#might play some more tonight I’m kind of hooked
asseater3k · 9 months
Metal gear mania days 1&2
Game: MGS2
Got started yesterday and cleared the tanker and got past the basic setup of the main game. I’ve played Twin snakes a lot back in the day so I was vvaery familiar with the controls and was able to slide back into that control scheme very easily in MGS2 save for a little trouble converting muscle memory from a game cube controller to a ps3 controller. If you’ve played either you know how good this scheme feels, responsive movement leaning around corners and first person aiming combined with the lovely shoulder button menus makes this a great experience from a gameplay standpoint I’d imagine that at launch the tanker segment was a very engaging playground for learning and testing the new controls while it my case and Im sure others who started with the twin snakes it worked as something of a check list like a pre flight check to makes everything was up and running. The tanker also does very well at setting up plot hooks and intrigue some of which went very different directions than I thought they would as always it makes me happy to hear Snake and Otacon.
(Spoilers below the cut)
I was also happily surprised to hear cam Clarke back at it as liquid snake in the form of an arm ocelot picks up being the funniest guy ever right where he left off after the post credits of twin snakes immediately showing up acting goofy doing gun tricks and turning on his allies before succumbing to the horrible fate of being British even if just for a moment. I don’t have much to say on the shift to Raiden as it was something i knew would happen, hard to keep stuff like that under wraps these days. Something I really did appreciate was just how hard this game attempts to gaslight you into thinking everything’s hunkey dory from raidens initial codename being Snake or Campbell, who I’ll talk more about in a bit repeating the lines about the Soloton radar from the first game, not much to say naritively about the early game as most of the conversation where about using the action button is various wacky ways. The main thing that happened during the first day was mostly me trying to wrap my head around why people seemed to hat raiden so much when this game came out. This guy is hilarious and frankly pretty adorable. One of my favorite things about the first game is how it makes you the player and solid snake the character feel like this expendable grunt even while doing insane shit like rocket jumping to kill a helicopter, something I haven’t seen talked about a lot is just how much of the game is something of mystery story and you ALWAYS feel like your the last to know and that Carries over to this game. At this point my naritive thoughts are gonna blend days 1 and 2 together and I’m not gonna really section things out super hard between them, I think a strength of this game is how that sense of being left in dark carries over but is fundamentally different due to having played the last game. At the beginning of MGS there’s no real hint that this is going to be more complex than it presents itself to you. The vibe early on is one of a cool action game where you go in and do snakes solider man things maybe this is different if you played the OG metal gear but for me I was unaware and that feels intentional by the time you get to the DARPA chief you start unraveling these threads and dont really stop untill the end of the game. MGS2 starts you the player and Raiden at about the same point in terms of knowledge with one key difference. You the player KNOW what really happened on Shadow Moses and raiden does not you start the game knowing that something isn’t right and there are these crossing wires but even after all you did in MGS 1 you still dont know enough. I think having the two man booth really adds to this and Campbell repeating lines from the first game weaves that beautifully to give you the sense that something isn’t quite right before you even really start the story. Those lines put you in the headspace of MGS with this full support team but here at this point you really only have the colonel and Rosemary, who I really like i think her dynamic with Raiden is cute. On the other hand Campbell feels off. I love Paul riding hearing is voice makes me feel as though I’ve consumed a lovely warm stew in an otherwise frigid winter is that warmth that spreads through out your body. I do not feel that here at all. I know he kept secrets in MGS and was pretty shady at the end (though the specifics escape me and I was too spoiler scared to check a wiki) but this feels like a whole different level At the point I’m currently at so much of the initial details have been showned to be incomplete or flat out untrue not to mention aspects of the situation he doesn’t include. The combination of his insistence that you can’t trust pliskin ( who IS solid snake I’m not gonna bother with the bit here even though its really funny) and the at times very aggressive tone with which he interacts with raiden makes it really hard to tell if this is stuff he genuinely doesn’t know or if he knows way more than hell let in on. This is another thing i think works really well in conjunction with the first game.\
In that game Campbell was a solid grounding presence which was used by the game later when even he starts becoming unsure and untrustworthy just how much you don’t know and how little of a grasp is had by the cast on the reality of the situation at shadow Moses. In MGS2 you are armed with that knowledge but are still presented with Campbell as the grounded athoritiative figure this creates a sensation of unsteady ground to the player immediately while providing a lot more incentive to interact with and trust pliskin aside form the fact he’s obviously snake he feels like hes got more of the situation figured out and is much more willing to tell Raiden. Side note these feelings of uncertainty and distrust are defiantly also influenced and reinforced by the tanker incident but I find myself unable to articulate that to the degree I could with stuff from the first game.
The Game is also paced very well even if you’re playing it like a nutcase like I am as you go through more and more of things you were told about the mission prove to just be untrue beyond just its more complicated than we initially thought, like i said I’m not sure if Campbell is traight up lying to me or not but at the point I’m at now I’ve just learned about the patriots and its hard not to notice how much the plan of action Campbell insist upon lines up with what it seems they would want at this time I can’t be sure if cause he works for the military of hes just being fed just the same bad info we are or if theres more to it but I am intrigued
On a final note the antagonist situation is interesting. Dead Cell are, objectively, hilarious. I lost my mind when Fatman in particular roller bladed up with his bomb disposal gear and wine glass to talk about how epic his next YouTube prank was gonna be, Vamp just does increasingly more ridiculous things every time hes on screen, Fortune is cool as fuck and her theme fucking melts. After that it does get a bit confusing as which out of the three between ocelot the patriots and solidus i should focus on and I think that’s intentional. It does feel like being in a room with three people where on of which is going to kill you and the others but you don’t if its going to be all of them or just one and if so which one. It all adds up to give a sense that you can’t stay still or in one place too long you have to keep pace with something to stay alive but figuring out exactly what or who is anything but easy
In conclusion: four stars check it out.
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webslingingslasher · 6 months
heyyy I was just wondering WHAT THE HELL DO YOU PUT IN THIS FRAT!PETER FICS BC I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT TROUBLE AND PETER! I just melt for them together😭😩❤️
I swear when I'm about to fall sleep he just pops into my head and HAVE to grab my phone to reread some of them. Your writing is just soooo god and I wanted to thank you for creating such a work of art🥵🥵🥵
Also I can't stop thinking about frat!peter being jealous like finding a guy talking who hooked up with trouble and overthinking how different they are from each other? and if the ex fling keeps trying to talk with trouble in a friendly way, he would play it cool? i feel like he would look at them talking and he knows about what happen between them but is kinda nervous? idk
first, peter and trouble are crack. second, thank you very much for enjoying!!!
peter knows what it looks like to awkwardly chat with an old hookup, he’s done it more than a few times. so, when he watches your eyes dance around the room while you politely laugh in response to the guy in front of you, he just knows.
he’s taller than peter, and he’s not one to be self conscious about his height, but he might now. and he’s got bigger biceps, peter’s spider-man and doesn’t have the build this guy does.
and he’s got nice hair. really nice hair. the kind of hair he knows you love. it’s like peters, but longer and a bit more curly. peter pats the hair on the back of his neck, he’s been growing it a little longer, but apparently not enough.
in a desperate attempt to keep your attention on him tonight, he takes his hat off to throw it on top of the fridge. you always beg him to take it off, it’ll work. he’s sure of it.
it doesn’t. you’re unable to stand still, if he was projecting, he’d say you went from awkward to uncomfortable. peter’s not going to be the guy to barge in, but he takes a step forward, just in case.
it’s like you can feel him, your eyes shoot to his across the room. no words are said or mouthed, but your eyes said enough. ‘help.’ its all he needs.
peter cuts the guy right off, slinging an arm low around your waist. a kiss to your temple, ‘hi, trouble.’ you relax into his touch, you hold on tight to his arm. ‘have you met tanner?’
he hasn’t, and he really doesn’t care to. it looks like tanner doesn’t either, they’re both sizing each other up. peter’s putting on a brave face, but he knows tanner's thinking he’s no competition, and peter can’t help but feel the same.
still, he throws a hand out. ‘sup, man. i’m parker.’ tanner shakes it, ‘sup.’ peter holds his hand a bit too tight, he’s trying to subtly prove that even if he was smaller, he could kick his ass if needed.
tanner asked peter how he knew you, he had to bite his tongue on the disrespect. he knew exactly how peter knew you, his possessive hold tells it all. ‘i’m her boyfriend.’
you dig your nails into his arm, you were caught off guard with the statement. he said it like it was obvious, tanner smirked. ‘ah, lucky man.’ peter really doesn’t like his face.
‘yup. sure am.’ you nudge back against him, peter takes it as a hint to get out of there. he couldn’t agree more. ‘wanna get a drink?’ you nod quick, 'yes, please.'
your 'boyfriend' made a small show of spinning you in his hold, you laughed at the twirl and balanced yourself on his shoulders. 'nice seeing you again,' you forgot who you were with for a second.
'you too, tanner! have a good night.' peter nudged your lower back to get you walking, you didn't make it four steps until you were pulled in for a bruising kiss. every thought melted away, there was only one person on your mind.
'peter,' it puffed out, just like your lips.
'trouble,' he said it like a greeting. you shook your head, leaning in for another, you were lucky tonight, he supplied.
'thanks, boyfriend.'
'that was a typo.'
you scoff. 'no it wasn't, that was you acting like you have one foot up so you don't feel as threatened.'
the choice of words make his skin crawl. peter knows it's not exclusive, exclusive. but he at least thought you both were on a similar page, one that didn't include saying 'so you don't feel as threatened.'
'what the fuck is that supposed to mean, trouble? so i don't feel as threatened? i was doing you a favor, but feel free to go entertain whoever you want, i'll do the same.'
peter's sudden aggression had your head spinning, you tried to grab onto his arm before he left you entirely. 'did i say the wrong thing? i didn't mean to say the wrong thing!'
'i didn't feel threatened until you said i should be. i just really don't like being reminded that i'm a choice you can change your mind on at any time, it's not a good feeling.'
sometimes when he says something to that effect, you want to tell him he could do something about it. sometimes, you let it go and remind him you're not looking for anyone else, if you were, you would've stopped putting up with his shit ages ago.
this is one of the times you put his fears at bay.
'look, peter, that guy, tanner? he's all talk, he seems like some cool guy but he really kind of sucks. in the least commitive way possible, boyfriend, there are no threats.'
'you keep talking about threats.'
'cause you have none!' you exhale deeply, 'i don't like anyone else, okay? and talking to other guys makes me wanna bash my head into a brick wall.'
'you talking to other guys also makes me want to bash my head into a brick wall.'
you grin and smooth out a wrinkle on peter's shirt. 'good, we're on the same page, then.'
peter throws an arm around your shoulder while he guides you to the kitchen.
'i'll deny it if you say anything, but i quite like reading at the same pace as you, trouble.'
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thefallennightmare · 4 months
One Night: Noah's POV-two
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: lots of smut(mask play, spit play, bondage, anal, fingering, oral(m/f receiving), choking, unprotected sex), swearing, angst, fluff.
Summary: Noah's POV of his one night with Reader.
Authors Note: As previously mentioned, this is basically the same storyline as before just in Noah's POV! As of right now, it'll will be in three parts but might change.
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken @malice-ov-mercy @thebadchic @niicoleleigh @lma1986 @dsireland86 @bellaboo967 @cookiesupplier @whenthesummerdies @bngurngheart @laurpartyprogram @thisbicc @lyinginbetween @princessmarshmallowx @loeytuan98 @cncohshit @lacktoesandtoddlerants @notingridslurkaccount @calleyx13 @jessiskyee @mrscevans @spicywhenspeaking @myownthoughts12
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I leaned back into the couch with my arm across the back, my fingers so close to Y/N’s shoulder. I could feel the heat radiating off of her and I could still taste her on my lips and tongue. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Y/N ran her hands over her thighs; one, two, three, four times. Every time.
A long sigh left my lips as I turned towards her, face giving away nothing of what happened between us.
“What?” Y/N asked as her eyes landed on my face.
“Why are you nervous?” I asked while nodding towards her hands.
“I wonder why,” She muttered before turning her attention back towards Britt.
Deciding not to press her more, I heeded Jolly’s direction about us getting ready since we were minutes away from our set starting. As I stood, my fingers crazed over the back of Y/N’s neck, her shivering under my touch. Just as I slipped into my jacket, Britt’s voice echoed in the room and I raised a confused brow towards the two girls who were having a hushed conversation on the couch. Y/N’s eyes flashed up to me before giving me her back.
Once dressed in all of my stage gear, I noticed Y/N standing off towards the corner of the room, away from curious ears and eyes, so I stalked up behind her breathing down her neck. She slowly turned on her heels and gazed up through me through lashes, her breath hitching as she caught sight of me in my mask. I analyzed the way she shifted on her feet and her tongue darted out to wet her lips before pulling them between her teeth.
My cock twitched as I let out a low cough. “So, did you think more of my idea?”
“Um, kind of,” Y/N took a small step back to give us more space. “I still have a few questions.”
I raised a brow. “Which are?”
She licked her lips again, and I wanted to drag my own teeth across them.
“Where would we do this? Just because I’m considering spending the night with you, doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with you in my apartment.”
“We’re staying in a hotel tonight.” I let out a soft chuckle. “We can spend it in my room.”
Y/N’s eyes dragged up every inch of me, lingering on my face for a few seconds too long.
“Do you like the mask, Y/N?” I questioned while cocking my head.
My voice came out low, full with desire, as I drank in the sight of her when she nodded, lip still caught between her teeth.
I leaned forward, my warm breath brushing over her ear. “I could wear it tonight, if you’re a good girl.”
A soft moan fell from her lips which made my eyes darken. Our gazes locked and the longer we watched on another, the thicker the sexual tension built between us.
“What’s your next question?” I asked while towering over her now, staring down at her small form; like prey stalking its next victim.
Y/N blinked while stuttering. “Uh-Is there anything off limits tonight?”
“You’ll have to be more specific, angel.”
I noticed the black choker around her neck and my cock pressed against the confines of my briefs when I hooked my finger around it. Y/N’s face was red as she cast her eyes down at her feet, her face so quiet I had to strain my ears to hear her.
“I’m into some things that others might think is weird; with sex.”
A low noise rumbled deep in my chest, the thought sending an electric shock throughout my body, With past partners, I could never express my secret desires because they were too afraid. But it seemed with Y/N, she was ready to give in to me.
“You’re not the only one,” I admitted.
A blush covered her face, and I marveled how cute she looked, the dark thoughts I had of her tied to the bed being forgotten for a few seconds.
“If I feel uncomfortable or want to stop, would you?” She asked.
“The second you ask me to, I will,” I answered without missing a beat. “Would it make you feel better if we had a safe word?”
Y/N raised a brow as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “How far are we going to go that we need a safe word?”
I sighed, tired of being too far from her and my arms around her back to pull her into my chest. I noticed how fast she was breathing as she avoided my gaze, peering over my shoulder to see if there was anyone with us.
“Angel,” I gripped her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “I keep thinking about all the things I get to do to you tonight if you say yes.”
She whimpered, eyes fluttering shut.
It was true. From the second she walked into the room, Y/N took my breath away. Even though she was quiet at first, clearly feeling out of place, she began to slowly break out of her shell. There was this aura encased around her that continued to pull me in; needing more of her.
“What would the safe word be?”
Her wavering voice broke me out of my thoughts, and I gently squeezed her hips. “Mercy.”
“Okay,” Y/N eventually agreed with a slow nod.
But before I could bask in the excitement of tonight, she spoke again. “One last question. Well, more of an agreement.”
I urged her on with a nod.
“Can we agree no feelings are to come out of this tonight? I just got out of a long relationship, the last thing I need is another one, especially with someone who is on the road a lot.”
My stomach dropped, but I did my best to hide my feelings underneath the mask.
“I’m not going to force you into anything, Y/N,” I reassured me.
Y/N sprawled her hands over my chest and I knew she could feel how fast my heart was beating underneath her touch.
I was still in his embrace and sprawled my hands over his chest. His heart beat rapidly underneath my touch.
“Is that a yes?” I wondered, almost bouncing on my heels with anticipation.
Before she could answer, Jolly knocked as he entered the room, guitar strapped around him.
“You ready?” He directed towards me.
My eyes darted from Y/N to Jolly. “Yeah, sorry. I’m coming.”
“Britt is already waiting on side stage,” Jolly smiled towards Y/N as she stepped out of my embrace.
“Side stage? We’re not watching in the crowd?”
I let out a few deep breaths to center myself something I always did before walking out on stage.
“The crowd can get kind of crazy. Plus, you’ll be able to watch better from side stage,” Jolly spoke to Y/N.
Right before we walked out of the room, I gave Y/N’s hand a gentle squeeze, one she returned; almost as a silent answer to my earlier question. With my hood pulled over my eyes, I winked at her before leading her out of the room.
“Thank you, we’ll be right back,” I muttered into the microphone as an instrumental version of Miracle played, leading us into our two-minute break in our set.
Throughout the last handful of songs, I kept peering over towards the two women on side stage, almost making sure Y/N was still there. Even though she never gave me a physical answer, part of me worried she would have left. It could have been because of my trust issues from past relationships or having the people I cared about leave me behind, but I couldn’t stop making sure she was still there. This entire agreement between us could end one of two ways: Us parting amicably, neither of us hurt with saying goodbye. Or us walking away with lingering feelings that would destroy us.
I never was one to pray so instead, I tried to think of all the positives way this could end not the negatives. My mind never stopped working whether it was personal or work, I couldn’tstop the gears from turning. Meditation usually helped but at this moment as I gazed at Y/N as she smiled at me, I knew that she already had her hooks in me. The pain of releasing them would not be soon forgotten.
I walked up to her wiping the sweat off my forehead and took the water bottle she extended with a smile; drinking half of it in one go.
“Having fun?” I asked breathless.
Y/N nodded with a huge smile. “I’m glad I stayed.
“So am I.” I admitted while leaning down to her ear, only for her to hear. “I can still taste your cum on my lips.”
I was running back on stage before even giving Y/N a second to register my words.
Throwing a hoodie over me, I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. “I’ll meet you guys at the bus in the morning.”
Jolly raised a brow at me. “You’re not coming with to the movies?”
There was a late night showing of some Japanese movie at the local theater. While it did sound something that I would enjoy especially going on Reddit afterwards to see what everyone else was theorizing about the movie, I declined. There was something else waiting for me; hopefully.
“No, I’m going to head back to the hotel; rest up before tomorrow.” I ran a hand through my hair, trying to fix it.
“Right,” Folio snickered. “This has nothing to do with Y/N?”
My heart stuttered at the mention of her name as I shot my own accusatory gaze at him. “Isn’t Britt waiting for you right now?”
He gave me the finger before grabbing his things, leaving the green room. Nick was next to leave, not before making plans for us to grab breakfast before the bus left in the morning. Jolly, however, hung back to give me a look; one that I knew all too well.
“I know what I’m doing, Jolly,” I defended while clutching the strap of my bag.
His brows creased together. “Maybe but I don’t want you to wake up in the morning regretting this decision.”
“I won’t.” I answered simply.
Eventually, Jolly nodded, and we talked for a few more moments before I met up with Folio in the parking lot as we walked towards the two bodies waiting for us. My heart hammered hard in my chest as I saw Y/N standing next to Britt, her arms wrapped around herself for warmth. When our eyes locked, it was as if time slowed down, only the two of us mattered in the universe. I wasn’t one for that cliche type bullshit but couldn’t deny that’s how it felt every time I locked eyes with her; marveling at how different she looked than others as I analyzed parts about her.
The way her hair was pulled back in a tight braid showcasing the freckles that peppered her nose and cheeks. How bright her eyes looked under the moonlight as she gazed up at me as I stopped in front of her. The smile that made something twinge in my gut, catching sight of the one dimple in her left cheek.
“Ready?” Folio asked Britt once we were in front of them.
She nodded while lacing fingers with him then looked back to Y/N. “Are you sure you don’t need a ride?”
I wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into my chest and felt her body shift in surprise.
“I’ll make sure she gets home safe.”
Britt winked. “I’m sure you will, Noah.”
Just as we were about to say goodbye, Y/N held up her hands to Britt.
“Nope. You know I fucking hate that word.”
I stared down at her, still in my embrace, with a quirked brow.
“Anytime someone leaves that I plan on seeing again, I refuse to say goodbye. To me, it’s always see you later,” she explained.
There was something lingering there in the air, something she didn’t want to say, so I nodded as we waved towards Britt and Folio.
“You never gave me an answer,” I said once alone, pulling her closer into my chest.
She looked up at me under her lashes. “I think me staying here waiting for you was answer enough.”
A mischievous smile spread across my face before I lead her towards the hotel; explaining my decision when I noticed her pulled lips in confusion.
“Aren’t you worried about fans following you?”
I merely shrugged. “Most of them have left. The ones that are waiting around are hanging out on the other end of the parking lot. They won’t see us.”
Silence fell between us as we continued the short walk to the hotel, my arm never leaving her shoulders. It surprised me at how calm she was, not once fearing her safety while around me, so I chalked it up to being because Britt knew me previously and must have put in a good word for me.
I didn’t dare say thank you, not yet, since the last time she tried to set me up with someone it ended drastically.
We turned a corner, and the hotel came into view. It was late, nearly midnight, so there weren’t many people in the lobby as we entered.
Seven hours.
“Are you hungry?” I questioned once we stopped in front of the elevator.
She shook her head. “I’m okay.”
Once we both were in the private confines of the elevator, it slowly riding up to my floor, I wrapped my arms around Y/N from behind to burry my face in her neck, breathing her scent. She rested her head against my shoulder, eyes fluttering shut.
“Last chance to say no,” I muttered against her skin.
“I need this,” her words gave no pause or uncertainty.
I hummed before pressing light kisses from her neck to behind her ear. “Promise me something?”
“Depends on what it is,” she chuckled lightly.
I breathed, arms going stiff around her, this mere thought not sitting well with me. “Promise after tonight you won’t go back to that asshole?”
“As long as you don’t go back to whoever cheated on you,” Y/N shot back quietly.
