#man I hope the final exam is a video project and not three more papers
melonpond · 2 years
writing papers my beloathed
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strikearose · 4 years
It’s all about connections (SasuNaru) (Part 1)
Finally, here’s the very first part of the !YoutubeSasuNaru story - the idea’s quite silly but I had fun writing it so hope you guys enjoy it! (English is not my first language so please don’t be too much of a grammar nazi Summary : Sasuke has had that massive crush on a youtuber for years when Rasengan randomly starts going to his class. You can also read it on ff.net and ao3.  Part 1 (here), Part 2 (clic), Part 3 (clic), Part 4 (clic)
The ball of paper missed its trajectory and crashed into the corner of the wall, barely half an inch away from the waste basket that originally intended. The student didn’t mind, though - he was far too busy trying to finish his economics presentation that was due for the next day.
Despite the fact that many of his classmates insisted on seeing him as a relentless hardworking student, Sasuke Uchiha was very much like any other normal twenty-one year old boy : a procrastinator at heart. So it was precisely on the night before the big day that he finally decided to finish it, even though he had had all of his vacation time to do so. Well - it would be a lie to say that it would take a superhuman effort to accomplish that task, but unfortunately the young man had another flaw: he was a perfectionist.
Even if he had to pull an all-nighter or give nothing back at all, Sasuke had always refused to be average -  because before (and in addition of) setting high standards for others, he would always set himself very high standards.
The black-haired man frowned as he read what he had written on the previous line and, impulsively, he ended up tearing up the entire page of his notebook and threw it on the floor.
However, the paper pellet did not make a Poc - as he had, this time, managed to reach the bin, it made a Ting instead : he had just received a notification.
His mind being elsewhere, the student rummaged around on his desk, looking for his phone. It wasn’t a text message, but a Youtube alert. One of his Subscriptions had just uploaded a new video. Sasuke took a quick look at the time (1:03 am) and let a loud sight when he saw how long the video was: fifty-seven minutes.
Of course, it has to be Rasengan.
He was the only one there who could publish a barely edited gaming review at such odd hours. One hour of uncut video was too much, even if it was to discuss the New Zelda. ‘That moron clearly don’t understand how the logistics of youtube work,’ the young man thought while stretching his legs under the table in order to get into a more comfortable position.
Because even though Sasuke might found the Youtuber’s marketing choices quite stupid and questionable - he was still his favorite. The only one he was following so.. assiduously.
And if he was really going to pull an all-nighter in order to finish his presentation on time, he might as well relax a little on the go
The coffee machine finally agreed (even though it sure had taken its’ sweet time) to give him his change money, but it still wasn’t not enough to lift Sasuke’s spirit. He really had spent his entire night working on the presentation. Well - he even had to give up his usual fifteen minutes of hot morning shower for just three minutes of shampoo-rinse-toothbrush altogether to make sure that everything was perfect.
But at last - there he was ! His eyelids stung horribly and he could feel the dark circles hollowing out his eyes, but everything was finally ready to make sure he would receive his usual congratulations for the seriousness and thoroughness of his work.
An amused grin escaped his lips when he looked into the face of Kiba Inuzuka, one of his classmates - a gamer and procrastinator emeritus who unfortunately didn’t have enough wits to back it up. With some luck, they would be called in alphabetical order for once and it would save Inuzuka the embarrassment of going Sasuke’s presentation.
Or maybe not.
Sasuke left the cafeteria just as the legendary lack of luck of the dog-loving student seemed to catch up with him:
« Hey Sasuke, did you also get Ichiraku’s mail about the internship? »
Shikamaru Nara calmly called out the black-haired young man as he sat down.
« Yes, I got it. And my documents have been signed and validated by the office earlier today.
- Cool, mine too, Shikamaru sighed. ‘t'was about time. »
He nodded his head knowingly: all the steps of searching, finding and getting the official documents concerning the internship signed were an unspeakable mess. Luckily, though, his partner this time was not a nutcase of Zaku Abumi’s caliber.
The Nara was placidly calm (Sasuke wouldn’t dream of seeing him threatening the Dean of blowing up the uni if he were to fail the exams) and quite intelligent: in short, he was one of his peers. And their little discussions were not too unpleasant.
« Well, we’ll talk later about carpooling?
- Yeah. And also dividing the task.
- Yeah, no problems, Shikamaru sighed as he turned away - tired in advance of the amount of work ahead. Ah, good luck with your presentation by the way. »
He didn’t even bother to answer.
Wishing him luck ? Sasuke gladly left ‘good luck’ to losers such as Inuzuka or Sarutobi who were very likely to be sending prayers at that very moment to every heavenly spirit existing, Jashin included, to have the course delayed.
Good luck ?
Sasuke definitely didn’t need it.
He was brilliant, meticulous and confident: talking in front of sixty or more people didn’t bother him at all - unlike the younger Hyuuga who getting more and more on the verge of fainting as she practiced her speech. More than that, it was even something he enjoyed. Knowing every aspect of a subject - mastering it ; defending it tooth and nail, tearing apart every remark made by his opponents until they surrender..
Some malicious people would say that Sasuke liked to boast on stage, that he was too arrogant. That he was far too pleased to thwart the traps set by his teachers, to answer the questions of his classmates with a smirk. A smirk just visible enough to make them understand how foolish he thought their interventions were. Or worse, that he had precisely expected for a moron to make that remark, thus allowing him to assert his assistance with a dutifully prepared response.
Saying that Sasuke Uchiha sometimes behaved like a complete asshole would be quite slanderous - indeed.
Because, no he did not.
He was brilliant, meticulous, confident… and humble on top of that.
« Hurry up, Kiba, I think it’s already started!
- You should have eat your lunch quicker ! »
The two latecomers were forced to take the front row seats of the auditorium while Sasuke finished to prepare. The slide show was on, the cable was connected - he was simply waiting for Mr. Hatake’s approval to start.
« And to finish with and anticipate some questions you may have, I’d like to add that while the data I used regarding market flows may be from two thousand and four, other studies that I have provided in the appendix tend to show that all exchanges concerning telephony have been profitable thanks to the takeover of the company by its competitor three years ago. »
He couldn’t have done better.
The teacher scribbled an umpteenth inscription on his rating form with a discreet approving wink and Uchiha smiled smugly.
Perfect - everything had gone on smoothly.
His onyx eyes wandered around the room: not surprisingly, half the auditorium hadn’t listen a word to what he had said, too focused on themselves (and the realization of their own projects).
The other half, however, completed his little moment of glory: some of them shook the head in bitterness, disappointed in what they had done in comparison, others gave him an admiring look. In the distance, Shikamaru nodded his head slowly while the Egyptian fury sited beside him, more belligerent, pretended to stifle a yawn.
But Sasuke quickly looked away, his mouth pinched, as he saw the thumb up that Lee Rock had kindly addressed to his attention. Lee was overall quite a nice fellow - Sasuke himself had to recognize it, - but no.
Just no.
« Well, if no one has any question, because I don’t have one either, let’s move on to the next presentation, Kakashi Hatake thought for a moment as he watched over the assembly. Inuzuka, you, in the front row? Well, that’s great, now’s your turn. »
Sasuke, quite disdainfully elated, was about to come down from the stage when a voice stopped him dead in his tracks:
« Oops, you’re in deep shit, Kiba! »
That particular tone was familiar to him.
Strangely familiar.
« Heyyyyy everybody! I know, I know, sorry! I promised to upload more often… But sometimes I just completely forget to turn the cam on. Or to remove the lens cover ahah! Anyway, today…- »
Come to think of it, Sasuke knows that he should have, at least, tried to make it look like it wasn’t that big of a deal. He should have try to tighten his jaw, clench his teeth or even hold his breath until he could return to his seat but of course - he didn’t.
That damn brain of his really had to go on mental-break down as he looked over to the lips from which those sweet, sweet words had just escaped.
He literally froze on the spot.
Why the hell did Rasengan have to show up in his class on the very-day he looked like utter shit?!
Sasuke let himself fell on a chair of the uni library. The research room, fortunately, was still quite empty - this haven of peace was the only place where, he was ready to stake his life on it, this stupid Inuzuka had not and would never set foot in.
Yes - Sasuke Uchiha had simply run away : with clenched fists, he had spent the forty-two minutes separating him from the end of the class to scrutinize meticulously the auditorium clock’s second hand. He had tried everything: scrolling down his twitter feed, pretending to be interested in what was happening downstairs, humming softly a bit of that stupid Latin-sounding song that his brother Itachi kept playing in the car, but nothing helped. That same frightening moment was played again and again in his mind:
Meeting certain cerulean eyes had literally made him go speechless. If he had for a long time now suspected the blond guy of drowning his instagram pictures with saturated filters, he was now forced to admit that this guy had the bluest eyes he had ever seen.
