#oh this is an all you can eat buffet of a man and i will be sampling everything on the menu
bigcatbulges · 22 days
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Source - phamvansang3208
(Artist's SubscribeStar and SFW twitter)
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emo-batboy · 7 months
Battinson Guest Starring on TV Shows
For someone who holds the title of Richest Man in the World, Bruce doesn’t do a lot of traveling.
Which is to say he does a LOT of traveling, but he always tries to find a way out of it.
(Are there bat-related reasons for this? Are there people-related reasons for this? Are there anxiety-related reasons for this? Who knows?)
But partners and sponsors aren’t always going to tolerate his hermit-like tendencies. So once every month or so, Alfred wrangles Bruce into a private jet and sends him off to who knows where so he can represent the company.
Usually, it’s somewhere close on the East Coast, maybe it’s across the pond, even Asia isn’t off the table, but the rarest place to spot Bruce Wayne is actually the West Coast of the US.
One day, it is announced that Bruce Wayne will be spending two (count ‘em, 2) consecutive weeks in California with his kids for some grand business convention.
The West Coast media goes feral with the news, ESPECIALLY interviewers. And because Bruce kicks up such a fuss this time, Alfred has the gall to sign him up for FOUR TV appearances.
Here are these appearances :)
RuPaul’s Drag Race
Drag Queens, especially Drag Race all-stars, contribute to a wide variety of charities
So on a new episode, the queens are challenged to design and shoot a promotional ad for their own charity
And who better to act as a guest judge for this episode than the show’s largest benefactor, CEO of the Wayne Foundation, Bruce Wayne?!
Physically? He’s older than half of the contestants. But spiritually? He screams Baby Gay.
Fifteen minutes into the episode, Bruce is welcomed into the werkroom where he gives them pointers on their campaign. He’s in his cute little three-piece suit (Alfred’s idea) with the intention of looking put-together and knowledgeable. But that’s not the only outcome.
They all flirt with him. Everyone, single or taken. The confessionals are so thirsty.
“He’s lucky the cameras are on. Otherwise, I’d eat him up faster than a bachelorette party in a buffet line.”
“My celebrity crush is talking to me, and all I can focus on are his gorgeous eyes. How am I supposed to know what he's saying?”
Of course, they shoot their shot, but most of it is joking since they don't know he's bi yet.
“Are you single, honey?” Bruce blushes. “It’s complicated.” “Well, I’ll make it simple for you.”
We all know this man can't handle being flirted with. We saw how he froze when Selina did it. It’s like he mentally bluescreens when someone calls him a pet name.
Only THEN do they learn he's bi
One of the queens jokingly asks him, “Ever been with a man before?” thinking it would be a firm no, but Bruce says, “Actually, yes.” “Oh shit, really?” And to Bruce’s embarrassment, the whole room hears him.
The flirting is thus taken up a notch.
On the main stage, Bruce has a lot of great constructive criticism. He talks about how to find the right audience, the importance of a good slogan, and even goes on a little rant about logo design.
(You cannot convince me that Bruce hasn’t hyperfixated on the business of charity work before. Or the science of marketing. They’re his favorite business topics.)
After about three minutes of him complimenting one contestant for their Drag Library pitch, he stops himself mid-sentence and says, “Oh sorry, am I talking too much?” “No, please! Keep talking, sweetheart.” Bruce covers his face to hide his blush. “Why is everyone flirting with me?” “Baby, have you seen yourself?”
While the judges deliberate, RuPaul mentions Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent. Bruce nods along for a while then suddenly just blurts out, “Wait, does it spell ****?”
The judges pause then burst out laughing. “Oh no, we’ve traumatized him!" Bruce is blushing up a storm. “I just never thought about it like that!” “Sweet, innocent Bruce. We’re so sorry.”
It’s later revealed that Bruce offered to help some of the queens launch their charity projects through the Wayne Foundation.
It’s v cute 🥰
Nailed It!
I love Nicole Byer.
She is Mother.
In all seriousness, she’s so fucking funny and she’s personable enough to pull Bruce out of his shell a bit.
The theme for this episode is Found Family. Three pairs of family members compete together—a gay father and his adopted son, an aunt who adopted her niece, and a stepfather and stepdaughter.
Because Bruce Wayne famously adopted two children, he is invited to guest judge.
So Nicole opens the episode with a zinger, the contestants are introduced, and Bruce is welcomed onto the judge’s panel beside Nicole and Jacques.
(Yes, Bruce does speak French. Yes, Nicole makes a joke about it being hot.)
Nicole: “We were surprised you accepted our invitation, Mr. Wayne. You’re notorious for staying on the East Coast. What brought you to the Nailed It! Studio?” Bruce: “My children love this show. They always tell me I should be on it since I’m so bad at baking.” Nicole: “Really? Maybe we should do a celebrity season of Nailed It! and have you compete.” Bruce: “No, you should not.”
Nicole: “So, Bruce, I know you have a butler at home who bakes for you. But what’s the grossest thing you’ve eaten? Escargot? Bad caviar?” Bruce: “I drank olive oil straight from the bottle once.” Nicole: “…What?”
The problem for Bruce is he can’t say anything bad. It just feels mean :(
(And he would rather jump into oncoming traffic than gamble with a social interaction)
For the first challenge, the contestants make cake pops. But when Bruce tries the first one, there is a sickening crunch. Bruce’s eyes widen for a second and he slowly chews.
Nicole: “What was that? Bruce, are you okay?” Bruce, clearly struggling: “It’s…good.”
“Bruce, you can spit it out. It’s okay.” “I already swallowed it.” “Oh, you poor thing.” Bruce chokes for a second, and Nicole pats his back. “Please don’t die. We can’t afford it.”
For the big challenge, production has a surprise in store for Bruce.
Dick (9) and Jason (7) run onto the set and smother Bruce with a hug.
It’s adorable. Bruce no longer cares about paying attention, okay? His kids are here :D
The two boys read from cue cards to announce the second challenge: a three-tiered Gotcha Day cake. And as per tradition, the winner of the first challenge gets a leg-up.
This time, it’s a Helping Hands Button. When they hit the button, Dick and Jason will run over and help them for three minutes. (While being supervised, of course.)
As the contestants bake, Nicole says hello to Dick and Jason, who are clambering all over Bruce like a jungle gym. They both shake her hand and talk about how they love the show.
Nicole looks pointedly at the two empty chairs beside Bruce. “You know, we brought these chairs for you two to sit in.” Dick, on Bruce’s shoulders: “We’re fine, Ms. Byer!” Nicole: “Ms. Byer? Oh, you’re a cutie, aren’t you?”
Just ten minutes before the challenge is over, the Helping Hands button is pressed, and Dick and Jason are given stools so they can help the aunt and niece stack their cake tiers.
Two minutes in, the aunt instructs them to let go of the cake. But the moment Jason pulls his hands away, the cake topples over and covers him in frosting. Jason, whispering: “Oh f*ck.” Bruce: “Jason!” Jason: “I didn’t say that! Dick did!” Nicole: *cackling as Bruce buried his face in his hands*
Jason gets cleaned up, and Dick helps them stack what can still be salvaged.
When Wes brings out the trophy, he’s dressed as Batman. Dick and Jason gets a kick out of that.
Celebrity Family Feud
Bruce was invited to the show after his SNL skit went viral a few months ago
This episode, the teams are split up by cities they grew up in. Gotham v. Star City. Naturally, his team is playing for the Wayne Foundation.
It’s a pretty odd cast of people, most of them having moved to LA or Hollywood. Bruce is the only one to still live in Gotham.
They have fun, though, despite their limited common ground. The audience has a few good laughs.
(Some at Bruce's expense)
Harvey: You're a very wealthy man, Mr. Wayne. What do you really do in that tower all day? Bruce: I, uh…business? Harvey: …You business. Bruce: ……Wait-
All in good fun. Bruce just vibes in his little corner until he needs to answer a question. It's pretty chill.
For exactly half of the episode.
Then it happens.
Steve Harvey takes two people from each team up to the buzzer and says, “We asked 100 people: Name something your parents always told you as a kid.”
What the production failed to consider is how this particular question might be a sensitive topic for some contestants.
Bruce’s team gets the question, and Steve saunters up to Bruce, completely oblivious.
“Alright, Bruce Wayne!” Bruce nods awkwardly. “Hi, Steve.” “Bruce, what’s wrong? You’re looking a bit uncomfortable.” “…I don’t like this question, Steve.” “Why not?” Bruce just gives him a desperate look, and it clicks. “Oh! Oh my gosh!”
Let’s be real. Bruce is awkward enough, but Steve Harvey cannot save an awkward moment for his life either.
But he tries his best anyway and asks, “Are you okay with answering this question, or would you like to pass?” Bruce nods frantically. “I can answer. ‘I love you.’” “I love you too, Mr. Wayne.” “No, uh, my answer is ‘I love you.’” “Oh! That’s a good one.”
Thankfully, the audience erupts in laughter. That little interaction cuts the tension, and Bruce’s answer ends up on the board.
And by god, the memes
“I love you too, Mr. Wayne” is the new “Enjoy your meal.” “You too.”
The audio clip of “I don’t like this question, Steve” goes viral on TikTok
Someone gets a pic of Bruce and Steve looking at each other with palpable fear in their eyes, and it makes its rounds all over Twitter
10/10 never again
Running Wild with Bear Grylls
Now this is the most challenging. Not because it’s difficult, of course. But because Bruce has to look stupid enough to maintain his Brucie Wayne persona but smart enough to keep himself safe.
For this episode, Bear takes Bruce to the California desert.
“How much do you know about survival, Bruce?” Bear asks. Bruce nods carefully. “I did some survival training once with a friend from boarding school.” “Oh really, how did you do?” “Fine, I think.”
This is, of course, his way of saying I trained with a league of assassins for years, but Bear can’t know that! And that’s how most of the episode goes.
Thank god Bruce's fear of being caught is mistaken for being scared of the physical challenge because every time Bear points out how well he’s doing, he breaks into a sweat.
Bear: For a businessman, you’re surprisingly fit. Bruce, sweating bullets: Oh, this is all just for show.
Bear: Wow, you’re a natural. Are you sure you’ve never set up a zip-line before? Bruce, gripping his equipment so tight he gets rope burn: I think it’s just the survival instincts.
Of course, he pretends to be out of breath a few times. The Drama.
Bruce, pretending to slip and fall: Ouch! Who knew the outdoors were so dangerous? Bear, you are crazy. Bruce, internally: How much longer are we doing this?
