weirdchristmas · 4 months
Podcast! It actually started happening before Christmas! Just the first of many this year. And the story contest show is almost done, too.
This one's about Scandinavian gnomes/elves (nisse, tomten) with Benito Cereno. @benito-cereno
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Wait actually further on that "nisse" thing. So in Norwegian folk belief there's a common concept, called a couple different things:
«tuft», «tuftekall», «tomt», «gardsbonde», «godbonde», «haugebonde», «gardrud», «rudkall» «rundbonde» (via wikipedia)
now I won't claim to understand every name, but some of them are like adjective-farmer, and "rud" is a suffix used for farms that were abandoned after the Black death. (source: me, hi I'm Norwegian this is taught in like fourth grade)
variations include (via wikipedia)
fjøsnisse - fjøs: house for "fe" which means like, cows and similar, sheep, pigs etc. (google translate just lied to me so please tell me the English word)
skipsnisse - ships (boats)
kirkenisse - church
hagenisse - garden. (see also: cobolds, garden gnomes, dwarfs)
in Norwegian jul tv you'll find most fjøsnisser, such as in "jul i Blåfjell" (jul in Blue Mountain) - a jul calendar tv program. I think also most cozy jul books too, but please prove me wrong.
translations & equivalents include:
tomte - sweden
goblin, gnome - England
Wichtel, Heinzelmännchen, Kobold - Germany
jólasveinar - Iceland
Contexts of "Nisser" in Norway
national-romance, because the period was about making a national identity it's not surprising they pulled up with nisser. Ibsen wrote plays with them. (via wikipedia)
the era of enlightenment. Wergeland portrayed nisser as bigoted and ignorant, as opposed to elves. (via wikipedia)
(pagan/heathen¹) yule times (jul), from as early as year 900 in icelandic & Norwegian culture it was for example tradition to set out porridge with butter for nisser, if you didn't they'd be pissed. (via NRK)
1. I think it's pagan/heathen, though 900 was during the Christening of Norway (year 850-1100) (sources: store norske leksikon, norgeshistorie)
(and cause apparently it's not common knowledge, "christmas" (originally "jul" or "yule" (which it still is called in Norway today)) does originate in Norse mythology and Nordic tradition, with supernatural spirits and animal sacrifice (source: store norske leksikon), and beer (ref that NRK article)) (and no I don't care if you ""disagree"" with history unless you are an actual historian). (and I don't care about christian aspects of the holiday today, bother someone else).
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theblvckvenus · 1 year
this has got to be the most unlikeable kid ever and i’m on the side of the islanders tbh
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standfastonhigh · 4 days
Man, Nisser was almost pretty okay, but Josephine trying to get Kee-Ko to come with her one last time as they try to leave the forest at the end felt so stupid. At that point, shouldn't she understand that the whole problem was caused by that in the first place? It just made it feel like she learned nothing. Still an okay show though, writing an ode to dutiful daughters such as Liv as I speak.
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thewaynorth-trilogy · 5 months
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Nisser near the old mining town of Røros, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
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lotusladegaard · 1 year
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En fantastisk tidlig julegave 🎁 fra Max’ (verdens bedste) madmor og -far 🥰 Hvis alle nisser producerede den slags, så ville mit hjem være fyldt af dem 😋😜🤪 #nissepis #tak #julegave #haps #mums #taknemlig #madmor #madfar #julesnaps #hjemmebryg #nisser #nisse #jul #julestemning #godttilkoldevinterdage https://www.instagram.com/p/CmH43Txs6yw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reloaderror · 1 year
anyway have i told you about my mom’s seasonal satanist gnome cult?
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gimmic-ky · 4 months
There are two types of nexi idk if they're. Different species or just. Waves hand. I'll think abt it to guess... Anyway there's the ones who live in hilly fields ☝ they typically live closer to each other in communities n whatever. N mostly live off food made from stuff from the fields. Nexi royalty is kind of just. Descendents of whoever first decided to be leader of (one of) these communities. There r very many nexi "kingdoms" i guess because of this. Very skittish.
