#now she’s making noises and is thumping around lol
moontiko · 7 months
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abbeym28 · 5 months
Clarisse La Rue - I'm Your Man
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Clarisse x gn! reader from any cabin but Hermes and Ares
An- This is my first PJO fanfic and it took me like a week to write this lol and I don't know if I really like it?? Pls tell me if you catch any mistakes or anything, you guys don't even want to know how many words I couldn't write. But there are about 3,000 words!!! Images aren't mine
Also, I think I will open request, so if anyone want me to write another PJO fanfic pls just send a request!!!!
Warnings!!- Kissing near the end, a weird amount of Chris and Luke, they are like your besties but they are also weird??? One swear, some fights and foreshadowing and stuff, I hope that's it
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You hit the ground hard after you had tripped into the boundary that separated your new camp from the outside world. The stayr that had led you here ran past you and yelled a lot of words that somehow your ears couldn't pick up on.
The monster that had been chasing you previously roared and tried to reach out for you, but the force field (or whatever it was) protect you as you watched from the ground. Farther away, there seemed to be more shouts and loud noises.
“There you go, up up up up,” Two different hands gripped onto your biceps and loosened slightly when they had both pulled you up to your feet. They quickly tighten again though once you started to sway forwards.
“Woah, what happened to you?” You blinked and tried to turn to look at the person who had said that, but more shouting and loud thumps plus the strain on your neck caused the shocking feeling of probably the worst migraine of your life stopped you from doing anything.
“Let's take them to the infirmary. Some Apollo kid can take a look at them and then we can show them around once they feel better.”
At that point, the world was started to spin and you felt like you were being moved, but it was hard to tell. You were pretty sure that everything had turned black after a shout of victory filled the air.
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You were starting to wish that you were still unconscious on the infirmary bed.
You were following to guys around, Chris and Luke, and they claimed that they were the ones that had help you get to the infirmary in the first place. They were bringing you around the camp, making sure to point out the bizarre and magical things. Like the pegasus.
“And over here, this is where we train. Luke is the best sword fighter in the camp.”
“Don't brag about me like that, it's weird.” Chris laughed and Luke punched him in the arm. They moved out of the taller grass to go towards the more compacted dirt area where other campers were shooting arrows and swinging swords.
You stood still in your spot, watching them. You missed your home and old normal life.
“Move it.” A shoulder bumped into your own, and you don’t know if it was pain or something more, but your whole arm felt as if it was touched by electricity. You jerked back, and the girl that had bumped into you raised an eyebrow. She was facing you now, and two other kids who you assumed were her siblings found a place behind her, as if they were some sort of shoulder pads.
“Well?” She tilted her head to the side, and you mirrored her.
“Is something wrong?” Your question made her two goons snort.
“You’re the newbie, right? Well, it was your monster that gave me this scar. I can hardly wield my spear now!” She pointed to her arm, which you only then realized was set in a cast. You must have been too busy paying attention to how beautiful her hair looked.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn't know you were the one fighting it. Thank you.” You nodded and turned away to go back over to Chris and Luke as Clarisse looked a bit confused and surprised.
Well, this might get interesting.
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“How is she so pretty?” Your chin sat on the palm of your hand as you continued to stare at Clarisse as she twirled her spear and took the final blow against her opponent, being some kid from the Apollo cabin. Sweat glistened down the side of her face as the sun casted the perfect lighting to cast upon her smirk of victory. A towel was thrown onto your face, blinding you of the surrounding scenery.
“Gods, you kind of disgust me sometimes. No one looks good when they sweat like that.”  Chris shrugged as he whipped his face with a towel of his own.
You scoffed and got up off of the bench that you were sitting on. Training like this was never easy, especially at camp half blood, aka the camp of the Greek demigods. But, it did come with its separate perks.
“But Clarisse does. You shouldn't project on other people just because you aren’t fond of how you look after these battles.” Another towel was thrown at you as you giggled.
“She doesn't even like you that much, even after all of these years. Maybe you should give up trying to get closer to her. Did you see what she tried to do to Per-”
“Clarisse still isn’t really someone you want to interact with. Their are better people at this camp to get along with.” Luke interrupted Chris and handed the two of you cold bottles filled with what you assumed to be water. Chris started drinking it right away, while you sat it down on the bench along with your towel. Chris and Luke had shown you around the camp when you had just arrived, but even back a few years ago, there was just something you knew you needed to be wary of.
Even if Clarisse doesn’t like you the same way you like her, being around her has taught you some things about trusting others. And tips of how to weild a spear.
"As a head counselor, don't you think you should support relationships?” Luke rolled his eyes.
“Your not apart of my cabin, and neither is Clarrise, but I can still be worried about a friend, right?” You hummed and turned to head back up to the dining hall, or maybe your cabin. Anywhere more secluded would be nice at the least.
“Hey! You forgot all of your stuff!”
“A water bottle and towel aren’t stuff, Luke,  I’m good.”
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The dining hall became less and less secluded the more the minutes passed. It wasn't really getting late, but teenage campers did find themselves to be very hungry after training and various other activities.
Closing your eyes, you leaned against the wooden pillar behind you and tried to let your mind calm a bit. You couldn't quite shake the bad feeling that seemed to loom over your shoulders.
Did you choose the right group to hang out with? The weight of friendship bracelets weighed down on your wrist. Time and time again, Chris and Luke, and also Clarisse, have proven themselves to be good and trustworthy people. So why did something always feel wrong? Why can’t you just trust them? And what do these feelings say about the future?
The bump of a shoulder against yours made you shake out of your thoughts and forced you to open your eyes.
“What’s wrong with you?” Clarisse stood in front of you, slight worry lines creased between her eyebrows. Suddenly the world didn’t seem so dark, and the evil didn’t seem too bad.
You grinned at her and she backed away, letting you take a place by her side. She was carrying some food on a lunch tray in her left hand while her right still clenched around her spear.
“You scared me there!” She hummed as she sat down at a table in the back that no one else was near or sitting at. You sat next to her.
“Don’t you want to go get food?” she focused her attention on placing her spear in a safe position, so she missed the smile that seemed to glow like the moon on your face. She was worrying about you! After a minute passed and with you not answering, she turned towards you with a raised eyebrow.
“Well?” You snapped out of the seemingly lovestruck way you were to answer what she had asked.
“Oh, I’m not too hungry. You don't need to worry about me one bit!” She turned away and picked up her fork to eat the still warm meat and mashed potatoes.
“I wasn’t.” she grumbled. The rest of the lunch was silent, with Clarisse eating and you picking at the peeling paint that still somehow coated the wooden table. The minute she was done shoveling all of the food into her mouth she got up and grabbed her spear. You jumped up after her, following as she returned the tray and left the dining hall.
“What are we gonna do now?”
“Spar. But you don't have to join.” Clarisse’s words sounded firm, but despite the seeming protest against you, she did want to spar with you. You had made great progress since you had first gotten to camp, progress that had made the daughter of the god of war and many others as jealous as it did make them proud. In time, Clarisse found that it might just benefit her to keep you around. You treated her nicely, and you could challenge her abilities while not being upset when she lashes out. You weren’t someone who would just come into her life at any time, but you were more like an anchor that grounded her. Feelings she had never even dreamed of feeling seemed to grow stronger each minute she's next to you.
She was just really terrible at showing it.
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The two of you spent the rest of the day up until nightfall fighting. You called it quits first, the want and ache for food and a nice shower were starting to over take the feeling of needing to be around Clarrise.
She walked back with you to the showers, and you had to resist the twitching in your hand that reached to hold Clarisse’s.
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With your hair still dripping wet, you made the short walk of going to the dining hall for a snack and then to your cabin. It was the laughter that rang out in the night air and the shadow of Clarisse’s silhouette that made you pause.
“So you don’t really like them, right? Why let them stay close to you like you do?” More questions seemed to arise, all from people you could recognize to be from the Ares cabin.
“We understand that they are useful to you. When it comes to them, it doesn't seem hard to please them either. The way they follow you around just kind of reminds me of a dog, ya’ know?”
Laughter seemed to get louder as the world around seemed to stop and spin faster at the same time. There were calls of your name, or maybe not, who knew? There seemed to be more sounds that sounded like fighting, sounds that remind you of when you had first crash landed at camp.
But all you really seemed to know was the maybe Luke and Chris were right, and that maybe the ground was getting closer, and maybe there were footsteps coming towards you, and maybe-
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- You passed out. Chris was pacing back and forth in front of the bed you were laying in. You groaned and moved to sit up.
“Chris, what are yo-”
“OH MY GODS, YOU’RE AWAKE!!!??? ‘Kay, how many fingers am I holding up??” A hand was pushed right in your face but you groaned and paused his hand away and messaged your temple.
"What time is it?”
“It’s noon. You were out for, like, a solid day.” The refermery door opened quickly, making it slam a bit into the wood wall. You winced.
There was no way that your headache was going to go away any time soon.
Both Clarisse and Luke walked in, and there seemed to be some sort of angry tension between them. But they both seemed to loosen up a bit once they both saw you sitting up and watching them. Luke said your name in relief, but then Clarisse pushed past him in urgency.
“Come on, let's go somewhere else,” she grabbed your hand and tried to pull you up, but you did your best to put all of your weight in staying down.
“Clarisse, they just woke up. They need more rest, or at least some food-”
“That doesn’t matter right now, I need to talk to them about something, Luke.'' They were shooting daggers at each other through their eyes. Clarisse sighed and said your name. “Come on, we need to go-”
“Clarisse, I’m staying here.” You could feel the look of shock that she was giving you, but you focused on staring at the white bed sheets that you were fiddling with.
“Your cabin mates were right, and I think I don’t want to be your dog anymore. You don’t have to pretend anything anymore just to make sure you can keep me around, because I don't know if I want to be around you anymore.” The silence that followed your words was deafening. You peeked up through your eyelashes, and it seemed as if Clarisse was literally fuming.
“My cabin mates have no idea about anything they said. You are not a dog, and you have always been-”
“Clarisse, that's enough. They don't want to be near you anymore, so you should leave.” Clarisse glared at Luke, then looked back at you, staring for a long moment. She let out an angered huff.
“Fine, but you better watch your back from now on, Castellan.” And with that, she spun around and stomped out the door, slamming it hard enough that the whole cabin shook and a little vase full of flowers that was sitting on a windowsill fell and shattered into hundreds of pieces. In a strange way, it felt as if your heart could relate to it.
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For the next week and a half, Clarisse was the one following you around.
Well, for the most part.
You would catch her staring from a distance while you practice archery with Luke, or when you did swimming lessons with the younger kids and Chris. You knew that she tried to get closer a few times, but with how close Chris and Luke stuck by your side, you could see that this whole situation was frustrating her to no end.
“You guys know you don't have to follow me around like that, right?” you set your lunch tray down on the table and Luke set his food down next to you and Chris sat across from you.
“We have to make sure our favorite camper is safe, right?” Luke patted you on the back as he took a bit of his food and you rolled your eyes.
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That night, you snuck away from your cabin and down to the lake. Being out anywhere in camp after dark makes you feel paranoid, but almost nothing could compare to the serene scenery. You sat down on the edge of the lake, where the sand wasn’t that wet and the water's small waves could just barely touch your toes.
You brought your knees up to your chest and sighed and buried your head in them. Why didn’t anything feel right? Was taking a step back from Clarisse really the right answer?
A twig snapped from somewhere behind you and you sprung up and squinted towards the forest. Gods, please let it not be a harpy. But it wasn’t. It was Clarisse.
“What are you doing here?” You questioned her immediately as she walked closer towards you.
“Following you. What are you doing here?”
You stayed quiet and sunk back onto the sand. Clarisse silently sat down next to you, farther away than what you really wanted, but close enough so you could feel the heat of her, the heat that all of Ares’s kids seemed to have.
“I'm here to think. Clarisse, have I- have I been stupid?” The question came out more desperate than how you first wanted it to.
“Yes.” You laughed a bit at how quick her response came. But even with that, tears felt like they were coming into your eyes, and you angled your head to look at her. She was once again already looking at you, her gorgeous brown eyes slightly lidded and a small smile graced her lips.
“I care about you, Clarisse. Like, a lot.” You blurted the words out, and you almost regretted them. Almost, but then Clarisse scotched just a little bit closer to you.
Clarisse whispered your name and brought her hand up to your cheek. Your ears felt hot, and so did the spot that the girl in front of you was softly caressing.
“Why did you push me away like that?”
“Because… you don’t feel the way that I feel for you, and I've known that for years, Clarisse. And, your cabin mates, like, hate me. I just… didn't want to put myself through anything I wasn't prepared for, I guess.” The waves lapping away at the shore was the white noise that saved you from quite literally going crazy.
Clarisse just stared at you.
“Look, I don’t really have… the best relationships with other people, but I know that I care about you too. Also, I beat up siblings for saying all of that shit, so please stop using it as an excuse. ” Clarisse pulled you a little bit closer, as if she was asking a question. You answered it by letting her pull you towards her, and it was you who leaned in first.
The kiss was like a spark, with your lips on hers and with her hands moving to sit on your hips, gripping at them in a way that grounded the both of you just a bit. Your hands went to tangle in her curls, pulling on them gently as the kiss dragged on. You pulled away first, taking deep breaths and looking at Clarisse with wide eyes.
“I’ve been waiting to do that,” She went back in for another kiss, but you put your hands on her chest to make sure she stayed a bit away.
“Clarisse!” you whisper shouted as she blinked at you.
“Should we really be, you know-”
She lightly grabbed the fabric of your shirt and pulled you back into her. Your second kiss was just as passionate as the first one, but the second one seemed to tell you so much more.
“I’m in love with you. I want to be yours, and I wish that you could be mine.”
You were taken aback by her words, but they made you weak in your knees and you could swear you were melting.
“I’m in love with you too. Iv'e been yours “
And then with the moonlight illuminating you both, you kissed Clarisse for the third that evening, which was most definitely not going to be the last one before the harpies could find you.
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queerpumpkinnn · 7 months
hi! if your requests are open could you do anything for patrick verona? like anything lol ill take it
So requests are actually not open right now, but given that this was sent in when they were I saved it for Kinktober. I hope you like it!
Kinktober 31st: I Knew You'd Come Around
aka hate sex with Patrick Verona
1k words
Summary: Hate sex with Patrick Verona. That's it.
Pairing: Patrick Verona x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut duh, enemies to enemies with benefits?? probably some darker themes idk, sex at a party but they're in a bedroom, little to no aftercare, vaginal fingering, light scratching, light hair pulling, patrick is a cocky little shit but what's new
You hated yourself for doing this, you really did. You hated the butterflies in your stomach for fluttering when he grabbed your ass, hated your hands for tugging him closer by the collar of his, hated your heart for racing at the feeling of his tongue on yours.
That was the general emotion when you were around him. Hate. Hate and frustration and annoyance and pure, fiery arousal.
The last one is the most prevalent as you're pressed up against a bedroom wall, the bass of the song playing outside reverberating on your back. Patrick's hands are all over you, groping and tracing every inch of skin he could find.
"Fucking idiot," you huff in between wet smacks of your lips, yanking at his shirt collar, trying to signal him to take it off.
"Y'know," he starts, tugging his shirt over his head and tossing it aside, "for someone who proclaims to hate me so much, you sure are hell-bent on getting me naked."
"They're not mutually exclusive concepts, dumbass." Your words seem frail, and your voice trails off at the end as his fingers tug at the belt loops of your pants.
"Ooh, big words." He purrs, cocking an eyebrow. "Are you doing that thing where you try to sound smart so that I don't notice that you're full of shit?"
"I am not- oh, god..." Any biting remark you may have had ready died on your tongue as his fingers slipped under your pants and were tracing the damp patch on your underwear.
"Aw, not so talkative now, are you?" Patrick placed open-mouthed kisses over your neck, nipping gently every so often. "If I'd known this was all it took to shut you up, I would've done this sooner."
With a gasp, your hand snakes up to Patrick's hair, fingers curling when the pads of his fingers linger over your covered clit, roaming a little before finding the rhythm that made your head fall back with a thump.
"Atta girl, keep making those pretty noises." He hummed, using his other hand to pop open the buttons of your pants and tug them down to your knees.
Well, naturally, you just had to do the opposite of whatever he told you. So you clamped your mouth shut. Of course, you were now resigned to breathing heavily through your nose instead and that was still as audible.
Patrick pulls back for a moment to look at you, eyes darting all over your stony face, tongue poking the inside of his cheek.
"Shoulda seen that coming. But we'll get you talking."
And you should have known he wasn't all talk. Before you have the chance to scoff at his remark, his hand dips under the waistband of your underwear to trace along your folds.
You could feel your cheeks turn hot as you saw his eyes go wide with awe and amusement. "'S such a mess down there, pretty. Little ol' me did that?"
He knew you weren't going to admit that, so he didn't wait for a response. He got all he needed when he saw you react, saw you keen when his fingertips dragged over your clit, resuming the rhythm that set fire in your belly.
"Aw, it's okay," he purrs, tonguing over your collarbone. "Y'don't have to say it. Y'know why? 'Cause this pretty pussy says it all for me, doesn't she?"
That makes your pussy clench, and you know he can feel it. An airy chuckle tells you he definitely can. "Thought so. Can feel her asking for it, begging for me."
You can't help the moan that is ripped from your throat when he sinks a finger in, curling at just the right spot to have you raking your nails down his shoulders, hanging on for dear life. Your legs are already trembling, and stray hairs are already pasted to your forehead by sweat.
"Fucking hate you," you sigh, but when you're rolling your hips up into his hand it doesn't hold much venom.
"Can't hear you, sweet cheeks, might need to speak up."
"I hate you."
"What's that?''
"I hate you." You can feel pleasure boiling in your gut, seconds away from boiling over.
"One more time," he purrs, pressing his palm up into your clit.
"I hate you! Patrick!" You grasp onto his shoulders as pleasure comes over you in waves, spreading through every vein into your fingertips until you're left with a blissful afterglow, panting and whining.
"There we go." Patrick wipes a hair that fell over your mouth away, grinning. "Knew you'd come around."
You roll your eyes as Patrick pats your cheek and then leaves towards the ensuite bathroom. He comes back a moment later with a wet rag and hands it to you.
He stays for cleanup, but for the first time in all the time you've known each other, it stayed silent.
As you fixed your hair in the bathroom mirror, Patrick came quietly up behind you and placed a glass of water on the counter- you hadn't even noticed he'd left, you'd been so lost in thought.
"I'm assuming you don't want to be seen together, so I should leave now."
You didn't respond. You weren't sure why, and you weren't sure what the answer would have been if you had. But Patrick doesn't seem to take offense to it, instead stepping away from the bathroom. You watch through the mirror as he heads towards the bedroom door.
He stops in the doorway, hand on the doorknob. He's wearing his telltale grin and his hair whips with the movement as he looks back at you.
"Oh, by the way, if you ever feel like hating me again, give me a call."
Patrick Verona Masterlist
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sorrowsofsilence · 5 months
Burning Out • IV
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
I was lost, but now I'm found Under the lights and in the sounds So let us sing and sing it loud That we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are.
Noah Sebastian is lost. His crime-filled lifestyle is anything but perfect; but everything changes once he meets you.
Words: 6.4k
Warnings: GRAPHIC depictions of death/murder/suicide, Smut 18+ (male!recieving), explicit language, mentions of drugs.
Authors note: Chapter Four- An Omen is 20mg: Songs are Omen by Of Vitrue and 20mg by Revnoir. Also, I genuinely worry this story has too much smut, but also I feel like it's fitting? Idk, let me know if its too much tho LOL. I'm really happy with this chapter though, and I hope you guys enjoy! <3
Tags: @crimson-calligraphyx @lma1986 @spicywhenspeaking @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken @princessmarshmallowx @laurpartyprogram @cookiesupplier @nojoyontheburn @lacktoesandtoddlerants @veronicaphoenix @er3nslovergirl @cncohshit @thescarlettvvitch @scrumptiousfestivalpost @melcchs @flowery-mess
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I watched as her lashes touched the tops of her cheeks, her eyebrows releasing tension from the day, lips parted gently as sleep took over.
My eyes danced across her features, completely captivated. Y/N breathed slowly, and my hand subconsciously reached over, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear as I endeared over her.
“you’re my saving grace,” I whispered as I stroked her hair, still completely baffled this was all happening.
I watched her for a moment longer before I turned over, facing the door and her desk. My eyes trailed over to the bottle that rested on her desk, the yellow plastic alluring. Zolpidem. 700 dollars right there.
Destruction. Crime. Greed.
That is why we live like heathens That is why we live like heathens That is why we live like heathens
Silence. There was no sound.
The house held an eery aura- dark and damp, her heart pounding through the unknown stillness. The reticence only made the situation more disturbing to her, and fear ran through the girl’s veins as she steadily stepped toward the kitchen. She grabbed a knife from the drawer ever so carefully, not wanting to make the slightest creak.
She wanted to call out for her mother and her father, but she refused, afraid of what may be hiding within the house.
The girl then started moving towards the staircase, looking at the stairs, hesitant to make the first step. Before she could move, there was a crash through the back door- whatever was in, was going out.
There was a  moment of adrenaline that snaked through her limbs, and her feet carried her to a sprint towards the back door, dropping the weapon. She pushed open the already unlocked door and that's when she saw a figure running towards the field across her backyard.
"Hey!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, her throat burning through the sheer power of her cry. Something pulsed within her once again, and she ran towards the forest, following whatever had lurked within the home.
The girl tripped on her feet during the sprint, tumbling onto the grassy ground with a hard thump, all the breath escaping from her body. She coughed and regained oxygen while standing, staring into the darkness. Silence greeted her once again.
She didn’t know who the figure was, but she felt the blood drain from her face, immediately whipping her body around and running back towards the house as an ache of dread washed over her.
"Mom!" She wailed throughout the halls, her voice echoing between the chipped paint. The girl climbed up the stairs with her hands and feet as fast as she could, racing towards grief.
The name ripped through her throat once again, but she already knew deep down the woman’s ears were deaf to the noise.
The girl reached the landing with a sharp turn, her foot slipping slightly on the rug that lay on the floor. Grabbing the wall for support, she shuffled forward toward her mother's bedroom, the tears already forming in the corner of her eyes.
The door was wide open, and as soon as she turned the corner the scene exposed itself before her. Toppling backwards, her back hitting the wall with a hard thud, choking cries extruding from her mouth as let her body slide down in anguish. Sobs transitioned into a traumatic scream, coated with pain
The blood stains already soaked into the satin sheets as her mother’s lifeless eyes stared back in horror, draped across the bed in a mangled mess - the bullet wounds penetrating, revealing complete cessation.
As the girl’s vision blurred she turned her head, searching for her father; only to find the figure vile and limp in the corner. The burgundy splatter that coated the once pristine wallpaper left the girl petrified as tears crawled down her face, chest heaving through hyperventilation.
She was only thirteen.
I woke up thrashing against Noah’s grasp on my bed, my throat burning from the guttural screams that fled from my mouth. Through ringing ears, the tears poured from my memory-stained eyes as I pushed against his cage, fear engulfing me.
“Y/N!” Noah yelled, arms and legs enveloping me protectively, audible sobs erupting from my chest. The images flashed in my mind as I relived them, feeling like I was back there at that moment.
I try to stay calm Focus on my breath It’s like I drown In a sea of sand
“Y/N, I’m here!” Noah screamed, his heart pounding against me with adrenaline and worry, unsure what was going on. With his arms wrapped around my chest Noah pleaded for me to stop.
I pushed against him again, trying to break free from his grasp. He squeezed me close, shushing me as I sat between his limbs, resisting my attempts to pull away. My bedroom door burst open as Nicholas barged through the doorway, holding it open with an arm as his chest heaved, watching with wide eyes.
“What the fuck is happening?” He watched as Noah stared back with fearful eyes, shaking his head with uncertainty.
“Dude I have no idea, I just woke up to her screaming bloody murder,” Noah panted, looking down at me, trying to place his head on top of my own to comfort me.
Nicholas bit his fingernail anxiously, unsure what to do as he watched the scene unfold. Another set of footsteps dan up the stairs and Nick joined, peaking his head from behind Nicholas.
“Is everything ok?” He asked, stepping into the room.
I continued to cry into Noah’s bare chest, my vocal cords straining from the screams. Noah rocked our bodies back and forth as my wailing slowed, sobs replaced with staggered inhales.