Bruce being a vegetarian is actually a point of contention. You see, Bear always makes their celebrity guests do something crazy for food like skin a snake or eat a mouse. Scavenging for berries just doesn’t grab the audience’s attention.
But do you know what is vegetarian?
Bear: Now, in extreme cases of survival, it’s not rare for humans to resort to drinking their own pee. That’s what we’ll be doing in a moment. Are you up for it? Bruce, visibly repulsed: I’ve had Gotham tap water. I’ll be fine.
How on God’s Green Earth did Alfred convince him to do this?
To get to the extraction point, Bear takes Bruce down a cliffside.
Bear shows Bruce the meticulous process of properly belaying from the top of a cliff, and Bruce, who has done this over 100 times is like, “Wow that’s so dangerous :( Will we be okay?”
He really tries to ramp up his acting skills this time.
(Little does he know that’s not necessary.)
Bruce goes down first as Bear belays with a cameraman filming from the top. Halfway down, Bruce hears a scuffle, and the cameraman yells, “F*ck!”
Bruce looks up, arms already out for protection, and he sees a small disk falling towards him. It’s the lens cap. He catches it on instinct.
For a second, he thinks, “Shit, was that too skilled? That’s not enough to make people think I’m Batman, right? I just caught it in midair while dangling from a cliff. That’s totally not weird and suspicious. Normal people do that—“
Then Bear yells, “Bruce, drop it!” Bruce looks up at Bear, confused. “Why?” “There's a scorpion!” That’s when Bruce looks at the lens cap and sees a black scorpion perched on top with its tail ready to strike.
They don’t have those in Gotham.
Bruce jumps in his harness and flings the cap at the rocky cliffside. He hears a crunch, and the scorpion and cap tumble to the ground. Bruce frowns. Can a scorpion survive that drop?
“You just killed a scorpion, mate!” Bear cries. Bruce looks up in horror. “I killed it?!” “Hell yeah!” Bruce’s face falls. “No!”
Because oh. shit.
Bruce just killed something. The sad, orphaned vegetarian just killed a scorpion.
Bruce has a meltdown.
He didn’t mean to kill it!!!! Oh no, he just killed an innocent little creature. Yeah, he punches people for fun sometimes, and he definitely put a few violent criminals in the hospital, but he’s never committed MURDER!!
This poor little scorpion died due to his own negligence, and he feels so so so bad about it.
Bruce is a mess as he climbs the rest of the way down.
Bruce, cradling the scorpion’s body: I don’t know how to perform CPR on a scorpion! Bear: Bruce, you took its head clean off. Bruce: *sad noises*
Legit inconsolable. To him, it’s like he just murdered a puppy
Once they're out, Bear is trying to cheer him up. Bless him.
Bear: We’ve conquered the wild! Haven’t we, Bruce? Bruce, head between his legs, still mourning the scorpion: I’m never going outside again.
Yeah, no one’s going to think he’s Batman after that.
And that's all four of Bruce's TV appearances from the West Coast :) Dick and Jason never let him live any of it down. Alfred is almost sorry. (He is not sorry.)
Let me know your thoughts! What other TV shows do you think Battinson would appear on as a guest?
Okie dokie :D Love y'all! Have a good day <3
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creamsickle-writes · 1 year
A Thing or Two: Ace x F!Reader x Luffy
Tags: nsfw, Luffy and Ace interact in a not safe for work context (Ace teaches Luffy how to have sex and guides him to Reader's entrance during the fic), oral sex, penetrative sex, creampies, and light dirty talk
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Ace noticed how his little brother stared at you.
As you danced in the middle of the ship’s deck, Luffy had his eyes glued to you the entire time; his eyes raked over your figure, his gaze shamelessly glued to your hips as you shook them. He would occasionally reach towards the table of food behind him, eating here and there. 
Ace cracked a smile; it had been a long time since he reunited with his brother. After his two years of training, it seemed he’d certainly grown up in more ways than one. After all, he had never seen Luffy so interested in women before. 
Ace approached his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder, a grin on his face.
“She’s a looker, isn’t she?”
“Huh?” Luffy looked up at his brother.
“The girl you’ve been eyeing all night,” Ace laughed, cocking his head in your direction.
Luffy blushed slightly and turned back to the buffet table, stuffing his face with anything and everything. 
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, Ace.” 
“You don’t have to deny it, you know.” Ace chuckled, “Not like you to be shy.”
Luffy grumbled as he ate his meat, barely chewing before swallowing it all, “Not being shy, don’t like her like that. She’s just a friend.”
Ace raises a brow, “Then surely you don’t mind me talking to her, do you?”
Ace stiffens when Luffy looks up at him, his eyes filled with almost murderous intent. Ace laughed and raised his hands, trying to calm the younger man, “Easy, Luffy. Was only teasing.”
“Good!” Luffy pouted, “’Cause she’s mine, and you can’t have her!”
“Thought you didn’t like her like that?” Ace teased, and Luffy just crossed his arms in defiance. 
“Well, maybe I lied!” 
Ace laughed and rolled his eyes playfully, “Why don’t you talk to her? I saw her staring at you a few times tonight.”
“Really?!” Luffy bounced off the walls, looking at you as you danced amongst your crewmates. 
Luffy immediately dashed towards you, striking up conversation rather quickly. Ace only laughed. That was his brother, for sure.
He watched on, seeing you both talk happily. 
A few months later, Ace reunites with his brother again, and yet again, another fantastic party is thrown. 
This crew really liked any excuse to party, Ace finds out quickly.
And this time, when he sees his brother, he’s dancing with you instead of just ogling you from afar. Ace smiles, glad he was part of why you two eventually ended up together. 
As the party goes on, you eventually leave the dance floor and make your way to Ace. To his surprise, you ask if you can speak with him in private. He gives a shrug and decides, sure, he can step away for a bit.
When you reach the kitchen, you sit down, and Ace sits beside you.
“Hey, um,” you start, nervously laughing, “I know this is weird, but… but do you know Luffy is into?”
“Into?” Ace squints, leaning back in his chair.
He doesn’t miss how your cheeks flush, “Well, it’s just that… I’ve tried dropping hints to Luffy that I want to, um, take our relationship further, but I don’t think he’s noticed?”
Ace cracks a smile.
You wanted to know how to turn Luffy on.
“Not sure,” he shrugs, “I’d imagine you’d have to be very blunt with him, though.”
You only nod, leaning in to capture every word from Ace’s lips.
“Just don’t dance around it. Say how you feel.”
“Okay.” You then clear your throat, “And um, I just wanted to ask um….”
Ace sits up, your tone seeming to change with this new topic. You sounded meeker, even more shy, as you talked.
“I’m not very experienced, so… I-I don’t know much about pleasing others like that… do you think you could, um, give me some tips before you leave?”
Ace’s eyes widened before you quickly added, “You don’t have to, though! I’m sorry, this is probably really inappropriate!”
Ace only laughs, patting your shoulder, “It’s nothing to worry about! I can probably give you some pointers before I head off.”
Now Ace is blushing because, well, it sounded like he was going to physically show you. But he swore that wasn’t his intention; he would only verbally communicate with you.
At least, that’s what the plan was.
You sigh before brushing off your skirt, “Thanks, Ace; I’m sorry this was so terribly awkward.”
“Not at all.”
The flame man watches as you get up from your seat and make your way to the kitchen door, offering a short farewell before leaving.
At that moment, when the door closes, he notices a bit of straw peeking out from behind the kitchen counter. Ace smiles softly; looks like his interaction with you had an observer.
“Luffy,” Ace calls, and immediately the straw hat ducks under the counter, “I know you’re here.”
Ace gets up from his seat and walks behind the counter, spotting the young man crouched by the floor. 
Ace kneels beside him, “Looks like your girl wants you to make a move.”
Luffy hums, “Don’t know how.”
“I wanna do it with her, but… I don’t know what girls like.”
Ace offers a small laugh, “Looks like you’re both too scared of being inexperienced to get the ball rolling.”
“’m not scared!” Luffy retorts, “Just… wanna make sure she feels good.”
Ace gives a smile out of pity for his brother. He had never seen him be self-conscious before. He always seemed to rush in, to charge ahead without thinking, but it seemed like you meant a lot to him, and he didn’t want to mess up.
“Want you to show us, Ace. Please?”
Ace turns beet red at that and stumbles backward, landing on his ass.
“C-Come on, Luffy, I can’t do that-“
“Why not?”
“I mean, it’d be weird. We’re brothers, you know? I don’t think-“
Ace sighed, “Luffy-“
“Besides, we aren’t, um,” Luffy thinks momentarily to find his words, “Blood-related! Or even married-related!”
Ace chewed the inside of his mouth. That was a fair point; there would really be nothing incestuous about this possible encounter. But still, it felt forbidden, wrong…
“Come on, Ace, you taught me how to do everything! What’s so different about this?!”
Ace is about to offer another rebuttal, but he can’t say no when he sees Luffy’s big, round doe-eyes.
Instead, Ace sighs, “Alright, how are we going to do this?”
The next night comes, and Ace asks to see you in the crow’s nest. You make your way up, surprised to see Luffy is there too. Your boyfriend gives you a big smile and waves as Ace stands next to him, a slight smirk on his face.
“What’s up?” You ask, cautiously approaching the two men.
Ace starts, “I know you asked for some tips before. I think Luffy and I have come up with a more hands-on solution.”
You flush as you notice how the crow’s nest is furnished. There are piles of pillows and blankets adorning the floorboards. Everything between you three looks so cozy, so soft. Your eyes flicker from the floor back up to Ace and Luffy.
“A um, h-hands-on solution you say…”
“Only if you want to.” Ace adds, “But Luffy said that he wants me to show him how to please you, and since you asked how to please him, I figured we could kill two birds with one stone, yeah?”
You chewed at your bottom lip. You had always found Luffy’s brother attractive, and now that you were presented with the opportunity of being with the two men at once, your head spun.
“Don’t you feel weird about this?”
“I was a bit at first, but Luffy reminded me that we’re not technically brothers,” Ace laughs, and Luffy plops down on the blankets, spreading out comfortably as he stares up at you.
“Come on,” Luffy motions for you to come close, “Lay down with me!”
You timidly step onto the blankets and kneel next to Luffy. Little did you know you’d be sealing your fate.
Luffy kisses your lips as soon as you’re in the makeshift bed. It’s messy, wild, and full of so much energy. Your head spins.