The other kind will live in buildings n stuffs. Sometimes directly just someone's house if they can get away with it but more often stuff like barns n whatever since it's less noticeable. They're more loners n at most will live in a family unit. Uhmmmmm mostly live off stealing food or eating stuff that's not going to be eaten. They're skittish too but more inclined to show themselves if you show you don't mind them around.
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thegothicviking · 5 months
Another december is upon us and I am happy to announce that the Landers Nissene are back to bring you smiles and holiday joy! 🌞🎄🌞
(And some of them are smaller than ever!)
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pvffinsdaisies · 2 months
At first glance, Norway seems like a cool sexy mysterious emo boy, then you spend 1 afternoon with him and realise, oh god, he’s actually a fisherman who wears the exact same 2 jumpers on repeat and he’s convinced that fucking nisser are real and there’s one who lives with him that steals his socks every morning
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hapalopus · 1 year
I have found one mention of nisser having tails and one mention of will-o'-wisps having tails, but not trolls??? I am ctrl+f'ing for tails in all my digital copies and I can't find anything about trolls having tails. Is that really a 1900s invention???
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autumn2art · 1 year
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I love the creature design except for the nisser (Idk what they're called in English) I think they could make them look a bit better.
Also sketch
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Prelims round 1, poll 16
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The Narrator's Library, The Tatami Galaxy:
In the penultimate episode of Tatami Galaxy, the unnamed narrator/protagonist "Watashi" gets trapped in an endless repeat of his student 4½ Tatami room. Opening the window or the door just lands him in another identical version of his apartment. However, after exploring room after room, he realises that the content of his bookshelf changes a little on each iteration. Each bookshelf contains the books the narrator has bought over the past two years, but some of these narrators have lived very different lives, and as such read different books.
This library potentially contains every book he would ever want to read, and may serve as a self-portrait, but it's also just a mouldy IKEA bookshelf repeated times infinity. But as those versions of himself may have led wildly different lives over the past two years, and all of them including him are self-hating failures, will he like any of them?
Magic School library, Charmed (1998-2006):
It is the single most comprehensive resource of magical information in the world and even contains books on things that everyone thought didn’t really exist or things that everyone thought had gone extinct or were long forgotten. If you have a magic question you will find a book that contains the answer here (also a few books that will swallow you and make you take part in the narrative or that will spit out people that cause problems (although this is normally bc a student was messing around)). Oh except for time travel. It has shit resources on time travel. You could find more information googling in the early 2000s :)
Rigsarkivet aka The Danish National Archives, The Pyrus Series:
Real world archives might be a bit dry and dusty, but Ri(g)sarkivet is in this case the one from the Danish Christmas Calendar tv shows collectively known as the Pyrus series. The archive itself holds a collection of books and other items from Danish history, but what sets this archive apart is the staff - the human staff, of course, is quite competent, but the archive is also home and workplace for a small group of nisser - Christmas elves - including the respectable archivist Gyldengrød and his rascal of an apprentice Pyrus. In their work of studying Danish history and history more generally (and saving Christmas every second year for a while in the 90s) they routinely employ magic - magic allowing them to jump into books and thus experience both historical events and works of fiction (and the odd computer game) from the inside; and magic to draw people out of the books. If you want to go visit vikings at their Yule feast or a medieval Lucia dance, or if you want to have a chat with Hans Christian Andersen himself? This is the place for you. Despite its appalling lack of rice. (Also, the series is the only place I've ever found a song offering a fullblown musical tribute to the very concept of cataloguing: https://youtu.be/eSQx7fvxhpg?si=O9NhKCm36oy_yxMs )
Vault of Knowledge, Sky: Children of the Light:
It's ancient. It's magical. Its employees are all ghosts. There's so much information here and all translations have been lost
The Library, Oneshot (2016 RPG by Nightmargin et al):
One of the last strongholds of society and a safe haven as the world begins collapsing into itself, the Library is located in the aptly-named Refuge within the world of Oneshot. Here, the player learns more about the mysterious Author, whose works have been dogging the entire playthrough and are crucial to understand in order to finish the game. Player meets George here, the enigmatic head librarian with a dice for a head who has six distinct personalities, one of which will be encountered depending on RNG. George will translate the Author's books, lending the knowledge needed to progress the plot.