My cheek pressed against Noah’s warm skin as he began rubbing small circles on my back, sheltering me with a tenderness I’d never felt from anyone before.
Everything’s black Everything’s cold A second is a new thought for me
“What happened?” Noah whispered after a moment, placing his mouth on my forehead gently as he spoke against me with delicate lips. My fists clenched, knuckles turning white from the hold.
“I-” I mumbled, staring at the floor as I began to zone out in shock, “The pills, they usually he-help.”
“Help what?” Noah asked, lifting his free hand to stroke his fingers through my hair, nails gently skimming across my scalp. The sensation sent shivers across my arms, Noah’s touch relaxing me as I sighed anxiously, pressing myself into his inviting body.
I sniffed, coughing on the saliva that built in my throat from my sobs, “The nightmares. I barely sleep because of them. I-” I squeezed my eyes shut as I winced, “I always have dreams about finding my parent’s bodies.”
I felt Noah swallow harshly through a hitched breath, still rubbing circles across my back, “Did you want to talk about it?”
Nicholas approached us slowly, sitting on the edge of the bed. He gave me a gentle closed-mouth smile, “We’re here to listen if you need. Sometimes talking about it helps.”
I peered into his silver-grey eyes as they watched me cautiously, warm and inviting. I swallowed, blinking rapidly before nodding. I pulled myself away from Noah, and he resisted momentarily before letting me sit up.
I wiped my eyes with the bottom of my palms, taking a deep breath and looking at Noah as my lip trembled in grief, “I’m so sorry.”
1 life I won’t miss 2 pills I will take 3 hours of bliss 4 more I’m in hell 5 days I’m asleep 6 that I’m insane I don’t wanna feel the pain
Noah tilted his head as his shoulders fell with empathy, his ochre eyes filling with anguish as he watched me, “You have nothing to apologize for, it just scared us. Scared me.”
Noah looked over at Nicholas before peering at Nick who invited himself in, sitting on the carpeted floor as he crossed his legs, pulling his knees to his chest. Nick’s head tiled through sleepy eyes, his elbows resting on his knees with clasped hands.
I looked down at my fingers as I began picking at my blanket, finding anything to fiddle with as I held back the tears that began welling up once again, as thoughts raced about where to begin.
“Um, so,” I started, mouth quivering, “I found my parents murdered when I was thirteen.”
Noah reached over to me with an open palm. I hesitated for a moment before placing my hand on top of his own. His thumb rubbed gently over my fingers as he silently encouraged me to keep going.
“I-I remember it was an evening I had soccer practice. I walked home because my parents never came to pick me up,” My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at the floor blankly, the three pairs of eyes watching me with curiosity.
“I assumed they had forgotten to get me. They were out, attending an important dinner with my uncle, so I didn’t think much of it,” I sniffed, my free hand picking at the fabric of my satin sheets, “but when I got home, the front door was wide open and all the lights were out. I had a weird feeling and I knew something was wrong, and I knew I wasn’t alone.”
I felt their gaze burning into me to continue. None of the boys moved a muscle.
“Someone was in the house,” I shuddered, recalling the memory, “and I chased after them, but they disappeared. I knew that whoever was in there had done something. I knew my parents were dead then.”
Tears pricked the corners of my eyes, threatening to fall as I sucked in a shaky breath, the pitch of my voice shifting, “I walked up the stairs, and my parents were lying in their room.”
I closed my eyes with gritted teeth, the tears slowly trailing down my cheeks, “there was so much blood. My dad’s face was barely recognizable because of the gunshot wound.”
I began crying again at the image, my shoulders shuddering through my full-body episode.
“My mother’s eyes were still open,” I wailed, “she looked so scared, even when dead.”
The Nicks stared at me in horror, my words digging into them.
“Jesus Christ.” Through blurry vision I watched as Jolly leaned on the frame, his hand rubbing across his forehead.
I have a fear for living Cause I don’t wanna be a fuckin mess I relive in my nightmares Cause it’s the only way I can rest
Noah leaned forward, grabbing both sides of my face as he stared at me with complete agony.
His thumbs swiped underneath my eyes and across my cheeks, smearing the tears into my skin.
My body shook through my exhale and Noah pulled me into him once again, sitting me on his lap as he slowly swayed our bodies.
My ocean is made of dust And I’ve been dying here of thirst It’s like I’m diving in the mud Every time I try to reach for the worst
“I’m so sorry Y/N,” Noah whispered into my ear as he took a deep breath, sighing into my hair.
“Do you know who did it?” Nicholas asked.
I shook my head in sorrow, “it ended as a cold case. They couldn’t find any evidence-”
I then shrugged, “Or they stopped looking.”
Noah squeezed me reassuringly, and I nuzzled into him, feeling safe within his arms.
“I can’t sleep without those pills,” I said, and all the boys turned towards my gaze, looking at the yellow bottle that unknowingly taunted them, “They help me sleep, the other ones I take help the nightmares. Lately, it hasn’t been working.”
I’m not OK, I’m not the same My head’s screaming but I’m standing still Trapped in a lie that’s made of drugs I pray inside someone breaks my sleep
I felt Noah’s warm breath tickle down my neck as he held me, “I’m the one who found my dad’s body.”
My limbs stiffened at his words.
They tell me I should live Tell me I should care Tell me I should move But I don't feel safe here
“Those images never go away,” Noah said softly, “they become the last memory you have of them, whether you like it or not.”
I closed my eyes as I pushed my face against him again, squeezing him as my arms wrapped around his torso, “It’s awful.”
“It is,” Noah whispered, and we sat there quietly for a few moments, relishing in our shared familiarity.
“What time is it anyway?” I pulled away from Noah, wiping my nose with the back of my wrist before turning over, and grabbing my phone.
“oh fuck,” my eyes widened and I scrambled out of bed, looking at the floor frantically for my clothes from yesterday, “I’m supposed to start work in fifteen minutes.”
I plucked the outfit off the ground before I turned, looking at all the boys who stared back.
“uh, bye?” I waved them away and Jolly immediately turned around, walking out as the Nicks followed. Noah’s eyes lingered on me as the door shut before he too turned around, giving me privacy.
I got dressed as fast as I could before tying my hair up messily, and completely disorganized. I looked at myself in the mirror, cringing at how puffy and red my eyes were; but I didn’t have time to be insecure about that.
“Uhm, I need to go,” I turned towards Noah, unsure what to do. Should I hug him goodbye? Would that be weird? Would it be wrong not to?
We watched each other as unspoken words danced between us, and he stood up, grabbing his clothes from my vanity. I swallowed, fighting the urge to have my eyes skim his exposed body, wanting to explore all of his tattoos.
“Are you sure you’re okay to go to work?” Noah asked as he pulled his shirt over his head, tucking his hair behind his ears. He is beautiful.
I nodded, hesitating for a moment before grabbing him, pulling and absorbing him into a hug. Noah immediately rested his chin on the top of my head, squeezing me against him.
“Thank you,” I murmured, “For everything.”
Noah’s chest heaved as I let go, swinging my bag over my shoulders.
I gave him a small smile, “I’ll see you later. Don’t burn the place down.”
Noah’s breathy laugh was the last I heard as I ran down the stairs, slipping on my sneakers.
Nicholas was waiting by the door, Juice spiralling between his legs.
“You going to be alright?” He asked as he bent down to pick up Juice, cradling him in his arms.
I nodded reassuringly, smiling at him, “I’ve had many nights like this, and I’ve always got through it.”
I sighed, running my hands over my face as I heard the front door close. My heart ached for her, seeing so much of myself mirroring back at me.
When it first happened, I used to have frequent nightmares about the day I found my father’s body, hanging from the garage ceiling. I was traumatized, and no doubt I still am. I lost my whole world that day.
But eventually, my own life began scaring me more.
I’ve become my worst fear.
I finished getting dressed before my mind wandered towards the pills. Guiltily, I peeked at her desk- but my eyes darted away when I saw that the bottle was now gone.
“You looking for something?”
My brows furrowed as I turned towards Y/N’s door.
Folio entered her room quietly, closing the door gently behind him, twisting the knob to make as little sound as possible.
“What would I be looking for?” I asked, folding my arms across my chest defensively.
Nick rolled his eyes as he pulled his hand out from behind his back. The contents of the bottle shook as he opened his palm in front of me, revealing Y/N’s Zolpidem.
“Nick, what the hell man?” I spoke through gritted teeth, “Why did you take them?”
“Money?” He nodded at me like I was stupid, giving me a look of disdain. I watched as he shook them towards me, motioning for me to take it.
My hand rested firmly against my side as my eyes flickered between Nick’s and the pills, heart hammering.
“You need to sell them. That’s almost a thousand bucks.”
I scoffed at him, my voice raising, “Why the fuck would I take them from her? You saw what I just did, did you not?” I shook my head.
“Shh, keep your voice down,” Nick snarled, grabbing my hand and placing the bad decision on my palm.
I laughed, “Why? She isn’t home.”
“Because Nicholas already cares about her,” Folio closed my hand around the plastic, “Do you?”
This is the end time out of my bed It’s like I’m tryna ride an avalanche
And if time is the key then I locked myself into my own black hole
His last question rang in my ears as I looked at the contents in my hold. I twirled the case between my fingers as my eyes closed in contemplation, a breath of anguish escaping my lips through the inward conflict. Do you?
Of course, I do. I was in way too fucking deep already.
You are not a saviour if you’re telling me it’s just a phase You’re a motherfucker if you’re telling me it’s just a phase
Y/N would be broken if I took them. She needs them, clearly.
She also offered us a place to stay; I couldn’t betray her any more than I already had… but how was I supposed to get all the money by myself?
I looked at Nick as my thoughts battled.
How am I supposed to look at her again? If I do this, how will I face her again?
“I can’t do it Nick,” I closed my eyes torment, holding the bottle back toward him; but my fingers never let go.
“We’ve been at this for seven years Noah. You’ll meet another Y/N.”
His words caused my chest to ache. I don’t think I’ll meet anyone like Y/N again.
“Sell them. These, and whatever fucking else you missed out on the first night you were here,” Nick exclaimed.
“She took us in,” I almost pleaded.
“And she’s amazing for that, but you need to think about us. We are so close to being free.”
I groaned in frustration, “Fuck!”
“Make copies of the pills if you’re so worried about her then,” Nick sighed, rubbing his fingers into his eyes in annoyance, “replace them with sugar pills so she doesn’t think they’re missing.”
I bit my lip as a tinge of hope budded in my chest, attempting to push past the guilt. If she doesn’t know the pills are missing, then she wouldn’t hate me…and I could still make enough money.
You need to fuckin hear me now
“That’s a great idea- but where the hell am I supposed to get pills that look the same?” I said. What kind of monster am I for actually considering this?
No one, no one will bring me down
“Get some vitamins or some shit from the pharmacy, it’s not that hard. She could use some vitamin A or some iron or shit. Whatever.” Nick shrugged, leaning his back against the door.
“Maybe you should rob one of the pharmacies?” Nick suggested.
I shook my head, “Too risky. There are cameras.”
“I know there’s a small pharmacy in Chinatown on Thirteenth Street. It’s super old, so the cameras may only be outside,” Nick watched me with careful eyes, “Drugs are the way to make cash.”
“I’ll give you the number of one of Jolly’s old dealers. I’m sure he can hook you up with a decent price.”
Nick was right. There was no way I was going to make enough cash by breaking into houses and stealing shit.
I left that afternoon, carrying all of Y/N’s pill bottles towards a pharmacy in the middle of town. Guilt ate me alive as I opened the door.
There was no turning back now.
I found various vitamins that looked similar enough to her pills. Grabbing all of them I went up to the counter, paying the cashier.
“Vitamin deficient?” She laughed, trying to make a joke.
I hummed in response as she scanned them, avoiding eye contact for fear that she could read me. I paid, snatching the change swiftly.
My hands sweat in anticipation, “Uh, can I use the bathroom?”
Her eyes narrowed at my behaviour as she handed me the bag, “Sure. It’s back there towards the left.”
I flashed her a brief smile before walking towards the door and locking the bathroom. I let my body slide against the wall, sitting on the bathroom floor in defeat. This was a bad idea. How could I do this to her?
I’m not ok, I’m not the same My head’s screaming but I’m standing still
My leg bounced nervously as my stomach churned. I opened my backpack, grabbing ziplock bags that were labelled with each drug’s name and how much was in each pill.
Spilling the containments into the appropriate bags, I began replacing the pills with the vitamin look likes, filling the capsule with lies and deceit.
How long would this placebo last before she found out?
Closing the bottles and shoving them back into my bag securely, I held my head in my hands, fighting back tears of shame.
I slid the plastic bags into my cargo pants as I stood up, turning my gaze towards the bathroom mirror. As I gripped either side of the sink, my knuckles whitened at the tension through the bowing of my head, staring into the white ceramic bowl. My chest rose and fell quickly as my eyes squeezed shut, anger rippling through me.
This is all D’s fault; I wouldn’t have to do this if our lives weren’t on the line. My life. Jolly’s. Ruffilo’s. Folio’s.
Y/N’s wasn’t- not because of D.
But because of me.
Why am I screwing her over, when I know how she doesn’t deserve it?
I turned the handles of the sink, letting the water fill the bowl as I splashed myself, trying to pull myself out of my delusion.
I needed to do this, I was so close to being done. I could make it up to her if she’d still take me. If she finds out.
The angel on my shoulder told me not to do this.
The devil reminded me of my pain.
I left the bathroom, walking past the aisles of products.
Trapped in a lie that’s made of drugs I pray inside, pray
“Have a good da-” The woman at the counter got cut off as I slammed the store door, my breath heaving as I marched down the sidewalk. Dark grisly clouds covered the sky, rolling in as they carried the beginning of a storm.
That I’m not alone, that you realize Sometimes a word could save a life
I stared straight ahead, eyes resentful and broken through the wind. There was no going back. Destruction.
I’m not okay, I’m not the same
My phone buzzed as I turned the corner.
Folio: He says he’ll meet you in the ally right before the pier
Me: Got it
Folio: Did you bring your mask? Gloves?
Me: Yep.
As I walked I swung my backpack around, grabbing the leather gloves and mask. Raindrops began falling from the sky in an uneven pattern. Shoving the mask in my sweater pocket I threw my hood over the top of my head. My legs carried me determined toward the alleyway before the pier, chest aching.
I chewed the inside of my cheek in remorse, resisting the urge to draw blood from the skin, knowing the sensation would distract me from my racing mind. I didn’t deserve to be distracted. I needed to feel everything.
Folio: Stay safe Noah. Don’t fuck it up.
Shit I don’t know where I wake up I might still be in a bad dream, a dark dream
As I approached the ally way I ducked between cars, pulling my black ski mask over my head, concealing my identity.
Silence is healthy violence, and I became deaf, I became drunk with my sorrows Alone in the night and 20 milli’
I walked between the brick buildings, small puddles forming between the cracks of cement. The ashy scent embedded around me as the dampened pavement absorbed the sky’s tears.
I lost my feet in the dark water that takes me towards Lucifer, hell
I stood behind one of the garbage bins, head snapping forward and back as I looked around for the man who would do my bidding.
My eyes squinted through the rain as a man in a yellow balaclava turned from a hidden corner, approaching me slowly.
“Who sent you?” I asked, knowing better than to answer first.
The man chuckled at my mistrust, stopping a few feet away from me, “Folio.”
“Good,” I nodded, reaching into my cargo pants, and pulling out the baggies, “Sebastian.”
He nodded, giving me a grin. My eyes immediately noticed the sheen from his teeth, the set of grills layered on the bottom reflecting the remaining light that shone through the clouds.
“What do you have to offer?” He asked, taking a step forward.
“40mg of Adderall, almost full bottle; 8mg of Zolpidem; half bottle; and 12mg of diazepam, almost full bottle,” I held out the bags. Crime.
He eyed them for a moment before smiling at me, “So where are the bottles then?”
I sighed, reaching into my backpack to pull out the plastic, and his eyes widened.
“You have more?” He asked.
I shook my head, “No. These are filled with vitamins now.” I handed him the bottle to inspect the packaging, showing that they were legitimate.
The man hummed, “Sly dog. Smart move,” he spun the bottle between his fingers, reading the label, “sucks to be whoever Y/N Y/L/N is.”
I felt my brows clench as a snarl grew on my face, angry that he used her name aloud.
“Let me check the real pills,” He nodded towards the bags, handing me back the bottle of placebos.
The masked man pulled out a small box from his pocket, pulling out a vial of fluid and some paper strips.
I scoffed, rolling my eyes, “You have a testing kit? Out here?”
He laughed, “Well, when you’ve been in this business for as long as I have, you have the proper tools.”
“Fair enough,” I shrugged, “They’re prescription, so they aren’t laced with shit.”
He nodded, “I believe you, but I’m still gonna check.”
The man opened one capsule from each bag, mixing the smallest amount into the solution he held before placing a drop on each testing strip. After a few moments, the strips changed colour and he smiled, the gold within his mouth flashing.
“It’s pure,” He said, rummaging through his bag before pulling out a wad of cash, “How does 2,200 sound?”
I had to hold my mouth shut, the price leaving me shocked, “Y-yea. That’s great.”
I held out my hand as he gave me the money, my fingers running across the top before placing it in my pocket.
“If you can get me more like this, I’ll up the price next time,” The man said, holding his hand out, waiting for me to accept his transaction, “People pay good money for pure shit.”
Next time.
I wrapped my gloved fingers around his own, sealing the deal of Greed.
“Folio will give you my number,” He said, pulling away.
“What can I call you?” I asked as I turned around, preparing to walk away.
“Vincent.” He said, grinning again as I listened to his footsteps splash against the puddles as he departed, “See ya, Sebastian, pleasure doing business.”
I got back to Y/N’s quickly, rushing up the stairs and heading straight for the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, placing the faux pills back in their designated spots. Fabricated homes.
As I closed the cabinet my heart almost fell out of my chest, Nicholas standing right at the bathroom door.
“What are you doing?” He asked, folding his arms.
“Uh-” I said, out of breath, “Nothing.”
“You sold them didn’t you?” Nicholas frowned, running his fingers along his brows in disappointment.
“I had to,” I explained, facing him.
He shook his head, “You couldn’t find drugs anywhere else? She gave us her home.”
“Maybe she shouldn’t have been so trusting,” I said, staring at the laminate flooring beneath my feet.
Nicholas scoffed, “Oh, so you’re going to blame her?”
I peered into his eyes as we battled silently, both our bodies stiff as we exchanged opinions.
“You’re going to regret it, Noah.”
“Yea, no shit,” I muttered, “But the twenty-two hundred bucks I got will be worth it.”
Nicholas’ eyes widened for a second before he stared at me angrily again, “Will it?”
I watched him, my fists clenching.
“Will it be worth it when you lose her?”
I gritted my teeth as he spoke.
“Will it be worth it when you have nothing, again?”
“Why do you care?” I yelled, my voice raising as my frustration grew. Ruffilo’s words were right; he was right.
His eyes softened as he turned, letting me out of the bathroom. I pushed my shoulder into him as I slid past his body, walking down the stairs.
“Noah,” Nicholas called out after me before following me, “It matters because I haven’t seen you light up around someone like that in years. If ever.”
I turned around to face him at the bottom of the stairs.
“I-I barely know her!” I said angrily.
“Do you not see how you look at her? Do you not see how you fucking held her this morning? Someone who doesn’t care, wouldn’t do that. You gave her your everything.”
My heart clenched, avoiding his gaze and words, “She doesn’t need to know. I’ll tell her when I’ve paid off our debt.”
“And when the pills don’t work?” He laughed, shoulders lifting as he threw his hands up in the air.
Anger Sadness Laughter Madness
“I don’t know!” I raised my voice again, mimicking his actions.
“She is already completely whipped for you-” Nicholas said quietly, his posture softening.
I looked away again, running my fingers behind my neck.
“-and you’re already wrapped around her finger.”
We are one step away from total decay Slipping Falling Closer to biting the concrete We are one step away You can't call this living
“I’m not the good guy,” I gazed up at my brother, his eyes saddening at my words.
I exhaled heavily as I walked toward the basement door, heading down to meet Jolly and Folio in the basement, signalling the end of my conversation.
Nicholas was the voice of reason, but I was too far gone to listen.
Jolly and Folio were jamming when I reached the bottom, the sound of a drumset being smashed leaving me confused.
“Hey,” Jolly nodded towards me, stopping mid-strum on the guitar. Folio hit the symbol one last time before he waved, sat in the corner in front of a shitty drumset that was barely holding together.
“The hell is this?” I tilted my head. The guitar Jolly was using was plugged into a beat-up amp.
I peered around the room, noticing two other blow-up mattresses and run-down decor.
“You’ve been busy,” I said, nodding at everything. They were making this place home.
“So have you,” Nick said, kicking the bass drum excitedly, “How much did he give you?”
“Who gives who what?” Jolly questioned, eying the both of us.
I sat on one of the mattresses, resting my elbows on my knees, “Vincent. Twenty-two hundred.”
“You knew?” Nicholas said frustrated in a causative tone as he eyed Folio.
“He needs the money Ruffilo,” Nick said annoyed, twirling the drumstick between his fingers.
“Yea, by robbing someone else, not Y/N.” Nicholas defended, “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Don’t you feel bad?”
Walk the line and pray to your master Ball and chain, a slave to disaster
Folio hit the bass drum again, avoiding the question.
“So you sold her meds after all?” Jolly nodded in contemplation. I couldn’t tell whether he approved or not.
“Replaced with vitamins so she doesn’t notice,” I mumbled, my head handing in shame.
Walk the line and pray to your master Ball and chain, a slave to disaster This is an omen, a warning, a lesson to take So listen to the words that I say
Jolly began picking at the strings, “what were the lyrics you sang the other day?” He asked.
My eyebrows pinched together, “What?”
“In the motel? Something something, I see through you,” He said, shaking his head, “Devil or God?”
“I see through you, I know what you are,” I said slowly, “I've seen the Devil more than I've seen God.”
Jolly hummed, strumming on the guitar, “Cover your ears and shut your eyes,”
I stared at him, eyes squinting in animosity. What was he doing?
“Because what I'm about to say is gonna ruin your night.”
I watched him as he strummed, and Folio began hitting a beat.
“You've dug your grave and you have no one but yourself to blame.”
Animosity shifted to anger, “What are you doing?”
“Songwriting,” Jolly shook his head at me.
“But by the way, I agree with Nicholas.”
Hours later Y/N came home between shifts, shuffling down the stairs in excitement once she heard music.
“What!” She exclaimed excitedly, looking at the setup we created, “You guys make music?”
She sat next to me on the mattress, crossing her legs as she watched with adoration. She turned to smile at me, and I gave her a curt grin before looking down.
Her smile was radiant, and the look of complete awe she gave me left me crumbling. What have I done?
Danger Caution Proceed Slowly I am one step away from losing my sanity
“We’ve always just dabbled,” Nicholas said excitedly as he set the bass down, “but we went to the thrift store to find some mattresses and found the drum set and amp.”
“Well,” Y/N looked at all of us, “If you’re looking to make money, I know Sammy’s is trying to find bands who are willing to play live music.”
“I wouldn’t consider us a band,” Jolly laughed, “But extra income that Noah could use? I’m down.”
“Could we do like covers n’ shit? We don’t exactly have any original songs,” Folio said.
Y/N nodded eagerly, “Oh yeah, I’m sure that's not an issue at all.”
“How much would we make?” Ruffilo asked.
“I think like three hundred to five hundred,” She shrugged, “But I can confirm at work tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” I piped up, still looking at the floor, “Do you have tonight off?”
“Yeah, it’s quite nice. I’m exhausted,” She laughed quietly.
She looked over at me now, and I did everything I could to fight her gaze- but I cracked, facing her. Her eyes bore into mine with yearning, my stomach clenching as she spoke.
“Want to watch a movie?” We didn’t watch a movie.
As we lay in her bed I held her head firmly in place, her lips wrapped around my desire, mouth sliding up and down. I watched her with lustful eyes as her hand held the rest of me, tongue swirling around the tip as she stroked.
Slipping Falling Closer to places that I should not be
“Get on your knees,” the command left me in a throaty plea.
I am one step away, annihilate everything
Y/N obliged and I stood up, looking down at her through hooded eyelids as she kneeled before me at my mercy. Her mouth latched onto me once again, tongue dancing along the skin with beauty and grace, her sensual movements causing my eyes to close as my head tilted back.