You hear Ace laugh from behind Luffy, and soon your lips separate, “Easy there. Why don’t you try a different approach?”
“Like how?” Luffy tilts his head as he turns to look at the older man.
Ace makes his way between you both, cupping your cheek, “You mind if I show him?”
“U-Um, you can…”
Ace laughs lowly before leaning in, pressing a softer kiss to your lips. He’s still very much in charge, though, kissing you with a particular passion and forcefulness. You gasp when he licks your bottom lip, asking for permission.
Luffy never did that.
You timidly opened your mouth, allowing Ace to explore your cavern. When he slides his tongue against your own, you moan, enjoying the feeling.
When he parts from you, Luffy speaks: “Ew, why would you wanna kiss with your tongue? Sounds gross.”
“Just try it,” Ace chuckles, scooting away from you, “It feels good.”
“‘Kay…” Luffy mumbles before cupping your face and leaning in to press his lips against yours. He’s still more passionate than Ace and slightly clumsy, but you can tell he’s trying to mimic his bond brother. Soon enough, he’s licking at your lips, and you open your mouth, allowing him to explore. 
Luffy slides his tongue up against yours, tasting you thoroughly. A soft moan escapes your mouth as he begins fucking it with his tongue, teasing your own. 
He keeps going until you need to break for air. You’re left breathless as you pull away, your spit connecting you two.
Luffy bites his lips, “You’re right, Ace. Does feel good…”
And before you can catch your breath, Luffy is back on you, kissing you with his newly acquired skills. He drags you onto his lap, and you gasp when you already feel something hard poking you.
Meanwhile, Ace’s breath is trapped in his throat. Watching you and Luffy make out was really hot. He couldn’t help but bite his lip as his cock twitched in his pants. He wanted nothing more than to take your lips again, but he knew his place; he was just the instructor.
Luffy immediately tugs at your dress’s hem, “Take it off, please?”
You laugh at his whining and slowly remove your dress, allowing your body to be visible. Ace swallows thickly; you are such a beautiful girl. Your curves were in all the right places, your skin seemed silky smooth, and your beautiful eyes looked up at Luffy with such innocence.
He’s lost in your body as Luffy struggles with your bra clasp. His groans of frustration cause Ace to snap out of his trance.
“Stupid thing-!” Luffy growls, and Ace laughs.
“Here, it’s like this.” And Ace masterfully undoes your bra with a single hand. You feel your core clench at the action.
“Ohhhh,” Luffy muses as your bra straps fall off your shoulders, allowing your bra to hit the floor, “Thanks, Ace!” 
Luffy immediately reaches for your tits, molding them in his hands. You squeal at the touch, and Ace laughs. 
“Sensitive, aren’t you?”
You flush, your eyes looking away from both Luffy and Ace.
“What should I do with ’em, Ace?” Luffy asks, looking up at the dark-haired man.
The older man only chuckles, “You kiss on ’em… suck ’em, like this…”
Ace leans forward and captures one of your nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue slowly over your puckering nipples. He moans against your skin and takes your torso in his hands, softly rubbing your sides. You throw your head back, letting out soft whimpers as he pleases you.
He pulls away, your nipple popping out of his mouth. Luffy practically bounces in place, eager to get started. 
“I wanna try too!” And with that, your Captain lunges forward, taking your other nipple into his mouth. He sucks harshly at your breast, taking your other one into his hands. He tweaks and pulls at the nipple not in his mouth, and Ace bites his lip as he watches on, his own erection becoming unbearably painful.
He tries to touch himself sneakily, palming his erection in his shorts. You and Luffy don’t notice, though, as you’re too involved with each other. Luffy moans happily as he sucks on your nipples, nibbling them roughly as he gropes your other breast. Your eyes are shut tight, your head tossed back as you relish the feeling.
Ace sneaks behind you, abandoning his weeping erection for a moment to tug at your panties. You gasp as Ace pulls you away from Luffy, his arms holding you tight against his chest. You take off your panties, and Luffy stares, enamored by the sight of your slick folds.
Ace spreads your legs with one hand and slides his other between your legs, spreading your folds. Luffy licks his lips and immediately goes for your cunt, licking a long stripe from your hole to your clit.
“O-Oh, Luffy-!”
“Make sure you focus on that little ball at the top, Luff,” Ace instructs, his fingers still spreading you open so Luffy can enjoy his feast.
“Here?” Luffy questions innocently, flicking his tongue over your swollen clit roughly. You gasp sharply and arch your back, causing Ace to chuckle.
“Mhm, just like that,” Ace smirks before his hands find their way to your breasts, molding them and pulling at your nipples.
Okay, so he knew he was supposed to be the teacher, but he couldn’t resist you anymore. He could always excuse it as adding to your pleasure anyway.
Your eyes flutter shut as your sensitive parts are stimulated. With Ace pulling at your nipples and Luffy slobbering all over your clit, you weren’t sure if you could last long.
“Mmh,” Luffy moans, “Tastes good…”
You flush at the vulgar words that left his mouth, your legs starting to quiver.
“You okay?” 
Ace answers for you, “She’s getting close; keep going.”
Luffy dove in once again, sucking and slurping at your sensitive nub. You instinctively reach for his raven hair, pulling the young man into your cunt. Luffy groans at the action and eats you out with even more determination. 
“Fuck, Luffy-!” 
You squeal, gushing onto his tongue. The Captain moans heartily, tonguing your clit and sucking up all you had to give. 
Ace groans from behind and accidentally ruts against your ass, causing you to gasp. It was your first time noticing that he was erect as well.
But you don’t say anything about it.
Luffy sits up with a huge grin, “Was that good?”
“Of course,” you pant out, your head swimming as you attempt to ground yourself in reality. 
“Alright, let me teach you a few things, yeah?” Ace chuckles, his breath hot against your ear, 
You nod timidly, and Ace adjusts himself so he’s on his knees now, guiding you so you do the same. 
“Stand up, Luffy.” Ace commands and Luffy follows, getting the picture. The younger man starts to undo his pants and hastily removes them along with his underwear. His cock is red and throbbing, his shaft excitedly twitching in the air. You swallow and look to Ace for permission to touch.
“Go on and grab it. Not too rough, alright?”
You nod and grip Luffy from the base, making him jump. 
“Good, but more towards the tip, okay?” Ace suggests before taking your hand in his, guiding it to the flushed head, “And let’s start slow…”
Ace keeps your soft hand in his as he begins pumping Luffy’s cock. He flushes deeply as he realizes what he’s doing, but Ace swallows harshly; he was just helping, that was all.
“Y-You got it?” Ace asks, and you nod. He releases your hand, allowing you to take control now. Luffy’s thighs clench as you stroke the tip of his dick, streams of precum leaking out.
Luffy calls your name as he pants, “Feels… really good-!” 
“Why don’t you help him out?” Ace chuckles, “Look how he’s crying out for you.”
You glance between Ace and Luffy briefly before lowering your head, licking up all the precum that pooled at the top. 
Ace bit back a groan as his cock throbbed at the sight. Your blushing face and nervous tongue were too much, and the lewd sounds from Luffy’s mouth only added to the entire scene. 
“More-“ Luffy grunts, thrusting his hips impatiently, causing his slick head to rut against your cheek. 
Ace purrs, “Let’s give him more, yeah?”
You nod, and before you can say anything, Ace tucks your hair behind your ear and pushes your head forward. You moan as you take Luffy into your mouth, your tongue caressing the underside of his cock. He practically howls as you take him as deep as possible. Your eyes look up at your boyfriend, his own shut tight.
Ace moves your head back and forth, helping you bob your head on Luffy’s cock. He grunts under his breath, his own cock twitching as he wishes you were sucking him off too. But he settles for watching you.
“That’s it, make sure you drool around him too; guys like it sloppy like that…” Ace moans, pulling your hair back as he guides your head.
“Y-Yeah,” Luffy’s voice cracks, “‘Like it when it’s all wet… hnn, shit-“ 
The Captain’s hips snap forward, his cock fucking your throat with Ace still controlling your head. You felt like a toy, so easily manipulated by these two men.
“Use your hands too,” Ace suggests, and you place your hands around what you can’t fit in your mouth, “Twist your hand when you suck him in.”
Luffy’s moan catches in his throat as he throws his head back, “F-Feels so good-! I might-“
Ace pulls your head off Luffy’s cock, and you’re left panting, a singular string of spit connecting your tongue to his throbbing shaft. Luffy almost cums from your lewd face alone.
“That was close, huh?” Ace chuckles. 
Though, his erection is getting more bothersome. It throbs uselessly in his underwear as he watches on, and he’s not sure how much more he can take. 
But an idea pops into his head. 
“Alright, last lesson,” he wets his lips, “Time to show you how to fuck a girl.”
Luffy’s eyes light up, “Oooh, okay!”
You look at Ace with a dark flush on your cheeks, and he smiles that charming smile of his, “That is if your girlfriend is okay with that…”
You bite your lip, “I-If it’s to show Luffy, then… it’s okay.”
Ace smirks, “Of course.”
The older man repositions himself so he’s no longer behind you but in front of you on his knees like you are. Luffy is behind him, still standing, watching intently. 
“Here,” Ace starts, gently laying you down, “You’re gonna want to treat her like a princess. But…” 
Ace makes quick work of unbuttoning his shorts and sliding out of them and his underwear. His cock bobs excitedly in the air, the tip flushed bright red. You don’t miss how precum leaks from his frustrated cock. 
“Make sure you ask how she wants to be fucked too. Even though you’re supposed to be gentle with girls, they sometimes like to be fucked like whores.”
You gasp at his words and whimper when he slides his swollen, wet head over your folds. 
“So tell me,” he smirks, “How do you want to be fucked?”
Your lips tremble, “Hard.”
Luffy scrambles to your side, sitting beside your head, “Don’t worry, Ace will do it right! And then I’ll try to do it even better!”
Ace chuckles, “Mm, we’ll see…”
With that, Ace pushes in, and you gasp at the stretch. He’s thick, making your hole adjust to his girth. 
“Oh, she’s tight-“ he hisses, lowering his head, “Feels really good-“
He lets out a drawn-out moan as he pushes inside, your walls clenching and pulsing around him. 
“N-Now, Luffy,” Ace starts, his voice trembling as he bottoms out, “You’re gonna want to aim for her g-spot, okay? That means you have to angle your hips up.”
As if testing the waters, Ace pulls out slowly before pushing back inside. Your eyes flutter shut, and you throw your head back. Luffy looks at you in awe, watching your face scrunch and contort in pleasure. 
