#meanwhile Haruka look on very worried
weather-cluddy · 1 year
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(Replied as a new post to avoid the character limit)
It doesn't bother me at all! This sort of question is something I've been turning over for quite a while, actually. I tried to make a post pointing out comparisons between non-paired prisoners, because I feel like people focus too much on number pairs without considering other thematic parallels, even with Milgram pointing some out (Eg: Shidou-Amane, Fuuta-Kotoko, Haruka-Muu, Yuno-Kazui). It stalled around Muu though, because it turns out that's a whole lot of entries, and also I wasn't sure that people would be interested in a post that's dozen of paragraphs long (though still much less elaborate than this post, of course).
Personally, I think Mikoto and Haruka have a lot in common and share many themes, but I hardly ever see it brought up. Some of it, I think, is the fact that Haruka's trauma gets a lot of focus while Mikoto's mostly implied, so there's a lot of people who don't look beneath the surface. So they just get slotted in the boxes of "sympathetic" and "unsympathetic", meaning fans miss the similarities even when it's them doing literally the same thing (Like trying to kill Es to protect their self-worth).
But at the end of the day, we have two people extremely afraid yet dependent on other people's opinions of them, whose every interaction is shadowed by the after-effects of their early-childhood trauma in a way that seems "cute" or harmless at first but really isn't, who committed premeditated murder because they saw it as the only way to make their lives bearable, who have artistic inclinations but can't find the self-confidence to pursue them, who are dealing with mental illnesses they have no (healthy) frame of reference for, who are okay with being used and abused (even physically!) so long as people approve of them...
Well, I don't want to drop the entire essay on the intro part. Onto the first section!
(I didn't particularly mean to organize it like that, but the two sections basically came out as Bokukoto- and Orekoto-centered, respectively. Funny how it worked out.)
Children and adults.
What are Haruka's goals? To be loved and cared for, even if it means taking on a subordinate role. To have his weakness acknowledged yet not be shamed for it, to be have his strengths bring joy to those he loves yet not have people ask more of him than he can give.
What are Mikoto's goals? To be a good, responsible, capable person and have people acknowledge him as such. To have his efforts rewarded, even if it means overexerting himself. To find conventional success and prove to those he loves (his mom, in particular) that they needn't worry for him.
In other words, Haruka wants to be a kid, Mikoto wants to be an adult. Haruka wants to be protected, Mikoto wants to be admired.
Why this difference? Well, I see two possiblities. One, Haruka has a golden past to retreat to, a time when he felt loved and safe. Mikoto might not have had that, or he might not remember it: after all, DID forms from trauma very early in childhood, as early as 5 years old and generally no later than 10. And of course dissociation itself tends to make remembering difficult, even before actual alters get involved.
So, Mikoto most likely doesn't remember any 'good old days' he could yearn for, either because he was extremely young or because they never existed. His only option, then, is to place his hopes on the future.
The second thing is that, in spite of Mikoto most likely having earlier trauma, Haruka is far more obvious in his dysfunction. Pretty much every person he meets will at least walk away with the feeling he's kind of weird, if not worse. This only manages to reinforce his feelings that he's inferior to everyone else, and that that's an inescapable part of his being.
Meanwhile, Mikoto can trudge through life well enough to believe that achieving what he wants is within his reach, even to be expected. Surely if he works both hard and smart, he can accomplish his goals without problem. He can get a good career if he just focuses on what he's good at, choosing 'efficiency' over his interests. And he can get everyone to like him, if he just remembers to always, always be nice to them, no matter how much he'd rather not. Then he'll reap the reward of succeeding at life!
That's just how things work, right? You put in the effort to treat others well, and your reward for doing so is to have other people do the same for you. That's the basis of society! And that's also how Mikoto makes himself feel safe. If his own actions determine other people's actions, then he can stop bad things from happening to him by just not doing anything that would invite punishment. Everyone knows monsters only eat the misbehaving kids!  Just follow the rules and everything will be fine.
(That's another big difference between Mikoto and Haruka: Haruka knows he can't do what's expected of him, so by the start of Milgram he's pretty much given up on the idea of ever being accepted or sucessful. Mikoto does believe he can cut it, but that brings its own kind of helplessness: he can never stop striving with all his might, because if he ever does fall short his self-esteem will crumble to pieces.)
The trouble is, sometimes even when you do follow the rules, other people just... refuse to reciprocate. Why is that? Did you do something wrong? Well, you can't exactly go up to them and ask. Now that would certainly be a faux pas! Clearly the only choice is to figure it out yourself by ruminating on it. All night long. Hey, remember when Mikoto said that he wouldn't be able to sleep if Kotoko didn't wish him a happy birthday? Sure sounds like somebody who worries a normal amount about gestures that might possibly be snubs.
But another convo I'd like to bring up is one with Fuuta, where Mikoto shows up unprovoked to tell Fuuta that being upset about being kidnapped is dumb and childish and will get him nowhere in life, and anyways he's just doing it for attention.
This seems a bit OOC, doesn't it? Mikoto basically never criticizes anybody. When Yuno basically calls him fake to his face, he just laughs and calls her a straight shooter. When Haruka said that he's been avoiding Mikoto because he's scary, he just shrugs and goes, that's fair, I'd have done the same. Hell, even knowing that Kotoko tried to beat him half to death, he still goes to congratulate her on her birthday. So what did Fuuta say that was so much worse than all of those?
The problem, really, isn't what Fuuta said or did to Mikoto, but how Fuuta behaves with everyone. Mikoto can put up with being openly disliked; see his interactions with Kotoko. But seeing somebody so brazenly ignore the rules he's based his life around, now that affects him a way that goes beyond Mikoto as a person.
If you asked Mikoto, he'd probably say that it's because he's sad to see somebody younger than him waste his potential with such stupid, meaningless stubborness. But really, it comes back to the fact that "nothing bad will happen as long as you behave" is one of pillar's of Mikoto's life. So how is he supposed to handle seeing somebody misbehave constantly, repeteadly, and still do just as well as him? What's that supposed to mean? Do things not actually work that way? Was he just being taken advantage of? That can't be. If being nice doesn't ensure that you'll get treated well, what does? He endured so much pain because it was supposed to pay off someday. Were all his efforts so far just make-believe, a kid hiding under the blankets thinking it'll do anything?
No, no, no. It's the others who are wrong. All his suffering until now was meaningful and helpful. He knows what he must do and he's not going to stray from the right path. Those who do are just bringing punishment down onto themselves. And while he's not capable of consciously acknowledging his anger, he can always try to share some "friendly advice" about what happens to those who fight against forces greater than themselves. You can't win those battles. He never won, so of course you can't win them. Stop struggling, it's for your own good.
(Amane-Mikoto parallels? In my Haruka-Mikoto parallels post? It's more likely than you think!)
Saviors and weaklings
You might be thinking that the title says it all, really. Haruka is a weakling, Orekoto is a savior, those are opposites, the end.
Well, yes, but it's not quite that simple.
Haruka in the second trial has also taken on a protector role towards Muu. This is a fairly uncontroversial reading, so let's go take a closer look at their similarities:
-Both Haruka and Orekoto put emphasis on Es not scaring/stressing their charge any further.
-In both cases, what they're looking for is acknowledgement from the one they're protecting and a sense of being useful ("Rely on me, praise me with your song, I am your savior")
-Haruka says that Muu is the reason why he can be who he is now. The same could be said for Bokukoto and Orekoto: without the latter, the former would not be able to remain his current self.
-At the same time, the 'saviors' need their charges, just as if not more than the other way around. Haruka's life has revolved around the concept of mothers since basically forever, and we literally don't know a single thing about Orekoto outside of his role. Honestly, considering he only seems to come out during stressful situations, it's possible even he doesn't know who he is outside of being Mikoto's savior.
Even the structures of Metamorphosis of the Weak and John Doe are similar. Consider:
-The interrogation starts with the prisoner being fairly unthreatening. Mikoto is rather nervous at the start, but as soon as Es starts pretending to entertain the idea that he really hasn't committed any murders, he calms down significantly. -The prisoners feel safe thanks to Es' temporary affirmation, but this is soon swept away by Es themselves. Even as the prisoners become more and more obviously distressed, Es presses on dispassionately.
-Eventually, they become totally overwhelmed by emotion and attempt to kill Es. Haruka is stopped by Milgram's rules, Orekoto isn't.
-At this point, a different prisoner makes their appearance, whether physically or just in conversation, and the rest of the drama revolves around them. In John Doe it's of course Kotoko fighting off Mikoto, after which he's literally unconscious for the rest of the VD (except for one line), and instead the remaining time is dedicated to Kotoko and her deal.
For Metamorphosis, it's when Haruka proclaims that Muu is his real mom and starts talking about their relationship. In both cases, there's a clear shift in focus from the OG character themselves to how their actions would affect Milgram overall (Kotoko offering to stop Mikoto if he attacks again, Haruka threatening suicide).
Well, we can probably agree that Haruka is a savior of a sort. But can we close the circle and bring the comparison back around? Is Orekoto also a weakling of a sort?
To answer this, we'll need to define weakness. For this, I'll actually refer not to Haruka's voice drama's, but to Muu's. Namely, this part in Queen B:
"Es: (…) One-sided violence and mistreatment… I’m sure it was difficult to handle. It’s not unreasonable to come to the conclusion that murder is the only way for a weak person to get out of that. That’s exactly why I forgave you." Muu: Yeah… If I hadn’t done that, I could have died some day."
We hear Haruka argue something similar after Es tears him down, asking "So what should I have done!? Was I supposed to give up on myself too!?" So we could say that a weak person is somebody who's trapped by their circumstances, somebody with the deck stacked so far against them that they have no choice but to take extreme measures.
I think that's pretty much how Orekoto views his own situation. Looking at his parts of MeMe, most of the what-if sentences basically come down to "I don't want to do this, but I can't not do it either". We also have lyrics like "It’s like what’s wrong isn’t wrong" and "Is this selfish?", showing that Orekoto is also full of self-doubt about this being the right thing, but doesn't see any other choice. After all, "Hurting it, holding it down, it doesn’t change anything, does it? Ahhh, It’s the same anywhere I go".
Like Haruka, nothing he tries seems to work and he's desperately trying to survive in any way he can. Whether this "death" is on a purely emotional level or if, like Muu, it's hinting at suicide ("Maybe it’s ok to try to keep on living"), he needs to get away. It doesn't matter anymore if it's "good", so long as it works.
Of course, I'm sure Orekoto wouldn't take well to the idea that he's weak. His breakdown in John Doe was, of course, because of Es pushing Bokukoto, but his rant was almost entirely focused on how weak and pathetic Es was. It seems that in that he resembles Fuuta (who was, after all, the first prisoner to try violence): when he's scared, he tries to intimidate the threat to feel safer.
(Of course, there's something to be said for Haruka also despising his own weakness, even if his reaction to it is to worship others for being different rather than project this hatred onto them.)
(And while we're in the topic of Fuuta, it's worth noting that he's also part of the overall protector theme spanning several characters. He even relates to Haruka and Mikoto directly, in that those two are the ones he picked as "weak" people he needed to look out for)
Muu and Haruka, even before the second trial, they were both weaklings and saviors of the weak (themselves). But this doesn't apply to Mikoto, because the roles are split between the alters. There's a clear separation between the 'good', pitiable, socially acceptable Bokukoto and the 'bad' and violent Orekoto. And you know where else we see something like this? Haruka's MVs.
This is most obvious in Weakness, where the separation is at its starkest, to the point where many people didn't think Haruka's younger self was him at all. Basically, every bad thing in the video is attributed to older Haruka. Li'l Haruka plays happily with his maybe-sister, older Haruka attacks her. Li'l Haruka pets his dog while his mom smiles by his side, until older Haruka bashes its skull in. And of course, in the end older Haruka is so consumed by hatred that he chokes his terrified younger self to death. Not the first time he attacks him(self) either; back at almost the start, older Haruka shoves him into a crayon puddle, with the camera making sure to show kid Haruka's terrified expression and Haruka's cold glare.
(I want to point out the dog scene in particular. Specifically, how the younger Haruka is horrified to find blood on his hands even though he never actually laid hands on the dog. This is quite reminiscent of the scene in MeMe where Mikoto becomes afraid of his reflection's evil expression and falls backwards, only to have the devil card fall on him and corrupt all the water into blood. But an interesting difference is how, while Mikoto not remembering is just a literal retelling of events, the same shouldn't apply to Haruka. And if the girl is the same age in AKAA and in Weakness, suggested by the fact she's dressed the same in both, then she couldn't have been playing with same-age Haruka either.)
In AKAA this divide into a good, young Haruka and a bad, older Haruka is less stark, presumably because after a forgiven verdict Haruka feels less disconnected from his past as a 'good kid'. It's not gone, however. We do see his younger self kill fish and a butterfly, but the harder-hitting murders of the dog (and possibly the girl, it's hard to tell) are left to his 17-years-old self. Not to mention the sequence when his mother opens the door, which is probably the part where Haruka is framed in the most threatening way across the entire MV. That too shows us only the current Haruka, notable because just seconds before it kept switching between the two of them.
At the same time, there's also a disconnect in Weakness between current Haruka and his murders. When we see him killing somebody he actually killed in real life (that is, the girl and the dog), it's followed shortly by him waking up in his bed, framing it all as just a dream. This is very similar to how in MeMe the second scene shows Orekoto killing somebody, with the third starting with Bokukoto gently waking up, completely unaware. There's of course also the line "I’m probably just having a bad dream, I need to wake up soon", which only drives it further home.
Well, I think that wraps up my points. To TL;DR it, some themes to consider are: fixated on past/fixated on future, giving up/trying too hard, dependence on others, wanting to feel useful, black and white thinking re: oneself and viewpoints warped by childhood trauma.
For a bit of extra fun, I'd like to note some shared visual motifs between MeMe, Weakness and All-Knowing and All Agony. There won't be much meaning analysis from me here, so feel free to supply your own.
Music Videos
(Some of the screenshots repeat, that's intentional)
Surrounded by eyes: Most obvious in Weakness, but the Hanged Man in Mikoto's shirt (and less obviously, the Magician) also show something similar.
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Water turning into blood: This one is somewhat dificult to show in still screenshots, but it's present in both MeMe, Weakness (when one of Haruka's teardrops fall onto the water) and arguably AKAA as well.
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Red skies with a moon visible: Interestingly, this one seems to be associated with younger Haruka in Weakness (most obvious at the very start, when he and older Haruka switch rapidly, with the scene outside the window also changing). There's one very obvious moon in a red sky near the end of MeMe, but there might be another one shown in the Fool card. Lots of Mikoto's cards show circles in the upper corner of the cards (but interestingly in the Hanged Man it's at the bottom, near their head, like an halo). Whether we can consider them all moons is up to speculation, but few of them match the color scheme anyways. Speaking of which, while Weakness almost always uses grey/blue moons with red skies, there are two exceptions: when Haruka is shown killing the dog (blue sky, red moon) and in a piece of official art that shows a red moon on a red sky.
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Confusion between indoors and outdoors: If you notice, literally everything in Weakness happens indoors, except for the bits where Haruka is floating in water. Even the forest has floorboards, except for a single scene. The opposite also happens: we see kid Haruka out for a walk with his mom, but they're still inside the house, with the city just being images on the wall. Meanwhile, the mindscape in MeMe shows a ruin (no walls) on an endlessly extending sea and sky (natural-ish settings), but it also reflects the structure of Mikoto's house. So is it inside or outside? Looking at the shoes, both Mikoto and younger Haruka are dressed as though they're outside, but older Haruka is wearing slippers.
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Reflections not matching "reality": Note how neither Mikoto nor the coffee table show up in the water in the second image, or how the paintings go from having no reflection to having each other's reflection, with those facing the wrong way. The fourth and fifth images are also an interesting example of the reflections not even matching each other, even though the timing and framing suggest we're still looking at the same scene.
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yakuzacanons · 9 months
I have a vision just let me cook
The boys being forced by their S/O to play Minecraft. I need to know how chaotic it would be
Personally I just know Majima would get his grubby little hands on TNT and start going ham
Anon, I see your vision and I love it. Ask and ye shall receive.
Also I know I've got other asks in the inbox rn, I'll get to the rest later today as I'm posting this right before an Oppenheimer/Barbie double feature. So if you've sent stuff in, fret not. I'll get to it in exactly 5 hours. Meanwhile, enjoy this post!
Kazuma Kiryu
His main motivation to play will be from seeing how much the kids enjoy it. Plus, the only thing the kids like more than playing Minecraft themselves is crowding around Kiryu as plays.
Haruka and Taichi will be doing most of the guiding here. Minecraft might've been your idea but the kids always have this magic way of explaining things to Kiryu in a way that he'll get it.
He'll totally say something sappy like "Do you want to see what I made in Minecraft for you?" and will shyly ask you to play with him once he gets the hang of it. You'll also catch him on wiki pages trying to understand what the heck he's doing.
Majima Goro
Doesn't understand a darn thing and doesn't care. Turn your back for five seconds and he's on the other side of the map doing who knows what. It's not that he doesn't want to understand how to play, he just wants to learn things his way, which is often times the hard way.
Lots of exasperated noises when he dies but before you know it he'll be back at it again. Says dumb things like "Oi babe, what's this?" while holding TNT or "Don't worry 'bout me darlin', I'm immune to creepers" before instantly dying.
Actually gets super into decorating. Maybe some part of Majima Construction carries over into his gameplay. He's also very curious about literally everything. He might grumble at first about learning to play "A silly game fulla cubes 'n shit" but he'll end up loving more than you ever expected.
Saejima Taiga
He'll refuse at first because he knows he's completely illiterate when it comes to technology and he's embarrassed to make a fool of himself in front of you. The best way to get him out of this funk is to let him watch you play for a while. Eventually his interest and his desire to do an activity with you will outweigh his nervousness.
He will require the most handholding out of all the boys. However, he will beam with such pride when he accomplishes something himself. He will even hug you with glee when he gets something right. The game is challenging for him but he loves spending the time with you.
Is the most likely to dig a hole straight down into lava and die. Poor guy, he was just excited that he finally figured out how to hit stuff and wanted to see how far down he could go.
Akiyama Shun
Has zero idea what you're talking about when you ask him to play. He'll say something like "Mine-what?!" followed by a very confused look. He's a visual learner so once he sees the game he'll be like "Ohh, I think I get it now."
He in fact does not get it. It's not that he's never played games. It's just that he didn't expect the game to have so much stuff in it. Lots of "Huh?!" or "I can do that?!" while playing.
One of the more eager boys when it comes to playing Minecraft with you. He doesn't get super embarrassed when he messes up and you both get a kick out of building a world together.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Most likely to be an experienced gamer out of all the boys. When you ask, he'll be like "Really? You wanna play video games with me?" in a rather cutesy way.
Having said that, he will still try to impress you by acting super cool in the game. If he messes it up he'll just try to play it off like "Ah, I didn't mean to do THAT".
Will provide drinks and snacks while gaming. Probably some iced tea, chips, or pocky. He's a snacky boy.
Ryuji Goda
Honestly hasn't ever really had time to explore what video games are so he'll be curious to at least give it a shot. You'll both learn very quickly that he has a short temper with games.
He does not understand the purpose of dying in games. It frustrates him. He just wants to smack around blocks and stack blocks, what's dying got to do with these blocks anyways? That's his attitude.
Once you show him the ropes, he'll get a lot calmer and the more he learns the less dying bothers him. He's the most likely to watch let's play videos out of all the boys.
Nishikiyama Akira
His interest in games is about average, as well as his knowledge when it comes to video games. When you ask him to play, he'll say something like "Heh, only because you asked me so nicely, okay?". Secretly, he likes that it's an excuse to spend time with you.
Since his skill and your skill are relatively balanced, he doesn't need much help. He thinks it's cute when you show him something you worked hard on making in Minecraft.
Out of all the boys, he's the most likely to dedicate time to building a whole world with you, down to the last detail. He's a great creative partner in Minecraft.
Daigo Dojima
He's clueless. Someone help the poor man. Last time he had time for games, he was just a kid. Since then, games have changed so much that he feels totally lost.
He uses computers some at work so to him computers are for working, not fun. When you first propose the idea, he'll be like "Games? In my work computer?" but once you show him the basics, he'll be chomping at the bit to try it out.
Daigo works so hard that he doesn't get much time for leisure, so combining that with spending time with you is a golden opportunity for him. Even when he gets frustrated or dies in game, he'll calm himself and get back in the saddle. He really wants to learn how to play this well.
Mine Yoshitaka
He will refuse to play at first, saying something like "You play honey, I'll just watch". It's not that he doesn't find the idea of playing a video game with you appealing, he's just the type of guy who's so used to upholding appearances and his reputation that he doesn't want to look stupid in front of you.
Eventually his interest will get the better of him and he'll say "Okay, show me how this works" and he'll find it cute how excited you get that he actually wants to learn how.
Slowly he'll learn that making mistakes in games are okay and not nearly as terrifying as mistakes in real life. Playing this game with you will become a great outlet for him. Also the type of guy to give you shoulder massages if you play for a long amount of time.
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Okay PJSK characters as Pirates of Penzance
Holy crap this is so dumb. The only reason I like this play in the first place is from seeing a highschool theater edition performed. All that makes it perfect for PJSK tho.
Sorry for poor grammar I typed this in like 10 minutes.
Ruth - Nene Kusanagi
Base summary is basically Frederick is apprenticed to the pirates, but he's free when he turns 21. On his 21st year, he leaves. Frederick realizes how Um-Piratey the pirates are and tries to get them back on course. They pirates do not oblige. Ruth tries to marry him bc she's in love and thinks she's young. Frederick doesn't believe her, and then sees a bunch of young women (daughters) and tries to marry them. None of them accept except for Mabel. This is because he is a pirate. The pirates return to marry the daughters, but then their father, who is a major General comes in to stop them. He escapes the pirates on the lie that he is an orphan, because the pirates don't hurt orphans (they themselves are)
The Major general worries about his lie. Meanwhile Frederic plans to charge the pirates using police. Ruth and the pirate King come to tell Frederick he's actually only 5 and a little because he was born on leap year and the document says "birthdays" He is still indebted to them and must return away from Mabel. He tells the pirates about the General's lie and then they charge. The pirates overpower the police and then the sergeant asks them to yield on the queen's name, to which they do. Ruth then reveals they are all noble men and they are allowed to marry the daughters.
Pirate King - Rui Kamishiro
Mabel - Emu Ootori
Frederick - Tenma Tsukasa
(Yes WxS is the main four)
Samuel - Mizuki Akiyama
Major General Stanley - Akito Shinonome
Sergeant of Police - Toya Aoyagi
Queen Victoria - Hatsune Miku
John Brown - Kaito
Edith - Mafuyu Asahina
Kate - An Shiraishi
Isabel - Kohane Azusawa
Daughters -
- Ena Shinonome
- Shizuku Hinomori
- Haruka Kiritani
- Ichika Hoshino
- Minori Hanasato
Pirates -
- Shiho Hinomori
- Megurine Luka
- Airi Momoi
- Tenma Saki
- Kaito
- Kanade Yoisaki
- Meiko
- Kaito
Police -
- Kanade Yoisaki
- Meiko
- Honami Mochizuki
Guards -
- Kagamine Len
- Kagamine Rin
Okay so A bit on how I distributed the roles:
Rui Kamishiro makes perfect sense for pirate King I mean come on look at him. Also he is a tenor. Pirate is a bass but there are no frickin bases in this game.
