#names of God
fierysword · 11 months
Biblical scholar Helen Kenik teaches that “Emmanuel” (God-with-us) is in fact the most ancient name for Divinity in the Bible. To say that God is “God-With-Us” is to deconstruct the hierarchical notion that God is above us looking down on us and judging us.
Naming the Unnameable by Matthew Fox
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rose1water · 11 months
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The Most Loving, The Infinitely Affectionate, The Beloved
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santmat · 3 months
The Five Names of God: Simran Words - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - A Satsang Without Walls
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In many branches of Sant Mat we have a five-name (panch naam) mantra (five simran words). These are sacred names of God associated with the first five planes, heavenly realms of creation. From the glossary of Sant Mat we read: "Simran means Remembrance: repetition of names or thoughts; in Sant Mat, the simran of worldly thoughts is controlled through the Simran of the Five Charged Names, repeated by an initiate throughout the day, and when sitting for meditation, as a means of collecting the thought-currents at the Third Eye Center. These Divine names are also used as passwords of sorts to higher planes, and provide protection from Negative Power influences." (Repeat the Name)
Today: all about the Five Names of Sant Mat, their proper use as an essential technique to concentrate at the Third Eye Center and go within according to Hazur Baba Sawan Singh, Sant Garib Das, from the Satsang Discourses of Sant Ram Singh, as well as there is discussion about the origins and history of the Five Names dating back to the Kabir-Sant Dharam Das line of Masters. Also explored: the Five Sufi Names, and about the importance of the Most High name Radhasoami used by Sant Garib Das (Anmol Vachan) and Swami Ji Maharaj (Sar Bachan Radhaswami Poetry). In Sant Mat mysticism there are not five or seven deities but one God, the one Lord of the Soul  manifesting at the various levels of creation. As Guru Nanak has said in his Morning Prayer (Jap Ji): "There is One God, Truth is His Name." (One Love)
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Simran is described as a Bhakti practice to be done in a spirit of love and devotion, with passages on this from Sant Tulsi Sahib and Kabir. (God is Love)
Mention is made of a mystical Jewish Gnostic sect of antiquity referred to by scholars as the Sethians who also had a five-name mantra approach, only using five Hebrew names, which are to be found embedded in certain Nag Hammadi and other texts. Recommended are two books that compare contemporary Sant Mat with mystical Judaism including Kabbalah. The program concludes with selections from the mystical poetry of a mysterious figure called "the Master" and "the Teacher of Righteousness", mystic verses found in the Psalm Scroll of the Dead Sea Scrolls mainly about the experience of Divine Light, but one might also notice references to reincarnation, the liberation of the soul, the Third Eye, and spiritually hearing the Divine Word or Spiritual Sound. Note: practices associated with contemporary Sant Mat were also known in earlier times by followers of various cousin mystical movements and schools of spirituality that have existed over the centuries. Even ideas that became associated Christianity and Gnostic movements such as seeking out living masters or living ones (Odes of Solomon, Gospel of Thomas), vegetarian ethics, humane treatment of animals (scriptures attributed to Enoch and Isaiah), initiations, baptism in rivers of living water, a new covenant (Dead Sea Scroll texts), genesis interpretations that include a lesser demiurge figure and a sophia wisdom figure (Septuagint, Apocryphon of John), the view that the soul needs to ascend through a series of heavenly regions (Book of First Enoch, Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, Ascension of Isaiah, Ginza Rabba) are ideas developed during the Second Temple period of Judaism. Continuations and interpretations of Judaic ideas were adopted by many sects and spiritual movements during the first and later centuries AD. (Education For a More Peaceful Planet!)
