#mosquito fern
crudlynaturephotos · 3 months
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September 2022: Friday Sights, Deliveries & Finds
Today’s backyard garden harvest: 
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The Santa Claus melon plant is on the make: 
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September is our wedding anniversary month so I bought the anniversary equivalents of stocking stuffers & they just arrived today.
Mosquito repellent for those long night-time conversations on the patio don’t get interrupted: 
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His & hers gardening machetes. The kukri design is my queen’s. Style-wise, the kukri is my queen’s favorite melee weapon/tool: 
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Curbside find while dog walking - two Sword (aka Boston) ferns that just need a little attention. Seriously, I worked a part-time job in high school at a local greenhouse garden center & they had a high tunnel full of “dead brown” ferns that we would trim all the dead growth off of & start nursing back to life in the very early Spring. They looked like tiny brown nubs but, by the time it was fern selling season, those ferns were just as full as the ones that had been ordered in. These two are probably so root bound that I could divide each of them into quarters:  
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Azolla filiculoides, Duckweed fern
Azolla filiculoides, Duckweed fern
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Aquatic plant with no flowers or bulbs, sporangia present
Plant body various,  leaves various, plant free-floating, emergent, or submersed
Plant raft-like, free-floating on water surface or stranded along shore or in drying bottom sediments, breaking apart into individuals or small clumps
Plant body differentiated into a short, often branched stem with small, minutely velvety-papillate, scale-like leaves
Leaves 0.5–1.5 mm, alternate [each with a thick green or ± red-tinged floating lobe and a thin, colorless submersed lobe]; upper surface of floating lobe papillate or with short, inconspicuous hairs [Azollaceae]
Stems  forming round to elongate plants to 3 cm, 2 cm wide; leaves ovate or oblong-ovate, generally 1.2–2 mm, 1 mm wide; leaf margins of upper (± green or ± red) leaf lobes with broad ± white band of cells >= 4 cells wide; male spore mass barbs lacking partitions
Annual Fern, California Native, usually found in ponds and slow streams. Small free floating fern on mud/water roots. Green to +- red. with white margins ,round to elongate plants to 3 cm, 2 cm wide.
Roots Rhizome: roots hang in water, form dense clump
Stem: fork, pinnate thread like, generally 1--3 cm: immature prostrate, internodes < 5 mm;
Leaf: small overlapping scale like leaves cover stem, leaf has sublte papillae, green-red
Sporangium Case: clear yellowish orb, female with distinct equatorial girdle, wall tubercled and pitted. male spores mass barbs lacking partition
Fun facts: Used as green manure in rice paddies because of nitrogen-fixing algae (cyanobacterium Ananbaena Azollae) in upper leaf lobe. Made fossil fuels and can double it mass in 3 day
Jepson eflora Azolla filiculoides
Integrated Taxonomic Information System - Report
Calscape Mosquito Fern
Wildflower Search
Youtube of Azolla filiculoides
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merikheti · 2 years
घर पर ही यह चारा उगाकर कमाएं दोगुना मुनाफा, पशु और खेत दोनों में आएगा काम
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भारत के किसानों के लिए कृषि के अलावा पशुपालन का भी अपना ही एक अलग महत्व होता है। छोटे से लेकर बड़े भारतीय किसान एवं ग्रामीण महिलाएं, पशुपालन में अपनी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है।
ये भी पढ़ें: पशुपालन के लिए 90 फीसदी तक मिलेगा अनुदान
ग्रामीणों की अर्थव्यवस्था को एक ठोस आधार प्रदान करने के अलावा, खेती की मदद से ही पशुओं के लिए चारा एवं फसल अवशेष प्रबंधन (crop residue management) की भी व्यवस्था हो जाती है और बदले में इन पशुओं से मिले हुए ऑर्गेनिक खाद का इस्तेमाल खेत में ही करके उत्पादकता को भी बढ़ाया जा सकता है।
एजोला चारा (Azolla or Mosquito ferns)
अलग-अलग पशुओं को अलग-अलग प्रकार का चारा खिलाया जाता है, इसी श्रेणी में एक विशेष तरह का चारा होता है जिसे ‘एजोला चारा‘ के नाम से जाना जाता है।