Nene as Ruth because she feels kind of spindly, as well as having that kind of old lady but not really look Abt. Her.
Tsukasa as Frederic because Fred's the main character, Tsukasa is a star, but also because Tsukasa is meant to be handsome, he also low key seems like the type to yell "YOU BETRAYED ME". And emukasa. Emukasa is very important
Emu as Mabel because Emukasa. Also she could hit those high notes really well.
Mizuki is Samuel because I feel like they have that bond with Rui so the dynamics would be fun. Also Casting them as a pirate suits them well.
Major General Akito because I didn't know who else to put there and I planned on casting his sister as a daughter so it'd make sense for him to be sort of protective? Or at least not want her marrying a Pirate.
Sergeant of Police was Toya bc I just needed another male character.
Queen Victoria is Hatsune Miku BECAUSE OF COURSE SHE IS COME ON
John Brown as Kaito because I needed another male character and also he can show up in other scenes bc there are few as John Brown. I had him as a pirate because equal amount of pirates and daughters (not sure if that's fact just what I'm running with)
Edith - Mafuyu: Bookish daughter.
Kate - An: Tomboyish Daughter
Isabel - Kohane: Shy/Naive Daughter
Daughters are whatever is left over from who wouldn't be pirates, except for a few like Shizuku who I feel would be better suited. Ena is also there because Major General Akito and protectiveness.
Pirates are whoever fit. Shiho because she seems a little rough, Kaito because I needed another pirate, etc. The ones that are also police are bc I needed more Pirates.
Police - Law abiding/left overs but also not really.
Guards are Rin and Len. Pretty self explanatory.
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maddogofshimano · 3 years
The Story of Office Worker Hana’s Kamurocho Manhunt: Hana Boardgame
Major Yakuza 5 Spoilers
New boardgame! I also finished this one up on the very last day haha, I think I had 20 minutes to spare. I have just been too busy!
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This one ruled! I’m really glad I got through it in time. There’s a little recap of the previous section at the start of each of these that I’m leaving out since this is all mushed together into one long string and it’s kind of odd to summarize things in the middle over and over like that!
Summary: Set during Akiyama’s time in Sotenbori, we see Hana doing an important collection for him. It should be simple, but things don’t go as planned when the client fails to show up after a mysterious and ominous phone call. Hana is worried for his safety and takes it upon herself to track him down!
After hearing of the death of Dyna Chair's president, Akiyama had a chance encounter with Haruka.... Meanwhile, at Sky Finance, Kamurocho
Hana: Ah, Chief! Is everything alright regarding the Park-san case?
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Akiyama: ....Yeah. I'm meeting with Horie-kun to talk things over. Hana: I see... This really is... a horrible thing to have happened.
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Akiyama: Mhm... Say, I don't have much time, but I have a favor to ask of you Hana-chan. Hana: A favor? Akiyama: Well, it's time for the 6 month collection on Kiba-san... Hana: Ah, Kiba Shigenari-san.  Last year in May they borrowed 5,000,000 yen. (Tl note: the name is 木場誠也 which could be read a LOT of ways, so that's just what I went with) Akiyama: Yep. That's the one. Akiyama: In fact, they got in touch with me to say that "since work has been going so well, I'd like to repay it at 2:00pm today". Akiyama: However I'm pretty stuck over here in Sotenbori with everything that's going on. Akiyama: But given that it's 5,000,000 yen, would it be possible for you to go and pick it up for me? Hana: Of course that's fine... I will say, it's a little odd for you to be asking me to do collections though. Akiyama: Well, normally I wouldn't ask that of you. Akiyama: But Kiba-kun is heading overseas tomorrow, so if we don't get that money back now we'll never get it back. Hana: So that's how it is... Hana: ....Chief, does the reason you can't leave Sotenbori have to do with Park-san's suicide? Akiyama: ....Yeah. Hana: It doesn't make any sense for Park-san to have killed herself, does it? Akiyama: ....I don't think so. There's some things that are bothering me. I need to talk to some more people. Hana: Of course... Though, if there's someone who wants to kill Park-san and then make it look like a suicide... Hana: Won't asking around about that be dangerous? Akiyama: ....Only one way to find out. Hana: I suppose.... In that case, I'm going to Sotenbori too! Akiyama: Eh? Hana: I'm Sky Finance's only employee. I can't just allow the president of the company to be exposed to danger. Akiyama: Woah woah wait Hana-chan! Akiyama: ......I'm glad you feel so strongly about this, but I really want you to stay in Kamurocho. Hana: What!? But what about the danger....? Akiyama: The Park-san case isn't the only important job we have to do right now, right? Hana: That's.... Akiyama: ...I'll be fine. You know I've got experience dealing with risky situations. Akiyama: Please, Hana-chan. Hana: ...................Fine. Akiyama: Sweet. Thank you, Hana-chan. I'll buy you the most beautiful souvenir from Osaka that I can find! <phone call ends> Hana: ...........Well, guess I'm getting left out of this one. Hana: (....Business as usual. I really would be fine if he let me handle some of the dangerous stuff......) Hana: Well, grumbling about it won't do any good. Back to work......
2 hours later.... Hana waits at the planned meeting spot for the man called Kiba Shigenari at 1:55pm.
Hana: ..............Kiba-san should be here around now.
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<phone rings> Hana: .............Hello. This is Sky Finance. ???: It's Kiba..... I-I'm sorry... I can't come toda-- <phone hangs up> Hana: .....Kiba-san!?
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Hana: (He can't come right now? What's that all about... I'll just call him back real quick)
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Hana: ............. Hana: ........He's not picking up. I wonder if his battery died. Hana: (.........Though, he sounded really serious there. What's going on......) Hana: .............That settles it. His address will be in the client register. Hana: I'm worried, so there's no time to wait before heading over to his house. Hana: Of course he could just be on his way here, so I'll stick up a note on the door for him. <she leaves> Hana: (....So this is Kiba-san's apartment)
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<she rings the doorbell> Hana: (......Looks like no one's home. He must have gone out somewhere) <a man walks up> Landlord: .....What the heck are you doing with my apartment?
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Hana: Ah, are you the landlord here? I was here to meet Kiba Shigenari-san... Landlord: .....Kiba-san? He moved out over six months ago. Hana: Eh!? Really!? Hana: Umm... you wouldn't be able to tell me where he moved to, would you? Landlord: ..........Nah. I don't know. Hana: I see... thank you anyways. <Hana leaves> Hana: (What do I do now.... I guess it's best to head back to Sky Finance....)
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Hana: (But... I haven't heard from Kiba-san yet... I want to be sure he's okay....) Hana: ....Hm? <back at the apartments> Landlord: Heh.... So is it good? This "Crazee Easy Accounting" software? (Tl note: the name of it is 凄井簡単会計 where 凄井 is sugoi but written with the i as 井 instead of the usual 凄い, not that you even see it in kanji much in the first place! hence, I went for crazee)
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Shady Salesman: Sure is. You barely need to touch the computer for this thing to figure out your whole business tax return. Shady Salesman: You know Sugar Bunny? That company's famous and they still use this product. Landlord: Oh, so it is good then. But... It's pretty pricey. Shady Salesman: Yes, but you're paying this much for a product that will last a lifetime. If you look at it that way, we're honestly selling it too cheaply. Landlord: Hmmm....... Shady Salesman: ....This is just between you and me, but the truth is we really are selling it too cheaply, and they plan to hike the price way up next month. Landlord: Eh!? Shady Salesman: But you get it for this price if you buy it right now... If I were you, I'd hate to miss out on it. Landlord: I see... in that case... I guess I oughta buy it... Hana: Oh, landlord-san! Can I talk to you for a minute?
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Landlord: You were here earlier... Why did you come back? Hana: Honestly... this might be none of my business, but... you shouldn't buy that accounting software. Hana: All the features he's trying to sell you on are lies, and a lot of businesses in the area have complained about this software famously being a scam. Landlord: Eh!? This software's a scam!? Hana: Landlord-san! Not so loud! Shady Salesman: ........Hey, lady. If you keep spewing lies we're gonna have a problem.
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Shady Salesman: Don't you know that Sugar Bunny uses this? Hana: But Sugar Bunny doesn't use this "Crazee Easy Accounting"? Shady Salesman: ....What? Hana: I have a little bit of a connection with the Sugar Bunny company, and I've heard from them that Sugar Bunny uses the "Xtraordinarily Effectual Accounting" software. (Tl note: this one is named 驚機サクサク会計 and the 驚機 is odoroki, astonishment, written with 機 for ki instead of the usual 驚き. So, Xtraordinary. This one's actually a better title, the 機 used is also used for opportunity and for machines, so it makes it sound cool and automated. The 井 used by the Crazee software mostly just means well, which is fitting since it's a money pit lol) Landlord: Eh? Wh-What are you saying? Shady Salesman: N....no, this woman's telling you lies! Hana: ...It's not a lie. Or would you like me to call up the owner of Sugar Bunny right now? Shady Salesman: Y-You motherfucker..... Shady Salesman: ...........Don't get in the way of my business!!!! You shitty woman!!!! <fight! Hana thrashes him> Shady Salesman: Uh.... ughhh..... What's with this woman.....
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<he runs off> Landlord: I can't believe I really fell for his lies... I was in a real bad spot. That you so much, miss. Hana: Oh no, it was nothing, really. Landlord: Really... but, you sure know a lot about this kind of thing! I had no idea that software was a scam! Hana: When you've been in the business as long as I have you end up meeting a whole lot of different people in different industries, and exchange a lot of info. Hana: What businesses are using what, which business are rotten, all that sort of stuff just gets brought up naturally. Landlord: Ah, so that's why you knew! I must say that you are a very reliable business owner. Landlord: .........By the way, earlier you said that you were here to see Kiba-san, could you tell me why? Hana: ...Yes. I'm a little worried about him. Landlord: I see.... Landlord: I wish I could help you as thanks for all your help, but I really don't know where he moved to. Hana: Oh, don't worry about that. Landlord: Hmm... What can I do to help....... Landlord: ....Got it! I've heard that Kiba-san is a regular at a bar named "Thor"! Hana: Eh!? Really!? Landlord: Yes, it's a bar down on Taihei Boulevard. The owner there, he might know where Kiba-san moved to. Hana: Thor on Taihei Boulevard..... Thank you so much! I'll head there now!
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Thor's Proprietor: Kiba-san? Ah, he certainly comes here quite often.
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Proprietor: He recently told me that he had finally saved up enough money to repay his loan. He was excited and came to celebrate with a drink. Hana: That's the one! Would you happen to know where Kiba-san is currently living? Proprietor: No, Kiba-san and I don't talk more than as bartender and customer, so I can't say I even knew he was moving. Hana: I-I see... Hana: (......I could go back to Sky Finance, but I highly doubt Kiba-san would show up........) Hana: (I still can't reach his phone, so what do I do now.....) Proprietor: While I may not have heard about the move, I know someone who likely did. Drunken Man: Uhh..... shit..... just lemme.... have another........
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Hana: ....That man, he knows Kiba-san's new address? Proprietor: I don't know for certain, but he'd be the one to ask. Proprietor: However today he's in a particularly foul state, it seems he's drank too much Proprietor: He has an exceedingly foul temper when drunk, so I recommend you stay away for now..... Hana: ....Nah, I want to hear what he has to say. Thank you. Proprietor: W-Wait, miss! Drunkard: Who the.......... fuck're you? Hana: I've heard you talk a lot with Kiba-san, is that true? Drunkard: Kibaa? .....What's it matter. I'm trying to feel good right now... don't need you hassling me. Hana: ....I'm sorry for the trouble. But I'm worried about Kiba-san. Hana: 6 months ago Kiba-san moved to a new place, do you know where that is? <table slam> Drunkard: Shut up!!!! Hana: ....! Drunkard: I don't wanna hear about that anymore! What do you want to use me up and throw me away too!? Hana: Use you up? Drunkard: Despite how thoroughly I devoted myself.... I still had to downsize.... companies like that.... I'm done dealing with them! Hana: O-Oh, I didn't know about that. If you're having some trouble, I could give you some advice... so...... Drunkard: Shut uppppppppppppp!!!!! <banging, glass shattering> Proprietor: H-Hey! Knock it off! D-Do you want me to call the boys!? (Tl note: ketsumochi, the "ass holders" aka grunt level yakuza that do protection work for businesses) Drunkard: I don't care who you call for this asshole!!!! Hana: Please calm down! You'll get hurt! Drunkard: Shut upppp! I am done... with anyone who thinks they can just use me! <fight, he get thrashed> Drunkard: Haa.... Haa......
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Hana: Haa.... Haa...... So have you calmed down....? Yakuza Grunts: .......the drunk causing a scene, is it that guy?
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Proprietor: Y-Yes! Please do something quickly! Grunt: ...Let's go. Drunkard: Hh..... y-yakuza........ Grunt: Looks like you sobered up a little bit. We still gotta get violent with you though. Grunt: Let's head on to the back..... we have something to talk about. Drunkard: Hh.... F-.... Forgive me.....! Grunt: ...That won't do you any good. Let's get going. Hana: Wait! Lower ranking Grunt: Who the fuck are-- Grunt: M-Miss Hana!!?? (Tl note: literally Hana no nee-san, like she's a yakuza herself and higher ranked than him. it’s identical to Kiryu's "Majima no nii-san" in terms of respect, just for a girl instead. Miss Tatsu is just Tatsu-ane, for comparison)
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Drunkard: Miss... Hana?? Hana: .........
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Lower ranking Grunt: ........? Hey aniki, do you know this bitch? Grunt: You fucking moron! Don't you dare mouth off to Miss Hana! Grunt: Ma'am.... Is this drunkard someone that you know? Hana: Yes. You'll have to forgive me for getting a little violent to calm him down. Hana: This man... despite doing his best he ended up having to lay people off, and was upset after drinking too much. Grunt: ........I understand, ma'am. Grunt: Shopkeeper.... since it seems like everything is settled, would you be willing to forgive this drunkard? Proprietor: ....Y-Yes, it's fine. Grunt: It's decided then.... Well, thank you for the hard work, Miss Hana. ....Let's go. Lower ranking Grunt: Y-Yes sir.... <they leave> Hana: ...Whew, good. Drunkard: You.... how the hell do you know those yakuza? Hana: .....They're clients at my job. Hana: The president is out of town, so I've been holding down the fort and checking in on clients, and I've ended up making friends with quite a number of them. Hana: A while back, that man showed up at my office beaten half to death by a hangure gang-- (Tl note: hangure, literally "half grey", and non yakuza crime organizations. They're becoming more and more of a problem in Japan as yakuza laws tighten but don't affect the hangure groups, leading to them taking over areas formerly run by yakuza) Drunkard: You sheltered him from hangure!? Hana: Then when the hangure tried to break in to my office I grabbed them and threw them out and chased them all the way back home-- Drunkard: You threw them out and chased them all the way back home!? Hana: And he seems to feel indebted to me, since he's been calling me nee-san ever since. Drunkard: Such a thing.... I can't even picture it, but, you've been through a serious amount of carnage.....
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Drunkard: ..........What I said and did earlier was inexcusable. So... thank you for helping me. Hana: It doesn't bother me. It's the store you should be apologizing to. Drunkard: Yeah.... Bartender, I'm sorry. Proprietor: ...We're good. It's thanks to that lady that the store wasn't damaged. Drunkard: .....So, what did you want to know about Kiba-san? Hana: .....Oh right! Do you know where he moved to!? Drunkard: Well, I don't know exactly but..... what he said was..... "My new house is 10 minutes out from my old one." Drunkard: And "I love the sweets shop right next to my house." Hana: 10 minutes out from his old place.... and there's a sweets shop he loves close by..... hmm. Hana: ....10 minutes out from that house is roughly 800 meters, so sweets shops that match would be..... Hana: "Western Confections SHOTS" "Yamada's Traditional Sweets" "PARISIENNE Confections" and "Mokoya", would be the four. Hana: If I can find out which of those he's a regular at, that will narrow down where his house is. Drunkard: You... have frighteningly detailed information on the location of all those candy shops. Hana: Eh? W-Well... I'm a secretary and expected to have candy available for clients, so it's only natural that I'd memorize the locations of them.... Drunkard: Woah... that's intense. You're really dedicated to this secretary thing. Hana: Yes, well.... Hana: (Really I just love to eat a lot of sweets... but I don't think one little lie will be bad.) Hana: At any rate you've really helped me! Thank you so much! Drunkard: No, it was no trouble at all. I hope you can forgive me for the problems I caused. Hana: No, no... actually! Here, have my business card. If you're having money problems at your job, come see us! Hana: Even if you don't want to take out a loan, we can introduce you to a good financing company. See you! <she leaves> Drunkard: ....What a nice person.  ............I think I'm going to do my best to stop drinking.
Sweet Shop Owner: Hmmm... Kiba Shigenari-san, huh. Can't say he's a regular. Hana: I see... thank you anyways! On to the next shop!
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Owner: Ah. Stay safe. <she leaves> Hana: ....Seems like it's not PARISIENNE Confections. Hana: (If it's not here, the only other shop within 10 minutes of his old house, "Yamada's Traditional Sweets") Hana: (Whichever he's a regular at will tell me which one his house is close to!) Hana: (I still don't know why he called me. Kiba-san.... I hope you're still okay.) <she leaves> Yamada Owner: ...Eh? Kiba Shigenari-san? ....No, I don't think he's a regular at my shop. Hana: Eh!? A-Are you sure!? Owner: Yep. I see my customer's names very often when they're reserving candy, and I've never seen that name. Hana: I see... Sorry to bother you then. Hana: Well what do I do now....
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Hana: (Kiba-san's current house is "10 minutes out from his old one" and "next to a candy shop he loves to buy from") Hana: (But I've already checked all the candy shops that would fit that....) Hana: (.....It's no use..... I don't know where he is. What to do.....) Hana: (....It's got me wondering.... why am I trying to hunt down this Kiba-san so frantically for) Hana: (I'm worried about him but.... all that happened was a phone call that was a little strange....) Hana: (I think I'm worrying too much.... Maybe I'll throw in the towel and head home to eat a yakiniku bento from Kanrai....) Hana: ....Alright! That's what I'll do! I'm starving! <her phone rings> Hana: Hmm...? Ah, this isn’t exactly when Kiba-san was supposed to arrive.  Hana: Maybe he's calling to apologize for hanging up on me? Hana: Hello? Is this Kiba-san? This is Hana, from Sky Finance. <music cuts out> voice on the phone: Haa..... Haa..... H-Help me...... Hana: !? voice on the phone: Asshole! What are you doing! <impact noise> voice on the phone: Augh! H.... Help m-- <line goes dead> Hana: Kiba-san? ......Kiba-san!? Oh this is not good... What did he get involved with? Hana: (It's like I thought.... Kiba-san really is in danger...!) Hana: (I-I have to hurry and get to him....! But... I still haven't found his house....) Hana: (..........I don't know any more candy stores to check around here.....) Hana: (But maybe... someone in the same profession, like the owner of Yamada's Traditional Sweets would...!) Yamada Owner: Oh? Hana-san, what's going on? Did you forget to buy something? Hana: ....Another time please! I need you to tell me something really quick.... ???: Hey! It's not here!!!! Why the hell did I even come here then!? Hana: !? Owner: Sorry, Hana-chan. Give me just a moment.... Owner: ...Sir, what's wrong? Chinpira: This is what's wrong!! Where's this that's on your flier!?
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Owner: I'm sorry sir, but that product has already sold out.... you'll have to try again tomorrow.... <he punches the owner> Chinpira: Dumbass!! You can make more, can't ya!? Hurry up and get to it!!!! Owner: Ow! S-Stop, please! Hana: Hold it! What are you doing to him! I can't forgive that level of violence!
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Chinpira: ...Who the fuck are you? You think you're going to forgive me!? Huh!? Chinpira: I won't go easy just because you're a woman!!!! Women should butt out!!!! <fight, another thrashing> Chinpira: S-Strong..... what's with this woman..... shit!
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<he runs off> Owner: Thank you Hana-san! You saved me! Hana: Oh it was nothing, I'm well versed in dealing with difficult customers. Hana: What I wanted to ask you before all that was if you knew any other candy shops in the area? Hana: Near here? The closest would be PARISIENNE Confections I believe... is that the one? Hana: No, unfortunately.... Hana: (What now... I need to get to Kiba-san as quick as possible.... but I don't know what other shops to go to....) Owner: ....Though recently there's been a lot of customers like him. I don't know why they want pizza from a confectioner. Hana: .....A sweet pizza? Owner: Yes. It's a product aimed at young people. It sells surprisingly well, largely thanks to the students. Owner: It's being talked about a lot in the news, so I think it's spreading rapidly.... Hana: Pizza from a sweets shop...... that's it........ of course....! <flashback to the drunk telling her it was 10 minutes out and he loved buying candy from the store next door> Hana: (I got it. He loves buying candy from a store, but that doesn't mean it has to be a sweets shop) Hana: (Now that I think of it, when he came by to get his loan he mentioned that he loved "Cafe Parry's"....) Hana: (Parry's would have candy. That means the store he loves buying candy from is Parry's!!) Hana: Thank you so much sir! I'm off! <she leaves> Owner: ......What was all that. She sure was in a hurry. Coffee Shop Employee: Kiba-san? Yeah, I definitely know that guy.... Hana: Really!? Employee: Y-Yeah... he moved into the apartment just behind here, plus he's been coming by all the time. Hana: The apartment back there....! ....Thank you! <she leaves> Employee: ....That woman had a powerful pressure. Employee: It was enough that I ended up telling her about a customer..... I hope she's not a bad person..... Hana: Got it! Kiba-san's mailbox! His apartment number is.... 312! Hana: (I'm coming now.... you'll be safe soon, Kiba-san!)
<she rings the doorbell> Hana: ....Kiba-san! It's Hana from Sky Finance! Are you okay!? Kiba-san!!
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<the door opens a little> Kiba: Yes... My room is filthy.... so forgive me for not opening the chain.
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Hana: ...Ah, Kiba-san, you're alright!? When you called and said "help me".... I got worried..... Kiba: ....A, sorry. That call was..... I was trying to make a joke with a friend I was going out drinking with.... Hana: Eh? Is that really true? Then... is that friend with you now? Kiba: ....Yes. After we went drinking..... Right now he's asleep. I'm also feeling a little hungover, so.... Hana: .....So that's what's going on. Say, for a while I couldn't reach you on the phone...? Kiba: The battery died. My phone's not very good at holding a charge, so it ran out of juice.... Hana: .....Uhhh huh. Though, I suppose it's good if nothing happened. Kiba: I truly am sorry for worrying you..... Kiba: Shortly after we talked, something came up that's requiring a lot of money... so my repayment will have to wait a little longer. Hana: No no, it's more important that you're safe. Well, I should tell the president that right away. Hana: Well, please let me know when you think your repayment can be done. <she leaves> Kiba: ............ ???: Hey, what are you doing. Shut the door already. Kiba: Y-Yes sir.... <inside his apartment> Robber: Good job getting rid of her. How many times was she going to ring the doorbell... what a stubborn woman.