And by blue, Sasuke wasn’t talking about that pale, bland cyan that Ino Yamanaka, a high school ‘friend’ he often saw in the cafeteria, boasted about - no, Rasengan’s pupils were of a deep, bright, intense blue. It wasn’t a grey that stretched to be too light or green; his eyes were neither grayish nor turquoise: they were blue. Irrevocably blue.
Wonderfully blue.
The more he thought about it, the less Uchiha was willing to accept it: there was no way a guy who spent at least twelve hours a day on screens could have such marvelous eyes. He probably wore contact lenses, yeah, there was no other explanation.
All Sasuke could remember was meeting that seing that blue and then - nothing. His foot had stayed up in the air, his breathing hastened and he had stood there like an idiot - staring at the video maker who hadn’t pay the slightest attention to him, his mouth wide open.
How long had he been frozen there, like a fucking fangirl oozing hormones and sebum?
Thank’s God - an unfortunate accident had come to his rescue : Kiba Inuzuka and his legendary clumsiness who, probably not expecting Sasuke to suddenly freeze on the spot, had stumbled over the stairs.
He had cracked his forehead open and the fit of hilarity (well - they didn’t need much at eight o'clock in the morning) in the auditorium had instantly brought Sasuke out of his enamored trance. He had quickly taken his attention away from the blond young man hurried back to his place, his heart beating fast.
Shit - what the hell was Rasengan doing in his college?
And why did he have do pull an all-nighter on the day before?
Sasuke looked around him and hesitated for a moment before putting his phone in selfie mode in order to inspect the extent of the damages.
He had rarely looked so bad. His eyes were red because of the entire night spent on a computer screen, his skin was tugging at him and - what the hell was that old scale on the edge of his eyelid ? But despair truly overcame him as he looked at the state of his hair - thank God it was still pretty clean, but there was absolutely no volume left. Nasty, long (too long) strands of hair were stuck to his temples and fell back a little on his forehead.
Shit - it was as if he was unpleasantly reviving his teenage years when - even though he still adamantly claimed to that day he had never turned emo, he had tried numerous dubious kind of hairstyles.
The Uchiha turned pale when it really came down to him : this was indeed the very first impression he ever had make on Rasengan.
When Sasuke set foot on campus the next day, curious glances were exchanged. While his complexion was as fresh and glowing as ever (he had gulped down five liters of water the night before), his hair was…-
Well - he rather gave the impression that he had swallowed five litres of gel. That observation made the usually impassive Shikamaru raised an eyebrow - for a moment he thought that he too had returned to his high school years. The Nara genius finally shrugged it off, plunged back into his textbook - well everyone had bad hair day every now and then.
Fourth day of the week - Sasuke grumbled as he put his computer back on his bag.
Of course, Rasengan had to disappear completely off the face of the earth as soon as he had decided to rock his best outfits to go to class.
It was as if Rasengan’s divine appearance had to be provoked by Sasuke losing some of his splendor.
The next day, Sasuke had the impudence of wearing a T-shirt… with a hole on it (an old accident involving a hook and his brother-in-law, a fisherman), but still - nothing happened.
There was not the slightest sign of the handsome blond with eyes too blue to be true. In a bad mood, Uchiha decided after lunch to put the Ralph Lauren sweater, which he’d slipped into his bag in the morning just in case, in top of his crappy shirt.
The following Monday came quickly but - no, Sasuke wasn’t expecting anything.
His decision to resume his daily abdominal sessions hadn’t been motivated by any hope of meeting a certain blond again.
He was doing it for himself - and for himself alone.
Although it was true that he didn’t even need it.
The coffee machine forgot inadvertently to give him a stirrer - Sasuke sighed. Great, the day was starting out just fine : how the hell was he supposed to retrieve the sugar that had fallen to the bottom of the cup and drink his coffee now?
« Ahah, I can’t believe it, I didn’t even finish my presentation and Hatake gave me the passmark ! »
Sasuke’s ears tensed imperceptibly as he recognized the voice of the injured-Inuzuka who had just entered the cafeteria.
« He felt sorry you had a concussion Kiba, Shikamaru was there too.
- Whatever, man ! I’m definitely going to pass that semester ! We got to go celebrate. »
Like in a bar or club where Rasengan might also go to ?
Sasuke suddenly found his cup too heavy to carry around and chose to sit down at the table next to the one the two friends had chosen, any worry of lost-stirrer long forgotten.
« Mhhh. Shikamaru sighed and rummaged through his wallet, seeking enough change to buy himself a hot drink. The delicious scent of Sasuke’s coffee was tempting him. You know what I think about your improvised parties.
- Pfff, anyway, you hardly go out anymore now than you got hitched.
- It's not like that, Shikamaru sighed again. Tem and I simply go to different places. »
Sasuke rolled his eyes out, bored. He wasn’t there to hear about other people’s marital relationships: why didn’t they discuss Rasengan’s appearance AND disappearance instead?
The black-haired man had spend the weekend trying to figure something out, but nothing helped. Not a new video on Youtube (well, there was nothing that strange about that, Rasengan’s upload schedule had always been rather dubious), not a single clue on twitter or insta.
« …- never thought you’d actually manage to hook up with her. By the way…-, Kiba’s sentence was left hanging in the air. Oh, here he is. It’s about time! »
Sasuke’s pulse suddenly accelerated. Damn it.
He hadn’t expected Rasengan to pop up out of the blue, though.
Wasn’t his presence so close to his group of friends too suspicious?
Was he going to get busted that easily ?
He needed a pretext - quickly.
« Hey Shino. You’re here just in time, let’s go! »
Eyes glued to the poster for dark-metal band, Uchiha struggled to conceal his disappointment. 
Shino Aburame - of course.
Always where he wasn’t expected.
Jaw clenched, Sasuke pretended to take a closer look at the tour dates on the wall while the three companions got up to go to class. The disappointed student was about to do the same when a voice called out to him:
« I didn’t know you liked this kind of music, Sasuke.
- Uh… yeah.
- We’re performing next month at the bar around the corner, Shino let out a rare smile as he reached into his pocket to hand him something. Here, I’ve got plenty more.
- … Thanks ? »
Uchiha arched an eyebrow as he received a Radioactive Worms sticker.
It took all sorts to make a world.
Wednesday, nine o'clock - Sasuke sighed as he realized that his computer was already out of battery. He pulled the charger out of its’ case before giving a nasty glance to a student who was cackling a little too loudly a few rows away.
He was getting on his nerves more and more.
For how long has he been getting along like pigs in a blanket with Rasengan? And was he, as Sasuke strongly suspected, responsible of his mysterious disappearance?
It was all so damn confusing.
« Um, yeah? »
The microphone sizzled and Sasuke turned his attention back ont he lecturer who he had almost forgotten.
When he saw who standing next to him, he almost fainted.
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amnachil · 5 years
The College Society Chapter 2 Part 2
And the next part is here !
Liam Sunday December 3
"You're free handsome, you can leave."
These words were sweet to his hear. After several hours serving customer, Judy finally let him go. (Of course Liam was glad to be serving and not taking care of the dishes anymore, but he met an old lady really strange who tried to touch his ass and he got a little scared). (She tried twice at least).
"You did well by the way." continued his boss. "I mean you only forgot five orders... That's a day to remember !"
The young lad frowned. He did not. (Ok, maybe he did). His coworkers called him "the lost waiter" for a reason... By the way, he wasn't sure to be useful for business.
"There's someone waiting for you outside." she concluded. "See you next week."
Kinda curious, Liam changed and headed towards the door. Surprisingly, it was Nick. That's new. Usually, he's playing video games at this hour. The dark-haired lad was wearing a fluffy jacket and black jeans. When he saw his roommate, he smiled.
"Hey bud'."
"Hey." greeted Liam. "What's going on ?"
He knew something was odd. The geek never went out of their flat without a good reason. And he just smiled, which was unusual since Rebecca and him had argued. And he got this little twitch when he wanted something. (Liam felt proud of himself. He was a real spy when he decided to). (Or just a good friend, but whatever).
"Nothing in particular." answered Nick. "Let's walk for a bit, please ?"
"Uh, okay."
Then, they became silent. At start, Liam just watched his friend. But then, his eyes got caught by a weird trash can on the other side of the street. It looked broken. I wonder who did that... Maybe Nick ? (He then remembered what he did, like three months ago, and he just blushed). Anyway, they  arrived at their building, but Nick just continued straight ahead.
"I'm not in the mood to listen to Rebbie and her boyfriend fuck." he complained. "Come on, let's go to the fastfood at the corner. I'm hungry".
Liam was honestly sleepy (like almost every night). (Or maybe everytime ?). However, he had also zero willpower. (You could ask him to dance naked in the street, he would do it). (Thinking about it, maybe not).
"Dude, are you coming or not ?" asked his roommate. "Stop looking at the sky like this, it's freaky".