यह एक सस्ता और पौष्टिक पशु आहार होता है, जिसे खिलाने से पशुओं में वसा एवं वसा रहित पदार्थ वाली दूध बढ़ाने में मदद मिलती है।
अजोला चारा की मदद से पशुओं में बांझपन की समस्या को दूर किया जा सकता है, साथ ही उनके शरीर में होने वाली फास्फोरस की कमी को भी दूर किया जा सकता है।
ये भी पढ़ें: कम पैसे में उगायें हरा चारा, बढ़ेगा दूध, बनेगा कमाई का सहारा
इसके अलावा पशुओं में कैल्शियम और आयरन की आवश्यकता की पूर्ति करने से उनका शारीरिक विकास भी बहुत अच्छे से हो पाता है।
समशीतोष्ण जलवायु में पाए जाने वाला यह अजोला एक जलीय फर्न होता है।
अजोला की लोकप्रिय प्रजाति पिन्नाटा भारत से किसानों के द्वारा उगाई जाती है। यदि अजोला की विशेषताओं की बात करें तो यह पानी में बहुत ही तेजी से वृद्धि करते हैं और उनमें अच्छी गुणवत्ता वाले प्रोटीन होने की वजह से जानवर आसानी से पचा भी लेते है।
अजोला में 25 से 30% प्रोटीन, 60 से 70 मिलीग्राम तक कैल्शियम और 100 ग्राम तक आयरन की मात्रा पाई जाती है।
कम उत्पादन लागत वाला वाला यह चारा पशुओं के लिए एक जैविक वर्धक का कार्य भी करता है।
एक किसान होने के नाते आप जानते ही होंगे, कि रिजका और नेपियर जैसा चारा भारतीय पशुओं को खिलाया जाता रहा है, लेकिन इनकी तुलना में अजोला पांच गुना तक अच्छी गुणवत्ता का प्रोटीन और दस गुना अधिक उत्पादन दे सकता है।
अजोला चारा उत्पादन के लिए आपको किसी विशेषज्ञ की जरूरत नहीं होगी, बल्कि किसान खुद ही आसानी से घर पर ही इसको ऊगा सकते है।
ये भी पढ़ें: गर्मियों में हरे चारे के अभाव में दुधारू पशुओं के लिए चारा
इसके लिए आपको क्षेत्र को समतल करना होगा और चारों ओर ईंट खड़ी करके एक दीवार बनाई जाती है।
उसके अंदर क्यारी बनाई जाती है जिससे पानी स्टोर किया जाता है और प्लांट को लगभग 2 मीटर गहरे गड्ढे में बनाकर शुरुआत की जा सकती है।
इसके लिए किसी छायादार स्थान का चुनाव करना होगा और 100 किलोग्राम छनी हुई मिट्टी की परत बिछा देनी होगी, जोकि अजोला को पोषक तत्व प्रदान करने में सहायक होती है।
इसके बाद लगभग पन्द्रह लीटर पानी में पांच किलो गोबर का घोल बनाकर उस मिट्टी पर फैला देना होगा।
अपने प्लांट में आकार के अनुसार 500 लीटर पानी भर ले और इस क्यारी में तैयार मिश्रण पर, बाजार से खरीद कर 2 किलो ताजा अजोला को फैला देना चाहिए। इसके पश्चात 10 लीटर हल्के पानी को अच्छी तरीके से छिड़क देना होगा।
इसके बाद 15 से 20 दिनों तक क्यारियों में अजोला की वर्द्धि होना शुरू हो जाएगी। इक्कीसवें दिन की शुरुआत से ही इसकी उत्पादकता को और तेज करने के लिए सुपरफ़ास्फेट और गोबर का घोल मिलाकर समय-समय पर क्यारी में डालना होगा।
यदि आप अपने खेत से तैयार अजोला को अपनी मुर्गियों को खिलाते हैं, तो सिर्फ 30 से 35 ग्राम तक खिलाने से ही उनके शरीर के वजन एवं अंडा उत्पादन क्षमता में 20% तक की वृद्धि हो सकती है, एवं बकरियों को 200 ग्राम ताजा अजोला खिलाने से उनके दुग्ध उत्पादन में 30% की वृद्धि देखी गई है।
ये भी पढ़ें: बकरी बैंक योजना ग्रामीण महिलाओं के लिये वरदान
अजोला के उत्पादन के दौरान उसे संक्रमण से मुक्त रहना अनिवार्य हो जाता है, इसके लिए सीधी और पर्याप्त सूरज की रोशनी वाले स्थान को प्राथमिकता दी जानी चाहिए। हालांकि किसी पेड़ के नीचे भी लगाया जा सकता है लेकिन ध्यान रहे कि वहां पर सूरज की रोशनी भी आनी चाहिए।
साथ ही अजोला उत्पादन के लिए 20 से 35 डिग्री सेंटीग्रेड तापमान को उचित माना जाता है।
सही मात्रा में गोबर का घोल और उर्वरक डालने पर आपके खेत में उगने वाली अजोला की मात्रा को दोगुना किया जा सकता है।
यदि आप स्वयं पशुपालन या मुर्गी पालन नहीं करते हैं, तो उत्पादन इकाई का एक सेंटर खोल कर, इस तैयार अजोला को बाजार में भी बेच सकते है।
उत्तर प्रदेश, बिहार तथा झारखंड जैसे राज्यों में ऐसी उत्पादन इकाइयां काफी मुनाफा कमाती हुई ��ेखी गई है और युवा किसान इकाइयों के स्थापन में अग्रणी भूमिका निभा रहे हैं।
किसान भाइयों को जानना होगा कि पशुओं के लिए एक आदर्श आहार के रूप में काम करने के अलावा, अजोला का इस्तेमाल भूमि की उर्वरा शक्ति को बढ़ाने में हरी खाद के रूप में भी किया जाता है। इसे आप 15 से 20 किलोग्राम प्रति हेक्टेयर की दर से अपने खेत में फैला सकते हैं, तो आपके खेत की उत्पादकता आसानी से 20% तक बढ़ सकती है। लेकिन भारतीय किसान इसे खेत में फैलाने की तुलना में बाजार में बेचना ज्यादा पसंद करते हैं, क्योंकि वहां पर इसकी कीमत काफी ज्यादा मिलती है।
ये भी पढ़ें: गाय के गोबर से किसानों की आमदनी बढ़ाने के लिए मोदी सरकार ने उठाया कदम
आशा करते हैं, घर में तैयार किया गया अजोला चारा भारतीय किसानों के पशुओं के साथ ही उनके खेत के लिए भी उपयोगी साबित होगा और हमारे द्वारा दी गई यह जानकारी उन्हें पूरी तरीके से पसंद आई होगी।
Source घर पर ही यह चारा उगाकर कमाएं दोगुना मुनाफा, पशु और खेत दोनों में आएगा काम
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Could you please give us some Bog God Skull fun facts? 🥺 Also… how can one swoon this bog boi?