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Robber: Now take this, asshole! <hits him> Kiba: Guh...! Robber: Figures... Even tied up you still managed to make that call. Robber: Of course you still didn't manage to escape. Hehe, Kiba. Thanks for giving me all your cash. Kiba: ................ Robber: Heh, isn't it so frustrating to see all the money you worked yourself to the bone for getting snatched away? Robber: But this is your fault, isn't it? This is the price you pay when you start shouting that you've "finally saved up enough money to pay off your loan". Kiba: Uughh.... Robber: ...There we go. Now even if I leave and come back, you're tied up too tightly to report anything--- <doorbell rings> Robber: ....Hm? Another visitor? <doorbell rings over and over> Robber: !? Hana: Kiba-saaaan! Sorry there's one more thiiiing!! I really need to talk to youuuuu! Robber: Shit, that woman again. And I've already.... well, can't be helped. Hey, Kiba. Robber: Y-Yes sir.... Robber: ....Go handle it. And don't forget the chain. If you say anything funny, I'll kill you. <he goes> Kiba: .........Sorry. What did you need to say...... Hana: Ah, sorry for this one last thing. Hana: Actually, when I talked to the president earlier, he said that there'd be trouble if the repayment couldn't be done today. Hana: So, I think it's in your best interest, if you decide to do the repayment now? Kiba: Uh, U-Um.... Robber: (Don't just U-Um! Get rid of her!) Kiba: I-I'm sorry..... I can't. Please go home..... that's all. Hana: Eh!? This is serious! If I can't get the money from you, then my value to the company is going to decrease! Kiba: .....I can't do what I can't do. <he shuts the door> Robber: ...Alright. Now that that's over with..... <banging on the door> Robber: !? Hana: Wait! Don't run away please! Hana: I! Am not going home until I get that money!!!! <more banging> Robber: That bitch....! Shit! Robber: ....This person doing collections is becoming a real pain. Oi, don't just stay quiet....! Kiba: B-But what am I going to.... Robber: Lie and say you're going to return it. Now! Kiba: Y-Yes sir! <he goes> Kiba: ....H-Hana-san. I understand. I'll return the money first thing tomorrow...... Hana: .....Tomorrow is no good! Please return the money that you promised to, right now! Kiba: .....Eh? Hana-san.......? Hana: ......Do you understand now? Until I get that money, there is nothing that can move me from this spot!! Robber: (Shit..... what a bothersome bitch...... I've got no choice but to silence her by force.....!) <the robber jumps out> Robber: Be quiet bitch!! Hana: ........I sure waited. I hate making a racket like that, but I needed that door open......
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Robber: What? Hana: .....Now! Kiba-san! Kiba: Haaaaaaaaa!!!! <he slams into the robber> Robber: Guh!! <the robber hits the ground> Hana: Nice drop kick, Kiba-san! Now let's get out of here! (Tl note: Hana says "nice drop kick" in english) Kiba: Y..... Yes ma'am! <they leave> Hana: ....Whew, that went pretty smoothly!
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Kiba: Yeah.... thank god that the robber didn't see the memo you left hanging on the curtain..... Hana: "If someone is threatening you to open the door, kick the back of it" Kiba: B-But how did you know there was a robber!? I don't understand.... Hana: Well, I didn't know for sure. Your voice was trembling, your face was pale and you didn't smell like the alcohol you had claimed to have been drinking with a friend...... Because of that, I knew you were lying. Kiba: Th-those are such little things.... Hana: A typo, a missed character, those things can cause a huge amount of damage, so it's my job to notice all the little things. <robber runs up> Robber: Owwww..... This shit.... Hand it over Kiba......!!!!!
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Kiba: Wah!! I-I'm sorry! Hana: Kiba-san! You have nothing to apologize for here! Now let's hurry up and get out of here! Kiba: Th-That's.... I'm sorry.... I just.... threw out my back........ Hana: Eh!? Robber: Kibaaaaaaa!! I'm going to beat both you and that bitch to death....!! Hana: ......If I can't run then I have no other choice, huh.
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Robber: Dieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! 
<fight, for yet another thrashing> 
Robber: Uh....Ughhhhh.....
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<he hits the ground> Hana: Haa... Haa..... I think it's all over now..... Hana: ....I really need to go back to your apartment to apologize to everyone for being so noisy...... Kiba: A-Amazing...... You took on a robber wielding a sharp object when you were bare-handed...... Hana: ....I already called the cops, so it shouldn't take long for them to arrive. Hana: Then we can hand this robber over together. Kiba: Th-Thank you so much Hana-san..... You truly saved me. Kiba: This was.... because I was so weak willed.... and I'm sorry you had to go through so much danger..... Hana: ....You don't need to apologize. Hana: I'm also certainly a fragile girl, but doing administrative work in Kamurocho means being prepared for danger.
Hana: Haa~I'm exhausted...... And I'm starving......
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Hana: I didn't expect to be fighting a blade wielding robber while on a collection run.... Hana: ..........That's right. I still need to report the the president. <she calls him> Akiyama: ........Hello. Hana-chan? Hana: Good to hear from you chief~. The money from Kiba-san has been safely obtained. Akiyama: Eh? Right now? That took an awfully long time..... You didn't run into any trouble, did you? Hana: .............No. Kiba-san had another obligation come up, so we had to change the time. Akiyama: Aah, that's what happened. Well I'm glad you didn't have any trouble. Akiyama: Seriously, thank you. You really saved my bacon. Hana: Don't even mention it. This is all part of my job. Akiyama: I guess. .....By the way, I'll be here a little longer. When I have a better estimate for returning to Kamurocho I'll give you a call. Hana: Yes sir. Your work is really piling up, so come back soon, okay? Akiyama: Haha... I'll be ready. Well, see you. <hang up> Hana: ......I didn't really mean to lie just then. Hana: ......But if I had been honest, he'd probably send me on even less dangerous work. Hana: .....I won't let the president do all of the dangerous work. I'm also an employee of Sky Finance, after all.
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Bonus time! 
I love Hana. She’s great. I’m glad they didn’t have her getting saved or something, she just got to be bad ass all the way through. 
as usual there’s a bunch of Hana’s thoughts on various things
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Hairstyle I’m very particular about my bun. It’s very important that my bangs are even. Even still the chief has never paid them any compliments... (Tl note: I just learned that buns are referred to as “dango hair” in japanese)
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Bookshelf There’s a big bookshelf in the office. Not that you ever see Mr. A reading one. Still, what an impressive looking bookshelf.
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Elise A club that Mr. A runs. It’s got more ambience than profits... I wonder which of those was the chief’s actual goal?
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New Serena Sky Finance is in the same building as this club. It always seems to have dangerous looking people going into it... Is the store some kind of hideout?
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Karaoke In the past I was pretty bad at karaoke. But I’ve trained hard and have finally overcome my weakness! Now I can go sing with Mr. A!
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Chief The super irresponsible president of our company... At his core he is simply a person who does not want to do any work. But, for some reason he can’t leave things be...
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Kanrai This is my absolute favorite yakiniku bento place! I’m slowly collecting stamps from my visits to earn a free deluxe kalbi!
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Glasses My favorite pair of glasses. These have been my lifelong partner, but I guess I did take them off for a bit when I was skinny...
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Shakedown People There’s always a lot of shakedown artists in Kamurocho, huh. You won’t live long, doing something like that. People don’t seem to think so when I tell them.
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Sky Finance Where I work. It’s always terrifically busy, but the pay is good. The quality of the customers is... well, it is Kamurocho after all...
and finally the music for the board was A Desperate Run
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erbezdiez · 3 years
On your Seiya and Usagi post, you had a tag about an AU and YES I WANT TO HEAR please(:
Click the read more because this post turned out longer than I expected but SEIUSA AU HERE WE GO
Okay, so this is basically just “The Sailor Starlights come to earth at the beginning of the series instead of in S4″ AU. In that specific scene/whatever, Fighter hears Sailor Moon screaming during her first fight and goes there to save her on pure instinct, not because she’s looking for the Silver Crystal or anything.
Honesty in my head I wouldn’t necessarily get rid of Mamoru or anything and the whole thing would kind of follow the same basic beats as the canon Sailor Moon story.
After the first fight, Fighter would get curious about Sailor Moon, and with time she’d end up aiding her too from time to time in her battles. Maybe she can even meet Tuxedo like that, when they both go to save SM at the first time or something safsadgs. Usagi would develop her crush on Tuxedo Mask while at the same time being curious about Fighter as well. Also during all this time Fighter is flirting with Sailor Moon because she’s a big lesbian and I love her, which would leave her feeling ~~confused~~.
Meanwhile, the Three Lights could serve as the standard “popular idol” like Minako does in PSSM, though I do like the idea of their popularity growing through the series exponentially.
Sometime after the senshi go meet Queen Serenity, Fighter would be aiding Sailor Moon and the others in a fight, but then get hurt herself. Then Maker and Healer can make their appearances, introducing the full group. They wouldn’t appear much more, but they would make it very clear that they’re not after the Silver Crystal so the senshi can have the whole “they’re not our allies, but they’re not our enemies either?” thing.
After the finale of S1, I like the idea of the Starlights noticing the senshi have forgotten about their identities and Figher being sad, but deciding that it’s better this way.
They could have a bigger part during the Makai Tree arc because that arc is great and I don’t care if it’s filler, where maybe they can sense something similar to Kakyuu’s light in the Makai Tree or something. Seiya and Usagi could meet while Mamoru is away as their civilian selves, and of course, Seiya falls for Usagi right away without knowing she’s Sailor Moon. Usagi however rejects him, because she’s still hoping Mamoru will return to her. When he does get his memories back and all that, Seiya stays friends with Usagi without telling her about his feelings.
And then during the Black Moon arc. Seiya could become a sort of emotional support for Usagi; she’s not sure why she likes talking to him so much, but it’s like he gets him in a way no one else does, not even her best friends. They grow especially close then Mamoru and Chibiusa go through the whole Black Lady thing. By this point, the Starlights are still focused on searching Kakyuu and only get involved in the other’s fight when they happen to be there or it’s something very serious, but they’ve become a sort of “sometime-allies we can rely on when something goes wrong”.
But then, of course, the Death Buster arc happens, and Uranus and Neptune are immediately wary of the Starlights since they’re from outside the solar system. They could go from suspecting them of working with the Death Busters, to attacking them on-sight. At the same time, Haruka meets Seiya while he’s hanging out with Usagi, and distrusts him right away. Partly because she feels “he’s just dangerous” and partly because let’s be honest she’s a bit mad that Seiya gets better reactions from Usagi than she does. Through this whole arc, Mamoru and Usagi begin to drift apart as she starts relying more on Seiya than on him, but she always denies the possibility of having romantic feelings for him, especially because she knows that Chibiusa existing at all depends on her staying with Mamoru. This however does nothing but strain their relationship even further.
Before the end of the arc, the Starlights would explain to all the senshi that they’re looking for Kakyuu, so Uranus and Neptune can stop trying to kill them for one second.
The Dead Moon arc is all about ChibiUsa and Usagi, and by this point, it’s undeniable that Usagi likes him too. Chibiusa could actually talk to Helios about this in her dreams, and how she’s actually scared Usagi will choose Seiya over Mamoru and either create a paradox or straight up kill her.
I would use Nehelenia’s motivation in this point as a way of separating the current Usagi (and by extension, Mamoru and everyone else) to their Silver Millenium selves. In Death Busters Uranus and Neptune are affected by their destiny in a positive way (they’re soulmates who can finally reunite, much like Serenity and Endymion) but in a negative way, when they think there’s no way to stop Saturn from destroying the planet. Now, when Usagi senses how much Nehelenia hated Serenity and her mother, she would feel sorry for her. Usagi had nothing to do with Nehelenia’s punishment and feels like Queen Serenity did a bad thing she can’t excuse. By creating this crack in the perfect image of the Silver Millenium, Usagi would begin to question if just because Serenity loved Endymion that means she should love Mamoru unconditionally.
And then of course, the Stars arc!! By this point, Usagi and Seiya are very close and both have feelings for the other, the Sol senshi trust the Starlights in varying degrees, and Usagi isn’t sure if she truly loves Mamoru and wants to fulfil her destiny. By the time Mamoru goes to America, he tells her they should “take a break” while they’re away so they can sort their feelings out.
I would also have Mamoru actually get to America instead of being kidnapped by Galaxia. Enjoy your education, boy!
Usagi tells Seiya rather quickly about this development, and they get even closer than before. Chibiusa hasn’t returned to the future yet, either because she senses it’s unstable or because she’s too worried about Mamoru and Usagi to leave them. She can tell Usagi that she knows how she feels about Seiya and that she’s broken up with Mamoru, and that she’s afraid of what that means for herself. For a while, Usagi starts avoiding Seiya because every time she thinks of him, she imagines Chibiusa disappearing and she can’t bear to choose between the two of them.
Then one day, Seiya gets targeted by one of Sailor Galaxia’s lackeys, and Usagi has no choice but to transform in front of him, revealing her secret identity. Seiya is surprised, but before he can say anything, Usagi runs away.
Seiya isn’t sure what to do, and she can’t even tell Taiki and Yaten about it because it would betray Usagi’s trust. One day, Seiya finds Usagi crying under the rain (or maybe the moonlight?) as she feels the weight of the whole world is in her shoulders. Seiya reaches out to Usagi, but she pushes him away when she thinks about hurting ChibiUsa. Seiya takes her hand anyways and holds it to his chest, telling her to look after her own happiness instead of the happiness of others for the first time. Usagi cries, and Seiya wipes her tears off. She then says “you were crying that time too at the jewel shop”, and Usagi isn’t sure what he means. Seiya transforms in front of her, showing her her true self.
This only makes Usagi confused for a second before she realizes that of course, it makes so much sense now. In a moment where she allows herself to think of her own happiness, she kisses Seiya.
She then rushes back home, suddenly afraid that she’s made Chibiusa disappear, but to her surprise she’s still there, alive and well. Chibiusa is suspicious of Usagi’s actions, but she leaves her be.
Shortly after this, before Seiya and Usagi have the chance to properly explore their relationship, the rest of the inner senshi have to transform in front of the Starlights (and vice-versa). By this point their relationship is much less tense than in the canon (both groups think of the other as allies, and now they’re united under the same enemy), and while Haruka still doesn’t like Seiya too much, she accepts her when Usagi defends her.
Eventually, the final battle comes, and in this version, I’d actually like Galaxia to be the villain not because Chaos corrupted her and she doesn’t have a Starseed, but because she became bitter and angry by the mere act of having to fight Chaos over and over again.
Turns out Sailor Galaxia isn’t just the most powerful Sailor Senshi of the universe; she’s the most powerful Sailor Senshi of all universes. Each time Chaos is born, she travels to that universe to destroy it. She’s been doing it since the dawn of time and is now so tired of her destiny that she just joins Chaos willingly.
So during the final battle (which honestly I’d leave almost the same because that battle is amazing), Usagi makes Galaxia see that she doesn’t need to keep on fighting just because someone decided it was her destiny. The existence of the Silver Crystal, the Golden Cyrstal and Kakyuu prove that Chaos can be fought against by other people, and that she’s already done more than enough. By realizing this, Galaxia lets go of Chaos, and by joining forces with Sailor Moon (and maybe with all senshi there present, even if it’s in spirit form), they manage to destroy Chaos.
I didn’t mention her anywhere else but ChibiChibi is here! And in this version, she actually is Sailor Cosmos, who’s awakened after Chaos disappears. She tells Usagi and Galaxia that Cosmos and Chaos will always be in battle, but that as long as people don’t let it consume her, peace will reign through all universes.
So the peace is restored, and the Starlights have to go back to Kakyuu. All senshi share a farewell in the school building, where Seiya struggles to let of Usagi and she has to try her best not to beg her to stay. Mamoru (who was captured during the final battle but is OK now) notices how Usagi hasn’t looked at him the way she looks at Seiya in years, and catches up very quickly. Seiya says that going back to restore her planet with Kakyuu is her duty, to which Usagi can’t say anything, because she feels she too has a duty to fulfil on earth.
But as they’re flying off into space, Yaten Taiki and Kakyuu tell Seiya that she’s already done more than enough. Seiya looks at them for a moment, when Usagi breaks down and cries, begging her to stay. Seiya leaves the space teleportation whatever the Starlights were using and jumps towards Usagi, who only barely manages to catch her. Everyone laughs and they kiss.
Later, they discuss whether or not this changes their destiny, since Chibiusa has never seen Seiya in the future. Setsuna could then explain that they may as well have created a new universe where nothing is set in stone, and that their future is now in their hands.
...And that’s that!! SORRY THAT WAS SO LONG asfshkgjhdfgksd. I know this fandom is very small so if anyone wants to idk expand on this idea or change anything or use it for something please go ahead!!! More seiusa content is always welcome. I hope you enjoyed this really long read!
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xxxi. Beauty and Her Beast
@the-pompous-potato this was so encouraging with how difficult this arc is turning out to be :’) thank you so much! I would say to relax and not worry - everything will be fine from here on out -- but... XD
@bubblesthemonsterartist hahahah yes, exactly! Haruka is willing to make sacrifices for propriety! and I agree, let’s hope there is some fatherly feeling there... deep down...
<<Previous || first arc || second arc || AO3 || Next>>
Fate had granted them a second chance; they were determined not to waste it.
Shirayuki had assembled a list of everything required to effect a legal marriage ceremony in Clarines, and she doggedly pursued its completion with all her customary tenacity.
Obi was ready to jump through whichever and however many hoops as he was bid.
After the gift shopping expedition, Shirayuki acquainted him with their next task: finding a companion to attend each of them during the ceremony.
“Traditionally, it’s a role given to his brother and her sister,” Shirayuki quoted to him solemnly, “or to next of kin.”
Obi rubbed his chin. That didn’t seem practical in their case, and there was no one to offend by not asking.
So perhaps they could skip it altogether?
No, no, Shirayuki assured him, the companions performed important roles for the ceremony, even if they weren’t blood relatives.
Flattening his face in forbearance of this unlucky verdict, Obi asked what those roles might be?
Perhaps they could choose based on skill set. According to her research, the man’s companion stood on guard in case of disturbances. He carried the only weapon permitted at the--
“Whoa, whoa!” Obi broke in, waving his hands palm out. “This man has a weapon? Where does he stand?”
“He - next to… you,” Shirayuki faltered, eyes round with surprise at his vehemence.
Obi suppressed a growl. “What does your companion do?” he asked grimly.
“Oh, well, she stands by me, and, um…” Shirayuki was blushing, “I suppose she helps beforehand with...dresses...and linens...and...things. 
“That’s why it’s better if she’s a sister,” Shirayuki added with a sigh, “because it could end up being quite an expensive gift--”
Obi snapped his fingers. He had been thinking furiously, and now he had it: the one man he could trust at his back with a sword.
It wasn’t easy to approach Ryuu about the wedding, because Ryuu was doing his utmost to avoid all talk of the wedding whatsoever.
When Obi cornered him in the dispensary, Ryuu was an arm’s length away from the royal apprentices and a pharmacist visiting from Port Town. They were all buzzing with questions and rumours, but Ryuu was deaf to it.
He carried on grinding pastes and salves without any change of expression while the whispers rose and fell like waves around him.
It was not that Ryuu disapproved of Shirayuki’s marrying Obi, or Obi’s marrying Shirayuki.
It was simply too much.
Wistal hadn’t felt the same since the war - perhaps would never feel the same again, since they had lost Prince Zen.
Away in Port Town, overloaded with work, Ryuu had successfully avoided thinking of all these things. Now it was staring him in the face, and he still wasn’t ready.
The only thought that comforted him was the half-hidden wish that if he ignored everything to do with the wedding thoroughly enough, it would all fade away.
When Obi clapped him on the shoulder, Ryuu jumped, upsetting his jars.
“Ah, sorry, little Ryuu…” Obi worked a vanishing trick with a rag. He seemed as oblivious to the silence greeting his appearance as Ryuu had been to the hubbub preceding it.
Exuding unconcern, even as his fingers crept up to his shoulder, Obi leaned towards Ryuu. “It sure is stuffy in here. Fancy a walk?”
The friendship of Obi and Ryuu was like that of a hound and a fox, in that neither understood the nature of the other.
Obi passed in and out of Ryuu’s life like acts of nature: impossible to ignore or explain, often cataclysmic.
Meanwhile Obi regarded him with the wondering curiosity one might direct at a woodland animal that lived in the garden: inscrutable, evidently brilliant at the mysterious work with which it busied itself, and yet often helpless in the face of obstacles that Obi would have found trivial.
In moments like those, Obi would approach with cautious affection, not wishing to spook the little fellow, yet drawn irrepressibly to mend his troubles.
In this they were alike: Neither spoke freely of his inner life.
Even if Obi had not vanished without a word then returned to find Ryuu absent, they would not have found the occasion to unburden their hearts to each other.
Neither did they now, sheltered by the relative privacy of the open castle grounds, consider that the moment of confidence might have arrived.
They strolled side by side, passing between the shimmering mounds of garden beds that receded from them like the gentle roll of an ocean swell.
Each preferred to think of anything but the present moment.
Ryuu’s thoughts tended backwards, returning to the project he had left behind him, while Obi’s bounded ahead to that fateful day that hovered so tantalizingly close.
Being declared fit to marry a princess didn’t make Obi feel any more in his element than he had while trailing her around her royal duties. He had little experience to guide him in an affair of this magnitude. Nor could he trust his usual instincts in such a delicate matter.
He had only this: a bone-deep desire to serve her.
Knowing what would please her, or at least lay her anxieties to rest, emboldened him to leap where even a most inferior sort of angel, such as his former self, would never have dared to tread.
She had asked him, so he would ask Ryuu; there was no other way forward.
To cover his uncertainty, Obi blustered.
He spoke volubly of nothing at all, remarking on what-not and entreating Ryuu’s opinion on hows-it.
His words washed over Ryuu, unintelligible as the wind in the branches. The young pharmacist was just beginning to feel himself safe, just starting to hope that he might have escaped the looming danger of confronting the future face-to-face.
Then Obi asked, “How about it, little Ryuu? Will you stand up for us at the wedding?”
The words, the gardens, and above all, the sense of calm receded from Ryuu rapidly.
Everything began to blur as, trapped by the very thing he had tried his hardest to avoid, he frantically sought to escape from his own senses.
Oblivious, Obi carried on, “It shouldn’t be too much trouble for you, if it’s here at the castle. Think the chief will let you get away for a bit?”