I couldn’t help as my hips began to roll into her face gently, beginning to fuck her mouth as my hands gripped the sides of her head, latching between the locks of her hair.
In desperation I pulled her closer, eyes rolling back briefly as she choked on my body, gagging on what was already hers.
She watched me through her lashes, and my mouth hung open slightly, eyebrows furrowed in pleasure as we maintained eye contact.
She pushed herself closer for a moment, her eyes squeezing shut in fervour before she pulled away, a string of saliva following her lips. I just about came to the sight of her as the smile playing on her lips told me she knew how this affected me.
Walk the line and pray to your master (Embrace the disease) Ball and chain, a slave to disaster (Have I just been dreaming?)
“Fuck,” a breathy laugh left me as I looked down in awe with a lopsided grin.
“Such a good girl,” I pulled her closer to my pelvis as I hit the back of her throat and thrust forward.
She pulled away, smiling at my praise as she wrapped her fingers around me, rotating her wrist before sucking against my skin again, “Anything for you.” She closed her eyes again, but I needed her.
Have I just been dreaming?
“look at me, show me those pretty eyes while I fuck your mouth,” I demanded and her lashes flicked up towards me, my body shuddering as she stared into me with complete greed.
I observed her every move, heavy pants heaving from my chest as I groaned deeply, my body close to its release.
Walk the line and pray to your master Ball and chain, a slave to disaster
“Fuck,” my stomach clenched as my body began to twitch, her lips sucking harder as she took all of me.
This is an omen, a warning, a lesson to take So listen to the words that I say
I moaned as she slid down one more time and I gripped her hair, holding her still. I filled her tongue as threads of my release coated the back of her throat. The sight below me left my legs shaking as I pulled away, tucking her hair behind her ears, and rubbing my fingers underneath her chin in endearment.
What have I done?
“Good girls swallow,” I whispered and she moaned.
“Open,” I said, watching in complete reverence as she stuck out her tongue, showing me that she obeyed, drinking in all of me.
I leaned down towards her, pulling her chin up to kiss me as I melted into her lips, sighing with commitment.
What have I done?
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Chapter Five
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
I've been waiting for this! Darling almost gets caught by the Unknown before the fog gets them. Darling thinks she's "safe" (away from the Unknown) before going on trial and seeing it again. I think Unknown would be happy to see a previous almost victim.
I was originally going to make this a concept but I don't think that would do it justice. So, here's a one shot :) The cool thing about this killer is I don't have to do much research since you're meant to not know anything about it.
Gender is Gender-Neutral as I just... Never said any pronouns- I got too focused on the spooky.
I got really into this, sorry it isn't fully spell checked 😅 I am my only editor, lol.
Reoccurring Nightmare
"Yandere!" The Unknown Story
Pairing: Dubious intentions
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, "Obsession", Stalking, Kidnapping (Technically), Grotesque descriptions, Primarily just horror themes, Violence, Dubious intentions.
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Sometimes people get into things they shouldn't. Sometimes you come across something that you shouldn't have known about. Unfortunately, accident or not, there is still consequences.
Poor you probably didn't even mean to get involved with The Fog or The Unknown. If anything, you just wanted to know what happened to your lost friends. Mikaela and Sable have been gone for a long time now....
The search for your friends accidentally got you involved in a darker scheme than you thought. Unbeknownst to you, simply searching got you caught in the crosshairs of something... otherworldly. You had no clue until it decided to strike.
It started with an uneasy feeling. The constant feeling of being watched. Perhaps that was just you being anxious... You are worried about your friends, after all.
But as your research and leads got deeper and deeper... You began to realize you were too deep in this web. You kept finding research and articles about strange phenomenon. Things like dark fog and cryptid sightings.
The entire time the feeling only ever got worse.
Days turned to weeks as you looked over the information you had. The police never bothered to help and you kept finding rabbit holes. No matter how much calming teas or meds you take, you can't shake your anxiety.
Are you being followed...?
Are you insane?
In the middle of the night you hear noises. Things like skittering or... voices. You swear you see silhouettes pass your window or banging across your walls.
You haven't gotten enough sleep... Maybe you're just hallucinating?
Your fears kept getting worse as you continued on. You kept thinking you heard the voices of your friends outside. Yet there was nothing ever there.
Your mind felt coated in a mental fog. You just couldn't think straight. Why did it feel like you were seeing things?
One night marked the conclusion of your fears....
Late at night you kept scrolling through research. At this point you were too far gone into this rabbit hole. There had to be something that took them... right?
You freeze when you hear something speak. You look around, yet once again nothing's there. The voice sounds corrupted... inhuman... you can't read it.
The voice croaks again, sounding oddly familiar. You shoot up from your seat and look around. However... You begin to breathe heavily when there's nothing...
Except for a sudden bang.
Your gaze shoots to your window, seeing something skitter off. The brief glance you got wasn't enough to tell you what it is. Yet you can tell it's playing with you...
It's taunting you....
You quickly run through your house in search of a weapon. Something... Wasn't right. With the amount of research you've done, you have your suspicions on what's wrong.
But you're still unable to comprehend it...
Let alone what it wants.
The voice croaks from outside, thumping hitting your walls. It's trying to find a way in. Your heart won't stop racing.
You grit your teeth, grabbing a knife from the kitchen to defend yourself. It's all you've got right now.... However, if this is what you think it is...
It doesn't really matter....
You grimace at the voice, the gender swapping between a distorted male and female. You can't decipher it. It's all a threat you can't fight....
With a loud crash, an axe smashes through your window. You jump back to keep your distance. Although... You freeze when something crawls through the broken glass.
It looks... Twisted. The cracking of bones fills the room, leaving you unnerved. The...Creature twitches and cracks around until it goes from all fours to on its twisted legs.
You feel bile bubble within you at the sight. You don't even dare look at its face. It's a twisted mimic of some sort of man.
That thing isn't human, however...
Nowhere close to it.
"I-I have... something... for you...!"
You brandish the knife as if it would do anything against it. Even if you had a gun, you doubt it would kill it. Black smoke pours into the room as the creature snaps and twitches closer to you.
"S-Stay... still...!"
The creature echoes before swinging the fire axe. You dodge it but the weapon manages to snag your knife. You curse to yourself as you dodge.
Not like it would've helped you anyways.
The creature turns around to look at you, a twisted grin never leaving its face. Your fear excited it. Such wonderful prey.
However, as you both plot your next move, the fog continues to fill the room until there was nothing but darkness.
You panic, having only vague ideas of what this meant for you. However... When you awoke, your adrenaline began to settle. You were left in a forest...
With nothing but a campfire in front of you...
Along with your two missing friends.
The two are filled with surprise when they see your shaking form on the ground. You stare back at them in confusion. Then...
You begin to cry.
Mikaela and Sable quickly run over to you and embrace you. You sob into them, calming down from your near death experience. Such a thing Mikaela and Sable have grown used to by this point.
They comfort you, rambling about how they didn't expect to see you again. They express concern and worry. After all... No one tries to get here on purpose.
You were happy to find them, even if it isn't safe here. All that mattered to you was the fact you were away from the creature. You never had to see it again...
Even if you had other issues to deal with...
But you could face those with your newly found friends by your side, right?
By this point you've gotten used to these new trials. These loops of death and illusions of escape was supposedly what Mikaela and Sable had been going through the entire time you've been looking from them. You were sent from one hell to another....
Yet you were quickly beginning to adapt.
Perhaps you were always meant to come here. If you stopped looking for your friends, would it still happen? You aren't sure... But does it matter anymore?
All you know is death now.
However, with Mikaela and Sable you could get used to the cycles. With them... You felt you could get through this. At least here... you could comprehend most horrors.
Every trial seemed to blend together eventually...
Then you saw it again.
You could never forget the twisted body and unnerving aura. You nearly freeze again in the middle of a generator when you see it shambling around that decrepit movie theater. You fidget with the wires as best you can but you're soon thrown off.
Upon roiling across the dingy movie carpet, you look up to see the very same creature you thought you escaped. It crawls on all fours towards you with that same cracking sound. Your memories flash before you...
Aren't you used to death at this point?
"Fo~und... y~ou~!"
The creature coos in a distorted voice... Shuffling closer in a rapid pace.
Your scream to echoes through the trial as it advances, your mind flashing a reminder that whatever happens... There's no escaping it now.
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bvidzsoo · 4 months
Love Me Like A Rockstar (6)
Chapter 6: Spirit
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Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: Song Mingi x female reader
Warning: cussing really
Word count: 8, 273
Summary: Love. You wanted none of it. You had already been heartbroken very badly once, you didn't wish to go through that ever again. But the Universe works in intricate ways and, somehow, you found yourself webbed up in a local rockstar's life, Song Mingi. He was everything you expected him to be, yet nothing like you imagined him he would be. What happens when you find mutual understanding and have heartful conversations? Will he be able to break down your walls? Will you be able to chase away his darkness?
A/N: Hello, lovelies! This is a chill and soft chapter compared to the mess the past few ones had been lol. I tried out something new with the passing of the week in the story, while illustrating it, I hope it's enjoyable and nice. I thought it was a nice little idea. I think we can say that they are finally headed in the right direction lol. Let me know your thoughts! I'll try to update next week, but with classes back again...I cannot promise anything, I was dreading this moment lol. Please listen before or while reading this chapter to Spirit, this chapter's song. I hope you enjoy, happy reading!
Taglist: @orshii @or5i @lovely-red2 @scarfac3 @sunaswifes-blog @voicesinmyhead-rc @teez-the-time @maru-matt @kyeos4ng @deathbyyeekies @chicksmoothie @mjlbn01
⟨Series M.list ↭ Previous Chapter⟩
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『But it's nice to hear a voice or two
Something's stirring, my conscience is split into two
And it might be a phase
But I swear this shit is clear-view』
            The noise was too much—well, it wasn’t any different to how noisy the cafeteria usually was—but my head was thumping violently and my eyes were burning. I hated to admit it, but a cold was catching up on me and that brought bigger despair into my bones than it was necessary. I hated being sick, and it really wouldn’t come in handy right now as I had to study for the upcoming test Seulgi wouldn’t stop yapping about. She had been talking about it since we had stepped inside the cafeteria, and it was only adding onto my growing headache, making me sniff loudly as the hot steam of the—somewhat tasty—soup was blowing into my face, making my eyes sting. I had to consume something hot—and healthy—if I wished to recover faster. I couldn’t help but shudder as I wrapped the warm beige and black patterned jacket tighter around my frame. Considering the state I was in—I should’ve probably worn something warmer—but I had assumed it would be warm outside today—it wasn’t.
“I think the professor said something about checking whether we handed in all the assignment, and how that will count for our final grade too.” Seulgi was still going on about that dreaded test, and I groaned as the spoon slipped from my fingers and rattled loudly against the metal cup my soup was in. Seulgi’s eyes snapped up as she looked at me, her own spoon hanging midair in her hand as she looked at me concerned, “Y/N, are you okay?”
“No.” I snapped, holding my head in my hands as I sighed loudly, “You keep talking about that bloody test and I already have a ragging headache—please, Seulgi, for the love of God, shut up!”
“Jesus,” Seulgi muttered at my outburst, very visibly trying to hold back her amused grinned, “when did you become such a drama queen—oh, wait. You’ve always been one!”
I rolled my eyes and flipped her off before grabbing my spoon and scooping up some soup, bringing it to my lips to blow it before eating it. Seulgi just giggled and continued eating her soup. My phone, which was placed on the table, suddenly buzzed, and my eyes traveled to it quickly, reaching out for it with my left hand.
“So, uhm, last night at the concert…” Seulgi trailed off and my eyes lifted to look at her for a second, watching as her cheeks suddenly flushed.
“What about it?” I asked as I unlocked my phone and very aggressively tried to ignore the sudden violent thumping of my heart. Fuck, why was my body acting up so much lately? My fingers were eager as I pressed on the notification from Mingi, opening up our chatroom.
I hate him: how u holding up Me: terribly…my head is on the verge of exploding and seulgi just keeps on going and going
There was a cough and I remembered the soup in my spoon, that I hadn’t eaten yet, and, so, I quickly did as my eyes traveled back to Seulgi. One eyebrow was cocked as she looked at me, but she didn’t say anything just swirled her spoon around in her soup.
“Well, Wooyoung was very nice, he’s—lovely.” Seulgi licked her lips as she averted her eyes when a small knowing smirk grew on my lips, “Yeah, very lovely, anyways, he dedicated a song to me and kept on looking at me while he was singing and—yeah, he stayed by my side all evening.”
Another buzz of my phone, and I had to fight every nerve in my body to not open the message immediately. Besides, I was having a conversation with Seulgi, she was more important right now.
“Sounds lovely, indeed.” I hummed before gulping down another spoonful of my soup. Seulgi’s eyes narrowed slightly, as she leaned forward in her seat.
“Since when did you start agreeing that a man was lovely—let alone Wooyoung?!” She made an expression as if what we were talking about was scandalous, and I scoffed, the phone buzzing in my hand again. My grip tightened around it and I quickly unlocked my phone before looking back at Seulgi.
“If I hate a man, that’s the problem, if I am supportive of the guy you’re hanging out with, that’s the problem. Make up your mind, Seulgi.” I deadpanned, and my best friend just scoffed, leaning back in her seat as she was finished with her soup. I raised my eyebrows at her and she pursed her lips. I couldn’t help it, but my eyes traveled down back to my phone as I quickly read the text from Mingi.
I hate him: seulgi seems like a cool person, wooyoung talks about her all the time is ur head okay? still got a headache?
I have no idea when texting each other become normal, because I still found it weird, and slightly irritating. After last night, I thought things would just…remain the same way. Just because Mingi and I shared some personal things did not mean that we now had to be—like this. Like we were friends or something, because we certainly weren’t. I still couldn’t stand his guts, and my thoughts on him did not change one bit. He was still a self-centered, arrogant, and an egotistical asshole, and yet this morning I woke up to a good morning text from him, eyebrows furrowing, and fingers quickly typing out a text which said that I was blocking him if he sent one more message. And he proceeded to send several more…to the point where I couldn’t ignore him anymore…and just…texted back. And it was weird, because my heart would not settle for one second each time I got a text from him, and I hated this feeling. What was happening to me? Why didn’t I just block him already?
“Y/N, are you listening to me?” I felt caught red-handed as I looked up at Seulgi, who’s eyes were narrowed once again, as she kept looking between me and my phone, suspicion growing on her face. I cleared my throat awkwardly, and despite wanting to ignore it, I quickly typed back to Mingi before placing down my phone and paying full attention to my best friend.
Me: yeah, it’s gotten worse
“I’m sorry, my mom texted me and it was urgent.” I lied through my teeth, hoping that Seulgi would buy it. My mother rarely texted me; she would usually call even for the smallest things, however, there were rare instances and Seulgi knew that, but the look on her face told me that she didn’t fully believe me.
“Okay,” She drew out the word and I went back to eating my, now, warm soup, “I was just saying that…I think I’m falling for Wooyoung.”
I paused as my eyes slowly raised, falling on Seulgi. Her voice had gotten quiet and she was fiddling with her fingers in her lap, cheeks slightly coated pink. I didn’t say anything as I continued looking at her, but she was still avoiding eye contact. In fact, she looked on the verge of passing out and that was very unnecessarily funny—but Seulgi didn’t seem to think the same.
“Stop that!” She snapped, leaning over the table, “I’m serious, I—stop looking at me like that!”
I pressed my lips tightly together to stop another snort from breaking through and looked back down at my half-eaten soup, not feeling like having more of it, but the soreness in my throat was slightly gone, and my body wasn’t shivering as much as before. I had to eat a little bit more.
“He’s too sweet and caring, I can’t help it.” Seulgi went on, voice still quiet in the loud cafeteria, “And he treats me well. Like…he pays a lot of attention to me and remembers everything I say. You should’ve seen him last night, up on the stage, I try not to think about it, but I think the song he sang was…a confession or something.”
“Why don’t you ask him out then?” I found myself asking as I finished my soup too, not having an appetite to eat anything else.
“Well—” Seulgi sighed and leaned back in her seat, “I’m scared I’m just reading too much into things, you know. I might be overthinking everything, and it turns out he sees me just as a friend.”
“I highly doubt that,” I said with a chuckle as I placed my left elbow on the table and my chin in my palm, “Would someone who isn’t into you dedicate a love song to you?”
“I wouldn’t.” Seulgi muttered, cheeks turning pink again. I grinned at her as my head continued throbbing, I tried to ignore it. Now that I had eaten, I could finally take my medicine. This morning when I woke up there was a note on the counter in the kitchen and three pills placed on top of it, instructions on the note from my mother as to when and how to take them. She knows me too well.
“Exactly, you wouldn’t, and neither would Wooyoung.” I told Seulgi and I watched as a small flustered smile made it on her face. It made me chuckle, I felt happy for her. Seulgi deserves someone who treats her right and loves her a lot, her previous relationships have been all close to terrible, her partners not understanding her fully. Seulgi was an artistic soul trapped in a fragile, but warrior body.
“You think I should ask him out?” Her voice was small, I knew she was scared of ruining something which brought her so much happiness. I didn’t want to see her suffering either, so I didn’t want to give her the wrong advice, but sometimes we had to take a leap of faith and see how things work out.
“I mean, at this point I’m convinced he’s into you, so…” As I trailed off, a sudden, and weird, thought popped into my head. I could always ask Mingi about Wooyoung’s feelings towards Seulgi, but that implied two things. One, I was giving away Seulgi’s feelings towards Wooyoung, and perhaps that wasn’t a smart move as Mingi would surely tell Wooyoung about it. Two, it implied that Mingi and I were now on a level of friendship where talking about our friends feelings was alright. And it certainly wasn’t, because—Mingi and I weren’t friends. I don’t like Mingi, and he—just enjoys making my life hell.
“I’ll think about it.” Seulgi said with a hum, and then her eyebrows suddenly furrowed, “But—enough about me and Wooyoung. Are you okay?”
My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at her and shrugged, “Well, my head is on the verge of exploding, but other than that, I think I’m fine.”
“You didn’t sound fine yesterday, Y/N.” Seulgi had a knowing look in her eyes and I realized she figured it out that I had lied on the phone when I told her I had a family emergency, hence why I wouldn’t go to Outlaw with her. I just sighed, feeling smaller as I pulled my jacket tighter around myself.
“I was just—” How was I supposed to tell her that I pretty much had a breakdown and felt like dying because I found out that Yunho was Mingi’s best friend, and that I damn nearly lost my mind when I saw Yunho happy with another woman on Instagram? It sounded crazy even to me and I didn’t want to embarrass myself even more. I knew Seulgi would understand and never make fun of me, but I felt pathetic, and I refused to make a fool out of myself again, “Tired, and stressed. Nothing I can’t handle.”
“Are you sure?” Seulgi asked softly, her hand reaching over the table and grabbing my arm, her warmth seeping through the fabric of my jacket. It was comforting, “You know you can tell me anything.”
And suddenly I felt like telling her that Mingi and I had been texting since last night, since—since he witnessed the aftermath of my breakdown, and drove me home because it was raining too hard. But it didn’t feel real, I knew it wouldn’t last. Whatever this was—whatever Mingi was trying to do, it wasn’t real. It wouldn’t become anything real. And so, I forced a smile on my lips and nodded at Seulgi, patting her hand with my right one.
“Of course, and I do tell you a lot of things, you know?” Seulgi just rolled her eyes and retracted her arm, making me chuckle. As she leaned back in her seat I heard some commotion happening behind me, but I didn’t turn around to check. Today was not the day where I fed my curiosity, all I wanted to do was go home, get underneath the thick blanket, and sleep for a whole week so that the sickness would be gone.
“I always feel like you know more about me than I know about you—and we’ve been friends for years now, Y/N.” Seulgi shook her head and I chuckled.
“That’s because you talk a lot more than I do.” I teased her with a chuckle and she rolled her eyes, until they suddenly widened and she was sitting up straighter in her seat, making me furrow my eyebrows. I noted the way she subtly tried to fix her hair as they were in two low ponytails, and before I could ask her about what she was doing, I heard two male voices behind me, one of them shrill, while the other one was raspy. I should’ve hated myself for how quickly my body reacted, my heart in my throat as my ears suddenly started ringing due to the rapid thumping of my heart.
“Hi, girls!” Wooyoung’s cheery voice was loud as he suddenly appeared to my left, going around the table. The chair to my right was drawn back and my body stiffened as a backpack was dropped at the foot of the table. Wooyoung pulled a chair out for himself and plopped down in it messily, leaning towards Seulgi, making her eyes slightly widen. Wooyoung pressed a loud kiss against her cheek, and I couldn’t help but stare back at her just as surprised as Seulgi was looking at me. And she’s afraid that Wooyoung doesn’t feel the same for her?! Before I could say something inappropriate and something Seulgi would kill me for, the deep chuckle to my right distracted me, reminding me of my own rapid heartbeat all of a sudden. I turned my head and came face to face with Mingi, who had a soft smile on his lips. My left hand turned into a fist as I didn’t know how to react—how to act. What was he doing here? Why was he here? And why was he looking at me like…he was actually happy to see me?
“Hi.” He greeted quietly as his smile widened and I gulped, trying to ignore the glasses sitting on his long nose. They were close to slipping off, but it didn’t seem to bother Mingi as he didn’t do anything about it, his dark and fluffy hair falling in his eyes, giving him a boyish look. He was wearing casual clothes, light blue jeans paired with a dark purple hoodie, and a few silver necklaces peeked through from underneath the fabric as it fell close to Mingi’s collarbones. I cleared my throat and averted my eyes, noticing that neither men carried trays with themselves. Were they not going to eat?
“Hi.” I greeted back quietly and pushed my shoulders back as I turned my head away, suddenly becoming extremely aware of the two pair of eyes watching Mingi and I with intrigue, but also surprise. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at Seulgi, but she didn’t react. Mingi seemed nonchalant as he noticed the two sitting across from us being weird, and suddenly, a yellow thermostat was pushed in my direction.
“I got you some wild berry tea,” He said as my eyes snapped back to him, growing wide, “since you’re not feeling too well. I hope it helps with the headache and sore throat. Imagine how much worse you’d be feeling if you didn’t listen to me…wanting to walk home in the rain—”
“Yeah, thank you, okay!” I didn’t mean to exclaim, nor blush as hard as I have, but Seulgi’s eyes were boring into the side of my head, and I was scared Mingi would say something which I would have to explain to her later—and I did not want to do that, like at all. Mingi’s smile was amused as he nodded once, resting his hands on the table as he watched me fumble with the yellow thermostat as I tried to put it away in my bag. God, this was mortifying—why would he embarrass me so badly?!
“Now it makes sense why you kept carrying that around with you,” Wooyoung chuckled, and his next words made everything worse, “You hate tea.”
Of course Mingi hated tea, why would he like it? Like any normal person does?! And the knowing smirk on Seulgi’s face was certainly not helping as I cleared my throat, and pushed my hair behind my shoulders before crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“Who hates tea?” I found myself muttering with a scoff, trying to diffuse the weird tension, but I really should have just shut up.
“I do.” Mingi muttered back, jutting his lips out into a pout, and my eyebrows furrowed as I looked at him, hating the way my eyes lingered on his red, plush, lips.
“Whatever.” I found myself saying as Mingi chuckled, angling his body towards me. My eyes darted to Seulgi alarmed, but thankfully it seemed like Wooyoung and her weren’t interested in us anymore as they fell into conversation, their voices loud and eager as Wooyoung explained something to her and Seulgi nodded enthusiastically.
“Did you sleep well? I never got to ask you this morning…” Mingi spoke up again, and my eyes were back on him. I sighed and shook my head no, trying to ignore the weird feeling in my heart. Why was Mingi sitting with me when he could be entertaining his baboons—fangirls—right this second? Somehow that thought was a little more infuriating than it should have been, so I quickly pushed it away and answered Mingi instead.
“Not really, but it’s fine. I had a rough day yesterday.” I found myself explaining, and Mingi hummed, “And you…did you sleep well?”
My voice sounded hesitant, and I found myself feeling unsure suddenly, wondering where this conversation would lead to. What even was the meaning of it.
“Yeah, but it was short lived.” Mingi said with a chuckle, and I raised an eyebrow.
