#october update
balkanradfem · 6 months
So, since the gardening season was unsuccessful, and really sad, I've been dreaming of starting new seeds. I've decided, this time, I'm going to plant so many tomatoes that nothing will be able to prevent the tomato harvest. It's gonna be all tomato garden, 40+ tomato plants, I'll build shelters for them in case of hail, weave nets, I'm ready, let's do this.
However, it's October, and there's precious little I can do in October to start plants; if I germinate anything right now, there won't be enough sun for it to grow, and it will pout and die </3. It happens every year when I stubbornly plant basil and it checks out the daylight levels and decides to nope out of that situation.
So, instead, what I'm doing, is still learning about mushrooms! I'm going to the forest regularly and collecting anything that could possibly be edible, and trying it out. I've been lucky to find so many edible boletes, I've been drying them in the summer and I have a great dried mushroom stash, which will prove very valuable during the winter.
Now there's a mushroom that grows when nothing else is really available, the latin name is 'Neoboletus luridiformis' and it looks like this:
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Cool, right? A red bolete mushroom. She's called Scarletina Bolete. Looks poisonous. However, sources claim that this mushroom is edible, granted it's cooked first. I've been sheepish to try it because it's so red, and there are red boletes that are 100% poisonous, so this is just a health risk. You can check if the mushroom is this one because it stains blue and black when you cut it, and mine do. This is how it looks like cut:
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I mean that does look extremely unappetizing but it says right there on wikipedia that it's edible:
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hmm so anyway, I've finally decided to stop being a coward, and I cooked the mushroom and had some yesterday! It's still not been a full 24 hours, but I'm faring well for now. If this turns to be a good food source, I'll be set for the entire year because this baby grows at all times in the forest.
Another cool thing I'm trying out is acorn pancakes. I discovered some people on youtube who are making acorn flour and then baking pancakes out of it, and I've been curious about acorns before, but now I'm set with instructions and knowledge on how to process it. Acorns were used as a source of flour before wheat was in use, and it was pretty great, because they didn't need to cut down forests, or plow the fields, or turn bunch of soil to dust; people can just collect acorns because oak trees are everywhere here. The only issue is that the acorns are filled with tannins, which is a chemical that produces a very bitter taste, which makes them not very tasty. However, people have also figured out how to ''wash the tannins out', and there's a process of boiling and throwing water away, or leaving them buried next to a riverbank for a year, in order to get them to taste good.
I haven't yet decided what route I'm going to take, but I collected some acorns last time I was in the forest:
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I have to admit they feel very good to hold in hand. They're so nicely brown, almost chestnut in color, they're shiny, pleasant oval shape, and very heavy. It felt like I was holding something valuable, rich. Since they're a wild food, I know they have more nutrients in them than anything we developed ourselves, wild food generally has 3 times more nutrition than anything growing in a human-made garden.
I've also stumbled on a few acorns that have sprouted roots! I've collected them as well, and put them in a soil-filled container on my balcony, let's see if I can grow an oak tree. That would feel extremely cool to grow.
I'm also collecting and curing walnuts (apparently you can make a walnut butter out of them I did not know that), conkers (for the laundry detergent, I love them), nettle (drying into powder, using as a calcium supplement) and I've also found some violets growing at this time, so I collected the leaves for tea; they're medicinal for colds, flus and fevers.
I'm going to the forest again tomorrow, and hopefully I'll write another update about fun things I've found and trying out! Stay safe and don't follow my lead to eat weird things, unless you research them yourself.
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madeofcc · 2 years
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Hellow everyone 👻
Finally, October is here and the spooky season that belongs to it ! Simblreen is turning slowly but surely in spooky mode and I already love to see some great content on my dash. As usual, this is a little post about what's going to happen during this month on this page. You'll find more info about Another Side in the blog update part.
Feel free to read or ignore this but always take very good care of you ♥
Also, thanks a lot to all of you for being here and remember, you're not alone ... This season in particular 👀
Life update : A hell lot happened in a month. I usually love September but this one was probably one of the hardest month of my life. To be short, after 6 months of full implication and hard work, I got fired after a burn out at work. I'm also living with my ex for almost a year now and it has become harder and harder to feel good living together. To be honest, I spend my nights crying these days so I'm fully commited to my sims story this month in order to have some kind of escape. Anyway, I guess that's all, sorry for being that negative this month, I'll get better don't worry. Here comes the blog update anyway :) More fun inside this one.