Ryuu’s eyes had widened until they reflected the clouds.
He said nothing.
“It’s all for the miss, you know.” Obi leaned over Ryuu conspiratorially.
He remembered mostly to address Shirayuki by name to her face but slipped into his old habits when referring to her. 
For Obi, names were precious; he didn’t bandy them around lightly, not even among friends.
Ryuu looked thin and pale. 
His eyes seemed to swallow his face as he wished himself away, far from here, into nothingness if necessary.
He wet his lips, but no words came to him.
“There’s only...ah, right! You could wear that pharmacist uniform,” Obi went on, as if in agreement with Ryuu’s silence. “It’s a royal thing, isn’t it… 
“Then there’s just one extra - a little thing - you wouldn’t mind carrying a sword, would you, Ryuu?” Here Obi paused to smile winningly at his companion.
Ryuu’s eyes, pupils dilated, hung somewhere over Obi’s left ear. 
He had stopped dead.
“Perfect!” Obi slung an arm around his shoulders. “That’s exactly why I chose you. Just...remember that we don’t want anyone cut with it, hmmm?”
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sparklingichigo · 3 years
Human World Adventures
Part 5
While they're still fighting and insulting each other feat Lucifer stepping in, here's Haruka, the angels, and Ichigo buying some things in the mall. Of course, they have permission from Michael.
Haruka: So...which one should we buy? The Uno stack one or the casual Uno cards.
Ichigo: Man I hate it when I leave my Uno cards back in H.O.L. We'll just get the casual card.
Haruka: That's a good idea^^ We'll get those
Luke: Haruka, can we get this too? [puppy eyes]
Haruka: A corgy plushie?
Luke: Yes! It looks fluffy! Can we get it?
Haruka: Simeon?
Simeon: I think we can get them. I'll handle the payment for the plushie if it burdens you^^
Haruka: Oh no, it's fine. Come on, let's go and pay^^
So Haruka paid for the things they bought until she saw a decor store as they're walking out.
Haruka: Simeon... I think I'm gonna go and see what's in there...
Simeon: Oh, do you want me to come with you?
Haruka: There's no need. You need to take care of Luke, don't you?
Simeon: Oh yeah that's true. Why don't you take Ichigo with you?
Just as he said that Ichigo feels a vibration in her pocket. She of course sees who's calling her, turns out it's Lucifer. It seems to be really urgent when Lucifer calls her considering he's a very prideful demon.
Ichigo: Lucifer? What's up?
Lucifer: We have an emergency. Satan and Beel are fighting and Beel somehow wants to meet you, if you don't come here anytime soon.... they might actually fight.
Ichigo: Why would they fight?! Wait! Where are they right now?!
Lucifer: Beel just got into his room, I don't think he's coming out anytime soon.
Ichigo: I see, I'll be there as soon as possible!
As the phone call ended, the angels look at her confusedly so of course, Ichigo needs to explain what's going on to them.
Ichigo: There's an emergency in the mansion. I think I should go back.
Luke: What happened?!
Ichigo: I think satan and Beel are in a fight.
Luke: What?! They're in a fight?!
Simeon: ...I think you should go and see what's happening. I'll hold those for you
Ichigo: Thanks a lot, Simeon. Do tell Haruka about this though, I'll be back without you know it.
Ichigo opens a portal and enters it, leading it to Beel's room. Once she gets there she sees Beel. They both have eye contact as the portal closes behind her. Beel who's right now still a clingy demon instantly hugs her.
Ichigo: Aww hello to you too, honey-bear! Miss me?
Beel: Yeah... and it's not going well here either. Satan just admitted that he truly likes you...
Ichigo: He what-
Beel: He has feelings for you. I heard Barb saying that he always liked you ever since you console him for his heartbreak.
Ichigo: Did he do something to you?
Beel: Not physically. He did say that you'd prefer him over me. That's not true, right?
Ichigo: Of course not! I truly love you, Beel, it's always been you!
Just as they're about to kiss, the door is opened by Satan. Beel and Ichigo both look at the source of noise because that was a loud noise. Beel instantly hugs Ichigo from the back for protection as Ichigo stares at the avatar of wrath in confusion.
Ichigo: Satan?
Beel: What are you doing in my room? Get out.
Ichigo: Beel, don't get riled up. Deep breathes...
Satan: Oh I heard your voice so I came looking for you^^ No harm done, right?
Beel of course glares at Satan as Ichigo sweat-drops confusedly. Why would Satan be looking for her especially when she's with Beel?
Ichigo: What do you need?
Satan: Oh just felt like it. Just feel like meeting you. Wanna hang out?
Ichigo: Not right now at least^^ maybe tomorrow?
Satan: Oh that's cool. After all, you're staying with the angels tonight.
Ichigo: I am, yeah^^
Suddenly Satan moves towards her, he gets closer and whispers something nor Beel and the others can hear.
Satan: I'm sure you'd prefer me over him don't you?
Ichigo's eyes widen as she moves backward but she's stuck since Beel was literally behind her. She was crept out, Satan never acted like this before, at least not to her.
Beel: Back off! I've made it clear that she belongs to me not you!
Satan: That mark is gone now, so she's now free to pursue.
Ichigo: Enough! I can't take it anymore! Satan, please understand that I truly love Beel and will only love Beel! I know you've finally moved on and that's good but please don't pursue me. I don't wanna hurt Beel nor do I want you to hurt yourself! [tearing up because of emotional preassure]
Before you come for this girl for crying, she is assertive sure, really to the point but when she's pressured emotionally tears can come out of her eyes. She's not crying because she's sad, she's actually crying because she's angry. She's angry at Satan for taking her kindness as flirting, she's mad at Satan for being an asshole, trying to steal her away from the one she truly loves. Call it angry crying if you may.
Now back to the story, Satan is taken aback by her sudden outburst that just steps on his ego because the girl who's being nice to him is just genuinely being nice to him, definitely not flirting. Meanwhile, Beel is shocked by her crying. He turns her around and it was true. This pink-haired girl is crying but he knows it's not because of sadness. Beel smiles softly as he wipes off her tears.
Beel: You've done well, sugar
Ichigo: [smiles slightly as she hugs Beel] Can we just leave?
Beel: Sure, we'll go^^
Ichigo nods and opens a portal behind them. She pushes Beel into that portal before joining in. Luckily Beel is already planning on leaving anyway so he has packed his bags to join Ichigo. Now, this leads them to the hotel causing confusion to Haruka, Luke, and Simeon who just got back to their room.
Simeon: Beel? Wait! Ichigo, are you okay? Why are you crying? Did Satan did something to you?!
Beel: He did say something but I couldn't catch it since he whispered it but it triggers her. She's not crying out of sadness, it's just because she's pressured emotionally.
Haruka: I've been there. Not a good experience.
Luke: Is she okay, Beel?
Beel: She is, just emotionally tired. Uh...about the bed. Where should I sleep?
Simeon: That's a good question...
Haruka: How about you boys just sleep in that room and Ichigo will sleep here?
Simeon and Beel: No!
Luke: Why not?! Then where am I supposed to sleep?! And why is Simeon rejecting this as well?!
Simeon: [sigh] You wouldn't understand. Maybe you can sleep over in Michael's room?
Luke: In Michael's room... I think I can do that if he allows me.
Simeon: Come on then^^ Let's go [takes Luke to Michael and Rosaria's room]
As they did that, Haruka decides to lend them her room because she thinks Beel can't handle having just a slight distance away from Ichigo.
Haruka: You guys are free to use my room. Just don't use my bathtub. Simeon and I used that last night....so it wouldn't end well.
Beel: It's okay, I'll just use the other room's bathroom since the connecting door is there and all^^
Haruka: Cool! Well, I'll just prepare myself to sleep. What about Ichigo?
Beel: [places the quiet girl to bed] I'll handle her, don't worry.
Haruka: Alright then. I'm sorry those things happened to you, Beel. I'd love to help. If you need anything just let me know okay^^
Beel: Thank you, Haruka. Simeon is really lucky to have you, you're really kind.
Haruka: Oh, you're just exaggerating!
Beel: Of course not, it's a genuine compliment.
Meanwhile, the pink-haired girl instantly sleeps causing Beel and Haruka to pity her more. She must be really tired, especially when she's pressured emotionally.
Haruka: Well... I'll leave you two. Good night^^
Beel: Good night^^
As soon as Haruka leaves, Beel prepares for his sleep, changing into his sleep clothes before joining Ichigo who's already asleep. Ichigo who's asleep still can feel Beel's weight on the bed so instinctively she hugs him in her sleep. Beel is flustered by this sudden act but he hugs her back, smiling softly.
Meanwhile, Haruka waits for Simeon to get back, she decides to watch a bit of TV. Minutes later, Simeon returns and told her that Luke is allowed to sleep in Michael's room.
Haruka: Oh that's great then^^
Simeon: So.. do you want to be in the same bed or different beds?
Haruka: ....different beds?
Simeon: Oh, alright then^^
The night has ended in the hotel but it hasn't in the mansion. Lucifer sigh for the nth time today. Why is Satan acting like this? What happened to Satan being the most mature out of his brothers?!
Levi: Wow, you actually did that huh?
Mammon: You fcked up big time, my dude.
Satan: Tsk.
Asmo: I told you not to flirt around but here we are [filling his nails]. [feels everyone staring at him] What?
Lucifer: You knew? This entire time?
Asmo: Ever since the pool day. I knew since then. I get that he has fallen for her but as you said, you can resist such feelings.
Satan: can't you just-
Asmo: I'm just telling the truth because you won't listen! Beel has been nothing but kind to you and now you want to steal his girlfriend?! You know well how it feels to get your lover stolen!!
Satan: Asmo-
Asmo: No! Don't "Asmo" me! Sure, we're close brothers but I'm not gonna sit here and not call you out for your mistakes! Pull yourself together, Satan Morningstar! This isn't the Satan I know and love!
With that Asmo left the living room causing more tension in the room. As much as Diavolo and Barbatos want to step in, it's none of their business. Yes, everyone, this is the day Satan is canceled by his whole family. What a horrible day for him.
Lucifer: Satan, please pull yourself together. I know how deep your feelings are for her but try to control yourself. I'll support you wholeheartedly if it's someone else but this time you're going against your own brother. Are you sure you want to risk our brotherly love for a girl?
Satan is silent and decides to leave. They all hear the door closing loudly. This signals them that Satan is pissed but at least they should call him out on his mistakes. Isn't that what brothers are for?
The next day Beel and Ichigo are still cuddled up in bed. Apparently, Beel is the first one to wake up, he finds his girlfriend still asleep peacefully. Beel smiles fondly as he gives her a morning kiss causing the pink-haired girl to stir in her sleep.
Beel: Come on, Sugar~ Wake up~ [teasingly]
Ichigo whines and buries herself in his hug causing the avatar of gluttony to laugh and pats her.
Beel: You must be really tired huh?
Ichigo: Yes, please let me sleep. What time is it anyway?
Beel: It's.... 6 am actually.
Ichigo: Ugh...too early! Let me sleep! [more whining]
Beel laughs slightly at how cute she is and tries to get up but Ichigo holds onto his top, glaring at him cutely
Ichigo: No, stay! I wanna cuddle you some more [puppy eyes]
Beel: As you wish^^
And so they cuddle some more until Simeon being such a morning person goes to wake them up. At first, he's like "aww they're sleeping" but when he removes the blankets he finds them so close.
Simeon: What is with this position?! Get up!
Ichigo: Let me sleeeeep!!!
Simeon: Sure you can sleep! Beel, let go of her!
Beel blinks confusedly as Simeon scolds them by the way they sleep. Ichigo whines into her pillow as Beel lets go of her slowly.
Simeon: Geez, you two aren't even married yet! [sigh] what would Michael say when he sees this.
Beel: But I'm a demon....and so is she...?
Luke: Simeon~ I'm ba- Whoa!
Haruka who just finished peeing glances at them before shrugging since she's half asleep.
Ichigo: Simeon, please let me sleep... I'm tired;-;
Simeon: Fine, I have other things to do as well anyways^^
With that Simeon leaves the room to wake up Haruka, of course, Haruka prefers to sleep in. 6 a.m is still too early for her as well.
Simeon: That's a really unique way to sleep
Haruka: It's comfortable this way [huffs]
Simeon: Well, you look exactly like a cocoon.
Haruka: Then I'm your cocoon!
Simeon: Yes you are^^ [goes in to hug her]
Haruka just giggles as Simeon cuddles her in her cocoon form. That morning is spent with morning cuddles by these couples until around 9 a.m for them to get breakfast but that's not why we're here. Because Michael decides to let them move in with Lucifer, well Ichigo has gone home with Beel which leaves the angels and Haruka discussing them moving into Lucifer's mansion.
Haruka: What? We're moving into the mansion? No more hotels?
Michael: Allow me to show you the bills ^^ [pulls out the bills because of their stay]. Yes, this goes without saying.
Simeon: Well...staying in a hotel does cost more...
Luke: ....So we're staying with those demons instead?!
Michael: They're not that bad. It's only for a few months until we grant access back to the celestial realm.
Rosaria: I'm sure they mean no harm^^ We worked together in the war and with Diavolo's idea of bringing peace between realms I don't see a reason why we shouldn't stay in with them.
Luke: .... okay...
Michael: Okay, the decision is final. We're moving in with Lucifer, I already informed him as well. We're checking out at 1: 30 Pm.
Haruka: So after lunch?
Michael: Yes.
As promised, they went to the mansion after lunch. Of course, Michael already informed Lucifer about this and it's now time to get to work in the mansion.
Barbatos: ...Are you sure you don't want my help?
Lucifer: ^^ just rest Barbatos, it's my mansion after all. [to Belphie] BELPHEGOR!! STOP SLACKING OFF AND HELP YOUR BROTHER!!
Belphie: no.
Ichigo: [sweat drops because she wants to help but Lucifer doesn't let her] Can I not help?
Lucifer: We've been through this Ichigo. You're my guest and I can't have you do all these rough things^^
Ichigo: But Solomon is also a guest yet he's helping :<
Lucifer: That sus of a sorcerer is an exception. Just sit tight with Diavolo and Barbatos, okay^^
Mammon: Man, you're being so biased towards her.
Solomon: Can't we just use magic for this? It'd be easier right?
Lucifer: Magic huh? No^^
Asmo: This reminds me when Solomon is such a dck-
Solomon: Hey! :(
Satan: I'll just consider them your karma.
Asmo: How are we working and you're not?! I'm too pretty for this!
Ichigo: I think using magic would be more effective, Lucifer^^
Diavolo: I agree, it'd save more time. Here let me help!
Before Lucifer can even complain, Diavolo spells the mansion. In just seconds the new rooms are finished, and everyone now does not need to work.
Barbatos: Great work as always M'lord [claps in amazement]
Diavolo: I did great, right, Barb?!
Barbatos: As always, such an amazing performance^^
Ichigo also claps because she was impressed herself suddenly she finds Beel collapsing on top of her out of tiredness.
Ichigo: Aww you must be so tired, aren't you?
Beel: Physically I'm fine, I just feel like hugging you.
Ichigo: You're smelly though [playfully]
Beel: [whispering] I won't mind if you help me clean
Ichigo: O///O
Asmo: My my~
Solomon: pfft-
Mammon: For the 1000th time, Beel! There are singles here!
Levi: Where have I seen this scene from-
Satan: [rolls his eyes out of annoyance]
Ichigo: Well, let's get you cleaned up then! Come on, get up~
Beel quietly gets up with Ichigo dragging him to the bathroom. This leaves the brothers in the room with Barbatos and Diavolo who's dumbfounded at their dynamic.
Diavolo: Is that how humans usually show affections?
Asmo: Not that I know off. She's currently a demon now so she's getting bolder day by day~ I'm so proud of her~
Solomon: To answer your question....not all but some do show their affection in that way if they're comfortable enough with their partner.
Diavolo: Ah I see^^
After a few minutes or probably hours. Okay minutes, The angels finally arrived. Luckily everyone is cleaned up and ready to meet them. Haruka is the first one to enter and sees the newly cleaned mansion.
Haruka: Wow! This is such a beautiful mansion!
Lucifer: Thank you^^
As she's looking around she has eye contact with Satan, she was about to talk to him but Satan broke the eye contact instantly and talks to Ichigo instead. Haruka is a little confused and hurt by this but that's Satan for you.
Ichigo: Eh? Oh, yea I did promise to hang out with you last night. What do we do first?
Satan: Perhaps going out with me, just the two of us?
Ichigo: ...Satan... I know how you feel about me, but I only see you as a friend remember?
Satan: Well yes, this is indeed a friendly hangout. Did you change your mind perhaps? [starts moving towards her]
Ichigo: Change my mind? Since when? [moving backward, trying to escape]
Satan: So do tell me, why do you think the hang out was in a romantic way [fckin kabedon again]
Ichigo: Because you have feelings for me, that's why. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to help YOUR EX unpack, okay? [pushes Satan away easily and goes to help Haruka]
For some reason, such rejection just excites him more. Probably because he has been reading so many enemies to lovers trope in one of his novels. Now back to these two, the two of them are unpacking their bags but here's the problem.
Beel: Are you sure you wanna room with Belphie?
Haruka: Belphie?
Belphie: [appearing from the room] Sup- [still trying to blink awake]
Haruka: I thought Lucifer has set a room for us! What happened to that?
Beel: Ichigo is currently rooming with me, so Belphie's the one who's sleeping there.
Simeon: Haruka, there's spare space in my room. I think we can both fit^^
Haruka: Ah, I see^^ Alright then! Guess I'll just room with Simeon.
Beel: It's only fair. You get to be with your lover and I get to be with mine^^
Belphie: Tsk. Romance disgusts me.
Somehow Ichigo feels bad for Belphegor because it feels like she's stealing his twin away. That night she came to see him, Belphegor as if reading her mind instantly calms her down before she can even say anything.
Belphie: Nah, it's not your fault. That's just him being a simp. We're still friends^^ [pats Ichigo]
Ichigo: We can switch if you really miss your twin :(
Belphie: Nah, switching up with me in your situation is just gonna make him more anxious. Now please go and let me sleep in peace! [going back into that room]
Ichigo: Alright then, sweet dreams^^
With that she returns to her room, suddenly she feels glowing green eyes staring at her. Ichigo turns around to find Satan right there.
Ichigo: Holy sht! Where did you come from?!
Satan: Me? Oh I was just passing by, sort of thirsty as you can see [shows his empty glass]
Ichigo: I see^^
Satan: Before you go, [holds her back] aren't you going to consider it? At least?
Ichigo: My descision is final. I will not leave Beel, he's the only one I love. Have a good night, Satan^^ [pushes his hand away]
Once again,, the raging ball of chaos heart broke. He can't seem to get the one he loves. Sure he did get Haruka at first but she prefers Simeon, he thought maybe Ichigo would return his feelings because he took her kindness to heart but here he is. Meanwhile, Ichigo finally returns to Beel who's still awake.
Ichigo: How are you not asleep?
Beel: Still waiting for you, how did your talk with Belphie went?
Ichigo: Well...he understands my situation, but I still feel bad. It's as if I'm stealing you away from him. He told me not to worry though, it doesn't bother him.
Beel: I see....maybe I should spend more time with him
Ichigo: Yeah, it's been a while since I saw you hanging out with Belphie. He even slept alone in my room.
Beel: Are you saying he should stay with us? In our room?
Ichigo: I'm unsure but I can always switch with him. Haruka and I can sleep in our room then Belphie can sleep in this room with you
Hearing those words, Beel sort of tears up because of how sweet and selfless his girlfriend was. Without any other word, he instantly pulls her into a hug earning a squeal of shock from the said girl.
Ichigo: H-hey what's wrong?
Beel: It's nothing. You're just too kind for your own good
Ichigo: I should be, your brothers are my friends and you're the one I love
Beel: and until this day I still question how do you even have demon blood in you
Ichigo: I've been asking the same question to you^^
The next day, Beel did exactly that, he starts to hang out more with Belphie causing confusion to the said lazy demon. Of course, this gives Satan an opportunity to hang out with her.
Belphie: Are you sure this is a good idea?
Beel: Well I miss my twin.... so I'll hang out with you
Belphie: Beel, there's nothing to do with me besides sleep.
Beel: Then I'll carry you around!
Rosaria: Honey, why aren't you that close with your twin brother?
Michael: Me? Being close with Lucifer? He doesn't even want to breathe the same air as me.
Lucifer: Same goes for you.
Rosaria: Now, now, why don't you two make-up?
Lucifer and Michael: Not a chance!
Rosaria sigh and just watch Lucifer and Michael ignore each other. The twins only talk when they have to deliver information or it's about business, either than that, they either argue or just ignore each other.
Now back to Ichigo who gets to hang out with her best friend, but the best friend in question is hanging out with the angels more not that she minds. This leaves her alone in Lucifer's private library.
Satan: fancy seeing you here
Ichigo: Same goes to you^^
Satan: So, what brings you here?
Ichigo: Books. Obviously, that goes without saying.
Satan: I might be a good guide for that. So, what book are you searching for?
Ichigo: Anything to be honest. I'm in the mood for reading.
Satan: Well, I actually have some recommendations in mind. Want me to show you?
Ichigo: Sure^^
The two of them went deeper into the library, leading them to the forbidden section. Ichigo is shocked by Satan's choice of readings while the avatar of wrath doesn't care much and grabs some good ol spell books giving them to her.
Satan: Here to improve your spells
Ichigo: What kind of spells?
Satan: You'll see, I can even teach you^^
Ichigo: Well I won't mind since you're really smart. How should we start?
Satan: Well, we can start with this one [shows the first book]
Ichigo: Spells of romance...?
Satan: Yes, I don't know I just find them interesting.
Ichigo: Oh I see. How about this one? [points onto the second book]
Satan: Ah, book of hexes and curses. We can use that against Lucifer later.
Ichigo: You and your dislike towards Lucifer [pushes his forehead playfully]
Satan: Always have. So which ones?
Ichigo: Up to you, you're my teacher afterall^^
So that day was spent with Satan teaching Ichigo how to do romance spells.
Ichigo: So I just say these words and my target would fall for me?
Satan: Yes, precisely. There's also another one with honey I believe.
Suddenly the two of them felt a presence behind them. Satan already knew who it was and closes the book out of annoyance. Ichigo looks back and finds Beel behind them.
Ichigo: Oh, honey! How unusual to see you here!
Beel: Oh yea, I went looking for you because Barb is actually looking for you. He sent me here to get you.
Ichigo: Barb? Why would he be looking for me?
Beel: He told me it's kitchen-related.
Ichigo: Oh well, I must go soon then. We'll catch up on that, later okay^^
Satan: Sure, I'll be here if you want to learn more
Ichigo nods and gets out with Beel. The girl is obviously oblivious of Beel's sharp glare towards Satan. That guy either can't take a hint or didn't want to take the hint. Either way, both are inexcusable. Once she got out she meets Haruka who looks worried as ever.
Haruka: Where were you this whole time?!
