, você deixa bem claro, “se eu me comporta como uma puta, é porque você me acostumou como uma”, toca com o indicador no queixo dele, a sua pele raspando na barba áspera, “é porque me deu tanta pica que agora eu não consigo mais deixar de te pedir pra meter de novo”, sorri, “então, toda vez que eu quiser, você tem que me comer, papai.”
Não sabe se é a excitação ou o repúdio ao termo que faz 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒔 pegar na sua garganta e chocar as suas costas contra a parede do box, sério, bruto. Você mantém a perna erguida, por mais que os músculos latejam, doam, apoiando o joelho no cós da calça dele. O círculos demorados ao redor do seu clitóris dão lugar ao penetrar frenético dos dedos, e você pode jurar, não é apenas dois mais. Machuca gostoso, te faz prender, soltar, mais apertadinha, o ar faltando nos pulmões.
Os lábios se entreabrem, como se gritasse em silêncio, de cenho franzido, sendo dominada pelo olhar arrepiante. Porra, ama quando ele te fode assim... Melhor, ama quando ele te fode. Mesmo que saiba que nunca vão ter um relacionamento de verdade, que jamais terão uma fotinha juntas pra provar que já se conheceram. Mesmo que saiba que tudo isso começou por diversão, que quando beija a boca dele precisa se lembrar de que não pode se apegar ao gosto do beijo. Que ele vai te deixar em casa, parar o carro na rua de baixo do seu apartamento longe do centro de Copenhague, e quando a sua colega te perguntar se passou a noite com aquele cara bonitinho, você vai dizer que sim, porque não pode admitir em voz alta que está fodendo o pai dela.
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softieekayy · 1 year
10 things Hannibal has said about or to his wife
(Enjoy the gif, it’s what Mrs lecter sees in bed 😉)
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1) you are the fire that burns deep within my soul. Without you, I would cease to exist.
2) oh my soul, I love you more than anything on this planet. Even the greatest beauty on this world falls pale to you.
3)my heart only beats for you, my money is yours, my life is yours. Anything you do with it is yours.
4) there is only one god in my life and that’s my wife. She’s my creator and my universe. She’s the very essence of my being.
5) I would suffer through a thousand more lifetimes if it meant I get to be with you.
6) never will I love anyone as much as I love my wife. She is the one thing that keeps my heart beating. Without her, I would be nothing.
7) if her love is a thorn on the rose, then I’d gladly prick myself a thousand times to feel it.
8) my life would be colourless less without your presence. You are my moon and my universe. The sun that shines bright. The very essence of my existence.
9) if my death meant for her to live, I would die for her each time. There is no me without her.
10) I would die at her mercy if it meant I saw her face for the last time.
Tagging: @jake-g-lockley @shawty-writes-a-little @chchchcheni
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calummss · 6 months
Mads Mikkelsen Headcanon: Dating A Younger Woman Would Include
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the age gap i'm thinking of is 20-35 years, so if it makes you uncomfortable do not read!
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you would probably meet randomly at a park, both of you walking alone and bumping into each other
let’s add the cliché where one of you is holding a cup of coffee and it goes everywhere, staining the two of you
instead of glares or words of anger, you both chuckle at each other and laugh, apologising with grins on your face
he offers you some money for new clothes but you deny
you start to talk and realise similar interest and it all kind of comes naturally
both of you had intentions of frienly acquaintances but slowly evolved into friends that went out for dinner or drink every couple of months
i feel like you would be the first to fall for him
you knew that he was significantly older than you but your heart saw right past that
mads never brought up the topic because he thought it would be weird and didn’t want to destroy the newly friendship
but one day you were bold enough to ask him if he thought of you more as a friend
he stumbled over his words a few times but ultimately admitted his affection for you
you kissed him to let him know you felt the same way
secretly knowing that mads was an actor, you approached the relationship carefully, always making sure that you were alone or not as seen to avoid paparazzi
which did not work because 5 months into the relationship a famous paparazzi released the pictures because he knew the age difference would cause a scandal
and you were right
newsites, twitter, every social media app was talking about it; his fans especially where halved. some backing up the relationship, others not
the two of you pulled away even more and stayed in his home in denmark
your parents contacted you after seeing you on the internet
they were weirded out who am i kidding?
they met him and talked
realised that you are in love and couldn’t really disagree because you’re both consenting adults but it took them a while to get adjusted
you spent the next couple of months doings various things:
baking (your mother’s blueberry and raspberry chocolate muffins)
walks in the park
snuggling up on the couch watching throwback movies
dancing to songs
your favourite being i wanna be yours by arctic monkey
and your favourite activity was mads bringing you breakfast to bed…
when everything died around your dating scandal, you slowly started to go out into the world again
mads bringing you as a date to an award show where he mentioned you in his winning speech
your relationship faces ups and downs but you know that it was meant to be
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shegatsby · 8 months
Not sure exactly what you’re okay/not okay with as far as requests go, but I’d like to request a Hannibal x AFAB reader (or gn if you prefer) where the reader has a crush on Hannibal and discovers that he’s a serial killer and tells him she’s more attracted to him because of it. I’d prefer it ends up in the bedroom (wink wink) but it’s up to you :)
A/N; Hello love, thank you for this request I certainly enjoyed writing it. Enjoy!
Warnings; Hannibal killing a man, a little smut
First time you saw him was something else. You almost became a victim of a serial killer but thankfully a team of FBI agents and Dr. Hannibal Lecter saved you. Turns out this killer was on the loose for months and you dropping your phone in his car made them catch him, you were forever grateful. Dr. Lecter was a psychiatrist who was helping the FBI with their serial killer cases and he was also collecting data for a research of serial killers and he offered free therapy sessions in exchange of information. Seemed like a good deal.
It had been few months since you started the therapy and it was going smoothly for him but for you, you had to keep pressing your thighs together every time he played with his pen or grabbed something. Over the weeks you saw and observed tiny changes in his behavior. He started to loose his tie around his neck, rolled up his sleeves, gave your lingering looks. You also had minor changes, such as; wearing clothes that fit your body perfectly and showing your womanly figure, curves and all. You knew that revealing clothes won’t make him come to you so you started to dress elegantly, just like him.
One time you mentioned how much you like baking and he asked you to bake something for him and you did.   The next week you brought chocolate chipped cookies and he opened a bottle of wine.
He surprised you by having a cabinet in his office dedicated to all kinds of wine and you surprised him by fulfilling your promise of baking something for him. Hannibal Lecter never relied on anyone ever since he was a child, he never believed promises of people, even the ones he who are close to him because life thought him that people are deceitful animals. However, you managed to surprise him, it felt like a date but neither of you said anything about it.
Weeks went by and you kept surprising him with small things. One day, you baked a cake, it was the anniversary of you meeting him. You went to his office without telling him, it was suppose to be a surprise. Before you knocked on the door you heard some noises, a man coughing and things falling to the ground so you quickly opened the door to see the scenario.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter was on top of a man who was equally tall and strong as him and Hannibal’s big hands wrapped around that man’s throat, you halted in your steps. Your hands which were holding the container of the cake were shaking, your fight or flight response was triggered. You didn’t know what to do, in that moment you could feel everything and see, hear everything that was happening such as your soaked panties sticking to your core. You could feel your cheeks heat up, your heartbeat rising, Dr. Hannibal Lecter was murdering someone right in front of you and all you could think about or fantasies about how would you feel if his hands were wrapped around you, on his table..
When the man stopped breathing and struggling Hannibal bolted to his feet and turned to face you. His maroon eyes were startled at first but you could see his dilated pupils roaming on your body.
He didn’t  say anything, his chest heaving up and down, he closed the door and locked it, he came to you and held your shaking hands, put the container aside, ‘’Shh, I’m here, calm down.’’ Now that he was close you could see the bruises on his face, dry blood on his plump lips, blackened left eye, scratches here and there. His fingers went to put a strand of hair behind your ear, even under this strange circumstances, his eyes were soft as they addressed you.
He guided you to the couch. He sat next to you, his eyes never leaving yours. ‘’Now,’’ he breathed, ‘’What shall I do with you, little dove?’’