“Her g-spot?” Luffy questions, tilting his head. 
“M-Mhm-“Ace stutters, already lost in your wetness, “you’ll know it when you feel it. It’ll make her feel really good.”
Luffy hums before looking back at where your body and Ace’s connected. 
“And you’re gonna want to be romantic still. Hold her hand while you fuck her.” Ace says, his own hand reaching for your right one. Luffy follows suit, taking your left hand in his. 
“Alright,” Ace starts, “Just watch for a bit; you’ll pick up fast.”
The older man takes your hip in his free hand, angling your hips upward before slamming in. You sharply gasp as he hits that sensitive spot within you dead on. 
Ace felt like a piece of shit for disguising his horniness as simple instruction, but fuck, you felt so good. It had been a while since he had sex, and you were perfect. The way your pussy wrapped around his cock, how your breasts jiggled as he pounded you, your cute voice gasping as he slammed in- it was all perfect. 
“Does it feel good?” Luffy asked, his hand tightening around your own.
“Yes-!” Your eyes roll back, “Yes, he feels so good, Luffy!”
Luffy stares, watching Ace snap his hips forward as if his life depended on it. The younger man then reaches for your clit, rubbing it slowly in circles, “And it feels better when I do this, right? ’Cause I wanna help too…”
You nod dumbly, “It feels good, Luffy… K-Keep rubbing it-!”
Luffy’s fingers speed up, and you toss your head back, drool escaping your lips as Ace’s cock hammers into you, hitting that spot that makes your toes curl.
“Oh, you’re so wet-” Ace grits his teeth, “L-Luffy, make sure you… tell her how good she feels when you fuck her-“
Luffy nods eagerly, watching on.
The older man leans in close, his eyes locking with yours as his raspy voice meets your ears, “Mn, I wish I could fuck this little pussy of yours all the time. You’re so fucking wet and tight. Luffy’s really lucky…”
Your face glows with embarrassment at the man’s words, “A-Ace-”
His cock throbs inside you as his hips don’t let up, his cock’s head slamming into your most sensitive parts. Your chest rises and falls as he plunges into your pussy with great force. You cry out, legs seizing as he penetrates your depths.
“Mm, okay, I think I got it, Ace!” Luffy exclaims, and Ace’s hips stutter.
Shit, he was hoping he could cum from this, but he knew better than to push his luck.
Reluctantly, he pulls out of your heavenly pussy, leaving you to throb around nothing. You whined at the loss.
“Take a crack at it, Luff.”
Ace moves aside, releasing your hand. Luffy does the same, positioning himself between your legs. He rubs his pink tip over your slit before shoving himself inside, causing you to moan loudly.
“S-So- warm-!” He moans, tossing his head back, desperately humping your cunt, “O-Oh, it’s really wet, like your mouth was!”
Ace grabs your hand as he takes Luffy’s previous position. Luffy has his hands on your waist, his strokes pummeling your insides. 
Ace reaches between your legs with his free hand and spreads your lips, “Watch it go in and out of her…”
Luffy looks down, his eyes lidded as he watches his cock disappear inside you, “Feel the wet stuff… going down my balls- there’s so much…!”
You bit your lip at his obscene words, wet smacking sounds echoing throughout the room.
Luffy makes a lustful noise as his vision starts to grow hazy. He’s utterly pussy drunk already, fucking you recklessly. Your poor cervix would be bruised in the morning, but you didn’t care; you just wanted Luffy to fuck you.
“I-I’m gonna- “Luffy starts, “I’m gonna-!”
“Pull out- “Ace warns, and Luffy obeys, his cock angrily bouncing in the cool air. Luffy lets out a drawn-out whine.
“Aceeeee,” he pouts, “I was close! Why did I have to stop?”
“Because,” Ace smirks, “You gotta make her cum from your cock. Here…”
Ace shuffles so that he’s behind Luffy. The younger man looks behind him and blushes slightly when a large hand wraps around his base, guiding him to your folds.
“Tease her like this,” Ace bites his lip, dragging Luffy’s soaked tip over your clit, “Back and forth…”
Your legs tighten as Luffy’s head swipes over your needy clit, stimulating you slightly. You begin to squirm, and Ace laughs a bit.
“Now, let’s try it again…” Ace angles Luffy’s cock so it prods at your hole, and Luffy gets the message, taking your hips in his hands and dragging you forward, impaling you on his cock.
Luffy spreads your legs apart, allowing him to reach even deeper inside. 
“Remember, angle upwards,” Ace grabs Luffy’s hips and angles him just right, causing your eyes to roll back as Luffy resumes his hectic pace.
“So tight-!” Luffy grits his teeth as he fucks you like a wild beast, chasing his high while trying to get you off.
Luffy pants, throwing his head snack as he squeezes his eyes shut, “Can’t- Cant get enough! You feel so good! Wanna do this all the time now-“
To your surprise, Luffy pulls out, turns you around, and pushes you onto your knees before shoving your face into the pillows.
“Wanna do it like this-“ He growls, before forcing himself back inside, “Want to fuck you, just like this!”
You gasp loudly as suddenly his cock smashes your cervix. Your eyes look to the heavens as he shoves his cock inside, battering your womb.
“Take it all-!” He growls, slamming into you with a force you had never experienced.
Ace’s cock can’t take being neglected anymore. He sits to the side, watching you both, and doesn’t even bother hiding his newly busy hand. He bites his lip, freckled cheeks flushed as he watches Luffy fuck you from behind.
He was so jealous. He wanted to pound you with all that he had too. He wanted to ram into your deepest depths and make you squeal.
But all he could do was fuck his hand.
Ace watches on, your moans and squeals getting him riled up. His cock desperately throbbed, wanting nothing more than to be back inside your warmth. But he simply watched on, licking his lips as Luffy absolutely destroyed you.
And soon enough, your words cut through the lewd sounds.
“I-I’m cumming!” You moan out, “L-Luffy, I-I’m-!”
Luffy doesn’t slow down; he continues assaulting your tight folds until he bursts, filling you with a cracked moan. His warmth shooting inside triggers your orgasm, your cream coating his shaft as he thrusts in and out.
Ace grunts, his orgasm approaching quickly. He speeds up his hand so he won’t be left in the dust, and soon enough, he’s cumming after you both.
The room is silent save for your combined ragged breaths. Luffy eventually pulls out, his cum leaking out of your hole. He, with shaky hands, guides his tip back to your entrance and shallowly thrusts in and out, stuffing you full.
Ace laughs breathlessly, “Good, make sure none of it goes to waste…”
Luffy laughs gently along with him.
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attapullman · 1 month
I was thinking about this the other day, Reader in a sundress and Bobby just can’t keep his hands to himself.
Oh, Nonny, now I'm going to be thinking about this all day!
Those big, grabby hands? 🤤
He's a grown man with Navy discipline, he can definitely quietly sit and keep his hands to himself. Surely. But the longer he has to be out and about, and the hem of the skirt keeps rising along the soft skin of your thighs...that man is a goner.
At first it feels accidental. His hand on your waist while you're standing in the buffet line. Warm fingers skimming your knee when you sit down, pulling your chairs a little too close together.
But then you know he's skirting the line of public decency and indecent intentions. Thick arm slinking around your shoulders ("Aren't you cold, honey?") only for fingers to slip under the light fabric, teasing the skin of your shoulder. Holds your gaze with those wide, innocent, baby blue eyes when the measly strap falls down your shoulder. That wasn't him, was it? Sorry sweetheart, let me fix that.
You know you should go home. This is a work event. His superiors could see him. But you like seeing how far he'll go to have a piece of you.
The afternoon has turned into a faded sunset and Bob is lightheaded. Hours of watching the way your chest fills the neckline of that dress and he hasn't been able to touch once?
Deep in conversation with another of the couples at your table, your breath hitches when that warm palm firmly grips your thigh, the gingham tablecloth barely covering the scandalous amount of dress he's pushed up. Softly kneading your skin while working his way higher, the hand not on you gripping his knee so he won't touch himself.
You're trying so hard to keep your place in the topic of the table, but he's tracing the delicately sensitive skin of your thighs. Teasing.
"Are you alright?" Bradley's wife asks as warm fingers move from tracing over the soft satin covering you to pressing into you as much as possible, pushing the wetness within you to the surface and an inhuman whimper from your lips.
He's too quick on the draw. Bringing his unoccupied hand to your cheek and feigning concern. "You're a little warm. Did you eat something bad? I should get you home, poor thing."
Not a single eye bats when Bob helps you up, the unassuming WSO helping you straighten your dress like he didn't just have his whole hand against your core.
With the next morning will come the sweet texts of concern to your health that you'll regret responding to with lies. But that's not on your mind at all when, upon entering the darkness of the parking lot against his truck, Bob lifts that flimsy sundress over your ass and slips his fingers under damp fabric, groping wherever he can reach as he brings you to orgasm in his new favourite dress.
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redactedasset · 4 months
༺ suggestive redacted headcanons ༻
please scroll if you’re uncomfortable. everything mentioned is fully consensual, like all interactions must be !
⭑ gavin is the type of man to press wet kisses on your shoulders, as you two stand in front of a mirror, feeling the other's body, shuddering at the touch of your lover's fingertips.
⭑ vincent kisses your neck passionately, you could feel the tip of his fangs on your skin. he'll bite you and feed (only if you ask for it ; pre-turning).
⭑ sam lets you sit on his lap, facing him as you grind yourself against him, hitched breaths and whimpering into each other's mouth as you grip tightly on his flannel, his hands guiding your hips.
⭑ milo devours you like an all you can eat buffet, absolutely hungry for you but never forgetting to praise your body (kinda canon but oh well)
⭑ aaron grips on your hair, tugging your head back sometimes just to mess with you, knowing how you seem irritated but secretly enjoy it (what he does while doing this is completely up to your imagination bleeeehhhh)
⭑ huxley gets aggressive when he's in the mood but immediately apologizes cause he's afraid his size and strength might hurt you "oh sorry! was that too harsh?"
⭑ asher giggles when his ticklish spots get touched, along with some heavy breathing. he likes a little lightheartedness during intimacy.
⭑ avior likes a heated make out session with clothes on, increasing both of your neediness to just rip them off.
i hope these are good >.< been stuck in my head for too long yall <3
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itsthatmff · 1 year
Taking you out on a date ||| Genos, Garou, Metal bat
Appreciation post for the teen trio of opm 🤭
She/her pronouns used!
Requests are open anytime <3
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“I apologize, I must have disappointed you.”