Later on, various dwellers of the Refuge (shopkeepers, children, vendors, and more) will, as it says on the tin, take refuge in the Library when their city begins to be unhabitable as they wait for the fate of the world to unfold.
Archives of Magic, Cookie Run: Kingdom:
This was once a library housing all the knowledge of the greatest wizards in the land. While there's still a librarian maintaining it, the wizards have been gone for a long time - but there are still secrets to find within its walls, for those who can make their way inside.
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livrosencaracolados · 6 months
Uma Série Hildispensável
Sᴇ́ʀɪᴇ ᴅᴏ Mᴇ̂s: Hilda.
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Sɪɴᴏᴘsᴇ Oғɪᴄɪᴀʟ: A destemida aventureira Hilda encontra mistérios, criaturas mágicas e bons amigos quando se muda da floresta para a grande cidade de Trolberg.
O Qᴜᴇ Mᴇ Aᴛʀᴀɪᴜ: Sem dúvida o aspeto mágico e, de certa forma, caseiro da série. Pelo trailer parecia o tipo de programa adorável que traz sorrisos consigo, e a diversidade de criaturas confirmou imediatamente a ideia de que o buraco que o fim de Star Contra as Forças do Mal deixou no meu coração podia ser preenchido (estava a morrer de saudades de uns bons feitiços). Além disso, é uma adaptação de uma coleção de novelas gráficas (ainda não as li mas foi o suficiente para me despertar a curiosidade).
Dᴇsᴛᴀǫᴜᴇs: A ANIMAÇÃO! Acho que as pessoas não entendem, que se esquecem, que animação não é um género televisivo nem uma corrente de entretenimento automaticamente criada para as crianças. Animação é o esforço coletivo de dezenas de pessoas que trabalham umas quantas centenas de horas em múltiplos campos para trazer uma história ao público. Na sua essência, é puxar os limites do desenho para criar algo que comunique com a audiência de uma forma mais poderosa, mais real, e isso não é para ser menosprezado, porque é arte. Pode parecer que isto não tem nada a ver com nada, afinal, a animação de Hilda, à primeira vista, é simplesmente agradável, mas é aí que está o erro: é muito mais. Entre as camadas de fofura, cores pastéis que encorajam a produção de dopamina e cenários majestosos, encontra-se algo muito especial: emoção. Nota-se o amor que houve na produção da série e isso aliado ao enredo profundamente emotivo que introduz temas como a aceitação da mudança, olhar para o que nos une em vez do que nos diferencia e a importância de nos mantermos fiéis aos nossos valores, cria um programa praticamente perfeito. Nem a parte estética nem o conteúdo têm defeitos a apontar e a Hilda, a protagonista, só adiciona ao monte de razões pelas quais esta série é fantástica. Ela não é necessariamente a melhor a seguir regras, a criar planos estruturados ou a não se intrometer na vida dos outros, MAS é um ás no que toca à empatia, espírito solidário e coragem e nunca deixa de fazer o que está certo por medo das consequências (além de ser amiga de todas as criaturas, mesmo as grandes o suficiente para a comer, isto não faz lembrar a Star Butterfly?). A Hilda engloba tudo o que significa inteligência emocional e ensina, continuamente, como podemos ser um bocadinho melhores todos os dias. Afastando-me agora da parte mais séria, o mundo desta série é um grande fator apelativo, misturando folclore com as ideias originais do criador de maneira a criar o lugar de sonho para se estar. Há nisser (guardiões da casa), elfos minúsculos (que são obcecados por papelada), woffs (espécies de pompons com ar de lobos que voam ao lado das nuvens), um veado-raposa adorável que parece uma bolinha de neve, marras (espíritos de pesadelos que aparentemente só vivem no corpo de miúdas angustiadas e hormonais), uma comunidade de bruxas (que têm uma sede secreta numa mega biblioteca, O SONHO), trolls (que são transformados em pedra durante o dia e se libertam à luz da lua), gigantes mais antigos do que a humanidade, um rei dos ratos que VIVE de fofocas e fantasmas, que só sabem resolver conflitos com lutas de wrestling. É um universo riquíssimo que prende o espectador.