Now anger festered for a completely different reason. Jolly mentioned it to everyone earlier that I found out about my ex cheating on me which didn’t bother me at first but it was the excessive posting online about our relationship that I didn’t like.
“Trust me, that won’t happen,” I grunted.
Y/N turned in my arms to wrap her arms around my neck, her fingers grazing through the ends. I almost let my eyes close with the calm feeling.
“I have one rule for tonight,” She started but halted, almost unsure with her words.
“Besides not catching feelings?” I joked with a crooked smile.
“Fine,” Y/N sighed defeated. “I have two rules. No feelings and I think in order to help that rule, we shouldn’t kiss tonight.”
My face fell, along with my heart, at hearing that because all night I couldn’t stop thinking about the way her lips would taste. Would they taste like the chapstick she applied during our set?
“Alright.” I nodded finally with a neutral face. “No feelings and no kissing. But remember what I said, no second thoughts or no regrets.”
The doors opened behind us and without turning her around; I led Y/N towards my room which was only two doors door from the elevator. Her eyes stared up at me, a small smirk playing on her lips as I was meters away from them, my breath fanning across them. I wanted so fucking bad to taste them; they looked so pink and full.
Sliding in the key card, the door clicked open and darkness encased around us once the door to my room shut. The silence that enveloped us was deafening. There was a golden glow radiating behind Y/N from the streetlamp outside and my breath hitched at how ethereal she looked.
A literal angel.
“Nervous?” My voice was quiet as I asked my question.
“No,” Y/N’s voice wavered, dropping her gaze from mine.
“Then why are you rubbing your hands on your thighs?”
She clasped her hands together then began bouncing on the soles of her feet.
“You need to relax, Y/N. I’m not going to hurt you,” I muttered while pressing her against the wall next to the door. “Unless, you want me too.”
I watched intently as she swallowed, stammering over her words. “Ye-yes.”
My dick was throbbing, aching for a release with the thought of Y/N’s lips around it.
“Do you remember the safe word?” I cocked my head to the side, predatory eyes drinking her in.
All she did was nod in return.
“Good,” My finger traced down her neck, over her collarbone.
My hand wrapped around her throat, gently at first because I didn’t know how much she could handle right off the bat; the pad of my thumb pressing hard against the pulse point. I could almost hear her erratic heartbeat in the silence of the room.
“Lay on the coffee table,” I ordered, voice suddenly turning dark with the sudden image that popped in my mind.
Spread open wide for me.
Y/N blinked rapidly “Wh-what?”
“Strip out of your shit and jeans then lay on the coffee table,” I repeated, mouth salivating with the thought of tasting her.
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I fell to the bed behind Y/N, exhausted but yet so full of energy, and wrapped an arm around her bare waist, bringing her against my bare chest. Minutes after swallowing every last drop of me, my cock was already begging for more. I left a small kiss to the back of her shoulder while his hands ran up and down her hips, my eyes catching sight of the discarded mask on the floor.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to wear that mask again without picturing Y/N on her knees for me, hands tied behind her back with my belt.
“Ready for some more?” She teased when she felt my cock twitch against her ass.
I hummed while one of my hands slide up her stomach over her breast, my fingers pinching and pulling her nipple which caused her to lean her head back against my chest.
“So perfect,” I mused into her back
With one hand on her breast, I dragged a finger against her clit and began rubbing it in small circles. Y/N jerked with my touch and rubbed her ass against me.
I groaned as my cock brushed along her slick folds, almost slipping inside.
Y/N looked over her shoulder at me. “I thought it would be good to know that I have an implant. You know in case you were worried. I mean, we could still use a condom.”
The corner of my lips curled up in a hint of a smile with how fast her words left her lips; the ones I wanted to kiss so bad. Halting my movements on her clit for a second, I buried my face deep into the crook of her neck.
“I’m clean.” I assured her with a kiss.
It was true. With the women in the past, I used a condom every time. But with Y/N, something was different; I couldn’t explain it.
“So am I.”
“Good, because I want to feel everything.” I bit the skin behind her ear causing her to let out a low hiss.
I gripped her hips tightly to lift her slightly, my cock pressing against her pussy, my breath stuttering in my chest once I was completely inside of her; her walls pulsating as it adjusted to my length. Her moan echoed off the walls of the room while I lifted her to her knees so I kneeled behind her, never letting go of my grip on her hips as I made her sit on my lap. I didn’t move, simply enjoying the way she felt and how warm she was.
“Angel,” my breath came out strangled against her back as I tried to keep myself together.
“Please,” Y/N begged moving her hips. “I need you to move, please. Don’t worry about hurting me. I need it.”
Not wasting another second, knowing we were already pressed for time, I snapped my hips into her with no falter. Y/N rested her head against my shoulder, her hand immediately finding my hair, as I pulled myself almost all the way out, just leaving the tip inside of her, before slamming the full length into her. I did this a few times, Y/N almost falling over so I wrapped an arm around her stomach to keep her flushed against me. Our breathing were synced in short and shallow breaths.
“Oh yes,” her moan dragged on with sheer pleasure.
I rubbed at her swollen clit; up and down then side to side.
His finger pressed against my swollen nub and rubbed up and down then side to side.
“This pussy is mine tonight,” I grunted, enunciating each word with a thrust. “Say it.”
She pulled my hair, and I hissed with pleasure. “Yes, Noah. Yours, it’s yours.”
My thrusts stilled for a moment as I dragged my teeth across the skin of my back. “Fuck, I love the way you say my name. Say it again.”
Y/N did, over and over again, as she gripped my cock in almost a vice-like grip and I knew she was close.
Quickly, I switched our positions so she was on her back while I towered over her, setting her legs over my shoulder. I gave her a sly smirk as she whimpered when I didn’t slip inside her again.
“Don’t worry angel. I just want to see your face when you fall apart on my cock.”
With one quick snap of my hips, I spread Y/N open again, and she groaned out in pleasure. This new angle made me feel every inch of her and I let my head fall to her chest slightly.
“Your pussy is clenching around my cock, fuck angel. You’re going to cum,” I smacked the swell of her ass.
When I felt her clench again, I slapper her ass one more time; then three more after that with the fourth slap being exactly what she needed to finally cum. Her shout came out mixed with a groan of sheer pleasure while I fucked her fast through the aftershocks until my eyes shut, hips halting slightly.
Y/N brushed a thumb over my bottom lip as they parted, trying so hard not to cum; not yet. I didn’t want this feeling to end.
“Cum for me, Noah.”
Our eyes locked before I dipped my head towards her nipple so I could bite and suck then with one hard thrust, I grunted as I spilled myself inside of her.
“Y/N,” I breathed against before collapsing on top of her, her hands brushing back the hair from my face.
I hummed low, finally deciding to let the both of us rest for just a little while; we only had five hours left, and I didn’t want to waste it.
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With a start, I woke and gazed up to the body I was lying on, heart thudded loudly. Y/N was asleep, lips parted as a soft snore fell from them. I rested my chin in my palm as I now looked down at her, fingers trailing up and down the tattoos on her arm. She didn’t have nearly as much as me. I didn’t miss the way as she analyzed almost every one of mine, curiosity filling her wondrous eyes.
Fuck, she was beautiful.
Strands of her hair fell along the pillow like a halo and it was then that I noticed she had one mole on the left side of her jaw. I pressed a soft kiss to it and as I pulled back, hovered over her lips. We were so close, and I wrapped my hand behind her neck, tilting her lips closer towards mine; brushing them together. It wasn’t a full kiss but just enough to send a shock throughout my entire soul.
“What have you done to me, angel?” I breathed while letting her head fall back to the pillow.
I kissed my way down her neck, in between her breasts, over her navel, then stopped when I reached her clit. There was a fiery hunger festering deep within me, something that started from the moment our eyes connected for the first time in the green room, but no matter how many hits I took of her; I feared it wasn't enough.
I don’t think it’d ever be enough.
The tip of my tongue flicked against her, almost not expecting a reaction, but when I sunk two fingers deep inside her, Y/N’s body jerked awake with a soft moan; the noise going straight to my cock.
“Hm, this is a great wake up call,” She moaned while arching her back off the bed.
After biting her clit, I leaned over her while my fingers still pumped in and out of her in a slow, meticulous pace.
“I couldn’t stop myself. You looked so fucking beautiful laying there.” I admitted.
Y/N tried to hide her face into the pillow which made me grasped her chin with a forceful touch.
“Don’t hide from me, angel,” I demanded while looking directly into her eyes.
We both held each other's gazes as my fingers earned her body yet another release, this orgasm not as loud or nerve ending as the others. I knew she was exhausted, her throat raw from all of noises she previously made, but her body ruined, regardless. Y/N watched me with fire in her eyes and I brought my fingers wet with her arousal to my lips, licking them clean. I hummed in approval, the taste tasting sweet but tangy on my tongue.
I’m going to miss the way she tastes.
“I think you’ve wrecked me,” she exhaled.
With one swift moment, I pulled her into my chest and wrapped her leg around my waist; us being locked in place.
“We slept for an hour.”
My fingers tangled through the long strands of her hair as I stared up at the ceiling, other hand propping my head up. Her gaze was hot on my skin as she accessed my tattoos once again. I let the silence fill the void, my thoughts running rampant. It was hard to shut the doubt out; it always was.
No one knew what would happen in less than four hours when the curtains called the time. I thought about asking her to stay longer but knew that was a line she didn’t want crossed. We both agreed that this was only to last one night and to ask her to stay only for my own selfish reasons was wrong.
“Did this hurt?”
Her soft voice broke me from my thoughts and I realized my fingers were tracing the tattoo on the back of her shoulder while her own fingers were dancing across the tattoo on my neck.
“Like a bitch,” I admitted.
“Which one is your favorite?” Y/N wondered while looking up from tracing the tattoo on my stomach.
To be honest, I didn’t think I had a favorite but at the moment; I propped my thigh up to show her my Naruto tattoo.
She smiled, even though she was confused at the design. “Which one is your biggest?”
I couldn’t help but wiggle my eyebrows at the innuendo which made Y/N smack my chest. “I mean tattoo, you perv.”
Sitting up in bed, I held her thigh close to my hips as I showed her the Jesus tattoo on my back; her shocked breath tickling my ears. The size of the tattoo always shocked people before the design actually did.
I turned over towards her and leaned over her while her hands wrapped around my neck, our lips almost ghosting over each other; fuck, I wanted to taste them so bad.
“Do you want to be a good girl for me?” I questioned with a low voice.
When she nodded, I motioned to the door that let out to the balcony of my hotel room. “Go outside and wait for me.”
“What?” Y/N’s brows furrowed. “It’s the middle of the night. What if someone see’s us?”
I shrugged while brushing my nose along her jawline. “You said it yourself. It’s the middle of the night, no one will be out there. Now, get your perfect ass outside and wait for me.”
Crawling off of her, I dismissed her with a swift pat on the ass, her squealing in delight while she scrambled from the bed. My eyes burned as I watched to make sure she was outside before rummaging through my suitcase. I couldn’t explain why I ended up packing lube but there was something in the back of my mind telling me I needed too. I had no plan on having sex with anyone this tour but just like with everything else, Y/N ended up sneaking her way past the walls I built to protect myself.
With the lube in my hand, I was ready to walk outside when I heard my phone buzz from its spot on the coffee table in the room. I snuck a glance towards Y/N, who was resting her elbows on the railing, gazing down at the street below. I found myself getting lost in her presence yet again until my phone buzzed for a second time so reluctantly I reached for it, thinking it was one of the guys.
Instead of my background on my phone, I was staring at something else entirely different. It was an artist drawing of a girl with feathers in her hair and wolf escaping from the back of her neck.
“Sick,” I muttered, realizing it must have been Y/N’s phone I grabbed and was ready to set it back down when a text popped up on screen.
UNKNOWN: Hey baby, it’s Jacob. I got a new number. Call me in the morning, maybe we can go out for breakfast.
I swallowed thickly as I tried not to think too much of this. It wasn’t any of my business what Y/N did once she left here but the mere thought of her meeting up with him made my fingers twitch around the phone.
UNKNOWN: I hope you’re not with that guy from earlier. I bet he can't even show you a great time. Not the way I have.
Rolling my eyes, I set the phone back on the table and let out three long, deep breaths to help calm my anger and center myself. It would have to do since I didn’t have enough time to open up my Calm up for a meditation clip. Once I felt my heart rate ease to a slow, steady pace, I finally walked outside, letting the cool night air chill my heated skin as I walked up behind Y/N.
“Keep your legs straight but bend over the railing,” I rasped into her ear.
I smirked as she obeyed, pressing her ass into my semi hard cock, and I kicked her feet farther apart. My hand dragged along her spine before stopping at the tight hole between her ass; Y/N freezing underneath my touch.
“Has anyone ever taken you here?” I breathed against her neck while I loomed over her back.
When she shook her head, I spread her cheeks farther apart, the thought of being the first making my cock twitch with excitement and heart swell with pride. I had every intention of taking her this way, as long as she let me, but after mistakingly seeing those texts on her phone I needed it more than ever.
Y/N squirmed in my touch. “Won’t it hurt?”
“I’ll go real slow, angel. And I have lube,” I left a gentle kiss on her cheek before showing her the bottle in my hand.
Her curious eyes darted from the bottle to my face before nodding slowly.
My cock jumped as I popped open the bottle, squirting the liquid down her ass.
“You’ll have to relax. I’ll be able to slide in easier if you’re not tensing, okay?” I spoke softly, hoping my voice would ease away her tension.
When she nodded, I eased her tight hole with one finger, going about knuckle deep before a hiss fell from her lips. I eased my finger back until she almost whined, pressing her ass deeper against me. Slowly, I worked her open even more by adding a second finger. Y/N’s head was turned to watch me as my gaze was locked on her ass, watching my fingers pump in and out of her until I pulled out of her completely, spitting in my hand.
My eyes snapped up to hers. “Safe word?”
Y/N gave me a warm smile. “Fuck my ass, Noah.”
I groaned. “Anything for you, angel.”
As the head of my cock pressed into her hole, Y/N tensed up under my hands that were gripping her hips. There was still some slight resistance, but the lube had clattered to the floor out of my reach so instead, I spit between her ass cheeks; the moan that crawled out of her throat were the ones that made your body shiver with delight.
“You like it when I spit on you?” I asked while pressing a little deeper inside of her.
“Yes,” she hummed.
Once completely sheathed inside of her, I rested my forehead against her back while I thrusted against her ass in long and deep thrusts. The tightness on my cock was nearing me closer to my orgasm, it burning at the base of my spine. The tension in my stomach was unbearable, almost as if I couldn’t breathe.
“Touch yourself,” I rasped, gone in my ecstasy.
Y/N obeyed by pressing two fingers against her clit, and I freed one hand from her hip to wrap it around her throat, pulling her flush against my chest; the new angle making me see stars.
“Such a whore for my cock.”
My grip around her throat was tight but not enough to cut off oxygen; just right.
“Yes, Noah.” She agreed.
I dug my teeth deep into the skin of her neck, leaving yet another bruising mark. All night, I’d been leaving marks across her neck, back, chest, and hips to mark what was mine.
Yours? How so?
“My whore. My angel,” I grunted, ignoring the thoughts in my mind, and my hips stilled when the orgasm ripped through me, exploding in a white haze of ecstasy.
“Yours,” Y/N called out before falling limp in my embrace.
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With a yawn, I threw on a sweater while slipping into my slides and stared down at the sleeping form of Y/N. She laid sprawled out on the bed, sheet wrapped loosely around her lower half as a leg stuck out to hang off the bed. Her bare back was to me and I drank in the side of the various bite marks and scratches.
It was nearing 4:30 in the morning and as she slept; I planned on walking over to the twenty-four-hour diner across the street from the hotel to grab us something to eat. Even though our time together was dwindling down, I wanted to make sure Y/N ate something. We were using a lot of energy the last few hours; she needed to gain it back somehow.
After our time outside, I dragged her back inside and threw her onto the couch.
Y/N gave me a cheeky smile. “Your stamina is extremely hard to keep up with.”
“What?” I teased while pulling her down to my lap as I sat. “Giving up on me, already? We still have four hours left.”
With her straddling my lap, Y/N eased down on my cock and my head fell back against the couch. My neck exposed to her, it was her turn to leave various bites along my pulse point as she raised herself most of the way off of me before sinking down complete.
“Shit, angel.”
I went to grab her hips, but she held my hands along the top of the couch, keeping them in place so I couldn’t touch her.
Y/N rode me in such a steady, erratic pace, that my orgasm was nearing its crest, cock pulsing inside of her, and she hummed in satisfaction. Her tits bounced with every rise and fall of her hips and I desperately wanted to grab them in my hands.
“Just watch,” she said in between breaths.
Easily I could have overpowered her, but I liked how gorgeous she looked like this; tits out, head titled back in pure pleasure, and my cock spearing her open.
Y/N made a soft noise in her sleep as I shook my head from the memories of less than an hour ago to stand there for a few more moments, watching her sleep. Her hair covered her face, so I gently brushed it back to leave a soft kiss on her forehead.
“I’ll be back soon, angel.”
Two bags of food in my hand, I exited the elevator with new found worry and I neared my hotel room. I was only gone for thirty minutes but as the clock on my phone practically screamed at me 5:00 A.M. I knew that there was still so much left to do in two hours. As I shut the door behind me, the sound must have woken Y/N because she slowly stirred while sitting up in bed.
“Hi,” I smiled while setting the food on the table. “I grabbed us some food.”
She stiffened a yawn behind her hand before running it through her hair. “You didn’t have to do that.”
Fuck, even her sleepy voice turned me on.
I shrugged while setting out the foam containers full of pancakes, waffles, and scrambled eggs with toast. Then I grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and placed them on the table as Y/N sank low into one chair, bedsheet clutched tightly to her chest.
“Feeling modest now?” I joked while setting a little of everything in front of her.
She mocked me by laughing. “No, it’s cold in here and I feel weird being naked while you’re dressed.”
I sat across from her as we ate in silence for the first long while, both of us scarfing down almost all of our food. Once I finished, I placed some of my hair in a bun while resting my chin in my hand, watching Y/N as she picked apart a loose thread on the bedsheet.
“What’s on your mind?”
She jerked slightly at my voice. “Uh, nothing important. Just work.”
I could see past her lie but decided not to press too much into it. “What do you do for work?”
“I-uh-I’m an author.”
“Why the hesitation?” I noticed.
Y/N shrugged. “Every time I tell people I’m an author they give me the typical that’s not a career look. But it’s the only thing I love to do. I’ve tried other things and hated it. But not writing, it’s never let me down.”
I couldn't stop the grin that pulled at my lips, completely understanding where she was coming from.
“That’s how I am with the band. Music was the only thing I knew growing up. I remember downloading this mixing program on my grandparents old ass computer and I thought for sure I’d get in trouble when they found out,” I smiled at the old memory.
“Did you live with your grandparent?” Y/N asked while she pulled her knees to her chest, sheet still clutched against her.
I swallowed before nodding, easing back into my chair. “After my dad died, I stayed with my mom but our relationship wasn’t the greatest so I bounced back and forth between the two places; when I wasn’t staying with my friends.”
“Uh,” she shifted in her chair. “I lost my parents a few years ago; car crash. That’s why I hate saying goodbye.”
Not wanting to go into further detail about my own parents' death even though we related somehow, I remembered back to last night when we said goodbye to Britt and Folio, Y/N refusing to say goodbye. Suddenly, it made sense. She didn’t want to say goodbye in case it was the last time she saw someone.
With my finger pressed to my forehead, I changed the subject by telling Y/N all about how Bad Omens first started, her watching with a fond smile. She reached for my hand at one point, trailing a finger over the letters I had tattooed on the side of it; my shoulders going rigid as she spelled out the letters.
“K. E. A. T. O. N.”
I let out a low cough. “What is this? A spelling bee?”
She playfully narrowed her eyes before linking our fingers together. “Shut up. You also have Pierce tattooed on your other hand.”
“Yeah, Keaton Pierce. He was one of my best friends, he passed away last March. He also was the vocalist for the band Too Close To Touch.”
Her lips parted. “Oh, shit. I knew it sounded familiar. I’ve heard a few of their songs. I’m sorry, Noah. I didn’t mean to bring it up.”
Since our hands were still linked, I pulled her from the chair as I stood, wrapping her into my embrace. “It’s alright. I don’t mind talking about him.”
“He must have meant a lot to you if you have his name tattooed,” Y/N had one hand pressed to keep the sheet against her while the other played with the string of my hoodie.
“Losing him was one of the hardest losses, I think. Besides my parents, and grandfather.”
She sucked in a breath and I knew what was coming: Oh, no. You’ve lost so many people. I’m sorry.
It was the same bullshit that everyone said anytime I mentioned all the people in my life that died.
“Well, I wonder what he would have had to say about our little arrangement tonight. Think he would give you advice on how this could have been a stupid idea?”
I snorted, almost shocked she didn’t go the typical route. “Keaton would be fucking proud that I got a girl like you to agree to spend a night with me.”
Y/N rolled her eyes while smacking my chest, a red hue crossing her features. “I’m nothing special.”
I lifted her chin with my knuckle, tired eyes gazing up at me. “I don’t agree with that.”
“Uh,” she swallowed. “We have less than two hours left.”
Deciding not to bring up how fast she changed the subject, I nodded while pulling her towards the bathroom.
“What are you doing?”
I led her into the large bathroom and motioned for her to sit on the bathroom counter. “I’m going to run us a bath.”
“Oh, how romantic,” Y/N smirked while letting the sheet finally fall to the floor and propping herself up on the bathroom counter.
Dark, hungry eyes, watched as she spread her legs wide to show me the slickness between her legs. Not removing my eyes from her, I felt for the faucet of the tub and set the perfect temperature after plugging the drain.
“Spread them wider, angel,” I ordered while crawling over to her.
Y/N bit her lip at the sight of me but obeyed with hands on her knees, keeping her legs spread wide for me.