Blog update : Another Side is starting tomorrow 🎃
I'm soooo happy to see the little hype around this story and I can tell you that it's the one I've been putting so more efforts into it for now. The chapters are a bit longer than usually, I'm really trying to create the best cinematic experience for you dear readers. I made a little poll this week to check your desire about this story and the posting around it. So far, those who voted mainly voted for half a chapter a day so I guess that's what I'll do, but I reserve myself the right to post the entire chapter if it's a short one (like 2 parts).
The intro is already here in 2 parts, Chapter 1 will be called "Yuki" and will be 4 parts long. Tomorrow, October 1st, I'll post 2 parts of this chapter, the first one dropping at midnight (Paris time) and the other one a little bit later during the day. I'll make a timezone reblog and you'll get part 3 and 4 Sunday. Not all chapters will include 4 parts so I can't already tell you how many chapters there will be nor how many parts they will include. For now, the only thing I can tell you is that I'm trying to write it like a serie and so far, ep 1 to 3 include 7 chapters each so ... This should give you an idea. It should also go through October and November I think. Maybe a bit more if the story is longer than planned.
About Simblreen, I'm super excited for the event but I'm still thinking whether or not participating fully this year. For now I still have to fix my topaz clean on Photoshop (everything is installed correctly but nothing appears on Photoshop anymore, it worked fine 2 days ago U_U) but if I have the time I'd love to share some presents ! So far, I'm thinking of some CAS spooky backgrounds and also a new set of horror posters. Expect at least some new posters (who said A24 HORROR ?!) and if I have the time (and energy), some CAS backgrounds then.
About DH, don't worry my loves, Destiny and all should be back for some edits around the end of the year but the story will be officially back in 2023 for a full DH year 😍 I've planned a lot, including a casting call so be prepared !
And I think that's all ! As usual, thank you so much for reading this and for being here. You all are a daily strenght you don't even know 😊
Take very good care of you, enjoy a looooot this spooky season as much as I do (only for the medias part, otherwise, please October be nicer than September who was hell !) and always remember that you're not alone ♥
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hldailyupdate · 7 months
“I ran into Harry Styles recently, I’m all smitten, ‘cause he was nice to me and my husband— it was my husband’s birthday. He came up and he said hello to my husband, separately. And I was like ‘Easy, Harry Styles, MY husband, hello! See which finger I’m pointing with?’ [points to his ring finger with his middle finger]”
-How I Met Your Mother’s Neil Patrick Harris joking about Harry flirting with his husband. (6 October 2023)
via The Skimm
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tstwitterupdates · 6 months
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TS tweet october 20, 2023:
Chatted with Joan a bit ago, and we came to the conclusion that the amount of plot/writing that went into "Are There Healthy Distractions?", "Flirting with Social Anxiety", and "Working Through Intrusive Thoughts" actually qualifies them as official Sanders Sides episodes.
The things that I've been doing this past year like "The Sides Need a Nice Day", "Wes Anderson Sides", and "Into the Unknown" are what we always originally intended for Sanders Asides to be!
SO, a bit back, I made the official change in the video descriptions, titles, and playlists. And, though the three videos mentioned up top have big "A"s in front of the "Sides" in their intro, we ask you now disregard that lol cause we personally view them as official episodes 💜
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absoloutenonsense · 6 months
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Coming October 31st…
When the Trouble Comes by nonsensedarling
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | 80k | Explicit
Official fic post is HERE.
The Queens Trafficking case is the biggest one of Louis’ FBI career so far; eleven reported missing girls all disappeared under a similar set of circumstances. Louis has done everything he can to try and solve this case over the last nine months... while also absolutely ruining his marriage. Harry has been co-host of Banter at Breakfast for five years now and finally has the opportunity to create his own radio show with the network. Unfortunately, it comes at a time where Harry's thoughts are consumed with his impending divorce from his (caring, loving, infuriatingly thoughtful) husband of eight years. Harry and Louis have both been willing to lose themselves in their work… but are they willing to lose each other?
Or a story of (almost) exes-to-lovers.
Chapters will post on Tuesdays of each week, starting on October 31st (20 chapters in total).
(If you would like to be notified by email when it starts posting, you can subscribe here.)
Snippet under the cut:
With a copy of the case file in his backpack, Louis sticks his key in the door, unlocks it, and steps inside, trying to be as quiet as he can because he knows at this time of night, Harry will definitely be asleep.