You didn’t respond, you were a deer caught in the lights. ‘’He attacked me, you saw what happened. I was defending myself.’’ He was so calm a sudden thought crossed your mind;
‘’This isn’t his first time.’’
Your body shivered, you knew what he wanted. He wanted you to tell Jack Crawford and others what you saw but an altered version of it, all you could do was to nod and let things happen.
It had been few weeks since that incident and you avoided your sessions with him. You made up excuses, one week you pretended like you had the cold, the other week you said you were out of town etc.
Every week he sent you a present, the week you were supposedly cold he sent you soup and warm bread, it was handmade. There was also a note; ‘’Get well soon, dove.’’
Your knees went weak with that note and gesture, the other week he sent you flowers, elegant and pure white bouquet of peony. Last week you’ve made up a lame excuse of not being in the mood and he called you on the phone.
‘’Hello Dr. Lecter?’’ you answered in a calm manner, ‘’Hello dove, I was wondering-‘’ he paused for a second ‘’why are you avoiding me. Well, I know the reason but I want to hear it from you.’’ You felt your heart go faster, subconsciously your thighs were pressing hard, ‘’It is best that I don’t join the sessions anymore Dr. Lecter.’’ You said out of breath, hearing his voice after a long time did something to you. He let out a devastatingly long sigh, you felt it in your core. ‘’I was hoping it doesn’t come to this.’’ He sounded tired and defeated.
You imagined him sitting in his office, sleeves rolled up, playing with his pen while talking to you. You wanted to rush to his aid, he was a busy man with a hectic schedule, you wanted to give him something to come home to. The thought of it made you get wet.
‘’Thank you for testifying on my behalf.’’ He sounded genuine.
At first he thought you would tell the truth but when you told everyone exactly what he told you he was impressed. There was something about you that he couldn’t put his finger on. He sometimes had this urge to pull your brain out and study it because you fascinated him profoundly, but then the thought of physically hurting you made him feel disgusted, which was rare in his case.
‘’You saved me,’’ you said remembering the night, he was the one who wrapped you in a blanket and carried you to the ambulance, he was the one who sat and waited by your side in the hospital.
‘’and I saved you, the debt is paid.’’ Your free hand slowly went to the waistband of your pjs, sid in and found your aching core, he cannot possibly realize can he?
‘’My little dove, hearing you say this breaks my heart, your life is not a burden.’’ He knew how you feel about yourself, a freak, a burden..
You loved the way he said ‘’dove’’ his accent thick, you wondered what else is thick about him. You wanted him to keep talking to you.
‘’Where are you right now? And be honest.’’ His tone had a warning, such dominance.. ‘’H- home.’’
Hannibal wasn’t a stupid man, he admired your boldness, talking to your therapist while touching yourself.
‘’Good girl.’’ He loved your honesty, maybe you were the only person who was honest to him from the start ‘’What are you doing?’’ he asked, even though he knew it.
Your panties were soaked, ‘’Laying on my couch.’’ You managed to say, his hand went to stroke his clothed member, he swallowed, ‘’I was asking as in.. action wise.’’ He teased. You were rubbing your wet cunt slowly, you let out a sigh. A pornographic one to be exact. ‘’Nothing-‘’
He didn’t let you continue, ‘’Tell me, do you always dream  of me when you touch yourself? His question shocked you, at first you thought you heard him wrong, but the silence continued. Cat was out of the bag, he caught you. ‘’Yes.’’ You said. Hannibal could feel himself getting harder. He stood up, locked his office door, you heard it. He sat back and unzipped his pants, he never thought he would be doing this in his office, well, he also never thought he would kill someone in his office but here we were.
‘’What are you wearing?’’ he asked, feeling like a school boy but it excited him. ‘’Nothing.’’
It was right, the second you heard him lock the door you took off your clothes, ‘’Clever girl. I assume you’re dripping wet, I have neglected you for so long, keep touching yourself.’’
Hannibal leaned back, stroking himself, his tip leaking, ‘’How do you dream of me?’’
One hand in your core the other touching your boob –he was on speakers- you spoke, ‘’Sometimes on the table, sometimes on the couch or in your bed. Pushing me down and taking me..’’
You remembered the scene, he was on the ground on top of a man and choking him. It made you moan. Your soft whimpers and divine voice made him stroke himself faster, ‘’Put two fingers inside sweet thing.’’
You could feel the shift in his voice. You moaned louder than before as you inserted your fingers, you were so wet he could hear it clearly. ‘’Every time I come from your office I touch myself.’’ You confessed, which made him growl, he was regretting that he didn’t take you before. He knew that you were interested in him from the beginning, he thought it was because you were in shock –due to your unique condition which is almost being murdered- and you were seeking shelter. He assumed over the weeks your fascination with him would disappear but he was wrong.
He was about to lose his mind because of the sounds you were making ‘’Stop!’’ he ordered and you followed. ‘’Wait for me.’’ And he hung up.
Never in a million years he would think of sleeping with a patient but you changed his mind, he got into his car and drove.
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storiesforallfandoms · 8 months
sob story ~ hannibal lecter;hannibal
word count: 2292
request?: no
description: in which he takes a liking to one of the new agents, and gets to learn her sad story
pairing: hannibal lecter x female!reader
warnings: swearing, the reader eats food made by hannibal...we all know what that means, mentions of cheating
masterlist (one, two, three)
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(Y/N) looked up from her paperwork as a plastic Tupperware container was placed in front of her. Hannibal stood over her, smiling down at her.
“What’s this?” she asked.
“Leftovers from the meal I prepared last night,” he said. “Agent Crawford asked to see me today, so I thought I would drop by your desk to bring you something to eat.”
(Y/N) smiled at him. “You brought this just for me? I must be pretty special.”
But she already knew the answer to that. Hannibal had taken quite the liking to (Y/N) since he first met her only a few weeks ago. She had no idea what it was that drew him to her, and truthfully, neither did Hannibal. She was just a desk agent, not a field agent. She didn’t get to do any of the exciting or impressive stuff. She sat in the FBI offices and waited for paperwork to come in, or brought files to the higher ups, or went to boring meetings that felt like they went on for hours.
That’s how the two of them met, actually. Jack Crawford had asked for a file on a suspect they were looking into for a case. When (Y/N) brought it in to them, Hannibal found himself captivated by her. He introduced himself, taking note of the sweet scent of the perfume she was wearing. When they shook hands, he was almost reluctant to let her go, but he knew he had to let her get back to her job. But ever since that day, whenever Hannibal was at the FBI offices, he made sure he went to speak with (Y/N) even for just a few moments.
Hannibal pulled up a chair next to her desk as (Y/N) opened the plastic container.
“God, it smells so good,” she said. “You have to teach me how to cook sometime. I’m always hearing about your popular dinner parties.”
“I’ve never taught anyone my recipes before. I’m usually a solo cooker.”
“Fine then. Keep your secrets.”
Hannibal chuckled. (Y/N) took a forkful of the food. The minute it touched her tastebuds she couldn’t help the sound that came from her throat. Nearby agents at their own desks looked over at the two of them. (Y/N) covered her face in embarrassment. “I should’ve waited till my break.”
They fell into silence as (Y/N) continued to eat. Hannibal watched her as she would take a bite and continue to work on her paperwork as she chewed. She was wearing a new perfume. It had a more prominent vanilla scent instead of a fruity scent like her last one. She always looked beautiful, but Hannibal found she looked especially so when she was focused on her work. It was when she seemed to be at her most vulnerable, when she wasn’t putting on an act for those around her, that he found she was the most beautiful.
Her phone was placed face up on the desk next to her. It lit up as a message came in. (Y/N) looked over at her phone for a moment before making a face and flipping the phone so the screen was face down on her desk. She turned back to the paperwork in front of her, but Hannibal could tell she wasn’t actually focusing on it.
“Everything alright?” he asked.
It took (Y/N) a moment to realize Hannibal had spoken. She looked up at him and halfheartedly smiled. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You sure? It seems like whatever message you just received wasn’t a good one.”