My fingers dug deep into the skin of her thighs as I dragged her closer to the edge, the sound of skin on cool granite echoing in the room. Without anymore hesitation, my tongue darted out to lap at the wetness pooling between her legs and I hummed in delight.
“Taste better than breakfast.”
She rested her head against the mirror while running a hand through my hair, guiding me back to her pussy. Her mewls of pleasure and moans of praise made me work harder to bring her to euphoric bliss once again. My teeth grazing over her clit after my tongue speared inside of her; over and over.
“No-Noah,” she said through gritted teeth.
I hummed against the inside of her thigh.
“Can you suck on it?” She asked breathless. “I love when you do that.”
My eyes snapped up to her, catching the most angelic sight; Y/N was rolling a nipple between her fingers with her free hand, the other still tangled in my messy locks, while her head fell back with parted lips. Doing as she so gratefully asked, I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked until her moans of an orgasm rang beautifully in my ears, arousal coating my lips and tongue.
I rose to my full height, towering over her with my hair falling into my eyes as I ghosted my lips over hers, so desperately wanting to taste them. I needed it more than fucking oxygen at this point.
Y/N’s hands clawed at my clothes, muttering one word under her breath.
Hastily ripping off my sweater than sweat pants and briefs, I stood in front of Y/N again, under her accessing gaze.
“Fuck, Noah,” she breathed. “You’ve completely ruined any other guy for me.”
Pride filled me as a cocky grin pulled at my lips. “That was the plan, angel.”
Y/N jumped off the counter and pushed me to sit on the edge of the tub, me almost stumbling over my long limbs do to the force.
“I want to suck your cock, Noah,” she practically begged.
My cock stood straight up, little beads of pre-cum gathered at the small slit, and I ran a finger through it before spreading it over Y/N’s lips as she kneeled in front of me.
“All of it,” I demanded, sticking my finger deep into her throat.
She hummed as she sucked the entire length of my finger, eagerly swallowing my arousal down her throat. A loud pop echoed through the room when I removed my finger and grasped the back of her head. With one hand tangled in her hair, the other grasped the base of my cock and I forced her down towards it.
“Fuck,” I strangled a few other curses when the head of my cock hit the resistance of the back of her throat.
Y/N didn't even twitch or gag, simply bobbed her head up and down, taking my balls into her hand to squeeze. My hands grasped the edge of the tub, the water slowly rising to the edge, but that didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered to me was this beautiful girl on her knees, mouth stuffed full of my cock.
“Angel, right there,” I grasped her chin to keep her locked in place, her tongue flattening against the underneath of my cock. “Be a good girl and keep in place while I fuck this pretty little mouth.
Tears stained her cheeks, makeup running down her face, when she gazed up at me to nod. With a groan, I began fucking her throat, Y/N gagging quietly but never once stopping me. She made the comment earlier about how every other guy is ruined for her but little did she know any other women that tried to get my attention wouldn’t matter. My heart belonged to her more than just tonight. If she wanted it, she could have it.
“Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” I rushed out, the feeling of a burning orgasm wrapping itself around me, encasing me with the sudden rush of heat.
Y/N did the best to nod with my tight grip in her hair, my hips continuing to fuck up into her face, and I hissed out in pleasure when her nails dug deep into the skin of my thighs. I could hear now her choking over the running water and I froze momentarily.
“Safe word?”
Quickly she shook her head then urged me to continue with a gentle smack to my thigh. So taking that as permission to continue, I forced her head all the way down on my cock so she could swallow every single inch of me; my balls resting against her chin.
Her name came out in a choked moan as I finally spilled myself deep inside of her throat, her humming in delicious delight as she drank every last drop.
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Twenty minutes.
Twenty minutes until this girl would leave my life, not knowing the ramifications it would entail for me. But that’s what we agreed to; one night, no feelings, no regrets, and no kissing. Much to my dismay, it’s what Y/N wanted and I couldn’t deny her that.
“Noah, what are you doing?” She giggled as I carried her from the bathtub to the bed, water dripping from our still soaked bodies.
I tossed her onto the bed before climbing over her, spreading her legs apart with a forceful knee. “I want one last orgasm from you, angel. Think you can do that for me?”
We both were spent, body aching and screaming, but we couldn’t deny each other this. One final time.
I wrapped her leg around my back then lined my cock against her entrance, brown eyes locked hers as I slipped between her folds, the familiarity almost making me cum right on the spot.
Fuck, I would miss this. And her.
Y/N arched herself off the bed, her chest pressing against mine and with this new angel, I slowed to almost a stop, wanting to savor these final few moments locked together. I flicked my tongue over her nipple teasing at pulling with teeth before shifting over to the other one mimicking my actions. The pad of my thumb teased at her clit as I pulled most of the way out of her, Y/N’s arousal glistening on me in the light of the rising sun.
“Noah, I’m going to-.”
“Look at me, angel,” I grunted when I noticed her eyes were screwed shut. “Open your eyes and look at me.”
When she did, I stared down at her with so much adoration filling my iris’ and when our lips brushed lightly together, I couldn’t hold myself back any longer; I needed to know what they tasted like. Our lips finally crashed against each other, both of us moaning into each other's mouths. I didn’t miss a beat, our tongues dancing together in perfect harmony. Y/N’s lips molded perfectly against mine, almost as if we were soulmates separated at creation. It was a desperate kiss, teeth smacking against each other, and I bit down on her bottom lip as my thrusts became erratic then with a shuddering scream, we both fell apart together.
We lay there in our post daze of bliss for a long moment of silence. My forehead resting against hers. Just as I was about to steal another kiss, the alarm I set for seven a.m broke the glass of the house we created to protect us from reality.
Regretfully, I rolled off of Y/N to shut off the alarm, mentally building back up the walls I let down for her as I stepped into a pair of sweats, opting to not put on a shirt. Turning on my heels, it almost shocked me to see how fast Y/N dressed, almost walking towards the door. My heart sunk low, realizing she had her hand resting on the doorknob.
“Seven a.m.” I nodded.
Y/N bounced on the soles of her feet. “Yep. I don’t know if I should say thank you or something.”
I couldn’t help the chuckle that fell from my lips. “Trust me, angel. You helped me just as much I did you so there’s no need to thank me.”
She nodded, an uncomfortable silence falling between us for the first time tonight. I wanted her to stay, to say fuck it for our rules. None of that mattered anymore. She could stay for a few more hours and we could discuss things.
Discuss what? You heard her, Y/N doesn’t want a relationship. She only wanted sex.
“Did you need me to call you an Uber or something?” I asked, blocking out the negative thoughts.
“Already taken care of,” Y/N held up her phone.
See? Clearly she wants to leave; let her.
“So then,” I coughed. “I guess I’ll see you around?”
Y/N didn’t answer me right away, instead opened the door and when she looked back over her shoulder at me, my dulled eyes almost begging her to come back inside. The word danced on my tongue.
Stay, please stay with me. We’ll figure it out.
“Goodbye, Noah,” she shook her head before slipping from the room, the door closing slowly behind her.
Now alone for the first time in twelve hours, I let my eyes flutter shut, a broken sob crawling its way out of my chest.
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ihave-atummyache · 6 months
don’t feel sorry now
Lee Know One Shot
Summary: you and minho both know you shouldn’t, but you can’t help it…
18+!! smut, warnings under the cut
3k words
(smut warnings: lots of dirty talk (minhos mouth is filthy) degradation, infidelity, rough, kind of pwp??, piv, unprotected, nipple play, clit play, oral (f recieving), name calling (mean and nice), praise, objectification, finger sucking(i love it im sorry), thigh riding, over stimulation, choking, lowk(not lowk) breeding kink, creampie, lmk if im missing something)
You know you shouldn't go over to his house, you already know what is going to happen when you get there. He knows he shouldn't invite you over, he also knows what would happen.
However, here you are, raising your fist to knock on his door. Before you can make contact, the door opens and Minho is standing there with a smug grin on his face.
"Hi," you smile at him and he steps back, opening the door further to let you step inside.
"Hello, gorgeous," he murmurs quietly as you walk past him. You feel the blush rise up your neck, the blush that only he can put on your face, despite your situation.
"What are you doing?" You ask as you toe your shoes off and drop your bag on the table by the door. He takes a step closer and slides your coat off of you, hanging it on the hook. You mumble a quiet 'thank you' and he hums in response.
"Was just making some food. The others won't be back until later tonight so I was making some food for when they get back," he says and starts walking back towards the kitchen. You follow him, of course, and take note that he just basically said you are alone in the house.
"Mm. What are you making? I might could use a snack," you make your way to the bar stool, the same one you always sit at whenever you come to his house.
“I could too. But I’m not in the mood for food,” he confesses and you drop your jaw to reply but close it again, not really knowing what to say back. He chuckles to himself then turns his back to you, describing what he is making.
Honestly, you aren’t even listening. The way the cut off shirt he has on is showing off his back and shoulder muscles, the short shorts he has on showing off his thighs, the backwards hat he has on, showing off his face. You were practically crossing your legs at the sight alone.
“Done staring?” He snaps you out of your trance and you look up towards his face. He didn’t turn to face you completely, but instead is looking over his shoulder at you. You feel the same blush overcoming you again and drop your eyes to your hands.
“I asked if you want some. It’s about to be done,” he (apparently) repeats himself and you look up to meet his eyes again. He has turned around and you shamelessly look him up and down, taking in the sight from the other direction.
He somehow looks even better turned around. His arms are crossed and his biceps are flexing. But the first thing that caught your attention is high thighs. His shorts are riding up slightly, exposing more of the soft flesh and you bite down on your lip at the sight.
“I think I’m also hungry for something else,” you speak out, resting your chin in your hand and he smirks, looking up at the ceiling.
“I said it first, sweetheart,” he pushes off the counter and makes his way around the island. When he reaches you, he spins you around in the barstool, stepping between your legs.
Your hands rest on his hips for a moment and you trail them down, feeling the firm muscles of his thighs before trailing back up and wrapping your arms around his waist. He places a hand to your jaw, angling your face up as he leans down. He pauses, a few millimeters from your lips.
“I bet you’re wet just from looking at me right now,” he challenges, holding your face so you can’t break eye contact with him. His free hand settles on your thigh and slowly makes its way up to your cloth shorts. He runs his hands up your thigh, then groin then hip, before he slowly starts to inch towards the middle of your shorts.
His hand moves to the waistband and he is silently searching your face to see if what he is doing is okay.
“Find out for yourself,” you whisper out and he lets out a deep, barely audible groan before his fingers slip inside the waistband of your shorts. He takes note of you not having any underwear on and chuckles lowly to himself.
“No panties? Naughty girl,” he grumbles, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your neck, just below your ear. You let out a sharp inhale when his cool fingers finally make contact with your wet folds.
“Always so wet for me,” he mumbles against your ear and your head kicks back, giving him more access to your neck. He continues to lick and suck on your neck, careful not to leave any marks. His fingers dip down, gathering some of your wetness before coming back to your clit and rubbing circles into it.
A moan leaves your mouth and you move your hands, wrapping them around his neck. Much to your dismay, he removes his hand from inside your pants. You want to let out a whine but the scene in front of you stops you in your tracks.
Minho has his middle and ring finger in his mouth, sucking the taste of you off his fingers. He lets out moan at the taste and his eyes fall closed, like he is savoring the most delicious meal he has ever had.
“Taste so good, always taste so good,” he praises once he removes his fingers from his mouth.
“Let me taste,” you reply and grab his neck again, pulling his lips to yours. The taste of you is all over his tongue and you groan but before you can deepen the kiss anymore, he pulls away.
“I told you I was hungry, princess. Mind if I get my snack now?” he asks, pressing a kiss to your neck, collarbone. He then leans down and presses kisses against your nipples through your shirt and then he’s on his knees in front of you.
Minho grabs the waistband of your shorts and you lift, allowing him to remove them before he is settling between your legs again. One hand on each of your thighs forces your legs open and you are fully exposed to him.
“Such a pretty, pussy. I could sit down here for hours and worship her,” he comments and leans closer, pulling your body by your thighs to meet his face.
He licks a stripe up your core, letting out a groan at being able to taste first hands before he can’t help himself and dives in. Your head falls back again as your grip on the barstool tightens.
He starts to suck on your clit, making you lace a hand through his hair. He flicks your clit expertly, exactly how he knows you like it before he brings one of his hands from your thigh to meet with his actions on your pussy.
He sinks one finger into your begging hole and pumps slowly as he continues to suck and flick your clit. It is taking everything in your power not to grind against his face and your grip in his hair tightens, causing him to let out a groan into your pussy. The vibrations have you bucking slightly and you can feel him smiling against your core.
“More,” you breathe out, wanting to feel more full. Wanting to feel completely surrounded by Minho. However, he does the opposite, stopping completely and standing up, leaving his finger still inside you, pumping slowly.
“I don’t think you’re in any position to be making demands, slut,” he practically spits and you both feel you clench around the digit, still knuckle deep inside you.
“You like being told the truth, don’t you? You like being called out. One cock not being enough for you? You have to come to me to be satisfied,” he growls at you and sinks another finger into you. You groan, nodding mindlessly, and his free hand moves to the back of your hair, tugging it so you are looking him in his eyes.
“This is my pussy. I’m lending it out. Don’t you forget it,” his eyes are demanding, completely dominating you and you can’t help clenching around his fingers again.
“I know, I know,” you’re chanting out as he begins to curl his fingers and pump them at the same time.
It is no secret to Minho that you have a boyfriend. He knew you before you even started dating the ‘loser’ (his words, not yours). Within the first month of you dating the guy, you were already caught in this loop with Minho. He was so intoxicating and made you feel like nobody else ever has, including your boyfriend.
That being said, his favorite things to say when you are being intimate like this is degrading you for cheating with him.
His fingers start to slide in and out of you a bit more quickly but still slowly, a wet sound filling the silence. He moves his other hand to the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your chest so your bra is completely exposed. He stuffs the bottom of your shirt into your mouth, making you hold it in place before unclasps the back of your bra with one hand, never stopping his fingers inside of you.
You wrap one hand around his wrist, digging your nails in and surely leaving marks. Your other hand is still gripping the bar stool under you.
His fingers have you coming so close to an orgasm that you barely even notice he has removed your bra before his lips are on your nipple, sucking the bud.
“Fuck, that feels so good,” your voice comes out shaky and his fingers speed up, curling inside of you. Your thighs start to shake just as he moves to the other nipple, biting down gently.
“I-I’m gonna cum,” you stutter out and Minho hums against your tit in response, not changing what he is doing and pushing you over the edge.
“I’m not stopping you,” he pulls away from your nipple and stands again. A moment of eye contact is all it takes and your falling apart, literally in the palm of his hand. Pornographic and obscene moans leave your mouth and Minho’s hand doesn’t stop inside of you, prolonging your orgasm until it send you into overstimulation. He pulls his hand out, bringing his fingers to your lips.
Your mouth instinctively falls open and he pushes the two fingers inside of your mouth, pressing down flat on your tongue. You close your lips, sucking his fingers. He slowly pumps his finger in and out of your mouth, imagining its his cock instead.
The thought alone has him twitching in his shorts and it is taking an insane amount of self control to not fuck you right here and now.
“Fuck. This is all you’re good for isn’t it? Just being a little hole I can use whenever I want? Letting me use your mouth and your pretty pussy,” He growls out, pressing himself against your bare pussy. You moan as he’s pulling his fingers from your lips. He grabs the back of your hair again, fingers tight to your scalp and pulls you forward, making you fall out of the stool.
“I would love to fuck this pretty face but I don’t think I have the self control to be gentle right now. Can’t send you back home with a hoarse voice from having my cock down your throat, can I?” his face is inches from yours, his breath fans over your face with every words and you let out another shameless moan.
He loves when you stop talking because he knows he’s inching you closer and closer to literally being brainless.
One thing that you have always been turned on by when it comes to Minho is his mouth. His mouth is filthy. The dirtiest of any of your partners you have ever been with and he knows just how much it turns you on and uses it.
“I hope you don’t think I’m finished with you, kitty. I don’t need you going dumb on me already,” his voice has sarcastic and almost sadistic sympathy laced in and before you can reply he pulls your hair again, turning you around so your back is pressed against his chest and your hips are against the lip of the counter.
Being pushed against him makes you realize how you are completely naked in his kitchen, not a single article of clothing on, while he is still fully dressed. The thought adds a bit of embarrassment and you feel heat rushing up your neck and towards your face.
He pushes you forward by your hair and you catch yourself on your hands before he is kicking your legs apart and pushing his shorts down.
“As much as I know you want me to fuck you right now, I saw the way you have been eyeing my thighs since you walked in,” he speaks lowly against your ear, sending chills down your spine. He licks a stripe from your ear down to your shoulder and you bite down on your lip trying your hardest to stop the moan from escaping.
His hand makes its way to your mouth and he gently pulls your lip from between your teeth.
“Let me hear those pretty moans, baby,” you commands and you nod as he trails his hand back down your body, the other still wrapped tightly in your hair, making tears spring to your eyes.
He rests both hands on your hips and steps closer to you, trapping you completely between him and the counter.
He pushes his leg between your own and pulls you down, straddling his completely bare thigh. You are still a bit sensitive from your previous orgasm and you jolt at the pressure. You feel the wetness from having just came start to drip onto his thigh.
“Go on, don’t be shy now,” his grip on your hips tightens and he drags you across his thigh, your wetness creating no friction between the two of you. A shaky breath leaves you at the contact and before you know it, your feel yourself grinding against the muscle.
“There you go that’s it. I’m making you feel better with just my thigh than he has ever made you feel,” he leans forwards and bites your shoulder before he presses a gently kiss, “Who is making you feel this good right now?” he questions and you quicken your grinding, feeling your second orgasm approaching much quicker than the first.
“Y-you,” you breath out, inching closer and closer to cloud nine.
“Who?” he prompts again and you moan at him forcing you to say it.
“Y-you. Minho. Only you. Fuck!” your orgasm comes crashing over you so hard that if it weren’t for Minho’s thigh between your legs and his grip on your hips, you would’ve crumpled into a puddle on the floor.
“Don’t you forget it,” he whispers against your neck, pulling his thigh from between your legs. The brush against your clit has you jumping and letting your knees fall together. You fall to your elbows on the counter as you try to catch your breath.
“Don’t tell me you’re tapping out already? I’m trying to make up for lost time,” his hands are trailing down your shoulder blades, down your spine, until they reach your ass and he grips the flesh tightly.
“While you were off playing house, I was here all alone without anyone to be my little hole,” his words are filthy but his grip in your ass loosens and you can’t help chuckling at the words.
He takes a step closer, his cock resting between your legs and touching your overstimulated clit, causing you to let out a sound between a groan and a whine.
“I-I wasn’t playing house,” you try to defend yourself and he moves his hips, rubbing his cock against your sensitive clit, your slick was spilling out of you onto him from cumming twice and he bites down on his lip at the feeling of you finally against him.
“Sorry. While you were playing loyal, I was forced to play by myself,” his hand finds its way back into your hair and he pushes you down, pressing your cheek against the counter.
Before you can even think of a snide remark to say back, he is sinking into you. He bottoms out in one go and it sinks in easily as a result of your orgasms.
“So wet. So warm. Still so tight even though you get two cocks whenever you want,” he groans and pulls out before pushing back in. You whimper out and push your hips back against him.
“Mm. Greedy slut with a greedy pussy,” He pushes into you, harshly, forcing your hips against the counter before pulling out and fucking you relentlessly. You know there will be bruises on your hips from how hard you are hitting the counter but you really couldn’t care less.
He pulls out until only his tip is in then pushes back in as far as he can every time he fucks into you. His tip kisses your cervix and has your eyes rolling back into your head at the pain and pleasure that you are enduring all over.
His hand in your hair tightens and he pulls you to standing, pressing your back against his chest. You moan out at the new angle and grip the edge of the counter, trying your best to ground yourself.
“Don’t tell me you are already going to cum again. I’m not stopping until I get to fill this pretty pussy up,” his filthy words send you over the edge and you cum again, gushing all over his cock until it is dripping down his thighs.
He makes word of his promise, however, and doesn’t stop fucking you, sending you into overstimulation quickly.
“T-too m-much,” you cry out as tears start to rundown your face. His laughs behind you, moving his hand from your hair to wrap around your throat, squeezing slightly as you whimper out at every thrust.
“I said I wasn’t going to stop, didn’t I?” he asks you and your mouth falls open to reply but his grip on your throat tightens, preventing any words from leaving you.
“Never mind. I like it better when you’re just brainless hole,” he growls out and loosens his grip, leaving you gasping for breath. The feeling of not being able to breathe distracted you from the overstimulation and by the time you realize he is still fucking into you, it has turned back to pleasure.
His other hand wraps around your middle, preventing you from pulling away from him. His hand that’s still wrapped gently around your throat squeezes every couple of thrusts, forcing you to start tumbling back towards another orgasm.
“I’m gonna fill this pussy up. G-gonna send you back to him with my cum leaking out of you. Gonna put a baby in here so he know you’ve been fucking me,” his hand resting on your stomach pushes against you as he talks, his hips starting to lose rhythm a bit.
He moves the hand thats on your stomach down to your clit and tightens the other hand around your neck, making you clench around him as he makes contact with the sensitive bud.
“I-I c-can’t cum a-fuck- again,” you’re stuttering out, tears starting to flow again when he rubs lazy circles on your clit.
“But you can, and you will,” he commands you and his thrusts speed up in time with his hands, pushing you closer to what feels like will be your untimely death.
“Your greedy pussy is trying to milk me for everything I have. Clenching around me. You would almost think you’re a good girl,” he comments and at this point, your brain is fried.
“I am. I am a good girl. I’m your good girl,” your words are almost sobs when they come out and he speeds up his hand, pushing you closer and closer.
“Then be a good girl and come around my cock,” he demands and you can’t help but obey. As soon as your orgasm starts, he’s cumming too. He fucks you through it and then your coming down, crashing down. Your arms give out and you slump forward on the counter, resting on your elbows with your head down.
Minho pulls out of you and replaces his cock with his finger, stuffing his cum back inside of you. You whimper and move your hips away from him but he doesn’t let you, his finger remain in your pussy no matter which way you move.