Ichigo: In the library actually...
Simeon: In the library? I actually went there and didn't even see you. Are you sure?
Ichigo: Simeon, you're an angel, aren't you. I'm sure you can tell that I'm telling the truth.
Lucifer: I have a feeling he used the invisibility charm on you. Causing you not to be visible to certain people.
Beel: He what-
Lucifer: I'll go talk to him. You go and help Barb, he needs your help in the kitchen.
Ichigo: On it! Come on, hon~
Haruka: Can I go too?
Ichigo: It depends on Barb, but sure^^
Luckily Barb allows more people to come in and help him. As the cooking proceeds, Haruka starts to get a bit crept out by Satan's behavior around Ichigo.
Haruka: You know, you can always ignore him right? The more you engage the more he will pursue you
Ichigo: ....but he's my friend... well one of my friends. Treating him differently wouldn't be fair. I treat all the brothers with kindness and that includes him.
Haruka and Simeon sigh at the answer. Ichigo knows well she did tell Haruka the same thing before but now she knows it's not that easy.
Barb: I'm sure you'll find ways to help with your situation. But for now, please focus^^
Ichigo nods and focuses on cooking their lunch. Finally, after a few minutes lunch is served! Thanks to Ichigo's book recipe, Barb manage to learn some of the human world's recipes considering they're in the human world.
Luckily, during lunch, there is no tension whatsoever. Everyone sighs in relief at this because it's been two days since they arrived and there's tension everywhere. Let's all hope it stays that way because if this problem doesn't finish soon, everyone is probably gonna have a headache.
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datheetjoella · 4 years
Fantober 2020, Day 14: Emergency
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Author: DatHeetJoella Fandom: Free! Pairing: MakoHaru Rating: T Part: 14/31 (read the full collection here) Word count: 1,622 Tags: Alternate Universe - Future Fish, Firefighter!Makoto, Baker!Haru, Fluff, Light Angst, Acquaintances to Lovers Read at: AO3, FFn, or right here!
The second Makoto was about to sink his teeth into the chocolate cornet he bought at the bakery this morning, the signal went off. He dropped his lunch to the table and sped downstairs on muscle memory alongside his colleagues. They slipped on their protective suits and leapt into the truck. With blaring sirens, they rushed to the fire in the hopes of putting it out before it got out of hand.
Over the past year he spent as a firefighter, Makoto had grown accustomed to this. Although he'd been quite panicky at his first couple of fires, that quickly had to change in order to protect not just himself, but also his colleagues and their community. The reason he aspired for this profession was to keep people from harm's way, so he had developed the cool, level-headed demeanour this job required.
But this fire was different. The moment he heard where they were headed, blue eyes flashed through his mind and the anxiety crawled back with a vengeance, adrenaline levels spiking.
Every morning before work, Makoto visited Nanase's Baked Goods and Pastries, a small family bakery located on a street corner between a florist and a clothing store. The bread and sweets they sold were absolutely delicious, so he got both his breakfast and lunch there - and sometimes, an extra muffin as a treat. But now, this routine was endangered.
While the others voiced worries of the fire expanding to the stores beside it, Makoto was more concerned about the kind lady behind the register who always rang him up with a smile and the baker around his age who solely came out of the back to restock the shelves. The thought of anyone being hurt in a fire was awful, but especially if it were people he knew, or who he frequently saw but hadn't had the pleasure to get to know yet.
Makoto clenched his fists and willed himself to calm down. He needed to be ready to come to their aid if necessary. Collected and focused.
The fire truck arrived at the scene in record time, for the bakery was only a few blocks removed from the station. A large cloud of smoke wafted from the shop, but flames didn't lick out of the windows. Maybe it wasn't too late to prevent escalation.
The firefighters leapt out of the truck and, after assessing the situation, began to hose down the building. Along with one of his colleagues, Makoto went over to the small crowd of people that were gathered at a safe distance from the toxic fumes. His heart sighed in relief when he spotted Mrs. Nanase among them, but her face was contorted with fear and she clutched at her chest. That was when he realised the young baker wasn't beside her.
"Is anyone still inside?"
"My son, Haruka," Mrs. Nanase said, "He yelled at me to go and I thought he was following me out. It wasn't until I got outside that I saw he wasn't with me. I wanted to go back to get him but-"
There was no more time to waste. Makoto and his colleague put on their masks and entered the bakery. The front of the store was clear, but the door to the back was slid shut and smoke emerged from the crevices. When they opened it, they were hit with a thick wall of ash clinging to the air and could barely peer into the kitchen.
Through squinted eyes, Makoto could make out the source of the fire: one of the large ovens was engulfed in orange and yellow flames, blackening the heat-resistant metal. But he didn't see Haruka anywhere.
"Haruka! Are you here?"
A small cough broke through the crackling and Makoto's eyes scanned every corner of the room. Someone was lying on the floor next to an extinguisher, face covered with their shirt and Makoto dropped to his knees. When they cracked open an eye, Makoto confirmed it was Haruka; he'd recognise those immensely blue irises anywhere.
"I found him," Makoto said to his colleague and he scooped the baker off of the floor. "I've got you," he told Haruka, who gripped onto him for dear life and buried his face into his large coat, trying to stifle more coughs.
While his colleague confirmed there was no one else inside, Makoto took Haruka out of the danger zone, out of the claws of the smoke and blaze.
An ambulance had appeared in the meanwhile and he carried Haruka to it. The instant she spotted them, Mrs. Nanase ran over to her son, crying out his name and thanking Makoto profusely for rescuing him.
Makoto would've loved to stay and make sure Haruka was alright, but duty called. He flew back to the truck and grabbed a hold of a hose to assist his fellow firefighters in securing the perimeter.
The fire was resilient but not as powerful as initially seemed. They had responded quickly, before the fire had taken over the entire kitchen and had it under control about an hour later. When his colleagues assured him they could handle it from there, Makoto went back to the ambulance.
Haruka sat at the rear end with his legs dangling over the edge, wrapped up in a blanket and sipping on a bottle of water. A weight was lifted off Makoto's shoulders at the sight of him: he seemed to be doing okay. His mother stood by his side, but when she saw Makoto walking over to them, she approached him first.
"I never knew you were a firefighter," she said, then she bowed so deeply her long dark locks nearly swept across the floor. "Thank you so much for saving my son. I'll forever be grateful to you."
"Thank you, Nanase-san, but that's not necessary at all. I'm simply doing my job," Makoto said with a smile. This was the most rewarding part of his work: not being thanked, but knowing he made a difference.
Mrs. Nanase copied his smile and said, "I'll leave you two alone for a moment." She winked and before Makoto's blood had the chance to rush to his face, she was gone.
Makoto stepped closer to Haruka, but despite having had conversations similar to this a dozen times prior, he found himself at a loss for words. On numerous occasions, he had thought about making small talk with the handsome baker, but he never imagined that the first time they would speak to each other would be in a situation like this.
"You're the man who saved me," Haruka said, voice a bit croaky because of the smoke he inhaled. "Thanks. I suppose I owe you a lifetime's worth of pastries now."
"That's not necessary at all, I'm simply doing my job," Makoto said again, awkwardly waving his hands.
"Heroic deeds deserve rewards, don't they?"
"Knowing you're alright is enough of a reward for me."
The instant the words left his lips, Makoto wanted to tape himself up into a box and ship it to the other side of the country. Before he could begin to apologise, though, Haruka smiled. It was tiny, a slight twitch of the corners of his mouth, but it was definitely there and Makoto's chest filled with warmth. He spontaneously forgot what he was feeling embarrassed about.
"What's your name?"
"Makoto. Tachibana Makoto," he said, smiling a little too, "And yours?"
When Haruka frowned at him, he realised his mistake. "It's Haruka. Nanase Haruka," he spelled out and for a second, it was as though Makoto could read his mind. Idiot, it said. "But Haru is fine."
Makoto would've loved to chat about more nonsensical things and embarrass himself even further, but there were some important matters that needed to be addressed. "Say, Haru, what happened in there? Why didn't you follow your mom out?"
Haruka averted his eyes, fingers fumbling around his bottle. "One of the ovens suddenly malfunctioned and caught on fire. It was pretty small, so I thought I could put it out myself. I closed all the doors and windows to stop oxygen from getting to it, but when I tried to use the fire extinguisher, it didn't work. The smoke built up quickly and it was very disorienting. Before I knew it, I couldn't find the door anymore," he mumbled under his breath. "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused."
Makoto shook his head. "It was brave of you to try to put out the fire yourself, but it can be dangerous. Fire can spread really fast and inhaling a lot of smoke is bad, so for your own safety, it's better to get out of there when you can if the fire is too big to manage. I understand the bakery is very important to you, but nothing is more important than your life."
"You're right. I'll leave the extinguishing up to you professionals from now on," Haruka said, "Again, I'm sorry."
"Don't be, your intentions weren't bad," Makoto said with a slight smile, "But from now on, I'll take care of the fires if you take care of the baking. Because that is something I better stay away from for my own safety."
"Deal," Haruka said, but then he looked away again, abashed, "And maybe I can cook you dinner sometime too? To thank you for saving me."
An adorable pink blush lit up Haruka's cheeks and Makoto's stomach made a backflip of giddiness.
"I'd like that a lot," Makoto said, and he already couldn't wait.
Their dinner date took place the next weekend, and the weekend thereafter, until they ate together almost every day. Although the stove never malfunctioned, Haruka ignited a fire in Makoto's heart that was beyond extinguishing.
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planet910reporter · 4 years
animate Times interview 03/31/2020
No matter it is joy or sadness, Kudo Haruka’s “strength” will continue to affirm everything—— A interview with seiyuu(voice actress) Kudo Haruka about her debut mini album KDHR
Having  a seiyuu career as Hikawa Sayo of Roselia in “Bang Dream!” and Hanamoto Hagumi in “Honey and Clover”,  had been an exclusive model  for fashion magazine “Seventeen”, Kudo Haruka has a quiet broad experience as an active seiyuu.
On March 25th, her mini solo debut album “KDHR”(Pronounce: kudoharu), which she wrote all lyrics on her own, was released. There were total of 6 songs, including the title song “MY VOICE”. It is a piece of work that you can feel a small scale of Kudo san ‘s new talent.
This time, Kudo san is at animate Times to talk about her feeling about  singer debut, the songs from the mini album, and her goal that she is aiming for in the future as an artist.
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—— I started play guitar out of the admiration of Kurt Cobain of Nirvana
—— Kudo san has been active in many fields, from being a model to some other face-to-face works to now mainly being a seiyuu, have you ever considered to make debut as an artist (musician), or at least have you ever been longing for it?
Kudo Haruka (hereinafter Kudo): I have a lot of things I wanted to do, one of them is to make solo debut as a singer. So starting solo singing activity was my goal. When the decision was made about solo debut, I was happy, I just frankly felt [Yeah].
—— So you have achieved your long cherished dream. Have you felt uneasy before the debut?
Kudo: I was anxious, but meanwhile my happiness outweighs that. I was also looking forward to have fun. And I am a person that collapses only when I start to think “What’s wrong?” So when I feel a sign hinting that, I tried to cut off the feeling early so I will not be stuck in worries.
—— How did people around you react to your debut?
Kudo: My friends were quiet happy for me. My family just reacted in a dry way “Ah, debut” (laughs)
—— That’s unexpected cold reaction (laughs)
Kudo: But the staffs, who were working with me and taking care of me, were very happy. I think that is a good part.
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—— As an audience, what music have you been listening to?
Kudo: When I was a child it was Morning Musume. I have also listened to Hamasaki Ayumi’s song. However, when I went to junior high, I really liked  ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION and Bump of Chicken. From there I become interested in band music and gradually into western music till now.
—— What attracted you to western music?
Kudo: It was time for female artists, such as Avril Lavigne and t.A.T.u., to make their debut, because of that , I started to listen to western music.
—— By the way, what are your favorite artists?
Kudo: I was really into Nirvana when I was listening to a lot of western music. I started play guitar because of my admiration to Kurt Cobain. Now I still do (admire).
In addition, now I have the chance to be a band guitarist at work. When performing on stage as a guitarist, I have looked up to LUNASEA and X-JAPAN’s guitarist since I was a child. I really think they are so cool.
—— So when did you first start as vocalist (*doing job relate to voice), including seiyuu?
Kudo: It was a song called “Paper Kikoki” sung by a character named Pasca Kannon from “Tales of the World Radiant Mythology". At that time, I didn't even know what a character was like, so I was very confused.
By the way,  “Paper Kikoki” was first sang in public at the "Tales of Orchestra Concert 2019-BRASS BAND EDITION-" held last fall.
—— It was the first time you were able to perform it.
Kudo: After more than 10 years, I was finally able to perform the song on stage that I sang when I was 16 or 17 years old. I felt fantastic when I sang it. I'm very grateful to be able to sing my very first song on stage.
—— How do you see the differences between seiyuu activities of being a character (or in a group) and being a solo artist?
Kudo: After all, for activities as characters or being in a group project, you are basically just playing that character role on stage. But in solo, Kudo Haruka comes out as an individual, so in that aspect, the difference is clear.
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—— Do you think your seiyuu work made any contribution to the preparation of your solo debut?
Kudo: Because this time I sang songs with different intensity that requires different expression, I think my seiyuu experience was alive in terms of me being able to control that.
When recording, I can respond immediately when there is a direction such as "be more cool" or "be more cute", my director says “This is amazing” (to my response). For people to say that, I am glad that I am working as a seiyuu.
—— On the other hand, what has influenced your seiyuu career from your solo activities?
Kudo: After finishing this time’s recording, when watching it, I was able to catch a few moments “Ah, here feels a little strange”, I think my way of acting out a character’s emotion becomes smoother.
Also, because now I have a better feeling of small emotional fluctuations, I can say the solo experience is helpful towards performance of complex emotional phrases(lines).
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moremorekyu · 4 years
Haruka Tsubame (OC): Story
Hellooo!   \ (≧ ▽ ≦) /
I came to tell you about my OC of Kimetsu no Yaiba, I'm a beginner in writing stories and stuff, so I'm sorry if I'm not good, besides English isn't my main language, so I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors!!!
Well... That's it, enjoy reading!
Haruka Tsubame (OC)
Haruka Tsubame was a young girl who lived alone with her mother in the mountains, when her father abandoned her after learning that Nozomi (Haruka's mother) was pregnant.
She doesn't exactly feel sad about it, because she didn't even know him well. Although this happened, Haruka was very happy with his mother, who was very kind.
Another family lived a few meters from her house, it was the Tokito family, Haruka decided to make friends with the two twins, as they were the few children who lived on that mountain. She went to play with the twins every day, the three of them had a lot of fun, they were very important to her, the same goes for the Tokito brothers, they considered Haruka a best friend. Haruka's mother, who understood medicine, decided to help Tokito's mother because her health was getting worse due to the flu that developed in Bronchitis, the Tsubame family's relationship with the Tokito family evolved even more for that reason, becoming quite intimate with each other.
However, one day her mother said that she would move to the city because she had received a proposal for a helper in a small store, which would make Haruka and her life better, but little Haruka did not support this idea, she did not want to. leaving the mountains because she has already created a great bond with the Tokito family, she did not want to abandon her precious friends she met, but since she had no choice, she went with her mother to the city, on the day of the farewell. . . was very sad, Haruka and Muichiro crying because they had to say goodbye, while Yuichiro looked very sad, but he was not crying, while he was beside the two children crying, Haruka promised that he would visit them when he could, she will definitely come back and she I was looking forward to it.
Haruka - I swear I will visit them, see you soon! Haruka said with tears in her eyes, but with a smile on her face, waving to the Tokito family, especially to the twins. While she was holding her mother's simple blue kimono. After waving a lot, she moved further and further away, just seeing black dots coming out of the Tokito house.
Haruka helped her mother at a convenience store that also sold natural medicines made by her mother, Haruka effectively helped her mother, but she wasn't exactly happy because she couldn't see Tokito every day again, who would she play with? She couldn't say a sweet 'hi' to them every day, as before. As Haruka was a little shy, she hesitated to talk to the children she saw daily in the houses near the store where her mother worked. Now they lived in a house in the city, but even in the city this house was a little far from the rest, with a long way to go to get to the city center. During these months, she hears a period when there have been cases of murders caused by demons in the region. Nozomi, Haruka's mother, decided to reassure her.
Nozomi - Daughter, don't worry ... Everything will be fine, no demons will come to attack you!
Haruka - are you sure, mom?
Nozomi - Of course, because I will protect you! Nozomi spoke with a warm smile followed by a hug for her daughter.
A few months later, her mother allowed Haruka to visit Tokito, delivered medicines and other medical things, like dressings (if necessary at some point) to her daughter before passing on mother Tokito to help with her compliments.
(Her mother guided her halfway, after which Haruka followed the path alone, taking all possible precautions). Even though he was halfway there, there was still a good way to go, Haruka only arrived in the neighborhood of the house at night.
Haruka was very happy to be able to see Tokito again after a long time, a huge smile was plastered on his face.
- Haruka - I can't wait to get there! I miss them so much, I really want to spend time with them, even if it's just a little.
But that smile disappeared instantly when she saw the horrible scene at Tokito's house, she dropped her things on the floor, she was so surprised.
Haruka - What's going on? "Huh? No, no, what ?!
The young woman did not see the twins' mother or father, Haruka saw Yuichiro bloodied on the floor, a demon present at the scene and Muichiro holding his brother's body.
The girl was desperate when she saw the scene, but what she did immediately was to attack whatever the demon had along with Muichiro, both were intensely angry at the time and just wanted to end that miserable demon. Muichiro and Haruka attacked with everything they had.
The scenario was frightening, it was not even possible to distinguish what it was, probably no one would believe the two children who did this. When the sun came up, everything about the demon disintegrated completely.
After all this, Haruka and Muichiro were very tired, they couldn't even move properly, they had no strength left, until the dawn they were trying to kill the demon. But they both wanted to see Yuichiro, both arrived inside the house crawling due to immense tiredness, when they arrived, Yuichiro was on the verge of death and was praying to God to spare his brother and Haruka's life.
Haruka made another effort to get some medicine or bandages to try to help Yuichiro (It was the medicine that her mother had brought for Tokito's mother) that were on the floor near the door / entrance of the house, she didn't want to let Yuichiro die, but when she finally got close to Yuichiro it was too late, Yuichiro was no longer breathing and Muichiro had passed out from tiredness, with tears falling from his face, Haruka seeing this, cried tirelessly, until he passed out, which did not take long due to lack of energy .
Haruka - No .. no .. please .. don't die ... I brought the medication, wait a minute, I'll help you ... Wait ...
Muichiro and Haruka passed out, both were unable to move literally at all, Oyakata's wife, came home again and was faced with that unfortunate scene, she helped the two survivors of what happened. Muichiro and Haruka ended up staying at the butterfly house.
After a while, Haruka fully recovered two and a half weeks after Muichiro, after she recovered, Haruka woke up in a room in the residence with a girl apparently someone who helped her on the spot, she learned that Muichiro survived and knew that he was also staying at the butterfly residence, after talking to the girl who was in his room, she went to look for him desperately, and she asked for information to a girl with black hair with two butterfly ornaments in her hair who was in the hallway walking.
Girl 1 who was in Haruka's room: - Oh! You woke up, I see you are better, you came along with a boy with long black hair, right?
Haruka: - Ah? Yes ... Wait, long black hair? Is this Muichiro? Was he around?
Girl 1: Ah yes, that was his name! He was here, this Muichiro and you came from the same place, right? How horrible--
Haruka - I Need to go!
Girl 1: Hey, aaaaah! Wait, don't try like that!
Haruka - Um ... O-hello I'm looking for a young man named Muichiro, I heard that he's here, could you tell me where he is?
Kanae Kocho - Ah good morning, you are the young woman who was found together with this boy ... Well, he was here just like you, but he only stayed here for a day, he is no longer here, my superior ( Kagaya Ubuyashiki) asked to take him to recover in his residence, he recovered quickly and left for training to become an exterminator, sorry.
Haruka - training? Hmm...
Kanae Kocho - Well ... I see that it is already fine, this is wonderful! Do you have a home that you can return to?
Haruka - Ah! Yes, I have it, I live with my mother, I need to go back beyond that, she must be worried, I promised that I would be back soon ...
Kanae Kocho - great! I will send an exterminator to escort you, so that your return is safe. she spoke to the pillar with a gentle smile.
Haruka - ah thanks! But could I see Muichiro if possible? I am very happy that he is fine now.
Kanae Kocho - I believe not, I just learned that he is training elsewhere now, I don't think this is a good time.
Haruka - oh right, I'll meet him next time ... (Damn it!) The lilac-haired girl nodded in a sad voice.
Meanwhile Muichiro trained day and night, coughing up blood and became Pilar weeks later, during that training period, Muichiro was losing his memories, with Haruka, his brother Yuichiro, everything about his past, he was affected by an amnesia.
Haruka already in better health, returned to her home with an exterminator who was escorting, things were going normal, she arrived at her house, the door was open and a huge silence, Haruka came in calmly and found her house all destroyed inside, the young girl ran desperately around the house to look for her mother, but found her nowhere, Haruka is perplexed, she wanted to know what happened, so she decided to go to the store that her mother was working in, she could be there .
Exterminator: - And then? How is your mother---- the exterminator who was at the door waiting for an answer, was interrupted by Haruka who ran off again, the girl's expression was desperate, then he went into the house to see the situation, but it was his mission to escort the girl he ran after her to find out the situation.
Haruka - the store! She has to be there, right? What happened to my house? Everything was destroyed but there was no dirt ... My head is crazy with all this!
Haruka arrived at the store where her mother worked, she entered the store quickly, the employees recognized Haruka immediately but avoided eye contact, pretended they didn't see her.
Haruka - Hey! Excuse me but ... Is it me Haruka, daughter of Nozomi Tsubame, she works here, where is she? She said breathlessly due to being out of breath after running a lot.
Male employee 01 - Ah! Well .... You don't know what happened, how ?! exclaimed an employee.
Female employee 01 - Nozomi said that Haruka would visit some people and stay away, so she doesn't know what happened, poor thing, she must have arrived very recently then.
Haruka - Hey! Tell me, please!
male employee 01 - Oh really? Well ... A week ago a demon attacked his mother's house, an exterminator arrived at the scene but it was too late, the demon had already escaped, and his mother was no longer alive, so the exterminator buried her and cleaned the house, removed the smell of blood from the place. Said the employee in a harsh voice.
Haruka - What? Haha are you kidding right? Haruka didn't know what else to think.
Female employee - no, it's really true, I'm sorry for you. The employee spoke with a slightly sad face, but she kept talking. The exterminator came here at learned that his mother worked here, he handed this, to us, he said it was under his mother, it looked like she was trying to protect it, so it seemed to be something important apparently, take it.
Male employee - Ah... that drawing? Important? HAHA. The man spoke making fun.
Female employee - Be quiet, you don't know anything to want to give an opinion on this, don't make fun of this sad situation! exclaimed the woman, showing that she was angry at the man's action.