Except when he shuts the door, he sees the living room light bleeding out into the hallway, a shadow moving back and forth. There’s the sound of footsteps – lots of them, very quickly. Louis stares at the light and for a brief moment panics that he’s walked into their apartment to find Harry with someone else.
He hears light murmurs. Louis leans forward, feet frozen but his ears straining, until he recognizes the murmurs as Harry singing. Louis sighs in relief. Harry isn’t with someone else. He’s singing and probably dancing in the living room, maybe with his headphones in, which is why he hasn’t stopped or popped his head out between the doorframe when Louis opened the door.
Louis isn’t going to look in. He’s going to walk right past the doorway and head straight to the guest bedroom and review the file again, and then go to sleep so he can meet Perrie early in the morning.
He isn’t going to look in.
He really doesn’t mean to look in. A motion pulls his attention in his peripheral vision and his head turns without him realizing it, then his whole body stops moving.
Harry is dancing, wireless earbuds in and a glass of deep red wine in his right hand. There’s a pink tint to his cheeks, which tells Louis that the one in his hand is at least his third. He’s wearing just his boxer briefs and one of Louis’ hoodies.
Well, it was technically Harry’s hoodie originally. It’s heather grey, worn in to just the perfect amount of softness with a faded Greenbay Packers logo on the front. The first time Louis stayed over at Harry’s, he got cold just before they were going to bed. Harry took the sweatshirt from where it was draped over the top of the closet door and passed it to him.
When Louis pulled it on… he can’t really explain it, but there, in Harry’s dreadfully small room in his four-roommate apartment, wearing a hoodie that smelled exactly like him (like he’d been wearing it all day, soaked in the scent of his shampoo and body lotion and fabric softener)... Louis had the same feeling he got when he first visited New York when he was a kid. Like he was home. Harry had agreed. “Looks better on you then it ever has on me,” he’d said with a smirk. And from then on, it was Louis’ hoodie. Harry never tried to take it back.
So the fact that his husband is wearing it now makes Louis feel all sorts of things. Before he has even a second to figure out what any one of them is, Harry opens his eyes.
“Shit fucking Christ,” he exclaims, opening his hand automatically. It’s like Louis watches in slow motion as the glass falls and breaks, shattering in so many different directions. He pulls his earbuds out quickly. “Hell, Louis, you scared the shit out of me!” he scolds.
Harry rises up onto his tiptoes, and Louis’ hand immediately goes out in front of him in a stop gesture.
“Don’t, don’t move,” Louis says. “Stay there.”
He turns quickly towards the kitchen, throwing his backpack somewhere off to the side as he rushes to grab the dustpan and broom, as well as the roll of paper towels.
“I’m coming, stay still,” Louis shouts as he starts jogging back.
He keeps his eyes on the ground as he puts one paper towel down to soak up the wine there, then balls it up so he can sweep away the shards. He does the same as he works his way towards Harry’s feet.
There’s red wine all over his toes, that’s got to be uncomfortable. Louis grabs one of the paper towels and goes to dab his feet to wipe it off.
“Stop,” Harry says. He sounds angry.
Louis glances up and sees that he looks angry. He holds his hands up in a surrendering motion, not wanting to upset him anymore.
“I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Well don’t,” Harry spits out.
He stands up slowly. Louis doesn’t know if he’s ever seen Harry this angry with him. Even the time Louis accidentally threw out his favorite pair of boots it wasn’t like this. Louis isn’t prepared for this bitterness coming from his husband, and he didn’t think divorce brought on something like that when it wasn’t there before, at least not before they’d even filed the paperwork.
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llamahearted · 2 years
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couldn't rest until I saw the gang reacting to the second Stampede trailer
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girlactionfigure · 18 days
🔅ATTACK ALERT - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
🚨DRONE LAUNCH IRAN - Multiple sources state from US officials, “dozens of suicide drone launches from Iran headed towards Israel”.  50-100+ drones depending on report.  IDF confirms.
Continued launching - may be more.
🚨DRONE LAUNCH YEMEN - Unofficial at the moment. 
⚠️ TIMING from Iran - Early morning
Hypersonic Cruise missile - 10 minutes
Cruise missile - < 1 hour
Ballistic missile - 4 hours
Suicide Drone/UAV - 6-9+ hours
The different types will be launched to arrive together.
