#nonsense trivia
blizzardstarx · 1 month
Pontalo AU Masterlist
LightningWings full information!
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LightningWings, also known as mountain, storm, or lightning dragons to humans, are the ancestors of the SkyWings and are one of the seven tribes inhabiting Pontalo, residing in the mountains in the lower “wing” of Pontalo. They are currently ruled by Queen Hurricane.
LightningWings have scales varying in blue to gray shades, like a stormcloud. Some might also have purplish scales as well, which is uncommon. They typically have blue, yellow, orange, or amber eyes, and have “jewel-hard” scales. LightningWings also have the second largest wings of any tribe, bested by the FireWings, and have long, curved horns. They have thin and long snouts with an enormous nose-spike that acts like a lightning rod, which are small when they are dragonets, but grow over time, and an extra horn on their jaw. They have sharp, yellowish white spikes running down from their head to tail, which have spikes ending in sharp tips. LightningWing eggs are various shades of gray with white streaks.
LightningWings eat hawks, eagles, squirrels, mountain goats, sheep, foxes, deer, cows, bobcats, lynx, pigs, rodents, cougars, rabbits, and other birds of prey. They can also feed off of electricity.
LightningWings are the fastest of any dragon tribe, not just in flying, due to their gigantic wings and endurance, but also on the ground. They learn to fly at a young age and are able to manipulate electricity, breathe fire, as well as swim fairly well. LightningWings can also withstand extremely bright light.
Some LightningWings can be born with a condition called lightningscales, where their scales are powered by electricity, and they shock to the touch. The scales are always charged, and LightningWings with them cannot ‘turn them off’, causing issues when swimming and when there’s rain, causing electrocution and sparks. Earlier in LightningWing history, they killed these dragonets to prevent them from suffering, and the danger of lightningscales, but in the modern times they were taught how to control and even use it to their advantage.
The large nose-horn on LightningWings allows them to ‘power-up’ and charge, storing the electricity in the nose-horn until further use. The spikes along their back crackle with electricity and signal how much they have stored, with the more spikes crackling, the more electricity the LightningWing has in power. LightningWings are taught to conserve at least some, and if none of the spikes, including the nose-horn, are crackling, they are most likely dead.
Animus magic:
LightningWings had animus magic at one point, however, they killed them like lightningscales. They haven’t had an animus dragon in centuries.
LightningWings are seen as quick-witted, sarcastic, short-tempered, and grumpy by the other tribes. Some have been described as calm but then having their personalities completely flipped, like the calm before a storm. Despite this, LightningWings are festive dragons, loving music and dancing, and have bands that perform at celebrations.
LightningWings will gather outside in the midst of a lightning storm to charge up their electricity. There is a ceremony for young dragonets for their first lightning strike to charge their nose-horn. They also fight with their horns and defend eggs and young dragonets. The bigger the horn, the higher their status. If their horn is removed or broken, they are shamed upon, and their powers are weakened.
There is a tradition of their burial system where LightningWings go to the highest peak of the mountains during a thunderstorm and let the deceased dragon’s body, wrapped in cloth or silk, get struck by lightning. LightningWings then set the body on fire to let the dragon’s spirit fly free to reincarnate into a LightningWing instead of the other tribes. The FireWings have a ceremony just like this as well, but more similar to the SkyWings. This was passed down from the LightningWings and SkyWings’ common ancestor to their descendants, then the SkyWings.
LightningWings tend to use their electricity more than their fire, but if they are out of electricity, they will use the latter. They will also use their spiky tails and wings.
The tribe isn’t taking part in the BloodWing War, however, they will attack them if they encroach on their territory, as the BloodWings have conquered most of their neighbors, the LightWings. Scouts and guards are on the lookout of any impending attack.
A few LightningWings have fled to the unknown land Queen Paradox of the ShapeWings went to, and are shamed for leaving their tribe.
