#mainly John
killerqueenhetfield · 6 months
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Him :)
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ultdirkfan · 8 months
this has been stuck in my head for days pls
also heres the meat john i had to draw bc they just DONT want to include him in hs2 i GUESS
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spicy-suns · 2 months
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A stroll in the Troll tree
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trollsbroppy · 5 months
Full video of deleted scenes + storyboard are here
Just uploading part of those segments (Branch saving Poppy and the Couples Scrapbook Montage) on here for my personal blog
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foryouwereinmysong · 7 months
“Now and then, I miss you / Now and then, I want you to be there for me / Always to return to me,” (...) It’s a passage where Lennon’s yearning for McCartney intertwines with Paul’s mourning for John, a shared grieving for the partnership that defined both their lives. link
"Now and Then" is 81-year-old Paul McCartney finishing a song of John Lennon, who has been gone for almost 43 years.
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But it is also 15-year-old Paul finishing a song of the boy who wandered around Liverpool with him, talking about their future and love of music.
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It is 18-year-old Paul finishing a song of the guy who picked him as his partner and took him to play nightclubs in Hamburg.
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It is 20-year-old Paul finishing a song of the lad who wanted to write song after song with him.
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It is 23-year-old Paul finishing a song of the man he made history with.
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It is 24-year-old Paul finishing a song of the soulmate who shared his visions.
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It is 26-year-old Paul finishing a song of the person who serenaded him eating a cupcake.
It is 31-year-old Paul finishing a song of John, who loved him in his own way.
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And it is 39-year-old Paul finishing a song of the friend he just lost.
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gif source
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this is it, this is my hancock analysis
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deadpoets · 4 months
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THE BEATLES interviewed about being in Northern Ireland, 1963
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nocoding · 20 days
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Don’t mess up the hunt
Pose from this post
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samglyph · 11 months
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I'm all yours, But you're all mine // Let's dance together You and I
'Cause I'm not trapped with you, you see // You're the one who's trapped with me
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chocmoon-latte · 5 months
I swear, Hancock constantly gets done so dirty outside of the game. PLEASE JUST LET HIM LOOK NORMAL FOR ONCE!!!!!
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mirrorballhughes · 5 months
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cod-dump · 7 months
Just had a teen!141 Au thought after reading all your stuff on teen!simon and married couple Nil and Price
I was a bit confused at first but then realized this was all before Gaz showed up
then I thought… well okay how would Gaz feel about how close Nil Price and Simon are- they got him specifically a puppy. They just invited Farah to stay (for all the right reasons ) - is his lonely?? Is he middle child???
I can picture in my brain like either Gaz confiding in Price (let’s face it price is the easiest dad to talk to) or maybe Laswell??? Like him going to her and being like
Gaz: Nik got him a dog and now with Farah.. I don’t know. I feel -
Laswell: *mom smile and like holds his hand with a squeeze* left out. You love Simon, you love Farah but.. what about you?
…just a thought
Kyle is the baby of the family, fifteen years old. Simon is sixteen going on seventeen and Farah is eighteen. Simon and Farah were good friends before Kyle was adopted, afterwards Farah ended up moving away.
Simon and Kyle are close. They tease and taunt each other, but they’re brothers, they’re best friends. Before Kyle made friends with Johnny or Hong-Jin he was practically attached at Simon’s hip. They were inseparable before Kyle got more comfortable and was able to do things without Simon.
Simon was the one wanting a dog, begging for one. Kyle didn’t exactly want one but who doesn’t lose it over a puppy? Simon is the one who will be cleaning up after Riley and paying for his needs and training him. Kyle gets to be the fun uncle and gets to play with a puppy whenever he wants. Kyle was the one who suggested what breed to get because he knows Simon the best (given he didn’t think the puppy would show up so soon after he made the suggestion).
Kyle did feel jealousy, worried when Farah moved in because she and Simon were so close. It felt like her arrival meant he would be pushed to the side and forgotten. He wasn’t. Farah quickly became his big sister and Simon never left him out of anything they did.
He’s the baby, Price frets over him constantly. Nik takes him out to do things with him, some of things may or may not give Price a heart attack by a mere mention. Simon is closer with Price and Nik, they helped him overcome some serious trauma and they’re both constantly worrying about him. But they don’t look over Kyle. Kyle has his own issues and is still being helped through that.
Kyle has his life outside of his family. He has friends, a boyfriend, he’s the cute nerd guy at school. He’s Simon’s baby brother, Price’s baby boy, Nik’s apprentice in mayhem, Alex K. Laswell’s dashing boyfriend, the sane best friend of Johnny MacTavish and Kim Hong-Jin. He’s very happy with his life. He feels lonely some nights, but his brother all but kicking in his door to freak out over something that happened in his TV show makes that go away.
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skleech · 7 months
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
JOHN: ok everyone, poll time. what gender are you?
JAKE: Silly little cowboy!
JADE: rabid werewolf :D
KANAYA: Emo Vampire With Trust Issues
VRISKA: Flam8oyant 8isexual pir8!!!!!!!!
ROXY: evil scientist but in a #girlboss way
ERIDAN: evvil scientist but in a cringefail wway
ARADIA: gh0st. gender is dead 0u0
SOLLUX: the entiire bee moviie 2criipt.
NEPETA: :33 < what the fuck is a gender?
GAMZEE: WhAtEvEr BuGs BuNnY's GoT gOiNg On, BrOtHeR :o)
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agir1ukn0w · 2 months
I wanna fuck him so bad but I also know he must die violently at my hands
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posallys · 4 months
STORIES fucking stories.....flint is a story. a story told to james mcgraw in his childhood, a story taken up by james and turned into something tangible but something that is still in itself a story; flint is a character mcgraw wears. and james flint is a story. a legend, a pirate that strikes fear into people just by the mention of the name. captain flint. the story told to children in the colonies, in England, the story spread like wildfire as a reason to end piracy. the story told to sailors, to other crews. because men in these waters don't fear ships, or guns, or swords, or death. they fear flint. they fear the stories they've heard, the tales that are told. flint is the monster, the warning, the words whispered. flint. flint. flint. he haunts every action, every decision long before he meets his end. and eventually the world molds to fit the story; flint and james become one thing, cross a line where they are no longer separable. and then there's silver...oh is there silver. he has always been a story, a man with no past, a man crafted out of nothing but thin air, constantly contorting himself to be the truest version of the story he can be....the story needs an enemy so he is an enemy, the story needs a rock so he is the rock, the story needs a hero so he is the hero, the story needs a tragedy, so he is the tragedy, the story needs a reason, so he becomes the reason. long john silver is a story crafted to contain another story, to contain silver and flint and turn them into legends and preserve them in tales and both james and john end up becoming the stories told about them. this isn't who they are. but the stories are all consuming, will burrow their way through your head until you can no longer see the line between truth and fiction and in the end it doesn't matter what was true or what was untrue because the stories make it so; the story does what it wants and you have no choice but to change yourself to fit
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