“I got inspired,” Mingi’s cheeks suddenly flushed a light shade of red, and my eyes narrowed as he suddenly avoided eye contact, running a hand through his hair, “So I stayed up to write lyrics.”
“Oh, I see.” I pursed my lips and found myself wanting to say more, “I know the feeling. I get inspired at the worst of times. I’ve stayed up countless nights just to draw or paint. It’s really a pain in the ass when you have class in the morning.”
Mingi laughed and nodded, “I know, I can’t tell you how often I skip those classes.”
“I wish my professors were that lenient.” I chuckled as I rolled my eyes, making Mingi smile as he leaned slightly closer, making me stiffen as his glasses hung on for dear life on the bridge of his nose. I was itching to push them up his nose—and since when did I get such urges?! I’d rather die than touch Mingi.
“Mine aren’t lenient either, but—” He leaned even closer, and my jaw tightened as I fought every nerve in my body wanting to lean away, “If you’re smart about it, they’ll let you off.”
“Are you calling me dumb?” I narrowed my eyes at Mingi and he chuckled, finally leaning away, back in his seat. It felt like I could finally breathe, but my heart still felt like it would fall out of my ass any minute.
“There it is—I’ve missed her.” Mingi’s words were sarcastic, but the teasing smile on his lips told me he wasn’t necessarily bothered.
“What.” I huffed, crossing my arms in front of my chest again, “You admit that you act like an ass just to piss me off?”
“I don’t act like an ass, doll,” There it was, that stupid nickname he’d called me by once today already through text, “It’s you who gets bothered by me being simply myself.”
“Yeah, ‘cuz you got a shit personality.” I found myself huffing, finding this exchange a lot more familiar, less unnerving compared to the weird amicable conversations we’ve been having since last night.
“Well, that I did not miss.” Mingi’s eyebrows were in a frown, and I suddenly felt—bad. Since when did I care if I hurt his feelings or not? I bit back a groan and sighed loudly instead, licking my lips.
“Whatever, I—thanks for driving me home last night.” I found myself blurting it out despite having thanked him once already, “I would feel a lot worse now if you had let me walk home in the rain…”
Suddenly the yellow thermostat placed on the table next to my hand felt like it was burning my skin, and my cheeks grew hot. No way in hell I was blushing because of a bloody thermostat right now.
“Yeah, I told you so, didn’t I?” Mingi wriggled his eyebrows playfully, and before I could stop and think, my right hand was balled into a fist and I was hitting Mingi’s bicep, scowling at him. It made him laugh loudly as he pushed my hand away, his palm warm against my fisted hand, and I realized my cheeks were even hotter now. Fuck, where can I bury myself right now?! And if seeing the satisfied smirk on Mingi’s face wasn’t bad, the sudden silence coming from Seulgi and Wooyoung certainly was worse as they gaped at both Mingi and I. I knew why, of course, but Mingi seemed not to catch on as he looked at Wooyoung with a confused frown, raising his eyebrows at him. They were very probably shocked by the sight in front of them—Mingi and I being cordial for once? Never heard before, never to be imagined up until this point. And when Seulgi opened her mouth to say something, I just knew nothing good would come out of it, and I quickly kicked my left foot out underneath the table, my boot coming in contact with her shin, making Seulgi yelp loudly as her eyes grew into saucers. Wooyoung looked at her confused and she grit her teeth, brushing off the concerned questions rolling off Wooyoung’s lips, Mingi looking between Seulgi and I confused. I forced a tight smile on my lips and gave Seulgi a warning with my eyes, thankfully successfully shutting her up as she started speaking about the test we’d have tomorrow, coercing both Mingi and Wooyoung into a conversation as I sneakily unclasped the yellow thermostat and took a small gulp of the tea made by Mingi. It was sweet.
『And I'm standing at the edge
I'm just trying to pretend that I want you so deeply
'Cause your spirit sings sweetly to me
Think I'd rather be alone』
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Me: mingiii i passed my test!!! I hate him: omg really?! that’s great, congrats!! Me: told ya, i’m too smart bby lol I hate him: who’s the cocky one now? Me: u
I hate him: can’t remember the last time i ate mashed potatoes Me: lol that’s random? I hate him: lol ik…i’m over at woo’s and his mom made us some fancy dinner everything is mouth watering i think i reached heaven finally Me: aren’t u a bit dramatic rn? u acting like u hadn’t had food in a year I hate him: food t h i s good i certainly hadn’t have also, i’m not dramatic side eye Me: shouldn’t u be paying attention to whatever’s going on there? i mean…woo’s mom did prepare all the food for u don’t be ungrateful, put ur phone away I hate him: yah, why are u trying to get rid of me? i’m in the bathroom, btw so i’m not being ungrateful to anyone dumbass Me: firstly, ew. secondly, asshole I hate him: i’m only washing my hands chillax oh—woo’s calling for me ttyl Me: no, actually don’t text me ever again.
I hate him: have u seen the moon? it’s so pretty Me: mingi?? it’s literally 1am I hate him: i know, but have u? Me: yeah, i’m looking at it rn I hate him: isn’t it so pretty? Me: it is but what’s gotten into u? I hate him: nothing…i just can’t sleep Me: me neither I hate him: so what are u doing then… Me: was trying to draw but it’s not coming to me rn hasn’t happened in long so i was on tik tok scrolling what are u doing? I hate him: idk i’m just… idk i was jotting down some lyrics but it’s not coming to me either i’ve been just restless all day long Me: ik, u’ve said so during lunch did u get to eat that hot dog, btw? or did wooyoung steal it again I hate him: nah, i let him have it then made some for myself when i got home it’s too quiet, i hate it Me: play some music the one you showed me yesterday that one was good I hate him: u liked it? i thought u didn’t Me: i was just fucking with you i’ve been listening to it on repeat I hate him: oh, that’s cool it’s one of my faves i’m glad u like it too now Me: mingi i’m becoming sleepy now… I hate him: it’s okay go to sleep we’ll talk tomorrow Me: sweet dreams, mingi I hate him: u too, y/n … i miss Yuyu so badly
Me: i think i’m stuck I hate him: u need help? Me: with my assignment, mingi… I hate him: yeah, still need some help? Me: what does a music major possibly know about impressionism?? I hate him: i thought that’s ur favorite style? how come u’re struggling?? Me: even the most talented prodigy’s struggle sometimes mingi I hate him: my apologies ur highness, for i have committed such a treacherous act by assuming u are not enlightened enough for this assignment may i propose a recreational method that might help such torturous process to come to an end faster? Me: pls stop talking like that I hate him: i’m actually typing but ok wanna know??? Me: yes, idiot just say it already I hate him: say it out loud Me: i can’t belive u just made a twilight reference i’m blocking u like rn I hate him: so anyways wanna hang out? Me: i thought u had something smart to help me out with… I hate him: t h i s is that smart thing Me: i gotta help mom with dinner in half an hour so i can’t I hate him: and tomorrow? Me: mingi… I hate him: okay, fine…at least i tried… again and again and again Me: told u to stop but u never listen I hate him: ofc i don’t wooyoung told me not to give up u’ll say yes eventually Me: wooyoung is literally the worst person u could accept advice from stop I hate him: he just read this and now he’s crying thanks Me: not my problem ur friends look at ur phone when we’re talking wait— what?! I hate him: lol u’re fucked did u not tell Seulgi? that we’re talking… Me: why would i? we’re not friends I hate him: ouch that one hurt but ok Me: tell wooyoung he’s dead if he says anything to seulgi i mean it, bro I hate him: ok, bro.
Me: min are u mad at me? I hate him: why u asking Me: cuz u’ve been ignoring me today and u haven’t answered my texts and u’re still dry is this… because i said we ain’t friends yesterday? I hate him: took u long enough to figure it out dumbass Me: well u are the dumb one, idiot if u don’t talk to me how am i supposed to know?! I hate him: how would u feel if i said we ain’t friends? Me: idk but i certainly wouldn’t overreact because we really aren’t friends min I hate him: pff ok bye Me: are u serious rn?? mingi??? ???????? MINGI?! SONG MINGI?!?!?!? I hate him: stop blowing up my phone Me: mute me then I hate him: ok Me: wait don’t omg fuck okay mingi i’m sorry I hate him: wasn’t that hard to say it was it Me: are we actually friends then? i said that because idk I hate him: yeah we’re friends Me: ok but just for the record I still hate your guts u’re insufferable self-centered egoistical selfish annoying an asshole arrogant and you always piss me off idiot I hate him: weird way to confess but ok ig love u too bestie Me: song mingi.
I hate him: y/n the world is spinning Me: lol are u drunk? I hate him: not drunk tipsy definitely fuck i can’t see the letters Me: for someone who claims they can’t see the letters u’re typing extraordinarily well I hate him: autocorrect exists thank fuck damn i need water Me: go drink some then idiot I hate him: ok will u pick me up? Me: lol no get ur ass home i don’t have a car I hate him: u could drive mine Me: did u drive there when u knew u were going to drink??! I hate him: nope lol this is funny i almost slipped off my seat lol woo is so loud and hwa thinks we can’t see but he’s had his hand on hong’s thigh all night long it’s disgusting—not like that! i love them— yn maybe i’m drunk hey, i should probably stop typing doll? Me: mingi u’re shitfaced and funny stop texting me ttyl when u’re hopefully sober take care and… text me when u get home
I hate him: god…i’m never drinking again Me: lol welcome back to the land of living I hate him: haha aren’t u just s o funny rn? Me: i’m always funny my sense of humor is immaculate I hate him: u wish i’m the funny one hongjoong drove me home last night sorry for not texting, but the second my head hit the pillow i fell asleep Me: it’s fine glad u made it back safe and that u’re alive ig I hate him: aww did you worry about me? missed me? omg u’re so cute!!!! Me: blocked I hate him: ik u can’t do it cute Me: fuck off
『Shut the lights
Lock my phone
Close the blinds
Here we go
I'm in motion
So long 'til the dawn』
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            Today’s theme in Professor Yoon’s class was a painting of your imagination following a style you really love. Impressionism has been a painting style I’ve been obsessed with since a young age, always begging my mother to take me to art galleries which displayed said style. There is something about the fusion of colors, the tracing of lines soft yet accentuated. Perhaps it was the bloom of colors which attracted me to it when I was younger, but as I started practicing it, I realized it was actually the freedom I loved about Impressionism. You could start out with something small, which would lead to something big and beautiful. It looked like it followed no system, yet everything came together once you looked at the whole picture, once you took in the beauty of it all. I had chosen the painting Waterlilies and Japanese Bridge by Claude Monet as inspiration for today’s class, the blues and greens dominating the painting, the lilies having a light purple yet pink hue, never outshining the greens and blues though. It was a color play, giving depth to the painting by using a darker shade, or just drawing over it with the same color until the shadows were created. The painting was a masterpiece, and I was the happiest when my mother gifted me the painting—of course it had been a fake one, but an eight-year-old didn’t care about such things. And I would still not care about it. Of course, owning an original like that is any painters dream, especially mine, but unless I had the money and connections to actually own a Claude Monet painting, I would have to suffice with the fakes that could trick non-art lovers into believing it was real.
The class had been a pleasant one, with classical music playing in the background and with Professor Yoon walking around and helping his students by giving advice or by taking their paintbrushes and sweeping over their canvas, patting their backs with a small smile as he encouraged everyone to keep on going. Mr. Yoon is probably one of my favorite professor’s, always dedicated and soft. Never too rough or demanding. He had always helped out those who needed it and it was very clear he loved what he was doing. Each class he’d bring something new, an idea or a project, and he’d let us explore our creativity and evolve in areas we didn’t think were our forte. If only more professors like him existed, perhaps my years at university would’ve been a little bit more pleasant. But the class came to an end earlier than I wished for, bringing me back to reality as Mr. Yoon clapped his hands twice, a bright smile on his face. He had long light blonde hair swept behind his ears and soft features, he almost looked angelic in the right lightning.
“Very well, class. Today’s lesson is over.” There was a rumble of thunder in the distance as I sighed loudly, “You can bring your paintings to the backroom to dry and we’ll see each other on Friday. We’ll be continuing with today’s project, so have no worries if you couldn’t finish it today.”
There was a murmur of thanks in the classroom and my serene bubble was popped when something to my left crashed loudly against the floor. Seulgi had knocked over the little metal can full of her paintbrushes, and she cursed silently as she bent down to pick them up. A few of the girls around us helped her as I got off my stool, handing her a stray paintbrush as it had rolled over.
“Are you in a rush?” I asked confused as she snatched the brush from my hands and hastily thanked whoever helped her.
“Yes!” She exclaimed, eyes wide, as she took a peek at her wristwatch, “Fuck. I have a date with Wooyoung in an hour and I need to get ready!”
My eyebrows raised. A date with Wooyoung? She never told me they were going out now. Strange. I could’ve sworn she would’ve called me screaming her head off if Wooyoung had asked her to be his girlfriend.
“When did you ask him out?” I managed to ask as I started packing away my own stuff. The chatter in the class was slowly dying down as people were leaving. There was another rumble of thunder in the distance.
“I didn’t ask him out.” Seulgi huffed, pushing her wavy hair out of her eyes. My eyebrows furrowed as I paused to look at her. She glanced at me and rolled her eyes.
“We’re hanging out, it’s not a date date.” Seulgi explained quickly, putting her bag around her left shoulder, “But I think I will ask him out today. I’ve had enough of beating around the bush. If he likes me, good, if he doesn’t—we’ll see what happens.”
“He likes you, trust me.” I gave her a reassuring smile and Seulgi’s expression softened for a second before she became panicked again. I chuckled and grabbed her arm, steering her towards the exit, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your painting too. Get going if you don’t want to be late.”
“Oh my God,” Seulgi exclaimed, pouting, “I love you!”
I cringed away when she pressed a sloppy kiss against my cheek, making her chuckle before she waved and basically bolted out of the classroom. Mr. Yoon chuckled at her antics and I got to work, grabbing both canvas to bring to the backroom before I would leave. This was our last class for today and I couldn’t wait to get home. With the thunder loud in the distance, I would love making it home before it starts raining. I didn’t want a repeat of the night when I got soaked in the rain. It’s been a week and some days since, and I was back to being healthy. Besides, Mingi certainly wouldn’t be here this time too to drive me home. We haven’t spoken yet today and I haven’t seen him in two days. It wasn’t unusual, but lately him and Wooyoung have been hanging out with Seulgi and I during our lunchbreaks. Mingi had said he was busy producing two new songs for his final exam, so I understood he was busy, but it still felt a little weird. I didn’t know where exactly to put this whole ordeal, but if he thought we were friends now, then…I guess I could give in and entertain that thought as well. It didn’t help that we’d been constantly messaging each other, and I tried to ignore the giddy feeling it left in the pit of my stomach with everything I had in myself. I didn’t want to accept the implications of what this could mean. It felt weird. There was no reason for me to overthink something so simple as Mingi and I talking and getting to know each other. If he viewed me as his friend, then I perhaps could put a little more effort into getting to know him and opening myself up as well. My mom—and Seulgi—would certainly be happy to know that I was making friends. Not that I would tell either one about Mingi—because—because. Because it wasn’t anything serious, and even if we were friends, I didn’t expect this friendship to last. Mingi was still a guy, an egoistical and self-centered guy, who could ditch you at any random moment. And he was also Yunho’s friend. That was also saying something about him—but I pushed away the menacing whisper in my head which reminded me that Mingi could be just like Yunho, that he would hurt me just like his best friend did. It was like a never-ending vicious cycle and it felt like it wouldn’t come to a stop. As if the ghost of Yunho would never truly leave me alone. Somehow he was still part of my life unwillingly, and I was letting it happen. It had been going on for too long.
I greeted Mr. Yoon with a bright smile as I got my bag and slung it over my shoulder, bowing my head slightly once I was in the doorway. He returned my smile and waved cutely; his eyes bright but tired. He was always a hard worker and sometimes when I had classes until late in the evening I would meet him at the bus stop, waiting for a man to pick him up. Mr. Yoon was a simple yet elegant man. I have always admired him and respected him, most grateful to him when he had encouraged me after I told him about wanting to start an art club at the university for the art students, but also for those who were simply interested in drawing and painting. Him and Mr. Lee, another professor I completely adored, were quick to proceed in helping me out by finding a classroom suitable enough for our shenanigans. I will forever remain grateful to them.
It was late in the afternoon and the tall stone walls of the building weren’t too helpful in providing light in the corridors as I walked down the art wing, taking a left turn before reaching a smaller circular, but wide, staircase. I quickly ascended the stairs, and was met with a wide hallway where you could head straight, left, and right. In order to reach my exit, I had to turn onto the right narrow corridor littered with doors on both sides. It was the music majors’ wing, their studios lined up on both sides of me with dark wooden doors, each having a small rotund glass where you could peek inside. These rooms were soundproof in order to not disturb anyone, and I let my hands rest in my pockets as I slowly walked down the hallway, feeling my phone with my left hand and picking it up. I took it out of my pocket and unlocked it, checking for any new messages, but there were none. Mingi still didn’t show any sings of life today and I sighed as I locked it and put away, chewing on my bottom lip. I knew he wasn’t mad at me and that I haven’t done anything lately which could’ve upset him, but the sudden weird feeling settling in my stomach felt unnerving. I felt almost restless. Head littered with questions. Was Mingi fine? What was he up to? Why was he not texting me today? I had sent him a meme I found earlier, but he hadn’t even seen it, let alone answered with a silly meme of his own. It was a never-ending whirlwind of questions in my head, distracting me from pressing matters at hand. Like what my essay about the history of arts would be about, because the deadline was right around the corner and I slacked off—once again.
I sighed as I was past the middle of the corridor by now, but the sudden faint music coming from my left catching my attention. I raised my head up and looked towards the dark wooden doors, noticing that the light was on in a studio a little behind me. I pursed my lips and as curiosity overtook my senses, I slowly shuffled backwards, towards the studio, and carefully peeked inside. I tried to remain ominous as one of my eyes looked through the glass, however, soon my whole face was almost pressed up against the small window as I was presented with Mingi’s familiar form. He was hunched forward as he stood, hands pressing against a long table, hands gripping the edge as his mouth moved fast, eyebrows furrowed, and a vein on his neck close to popping. There was a microphone in front of him as he leaned close to it, his lips almost touching it as a headphone was placed over his right ear, leaving the left free. Mingi seemed to be dressed in casual clothing, wearing beige pants, which were a tad bit too big for his form, and a black t-shirt which hung loosely around his form. A longer and shorter necklace adorned his neck, and I gulped as he raised his left hand and starting mimicking something, seemingly hitting the beat as I could feel the muffled vibrations against the door. The sound was very faint, but I could still hear his raspy voice as he rapped, licking his lips once he seemed to be done. I gulped as he was bobbing his head up and down, an attractive smirk appearing on his lips as he started slowly bouncing his body, stepping away from the desk slightly, gripping his left pantleg and then suddenly—our eyes met each other and I gasped loudly as I ducked and swiftly turned around, hurrying off the way I was initially headed towards. The stairs were in my line of sight when I suddenly heard a door opening and then— “Hey, stranger! Freeze!”
 My body froze without my own accord and I cursed loudly, face flushing as I heard Mingi’s deep chuckle behind me. I knew I didn’t have much choice now that I had been caught, and so, I quickly composed myself and turned with an unphased expression on my face. Mingi had a smirk on his face as he was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed over his broad chest.
“Yeah, stranger, haven’t seen you in days.” I found myself quirking an eyebrow, and Mingi chuckled.
“I’ve been cooped up in my studio, working on this track for my finals.” He explained, reminding me that I already knew this, and now I felt awkward, “Don’t tell me you’ve missed me, doll.”
“I told you to stop calling me that!” I couldn’t help it but feel furious as Mingi watched me with a smug expression, pressing a finger against his plump lips in mock consideration.
“Hmm,” He blinked innocently, “No, doll.”
I rolled my eyes and went to turn around, but Mingi’s question stopped me, “What are you up to right now?”
“Classes are over,” I answered as I gripped the strap of my bag, “so I’m headed home.”
“By feet?” Mingi’s eyebrows slightly furrowed, and my eyes narrowed as I slightly shuffled awkwardly. We haven’t been alone like this despite talking through text, I felt a little awkward, almost as if I didn’t know what to do with myself. It was weird. It was just Mingi. Why would he make me feel like this? I still hated him.
“Of course, idiot.” I rolled my eyes as my answer was a lot snappier than intended, but Mingi just chuckled and looked past me.
“Do you have an umbrella?”
“No, why?” I asked confused and followed his line of sight as I turned around, eyes falling on the big window. It was pouring outside. Again. And I didn’t have an umbrella with me. I groaned quietly and squeezed my eyes shut for a second as I cursed every deity out there for making it rain right now out of all times. I couldn’t catch a cold again; my immune system had barely built itself back up.
“I’ll drive you home.” I heard Mingi say behind me, and when I turned around to face him, he was closer than before, the door to his studio still open. My heartbeat suddenly picked up as I watched his tall frame come closer.
“No need to do that, I’ll just wait for a bus.” I cleared my throat when his strong cologne evaded my senses, “Thanks, though.”
“Don’t be silly.” Mingi scoffed, and slightly leaned down to be eye level with me. The height difference between the two of us wasn’t that great, I’m a tall girl myself, “You’ll catch a cold again, and I don’t have enough tea bags at home to supply you for another week, again.”
“I never asked you to bring me tea.” I found myself all defensive as I looked away, feeling the heat on my cheeks. I refused to acknowledge the fact that I was blushing, but Mingi chuckled, and when I looked back at him he looked amused.
“Yet you never refused me—not even once.” His voice dropped as he teasingly leaned closer and I scoffed, slapping his chest, and pushing him back. He stumbled for a split second, but he quickly regained his balance and gave me a displeased glare.
“Whatever, I’m going—” The warm hand holding me back by my forearm took me off guard as I looked down at Mingi’s ring clad fingers wrapped around my clothed arm.
“I mean it, Y/N.” Mingi’s voice was soft and deep as I looked back up into his brown eyes, “I’m almost finished and then we can go. I promise you won’t have to wait too long.”
I took a deep breath and softly pulled my arm out of his frail hold, biting my lower lip in thought. As if on cue, there was a loud rumble of thunder which shook the building and I jumped, making Mingi raise his eyebrows at me expectantly.
“Fine, I’ll stay. You can drive me home once you’re finished.” I muttered defeated and watched as a bright smile crossed Mingi’s lips, his eyes turning crescent and almost disappearing, his front teeth protruding as he suddenly leaned forward and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, hurriedly yanking me after himself, forcing me to keep up with his long strides as he lead us towards his studio.
The feeling of his arm wrapped around my shoulders should’ve made me feel disgusted and I should have slapped it off, but I couldn’t help but soak in his warmth and the musky cologne, which was even stronger now that I was pressed into his side, the loud thumping of my heart the only sound in my ears that I could hear.
『Yeah, there's thunder in my head
And it rumbles through the dust on my shelf
Yeah, there's thunder in my head
Unfamiliar like I'm somebody else』
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❱❱ Next chapter
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Any updates on those drabbles 😣🫣🫣
IT'S GOING WELL AHAHAHAH !! Here is one I wrote just from my own inspo bc I was listening to Drake, it's kind of silly, but Eren is totally a frat bro who listens to Drake and thinks he's the shit lmfaoooo! I was listening to girls want girls and I was like Mikasa totally HATES him for this and I couldn't get the mental imagery out of my head lol !!
“Go on Mikasa, you’ll be late and Eren won’t want to take you home.” Mikasa scowls miserably at the reminder, her lip curling up, teeth clenched together as she realizes what the next hour and a half of her life has to offer her. 
“Maybe I should get a buss pass.” “Mikasa hush,” Her mother chastises her, pushing her towards the door, her backpack in hand and a bag of chips for the road. She feels like a school girl being shooed off for her first day of kindergarten, her mom tugging at her hair fretfully, righting the small green t-shirt dress that she now regrets wearing immensely. 
When her mother is finally pleased, she steps back, one last perfunctory glance over before she nods to herself resolutely, “You look very nice.” Mikasa scowls harder and her mother makes a noise of irritation, “You’ll wrinkle, stop that!” 