Once inside, Nick ordered two burgers and some fries, and they sat far away the other customer. For a short time, they remained silent again. Liam nearly fall asleep. (Once he started to close his eyes, he had a really hard time resisting).
"So what's the deal ?" asked suddenly Nick. "Between you and this girl ?"
"You mean Judy ?"
"Not your boss silly, Colton's girlfriend. I saw you watching her. I mean, normally you're not looking something or someone in particular, just... dreamin'. But each times she's around, it's different. Have you a crush on her ? Cuz Nate let me thought you weren't... interested in girl anymore ya know ?"
Liam's brain took in the information. He's talking about Barbara. Dude his friend was more observant than he believed. He's always playing with his gameboy, but he saw that... I wonder if everyone else know too. But the truth was... Liam just failed to talk with Barbara. He just chickened out and ran under his blanket each time he tried to approach her.
"I'm not in love with her." belied the young lad. "I just happen to know her from highschool... But can we not talk about it ? Like we're not talking about you running away from our appartment because there are zombies in it."
(It was Liam's conclusion. Nick would only left if he mistakenly summoned undead). (But the unicorns would save the day). His friend stared at him, stunned.
"Man, you're so weird. I honestly don't understand how you're functioning. Anyway, I was just a bit angry at myself for stuff... But now it's ok. Let me finish this and we can go back, I can tell you're dead on your feet."
Rebecca Monday December 4
All the weekend, she had sensed something bad would happen. She had thought it was about sport, and couldn't find what the hell she had been missing. But now, she remenbered. The fucking group project. It was due for today, and they didn't finish it. Rebecca woke up panicked. She barely noticed Emilio who was still sleeping, and got dressed hella fast. Then, she rushed her neighbor's flat. Please, be awake. It's in one fucking hour. Please be awake. She couldn't afford to have a bad grade. Rebecca knocked so hard on the door that she probably woke up the whole floor. But Liam and Nick weren't answering. Those bloody sleepy heads ! She rushed towards the closest library. Let's hope I can do something by myself. She tried to call Colton, but he didn't ansewer either. Damnit. Rebacca was almost there when she ran into Matthew.
"Hey girl !" he shouted. "Where are you heading so fast ?"
"I forget to finish a group paper. I'm sorry but I need to go."
"Oh come on, that's no big deal." he replied ironically. "Stop being so serious about everything. You're already a star athetle, why do you need to study in the first place ?"
She stopped for a sec and looked at him. What a dumb question. My parents want me to. It's for my future.
"C'mon girl." Matthew laughed. "I mean, wouldn't you be better if you only trained ? And you really could use some free time for yourself. You got a bad reputation in the campus to be honest."
"What ? Why ?"
"Well, you're trying to be the best runner, the best swimmer, the best student and all... It's kinda obvious people don't like it. Oh, and your boyfriend got a lot of women after him aswell. They hate you."
Rebecca didn't knew what to say. People hated her... because she tried to be perfect ? What the hell ? Maybe that's the reason why Nick is so raging lately... He simply was jealous of her success.
"Anyway, it's always nice to talk with you, but I should hurry." stated Matthew. "Chelsea's waiting for me at the coffee shop."
Rebecca nodded and watched him draw away. Weird. After everything he did, I thought he just hated me but... now he's nice. Maybe he's trying to make it up on his behavior.
The young girl tried her best on the group project. Sadly, it wasn't enough at all. She headed towards the class quite depressed. Matthew's words were still making her think. And she feared the bad grade incoming. When she entered in the room, she looked at Colton, Liam et Nick. The first one looked a bit stressed too.
"We are screwed guys." he admitted while she sat. "We didn't finish the paper. In fact, we barely did it at all."
"We had a paper ?" asked Liam.
They all looked at him. That guy will turn me crazy one day. Did he know they had exams coming soon ? How the hell he managed to go to college exactly ?
"In fact, you're worried for nothing." assured Nick. "Because while you were all doing god know what, the genius I am did the project. Alone."
He gave it to the teacher with a smile.
"Don't thank me fellows." he added. "I know Rebbie doesn't like to thank people who saved her ass anyway."
She opened her mouth, but nothing came to her mind. He had all the rights in the world to be mad. And she should say something, she knew that. But his provoking look enraged her. Damnit. The runner girl was too proud. She just ignored him. And felt hella bad about it.
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey Wednesday December 6
The lad moaned. On the screen, the girl just pronounced his name in such a positive way. Bloody hell she had a sensual voice. With the remote, Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey rewound. Oh damn, that was so hot. Yeah, Amber, the chearleader captain, had a beautiful voice. He sped up the video until he saw Zack Jonhson. This one murmured his name. Hell. That's something. Zack had a special tone. Especially when he said "Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey". He just whispered each syllabe with so much passion. The Dean's grandson listened it again. And again. Eventually, he came with a satisfied grunt. That was so good. A bit awkward, but so good anyway.
"Hey Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey !" hailed Summer through the door of his appartment. "Are you in there dude ?"
Well, she didn't pronounced his name like in the video, this bitch. She was way more submissive in bed. The blond lad adjusted his boxers and closed his zipper. He didn't bothered put a shirt, and opened the door.
"What do you want ?"
Stupid cow. She had gained some weight since she had become the head of the student. Just, Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey had nothing against some chub. In fact, he could like it in some people. But this dummy ? She was uglier everytime he saw her.
"You asked me to tell you when the swimmers started their training." she reminded him. "Well they just started. And wow there are some cuties among them. Theo kept his card close to his chest."
She was definitely lusting after those guys. Such a pathetic predator. She was a collector, she couldn't handle the "break-up phase". And that was why she would be in troubles one day. But he didn't care, since he had already fucked her enough. He finally took a shirt, and headed towards the pool without even a glance for her.
When he arrived, he first heard Theo. That man had a strong voice. An unctuous one. He's a sneaky little bastard, but we had our greet time together. They ended it on a mutual agreement. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey then remarked Laura. The loyal girlfriend. That was a lovely weird story, honestly. Laura was deeply in love with Theo, even if she knew what he was doing. They had a sort of agreement, because he helped her back in times. It's cute, he loves her and fuck chubbies in the same time.
"Uh... Sorry but I need to get to the pool please. I'm already late."
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey turned over and stared at his prey. Oh god, I'm in luck. It might even be too easy. He had done some research, and knew the boy's name was Liam. He was from the middle of nowhere. He had achieved highschool with an A-, and was now studying economics. He wasn't a scholarship holder, and he lived in a flat outside the main campus with one roommate. I also noticed he's from the same town than this cute soccer player... Muller. I like that boy, he's gifted. Anyway, it was time to start the hunt. And this braindead freshman didn't move yet. He was just looking... What the hell is he lookin' at exactly ?!
"I'm Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey." the Dean's grandson introduced himself. "Nice to meet you."
The boy didn't answer. How come ? Is he that stupid ? Liam was tall, and ripped. Ripped as hell. Broad-shouldered, he had an impressive chest, and a blossoming six-pack. He was probably doing some cardio and muscle-development exercises as well as swimming. His face was kinda sexy. With chestnut hair, masculine feature, he had deep grey eyes, with a glint of blue. And his ass, that fucking ass made the hunter's cock hard in a second. But Liam seemed completely lost in his thoughts. I'm not being ignored by a little shitty swimmer. No way. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey kicked the lad in the leg. Gently of course. The freshman landed on Earth.
"What ? Did you say something ?" he asked.
"I'm Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey." repeated patiently the hunter.
"Hello. I'm Liam Strucker. Nice to meet you."
There was something really, really odd about his tone. He sounds completely high, but he isn't. In fact, he didn't seem stupid either. I thought he was but...
"Can I go to the pool now ?" asked Liam. "I should be doing lenghts by now."
"Yeah, just go."
The hunt would be harder than the Dean's grandson expected. I think I understood why Theo failed to pick up this guy. It'll be fun.
To be continued
Some develpment without weight gain I know but we’ll come to it ! So Liam and Damian finally met ! Let’s see if the hunter will succeed to have our dreamy boy in his bed !
Nick is an important character for the story, even if he hasn’t his own pov. He’s a nice guy, doing all the work alone and all. But what’s in his mind ? Maybe it is related to the little belly he’s denying ? ;)
In a month or so, I’ll start to post another long story at the same time (probably every saturday). It’s called To the perfection and the main characters are Thomas Muller and Dan Vince. It’ll feature a lot of pining, kinky desires and weight gain.
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A Realistic Student's Guide to Surviving Finals
With finals rolling around - I'm sure we are all feeling the pressure. Here are just a few tips I hope will help you all during this stressful time in the semester.