The woman handed the paper to Haruka, Haruka seeing that, her world collapsed completely.
Haruka - What? .... This was a drawing I did together with my two best friends in the old place where I lived, that was a very fun day ... It is a very sweet and pleasant memory, I keep that moment and this drawing with all my heart, my mother knew that this drawing was very important to me and protected him, even in the worst situation that she was in. Haruka said in a wistful voice.
Haruka - (No ... it can't be, is this real? First that and now this? I committed some serious sin for these horrible things to happen to me ?!)
The young girl fell to the ground, she could not believe what happened, tears were streaming down her eyes.
Haruka - (Mother ... I couldn't do anything this time either ... I wish I was here to have protected you in some way, but I was out there on a rest bed because of those damn wounds and bruises. While you protected something very important to me .. I couldn't protect your life, I couldn't protect Yuichiro either, I'm a complete useless, when I want to protect someone important I can't ... It all started just because of these demons, first in Tokito house and then here, these demons only torment my life!) she thought.
Haruka was sitting on the floor shaken by everything, all the bad events that Haruka had in such a short time were they passed over her head. The exterminator who came with her and was listening to the story, gave her shoulders a light pat, trying to calm her down.
Haruka - no ... Not again .. Again I lost someone important to me and I couldn't do anything, why did this happen? she said in a shaky voice and her eyes filled with tears.
Haruka - I won't allow it again, I don't want to let important people die for me and I can't do anything!
Said the young woman with beautiful long purple hair as she got up quickly from the floor and wiped her tears and then showed a determined expression.
Haruka - could you take me to the butterfly residence again, I need to speak to a certain person. She said looking at the exterminator with a serious face.
Exterminator - Hmm? Of course. She said, abruptly removing her hands from the girl's shoulder. (Shall we walk again? I'm exhausted Aghh! And on top of that this girl doesn't even look tired after walking and running a lot, that's crazy!)
After getting up and wiping her tears, the young woman kept her most precious gift at the moment, that drawing in a pocket of her clothes, left the store and quickly went to the Butterfly Residence to speak with Kanae Kocho.
Haruka - Hi, I'm looking for a woman with long dark hair who uses two butterfly ornaments.
Girl 1: Ah you again? Welcome! The woman you're looking for is called Kanae Kocho, come on, I'll show you where she is.
Haruka - Kanae? Hmm, right.
After that, Haruka met with Kanae in a room and they both started a dialogue.
Kanae Kocho: - Ah, hello again! How are you doing? As I recall you were present at the same place where Muichiro was, did you help him kill that demon?
Haruka: - Ah yes, I helped I was different at that moment, a huge strength and anger arose in me and I decided to attack that demon, Muichiro did the same thing ... if I'm not mistaken ...
Kanae: - So it was like that ..... You two have great strength to have done that at that age .... But what do you really want, young lady?
Haruka: - I came looking for you because I remembered that after Muichiro recovered he went to training to become a demon exterminator, right?
I want to do the same thing, I don't want to leave more precious people for me to die in front of me like that, many people must have gone through it because of these miserable demons too, I want to become an exterminator and end these damn demons.
Kanae: - That's correct, oh ... Well, if that's what you want, I'll send you training with the former pillar of the rock, Isamu Nobuyuki, he's looking for apprentices, I see that you may have great potential.
Haruka: - Ah right, it's okay. The girl nodded with a serious but at the same time empty look (Isamu? An ex pillar, hm...)
After that Haruka started his training to become a demon exterminator, the training was quite rigid as expected, Haruka took some time to get used to, the former pillar, Isamu despite being rigid, he was understanding, offering water, food or something as much as Haruka needed, during this period, a great fatherly love grew, making him like a adoptive father of the young girl. In one year she completed her training fully, with much and much effort, and a week later, she became a pillar, the Pillar of Crystals. Although he was training to be a pillar of the rock, his breathing ended up taking another path to better suit the girl, the new breath being created: ‘’ Crystal Breath ’’.
During her training to become a pillar she talked to Oyakata.
Haruka - ah! Are you Kagaya Ubuyashiki? The master? p-pleasure. It is an honor to talk to you! Said the newly pillar stuttering a little, then bowing to the master.
Kagaya Ubuyashiki (Oyakata) - Hi Haruka Tsubame, I heard about you, I'm sorry for what happened to your mother and friends, I understand what you went through. You are a very talented young woman, you are Muichiro's childhood friend, right?
Haruka - Yes, it was a horrible thing that happened .... But I can't let myself be shaken again (I can't come with these thoughts now, I'm in front of Kagaya Ubuyashiki!). Ah! Yes, I am his childhood friend not wanting to be nosy or anything, but is there any chance that I will see him? She said with a shrug.
Oyakata - Yes, there is, but you will have to be patient, the pillars have a very busy schedule so it is somewhat complicated, but there is a chance, be patient. In the meantime, I hope you stay with the exterminator squad, Tsubame.
Haruka - Ah yes! I'm sorry for asking such an obvious question.
After a dialogue with Oyakata about Haruka's pillar formation, she returned to her work.
In the middle of a lot of these months Haruka was very busy on her missions, the same for the other pillars, so she can't try to contact Muichirou, even if by letters.
Many months later:
There was a pillar meeting with Yoakata-sama, all pillars arrived at the place earlier before the meeting started, especially Haruka who was eager to see the only important person who was still alive that she knew.
She quickly arrived at the place and saw Muichiro, her beautiful lilac eyes shining with happiness.
The young boy Muichiro stared at the clouds with an empty and thoughtful look. The girl didn't think twice and ran over to him and sat next to him.
Haruka: - Mui! It is so good to see you again, I am happy to see you again! Do you remember me? The young woman spoke in a very cheerful tone. But that tone was broken immediately with the boy's response.
Muichiro: - Huh? Who are you? The pillar gave Haruka a confused look.
Haruka: - Haha funny you Mui, good joke, you're kidding, right?
Muichiro: - No, I'm not, and why do you call me that?
Haruka: - she started to worry about the young man's response, responding quickly: it's me, your childhood friend, I played with you and Yui every day in the past, remember?
Muichiro: - What? Childhood friend? Yui? Who is he? You're crazy.
Haruka: - How come you don't remember ?? nor your brother's ?! ..... Not even the unfortunate event in your home? (does he really not remember anything?) Haruka already has her heart beating faster because she is getting nervous and worried.
Muichiro: - you talk so much, how boring, could you be quiet?
Haruka: - (He doesn't remember me? What ?!)
Shortly after Muichiro's last reply, Haruka's eyes widened, and a great silence was created between the two.
After that long period of silence, Haruka set out to speak again.
Haruka: - Right, right, so let's start from scratch. Um... I'm Haruka Tsubame, the pillar of crystals, how about you?
Muichiro - Haruka what? .... I'm Muichiro Tokito. He said again in a dry tone as if he had no desire to speak, and he was unwilling to speak but if he did not answer the girl would not close his mouth.
Haruka - so... Hm... Let's be friends! She said in a cheerful tone, with hope in her eyes.
Muichiro - whatever.
Said the young man with an annoyed expression, rolling his eyes.
After this dialogue, Oyakata-sama's daughter arrived at the site to warn that the master had arrived, all the pillars bowed, Haruka seeing this, Haruka not knowing what to do, decided to do the same.
Oyakata held her meeting, starting with the presentation of the most recent pillar, it was the first meeting she was present at.
Oyakata - Hello my children I would like to start our meeting by introducing a new demon hunter who has recently become a pillar, Haruka the pillar of crystals.
After these words, a silence was created, all pillars looked at Haruka. Some looked with a smile or looked at her with an empty expression.
Haruka - (Ahh everyone is looking at me, I'm getting a little nervous, what should I do?)
Haruka - Ah... Hello everyone, I am Haruka Tsubame, I am the pillar of crystals, I hope we can get along! Haruka spoke radiantly, with a beautiful smile, confident that his words were good.
After the presentation, Oyakata started with the main topics of the meeting, it ended in about three hours, right after that, Oyakata thanked the pillars for coming and then left. The pillars present were about to leave as well to go about their duties. Muichiro, who was already getting up to leave and do his chores, was interrupted by Haruka.
Haruka - wait! I still haven't finished what I wanted to say!
Said the young woman grabbing the arm of the mist pillar, preventing it from retreating.
Muichirou - *sigh* You suck, leave me alone, I have important tasks to do unlike you, I don't want to waste my time, and don't touch me with your hands.
Muichirou said in an annoyed tone, then slapped Haruka's hand, and started walking again towards the exit.
Haruka did not give up even after this rude action, Haruka proposed to speak quickly, the boy was already on his back and walking towards the exit, not giving a damn about Haruka.
 Haruka - (How rude! I'm a pillar just like him! He could have more respect, Agh.) I will try to make you recover your memories from the past, but in the meantime we will try to start our friendship from scratch, even if it is difficult!
Haruka said that with great determination as he clenched his fists.
Haruka - (Oh my hand ... it wasn't a good idea to do that with my fists after that slap.)
Muichiro didn't even give an answer, he kept walking, not caring what she said just now.
After that, the pillar stayed a few minutes watching him go.
Haruka even after no response from the boy she did not show a sad face, although she is sad inside that Muichiro treated her like this.
Haruka - (Yeah ... it won't be easy... But I won't give up!) She thought.
Haruka - Ah... That slap hurt. He murmured the crystal pillar, caressing his hand that received the slap from Muichiro, to ease the pain.
=== BONUS ===
Haruka, who was also preparing to leave, was interrupted by Mitsuri, the pillar of love, who heard that Haruka was the recent pillar with the nickname '' Pillar of Crystals ''.
Mitsuri - So you are the pillar of the crystals, how cool! I knew that crystals are beautiful but I never had a chance to see one, it must be amazing! Hm ... And you recently became a pillar, congratulations! Haruka!
Haruka - Ah thank you! They are really beautiful, what's your name?
Mitsuri - aahh! My name is Mitsuri Kanroji, pleasure Haruka! I hope we can get along!
Haruka - I say the same Mitsuri! (At least someone very friendly in that place, phew).
Isamu Nobuyuki (the ex pillar) is another OC, but I haven't designed it yet ;w; 
Thanks for reading! ^^
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precuredaily · 5 years
Precure Day 134
Episode: Futari wa Precure Splash Star 36 - “What to Make? Mai’s Worries and the Cultural Festival” Date watched: 19 June 2019 Original air date: 15 October 2006 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wZe5V3H Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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I showed you my disguise please respond
I really like how this show has slowly been building up to the cultural festival ever since the girls returned to school. The first mention of it I can recall was way back in episode 31 when Kenta was scouting a partner for his manzai act, and it came up again in episode 34, when Saki gave Kazuya advice on his own school’s festival. Now it’s time to get into full swing, as we see the girls of Yuunagi Jr. High preparing for their own. The art club is in charge of designing a monument, while Saki’s class is preparing to put on a haunted house. Additionally, Kenta and Miyasako can be found practicing for their manzai show in their spare moments. Meanwhile in Dark Fall, Kintolesky is getting grilled for his repeated failures, and Akudaikaan tells him he needs to come up with a better strategy than his head-on assaults. He doesn’t like this advice very much, but he sets out to observe the students working and figure out a plan.
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There’s a problem with all the prep, though: Mai has artist’s block, because she has trouble drawing to a theme, and there’s also a lot of pressure on her to design a good monument.
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With only a week to go until the festival, she’s losing confidence in herself, but Saki cheers her up. A day later, she still doesn’t have anything, and when Saki comes to see her, Mai bursts into tears.
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well she is a millennial, it’s very stressful situation
(Okay actually these are tears of joy/relief after Saki tells Mai that she’s always liked the drawings that Mai seemed to enjoy making and she should just draw what she likes for this)
Mai goes home that night and finally has a spark of inspiration. She presents her idea the next day and everyone loves it so she has the art club get to work bringing her vision to life. All the prep is going well and the festival is just a few days away, and Kintolesky continues observing them trying to come up with a strategy. After two days of contemplation he finally decides to set his master plan in motion: he steals Saki’s pumpkin head prop and sneaks up on Mai. Then he reveals himself to her and throws the head away, satisfied that he has accomplished his assignment, but he accidentally throws it right into the still under construction statue, damaging it.
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He straight up apologizes for damaging the statue but Mai is still upset, and Saki shows up looking for her pumpkin head, and gets upset that he’s damaged both Mai’s statue and her mask. He urges them to transform so they do, and it’s a Bright and Windy type of day. This time, Kintolesky really ramps up his fighting style. He’s throwing trees, swinging on vines, coming at the girls from every direction. It’s a great battle and the duo are barely holding their own, even with their wind and light attacks. Kin creates an Uzainaa out of a bunch of tools that are lying around but he still does most of the fighting himself. He gets particularly upset when the girls reveal that they were preparing for a cultural festival, because in his view these are a waste of time, and he only values athletic festivals.
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This doesn’t sit well with the heroines, who espouse how hard they and all their friends have worked on every aspect of this festival, and with the help of Moop and Foop making their only appearance in this entire episode, they power up with the Spiral Rings and dispel the villains. Kin quips that strategizing really isn’t for him and runs off.
That evening, the art club completes work on the statue and the whole class is admiring it. It really is lovely.
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Mai explains that her feeling was that people can fly higher with the help of others than they can on their own, and that’s what she tried to convey with the statue. In particular, she admits that she designed the statue with her and Saki in mind, and you can definitely see how the two figures at the top resemble them. Mai says she feels that she can be the most at ease around Saki, so she can fly the highest when holding Saki’s hand. Saki returns the sentiment, and the two of them pose just like the statue, closing out the episode.
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They’re too cute
Okay, there’s an elephant in this room that I need to address. The Art Club basically decided Mai would design the monument without asking her if she wanted to. She didn’t volunteer for it, not even tepidly, she was voluntold. They had a vote and decided she should do it.
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LOOK AT HER FACE. She is so uncomfortable with this situation, and who could blame her? This is a tremendous amount of pressure that has just been placed on her shoulders without her consent. This lays the groundwork for the entire episode, and it’s the rare instance in Precure where I find myself actively hating the message they’re pushing, or at least they way they go about it. (off the top of my head, there’s another in Princess Precure where Haruka is losing sleep to make a dress) It doesn’t matter that the outcome was ultimately positive, you cannot just force someone into this situation. If they had at least showed her agreeing to try to design the monument, or being part of a group that was designing it, or shown her being unwilling but then she got encouragement from her friends and then volunteering, I would be fine. But they shoulder her with this burden and the episode plays off her stress without comment. I cannot stand that.
Ignoring that she was pretty much forced to do this, I like that they show her struggling, because seeing the support that her friends give her through her trial is nice, and the spark of inspiration being that very friendship is wonderful. The monument itself is beautifully designed and I would honestly love to see it in real life. Mai has come a long way from just drawing people and objects that catch her attention.
Kintolesky is being peak Kintolesky this go-round and it’s hilarious. After being tasked with coming up with an actual plan rather than just fighting the girls, after all that observation, the best he can do without compromising his morals is to sneak up on Mai. In the fight, he is in top form (sorry Saki), and it’s glorious. He gives the girls a run for their money and they give him one right back. There’s a lot of moving back and forth and striking and blocking, and the Uzainaa is almost pointless but hey, gotta get that miracle drop in. My favorite part is how he accidentally damages Mai’s still under construction statue and, without hesitation, apologizes for it. He was only trying to sneak up on her and declare a fight, he didn’t want to actually break her work. Saki shows up, angry, and he says again that he is sorry and didn’t intend for that to happen. When have you ever heard a villain apologize before in this show? It’s just more reasons why Kintolesky is the best.
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Lastly, I like how they show everybody preparing for their roles in the cultural festival. The prep work we got in FW and MH was in the form of the class rehearsing for their play, we didn’t see any haunted houses or statues or maid cafes or whatever other staples of anime cultural festivals you can think of. So showing that effort was a welcome change.
Next time, we get to see what all the hard work was for! Or do we? Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0 Zekkouchou Nari
Miracle Drop Count: 3
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of My Roommate is a Cat
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eb-byestelle · 6 years
A word about Kaname
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From the first moment when I set up an account here, I was thinking about writing a text dedicated to Kaname. Initially, I expressed my opinion through debates, editions and analysis of small details. However, it's time to fulfill my original desire and write my own Kaname Kuran's analysis.
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There are already interesting, insightful analyzes of Kaname. However, none of these texts is based mainly on the screen adaptation of manga. My journey with Vampire Knight began with the anime. That's where I saw Kaname for the first time and he immediately caught my attention. So I decided that it would be an interesting difference, especially because that's where he made such a big impression on me that remained inside of me forever. Therefore, I want to not only present my analysis, but also to prove how much the screen adaptation reveals. In the second part, I will complement the analysis with manga information and juxtapose with knowledge from anime.
I have to admit that at the beginning of watching the series I fell into the trap called "poor Zero". His endless, tangible despair was emphasized in each episode. However, at the same time I started to like Kaname. In a completely different way. I was charmed and fascinated by his person. I wondered how many intriguing elements are hidden inside of him. It was visible from the very beginning. Tenderness, intelligence, strength, but also weaknesses, loneliness and this kind of darkness, which gave rise to numerous questions about how it actually came into being in him.
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Soon after, when the "fumes of suffering" spread around Zero subsided, I realized that I wasn't a fan of his character, but I only felt sorry for him. With time, compassion also disappeared when I saw how many opportunities for a better life Zero lost through his doubts and the lack of a distinct personality. Pity turned into indifference. From then on, Kaname mattered.
One of the things that intrigued me in him, were various kinds of contradictions. On the one hand, he teased a vampire on level D (Zero), on the other hand he cooperated with a human, what's more, a former hunter (Cross Kaien), while hunters are his natural enemies. He also seemed to be respectful of the hunters. In other words, he respected and helped someone who in theory was his enemy. What’s more, he trusted him completely in the matter of protecting the most precious person for him.
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What's more, he treated badly only one vampire of level D. - As if he had a goal in this... - I thought. Then it turned out that he wanted to instil in Zero hatred of pure-blood vampires to he would kill Rido (based on knowledge from the second season. We know from the manga that it was not just about Rido.) This was confirmed by the Kaname's satisfaction of the Zero's big hatred for him. Who wants to someone else hate him? O.O Someone who has in this some purpose. What is the purpose of a person who treats humans with respect and can love as much as he loves Yuuki? The goal is obvious - the help the weakers and the protection of the loved one.
He felt a rage that Zero was hurting Yuuki and jealousy, seeing him with her, which made that the conflict with Zero in contrary to some opinions, for me looked quite funny. I felt like I would see two boys from elementary school, where one, seeing how the other is hitting on to his girlfriend, glues the rubber to his hair, and this other one for each time thoughtlessly lets himself be provokedand and in anger he throws the books in this first one ^^"
I began to wonder that if wouldn't be his plan and his feelings for Yuuki, Zero would be probably completely indifferent for him...
What's more, besides of Seiren, I didn't see him making for himself any other servants, while as a pureblood, he could easily create a whole army of faithful subjects. Based on the Seiren's submissive behavior, more humble than the others in relation to Kaname, I concluded that she must have been a vampire of lower rank, probably created by Kaname, and basing on his tenderness towards people, it probably happened due to some sudden circumstances. (VKM explained this situation in an interesting way, combining the facts from volume 10 - Hino, thank you that among so many hopeless chapters of VKM you gave us inter alia the chap. 4 xD)
On the one hand, he told others what to do. On the other hand, when Ichijou objected to him to protect Shiki, Kaname didn't use his vampire power of pure blood to control the will of Ichijou. He didn't do anything to him. He just respected his decision. Then, when Ichijou, (already as a theoretical traitor), offered to kill Asato Ichiou by himself, Kaname only patted his shoulder and went. And he never punished him. He always liked and respected him. 
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The only person of the lower level from which he sometimes joked, was Aidou. Personally I have a feeling that apart from the Aidou's unruly character, who sometimes had to be "tame" (expecially that we talk about the vampire's world, where everything is even more dangerous and "unruly" behaviours are rather inadvisable) Kaname didn't respect in him that excessive, blind obedience. This is especially evident when they were a children and Kaname simply accepted the bitter words of Aidou, who initially didn't want to be friends with him. This, by the way, gave me reason to think about Kaname's self-esteem, because as we know, he didn't to Aidou anything wrong. They both just then met each other. I began to wonder if under the facade of self-confidence and always raised head there was a person who just despised herself. And if so, why?
What's more, none of the students of the night classes were intimidated by Kaname, nor were they offered any payment (I mean the two most popular ways to get someone's favors). It made that I saw it's not Kaname who is the real ruthless tyrant (although he knew for sure how to use a situation!) but they are these one who are blind to the principles instilled in them, which govern the world of the aristocracy.
I knew that his haughtiness was caused by inter alia from his social position. The high-ranking people or public figures in our world behave in a similar way. It's known that they are like this "on public", and different "in private", that's why his alleged "conceit" on public was nothing new to me. Especially when we see how humble and warm he can be in private, with Yuuki or in the past towards Juuri and Haruka. Because of the enormous power and high social position (basically the highest) he felt the burden of responsibility on himself, passing only the most important details to the others. This is visible when Aidou says that he wants to know more, on which Kaname says to Aidou not waste his life on this.
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Another thing which impressed me exceptionally and which as a first draw my attention, was openness in terms of feelings. Quite often in anime/manga I see an annoying "smokescreens", games like from kindergarten, the escapes while most of series, excuses. Sometimes these "plays" are very cute, but how long? And why to behave like an idiot, don't respect a girl, or try to hide the own weakness... Meanwhile, in Kaname's case, we can see clearly what he feels for Yuuki. That he loves her, that he wants to be with her. In his feelings he is steady and determined. He's toward her nice, gallant, romantic, openly expresses feelings with words and gestures. Even when he hides something in front of her, he does it to protect her and move her away from worries. I admit that when I saw this, I felt a breeze of freshness, that after seeing so many infantile stories in other serieses I see a man who in an open and mature way offers the beloved girl his love.
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Later I saw who he was before the tragedy with Rido. He loved Juuri and Haruka as if they were his real parents. Besides of this he didn't agree to Yuuki would be kept locked up. I also saw that he tried to destroy Rido by himself. When it turned out that it was impossible, he created a plan which not only gave him the highest probability of fulfilling his goal and saving his loved ones, what he couldn't do by himself. This plan also limited the number of victims to a minimum, focusing on one warrior with enormous power, which had the task of destroying the source of evil. The others were only supposed to "cover the rear".
I saw his weakness, deep sorrow and fear of losing Yuuki. It also moved me and gave me a food for thought...
I emphasize that all the time I am based only on anime.
Already there I've seen many elements of Kaname's personality worth attention. I was then so charmed by what I saw in the screen adaptation, that tbh, I felt that it's enough for me. Already then, I saw that he was a good friend, lover, brother, son, vampire. He had besides the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard among seiyuus, but ok, it’s just btw ^^
Later, out of curiosity, I looked into the manga.