On the way, they have to pass at least 4 defense systems, starting with warships, Patriot systems stationed in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and American bases in the Middle East, Israeli defense systems and Israeli fighter jets.
BUT, expect to hear about additional launches from Syria and Yemen, and Lebanon.
⚠️EL AL THAILAND FIGHTS - returning to Thailand due to Jordan airspace closure.
⚠️GPS JAMMING - expect nationwide GPS jamming immediately.
⚠️AIRSPACE YEMEN - closed.
‼️PREPARE in Israel.  (Links valid only in Israel.)
❗️Prepare: https://www.oref.org.il/12490-15903-en/pakar.aspx 
❗️Smart Rules: https://www.oref.org.il/12487-15896-en/Pakar.aspx
❗️Attack Advice: https://www.oref.org.il/12761-en/pakar.aspx
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bey-life · 7 months
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Get your tickets y'all!!🔥
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𝐈𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐀𝐔 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: 𝔸 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕒 𝕤𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕒 𝕕𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕥.
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October 2nd Every Breath Like Smoke from a Cigarette
October 9th Filth in my Bones
October 16 Never Really Mine
October 23 You sang it like Hallelujah
October 30th Fate dealt you a trick hand
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bringherhome7 · 23 days
Livia Dickman, 24, was murdered in a terrorist attack claimed by Hamas in Jerusalem on November 30th.The terrorists carried out the attack at the entrance to the capital in solidarity with the ongoing war in Gaza, were Hamas members and previously jailed for terror activity.Livia was a teacher at the Derech Emunah school in Ramat Beit Shemesh and was on her way to work when the attack occurred. As she stood at the bus stop, she was saying her morning prayers with a siddur, or Jewish prayerbook, in her hand.Her siddur was later returned to her family after being recovered from the scene. Livia had gotten married eight months before she was murdered and was pregnant with her first child.She “was a woman who knew what she wanted to do in life. She had a heart, intelligence, and emotion and thanks to them she knew exactly what to do. She leaves behind her only good memories of a gentle smile.”May Livia’s memory forever be a blessing.
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violethursday · 3 months
We all know this...
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But what if Acht knows her like this?
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lonestarbattleship · 5 months
Battleship Texas in drydock on October 23, 2023
Posted on the Battleship Texas Foundation Group Facebook page: link
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jellifysh · 1 year
Fake Love (part 2)
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Or, Your Boyfriends Are Always There for You, and Always Have Been. Right?
OT7 x reader (soft yandere! bts x reader, amnesia au, heavy manipulation, dark fluff, the boys love you they’re just insane about it, ur family sucks sorry, more mentions of injuries and hospitals, I don’t actually know how hospitals works so I’m making this all up <3)
A/N: dam I really went three months w/o updating that’s crazy omggg y’all I’m so sorry,, I had the planning for this just sitting here for months but I’m actually not sure where I’m going with this story imma be fr,, it’s gonna be a happy ending and morally grey (as all my stories tend to be for some reason) but for the most part it’s just gonna be fluff :) enjoy <333
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You floated on the edge of consciousness, feeing hands stroking through your hair. Stretching out your body, slowly “So beautiful.” A voice said, hush as a strand of hair was brushed back from your face. You shifted a little, then blinked open your eyes, shutting them again as the sun hit them too soon.
“Aw, too bright? I’ll close them, darling, don’t worry.” Jin cooed, moving to close the curtains securely. You sat up slowly, their eyes on you as you got your bearings, slowly blinking and rubbing sleep off your face, then laughing to yourself in disbelief as you looked around. The members had gathered in various spots around your bed, Jungkook was playing with your hair, Jimin had been brushing a hand across your cheek, and the rest gazed at you, fondness in your eyes. You wondered how many time you had woken up like this in the past—well, minus the hospital bed.
“I almost thought you all were a dream.” You quietly admitted, awe creeping into your sleepy tone.
“Not a dream, nabi. This is real.” Taehyung said, a bit of awestruckness in his voice as well, leaning down to link pinkies with you. You giggled, wrapping your pinky around his tightly, marveling at the way your hands seemed to fit so well together.
“And we got you a present.” Namjoon smiled, holding a bag out to you. Your eyebrows raised in surprise as you took it with the hand not holding Taehyung’s, looking around at all of them for a clue to what was inside. “Just open it, love.” He chided, gently. You stuck your hand inside, reaching past tissue paper and pulling out a sleek, rectangular device.