She forces her face into a neutral expression just as her mother pushes her out the door with one last lingering kiss goodbye, “Have a good drive darling, be nice to Eren. He’s doing you a favour you know!” And that’s how Mikasa finds herself in the familiar situation, high school all over again as she waits at the end of her walk way, backpack in hand, and chillier than she should be in the warm spring weather. Damned green dress, she should have worn ripped jeans, the wind is too cold on her exposed thighs. And of course, Eren is fucking late. Mikasa glances down at her watch again, 6:15, he was supposed to be here ten minutes ago, had texted her that he was leaving from his obnoxiously large house down the street. She could have fucking walked there and been faster. 
Her irritated thoughts are interrupted by the tell-tale sounds of Eren’s arrival, thumping base, engine so loud it shakes the street lamps. It’s a brand new Subaru, sleek black and tricked out so much she doesn’t even want to know how much money he’s dumped into it. 
She fucking hates the thing, it’s obnoxious. Yet, she also can’t deny the little flutter in her heart every time he pulls up to her house in it, what the neighbours must think of her, that she has a handsome rich boyfriend at her beck and call. She doesn’t, she has an idiotic sexist frat boy instead. 
The only thing louder than the engine of Eren’s stupid car is his music, and he pulls up, windows down, the undeniable beat of a Drake album infecting her ears. His sunglasses slip down his nose as he pulls up, one hand on the steering wheel, the other reaching towards her out the window, a sweet serenade… if not for the fucking lyrics. “Say that you a lesbian, girl me too.”
This is Mikasa’s final straw, her mouth parted in pure outrage as the music pours over the street. “I’m not getting in the car.” Her voice is barely audible over the engine and the base and Eren pouts as he turns it down, putting the car in park, “What?” “I’m not getting in the car.” Eren groans, “Mikasa.” Is it too late to take the bus? She glances towards the lone bus stop a few paces down the street, the bus she’s never taken because she’s always had her irritating neighbour to chauffeur her around. She vacillates for a moment, but one look at Eren’s smug face, the disgustingly expensive dior shades slipping down his nose, the tight grey t-shirt clinging to his arm.
Mikasa starts walking. “Miki,” Eren whines, and she makes it several paces away before he’s following her at a crawl, “Please my mom will kill me if you take the bus.” “I’m not getting in the car if you’re going to play that.” “It’s Drake!” Eren exclaims as if this excuses his faux pas!
“It’s sexist as hell and a little homophobic,” Mikasa bursts and Eren sighs deeply, “If I turn it off will you get in the fucking car?” 
“I’ll consider it.” He pauses it for a moment, putting the car back in park and gesturing for her to get in. 
Mikasa acquiesces, but only after an appropriate amount of glaring, she has to make him work for it. Eren opens the door for her from the inside, almost a gentleman but not quite, grabbing her backpack from her hands before chucking it into the back seat. “Why do you always have to be such a pain in the ass?” He asks without bite, his gaze honed in on her legs as she sinks into the plush leather of the passenger seat. 
She smacks his shoulder, both for the remark and for the way he’s now unabashedly staring at her thighs where her dress has slipped just a little too high. And if she wore this dress for him, for exactly this reason, who is to say? He’ll never know. 
“Ow,” His gaze finally snaps up to her face, the lips pulled into a pout, green eyes sparkling with amusement, “God you’re so mean to me Mikasa.” “Someone has to be!” He grumbles something in response and Mikasa holds her hand up threateningly, another smack to that ridiculously well-muscled arm of his. Because seriously she’d probably done more damage to her palm, who said he could be so muscle-y? 
He fiddles with his phone for a moment, hitting the shuffle button and Mikassa glances at her own phone as she waits for him to drive off. The music cues up just as Eren’s hand grabs for the shifter, his foot shifting to the break peddle as he changes gears and Mikasa’s mouth parts in a mixture of shock and horror as the infectious beat of the next song slides over them, somehow even louder than before. “Bend that ass over! Let that coochie breathe!” It’s silent between them, save for the music between them, and she watches as Eren turns towards her almost robotically as ‘Rich Baby Daddy’ flows over the speakers. “I’m going to kill you.” 
She smacks him again, more aggressively this time, “It’s my drake playlist I just hit shuffle I swear.” She smacks him again for good measure, “Sexist asshole!” 
He throws his hands up in surrender, trying to escape to his side of the car as he slips it back into park, “It’s not even sexy, really if you think about it, it’s women’s empowerment!” Mikasa almost assaults him in his own car, throwing herself over the console to get better access so she can finally throttle him. 
He catches her wrist in his hands just as she makes her way across the console, her dress riding up much higher than is appropriate, threatening to show off the black lacy panties she’d chosen just in case she was feeling frisky.
“It’s a good song, don’t tell me you don’t bop to this during your gym sessions, c’mon Mika.” She will never admit that it’s on her running playlist, over her dead body, never! “I don’t!” Mikasa lies through her teeth and Eren manhandles her into a more comfortable position, tugging her all the way over the console and into her lap, and fuck why does she always end up in his arms? She’s breathing hard, fuming from their fight, hair a mess and cheeks ruddier than she’d like, he’s stolen her composure once again with barely a word. 
Carefully, he reaches past her to change the song, looking at her with suspicion the entire time, letting her wrists go with the other, “Happy now?” “No,” Mikasa scowls and Eren groans, “You’re so sensitive.” “I am not!” She’s about to launch into another rant about the patriarchy and the sexism of male rappers and blatant sexualization of women in all these songs but Eren just shakes his head, “Please don’t lecture me again, I’ll let you pick the next song, I cannot do another hour and a half lecture.” She loses her steam a little, remembering the ride up from university back home for reading break, she might have gone a little overboard there. “Besides, it’s catchy, just admit it.” Mikasa pouts, “It is catchy.” “Thank you!” As she calms down she realizes she has once again found herself in Eren’s lap, in close quarters with the boy she likes to fuck on occasion, who haunts her dreams more often than should be allowed, and well, he’s definitely starting to notice too. His eyes are now locked on where her thighs bracket his own, how she’s sitting so pretty, that if they were naked he’d slip inside right now, and with how fucking wet she is it would be easy. Shit. 
She’s about to sit up, but Eren’s hands settle over her thighs, rubbing tantalizingly up and down, warming her up from the inside out in her silly little dress. “You know,” Eren starts, his eyes locked on her mouth now, the teasing edge to his voice gone, replaced with something a little darker now, raspy with lust, “It’s really not sexist, actually kind of empowering.” “How so?” She asks, sinking further into his lap, just the hint of a grind as she feels him harden beneath her and god why does she always want him, even when he’s being a colossal asshole. “Rich baby daddy, I think she’s just using him for money, so really she’s winning here.” Mikasa scoffs, “Sure.” His mouth slips down to her neck, “You know if your birth control failed, I could be your rich baby daddy Mika.” 
Eren speaks with all the confidence of a man who was inside her not two days ago and definitely came inside her without a condom, and she fucking hates that it turns her on.
He lays hot open-mouthed kisses up her neck, his teeth nibbling at her ear now, her heart in her throat, “Probably spoil you rotten to be honest, you’re too pretty to work Miki, think I’d keep you just for me.” “Fuck off,” She whispers but there’s no real heat behind it, not when his hands are skimming at the hem of her dress, teasing at the edge of her cunt. “I think you’d like it.” “I think I hate you.” “Nah,” He murmurs against her throat, “You don’t.” 
And then he’s stealing her lips in a kiss that has her seeing stars, and she’s making out with Eren fucking Yeager in their neighbourhood cul-de-sac at 5:30 on a Sunday night, in prime view of dog walkers and horrified families. 
Eventually, she forces herself off of him, glaring the whole time, and he lets her choose the music as penance, to which she chooses some Drake that’s a little more tame, not something she can get quite so up in arms about.
She pretends to pout the entire ride back to school, but she shares her all-dressed chips with him and when his hand finds her thigh ten minutes into the drive she doesn’t protest. 
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bambiraptorx · 2 months
Got bitten by the writing bug and stayed up last night writing this out lol
Leo's up in the middle of the night- nothing unusual for him- a glass of water in his hand as he makes the trek through the darkened lair back to his room. Normally he'd just drink it in the kitchen, but this is shaping up to be a night where he can't get to sleep no matter how much he tosses and turns and presses his shell against the wall and stares into the dark, waiting in the horrible silence for something to move-
Point is, he'd rather have some water in his room, for the next time he decides his throat is a little dry. Really, he should have invested in a water bottle by now. He skirts around the edge of the living room, half muttering to himself under his breath just so he stops listening so intensely to the utter lack of noise around him.
"It's normal, totally normal. Dad fell asleep in his actual room for once, that's why he's not here. And if he was, someone would have come by to turn the lights off. Besides, didn't Donnie say he was building in an automatic timer so the TV goes off after one in the morning? And it's definitely past one now."
He rambles to himself quietly, pushing through the discomfort and the shadows that never hold anything worse than misplaced memories. It's fine, really, there's nothing in the dark anyway, and if there was he would see it, and none of them ever had a taste for hiding- right?
Something slithers against the stone.
His heart stops. It has to, because there's no other reason for him to freeze like he does. That sound, that sound that he knows all too well because his brain replays it so often he isn't sure at first if it's real or not. He whirls around, his cup sloshing- where's the source? Where is it? Where-
There. Up against the wall just a little further ahead, something that he can't make out in the darkness. Something... small, with yellow-y glowing eyes.
"B-B-Bee?" He stutters, and his heart kicks into high gear, pounding and thumping against the inside of his plastron with a vengeance. "Wha-what are you... doing up?"
"Hungee," they say tersely, unblinking. Their eyes (just two for now) shine unnaturally in the dark. Not the tapetum lucidum kind of shine, with light reflected from an outside source, but an internal near-glow. A strange half radiance, that he's only seen in one other... person... in his life.
"An..." Bea's voice drops low, a bare difference from the silence that she's interrupted. "Cold."
Oh, poor kid. If there's anything that the two of them have in common, it's a hatred of being cold. For Leo, of course, he knows where it came from (there's a reason he's currently wrapped up in the biggest, fluffiest robe he can find, even when the lair is barely dipping into 'chilly'), but Beatrice? Anyone's guess, really.
Leo crouches down, careful not to spill his water any more than he already has, and holds an arm out. "Okay, little hellion, let's find your dad. He might be up."
Bea stares at his hand for a moment. "Where?"
"His lab, baby beans. Y'know, the place he used to keep you?" And should still keep her- Leo clamps down on that nasty little thought as soon as it passes through his head. He can't show any sign of that type of thinking around Bea, she barely trusts him enough as it is. And he, well, wouldn't be comfortable knowing she's out here alone.
Wow, his brain is full of all sorts of fun little surprises tonight! And it is far too late slash early to unpack any of that!
Beatrice tilts their head to the side, a little too far, and steps into his reach. He scoops her up against his side, watching carefully as she all but burrows into the side of his robe, no longer bothering to hold to her turtle form as she does so. Must have been out for a while to get that cold.
"Let's go find Donnie, mmkay little munchkin?"
A tentacle reaches up and tugs at his robe's neckline, just a little too close for comfort. "Sssstay?"
"Oh, of course you can stay with him, booger," Leo laughs, and deliberately misses the other possible interpretations of their question. There's multiple evident, of course, like her wanting to say with him tonight or to have him stay with her and Donnie, but any other meanings are wholly irrelevant.
He's not staying anywhere near Beatrice on a night like this.
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sunshinevanfleet · 1 year
oh, what a sin [iii]
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iii. betrayals
pairing: danny x reader, sam x reader
a/n: ummmm ok this shit is an emotional rollercoaster. if u are sensitive like me i recommend lots of tissues ok i'm rlly good at making myself cry. i feel so bad for sammy lol. and it's all my fault!!! anyways, i am sorry this took so long i have been busy with work lately so it's taking me some time. also this is completely unedited so forgive me if there are any typos/mistakes. i hope you all enjoy. love ya <3
genre: angst!!! not full out smut but a lil bit.
word count: 4k
summary: the reader and danny have a heated moment. she admits their betrayal to sam.
warnings: angst, infidelity, sexual situations, swearing, etc.
A quiet breeze whispered through the open bathroom window as you relaxed in the bathtub; your feet hung over the edge, cooled by the late-afternoon air as you floated in the soapy water. Something about it was cathartic, your hair sprawled in tendrils around your face as you all but submerged yourself in the water. The sensory deprivation was exactly what you needed at a time like this, the water dulling all noise and your closed eyes blocking out most of the light spilling in through the open window. All that was left was the feeling of cool air caressing your skin, feather light. You were allowing yourself a few minutes to think about absolutely nothing. 
Home alone again, you had quickly busied yourself earlier in the day with all of the household chores. You washed Sam’s ever-growing mass of laundry piled beside the hamper, took Rosie for an afternoon walk, polished the silverware, and when you couldn’t imagine another thing to possibly do, you dusted the entire house. Lately, you did everything you could just to distract yourself from the worsening situation of your love life. Tension seemed to bloom in your relationship. Sam was his usual sugar sweet self, but… it felt all wrong. Although you had done nothing wrong, your emotions were traitorous. You felt like a liar, a cheater. You felt tainted by the very situation fate dragged you into all those years ago.
Hooking your fingers over the side of the tub, you emerged from your little empty paradise. You leaned over the edge, resting your chin on your arms as you met the curious gaze of Rosie curled up in a patch of golden sunlight. She blinked at you, her tail wagging lazily as she waited for you to acknowledge her. The corners of your mouth curled into a lethargic smile. There was a dull plinking as a few drops of water trickled off of your arm and hit the gilded foot of the tub. Your eyes followed the drops, tracing their trail down the metal to the tiny pool of water gathering on the tile. Watching the drops, you suddenly felt so small, so insignificant. In the grand scheme of things, what were you but a drop of water gathering in the greater pool of life? It made you feel a little better. Made your situation feel less cumbersome. 
You breathed a deep sigh, closing your eyes and resting your forehead against your forearms. “What am I supposed to do, Rosie girl?” you asked, voice echoing through the big empty bathroom.
It was quiet, save for the rhythmic thumping of her tail on the tile floor. You laughed softly at the ridiculousness of it all. What kind of advice were you seeking in the curious gaze of a dog? You shifted, planning on dunking yourself in the now-cold water once more before getting out, but a thump from down the hall disturbed you.
Rosie jumped to her feet, paws padding over to the closed door of the bathroom, blocking you both from the noise. 
“Think dad’s home early?” you pondered, forcing your stiff muscles to lift you out of the tub. Your gaze skirted over the shower, mind briefly flashing back to the last time you’d been in there with Sam, wrapped in his embrace without a care in the world. You wished with everything in you that you could go back to that moment in time. Before you were driving yourself crazy with a million questions and possibilities. 
Rosie whined as she waited for you to wrap a towel around yourself. Water trickled down your bare legs and left footprints on the floor behind you as you left the bathroom. A yawn left your lips as you languidly slipped down the hallway. There were a couple more thumps from Sam’s study, the door opened a sliver. As you approached, the sound of shuffling papers and movement became more apparent.
“Sammy, you’re home early,” you said, prodding the study door open with one toe as you peeked into the room. Your heart dropped into your stomach. It wasn’t Sam at all.
“What are you doing here?” you said, voice accusatory as you glared at the familiar face. It was Danny, looking disheveled as he dug through the mess on Sam’s desk. He glanced up at you, scoffing.
“Sam sent me,” he said, his voice cold. “Forgot his notebook.” He suddenly found what he was looking for, holding up the leather book. His large hands dwarfed the book, and you swallowed hard. Your mind painted a very good image of his hands dwarfing other things, things that you shouldn’t be thinking whilst standing before your boyfriend’s best friend in nothing but a towel. 
A frown played on your lips as you wrenched your gaze away from him. “Why’d he send you?” 
“He thought you’d be happy to see me,” said Danny, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
You huffed. This new version of him was not very likable; always angry, his tone and words constantly edged with venom since your encounter back in the guest room at the twins’ house. He was angry with you, but what did he expect you to do when he came in there to interrogate you? He took it as a personal offense that you somehow, miraculously had fallen in love with Sam, as if you had known all the while that they were friends and that you had done it on purpose. 
“Aren’t you ever going to forgive me?” you asked indignantly. You tried to steady your shaking hands by gripping the towel tighter around yourself, trying to shield yourself from his sharp eyes.
“For what, Y/N?” He looked at you, his features expectant.
“For falling in love with him!” 
For a second, he looked taken aback, blinking at you as if you had sprouted a second head. Anyone looking in on the two of you might think you were in some kind of peculiar staring competition, the both of you watching each other expectantly. You shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, your half-clothed state suddenly very apparent to you. On your shoulder, there was still the ghost of the bite mark Sammy left on you the week before. You watched Danny’s eyes trail over the mark after a moment, and saw his jaw tighten. His expression flashed dark with emotion, but he masked it quickly.
“How am I supposed to?” His words were barely audible, coming from between clenched teeth. Though the tension wasn’t visible in his face, his knuckles were ashen from holding the notebook so tightly. His posture stiffened.
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” you said, trying to sound stronger than you felt. 
He nodded, finally breaking the intense eye contact. “I know that, don’t you think I know that?” He sighed heavily, clearly frustrated with you. You swallowed. What were you supposed to do, read his mind?
One of your hands twisted in the fabric of the towel. You tightened it around your fingers so hard that it hurt, anything to distract you from the feeling that your ribs were compressing your lungs. Closer and closer. Harder and harder to breathe. 
“It’s the whole problem… How can I hate my best friend for having everything I want?” His anger and frustration finally began to color his tone. He wouldn’t look at you, but you could see his features pulled into an awful grimace. You hated seeing him like this. The compression in your chest grew worse by the second. 
You didn’t speak. You had no clue what to say.
“How—how am I supposed to sit there and watch you two? See the way he makes you laugh, see him kissing you like it’s the easiest thing in the world?” He met your eyes again, and you saw the pain behind his dark gaze. Even through the jealousy, through the anger, there was the cloudy tinge of heartbreak lurking in his irises. He dropped the notebook on the desk, crossing the room to close the space between you. It took everything in you not to flinch back, afraid of what would happen if your skin dared touch. 
His voice dropped to an almost imperceptible volume, one finger lifted to trace the crescent shaped bruise stained on your skin. “How am I supposed to see this, and act like I don’t care?” 
You took a shaky breath. His touch sent tingles over your skin, sent goosebumps erupting all over your body. He was so close, you could feel the heat radiating off of him, permeating the space air between you. Everything about him was so familiar, those thoughtful eyes, the curls framing his chiseled face, the shape of his mouth. Even his scent was driving you insane, almost intoxicating you. The very air around you seemed to vibrate from the magnetism between you. Every fiber of your being was screaming at you to lean into him, touch him, kiss him. Squeezing your hands into tight fists, you shook your head. 
“You want this as badly as I do, and we both know it…”
The finger tracing the bite mark on your shoulder trailed down, lower and lower… His touch left a burning trail in its wake, your body igniting as he approached the towel clutched between your trembling fingers. 
“You want me to stop?” His voice was a dark whisper, emotions tearing through his silken tone. You felt his hand trembling, too.
“Danny, I–”
“Tell me to stop,” you tasted his breath as it fanned over your lips. He was so close, so awfully, deliciously close to you. There was a second of hesitation, and then his lips were on you. One of his hands gripped you around the waist, bunching the towel up in a vice-like grip. His other hand threaded into the damp tresses of your hair, twisting the strands around his fingers.
You sighed with something like relief, the tension hanging in the air finally melting away and leaving you breathless. Your head spun, a thousand thoughts screaming nothing other than his name over and over again. Your brain wanted you to pull away, but your heart was pushing you closer to him, slotting your bodies together as if you were made for one another.
One of your hands grasped his arm to steady you, and your nails dug into the skin. He winced slightly, but you took no notice as he pushed you back against the door frame. The wood bit into the skin of your back, stinging. You grunted into his mouth, struggling against his grasp.
“Y/N, if you want me to stop–”
“Don’t fucking stop,” you muttered, intoxicated by his touch. You gripped the fabric of his t-shirt as if it were the only thing tethering you to the ground, trying to drag him closer. “Want this off,” you mumbled against his mouth.
He broke the kiss long enough to remove his shirt, before pressing himself back into you. His tongue pushed into your mouth carefully, slowly exploring, taking his time. You wrapped both hands around him, feeling the flex of his back muscles as he kept you pinned between him and the wall. You arched against him, hooking one leg up around his waist and rolling your hips against him. The drag of his jeans against your bare center sent a jolt of pleasure up your spine.
He was still kissing you, slowly as you grew more desperate for him. You needed him, now, before you had enough time to think about what you were doing. Before the guilt had time to settle in and make you stop. You had to know if it was the same as all those years before. If he was still the one to drive you mad.
As if reading your mind, his large hands found purchase on your thighs, pulling them up to wrap around your waist. He carried you easily to the couch against the far wall, letting you fall gently onto the leather. The towel shielding your body from view peeled open, exposing your bare flesh to him. His eyes dragged over your figure, drinking you in like a man stranded in the desert. His gaze flashed dark with lust, and his tongue darted out to wet his lips.
He dragged a finger over the curve of your cheek, over your swollen lips, down your clavicle, ghosted over one hardened nipple. He looked at you as if you were an art piece, your form masterfully sculpted and put on display for only him to see. He was memorizing every curve, every dip and hollow in your form. The look of tenderness in his eyes surprised you; the fear had been there all along that this was more than just lust, that the two of you shared more than just a physical connection. You had fooled yourself into thinking you only wanted him corporeally, when you knew he had you wrapped around his finger, body and soul.
There was the sudden feeling again that you were going to be sick, but his scorching touch distracted you from that quickly. His lips found purchase on your neck, placing sloppy kisses on the skin. You squirmed beneath him, heat having bloomed between your legs and quickly spreading up your spine. There was no way you could continue this at his pace; at this rate, he was going to be touching and teasing your body for hours. 
“Danny, hurry,” you muttered, nearly breathless as one of his hands slipped between your legs. A gasp broke from your lips, your back arching off of the couch as he touched you as if he had practiced for this very moment for years. You melted under his touch, one hand lazily hooked around the back of his neck as he took care of you.
“Wanna take my time,” he said, words muffled against your skin. 
“You–you can’t… What if S–”
“Sam…” He cut you off, his entire body stiffening as he pulled away from you. He leaned back on his haunches, wiping your arousal on the fabric of his jeans as he ran the other hand through his disheveled hair. “Fuck, Y/N, what are we doing?”
You gulped, abruptly aware of the situation you were currently in. The buzz from Danny’s touch had withered away immediately at the sound of Sam’s name. Shame bloomed over your features, and your face burned red hot as you struggled to cover yourself with the towel.
“I don’t know,” you said, voice high-pitched and nearly hysterical as the tears began to flow. He was right. What were the two of you doing? You curled into yourself, eyeing him carefully as he retrieved his shirt from the floor. You had just jeopardized all the good in your life for one encounter with Danny. Oh, how the past was coming back to haunt you. 
“What do we do?” He asked you, sighing heavily. 
You refused to look at him, staring at the bookshelves beside you. The tears burned your skin, flowing hot and landing heavily in your lap. You shook your head, your voice shaking as you replied, “I–I want you to go…”
His voice was hurt, but understanding. “You always do.”
Then, he was gone. You sulked off to bed after crying your eyes out. You hoped to fall asleep and wake up from this absolute nightmare. 
The following weeks weren’t much better. With the guys all home from the tour, you were spending more and more time trying to avoid Danny. He seemed to gravitate towards your house, spending hours lounging around with Sam. You hid away in the bedroom, or the study when you weren’t at work, listening to them brainstorm ideas for the next album, or laughing over their dumb inside jokes. It was unbearable. You wondered how Danny could keep his composure in the house; something was mind blowing about how he was able to mask his emotions, putting on a perfectly happy facade as if he weren’t eyeballing you behind Sam’s back.
Contrarily, you were doing an awful job of hiding your internal conflict.
“Maybe you should talk to someone, sweets,” Sam said one night, after a particularly grueling night having dinner with a few friends, including Danny. You shook all night long, stuck in Sam’s side like a thorn that was just out of reach. He hadn’t uttered a single word of complaint, holding your hand tightly as if he were your anchor. He made sure you ate, even just a few bites, included you in conversations, and didn’t get annoyed at all when you asked if you could wait for him in the car. 
Now, the two of you were finally home, curled up on the couch. You were half-dressed, his shirt and his shoes discarded by the door, while you wore only your slouchy denim shirt that you threw on for dinner. You curled your toes under his leg, warming them as you wrapped your arms around your legs and rested your chin on your knees. He watched you with a warm expression, too much tenderness saved for the likes of you.