Time Block Method ⏰
Find yourself a template online, here's one (x) or lay it out yourself. Block off times you know you will have time to study (you are home from class with no interruptions). You can get creative with it and use colors if you feel so inclined. This can just help you stay focused ahead of time. I'd say to go ahead and make it about a week or two out. It's similar to a 5 day study plan, but obviously will include all classes, time for meals, breaks, extra curricular activities, work, doctor's appointments, final projects, etc. Specify when you want to get things done.
Now, this technique doesn't work for everyone. Sometimes it doesn't even work for me because my schedule can get really crazy, and I just need to play it by ear. You know yourself best.
Pomodoro Technique 🍅
If time blocking one to two weeks in advance is not your style, you may find luck with the Pomodoro Technique.
You'll want to set a timer - perhaps on your phone (and then put your phone out of sight). Set the timer between 15-20 minutes during which you will work uninterrupted on your assignment/studying. Typically, when the timer goes off you will find that one of two things will occur: 1) you can work a couple more minutes and wrap things up or 2) you REALLY needed a break!
I actually love this method because when I sit down to study, I naturally feel a little drained after 20 minutes - so that's a good time to get up and stretch, send a quick text, check my social media real quick, or watch a short YouTube video. Whatever you need to do to decompress. Your prerogative.
Take It Slow 🐢
One chapter at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself by cramming 15 chapters worth of material in one sitting. Your brain is like an athlete - you don't want to overexert.
Create Your Own Study Guides📑
I always loved creating large study guides, complete with color-coded highlighting and diagrams. It's much easier to re-read notes that are written neatly (or even asthetically pleasing). Additionally, I've found that taking the time to highlight key material breaks up the monotony of taking copious amounts of notes.
Change of Scenery 🌻
If you find yourself restless while working in the same place you normally do - change it up. Go to a coffee shop, your school's library, a friend's place, or somewhere on campus. You might find that your motivation is rejuvenated.
Do The Task You are Dreading the Most F I R S T 🐸
Have a nasty, big research paper to write? Hate one subject in particular, and loathe studying it? Do it first. There’s a saying by Mark Twain, it goes something like “if the first thing you do in the morning is eat a live frog, you can go through the rest of the day knowing the worst is behind you.” Your worst task is the frog
Utilize a Study App. 📲
Personally, I love love love Quizlet. It's portable and easily accessible through your phone, laptop or tablet. So any moment you have some spare time you can pull up tried and true old Quizlet and have a little study sesh. Features included on Quizlet such as the "Match," "Test," and "Spell" functions can prove to be useful in a myriad of different classes.
I also hear Forest is great! 
Something similar that I love (because you can get free stuff) is Pocket Points; however, you do need to have your location services on and you will need to be on your campus to obtain points. Again, it just rewards you for staying off of your phone for extended periods of time. I used PocketPoints all the time my freshman year to buy free tanning sessions before the tanning place wised up and realized they were losing a lot of money.
Try Teaching the Material to Another 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫
Your dog. Your mom. Your brother. Your best friend. Your boyfriend (even if he isn't really listening). Your classmate(s). Reiterating the material in your own words helps you retain it better.
If no one is around to listen (or you don't feel like you can bring yourself to make them sit through your tiny lecture) stand in the mirror and pretend like you are giving your own TedTalk over the subject. It works for Sims, doesn't it?
Don't Shy Away From Services Provided by Your Institution 📚
So tutoring centers, writing centers, office hours, peer mentors, etc. These services are typically free to you because you have already paid for them via your tuition. Basically, you won't be paying out of pocket and you might as well get your money's worth! Additionally, perhaps hearing a challenging concept explained to you differently by someone who is not your professor may help you figure it out.
Remember Your Handy Dandy Planner 📒
Planners are life and it is never too late to utilize one, or forge the habit of using one.
I wasn't always a die hard planner gal; however, this semester using my planner religiously has changed my life. You can always go paperless too, perhaps with an Outlook calendar or the calendar on your phone.
Rest 💤
Sleep is C R U C I A L.
Eat 🍴
Three square meals and two snacks. Feed your brain.
Stay Hydrated. 💧
This means water, folks. Man cannot survive on coffee alone.I think Jesus said that.
Don't Neglect Hygiene or Self Care 🛀
Warm showers, long baths (maybe one with bubbles or a bath bombs), a skin care routine, painting your nails, shaving, doing a face mask, washing your hair etc. can all help you decompress when the going gets tough.
Also showering and bathing? Self explanatory.
Take Breaks When You Need To🌙
Again, do not study to the point where you feel like you are about to crack. Let your brain breathe. Let your body breathe. Sit on your balcony for a few minutes. Talk to a friend. De-stress, not distress.
Try Epsom Salt Baths to Relieve Tension 🛁
Epsom salt baths are life changing. Choose your salts based on what you need; they can be both energizing (wake up) and relaxing (so you can fall asleep).
Personally, I like to stay in a hot tub until I break a sweat. While soaking I may pull up a YouTube video to get the ultimate detox effect. With this being said, there may be some of you with health concerns that limit your ability to do something like this. Again, know yourself.
Ask for Help When You Need It ❗
Whether it's regarding material, or you are struggling with depression, anxiety, or stress severe enough to cause you frequent headaches/stomachaches - ask for help. You will probably find dozens of people that will gladly help you however they can- they just had no idea you were struggling.
Take Advantage of Extra Credit Opportunities (aka Become A Point Whore) 🏫
This might give you a little extra cushion if every point matters for you. 
Believe In Yourself and Remember That You Got This. ☀️
You have to believe that you are capable of doing this! You are intelligent enough, you are worthy enough, you are strong enough to do this. 
If you feel like this semester may not go as well as you anticipated, and you need a 465% on the final to get a C in the class - talk to an advisor. Figure out a plan for the worst case scenario so that you are not left scrambling and freaking out after the semester is over.
Be honest with yourself about where you fell short this semester. How can you improve for next semester?
Remember that mistakes happen. We all fail sometimes. Failure is a part of the path to success, yes, but the only time you really fail is when you stop trying. So don't stop trying.
“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” -H. Ford
More Specific Posts:
Night Before Your Exam Pt. I
Night Before Your Exam Pt. II
Day of Your Exam
If your final is an essay look here or here 
Other Simple Study Methods
For Dead Day If You Want To Be Productive Without Studying
Academic Probation to the Dean’s List in One Semester is Totally Possible
To Remind You That You Are Not Alone - My {Formerly} Bad Student Story - Read if you struggle with chronic physical health and/or mental health + school
What are your favorite finals tips to study/stay focused/reduce stress? I encourage you all to comment and share what has worked best for you!
Happy studying, realistic students! Save the semester! 🌻☀️
75 notes · View notes
ycmiis-blog · 7 years
now recording {chapter five}
When upcoming YouTuber Lucy Heartfilia finds herself collaborating with popular channel Fairy Tail, she ends up getting more than she bargained for. ( ff.net // ao3 )
The following week is full of Lucy's official admittance to the channel. It's not as insane as she thought it would be, just a contract to look over and sign, and soon she's a proper member. It's easy to slot herself into several of the channel's segments, like the DIY videos that Lisanna and Mira usually do as well as any and all talk of beauty. The skits are the best part, though, being able to act like a different character for a while. It's exciting, and everything feels so professional. Most of the time, anyway.
It's Thursday when the door open and Lucy stops mid-script-planning because she's sure that everyone she knows is already inside the building. She looks up whenever anyone walks past, and she, Mira, Kinana, Reedus, and Laxus are the only ones inside the main room as of now. The others are elsewhere, working on other things, and Natsu said earlier that Wendy and Romeo wouldn't be coming in until their exams finish tomorrow. That's why stares at the entrance when a man she recognises but has never met walks in.
"Oi, old man," Laxus greets, breaking Lucy's concentration when he gets up and strides over to his grandfather.
If Lucy is being honest, she can't see the family resemblance between Laxus and Makarov. Not only is Laxus tall and buff while Makarov is stout and thin, but their personalities (or what she's seen of them, because all she has to go off of is Makarov's behaviour in videos) are also completely different. Perhaps it's some sort of generational gap? She doubts she'll ever ask.
"Haven't I told you to respect your elders?" Makarov says, but he's smiling.
Mira rushes over. "Master! I didn't expect to see you today."
"I didn't expect to be here," Makarov says, giving Mira a brief hug. "I had time, so I'm here."
"You shouldn't just walk in as you like, you know. We could be in the middle of filming or something," Laxus says.
Mira waves off his complaints. "Don't be ridiculous, he's more than welcome, even if we're filming. The fans love him! Speaking of which, have you met Lucy?"
Lucy perks up once her name is mentioned, and she can't pretend she wasn't looking when everyone's now staring at her in return. She smiles nervously and waves as Mira leads Makarov to her. He's much shorter in real life than she anticipated.
"The newest recruit? You poor thing, I hope they haven't been treating you too badly," Makarov says, offering his hand to shake.
