#oh em gosh….
shey-pancake · 9 months
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Springtrap enjoys teasing Aurora everytime given the chance huh?
oh-- look at that, new outfits!
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vestzmc · 2 months
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goldenhypen · 1 year
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an-inky-fingered-lass · 5 months
be the stillness of the moon
An alternate version of my fic, whistling static when the young learn to fly. Rated T.
Read on ao3.
He found her out on the porch, back against one of the cabin walls and one knee tugged to her chest.
Hunch proving true, Coulson snagged a familiar, heavy woolen blanket on his way out and eased the door open, letting it squeak just the slightest bit.
May was staring off into the distance, the slope of her shoulders letting him know she’d heard and acknowledged his presence. She was still in pajamas, the soft, worn fabric not nearly warm enough for this kind of chill.
Phil made his way over carefully and settled down onto the wooden bench, noisy steps and his shoulders soft and easy. “May.”
“Wanted to see the sky.”
Her voice came out just below a murmur, but Coulson exhaled quietly -- relief and surprise both.
“One of those nights, huh.”
It took a long second, but she nodded. Coulson slouched comfortably, wedged his shoulder against the wooden slats of the cabin. Their cabin.
“How long’ve you been out here?” It was light, but the edge of concern appeared without his permission. It was alright.
May just shook her head.
She’d been off the last few days, snappish or a different sort of silent than usual. He’d kept an eye out but let her be, knowing she would bring whatever it was up if she needed to, and also that sometimes all he could do for her was give her the time and space she needed to deal in her own time, her own ways.
It had been months now, settling into this little cabin and building the kind of peacefulness he’d barely ever dared to imagine; enough time for him to recover his strength somewhat, for that barely perceptible air of tightly wound exhaustion that had surrounded May for years to begin to dissipate. They’d been able to start settling in, building the routines that they both, May especially, needed.
So much of it still felt new. They had thirty years between them, plenty of those spent living in close quarters and through the kind of hard years that taught you the most about a person, but it was still…different, when it was just their four walls; a smaller space, none of the responsibilities that had been a distraction and a stressor and a sanctuary all at once.
He’d gotten to hear May laugh, really laugh, for the first time in so long. He felt more like himself now than he had in years, settled and steady in his own mind and skin. They were still bound to have bad days. Always had, even back when they’d been barely more than kids, only beginning to learn what it would mean to live the life they’d chosen. May was still so used to shouldering everything on her own, and despite contrived appearances to the contrary, Phil actually sucked rather magnificently at the whole talking about it thing. They were working on it, like they were on everything else. It was still hard, sometimes.
“Wanna tell me what’s up?”
“You don’t have to stay,” May said quietly. “I’ll be fine in the morning.”
Okay, not an answer, but not a no, go away either. The fact that she wasn’t claiming to be fine now said…a lot.
“I’d like to, though.”
May blinked at him, genuinely surprised.
“If that’s okay?”
It took another moment, but she nodded. Phil tapped the blanket in his lap, drawing her attention to it, before he lifted it up, gave it a flap and wrapped it carefully around her shoulders. She had too many old injuries to be out in this kind of cold, and the weight would help. “You in pain?”
He saw her hesitate, falter. They’d had the be honest talk a few weeks ago, both of them equally as bad about powering through pain when they no longer needed to. It had taken May literally collapsing on her bad leg after pushing it for weeks for that to happen.
“Some,” May said finally, and Phil breathed out another little bit of worry. “Just stiff. I’ll take care of it later.”
Phil gave the blanket another pointed flick until she bundled herself up more securely, a little of the tension bleeding off her shoulders as she did. They had a few hot water bottles bundled up in one of the kitchen cupboards. He doubted she’d be up for a massage any time soon, but he could go dig those out in a bit, boil some water. As much as he wanted to, he knew better than to suggest going inside just yet.
The stars were bright, this far away from any light pollution. May loved it out here, despite the cold, the endless depth of the sky stretching on and on and on. Phil squinted habitually at his watch (he wasn’t wearing one) and then up at the moon, digging up rusty memories and figuring about three a.m., the angle of the waning crescent.
Pine was sweet in the air. It was still so easy to remember a world cracked apart. Phil swallowed against swelling relief, not for the first time, the reminder of more than he could have ever wished for.