Poor boy literally spent DAYS analyzing your likes and dislikes in order to take you out to the perfect date, as you both made plans to go out on the weekend.
He spent so much time trying to sort out potential places to go that he ended up with nothing on the day you both wanted to go out.
He stood there, in front of your door about to pick you up, with the guiltiest expression on his face. (Well as guilty as a cyborg can look, ykwim)
says sorry for about 100 times before he shuts his mouth. You literally have to stop him mid sentence for his explanations to end.
“IT’S OKAY- you could have just asked me where i want to go instead of making it so hard for you. I like Aquariums, why don’t we go there?”
Feels like the most stupid (person) in the world at that moment. Had he known it was this easy, he probably wouldn’t have gone through such lengths. (He would have. Cuz boy doesn’t realize that he’s in love with you.)
Usually Genos is pretty blunt and forward, i guess that’s why trying to come up with something was so hard for him. For the first time, trying to ask you directly didnt cross his mind, as he wanted to make you happy all by himself.
You both spent the rest of the day at the aquarium, with you admiring the sea animals, and him admiring you. He realized after a while that his gaze was stuck on you, and definitely made a mental note to ask dr. Kuseno if there was something wrong in his system.
Like the tension would be all romantic, you’d be looking at glowing jellyfish, and he’d be staring at you, smiling a tinsy bit. Then you’d say something like “look Genos! That jellyfish looks so cute!” And the next second, Genos would turn into a search engine.
“That’s an Aequorea victoria, also sometimes called the crystal jelly. It’s a bioluminescent hydrozoan jellyfish, or hydromedusa. It can be found off the west coast of North America. The species is best known as the source of aequorin, and green fluorescent protein-“
“Okay- thats enough genos.”
All in all, it would be a pretty fun date! Genos would end the day by saying “I really enjoyed going out with you, Y/N-san. Next time I will take you out to someplace even better. No mistakes allowed.”
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“What are you looking at? Don’t you like it?”
Guy heard “let’s go on a date!” And rolled with it.
Though his idea of a “date” might look a bit different.
100 percent took advantage of it when you said “let’s go somewhere you like”
So of course y’all ended up in an all you can eat buffet.
And he won’t be paying for it 💀 (the fee might look a “bit” expensive, make sure you take a good amount of money with you)
Chugs down a plate after the other, so at least the money isn’t wasted.
Once he sees your kind of upset face, he stops taking bites of that real good steak and looks at you confused.
You were happy to spend time with him, you really were, But this just wasn’t what you thought it out to be. Of course you expected it to be at least a LITTLE romantic, even though he wasn’t your boyfriend yet, nor did he know that you liked him.
But sorry to disappoint you, romance is a foreign word for this oblivious man.
If you tell him how you feel about the date though, he’ll give you the widest smirk “you’re happy to spend time with me?” Completely ignoring everything else you said
Once y’all are done eating, he’ll make sure to walk you home, if you’re cold he’ll even hold you. So that’s at least something ?
You have to be REALLY forward and blunt with him, or else all he’ll do is tease you.
If you really wanna make him blush just straight up hold his hand, he won’t do nun. Yelling at you or hurting you is an absolute no for him.
Metal bat
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“My sister suggested this place, ya like it?”
Metal bat pretty much has all the knowledge he needs when it comes to girls, as he has to take out and hang out with his little sister a lot.
Most of the time it’s shopping malls where his sister drags him from shop to shop for hours.
So like once they were both shopping for a cute little bag because Zenko had won a piano competition and big brother was proud asf 🤭 and ofc she had realized that he’d be mentioning this one girl from time to time.
“Big bro, why don’t you just take her out on a date?”
But like, we’re talking about a little kid here, so her advice may not be as fitting 😭 she literally only gave him tips on where SHE would like to go.
“If I were her I’d love to be taken to an amusement park, and then he should win me a big unicorn plushy !”
But Metal bat loves his sister more than anything, AND he has 2 brain cells so ofc he’d listen to her, thinking it’d be the best date idea.
A couple days later (he especially took a day off from work for you and told the HQ that they shouldnt call him even if there’s an emergency) he takes you out saying it’s a “surprise”, but once you both stand in front of the amusement park, your reaction isn’t quite what he expected.
It was an kids amusement park. ALL of the rides were fit in for children.
You were happy of course, but metal bat expected you to be fawning over him by now. (That’s what zenko at least told him. Quoting “she’ll be head over heels once you both arrive big brother!”)
“Why are we at an kids amusement park ?”
“My sister recommended it”
“Makes sense.”
Well you both already got tickets so all you could do was make the best out of it.
At least the food was good! Metal bat bought you candied apples, chocolate strawberries, cotton candy, everything you laid your eyes on.
And he got you lots of plushies, like, LOTS of plushies.
The kids there did recognize Him tho, so it took a while to get away from the crowd of children wanting autographs and photos.
Metal bat ends up feeling like he ruined your date, so you can see him being kinda upset, after cheering him up though, you both promise to go to a place that both of you could enjoy next time.
He literally has to hold himself back not to spit out the words “i love you” cuz you looked so adorable on that day. (Especially eating the cotton candy)
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beatrixstonehill2 · 3 months
"I mean, eating, sleeping, and fucking is really all there is to being a girl. Not that I minded. Fun while it lasted but I know if I kept up this lifestyle I'd be 600lbs in a matter of a few years.... Not that that's a bad thing, but still.... I'm really happy trans girls in my state are being detransed. When Prop 834 passed I practically started cheering I was so elated. And naturally my cock was rock hard so I jerked off. Such a dumb little fake girl I am.... what real girl would be so happy to finally go through male puberty and see her curvy, girly body go bye-bye? I stood in front of my cum-stained mirror and jerked off SO hard staring at my breasts, grabbing them, squeezing them so hard they sprayed milk. God I'm such a perv, inducing lactation on these giant udders I made my body grow.....
I jerked off picturing my boobs getting chopped off. The surgeon joking about having to work on so many fake girls, lopping off our gigantic, fat, lactating breasts because we're all total porn and hentai addicts who fantasize about having ridiculous-looking cow tits. I bet he'll be cracking jokes with his nurses about us deluded fake girls finally needing to stop living our perverted fantasies, watching our cocks get bigger and bigger, our erections get stronger, our orgasms finally like a man's! He'll joke about all of our titties getting tossed in the trash, finally taken away, or how our voices will drop, and we'll all grow facial hair, slowly watching our feminine, porn-fantasy bodies turn into the boys we were always supposed to be.
I hope our state is ready for all of us to be turned loose. We'll all be pumped with loads of testosterone, dick growth pills, steroids..... We'll all become total muscle-bound studs only focused on how many holes we can bury our newly enlarged cocks into every day. I'm totally gonna keep a count every day of how many sexy girls I fuck. I wanna fuck some cute pregnant girl with huge titties so bad! I'm gonna be such a menace.... Every day I'll go to the park and treat it like a buffet! Every cute girl reading a book in a bikini, every girl with big bouncy tits jogging, ever waddling pregnant girl in a sundress counting the days before she'll finally be too pregnant to walk. I'm gonna fuck their brains out, punish their holes until I break their brains and make them drool all over themselves.
Sure, I'll miss stuffing my face and getting fucked by a dozen new guys every day, but finally getting to be a boy will be oh so fun! ❤️ I hope more states detrans us dumb little cow-titted fakegirls and make us into a new generation of ravenous studs. I'll be rooting for all you girls outside of SC! Stay strong, and remember to vote! Your big fat bloated titties won't remove themselves, boys!"
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morallyinept · 9 months
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Pedro Boys & Kinks 🥴
Today we're getting kinky with the Pedro Boys...
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NSFW due to the nature of the smutty talk.
Check out more of my Pedro Boys Rambles here.
I make no apologies for this. Well, maybe some...
Enjoy! 🖤
Joel Miller - Nylons. 
This rugged old man with the bad knees loves to tear through your pantyhose like a rabid madman in the throes of a Cordyceps freak out! Le freak, c'est chic. He's drooling, darlin'. He loves to lick your pussy through them, watching the wet patch bloom into the silky mesh of your oozy camel toe. Feel the smooth slide of them against his morose face as he runs his scruff up your legs and into your parted thighs. Those thick, calloused fingers are soon tearing them open as he literally dives face first into your sopping cunt. I mean, he's been starving for a while now. Chef Boyardee ain't cutting it. Joel's a hungry man and it's not long after that, that he's planting his crimson capped mushroom deep inside you; fisting at the shredded hosiery around your thighs. In the days before the outbreak, Joel was an absolute sucker for a pair of black hold ups with a lacy top. And if they had little satin bows on? Well, that's a sure fire way to finish him off. And Joel Miller is fucking indestructible, right? 
Well, mostly. Abby Anderson might have something to do with that… Sssh! 🤫
Francisco Morales - Gagging. 
The best way to hook this Catfish line and sinker, is to take him right back deep into your throat and watch as he loses all his shit. Frankie's gonna start killing people! Lots of spit, sucking, drooling and if you cry those mascara tears from the strain down your cheeks? Even better, hermosa. You can bet that Frankie will bust more than just his nuts as you chow down at the all-you-can-eat dick buffet and swallowing all of that Fish yoghurt. (Urm, eww?) You'll have this handsome pilot flying high, and without the use of nose powder. Standard Heating Oil cap stays on. The whole damn time.
Ezra - Urophilia & Squirting. 
Ezra is a kinky scoundrel deep down. We all know it. Don't be fooled by that doe-eyed, self-redemption of our ramblin' man. Even with one arm he can still get his freak on with vigour. And don't let the fact he has one arm hold him back either. Oh no, little bird. He'll fingerbang you so hard until you're gushing all over his arm and he's licking it all up greedily. S'better than mining for Aurelac. Ezra's biggest kink is railing you when you really need to pee. And you can bet he'll press down on your bladder so you let it out all over him as you cum wildly. Time for a golden shower for our sweaty prospector. Panties down, Birdie.
Dieter Bravo - Abrasion (Touch Sensations)
This trashy floof-panda loves to touch things, always feeling things up when he's high off his tits. Rubbing his face against the wall, fingering through the shag, even licking it on occasion. And don't give him bubble wrap when he's fucked up twelve ways to Sunday n' tripping balls. You'll never get it back. The same applies when you're fucking; your body is a touch soaked candyland for him to explore, mount and peak. And dribble over. He'll take his sweet time doing it all too with awed bloodshot-eyes and then indulge in a post-coital KitKat for a munchies treat. Dieter won't share it though; he's never giving this up. 