“Don’t therapist me, Lecter,” (Y/N) said, playfully, as she pointed her fork at him. “It was jut an old friend that I asked not to message me anymore, but they seem very persistent on going against what I want.”
“The friendship didn’t end well, I’d assume.”
(Y/N) shook her head but didn’t elaborate further. She stabbed at the food and pushed it around the container. Hannibal didn’t want to pry. It was his job to get people to tell him their problems, so he could’ve easily gotten (Y/N) to talk if he wanted to. But he decided not to, and that (Y/N) would tell him what was going on if she wanted to.
His ears perked up when she sighed and put the fork down again. “It’s a long story, and I don’t want to bother you with my sob story.”
Hannibal raised an eyebrow at her. “My job is listening to other people’s sob stories.”
She chuckled. “Fair point, but I’m not one of your clients.”
“You’re my friend, and it is to my understanding that friends talk to friends about things that are bothering them.”
(Y/N) nodded and sighed again. “Okay, well...the person who is messaging me stopped being my friend because my ex-boyfriend told her and all our other friends that I was crazy and a shitty girlfriend, so they all stopped being friends with me.”
Hannibal didn’t say anything. He gestured for her to continue, so she did.
“I was in a relationship for a long time,” she explained. “Like four or five years I think? It was a while ago so I don’t completely remember. Anyways, we were living together, we were so in love, we were talking about getting engaged and everything. And then, one night, he had left his phone open and I glanced down to see a text from another woman saying she was excited to see him, followed by a picture of her in lingerie.” She took a deep breath to try and stop the tears that were forming in her eyes from falling. “Turns out he had been cheating on me for months. Almost a year, actually.”
Hannibal’s hands clenched in his lap. Anger rose from deep inside of him. He was tempted to ask for her ex’s name so he could track the bastard down. How could someone have such a beautiful woman’s heart in his hand and completely crush it like that? He could’ve put a ring on her finger and gotten to call her his for the rest of their lives.
Maybe I shall invite her over for dinner soon, Hannibal thought to himself.
“How did that result in your friends no longer speaking to you?” he asked instead. “I’m not sure I see how he flipped this to be in his favor.”
(Y/N) laughed, humorlessly. “Never underestimate the power a man has over a woman he’s already hurt. Obviously, I was upset, so I acted kind of irrationally. I yelled, I cried, I screamed at him to leave the house, and when he refused, I started throwing his stuff out onto the front step. He told our friends I went through his phone and misinterpreted a message between him and ‘a coworker’. He told them I was crazy and went extra hysterical over nothing. I didn’t know until after, but he took a video of me throwing his stuff out, so he showed them that as proof. So, they all turned their backs on me.”
(Y/N) wiped her eyes quickly when she felt a tear run down her cheek. She let out a pitiful laugh and added, “And the icing on top is then he kicked me out. He put his name only on the lease, so there was no chance of fighting for the place. So, I was single, alone, and homeless in one fell swoop. He quite literally took everything from me.”
She looked down at her lap to try and hide her tears from anyone around them. There was no use pretending in front of Hannibal now. He had seen her break, but she didn’t want her coworkers to see it as well.
It had been many years since what happened with her ex. (Y/N) had gone through years of therapy to try and move on, and was still actively going when she had the time. There were days when she felt like she had moved on, and there were other days where all she could think about was the absolute heartbreak she felt when she saw those messages on her ex’s phone. She would sometimes see something that would remind her of their old friend group, and she’d remember how none of them spoke to her anymore. At first, she was sad about that, but after a while she got angry. She had tried to tell one of them, the one who was messaging her again now actually, that her ex cheated, but none of them would hear it. They just thought it proved even more that she was “the crazy ex-girlfriend”. She was angry that none of them would even listen to her, so it made it easier to get over them cutting her out.
Until a few days ago when that same ex-friend messaged (Y/N) asking if they could talk. When (Y/N) left the message on read, the friend tried again, explaining that her ex had finally come clean that he had cheated on (Y/N) after getting a little too drunk and someone asking him how he and his fiancée - the woman he cheated on (Y/N) with (that was a stab in the heart to read) - met. The friend begged for forgiveness and asked if they could talk, but (Y/N) told her that she didn’t want to be friends with any of them and not to contact her ever again.
It brought up so many old wounds - ones that were both partially and entirely healed. (Y/N) felt like she was back to those days of being a sad, young adult who was kicked out of her home, her relationship, and her friendships, all because of the actions of a dickhead like her ex. She had been trying to mask her upset while at work, but some days it was tougher than others.
But seeing Hannibal made it easier to forget.
She had really hoped that his surprise visit would bring her out of her mood. It almost had, if it wasn’t for that ex-friend messaging her yet again to try and beg for forgiveness.
(Y/N) jumped when Hannibal reached out for her hand. He took it in his and held it tightly. When she looked up, she realized how close he was leaning towards her.
“You should not let a man like that ruin you,” he told her. “You are a bright, beautiful woman, with a great job and I am assuming a fantastic family and new friends. He lost something great when he chose that other woman over you, and one of these days he will pay for making that decision.”
(Y/N) tried to smile. “I didn’t think someone like you would believe in karma.”
Not unless I’m the one inflicting it. “I can on occasions.”
She looked down at their connected hands. His was so much bigger than hers, so much cooler against her clammy skin. She suddenly felt self-conscious about the fact that her palm was so sweaty. She hoped he couldn’t feel it against his own palm.
“It’s not easy to just let go of a five year relationship that ends so suddenly like that,” she said, her voice small. “I haven’t dated anyone since because it’s just too hard to trust.”
“You must take things at your own pace,” Hannibal told her. “You can’t rush yourself into a new relationship if you’re not ready. There is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself first.”
When she looked up at him again, (Y/N) felt compelled to close the distance between herself and Hannibal. She wanted to kiss him more than anything. She wanted to feel more of him against her - his lips against hers, his hands on her body, his body against hers. She wanted to feel it all. But obviously, that would be a very inappropriate thing to happen in the workplace. Not to mention she wasn’t sure if Hannibal would really reciprocate to any of the things she wanted.
“Thank you,” she said, finally.
“It’s just the therapist in me.”
When she laughed this time, it was real. His heart fluttered at the sound. “I know, but it still means a lot. The fact that you come see me so often, that you brought me food today. It all means a lot to me. More than I think you could ever know.”
She didn’t want to let go of his hand, but she knew she couldn’t sit there like that all day. She was already well aware of how everyone was looking at them. She was sure she’d be mentioned at the coffee machine gossip session the next morning. So, (Y/N) reluctantly took her hand from Hannibal’s and reached for her pen instead.
“I really should try to finish this before Jack comes looking for it,” she said.
“Do you mind if I stay?” Hannibal asked.
“You don’t have anything else going on today?”
“Not until you’re finished.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “What are we doing when I finish my work?”
“I’m going to teach you how to cook.”
Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. Hannibal couldn’t help but smile back at her.
And so they did sit like that for the rest of the day; (Y/N) working and eating while Hannibal just kept her company. The conversation had died down a bit so she could actually work, but that only aided her in finishing her paperwork early and being allowed to clock out an hour earlier, too. She happily pulled on her coat and followed Hannibal to the elevator, where he reached out and took her hand again as the doors closed.
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angeluvvv · 1 year
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realizing that I will never get to meet any of my favorite dilfs :’)
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Pairing : Hannibal X Reader
⚠️ Warnings: implications of sexuality, things get steamy for a minute, reader brings up sexual traumas, Hannibal wants to murder the guy, yeah⚠️
After your initial meeting with the doctor, another appointment leaves you wondering just how much of your character you're willing to share, and how peculiar your situation with Hannibal Lecter may be.
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Your jacket whipped hard against your body as the wind really picked up; weather forecasters had mentioned that tonight would not only be a significantly cold one, but everyone on foot would be subject to rain and thunder. Thankfully, the foreseen lightning wasn’t supposed to hit until after your meeting with Dr. Lecter, which you were thankful for. Still, the night seemed eerie and even creepier was the looming building before you, its high walls and seemingly taller windows looking down upon the freshly tilled earth below. The architecture of the building with its corinthian patterns and lavish details had raindrops cascading into the most beautiful ripples with the water splashing onto the sidewalk leading up to the man you had awaited to speak to in anticipation all afternoon. 