At the Feet of the Masters,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Sant Mat Radhasoami
A Satsang Without Walls
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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God has many names, because He is many things. God has and is everything you need. Amen and Hallelujah! 🙌🙌🙌
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hadeth · 2 years
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عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏"‏ إِنَّ لِلَّهِ تِسْعَةً وَتِسْعِينَ اسْمَا مِائَةً إِلاَّ وَاحِدًا مَنْ أَحْصَاهَا دَخَلَ الْجَنَّةَ ‏"‏‏.‏ صحيح البخاري ومسلم حديث ٢٧٣٦ - ٢٦٧٧
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise." Sahih al-Bukhari 2736 In-book reference : Book 54, Hadith 23 // Sahih Muslim 2677aIn-book reference : Book 48, Hadith 5
قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( إن لله تسعة وتسعين اسما ، مائة إلا واحدا ، من أحصاها دخل الجنة ، إنه وتر يحب الوتر ) وفي رواية : ( من حفظها دخل الجنة ) قال الإمام أبو القاسم القشيري : فيه دليل على أن الاسم هو المسمى ، إذ لو كان غيره لكانت الأسماء لغيره لقوله تعالى : ولله الأسماء الحسنى قال الخطابي وغيره : وفيه : دليل على أن أشهر أسمائه سبحانه وتعالى : ( الله ) لإضافة هذه الأسماء إليه ، وقد روي أن الله هو اسمه الأعظم ، قال أبو القاسم الطبري : وإليه ينسب كل اسم له فيقال : الرءوف والكريم من أسماء الله تعالى ، ولا يقال من أسماء الرءوف أو الكريم الله . واتفق العلماء على أن هذا الحديث ليس فيه حصر لأسمائه سبحانه وتعالى ، فليس معناه : أنه ليس له أسماء غير هذه التسعة والتسعين ، وإنما مقصود الحديث أن هذه التسعة والتسعين من أحصاها دخل الجنة ، فالمراد الإخبار عن دخول الجنة بإحصائها لا الإخبار بحصر الأسماء ، ولهذا جاء في الحديث الآخر : أسألك بكل اسم سميت به نفسك أو استأثرت به في علم الغيب عندك ، وقد ذكر الحافظ أبو بكر بن العربي المالكي عن بعضهم أنه قال : لله تعالى ألف اسم ، قال ابن العربي : وهذا قليل فيها . والله أعلم . وأما تعيين هذه الأسماء فقد جاء في الترمذي وغيره في بعض أسمائه خلاف ، وقيل : إنها مخفية التعيين كالاسم الأعظم ، وليلة القدر ونظائرها .
وأما قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( من أحصاها دخل الجنة ) فاختلفوا في المراد بإحصائها ، فقال البخاري وغيره من المحققين : معناه : حفظها ، وهذا هو الأظهر ; لأنه جاء مفسرا في الرواية الأخرى ( من حفظها ) وقيل : أحصاها : عدها في الدعاء بها ، وقيل : أطاقها أي : أحسن المراعاة لها ، والمحافظة على ما تقتضيه ، وصدق بمعانيها ، وقيل : معناه : العمل بها والطاعة بكل اسمها ، والإيمان بها لا يقتضي عملا ، وقال بعضهم : المراد حفظ القرآن وتلاوته كله ، لأنه مستوف لها ، وهو ضعيف والصحيح الأول .شرح الحديث من شرح النووى على مسلم
Hadith Translation/ Explanation : English French Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian Chinese Persian Indian  Kurdish Portuguese: https://hadeethenc.com/en/browse/hadith/64673
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yeshuaedits · 1 year
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dianaleaghmatthews · 4 months
Christmas Song Story: Mary’s Boy Child
“Mary’s Boy Child” is a Christmas song written by Jester Hariston in 1956. According to Wikipedia, a friend asked Hairston to write a song for a birthday party.  Hairston wrote the song with a calypson rhythm “because the people at the party would be mainly West Indians. The song’s original title was “He Pone and Chocolate Tea”, pone being a type of corn bread.”  This version was never…
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namesetc · 2 years
Names meaning moon
or have a meaning related to the moon in some way, as well as moons of planets in our solar system and names associated with gods/goddesses of the moon.
masc, fem and neutral names!
Luna / Loona
Larissa / Larisa
Lucine / Lusine
Stellaluna / Stella Luna
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Remembrance (Simran) of God's Name Opens a Portal to the Heavens - PODCAST & @ YouTube
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"Santji used to often say, 'Leave a hundred things that you have to do and sit for satsang. And leave a thousand things that you have to do but sit for meditation.' He used to say this because that is the true work that we have to do. That is the true work for which we have been given this precious human life. Sant Ji used to say, 'Just like it is very important for us to eat food and drink water to live -- for this body -- it is equally important for us to provide satsang and meditation for the soul. Satsang is the water for the soul and food is the meditation.'' (Baba Ram Singh)
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast: Remembrance (Simran) of God's Name Opens a Portal to the Heavens - Listen @ YouTube:
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Today's Sant Mat Satsang Podcast edition of Spiritual Awakening Radio includes readings from Santji and Baba Ram Singh on how satsang serves as an oasis for the soul. There is a mystic poem of Sant Tulsi Sahib on present-tense access to the heavens -- the way of Mystics -- where the Mystics and conventional religions part company. See my comments below on not placing earthly limits on the Limitless. There is the theme of simran, the invocation of names of God ("Simran is the first step of the spiritual ladder" -- Kirpal Singh), with readings from The Lord's Prayer, a John the Baptist quote from the Mandaean Gnostic Ginza Rabba (Great Treasure), Sant Dadu Dayal, Sant Tulsi Sahib, Kirpal Singh, Baba Somanath, Baba Ram Singh, and we conclude with a mystic poem of Namdev.