His favourite food is honeycakes. He hasn't had them in a while.
Sometimes, when he isn't patrolling or sleeping in his den, he likes to find a deep section of water in his marsh and just... wallow.
Though he doesn't like people, he does like the sound of talking.
Birds will occasionally nest in his antlers. When they do, he tends to settle down for a little while, until the chicks fledge. It's nice to have the company.
The plants that grow on his body are small, and seem plain, but upon closer inspection they are ancient species that are have often been long extinct. Little ferns and patches of moss, the occasional tiny flower. Leaves that haven't seen the sky in eons.
He sneezes when he's excited
Skull will avoid the husks of old trees, that scatter the dead bog. It's one of the few ways a hunted human might evade him. The dead trees bring back painful memories of his old home- he can't bring himself to knock them down, but he can't bring himself to look too long either. Tuck yourself close enough to a dead tree while being chased, and he might just leave you be.
You can actually tell how Skull feels about you based on the insects you encounter in the bog. Mosquitoes and gadflies indicate the simmering hate he generally feels for all humans. Non-stinging gnats- neutral feelings, you're a bit better than the others. Dragonflies and crickets... hey, he might have started to actually like you. 'Pretty' insects near you, like damselflies, butterflies and beetles? Woah, you definitely got yourself an admirer, he's showing off. And if any of them land on you that's a sure sign he wants your attention. ... If you're encountering birds, small mammals, or amphibians... be careful. You have a husband now.
Now... as for wooing him...
He's shy, when he catches feelings. He can look a bit spooky, hiding nearby in the fog... but try to remember, he's hiding, not hunting. You're a pretty human and it makes him nervous.
Though nothing planted by human hands can survive on his land, he'll still like it if you do try to plant something. It soothes his ancient anger, somewhat, to see that there are humans who are nothing like their ancestors. Attempting to plant things is a good way to gain his affections.
If you've already tried planting something, and it dies, you might find other things growing in the dead plant's place. Boggy flowers and shrubs, well suited to the area... thriving in the spot you made.
(He put those there. The prettier the plant, the more he likes you.)
A better way to gain his affections, though, is food offerings. Leave them anywhere in the bog, he'll find them. Remember, his favourite is honeycakes- though he likes anything baked, soft or sweet. If you're baking for him, it's best to stick to older and simpler recipes; newer looking things might confuse him.
Try singing, while you walk through the bog. Or just talk to yourself. As mentioned before, he likes the sounds of people, and he likes the sound of a pretty human singing even more.
Don't turn around, if you hear him following you from a distance. He's just taken an interest. Keep walking- there's a reason he's hanging back.
It's okay to pick up the pace if you're nervous, but don't run. It hurts his feelings.
Showing appreciation for his bog will woo him, too. Enthusiasm about the plants and animals is especially effective. If you can find beauty in such a 'horrible' thing, he might welcome you into parts of his home nobody has ever seen before.
... He can get childish, when in love. Age doesn't necessarily equal wisdom. Try not to travel through the bog with other people, he gets jealous and cranky. Your friends will be swatting away clouds of aggressive flies.
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scrollwyrm · 2 months
Since everyone is very desperate, here are some good WoF OC names:
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footprintsinthesxnd · 7 months
The Good Die Young
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Warnings: mentions of graphic themes, war, injury, weapons, sexual images, language, 18+. Pairings: Jake Seresin × f!reader. Disclaimer: This is a series reflecting on the true events of the US Marines in WW2. All of the characters are fictional and not based off are original characters (except for Jake Seresin) and they are not representations of the real, brave men who fought in WW2. I have tried to make all the events in this series as accurate as possible but please bare in mind this is fanfiction and i have added/ changed certain things to fit with this.