You hurried yourself inside, finally letting your hold on your coat loose as you no longer had to battle the forces of the weather. Your heels had picked up some of the mud from the outside and to your dismay, had stained the ends of them. Why had you chosen to wear the red ones? The rest of you, however, was fairly dry as you had done a good job protecting your hair and business attire clothing from the rain. You had hoped Dr. Lecter would have something to dry your shoes off with as you didn’t want to come across as rude for walking in with muddied heels. You tried your best not to slip on the hardwood with your shoes in the state that they were in. 
Walking to the waiting room, you sat down on one of the comfortable chairs, waiting for the man himself to come and retrieve you for your one weekly session. Things had been going fairly well with him and the more time you spent with the doctor, the more you felt yourself opening up and becoming more and more comfortable in his presence. The feeling seemed to be mutual between the two of you, and he seemed to be sincerely interested in your conversations, and not just in the “I’m a therapist so I have to pretend to care about your problems kind of way.” And oh, was he so observant and understanding. It was hard not to be enthralled with someone so interesting, charismatic, and charming. Even with the comfortability you felt with the man, you couldn’t help but notice the darkness in his eyes that you had before; something so entrancing about the way he spoke to you as he gazed into yours. You found yourself melting into his comforting words and allowing him into the crevices of your brain that you hadn’t allowed anyone to do before. 
A few minutes after you had been seated, you heard the large, heavy door opened on your right, signaling that the moment you had been waiting for all day was about to happen.You had silently scolded yourself for not wearing better protection for the weather and gave your clothes a pat-down before standing up coming face-to-face with Will Graham. He must've been just leaving his appointment like the first time you'd met except he somehow seemed to be in an even worse state than before. His eyes were droopy and his glasses were foggy as every gravitational force tried to turn against him and make the frames fall off his nose. His clothes were slightly damp and his hair was flying in multiple strands. 
His appearance (although you'd hate to admit it out loud) made you feel slightly better about yours. If Hannibal was okay with Will walking in like that, then maybe he wouldn't care all that much about your muddied shoes. 
"Hello Will." You said, trying to be friendly with the man even after he'd shown such blatant rudeness to you the first time you'd met. 
"Ah, hello- uhm-" he said, looking for the words. 
"(Y/N)." You said, offering up a smile knowing now that if you were to reach out for a handshake he might not be so inclined. 
“Right,” He said, with more courtesy this time than before, “He’s all yours.” You didn’t realize there could be a joking bone in Will’s body but this statement brought out a chuckle from you. “Thanks.” Was all you replied. 
• • • 💉💉💉 • • •
The marble flooring led to the lavish room you had remembered almost to perfection by now. It had become something of a safe haven for you, as you were often here, but it was also a place where you had truly allowed yourself the ability to truly feel. You stood in the doorway still, taking note of Hannibal sitting at his desk with a warm smile and inviting eyes, staring at you from where he sat, this time wearing a grey button-up and a black tie. 
“Do you happen to have a towel I could dry my shoes off with?” You asked, trying your best to keep up appearances but also to be respectful of his space, “I don’t want to stain your carpet.”
Hannibal found his heart doing cartwheels in his chest. It was as if you always knew the right thing to say that would make him fond of you and your visits. You were always so careful, so polite, it shook him to his core sometimes. He pushed back his chair and pushed up his sleeves, pulling out the handkerchief he had in the pocket of his trousers as he made his way over to your frame. 
“May I?” He asked, moving downwards towards your heels, not taking his eyes off yours once. He so divinely looked up at you with soft eyes, softer than you’d ever seen them, an image of feigned innocence. It was as if it were nothing more than an impression of innocence, however, as his movements suggested his interests in something more profound- something more lustrous. 
This movement took you off guard as he waited for your permission to clean the soles. It was a polite gesture, sure, one that you wouldn’t think twice of if anyone else had asked. Coming from him, however, brought a blush to your face. “I-I don’t mind cleaning them up myself, I-”
“I insist.” 
You nodded softly, allowing him to gently wipe off the remainder of the mud within a few short seconds. Almost as fast as the offer had been extended to you, he was back upright with his eyes slightly above level to yours, a smile on his face as he threw the cloth into the can by the door. He walked towards the chair he usually sat at that would begin the long sessions between the two of you and held up the clipboard that was placed on the side table. 
“Shall we begin?” He asked, paying no mind to the flushed mess you were in the corner. It was almost as if he knew how you felt deep down and had decided to torture you with extra long glances and sweet, meaningful gestures. Here he was, smiling to you once more as if he hadn’t just thrown you into a frenzy of being forced to hurriedly collect yourself. 
“Yes.” You said, heading over to the sofa that had become your usual position across from the doctor. You pat your skirt down as you sat, turning so that your back was up against the chaise lounge in the most comfortable position you could possibly muster after a stunt like that. You pursed your lips as you awaited his first question or observation that would throw the both of you into the conversations you were familiar with. 
Things had become different with you and Hannibal as of late. He was always trying his best to do something sweet for you that most people wouldn't think of doing. He was so kind in his words and his actions that you were beginning to feel some sort of longing in you, much to your dismay. Crushing on your therapist wasn't something you'd ever want to do, especially after not dating for so long. There was no way the feeling was mutual, right? This all had to be a coincidence.
“So, (Y/N),” he began, resting one leg atop the other with his ankle against his knee and his notes on top. The pen was twirling in between his fingertips as he took a deep breath. He was in no rush to start the session, it seemed. “Tell me some more about what we’d discussed last Wednesday.”
You felt yourself starting to relive some of those painful memories you tried so hard to shut down. You had mentioned to Dr. Lecter  the unfortunate circumstances of your last relationship, which had left you with more trauma than exhilaration. He had twisted all of your words against you and left you crying to yourself many nights, leaving you wondering if he even cared. He was always on the phone with other women or trying his best to court them that it had become the norm for you to find other laundry mixed in with yours or extra makeup items lying around the house. It was such a stressful time for you and was even more stressful for you to find a way to leave the relationship as the months dragged on.Two years ago, you had spent only seven months with this man and your life had gone up in flames. 
“I find myself looking into the mirror sometimes and seeing the image of me through his eyes.” You started, starting this conversation off with a whisper as it was hard to just instantly delve into the traumas you’d had in your life. You noticed for a moment that your therapist’s gaze darkened and his expression changed from concern to what appeared to be anger before he went back to his usually calm demeanor. 
“His image of you being…?” 
Your breath hitched in your throat ever so slightly. It was still a difficult discussion to have and a conversation you tended to avoid whenever you could. You knew you could trust Hannibal with this information, but your body held onto the weight of the events you’d experienced and made it difficult for them to fly out into the open, instead, they laid deep within your soul as they fed on the negative thoughts they placed into your brain. 
“He would always comment on my appearance. Compare me to other women.” You started to play with the hem of your skirt, looking up to the tall roof above you and trying to keep yourself calm. You had gotten over the stage in your life where you’d have panic attacks over these times of remembrance, but there was still fear in sharing them. “I always felt so belittled, so unimportant. I gave him everything I could to maintain the peace and to convince him to fall in love with me again but it just never worked out in my favor.”
Hannibal felt his chest tighten. It was clear that this man had done so much damage to you, but why? Why would he have chosen the most polite and caring person he could to ruin? He felt anger and  sadness on your behalf- something he didn’t find himself doing with others very often. He couldn’t usually relate to anyone all that well as he had notoriously looked down upon them. You, however, were a different story. You brought out something animalistic in him, something that he had never ventured into before. Of course, he had found other women attractive before (there was that one time with Bedelia), but this was unlike him to have an infatuation with someone of this standing. He wanted you, wanted to know you, and strangely he wanted you to know him. He saw you as an equal and dare he say, he might’ve even thought of you as better than himself.
He would never, ever, dream of putting you through the kind of mental torment others had. Ever.