Not Placing Earthly Limits on the Limitless
"Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language." (Meister Eckhart)
"To seek God without knowing ‘El-Hdoud’ (Sacred Limits) means falling into the net of he who refused to bow down before the Wisdom of God's Appearance in the Adamic Limits, and hence, proposed to set his own limits of what God is. This is what otherwise is known as the most original form of evil that is deeply embedded in the Soul’s method of seeing Reality." (Druze Wisdom)
I believe what this is saying is: do not have a limited approach to God and perceiving Reality. Do not limit God by bringing God down to our level of existence. God, by definition, is Limitless, Formless, Infinite, and Timeless. Therefore, to approach the Supreme Being, not with open-mindedness, awe, wonder, curiosity, and flexibility about experiencing Reality in whole new ways quite differently from the familiar earthly existence with the five senses, we just end up filtering these Divine Unknowns through our limited temporal bias and do not benefit.
Conventional religions have it backwards for the most part. Rather than building minuscule temples of wood and stone for the Supreme Being to squeeze into in an attempt to bring heaven to earth, it is we that need to go There. The soul must ascend and go to the Divine Level, to transcend temporal existence via another kind of consciousness.
As Meister Eckhart once said, "If the soul is to see God, then it must see no temporal thing, for as long as the soul is conscious of time or space, or of an idea, it cannot know God."
So yes, stillness: rising above body-consciousness, rising above thoughts and ideas, beliefs, theologies, earthly understandings, temporal bias, in other words, silent contemplative meditation.
"It is in the darkness that one finds the Light." (Eckhart)
"The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; My eye and God’s eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love." (Eckhart)
In Divine Love, Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters,
James Bean
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Spiritual Awakening Radio
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brother-hermes · 2 years
There’s a fair amount of what some would call Magick to my spiritual path. Seeing life as cyclic in some ways means respecting the cycles of seasons. No one needs a calendar to achieve this sort of practice. All they have to do is look up into the night sky and pay attention to the cycles of the moon. One finds it very easy to practice certain meditative techniques on rotation as result. We… click the link for more.
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wisdom-and-such · 1 year
The Gates of Light | Secret medieval manuscript for meditation on Gods sacred names:
“You have asked me, my brother, beloved of my soul, to enlighten you regarding the path involving G-ds names so that through them you will gain what you wish and reach what you desire. Since I see that your intent is upright and good, I will go beyond your request and show you where the Light can be found, explaining what G-d desires and… does not desire. [For] when you have grasped this knowledge, then you will be among those close to G-d — “You will call, and God will answer” (Jeremiah 58:9).
The earlier sages had many Holy Names, which they had received as a tradition from the Prophets. These included the Name of Seventy-Two, the Name of Forty-Two, the Name of Twelve, and many other Holy Names. Through these names, they were able to bring miracles and wonders, but they never used them for their own needs. Such was reserved for a time of evil decree, or to sanctify G-d”
What is a sacred name? Contrary to what one may imagine, it is not a ritual invoking specific sounds or letters, it is instead an understanding of the true meaning of the Hebrew ‘Yah’ or ‘Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh’ and so on. Meditation combined with this true understanding of their meaning, is supposed to have been the method of the Prophets.
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quotesfromscripture · 2 years
So Hagar named the LORD who spoke to her, "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "Here I have seen one who sees me!"