“It’s a new phone!” Jin cheered from his spot on the right of your bedside. “And we set it up for you already, just to make sure you wouldn’t have any extra stress.” You examined the phone, holding the weight in your hand without turning it on yet, getting used to the new features.
“Wow, this is, I mean, this has to be the latest model, I can’t have this.” You shook your head, their generosity almost overwhelming. You knew from experience that phones like this were not cheap. Even if they were one of the most famous groups in the world, they didn’t need to spend their wealth on you. You placed it back in the bag, holding it back out to them, though none of them moved to take it from you.
It was Yoongi that spoke up then, warmth and intensity swimming in his deep eyes as he looked directly into yours. “You can have that and so much more.” He said, no sign of humor in his tone as he insisted. “We want to treat you, please, please let us.” You looked at him, half-surprised by the honesty and half-touched, your arm slowly pulling the bag back as you realized he really meant it, the rest of their faces reflecting the same seriousness.
“I don’t even know what to say. I— Thank you.” You finally said, looking down at the phone again to avoid their intense gazes.
“Don’t thank us yet. We are far from done.” Hoseok smiled brightly, and as you looked up, smiling back, the room felt lighter.
“We spoke to the doctors while you were asleep,” Namjoon started, “They want to keep you for a bit more monitoring for today, just to make sure everything’s in order before they release you, but you’ll be discharged by the end of the day. We can drive you back your apartment and you can settle back in at home. But…” his sentence drifted off as he cast a worried look towards the window.
“But what?” You asked, starting to get concerned yourself, siting up a bit straighter in your bed.
“Well,” Namjoon continued, tone full of weariness. “We can’t stay much longer, love. We have to be back in Korea soon, we dropped everything to come to you but, we have a lot planned that we have to start on real soon. If you stay here, we can’t stay and help you recover. Do you have anyone to stay with you?”
You probably didn’t, you realized slowly, almost deflating at the thought of it. In the few days you’ve been in the hospital only they came to visit you. And if you’re on the same terms with your family as you used to be, they likely won’t want to care for you. You could get some sort of stay at home nurse, or stay in the hospital to be taken care of, but that would be money. Money you didn’t have.
“I don’t… I don’t know. I’d need to make some calls.” You responded weakly, mindlessly moving your hand to fully hold Taehyung’s, not noticing the way his face brightened. “When do you leave?”
“At most, in four days.” Jimin replied despondently.
“Four?” You repeated in shock. “But that’s so soon.”
They nodded solemnly, letting you think it over in silence. You took a moment to think with the new information, trying to ignore the way your heart sank at the thought of them leaving. Did you want them to stay? It’d be weird wouldn’t it? Latching on so quickly to them when you don’t really know them? But you do, you reminded yourself. They wouldn’t be here if you didn’t mean something to them. Surely you can trust them?
Jin broke the silence, his hand gently caressing your leg that wasn’t in a cast. “Let’s not think about it now, hmm? No reason to stress.” He suggested with a warm smile. “You haven’t eaten yet, have you?”
You shook your head no, expression clearing up as you chose to forget for a moment.
“Then we’ll get you something to eat, and you can have the whole day to think. How about that?” Hoseok asked, and you nodded.
“I am kind of hungry.” You agreed, though that was an understatement. You were starving, you were thirsty, you were exhausted although all you did was lay down, and you just wanted to be out of the hospital already.
Jimin perked up, moving towards the door. “I’ll get you some food, pretty, don’t even worry about it.” He said, brimming with excitement as he exited.
Taehyung rushed after him, a competitive fire lit behind his eyes. “I’ll get you better food!”
Jungkook shot up from his seat, hastily putting on his jacket, rushing to the door as well. “I’ll get all your favorites, noona!”
And with that, they left in a whirlwind and Namjoon sighed, a tired smile on his face as he turned to you. “I should probably go with them.” You nodded, understanding, and he exited as well, waving at you as he left.
“Now,” Hoseok announced as the room quieted. “Let’s show our princess how to use her new phone!” He cheered, him and Jin excitedly raving about all the cool features of the phone and stuff you could do with it and Yoongi chided them to give you some space.
After the other boys returned with way more food than you could possibly eat in one day—Jungkook was right, he did get you all your favorites— and did a lot more laughing than was probably safe for you to do with bandages wrapped around your ribs, you felt the mood of the room slowly winding down, the boys exchanging glances as Namjoon kept texting someone frantically on his phone.