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December 1943
Dearest Jake,
I can’t believe it has been four months since you left us. It feels like only yesterday that you were here, safe in my arms. I can’t even begin to imagine what you are going through. I hear reports on the news and from the papers that things are bad but I believe no man can sum up what it is like if he had not been in the war himself. I have seen the brotherhood you have formed first-hand and the love that you share for each other. I only hope your love for each other is enough to get you through what is to come.
The papers bring the never-ending news of the war. I am kept busy with new articles. The latest being the death toll. With each name and age I write down my heart breaks a little more. I fear that most of them are no more than boys - just children really. Not even old enough to buy alcohol and yet they are old enough to fight for a war they do not understand. I fear that this war is far from over, I wish I could bring better news on that front.
We are both doing well here though. My tiny bump has started to show and Fern keeps making fun that soon my clothes will not fit me but I do not mind. This little one is a part of you that I carry with me always and will continue to do so until you return to me and we can be a family at last.
I hope you can celebrate Christmas wherever you are. I don’t have many plans for Christmas, it doesn’t seem right celebrating it when you are stuck in some foxhole or on a ship god knows where.
My heart aches for you, my love. I pray each night for your safe return.
Yours always
To my dearest Y/n,
You do not know how much relief I felt to receive your letter. Your words are my light in these dark times.
Christmas here on the ship is not the same as at home. We had a hearty Christmas dinner and sang some carols but I’d much rather have been with you than stuck here. As you can imagine, the company of George and Frank for Christmas Day doesn’t compare to you.
Edward drew me a picture of you for Christmas. The picture you sent me ended up getting coffee split on it by Frank one morning and was ruined. He’s drawn you almost from memory. I never realised how good of an artist he was but his talents are wasted here. Now I can cherish a drawing of you, close to my heart as always.
I hope you're safe this Christmas. I hope you can enjoy it with your friends and if I don’t get to write to you again, I hope you have a good new year.
I miss you Y/n. I miss you every day but just know that you are what gets me through each day, the thought of you and our child is all I need to help me through.
Yours always
New Britain - December 1943
Jake flinched, smacking his neck as he killed another mosquito. “Fucking things!” He protested as George laughed at him, the cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth.
“What ‘ave you got to laugh about Lover Boy? Still writing letters to Florence?” Jake craned his neck to see the letter but George quickly stuffed it into his pocket, along with the drawing of Florence that Edward had done for Christmas. “None of your damn business, Cowboy.”
It turned out that Edwards' gift to everyone had been a drawing. Most of them were of the girls they loved but for Johnny, Edward had drawn his spaniel, Daphne. Johnny was over the moon and was no longer bothered by the others' teasing when it came to Daphne. ‘You’ll see what I mean when you meet her boys. She’s quite the catch.’
The pair laughed as George stood to help Jake tie the last rope for their canopy around the tree, it wasn’t much but at least it would keep the worst of the rain off them. The hope of keeping dry in the jungle was limited and once the rain began, the heavens opened and it poured for hours. Most nights Jake barely slept, too busy watching the rain fall and listening to the noise of the forest to sleep.
“What are you reprobates doing?” Frank boomed, jokingly stalking over to his fellow Marines. “You think it’s funny so you.” He wiggled his eyebrows at the pair, a new cigarette balanced behind his ear ‘For later’ he always said but it would often fall out and be lost somewhere along the way.
Jake only laughed, “Don’t worry Sarge, you're still number one.” Frank laughed, smacking Jake on the back heartily.
“Congratulations Cowboy, looks like the Marine Corps did make something out of you after all.”
Jake shook his head. He’d recently been promoted to Staff Sergeant and it had brought with it a never-ending string of teasing comments from his friends, all meant in the usual joking fashion.
“How’s that girl of yours doing?” Frank asked smugly. He’d been the first to find out Y/n was pregnant and after the initial congratulations he followed with a never ending line of ‘Bun in the Oven’ jokes.
“Should have put a ring on her first, Cowboy.” Really though Frank was happy for him, the thought of a baby filled the group with hope for the future.
“Well I’m sorry to break up the party fellas but just because you're on machine guns doesn’t mean you're missing out on the patrol. Mortar squads are going too so I want you two with Shorty and Mary.”
“You got it, Harvard,” Jake swung his Springfield over his shoulder, lending George a hand and pulling him to his feet. “Let’s go catch us some Japs.”
The rain trickled down through the canopy, soaking the thin, mesh blanket that covered the lower half of Jake’s body. He groaned, rolling onto his side and watching as a single stream of water dripped into the large, muddy swell that surrounded the tent. The murky water reflected the moon, rippling it across the puddle with each gust of wind. Jake watched it sadly, wondering whether Y/n were looking at the same moon. He often wondered what she was doing, whether she would be eating breakfast or going to work or out with her friends. His life here felt so distant from the life he had with her.