May exhaled softly, letting something go. Phil took the cue and broke the silence, taking a leap.
“You went to see Robin and Polly today?”
May shook her head. “Didn’t go. Drove halfway there and turned around. I called Polly to apologize, made up some excuse, I don’t know.”
Oh. “You didn’t say anything.”
Phil took a slow breath, making sure he would sound the way he wanted to. “Daisy’s not upset with you, you know.”
There was a long, trembling pause. May’s voice was quiet, when she finally spoke. “She has every right to be. It was stupid of me to yell.”
Their pseudo-daughter (when had it gotten so easy to think of her like that?) was sound asleep in the little room off the hall (officially declared hers whenever she wanted it), here to stay with them the two weeks until Mack called her in to report for her new team’s first official mission. May had come home struggling, hiding it well enough that even he’d missed it at first, and it had been over…nothing, really. Daisy had stared after May’s retreating back with nothing but concern, reading the real reasons for her old mentor’s sudden lashing out in her rigid stride, the harsh lines of her back and shoulders. She knew May so much better than Phil thought either of them realized, these days.
He took another breath, still tempering his tone. “Stupid is the idea that you don’t deserve to be loved.”
May actually startled, turning around to stare at him with a look that tried its hardest to be a glare but fell quite a ways short. “I…what?”
Phil shrugged, keeping the movement gentle and easy despite the ache pulling tight in his chest. “C’mon, May. It’s not like I don’t have some idea of what’s going through your head. But it’s stupid. And I’ll keep saying so ‘til you believe me.”
“This isn’t about…” May closed her eyes with a growl, letting her head thud back against the paneled walls. “I don’t know how to do this, Phil.”
“Do what?”
“Live. Like this. Just be, I don’t know, a person. ”
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” May turned to stare at him, implacable. “I’m not the person I want to be, not… I’m working on it, but it’s not worth it if I’m hurting you— if I’m hurting everyone along the way.”
Phil shook his head, bewildered. “Where is this coming from?”
May just shook her head.
“Is this about--”
“It’s not about anything,” May snapped. He just blinked at her. There’d been no real heat in it.
May shook her head and looked away, propping an elbow on her good knee and letting her shoulders slump, palm bracing her forehead. Phil could feel her retreating, slipping farther and farther away.
He sighed and scooted closer before he could think for too long about it, rubbing a hand softly up and down the length of her spine. May wasn’t tense, didn’t flinch. Phil exhaled softly.
May leaned slowly against him, her head still bowed, and he shifted to better settle her weight against his shoulder, breathing gentle and steady.
“I’m sorry,” she said quietly.
He shook his head, knowing she could feel it. “What’s eating at you?”
It’d been so long that the unspoken things just kind of spoke for themselves. May’s snappishness over the past few days hadn’t been the kind of snappish she got when she was pissed about something -- this sort of scattered lapse in control was the exact opposite of shutting down, of keeping everything contained the way she was wont to do. She was doing her best to let him in now because she was in a place to accept support without depending on it, because grounded and self-reliant when it came to emotional stability had always been May at her happiest.
The kind of trust in the trying had carried them through more hells than he could count. It’d been a constant in his life for so long. He’d never taken it for granted. It still meant the world.
She was on the side of the hand he could feel, and the blanket was soft under his palm as he rubbed careful circles over her back.
“I walked the perimeter,” May muttered at last, muffled. Phil just nodded. He’d noticed the mud earlier, caking her boots.
“Checked all the weapons, the locks, the go-bags. Just sat there taking the gun apart, putting it back together. I haven’t gotten like this since that stupid detail in the Alps, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Too stressed,” Phil offered softly. The frustration in May’s scoff came through loud and clear.
“With what. ”
They were opposites, in this respect. He needed time to unwind if he didn’t want to start losing his mind, always had been that way. That was why field command hadn’t bothered him, why Director would have always been a little bit miserable. The weight of it all, he’d learned a long time ago how to carry.
May could handle anything while she was in the middle of it, would take the weight of anything and somehow still manage to stay centered, steady. It was once things slowed down that she’d get wound tighter and tighter, frustration usually the first thing to break the dam. She’d never really thought that was a valid reason to struggle, either. May knew all of it, and still thought she ought to be better than all things that made her human.