Agent Whiskey - Impact Play 
Ol' handsome Jack has an adept arsenal of kinky whips and lassos. Of course he's gonna use them on ya, sugar. We all know how good Jack is with a whip. He loves it when the skin breaks and you bleed a little too. Those thick, red welts criss-crossing over your pert booty that he'll slap whilst he fucks you like a bucking bronco get him staying hard for the duration, ma'am. But he likes spending time soothing you afterwards by rubbing cool and nourishing salves and lotions into your cheeks and kissing all over them like succulent peaches. Cowboy Jack is all about the aftercare, doll. A true Southern dandy indeedy. 
Javier Peña - Quirofilia (Hands/Nails) 
Javier always notices when you've had your nails done. Complimenting you on the colour, the shape; the glitzy gems on your pointer finger that twinkle at him as he fucks your fist in the file room tucked away amongst boxes of Escobar's reciepts and spurts down your skirt. Yeah, thanks, Javi. He loves it even more when they're raking down his back leaving pink claw marks in his tan skin that make him growl and bear his teeth, as he ploughs you deeper into the mattress, cariño. 
Oberyn Martell - Wax Play
Oberyn loves making patterns on your skin as he drips the hot wax onto it and watches you sizzle. Peeling it off when it dries is the best part to reveal succulent pink nipples he sucks on and soothes from the heated burn they've endured. Fucking by candlelight will almost guarantee that the Red Viper will sink his fangs into your flesh to poison you all over again after he sets you aflame. Is it getting hot in here? 
Marcus Pike - Cuckolding 
Well cuck-a-doodle-do-me. Marcus loves watching you get taken by another, far more superior, person, and your pleasure at that suggestion only fuels his own further. He loves hearing how weak and pathetic he is and how he's never made you cum (even if it's a playful lie, I mean it's Marcus-fucking-Pike, come on. The man spends hours pulling them big O's out of you.) And if you poke fun at the size of his cock, (even if it is a whopper) he'll ruin himself right there fuelling your laughter as he watches you get railed without being able to touch. Guarantee it. 
Dave York - Knife Play
Murder Daddy Dave loves to watch you squirm as he runs the whisper of a cool, sharp blade against your milky skin. A gentle nick or a subtle graze into the skin where the blood bubbles up, makes his cock harder than the thought of Carol's Sunday casserole. Holding it to your throat as he dicks you down is even better. Play victim for Daddy, Princess. And when you beg him to use the handle in place of his cock, well Daddy Dave is only too obliging for his good little cum slut. Good girl. 
Pero Tovar - Sploshing. 
I mean it's food, d'uh. Sit on a cake and let this hungry Spainard feast off of you like his enjoying his last meal. Fruit, honey, cream… okra. You name it, he'll eat from the serving platter of your tasty flesh, and will then eat you out afterwards. Either way Pero will be getting his fill one way or another. Better have some Pepto handy.  
Din Djarin - Shibari 
The Mandalorian can either bring you in warm or bring you in roped up. Taking his sweet, agonising time in tying the silk fibres of the Shibari rope around your limbs, Din prolongs both of your anticipation through adept fingers akin to wizardry. But it's worth it to see the pretty and intricate knots and weaves that leave their patterns indented into your flesh long after he's untied you. And it'll be hours and hours before he does, Mesh'la. With your back to him, he'll subtly push up his helmet to kiss his artistic handiwork and leave deeper marks etched on you still. This is the kinky way. 
Marcus Moreno - Suspension.
Marcus loves nothing more than twisting your body into shapes whilst you're suspended in the air, manipulating you into all sorts of heroic poses. Pulling you back onto him as he pummels deep and hard, and you've no way to escape him. You can only float there, suspended in mid air and take what this sweet hero gives when he lets out his dark villainous side to play. 
Max Phillips - Humiliation & Degradation.
Max loves the power of claiming his victims; a Vampire's hard-on. But this bloodsucker also loves it when a human gets one up on him and shows him who's the real boss by reducing him to nothing but a naked, quivering pale mess on the floor at your feet to walk all over, spit on or do anything else that you feel he's deserving of. Threaten him with an open window. Sharpen a 2B pencil. Well, he did bite you, babe. Time to get your revenge. Make him crawl naked to the staff room to fetch your lunch then use him as a footstool whilst you eat it. Just don't be surprised later when the dynamic shifts again and Max makes you his lunch. Nom.
Silva - Feet 
This handsome Wrangler has travelled a long way to lay at your feet worshipping them. Stroking, nuzzling, kissing; sucking on that big toe you loathe, licking up the arch and groping the ball of your foot. He'll suck on your pinky toes whilst you suck on his cock. He'll be jerking his own gently and lost in the sensations of your intimacy as he fawns over your feet. Silva's in pedi heaven. Lord knows he'll need one himself after wearing them boots all that way, mind. 
Comandante Veracruz - Voyeurism.
Veracruz has no qualms in fucking you infront of his men, claiming you and reminding you all that you're his plaything that he's kept hostage. Or instructing and watching his men take turns to fuck you when you misbehave whilst he lays back on the cot, dick in hand and blowing up. Both are equally pleasing scenarios to the eye for the Comandante. And the Comandante always gets what he wants. 
Maxwell Lord - Electrostimulation 
Attach the clamps on his nipples, on his balls and then charge up the juice and watch this man squeal and grunt like a Red Wattle hog. He also likes a shock wand when he's been a very bad man. And Maxwell is in dire need of a whole lotta punishment, considering he tried to take over the world. Charge him up like a battery and watch the sparks shoot out of the end of his cock. Better than fireworks.
Javi Gutierrez - Furries 
I mean, sweet Javi G dressed up in an oversized, fuzzy teddy bear suit and pawing at you? I'll just leave you with that image to do with as you wish… 
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chaosheadspace · 3 months
Hi there! For the Valentine asks: 35 but make it in the Dreaming and we get Dream pilfering snacks for Hob from his Dreamers?
(We were absolute robbed of the 'naked Dream razes the buffet' scene from the comics 🤭)
Hi, thank you for sending an ask! So here is the actual fill for the prompt, not what I first understood lol (not beta-read.)
Dream wills a temperate breeze to gently flow through the open windows of the balcony and into his chambers, gently cooling Hob's dreamscape body, flushed and sweaty with exertion, his limbs intertwined with Dream's, his breath just now calming down.
He adores Hob, how he smiles, how he always draws Dream closer, how he narrows his focus onto Dream's pleasure when they lay together, body and mind both. He feels as if he can let go, to some extent, when he is with Hob; his experience of perceiving everything that is his realm at once filtered through the lens of Hob's body, of his easy laughter and gentle touch.
Dream hungrily nuzzles closer to him, carefully brushes back some strands of sweat-damp hair from his forehead, places a long kiss to the side of his neck. The night in Hob's part of the world is close to waning, and he is loath to let him go.
“Don't tell me you want to go again?” Hob chuckles, the deep tremble of it resonating from his throat into Dream's lips. “You need to give a man a breather, dove.”
“Technically, you do not need one. This is the Dreaming. You are as ready as you think yourself to be,” Dream speaks against Hob's Adams apple, moving to straddle him, to cover Hob's body with his own, craving closeness still. 
“Well, technically I also don't need to eat while dreaming, but my stomach seems to disagree,” Hob ponders. Well, they simply can't have that, can they? At least Dream cannot. Hob should not need to want for anything while he is here. 
He sinks into his own consciousness, part of him racing down the arborescent paths of his self, touching, tasting, searching—there.
He gently brushes the dream of a lightly slumbering mother, picking up a dark green artisanal bowl from her breakfast table. She dreams of mundane peace, one of her kids is eating, the other quietly scribbling away on a piece of the morning paper she is reading. It is quiet, and her coffee is hot. Dream’s small smile caresses her sleeping mind and her waking body stills, subconscious easing deeper into the fantasy.
He steps from her kitchen into the dream of a young boy, who has vowed mere hours ago that he will become the best pastry chef in the entire universe. Dream steps up to the table, where the flaxen-haired child is kneading dough next to a row of trays with finished delicacies, all of them unseen and unheard of in the Waking. “May I have one of these?” Dream asks. The boy nods, absorbed in his task.
The final dream he visits is also that of a child. They are imagining for themself the ability to fly, or to be more precise, they imagine the air to be as water and for themself to swim. It is filled with bubbles and bird-like fish, with sun-bright starfish and the slow current of a breeze. Dream conjures up a blue glass flagon and fills it, careful not to spill or take too much.
Then he draws himself up through the roots of his realm, back to Hob’s side, and sets down before him the bowl, containing warm porridge with golden honey and soft raspberries and cream; the tall pastry, filled with berries and vanilla and fervent aspirations; and the flagon, heavy with pearly laughter and liquid air.
“Oh,” Hob breathes in wonder, the image of his dreaming self deliciously close to his waking body. “What's all this?”
Dream touches him, still, again, a shining thread weaving together that which mortals perceive as lesser, unreal, and that which Dream can never truly, fully touch; the roots of Hob's mind tying together Dreaming and Waking under Dream's fingertips, against his body.
“This is a small sample of the finest things the Dreaming has to offer,” Dream purrs. “You will never be left wanting here.”
“Yes, but there is a difference between sating a need and spoiling someone rotten, isn't there,” Hob says fondly.
Dream raises one eyebrow. “Is there a rule that forbids me to achieve both?”
“No,” Hob says with a soft smile, craning his neck to kiss him on the forehead, “absolutely not.”
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
Hihi! Really really like your [I Like You] couple, tihi. I just wanted to know who asked who our first, and how that went? Like was it an immediate thing, or did they go on dates first, were they friends who grew to like each other romantically?
Much love <3
- 🔭
(AN: I kind of escalated a little bit.. pls I love them both so much)
-> Masterlist
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"Your eyes might fall out, kook." Taehyung jokes, making Jimin perk up from his breakfast as he looks over to what Jungkook might just be staring at like this. He's almost stopped chewing after all- food entirely thrown into the background at the sight of-
"Hey, I know those pink bra straps!" Jimin laughs, getting up with his empty plate towards where you're standing, searching for what you might want to eat. At the sight of Jimin next to you you're surprised, before you start to smile so brightly Jungkook feels like he's watching the sun rise, just in a human body.
"Jimin and her went to the same University." Taehyung explains as Jungkook finally averts his gaze- especially when Jimin points at him. "She's pretty much his best friend. Just.. she can be a bit much." He chuckles.