“JAPS! THEIR COMING!” It always amazes Jake what came after those three words. Men dashed to their posts half awake, half-dressed and unable to form a coherent sentence but could fire off a round of mortars like it was nothing. Jake grabbed the barrel of the Browning Machine Gun whilst George posited the baseplate along the tree line. Neither of them cared how wet they were getting now, their helmets creating a shield against the worst of the rain but still allowed it to run over the rim and straight down their backs, soaking down into their trousers.
“MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!” Jake and George sat in complete silence, their eyes scanning the tree line at the edge of the clearing. Jake could hear his heart beating loudly in his ear, the rhythmic thudding keeping in time with his breathing.
“THEIR HERE!” And with that, the bullets start flying. Jake let out a cry as he squeezed the trigger, allowing the short burst of ammunition to fly into the darkness, an orange glow lighting the treeline as the bullets were fed through the gun. Between the shouts of other Marines, mortar pounding the earth and the gunfire Jake could hear his heartbeat increasing in time with the Browning's fire.
The fight was almost over before it began. “CEASE FIRE!” Jake’s ears were ringing, he rested his head against George’s shoulder who hugged him back. He never realised the bond he’d have between him and his fellow machine gunner but he could imagine being here without him. He pulled out his padded glove, lifting the now burning hot barrel of the machine gun from the plate. Jake wouldn’t be surprised if they’d need a replacement barrel for it soon, the number of rounds it had fired for them over time was impressive if not hellish at the same time.
Dear Y/n,
I am afraid to say we lost Johnny last week. There was an attack in the middle of the night. I don’t know how it happened but I found him the next morning when we were clearing the bodies. I’ve never lost one of my friends before but to see him so lifeless, so deathly pale. Y/n I don’t know how any of us are going to make it out alive.
The group hasn’t been the same since. Frank is in a foul mood, he blames himself I think but he doesn’t want to admit that. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. The damn Japs will have hell to pay the next time How Company gets near them.
He had the picture of Daphne clasped in his fingers. I’ve kept it. I wasn’t able to throw it away so I sent it with this letter. I hope you will keep it safe for me.
We’ve left New Britain now. I don’t know where we are going but our group is stretched thin. We look worse each day and I don’t know how much more of this we can stand to take.
George is doing alright. He and I keep to ourselves mostly. He writes to Florence often and she writes back. He’s officially invited us to his wedding back in the States when the war is over. I don’t know where you want to live after the war but maybe we could visit my hometown while we are there. I know my Ma would love to meet you, she’s heard all about you (only good things I promise)
I miss you Y/n. I’ll miss you until you're in my arms again.
Yours always
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warrioreowynofrohan · 8 months
Jurassic Park Daily - Jurassic Park
In the movie clip that corresponded to the previous chapter, where the group see dinosaurs for the first time, there was a moment right at the beginning where Ellie Sattler was looking at a leaf and saying that it had been extinct since the time of the dinosaurs. I’m not going to quibble with the movie over it - it’s an effective setup for the there are dinosaurs moment; she’s realizing, via her field of paleobotany, that something is going on here that should be impossible.
But when you have time to think about it, it doesn’t make sense - what, were the mosquitos biting plants? Where would they get Mesozoic plant DNA? But plants can be very resilient, and there are some still around today similar to those that did exist in the time of the dinosaurs. So in the book, the park creates a Jurassic ambience by using those plants:
Serenna veriformans, a plant found abundantly in fossils more than two hundred million years old, now common only in the wetlands of Brazil and Colombia.
And that’s what makes it all the more egregious that the park has a dangerously poisonous fern planted poolside. This isn’t like not knowing the Dilophosaurus was venemous until they made one, where there was no information to tell them so. Information on these plants existed, and they just didn’t bother to check, because, as Sattler notes, they treated them as just scenery. (The relevance of poisonous plants will come up again!)
(It also raises all kinds of thoughts about things they couldn’t know. What if a plant wasn’t hazardous to modern herbivores, but was toxic to dinosaurs, and they planted it in herbivore enclosures? They’ve got life-forms that they know almost nothing about, because there’s almost nothing they can know prior to making them. The fact that they’re not even bothing to do the research on things where information is readily available indicates the level of ignorance and arrogance going on here.)
The cutesy names for the dinosaur habitats are just another little thing that adds to the impression that Hammond and his team are not regarding this enterprise with nearly enough humility. And the bars on the windows show they’ve already been running into the unexpected.
And these warning signs mean that it takes our scientists only one chapter to go from absolute wonder to cautious suspicion.
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b-u-g-g-y · 2 years
More arbitrary marauders headcannons!!