She shakes his hand, her free one twirling her pen. "They've been fantastic, actually. More than I could hope for."
There's a spark in Makarov's eyes as he says, "Ah, they haven't had the embarrassing induction ceremony, have they?"
Lucy could have gone her whole life without being reminded of that. Ever since Jet started the topic in the group chat a week ago, it's been in the back of her mind, and she dug deep into the channel's old videos to see what she was getting herself into. When Kinana joined, she was forced to read explicit fan fiction. The time before that when Bisca joined, she had to stand on Yajima's roof and promote the restaurant with an, as Vijeeter had put it, interpretive dance. Even Wendy and Romeo had undergone some sort of food challenge that had Wendy swearing off sour food for the rest of her life. Needless to say, Lucy isn't looking forward to whatever she has to do.
"No, they haven't," she sighs, and Mira giggles.
"We're still thinking on what we're going to have her do," Reedus says from the editor's desk.
Makarov's laugh is boisterous. "You'll find something appropriate, I'm sure. But for now, could I ask you to gather the others? I have an announcement to make."
They all head off to collect the others, people entering the main room one by one. They hit a snag when the gamers refuse to come out of their gaming office for fifteen more minutes because they have a video to wrap up, but they soon wander out and join everyone else. Erza practically forces them to.
Everyone is talking at once, and it takes Erza kicking desk chairs into the crowd to make them stop. Once she's satisfied, she turns to Makarov and says, "Please continue."
Makarov nods at her and climbs onto one of the unused desks near the front of the room. "Alright, listen up, you brats! When I was at work, we were talking about having a film festival for amateur creators, and all the others were talking about how they'd gotten their favourite up and coming film makers to sign up, saying how they'd beat everyone else, but I saw their stuff and thought, 'My brats can do better than that!'"
Lucy vaguely remembers Makarov (and several of the other members) mentioning that he works as a film critic, and things suddenly make more sense. Then his words sink in and she blinks. Is this going where she thinks it's going?
"So, I decided to sign you all up," Makarov continues, pulling a flyer out of his pocket. It's a little crumpled and there's a rip at the top, but Lucy can see the words 'Crocus Film Festival 2017' in big bold letters. "I know you'll be able to do it."
Laxus snatches the flyer from Makarov's hands, and his movements are so harsh that Lucy winces. "The fuck, old man? You can't just do that shit without our permission! We're pulling out, fuck it."
"Hold on."
Everyone turns to Freed, who has his thinking face on. It's rare for him to ever disagree with Laxus, but from what Lucy has seen during the past few weeks, he is also the person who keeps Laxus from exploding. This is probably another one of those times. She just didn't expect it to be now.
"You were telling me about how you wanted to make a short film, right?" Freed says, looking at Laxus. "Why not take this opportunity and run with it? The deadline is a few months from now, and we've had tighter deadlines before, so I'm sure we could pull it off."
Laxus' expression is a combination of stubbornness and sulking. Lucy would laugh if she wasn't waiting for his response with baited breath, because honestly? The idea of making a short film is exciting, and a quick scan of the room tells her that the others think so, too. Everyone is anticipating Laxus' response, because if anyone can get him to agree, it's Freed.
Then among the silence, Natsu says, "What, too scared to take up the challenge?"
Laxus narrows his eyes at Natsu, because it's clear what the younger man is doing, but if Lucy didn't know any better, she would say that it's working. She's sure that half of the stuff Laxus does on camera is because someone challenged him to. With this group, it's a very real possibility. Her eyes dart between Natsu and Laxus as she watches Natsu's shit-eating grin and Laxus' calculating expression.
"Alright, fine," Laxus finally says, and he puts his hand up to stop any premature celebration. "But if we're gonna do this, we're gonna go all in. This isn't just some fuckin' side-project, this is some real deal shit, I don't care how much work we have to put into it, we're winning this thing."
"Well, obviously," Gray says, smirking. "Fairy Tail comes to win, not to get a pat on the back for participating."
Cana takes a swig from her flask. "Gray, your clothes."
Roles are quickly designated. Laxus is the obvious choice for director, and it will be the usual team when it comes to editing and sound. Lucy, Levy, and Freed are in charge of writing the script based on the different ideas the group bounce off of each other during brainstorming. Lucy is impressed with how quickly the main concept is pieced together. Everyone appears to be on the same page, and any minor disagreements are usually resolved with an even better idea. Lucy takes notes at an alarming rate, different scenes running through her head, and soon she has several handwritten pages covered top to bottom.
"You're really into this, aren't you?" Natsu says as he slides his chair beside hers.
"Of course I am," she says, adding to the growing list of characters. "Writing stories is what I live for."
Natsu's low laughter is drowned out by Evergreen's, "Who's going to play who, though?"
"Ooh, ooh!" Natsu shoots up like a rocket. "Can I play the dragon king guy? He sounds like a badass. He can control fire, for fuck's sake!"
"He's one of the two main characters, Dragneel, think you can handle that?" Gray taunts.
Natsu slams his fist down on the desk so hard that Lucy almost drags her pen over her entire paper. She sends him a look that he ignores. "Of course I can! It's like this part was made for me. What are you gonna do, play Tree Number Three?"
"Fuck off," Gray grumbles. "I'll play one of the nature spirits or something. The one that fights the dragon king is preferred, though. The ice one, right?"
"I'll be the fortune teller," Cana says, lifting a hand. "She gets to be all mysterious and creepy, so basically the complete opposite of me."
Lucy scribbles down who is playing who as the discussion continues, giggling to herself as certain roles are cast (Elfman and Evergreen as the bickering married couple who live in the woods? Yes, please). Within the next half hour, most of the roles are filled, but there are still some gaps. The biggest one is at the very top of the list.
"So, who's going to play the celestial princess?" Mira asks.
Lucy would be lying if she said she didn't want the role. The character of the celestial princess sounds so wonderful, and she's always loved stars, always thought about whether the stars are a world of their own with their own inhabitants and royalty. She knows that it's just her writer's mind running away with her, but it's a concept she's loved since she was a young child. She has her mother to thank for that.
Yet she doesn't put her hand up. She's nervous, and while she believes in herself enough to play the role decently, she doesn't want to take the opportunity away from anyone else. But no one else has raised their hand yet either, most likely because the majority of people in the room already have their names attached to other characters. She should just take the chance.
She puts her hand up. Everyone turns to her. "I'll do it." Realising she sounds too eager, she coughs and tries to keep herself calm. "I mean, if no one else wants to, of course."
Is it just her imagination, or does Mira look a little too happy about her volunteering? "Fantastic! That's all the main roles filled, we'll still need a couple of people to say a line or two, but other than that, we're all set!"
"Alright, everyone!" Lisanna calls out, waving her tape measure to get everyone's attention. "I'll need to measure you all to make your costumes!"
As people start heading to Lisanna's side, Levy sits on Lucy's desk. Lucy doesn't think she likes the smug look on her face. "So, the celestial princess, huh?"
Lucy blinks. "Well, yeah? I really love her character, the whole stars thing."
"And she and the dragon king fall head over heels in love with each other, forbidden love from two realms." Levy places her hands on her chest, like she's in the middle of some Shakespeare play.
Oh, right. Lucy forgot about that.
"Be professional, Levy," Lucy chides, lightly tapping her pen against Levy's leg. "You were the one who told me to take the shipping comments with a grain of salt, remember?"
"And I still stand by that," Levy says. "But don't think I haven't seen all the late night text convos on your phone." She picks Lucy's phone up from the desk and unlocks it (Lucy told her that passcode for emergencies, thank you very much), and Lucy remembers just whose message log she'd been on when she locked it earlier.
She makes a dive for the phone. "Gimme that!"
Levy dodges easily. "C'mon, this is cute!"
"We're just friends," Lucy says, and when Levy gives her a sceptical look, she says, "Very good friends."
Levy still doesn't look convinced, but when it's clear that Lucy isn't going to fold, she just sighs and returns the phone to its original spot. "Whatever you say."
"Wait, what?!"
Both Lucy and Levy look towards the entrance where Erza is standing and, to Lucy's surprise, she's beet red. Kinana raises her hands and steps back, and Mira, who is standing beside the entire exchange, is finding the situation incredibly amusing. Laxus just looks annoyed. Eager to gossip at someone else's expense rather than her own, Lucy heads over with Levy at her heels.
"What's wrong?" she asks, standing opposite Mira and Laxus so she's creating some sort of circle.
"Nothing, really," Mira says with a bright smile. "We were just talking about what we should do for the soundtrack, and Kinana suggested this really good band she has ties with, they're pretty famous on YouTube – Oracion Seis, if you've heard of them – and it just so happens that Erza knows their manager."
Lucy feels as though there's a story there, but now isn't the time. "That's great! Then we should have music sorted, right?"