"Does she have a boyfriend?" Jungkook wonders innocently, and Taehyung laughs. "Ah- wait no, I was asking if Jimin and her-" He starts, panicking, when his friend reassures him.
"No, they're not a thing, and neither are they interested in each other." Taehyung explains. "They're more like siblings, really."
"Oh." Jungkook simply says, before he looks back to the breakfast buffet-
Only to be faced with your face, pretty eyes staring right at him, making him almost fall from his chair as he leans back in surprise. "You're right, he IS cute!" You giggle, before pulling a chair from a different table besides his, sitting down with your plate. It's filled with fruits and many other things, telling him a little story about your personality already.
"Well, thanks for asking, I'm doing great, how are you?" Taehyung jokes, and you flip your hair over your shoulder, a wave of strawberry scented shampoo hitting Jungkook next to you.
It makes him nervous. You're so fucking pretty- he feels like he's already got a crush. On a girl that's absolutely out of his reach, of all things.
"I'm still mad at you for not picking me up last week like you promised." You huff at your friend across, picking up a piece of fruit from your plate. "So be glad I'm acknowledging your existence right now, peasant." You boldly say, making Jimin laugh. "Anyway, Jimin said your name is Jungkook?" You ask the young man next to you, who's entirely frozen like a prey in front of the predator hoping to stay unseen in the eyes of certain death.
"Come on, I said sorry-" Taehyung starts, but you whip your head towards him, hissing him into silence.
"Psst, I'm talking to Jungkook right now, can't you see?" You scold, before turning back towards the man in question. "Do you have a girlfriend?" You wonder, and Jungkook is entirely lost by now.
"...uh-" He stammers, before he shakes his head. Taehyung didn't lie- you're a lot.
"Heh, awesome." You chirp happily, before resuming to eat your food, not seemingly initiating anything else as you instead chat to Jimin and Taehyung about their trip- and why you're at the same hotel. "Oh, I kind of wanted to go here anyways." You shrug. "Took some time off work, and booked the flight and hotel."
"Isn't it.. a bit dangerous?" Jungkook quietly chimes in. "..to travel alone, as a woman, I mean." He wonders, unable to quite look at you- mainly cause he doesn't want you to think he's staring at what the cropped top reveals of your chest.
"Aww, a gentleman too!" You sigh, looking at Jimin. "Where the fuck did you hide him?" You scold.
"I didn't hide him, he hides himself!" Jimin laughs, and you giggle as well- and Jungkook feels a little odd. Like he's the butt of the joke, right now- so he falls silent, instead looks down onto his plate. He knows his friends and you don't mean to make him feel bad, probably.
It's his own fault for being so sensitive.
Suddenly, a small fork pokes at the cube of watermelon on his plate, and he looks up to see you looking at him with kind eyes, and a hint of worry. "You okay?" You wonder, voice a lot softer, and Jimin sighs, earning your attention back as you look at him.
"He's just a bit shy, don't worry." Jimin tries to reassure. "It's why we've been taking him along. He needs to get out a bit." He jokes, but you softly hit his shoulder suddenly, leaning a bit towards Jungkook instead.
"First of all I didn't ask YOU, second of all stop making him feel bad, you insensitive fuck." You huff, turning back towards Jungkook. "Blink twice if you're being held hostage." You ask him jokingly dramatic, having to look upwards a bit, and he can't help but notice how long your lashes are.
And also, how you've noticed the shift in his emotional state so quickly.
So he smiles a bit, shakes his head, and you grin back happily. "Do you guys rent a room here too, or?" You wonder, but Taehyung shakes his head.
"We wanna go camping, today and the rest of the week, so we rented an RV." He informs you, and you visibly deflate at that.
"Aww, I hate not having a driver's license." You mumble, stealing a cube of watermelon from Jungkook's plate. "I wanna go camping too. Make marshmallows and like, play Uno so I've got a reason to hit Jiminie.." You dream around, cheek resting into your palm.
"Hey!" Jimin barks offended, and Taehyung laughs.
"I mean, we could take you for one night, if you'd like?" He wonders, and suddenly, everyone looks at Jungkook.
"What?" He asks, and you blink once.
"I guess the unsaid question is: Are you okay with that?" You clear up, and Jungkook shrugs.
"..yeah, I don't know." He mumbles, putting another cube of watermelon on your plate which you happily accept. "I don't mind." He accepts, and you jump up at that.
"I'll go pack my shit!" You exclaim, before leaning over to steal the last watermelon cube that's stuck on Jungkook's own fork with your mouth, dashing away to do what you've said you would, leaving the poor guy to stare at his empty fork for a moment.
Taehyung and Jimin stay behind looking at Jungkook with suspicious smiles, making the youngest of the group blink with big eyes.
"What?" He asks again, and both shake their heads.
"Nothing." They respond with in unison.
Jungkook remembers that on that day, at this random hotel in New Zealand, something began that he could only describe as fate. Like he'd met his soulmate but didn't know it yet- because he'd only really realize it some months later when you're over at his apartment, sitting on his couch, cuddling up to him while you watch 'The Cat Returns' on his TV.
He's to this day not sure how he's been so at ease with letting you so.. physically close to him so quickly. You've stuck to him like glue from the very start, and he's never really felt uncomfortable with it.
Because your touch is kind, and soft, and you never try and hurt him. Neither with your hands, nor with your words, and never with your actions either.
You treat him with care, but you never belittle him either.
"Jungkook?" You ask suddenly, while Baron holds Haru in his arms on TV.
"Hm?" He wonders, watching the scene unfold on the screen in front of him, while you play with the sleeve of his shirt.
"I wanna go out with you." You say, and he looks down at where you're laying on his chest.
"Right now? It's-" He looks at the clock in his kitchenette. "-2 in the morning-"
"No, like, I wanna be together with you." You say. "In a relationship. Kiss and fuck you. Be all lovey-dovey with you." You try and clarify, and his eyes widen.
"...why?" He asks, unsure, and you shrug.
"Cause I like you. And you seem to be pretty cool with me too, so why not?" You wonder, and he's got to think about those words for a moment.
Why not?
There's nothing speaking against it. He does actually like you, feels oddly comfortable with you close like this- he can see himself possibly happier than he's ever been with you at his side. The only problem would be, that he's scared.
Not scared of you- but scared of what he might do to you.
He's known for lashing out when feeling threatened- not physically, but with words. He always holds people at an arm's length, never lets them close enough, always makes sure he can push them away without ending up hurt if he needs to. It's cruel, but it's how he was raised. How he grew up.
'Never get attached to people'.
And yet, when he looks at you like this, with eyes that show no threat whatsoever, he can't help but want to make an exception for you. So he nods.
And as you sit up on his legs, and hold his cheeks in your palms with the biggest grin on your face, he knows he's done the right thing.
Because your lips on his feel just as sweet as your cherry flavored Chapstick tastes.
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whiskygoldwings · 1 month
Anecdotes of a Guard Life: Oh honey, honey
Senate Galas were one of the... Less interesting parts of Fox’s job. Stand around, look imposing yet approachable and pretend he’s not sneering behind his helmet at all the drunken Senators. Other then the approachable part, it’s a cakewalk.
That isn’t to say they don’t have their perks. One being that he’s not doing datawork. The other... Well...
The internal comms crackle to life. “The Prune’s approaching the soapbox, operation Flavour’s a go.”
Fox calmly turns and walks towards the podium, placing himself in full view to the left. He tucks his arms neatly behind him, grasping wrists and sets his feet perfectly apart in parade rest. The Chancellor passes him with a “Commander! How lovely to see you!” and Fox salutes crisply, before returning to position.
“Decoy in place,” he reports, and gets a “Received!” in return.
The rest of his role in the operation is simple. Stand there and be obvious. It’s not hard. He’s well aware of what he looks like. White painted chest armour a beacon against all the red. Helmet sticking out amongst all the uncovered faces. There’s always a few Senators who dismiss the Guard along with the rest of the serving staff, but if one is looking for them, he draws their attention.
He’s also strategically placed himself under the slightly brighter light near the podium. Carefully orchestrated by their best engineers.
He’s pretty sure this is not what the Kaminoans intended when they flash-trained them in Infiltration methods. But fuck ‘em. They also debated engineering out their tastebuds so they would eat basically anything. Instead they just fed them that anything and expected them to like it anyway.
This is their own fault, really.
Thorn casually walks around the crowd, helmet facing out, checking for any signs of trouble. The hand facing away from the crowd twitches in a series of handsigns and Fox sighs.
“Thorn, comms work just fine.”
Thorn’s sigh is heavier. “Fox, have a little fun once in a while.”
Several different snickers come over the internal comms and a noise that is very clearly Thorn blowing him a raspberry.
Fox rolls his eyes, safe in the knowledge that no one around him can tell.
“You did get that we’re halfway done though, right?”
Fox groans, just managing to keep from tipping his head back in exasperation. “No, I forgot how to read hand signals.”
“It’s all that caf, rots the brain.”
Fox doesn’t even dignify that one with an answer. Not all of them can be all flowers and sunshine first thing in the morning.
Actually, he has absolutely no idea how any of them can be like that. Thorn is a freak of bioengineering. Somehow they got away with their blonde hair, but Fox isn’t sure how the Kaminoans missed the disgusting morning cheerfulness.
Clearly something had critically failed in their tube before decanting.
He nods absentmindedly at a Senator who’s approached and is drunkenly thanking him for his “fine service”. A click of the tongue sets his helmet to circulating internal air, but it’s not quite quick enough to prevent the stench of expensive red wine from getting through the filters. Great. He’ll have to sit with that for a while.
The man is just slurringly getting to the point where he’ll ramble about how his planet’s taxes are funding the Coruscant Guard’s efforts when Thorn speaks again.
“Fox, Taa on route to point Alpha.”
“Apologies, Senator,” he has no idea what the absolutely kark-faced Senator’s name is, but the title always works. “I am required for an internal matter.”
He doesn’t wait for the man’s wide-eyed enquiries, simply turns away and walks towards the buffet table at the other end of the hall. He can already see Senator Taa weaving his way towards the buffet table, taking advantage of the other guests being distracted.
There’s a saying. One about smart minds thinking alike or something. Fox is a little less then impressed to find Senator Taa thinking along the same lines as them. He would not bet on Senator Taa against a Kowakian monkey-lizard.
“Senator, may I have a moment?” He slides infront of him, standing like a barricade in the path of the man’s assault. Senator Taa actually jumps a good inch off the floor.