“Is everything alright?” You asked hesitantly, but by the look Namjoon gave you, you could already tell it wasn’t.
“I’m sorry, love, we have to go.” Namjoon replied. He had slipped into calling you love today and as you heard it more, you minded it less and less. Maybe it’s because it’s what he used to call you? A part of your mind must remember being with them, it was too easy with them, after all, they knew too much about you.
“Do we have to?” Jungkook whined and Namjoon frowned, nodding at him.
“The company wants to speak with us immediately over the phone about… our plans going forward.” He said, casting a glance to you out of the corner of his eye.
“We can’t leave her alone.” Yoongi argued.
“One of us should stay with her. I volunteer.” Taehyung stood up, only to get pushed back into his seat.
“You sit down.” Jin playfully scolded. “I’ll stay with her.”
“No fair!”
“Hush, I’m older than you.”
“You sure, hyung?” Namjoon asked, standing as everyone began to gather their things.
“I’m sure we’ll be alright. I’ll have her discharged and drive her to her apartment.” Jin turned to you. “If that’s alright with you?”
You twiddled your thumbs, a feeling of numbness coming over you at the thought of them leaving. “Um, sure. Can’t stay in the hospital forever, I guess.”
After that it was a blur of events, the boys all went to the front desk with you to check out and escorted you to the car in your brand new wheelchair. You tried to cheer yourself up mentally, but the heavy cast on your leg and the layers and layers of bandages on your arms and ribs made it hard to stay optimistic.
You were lifted into the car by Jungkook, the boys all fussing over you as they helped you with your seatbelt and getting comfortable in the chair. As you tuned out their squabbling, you found yourself shaking at the thought of being in a car again after your last accident. You blinked, then blinked again, the feeling of a car quickly accelerating, then even more quickly stopping as the feeling of slamming into something and flying through the air filled your body and you were breathing heavy, hard, and fast and—
You gasped, eyes fluttering open. You were still in the parking lot. The car hadn’t even started moving. You looked around at their concerned faces. You floundered for something to say, settling on, “Sorry, I’m just… a bit tired, I guess.”
They exchanged a long look with each other that you tried to ignore, not wanting to know if they pity you. “Of course, I’ll make sure you rest once you’re home.” Jin replied.
“Don’t worry, noona, we’ll be back with you soon. Just relax and enjoy being home again.” Jungkook said, trying to force a positive tone but you could hear the worry.
“Thanks, I’ll try.” You smiled, sure it looked stained, and they closed the door, Jin pulling out of the parking lot and driving to your apartment almost on autopilot, him not once asking you where you lived.
You looked out the window as he drove. You recognized certain parts of the city of course, places you’d been all your life, but when he turned down the street to your apartment building and parked in the lot, you had no recollection of ever being there.
“Is this… where I live?”
Jin smiled at you, brief and sad. “Yeah, we figured you may not remember it. You only moved here about a year ago.”
You sighed, frustrated with not knowing anything, staring up at the tall building through the windshield.“How are we supposed to get in if I don’t even remember living here?”
You heard a jingle to your left, looking over at Jin as he held up a key ring. “That’s what I’m here for, jagi. You gave us a spare key in case we were ever in town.” He chuckled, looking wistfully at the apartment as if gazing upon a memory. “I remember you were so excited to move in here. You danced around your room all night, it was adorable.”
You laughed, “Yup, that sounds like me alright.”
Jin looked over at you, and you looked back at him, stupid smiles on both your faces. You sat in the calm quiet moment, basking in the peace you felt with him as warmth filled your chest. Jin spoke quietly, gently breaking the moment. “I’ll help you into your chair.
Entering the actual apartment was strange. It was familiar and warm but at the same time, you remembered nothing about the actual layout. You remember your furniture—the couch you dragged from your mom’s house to every apartment you had ever lived in, the throw pillows you’d had since you were a teenager, the Polaroids you’ve taken of yourself in cool locations and posters of your favorite bands, BTS included— but memories of living there were gone.
“This poster’s always been my favorite.” Jin commented, and you turned your head to see him standing next a poster of himself, copying the pose he was making in the photo.
You chuckled, “I pulled that from an album, I forget which one.”
“Wings,” he replied automatically. You turned to look at him, suprised how quickly he answered, and he continued, “I remember my hairstyle.” He joked, making you giggle.