“Too much, too soon?”
May scoffed harder.
“What happened today?”
“Nothing. That’s the point.”
Phil just waited.
May straightened a little, after a while, pulling away and scrubbing her hands over her face. She looked away for another long moment.
“Nothing happened. It's just me.” The anger there was a clear mask, now, something heavier underneath. Bitterness?
He stayed quiet long enough to be sure she wasn’t planning to say anything else just yet. “Kiddo loves you, Mel.”
May looked more tired than ever, looking back at him.
“She misses you, wants to spend time with you. There’s no version of that where it’s a bad thing.”
There was another long silence. Phil kept quiet until he felt the air start to unravel, the weight slowly dissipating. May grappled silently with herself, motionless at his side.
He could feel the moment she decided to speak. May didn’t look at him, the words just barely there.
“I see myself hurting her.” Pause. “You. Daisy.”
Phil made a soft sound before he could stop himself. May shook her head in response without looking up.
“I know. I know it’s just… there’s no meaning to it. It’s not… but I…
“There’s nothing to fight here,” May said softly, as close to helpless as she ever let herself sound. “Just…”
“Yourself,” Phil said softly.
May nodded. “And that’s what I wanted. I need that, need to deal with… but I’m no good to be around like this.”
“What if we want to, though?”
May just looked at him, frustrated and desolate. After a split second the look vanished; she was unreadable to him, for a moment, blank.
“May. There’s nothing you could do that would make us-- make me want you far away,” he said quietly, steady, and watched the mask begin to crack. “If you need some air, some time to yourself-- that’s different. But, May, nothing is going to make me want to give up on this. I don’t want anything more than to see you happy.”
He watched her swallow, struggle a second to speak and then decide against it.
“We need you,” he said gently, because he was trying to say, do you understand how much you are loved? and sometimes that was the version of it May understood best. “Me, Daisy. We all do. You are so loved, Melinda, you know that?”
May pressed the heels of her hands hard into her eyes for a second, dropping her hands back into her lap as she lifted her head to stare out at the night.
“I love you,” Phil said, and watched the tears well up, the way May closed her eyes tight. “Melinda, hey. Look at me?”
She did, finally, and he reached out to cup her cheek with the hand he could feel, wiping away the tears trickling down her face. May had been fighting this for so long, but now she just looked at him, unblinking and vulnerable, her hands folded together in her lap.
“You’re gonna be able to hear it without crying,” Phil said quietly. “Even on bad days. It’ll take time, probably, but we have time, okay?”
It hadn’t been a hard thing for her to say, the first time. She’d just waited for the right moment. None of that was a surprise, once he’d gotten his wits back enough to stop gaping in the hall like an idiot. He needed words, sometimes, to understand, so that was what she’d given him.
It was still different when it came to herself. It wasn’t hatred May carried for herself any more, hadn’t been for a while; there’d been a quiet morning and a good hike and in far fewer words she’d told him that much herself. It wasn’t quite peace yet, either, but in so many ways it was forgiveness. He’d watched her fight for it for years, these hard-won inches of kindness, had realized a while ago that that was something he still needed to learn for himself.
May’s strength had never begun or ended at her ability to beat people to a pulp. That had never been the part he was in awe of.
Thing is, strength has never been known to make anything any easier -- not unless you’re moving house with a grand piano. It’s just a promise you’ll make it through.
“It’s okay,” Phil said, steady. It wasn’t so gentle, this time. Melinda needed certainty almost always more than she ever needed gentleness; he’d never entirely gotten over the surprise of realizing that was something he could give her. “You’re not alone, alright? We’re here. We have time.”
They’d lived so many lives, so many years spent choosing the world over theirs. Years of sacrifice, years sacrificed. They were never getting any of that back, but this was still a gift. Nothing had ever felt so much like hope to him as it did to be able to say that so easily -- we have time.
May didn’t say a word, but she leaned forwards to press her forehead into his shoulder, one arm reaching out to hold on tight.
He held her until she stopped shaking, until her breathing settled back to steady.
After a long time, May pulled away, wiping her eyes on her sleeve. Eyes red, she managed to look disgruntled enough that Phil had to bite back a laugh.
“Lighter?” he suggested gently.
May grumbled. “Headache.”