“I’m keeping my promise. You’re going back stuffed with my cum because I know you don’t let him cum in you,” he says and then the post nut clarity hits. You drop your head into your hands as guilt comes crashing through you.
“Aw, don’t feel sorry now, princess. You can’t take it back. You’ll come back to me when you need this greedy pussy filled up again,” he groans out and you shake your head, sitting up and turning to face him.
“I want to leave him but if I do then…” you pause, making eye contact with Minho before continuing, “…Then I want to be with you,” you confess suddenly and Minho takes a step towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You wrap yours around his neck and he rests his forehead against yours.
“Then be with me,” he whispers against your lips before closing the gap and kissing you again, sweetly this time.
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gretavanlace · 1 year
You and Jake weren’t together, but you hadn’t been able to get enough of each other the last two months or so. It was a random drunken hookup one night on tour that turned into sneaking off together everywhere you could. Him eating you out in his bunk, you sucking him off in his dressing room or hotel room, him fucking you senseless just about everywhere he could. Your favorite places were always the ones you could be caught at a split second, as exhibitionism might very well be one of your favorite new kinks you’ve discovered with him. Places like the couch in the green room backstage, or the back of the tour bus right before everyone gets on for the night, or even in his kitchen when he had you bent over and facing the large living room window, right before the rest of his brothers arrived for a nice night of takeout. Simply put, the two of you were having the time of your lives.
You were at his house that evening, after a long day of Jake bringing you right to the edge 6 times. You were ready to cry from frustration when he spread your legs on his counter that night, right before Danny got there, and gently pushed in a shiny new kegel ball toy. “I’d behave tonight if I were you,” he whispered to you as he helped you pull your leggings back up. You weren’t sure what he meant, you thought you’d been good all day. It didn’t seem like the new toy inside of you was a vibrating one, but you weren’t looking at the toy when he pushed it in. You let your feet drop to the floor as danny walked in and - fuck, what was that? A jolting pressure was felt between your legs, a damn good one that you weren’t at all expecting. Your heartbeat picked up and you looked at Jake in shock. He had a smug grin on his face, the bastard knew. You nearly doubled over when you took another step. “Are you okay?” Danny asked, oblivious to all hell. “Yeah, shit, I kind of rolled my ankle when I hopped off the counter. Just feel a little wobbly,” you lied through your teeth. It did the job though, it let you safely hobble over to Jake’s couch where you planned to stay for the remainder of Danny’s time.
Of course, that didn’t happen. Jake sat down shortly after you, and asked you to please grab the three of you some beers from the fridge. Then he pulled you onto his loveseat with him, a harsh fall for your current situation. You had to fight back a moan at that one.
The night went on with the three of you, but you were restless. You needed to cum, and Jake knew that. What he also knew, is that you and Danny had been eye fucking each other for weeks. Last week, he’d gotten it out of you while he was fucking you that yes, you did sometimes also think about Danny when you were alone. The week before, it had come up in conversation between him and Danny while passing a blunt that, “I’d absolutely let y/n sit on my face. If she walked in right now and asked, I’d do it no hesitation.” So, tonight, he decided he’d be nice and give you both a gift.
He pulled you into his lap and maneuvered you to rest your back against his chest. You stifled another moan, “Jake, Danny’s here,” you whispered to him. “He knows, baby. He’s not even looking,” he whispered back. You noticed he picked up his phone, but you were more focused on his erection now pressing into your ass to care. He had sent Danny a message just then, telling him “You can join in tonight, if you want. She’d be more than happy about it. If you don’t want to, we just act like I never sent this message. If you do, just go along with what I say, okay?”
Danny read the message and shot a confused look to his friend, only to be returned with a stern nod of his head. He nodded his head back, if he was really going to get a night with you, he’d be a flaming idiot to pass it up.
Jake slowly spread your legs then, and hooked his fingers into the sides of your leggings. “I’m gonna take these off of you. Danny’s gonna stay right there until I tell him otherwise. We’d like to play with you tonight baby, if you’re okay with it,” he said to you. You turned to face him, convinced you heard him wrong. When he just held your stare, your eyes got big, the realization hitting you. You felt your leggings dampen right away. All you could do is nod your head. He kept his word, gently taking your leggings off of you. “Daniel, she’s got a nice new toy inside her right now. I’m gonna take it out if you wanted to watch.” At that, Danny shifted in his spot on the couch beside you, placing his elbows on his knees, ready to see. Jake pulled your panties to the side and pulled lightly on the little string attached to the balls, proud of the way your hips jerked forward at it. He gently pulled them out of you and placed them beside you on the couch. You mourned the loss and clenched around nothing, and felt your wetness literally drip onto the floor. “Jake, please? I need something, I need something so bad,” you whined to him. He slide your panties off then, pushing your legs further apart. “Sit on my cock, baby. But don’t move.” You whines again at his words, but did as he said. You looked at Danny as you lowered yourself onto Jake, almost crying when you get him fill you completely. You couldn’t help it, you rotated your hips against him, trying so hard to find friction where you needed it most. He grabbed your hips and drilled you instantly. “I told you to stay still. Don’t fucking move, or you’ll go to bed tonight with a swollen clit begging to be touched,” he said with a harsh tone. He was fighting a battle of his own, you were clenching so fiercely around his length that he had to force himself not to fuck up into you. Instead, he moved forward with he promised the two of you.
“Daniel, can you push my coffee table out of the way for me?” You moaned out, you knew you were in for it then. He did as he was asked, pushed it off to the opposite side of the three of you. “Shes a squirter when she’s been edged like she has today. Don’t wanna get it on all the furniture,” he says looking at Danny. You looked at him too, an obvious tent in his pants, with one hand over it for a bit of friction. A quiet “fuck” came from his lips and you clenched again around Jake. “Come baby her clit. She likes it when you pinch it and roll it between your fingers sometimes,” he tells Danny before kissing your shoulder gently. “He’s gonna come play with your sweet little clit, and I’m gonna fuck you a little bit, okay? You still can’t cum until I say so. Is that okay?” All you could do was shake your head yes, because, yes, every bit of this was okay with you. Danny settled between your spread legs and gently laid his hands on your tummy. At that moment, Jake pulled out and pushed back in harshly. “Jake!” You yelled into the room, already about to come undone. You didn’t have time to say anything else, as Jake settled with an agonizingly slow and deep pace, and Danny brought his hand between your legs. He looked up at you, his eyes nearly black. He did exactly what he was told to do, he softly pinched your clit between two fingers and rolled just a bit. “Oh my fucking god, Danny please make me cum, please!” You begged him, knowing it was a promised punishment from Jake. “You ask me, not him. You know better, don’t you?”
You choked back a sob and shook your head yes. As Danny played with your clit, Jake angled his hips forward, searching for the spot you knew he would find. You let out a noise close to a growl, trying desperately to keep it in. Danny was between your legs and you didn’t want to soak him so soon, and you didn’t want a second punishment from Jake either. “I can’t, Jake, I -“ you were cut off by a stream of wetness, one you couldn’t have fought no matter how hard you tried. The release was nowhere near enough for the day you’ve had. To your surprise, Danny stayed right where he was. He took his hand away and buried his face in you, licking everywhere. “She likes it when you suck on her too,” Jake tells his friend, moving your hips back and forth now. You fall forward a bit, your hands on Danny’s back as he, again, follows instructions and sucks your clit right into his mouth. You feel his pointed tongue roll it around, and you’re cumming again. “Fuck, Danny, it feels so good! Please don’t stop keep licking it!” You beg to him again, losing yourself in the pleasure. You hear your release hitting the floor rapidly, but you couldn’t stop it if you tried. You hold his head to you, and he groans in pleasure, more than happy to stay right where he is.
It’s 8:30 in the damn morning and I’m at work. But if I had to read this and suffer the consequences, I’m making it everyone else’s problem, too.
Jesus Christ 🏴 are you trying to kill us all?!
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c-h-i-m-es · 10 months
bachira meguru
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contents(s): aged up characters, mentions of alcohol, getting drunk
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you are in the kitchen putting the groceries away when you hear the doorbell ring. “i’ll get it.” your boyfriend says and leaves the kitchen. a few seconds later you can hear the voices of your friends who very soon join you in the kitchen.
“hi y/n. congratulations.” isagi says and places the bottle of wine he brought on the counter and comes to hugs you. “thanks isagi.” 
“i can’t believe you two are actually moving in together.” says chigiri whom you hug next. “i know but everything is feeling.. right, you get it?”
“i don’t know if i get it but good for you.” he shrugs and puts the case of beer he brought inside the fridge.
you along with all your friends enter the living room with bunch of take outs that you ordered and drinks to spend the time. you have just bought a place together with bachira, your boyfriend and tonight you planned to hook up with your friends as kind of a house welcome party.
you spend the next few hours watching a couple of movies before everyone starts getting drunk so you blast music, the place is soundproof so no need to worry about the complaints from neighbors. 
you all sing and dance, some even playing some board games and all. you feel your throat beginning to get dry from all the sing off you’re having with raichi and gagamaru so you excuse yourself to take a break.
you grab yourself a non alcoholic drink and get out on the balcony to get some fresh air. you think you’d be alone but your boyfriend notices you getting out so he accompanies you.
“hi.” you smile at him and sit on the small small couch you placed on the balcony. you pat next to you for him to join you, which he gladly does.
“are you okay? did you drink too much?” he puts an arm around you to pull you to him and you rest your head on his chest.
“nah, it’s difficult keeping up with athletics on anything.” he laughs at that and takes the drink from your hand and opens the can.
maybe it was the alcohol you had or you feeling tired and sleepy but seeing him do such a simple task seemed so hot at the moment.
“stop looking at me like that babe.” he hands you your drink and places a kiss on your forehead.
“i wasn’t. i was just thinking.” you take a sip of your drink and look into the night sky. almost midnight, most people in their sleep and here you are in your lover’s arms in your newly bought apartment while all your friends, and yourself, too drunk to think about what is happening.
so peaceful yet so chaotic.
“and so.. what are you thinking about?” you pull away and turn your body to him, “we are moving in together meguru.” it is like that is when it hits you and you clasp your hands together, “we are moving in together!”
“actually we have already move in together y/n. we just need to unpack and buy this and that for the house.” his face breaks into a huge grin, “then we will be seeing each other all the time! better not get tired of seeing me babe.” 
you chuckle and move closer to him, “like i could ever get tired of you.” you kiss him and feel his smile against your lips. you pull back and look into his eyes, looking bright even in the middle of the night. you might even see stars in his sky if you are sober enough to focus.
“okay missy, you’re starring again. let’s get you to bed hmm?” he takes the drink from your hand and puts it aside. taking your hand in his, he leads you back into the living room to find your friends half asleep with the extra ass disco light and the television on with loud music playing and all.
“wow look at them hiking our bills just like that.” you shake your head and you both spend next couple of minute turning the lights off and covering the guys with a blanket and pillows and cushions to make them a little more comfortable than the weird positions they are lying on. 
“ugh i’m tired.” bachira exhales and plops himself on the floor. “come on boy, let’s go to our bedroom.” he laughs out of nowhere, “it feels so weird to hear you say our bedroom.” he extends his arms up for you to pull him off of his butt.
you pull him up and he wraps his arms around you as you walk to your shared bedroom. he crashes down on the soft mattress of the bed, pulling you with him, “i’m so tired.”
you turn to him and push his hair away from his face, “i know, let’s sleep. we’ll do the cleaning tomorrow.” you kiss him one last time for the night before you both fall asleep.
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Plant write me the fluffiest fucking crimbeoys and /or eret and wilbur please I’m crawling at you I want soft and silly/nf/gen
Lil Raft Boy
I will gladly write the fluffiest thing for you! You sent this when I was playing a lot of Raft so yeah that explains a lot of what inspired the story, I really hope you guys enjoy this story! It might get a part too but I'm not completely sure.
TW- fear and bad rep for sharks
It had been a year now since Tommy had been separated from his raft cluster and despite being stuck out in the middle of the ocean all alone he had actually done pretty good to keep himself alive! He had taught himself how to make beet and potato soup, how to fish, and how to scare off the pesky sharks if they try taking a bite out of his raft!
Tommy was struggling to get a worm tied to his fishing hook as he sat down near the nets of his raft really hoping he could catch a fish today and have that for dinner. He was kind of getting tired of beat and potato soup considering he had been eating it for 2 weeks straight now. Tommy cheered a little as he got the worm tied to his hook and cast it out to see patiently waiting for something to bite it. The sun was slowly starting to set when something finally bit Tommy's hook and he quickly started pulling the fish in excitement when he pulled out a small fish.
"Yes! I am eating well tonight!" Tommy proclaimed excitedly as he pulled out his pocket knife and started cutting the fish up into small pieces and starting to cook it on his small grill, he ignored how his raft started to sway back and forth a little assuming that just meant it was probably going to start raining soon. That was until Tommy heard something large emerge from the water and quickly turned around worried a shark might have jumped onto his raft- but found himself staring at something much more terrifying.
Emerging from the water and looming over Tommy's little raft was a giant- person-fish thing! It had long brown hair, yellowish scales running along its sides and neck covering where its gills were, and its eyes were a solid black the only thing reflecting from them was the smallest torch on the lower half of Tommy's raft. He slowly started backing away, trembling as the creature opened its mouth making strange noises and leaning closer to his raft.
Tommy watched as a giant hand emerged from the water and started reaching towards him and (out of pure fear) started screaming covering his head, he just continued screaming until he heard water splashing and hesitantly looked over it where the Giant fish had been and saw- nothing. There was no trace of the giant creature, just a big open ocean with no real landmarks and miles upon miles of water.
Tommy quickly made up his dinner and ran into the small sheltered part of his raft where his bed was, he tightly sealed all of the curtains and quietly ate his food listening closely for something large emerging from the water and hoping- praying that whatever that giant fish had been was gone. He climbed into his hammock and quickly fell asleep.
Tommy woke up early as he usually did and instantly got to work adding salt water into the empty part of his water purifier, taking the purified water to water his potatoes and beets, drinking some water for himself, and eating a few roasted beets for breakfast. The blonde crawled underneath the stairs checking his chest for any resources he needed to stock up on when he heard something emerge from the water, he slowly and hesitantly came out from under the stairs instantly regretting this when he saw the terrifying creature from last night.
Tommy quickly picked up his spear getting ready to fight just in case this thing tried grabbing him again- but instead watched as a giant creature opened its mouth and let a bunch of slimy fish pour out onto his boat, it quickly retreated underwater before Tommy could even say or do anything, the blonde stared at the fish extremely confused for a few minutes as he used his spear to pick up one of the fish and brought it closer to himself. It didn't look like the giant creature did anything to it and it surprisingly wasn't missing any of its body parts despite being in a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, he placed the fish down on his small grill and started putting the other fish away in his food chest realizing he wouldn't need to worry about fishing for a few days.
Once Tommy was happy with all the fish he had packed away he started using the fish that remained to make some shark bait, he was running low on wood and if you wanted to not worry about his ship getting bites taken out of it by the shark that had been following him he would need to distract the creature.
And sadly speaking of that pesky shark- 
Tommy spotted in the corner of his eye the shark swimming straight towards his wrath and most likely getting ready to bite it, he quickly got his spear out getting ready to stab at the creature's face to hopefully stop it from destroying part of his raft. But as the shark got closer a giant hand emerged from the water wrapping around the shark and quickly dragging it down into the ocean depths.
Tommy just stood there absolutely horrified as the giant fish person slowly emerged out of the water with a bit of the shark's fin still sticking out of their mouth, they licked their lips swallowing the rest of the fin down, and opened their mouth to say something. Tommy out of pure panic and also just not wanting to understand what just happened began screaming at the top of his lungs, he watched as the giant fish person slowly sank back down underwater with the fins on the side of their head painting against their hair.
The blonde stopped screaming once the giant fish was gone slowly starting to calm down but instantly starting to scream again when the fish person tried poking their head out of the water again instantly going back down, Tommy and the giant fish person did this a few more times throughout the day until it was time for Tommy to sleep. 
Hopefully, the giant fish person wouldn't do anything too horrifying tomorrow morning.
Tommy was actually a bit concerned the next morning when he woke up and didn't see the giant mer anywhere, he had expected to at least see the top of their head poking out of the water watching him as he took care of his plants and water. But throughout the entire day, Tommy found himself all alone, which he was used to considering he had been out here for a year…but it was nice having someone around even if they didn't talk.
As the day carried on Tommy became more and more worried about the mer creature as they continued to not show their face or any signs of them being under the water, he didn't scare the big guy off right? The blonde walked over to the edge of his raft looking down into the water and hoping to find a glimpse of the mer, he hesitantly reached his hand into the water splashing the water a bit and hoping it might get the mers attention.
Sadly instead of getting the Giant mers attention, he got the pesky shark who had been attacking his boat for the last few weeks, he quickly pulled his hand out of the water as he saw the sharks swimming up towards the surface and backed away from the edge looking for his spear. The blonde screened as the shark jumped onto his boat and started trying to bite at him, Tommy used his wooden spear to keep the shark from getting any closer as he called out.
"HEEELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!" Tommy screamed as he felt something sharp poke the sides of his leg and continued struggling to keep the shark away from him, he just continued screaming out desperately hoping there might be some other rafters around.
As Tommy's spear broke something large emerged from the water and easily grabbed the shark and lifted it up into the air, Tommy watched in slight horror as the giant mer opened its mouth and dropped the shark swallowing it whole. The blonde just continued watching as the shark disappeared down the mers throat and the giant looked over at him quickly moving closer to him.
Tommy didn't scream as the mer gently wrapped its hand around him and was slowly lifted up into the air, the mer brought him closer to their face carefully inspecting his injuries and making some strange purr noise. The blonde took in a few deep breaths as tears started running down his face, he had almost just died- he would have been one of the missing rafters no one knew what happened to if it wasn't for the Giant mer.
Tommy completely broke down sobbing as the mer gently tried to comfort him, rubbing his back with their thumb and holding him close to their chest. Tommy happily leaned into the surprisingly warm skin desperate for any kind of comfort.
"I-I'm sorry I screamed at you- please stay- please don't leave again-" Tommy begged as he looked up at the mer with tears-filled eyes, he felt some relief wash over him as the giant nodded their head and started swimming in some direction noticing them pulling his raft along in the corner of his eye.
Tommy closed his eyes as the mer continued swimming doing his best to calm down and study his breathing, he opened his eyes quickly as he felt something solid beneath his feet and fell backward into a small pile of sand. The blonde looked around and realized that he had been placed on the coast of a small island.
Tommy took a few steps back to better look up at the giant mer that slowly swam out a bit from the island and went a bit under the water, the blonde watched as the giant mer carefully docked his raft and then gave all of their attention to Tommy. The young rafter looked around and grabbed a nearby stick and hesitantly moved closer to the shore of the small island.
"D-Do you know how to talk or write? I um- I want to know your name and why you're so…big?" Tommy asked offering the large stick to the mer, he stayed completely still as they took the large stick and started writing upside down in the sand.
Tommy walked along the written letters in the sand spelling them out loud as he put the syllables together. "W-Wil-bur soot, your name is Wilbur Soot? That's a pretty normal name for a weird giant fish."
'Wilbur' rolled his eyes at Tommy's comment and softly growled at the kid, Tommy simply chuckled to himself as he carefully climbed the rocks on the island and made his way back over to his raft.
"What? It is! You're literally a giant fish thing that eats sharks! Hell, I fit in the palm of your hand, it makes more sense that your name would be something fish related to!" Tommy proclaimed as he safely climbed onto his raft and started repositioning his sale, he chuckled a bit more as Wilbur growled at him again. "Not my fault your giant fish Wilbur, anyway you still going to stick around and hang out with me?"
Wilbur's ears perked up at the question and he happily nodded his head making a strange chirping noise at Tommy, the blonde smiled back at the mer as he started grabbing some tools from a chest. "Ok then! Well, I'm going to grab some resources from the island, can you get some of the metals and scrap from the coral reef?"
Wilbur nodded his head before diving underneath the waves and causing the raft to sway back and forth rapidly, Tommy waited until the waters had calmed down a bit before he climbed back onto the island and started collecting the wild watermelons that grow there and wood from the trees.
Tommy slowly started to look forward to the idea of having a giant companion with him.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 9 months
Slumber Party: Part Two
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Warnings: canon angst and violence
Summary: Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West making an appearance, Charlie coming to visit, and Castiel getting used to being human, oh my! Ding Dong, the witch is dead!
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.
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It's not long until Charlie shows up, and she walks inside the Bunker with a wide smile on her face. Maryann has been put down for a nap, and Joanna is content with playing with Zeus in her room.
"Hey, I'm having a birthday party for Joanna tonight. You're coming, right?"
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," she beams.
"Thank you for coming," Sam says.
"Not a problem, especially since I got fired last week."
"What happened?"
"It turns out the company I work for was outsourcing to child labor, so I took a big Wikileak all over that. It's cool, though. It's given me more time to focus on my hobbies like LARPing, macrame, and hunting."
"Excuse me?" Sam and Dean say at the same time.
"You didn't know? I thought Y/N would have told you."
"You knew about this?" Dean asks you.
"I might have," you wince. "I knew how you'd react, but she's been really good about it. She's being safe."
"Yeah. Plus, it was just a couple of little cases. I took down a teenage vampire and a ghost, which sounds like a Y.A. novel if you say it out loud."
"How did it go?" Sam asks, still concerned.
"It was... intense. I wish hunting was more magical, you know?" Sam and Dean look confused, and she moves on. "Never mind. So, where is this Commodore 64 of yours?"
Sam escorts her back to the command center with the big computer, and she gasps in amazement. She rushes over to the computer and begins messing with it to see if she can try and figure it out.
"Sweet Ada Lovelace. This thing belongs in a museum. I mean, it's got encryption software. It seems to be powered by something magical. It's kind of an alarm system. Maybe for global badness? This computer is what locked this place down."
"Can we use it to track angels?"