You continued looking around, noticing dishes in the sink, clothes on the floor, a laundry basket next to the machine overflowing with clothes. “I left this place such a mess.”
“Don’t you worry about that, I’ll clean up for you. Here lemme help you lie down and rest.”
Jin helped into your bed, the unfamiliar object conforming to your body perfectly, and you snuggled up against the blankets, almost comfortable enough to ignore the rigid cast on your leg. After that, he began fretting over the apartment, picking up and arranging things, folding clothes, and moving into the rest of the apartment to wash laundry, dishes and pick up the living room.
Brushing past the disbelief that international superstar Kim Seok Jin was cleaning up your living room, you used the free time to acclimate to your new phone.
Tapping the screen to turn it on, you were greeted with a wallpaper of Jimin, Tae and Jungkook making funny faces at the camera, as well as about 20 new messages from a group chat with the members that you had already been added to. You smiled to yourself, but skipped past talking to them just yet, familiarizing yourself with the functions and settings.
After a while, you started to set up your email, having to reset your password to get in, and find out what you missed in the short time you had been away and maybe get a hint of what you were doing before. Once you finally managed to get in, you were met with a bunch of emails from your landlord on being behind on your rent, and an email from your job to tell you that you had been terminated. Looking over the contact information in the email, you dialed the number to try and bargain for your job.
“I just don’t understand, if I worked for you I must have some paid time off, or maybe even some sort of medical exemption, I mean, I can give you hospital bill, I swear I was just incapacitated— I didn’t even know I had this job until today, this isn’t fair.” You pleaded.
The voice over the phone repeated the same thing they had been telling you for the last five minutes. “I’m sorry, Ms.L/n but we can’t make an exception, you didn’t show up for three days in a row and no one informed us of why and you being injured and having lost your memory makes us even less inclined to hire you back. Thank you for your work with us but we can’t hire you back.”
You stammered, “You can’t make a single exception? I can relearn—I can work for a couple weeks without pay, I just— as far as I know, this is my only job, this is what I depend on.”
The person over the phone seemed to hesitate for a moment before answering resolutely. “I’m sorry again, I— we can’t hire you again. Have a good day.”
And with that the line went dead. You huffed, getting the contact information for your landlord to see if there some way you could hold off on paying rent until you had a better financial standing, hoping for better luck.
“I’m so sorry to hear that you had been in the hospital, honey, but I still need my money and I really don’t think you’re in any place to give it to me.” The landlord stated, unyielding in her decision.
“I… could figure something out…” you protested weakly, unsure of how exactly you would do that.
“You’re a lovely person and you’ve been a great tenant, but you’ve been behind on your payments too many times and this is my last straw, I’m sorry. I’m evicting you if you can’t pay this months rent.”
“What? I— what if what to break the lease? Can I just move out?”
“You still have to pay this month’s rent, and the two months still left in your lease.”
You sighed, heavy and weary. “I… I understand, I’ll call you back when I figure something out.”
“Okay, have a good day.”
“As if anyone could ever have a good day after news like that.” You muttered to yourself. You sat there, thinking to yourself for a moment with your finger hovering over the contacts, before hesitantly clicking it. The boys hadn’t added your mothers number, and there was probably a good reason—last you remember you weren’t on good terms and you doubt that changed, but you figured you may as well check in. If the boys were leaving soon you needed to know if someone could take care of you, and your mom was your last hope. You knew her number by heart, not that she ever really picked up half the time.
After three rings, the line picked up. “Hello?” An annoyed voice asked.
“Hi, mom, I—“
“You again? Listen, whatever crazy story you have to tell me now, I’m sick of it. You’ve always been an attention seeker and I’m done with you. First, you tell me your angel of a sister is ‘horrible’ to you, then you say you’re ‘too stressed’ at school in the career you chose, then you make up some crazy story about people following you. What do you want me to do? I’m one person, not your therapist!”
“I— I just called to say I got into a car accident and I’m in a cast—“
“Oh really?” She replied skeptically.
You felt frustrated enough to cry. “Yes, why don’t you ever believe me? I need someone to take care of me and I cant—“
“You’ll be fine, stop whining to me you’re a grown woman, I finished raising after you turned 18, now for once in your life, act your age.” She spat out, hanging up before you could get another word in.