“What would you give him to keep this peace?” He regretted asking the question as soon as it left his mouth but he just had to know. He had to learn more about you, how to approach situations with you and how to handle your insecurities. He would become the walking image of the perfect man and he would stop at absolutely nothing to obtain that. He wanted you to be his. Purely a product of his own creation. He knew he would mold you into the shape you were always meant to have and give you back the power those in your life had tried to take from you. 
You took a deep breath as you prepared yourself to finally let the truth seep out, to let the reason why you had decided to take up therapy in the first place to arise. You had hoped Hannibal would be able to take the knowledge. 
“My body was the only thing I could offer him as that was the only thing he wanted.” 
Hannibal’s anger was on overdrive now, trying to take over. He kept himself composed on the outside while his insides seemed to light on fire. He was beyond upset. But he felt the anger subside ever so slightly when he calmly looked to you and asked for the man’s name. 
He was going to have to consult his ethically sourced butcher.
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rose-lunaire · 3 months
music box | hannibal with a musician!S/O
dedicated to all the beautiful artistic souls reading this, i hope you like it!
pairing: hannibal x gn!reader
warnings: yandere behaviour, unspecified age gap, my lack of knowledge of musical terms
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you met in the backstage of your first recital
hannibal was mesmerised by your craft, such mature and fresh interpretation of his favourite piece
“that was an excellent performance you gave us”
you nearly dropped your music sheets from shock
“o, oh, thank you so much, sir. to be honest, i was worried the nerves came through too much and ruined it…”
“i assure you, the concerto was flawless. mahler requires this uncertainty and you portrayed that beautifully.”
the way he said it seemed to lift all the weight from your shoulder; there was no room for question in his voice, just pure respect
“pardon me, where are my manners. my name is hannibal lecter and i would like to become your patron”
and that’s how it started: your relationship emerged from this contract and eventually evolved into friendship
in the end blossoming into something more
you always appreciate his remarks while practicing until late at night
he’s your biggest supporter!
always carrying your stuff from practice, saying he can’t allow you hurting yourself
he would massage your hands after long practices, kissing the tips of your fingers like the most delicate of flowers
don’t be shy about your callouses, hannibal sees them as a token of your hard work and dedication
they’re beautiful, just like your mind and heart
he would do anything to protect you from critique
once upon a time someone dared write an unpleasant review of your performance and it was the end of their career
their body was found in the trash behind the opera house the next day and on their blog posted an apology to you, saying they were paid and coerced to say those abhorrent things to you
you never found out about this case, hannibal took you on a retreat to a national park, free of any distractions to “gain inspiration”
he admires you as a connoisseur but also as an artist
he was a bit shy to showcase his work for the first time
but then he fell for you all over again when he heard you playing his pieces
they sound so different yet so familiar, he can’t focus on the notes and instead stares at your hands, mesmerised
you’re his porcelain doll, the most precious treasure he will cherish until the end of his days
displayed only for his deserving eyes, inside a beautiful box, dancing to his tune, twirling around laughing, his applause is the only thing you can hear
too beautiful for others to truly appreciate, you’re hidden away in his study
bound to be perfect
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katechicsstuff · 10 months
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I know your wife and she wouldn't mind~
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scrambledslut · 1 year
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my men
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For months the media have been talking nonstop about your private life. Everyone knows you’re married to Mads but rumor has it that after you worked with Pedro you two became inseparable and had an affair. The rumors only get worse when both men attend Cannes and shake hands right in front of you with smiles on their faces and the cameras capture every second. You think this will finally kill the rumors but then everyone starts saying that there must be something going on between the three of you.
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{ Requested by: @clockgirl94​ } 
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maxillness · 1 year
“I want this one” // Smut
Pronounces used: She/Her
Paring: sub!Mads Mikkelsen x dom!short!wife!reader
Warnings: Sex (p/v), oral (r receiving), bathroom sex
Summary: Y/N is into oversized clothes, but she doesn’t have any shirts to sleep in, so she asks Mads if she can borrow one of his. He gives in and gives her one, but seeing her in his clothes makes him turned on
Word count: 1014
A/N: Remember when I said that the Jack Thompson post was the filthiest I’ve ever written. This tops that
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“Hey, darling?” Y/N poked her head through the door towards the living room where Mads was sitting watching tv
“Yes? What does my pretty queen desire?” He always used royal names towards her
“Can I borrow one of your shirts to sleep in? I don’t have any” She asked with puppy eyes
“Our closet is 95% filled with your clothes” He said not answering her question
“I don’t have any” She pouted and batched her eyelashes which made him turn of the tv, stand up, walk towards their bedroom and look in their closet
“Look. You have two shelves filled with shirts you can wear to sleep” He pointed to the two shelves as Y/N stood behind him and snaked her arms around his waist
“They’re too small. They go to my hips” She said as she kissed Mads’ shoulder blade before walking towards the bed and sat on it “And none of them smell like you” She added as she smiled
“Fine. You can have this” He said as he took a t-shirt from the closet and threw it towards her and closed the closet
“No” She said and stood up as she walked toward him “I want this one” She pulled him closer by his belt and put her hands under his shirt
“Do you, now?” He bent down while lifting her a little to kiss her on the lips “Well, you can’t have it”
“Why?” She asked as she roamed his upper body with her hands
“Because it’s my favourite” Y/N knew that. He always wore it when he was home
“I’ll take good care of it” She said as she started kissing his neck
“Fine. You can wear it” He finally gave in and took his shirt off and gave it to her
“Thank you, love” She said kissed his hands before putting it on and walked out of the bed room to the on suite bathroom to brush her teeth
As she brushed her teeth, she could feel the presence of her husband behind her. She looked in the mirror to see him leaning against the four frame-- shirtless
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer” She chuckled before she held her hair back to spit out in the sink
“Sorry, I don’t have my phone on me,” He said as he started walking towards her and putting his hands on her waist as he started kissing her neck “You know you’re pretty, right?” He said between kisses
“You know you need a shirt, right?” She said as she leaned on the counter
“I don’t need one right now” He said trailing his hands up and down her body under the shirt
“Are you sure you can handle it, baby? I mean, you’re getting quite old” She always joked about his age because there were an age gap between them
“Excuse me” He stopped kissing her neck. He hooked one of his fingers under her chin and turned her head towards him, so he could look straight into her eyes instead of through the mirror
“I swear to god-“ She didn’t get to finish her sentence before she was interrupted
“What? You swear about what?”
Y/N turned them around so that Mads’ lower back was back against the counter “If there’s gonna be any hickeys, I’m gonna fucking kill you”
“You’re cute when you’re angry” He said with and smiled and kissed her after. She wanted to pull away, but at the same time, she loved his kisses and his hands around her waist with a burning passion “I want you right here, right now” He said as he pulled away from the kiss
“Get on your knees. Now” He turned them both around quickly, and got to his knees immediately “Pull them off” The whole time he was pulling her panties down, he was looking up at her, knowing that if he didn’t, she would force him to “Good boy” She said once they were off and kicked away “Go on. Have your fun”
He placed one leg over his shoulder, granting him better access. He started nice and slow, and as Y/N’s breaths were getting heavier and faster, he would speed up as she started moaning
Her knuckles started turning white from the harsh grip on the counter. She took one of her hands and ran it through her husband's hair. She tried to run it through his hair again, but stopped midway as she had to grip on
“Please, baby. Don’t stop. Feels so fucking good” It barely came out between the loud moans, but he heard it
A minute went by, and he stopped. She wasn’t angry, they had made that deal
“Lift me up, baby” She stood up, put his hands under her thighs and lifted her up on the counter. He walks closer to her, so he was standing in between her legs
While she was desperate to get his belt up and get his cock out, he just wanted to kiss her passionately. He managed to get a few kiss in before she had gotten his cock out of his pants
She spat in her palm, and rubbed it on and stroked a few times before she was pulled to the edge of the counter
She started kissing his neck which was his cue to just put the tip in. Once they both were ready, he put it all in. He didn’t move until Y/N was ready, but she was fairly quickly
Once again he started slow, but once Y/N started complaining about how slow he was, he started going faster
Soon, the only thing that filled the bathroom, was the sound of skin clapping, and both of their loud moans
“Don’t stop, baby. I’m almost there” Y/N moaned clinging to his neck
“Fuck you feel good, love” He said quickly after which sent her I’ve r the edge and he came quick after
After they cleaned up, they went to bed
“I’m not gonna get my shirt back, am I?” He asked tired
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Yandere Professor Hannibal Lecter x Female Reader
Chapter: Dog Days.