"Let me see what I can do." Charlie is a master at technology, so she hooks up all kinds of wires and switches that are hooked up to her laptop. "Alright. It took some doing, but now we can download it. This beast has all the Men of Letters files."
"It's a start. Thank you, Charlie. This is great."
Sam and Dean look at each other, and it's clear they want to ask her something.
"So, you've been hunting... alone?"
"I know," she sighs. "Not a good idea, according to the 'Supernatural' books."
"You really can't delete those from the Internet?" Sam asks, annoyed.
"Not even I can do that."
"Where do you even find them?"
"A top-secret place I call Amazon," she says with a cheeky grin. "Someone uploaded all the unpublished works. I thought it was fanfic at first, but it was clearly Edlund's work."
"Who uploaded it?"
"I don't know. Their screen name was beckywinchester176. Ring a bell?"
You can't help but let out a loud cackle. Sam gives you the biggest bitch face, but you can't help but continue to laugh.
"Remember when you got married to her?" you giggle.
"Keep it up, Y/N," Sam nods in annoyance.
Charlie types on her laptop only to huff out in frustration
"Ugh, these files are encrypted. This is gonna take a while. So, takeout, sleepover, and braid each other's hair?"
"I have an idea," Sam smiles.
Since Dean got Game of Thrones for Sam, Dean thought it would be best to watch some of that with Charlie since she is an avid watcher. Sam grabs some books and files regarding what might be on that computer and sits next to the bed to read while Dean and Charlie watch their show. You're sitting at the head of the bed on your own laptop, looking at decorations for Joanna's birthday party. You need to grab stuff with same-day shipping so it'll be here before the end of the day.
Dean and Charlie watch three episodes before deciding that it's a good time for a break.
"Wow. That Joffrey's a dick," Dean scoffs.
"Oh, you have no idea. Wait until he--"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Sam stutters. "Spoilers! I haven't read all the books yet."
"You're reading the books?"
"Yes, Dean, I like to read books. You know, the one without pictures?"
Dean rolls his eyes, and Charlie shifts on the bed a few times to get a feel of the mattress.
"Man, this bed is about as comfortable as a brick. Any plans on moving in anytime soon?"
"I am moved in. This is just my style."
"Yeah, this is his style," Dean rolls his eyes.
"I'm sorry I haven't hung up the 'Hang in there, kitty' poster yet, Dean. Feel free to redecorate."
"So, what, our home's not good enough for the 'Hang in there, kitty' poster?"
"This isn't our home. This is where we work."
"You bet your ass this is our home," you snap at him. "This is the place where we're going to raise our kids. There is nowhere I'd rather be, so you better get used to living here. This is your home because we're going to make it our home. Am I making myself clear?"
"Okay," Charlie clears her throat and stands up. "We should all take a breather."
"I'm gonna go get us some more beers. How about that?" Dean says and leaves the room immediately.
"So, Charlie, what was that about how hunting isn't magical?" Sam asks.
"Saving people, hunting things, the family business, right? I am down, but I was raised on Tolkien, man. I mean, where is all this?" She holds up the Game of Thrones disc. "Where are my White Walkers and my volcano and magic ring to throw in the damn thing? Where's my quest?"
"Magic quests suck. Trust me," Sam sighs.
"I'm pretty magical myself," you say. "I can give you magical quests if you want."
"The download should be done by now."
You three meet Dean in the kitchen, and the four of you head down to the command center to check on the computer. As soon as you enter, you notice the shelving units have moved, and no one was down here to do that.
"What the hell?" you say.
You walk close and see some sort of gray stuff on the wall behind the shelving units. Sam and Dean move them out of the way to reveal two gray pods on the wall. Sam pulls his gun out while Dean pulls out his knife. He cuts part of the way through one pod, and an arm falls out. Charlie yelps out and you put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Dean cuts the rest of the way, and a woman falls out of it and onto the ground.
You're not sure what to make of this. Who the hell is this woman? She's only out for ten minutes, and when she comes to, everything starts to make sense. Her name is Dorothy, like from The Wizard of Oz. Sam found her file pretty easily, and as he was reading it, Dorothy started to explain why she was there and what was going on.
The Wicked Witch of the West was destroying Oz so badly that she was sent to your world as punishment. In turn, that also sent Dorothy here to kill her, but they both ended up being stuck in "cryosleep", which is what those gray pods are. The other pod is sliced open, so the witch is somewhere in the Bunker looking for whatever she needs to return home.
You conjure up a big ball of magic and shoot it out of the room knowing it will be sent to your kids' rooms. Their rooms will be spelled so that the witch won't be able to get in and harm them. When Dorothy sees you using magic, she becomes very afraid of you.
"Whoa, calm down. I'm not a bad witch," you quickly say. "Think of me as Glinda, the good witch."
That seems to ease her fear.
"Holy shit!" Charlie gasps as she reads her file. "The first case investigated in this bunker involved Dorothy. She and the witch came into this room, and they never came out. This will never stop blowing my mind!"
"Okay, pace yourself, Toto," Dean rolls his eyes.
"Oz is real. It's part of the fairy world," Dorothy says. "We have to find her."
"No, we have to talk before anyone does anything, okay?"
"Talk? Typical Men of Letters, standing around, and having a nice, little chat with your noses buried in your books while your little secretary takes notes," she scoffs and stands up.
"We're hunters."
"Who are you calling a secretary?" Charlie scoffs.
"You're not a secretary? You're a Woman of Letters? How long have I been out?"
"That's why we need to talk. You've been 'out' for over seventy-five years. Now, according to our files, you came here to kill the wicked witch and then disappeared. What happened?"
"We couldn't find a way to kill her, so I did the only thing that I could. A binding spell that came at a price--her soul with mine. I've been frozen with the witch all this time. She can't be killed, and if I'm awake, then so is she."
"Wait, if she's here, why didn't she kill you?" Sam wonders.
"She can't."
"You're protected by the Witch of the North's kiss. It's from the books," Charlie says.
"Forget the books," Dorothy rolls her eyes. "They're not important. I'm protected. You four aren't, and neither are the kids you're trying to protect. Now, the witch came here looking for something. I have no idea what it is, but we have to find her before she finds it."
"Don't worry about my kids. Let me worry about them," you say and cross your arms.
You're not worried about your kids getting hurt because you've spelled the room. Not even the strongest magic can penetrate because you will it so. The only thing that can overpower it is you, and that's a fact.
"Alright," Dean raises his hands, "Charlie, dig into the files. See if you can find anything that puts a dent in a witch. Sam, Y/N, and I will have a look-see."
"I'll stay with Charlie. She might need some help," you offer, and Dean nods.
"I'm helping you," Dorothy demands.
"I don't doubt it. For right now, why don't you rest up and help the smartest person in the room?" Sam says and points to Charlie.
The brothers leave you three alone, and Charlie looks at Dorothy with a shy smile.
"So... big fan. Ozma of Oz--"
"Is a total ass," Dorothy cuts her off.
"You were much nicer in the books," Charlie pouts.
"Those books are the ravings of a sad, old man who is also my father."
"Wait, your dad was L. Frank Baum?" you ask in interest.
"A Man of Letters. Another glorified librarian if you ask me."
"Hey, these guys may have been sexist, but like all librarians, they were wicked smart, too. The dude who was here when you first came in, Haggerty, kept your case file open and worked it every day until he retired. Obviously, he never found you, but if you took five seconds to read, he did find a way to fight the Wicked Witch. Do you remember the poppy fields in the first book?"
"That's not actually how it happened. It was much bloodier."
"Stop ruining my childhood," Charlie groans. "Do you remember the poppies?" Dorothy nods twice. "Haggerty made a deal with a fairy and got some poppy extract. I'm gonna get some bullets from the gun range and make some poppy bullets. So, are you coming or what?"
Charlie leaves without waiting for an answer, and you and Dorothy follow her to the gun range. When you get there, you three work hard in making the bullets. Charlie finishes with one gun and hands it to you, but you push her hand away with a chuckle.
"Sweetheart, I am the gun. You need it more than me."
"Right," she chuckles.
There are four guns with poppy bullets made, and three bullets for each gun since there weren't a lot of poppies, to begin with. Once you have all four guns, you set out to find the brothers.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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booklove22 · 10 months
The Black Door Theory - aka I think I’ve connected some S4 mystery dots
I’m currently leaning toward the idea that having your memory erased/rewritten at the Black Door eventually requires a human sacrifice. And that’s what the 8 corpses represent, those that were sacrificed so that the town “sinners” could wipe their memories clean of some horrible truths. But it isn’t as simple as a 1 to 1 trade, where a 1 memory wipe requires 1 human sacrifice. I think its more complex than that. 
We know of two “sins” so far, both of which occurred in the 1990′s:
1) 4x02 Logan Rhodes/Magpie Lake/Judge Abbott coverup (occurred in 1996)
2) 4x04  - Councilwoman Brie watching Jim Stanley, the Director of the original Killer Hook movie die and not helping him back when she was working on set (occurred in the 1990′s).
That’s two town sins occurring in the 1990′s - but only one corpse seems to be from that period - India Burnett (the most recently deceased corpse - died in 1998). The second most recent death occurred in the 1970′s.
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So that is definitely not a 1:1 trade. Two 1990′s sins (that we know of), but only one 1990′s body doesn’t add up. 
So what I’m thinking is that maybe the Black Door has a limit - a maximum number of times it can be used before it stops working. And, as long as the door’s limit isn’t hit, the memories will live contained inside the black door. But once the door hits its limit, the only way to get it to work again is to transfer the  memories it is holding to a human sacrifice host (manifesting as black sludge). 
And that’s how our 8 corpses died - they became the new vessels for the sins of the town. 
So how will this all play out? Anyone’s guess...but.....
nancyaces theorized on Twitter that maybe India is actually Tristan’s biological mother which is just a *chef’s kiss* kind of theory. If India died in 1998, that would make Tristan somewhere in the vicinity of 22 or 23 years old depending on when he was born. So it makes sense.
I’ve also been wondering about the Glasses and Tristan. Like, we know the Glasses are horrible people who won’t hesitate to kill. But all the best villains have redeeming qualities. And I wonder if the one good and pure thing about them is that they genuinely love and care for Tristan.
From the trailer, it looks like Tristan is close to death (someone resembling Tristan in Nancy’s arms with an arrow visible in his chest - “you are not going to die tonight!”).
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I wonder if Tristan does indeed die, and if the Glasses are either responsible for his death OR not responsible but simply desperate to erase their memory of the pain of losing their son. But when they try to do so, the Black Door is at its limit.
So they decide to make Nancy the next vessel so that the Black Door can be reset. Just noticing the blood in Nancy’s palm here...and the knife next to the Glasses. 
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Anyway, I’ve been marinating on this for days. Its amazing what your brain can start to process when Nancy and Ace aren’t allowed to interact for a whole episode. 
Things I’m still marinating on:
1) Even with the 4x06 episode title The Web of Yesterdays, the weird Tristan jumping through a worm-hole looking scene in the trailer, AND India’s yacht having the heavy-handed name “Lost Time”... I’m hesitant to believe proper time travel is going to be introduced. I’m thinking more that it might be reminiscent of the Tom Riddle diary and pensieve scenes in Harry Potter - where some supernatural artifact allows the Drew Crew to go back and visit things that happened in the past. But, like in Harry Potter, they can’t interfere or change anything. They can only watch the past history happen around them like its happening in a movie. No one from the past can see or interact with them or vice versa. I think they’ll learn more about some possible sins in this episode that have occurred at different times in the past.
2) I’m purposely not addressing the how/what/why of the curse here. Too much for one post.
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otherworldseekers · 8 months
FFXIVwrite 2023 prompt 12: Dowdy
So this is the first scene of a new Severia x Nero au that invaded my dreams last night. I'm still thinking out the details but the setting is Eorzea but with some of the trappings of the modern day. It's a sort of university/fun with fantasia au where Severia is a 21-year-old university student majoring in music theory and composition. Tataru is her roommate who is a music performance major with an economics minor. It's toward the end of the second semester so Tataru has a recital coming up.
Hope you find this little hook interesting.
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“Severia, please tell me that is not what you’re wearing to the recital,” Tataru said in a voice half awed, half disgusted. 
“What’s wrong with it? It’s comfy.” Severia spun and her long wool skirt moved stiffly with her.
“It’s dowdy. Do you want to be dowdy?” 
“Um.. I’m guessing I’m supposed to say no.”
“You’re a young woman in college! And you dress like an old lady! What is wrong with you?”
It wasn’t the first time they’d had such a discussion. Tataru was a well-known fashion maven around campus. Severia was the one no one noticed and generally she liked to keep it that way. Tonight, however, she had agreed to play piano accompaniment for Tataru’s voice recital. Which meant she would be on stage in front of a crowd. Not the in spotlight, granted, but there for all to see nonetheless. The last thing she wanted was for her clothes to draw attention to herself. 
“You’d be pretty if you just let yourself.” Tataru put a finger against her lower lip as she looked at Severia thoughtfully. “You know… I think I might have just the thing for you to get over this horror of being seen.”
Severia took an apprehensive step away from her roommate. “What?”
Tataru dug around in her purse until she produced a small glass bottle with a flourish. “This is apparently the latest thing to come out of the experimental chemistry lab. You know Wedge’s roommate is a chem major.”
Severia nodded. Wedge was Tataru’s boyfriend, an engineering major. 
“Well, they’re looking for people willing to try it out. It’s totally safe!” Tataru promised when Severia’s eyes widened in fright. “They’re just trying to refine the effects.”
“What does it do?” Severia asked skeptically. 
“It changes you,” Tataru pronounced with a gleeful smile. “You can become a whole other person. Gender, race, looks, height, boob size, anything! Imagine being up there on stage looking totally different. No one would recognize you. You can make yourself even more gorgeous than Minfilia! Annnnd I can get my friends in the costuming department to make some last minute adjustments to the dress I got for you to wear.” This last was said in decided triumph.
“Tataru, I told you not to.”
“Yes, well, you should have known I wouldn’t listen,” Tataru said smugly. “And don’t tell me the fantasia’s not tempting. I can see right through you.”
Severia bit her lip. It was tempting. She had always had a secret desire to be some other kind of person. Someone tall and beautiful, cool and confident in any situation, someone who knew what she wanted from life and wasn’t afraid to grasp it. Someone who wouldn’t ruin her friend’s recital by getting stage fright. Could a chemical concoction really do that for her? There was only one way to find out. 
“Fine. I’ll try it. Just for tonight.”
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Autumn Again
The conclusion of the Fowl Play saga, which began with Keep Me Fed All Year. Dean and Cas get some good news about their little farm!
Suptober prompt: Costume Flufftober prompt: A Sweet Treat Fictober prompt: "I'm not alone and neither are you." Inktober prompt: Farm
(Read on AO3)
Removing all of the dirt from his hands is a lost cause. It seems like ever since they got this place three years ago, there's never not dirt on his hands – trapped under his nails, caught in the ridges of his knuckles, embedded in his pores. Still, he makes a token effort to at least brush the worst of the crud off onto the back of his jeans before he grabs the day's mail.
Cas gave their mailbox a fresh application of cheery black and yellow stripes last week. It perches at the end of their driveway, right up alongside the road, to make access easy for their elderly mailman. From the road it's about a five-minute walk back to the house along packed gravel. This hike is very much unfun in the harshness of winter, but here in late October it's just beautiful.
Autumn is really showing off this year. The air is shiveringly crisp, a perfect counterpoint to the bright, warm sunshine. Their trees are a riot of color. There's a lopsided V of Canadian geese overhead, calling out encouragement to each other as they go. “I'm not alone and neither are you,” they seem to be saying. “If we stay together and work hard we'll get where we need to be.” Dean almost pulls his phone out to take a picture, it's so pretty. Then he remembers that he's already got about a thousand pictures on his phone of his pretty farmette in all kinds of weather, and he lets the moment go with a grin.
When he enters their cozy home, he's greeted by a gust of warmth and a squeal of delight.
“Daddyyyy!” Jack calls, his small feet pattering as he crosses the burnished wood floor of their entry way and flings his skinny arms around Dean's waist.
“Whoa, small fry!” Dean cautions. “Lemme hang up my jacket first!”
As soon as Carhartt hits hook, Jack is jumping into his arms. Dean juggles him onto one hip, keeping a firm grip on the envelopes and catalogs in his other hand.
“I picked for sure my costume!” Jack tells him excitedly. “I'm gonna be a bee! A bumblebee!!”
“Is that so? And are you sure this time?”
He's lost track of how many times this year Jack has decided for sure what his Halloween costume will be. Given how late into the month they are, Dean crosses his fingers that this one will stick.
He carries his son into the kitchen, where his husband is working on dinner.
Dean leans in to give him a kiss on the cheek, then steps back to admire. “Hey, sunshine. You finished it?”
“Yes, I washed and blocked it this morning, so it's all done. What do you think?” Cas puts his arms out to the side and turns in place, modeling his newly-knit cardigan. It's sapphire blue, the color of the clear Autumn sky, the color of his lovely eyes behind his tortoiseshell frames, and Dean has never wanted to play “naughty librarian” more in his life.
“You look like a sweet treat in that,” he growls. “Might need to talk to you about some very, very overdue books later tonight.”
Cas raises an eyebrow, pinning Dean in his place. “I'd be happy to assess your fines after our youngest patron has finished his story time, Mr. Winchester,” he promises.
Dean gives a happy little shiver. “I'll hold you to that, Mr. Winchester,” he replies eagerly.
Jack squirms in his arms, ready to be back in motion again after sitting still on his dad's hip for almost two whole minutes. Dean loosens his hold and the boy hops down and runs out of the room.
“Papa, can I watch cartoons 'til dinner?” he yells from the hallway. Cas calls his assent, and they hear the TV click on.
“How are the ladies?” Cas asks, turning back to the cutting board.
“Thriving and surviving,” Dean assures him. “I adjusted the frame on the coop door, so it should open and close better for you now.” He drops the mail onto the table and turns. “Gonna grab a shower. Need a hand with dinner after I'm cleaned up?”
“No, this is the last step. It'll be ready in thirty.”
Dean's halfway to the bathroom when he hears a sharp gasp from the kitchen. Thinking Cas might have cut himself, thinking all kinds of terrible things, he rushes back to his husband's side.
Cas has his hand to his mouth, and Dean's still looking for blood, still expecting an emergency, when he realizes that in his other hand, Cas is holding a letter.
“They said yes,” he murmurs.
“They...?” For a moment, Dean is too stunned to continue.
“They said yes!!” Cas says again, louder now, joyous. “They like our offer. They're ready to sell. We're doing this, Dean! We really are!!”
Dean grabs the letter from his husband and scans it. The offer they'd made to buy fifteen acres of adjoining land from their neighbors has been accepted.  Their pretty farmette is about to become an honest to God farm.
“We're really doing it!!” he exclaims, taking his beaming husband into his arms.
A farm stand, where Cas can sell their honey and eggs without having to haul his product out to the farmer's market every week. An addition to the house – more rooms for guests and a big upgrade in the luxuriousness of the master bath. A stable, and a couple of horses to put in it. With the additional land, they'll be able to have it all. They can plant actual crops now, grow hay and corn. They can–
“Hey, sweetheart, what do you think about, next year we do a maze?”
Cas's brow furrows for a moment, then it clears. He grins. “A maize maze?”
“Yeah, why not?” Dean says. “I'm pretty sure I can figure out how to make donuts. Jack could run a couple little games, you could drive the hay cart? How does that sound?”
“It sounds like more than we deserve,” Cas says with a wry smile. “Let's do it.”
Concludes here.
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mamamittens · 2 years
Bite Me (I Will) +18
Day #5 of Spooktober!
Fandom: One Piece (Regency-ish AU – Look, I’m not a historian, consider this like… Romance Novel Regency Era)
AO3 link ;)
Ship: Vampire!CrocodileXF!Reader
Warnings: blood kink/play, biting, breath play, oral sex, rough sex, dirty talk, degradation, unsafe sex, dom/sub undertone (That probably turned into overtones, my bad), overstimulation, aphrodisiac, begging, and light somnophilia implied (reader wakes up to oral). Oh! And implied future corruption kink and sex in a church (threat or a promise, you decide).
Word Count: 5,029
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Perhaps the illustrious ballroom would be more impressive if you hadn’t seen at least a dozen just as opulent in the past three months. This season had been particularly busy compared to the past few years, though you aren’t sure why exactly. Well, actually, you do know why. But the probable reason was ridiculous enough you refused to acknowledge it out loud or even in your head.
See… it might be your fault. Sort of.
You fiddled a little with the black lace sleeve of your dress. The height of fashion and just a bit ahead, the dark red dress was bold against the white marble and golden hallway. Tucked in close to your chest with a corset with layers of fabric that fanned out around you, you were quire fond of the design. Elegant and just a little spicy with the lacy cover that prevented a clear view of your breasts. Many men had given you’re a second glance tonight… it was a shame your thoughts rested with none of them at all.
No, you were thinking of only one man. And the source of your busy dance schedule this season.
It started late last season when the illusive and reclusive Earl of Alabasta, Lord Crocodile, finally deigned to appear at the party of a Duchess. Presumably as a favor of some kind since he was famous for refusing any invites to all functions not directly related to his duties or business obligations. The man cut quite the figure among a group of tittering young ladies vying for his attention. Suit immaculately tailored with crisp lines in a color so dark you were only somewhat sure it wasn’t actually black. It contrasted greatly with his famous gold hook—which he received in an incident many years back that the rumor mill still could not pin down to this day. Dark hair slicked back as he stared, bored as shit, with a fat cigar clenched between his teeth and a thin scar stretching over his nose and cheeks in a seamless line.
The man looked so sullen to be there you decided it wouldn’t hurt to bring him some wine. Hopefully getting a little tipsy would improve his night. He seemed appreciative at the time, eagerly accepting the glass and excusing himself to the balcony area—much to the disappointment of the hopeful young ladies that gave you sharp glances for the interruption. If Lord Crocodile had been looking for a wife, it would be the talk of the city. So their time would honestly be better spent looking elsewhere. You, at least, were quite happy without a husband. Your fortune firmly your own and no family close enough to have a say in the matter, you were free to do as you pleased with no plans to change that.