Cᴏɴᴄʟᴜsᴀ̃ᴏ/Oᴘɪɴɪᴀ̃ᴏ Fɪɴᴀʟ: Aparentemente esta série é popular...mas claramente não o suficiente porque ainda não conheço ninguém que seja tão fascinado por ela como eu. A temporada 3 (a última, não consigo com isto) vem aí e já saiu um filme, agora é a altura para mergulhar neste programa antes que seja tarde de mais. Esta série realmente toca no coração e se tudo o que eu disse ainda não foi o suficiente para vos convencer a dar-lhe uma oportunidade...então tenho de a comparar a outras para atrair os seus fãs. Como é óbvio (já referi), esta série é para quem morre e saudades de Star Contra as Forças do Mal, Gravity Falls e Summer Camp Island, talvez até de PatoAventuras (DuckTales), Anfibilândia, A Casa da Coruja e Para Lá do Jardim (Over the Garden Wall). Têm de ver Hilda, porque eu sei que andamos todos nostálgicos com o fim das melhores séries mágicas já criadas, e isto acalma essa dor.
E aqui me despeço, com as provas irrefutáveis da beleza reconfortante que é esta série.
Assɪɴᴀᴅᴏ: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 𝐿𝓊𝓏 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
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adito-lang · 4 months
Norwegian Christmas vocabulary and traditions
Førjulstid / Adventstid 🕯🍷✨
Mange markerer adventssøndagene med en lysestake med fire stearinlys. Første søndag i advent tennes det første lyset, og for hver adventssøndag tennes et nytt lys.
I ukene før jul er det vanlig at bedrifter, foreninger og vennegjenger har julebord. Det er en førjulsfest, et selskap eller restaurantbesøk der det blir servert tradisjonell julemat, ofte i form av en buffet. 
På de fleste julemarkeder kan man smake på gløgg (en varm, kryddet drikk som inneholder vanligvis rødvin), i tillegg til tradisjonelle julegodterier som brente mandler. Juleøl, et mørkt og krydret øl, kommer i butikkene i november og serveres ofte i I adventstiden.
Mange pynter huset med julepynt: kranser, nisser, engler, stjerner osv. Det er vanlig med juletre i stua som dekoreres med glitter og julekuler. 
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Jul og Romjul 🎁🌲🍽
Lille juleaften, 23. desember: mange familier har egne tradisjoner denne kvelden, som å pynte juletreet, lage pepperkakehus, og se på Grevinnen og hovmesteren på NRK.
Julaften, 24. desember, er høydepunktet i norsk julefeiring. De fleste spiser julemiddag hjemme eller hos slektninger. Tradisjonelle juleretter er ribbe, pinnekjøtt, julepølse, lutefisk, juletorsk, medisterkaker, og risgrøt/julegrøt. Det finnes en utbredt tradisjon om å putte en skåldet mandel i julegrøten som serveres på (lille) julaften. Den som finner mandelen får en liten gave. Og når vi snakker om gaver: julegavene er på forhånd lagt under juletreet, og pakkes ut på kvelden julaften.
Første juledag (25. desember) og andre juledag (26. desember) er offentlige fridager. De fleste har fri fra jobben, og dagene brukes gjerne til familieselskaper, å gå ut på tur i skogen og å kose seg med gaver, filmer osv.