She’d hated to cry since he’d known her. Claimed she had since she was a kid, that it always just left her feeling worse than before, wrung out. He’d said lighter because he could hear it, though, the edge of strain gone from the way she breathed whether or not she’d admit it. He would never manage to explain to her the relief it was, May allowing herself to unravel this far without so much of the old pain behind her eyes, him being able to just hold her without any terror gripping at his chest, so he didn’t try.
They sat there in silence for a few long, slow moments. Once the sense of ease had settled, Phil got to his feet, holding out a hand.
“Stars’ll be there tomorrow,” he said with a little grin, as May blinked up at him. “We need to sleep, Mel.”
May hesitated, but grabbed his hand. She didn’t wobble, as she stood up, but she didn’t quite succeed at hiding a wince, either. They wrapped arms around each other, familiar movements (except now they were just old, not recently injured), and made their way a little creakingly towards the door.
And paused, just inside the threshold.
A lamp was alight. Daisy’s dim outline was at the stove, but they could see her grin as she turned round at them, visibly chewing over potential remarks and discarding most of them.
“Morning,” she landed on, cheekily, and he heard May groan, struggling to extricate herself from her blanket and his steadying arm without the considerable indignity of toppling over.
“Why are you awake.”
“Were we too quiet?” Phil asked, grinning back at their girl.
May limped over towards the little counter and Daisy moved to meet her, holding out a mug and a hot water bottle. May accepted both.
“I’m sorry,” Phil heard her say, quietly, as he made his way over to sprawl over the couch. Daisy’s answering tone was soft, genuinely warm.
“S’all good, May. I know… but I think I know what you were trying to get at, maybe. We can talk about it later?”
May nodded. Phil smiled a little at the relief bleeding off her shoulders. She couldn’t exactly reciprocate, with both hands full of recently boiled liquid in various forms, but she leaned into it, when Daisy wrapped her in a brief hug. The look that passed between them said more than words ever could. Daisy’s smile was soft, as she pulled away, and that was that.
He grinned up at her as she came over, delivering another mug. Over at the counter, May braced herself against the scrubbed wood and took a sip from her own, looking up with one eyebrow raised.
From May, that was the highest compliment a mug (or a maker) of hot cocoa could receive. Daisy grinned over at her.
Phil took a sip in his turn, and wow. “Bitter,” he agreed. He figured he sounded only a little bit dismayed. He caught the pointed look May sent him. Not a little, then.
Daisy edged very obviously away, gathering up a mug of her own. “Uh. Don’t taste mine.”
May eyed her for a second. And lunged.
Daisy yelped, evading; May feinted neatly (Phil recognized the move and grinned) and wound up with two mugs in her hands, Daisy flailing. “May-- ”
They’d figured before that Daisy still couldn’t outclass May when it came down to raw speed, not in this case without quaking either her or the cocoa -- how that was still true given the amount of pain May’s stance said she was in, he didn’t know, but neither of them had spilled a drop. Phil just sighed. May took a sip.
“Daisy --”
“It’s just a little sugar-- ”
“This is not a little --”
“I’m young, my metabolism can handle it--”
“It’s the middle of the night--” May stopped. Glared. “Are you calling me old.”
“Nope!” Daisy said, as brightly as humanly possible. “Never! C’mon, it’s almost morning, mom, it’s like a once a year thing, we’re already up, you need to get warm, c’mon drink yours and gimmie!”
Mom. No one so much as blinked. May might have maybe handed over the mug with less grumbling than she otherwise would have. Maybe. Phil grinned to himself when he saw her scrub at her eyes behind Daisy’s back, just out of the corner of his eye.
“You’re coming on a run with me tomorrow.”
“Sure.” Daisy bundled towards her, herding towards the sofa. “First you need to get off your feet, sit, please, you’re freezing.”
They wound up all bundled up on the sofa together, sipping mugs of cocoa and tangled up in all the blankets in the house. Phil started telling stories, because there was cocoa and why not, dredging up some Daisy had never heard before and that May would have grumbled at, at length, on almost any other day.
Daisy’s ringing laughter filled every corner. The world closed in around them, just for a little while, a little circle of warmth, safety. Family.
May just listened, leaning against him again with Daisy’s head on her shoulder, eyes soft and content.