Naturally, you were quite surprised when Lord Crocodile asked you to join him in a waltz not an hour later, wine and cigar free. There was a slightly awkward pause as you took in his request—and another when you tried to puzzle out how to hold his hook. But, thankfully, Lord Crocodile found your hesitance amusing rather than insulting.
“Grip the base, if you must, my lady.” Lord Crocodile suggested with a sly smirk. You huffed, startled as your face heated up for a moment before wrapping your hand around the base of his golden hook. You stared up at him with narrowed eyes, tipping your chin up with your own smile.
“I suppose it will have to do, so long as you don’t falter in this dance, Lord Crocodile.” You challenged. His smirk fell for a second before growing back with an arched, smug brow.
“Oh, I’m sure I won’t disappoint, my lady.” The Earl suggested before sweeping you onto the dance floor. Despite his famous shut-in ways, the waltz was precise and breathtaking. Lord Crocodile never failing to dip, swing, and lead you around the floor in time with the music. His height actually proved to be more of a challenge than his hook, leading you to stare firmly at the buttons of his jacket or demurely glance up through your lashes.
When the orchestra finally ended, you were almost breathless and giddy. It had been ages since you’d danced like that. Still, you could hardly allow the smug bastard to win completely.
“It appears you are quite… adequate of a dance partner, my lord.” You laughed, attempting to step back, but his grip on your waist didn’t falter.
Lord Crocodile slowly removed his hand and stepped back. Pulling his hook, and your hand still firmly gripping the warm metal, to his lips as he bowed. His lips brushed your gloved knuckles softly, breath seeping into the fabric as he chuckled.
“As are you, my lady… perhaps I shall have to find you on the dance floor again?” he suggested lightly with burning eyes. Shocked at his forwardness, you couldn’t help but smile.
“Perhaps.” You acquiesced.
Ever since then he’s danced with you at every ball at least once. Each time with vague innuendo that you coyly responded to without addressing the lewdness of his phrasing because unlike him, you were raised better than that. Incorrigible bastard that he is.
This ball was the same as the others in the end. Glittery finery abound, eager young ladies seeking a husband, gossiping old ladies on the sidelines, and him. Striding across the room to ask for a dance he knew you would accept. Still immaculately dressed and cocky as ever, you had half a mind to turn him down despite the improperness of such a request just to wipe the smug look off his face. And then, for once, there was a break in routine.
A handsome young man cut in front of you.
Eager and bold, he asked for your hand in a dance and too surprised to turn him down, you agreed.
He wasn’t… a terrible dancer. Though you once teased Lord Crocodile of being ‘adequate’, you grudgingly admitted that this young man fit far better than the Earl. A bit too unsteady, hands just shy of improper and loose, you couldn’t quite lose yourself in the waltz. He also used far too much cologne, which was unfortunate since this particular waltz required you to keep close to the young man. You actually had enough room to think about how awkward it was going to be to ensure this young man never sought your hand for a dance again once the music wound down.
Thankfully, just like any other time in a dance, Lord Crocodile didn’t let you down.
Just before the young man—did he even give his name? How improper of him—could speak, a gold hook wrapped around your wrist and gave a slight tug. Shocked by his boldness, you nevertheless allowed Lord Crocodile to pull your hand up to be kissed.
“My apologies, my lady. I almost didn’t recognize you in such a lovely dress… I hope you still have the energy for one more dance?” Lord Crocodile asked coyly, dismissing the unfortunate young man with a glance. Though he sputtered, the young man left without comment. “You appear quite… unsatisfied with your previous partner’s performance.”
“And you believe you can rectify that?” You asked, just as coy. Lord Crocodile merely smiled and took your hand, sweeping you into a wide arch for a much more invigorating waltz.
“I haven’t left you wanting yet, have I?” Lord Crocodile asked, leading you flawlessly as you instinctively rested your hand just below his hook.
“What if you have left me wanting, my lord?” You tipped your head back with a sly grin. Lord Crocodile paused for a heartbeat before grinning.
“Then I’ll have to rectify that, won’t I, my lady?” Crocodile leaned down and whispered into your ear. You gasped, shocked and delighted in equal measure. A subdued cologne mixed with whiskey and ashes tickled your nose.
Flushed with heat and feeling unusually faint in your tight corset, you laughed.
“Oh, promises, promises my lord.” You tittered softly, “You should be more careful with your words. Someone might misconstrue them into something perverse.” A puff of warm air tickled your ear.
“No need to misconstrue anything if that’s exactly what I mean. You really do look ravishing in that dress, you know.” Crocodile whispered, “And I find myself compelled to your side with every dance.”
“Oh, I’d say you must tell every lady that, but it shocks me that you find your way to the dancefloor at all.” You teased, letting your dress flare in a spin Crocodile eagerly allowed.
“Perhaps I can’t stand to be called merely ‘adequate’, my lady.” Crocodile teased back as the song slowly drifted off. You were both on the edges of the dance floor now as he lead you to the back door where a few party goers were slipping out to enjoy the gardens. “If you’re not exhausted, I thought we could enjoy some fresh air?” he asked.
You smiled, nodding eagerly.
“The gardens sound quite nice, actually.” Of course, it wasn’t just the garden that you were both intending to enjoy. The air was crisp tonight outside of the ballroom. The rose bushes and flowers immaculately tended in clear paths that lead to a hedge maze. Pumpkin lanterns decorated the way and provided ample light further out.
As a gentleman should, Crocodile offered his arm for you to hold. Something you eagerly took advantage of, enjoying the warmth and firmness under your hands. The quiet walk was serene, interrupted only by the clack of your heels on the paved pathway and the sound of leaves brushing your dress as you walked by. Crocodile, a man you were beginning to suspect of incredible deviancy, lead an almost straight path to the maze. Where neither one of you could be seen from the outside.
You snorted, Crocodile giving you a sly glance. You merely batted your eyelashes and smiled.
“You’re a bold man, my lord.” Crocodile grinned, showing more teeth than you’d ever seen before. Sharp, too… unusually so.
“And to think this is only the start, my lady.”
“You promise?” You asked demurely, teasing him. Crocodile paused just after the first turn in the maze and leaned down to whisper against your temple.
“I’ll do much more than make promises for you, my lady. I’m a… man of action. Promises are sweet, pretty things meant to tempt you. And I intend to offer much more tangible delights in my seduction. If you think you can handle me.” You gasped, shocked as his breath curled around your hairline. Your heart raced and you loved it. “I want to hear you say it, my lady. I want more than just that pretty heart beating for me.”
“Oh? And what do you want to hear me say, my lord? That I enjoyed dancing with you? Greatly?” You pulled away from his arm and spun around, laughing as you walked back further into the maze. “That I find you quite scandalous and bold? And that I like that about you very much?” You challenged.
Crocodile narrowed his eyes dangerously and smirked, stalking forward as you tried to move backwards faster. You only managed a few dizzy turns before your back met a prickly wall of shrubbery.
A dead end. With Crocodile standing tall before you, his body coated in moonlight as he confidently walked closer to you. Until you had to bend you neck to look up at him. Cold, golden metal nipped at your chin as he tilted your head up more.
“Well, my lady, I think…” Crocodile leaned down until his lips ghosted over yours, whiskey and wine mixing between you both, “That was a very good start.” You smirked, reaching up to grasp at his tie.
“Right… you’re a man of action. I almost forgot.” You yanked on his tie hard, sending his lips crashing into yours. Bold and drunk on the illicitness of your actions, you swept your tongue between his teeth and hissed as something nicked you. Blood tainting the kiss as Crocodile groaned, cradling your head with one hand as he deepened your shared passion. Chasing your tongue with his own eagerly.
A soft, plaintive sound slipped out from you as you clutched his suit, answered by a sharp growl that vibrated on your lips. You laughed a little, reaching up to tug on his hair, peaking through your lashes to find his eyes bearing down on your hungrily. They seemed to glow red hot the longer his lips slid over yours, as though he was finally sating his desire and you were thrilled to be there for it. But unfortunately, you couldn’t lose yourself under his heady kiss forever.
You started to pull back when his hand slipped lower, thumb sliding over your throat and squeezing. You gasped, swallowing hard against the pressure as Crocodile growled, resuming the kiss with a harsh nip to your bottom lip. Your breath became labored under his attention, every inhale hard earned under his firm hand. Your eyes slid shut as you leaned into his chest, mewling as the motion briefly dislodged his hand and cool air rushed down your throat. He huffed softly, tongue slipping back further as he dropped the pretense and gripped the column of your throat.
Your heart throbbed, blood racing against his firm grip as you struggled to breath, dizzy. Suddenly, almost as fast as it started, Crocodile pulled back. His tongue slow to leave as lewd strings pulled and snapped with every heave of your chest. He panted, smirk evident as he took in your debauched state.
“I knew it.” He whispered, licking his lips. “You taste like divine perfection… We should stop. Shouldn’t we? You’d be utterly ruined if I gave into what your eyes promise here and now.” Still lightheaded, you laughed.
“I thought you didn’t like promises? And why would anyone need to know you take my breath away?” You giggled. Crocodile smirked.
“Well, neither one of us would have a choice when you start screaming.” You arched a brow.
“And you’d let me?” you challenged. Crocodile sucked in a harsh breath and scoffed.
“What a troublesome young lady, you are. So eager to throw it all away for a moment of pleasure.” Crocodile brushed his hook against your cheek and you leaned into it.
“Only a moment?” you scoffed back, “And here I thought you were a man of action, my lord.” He narrowed his eyes at your, light flashing unnaturally in their depths as he leaned over to whisper against your ear again.
“If you really are so eager for me, leave your window open tomorrow night.” You laughed, turning your head to kiss his cheek.
“Like naughty schoolchildren, my lord?” The smile Crocodile gave you, despite all his pretty words, promised something dark and dangerous.
“Oh, I’m so much worse than a randy young man could ever be.” You tipped your head up to smile at him.
“I’m looking forward to it.” Crocodile briefly softened then, brushing his thumb over your cheek and giving you a chaste kiss.
“I would never disappoint a lady.”
Naturally, you parted ways after that, barring the few moments you both took to set things in order. And you feigned a fever the next day, choosing instead to set out two glasses and a bottle of wine after the sun slipped over the horizon. As tempting as it was to dress up, you decided that there was no point in wasting any makeup or time prettying up your hair. Nor was there any need for a fancy dress.
Windows wide open to the night air, doors locked and staff dismissed clear across the estate, you poured yourself a glass. Your white nightgown was barely enough to stave off the chill in the air. The sheer white thigh high socks a last-minute addition once you realized it was only getting colder. And then you waited.
But not for long.
The sound was soft. Like satin brushing against your skin as a breeze swept through your room. The windows softly locking shut. Startled, you turned to find Crocodile there, elegantly dressed as always. Silently, you offered him a glass.
“How kind of you, but I’m afraid I desire something with more body.” Crocodile stalked across the room and tipped your chin back, “Are you sure you want this, my lady?” Crocodile asked.
Instead of replying, you set down your glass and pulled him close, licking his lips as he groaned in surprise.
“I thought you were a man of action?” You taunted him.
Crocodile was briefly shocked before he grinned, scooping you up into his arms and tossing you onto the bed. He parted his lips wide, showing off his teeth—so sharp in the light you gasped.
“Some would say that it’s debatable I’m a man at all.” Crocodile purred, “But if you’re still unafraid, you have my word that tonight will take your breath away.”
He deliberately hovered over you, bracing his hook on your bed as his hand squeezed your waist. You didn’t bother thinking too deeply on the matter. Questions could come later. You wanted him now.
You shoved your thigh against his burning erection.
“Feels like a man to me, Earl.” You breathed, “But maybe I need a closer inspection?” Crocodile allowed a satisfied grin to overtake his features as he roughly shoved off his clothes.
“Perhaps you do.” Crocodile declared, removing his buckle and releasing his cock. Proudly, he stepped back and grasped it in his hand. “Kneel. You wanted to inspect it, did you not?” Breathlessly, you slid off your bed to your knees. His dick inches from your face. You slipped your tongue over the weeping head and he groaned, hips thrusting forward instinctively.
“Certainly seem to taste like a man.” You whispered, slowly allowing the head to slide between your lips. His hand rested on your hair in a firm grip, pulling you in close.
“Hn. Better be sure. That’s it. Take it in deep.” Crocodile groaned, thrusting his hips forward to shove his cock down your throat. You swallowed hard, Crocodile snarling as he yanked your hair. “Hardly a lady right now, are you? Taking my cock so well, are you a whore? Certainly my whore now, aren’t you?” Crocodile growled, fucking your mouth in shallow motions. His dick made your jaw ache, the hot length thick and hard on your tongue. Long enough to dip down the back of your throat. Cold metal hooked around the back of your neck and forced you to bury your nose in his crotch.
A very unlady-like moan vibrated his cock, another stifled snarl slipping past his lips. Suddenly, he yanked your head off of him.
“If you want my seed, you have to earn it, my lady. Get on the bed. It’s time for your own inspection.” Crocodile demanded, “Do you taste like a lady?”
You scrambled back on the bed as he laughed at your eagerness. Teasingly, Crocodile ensure you laid down flat by running his hook up your body, the sharp tip brushing over your clothed thigh and breasts until he caught the collar. Then, with a harsh jerk, he cut it clean in half. You gasped, attempting not to arch your spine for his roaming hand as he cradled your breast. Pinching the delicate skin with a pleased hum.
Crocodile licked up your belly and nipped the underside of your breast, pressing his tongue hard into your skin until he found your nipple. Curling around the stiff peak, playing with your body, Crocodile suddenly opened his mouth wide and bit down. Fangs sinking in deep as you attempted to scream, the sound cut by his hand grasping your throat. It felt like fire spread through your veins as you shuddered, gasping for air as he sucked in greedily.
Drinking your blood like the finest wine. After only a few moments, Crocodile drew back with a bone-deep growl. His eyes were red, glowing in the subdued light of your room. Blood dripped down his lips as he licked them away. He ripped away the torn remnants of your nightgown.
“Mine. You taste like you’re mine.” Crocodile growled, launching forward to bully his tongue down your throat. He tasted like hot iron and desire as he ate away what little gasps of air you could manage. Your blood was still on fire as he shoved his hand between your soaked lips, teasing your clit as you squirmed. His fingers slipped down lower with ease, sliding into your cunt and spreading your body wide as you keened brokenly. Body quivering as the fire burned hotter.
Despite the absence of his hand on your throat, you found it no easier to breath as moans and pathetic whines slipped onto his tongue. And he ate them all down eagerly, even as you drenched his hand. He shoved your thighs apart as he slid down your body, pausing to lap at the beads of blood that dripped down your breast before kissing your exposed cunt. Licking up your slick mess as eagerly as he drank from you. And when your pussy was clean, he turned his head, brushing down the lacy top of your thigh-high sock and bit into the silky skin freshly exposed, finally allowing you to scream breathlessly as more fire was added to your body.
This time he didn’t drink so heavily, merely sipping from your quivering thigh, choosing instead to smear it up to your cunt to mix the liquids together. The moan that slipped from his lips was sadistic and hedonistic. Pleased and eager as he lapped at the growing pool of bloodied cream. Over the wet smacks you could hear a distinctly damp rhythm further down. What sounded like Crocodile angrily fisting his cock to your taste as you came again with a broken cry.
Snarling, Crocodile flipped your body over, shoving your thighs apart and ass up.
“P-P-Please, O-Oh! I-I want you so bad—my lord please g-give me your cock I’m burning alive—take me! T-Take me-Oh~!” You keened as Crocodile loomed over your body, cock burning against your dripping cunt. He slammed into your ass, hook slipping around your throat and pulling your head back. Crocodile sneered down at you as he fucked you, panting and snarling as you cried. “C-Cro—hng~!” He deliberately pressed his hook against your throat, cutting you off.
“I never said you could have the honor of using my name, slut.” Crocodile snapped his hips furiously, splitting open your sopping wet cunt mercilessly, “It’s lord to you. Not that titles matters when your moaning like a whore. My whore that likes it when I squeeze your throat, don’t you? Go on. Answer me, my lady.” His hook left only to be replaced by his firm hand.
You gasped and moaned for air between his thick cock breaking your body and his harsh grip around your throat.
“Y-Yeee—ahn-hngh~ mmmmm—aaahh-hah-oh! Oh~!” You jerked as his cock brushed over a sensitive spot again. Crocodile laughed harshly, finally letting go of your throat as your orgasm rushed through your body, soaking his thighs. “YES! AH-hah-Oh! Oh! M-My lo—aaa-hah~!—Lord! Mmmmm-my lord—yes, please! Please, harder—Yes! Yes! Y-Yess—oh!” Crocodile’s grip on your hip was bruising as he drove his cock into your body harder. Just as you asked.
“W-What a polite lady I have the pleasure of having tonight. So pretty on my cock. My wanton little whore~” Crocodile cooed, still fucking you hard. “What a waste of a cute little cunt—empty until I came along. Aren’t you thankful for your lord? Providing you with everything you could never have before?” You nodded, drunk as another orgasm built up in your body. Blood burning bright still.
“Y-Yes, I-I’m so grateful to y-y-OooooH~!” You threw your head back with a sharp moan, “M-My lord—Please! Please give it to me—I-I’m still burning up I need more~!” You keened attempting to bury your head into the mattress.
Swiftly, Crocodile slammed into your cunt. Arms winding under your thighs as he picked you up against his chest. His hand fixed back around your throat like it belonged there. He squeezed as you cried out at how deeply his cock rested in your body, your moan turning into a strained gurgle as he bounced you on his length.
“You’ve hardly earned that, lovely. Only ladies get what they want. Whores make do.” Crocodile squeezed hard as he thrust up into your body ruthlessly. Using you for his pleasure. “Feel that? Not me fucking your pretty pussy—that fire? It won’t stop until I say so. Because this body? Mine. These lips? Mine. This tight cunt? Mine. And you have to earn it. Batting your eyelashes won’t get you anywhere with me. Beg.”
Like a fucking monster, Crocodile squeezed your throat harder. Cutting off any attempt at communicating before you could start. You could only weakly moan and bear down on his cock as he fucked you stupid. Hoping that he would take mercy eventually. He couldn’t go forever, could he? You jerked uselessly in his hold as you squirted. Every orgasm hitting you harder as he kept your from even screaming.
Anytime he slowed down he started to ease up on your throat, tempting you to speak. And you barely managed to let his title slip before he rammed his cock into your body and squeezed you again. And again. Dragging you over the edge repeatedly as you lost all sense of time. There was only the ever intensifying burning fire in your blood as you creamed.
Finally, you’re cock-addled brain had a different idea.
“B-Bite me! Bite me!” You yelped just as his grasp tightened. He faltered, his thick cock throbbing hard in your walls.
“What did you say?” Crocodile snarled into your hair, releasing your throat.
“Bite me. T-Take everything—I want it so bad. Your fangs-your cock—I-I’m yours, right? Then bite me.” You begged breathlessly, gasping for air while you still could. You screamed when his cock was ripped from your overstimulated body. Your knees shoved onto his shoulder as he hovered over you with a manic grin.
“I will.” Crocodile dipped his head down as you exposed as much skin as possible. Slamming his cock into you as his fangs pierced your flesh. Hard and faster than humanly possible, your lord railed into you. Your cunt slapping against his thighs with harsh, wet slaps.
Crocodile raced against your beating heart, attempting to drain you dry before you came again on his cock. Drinking down your blood with a heady moan as you screamed, jerking under his body as he slammed into you. Thrusting softly as hot, thick cum filled your abused cunt. Cooling the fire as he groaned into your neck. Panting, you weakly pet his hair. Eyes sliding shut as he slipped his tongue over your pulse with a groan.
Birdsong and a burning fire in your stomach greeted you. The curtains were drawn tight, only the barest streams of daylight visible. Something hot and slick slipped into your cunt as you moaned softly. Weak and dizzy, you could only roll your hips into the sensation. Firm lips pressing into your clit as thick fingers crooked into the walls of your pussy. Your orgasm swept by gently, but you got the distinct impression you fainted for a moment.
When you opened your eyes properly, you nuzzling into a firm, bare chest. Head tucked on a muscular bicep as someone stroked your hair. The scent of a cigar was thick in the air, along with sex and blood.
“Go back to sleep, little lady. I’ve sent for a hearty breakfast—you’ll need every drop you can get.” Crocodile groaned low in his chest, “You taste fucking divine.” You curled your fist against his chest and hummed. Pausing at the unfamiliar weight of metal on your ring finger.
“Hm? Wha—hng—what’s this, my lord?” You asked, pulled back slightly to take a look. It was a gold wedding band with delicate carvings along the side and studded with red gemstones. A large diamond on the top the obvious centerpiece.
“I know I fucked you hard, little lady, but I know you know what a wedding ring is.” Crocodile laughed, exhaling smoke before removing the cigar from between his lips. He pressed a kiss to your temple. “You’re mine, remember? We’ve eloped. How scandalous of us, huh? Papers already all in order. We can throw a big to-do about it later if you’d like. Might make you work for that though… hmm… then again, fucking you against a pulpit before our wedding sounds nice. A vampire and his pretty, innocent bride, bent over in a wedding dress…” You laughed softly.
“Not sure I’d be considered very innocent now.” You admitted, pressing a kiss to his chest. “…Vampire?” You asked, causing Crocodile to scoff.
“Of course! What kind of a weirdo do you take me for? Or did you think I was a kinky fucker that liked blood?” You peaked up at him from under your lashes with a sly smile.
“I distinctly remember you finally cumming inside me only after sinking your teeth into my neck, my lord.” You nipped his chest, “So I’m pretty sure you’re a kinky fuck regardless of your mortality.”
Crocodile gave a sharp bark of laughter, yanking your head back and sneering around the bud of a cigar.
“Yer a sassy little fucker, ain’t ‘cha? I’d fuck it out of ya, but I don’t think you’d be conscious for most of it righ’ now.” Crocodile said from around his cigar, speech muddled somewhat.