“I don’t wanna talk to anyone,” you muttered, half hearted.
He looked at you with those puppy dog eyes, all soft and sweet. A slight frown played on his lips. “Not even me?” He raised an eyebrow.
You sighed heavily, turning your head so your cheek rested on your knee instead. You felt very suddenly like bursting into tears, but you held back. “Of course I want to talk to you, but…” A sharp breath fell from your lips, and you closed your eyes. You couldn’t bear to look at him.
“But what?” There it was again, that soft and gentle tone that you adored so much. That voice that made you feel like anything you ever did wrong would be forgiven. That tone, full of nothing but complete and unconditional love. You were hating yourself even more by the second. 
“I’m scared… I’m scared it’s going to hurt you. I’m scared it’s going to hurt you, and you won’t love me anymore.”
He shifted, wrapping his arms around your curled up frame. You felt his lips press against your temple, warm and comforting. Then, his voice was quiet, “There is very little you could do to make me stop loving you, Y/N.”
A single tear slipped down your cheek, but he was already there, brushing it away. Your stomach fluttered at the touch; you reached up and grasped his hand, pulling it to your heart and cradling it there as if it were the only thing holding you together.
“What happened, sweets? Tell me so I can make it better, please,” his voice was pleading. “I hate seeing you like this… I want my girl back, my smiling girl…”
A weak sob wracked your frame, but his presence was grounding you. He was everything you needed. You were about to destroy that. 
“Sam, I–” you choked on your own tears, trying so hard not to break down in front of him. “I don’t even know how to say this– I– I know it’s going to tear you apart…”
You forced your eyes open, meeting the worry in his gaze. You made yourself look at him; you deserved this, after what you had done to him. You should have to face the consequences of your actions. 
“Y/N, please,” his voice was pleading, almost desperate.
“I–I kissed Danny,” you blurted, voice shaking so much that you could barely understand the words coming out of your mouth. “We had sex, years ago, before you and I met and– and I’ve had dreams about him for years, and I just… Well, I saw him at the party and it ignited all of these old feelings… Then he came over the other day to get your notebook and—” Your rambling was quickly drowned out by the sound of your own sobbing, your body shaking uncontrollably. You felt him pull away, saw the light in his eyes fade as you admitted to him your wrongdoing.
The look on his face was unlike anything you’d seen before; those tender eyes turned contemptuous, hurt staining them black. 
“Tell me you didn’t sleep with him.”
You shook your head, practically hyperventilating. “No, no, not again…” Your voice was high, hysterical. “No, we–we stopped, before…”
“But you were going to.”
“Yes, I mean–No… I don’t know!” You buried your face in his shoulder, clawing at him, wanting him to just wrap his arms around you and hold you together before you fell to pieces. But his hands stayed limp at his sides, his breathing shallow. 
“Sammy, I’m begging you to forgive me,” you sobbed. Your tears were rolling down his bare chest, soaking his skin. He was still silent. You cried against him for a moment, then pulled away to look at him.
You were torturing yourself; seeing that look on his face was tearing you apart. His eyes brimmed with tears, and he shook his head slowly. He still hadn’t budged from his seated position, and he refused to meet your gaze. 
“You understand that you’re the person I love the most in the world, don’t you?” He cut you off, finally looking at you. His tears began to fall, and his voice shook. You reached up with a shaking hand to brush the moisture off of his face. 
“Yes–yes, I do,” you nodded desperately. You were all but sitting on his lap now, doing anything to be close to him. Your world was falling apart before your eyes; you never imagined you would see your Sammy like this, so distant and hurt. A black feeling settled in your stomach, making you sick. 
“Then–” his voice cracked “--how could you do this to me?”
You crumbled beneath the look that he gave you. His eyes were red-rimmed, pouring tears, his nostrils flaring as he struggled to breathe. His jaw was clenched to the point that it looked painful. You reached for him, wanting to touch him, to soothe him, and he flinched away. A pang shot through your entire body at that. You felt as if you were being swallowed into a dark abyss. You would never know happiness again, not after this. 
“Baby, please,” you breathed, your voice thick with tears. “You–you said nothing would ever make you stop loving me… Please, tell me it’s still true…” You were begging him, desperate for any inkling of reassurance.
He shook his head, swallowing hard. “How can you ask me that right now?” He huffed, wiping his tears with the palms of his hands. “I love you so much I can’t fucking stand it, Y/N… I’m not gonna lie to try and hurt you, even if you’re tearing me to pieces right now… I could never do that to you.” He said it with so much sincerity, so much love still in his tone that it made you speechless. You pressed a hand over your face, silently sobbing harder. You felt like you would never catch your breath, your chest tightening as you squeezed your eyes shut. You didn’t deserve him, you had never deserved him, and you were realizing that more by the second. 
The two of you sat there, for what felt like hours. Turmoil bloomed in Sam’s face. You wanted to know what was going on in his head, but didn’t think you would be able to handle knowing. You didn’t dare reach for him again, afraid you would have to watch him wince away again. You couldn’t bear the thought of it.
“Do you want me to leave?” you asked after a while, your voice hoarse from crying.
He shook his head, barely looking at you.
“No, sweets. Just go to bed.” He nodded in the direction of the hallway. Your throat tightened at the sound of the pet name. You knew you wouldn’t get a wink of sleep, not without him beside you, but you did as he said. You would do anything he asked, if it meant he might forgive your transgressions.
taglist: @dannythedog @demolitionndann @malany-gvf @poeta-nascitur @myleftsock @spark-my-nature
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vampyrsutton · 2 years
KyouxTohru~Mating Season
When the boys start avoiding her with no explanation, Tohru gets worried and asks the younger Sohmas, and well, she's always one to help.
Ao3 Tags:
Mating Cycles/In Heat, Kinktober, Kinktober 2022, Scent Kink, Getting Together, First Time, Mating Bites, Biting, Fluff, Insecurity, Kink Negotiation, post-sex cuddles, Hair-pulling, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Cat Dick, Sort Of
My notes for this read "I am why we can’t have nice things."
Sorry if this is OOC, but someone had to literally almost die for these two to get their shit together in canon so liberties had to be taken lol
"Hey, Tohru. No bodyguards today?" Hatsuharu asks with a tilt of his head as he stretches.
Tohru blinks, confused before she must realize what he means, and visibly slumps. She's quickly putting her usually carefree smile back in place though.
"No, not today. I guess they weren't feeling well or something, but Kyo refuses to even be in the same room as me." She can't hide the way her shoulders slump this time. "He actually growled at me, but I don’t know what I could have done wrong and even Shigure's holed up in his rooms so I can't even ask him."
"That's weird." Hatsuharu agrees, sounding a bit distant as though in thought. "Hey, Tohru…what day is it?"
"Um…May 5th? Why?" Tohru asks with a tilt of her head, confused by the sudden topic change.
Haru nods sagely in understanding. "Ah, that makes sense then."
"Huh? What does? Are they okay?" Her eyes widen before she looks around and her voice drops to a whisper. "Is it a zodiac thing?"
"Ding ding ding," Haru responds dryly. "First day of summer in the traditional calendar. It's when most of the animal mating seasons overlap so I guess most decided to sync up there at some point in the past. I'm pretty sure I join next year and Momoji's just going to be a menace. …I think Ritsu and Kagura are in fall and winter. Yuki should have already been done though so that's weird." He mumbles thoughtfully.
Tohru, meanwhile, has momentarily stopped functioning as she stares at the ox blankly. "Huh?" A blush is slowly creeping up her face.
"Haru!" Momoji suddenly appears to lightly thump the taller boy on the arm with a pout. "Have some tact. You're going to break poor Tohru!" He scolds.
"Ow," Haru says flatly. "She wanted to know what's wrong with the others."
"There are better ways to say it." Momoji huffs before turning to Tohru with a look of concern. "Are you okay, Tohru?"
"Huh? Yeah! Why wouldn't I be!" She squeaks, standing straight. "It's natural! Nothing wrong with it! Perfectly natural! All good here!"
Momoji chuckles, leaning up to pat Tohru on the head. "It's okay to be embarrassed you know? We appreciate how accepting you are, but you just learned that your housemates are in a magic-induced horny haze. You can be embarrassed."
Tohru squeaks again but shakes her head. "No, um, that's not why I'm embarrassed. Really it's not. My mom was a bit wild so I'm really not as innocent with that stuff as people think." She swears as her face grows darker. "It's just..well…I said Kyo growled at me, right?"
Momoji frowns but nods. "Was the cat being a big meanie?"
Tohru shakes her head quickly before her brow furrows in a frown. "No! …Well…I don't know? He said I smelled, but his pupils were blown and he kind of cracked the door frame with how hard he was gripping it. I thought it was a little strange that he didn't fight Yuki dragging him back upstairs, but I was too busy apologizing for apparently smelling, but now I'm wondering…" She makes a dying noise. "No, that's just silly. There's no way."
Momoji and Hatsuharu share a knowing look even if they're both ready to scream if it means these fools will understand.
"Tohru." Momoji starts in one of his rare moments of seriousness. "Why don't you talk to him? Hatori said we're still coherent and able to make decisions, we're just a bit more willing to listen to instinct and our inner desires is all." He smiles. "That was probably his cat trying to get his butt moving." He giggles now when Tohru's face darkens once more.
"Get moving…what?" She blinks. Is there steam coming off her face? It feels like there's steam coming off her face. "Um, uh, what about Yuki?" She jumps, wanting the subject changed. "Hatsuharu said it was weird for him to be acting strange right now?"
Momoji smirks a little but accepts the change. "It is probably his rat throwing the same fit as the cat but for that one grey-haired girl from student council."
Tohru regrets her decision, but is, luckily, saved by the bell as she squeaks a goodbye before running off.
"Talk to him!" Momoji laughs after her.
Tohru doesn't have an answer for her friends as to what happened and why she's still red when she returns to the classroom.
She's not sure she'd be able to tell them even if she could.
"Oh, welcome home, Miss Honda." Yuki smiles tiredly when she stumbles into the kitchen with grocery bags. "Good day at school?"
Tohru can't help her little squeak as she straightens before nodding quickly. "Yes! Sorry, yes. School was fine. I- um- I talked to Hatsuharu and Momoji though. Um, thank you for helping Kyo back to his room this morning!" She stumbles with a bow.
Yuki blinks in confusion before giving one of his pleasant smiles that even Tohru knows spells someone's doom. "So they told you, did they?"
"Yes, but only 'cause I was worried!" She quickly assures, finally putting the bags on the table. "You all just suddenly started avoiding me and no one would tell me why. …I figured it was zodiac related since it was all three of you so when Hatsuharu asked where you were, I said what was wrong and he told me why…sorry." She mumbles near the end, bowing once more.
Yuki's face changes to surprise before he sighs in defeat. "No, we should have told you somethingat least. Apologies, Miss Honda."
"No! No, you're fine. You were probably just embarrassed, right?" Tohru shakes her head, waving her hands a bit. "Hatsuharu said it's weird for yours to be this late so that probably doesn't help, especially if you were trying to keep it a secret, but um-" Tohru buries her face in her hands as she groans in annoyance at her own stumbling before gesturing at the shopping bags. "I picked up some Pocari and extra food. I wanted to at least pass a note to Kyo about this morning, but otherwise, I'll leave you guys alone. Just let me know if you need me to pick anything up or to pass along any messages or um yeah. Momoji said why yours is probably later than the rat's is supposed to be so just let me know-sorry!" She squeaks when Yuki crushes the water bottle in his hand with that smile back on his face.
"You're fine, Miss Honda. Thank you for these. I just need to have a word with a certain rabbit when I go back next week is all." He smiles, actually grabbing a sports drink and some snacks before heading to the stairs. "As for talking to the cat. I don't know if that's the best idea."
Tohru tilts her head in confusion. "Momoji said Hatori said you guys were still coherent, though?"
Yuki sighs, glaring up the stairs. "This is true, but the cat is still slightly more animalistic because of its other form. As much as I hate to admit it, at this point they'd rather die than actually hurt you and wouldn't do anything against your will, but I doubt you'd be leaving his den." He warns before looking back at Tohru. "So think carefully about what you want to do."
Tohru's face flames red once more as she squeaks, but nods her head. "R-Right! Gotcha!"
Yuki gives another tired smile before heading up the stairs. "I'll deliver these to him then. Have a good night Miss Honda."
"You too!" She squeaks.
Tohru, as promised, thinks about it.
God does she think about it.
She spends so much time thinking about it, actually, that by the next day, she's slumped over her desk, fighting for her life to keep her eyes open.
"Hey, Tohru?" Uotani frowns as she turns to her during a break. "You good?"
"Your waves seem quite troubled." Hanajima agrees, appearing next to them.
Tohru hopes her face isn't as red as it feels. "I'm fine, just didn't sleep well." Not a lie
"Something wrong?" Uotani asks before a snarl appears on her face. "Do we need to beat up some Sohmas?"
Tohru's too tired to even have much of a reaction. "They didn't do anything wrong, Uo-chan. I just have a lot on my mind." She mumbles sleepily.
Her friends frown at each other but really have no reason not to take her word for it.  
"If you say so." Uotani sighs, kicking her feet up. "Just know you can talk to us though." 
"I know. Thank you." Tohru smiles. "I'm gonna take a little nap before the next lesson. Wake me up when the teacher comes." 
"We shall watch over you." Hanajima smiles. "Sleep well." 
By the end of the day, Tohru is slightly more well-rested and has a note ready to slip under Kyo's door with a request to talk when he can.
She did have a lot on her mind, that was true, but at one point she had gotten up to use the bathroom and could hear him and was pretty sure she heard her name, and yeah they definitely needed to talk, especially if her suspicions were correct.
She freezes at the bottom of the stairs leading up to Shigure's house, though.
"Am I really considering ruining our friendship over this?" She mumbles to herself. "I do genuinely want to help him if he's struggling as much as it sounded, but will he get mad? …He might run off again."
"Ugh! That is it! I am tired of watching you two dance around each other. It is driving me crazy!" Momoji yells out of nowhere, he and Haru having followed her to see if she went through with it.
"Momoji? What are you-" Tohru yelps when she's suddenly hugged and there's a puff of yellow smoke. "What? Momoji wait!" She calls when a little yellow rabbit is running up the stairs with her note way faster than she can run. "Momoji!"
Hatsuharu sighs as he slowly follows behind the two, ruffling his own hair. "Yuki and Kyo are gonna be mad at us."
"Momoji, wait!" Tohru calls as she sees the rabbit dart around the corner of the stairs before there's a small squeaking noise. "Did you get hurt- oh, thank gods, Yuki caught you." She sighs in relief when she sees the taller boy holding the yellow rabbit by the scruff in one hand and the note in the other.
"Want to explain why we're having rabbit stew a week early." Yuki sighs in annoyance, not looking any more rested and radiating an aura like he might actually follow through with it if he doesn't like the answer.
Momoji is actively trying to get away, for once sensing that he's made a mistake as Tohru flushes red.
"He- um- was going to take my note to Kyo while I was second-guessing myself." She whispers, eyeing the cat's door in question.
Yuki stares at her blank-faced for a moment, glancing at the rabbit then back at her before finally sighing.
"You two can thank me later." He decides, choosing violence as he walks over and slides the note under the door himself.
"Wait, no!" Tohru yells, lunging at it even as she watches it disappear beneath the door and hears a shuffling on the other side. She shoots the two rodents the closest she can get to a dirty look as they head down the stairs before focusing back on the door. "Um, you can ignore it and pretend you never saw it if it makes you uncomfortable! Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, I-"
"Tohru, I can read." Kyo huffs through the door, sounding amused. "Back up a bit so I can focus though." 
Tohru doesn't understand what her proximity to the door would have to do with anything but backs up to sit against the opposite wall nonetheless. "Sorry." 
"You're fine. Stop apologizing…the rat was right, we should have said something or asked if you'd stay with your friends or something…You heardme?!" He coughs, sounding like he must have taken a drink
"Sorry! I couldn't sleep because Yuki said I should think about what to say before I talked to you and I was thinking a lot so I got up to use the bathroom and I didn’t hear a lot, it was just a moan that I thought sounded like 'Tohru', but could have just been the lack of sleep and wishful thinking and-"
"Wishful thinking?" His voice sounds strained now.
Tohru makes a bit of a dying noise as she hides her red face in her knees. "I'm going to shut up and let you read."
There's a sort of strained chuckle then a few seconds of silence before an actual chuckle.
"So you and the rat are why Shigure busted into my room this morning to throw condoms at me and tell me to man up with no context." Kyo sighs, leaning fully against the door now if the thump was anything to go by.
"He did what?!" Tohru squeaks, face entirely red now before thumping it back against her knees. "He must have been around the corner when Yuki and I were talking. I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault he's a fucking perv." Kyo sighs, silent for a moment before he speaks up again. "So what do you want to do? You've apparently already heard my thoughts, but are you sure? I have no clue if I still transform or if there's more curse bullshit or what might happen. And I'm probably still going to be awkward when this is over. You said you're afraid of ruining our friendship, but I'll probably be the one to fuck it up."
"I won't let you!" Tohru declares, smacking the floor in front of her before squeaking again when she realizes what she did. "I mean that won't happen because I won't let things be awkward…or will try not to at least. I really like you, Kyo, but there doesn't have to be strings attached eith-" 
A low growl from the other side of the door cuts off her rambling before there's an embarrassed cough. "Sorry…uh as much as I'm okay with strings, you're right that there shouldn't be-"
"That's not what I meant! I-" 
"I'm the cat, Tohru. As much as you try to change it or ignore it, I only come with bad luck and baggage. It's definitely better if you don't tie yourself to the monst-" 
"Kyo Sohma, if you finish that sentence, I swear to whoever god is-" Tohru warns, pulling out the full name only to be cut off. 
"I'm just saying, you would be better off-" 
Now it's Kyo's turn to be cut off as the door is flung open so he falls back into the hallway, butt-ass naked and in shock, as he stares up at a very angry Tohru. He watches her face turn red in embarrassment, but with the whole animal transformation thing and sharing a bathroom, it wasn't the first time she's seen it and whether this happened or not, he doubts it would be the last. This is probably why she's able to continue. 
"No. Do not even think of finishing that sentence. I will try and probably fail to physically fight everyone who put those thoughts in your head, but I will still try." Tohru huffs with a stomp of her foot and a pout. Even obviously furious, she knows she doesn't look all that threatening. 
She doesn't, but it's adorable and causing an entirely different reaction that he has to watch her eyes dart to when she notices before they widen. 
There's another dying noise. 
"Um, that doesn't usually look like that," Tohru whispers, pointing to what definitely looks like bumps at the base of his dick, and well guess it's his turn to be red. 
"Uh, yeah, you said the rat told you the cat's a bit more animalistic, right?" Kyo mumbles, looking away and wondering why the hell he hasn't gotten off the floor yet to hide in his room. 
"Yeah?" She nods, unable to make her eyes move away. 
"Yeah, well cats usually have barbed dicks, but I guess the cat spirit decided to not be an ass about one thing at least so uh ribbed for her pleasure or however those things are labeled." He explains with a wave of his hand towards the treacherous appendage before he mentally kicks himself for drawing more attention to it. 
"Oh." Tohru blinks, once again wondering if there was steam coming off her face. It finally registers to her that she's staring and she quickly turns around with a squeak. "I'm so sorry!"
Kyo, despite his own embarrassment, can't help but snort at the dork he's fallen for as he finally sits up. "I am literally sitting here with my dick out, but sure." He shakes his head in exasperation before curling in on himself when another wave finally starts hitting. "Fuck, Tohru, I'm sorry to do this but we need to figure this out now because I need to go back in my room ASAP and need to know if the door is staying unlocked. Either way, can you get me more shit from the kitchen?" He groans, already panting again.
Tohru turns back around quickly in concern before she realizes what he means and her face flushes before steeling herself in determination. "If you're okay with it, I'm helping." Being the goofball she is, she bows. "Please let me help!"
If Kyo wasn't fighting with his instincts, he'd probably laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, but, as things stood, all he could manage was a strained chuckle. "Never thought I'd actually have someone begging to sleep with me."
Tohru's face flames red as she fidgets. "Is that a yes?"
Kyo sighs, but nods. "Yeah. Let me get back in my room so you can make it downstairs." A growl works its way from his throat when he tries to close the door between them. "Lock the door behind you when you come in."
Tohru's already making her way downstairs once the door is closed to gather snacks, water, and energy drinks before rushing, careful not to trip. She barely gets the door open again before she's pulled inside with a yelp and finds herself caged against the door by strong arms as she drops everything on the ground in surprise.
"Kyo!" She squeaks, heat rising to her face once more before she's frozen in place by intense orange, cat-like eyes staring into hers and the sight of fangs catching the light when he seemingly unconsciously runs his tongue over them, and she kind of wants to find out if that's turned cat-like as well and oh that's a new thought.
"Still okay?" He pants, pupils quickly overtaking orange.
She nods, not trusting herself to speak as she forces her eyes to remain on his face.
Have his shoulders always been that wide?
When did he get this tall?
God, she's glad Yuki and Shigure found her in that tent.
"Words, Tohru. Need words." Kyo sighs, fist gripping the wood behind her, and shit his claws were out.
A whine leaves her, but she sighs. "Yes. Still okay."
"Have…have you done this before?"
"No, but I know what to do at least?" She whispers, looking to the floor before her face flames and she looks to the side instead. "Mom didn't trust the school's sex ed so I know how everything works."
"Glad one of us does then 'cause I didn't get shit. Don't think any of us thought I'd get this far." Kyo chuckles in self-deprecation before his eyes widen when Tohru does her little imitation of a glare before kissing him. He's just starting to recover when she finally pulls away to bump their foreheads together. When did her hand end up on his cheek?
"No more of that. Please?" She whispers against his mouth, obviously embarrassed by her own actions.
He nods dumbly, trying to get any version of a brain back online, but then she kisses him again with a whispered thank you, and his cat must have enough of his dumb ass because suddenly there's a squeal and they find themselves in the pile of blankets that Kyo's been calling a bed for the past few days with Kyo hovering above her.  He opens his mouth to apologize and moves to give her some space but notices her hand reach out and suddenly they're both flushed red.
"Um- I-"
She starts to stutter, but her actually reaching out for him was officially the end of his self-control as he cuts her off with a low growl and smashes their lips together in a much rougher kiss than he intended, but she doesn't seem to mind. 
Tohru definitely doesn't mind. She'd rather he be a little rough than continue to be hesitant and skittish about it all and she was pleasantly surprised to find that his tongue was indeed textured. Not in the sandpaper way but definitely something she was hoping she'd get to feel in other places. 
"Kyo~" She whimpers when they finally separate for air. "Clothes. Let me get my clothes off." 
Kyo growls a little at the prospect of moving away from her, but he still makes himself, leaning back to help and outwardly purring when he uncovers her chest before noticing something. 
He tilts his head.
"Is your bra the same color as my fur when transformed?" He finally asks, pleased when he gets to watch the blush travel down to her chest now. 
"As I said, I spent a lot of time thinking about this and I guess that included picking out clothes." She mumbles, picking at the strap a bit. 
The purring grows louder and he leans forward to kiss her again. "I like it." He rumbles, giving another kiss. "Like having my mark on you." 
He's so close right now that even with her dark eyes, he can see how her pupils dilate at that and has to smirk a little. "Like that idea?" 
Tohru has surrendered herself to the fact she's probably going to be permanently embarrassed during this but also doesn't anticipate her body's reactions to certain things. 
"I- um- I guess so?" She nods, trying to look away.
Kyo doesn't let her, gently cupping her face. "No hiding during this. Please?"
She pouts slightly, but nods. It was a fair enough request. "Sorry."
"Thank you." He smiles, kissing her again before moving down to start kissing her neck as he tries to figure out the clasp on her skirt with his claws. Eventually, he just growls. "I'll fix this later." He warns before slicing through the thread of the clasps to get the damn thing off.
"What do you-? Kyo!" She gasps when she hears the thread snap before she's left in her matching panties.
"I know how to sew." He mumbles, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he looks her over with hungry eyes. "Not as well as you, but I'll fix it later."
Tohru opens her mouth to say something, but is quickly distracted by his tongue in her mouth again and can't help but smile a little when she hears the tink of metal on the shelf near them so he doesn't lose it.
It's fine she decides.