For a few obvious reasons, I'm happy that I did it. I obtained further valuable information about Kaname, including I discovered one of his greatest secrets - his age. This is very important information which changes many things. It must be included in the analysis, because in combination with his experiences it explains a lot of his behavior. Already in the anime series I knew that Kaname is the ancestor of vampires, i.e. he's not 18, as it seemed earlier. However, the information that he's 10,000 years old, makes us realize how deeply emotionally burned must be this old, tired vampire. It shows how much he had to survive, see, experience. It's unbelievable quantity of time... For some time he was so lonely that he even didn’t remember what’s his name. It's also a problematic element, because it makes it difficult to analyze the character of Kaname, i.e. someone older than any creatures known to us, even those from manga. What's more, he was born by the human while he was an immortal vampire. For these two reasons, it is different than all the vampires known in the VK universe (the another ancestors also had this second feature but none of them was so old). Fortunately, with a little deeper thought it's possible. Although still difficult ;3
What's more, it turned out that he already had once lost a close person, very suddenly and tragically, which explains his tendency to obsessions and anxiety and his fear that a loved one may be harmed or killed during his absence or temporary loss of control. Hence his possessiveness while some time.
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I also got to know how much good things he did for others. Medicines for people from his own blood, help them in the collect crops, drinking blood only in a gentle way, without having to change people into his servants, help the hunters and others during the war, being one of those who initiated pacifism and living in peace. He was the first who tried to create a medicine which might to change a vampires into the humans, what is one of the evidences. He was also in a distant past the king of vampires, just and legendary to the level that Juuri and Haruka decided to named their first child by his name. (I attach a link to the post, where did the inspiration come from to mention this interesting detail, which is the giving a names in royal families >>Click<<) 
These events also prompted me to ask a question: Does Kaname in the depth of his heart dream about being a human? Not being condemned to endless life, painful vampire's  desires, lack of sun, a huge power that carries so much? I wrote about it during the post "Humanity”. >>Click<< Here I will only mention about it.
Next we see his boundless sacrifice because of his love to Yuuki, the sacrifice his own happiness, his own physical state (I mean discomfort because of the thirst for her blood), and his own morals. Seeing his personality, attitude and the fact that for the first 9995 years he was the definition of the word "kindness", it's ridiculous for me to say that giving Zero pain was for him completely indifferent all the time. I think that at the very beginning, while creating his plan, he felt bad and simply rejected his conscience for love and higher purposes, creating a paradox of "light and darkness" in which he started to be. If it were otherwise, the plan would bring to him a joy and satisfaction, while for real he felt doubt and self-loathing.
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I was also moved by the fact that Kaname continued to help people, despite the fact that despite his previous help and goodness, they banished him because of who he was, calling him embodied blasphemy. I felt that I saw something similar before. Already in the arch 1, when Aidou rejected Kaname's friendship, and Kaname's reaction was not astonishment but the acceptance of this information, as if it was something even more correct, than if Aidou would accepted him. It's sad that someone so valuable had such a low self-esteem. What's more, his paradox of "light and shadow" deepened this state even more.
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I began to ask myself why he had chosen such a way to achieve the goal instead of the previously chosen path or some other way. We already know what his purpose was. But why did he choose just this way of its realization?
Summing up his enslavement by Rido, the inability to total kill his enemy, an unique, bordering on absurdity the creature who are the hunters' twins, where one of them, thanks to the devouring of a part of the brother already in the womb, he made more powerful than other hunters, which is the most effective material on the killer, combined with the extreme long age of Kaname, and therefore also a big life experience, disappointments and internal burnout, I can confidently say that the way of achieving the goal was in his case created by one simple factor:
Lack of faith. And more specifically, the loss of faith over the years and the many experiences which led to this. Faith has been replaced by fear, despair and determination.
Everything he did in the past, before the situation with Rido, and what many of the characters of the series did, who, as we know, are young and hopeful, it was driven by faith, as evidenced by the fact that these are the actions more moral than effective. I.e. those one which don't give the same effectiveness as actions devoid of something what increases the possibility of defeat and is called "morality". The medicine is a good idea. But can it be done? How long will it take? How much damage will happen in the meantime? This is one of those plans that are not an ax that cuts through, but a subtle step forward, not knowing whether the goal will be achieved, and even if yes, it's not known when and what will happen during this time. While the plan to annihilate Rido and other pureblood vampires with someone's hands, though not very ethical, was the most effective.
It's the style of action of a person who has lost faith and puts forward the most radical steps, at which the margin of error is as small as possible.
As we know, pureblood vampires have for thousands of years preyed on the weaker, giving in to the instincts. After years, not much changed. Ex-humans continue to walk on the Earth, and purebloods after the overthrow of the corrupt council and hence, after losing the „brakes”, became even more dangerous. It comes to some kind of generalization that these creatures are a source of danger, because if in case of vampires' lower-level the people are able to simply win with them by anti-vampire weapons, in case of the pureblood vampires, they are on powerful enough that the weapon itself turns out to be not enough.
There are more an examples like this. Let Yuuki, who is still inexperienced, go outside, where there are swarms of enemies, which raises the level of danger that she will be killed or wounded, expecially in that "dangerous" year? Or to bet on effectiveness and not let her go out? After killing the council and taking control by a Kaname, other pureblood vampires started to plotting something secretly. Kaito one time mentioned about that. The evidence was visible at the vampire banquet, and the worry about Yuuki's life was justified already on the same day when Yuuki went outside. Kaname told her directly that he would do everything to Yuuki could go outside again. He knew, however, that he could allow it only when the danger would be as small as possible. Otherwise, he could rely almost exclusively on the aforementioned faith. Especially, that in the main series Yuuki was the opposite of the word "cautious" (fortunately in VKM it has changed).
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I emphasized the killing of Rido, because it's possible you could have noticed that Kaname fueled the most in Zero the hatred to vampires during the plan associated with Rido in arc 1. After his death, Kaname, even though he still wanted Zero to kill all pureblood vampires, no longer he was so involved in manipulation and after some time he took matters into his own hands. This is imo an interesting detail that shows Kaname's independence, which he has previously shown through thousands years of struggle for survival in the world just after climate changes. This is also another proof that this loss of faith was what caused such a radical system of action, which I personally called the " extreme/last resort", chosen at the end of the journey, when the previous methods didn't work.
Even in case of fact he and Yuuki love each other, Kaname has lost faith that he is able to make her happy although, as we know, Yuuki was happy thanks to him a lot of times, she was ready for a relationship and she wanted to start everything once again. Besides it was also the effect of the previously mentioned low self-esteem. Seeing him as an old, tired vampire and her as an inexperienced teenager, I see some sense in this, nonetheless still seeing how great love connects them, I believe that it could have been avoided. But... after all, this is story from the type of the goddamn romantic tragedy xp However, I think that if Kaname was with Yuuki now, when they both tasted a long vampire life and a full of sun human life, I see even more potential than in the main series! But I have already talked about this on the occasion of another post ;)
Better define the matter of his, as we say, "gray" morality, it would be an absolute mistake to regard him as a villain or antagonist, i.e. a person "black" morally. For the informations for these „less informed” - He's not! Mentioned in the first part the higher goals, protection of the weaker, of the beloved girl, everything this is beautiful, noble, magnanimous. Nobody should forget about all of this, trying to understand this character. Only he also wasn't a "white" moraly person. Because who is? This is one of the many aspects that makes us see how complex the charakter of Kaname is.
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Regarding his relationship with Yuuki and some single elements which have aroused controversy, I have already explained many of these behaviors. These so-called "abuse" are really the kind of overprotection which is the result of the factors discussed and has nothing to do with the cruelty. Hovewer I decided, that it's worth mentioning the famous sentence in which Kaname says that if he and Yuuki are separated, or he will kill her (which we know, that would never happen, so I don't know how idiotic someone has to be to believe it) or let her kill him. I case of these ones who say that these words are something bad - How many romances these people have seen in their life? Especially those where love is such a huge and twisted that almost crazy? Please... Such a sad texts in the style of :"If you leave me, I will die.", are in so many romances that it's just surprises me that someones are still surprised by this. This is in movies etc. one of the most popular expressions of love so deep and crazy that a person just cannot imagine life without a beloved and prefers to die than to be far away from a loved one.
Generally, in term of the knowledge from manga about Kaname, I have undoubtedly seen there its cumulating, widening wounds, suffering, weakness and burnout, through which his mental condition deteriorated significantly, resulting a wobbly attitudes and behaviors. I especially see this in comparison with the behavior of the "present" human Kaname without those traumatic memories. 
I also saw, how much Yuuki and Kaname love and desire each other. Almost to the madness. The romantic scenes of these two have undoubtedly aroused my fascination. Among the various romances in the world of manga and anime, which I have seen so far, this couple is for me an intriguing difference.
At the end of the series Kaname changed the method of operation to the method of cooperation and sacrificed himself for the others, which once again proved his inner chivalry and devotion. Where did this sudden change of decision come from? I think, besides the absurd, which will be for me ridiculous probably forever, ie. that the furnance started to cool down just then, and Kaname as the most powerful vampire and protoplast, was the perfect material for a new weapon, came to the fore his gentle heart, which despite the "ash" that settled on it, still beat in his chest and could love more than ever. Kaname, regardless of the form of realisation the goal, wanted to die and he wanted to do it for the sake of Yuuki and the weaker. Appeared the opportunity, to instead of still getting own hands dirty, fulfil the goal in a more subtle way and renew the belief that even not fully effective actions are able to produce results. As we see in VKM, the lower effectiveness makes the enemies are still lurking, the danger is still big. But Kaname's wish to end the endless journey in the name of who and what he loved and wanted to protect, was fulfilled. What is beautiful - his hidden wish of being human too.
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However, there are reasons why, despite so much valuable information, I'm partially discomforted because of the fact that I looked into the manga. I saw that the continuation is heading for something that, although it's still deep and moving, becomes more and more forced and overly dramatic. So dramatic that almost preposterous...
After volume 10, the plot became much more complicated, and at the same time, paradoxically devoid of the important details which we got in less complex arc 1 (regarding arc 1 ofc), which is imo a lack of respect for each character and the overall potential of the series.
Manga also turned out to be much more bothering. There appeared some single moments which became a "stodge" for the Kaname's anti-fans, whose immediately caught it, removed from the context and deprive a sense. While a story is not just single moments. They are part of a larger whole, which is accompanied by numerous elements and sources of their creation. While with the aforementioned more quanity of informations and explanations, more explicit statements, this could have been avoided, or at least reduced. Now VKM tries to fix these "shortcomings" and slowly closes the mouth of these the more embittered, showing Kaname in a very good light, highlighting the elements of his personality, which should have been even more highlighted already in the main series. This is a big plus for this addition, but it's hard not to notice that the first seed was sown.
It's interesting that the season 3 has never created. The plot of the first two seasons, ie. the first 9 volumes, I liked it the most (volume 10 was published after the anime, and was a bit filler, but for the chap 48 it's worth reading ;3). Some minor modifications in the anime, like changing the ending, subtracting certain scenes, adding others. It all showed me how good this series is able to look like, when someone new will come and manage to fix this and that. (Maybe besides of cutting the fight with Rido, which was however much better in the manga). I think it was one of the reasons why the season 3 was never created. The quanity of mistakes which Hino did after the volume 10 is really difficult to fix.
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As we see, the anime shows many Kaname's features. Manga is also an important supplement, especially if someone besides of the general outline wants to really explore this special character. In anime we can also see how he moves, what voice's intonation he has. This is also very important to judge someone properly. In terms of perceiving anime, the opinions are divided, some people are delighted, others not. For me, generally the anime was a a little bit reworked copy of the manga, so I don't see much difference in the reception of this character. Music also did a lot, beautifully fitting into and emphasize the pop-gothic, melancholy climate of the series. However, I don't hide that I have always lamented that in terms of graphics (and a bit in term of animaction), the anime is limping against the absolutely resplendent drawing we see in the manga. 
There is a theory that a popular series known elsewhere, gained popularity not only because of the excellent, immersive story, but also thanks to the so-called. "Shinkai's clouds", in other words, thanks to unbelievable care for graphics and animation. In case of VK, this aspect has been seriously neglected. Believe or not, but these small details really important and give a lot! I think that if the anime were drawn as fabulously as a manga, with a fluent, refined animation, in combination with the other elements that we already know, it would be something really spectacular, and the reception of the characters and the whole screen adaptation of VK would be even better.
I suppose that person who would make the best analysis of Kaname, would be his “creator”, ie. Matsuri Hino. From my side I tried to do my best to make this analysis as insightful as possible, on the occasion also evaluating the elements of the manga and its adaptation. I hope you enjoyed!
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truehimbo · 6 years
Why Hiyori is a bad/toxic friend
It's pretty obvious that Hiyori is kinda toxic for cutting off Ikuya from seeing Haruka, Makoto and Asahi, making decisions for him and keeping secrets (meeting Haru and the others, his race against Makoto)
but let's look at the biggest argument Hiyori uses to keep them apart: Ikuya's career.
In a way, Hiyori and Ikuya are a bit like Sousuke and Rin, just in reversed roles - reversed roles how? Well, Sousuke and Hiyori are both the protective friends, while Rin and Ikuya are the ones being protected. The difference is that Sousuke, the protector, is the one with harm: his shoulder injury from overworking himself.
On the contrary, Ikuya, the protected, is the one who almost drowned twice from overworking himself.
Though the relationship concept of SouRin and HyoIku is similar, SouRin actually had a healthy friendship. Sousuke respected Rin's boundaries and saw him as equal.
Meanwhile Hiyori keeps an obssessive watch over Ikuya, controlling the things happening around him, putting on a fake smile. Hiyori sees Ikuya as someone weak who needs his protection. Need proof? He literally says "Ikuya is very fragile" as an excuse for his own actions in Episode 4.
Now that's already a big difference in balance of friendships but the biggest and most striking one is by far... how this problem of overworking is handled.
When Sousuke overworked himself to the point his shoulder got more and more injured, Rin was worried, shocked, even cried, wanting Sousuke to be honest with him, wanting Souske to !stop!
And then we have Hiyori, who even seems to take a sense of pride in Ikuya's determination. It's obvious that Ikuya is way into swimming, way into becoming the best. Sousuke's injury only affected his shoulder & ability to swim, meanwhile Ikuya's LIFE was in danger TWICE because he almost drowned of exhaustion. What would you do if your best friend overworked themselves so hard they almost died? Definitely you wouldn't want them to keep going with that. But Hiyori wants Ikuya to keep swimming, he keeps talking about training, about how good Ikuya is, pushing him further and pushing Haruka and the others away by saying Ikuya has to train, Ikuya is working hard, he's training even on days off, on and on.
And he nonchalantly tells them that Ikuya almost drowned a second time, spending weeks in the hospital, saying "it made him stronger", even though we as viewers can see that Ikuya is still traumatized and pushes himself to his limits.
And Hiyori, his best friend, doesn't see it or maybe just doesn't want to see it, pushing Ikuya on and on. He's not helping him in the slightest.
(To be fair-- neither does Natsuya. I love Natsuya but I'm pretty disappointed in how he also doesn't realize how much Ikuya is pushing himself, after he almost drowned twice. If that happened to my little brother, I'd send him back home to our parents.)
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sonitavalentine · 6 years
Unexpected gifts on Christmas family dinner
@yuki-kuran my Secret Santa gift for you under the cut!
You asked for a short and sweet yume moment with whole family, but it turned out into something else. Besides, I can’t write really shortly :( There’re mistakes, I think, so please forgive me, I did my best to make it some kind of pleasure reading for you. ^_^
P.S. I’m not sure about your opinion on some certain pairing but I saw you liking some posts with them so I decided you’re not against at least. Without them the family picture wouldn’t be full. :)
Enjoy and Merry Christmas, dear!
“It has to be stopped.”
Yuuki’s voice sounded resolutely and Kaname put all documents aside looking at his wife with interest. She spoke like that rarely; she’s used to play a role of Tender Princess of the Night society, though she’d been a queen for a century already. This is why Kaname let all thoughts about work go and listened to Yuuki carefully. If she spoke resolutely then it was important.
“What is it?”
“Christmas!” She noticed Kaname’s puzzled look and continued. “Every year our family celebrates Christmas separately. Mother and father travel somewhere together, as we do too, Ai is always with her friends. On the one hand this is nice to spend a romantic holiday evening with you, but on the other, humans celebrate Christmas as a family day. At least once in a century we should spend it altogether.”
Kaname smiled softly and rose from his table. Honestly, he thought about it himself, but every year he took a decision not to be a burden for the relatives. He came to Yuuki, hugged her kissing in her warm lips and said, “Everything will be done. This Christmas all your beloved ones will be near you.”
“But Kaname…” Suddenly she felt awkward. “If they don’t want-“
“They won’t dare to disobey their King’s order.” Kaname winked at her. “You can start all preparations.”
When the Kurans confirmed they would visit the main family mansion this Christmas Yuuki turned back again into sixteen years old young lady who has no other problem but to choose gifts for everyone. She felt how youth flowed in her veins and the feeling was so good that she almost burst into tears of joy.
Kaname bought a tree for every room in the Kuran mansion. And though Yuuki tried to scold him for being so wasteful, she changed her mind from anger to mercy as soon as Kaname closed the door in their bedroom behind their backs.
On Christmas she finished all preparations in a main hall with a big dinner table served with some expensive white snow table-cloth. Furniture and crockery had harmonious colours, and Yuuki felt proud that it all was her choice. She learnt how to be stylish and make her house look presentable, which was no wonder: she’d been living with Kaname for a century already and he always looked blameless even in a domestic outfit.
Yuuki checked if everything was fine with the main Christmas tree when she noticed Kaname watching her. He stood upstairs and looked at her, smiling. Yuuki’s fragile and graceful figure was hidden under an elegant dress of calm peach colour and it reminded him of the days when she was still an inexperienced little princess.
Kaname breathed out. “You’re so adorable.”
Yuuki smiled. She was happy with her life. A century had passed since those terrible days when she was about to lose Kaname. But she behaved mature enough to make him change his mind and forget about his crazy plans. And now nothing can destroy their love. They have wonderful daughter, they brought their parents back to life, and though Yuuki was uncertain about this decision, but as soon as Haruka and Juuri saw baby Ai they were inspired to give this life one more chance.
One of their maids appeared in the room and reported about a phone call. Kaname frowned and reminded her, disappointed, “I told you, no officials are allowed to talk to me today.”
“It’s her Highness calling, Ai-sama.”
Yuuki looked at her husband in anxiety. Ai decided not to come? Kaname let her know he would fix it, and Yuuki calmed down. When he disappeared, a doorbell rang and Yuuki cried to her maids, “I open the door myself!”
When she pulled golden handles letting a snowstorm and refreshing frosty air in, she saw her parents covered in shimmering snowflakes. “This is us! Merry Christmas!”
“Mum, Dad!” Yuuki rushed to hug the elder Kurans. “Merry Christmas! I’m so happy to see you today.”
“Come on, let us in, it’s very cold outside” mumbled Haruka pushing his beloved women into the room. When the door was closed Yuuki noticed some strange things.
“Dad, what did you put on?”
Haruka came into the Kuran manor in a classical Santa Claus outfit. Being a bit embarrassed, he started to shake the snowflakes down of his red coat. “I lost some argument with your mother and as a result I had to put on this. As you see, Juuri has a really weird fantasy.”
“I don’t!” Juuri returned. She hugged her husband tightly and squeezed him. “Daughter, he looks so hot in this outfit, doesn’t he? Such a cutie!”
“Mum, you cut your hair!” Yuuki finally noticed a main change in her mother’s appearance. Juuri’s hair had always been long, but now they were of shoulder length. She laughed in a truly coquettish style.
“Indeed! I decided it was wrong to live a new life with an old haircut. How do I look?”
“You’re wonderful!” Yuuki felt blessed to see her mother so cheerful.
“Of course, Haruka was going to kill me,” she said jokingly and added in a gloomy, but teasing voice, “You know, these Kuran men are over-possessive and over-manipulative-“
“I hear everything,” finally the voice of Head of the Kuran family flew in. Kaname smiled seeing the elder generation of the Kurans, or younger one, judging from his point of view. “Mother, you look fantastic.”
“Thank you dear!” Juuri laughed wholeheartedly. “I feel like I’m 500 years old again!”
Kaname hugged Haruka but then gave him a critical gaze. “What’s this on you, Haruka?”
“The holiday outfit. And why ‘Haruka’?” He sounded offended. “You call Juuri your mother, so what’s about me?”
“You’re doing amazing without it,” replied Kaname and came to his wife to kiss her cheek. “Don’t worry, Ai is coming. She called to warn that she took someone with her, but refused to tell whom.”
“Wow, Ai got a boyfriend!” Juuri exclaimed. “Or maybe a girlfriend!”
She liked to use modern words very much and did her best to be an up-to-date and fully understanding grandmother. But Yuuki shrugged, she was interested herself.
“She didn’t say a word about that.”
But they didn’t have to wait too long for them. As soon as the dinner was ready, the doorbell rang again and the maids informed about the princess having come with Takuma Ichijou.
“Mummy! Daddy!” Ai cried. Her cheeks looked red with frost and her eyes shined with joy. The princess flew into the room and kissed her parents.
“What, Tak-kun!?” Juuri almost jumped up on her chair but Haruka calmed her down with his embrace. “Tak-kun is Kaname’s good friend, so I think he decided to make a surprise for Kaname on this day, and Ai just helped him out.”
Juuri didn’t reply but a shade of doubt appeared for a moment on her face.
“I’m glad,” Kaname said when he greeted Takuma. “I thought you would spend this day with your family.”
“What are you talking about?” Ichijou got surprised and flapped Kaname’s shoulder. “You’re my family.”
Meanwhile Ai continued to coo at her grandparents covering them with her compliments. “Grandpa, what a nice dress! Granny you’re so sexy!”
Ai was happy to be back again in the house where she’d been born. There was a scent of tangerines and cinnamon in the room and she recollected the days when she was a little girl who used to run in corridors of the mansion with Seiren and Aidou. Now Seiren was freed by Kaname for her good service and loyalty and at the moment she was travelling around the world, while Aidou celebrated Christmas with his big family. But even so, she was glad to see her beloved ones gathered in one room.
“I asked the maids to go home,” said Yuuki entering the dining room after the rest of the family. “They should spend this evening with their families too. Now I’m responsible for everything and feel so anxious! Haven’t I forgotten anything?”
“Mum, all is fine!” Ai reassured Yuuki and took her hand to help her sit down.
“Yes, there’s a lot of food here,” Haruka added. “And if this is not enough Juuri shares her blood with all of us today.”
“No way!” cried Juuri but Haruka stopped her with a slight kiss.
“Ginger cookies!” Yuuki remembered about the sweets and was about to rush into the kitchen but Kaname immediately got up and said he would bring them in himself. The queen relaxed and added, “I did them with my own hands, you shall like them!”
A cracking silence hung in the air for a moment; everybody stared at Yuuki in terror. “What?” she asked.
“Oh Mum, I was missing your cookies so much!” Ai decided to relax the atmosphere. “Can’t wait to try them.”