“You can try. What’s mine is yours, after all.” You taunted. “I don’t think I imagined you drinking from my cunt earlier this morning either.” Crocodile snorted.
“Damage control. My spit makes pretty little ladies like you heal faster.”
“Oh, so does that mean you’ll have to give me more bruises later?” You blinked innocently. Crocodile snarled softly, but his eyes were bright with promise.
“You know what? I think I just might.”
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dogwittaablog · 5 months
ok but what do u think his flirting style is like? How would he make the first move or would he just wait it out until he’s absolutely sure the girl likes him back? How would he approach dating a girl seriously vs a hook up scenario? I love analyzing nolpats
*This is long so buckle up your seatbelts + hopefully I answered accordingly*
I have to be so honest, I bet you this mans only hardcore flirts when he’s absolutely hammered, especially with randoms. Kind of smooth kind of corny but it works, doesn’t use any weird pick up lines. I think the setting/vibe really matters in wether he’d be successful, also the kind of individuals as well. So imma break down some settings and scenarios of how I visualize nolpats “having” game.
1. In the bar. Honest to god I can see this dude just not care, I can just see him do a “typical” go over to a girl that probably his buddies egged him on to chat up, she’d most likely be with a group of friends.
He’d walk over the table or high stools at the bar they’re sitting at and just casually leans in to grab her attention but playing it off like he’s about to ring himself up a drink and needs the bartenders attention, while doing so he’d look at her and smile, this is when he’d be able to see if she’s amused, if he gets a smile back, slight blush and sees if they give that certain look girls give one another when a guy approaches them like “oh my god he’s cute, should I?” He’d then know what’s up, and then offer her a drink going “Ahh so what is your drink of choice tonight?” (He’d probably already be a couple drinks in.)
**I think in a club my dude would just be lounged in the VIP section with his buddies eyeing girls, but I think it’s just too chaotic to try to chat anyone up. So I can see him like a bar settings more, since you actually can be audible. But my man’s definitely getting sloshed, and it’s possible he approaches girls but he’d be seeing 3’s as 10’s. He’s so far gone his friends would grab someone for him, and nothing happens cause he’s so drunk and they gotta just get him a Uber home. 💀💀💀**
2. At a concert. I know that he loves folk music, now this is where I can see him find a girl he may end up liking. I’m pretty sure he attends this folk festival that happens every summer in WPG. I’ve seen clips of folk festivals/concerts and it seems like nothing but straight up immaculate good vibes. *You can just visualize this scenario going down at a Mt. Joy concert/set.*
He’s definitely not downing shots, at these events. Maybe has a beer or two to casually sip on, might be slightly high… He’d 100% see a girl near him, who he’d see is really enjoying herself and is into the music. Dudes definitely gonna be in some kind of awe maybe even blushing without realizing and smiling to himself. Might move in slightly more close to her, it probably gets to the point she bumps into him, or he’s now visible to get her attention. He’s no doubt in my mind looking at her and going “You look like you’re really enjoying yourself, you listen to them often?” If the moment home girl says “Yeah they’re my favourite band!” It’s game over and our mans would be out there figuring out as much as he can about her.
I think he’s someone who’s observant enough to know who he can or cannot approach. Tho any typical guy will just go fuck it time to time and just shoot there shot. Can confidently say most bar/club interactions that is definitely a hookup, outside those settings is always a different playing field.
It’s definitely a bonus and a relief if a girl right away makes it obvious they’d want him or is interested and makes the first move, tho I can see him wanting to be the one to take initiative.
*Dating app him… maybe a different level of down bad and traumatic 💀*
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gotatext · 11 months
location :  boat party, pool and then top deck.
description :   jude asks jenny to be gf bf with him
featuring :  jenny / @blondcs  &  angel  / @dobits
angel reid
“nuh uh,” he preemptively disregards jenny’s desire for another shot, instead hooking her elbow and dragging her to walk along the pool. “maybe we shouldn’t play who can blackout first tonight.” didn’t work out so well for them on movie night (at least not at first). he’d also like to keep her clear from the dance floor for the time being, though he veils that concern behind his usual puppy dog smile. “tell me about you. what’s the word, baby bird?”
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“nooo…” she whines, a half-assed attempt at reaching back just as she’s toted out of reach of a lemon drop. “that’s not even a real shot.” more sugar than alcohol, so actually angel might be doing future jenny a massive favor there. still, she has nothing but a glass of ice with the tiniest bit of water in her hands and he’s dragging her away from the bar? this is starting to feel like a ploy. “what, am i being messy? i was just trying to give him space so i wasn’t latched onto him all night, but the energy below deck was not it. hey—what are you drinking?”
angel reid
“yeah, i noticed all the space,” angel chuckles dryly. “i’m, like, what the hell. i dunno what you guys are doing.” trying too hard to be whatever they think they’re supposed to be, presumably. both of them chronic over thinkers. “i mean, have you guys been good after… y’know… the thing,” he clears his throat, unsure if she knows that he knows about the fingering exclusivity convo. he smacks his lips, shows his half full beer bottle to her. “corona — you wouldn’t like it.” then, worried she might deign herself out of spite, holds the beer up and away from her. “you really wouldn’t like it. i backwash.”
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“what do you mean?” she stops short so the arm looped through hers wrenches back, then chuckles as she resumes their stroll. “it’s not like i can spend every waking minute with him.” can she? “like, you’re not with callie right now. he needs time with the boys and stuff, right?” duh. where is he now though, if not with angel or josh and miles? “the thing? like, our talk about apparently not being exclusive?” because that’s the alternative. if he doesn’t want to be exclusive, it means he’s just fine if she gets to know santiago and gives him the freedom to revisit things with adela. that’s the last thing she wants to think about. “yeah, we’re good. we’re fine... i dunno, it’s—“ her head tilts side to side trying to streamline her ocean of thoughts into a single coherent sentence. “when i’m with him everything is literally perfect and then it’s like the minute we’re apart i, like…” in the absence of words she just shrugs. “it’s fine.” but now that she’s let a little bit out she can’t quite stop the torrent. “i don’t blame him at all for not wanting to like, completely settle down and close himself off. like, ‘cause who knows who else is gonna come in, you know? or maybe there’s people here he wants to get to know better. i just have to kind of like, change my expectations a little, which, again—totally fine.” she pauses, huffing out a breath like that’s gonna be the end of it but swiftly launches back in.
“he’s just so intense that like, it’s easy to let myself get carried away sometimes, and he feeds into it too like, he was all teasing the other day saying that i love him and all this stuff,” and maybe she does just a little bit. “so it’s just like, a little hard to figure out what’s real and like, what he actually wants. but i’m kind of like, almost proud of myself for asking? about the exclusivity thing. because i got some clarity from it, i guess? but also like, it’s not the answer i was expecting at all and i will literally never be doing anything like that ever again, so… sorry, what was the question?” she reaches for the beer anyway, elbows in full gear to wrangle it away. “c’mon, i love backwash, backwash is my favorite. gimme.”
angel reid
“that’s different.” it seems unnecessary to quantify all the ways in which him and callie are different from jude and jenny, so he’ll just let that sleeping dog lie. he’ll also let her qualification breeze on by ‘cause he’s not sure what boys jude could be spending time with right now if not him. it seems more fruitful to let jenny spiel, only interjecting after her third repeated assurance, “— it sounds fine.” deadpanned, smiling. it really is fine, he wishes she wouldn’t slide that word on like a mask. “for what it’s worth, i really don’t think him not wanting to be exclusive has anything to do with what he wants. like, he’s not trying to get to know anybody else.” as far as angel can tell, jude just wants to make sure jenny’s scratched all of her own itches before she settles down. “no, it’s, like… extremely fucking cool that you told him what you wanted. that takes balls, for real and — he fucked that up, like even i’ll say it. i wish you guys could learn to really trust each other, man. anybody could see you both want it bad.” it’s a hard thing to do though, he’ll admit. ragged groan deflates him. “you sick fuck,” angel complains, holding her back at arms length while he takes a parting sip before handing it off to her. “…you know, you can’t ask him to stop being friends with adela though. like, i know that sucks, but, like, pick your battles, y’know?”
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her head bobs, nodding her acknowledgment and trying to let the words drill their way home while her brain is soft and mushy from the liquor. angel has no reason to lie on jude’s behalf, but there’s still a bit of healthy skepticism that keeps her from abandoning her reservations entirely—she knows firsthand the way boys protect each other. still, she likes to think angel somehow dodged that affliction. “why would i bring up being exclusive if i didn’t want it?” is that what he’s suggesting? her brows knit together, head shaking away the overwhelm of yet another branch of questions springing from what angel probably assumed would be a nice, soothing answer. not quite. “it’s not that i don’t trust him specifically. i just don’t think i trust like, anyone?” ‘even you cheated,’ she wants to say, but thankfully the tequila hasn’t loosened her tongue that much, though she pushes it when she finally gets a hold of his beer. it lingers near her mouth for a moment, fixing him with a look before she downs a swig. “did he say i said that?” and carefully dabs the corners of her mouth with her thumb, feeling her face heating. “because literally what i said to him verbatim was that i would never ask him to do that.” her eyes don’t leave his for a second, not even to blink. “he said she reminded him of home. what am i? satan? like, i’m not gonna tell him not to talk to her and i’ve never told him that,” she goes to take another sip, but interrupts herself— “although i will say i think it’s really fucking hurtful weird that they waited to pursue some kind of ‘friendship’ until after i physically lunged at her because of all the out of pocket shit she was saying to me. but sure, whatever. i’ll ‘pick my battles.’”
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“what battles are we picking?” jude asks, sidling up behind jenny, his hands placed on her shoulders, and massaging away any tension there. "damn. lotta knots, girl. what you stressin' about?"  if he had stepped in any sooner, he might not be so content, face dipping down to plant a kiss against her cheek, and her jaw, and then the soft mark on her neck where he knows, beneath half an inch of concealer, there’s a bruise left by his mouth. “i'd pick 1066. battle of hastings. five years of GCSE history and that’s the only fact i remember.” although the only reason he remembers it was because it was on an advert for an insurance company. his brain just seems to buzzing with useless commercials, music videos, and obscure drug-related anecdotes. jude plops down onto the poolside between the two of them, one arm swinging around angel’s neck, the other around jenny’s. “my two favourite people.” siobhan will fucking kill him for that ; he wouldn’t be surprised if she skips out on family day — if him and jenny even make it that far. “you mind if i steal the lovely jennifer for a bit?” jude asks, turning to angel with a flash of his eyes, jerking his head as if to say, fuck off, it’s go time. he already knows the plan, so it shouldn’t be too hard for him to get the message and make himself scarce.
angel reid
it’s a big, british blessing, really. all of jenny’s questions stood looming like a liminal hall of doors, each would surely only open up increasingly crazier trains of thought despite angel genuinely believing that none of the answers to her inquiries would be objectively disappointing. that’s jenny for you. he smiles at jude’s presence, partly with wonder. “shit, i thought we were still, like, trying to discover fire then.” guess it’s never too early to go to war. he smacks a hand against jude’s chest. “take her for two bits. i’m gonna go get a shot,” then he makes a face at jenny like . sucker. then off he goes to find callie by the bar.
𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐧
she smiles slightly in spite of herself, tucking into his side, careful not to transfer any foundation onto his shirt. she’s packed it on tonight, rocking the opposite of a natural look but rather something glowy and golden and glam for their chic night on a boat, jude decked out in his matching gold accessories and a cheeky nod to the dirty jerz with his leopard print shirt. god, he’s so hot, even if she is feeling more on edge around him than she should. but his arm is like a weighted blanket around her shoulders that grounds her back in her body, sparing angel another tirade because, as always, the minute jude’s touching her she feels better. her fingers knot through his to steer his hand back up where her neck meets her shoulder, squeezing his hand until his kneading her muscles again. “keep going. i’m so tense,” she sighs, angling her back to him as angel moves to leave, but not before whirling a glare at him. “oh c’mon. are you kidding?” then to jude, “he wouldn’t let me get a drink—god, ‘you’re a fake and a phony and i wish i’d never laid eyes on you!’” her voice takes on the olivia newton-john australian lilt as she quotes a cohen home classic at his back. “evil, evil man,” mumbled through a laugh as she swings her full attention onto jude, a bashful smile on her lips after the rant she’s just gone on. “what’s up, dempsey?”
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despite the roll of his eyes, jude has no problem picking up the hints she’s giving him, his hands sliding back up to her shoulders, thumbs digging in against the muscles there and rolling away the tightness. “you’re tense, huh. i know something that could work for that…” though probably not if angel’s here. thankfully, he’s already fucking off to find the missus, leaving the two of them alone by the dim light of the pool, a ripple in the surface throwing a wavy beam of light across jenny's face. “you look mad good tonight," jude admits, basking in the hazy golden glow of her. "and the way that light’s reflecting on you… damn, bro, that’s some tate britain shit right there.” jude hasn’t seen grease enough times to catch her reference, otherwise he’d tell her that men are amoebas on fleas on rats. he leans down to press a kiss against the back of her neck, hands still working against the tension in her shoulders, until she turns to face him, a rare moment of quiet shared between the two of them. “nothing’s up,” he says, breezily, feeling the calmest he’s felt in weeks. “i'm golden, me.”  there’s usually some kind of tension playing on his mind, but tonight everything’s streamlined, like leaving the villa’s left all of his usual angst and disquiet behind. “just wanna’ spend time with you. what, do i gotta get a permit for that?” his hands drop to her hips, tugging her into his lap and meeting her mouth in a slow, deliberate kiss that seems to start in his lips and flood down his whole body. “c’mon, let’s go check out the upper deck,” he breathes, when he pulls away. “hear the view’s pretty fuckin’ swanky up there.” getting to his feet, jude extends a hand to help jenny to hers, the little bracelet she’d given him catching on her ring as he takes her hand. “oh, shit. i’m all caught up.” he ducks down, attempting to untangle their jewellery (smooth one, jude) as he leads her up towards the top deck.
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it never feels like jude’s complimenting her just to compliment her, even if he is. she knows she can be insatiable where words of affirmation are concerned, but in his lilting accent, dark eyes drinking her in, she can’t imagine his comments are practiced or even considered much before they come out of his mouth. as if independent of her needing to hear it, he needs to say it—looks at her and just has to tell her she belongs in a museum. that’s why it’s so easy to believe the things he says. her whole body warms, beginning at her chest and radiating all the way to the tips of her fingers, the compliment wrapping around her like a hug as she smiles down at her feet. “you’re tate britain shit,” she mumbles, nudging his shoulder with hers. she really doesn’t want him to stop rubbing her back, but at the risk of cumming from that alone, she turns to face him, hands going right for the collar. “i’m obsessed with the fit tonight,” she muses, running her thumbs along the fabric. “no one else here could rock this but you look so fucking good. i almost feel bad that i’m gonna have to steal it later.”
she snorts when he drags her onto his lap, two pieces sliding into place. “not a permit, just a signed permission slip. you have to state your reasons and everything—make a compelling case for why you’re not sick of me yet.” she drapes herself around him, giggling against the lips that press to hers, slow and languid enough to give her pause before leaning into it. everything in the villa is so go, go, go that even the laziest of interactions are hurried along on borrowed time. there’s been a feeling of needing to hit all the milestones quick, take advantage of every possible opportunity in case it’s all ripped away, but jude’s been talking ‘afters’ recently. ‘can you travel with your job? what if you came and stayed with me in manchester after the villa.’ it’s like time itself has gotten bigger to make space for them now, no need to rush, and today he almost looks calm. she dots his nose with a quick peck before docking hers against it, slumping forward when he moves to stand. “i dunno, i’m kinda into the view from down here,” she teases, gaze swooping up from the front of his pants to meet his suggestively before begrudgingly pushing to her feet just in time to get tangle up in him. “aw, babe, look. the universe wants us stuck together,” she teases, looping her pinky finger through his. “c’mon, leave it for now. i’ll fix it when we get up there—i don’t want you breaking’ anything. this ring is real aluminum, you know.” or is it nickel? brass? what’s the jewelry from five below made of? “what’s up here anyway? is it like, a whole ‘nother floor?”
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“yeah, but i’m like the bag of rubbish that they put on display as an exhibit and then the cleaner threw it out…” jude adds, self-deprecating,  “or like, that banana on the wall worth millions that someone ate and then put the skin back…” whereas jenny? she’s a piece of art that actually deserves to be there, not just a gimmick with a hefty price tag. “you’re like… hm. not the mona lisa cos she’s actually a bit of a minger, but like, one of them bare cool aphrodite sculptures or sommat.” his hand falls to the divot of her spine, skin on skin where her backless dress allows, massaging a spot there just above her ass as he draws her in against him. for now at least, he’ll keep it PG; he’s been planning this moment for days, imagining it weeks into the future, and now it’s like an opportunity he can’t refuse has landed itself in his lap and he’d be a court jester juggling his oranges for the noblemen not to take it. fuck it. why not? it’s not like there’s any point in waiting for another golden opportunity to present itself. “you picked out most of it,” jude responds, flicking his finger against the end of her nose. as with most nights, jude’s ‘getting ready process’ is just modelling a series of outfits for whatever girl’s on hand like he’s in a coming of age late noughties movie. still, the thought of her in any of his clothes warms him. he gets a sick little thrill when she sleeps in his hoodie, or he catches her making her smoothies wearing his birkenstocks as oversized slippers. “right. well my compelling case is that nobody could ever get sick of you. it’s some new crazy shit with you every day,” he’s shaking his head, but it’s clear from the crinkles around the corners of his eyes that he says it with tenderness, adding “—and i’m mad into it,” before she can misinterpret his tone, pout her lips, and ask him something like would you still like me if i was a worm. 
her finger loops itself around his, and jude swings their caught wrists, a warmth in his gaze when he looks down at her. it’s a view he could get used to — his girl in a nice dress, tucked into his side — the two of them held together by tangled silver like a pagan hand-wrapping ritual.  “aluminum,” jude repeats, cheeks pitching up as he imitates the soft inflection of her jersey accent. “we say it aluminum. like… ally minion, kinda.” usually, he’d take the stairs two at a time, but with jenny at his side he slows his pace to a dawdle, arm instinctively bending to slot hers on top of his elbow as a fail safe, something to grab hold of if her heels catch and she topples on the stairs. “i dunno,” jude says, as if he hasn’t already scoped out every part of the boat with angel, the location scout in him vying for a place with the best angles. “less people? less noise? but also, you can see everyone, and i know you love a gossip, so...” reaching the top of the stairs, he drops his arm, tangling their fingers as he pulls her towards the centre of the upper deck, his free hand going to the small of her back as he draws her in against him. “you know any ballroom dancing typa shit?” jude asks, folding their joined hands up at a right angle and shifting his weight in a messy approximation of slow dancing. jenny feels like the kind of girl who might have attended dance competitions as a kid, fake-tanned and hair sprayed within an inch of her life, like aoife at her irish dancing feis, ringlets hard enough that you could crack them.  “i’ve only ever slow danced with my nan, and she’s had two hip replacements, so you’re already miles better.”
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“hey,” she scolds suddenly, yanking his hand hard enough for the shockwave to zip up his arm and snap him out of it. “i don’t like when you say shit like that.” her eyes wait for his to look over, impatiently blinking up at him. “‘cause both of those would actually be like, epic bits of performance art that end up in the news and like, in text books and get studied and start like, massively impactful dialogues because of their commentary on… i dunno, society or whatever, but you’re not saying it like that.” two fingers hook into his waistband so their legs can stay slotted while she arches back for a better look at him. “i’m not trynna be a buzzkill. like, i know it’s just a joke but you say stuff like that all the time and you’re not rubbish and you’re not a banana.” it might sound ridiculous, but she’s being completely earnest, each point driven home by a frustrated tug of his pants—an attempt to drill this into his thick skull with something physical that isn’t a smack upside the head, even if she’s tempted. “like… jude.” be serious. her head slants to one side, one brow lifting, lips pressed into a reproachful line as her hands find his, toying with his fingers. “i wish i was better with words so i could explain how ridiculous it is when you say stuff like that.” but she’s not, and the idea of trying to articulate just how highly she thinks of him feels akin to chasing the wind with a net. how can you explain feelings with words? how can she sum up jude when the language that rushes to mind feels cliched and lazy. ‘you’re not garbage, you’re perfect. you’re awesome. you’re amazing.’ that’s what a teacher would write on an a+ paper, not a suitable antidote for the guy she’s falling for. her eyes linger on his a moment longer before she leans in and gently bonks her forehead against his. that’ll have to do. .
“i’m sorry for, like—i can take a joke, you know.” she’s feeling a little embarrassed for the rant. “i’m just gonna have to refute those ones every time. you’re not allowed to be mean to the guy i’m— to my guy.” she huffs out an indignant breath, reluctantly peeling her gaze away to finally notice the change of scenery. holy shit, this fuckin’ boat. “whoa, look at the sky.” there’s only a moment to try to drink it all in, the view of the deck below, the shoreline, the faint smattering of stars even though it’s not completely dark yet before he’s sweeping her back up. her free hand automatically winds around his neck while his creeps around her waist, the other two clasped together like they’re about to dance. it takes a second to realize that’s exactly what’s about to happen. her gaze shoots to his, confused and tentatively excited but braced for a ‘just kidding’ until he starts swaying them back and forth, and even then she can’t quite believe it. she can’t even remember the last time she slow danced. prom, maybe? some distant relative’s wedding? “oh, do i.” she does not. “i’ve seen a lot of dancing with the stars. would you believe we’re actually viennese waltzing right now.” the hand linked to his—seemingly even more entangled than it was before—lifts, a silent instruction for him to twirl beneath the bridge their arms created before coming back together. her cheeks hurt from how hard she’s beaming at him and trying to contain it. “i should’ve known you were a romantic the minute you sang that jenny song to me, even if you didn’t like me then.” although, according to angel… she steps herself in closer, rests her head on his shoulder as she drags the hand she’s holding hostage up, guiding it to splay out across her chest. “can you feel my heart? it’s like, racing.”