"Mmmm~" Tohru moans lightly when she feels claws brush her side, eyes snapping open in surprise and embarrassment to meet equally surprised orange.
"…So don't need to be gentle I guess?" He eventually huffs in surprise.
"Um…no. No, you don't." Tohru mumbles shyly.
Another low growl as he kisses her again. "Noted then." He smirks, before recapturing her mouth as his claws move behind her to figure out the bra now, purring when it pops open and she gasps.
He pulls her bra away, subconsciously stuffing it into a specific spot in his blanket pile as he moves his mouth down to run his tongue over a nipple and purrs when she gasps and arches into the touch.
"Kyo." She gasps, hands moving to his hair on instinct.
Orange eyes flick up to hers as he does it again and the little whine he gets this time makes the purring louder as he continues to lavish attention on her nipples. He has no clue what he's doing really, but something in him is telling him that this Is the right move and the little whimpers and moans coming from Tohru confirm it. It's not long before he gets nippy however and lightly bites at one, earning an immediate moan and tug at his hair that has him moaning as well.
He had to make that happen again.
Kyo growls, laying her on her back once more to move down until he gets to her shyly closed thighs that he shoulders his way between to get her underwear off, purring at the shy little squeak he gets when he manhandles them off.
Tohru knew what she was signing up for, but somehow the fact that she'd be naked in front of him slipped her mind, and mixed with the little display of strength that lets her watch his muscles flex has her flushed down to her chest once more, but she is now way to worked up to actually care beyond covering her face with an arm.
Kyo is too busy trying to get his brain to catch up with what to do with the thing in front of him to notice her hiding, but he apparently takes too long for his cat's liking as he's hit with another wave of need and groans. "Fuck, Tohru. I'm really not going to be able to hold back much longer."
"Then don't." She tells him, peaking down at his shocked expression from behind her arm. "I had an idea of what I might be getting into. Do what you need to." She insists even with her face bright red.
Kyo blinks at her in shock, but there's another spike and a growl before his hands are on her thighs, spreading her legs open and his tongue is licking into her and earning a squeal.
"KyO~ There, do that again." Tohru moans when his currently strange tongue passes over her clit and she almost screams when he sucks on it. "Kyo~!"
A loud purr rumbles through his chest at her sounds as he forces his claws to retract on one hand so he can work a finger where he knows his cock is supposed to go and oh that's gonna feel amazing. The purring only gets louder the wetter and louder she got until he has three fingers inside her and he managed to get her to arch off his blankets when he rubs a certain spot inside her.
"KYO!" Tohru moans, her thighs trying to clamp around his head on reflex, but they barely do anything against his broad muscular shoulders and why did zodiac nonsense have to shove it in her face for her to properly notice him?
Kyo doesn't say anything, a bit too focused on getting more noises out of her until another spike slams into him and he groans.
'Okay, okay, I get it.' He thinks at the cat as he pulls back, giving one long lick to watch her thighs tremble before using the slick coating his fingers to help slick up his cock before two foil packets are tossed at him.
"Use those. We still have to finish school, silly." Tohru pants, having thrown one of the discarded condoms and what was apparently a lube packet from Shigure at him.
Kyo unintentionally scowls, but follows orders, tilting his head a bit at the bumps on his cock as he gives a few experimental strokes. They don’t seem to affect anything so he doesn't hesitate any longer in lubing up his cock and lining up, glancing at her one last time to get a nod before he sinks in, both moaning loudly.
Tohru's legs lock around his hips as he sinks inside, toes curling as the ridges provided by the cat stimulate her more than she was ready for and the knot in her stomach tightens.
Kyo has just enough wits about him to know he should wait when he finally bottoms out, but thankfully for his sanity, he doesn't have to wait long before Tohru Is nudging him with her legs around his hips.
"Move." She gasps, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Please, Kyo."
His pupils slit before swallowing the orange of his eyes once more as he plants his hands on either side of her head, claws digging into the sheets as he growls, pulling almost all the way out before snapping his hips back into the base.
Tohru throws her head back against what she's come to realize is a mound of pillows as he starts up a fast pace, clinging to him as she feels like she's going to fall apart. Her mom had once warned her that she probably wouldn't cum her first time unless she slept with someone experienced, but she really doesn't know if she was going to last and really couldn't complain.
Kyo was in a similar boat, senses currently a live wire, and was already overly sensitive from being multiple days into the mating season already. It was probably a good thing Tohru was so much shorter too because he had the overwhelming need to bite something and this way he could reach the pillows instead.
Or that was the plan anyway before a hand tangled in his hair to pull his head down for a kiss and a purr was dragged out of him when he felt her tongue slip into his mouth this time. It was definitely a welcome distraction until eventually, he felt her hand tighten in his hair.
"Mnnn~ Kyo~ I'm gonna-" Tohru gasps before she throws her head back on a moan and clenches around him as she cums.
Some noise that is probably a yowl rips itself from Kyo's throat as he fucks her through it, his own hips stuttering as he nears his release.
"Toh-ru…gonna- need to-" He growls as he struggles to get the word out and instead bites at the air to try and get his point across.
"…Just make sure I can hide it." She decides, panting and whining as she's kept at the peak.
Kyo's eyes snap down to a spot on her shoulder that her uniform would cover before he's lunging at it, biting down with a growl as he cums hard into the condom, the growl morphing into a purr as he comes back down. He feels Tohru spasm around him again and hopes that means she came again and he didn't leave her hanging as he licks over the bite on her shoulder.
Tohru whines in sensitivity when he finally pulls off to toss the used condom in the nearby trash before somehow still managing to flush red when she pulled close to his broad chest and a blanket is pulled over them.
"Kyo?" She whispers.
"Mine." He mumbles sleepily, holding her closer as a purr vibrates across her back. "Stay."
Tohru manages to look over her shoulder at his sleepy face curiously before smiling as she wiggles around to rest her head on his chest. "As long as you'll have me."
~Meanwhile, downstairs~
"You are absolutely ruthless when you're interrupted aren't you?" Shigure teases Yuki as they sit at the table during a break in their own cycles.
"Shut up, mutt. I heard you throwing condoms at him." Yuki snips, drinking his tea.
"Can you blame me?" Shigure gasps, slumping against the table. "It was painful to watch."
Yuki hates to agree so simply hums. Shigure wouldn't be the one having to hear them, but it was infuriating to watch them dance around each other. "At least we don't transform during this nonsense."
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ddejavvu · 2 years
I don't know if this is how I'm supposed to do it, but can I request Scallops? With a side of Eddie Munson x reader and a dialogue of: "You think I'm sick of it? I wouldn't have it any other way."
combined with: hiii! may i please have an order of blueberry muffin with eddie and it’s about him supporting his girl who’s in a musical? it could be a play for mamma mia or west side story. and it just him helping her through rehearsals, easing her nerves, bringing her food and flowers, cheering the loudest during the show despite hating the fact she has to kiss another man lol. any scenario you want! this is just me trying to comfort myself bc my play is in a month hehe. ty lovie!
enjoy! <33
Striding down the darkened backstage hallway, you finally understand how Eddie feels. He's constantly a presence, the chains on his belt jingle when he walks, his boots thump hard against the ground, his hair bounces around his shoulders. The costume dress you have on rustles relentlessly at every step you take, and your thick heels click against the floor no matter how soft of a step you take. You finally reach your chair, a half-drunk coffee already propped on a side table next to it. Even though you'd just acknowledged the constant noise Eddie makes when he walks, you don't register the clanking of his chains or the thumping of his boots as you pick up your now-cold coffee, settling into your chair. You only know he's there when his hands wind around your shoulders, and his voice makes you jump.
"Jesus," You hiss, heart racing, "Eddie, why'd you sneak up on me like that?"
"Because it's fun," He insists, a fresh, hot coffee in hand that he passes to you, "And you deserve a laugh in between everyone yelling at you."
"I'm so sick of this," You groan, the stress of opening night tight in your shoulders that Eddie promptly massages away, "I had to run from the hair and makeup guy three times today! Three times!"
"I told him to leave you alone," Eddie scoffs, poking at your perfectly-rouged cheek, "You look stunning, babe."
You ignore his compliments, far from in the mood to be happy about anything, and continued to groan, "I'm sure you're fuckin' sick of this, too."
"Sick of what?" You hear confusion clear in Eddie's voice, his fingers still digging roughly into the knots of muscles in your back.
"Of coming here, of bringing me coffee and lunch, of hearing the same four songs over and over and over again because for some fucking reason it's never good enough the first time, of-"
"Hey, hey, woah! You think I'm sick of it?" Eddie's hands freeze on your shoulders, then drop to his sides as he comes around to the front of the chair to face you. Your brows furrow inquisitively at him, and he huffs at your genuine confusion.
"Sweetheart, I'm not sick of it. I love supporting you, I wouldn't have it any other way! Well," He glances to the side, your costar's chair beside you, "Maybe if I could rewrite things a bit I wouldn't have that dickhead makin' moves on 'ya every day. But other than that, really, I love it."
"You do?" Your eyes are shimmering with such heartbreaking hope that it tears Eddie's heart from his chest. He can feel a gaping hole where it once was, and tries filling it by kissing your forehead, delicately so that he doesn't smudge your makeup.
"Of course I do," He croons, his teeth glinting in the low light of the hallway, his grin widening at the sweet sound of your voice, "I'm like your little assistant, babe, I'm at your beckon call."
"But don't you get tired of it?"
"Tired of seeing you? Tired of eating lunch with you? Tired of hearing you sing?" He raises an eyebrow at you, then doubles down, "Never."
"No, I just- aren't you tired of having to do all that stuff?" You cock your head to the side, a ribbon in your hair shifting at the movement.
"I don't have to." Eddie reminds you, chucking your old, cold coffee into a garbage can, "I could let my girl starve if I really wanted to. But I'd rather you be alive, so I don't."
"Eddie.." You start, a protest already on the tip of your tongue, but he swats at your shoulder.
"Stop," He warns, "No more shit-talking this. You're gonna perform, and goddammit, you're gonna be happy about it."
"Fine," You huff, letting the smallest of smiles slip over your lips, "But you'd better bring me flowers after the show."
"I'll bring you flowers after every show," Eddie promises, his smile widening as yours blossoms, "Only the best for my superstar."
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ghost-with-a-teacup · 2 years
𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐬 ~ 𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Summary: It's the time of year when everything gets a little distant, the world a little colder. And sitting in your room, you get to witness the first snow with Alcina by your side. Read it on AO3 here! Warnings: None!! Unless you're allergic to fluff. Notes: Hello~ Tiffany is back again with one of her slightly older fics hehe. I think I've posted this one before but I couldn't find it for my masterlist so I'm posting it again. Also yes, I know this fic is about the first snow smack dab in the middle of summer (at least for Canada) but you know what! I don't care, lol. I absolutely adore winter and the atmosphere it brings, so homely and warm and everything good. So here we are, happy reading!
Today was a quiet one. The mid-afternoon sun streamed through the large windows and the sounds of the castle had settled down to a softer noise in the background after the hecticness that comes with any morning. Glancing up, you look towards one of the windows of Castle Dimitrescu and see the vast expanse of Village spread out before you, but something else catches your eye.
Standing up from the large chaise you had been sitting on, with soft steps you pad over to get a closer look. It was a bit chilly, warm breath sure to make wisps in the cold winter air, and in awe you watch as the first snowfall of the season plays out before your very eyes. Cold weather wasn't anything new in the country of Romania, and yet after all this time, this was still a view you'd never get sick of. The small little snowflakes drifting down to Earth from the skies, painting the world in a sparkling white. It reminded you of the winters of your childhood and how much life has changed since then, and yet you wouldn't change the life you had now for anything.
You adjust your robe slightly, pulling it around more tightly around you for warmth, not that you needed to though. It was more of a comfort than anything else. Your body hardly got cold anymore, not when you yourself were made of fire, a result of the attack all those years past... Sometimes you still felt the lingering ache of being reborn, the old scars forever a reminder despite your healing abilities.
Regardless, you were here now and that's all that matters.
"Darling? Are you in here?" A voice called out just past the door of the room. It was just a courtesy though, you knew Alcina could hear the steady thump of your heart for miles with her supernatural hearing and all.
"Yes, dearest," you call out softly, turning around to look towards your lover as she crouched through the small door. With fluid steps, she's in front of you in seconds, a relaxed smile on her face. She too donned a robe, a rich burgundy colour that matched the golden hue of her eyes perfectly. Despite her relaxed demeanour she still exuded that sort of etherealness you can't find anywhere else on earth, still oozed the authority that comes with being a woman in her position.
And she was all yours.
For a moment you glance down at the shining ring on your left hand before looking up at Alcina, a grin meeting your lips as you will your body to float upwards to match her height, an easy feat when you were made of butterflies you supposed.
"Is this where you've been hiding away, dearest?" she says, an amused look on her face, "I've hardly seen you all day." Lifting her hand she runs it over your cheek gently, her lips upturned in a grin.
That was the thing with Alcina. Despite her stature, she was nothing but gentle with you (well, unless the situation called for... otherwise), as if you were made of ice, delicate. Her little snowdrop, she would call you. It was ironic really, since you were essentially the opposite of snow.
You had asked about it one day, maybe a year after you had gotten your powers, why she still called you that.
You and Alcina were sitting in bed, finally getting a moment of repose after a chaotic day of planning for the upcoming winter solstice festival in the village. You sat in Alcina's lap, your head lying on her chest as you both read the book she held in her hands.
Eventually, the weariness of the day caught up to you, and you yawned loudly. Glancing down at you overtop her reading glasses, Alcina wordlessly closes the book and places it down beside her.
"Are you tired, my little snowdrop?" she asks, running a hand through your hair, the action soothing you so much that you yawn once more.
"Why do you still call me that, Alci?" you ask, wiping away the tears that had formed from repeatedly yawning.
"Whatever do you mean?" she asks, looking down at you with a confused look on her face.
"'My little snowdrop', why do you still call me that? I mean, it doesn't really make sense, not when I'm made of these now," you say, lifting a hand. On it, a little red butterfly fluttered its wings, little wisps of fire left behind in its wake.
"Hm," she pauses momentarily, "well, it's because I think of you as my snowdrop, snowdrop," she says with a chuckle, which makes you snort. She runs her hands through your hair for a moment before speaking again.
"I think it makes sense though, regardless of your butterflies. Snowdrops are small, delicate, beautiful. Everything that embodies you, my darling," she says, pressing a kiss to the back of your head. Turning around slightly, you look up at her and are met with golden eyes filled with nothing but affection.
"But even more so," she continues, "the word snowdrop...snow. There's a sort of strength to snow, isn't there? It's a graceful thing, stunning to look at as each snowflake falls to the floor, individualistic in its own right. From afar it's easy to enjoy, but the moment you step outdoors you're met with the freezing cold that nips any skin left uncovered. Stay out too long and you begin to freeze slowly but in a way, it's also fast, so fast that you don't even notice you're freezing until you're already halfway gone. That in itself is strength isn't it?" You pause for a moment, rendered speechless. Alcina really had a way with words, and it caught you off-guard at times. You soak in her words, tilting your head in contemplation before nodding wordlessly.
"And you're just like that, snowdrop. An ethereal being, easily admired from afar, but step closer and you will see that you're not just beautiful, but full of strength as well, not something so easily stepped on." Alcina finishes with a smile. At her words your cheeks flush with embarrassment, but regardless your heart still fills with warmth.
"I... didn't know you thought of me like that Alcina," you say, albeit a bit embarrassedly.
"Well, I do. Every word I spoke I think to be true, you're stronger than you know," Alcina says, the slightest tint of red on her cheeks at her honesty.
"Well, then I like the name then, darling," you say with a smile.
"I'm glad you do, my little snowdrop," Alcina says, her lips upturning into a smile that matches your own.
Snapping back to the present, you smile a bit at the memory before responding to Alcina.
"It felt like a bit of an antisocial sort of day, darling. I'm sorry," you say, glancing off to the side. Alcina takes one of your hands into her own with a sigh, pressing a kiss onto your palm.
"There's no need to be sorry, my love, how many times must I tell you that. I understand things get overwhelming at times, it's quite alright", she says, which makes you look back up at her fondly.
"Thank you for always being so understanding Alcina, I don't know what I'd do without you," you say before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her lips. The feeling never changed, her full soft lips on yours as your heart filled a bit more with love for this woman. You feel her smile into the kiss before pulling away slightly.
"It's the least I could do, darling," she says before pecking your lips once more. Then her gaze is pulled from your own to the one behind you and she lets out a soft gasp.
"My, it's snowing already?" she asked, more to herself if anything. Her eyes are filled with an almost childlike glimmer, the view before you so pure it made your heart soar with affection. Alcina had always told you winter was her favourite season. It really suited her.
"It is, darling. I noticed it just before you came in," you say.
"Perhaps we should go on a stroll then, my little snowdrop. The first snow is always the most beautiful."
"I'd fit right in then, wouldn't I?" you say with a giggle, making Alcina chuckle before grabbing your waist and pulling you close.
"I would say yes, but you stand out amongst the crowd, my love. My pretty little snowdrop," Alcina says, kissing you once more.
A/N: This fic always gets me so softtttttt. I love Alcina, so much.
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Ok, you said you're always down for some angst. How about this for the werewolf au? What if Jake is dreaming about Ronnie delivering their first child, and everything seems to be going ok but then it becomes his worst nightmare because all of a sudden, Ronnie and his child don't make it though childbirth. Now, he has to face life without his Luna or his pup. Then, Jake shoots up in bed and only calms down when he lays his head on Ronnie's chest to hear her heart and rest his hand on her bump.
M....dear sweet M.....you've found my sweet spot in hurt/comfort goodness....
I hope this tides you all over until I post the next actual chapter of this fic lol
some quick warnings: blood mention, birthing scene, dead body mention, non-canon character death, nightmares
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Ronnie’s agonizing screams echoed in an unnatural way as she squeezed Jake’s hand for dear life. She was doing so well, the doctors kept saying so. And Jake was so proud of her as he wiped the sweat from her forehead and pushed back her hair. 
This wasn’t what they had planned. They planned for a home birth, a midwife, for Ronnie to be completely comfortable and the pack to be right outside. But it was too late to change anything now. They were in that hospital room and that baby was coming no matter what.
“You’re doing so good, little one, just a little more,” he encouraged against the skin of her temple. 
“I can’t, I can’t,” she panted through a sob as she shook her head.
“Yes, you can,” he said, “I know you can.” 
“Another big one! Come on, Ronnie, push!” the doctor shouted, sounding like some TV show they were watching together. 
Ronnie sat up and started to push as the contraction crescendoed, mouth falling open in a noise of pure pain as she did so. It made Jake’s heart break and his eyes flash in power. His mate was hurting and he could do nothing to stop it. Nothing but support her and encourage her and let her try to break his hand. There was no enemy to defeat here — and it made the beast inside him ache. 
But then, Ronnie’s face paled ghostly white. Her grip on his palm loosened. 
“Jake…” she managed to mutter out, her unfocused gaze falling on him before she fell back against the pillows.
The monitors all around started to beep wildly. It was overwhelming, made it hard for Jake to focus as he grabbed Ronnie’s shoulder and shook her lightly. Trying to get her to wake up. 
“Ronnie? Ronnie, can you hear me?” he called loudly over the cacophony of beeps that he wished would stop; stop reminding him that something was wrong. 
Jake looked over at her spread legs and gown-covered middle — only to see everything soaked in blood. Red dripped off the hospital bed and onto the white tile floors. The scent of it, like rust and death, hit him at full force. And before Jake could even really react, the doctors pushed him away from the bed. Screaming about codes and drugs and just getting the baby out.
People in scrubs and white coats surrounded the bed, blocking everything from Jake’s view besides the blood that continued to drip, drip, drip steadily against the tile. He couldn’t stop staring at it. Couldn’t top that scent of rust and death from filling his lungs and clouding his brain. He couldn’t even bring himself to ask what was going on — he could hear it. For months he had listened to their dual heartbeats. One slow and steady and somehow sounding kind. That was Ronnie. The other fast and small and brave. That was their pup. 
One was silent. Stopped. Wiped from the earth like it never even existed. 
The other was far too slow.
The wall of scrubs and white coats opened. That heartbeat pounded in his ears over the sound of the beeping monitors. 
As he approached the bed again, the doctors were saying things but he could barely hear them. Something about how there was nothing they could do. She was bleeding too quickly. The baby…There was blood everywhere. Smeared all over her hospital gown and onto her neck. Ronnie had never looked so small in her entire life. Her skin white, cheeks greyed, her eyes tired and heavy as she blinked up at the ceiling. She tried to smile when he placed his hand on her cheek. But it formed broken and full of sorrow on her pale blue lips.
She swallowed something thick, her throat bobbing, before she croaked, “The pup…?”
Jake looked up. And there, laying in the bassinet, was a tiny little body covered in a sheet — red seeping through the fabric. He tried not to scream as he looked down at Ronnie and shook his head. A tear slipped down her cheek that caught on Jake’s thumb as he held her tighter. 
As he tried to hold onto her for just a few more moments. God, her heartbeat was so slow. And there was nothing he could do to stop this. Nothing he could do to make the bleeding stop and her heart go back to that steady, kind rhythm that he loved. No werewolf magic. No Alpha power. What was the fucking point of it all if everything he loved was still ripped from him like this?
“I love you, little one,” he whispered as her brown eyes stared straight through him, unable to concentrate as her life slipped away. “Please, fight. Come on. Don’t give in. Don’t just go quietly — fight.” 
But even as he pleaded with her not to leave him, he knew that there was no fighting this. 
Her eyes gained one last moment of clarity. For a second, he dared to hope. Ronnie looked directly into his eyes, some form of desperation pulled at her brow as she leaned into the touch of his palm on her cheek.
“Jake…” she whispered. 
Then she laid still. Her dark pupils relaxed. Her heart gave one last thump — like some final kiss against his soul — before it went silent. 
The world had never been so quiet.
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Jake sat up straight in bed. He felt a gasp leave his lungs as he soaked in the darkness of the bedroom. Then he felt the sweat that coated his skin, which cooled as the air from the overhead fan reached him. His flesh tingled with the power of the Alpha, the beast longing to be released.
It was dark. It was nighttime. He wasn’t in some blood-stained hospital room. He was in his bedroom. 
But still, the world seemed so quiet. He couldn’t hear anything over the blood rushing in his ears and his own heart pounding wildly in his chest. The more he struggled to listen over the sound of his own insides, the harder it became to be. He fought for air, he fisted the bedsheets so tight he was sure they were ripping within his claws.
Was it just a dream? Or was it a cruel replaying of some memory he was trying to forget?
Then he felt a hand on his bare shoulder — and he flinched as he turned to the source. Only for relief to wash over him like some all-consuming, roaring waterfall. So loud that the entire world was filled with it, that there was no room for anything else. 
Ronnie sat there, pushed up on one elbow, blinking at him in the darkness. Beautiful, laying next to him in their shared bed, alive, and full of his pup. His t-shirt that she wore stretched over the curve of her nearly to-term bump that she now cradled with her hand. Jake released the breath he didn’t even realize he had been holding as he took in the sight of her. Her scent of old book pages and lavender flooded his senses.
“Everything okay?” she asked quietly.
Jake didn’t respond with words. Though, he may have grunted as he crashed into her chest. Forcing her to lay back down with his head burrowed into her breasts. She chuckled lightly as she threaded her fingers into his hair in the way he liked. Jake practically purred as he nuzzled into her further. As one arm wound its way underneath her body and held her to him. As his other hand was planted firmly against the expanse of her belly.
He could hear both of their heartbeats now. One slow and steady and somehow kind. The other fast and small and brave. The music of his entire life.
It was just a dream. 
It was just a dream. 
“D’you wanna talk about it?” Ronnie questioned, lips brushing the top of his head. 
Never he wanted to say as he pushed up the fabric of her shirt with his fingers, opting to feel the warmth of her skin. He felt the pup move against his palm, push against the confines of her belly. The sigh he released was shakier than he intended, weaker than he wanted to seem, as he fell completely lax against her. 
He knew that she understood enough in the way she tugged at the strands of his hair. 