Sirius hums when he concentrates
The four marauder boys have a fern named Frank (named after a certain Longbottom) in their dorm that they all take care of
Remus had a Greek mythology phase
James whistles really loudly
Sirius and Lily are mosquito magnets
Mary has never had a bloody nose
Marlene used to keep her nails long to threaten her brothers with
James gave Remus a mug saying “I ♡ my dog” for Christmas in 7th year
Peter gets horrible hay fever in the spring
Sirius has a tattoo of piano keys
Regulus has super fast reflexes
Sirius likes to snack on ice
Lily calls James mom to annoy him
Sirius always gets Remus to open jars for him
Marlene can whistle through her teeth
Frank had a perpetually rosy nose
Mary plays the ukulele
Sirius is good at drawing hands
Marlene and Sirius bully each other to no end, but will defend each other in a heartbeat
Dorcas writes short stories, but never shows them to anyone
Pepperoni gives Peter heartburn
Lily stepped on a bee’s nest when she was four and got stung all over (she is forever very wary of bees after that)
Sirius had no idea what cactuses were till Peter put one on their windowsill
Alice’s favorite color changes every month
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 3 months
Why Should a Star, a Star Ever Be Afraid of the Dark
First posted: May 17, 2019
Focuses on: Peter Parker and Morgan Stark (MCU)
Tier: Low, so low, so unappreciated
This is my “behind the scenes” series where I indulge myself horribly by annotating my fics. Link to the fic itself above. Thoughts below the cut.
Ah, another unexpected MCU fic that burst out of my chest through the force of my post-Endgame emotions. Since it's not my primary fandom and I posted in a time where much much larger writers were also saying things, it got next to no attention, then or now. That's okay. I'm still glad I wrote it.
Peter bit his bottom lip as he traced the metal leg of the Imperial Walker, extending the line of grey from the box shape of the body down to where the snow would be. Maybe he shouldn’t have picked the Battle of Hoth as his muse. A snow battle on white paper was boring. He paused, frowned, and set the paper aside.
It's funny, writing fic with well-known characters, because you want to get them right. But there are so many ways to perceive a character, especially one that's been portrayed and analyzed so many different ways, so it often comes down less to what makes logical, concrete sense and more about what just feels right. Even this opening was a lot of mentally flipping through a bunch of different options until I found one that felt right for Peter. I also think Calvin and Hobbes did a similar joke with a drawing of a tiger hiding in snow or something. Call it an homage.
Peter was still getting used to Morgan, to everything like her that proved that life had gone on while he had been… away. One minute, he’d been a regular kid punching aliens in space, and the next, it was five years later. Five whole years. And there were people like Morgan who hadn’t existed when he’d closed his eyes but were suddenly here, sparkly princess tiara on her head and a tiny Ready to Rock t-shirt stained with what looked like a smear of goldfish crackers.
MCU really really failed when it came to the ramifications of the Snap. Such a travesty.
“See?” she had said, swinging her bare toes over the surface of the lake. “It’s better with your shoes off.” Peter had taken off his shoes, and they had sat there together, watching the air slowly thicken with gnats and then mosquitoes as the sun dipped lower and lower and turned the lake golden. She had been right about the shoes.
I forgot how much I liked this fic.
“Cheering,” Morgan said matter-of-factly. “That’s Mommy and Happy and Uncle Rhodey and you and Amanda and Maddox and Mr. Lu and Mrs. Iye and—“
It's fun naming incidental characters. Sometimes you get to slip friends in. Just for fun.
For every happy story about a family reunited, there was another about people returning only to find out that their loved ones had moved on or died. Weddings were still a thing after the Snap. So were babies. And car accidents and relocations and cancer and birthdays. Life went on. Death went on, too.
The crayon snapped in Peter’s hand, a tiny crack of Fern.
I had to google green crayon colors.
This was a good little fic. Next to no attention, but again, that's okay. I think I wrote a good kid Morgan who isn't too cutesy, a decent Peter, and a tolerable little look at grief. Yay me.
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warrior-names · 5 months
Prefixes/Suffixes for RiverClan Cats
Words from things that can't be found in North America or Europe [or freshwater] aren't included; this list is made based on RiverClan territory, culture, & prey.
110+ prefixes and 30+ suffixes under the cut!
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nihilismtrcit · 1 year
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mosquitoes: 2 charlie and clem: 0
peep fern’s killer kitty instincts kicking in 
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Life in the Carboniferous
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(first row: Diplocaulus, Lepidodendron, Arthropleura; second row: Meganeura, Hylonomus, Walchia, Pulmonoscorpius; third row: Tullimonstrum, Calamites, Edestus; fourth row: Pederpes, Eryops, Stethacanthus)
Art by:
Pederpes - Ntvtiko
Lepidodendron - Richard Bizley
Calamites - Jonathan Hughes
Walchia - Dinoraul
Arthropleura - Vladislav Egorov
Meganeura - Walking with Monsters
Pulmonoscorpius - Plioart
Hylonomus - John Sibbeck
Diplocaulus - Sergey Krasovskiy
Eryops - mmuyano
Tullimonstrum - Nobu Tamura
Edestus - Julio Lacerda
Stethacanthus - Ja Chirinos
It‘s the age of giant bugs!