Genesis 16:13 NET (2017)
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peoplefromheaven · 2 years
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santmat · 5 months
How to Guard Your Mind — Teachings of Mastana Ji “Mastana Ji explained in his Satsang that the mind is the lawyer of Kal (the negative power.) The whole world is under the control of the mind. The farmers always do the simran at the time of sowing their seeds in their fields. When they cook their food they do the simran. When they start eating their food they do the simran. When they serve it to the children or the guests they do the simran. Simran is the power which makes the health and soul green forever. Simran is the medicine for when you are sick. It is the capsule which is used as a vitamin. Simran is the tablet which is taken when you are sick. So do simran and swallow it. It will make the blood fresh and improve the respiratory system. Test the power by doing the simran constantly and meditate for four hours at any time every day. So when everything is done with simran there would be no complaint of having ups and downs in life. Simran contents the mind and helps one face any type of negative power in life. Even an enemy at arm’s length will not be able to affect you. Doing simran makes you very bold.” (The Life of Mastana Ji, by R.K. Rajput)
SIMRAN DEFINED: Guru Mantras; Repetition of names or thoughts; in Sant Mat, the simran of worldly thoughts is controlled through the Simran of the Five Charged Names, repeated by an initiate throughout the day and when sitting for meditation as a means of collecting the thought currents at the Third Eye Center; also used as a password of sorts to higher planes and protection from Negative Power influences;
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Mastana Ji
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
Secrets of Protection in the Names of God:
“The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.” —Psalm 9:9–10
“Each of the names of God has a divine attribute, and understanding and believing that He is each attribute will cause that attribute to flow into our lives. The first name of God mentioned in Psalm 91 is “Most High” (Elyon), which means He is the Most High God and there is no one higher than Him. He is the possessor of heaven and earth (see Gen. 14:19). The verse goes on to refer to God as the “Almighty.” In Hebrew, it is Shaddai—the God who blesses you with more than enough, more than you can contain. Man has limitations but we have a God who is abundantly unlimited.
Now, the second verse of Psalm 91 contains another two names of God. Isn’t this so powerful? When the psalmist declares, “I will say of the Lord,” he is referring to Yehovah or Yahweh, the covenant-keeping God. It is the holiest name of the Lord, the name Jewish scribes treat with great reverence.
Do you know that Jesus’ name in Hebrew, Yeshua, actually means “Yahweh saves”? It is not “Yahweh judges.” The name Jesus means “Yahweh SAVES.” If you are broke, Yahweh saves. If you are sick, Yahweh saves. If you have enemies that are coming against you, Yahweh saves. Whatever saving you need, Jesus is the answer, for His name means “Yahweh saves.” Hallelujah!
The psalmist in verse 2 goes on to say, “My God, in Him I will trust.” Now, the word “God” here refers to Elohim, the God of power, the Creator. The God who created the heavens and the earth (see Gen. 1:1). This is our God! He is the One we put our trust in.
In just two verses, you find four names of God mentioned. Knowing, believing, and saying He is all these to us gives us protection in our everyday situations. He will deliver and rescue the one who knows His name. Hallelujah!” Amen! 🙏🕊️🙌
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tabernacleheart · 2 years
What is the Bible prescription to becoming holy? It indeed departs appreciably from all the paths [offered by the world at large]. However, it is exact. And it is specific. The Bible delivers a prescription to becoming holy in the form of ‘Do’s and ‘Do-not do’s... [which] are of a universal value, applicable to all aspiring for holiness in their lives, [regardless of religion. For any soul, then,] to become truly holy, the Divine prescription-- as articulated in Torah and in the prophets-- needs to be learned in depth, and then re-learned, and re-learned again, until this prescription is practiced on a regular basis. Once this happens, the prescription is engraved as a way of life, the ‘Do’s and ‘Do-not do’s are absorbed to become like second nature. In the language of Torah, a ‘Do-not do’, which has formerly been observed as Divine command that needs to be fulfilled, is now replaced with “Not being able to do”.
An aspiring individual, wishing to be holy, then no longer merely fulfills a Divine commandment: “Be holy, for I, Jehovah, am holy”. Rather, he, or she, becomes God-like. [As shocking as it may seem,] to become like God is an ancient desire. It had formerly been expressed, in Torah, in a perverted way, by Adam and Eve, who desired to be like Elohim (Genesis 3:5). To be Elohim-like means to resemble the Creator, namely, dominate nature. This time, [by choosing to serve with compassion,] the same desire-- to be like God-- is expressed differently, materializing the right way. It is expressed as a desire to become Jehovah-like, via becoming truly holy. But why does becoming truly holy, 'Torah fashion', imply becoming Jehovah-like? Because: “I, Jehovah, am holy”.
Professor Haim Shore
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