LightningWing names are usually after natural disasters or storms related to the sky (like Tornado, Hurricane, Thunderstorm, Storm) and can also be named after lightning-related words (such as Spark, Voltage, Bolt). They can be named after mountain-dwelling creatures or birds as well (such as Thrush, Plover, Falcon)
LightningWings were originally called ThunderWings, or it was a typo.
There was also another tribe similar to the LightningWings, called AirWings, which were based on the Pokemon Altaria, and were cloud-like and fluffy.
LightningWing electricity is at least 300 million volts, like a typical lightning bolt.
They are slightly based on rhinos, or at least, their nose horns.
LightningWings and FireWings share a common ancestor, which came to Pontalo after the Lightbringer era and separated into those two tribes.
All LightningWings had lightningscales before, but it was changed.
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bumblingest-bee · 5 months
a non-exhaustive list of things from the 1989 workshop reading of assassins that i wish they'd kept in the show:
guiteau reading his iconic "enclosed is the seven dollars i owe you. stick it up your bunghole and wipe your nose with it" letter
the alternate version of everybody's got the right (reprise)
"i also knew a guy in high school called guy lombardo." "who's guy lombardo?" "a famous band leader." "in high school??"
the slightly different harmonies at the end of how i saved roosevelt
moore shooting at a teddy bear which apparently belongs to guiteau
"i loved him so much and he said that he loved me and then he threw me out!" "colonel sanders??"
"are you okay, mr. president?" "don't worry, i'm a ford, not a lincoln!"
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bisexualrapline · 1 year
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don’t ask me for coherent lyrical analysis bc i’m still at only MAYBE like a third grade reading level in korean and also my meds have worn off because it is midnight but. trivia love vibes? trivia love vibes. thank you for coming to rosebowl.tumblr.com
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randomnameless · 1 month
Reading Miccy's Fandom wiki page :
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"Miccy uses magic without weapons, and the first who uses light magic!"
"What about EdElGaRd?!"
we said light magic
"she has a boon in Reason magic, aka Black magic!"
we said light magic
"they're totes similar!"
Oh well.
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icharchivist · 1 month
yknow this one post that's like
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the embarrassing thing about me is that this is me but it only works when i'm super mentally ill about ff7 because every time i'm obsessed with ff7 it's the only time i manage to motivate myself to do exercises and trying to take better care of myself FULLY because "Zack would want me to take care of myself", i'm doing some exercises despite hating every second of it because "Zack would want me to be able to pull some squats and i can't do that in my current shape so now i have to make it better" like, ok, cringelord. DoItForHimCollage.jpg about Zack Fair i guess. I have a deodorant smell i associate so strongly to Zack that putting it on makes me actually motivated to take care of myself. fucking mortifying.
*sends a kiss to the sky* for Zack Fair. I guess.
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thestarofcottonland · 8 months
calling attention to the etat libre d'orange blowjob perfumes in the fragrantica forums pray for me i dont get sniped
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love zisu just like, conceptually. she’s the dog friend with 20 cat friends
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syrinq · 20 days
the mix of "growing older and refining your tastes" + "what the masses produce tastes like complete shallow dogwater now" + "inability to discern whether you'd (dis)like something because reviews/opinions are always biased and almost never tell you the objective facts and specs present" + "doing best by experiencing something like a game yourself to see if you'd like it but then having to spend money as a poor ass adult" + "just watching some guy play it is a wholly different experience and after watching i do Not want to Replay this shit Myself"
is Not a Good Combo. Torturous even. thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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filosofablogger · 4 months
♫ The Eggplant That Ate Chicago ♫ (I can't believe I'm playing this 🙄 )
Okay, so the first time I played Norman Greenbaum’s Spirit in the Sky was back in March 2021.  In the comments that time, Clive noted that Greenbaum had once been a part of Dr. West’s Medicine Show and Junk Band and asked if I knew The Eggplant That Ate Chicago.  No, of course I hadn’t heard of that one!  I think I probably listened briefly at the time and then promptly forgot about it … until ……
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candiedblueberries · 1 year
kinda funny how the hyperfixations that have permanently changed my brain chemistry are the most problematic ones 😭
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imagineastrology · 9 days
🩷 When the signs like you 🩷
Aries Moon: Becomes playful, bold, and you won’t miss their advances, shows off.