Mira nods eagerly, resting a hand on Erza's shoulder. "Kinana, you want to see Erik, right? Why don't you take some of the others and go down there yourselves? I'm sure he'd love to see you. I'd go myself, but I have to stay and help Lisanna set up some stuff for the next DIY show."
Lucy can almost feel Erza's panic as Kinana considers the idea. "Alright, I don't see why not," she finally says. "Erza, Levy, Lucy, would you mind coming with me?"
"Of course! Of course we'll come with you," Erza says, perhaps a little too loudly, and Laxus snorts.
"Have fun with your boyfriend," he says, though he's looking at Erza when he says it, and she just hides her head in her hands.
Kinana is the one who drives them down, since she knows the way off by heart. Lucy spends her time alternating between concern for a suspiciously silent Erza and researching the band they'll be (hopefully) hiring for their film. She actually has heard of Oracion Seis, or she's at least seen them around on YouTube. They're an up-and-coming band known for experimenting with genres, and they have a very edgy style, even going by stage names rather than their real names. Of course, the internet is a place of knowledge, and she can find them with a simple Google search.
Another search reveals the name of their manager, a one Jellal Fernandes, and Lucy wonders where he and Erza know each other from. She isn't about to pry, though. If she's being completely honest, it's a little unsettling to see Erza so quiet, and if Erza wasn't as tough as she is, she would be a little more worried.
They arrive a little later than expected, but Kinana doesn't seem too put off by it. "It's normal to be set back a bit by the traffic," she says as she pulls into the studio building's underground parking lot.
Following Kinana's lead, they head to the elevator and wait for her to press the button to one of the top-most floors. Lucy taps her feet to the elevator music as they ascend. It's different than the usual elevator music, more pop-sounding, and she wonders if the studio plays songs their artists have made all around the building. It would make sense.
The elevator opens into a classy looking lobby with red carpet blue walls. It should be a little jarring, the contrast, but Lucy finds that she likes it. Kinana approaches the reception desk, which is being attended to by a pink-haired woman. Said woman looks up once a shadow falls over her desk and she smiles brightly. She recognises Kinana, at the very least.
"Kinana, hi! I wasn't expecting you today!" She peers around Kinana and spots Erza, her smile becoming even wider. "And Erza, too! I haven't seen you in forever!"
Erza smiles, though she still seems uneasy. "Hello, Meredy."
"Sorry I didn't call ahead," Kinana says. "I'm here to see Erik, but I'm also here to ask him and the others about something work-related. If I have to make an appointment, that's fine –"
"– Of course you don't have to make an appointment!" Meredy says, waving her hand dismissively. "Erik's always grumpy, but when he sees you he's happier, which means he works better. You're our lifesaver, you know."
Kinana flushes and shakes her head. "I'm sure that's not true."
"Oh, it is. You just don't see it 'cause he's always happy around you," Meredy says before pressing a button on her desk phone. "Hey, Jellal! Kinana's here, and guess who she brought with her? Just guess!"
"Meredy, would it kill you to behave a bit more professionally in front of our guests?" comes the reply from the speaker phone.
"Yes," Meredy says, smirking. "And you didn't even try to guess!
Erza steps forward. "That won't be necessary, I promise –"
There is a crash from the other end of the line and Meredy starts cackling. Lucy can feel a fit of giggles coming on herself, but she manages to suppress it in favour of sparing Erza from any further embarrassment. For now, anyway, because she feels as though it's only going to get worse once Erza and Jellal see each other face to face.
"Just send them in, Meredy," Jellal says in a tired voice.
"Will do!" Meredy replies cheerily, releasing her hold on the button. "Just go straight in! They're in the break room, Kinana will show you the way."
Kinana says a quick 'thank you' before heading into a corridor off to the side. There are several doors, all of them closed, but Lucy is more interested in the decor. There are awards hung on the wall as well as autographs and photos of different artists. There are quite a few of Oracion Seis, probably because this is their designated area of the building. She assumes that the blue-haired man beside Meredy in most of the pictures is Jellal, but she's about to find out.
They stop outside the last door to the right and Kinana knocks. The door muffles the sounds from inside, but Lucy can hear someone wolf whistle, and laughter follows. It's only when the door opens that everything can be heard, though not seen, because Erik, otherwise known as Cobra, stands in the way. He's taller than Lucy anticipated, but any air of intimidation he may have had disappears once he sees Kinana. It's quite cute.
"Hey," he says right before he spots everyone else. "You brought friends? That's a first."
Kinana just smiles. "That's because I'm not just here to hang out. We have a business proposition for you."
This surprises Erik, who raises his eyebrows, but he still moves out of the way so they can all enter. "Well then, come on in."
They enter into some sort of lounge decorated with music memorabilia, the smell of coffee filling Lucy's senses, and it doesn't take long to find out why when there are half a dozen coffee cups on the main table. The rest of the band sits on the sofas towards the edge of the room. Lucy vaguely remembers each of their names, and it seems that all of them are here. The lead vocalist, Sorano (Angel), is adjusting her high-heels, her elbow occasionally jabbing Sawyer's (Racer's) side, much to his annoyance. Richard (Hoteye) is notating something on a series of music sheets and Macbeth (Midnight) is asleep with an entire sofa all to himself. Jellal is sitting in the single armchair in the room, looking incredibly nervous.
"Hello, Jellal," Erza says, surprisingly composed compared to how she was acting previously. "It's good to see you."
Jellal smiles, and Lucy notes that while there is definitely some nervousness there, his eyes speak louder than his mouth does. He looks so happy to see her. It's subtle, but it's there. "Likewise, Erza."
"So, what's up?" Erik asks, deciding to ignore the two other lovebirds in the room as he shoves Macbeth so he's only taking up half of the couch as opposed to all of it.
"Well, Fairy Tail is entering a short film contest and we were wondering if you guys could do the soundtrack for it," Kinana says. "As long as you're not busy, of course. The deadline is in a few months, so it all depends on what you're doing."
The band, with the exception of Macbeth, shares a few looks that Lucy can't quite interpret, and it's Erik who speaks again. "Well, I'm down for it."
"Of course he is, it's for his beloved Kinana," Sawyer says, not bothered by the glare Erik sends his way. "But I'm down for it, too. What genre is it?"
"A fantasy romance," Levy says, then gestures to Lucy. "Lucy and I can fill you in on the rest of the plot details if you need them."
Sorano sits up, crossing one leg over the other. "A fantasy romance? Sounds like my sort of genre. I'm in."
"I have endless ideas for love songs," Richard says, and is he swooning?
Lucy eyes Macbeth, who hasn't moved since they began save for the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes. "Um, is it alright to make these decisions without everyone's input?"
Sawyer shrugs. "He's asleep for most meetings we have, so I wouldn't worry about it. As long as we tell him what's going on, he's usually fine with what we do. And if not? Tough luck." He looks to Jellal. "Now we just need our manager's input."
"You're actually asking for my opinion? Are you feeling okay, Sawyer?" Jellal jokes, but quickly sobers up. "I'm all for it. From a business standpoint, it's good. Fairy Tail is one of the most popular channels on the platform, aren't they? It should be good exposure."
Erik leans back in his chair, smug. "Please, don't act as though you don't know. You watch them just as much as I do. Whose videos are you usually watching?" He nods towards Erza. "Erza's, right?"
Jellal coughs and Erza looks away, though Lucy can see the faint blush on her cheeks. The two are saved from further awkwardness by someone's ringtone, and by the apologetic look on Levy's face, it's hers. Lucy watches her expression change to one of confusion.
"Sorry, I have to take this."
She moves to the opposite corner of the room and starts speaking in a low voice, too low for Lucy to hear. Rather than trying to eavesdrop on her friend's conversation, she turns to everyone else with a smile, and this seems to gather everyone's attention.
"So, the plot of our film –"
"Wait, what?!"
'Deja vu,' Lucy thinks as everyone turns to Levy, who is clutching her phone with both hands, biting her lip. Lucy quickly rushes over and puts a hand on Levy's shoulder. The sudden change in her friend's behaviour is too concerning for her not to.
"Levy? What's wrong?" she asks.
Levy sucks in a deep breath, and Lucy can vaguely hear the panicked voices of Jet and Droy on the other line. "They're gone. All the – our entire – all our videos on mine, Jet, and Droy's channels. They're all gone. We've been hacked."
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hoseok-is-my-bias · 7 years
Boys In Luv - A Bts Fanfic {Chapter 1}
{Well, i got more likes of the idea i had than i thought so, here ya go people. Chapter 1!}
Stoners, bikers, and maybe gang members, everybody can tell a Bad Boy when they see one. And there was not a even more bad group of guys than Bangtan. The four boys although not intimidating at first, were these baddest of the bad at their school. They picked on the nerds and caused nothing but fights and trouble. It was no wonder they were always surrounded by girls. The fools would fall head over heels for these guys, and not a single one paid any attention to the girls.