When your ex Professor Hannibal Lecter kidnapped you after you finished your school semester as his student, you were at first rebellious. Quite the fighter.
The first meal Professor Lecter cooked for you was none other than Oxtail Soup. He wouldn't let you feed yourself. That annoyed you.
Smiling, he used the spoon to fill it with the tasty liquid and held it to your lips. "Say 'ahh'.''
You blew into the spoon and it caused the hot water to splash onto the face of Professor Lecter.
He hissed in pain. He then put the bowl and spoon down. He slapped you hard across the face.
You were shocked. You clutched your face and felt a bruise forming on your cheek. No one ever raised their hand to you. Not even your own father.
"Listen, Bitch." Professor Lecter grabbed the bottom of your chin to make you look up at him. "I am trying my best and I will not tolerate disrespect."
For you whimpered as tears flowed down your eyes. How frightened you were of this man.
Professor Lecter's expression softened in pity and you think regret. He sighed as if he was tired. 
"Please cooperate." He held a spoonful of soup again. 
Slowly, you opened your mouth and sipped.
The next morning, you felt weird. You couldn't understand the feeling. It wasn't pleasant. It was, in fact, ugly. Your head hurt and it was spinning like a dark and creepy carousel.
Your throat itches and feels dry. The worst was your temperature. Both overly warm and then cold. Switching on and off. Causing you to be confused. You were sick.
Lecter wanted to make up for slapping you. He knew this was to be expected. I mean he did kidnap you and it was natural to be scared. He felt foolish for losing his temper.
But, his whole life he was respected. His parents spoiled him and would never refuse him. He was popular at school. And when he became an adult and then a successful Psychiatrist, he was always worshiped and respected.
He didn't like this new treatment.
He wanted you to love him back.
Lecter wanted to remove that chain you were wearing and live a normal life with him as his wife.
Well, he wants you to homeschool his future kids. Other than that, he wants a normal life.
Lecter had to wake early to go grocery shopping. He doesn't eat sugar. Only meat and vegetables.
He got the ingredients to make heart shaped pancakes.
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He went to Pinterest to cook simple pancakes. He never cooked pancakes before and didn't want to screw it up. This was new to him. 
Lecter tried his best. He assumed it was okay. He added strawberries and powdered sugar. It looked decent.
He felt nervous. Normally, he was always confident in everything. With you, it was the opposite. He felt insecure. Oh, well. He shrugged his shoulders. Maybe it is because he loves you. In novels and movies, he read that people feel stupid all the time around their crush.
Taking the tray, he added soy milk and gummy vitamins. He walked down the stairs to the basement.
He saw you curled in bed. "Wake up, my dear. It is time to eat." Lecter announced in an authoritative voice.
When you didn't answer, he clenched his jaw in annoyance. The hard way again? So be it. Lecter settled down the tray on the expensive glass coffee table and walked over to you.
He ripped the blanket off your body. And to his surprise, you were still as a stone. That confused him. He felt your forehead and to his horror, you were burning up.
That caused his heart to pound in fear. You were sick! He then checked your pulse and opened your eyelid. A high fever you had. Lecter then covered you back with the blanket and went upstairs for medicine. 
Over the past two hours, Lecter tended to your every need. He gave you pain killers and fed you chicken soup instead. You got better.
But, still weak. Your ex Professor was currently sitting next to your bed pressing a wet rag against your forehead.
You poor thing. He thought. He held your hand lovingly and watched you. 
To his surprise, you began talking in your sleep. He blinked in curiosity. He didn't understand what you were saying at first. Now, he heard it loud.
Ouch. You missed your mother. Lecter sighed. First you wouldn't accept his love, you reject him, he hits you, and now you are sick.
Everything was going wrong.
He is lost and doesn't know what to do.
Covering his face with his hands and resting his elbows on his knees, the stress and worry of your health caused something strange to him.
He felt tears sliding down his wrinkled face.
The thought of you dying was the worst thought. He cannot imagine you leaving him permanently. That was why he took you away in the first place.
"Why are you punishing me, Name?"
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shegatsby · 10 months
Hi, how are you? Please don't judge or kill me! Please, I don't condone this kind of behaviour. So, I have a request about Mads Mikkelsen's character Le Chiffre from Casino Royale.
So Female!Reader's father won against Le Chiffre his money at the casino.
To take revenge, Le Chiffre kidnaps Reader to get revenge on her father. Warning:Kidnapping, Non-con.
Please don't kill me, I don't condone this behaviour.!!! <3<3<3
A/N; Thank you for this request I sure had fun writing it ;) It got longer than i expected but hey, who cares. love you all.
Warnings; Kidnapping, smut, minors get the fuck out or else!
The only reason why you followed your father to Montenegro was to unwind from stressful year at the university. He said he had some business to attend to and he offered you a most generous holiday which you didn’t hesitate to indulge in. First few days were relaxing, you joined a yoga class, got several massages, swam in the sea and also at the pool, however, tonight would be the night to switch things up.
Your father said he was going to gamble at a casino, the hotel you stayed in was infamous for its illegal businesses such as gambling. Your father said it could be fun to have you there with him, he liked to show off his intelligent and siren looking daughter and to distract the gamblers.
Your dress was long and red, the fabric was satin, so smooth on your skin, the dress had a slash on your left side, up to your thigh. Hair let loose, red nails and red lips.. you were the walking femme fatal that night.
You entered the room with your dad, a soft 20s music was playing at the casino, yellow lights and dark green chairs, couches made the place look vintage, there were bodyguards at each door.
As you walked together you saw him
He was among his ‘’friends’’ or people he did business with. He was covered in black, which made him look manly and dangerous. His silver watch was shining under the yellow lights, you noticed that he had no ring, could be single. He was laughing at one of their jokes when he lifted his gaze and he saw you entering. His expression changed in a second, the way he looked at you up and down didn’t go unnoticed. His left eye twitched and he looked away, from afar you could see there was something in his left eye, looked like a nasty scar. It made you curious about him, because the way he dressed and held himself showed you that he had men to do the dirty work but maybe, time to time he liked to get his hands dirty… why were you so interested in a man who seemed older than you all of a sudden? You were here to enjoy your holiday and do a trick with our dad. Ever since you hit the age 18 your dad started to take you to casinos when he wanted to gamble, and you came up with this thing where you flirt with other gamblers to distract them, it worked usually because of weak nature of men.
Your father guided you to the bar to get drinks, there was still 20 minutes till the game started so he ordered you something and you gracefully took your place to observe the environment. ‘’Excuse me love, I have to use the restroom.’’ Your father announced and left, you were enjoying your drink and listening to the soft tunes when you felt a presence next to you. You looked up to see your father but you were surprised. That man with the scar was sitting next to you, ‘’Hello.’’ He said looking at you, he wasn’t shy showing his scar, it was infact nasty but you didn’t shy away, you directly looked into his eyes, you innocently smiled, for some strange reason you liked the scar, it suited him perfectly. His plump lips formed into a dangerous smile, ‘’Allow me to accompany you while you wait for your partner.’’ His tone was questioning, he ordered two drinks, ‘’He is my father. Not so smooth are you Mister?’’ he chuckled at your boldness, he extended his hand, ‘’Le Chiffre. And you are?’’
You accepted his hand, he had a strong grip, ‘’Ms. Y/N Y/L/N.’’ he gave a small peck on your hand, predator disguised as a gentleman. ‘’I assume you are here to accompany your father?’’ you took a sip from your cocktail, ‘’Correct. I didn’t want to leave him alone, plus, I’m his lucky charm.’’
‘’Good girl.’’ His eyes never left yours, you wondered if he could see from his scarred eye, of course you didn’t ask. With his comment you could feel heat rising up to your cheeks, thankfully your father came.