But before I get to talk about giant bugs, we have to take a moment and appreciate the real stars of the Carboniferous: The plants! The whole reason it is called Carboniferous (“coal-bearing“) is because of them. The forests of the time got flooded repeatedly, decayed, rotted and over the ages have turned into coal deposits that we use today. So whenever you hear people talk about fossil fuels coming from dinosaurs you can “well-actually“ them and talk about ancient plants instead.
During the Carboniferous earth was a warm, humid place with lots of tropical swamp forests. Some of the plants you would have seen there are roughly familiar to us today, like ferns. Similar looking were the seed ferns, which are extinct today. They reproduced by making seeds (shocking, I know), unlike “regular“ ferns, that reproduce via spores.
In some cases the plant groups are still around today, but they look nothing like their Carboniferous counterparts. Calamites for example was a horsetail that grew into more than 30 m high tree-like structures. Closely related to the small modern clubmosses were the Lepidodendrales (“scale trees“, named after their bark, which looked like scaly reptile skin). Lepidodendron could grow up to 50 m tall and would have spend most of its life as a single unbranched stem, which definitely added to the weird alien feel of Carboniferous forests. A more familiar sight were the earliest conifers, like Walchia, which lived during the late Carboniferous. Many other modern plants including grasses, flowers or hardwood trees, like maples or oaks, weren‘t around yet and wouldn‘t be for many millions of years.
Now that we have established that the forests of the time were strange and alien filled with plants of all kinds of weird shapes and unusual sizes, let‘s look at the bugs, which were also having all the wrong sizes:
Among many others there was the dragonfly cousin Meganeura with a wingspan of more than 70 cm, Pulmonoscorpius, an about 70 cm long scorpion and Arthropleura, a truly gigantic millipede, more than 2 m long. It was comparable in size to the biggest sea scorpions and one of the biggest arthropods that ever lived.
The questions is of course, why were insects and other arthropods this big? The main answer is oxygen. Insects have a very different breathing system than we do and it doesn‘t scale well with size. Because of that they have a size limit. At some point, they just can‘t get enough oxygen into their bodies (thankfully, because I don‘t need giant spiders or mosquitos or whatever). During the Carboniferous however, there was a lot more oxygen in the atmosphere than there is today, so the arthropods could grow much bigger than they do today.
Another reason for the giant bugs might be, that they didn‘t really have a lot of competition. There was nothing to keep them in check, so evolution just went wild with them. You have to remember that, while insects were already taking to the skies, the proudest accomplishment of our tetrapod ancestors was crawling from one puddle to another. To say that arthropods had a head start would be an understatement. So for future references, remember that every time I mention a cool thing any vertebrate does, there probably was an insect that did the same thing millions of years earlier.
But speaking of the tetrapods: They were getting better at crawling between puddles. We get the first true amphibians like boomerang-headed Diplocaulus and the giant Eryops, one of the biggest land animals of the time (you know, roughly milliped-sized). Maybe even more exciting was that during this time we see the first amniots! That‘s right, there are animals that lay eggs now. Real, actual eggs, that can survive without water. These lizard-like creatures (they aren‘t actual lizards, those will take a lot longer to evolve) can finally leave the puddles and rivers their amphibian cousins have been bound to.
It‘s probably a good thing, that they can leave the water behind, because there was some very weird shit going on in the oceans. After the placoderms went extinct during the late Devonian mass extinction (rip), a lot of bizarre shark relatives showed up, like Stethacanthus with its anvil shaped dorsal fin or the absolute horror that is Edestus.
But the weirdest thing of the Carboniferous (maybe one of the weirdest things ever) has to be the Tully monster (btw, not really a monster, only about 35 cm long). I mean, just look at it. It has a mouth that is separated from the rest of its body by a proboscis. It has stalked eyes. It is weird as fuck. We also have absolutely no idea what it is. Science agrees that it is an animal, and that‘s about it. There are arguments for it being a vertebrate, an arthropod, a mollusc, a worm and pretty much anything else you could think of. Honestly I just love it because of how strange and fake it looks.
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ratasum · 1 year
Knowing that asura were originally underground/cave dwelling, I still a hundred percent vibe with the old hc floating about of more traditional asuran cuisine largely using bugs and other cave dwelling critters as ingredients. Probably also utilizes a lot of mushrooms, edible ferns, moss, and algae.
While they've started to integrate a lot of surface foods now (along with playing with molecular gastronomy, also aspic cooking like seen in the grandmaster recipes), I think popular street foods in Rata Sum and other largely asuran towns feature insects still. Deep fried pillbugs, legs of giant mosquitos and fireflies, kebabs made out of smaller insects, things like that.
It's probably not uncommon to see a group of students from one of the colleges in one of the study rooms just surrounded by takeout from some popular local place.