When Kaname brought a plate with cookies made by his wife Haruka told him carefully with a sweetest smile, “Kaname, please keep the plate closer to you. You see there’s no free space on the table at all.” The king shrugged his shoulders but did what he was asked.
“So kids!” Juuri clapped her hands. “It’s your turn to give us your gifts.”
Ai and Takuma exchanged their looks. Then the princess coughed and said, “We didn’t buy something specific, it looks more like we have one huge gift for everyone here.”
“Yes yes,” Takuma repeated in impatience. He grasped Ai’s hand and shot, “We’re pregnant!”
“WHAT!?” The Kurans yelled altogether gazing at the couple of vampires threatened by their reaction. Ai rolled her eyes up and flicked Takuma’s forehead.
“Idiot! We were supposed to tell them about our intention to marry. We agreed to talk about a baby later.”
“Did we?” Ichijou got amazed. “You told me we had to inform them about the most important thing.”
“Yes and the wedding come first!”
“But the baby is already there!”
“Wait a minute!” Yuuki stopped the quarrel with her scream. “I have a headache because of you all. Ai why didn’t tell us before? That you’re dating.”
“I was afraid you would take it wrong,” Ai replied shyly. “And I decided I’d better do that when we had a good cause. Moreover, father isn’t going to kill Takuma on the day like this. Right, Dad?”
Everybody turned to Kaname. He broke a silver fork and both pieces fell on a plate with a sombre sound. The king threw a murderous glance at Ichijou. He gulped and whispered, “Oh Lord in Heaven…”
“Neither Lord nor any other god will help you now.”
Kaname said it angrily and moved to get up and beat the shit out of Takuma when Yuuki cried, “Stop violence! Kaname, we won’t change anything now. Ai, you should’ve told us before. Ichijou, I had a better opinion about you.”
“Yuuki, Kaname, indeed you have to calm down,” Haruka said as peaceful as possible. “Just look at them, they’re head over heels in love with each other!”
“Haruka’s right,” Juuri agreed. “And they assured us they were going to marry. Besides… We have something to tell you too.”
“Now?” Haruka whispered.
“Why not? It’s a good moment. We want to tell you that I’m… Hey, I liked it how Takuma did that. WE’RE pregnant!”
“You’re kidding!” Ai exclaimed.
“Oh God, congratulations!”
Kaname didn’t understand how to behave now and he looked at Yuuki helplessly. A dark wish to kill Ichijou and scold Ai took over him, and at the same moment he was glad to hear such wonderful news from the elder Kurans. And this tumult made him feel uneasy, all what he wanted was take Yuuki and run away from this asylum that was about to turn into a kindergarten. It seems celebrating Christmas altogether indeed was a bad idea.
Yuuki noticed his gaze and suddenly burst in laughter. Now all the interested looks belonged to her. The queen got embarrassed but started to speak. “This is so strange to get to know that I’m going to have a sibling and a grandchild on the same day. But even this is not over yet.”
She was searching for support in Kaname’s eyes but he couldn’t suspect what she was going to say and currently was thinking about bringing a hunter’s weapon into the room. Yuuki didn’t disconnect eye contact with her husband and declared, “We’re pregnant too.”
The third shot was too much and the family was driven mad. They started to acclaim while Ai came to both parents with her congratulating kisses. When Kaname finally got what actually happened he got up and rushed towards Yuuki.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’ve learnt about it only yesterday and wanted to present it as a gift today during the dinner. But as you see, I wasn’t original.”
In response Kaname kissed her and embraced tightly. She didn’t need any words to understand that her very existence was the greatest gift for him.
“You know this is the weirdest Christmas in my excessively long life,” spoke Haruka as he was opening a bottle of wine. “I need to have a drink.”
“Me too!” Takuma picked up and moved his glass towards Haruka. “Great…grandpa?”
“Don’t you dare to call me like that,” Haruka replied in a sullen voice.
Takuma shrugged his shoulders and peered at happy Kaname and Yuuki, still in hugs. Having noticed his gaze, Kaname darkened and roared, “I haven’t finished with you yet.”
“Sure thing. Grandpa.”
“Keep silence.”
Ichijou sighed and turned to Ai. “I’m going to be an outcast in this family.”
They spent the rest of the evening in a truly family and warm atmosphere. Kaname had to eat all ginger cookies made by Yuuki but he did that with pleasure saying, “Don’t understand why you all are complaining, these cookies are made by Goddess and their taste is divine”. Despite the age, Haruka and Juuri were the noisiest. Ai and Takuma had to answer annoying questions about their future plans.
At some moment Kaname came to Ai and put his hands on her shoulders. She shivered from sudden feeling of warmth and raised her head to see her father.
“Ai, are you happy?”
She smiled and turned to hug Kaname. “I’ve never been as happy as I am today.”
“Actually I’m talking about that idiot” Kaname glanced at Takuma.
“Dad,” Ai gave him a stern Kuran look. “You know him. He seems to be careless and…foolish sometimes, but in fact he is reliable. He can take care of me.”
Kaname breathed out and kissed Ai’s forehead. Somewhere deep in his soul he was confident about that.
“You’ve grown up too fast, my princess.”
In the morning, when the sun was raising and the family parted to their beds, only the king and the queen didn’t sleep. They watched how sparkling snowflakes fell behind the window, Yuuki lying on her husband’s lap and Kaname fingering her hair. His other hand stroked her stomach, flat yet.
“You want a boy this time, I think?” she asked observing Kaname’s serene smile. He shook his head.
“It doesn’t matter. This baby is our child which means it is a fruit of our love.”
Yuuki closed her eyes listening to Kaname’s voice. Soft and deep, it was her favourite. With his hands on her body she was ready to start purring with happiness.
“The fruit of our love. It sounds splendid.”
For the first time in her life immortality and eternity didn’t look scary anymore.
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daydreamer749 · 7 years
Trapped in a Visual Novel
Note: I had to write a paper for my Philosophy class about making a story similar to Plato’s work called ‘The Allegory of the Cave’.  Look it up if you want to know more details about it. I figured I would share this with you guys since it is Otome related. Mind you I had to write this for my teacher who has no knowledge of this and my English is not the best but I worked hard on this so might as well show it off. So enjoy the story!
Visual Novels are a very popular type of game that would tell a story to whoever plays the game in a reading format but with pictures of characters depending on the story. In Japan there is a company called Voltage Inc. that makes games like these that are for girls who want to romance any type of man that they want and be able to be successfully get the man they desired. There are those if given the chance would gladly trade their lives to become the main character in those game and get the guy they wish with no trouble at all. How far would these girls go to obtain happiness? This is the tale of four girls who are fortunate enough to be allowed into the games.
            It was a raining day as many people hurried on their way home from work. Everyone minding their own business as they go about their day and focusing on their own plans as the sun starts to fade and night takes over. A young 22 year old woman named Kiyoko was walking home with some groceries with her husband Hiro helping her with holding the bags. “Thanks for helping me with the shopping today.” Kiyoko said as they walked back to their apartment building. “It is no trouble at all.” Hiro said they went inside their home together. They have been married for about a year now and while they were not as affectionate as they used to be they were happy just being with each other. Kiyoko did the cooking while Hiro got dressed into more comfortable clothes. This was a normal routine at this point. They would eat together and then Hiro would be checking over work related emails as she would get ready for bed. She often found herself playing a visual novel called My Forged Wedding and would read about Yamato who was the character she was romancing. ‘It would be nice if Hiro was like Yamato sometimes.’ Kiyoko thought to herself as she read more of Yamato’s storyline. ‘Yamato knows how to cook and he is very sweet. I would not mind marrying him if I was single but I have Hiro.’ She thought before putting her phone away and deciding to get some rest for the next day.
           In a one bedroom apartment, one floor above the happy young couple was a 25 year old woman named Chihiro who had been once again rejected by a guy whom she had been interested in. No matter how hard she tried, she just could not get any guy to either notice her or be interested in dating her. “People always want me to wear makeup or dress up fancy but no one cares if I feel uncomfortable in it.” Chihiro said as she decided to play the visual novel game Star Crossed Myth. “At least Huedhart would not be bothered by it right? He would like my mind and treat me right. Plus being a god might have some benefits to it.” She said to herself as she smiled at the picture of Huedhart. “I would stay with you Huedhart and if I had powers like a god that would be a nice bonus too.” She said before looking at the time. “I should get some sleep.” She said before deciding to shut her phone off to try and get some shut eye.  
           In the apartment room one floor below there was another married couple but the marriage of 5 years was not a happy one. A 27 year old woman named Haruka was missing the time when she was younger and has come to hate her husband Nori. She realized that he only cared about his own goals and none about hers. She had wished she had never married him in the first place but he did not want to get a divorce and her family would be very disappointed in her. She knew her husband would get home very late be it from his job or probably cheating on her as far as she knows and she honestly could care less at this point in her life. She quietly went to her room and played the visual novel game called ‘Kissed by the Baddest Bidder’. She longed to have the life that the main character has. “Having a rich boyfriend who is attractive would be nice. I would trade this life to be with Eisuke any day.” She said as she happily played the game before sighing as she realized that dream would probably never happen. Once she was satisfied with how much she played for the day she went to sleep wishing that maybe she could at least have a nice dream with Eisuke in it.
           In a small studio apartment, there was 20 year old woman named Miyuki who was crying as she looked at her phone. Her boyfriend Juro had just texted her saying he had been cheating on her for a while and was hoping she would forgive him. She texted him back that she hated him and she never wanted to see him again before blocking his number as she felt speaking to him was pointless. “Two years of dating wasted.” Miyuki said before she decided to try to cheer herself up by playing the visual novel game called Be My Princess where the main character was dating a prince. “Wilfred you would never cheat on me right?” she asked although she knew she would not get a response back. “No he would not. He would probably punch my boyfriend if he knew.” Miyuki gave a small laugh. “I wish I could be with Wilfred right now.” She said before shutting off her phone. She really did not want to go to college tomorrow as she tried her best to get some sleep and try to dream positive things.  The girls would soon realize that their wishes of being with the men from the games would soon come true.
           Kiyoko opened her eyes as she looked around her surroundings for a moment. The decorations looks familiar but she knew this room was not where she normally slept with her husband. “Hey about time you woke up. Hurry and get dress! I made breakfast.” A unfamiliar male voice said as it entered the bedroom. When Kiyoko looked at him she was shocked. “Yamato?” she asked. “Yeah? Are you alright?” Yamato asked her. There was no mistaking it. He had the same light auburn hair that touched his neck and he even acknowledged his name when she said it. “This cannot be happening!” Kiyoko said as she started to panic. “Kiyoko is something wrong?” Yamato asked but was now very worried. She quickly got out of the bed and managed to find a mirror to show her face. She had long brown hair, pale skin but her eyes were now green. “I’m the main character of the game ‘My Forged Wedding’.” She said as she looked at Yamato. “Oh I’m sorry for making you worry. Forget what I just said.” Kiyoko told him. “Maybe you should rest.” Yamato said as she went up to her and gently placed his hand on her forehead. “You don’t have a fever.” He said as he was confused about why his girlfriend was acting so strangely. “Yamato!” Kiyoko said as she took his hand. “I need to get back to my world. I’m not the woman you think I am.” She started to explain. “What? What do you mean?” Yamato asked but noticed Kiyoko’s panicked look. He sighed as he sat down on the bed. “If you want to explain then I’ll listen to you.” He said softly to her. Kiyoko quietly sat next to him for a moment before beginning to speak, “I’m not sure how to explain this but I’m not your ‘Kiyoko’. I’m from a place where this is a game for women who want to be romanced and loved by a guy who won’t judge them.” Kiyoko explained. “Sounds a little bit on the strange side but keep going.” Yamato said as he was intrigued by what she was telling him. “I also might not be the only one caught up in this either. There might be other girls but it looks like they are somewhere else or even in other games. Even if I wanted to find them, I don’t know where to start.” Kiyoko said sadly but then felt Yamato take her hand. “There might be one way.” Yamato told her. “Really? Wait does this mean you are a member of Shields?” Kiyoko asked. “What? How did you know about that?” Yamato asked as he was surprised before shaking his head. “Let me guess one of those games?” he asked her. “Yes it is called ‘Love Scramble’ but that is where a lot of the other game worlds meet right? Then there might be hope after all.” Kiyoko said happily. “Well I guess I can help you but you owe me big time.” Yamato said with a grin. “Well get ready then, I have some phone calls to make.” He said before going out of the bedroom to call his friends. Kiyoko was glad but there was a part of her that was worried that it will be much harder to get the other girls to go back to the real world.
           Meanwhile in another game world, Chihiro had woken up in the arms of the dark blue haired man whom she knew was Huedhart, the God of Aquarius. He had to work as he worked for the Department of Wishes, which helped grants humans who have a strong desire for their wishes to be heard. Chihiro enjoyed the kiss on the forehead that Huedhart gave her before he left for his job. She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed her long light brown hair that reached to her hips and her now purple eyes. “So I’m the main character for Star Crossed Myth huh? Well this I don’t mind at all.” She said as she knew a lot about the game she was in. “The main character has a nice figure and a good boyfriend. This is so much better than the real world!” Chihiro exclaimed happily. “Plus this means I am the reincarnated of the goddess of fate. I wonder if I have powers here?” she said curiously as she touched a mirror and saw that she indeed could see into the other game worlds so long as it was from the same company who made them. “Oh this is going to be so much fun.” Chihiro said as she chuckled to herself. Unlike Kiyoko, she was quite happy with being with her favorite man. She had no attachments to the real world and had no desire to return. “Looks like there are three other girls who are in visual novels like me. Might as well see if I can get us all to stay in this world.” she said as she started to think of a way to get some of the girls on her side and even doing some test of her powers.
           Poor Miyuki had no idea what was going on. One moment she was in her room crying over finding out that her boyfriend Juro cheated on her and the next thing she knew she had woken up in an extremely extravagant bedroom. Not just any bedroom, she ended up in the room of Prince Wilfred from the game she knew as ‘Be My Princess’. She knew she was in his room when she saw that blonde hair as he slept right next her. Of course she had thought she was dreaming and fell right back asleep. Now she was up again only alone but still in the same bedroom. “This is not a dream is it. Juro would be so angry if he knew I was with another man.” Miyuki said to herself before sighing. “I know I thought it would be nice if I had a guy like Prince Wilfred, but I never thought I actually would be in the game.” She said to herself. “Miyuki? Are you awake?” Wilfred asked as he entered the bedroom. “Oh Wilfred! Wow you really are attractive.” Miyuki said before soon shaking her head. “No! I shouldn’t be saying those things even if they are true!” she said as she was so very confused at what was happening. Wilfred gave out a small chuckle, “While I am flattered, you really are not acting like yourself.” he said as he approached the bed. “Are you alright my love?” he questioned. “Honestly I’m not sure. I feel like my mind is a mess. Maybe I have a very bad headache.” Miyuki told him. “I will have the staff get you some medicine for that headache and do not worry about your princess lessons. The most important thing is for you to get well. I sadly need to work but I will make sure you are taken care of.” Wilfred said as he was very worried for his beloved.  “I’m sorry for worrying you.” Miyuki said before feeling Wilfred kiss her forehead. “Think nothing of it. I’ll see if I can convince my butler to give me some time to see you.” Wilfred said before leaving the room once more. Miyuki stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair that was now to her shoulders was a burgundy color and her blue eyes were looking right back at her. “I really am the main character. This is pretty nice but is this really a good thing to be here?” Miyuki said before she walked over to where she noticed a beautiful balcony with the view of the kingdom Prince Wilfred was from. “This is so much better than what I have now. I think I will stay here for a while.” She said with a smile as she decided to enjoy being with her prince.
           Meanwhile Haruka was looking out the window in a penthouse suite in different visual novel world. She was pretty excited the moment she woke up. She was not in that cramped apartment and everything looked so expensive. “This place does look oddly familiar though.” She said as she walked around the bedroom to explore it. She opened up the closet and noticed the suits that were inside. “I recognize these suits. Does this mean I’m in the ‘Kissed by the Baddest Bidder’ game?” she asked herself. “What are you doing?” the young man asked. Haruka looked at the man with dark brown hair with light brown highlights mixed in it. That black suit with his purple dress shirt and that trademark smirk that she figured out who he was, “Eisuke?” she asked as she walked up to him. “Of course it is me. Who else would it be?” he asked.  ‘I’m not dreaming! Yes! This is the best thing that could ever happen to me!’ Haruka thought as she swiftly hugged him. “Oh you are so attractive and you smell nice.” She said happily. “I know that and the smell is the cologne I normally wear. You seem really pleased.” He commented. “Oh I am!” she said as she gently traced her fingers on his face. “I’m a lucky woman to be with you.” She told him. Eisuke chuckled, “You sure are complimenting me a lot today. Not that I mind.” He told her and he pulled her into his arms. Haruka felt quite pleased with these turn of events. Here she was with the man she always dreamed of and living the life she wanted. What more could she ask for? She smiled and pulled Eisuke into a kiss. She was glad to toss away her old life with her good for nothing husband to be with Eisuke. She pulled away for the moment, “Oh you have to work right? I’m sorry I just got so excited.” Haruka said as she blushed slightly at her actions and removed herself from his touch. “I did not mind at all.” He said giving her a grin. Haruka looked into the mirror for a moment and just now realized how she looked like. She had short brown hair and her figure was skinner than she used to be. She also noticed her eyes were a honey brown color as well. Most importantly she was 20 years old again. “You look fine.” Eisuke said as he thought she was worried about how she looked. “Eisuke? You think you can spend some time with me today?” Haruka asked. “I can always make room for you.” He replied. “Good because right now I want to enjoy being with you.” She told him. “Missed me that much? Alright you have my attention.” He said as he walked over to her. Haruka happily hugged him once more and was looking forward to this life.
           Back in Yamato’s apartment, Kiyoko was getting ready to meet with Yamato’s friends who were coming over but soon started to notice mirrors were appearing near her. “Huh? What’s going on?” she said before saw the face of another girl. “So there are other girls! Are you one of the girls that got trapped with me? Oh my name is Kiyoko by the way. What is your name?” Kiyoko asked. “Well hello there. It’s Chihiro. I couldn’t help but notice that you seem to be the only one who wants to go back to that world.” Chihiro said. Kiyoko looked around but noticed everything was frozen in place, including Yamato who looked like he was going to tell her something. “Of course I want to go back! I have a husband waiting for me!” Kiyoko told her. “Well about that. You see the other two girls don’t want to go back.” Chihiro said. “What? Prove it to me!” she demanded. “Fine I’ll have them talk as well.” She simply said before showing her how the two other girls were doing via the strange magical mirrors. “Hello! I’m Kiyoko and I have a husband back in the real world. I want to go back but I was told you two do not wish to return?” Kiyoko asked them. “What the hell! I was going to have some fun time with Eisuke! I know he is going to be way better than my soon to be ex-husband but you are ruining the mood here.” Haruka said angrily at Kiyoko. “But that means you are cheating on your husband!” Kiyoko responded. “Kiyoko right? I’m Haruka by the way. Listen here I hate my good for nothing husband. He is nothing more than a man who just wants to control me. It was always what he wanted and what his dreams were. Did he ever care about my life? No! I’m not going back to that life! I’m staying with Eisuke.” Haruka told her. Kiyoko was shocked and turned to look at Miyuki. “What about you? Do you want to go back?” Kiyoko asked. “It’s Miyuki and honestly I don’t. I recently found out that my boyfriend in the real world was cheating on me. Prince Wilfred has been nothing but kind to me and I like being with him. I’m sorry Kiyoko but I’m going to have to say no. Please understand that not everyone has happy relationships like you do.” Miyuki said to her feeling a little bit guilty but she was not changing her mind. “I’m guessing you are staying too Chihiro?” Kiyoko asked although her tone was quite upset. “Of course I am. I have no luck with the guys in the real world and no one wants to date me. In this world I have powers of fate and a man who loves me for who I am. Why give that up? Looks like you are the only one who wants to leave.” Chihiro told her. Kiyoko looked at the frozen in time Yamato before looking at the other girls. “My husband Hiro will miss me or worse he will think that I am dead.” Kiyoko said. “Oh I think I can help you forget about him and don’t you worry about him.” Chihiro said with a dark smirk. “What are you going to do?” Kiyoko asked before she screamed as she felt as if her mind was being ripped apart. “I am the goddess of fate now. Yamato is the man you will be with and your will not remember your former husband.” Chihiro proclaimed. “I’ll make sure Yamato also forgets about what you said before about your old world. So say good bye to those memories.” She said as she snickered. “NO!” Kiyoko screamed in agony before she felt she could no longer hold on. She collapsed onto the ground as the girls looked on from their mirrors. “Is she dead?” Miyuki asked. “No I just took her memories away of her husband. It will be as if she had never met him and stayed single.” Chihiro replied. “So our guys in the real world are going to be distraught at us missing? I was hoping to make my now ex-husband suffer a little bit so this is fine.” Haruka said. “I agree I kind wanted the boyfriend to suffer for what he did to me.” Miyuki said. “Don’t worry about them. You should focus on your new lives now. This will probably be the last time we speak as doing this for a long time is not a good idea.” Chihiro said. “Good point. Well I’m off to have some fun time with Eisuke! Have fun with your new lives!” Haruka said and with that her mirror faded away. “Thank you for helping us stay here. Take care.” Miyuki before her mirror too faded away. Chihiro looked down at the unconscious Kiyoko, “You should have just adjusted but you just had to be selfish and want to go back. Well at least know your life will be happier. Enjoy your new life Kiyoko.” She said and with that her mirror also faded with time now moving once more. Yamato looked around for a moment but soon his attention when to the unconscious Kiyoko. “Kiyoko!” he called out and gently picked her up and moved her to the bedroom to rest. Kiyoko slowly opened her eyes and looked at Yamato. “Yamato?” she asked. “Hey don’t worry me like that.” Yamato said as he sighed. “I felt like we forgot to do something but clearly you need some rest.” He said to her. “Yeah I’m sorry for making you worry.” Kiyoko said. “Just focus on getting better. I’ll go make you something to eat.” Yamato said as he left the room. “He’s so sweet to me.” Kiyoko said as she lay back down on the bed. “I feel like I’m forgetting something though.” She said but soon felt tears start to fall. “Why am I crying?” she said to herself. Yamato soon came back a with tray of food but the moment he saw her crying he put the tray on the ground and went to hug her. “It’s ok. I’m here for you.” He said as he did his best to comfort her. Kiyoko felt better with Yamato and she knew she would be fine eventually but there was still a part of her that wondered if she left something behind. Kiyoko never regained any of her memories and lived her life peacefully with Yamato. She never remembering the husband in the real world that she left behind. It was as if she had vanished into thin air and no one remembered Kiyoko except for Hiro who would be hunted with the memory of losing her for the rest of his life.
~The End~
@bmp-slbp-matchup @queen-of-fools @dorianhellfire @hades-thot-queen @goddess-of-leo @xcoticallyxquizit
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