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“ouch!” jude shouts, taken aback by her yank, although it wasn’t exactly painful. still, he rubs the socket where his shoulder joins his arm, scowling down at her. “what d’you do that for, you muppet?” she barely lets him get a word in, already going on her long spiel about how he’s an impactful piece of performance art or some shit, and he has to bite his tongue from comparing himself to that shit piece of absurdist theatre aoife dragged him along to in soho. he wouldn’t mind being something a bit andy warhol, though. that stuff’s proper cool. “alright, alright, chill out. i’ll fuckin’... calm it with the self-effacing bullshit, just please don’t beat me up.” like she could take him. his mood sallows slightly, recalling the incident with miles. whatever. he’s not important right now. and this isn’t a direct response to the perceived threat of that either, just a culmination of everything he’s been mulling over, cinnamon sticks and all, for the last few days. miles just gave him a kick up the rear end is all. 
“shut up. you’re great with words,” jude parries (en garde!) bracing his arm to dip jenny over it, before he draws her back up against his face, nose to nose as they dance. feels almost like that scene in that new edgar wright film with the fit lass who was in the witch, except jenny doesn’t change into a different person every time she crosses the screen, and honestly, he wouldn’t want her to. his eyes have no reason to wander anywhere else when what’s in front of him’s already more than he deserves. “ i wish i was better with words so i could make you see yourself the way i see you. and probs so i could stop putting my fuck-off massive size 11 air max nike’s in it.”  he hadn’t exactly handled the question of exclusivity with grace, decorum, or even an arbitrary grasp on language. “you’re from jersey. you’ve got an excuse. but i’m english and i can’t even speak it, for fuck sake.” she knocks her head against his, and it brings a soft smile to his lips, turns his cerebral cortex to candle wax and renders him mushy around his hard edges. “you try’na knock me out? squaring up? you wanna fuckin’ go, mate?” his hands are in her hair, pulling her lips to his to lose himself in her kiss before she can answer, fingers sinking along her spine, beneath the cowl back of her dress, before he remembers that the reason he brought her up here isn’t to get her naked. although he wouldn’t stop her, if she wanted.
“don’t be daft. i know you can take a joke.” obviously she can if she’s going out with him — it feels like jude’s the one who can’t take a joke, rattled by the smallest of aggravations. “your guy?” he repeats, equal parts teasing and turned on, his mouth against the shell of her ear as he says it again. “i’m your guy?” he spins her out before she can answer, draws her back with just as much fervour, a heat in his eye contact when his gaze meets hers, a quiet settling as the two of them sway. she tells him to look at the sky, but he can’t tear his eyes away from her long enough to, murmuring in agreement as he drinks her in, “ yeah, i know, it’s beautiful,” totally aware of how much of a cliché he’s being, the fact that if he saw this in a film he’d call it lazy writing, but with jenny there’s not much his eyes could look at that he’d find more interesting than her. alright, maybe if he saw marcus rashford in foot locker down the trafford centre or some shit, but like, not much else. “viennese waltz? thought that was a biscuit. them ones you get at your dead posh mate’s house.” he’s thinking of viennese whirls.
laughing, he cringes at the memory, serenading a girl who seemed like she wouldn’t even waste a drip of spit if he was on fire. “i did like you then,” jude admits, groaning. “jenny, i wanted you from the moment i met you. you did that sexy little jessica rabbit impression, i was fuckin’ obsessed with you,” even if the way he expressed it was by spending every waking moment telling anyone who’d listen he was absolutely not interested. “and then you got me with the mixed messages saying i should leave you alone and shit. you parred me off first.” he dips himself (all 6’1 of him) under her arm, with some effort, grips her hips to dip her round in a circle before drawing her back up to him, his own pulse so erratic that when she draws his hand against her chest he can’t tell which heartbeat’s hers and which is his. “yeah, mine too. i’m dead nervous, actually, because i, uh…” his free hand’s scratching at the curls at the back of his head, pulling on one to draw his focus back to the present. “i wanted to ask you something.” fuck. “look, i know i'm not good at speeches or saying how i feel or owt. but i really like you, jenny.” he’s scared to use a stronger word. “i know we talked about this the other day, and i’ve been fuckin’ kicking myself ever since. i said i didn’t think you were ready, but honestly i think it was more that i wasn’t ready to get my heart broken by you. but i dont really give a shit about that any more, because that’s life, innit? like when you’re seeing someone chances are you’ll either get married or you’ll break each other’s hearts, so why fight it.” .
the whole time he’s been talking, his wrist’s been fiddling with the clasp of his bracelet, trying to get it off her ring, and it finally comes loose, a little thread of jude’s anxiety untangling itself with it. “but… y’know. we’ve been doing this for a while now. and i trust you, and i love spending time with you, and i think we understand each other pretty well. i wanna keep waking up next to ya. and i’d really like to be able to call you something other than jenny — although it’s a great name. nice one, heather.” he’s a fucking mess of nerves, but when his eyes meet her its like a second wind of confidence. “so what i wanna know is, uh… fuck it.” jude pauses, hands on her hips to steady him as he gets down on his knees — both knees, mind — he doesn’t want her getting any ideas. his hands leave her hips to move to the nape of his neck, unclipping the fiddly clasp of his chain, and sliding it into her hand when he takes it, folds her knuckles over it and kisses them, the little saint christopher hidden inside her palm.  “are you gonna be my girlfriend then, or what?”
𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐧
cheryl says you can trick anxiety out of your body by convincing your brain it’s just excitement. easier said than done, though. the overly cheery voice in her head grows shakier by the second the very instant he prefaces his question, swiftly shooting down any delusion that this isn’t just sheer panic. people only do that when they’re about to ask something serious. the hand against her chest becomes an anchor, warm and solid and clasped between white-knuckled fingers as her eyes flick nervously between his. she’s surprised to see he doesn’t look much better off. whatever this is has him all worked up too. “hey,” she offers softly, brows knitting together as she squeezes his hand, not as a way of stealing comfort this time, but of gifting some back, “it’s just me.” that must be enough because once he launches in, it’s impossible to get a word in. or maybe she just can’t quite formulate a sentence, her mouth caught in a small ‘o’ as she tries to absorb everything he’s saying, plus anything he might not be. because there has to be a ‘but.’ there has to be. ‘i really like you, jenny’ …….b-but? she’s holding her breath, muscles locked and braced for the worst while he rattles off confession after confession, each sounding more like something ripped straight from her own inner monologue until she can’t help but lean into the fantasy. .
there’s something poetic in their wrists coming free the moment he tears it all away and she hears that dreaded word. a shaky exhale and a brittle smile, deflating as her eyes pinch shut. this was always gonna be too good to be true. she knew that, but why here? why now, in this perfect place at this perfect moment? it doesn’t make any sense. this is the kind of setup for a proposal or something, not a—  one eye squints open as his words to come back into focus, feeling confused when it’s all just more of the same clumsy ramblings that sound a lot like everything she’s wanted to hear. and he doesn’t look apologetic like he’s about to break her heart, but hopeful. emboldened even as his hands go for her hips. “wait—“ not a command for him, but a filler as she tries to get her head on straight. what the fuck is going on? hope swells in her chest, fluttering quick as a hummingbird’s as she watches him sink to the floor, struck by the sight of him on his knees in front of her. “sorry, what’s… i’m so confused. i—“ she lets out a slightly hysterical laugh, her hand lifting up to muffle it. “are you being serious?” the metal feels warm in her palm from sitting against his pulse and she carefully unfolds her hands to look at the necklace she’s become so familiar with, then down at him. “jude. are you being serious?” she demands again, her own knees crashing into the floor in front of him, hands going straight for his face, running over it like she’s checking for a fever. she presses a lightening fast peck against his lips, wild eyes not wanting to miss a second. “this is real?”
𝗷𝘂𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲𝘆.
god. jenny’s mad fucking cute, especially when the shock of it all hits her with such a force that she laughs, hopefully not at him, though the uncertainty that wells in his stomach doesn’t quite settle until she’s sinking down on her knees before him. “is it too soon?” he asks, an attempt to catch the creases of that laugh and iron them out, needing to know that it’s the situation she finds ridiculous, not him.  surely the idea of the two of them trying it, despite the air miles they’d have to cover just for a weekend away, isn’t that ridiculous. if it is, why are they even bothering? “i was gonna wait, but… i don’t want to? never know when your time here’s gonna be cut short, do ya.” or when snakey santiago might strike again, though he feels pretty confident he’s put in enough groundwork that should her focus start to falter he could catch her chin, ease it slowly back to him, before her head had the chance to fully turn. “you what? obviously it’s real, you div.”  her lips are on his, not long enough to give him his answer, but long enough to ease his anxiety slightly. he can feel his pulse in his fucking fingertips where their hands meet, hopes to hell his palms aren’t clammy like she’s holding soggy fish fingers. in the back of his head his brain’s already off on a tangent, palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti body working overtime when he draws her closer to keep him rooted in this moment and not miss a second lost in the clutter of his thoughts.  “alright jen, you’re freaking me out now. are you gonna say yes, or shall i grab my fucking arm bands and walk the plank?”
𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐧
“it’s obviously not too soon. did i not try asking you like, a few days ago?” and spent the next few kicking herself over it. she’d let herself operate on emotion alone, forgetting that once things are out there, they can’t be taken back. not that she wanted to take it back, but she expected her big, bold, take-the-reigns moment to be received with a little more enthusiasm otherwise she would’ve kept her fat mouth shut. naturally, she’d been mortified that she’d read him so wrong, confronted for the first time with this idea that maybe they weren’t as in sync as she’d thought. now she’s exhaling a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding until jude’s fingers first started massaging the tension from her body, stress built up from the weight of everything she wasn’t saying. “obviously yes,” she breathes with a shaky laugh as her arms slip around him, dragging herself in closer until she can bury herself in his neck. she kind of thinks she might cry for all his tenderness. “you’re… you’re sure about this?” the question is barely above a whisper and gets muffled against his skin where she presses a gentle kiss to his thundering pulse. one final out should he want to take it because she can’t freaking help it—sorry cheryl.
“you’re— you don’t feel pressured, do you? this is what you want too?” she peels back to look at him, eyes embarrassingly misty. “you and me? —sorry, i don’t know why i’m getting all emo. i guess, like… i didn’t really think i would find anyone in here, meanwhile you’re legit made for me, like… it’s all just kind of surreal, isn’t it?” she toys with the necklace in her hands. “like, so much had to line up for us to end up here, so many conditions had to just work out perfectly. we probably never would’ve met if it wasn’t for all this, and now i can’t even imagine spending a day without you and like, i just wanna hang out with you all the time and i know how you take your tea and i can’t wait to meet siobhan and aoife and introduce you to heather, like... isn’t it crazy?”
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faeriequeensuriel · 1 year
Super Star
This is for feysand month, day 7, idol/celebrity
“I can’t believe we’re finally here! I am finally going to see Rhysand Night in the flesh!” Feyre squealed as she latched onto Mor’s arm.
Mor laughed beside her, “I almost regret making you listen to their music. There are two other Night brothers in Night Triumphant, you know. What is it about Rhysand that gets you like this?”
Mor was Feyre’s best friend and when Feyre had left her sorry excuse of a boyfriend, Tamlin, Mor was there to help her put herself back together. The girls shared an apartment now, and Mor had introduced Feyre to so many new things that Tamlin would have never allowed. He had wanted her to be soft and agreeable at all times. Her wardrobe before consisted of frilly pastel dresses. Now she was able to wear her leather mini skirt and silver sequin crop top. He only let her wear makeup in natural hues. Now she had bold, smokey eyeshadow with an elegant cat eye and violet lips. She had been dying slowly with him. Her soul had been drained to a point that Feyre wasn’t sure she was even a real person anymore. She was a ghost of who she’d once been. That was until Mor introduced her to Night Triumphant. Tamlin would have never let her listen to this kind of music. They were loud and wild, but something about them resonated with her broken spirit.
“I don’t know, Mor. There’s just something about him. I mean, they’re all wickedly gorgeous. There’s no arguing how talented they are. But something about Rhysand, the raw emotion in his voice.. I feel like he gets it. Like maybe he’s been where I’ve been before. I can hear the sadness and hope in his songs. Gods, I sound insane, don’t I?”
Mor gave her a thoughtful look before saying, “No. I think you might be right.”
“How did you score front row seats, anyway? I can’t believe I’ll be this close to him.”
She shrugged casually. “I knew someone who knew someone. You look hot tonight, by the way. Trying to catch someone’s attention?” She gave her a sly grin.
Feyre rolled her eyes. “Mor, I’ll be invisible to him. He’s a gods damned superstar.”
Just then, the lights dimmed and soft notes started playing. When the spotlight came on, there he was. Feyre thought he was even more beautiful in person as he smiled at the crowd. All the girls in the front row were screaming his name, but Feyre just stared in awe as he made eye contact. Something in his face softened and her heart fluttered when he winked at her. 
“He was definitely checking you out, Feyre,” Mor said as she frantically texted someone. She had convinced Feyre to go out dancing, but had hardly looked up from her phone all night.
Feyre gave Mor a pointed look. “I’m sure he winks and smiles like that at some lucky fangirl at all of his shows. Besides, it doesn’t matter. I’ll never see him again, and he’ll never think twice about the girl he saw last night.”
“If you say so,” Mor said as she continued texting.
“Who are you even talking to? You’ve been on your phone nonstop since we left the concert.”
“That is.. Not important right now. What is important is that I have to use the restroom. Will you wait here for our drinks?” She didn’t wait for Feyre to answer before she ran off. 
Feyre was still looking to where Mor had disappeared when a low voice asked, “Is anyone sitting here?”
Startled, Feyre whirled around and punched Rhysand Night right in the face. It took all of three seconds for Feyre to realize what she had done as he rubbed his jaw.
“Oh gods. Oh shit. Fuck! I am so so sorry, I wasn’t expecting anyone to be there and you startled me and I am so sorry, Mr. Night, I-”
“Whoa! Hey, it’s ok. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you. Just breathe, it’s ok.”
His voice was soothing, and while Feyre was mortified beyond belief, he didn’t seem like he was going to have her arrested for assault.
“I feel awful. I scare easily and I’ve been taking self defense classes-”
He laughed. “I can tell. That was a killer right hook.”
There was already a bruise forming where she had hit him, but she took a deep breath and said, “Mr. Night, is there any way I can make it up to you?”
He gave her a curious look and said, “You can do two things to make it up to me. One, never call me Mr. Night again. It’s just Rhys. And two,” He smirked and something sparked in his starry eyes. “Let me buy you a drink.”
Feyre’s jaw dropped in surprise. “But I- Why- What? I punched you. Shouldn’t I be buying you a drink?”
“Darling, I was going to ask if I could buy you a drink anyway.” He sat down next to her and looked around the club. “Rita’s hasn’t changed much over the years, has it?”
“You’ve been here before?” That surprised Feyre. Rita’s was great, but it was a place that only locals usually frequented.
“I grew up in Velaris, actually. Since this was the last stop on our tour, I figured I’d stick around for a while and spend time with my cousin. She’s actually the one who talked me into coming here tonight, but..,” He looked at Feyre in a way that made her blush. “I told her I’d only join her if she brought her pretty friend from the concert last night.” He smirked and her heart dropped. Of course he was waiting for someone else. She didn’t expect him to be here alone, did she? He was just entertaining himself with her until the girl he wanted showed up. Maybe later he’d laugh with her about the pathetic girl who punched him in the face for no damn reason.
He must have read the disappointment in her eyes because he looked panicked for a moment before he said, “You! You’re the pretty friend I wanted to meet. And ‘pretty’ doesn’t even do you justice. You’re fucking beautiful and she’s told me a lot about you..”
Feyre shook her head sadly, “I’m sure you’ve got the wrong person. I don’t know your cousin, I’m just here with my friend..” She looked around the club, realizing it had been a while since Mor had left and she had yet to return. She caught Mor’s eye as she danced with a pretty redhead and Mor winked at her. Then it hit her and she turned back to Rhys. “Mor.. Morrigan is your cousin?!”
Rhys just laughed and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Feyre, Darling.”
After that, they fell into easy conversation, though Feyre was still stunned. She wasn’t sure how long they talked for. It could have been hours or days, but all she knew was that she never wanted it to end.
“So Mor tells me that you’re an artist?” Feyre was completely enamored with him. He seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say, always asking for details or her opinions on things. She wasn’t used to men being so attentive. He didn’t even seem like he was faking interest to get in her pants.
“I don’t know that I can really call myself an artist. I do paint and I love it, but I only just started painting again.” 
She realized she’d said more than she meant to when he furrowed his brows and asked, “Why did you stop painting?”
She looked down, unable to meet his intense gaze. “It’s.. not important. It’s stupid, really..”
He grabbed her hand and said seriously, “It’s not stupid, and if something took away such a fundamental part of who you are, then it is most certainly important. You don’t have to tell me what happened, but I swear to you that I will not think of it as insignificant.”
She looked at him for a long moment, searching for any hint of a lie, but all she found was sincerity. “My ex.. He wasn’t good to me. He wasn’t good for me. It started with little things, monitoring where I was going, who I was with. He said he worried for my safety, but slowly, he started controlling more of my life. What I could wear, what music I could listen to, what I could eat. Eventually, I wasn’t even allowed to work or see my sisters.. I was severely depressed. I stopped seeing the world in colors and shapes and patterns. I stopped living. I just.. existed” Rhys was looking at her with such sorrow and understanding that it broke her heart. What had he been through? “When I told him that I was done, that I was leaving, he trashed his house. He flipped a table, shattered dishes on the floor, punched a whole in the wall. I was terrified. I didn’t grab anything, I just fled. Mor was the first person I called.” Feyre was trying desperately to hold back her tears as Rhys traced gentle patterns on her hand with his thumb. “It took me a long time to start to feel like a person again. I started taking self defense classes. It helped with the anger I felt, but I also just wanted to feel strong. He never hit me, but I think.. I think if I had stayed, he would have eventually killed me. I never wanted to be weak again. It wasn’t until I came home one day and heard Mor listening to your music that I felt something real for the first time in a long time.”
He looked shocked at that. “My music helped you?”
She nodded. “There was one song in particular that I would listen to every night. It gave me hope. It made me dream that one day I could be whole again.”
He stared at her with an emotion she couldn’t quite name. Quietly, he asked, “What song..?”
“The Stars Who Listen. It actually inspired my first painting in over two years.”
“Do you have a picture of it? May I see it?” His eyes were lined with silver. This whole conversation seemed to mean more to him than she thought it would. She pulled out her phone, scrolling through the pictures until she found it. It was the night sky, marked with swirling galaxies and dotted with a million stars. It wasn’t until now that she realized how well it matched his eyes. He was just staring, though, and suddenly she was self conscious again.
“Like I said, it’s been a while and I’m out of practice, so it’s not that good-”
“Feyre, this is incredible. Your work is amazing, you are amazing. The Stars Who Listen is a song that is very dear to me, and you’ve captured the feeling of it perfectly.. Thank you for trusting me with your story. Would you let me take you to brunch tomorrow? I’d like to share my story with you, too.”
“I would love to, Rhys.”
He smiled that beautiful smile again and her heart melted. “I almost forgot to ask. What did you name your painting?”
“I called it ‘The Dreams That Are Answered’”
So I've only done a couple of fics before. I'm not super proud of this one, but I figured the only way to get better was to post it for others to read.
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distopea · 2 years
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Was this wrong? Should she be doing this? It was pretty awful. Though part of her was kind of excited of what his reaction might be. How he was going to look at her after this. Would he be jealous? Or upset even? Maybe this would finally be the push to get him to actually make the first move. Biting her bottom lip she fixed the hem of the dress in the mirror. Tossing her hair some over her shoulder her finger hooking in under one of the straps as a final adjustment. Lifting up her phone and snapping a picture of the tight black dress. Making sure to really make sure to accentuate how the taut fabric brought out her curves.
[ human calculator. 💰 ]: got a date tonight!
[ human calculator. 💰 ]: was thinking about wearing this. thoughts?
A blatant lie. But, she wanted to make sure to really stoke the fire.
[ human calculator. 💰 ]: whoops! wrong person.
[ human calculator. 💰 ]: well...question still stands. what do you think?
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It was truly an eventless evening for Ezra. He was browsing through old notes and emails, his attention caught between different exchanges with organizations, deputies, banks, all of them digging into the impetuous world of the mafia, driven by their greed. He was a greedy man himself – he wouldn’t judge their change of hearts or their wishes to become even richer. He was going crazy with this insatiable will to possess more and build an invisible empire made of money.
He blinked when he received two notifications on his phone. He was quick to recognize the bold name appearing on his screen, another message quick to follow the two first ones. A content smile curled his lips when he gripped his phone, eager to answer Timantha, as he believed she was overworking just like him, and perhaps bored enough to think of him. Yet, his mind went immediately blank when he opened her message, his eyes falling onto the lovely picture of his favorite hacker wearing a beautiful and tight black dress. Once more, his ego was pumped, his glassed irises looking down to read her words… Only to be grandly disillusioned.
                 from [ T/hack ]: got a date tonight!
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He read that sentence over and over again, his smile fading into another kind of expression, ths one ruthless. Was she really that heartless? Wasn’t he good enough for her? Ezra pressed his back against his chair, observing the three little dots moving onto the bottom of his screen, new messages soon appearing in the conversation. Wrong person? He heard himself sighing with anger. Timantha was either poking for attention or playing a very reckless game, and he was possessive enough to show his true colors.
to [ T/hack ]: I thought you would be smarter. Sending this to the wrong person can cause you troubles.
He paused, scrolled up to observe once again her cute fate trapped into that alluring outfit… He zoomed in, zoomed out, obsessed with the image displayed there. He hesitated for a second before he opened another app, finding her contact easily through the few ones he had used there. He transferred her 5000$.
to [ T/hack ]: Think wisely.
to [ T/hack ]: If you really have a date, cancel it.
He remained focused on his screen a few more seconds, checking his emails absentmindedly. It could wait; he knew he wouldn’t be able to work any longer tonight. Not when he wouldn’t be sure where Timantha might be. He added another text.
to [ T/hack ]: I’m coming over. Keep the dress on.
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