“I’m right here, my Alpha. My sweet boy,” she whispered to him in the darkness as Jake’s eyes slipped shut. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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werewolf!topgun taglist: @blue-aconite @darkestbeforethedawn16 @supernaturaldawning @illisius @hope-love-equality2 @wanderingdetectives @sqrlgrl22 @dempy @theforevermorereject @the-untamed-soul @emandems10 @xxshea-barnesxx @piceous21 @sopheeg @ollyoxenfrees @luckyladycreator2 @newlibrary @himbos-on-ice @gigisimsonmars @agentminnesota187
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chapter 5, page 13
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[image description: an sac webcomic page. “I have literally played multiple indie horror games with this exact scenario.” lewis states with an expression between concern and ‘what the fuck’, while jade stares back blankly. “Oh, I can suggest they add a monster that starts to hunt you if you go down deep enough?“ she replies, hand to her chin with a cheeky grin. “WHY” lewis’s expression changes to something between anger, horror and incredulous, as he signs the single word with enough force that it makes a thump noise against himself.  “Crawling up and down the stairs like a catacombs beast.“ jade continues undeterred, holding her hands up to make claw shapes. “a what?” asks lewis, back to the viewer. “Huh? Oh- let's leave that lesson for another day, we won't bump into one anytime soon.” she says to herself, hand to her face and expression serious. “WHAT” lewis signs at her, horrified, but she either doesn’t notice or respond. “Anyway, we've wasted enough time, so let's get a move on.“ she finishes. “hello?” she calls out, this time directed towards the empty void. “This is sound flood, requesting entry for myself and my... “ she pauses, having her arm now around lewis, and pulling him closer to her, slightly off balence, to heis annoyance and confusion, raising and eyebrow back at her. “Sidekick? Student? Teamate.“ she finishes. end id]
don't worry about it, it's fine haha anyway was lying in bed in the dark about to sleep and then i remember what day it is and had to start my laptop back up to upload this lol
also this is dedicated to any and all indie horror game lets plays ive watched in the background while drawing for the past decade
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kijobaby · 2 years
Series: One Punch Man
Ship: Pre-Kijo x Garou
Words: idk I'm on mobile lol
Meeting Garou part 2, bc I'm in a stupid amount of pain and needed to distract myself :")
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Sleep evaded Kijo. She could take a fistful of sleeping pills and still spend hours staring up at the ceiling, pleading with her mind to slow down just long enough to let her drift to sleep. She often wondered if begging for rest was what made it evade her. Like some sort of ironic, sick joke -- except she wasn't laughing.
Tonight was no different.
Kijo's eyes burned holes into the ceiling above her. She'd spent the last hour of restless tossing and turning searching endlessly through the crevices of her mind for inspiration, hoping to find something to justify the lack of sleep. If she could just paint or draw, then she wouldn't feel like her time had been wasted. Luck would have it that an idea struck, so she pulled herself from her covers and slid into the chair at her desk.
Kijo wasn't a well known artist, nor did she consider herself a good one, but that didn't keep her heart from fluttering with excitement whenever she felt like she got the ball rolling. She became so enthralled with her piece everything disappeared around her. All she could focus on was, keep your wrist straight -- there needs to be shading there -- that doesn't look proportional -- should I find a reference?
An hour passed by. Then two. And then Kijo realized it was already 12 a.m. and she had to be awake in five hours to open the Cafe she worked at. She slapped a hand to her forehead, frustrated puffs of exhalation coming out of her nose as she stared at her sketchpad. She still wasn't tired.
Yet, just as Kijo was pushing back in her chair to prepare the mental agony that came with the toss and turn of a restless body, she heard a noise.
Kijo froze.
She listened for a moment. The apartment was an older one and was sensitive to movement, and it was windy outside, so Kijo chalked it up to that. She continued shuffling about, cleaning her desk up when she heard it again.
Okay, that definitely wasn't just the wind.
Kijo could hear the faint clicking of the fridge opening from the kitchen and she tilted her head. Kenna had passed out a while ago, slipping into one of her famous Nap-Comas. She was a pretty deep sleeper, too, so Kijo knew that she wouldn't be rifling the fridge for a midnight snack.
Could someone have broken into their apartment?
Kijo's heart thumped in her chest. She wasn't sure what to do. Should she go out there and make sure it isn't Kenna? Maybe she was over reacting. She hadn't been sleeping well, after all, and she was prone to bouts of paranoia when she got like this. Still... Kijo grabbed the first thing she could reach off her desk without much attention and slowly pulled open her door.
The lights were off, but there was definitely someone in her kitchen. She could hear them going through the cupboards, their movements thoughtful and methodical, as if trying to keep quiet. Kijo's heart began pounding harder.
It definitely couldn't be Kenna. Her door was shut. Kijo swallowed past the painful beating in her throat and began creeping forward. She drew just to the end of the hallway, kept hidden around the corner as her ears strained at every sound, every clink of glass and rustle of plastic. Every... Crunch?
They're eating my food!
Kijo's jaw dropped in disbelief. They were being robbed-- of their groceries?! Oh, Kijo was furious. She dared to poke her head around the corner but the darkness of the kitchen kept the intruder hidden. She narrowed her eyes and glanced downward.
There, just in the light of the moon that trickled in from the nearby window, was an empty bag of her favorite matcha chocolates. The disbelief she felt earlier paled in comparison to the anger she was feeling now.
How dare this petty, lowly thief touch her snacks? Kijo was seething. Her thoughts became muddied with her frustration and, just as the fridge door opened and illuminated the kitchen, she was rushing forward.
She hadn't even got a word out, let alone gotten close enough to get any damage in when the person whirled around and grabbed her raised arm midair. Their other hand came to grip her and she was stuck.
It was then that Kijo recognized the intruder. His gold eyes shone down at her in amusement and she croaked,
" You! What are you doing in my apartment?! "
" Keep it down, " his voice came out in a whisper, eyes fleeting towards the hallway, " you don't want to wake your roommate, do you? "
" Fuck off -- KENNA-- " a hand slapped over Kijo's mouth and she was pulled taught against his body, rendering her silent. Yet, despite his overwhelming strength, Kijo squirmed defiantly, yelling obscenities against the palm of his hand.
" Seriously, if you don't shut up, you'll regret it," his hand tightened in emphasis around her face. It was clear he was threatening her. And Kijo, while impulsive, wasn't an idiot -- she fell silent and waited patiently until he decided she wasn't going to cause a commotion. He let her go.
Kijo pressed herself against the counter and extended her hand in his direction again, waving around whatever it was that she'd grabbed off her desk,
" Get out, " Kijo growled. " Get out or I'll -- I'll -- "
" What? Draw on my face? "
Kijo blinked before she looked down and discovered that she'd grabbed a Copic marker. A bright pink one, to be exact. Her face fell for a moment before her resolve returned and she straightened up,
" I'll shove this right into your eye, you smart-ass, " Kijo attempted to sound as threatening as possible, and his lack of a reaction only further stoked her flaring temper, " seriously. You ever get marker ink in your eye? That shit blows."
" You're hilarious, " the man grinned, flashing his teeth at her. Kijo was reminded of the nature documentaries she watched, the ones about Apex predators. She recalled a specific one that discussed the survival rate of lone wolves, and there was a scene in particular where one had spent an exhaustive night hunting until it'd finally successfully cornered its prey. But she wasn't some helpless hare -- she had teeth of her own. She sneered and glanced around the kitchen, looking for a more reliable weapon.
Before she could get her hands on the santoku knife in the sink, the man had put two and two together and had now caged her against the counter. Kijo's head practically spun.
She couldn't get anything out, however, as she heard Kenna call softly from the hallway,
" Friend, is that you? "
Oh, no.
Gold eyes fleeted towards the hallway once more and Kijo almost began panicking. She remembered Garou's threat. There was no way she could let Kenna wander out into the middle of this. This guy was a total screwball and was unpredictable -- she had to keep her from coming out.
" Tell her you dropped something, " Kijo looked up in surprise. " Tell her, now."
Kijo didn't dare argue. She wouldn't risk Kenna's safety just because she had a stubborn temper.
" Ah... I just dropped one of my paint cups, is all! Don't worry, I got it cleaned up."
" Okiiee... " There was a yawn before Kijo heard Kenna's door close. When she was certain the brunette wasn't going to come back out she quickly shoved the taller man off of her, her cheeks blaring.
" Okay, seriously, what's your malfunction? Did you follow me home so you could raid my fridge? This isn't some All You Can Eat  Buffet, you asshole! "
" Relax, Kijo, I came by to return this."
Kijo didn't have a chance to question how he knew her name before a black wallet was being shoved in her face. She blinked at it, dumbfounded, before she realized it was hers and promptly snagged it from his grasp.
" How did you--"
" You dropped it. Back at the warehouse. Which, if I recall correctly, is where you were watching me like some sort of pervert-- "
" -- Stop calling me that -- "
" -- and I kept you from splattering all over the floor. Yet, despite all of that, I went out of my way to bring it to you. " He picked at his ear as Kijo digested his words. She was a funny one, that's for sure. All that bark yet so easily stumped by a kind gesture. Lucky him!
Kijo placed her wallet on the counter, amber eyes narrowing on his gold ones.
" So, your idea of bringing it to me included breaking into my apartment and eating all of my food? Normal people would've just turned it into the police. "
Perhaps the gesture wasn't as kind as he'd thought. He grimaced at the mention of the police.
" So, great, you know my name and where I live, ate all my food... And I'm jjst supposed to be okay with that? Some total stranger breaks into my house and I'm supposed to thank him for returning my wallet?" Kijo crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back against the counter. What a weird fucking night. One second, she was furiously scribbling away at her drawing pad and contemplating whether she should risk a concussion and bash her head into the wall to put herself to sleep, the next she was attempting to thwart an intruder from eating all of her food, and that intruder just happened to be the guy from the warehouse. " At least tell me your name so I don't resort to calling you "Home Invader Guy", or something."
" Garou. "
" Garou.... " The name rolled of her tongue in a strangely satisfying way. She peered up at the ceiling, " that means 'hungry wolf'. How fitting. "
" And your name means 'demon woman'. Also very fitting."
" You flatter me, " Kijo paused, glancing behind Garou at the open fridge. Man, he'd really made a mess of it. It was fortunate that they'd been needing to go pick up groceries to begin with, but he'd really gone to town eating everything they DID have. It was like he hadn't eaten in a really long time. " You're going to pay for all of that. "
" Am I? What makes you so sure you can make me? "
Valid point. Garou had a good few inches on her and had already proven to be much stronger and faster than she was. She huffed, reaching over to turn on the light so they could at least continue the conversation without awkwardly standing in the dark.
" Look, can you please just go? You returned the wallet and ate us out of our home. What more do you need? "
Surprisingly, Garou didn't have anything to say. He was only staring at her, his eyes wide as dinner plates. Was he... Blushing?
" Alright, alright, I'm leaving, " he grumbled, turning away. Kijo slowly followed after him -- partially because she was confused by the sudden change in demeanor, but also because she wanted to make sure he actually went through the front door -- but she stopped just as he turned the handle and hovered in the door way. " I wouldn't suggest fending off home intruders in your underwear, though. "
The door clicked shut and Kijo scratched her head. Underwear? She was wearing a huge t-shirt. It may as well have been a dress on her. For someone who acted so aloof and confident, he sure had a strange Achilles heel.
Kijo turned back towards the kitchen, scanning over the mess, and she groaned when she saw the time on the clock.
" I should've made him clean everything before leaving...!"
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Twin Bed (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)
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Anonymous said:
are u taking requests rn? 🥺 ive read ur tsukki fics and i know to myself ur the only one who can write this request amazingly: tsukki sneaking in to his s/o’s room at night bc he misses her and he saw how cute she is in her pajamas but couldnt help getting turned on as well bc she is wearing shorts and an oversized shirt it also didnt help that her bed is for one person only ;) UR AN AMAZING AUTHOR AND NEVER STOP WRITING TSUKKI OR HAIKYUU SCENARIOS COS THE PPL NEED U
Word Count: 2,475
Rated: Explicit
Warnings: SMUT, my shit writing, bad language
Yoooo this is was legit so fun to write lmao. I hope I did your request justice anon and I appreciate your kind words!!! I know I have other requests sitting in my inbox and I will try and to get to them soon. I might be a bit inactive the next couple of weeks, I will be going vacation (I definitely fucking need it lol) this week and then I start classes again. RIP. I hope you guys enjoy this one and let me know what you think!:) I literally am at a lost for words with how amazing you guys are and how unproblematic you guys have been considering the bullshit that’s been going around in the community. I just want to reiterate that this is a safe and fun place for everyone, it is never my intention to make anyone uncomfortable and if I do please let me know so that I can apologize correctly for it! But to make things clear I will not tolerate any fuckery on this blog, I don’t have the energy nor the patience to deal with shit like that. We are all capable of being decent human beings to each other. No drama, no bullshit, just a fun and safe place for everyone that wants to be part of it. ANYWAY, enough of my ranting, please enjoy this filth and my shit writing lmao 😘😘😘💕💕💕💕
You frowned slightly as you looked at your phone, your eyes squinting against the harshness of the light. 
 Tsukishima had texted you, multiple times - at two in the morning - in fact. While you dearly adored your boyfriend of only five months, you didn’t exactly adore the fact that he woke you up at this time.
 Especially considering you had to be up in about five hours to get ready for an exam.
 You sighed through your nose as you tugged your blankets from your body and made your way to your door. 
 “Kei… it’s two in the morning…” You yawned, looking up at your tall boyfriend with sleepy eyes. “The dorm manager is going to get mad at me if she catches you here.” 
 “Well let’s not get caught then.” he drawled out, gold eyes flickering over your body. A blonde eyebrow arched up; “is that my shirt?”
 You blinked at him for a moment, not fully registering what he had just asked before a soft blush began to coat your cheeks.
 You were definitely wearing one of his shirts, a green Sendai Frogs shirt that was way too big for your body, given his tall stature. He had left the shirt at your dorm two weeks ago, and naturally you wore it to bed almost every night. 
 “No.” You said in a small voice, carefully playing with your fingers as you looked up at him through your lashes.
 A soft blush covered Tsukishima’s cheeks before he scoffed, his slender fingers reaching up to push his glasses back up his nose. “You’re a terrible liar. Looks good on you though.” he said, brushing past you to get into your room.
 You turned to see him plop himself onto your bed, and you couldn’t help but stare. It was a strange sight to see to say the least. His 6’4 frame was just a tad out of place in your room, especially sitting on your incredibly small bed. But more so he was out of place because, well, your boyfriend was beautiful. It was like a Greek god decided to pay you a secret visit before the sun came up, ready to disappear at any moment. 
 Tsukishima’s hair was tousled perfectly, the tight black shirt he wore complimented him perfectly, emphasizing his broad shoulders and thick biceps. You felt your mouth go dry as you realized that he was wearing grey sweatpants, clinging low on his hips.
 How could someone look so good at two in the morning?
 “Are you just going to stare at me the entire time?” He called out, his back leaning against the wall your bed was pushed up against, his phone in hand. 
 “You’re the one that wanted to come over.” you frowned, locking your door before making your way towards the bed. “You’re taking up all the space.” You whined. 
 He rolled his eyes before his long legs parted, creating a space on the bed. “Come here.” 
 You felt your face burn even more, a strange shyness overtaking you at the intimate position he wanted you in. 
 It wasn’t like you had never been close to Tsukishima before, you guys had been intimate, many times... but then why were you so nervous all of a sudden?
 “What are you waiting for?” he asked, a blonde eyebrow quirked up.
 “Shut up.” you grumbled, carefully climbing over one of his long legs. You settled yourself against him, your upper body fitting easily between his legs, your back resting against his stomach and your head gently pressing into his strong chest.
 Resting against Tsukishima was far better than resting in your tiny bed. 
 One of his arms carefully wrapped around your waist, his large hand gently pressing against your stomach, the other hand held his phone in front of both of you, a volleyball game overtaking the screen.
 It was silent for a moment, both of you absorbed in the video. It had only been fifteen minutes into the game when Tsukishima began looking over your body. His gold eyes taking in your bare legs before flickering up. He zeroed in on the exposed skin of your hip, the shirt you wore had been pulled up slightly. 
 He swallowed thickly, arousal beginning to spike in his blood. Christ, it wasn’t like you were naked right now; it wasn’t like you were wearing anything incredibly enticing, but… fuck. Tsukishima began wracking his brain for when the last time it was that he had seen you. That’s right, it had been a while, a little over two weeks in fact. 
 His sudden desire was because he had just missed you right? He couldn’t possibly be turned on from the simple fact that you were in the shortest shorts known to man, or the fact that you were in his shirt and you weren’t…. Christ, you weren’t wearing a fucking bra. 
 He could see your hardened nipples through the shirt despite how baggy it was on your small body. 
 “Can you hold the phone, my arm is getting tired.” he said quietly, hoping that you hadn’t felt his hardening member against your back just yet. 
 “Really Kei?” you rolled your eyes but took his phone nonetheless, your eyes completely glued to the screen. The game was just beginning to get interesting.
 It was silent again.
 But this time, Tsukishima trailed his hand down to your exposed skin, carefully sliding his fingers under your shirt, gently tracing against your soft skin.
 You sighed softly at his touch, your body wiggling slightly against him to get more comfortable. Tsukishima took that as a good sign, his hands traveling further up, the rough pads of his fingers felt incredible against your skin; goosebumps erupting over your body.
 You shivered slightly, desire spiking in the pit of your stomach as his long fingers began moving further up, until they rested just below your breasts. Your breath hitched, your heart thumping loudly in your ears now. 
 His fingers carefully dragged against the soft underside of your breasts. You felt Tsukishima shift, his upper body sitting up slightly, his lips brushing gently against the shell of your outer ear, hot breath rustled your hair. 
 “Who’s winning?” he murmured, lips grazing against your ear before carefully brushing down towards your neck.
A soft whimper tore through your lips. “It’s uhmm… uh - o-oh Kei.” your eyes fluttered shut as his tongue darted across your skin, tasting you before biting down softly. You could feel your cunt clenching at his actions, your bundle of nerves suddenly throbbing to be touched.
 “What was that?” he teased softly, the hand that was gently caressing the underside of your breasts suddenly moved up, carefully cupping your entire breast, long fingers gently tugging at your hardened nipple.
 You moaned loudly before immediately dropping his phone, both hands clasping your mouth shut tightly.
 “Oh, that’s right, if your dorm manager caught me here, she would be furious right? I don’t want you getting in trouble, so you best be quiet hmm?” he murmured softly against your skin before pinching your nipple hard between two fingers.
 Your breath hitched, your eyes squeezing shut as pleasure rippled through your body.
 “But you make the cutest noises when you're turned on.” he said, his voice incredibly quiet and calm, despite the growing hardness that was pressing into your back now. “You’re in quite the dilemma, aren’t you?”
 His other hand suddenly trailed down, his fingers curling against your through your shorts. 
 “Fuck… you’re soaked.” he groaned quietly, feeling your arousal leaking through your panties and staining your shorts.
 He suddenly leaned back once again, your head once again resting against his strong chest. But despite his composure, his heart was racing just as much as yours. 
 He suddenly bucked his hips up, his cock rubbing against your back. A soft sigh escaped his lips, the hand that was groping your breast pulled out of your shirt and tangled into your hair, gently tugging and forcing you to arch your neck, staring up at the blonde male now.
 His gold eyes held nothing but lust now as he stared down at you with half-lidded eyes. 
 You had never seen a more gorgeous man in your entire life. 
 “What do you want?” he asked, his voice deep with arousal. But before you could say anything, the hand that was grasping you through your clothes suddenly tugged your shorts and panties to the side, long fingers brushing softly against your weeping slit.
 Tsukishima exhaled loudly, his cock jumping against your back as he felt just how wet you were. 
 “Fuck…” he whispered quietly, and carefully slid his finger to the top of your cunt, his finger gently pressing down against your clit.
 A jolt of pleasure erupted through your body, your mouth falling open in a silent plea as your eyes fluttered shut.
 He began rubbing delicate circles against you, a soft pleasure beginning to build up in your lower stomach, your hips rocking up carefully with his movements.
 “K-Kei…” you trembled, your hand reaching down and grasping at his forearm helplessly. 
 “Are you close?” he asked, his finger pressing down just a little bit harder, but that was all that you needed to get your legs shaking.
 The way he touched you… the way that he took care of you… it was no wonder you were completely head over heels for him.
 He was just too good.
 You nodded helplessly against his chest, and then suddenly he pulled his hand away from your dripping cunt, a soft cry of distress tearing through your lips. Why did he… but you were so close…
 “Can you move away for a second?” he asked quietly, gently pushing you forward. You shakily scooted away from him and heard the rustling of sheets and clothes. You twisted your head to look back and - your mouth went dry.
 Tsukishima was still resting against the wall, his lower body easily sprawled out against your bed as you still sat between his long legs, but this time… this time… he laid with one hand behind his head, the other was easily grasping his member, lazily sliding up and down his shaft. His grey sweatpants were bunched up around the tops of his thighs, his black shirt pulled up slightly, exposing his lower stomach and the perfect lines of his Adonis belt.
 “Come here.” he demanded, you turned to crawl over to him, fully intending on taking him into your mouth- his hand flew up, halting your movements. “No. I want to be inside you.”
 Your lips parted slightly as you nodded in a daze, your cunt squeezing around nothing at his words. But before you could sink down on top of his cock, he stopped you once more. 
 “Turn around.” he commanded. Your lips trembled softly, your hands gripping his upper thighs as you situated yourself on top of him, you could feel his fingers tugging your shorts and underwear to the side again, and then something blunt and thick began rubbing up and down your soaked entrance. 
 “Don’t tease me Kei, please.” you whimpered out, but before you could plead further, he grabbed your hips, forcing you to sink all the way down onto his member in one movement.
 You gritted your teeth tightly, biting back the loud shout that wanted to escape your throat at the sudden intrusion, at the force of him already hitting the most devastating depths within you.
 Fuck you had never been quite this full, never had someone quite this deep until you met Tsukishima.
 “Shit.” he cursed, growling slightly, his grip on your hips tightening as his eyes fluttered shut as your tight heat engulfed him completely.
 He could never get used to this. 
 After a moment of adjusting to the new intrusion you began rocking your hips, carefully sliding back and forth, your lips forming into a silent o as pleasure jolted through your body at each drag of his cock against your walls.
 A soft whimper tore through your lips as he began grabbing handfuls of your ass, his fingers gripping tightly at the soft flesh, kneading and pulling your cheeks apart. Before his hand settled on pulling your shorts and underwear further away, his eyes taking in the obscene way your cunt swallowed his cock.
 The quiet room was filled with the sound of rustling sheets, the wet noises of your arousal leaking through your stuffed cunt as Tsukishima slid in and out of you, the soft and breathless moans that escaped your lips, and the soft grunts of Tsukishima as he fought back his release. He couldn’t cum yet, not until you did.
 But he could tell that you were close by the desperate way you rocked your hips, faster, sloppier, chasing for a release.
 “Cum for me.” he demanded, his large hand cracking down against your ass. Your hand came up, stifling the loud gasp that wanted to escape your lips, your cunt clenching tightly around him. You could feel it then, the pleasure mixed with the sharp pain, the tightness in your lower stomach finally releasing. 
 “Fuck that’s it.” He murmured, watching as you trembled above him, his hands coming down to grip at your waist, forcing you to move faster against him as he began chasing his own release.
 Tsukishima gritted his teeth tightly before carefully shoving you off of his member, a soft cry escaping your lips as you collapsed on top of his legs. He gripped his member tightly, shooting thick ropes of his warmth all over your raised bottom, staining your shorts completely.
 “Shit hold on.” he panted slightly, carefully moving himself from under you. He tucked his softening member back into his sweatpants before moving towards your closet, grabbing a towel and making his way back to you. His gentle hands easily cleaning you up before tugging your shorts and panties off, replacing them with fresh ones.
 You looked up at him sleepily as he began situating you both on your small body, half of your body resting on top of his as he drew the blankets over your guys’ form. 
 “You suck Kei. If I fail this exam because I’m too tired to focus, you have to buy me ramen.” you mumbled against his chest, your eyes drooping as sleep began to tug at your mind.
 “If you fail this exam just because you’re tired then that just proves you didn’t actually study for it. You should’ve been able to retain that information regardless.” he said, fingers gently running through your hair.
 “You suck.” you sighed again, softly nuzzling your face into his chest.
 A smile tugged at his lips, but he didn’t say anything else. 
 Not that you would have listened anyway, considering that you were knocked out now. 
 Tsukishima’s body was definitely more comfortable than your twin bed. 
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