Romjulen starter når andre juledag er over, det vil si fra og med 27. - 31. desember. Fra 27. desember er butikkene åpne og mange haster rundt for å bytte julegaver som de ikke vil ha eller å kjøpe det de vil i romjulssalg til redusert pris. Men den er ofte en rolig tid, og mange tar en hyttetur eller bruker romjulen til friluftsaktiviteter. Det fant en tradisjon med å gå julebukk. Barn kledde seg ut, gikk rundt på besøk til folk, ringte på dørene og sang julesanger for de som åpner, men denne skikken er ikke vanlig lenger.
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Norsk - Deutsch - English
lysestake (en) - der Kerzenhalter - candle holder
julebord (et) - die Weihnachtsfeier (für Angestellte/Mitglieder/Freunde) - Christmas banquet for employees/members/friends
julemarked (en) - der Weihnachtsmarkt - Christmas market
gløgg (en) - der Glühwein - mulled wine
brente mandler - gebrannte Mandeln - roasted almonds
juleøl (et) - das Weihnachtsbier - Christmas beer
julepynt (en) - die Weihnachtsdekoration - Christmas decoration
nisse (en) - der Nisse (Hausgeist) - nisse (folklore creature)
juletre (et) - der Weihnachtsbaum - Christmas tree
julekule (en) - die Weihnachtskugel - Christmas baubel
Lille juleaften - "Kleiner Heilig Abend" - "Little Christmas Eve"
pepperkakehus (et) - das Lebkuchenhaus - gingerbread house
Grevinnen og hovmesteren - Dinner for One
Julaften - der Heiligabend - Christmas Eve
julemiddag (en) - das Weihnachtsessen - Christmas dinner
julerett (en) - das Weihnachtsgericht - Christmas dish
ribbe (en/ei) - Schweinerippen - pork ribs
risgrøt (en) - der Reisbrei - rice porridge
julegave (en/ei) - das Weihnachtsgeschenkt - Christmas present
Første juledag - erster Weihnachtstag - Christmas Day
Andre juledag - zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag - Boxing Day
Romjul (en/ei) - zwischen den Jahren - period between Dec 27th-31st
romjulssalg (et) - der Weihnachtsverkauf - Christmas sale starting on Dec 27th
å gå julebukk - Weihnachtssingen gehen (Kinder verkleiden sich) - to go Christmas carolling (kids dress up in costumes)
julesang (en) - das Weihnachtslied - Christmas song
God jul og godt nytt år! 🎉❤️
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diamonddiancie10 · 1 year
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Teaptapp has been modelled!!!
This little Steam-type Pokémon likes hiding in ceramics it scavenges to protect its fragile body. It plays a similar role to Flabébé, where it's a 3-stage monotype of a new type that players encounter early in the game to introduce them to that new type. Because of this, it was important to think about what things are commonly and abundantly associated with gasses: balloons, steam engines, teapots.
Now, balloons are already covered well by Jigglypuff (now Steam/Fairy) and Drifloon (now Ghost/Steam) and steam engines are more dramatic, so are covered by the likes of later game Pokémon like Arketan Golurk and Registeam; but, I had an idea for a Ghibli-esque sprite that could do 'teapot Pokémon' in a different way than Polteageist and feels more approachable for the early game, as this little sprite can easily be in and around towns, with even quests to track them down because they stole important items from people.
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They very much play on imagery of nisser, gnomes, and brownies; but, I wanted to be careful to keep them Steam-types and not Fairy-types (Arketa already has a Fairy-type nisse, being Komptu). Teaptapp occupies a space in-between Fairies and Ghosts, referencing how even the etymology of some sprites refers to them as creatures that could be blown away in a breeze. Gases like steam and fog are common imagery for fairies and ghosts, but can be something unique unto themselves.
As Teaptapp evolves, it swaps its teapot for bigger and bigger ceramics, much like a hermit crab and its body gets larger with gaseous overflow, resembling a beard you might see on a gnome. All of this imagery helps to reinforce the idea of a gas Pokémon to help players understand this type before introducing more nuanced uses of it like Arketan Kecleon (neon gas).
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