‘’Le Chiffre?’’ your father asked in a not so kind matter, ‘’Mr. Y/L/N,’’ he greeted your father with the same icy cold courtesy. ‘’Long time no see.’’ Your father said, ‘’Looking forward to see you at the game with your,’’ he looked at you, ‘’lucky charm.’’ His hand went to his pocket to get his silver inhaler and bid you goodbye. You didn’t understand the tension that they had, maybe it was because of the competitive business life.
Soon the game started, your father’s instructions were simple, wait for Le Chiffre to make a bold move and distract him, it was an old game of yours.
You were like a hawk watching the table from afar, your fingertips circling around the cocktail glass, you saw that it was his turn to make a move and you bolted to your feet. Your heels were making powerful sounds on the marble floor and you saw him looking up as he was shaking the dice in his big palm, your eyes never left his dangerous ones, he wasn’t ready the dice unintentionally fell from his palm, you saw the pure anger written on his perfectly shaped face as you got on the elevator you could hear your father’s victorious laugh.
You didn’t join your father, who was celebrating the big cash he just won. You were in your hotel room, just out of the shower and moisturized. You couldn’t help but think of Le Chiffre, was that money important to him? Did your father and he had a history? You needed a spa night. Since it was late you didn’t mind leaving your hotel room only in a long robe and nothing else, the halls were quiet, no workers around which was strange. You didn’t mind, the spa was at the top floor so you pressed the button and waited, after few floors two men who were dressed in black joined. When you reached the top floor something felt fishy with the situation but you couldn’t turn back to your room now so you decided to stick with the plan. Your steps were quick on the marble floors, you finally saw someone who was attending the spa area and you informed them, they smiled and showed you to one of the cabins. You were alone, thankfully. You just sat and closed your eyes to relax, the steam helped you calm your mind, well, it was too calming and soon you were asleep.
You slowly started to feel your body again, your eyelids felt so heavy but a sudden panic made you open your eyes, you weren’t at the spa, you were at a bedroom.. that wasn’t yours.
As you lifted your body with the help of your shaky hands you heard a voice which was familiar, ‘’Slow down, you are still recovering.’’ Someone, a man, sat on the edge of the bed and you could feel his hand on your small back. You looked up to see him and it was Le Chiffre, but why was he here?
‘’Wh-‘’ your throat was dry, ‘’Here.’’ He offered you a glass of water, you were hesitant but thirst clenched your being so you drank with his help. ‘’Good girl.’’ He said when you drank the whole glass.
You were coming to your senses so you pushed yourself away from him, your back resting on the headboard of the bed, ‘’You might be wondering why you’re here-‘’
‘’Might?!’’ you replied. Cleary not amused, ‘’As you can remember your father won a significant amount of money, thanks to your help, I want that money back.’’
‘’So you kidnapped me?!’’ you could feel anger boiling, ‘’Smart one aren’t you. Until that money is returned you are my-‘’
‘’Hostage.’’ You sarcastically said, ‘’guest.’’ He answered, ‘’It had been 5 hours since you were taken You must be hungry. Come.’’ He extended his hand but you refused, as you quickly stood up you got dizzy so he grabbed your waist, his scent filled your nostrils. He smelled good.
You couldn’t protest because it was hard for you to walk so with his help you left the room. You weren’t at the hotel anymore, it was a mansion. Was this his house? You walked down the stairs, all you could see was an astonishing house with large paintings and furniture. He took you to the dining room where breakfast waiting for you both. Your stomach growled, he chuckled and helped you to your chair. ‘’Why can’t you just win the money back? There is another game tonight.’’ You asked, looking at the breakfast. You had to keep your calm in order to survive because you didn’t know what was he capable of. ‘’I don’t have for another game and I don’t like taking chances.’’
You laughed sarcastically, ‘’Says the man who was gambling last night.’’ You drank the orange juice, it was tasty. ‘’I was going to win. Until I got distracted by a certain beauty.’’ His comment made you blush so you didn’t look at him, ‘’Is it scary to look at me love?’’ he sounded hurt, ‘’I understand if it is the case.’’ You didn’t care about the scar so you looked straight at him, ‘’There we go.’’ He smiled, ‘’Now, finish your breakfast, I have plans for us.’’
You didn’t know his plan but you had to play along, you finished your breakfast as he commanded so, it was delicious anyways and you were almost sure there was no poison. He looked at your finished plate, you could see a small smile forming on his plump lips, they distracted you, ‘’Well done.’’ You noticed that he kept giving you praises, which was your weak spot but he didn’t know.. or did he?
He stood up, extended his big hand, ‘’Shall we?’’
You thought he was going to torture you, lock in his basement, feed you to his dogs but instead he took you on a stream in the mountains, he said he liked to come here, swim and make plans for his business, he said the water calms his nerves and keeps him connected to mother nature. Before you left his mansion a maid came to give you a bag with everything you need, a bathing suit, towels, sunglasses, sunscreen, you name it. Le Chiffre didn’t need changing, he just took off his shirt and jumped into the stream, you thought he wanted to give you privacy so you quickly changed into your bathing suit, it was red, a color he choose but you had no idea. Once you changed you placed one of the towels on the grass and sat, started to put sunscreen on your legs, arms, ‘’Need a hand?’’ you heard his serpent voice, tempting and you looked up to see him, on the edge, his broad arms supporting his body by leaning into the ground, ‘’Yes, thank you.’’ Two can play the games, you thought. The way he jumped up to the shore, his arms and legs flexing did something to your core. You had to exhale the breath you were holding, without a word he sat behind you, put some sunscreen in his palm and started to rub your back. You literally held onto grass under your hands, his calloused hands trying to be gentle but you could sense the certain urge to go deep, and rough.
‘’When I first saw you at the casino,’’ he began, ‘’I thought to myself, I must have this girl somehow.’’ He wasn’t shy at all, ‘’I guess Universe finally decided to give me a break and let me have one good thing.’’ It was obvious that his life was difficult, and seeing you as something good  made you blush.
You turned to face him, his eyes were hoping for something, something tangible and you decided.
You leaned in to give him a kiss which he gladly took, his lips were so full and soft, his big hands went to caress your face, as the kiss got heated you followed his movements, he made you lay on your back, your legs invited him by opening. When he bit your neck you moaned, he pulled away, ‘’Did I hurt you?’’ he was out of breath, the genuine curiosity could be seen in his eyes and you almost cried.  ‘’No, keep going.’’
He kissed you again, you could feel his hard member between your legs, there was no going back.
His hand went to dip into your wetness and he moaned into your mouth, he pulled away to give kisses to your face and neck, ‘’just how I imagined.’’ He said as he started to rub your clit, your arched your back, his sweet torture was driving you mad. ‘’Do you want this?’’ he looked to see any sort of discomfort on your face but all he found was flushed cheeks, lust written in your eyes, mouth slightly parted. ‘’Yes,’’ you said, ‘’please’’ he grinned.
His fingers pushed the fabric away, he quickly got rid of his short and gave himself few pumps, you couldn’t help but notice how big he was.
He rubbed his tip into your folds, making you whimper, ‘’pleasee’’ you said whining, ‘’Please what, lucky charm?’’ you couldn’t help but moan deeply, ‘’Please fuck me, ever since I saw you last night I wanted you to bend me over and fuck me raw.’’ Well, it wasn’t a lie, he had a strange aura to him.
Your confession startled him at first, Le Chiffre, even though he didn’t want to admit, he had insecurities thanks to the scar on his face, ladies usually went for his colleges, not him. Hearing you openly admit to want him turned him on, he was planning on to be gentle with you but after what you said, that wasn’t an option anymore, he had to have you and keep you all to himself.
Your legs wrapped around him and he inserted himself with one thrust, you screamed in pain at first because it had been a while, ‘’Look at me.’’ He was deep inside you, you could feel his pubic hair tickling your skin. You meet his eyes and he started to move, you knew after this session you would have sore thighs, but you didn’t want him to stop. He stretched you out perfectly, ‘’Open your mouth.’’ And you did, he spit in your mouth, bit your lower lip, gave you multiple hickies.