The boy scouts, the one who do the extra credit project, the ones who went above and beyond to make sure their presentation was PERFECT. Yeah, everyone knew a nerd when they saw one. Hoseok, Jimin, and Jin were the brightest kids at their school. Score high in their own subjects and perform well in their choir and dance company. Girls loved the sweet pretty boys, and although they were nice, the three boys didn’t ever date a single one. Dating was so trivial to them that simple school girls weren’t what they were looking for.
Yes, at Dankook University School of Music, only the best and most talented people were admitted in. Which is the setting of our story. Our characters being the talent filled and the brain filled. How their stories intertwine...?
Hoseok laid outside that morning, under the trees on campus. He let out a sigh of relaxation as he let his body take in the much needed sun it had lacked for the past couple of days. Exams had driven him into seclusion, studying like mad and practicing until his feet were bruised and his muscles gave out. Thankfully, he performed his best for his dance exam so he felt proud about that. 
Looked up through the trees at the clear sky, smiling to himself as he thought about the things he’d finally get to do now that he wouldn’t have to study for anything for the next two months. Just as he began listing them off in his head, two familiar faces hovered over him, smiles on for show. 
“Having a nap?” One of the boys asked, a short male with a toothy smile. “Hi Jimin. Hello Jin hyung.” Hoseok said, waving to the boys lazily. “What brings you guys out here? Are you guys done with testing?” He asked, sitting up while patting the grass beside him for the two to sit with him. They both sat and nodded, “Yeah, my throat is sore after our choir tests. Lots of sight reading.” The taller male claimed, rubbing his throat gently. “Which is why...i stick to dancing.” Hoseok responded, giving a playful wink to the elder member. 
“What about you, Hoseok hyung? How was dance? I think i did amazingly with my Jazz improv piece.” Jimin exclaimed, puffing his chest out only to have it smacked playfully the Hoseok. “I stuck to Modern Hip Hop for mine. I think i did pretty well.” Hoseok said with a shrug, yawning after he had finished speaking. “Well...Boys, now that exams are over, do you know what this means?” Jin said with a gentle grin on his face, “..uh...more hours of sleep?” Hoseok began, laughing at his own statement. Jin let out a chuckle as he punched his friends arm playfully. 
“Nah, Not while i’m around. Boys, tonight....we Party~” Jin exclaimed, his grin growing. Jimin gave a heavy groan and flopped out on the grass, “Hyung...” Jimin groaned before being silenced by the sight of a girl above him. The males all quickly scrambled to their feet and together gave a bow respectfully the the girl. “Hello!” They all exclaimed with friendly smiles for show. 
The girl bowed back bashfully and slowly walked up to Jimin, “Hello Jimin...ah...i-i have a gift for you.” She said, pushing her hair back and fluttering her eyes as she passed him a box. Jimin casually took the box and bowed once again, thanking her for the gift. The girl stood with a smile as Jimin held the box. He looked confused before Jin shoved him gently, “Open it Jimin.” Jin said with a smile, to which signaled Jimin to open it quickly. 
Inside was a stuffed bear with a note. Oh no... Jimin smiled back to the girl and bowed to a 90 degree angle before holding the box back out. “I wish to apologize.” Jimin exclaimed. The girl was taken aback by the action, looking between Jimin and the two elder students. “I cannot return your affection.” He exclaimed once more, glancing up at the girl, whose bright smile was replaced with a sadden expression. “I am very very sorry.” He continued, placing the gift back in the girls hands. She nodded slowly before placing a hand on his shoulder, signalling him to stand up. “I-It’s alright Jimin. I am sorry if i have bothered your friends and yourself. I’ll just...I’ll go now..” She said, bowing to him and to the other boys before turning around and leaving. 
As soon as she turned around, Jimin went from precious school prince to his normal self, shaking his head and stuffing his hands in his pocket. “I don’t think girls here are getting the message...” Jimin said with a bored expression. “What, that you’re gay?” Hoseok said, raising a brow. “No one can assume that Jiminie, that’d just be rude.” Jin said, placing his elbow on top of Jimin’s head, earning a low growl from the younger male. “...well...Jin hyung, i’m not exactly going to come out to every girl in the school. Am i?” Hoseok laughed, “I’d video tape that.” He said between gasps. Jin rolled his eyes and pinched Hoseok’s arm quickly, calling him back to earth. 
“ANYWAY, before that sweet girl interrupted me, i was saying that we should go party.” He said calmly. “But hyung...You of all people should know that...” Jimin began, looking at Hoseok who was rubbing his arm from the pinch, “None of us are exactly...party people.” He finished, earning a nod from Jin. “Who said it was going to be a BIG party?” He said, raising his brow as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Hyung, we’re saying that we can’t....let people see us partying.” Hoseok spoke, feeding off what Jimin said. “Oh i know, which is why it’ll just be us three!” Jin responded, clasping his hands happily. Jimin and Hoseok’s eyebrows rose with understanding, nodding slowly. “I’ll be in charge of food, Hoseok, you’ll buy drinks, and Jiminie, you...well...you do you.” Jin instructed, earning a nod from Hoseok and a chuckle from Jimin. “We’ll do it at my place. Since my apartment is bigger than your little hovel.” Jin said with a grin, the two younger males rolling their eyes. “We get it...our dorm is small and you’re rich. Cut us some slack.” Jimin grumbled. Jin pat Jimin’s head and smiled, “Both of you will meet me at my place, let’s say...7?” Hoseok looked at Jimin who nodded, “Anything you guys have in mind for drinks?” 
“Something fruity.” Jin said with a smile. “Something with a kick.” Jimin continued. “..Well...We’ll see what the corner mart has.” And with that, the three boys split off, Jimin walking with Hoseok back to their shared dorm while Jin walked to his home and began to prepare for their party. 
On the other side of campus, two men sat under similar trees. A blonde short male, his eyes closed as he leaned against another male with dyed grey hair. The male with grey hair tapped a pen on a notebook that sat on his lap, words were sprawled on the once clean paper. He finally placed the pen down and the notebook as well beside him, letting out a groan as he flopped to the side, startling the male who had slowly began to sleep on him. “Hey. I was just getting comfy.” The blonde haired male said, looking at the flopped over male with concern. “Can’t get anything out?” He said, raising a dark brow. “Everything that comes out is either fucked up or...” “Fucked up?” He finished the males statement, fixing his hair. “exactly.” The grey haired male said, rubbing his temples with irritation. 
“Namjoon, chill. You have until the end of the month to have a new song.” The male known as Namjoon looked at the other with irritation, “Sorry Yoongi, but i’m not a genius like you who can spit something amazing out in one foul swoop.” He growled, causing the male known as Yoongi to place his hands up in defense. “Whoa, is that anyway to speak to your boss?” He said with a sly grin, causing Namjoon to raise a hand with a middle finger as a gift. “Shut up.” He said before looking up at two new pairs of feet walking up to them. 
“You two are late.” Yoongi said lowly, his boss face up for show. The two who stood in front of them bowed and gave apologizes. “Our exams ran a little late, Hyung.” One of the males said. “Did i ask for an excuse, Jungkook?” Yoongi said with a spit of fire on his tongue before getting up. The male known as Jungkook shook his head, “No, sir.” 
Yoongi nodded and tapped the two boys heads, “Well...Whatever. I hope you both did well on your exams.” He said, speaking to the two males. His eyes stopped on the other males face, taking in a scratch on his cheek that had allowed a small dollop of blood to seep. “Taehyung.” He said sternly before rubbing a finger over the cut, smudging the blood. The one known as Taehyung flinched a little and hissed softly. Namjoon glanced up at them, recognizing the stern silence. He quickly stood up when he recognized what had caused the silence. 
“What happened?” He said softly, allowing Taehyung to look at him. “Oh...just...i...” Taehyung began only to have Jungkook step in. “When we walked out of the exam room, someone tripped Tae and caused him to scrape his cheek against the door.” Yoongi’s eyes darkened a little at this, “And did you guys shove them back or something?” Jungkook looked down as well and Tae, earning a heavy sigh from Yoongi. “What have i told you two about standing up for yourselves? You both could kill a man in a few second without hesitation, but don’t even stand up for yourselves in school.” Jungkook looked at Namjoon who sighed and shook his head, “they are still freshman Yoongi, they have time to learn.” He said, patting his friends shoulder reassuringly. “yeah well...Let’s get out of here. I need to smoke or something cause now i’ve got a headache.” Yoongi said, running a hand through his blond hair. 
“Tae, how much can i get for $20?” Yoongi asked as the four walked. “For me or from your usual plug?” Tae responded, walking beside the elder male. “From you.” Yoongi responded sternly before the four were stopped by a group of girls. The four bowed and gave hellos and carelessly began to walk again before one of the girls told them to stop. The four turned around and watched as the group of girls began to shove one girl to the front, clearly a freshman. She looked at them bashfully before holding out a bento box out to Jungkook. “P-Please accept this food as a symbol of respect and friendship.” She exclaimed nervously. 