And most of it is bugs.
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silversims · 18 days
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Peridot: *laugh* Gramron, that can't be true! If that were true, there'd be no bears!
Citrine: What's worse, the bugs or the bears?
Fern: Mm, bugbears? Giant bears with mosquito wings that suck blood?
Peridot: Ma!
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ecologyalike · 1 year
My majestic friends
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In summer 1998 the Finnish Forest Administration hired me to support an inventory determining the potential Natura 2000 areas under the EU Habitats Directive. I was excited about the opportunity and eager to explore the uninhabited forests of Eastern Finland! My task was to identify biodiversity rich sites and gather information that would contribute to a selection of areas for conservation.
I got a light blue Toyota car and maps to navigate the logging roads in Lieksa and Ilomantsi, two remote municipalities in the Eastern Finland. During the days I was alone, and, in the evenings, I met with my fellow workers in the lodging provided to us in camping sites and forester huts.
It was a summer filled with mosquitoes in wet gullies and intense sun in the apocalyptic sites of “final felling”.[1] I also met some bears, and while they must have seen me, I only saw their steaming excrement, coloured blue from the berries (Vaccinium myrtillus), or hastily plunged yellow chantarelle stems (Cantharellus cibarius).
When I close my eyes to look back to the memories of summer 1998, I can see two sites in front of my eyes.
First is a lush grove with northern wolf's-bane (Aconitum lycoctonum) and tall ostrich ferns (Matteuccia struthioptera) and translucent green leaf mosses. It was a tiny green paradise, and I can still hear the water flowing in the creek beneath my feet.
Second is a steep hill with intimate quality of majestic beauty, a few pine trees clearly over 200 years old mingled with younger birch, aspen and rowan. I remember ticking the box of cultural significance and shading the site in the inventory map as a “high conservation value”, frantically looking for something in the list of threated species. To my disappointment, despite the variety of shrubs, flowering plants, and interesting fungus of rotting tree trunks on forest floor, nothing was on my list.
I was a young botany student and my inventory list included mainly plants, but I also looked for signs of small mammals, such as droppings of Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans) that would guarantee the further investigation of the area. Unfortunately, bear was not on my list of key inventory species, I would have loved to tick that box.
A few weeks after finishing the work I got a phone call from my supervisor; she was excited to tell me all the areas that had been accepted to the list. There were several from my list that had made it to the second stage!
The lush green grove was among them, situated in the middle of the otherwise less impressive commercial forest estate, but it was now among those, which could possibly be protected within Natura 2000 new conservation sites. I smiled, and then something darker surfaced from beneath of my belly. With a slightly shaky voice, I asked her: “What about the site shaded with a high conservation value, the beautiful southern slope with old pine trees?” 
I could hear her scuffling through her papers, trying to locate the site I was talking about. After a pause, she answered, with a slight hesitation in her voice: “No, that site is not here, unfortunately, it did not make it to the list for further investigation.” After this she again congratulated me on the good notes, and how we had done extremely well, with so many new sites proposed. There was a click, the call had ended.
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Photo by Joel & Jasmin Førestbird on Unsplash  
Who holds the history when the one who has seen it is gone?
Now after 30 years when I close my eyes, I can still smell the pine resin, it is like encountering an old friend after a long time. In my imagination these same pine trees shaded children in the forest herding the cows, in the young independent country of Finland at the start of the century, or a soldier during the second world war stopped to admire the view opening from the southern slope during his advance. Perhaps, a few centuries earlier, the ancestors of these trees provided encouragement for the hunter searching for an elk to serve as dinner to her clan. And then, when I open my eyes, I remember that these pine trees, my majestic friends, are no more there.
These trees were “too old”, not a prime quality timber for construction, clearly over the official recommended final felling time. However, if they did not make to the Natura 2000 list, I don’t think there was anything to stopping their commercial use.
“The fibres of conifers, such as pine and spruce, are long and spaced apart. Because the long fibres give the pulp strength, softwood pulp is often used for products that require durability. Coniferous wood also increases the absorbency of the product, making it suitable for applications such as paper towels, baby nappies and other hygiene products.[2]”
Maybe these pines ended up as pulp and paper for packaging the goods we buy at the supermarket, or as nappies, or as toilet paper.
We humans categorise and classify, put some species in the list of threatened, vulnerable and endangered, making them scarce and more “valuable”, and some on the common list of trivial and prevailing, and thus exploitable. We make decisions to conserve or utilise based on the arbitrary boundaries of modernity on what is valuable and what is not. Is that the best we can make?
1] Up to very recently Finnish forest management guidelines suggested clear-cutting/final felling of trees at the end of the “cultivation” period, which included ploughing the ground, which turn the forest floor into treacherous swales and heaps.
2] https://www.upmpulp.com/fi/uutiset-ja-materiaalit/blogit-ja-tarinat/stories/sellu-yllattaa-monipuolisuudellaan/
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