She was the only one of them who hadn’t gotten any sleep at all, but it was Daisy who dozed off first, her cheek still on May’s shoulder and no tension at all between her brows. May lifted her mug into the coffee table and slipped a pillow beneath her cheek but otherwise wouldn’t move, hands feather-light as they brushed a strand of Daisy’s hair gently out of her eyes. Her eyes were wet again, but she just looked at him, aching and steadfast in the darkness, the gentle light of a waxing moon.
They didn’t say a word. They didn’t have to.
They would all wake up the next morning groaning, lower backs yelling obscenities and Daisy’s neck stiff from being bent at a near-right angle for far too long. For the few hours of darkness remaining, they all slept peacefully.
May awoke with the first rays of sunlight, blinking her eyes open to find her family huddled comfortably around her, upturned faces washed in gold.
They were at peace, safe and warm. All of them bore ghosts in their shadows, stubborn and lingering; some things would still hurt, come morning. Light tumbled shyly through the window, growing in strength until it sprawled, defiant, into every corner of the room.
The day was going to be beautiful. May exhaled, soft and slow.
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frozenhi-chews · 3 months
Pancake and Starlo: Heartbroken and Seeking Love
Pancake and Spamton: Divine yet Damned
Pancake and Arthur: Haunted and Hunted
Pancake and Wheatley: Trapped and Vengeful
Pancake and Springtrap: Tired and Haunted
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loverelia · 24 days
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adordeddoll · 2 years
wednesday is giving me life force i am so hyperfixated on it
for the past few months life has meant nothing without something that wasn't constantly occupying my mind but now life is amazing and wednesday is amazing and i am happy i love being hyperfixated on something its like a bunch of bees buzzing around in my brain in a good way (the bees being scenes and characters and lines/dialogue and possibilities and so much more) its so yummy to have inside my brain
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simptasia · 11 months
things about lost that it took me 10 years to notice
jack has hazel eyes, not brown
michael emerson is wearing contacts
ana lucia is attracted to men
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grlquartz · 7 months
trick or treat !!!!!!!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN TOM!!!!!!!!!! <333
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i hope your halloween is fun and spooky and safe and happy!!!!
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artsy-dreamer · 1 year
For the fictional friendships ask: Asahi and Nishinoya; 1, 3, 5, and 13?
My boys!! I love them 💛💛 Thanks so much for the ask!! And sorry it took me so long to answer ;-; I kinda had a lot going on…
…ok I’m still very behind on Haikyuu, so I don’t know a whole lot about them yet… won’t stop me from making an attempt though XD Their friendship makes me happy 😊
When I think they became friends (if canon already hasn't showed how they became friends)
I’m kinda leaning toward them meeting at volleyball club in Noya’s first year of high school- simple as that, a libero and his ace bonding over their shared interests and becoming a powerful team together 😊 I have to wonder if maybe Noya was drawn to Asahi because he saw a bit of himself in the guy- from what I’ve heard, Noya himself was quite the anxious little guy when he was younger, so I can definitely see him wanting to be the kind of friend he needed back then 🥺 And with Noya’s friendly demeanor and his efforts to include Asahi in conversations and invite him to hang out on weekends, show interest in his other hobbies and nudge him out of his comfort zone and all that, it’s only natural that they’d grow closer and develop the strong bond they have now- I love how despite their age difference, they seem to treat each other as equals and look up to each other, it’s really sweet :’)
3. A random headcanon I have of them
Somehow I ended up with the headcanon that Noya is prone to headaches, and I just love the idea of Asahi being a good comfort to Noya when he’s not feeling well- gives him temple massages, makes sure he’s getting enough water to drink and all that :’) And one time, there was some construction taking place close to where Noya lives, and it was giving him headaches and making them harder to get rid of, so sometimes Asahi would let Noya stay over at his place where it was quieter and rest until he felt better- maybe he even cuddled with Noya until he fell asleep :’) I love the idea of Noya learning that cuddling has scientifically proven health benefits, and just latching onto that fact and constantly using it as an excuse because the dude LOVES him some cuddles XD
5. A scene I wish we had of them
…tfw I don’t know all their scenes yet XD But judging from these questions, I’m guessing canon hasn’t shown how they met, so I’d love to see that… but other than that? I love me a good hug scene, so I’ll go with that XD if they had a canon hug scene i probably would’ve seen dozens of redraws already lol