Taurus Moon: They will want to be more physical with you, buys you things, and stares at you.
Gemini Moon: Becomes inquisitive about you, sends you random texts (or memes) throughout the day, becomes a hurricane of fun facts and trivia.
Cancer Moon: Asks you deep questions, checks in with you, and wants to experience things that can heighten your emotions, such as watching films together. 
Leo Moon: Actually asks for reassurance, loud, and loads of compliments.
Virgo Moon: Reminds you of the little things, dreamily thoughtful, and will become talkative and will want to gossip.
Libra Moon: Wants to do everything with you, wants to share what they have, and likes to engage in intellectual discussions with you. 
Scorpio Moon: You feel them opening up, and becoming philosophical, softer and playful, likes to take charge of your life, and will ask thought-provoking questions about you and your soul.
Sagittarius Moon: Acts like they don’t need you, but their actions want to involve you in fun, exploring or trying new activities together, wants to excite you.
Capricorn Moon: Praises and celebrates you, builds you up, will offer to pay for things to show you that they can provide, may take you out to events as a partner. 
Aquarius Moon: Becomes a protector, and you feel you can be your truest, and nonsensical self, may playfully want to be devil’s advocate with you. 
Pisces Moon: Becomes even more sensitive than what you thought was possible, sends you songs with hope that you’ll pick up their hidden message, copies you (but it’s cute okay) and may even pick up your mannerisms.
~ Imogen :) x 🩵
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wenellyb · 1 month
I have to talk about this scene once again because I feel like there is so much to say.
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What Buck meant when he said it was "exhausting":
First he asked Tommy for a tour because he wanted to get to know him better (his words, not mine).
At the end of the tour Buck asked Tommy out but it didn't work out ( Eddie arrived and Tommy left with him).
Instead of asking him out on another day or calling him, Buck did the most Buck thing ever by trying to find roundabout ways of seeing him again.
First, he tried the easy way, by trying to join Trivia night when Eddie mentionned he was seeing Tommy again, but Eddie asked him to babysit Chris instead.
So he went for a different approach by trying to get Eddie to invite him to the basketball game.
When that didn't work out, he got Chimney to invite him.
That's why Buck said that trying to get Tommy's was "exhausting", because it was. He set up so many ploys to get to spend time with Tommy and none of them worked.
That's also why Tommy is surprised, because he didn't see all the nonsense Buck was pulling to get to see him. Tommy really thought this was about Eddie and Buck being afraid of losing his friend.
But if Buck had been trying to spend time with Eddie, all he had to do was ask.... they hang out all the time. The only times Buck is actively trying to join Eddie's plans is when he know Tommy will be joining.
Buck never behaved like he did when Eddie had plans with other people than Tommy.
I can't even blame Buck because this is exactly how I act when I have a crush😂
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m0e-ru · 1 year
HAPPY HOLIDAY S !!!! here are the answers to my moel activity book 2022 aka my birthday quiz but theres also a bunch of lore questions in there. part 1 !!!!!!! with the more personal stuff because i hit the image limit so theres part 2 hehe. here <-
YOU CAN ANSWER IT HERE FIRST !!! or read this and see how bullshit my logic is from the get go SORRY
tourist - this was meant to be the lowest scoring result like you dont know much about me or lore like what it says !! you pass by my blog just occasionally like from a tag or a reblog. like a tourist at a gas station. yknow? but the way I scored was like you get bigger penalties when you pick a wrong answer whoopsie (●>ω<)ノ゙
beloved okyakusan - okyakusan means customer I just think you might follow this blog or know enough of it to get some answers right but the way I scored it I dont think. anyone would get this. yikes
loyalty discount - you know more than enough of my shit on any branch I might have been in . YEAH !! you know a lot. I hope. or I scored it bad. BUT ANYWAY !!! loyalty discount realness
oh youre in this hole with me? - this was supposed to be hard to get especially with the more bullshit personal questions sorry. but I think you could get this easily while I’m looking at it whole. welcome to my hole. my friends call it a mineshaft or another said it was a lake from digging up a puddle.
