#npc speaks
wildcatofgreen · 1 year
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Man, he could get used to this. Guard duty, protecting a wedding? Who the hell would ever come and threaten something like this?
Sure, everyone involved was pretty high profile--being heroes and celebrities all--but seriously? This was so easy.
The only thing that weighed on his mind was the fact that apparently the feline advertised it everywhere? But it looked like only the guests she invited came, along with a couple stragglers.
So. Of course.
When this cloaked figure showed up, he seized.
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ineed-to-sleep · 5 months
I really need to remember to use speak with the dead more often in bg3 bc I keep running into reddit posts that go "oh I used speak with the dead on this important npc and got this extra bit of lore/backstory" and I just feel like smashing my computer into little pieces WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT
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Happy lesbian visibility week and autism acceptance month to Ayda Aguefort by the way
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vitamin-zeeth · 1 year
Matt is so correct Colin is just the player character in the Calorum video game. He doesn't know what he's fucking doing and literally just latched onto the first guy who gave him a Quest and has not left him for 2 years. He looks exactly like every Skyrim/Assassin's Creed/other similar game player character. I can just imagine him going around pressing X to interact
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messiahzzz · 7 months
When I came across that "joke" from Tav to Quill and Z'rell's comment (plus Halsin), I had to take a minute to process what happened. Gale might be a bit silly and eccentric but he's the kindest, sweetest and most passionate character in that party. No wonder the poor man has deep insecurities to solve, so many people reduce him to an easy target! Ofc one of the side effects would be overconfidence and ambition as a defense mechanism. He's obv lonely; only Tara and Morena ever loved him for him.
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his eccentric nature might be a part of it. he is loquacious, outgoing, and doesn’t see the point in hiding his enthusiasm. he is considered to be the weird one. naturally, wizards in general being seen as somewhat squishy and physically weak might also add to it.
personally, i really don’t like the implications of the (widely considered) autistic-coded character being the one who faces the most ridicule by far by other characters and fans (and larian) alike.
some might disagree with me on that, but i don’t find it funny by any means either. mostly it just makes me feel bad. “he deserves it. cocky, arrogant, hubris-ridden wizard needs to be taken down a peg” like he isn’t… y’know… already at his lowest. it also disregards the fact that much of his bravado is part of his carefully curated Great Wizard of Waterdeep™ persona that he has skillfully adopted to mask his general feeling of being defective. being fiercely proud of your skill and knowledge and being doubtful of having something truly worthwhile to offer are mindsets that can coexist. according to fandom, gale is either secret hubris incarnate that is only waiting to be unleashed upon the world or pure baby that can do no wrong. instead of a character that is just as flawed and traumatized as all the others, but no less deserving of genuine love.
to me, the constant ridicule just reads as further feeding into his deep-rooted insecurities and his belief that he (as gale, the person) isn’t someone who holds inherent worth. it really, really doesn’t sit well with me.
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shima-draws · 2 years
The fact that every single NPC is unique now is actually pretty fucking incredible. That’s always been a weird shortcoming of any Pokemon game? Like it was never a big deal, obviously having a unique design for every obscure NPC would take too much time and dedication. But they DID IT for SV and it’s so so neat it feels way more real and natural now walking around in a world full of individual people and not clones
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toohottohoot · 1 month
*sobs hysterically*
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dog-violet · 1 year
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he is a transmasc if i’ve ever seen one
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regret-evatorful · 3 months
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the worst one
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folkloric-love · 16 days
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You see a woman seated at the table, head bowed, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. She is adorned in a torn and soiled red gown, which appears to be at least a century out of fashion, but surely must have once belonged to a noblewoman of fine taste. Her hair might once have been red, but the color has long since faded to a pale and dusky rose hue. She has the look of an antique doll that had long been abandoned, now lovingly restored by skilled hands.
As you approach, you notice that her skin is powdered white as to resemble porcelain. Upon closer inspection, you can clearly see that her flawless features are threaded through with cracks...
No, not cracks. Lines of stitches cross over her nose and cheeks, circle her throat and wrists. She does not move at the sound of your approach, nor does she appear to breathe.
But as the Abbot moves closer, the woman slowly turns her head to regard him with pale and glassy eyes. He takes her gently by the hand and helps her to rise, moving with an unearthly grace.
"This is my daughter, Vasilka." The Abbot smiles warmly, presenting her to you. "Is she not beautiful?"
The woman simply stares at you.
"Vasilka, please greet our guests."
She inclines her head in deference and offers a faint smile. "Welcome, weary travelers, to the Abbey of St. Markovia. Please, take a seat by the fire and rest for a while."
This was basically how Vasilka's introduction to the party went in our campaign! Though quiet and demure, she was more than happy to play host to the party, eager to demonstrate her lessons in etiquette and impeccable manners. She served them leek and potato soup that she cooked herself, made from ingredients harvested from the garden that she also tends. The party even got some choice wine that the Abbot keeps in the basement of the Abbey. The food was so good that the tiefling sorcerer actually wept tears of pure joy because the party had been eating like absolute shit for the past few weeks. Shoutout once again to @luclovestruck for designing her signature red dress! I wanted something sumptuous and baroque, befitting a noblewoman, but clearly old and outdated as to no longer be considered fashionable by modern Barovian aristocracy. The Abbot doesn't exactly concern himself with fashion trends, but one has to make due with whatever materials are available in such an isolated settlement. Now, if he can just get his hands on a wedding dress befitting his beautiful daughter...
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ydteus · 1 year
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Fake screenshots of Nolia and Elowen.
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wildcatofgreen · 1 year
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And since Regent Neera was at the alter, it was up to Jade to usher in the guests. She could only do oh so much, after all.
This guy... This guy looks weird. Were these really the kinds of people Carol knew?
"Yes, sir. Head right inside and follow the carpet until you hit a right--the reception is starting shortly."
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He salutes him shortly afterwards.
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v-iv-rusty · 11 months
something I really love abt souls games is how every character is so lovingly voice acted. and I don't just mean the main ones but even the ones that 'don't matter' or show up once and then die etc whatever. all of them feel so...idk. unique? charming. none of them feel like their vas just kind of half assed it bc 'well no ones going to care about this guy anyway' they're all so full of character and life
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As fun as the whole “taking away preexisting npcs so the players can actually interact with the people around that I set up” thing is I do want Ayda back. And unfortunately I am not asking 🔫🥰👍
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shadowgasp · 1 year
there’s something about Travis’ smile widening when he realized Essek was coming to Caleb’s door.
and there’s something about Liam’s eyes as he role-played Caleb brushing Essek’s chin
and there’s something about Travis and Marisha gushing to each-other after Essek gives Caleb a kiss
and there’s something about, “i just look out on Rexxentrum and look up the lane, look at the green beans, and i pull the door closed”
there’s just something about that.
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fagtainsparklez · 7 months
i need captainsparklez on the qsmp not for any of the joke reasons i’ve stated before but because i have NEVER seen a man (+community) that gets attached to npcs/child characters SO quickly before. the second he finds a little guy to attach himself to he will Not Let Go. i NEED to see how he reacts to the eggs/other npcs so bad i think it would take exactly .2 seconds for him to lay down his life for them
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