I just wanna see Noya make a running start and jump up to hug his buddy, and Asahi is standing there with his arms wrapped around Noya while his tiny little legs dangle off the ground XD That’d be so cute, lol
13. What I think would have happened if they never met
From what I’ve heard, they don’t seem to have *quite* as much of a deep fated connection as some other pairs in Haikyuu? Like, they’re in each other’s lives and they care a lot about each other but they’re not completely floundering on their own either :’D So I guess their friendship is kind of like that one post about double chocolate chip cookies- it may not be necessary for them to exist, but I sure wouldn’t want to live in a world without them! 😊💕💕 I suppose they’d be fine, but their lives just wouldn’t be as enriched as they could be? I mean, Noya does have other good buddies that he has a lot of fun with, but like… since he had more anxiety when he was younger, maybe Asahi would get him in a way that others might not, and if they’d never met, Noya might not have that connection with someone he could relate to in his life 😔 Same with Asahi- while he has other good friends in the volleyball club too, Noya seems to be the one he clicks with the most :’) And without him around, maybe it would’ve taken a bit longer for Asahi to come back to volleyball club- I just love how the reason Noya so adamantly refused to play without Asahi is because he didn’t want the guy thinking they could get by without him 🥺 It warms my heart how well Noya understands Asahi and how supportive he is of him!! Always pushing him to do his best because he knows he has it in him!! I’m just really glad they DID meet, because they have such a wonderful friendship and they make each other’s lives brighter… they are a package deal your honor 💛
ok that was a lot… can you tell I’ve been itching to gush about Haikyuu or XD So thanks for the excuse! 💕
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cool-as-steel · 10 months
in subjects unrelated to any movies I may or may not have very recently watched, I've decided to actually read all the way through dylan meconis's 'family man' (first attempt at it ~7 years ago didn't go that well) and I'm thus far intrigued to report that in the intervening years I have become the kind of person who really likes a lot of what is going on in that comic thus far.
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inkz123 · 2 years
Done making Outertale Sans' dress huhu💕💕💕 I'll post him after i edit him some
I tried using gouache to paint the galaxy print this time, but hecc its wayyy more difficult vs using ink or watercolors😂😂😂 but i do like how it came out hehe 👉👈
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bleeping-cartoon · 1 year
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tvrningout-a · 11 months
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thinking about!! how chiyo really holds onto things!! mistakes!! bad experiences!! happy memories!! things she likes!! her own thoughts and feelings!! but the right people can make her slip up and let them peek at these things nestled between her fingers. little by little, they help her to let go, help her realize she doesn't need to carry so much -- let others take a little of that weight, hm?
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thekenobee · 11 months
Thank you so much for following :) it's nice to find another Spock/Chapel shipper ☺️
Thank YOU so much for your GIFs!😊
They've got much more chemistry in one scene than Spock with T'Pring in one season!
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craftaroons · 2 years
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[id: a digital reference sheet of Damian Wayne, who is referred to as Maryam in the image. the reference sheet is of concept art of Maryam as Batgirl. the Batgirl costume consists of a green domino mask with bat ears on the top, a black face mask, a two-colored cape in green and black, a black shirt with a green batsymbol on it, green gloves, a green utility belt, grey pants, and black boots with green straps and cleats. each drawing of Maryam shows her in her costume. the top left of the drawing shows a full body drawing of Maryam. Maryam has her left hand on her hip and her right hand is by her side. to the top right is a half body drawing of Maryam. her eyes are closed and she looks happy. her hands are clasped and there are sparkles around her head. to the bottom right is of Maryam kneeling on her left knee and her right foot out to the side. her left hand is resting on the ground and she is looking up. Maryam is saying "Say hello to the new Batgirl!". to the bottom left is two color palettes: one labeled 'body' with the colors of her skin, eyes, and hair and the other is labeled 'costume' with the colors of her Batgirl costume. the image is labeled "Maryarm Wayne, Batgirl 4". in the middle of the drawings are concept notes. one reads "mask with ears instead of cowl" with a drawing of Maryam's mask above it. the other reads "green & black color scheme". the background of the drawing is grey/end id]
maryam as batgirl concept art!!
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