mega blorboism go - mim, adachi, marie, teddie, souji seta, (bonus) akc [akechi]
OKAY !! first 4 self explanatory. Souji vs Narukami I like Souji more from his depiction in the official manga by Sogabe than the more official Narukami from the animes, spinoffs, etc.
well yeah okay I admit I was a goroboy back in sweet 2017 too bad I only made noise in the fandom in 2020 when Royal came out and GOLDEN had the audacity to show its ass in Steam. my highest note post is this dumb aksh comic btw. I thought nothing of it.
I didn’t include maruki he’s a nice guy but he never hit blorbo category I mean he’s there. hi sensei
What’s their ultra mega favorite p4 adaptation - VISUALIVE STAGEPLAY !!!
the audio drama and manga bags some points too. I’m OBSESSED with visual voiceless media and visualess voiceful media but if you try to wrap my brain with the shitty anime I might throw up
yeah yeah the animes were fine im just more partial to those three yknow. they’re a bit liberal as broadcast media so uhm… the way they handled a few details weren’t for me. BUT WE HAVE AIKA CHAN it’s fine. I dont like anthologies though now that’s just a ball out of the park.
thoughts on tohru adachi - []
these all bag points but the discord screenshot gives the biggest penalty. it’s funnier that way. thank you tekuya. context on the messenger one was that I was partially live-blogging to another friend while I played. IM SORRY !!! I was really interested if he had a social link or not. I did not know of the Horrors. <- only knew he was a bit of an edgy bad guy from the floating fanart and lack of blacklisted spoiler tags but it’s 2022 im built different. I want to put him under a magnifying glass and if he makes me mad I concentrate the light on him till he combusts.
kai moeru is a silly - []
three of these have points except you get bonus points if you choose either of the kpop fan names because it’s fun.
when did they take over the gas station - they dont remember either
september 2022 also gets points because that’s when I think I started roleplaying as a manager.
OKAY strap in here’s some kai moeru lore. I used to subtly role play as just some guy who’s at the gas station too often for their own good. they dont even have a car they just talk to whoever also passes by with their silly conspiracy boards, red string etc etc. then at some point I became the manager of the tumblr branch and that was that! I have discounts and vouchers and promos and etc I think it’s fun that way. im the ceo of moel gas corp on discord btw
when did it all end - “Ohh Mimi”
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I mean this is when I started playing the game on my own and had a little too much thoughts about this dumb fucking npc. me and my dad started calling them mimi when we finished the game <- we were playing at the same time he finished first but I blocked out all the spoilers and had my own peaceful endgame. I give you a nickname and it’s ALL OVER !!!!!
or are you really so spineless that youd fold over some bullshit trivial threat on my life sorry for the royal question - small potatoes
like I said. bought royal on launch and finished it in two weeks where “small potatoes” was still there before it got patched out HAHA. i just thought it was silly. people were making essays about the expression then BAM. no more small potatoes.
whos the adachi of p5s (ROYAL + STRIKERS SPOILERS) - ichinose
okay I really liked her when I was playing OKAY? actually I dont think I’ve ever posted my doodle dumps ever but I always thought she had something to do with Sophia and EMMA and the formula making it look like she’d betray you or work with god at some point. SHE FUCKING DID it was so so fucking funny <- cried after the boss fight
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i mean i did this. because it's ridiculous
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what’s the first nickname they used - mimi
I did mention it before. I just think it’s really cute how it ended up being a household name for me. ive printed them out so many times, framed them and talk about them with that nickname at home that that’s how my siblings know them. it’s a very special name to me honestly. Time went by and I ended up calling them mim. hehe. not that I dont like Nami as a name it’s just that /gestures hands/ yeah
The whole Izumi Izanami thing is just that! Most of my devices’ autocorrects kept turning one word into the other I also ended up calling him zoomy instead and used one (1) “z” for Izy.