As you sat in the silence, the only sounds coming from the gentle clinking of dishes in the kitchen, you fought the urge to laugh. What were you thinking calling your mother? As if she’d ever care about you. As if she’d listened to a thing you ever said. She hates your guts and at this point you hated hers. Nothing in your life ever managed to go right. As you buried your face in your hands, images began to flash behind your eyes. A tall building, getting out the passenger seat of an unfamiliar car, bringing a tray of coffee to someone, smiling, laughing, sitting at a desk.
You gasped, opening your eyes, and frantically wiping the tears away. Work, you remembered, those were memories of work. You… were an assistant to… someone? You closed your eyes again trying to focus on the fleeting memories but to no avail, nothing but glimpses and fogginess filled your mind. You huffed, frustrated yet again. It seemed like you’d always been frustrated but now yet with all of it hitting you full force, you just wanted to curl up in your blankets and cry for hours.
A knock on your open door showed Jin pushing inside your room with a basket of freshly dried laundry. “Your clothes are so cute, I—“ he halted, noticing the distress in your body language. “Jagi, what happened?” He asked, moving to your side and placing the clothes basket down next to your dresser.
“I’m just stressed.” You sniffed pathetically, not knowing what else to say.
“What do you mean? Why are you stressed?” Jin asked, starting to fold up the clothes neatly and place them in the drawers.
“Well, I was on the phone with my job. I had a job before the accident, obviously, I had a whole apartment, but I got fired and was thinking about it and I… remembered.” Jin stopped in his movements, hands frozen in their motion of folding a shirt in half.
“I can’t remember anything else, but I remember I worked at an office as an assistant.” You continued, not noticing the way Jin had gone deathly still. You clasped your hands, staring out the window as you thought. Bits and pieces of carrying coffee, filing paperwork, boring monotonous office life came to your mind, but frustratingly nothing else. Not your boss’s name, not the company you worked at, not even the color of the desk you sat at. “I’m just stressed because there’s so much I don’t remember. The world didn’t stop just because I don’t remember how it used to spin. There’s people expecting me to come to work, to pay my bills, and I don’t even remember who they are! I didn’t even remember you—“ Jin cupped your face, wiping away tears you didn’t realize started falling again.
“Darling, don’t worry about that, none of that matters right now, okay? I want you to focus on recovering and making sure you’re eating and drinking enough.” He paused, hesitantly continuing on to say, “And, if you really want, we can get our people to try and recover any missing information— with your permission of course— just past texts, voicemails, maybe, stuff that might help you… remember.” Jin finished cautiously, looking in your eyes for a sign of approval.
“You would do that for me?” You asked hopefully. At this point, you would take whatever help you could get.
“If it would take a burden off your shoulders, I would do anything.” Jin murmured softly and reassuringly, the warmth in his gaze melting into your bones.
You sighed again, but this time with relief. “That’s be so great. I feel so horrible, I’m basically useless—“
“Don’t talk about yourself like that, darling, we’d be happy to take care of everything you need for the rest of your life if you wanted. If it were up to us, you’d never lift another finger.” He winked, booping your nose as he moved to folding clothes.
“You don’t really mean that. You’d get tired of me eventually.” You argued.
“You don’t know just how much you mean to us, sweetheart. You could stay here forever if you wanted to, or if you wanted we’d get you a nicer place, an island with a private beach even. Anything.” He turned to look at you again, nothing but fondness in his eyes. “You won’t ever stress again if we can help it, I promise. Relax, and we’ll take care of everything for you, okay?”
You sighed, too tired to object. “Okay.” You blinked heavily, a soft smile coming over Jin’s face.
“You tired, honey? Feel free to sleep, I’ll be right here.” He reached over, patting your hand.
You held it, eyes fluttering. “Okay.” You mumbled sleepily. “Don’t leave.”
“Never.” He whispered.
“Jin,” you started.
“I’ll come with you guys. I’ll go to Korea.”
You nodded, eyes closing, unable to see the satisfied smile that had come over Jin’s face.
Taglist: @singukieee @yourleftsock @huni7875 @lovelgirl22 @mooniieix @sld88 @itzz-me-duh @serendididy @fclixbrwns @whipwhoops @ratherbefangirling @skyys-universe @hey-syia @bjoriis @dearly-somber @jcrml @chimmmonnie @tito-the-mermaid @kapten-xouk @totallynoanalien @elraeeee @uarmyhore @ughbandmembersx @forpunishers @azazel-nyx @juju-227592 @mageprincess7 @sweetcheeksdna
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