Your fingers locking in his hair, you’ve never heard a man moan like him before, it made you clench around him again and again. You wetness and the sounds you make was heaven for him, of course he had multiple partners before but they all seemed fake, artificial, on the other hand you were screaming, tears in the corner of your eyes, you looked perfect. He sucked on your clothed nipples, gave them slaps, you were close and each sucking and slapping made you see stars, you liked his roughness. ‘’Come on my cock princess, let me feel it, come on.’’ He knew you were close and his praises pushed you over the edge, he followed behind.
His head fell to the crook of your neck, both of you were breathing heavily, ‘’I can’t let you go, not after this.’’
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aristialamoniques · 21 days
𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝕺𝖇𝖘𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓
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✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠
Hannibal Lector, the enigmatic forensic psychiatrist and notorious serial killer, harbored a secret obsession that burned with an intensity that chilled to the bone. His unwavering gaze, piercing maroon eyes, and lips curved in a sinister smile, betrayed his fascination with a specific individual: the enigmatic [Y/N].
Their paths had crossed at a psychiatric hospital, where Hannibal cunningly studied [Y/N's] vulnerability and frailties. Intrigued by her resilience and the shadows that lingered in her eyes, he became ensnared, consumed by a desire to possess her.
Hannibal's love was not pure or selfless. It was an obsessive infatuation, a twisted desire to claim [Y/N] for his own, regardless of her feelings. His every thought and action was driven by his fixation on her.
As [Y/N's] life became entwined with Hannibal's, she sensed an unsettling presence lurking in the shadows. Unnoticed glances, mysteriously opened doors, and the eerie silence that enveloped her sent shivers down her spine.
One fateful night, as [Y/N] returned home from work, she found a note on her doorstep scrawled in Hannibal's elegant handwriting. A chilling invitation to dinner, promising an unforgettable evening filled with tantalizing culinary delights and intellectual discussions.
Unable to resist the allure of Hannibal's charismatic nature, [Y/N] accepted. As the clock struck seven, she found herself seated at Hannibal's lavish dining table, unaware of the fate that awaited her.
With each course, Hannibal's obsession became more apparent. His intense gaze never left [Y/N's] face, as if he could devour her with his eyes. The pleasantries he whispered turned into possessive declarations, and the air grew heavy with his desperation.
As the evening reached its climax, Hannibal's mask of civility shattered. He revealed his true intentions, confessing his unyielding love for [Y/N] and his willingness to eliminate any obstacles that stood in his way.
Terror flooded [Y/N's] veins as she realized the true nature of Hannibal's obsession. She fled his mansion, desperate to escape the suffocating grasp of a madman.
Hannibal pursued her relentlessly, his possessiveness fueled by rejection. Anyone who dared to approach [Y/N] faced the wrath of his deadly cunning. Friends, family, and even potential lovers vanished without a trace, leaving [Y/N] utterly isolated and vulnerable.
As Hannibal's obsession grew, so did his methods. He manipulated events to isolate [Y/N] from society, ensuring that she had nowhere to turn. Fear gnawed at her mind, as she became trapped in a twisted game of cat and mouse.
Time seemed to lose all meaning as the hunt intensified. [Y/N] clung to hope, desperately seeking a way to escape Hannibal's clutches. But the more she resisted, the more determined he became to claim her as his own.
In the end, a bloody confrontation ensued, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Hannibal's obsession had consumed him, driving him to the brink of madness and beyond. And as [Y/N] emerged from the darkness, forever scarred by Hannibal's twisted love, she learned a chilling truth: the human heart is capable of harboring the most sinister of desires.
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lostgirlfandom · 1 year
Fun and Games
Pairings: Duncan Vizla x GN!Reader
Warnings: mentions of bed time fun times, use of weapons, swear words
Words: 963
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After living with Duncan for years by now, you would think he’d be use to your shenanigans.  
But he’s not.  
And that’s fine, because he likes how unpredictable you are. Sometimes, it’s you trying a new recipe.  
Others, it’s the weird times. Like now for instant.
Duncan had stood in the doorway to the living room with a paper bag full of food from the store, staring at you.  
Sitting on the floor with one leg pulled into your body and the other extended out as you leaned down to the floor with scissors and multiple pieces of paper spread out. The floor was cover with uncut photos and some cut photos with bits of edges all over the floor in a mess. The sound of your record player in the background softly echoes in the room. You were very concentrated on your task with your brow frowned and your tongue peeking out from your mouth.  
Duncan very slowly walked over to the kitchen next to the living room and sat the bag down on the table, never taking his eyes off of you.  
“What are you doing?.... and why are you on the floor?” He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at the scene in front of him.  
Without moving or taking your attention from your ‘project’ you speak. “Cutting out faces of all the people I think need to go.... and sticking them to the target practice boards.” Your words are slow as you finish cutting a photo.  
Duncan stays silent but slowly feels more confused but amused at your train of thought.  
“Look, this one gets bonus points if you get them in the dick!” You smile as you show a full body photo of your ex-boss who use to use you before you retired as an assassin.  
You lock eyes with Duncan, who still had his eyebrow raised at you. You smiled ‘innocently’ at him and after another pause of silence. “Wanna join?”  
His face goes back into its usual stoic nature and looks at you. His lip twitch for a moment and then sighs. “I’ll get the wine.”  
Twenty minutes later.  
Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.  
The sounds of a .9mm hand gun goes off in the middle of the snow-covered land.  
Duncan and you had moved a little way from the house, each using your chosen weapon to aim at the targets about 50 yards from a table with bullet boxes and pictures waiting to be used and some pictures already used.  
Duncan put his gun down and looked at the target and swears under his breath as he is now behind by 10 points.  
You giggle as you wrap your arms around one of his, pressing your forehead into his arm.  
“Getting drunk, old man?” You tease as you reach over and take some sips from your bourbon glass. Having moved on from wine and to harder liquor, you both had finished each a bottle of wine and onto bourbon and whiskey.  
He sighs and shakes his head, but his lips twitched into a half grin. “No, darling. Just a slight buzz.”  
You give a hearty chuckle and go to pick up the next round of photos to go and pin them to the targets. Also having a slight buzz, but just enough to feel giggly.  
“Alright, this one has some bonus points.” You say semi-seriously as you walk back.  
You take your clip out and reload some bullets into the mechanism and then putting it back into the butt of the gun. Then taking the safety off and aiming, making sure your hands are in a good position and then squeezing the trigger when you were ready.  
After emptying the clip, you lowered your gun and looked at the target, only gaining another 10 points. You pursed your lips as you looked over at your lover.  
He tilted his head and nodded. “Not bad, love.” He then did the same process as you did and emptied his clip into his target. Gaining 15 points, he grinned as he looked at you.  
You both finished your glasses and then filled up again. You then clipping the next targets to the stands. Sighing, you turned back to him and found him staring at you as he leaned on his hands on the table.  
You smiled as you walked back to him and kissing his cheek briskly. His eyes shined softly as he watched you.  
You paused as you slowly put the clip back into the gun. Your eyes distant as you lost in thought. “Lets... make a prize for the winner.” You smirked at him playfully.  
He stoically leaned against the table and crossed his arm. “... Continue.”
You smiled and leaned forward. “If I win... you have to do that think I like in bed.... and if you win...” You pause to think, zoning out slightly and biting your tongue in thought.  
“You have to submit to me...” He speaks slowly but a very small smirk grows on his lips.  
You break out of your thoughts and stare at him for a moment. “Deal.”  
You both lean forward and shake each other's hands.  
Turning back to the game with renewed enthusiasm to win, you both glare in determination.  
Thirty minutes later... you both are walking back into the house. You have a pout on your lips and your feet are dragging. He is walking with a confident stride and a grin on his face. Both of your cheeks red from drinking and the cold.  
“Can’t believe I lost.... Shit!” You say as you move to the kitchen to make you both hot chocolates.  
“Shouldn’t have doubted me, elskede.” He told you as he sat at the table. 
You sighed.  
Tonight was gonna be long.  
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