rie kugimiya - why are you pitting two bad bitches against each other
she’s the voice actor for both Rise and Haruka and I like them both !!!! You should listen to konnan janai
which emote is not part of the gas station discord server - nodding naoto
Now that one was from the Persona modding discord I think. I do have mim and Nagi rotating and the Adachi True was from a friend who also added Adachi False
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BONUS EPISODE TRIVIA: This plot was written with the plan to take advantage of funds from the Office of National Drug Control Policy available to shows that promoted an anti-drug message. Funding was rejected for the episode because "drugs were an issue, but… [it] was otherworldly nonsense, very abstract and not like real-life kids taking drugs. Viewers wouldn't make the link to [the ONDCP's] message." (x)
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 6 months
You've probably gotten this before but I was making an iceberg chart of Good Omens trivia in my head and I got to wondering what the most obscure GO fact that you know is
Hiya! :) Oh dear! I'm afraid I don't have them sorted by obscurity in my head :D. So here, have a 3 random ones that popped in my head:
The original demon Crawleigh that was both Aziraphale and Crowley togehter in Neil's original 5000 words draft before Terry split him into Aziraphale and Crowley drove not a Bentley, but a Citroen 2CV. (no colour specified, but this is what the type looks like: :))
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2. The Mona Lisa in Crowley's flat has inscription:
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Al mio amico Antonio dal tuo amico Leo da V. meaning To my friend Anthony from your friend Leo da V.
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3. When people wanted to have their Good Omens book signed by both Neil and Terry and they encountered Terry first and told him they were hunting Neil's signature next Terry, wanting to tease Neil a bit, told them ‘Could you give him a message from me? Tell him ’ and now he added some cryptic nonsense like ‘tell him “The starcase is not just a starcase” he will know what I mean’. And then of course they found Neil and told him that with ‘Do you know what it means’ and Neil (tiredly) ‘Yeah, I know what it means.’
Anyway, I collect all the intersting fun facts on my blog under the fun fact tag for your ice berg creation :D <3.
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majordemonblockparty · 2 months
also, on the subject of sam winchester's two canonical obsessions (serial killers and esoteric podcasts):
wouldn't it be funny if sam and jess met at like. true crime trivia night at their local dive bar. and they get put on the singles team with other people who came without an established trivia team, but it becomes pretty clear pretty quick that they're gonna be the stars of this show.
jess raised on a steady diet of pulp crime paperbacks and crime reporting television, who has all kinds of gory shit rattling around in her head, who can identify what hideous once-in-a-century murder is depicted in grainy grayscale crime scene photos in under thirty seconds, who can quote verbatim from over two dozen ransom notes, who's obsessed with people who disappeared mysteriously, never to be seen or heard from again. and sam, who's been raised... well, who's been raised the way he's been raised.
they get on like a house on fire. (the irony of that is lost on both of them.)
finally, somebody who doesn't think it's weird to have real theory about what happened to the sodder children, none of that sicilian mafia nonsense. someone who can speak intelligently about the prevalence of killings in national parks and protected forests. someone whose eye will snag on headlines like "couple found slain; county sheriff to hold conference today" and "charred corpse still unidentified" and flip through to find whatever column inches have been allotted to the day's worst happenings. someone who can name drop cold cases and milk carton kids like a memorized major league roster -- the boy in the box, the babes in the woods, the lyon girls, the des moines register newspaper boys; angie samota, bobby dunbar, alfred beilhartz, charley ross, dorothy ann distelhurst, everett ruess, glen and bessie hyde, marjorie west.
(jess who's so hyped to show sam an article she found about the twentieth anniversary of a mysterious fire where a young mother died and her two young children vanished, presumably with her husband in the aftermath. "isn't that crazy?" she tells him, brandishing a xerox, all cheshire-cat meet-in-the-back-of-her-head grin. "they had the same last name as you!"
"crazy," sam echos and stares down at the blurry black-and-white photo of a house he barely remembers.)
lifelong true crime junkie jessica moore and lifelong true crime victim sam winchester.
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