Jungkook raised a brow and looked back to Yoongi, who nodded. Jungkook stepped forward and bowed, taking the box. “Thank you very much.” He said, smiling gently to the girl who’s eyes lit up with happiness. With that, Yoongi turned around and began to walk away Namjoon and Taehyung behind him. Jungkook looked back at them and ran right behind them, waving to the girl with a friendly smile. 
Jungkook slowed his running and smiled looking down at the box, “Woah. That was so nice of that girl.” He said, looking at the back of Yoongi’s head, “Tae, i asked you a question.” Yoongi said, ignoring Jungkook. “Ah..um..two grams.” Taehyung responded simply. Yoongi growled. “I’ll give you $40.” Taehyung nodded. “Alright.” 
“Listen guys, how about we all celebrate the end of our exams?” Yoongi asked, Tae and Jungkook looking at each other with excitement. “Really?!” Tae exclaimed happily. Yoongi smiled to the freshman and nodded. “We’ll go to my place. You know that nerd, Kim Seokjin? Yeah, i live next door to him.” Yoongi said, allowing for the other three to nod. “Yeah, so we’ll just host a small celebration between the four of us.” He finished, smiling as the two freshman high fived each other. 
“Namjoon.” Yoongi called, causing the said male to step closer to him. “Yes?” He responded. “Can you cook?” Namjoon chuckled softly, “No sir, i can’t.” Yoongi tsked and then looked to the freshman, “Well, can either of you cook?” He asked, earning a nod from them both. “Yes sir, we can.” Tae responded. Yoongi nodded and then looked back at Namjoon. “Fine, then you will be in charge of buying drinks.” Namjoon continued to laugh and nodded. “yes sir.” 
With that, the four disbanded, Tae and Jungkook going back to their dorms while the other two went to their respective homes. 
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thejustinmarshall · 5 years
“God Save The Queen” an Ode to Freddie Mercury by Kevin Michael Giordano
Interview by Danny Coleman
“I was like anybody else, I originally just liked their hits and the stuff that you heard on the radio but I think I got into them more later on in life as I started to appreciate their talent. What always amazed me was their ability to perform live as well as they did and the way they segued from one tune to another; it was just brilliant rock ‘n’ roll and I don’t think anyone sounds like them. I thought this well before anyone suggested I write a tune so it was not a recent discovery.” 
Kevin Michael Giordano is an accomplished musician, well rounded in multiple genres and instruments but what he has accomplished recently is a unique recording project that has coincided with a blockbuster film purely by accident.  
Giordano who modestly says that he’s, “Spent some years playing around the country, out west, down south” and  “Went to school a bit here and there,” was asked to undertake the penning of a song in a style as close as possible to that of rock legends Queen. A daunting task for sure and one that even he looks back on and questions himself for agreeing to attempt. 
“I’ve been writing music all of my life, I’ve been in bands forever, I’ve gotten all of my degrees in music; I’m a music director, an orchestra teacher but I’ve never really written for another band or in a tribute form as I did for this song.” he said with a tone of lingering disbelief. “I was actually asked to write it by a Queen tribute band that was looking for some of their own material to play and sell and I was asked in August if I could come up with something that sounds like Queen. I found myself over the last 10 years drawn to, listening to and watching videos of live tour clips on YouTube; I love a lot of bands and love a lot of music but I just have so much respect for Freddie and Brian and Roger and what they did; I just don’t know if there will ever be another rock band and another front man like that. I was listening to it, watching it and studying at least once a week, so it was a real coincidence that they asked me if I could write in this style and I decided to give it a shot. So when I left the studio, I thought oh boy; what did I do that for? I’ve never written a Queen style song before. So I went home and as I started to fall asleep it just came to me the title, “God Save The Queen” and then the thought that it would be about Freddie’s life towards its end. He was such a talent and such an individual and to have him suffer as he did was just horrible; I always mourned for what he was going through. I heard a lot of the song in my head so for the next three weeks I tried to just get it all out on paper and it made me depressed because I did some real in depth study and a lot of research on his life so that I could put the story together and still be respectful.”  
Much like a college student cramming for an exam, Kevin felt the need to get this moving and done based on a self-imposed deadline but he also knew that to do it properly he would need to pay attention to even the smallest of details; including using a coin on the guitar tracks a la Brian May.  
“My intention was that if I was going to do this that I would pay as much respect to the sound that they had and that I would try my best to emulate the sound. So it was an accumulation of all these little things that started to create that amazing sound of theirs and I wasn’t sure that it was going to come out like I heard it in my head which was sounding like Queen but what I heard in my head eventually worked.” 
Part of that included lining up the right musicians and engineer/producer in order to achieve the signature sound and the vocal harmonies that the band was renowned for. Giordano stayed within his own inner circle and it seems to have worked perfectly. 
“We had a good pianist (Andy Rudy) at the studio where we recorded and he was interested to jump into the project; I did the rough takes and he played most of the song. I used to have a Steely Dan tribute band for a long time and it was run by my brother and I and a drummer named Gary Iacovelli who has also performed all over the country as well and is just a great jazz drummer. My brother was a bass player, my musical partner, my best friend, he and I wrote music together and unfortunately we lost him suddenly several years ago and I didn’t think that I’d ever want to play again but in the last couple of years I put it back together and carried on; he would’ve been a good fit for this but fortunately I hired one of my students who is now a very accomplished bass player who also performs all around the country named Joe Arcuri and I did all of the guitar tracks and vocals and that was it. Ron Keck was our engineer at Subcat Studios who did a great job to replicate; just the drum set alone, we really put a lot of time in getting the drums to sound like Roger’s drums. That old 70’s sound was a much bigger, boomier, fatter sound than what we had originally from a jazz kit and that was a a big detail in the sound. I’ve got to give it to Ron, he just continued to work on the drums to get them to sound and to get what Roger was getting out of his.” 
“You have to look at bands like Steely Dan to find vocal harmonies of that type. We put 35 vocal tracks down for this tune and I did them all myself and I tried to do them like Queen would have done them. Brian May explained in, “The Making of Bohemian Rhapsody” how they did it. They’d take a note and sing it in unison and then do it three times so they had nine tracks and then take the next harmony and sing that in unison three times and they would eventually have multiple notes in unison, nine tracks each and they would put it all together and it would sound like a chorus and Roger with his vocal range and him singing so high when needed and operatic when needed and so dramatic and the guitar licks; everything was just so great.” 
So with everything in place and the recording process begun; what happened next  may be considered a nice twist of fate. 
“We finally started putting tracks down in the fall and it was just a coincidence that the movie was coming out, I didn’t plan it that way and I didn’t know. So it was two real coincidences that came about; I’d love to say it was my intention but it was not; I can’t take responsibility for that.” 
“Bohemian Rhapsody” turning out to be a blockbuster has spawn good publicity and drawn attention to the release; something Giordano can only hope continues but as of now he’s relishing the success of his accomplishments thus far. 
“We’ve been getting some good spins around the country but to perform it live will be a little more of a challenge because of so many tracks but the first objective right now is to get it out there and get it known to people. I love that my song can possibly be heard; but who wouldn’t right? I’m really enjoying that I can emote a little bit for all of us that were completely broken when Freddie died. I feel that even here in the United States we just didn’t pay attention to the reality of what he died from and it feels like nowadays we can express that a lot more openly. Unfortunately that disease was not real popular to talk about and now it’s different and I’m glad the movie really opens that up and doesn’t cut corners; it just says what really happened. Then there were all of the people that have suffered and died from it which I tried to mention in the song and the people he was closest too; not to mention the band members.They were on top of their game, that tour in 1986 was insane; I can’t imagine what they went through. I had that in me when I wrote it and I tried to envision and say the words that he was possibly feeling and to speak what he might have felt.” 
To purchase the single, please visit https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/kevinmichaelgiordano. 
Giordano is hoping that the success of this single via downloads will parlay into more opportunities; perhaps even on a larger scale. 
“We’re using this tune in hopes that we may find a Queen tribute band that’s looking to perhaps do an album and pick it up; which of course hasn’t happened yet (laughs). I have a whole catalog of music that I’m working on and hoping to get out there. I’m a violinist, an orchestra director, a string teacher and I have degrees in guitar and violin so I’ve spent most of my life in music. I’ve always played rock music as well so it’s all coming along and coming together.”  
Danny Coleman (Danny Coleman is a veteran musician and writer from central New Jersey. He hosts a weekly radio program entitled “Rock On Radio” airing Sunday evenings at 10 p.m. EST on multiple internet radio outlets where he features indie/original bands and solo artists.)
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