Fox probably shouldn’t be amused at that. He is though. He was also recording it. That’ll make for good viewing on a rough Senate duty.
“Ah, Commander, must it be now?” Senator Taa looks anxiously over his shoulder, and Fox calmly sidesteps to block his view of the buffet table.
“I apologise sir, this won’t take a minute.” Fox clicks his tongue at the end of that, switching the outward going comms off.
A crackle of internal comms then “Understood, troops, one minute.” from Thorn.
They could be efficient and professional, when the need was high.
What followed for Fox, was an excrutiating minute of going over security plans he was already very certain of, and manouvering himself to prevent Senator Taa from slipping round him. The Twi’lek Senator was... Persistent, would be a good way to put it. Fox was the taller of the two of them, which was fortunate, as the Senator kept rising onto tiptoes to try and look longingly over his shoulder. He’s never tilted his head so much in conversation and frankly, his neck hurts. He actually resorted to raising up on his own toes at one point.
The things he does for his troops. Force damn the little fuckers.
He can see them in his peripherals though. Casually moving towards the long table set with food, as if on a floating patrol. He’s pretty sure he spots Thire carrying away a whole roast bird of some sort, and if that’s actually the case he might have to promote the cheeky little shit...
Finally, FINALLY, Thorn walks up behind Senator Taa with a “Sir!”. The Senator jumps again, and sadly, Fox wasn’t recording that time. He’s not entirely sure how a man can be so completely oblivious to everything going on around him, but it works for their purposes.
“Commander?” Fox enquires, and as the Senator turns to face Thorn, flashes a slightly-more-emphatic than he intended THANK YOU hand signal.
“The Chancellor has requested a further perimeter sweep.” Thorn intones, voice carefully modulated to project bored professionalism.
“Understood,” Fox looks back to the Senator and nods at him. “Apologies Senator Taa, we can discuss this matter further later.”
“Yes yes, mustn’t keep you from your fine work, good job Commander,” the Senator waves dismissively at him, then heads over to the buffet table with an air of victory.
Fox watches him go, then turns back to Thorn.
“Do you think he realises you’re the one who stopped him?” Thorn asks, a thoughtful tilt to their helmet.
Fox just sighs, and walks away to the sound of Thorn’s snickers in his ear.
He’s only able to review their proceeds after the Gala is completely done and over, made sure everyone has left for their own homes, and checked Senator Deechi isn’t, once again, comatose drunk under a table somewhere. He marches back to the barracks (alone, because he isn’t making any of his troopers stay at one of these stupid events any longer than necessary) and makes his way straight to the second rec room.
The sound of laughter and joy hits him as soon as he rounds the corner to the hallway, and he lets go of the tension with a grateful breath. Pulling off his helmet, he strides into the room, where troopers in various mismatches of bodysuits and armour are sprawled around a lumpy pile covered in a white sheet with CG stamped in red in the corner.
“Took your time!” Thorn waves at him, grin wide and delighted. “Deechi wasn’t passed out again, was he?”
“Thank the Maker, no,” Fox rolls his eyes to chuckles from the others. “You waited for me?”
Thorn rolls their eyes right back. “Duh, get your shebs over here.”
Fox goes and sits next to them, then promptly gets back up when Thorn tries to side-arm him into a hug and goes to sit next to Comm who snickers at the pair of them. Thorn pouts. It’s a good pout, full and wide-eyed, but Fox has developed immunity to their banthashit and graces the attempt with a middle finger.
Thire sighs loudly and exasperatedly. “If the two children would kindly settle down, the adults would like to check out the spoils of battle now please?” He glowers at the pair of them, and Fox glowers back, showing him how it’s done.
Thorn reaches forward and grabs the edges of the blanket. “My friends, my family, my wonderful idiots! Enjoy!” They whip off the sheet with a flourish, and there’s gasps and noises of joy as even Fox feels his eyes widen.
They’ve outdone themselves. There’s little squares of delicate crisp bread with curls of meat pate. Glistening honey-coated carrots roasted to perfection. Candied nuts and fruit sitting powdery in a bowl. The roast bird he’s going to have to make Thire a commander over. And even...
“Is that sugar?” Fox breaths, picking up the beautiful ceramic bowl filled almost to the brim with beautiful, wonderful, white crystals of perfection...
Someone passes a steaming hot cup of caf over his shoulder and holds it out for him. “Commander,” Stone murmurs, a warm smile on his face as Fox turns to him. Comm holds out a small spoon, and Fox is not an emotional man, but he kind of wants to kiss the whole kriffing room at this point.
“Thank you,” he sniffles, taking the proferred mug (and decidedly doesn’t care that it’s the pink one with a Fox-head that Stone got him as a joke) and places it in front of him. With gentle fingers, he takes the spoon from Comm, gets himself a hearty heaped spoonful of sugar, and stirs it into the inky-dark liquid in his mug.
Reverently, he lifts the mug to his lips, tilts it gently and... Oh...
“Mesh’la,” he whispers, eyes closed and lips curving into a smile in the wake of the sweetened nectar of the little Gods.
There’s laughter all around him, and he opens his eyes to the sight of his family, all taking carefully selected pieces of food and trying them out with noises of glee and excitement.
Fox sits, sipping his delicious cup of caf, and thinks life doesn’t get much better than this.
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doumadono · 8 months
Ahh, I hope I'm not late for Sinful Sunday,
cuz I love your writing sm and I was rereading the kny manga and just couldn't stop thinking about Douma with a size kink, LIKE WHY IS HE SO TALL AND BIG ACTUALLY, I just want him to manhandle me so bad🫣😭
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A/N: thank you for your kind words about my writing. Yes, Douma is so tall and handsome, and I'm certain he would have a massive size kink, being so turned on just by looking at your small, fragile body ♥
“Fuck, Douma!" You can’t breathe from the stretch; you thought two of his fingers would be enough, thought one orgasm would make you slick enough to take him. “Douma, ah!"
He grins, pecking your lips before he sits up, pulls his fingers out slowly. “You’re too small," Douma jokes, “At least I know that pussy’s gonna feel like a vice when I finally fit.”
“Any pussy’s gonna feel like a vice around your dick, Douma-sama,” you smile.
“Yeah, but I only want yours, lotus." He grins, leaning down to kiss you again. “You know,” Douma props himself up over you, pinning your hips to the bed with his tummy, your legs splayed either side of him, “I don’t have to be inside you to get us both off.”
You nod, “I do know. What are you thinking about?”
He kisses you, then ducks his head to kiss your neck, moving down your body with a trail of nips and licks and kisses and faint scrapes of teeth. He stops just below your bellybutton, eyes dancing with mischief as he looks up at you. “My dick might not fit, but my tongue will.” He laughs, hands moving to the underside of your thighs, holding you open for him. “So pretty and small, so sexy.”
You clench around nothing, drawing his gaze to your waiting hole.
With no more preamble, he ducks down, licking a long stripe up your slit and seals his lips around your clit, groaning at the taste of your wet heat, eyes locked on your face.
It’s like being devoured, like he’s a starving man, and you’re an all-you-can-eat buffet, like you’re giving him the best thing on earth just by letting him eat you.
He can’t keep his rainbow eyes on you for long, giving in to your taste, groaning again as his mouth moves down, licking at your pussy, thrusting his tongue inside you as his nose bumps your clit, all his senses full of you. He could stay here for the rest of his life and never get bored.
“F-Fuck, Douma!" Your hands move to his silver hair, tugging the strands as he somehow moves closer, trying to suffocate himself in your cunt. “So good, Douma, so good, right there!” You grind your hips into his face, and his grip tightens on your thighs, thumbs digging into your soft flesh, hard enough to leave bruises over the recently healed ones he’d already left, fitting his hands in the same spot as though there’s a permanent imprint of him on your skin.
Your body seizes and spasms, relaxes and tenses all at once, your neck bared and strained as your cries fill the air.
The noises he makes as he laps at you, works you through your orgasm, brings you down slowly, are downright obscene; wet slurps, rough groans as you gush over his tongue. Douma could live between your legs if you let him.
"Douma," you gasp.
He positions himself at your slick entrance and easily pushes in.
You let out a loud growl, your head rolling back as his length stretches your pussy out. "Oh, yes, Douma-sama, yes!"
His hips snap as he thrusts hard into your pussy, his pace relentless. Douma lifts both of your legs and rests them against his shoulders, his balls slapping against your ass with every thrust he makes. His pace quickens, and soon the chamber is filled with nothing but your moans and his guttural grunts until he reaches his climax, spilling his seed into your pulsating cunt.
"Mmm, that's it, my lotus. My little, beautiful flower."
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astriddariing · 7 months
first meet
AN: Throwing up, drinking, gagging (not in that way), and trash fanfic, but hey, at least I'm feeding u
It was a rainy day outside, I was in in the shady part of town. I walked aimlessly until theres hear a string of cursing. The voice has a bit of an accent and he definitely is drunk, or on.. Something. It’s best to ignore it. 
So I continue walking, until I hear a groan and the sound of someone throwing up. Hurling over and puking, not fun for them, but unfortunately I need to get home and exit this strange area.  
That’s until a large man with a bad history, grunting and coughing, makes me begin shivering in his presence, no street rat can do shit against someone who’s ten times larger than them, so I hide. 
Behind a trash can. 
How convenient. 
The smell is enough to make me barf alone, but surprisingly I hold it in, swallowing my past meals. Someone burps behind me, and then bends over to throw up, again. 
 Twisting my vision to see the alcoholic puking right next to the trash can, he’s.. Emo, and he’s definitely drunk. If he doesn’t shut the fuck up I’m gonna get caught by some possible kidnapper.  
I quickly dart towards him and places a hand over his mouth, he can gag from his throw up for all I care, he’s gonna get us caught if he doesn’t- actually if he does gag that could be a trouble for my hand and my dignity. So what the hell do I do- I mean, I can be the smart kid I am and leave him for dead, or I can try keeping him quiet and sobering him up for having him choke on his own throw up. 
But if I run the guy’ll- 
“What’re you doing?” The large man asks, oh fuck. 
Suddenly, I’m hurling the emo boy over my shoulder, 
“Hey! what the fu-” He throws up on the man, holy shit what did this guy eat? A whole ass buffet? Hopefully this is the last time he throws up, because now I’m running with him over my shoulder. 
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randomfanner · 6 months
Karlach SFW Headcanons
I just want my girl to be able to live on the material plane, as a tiefling and with her friends. is that such a thing to ask for?
Now, this is a no shit Sherlock but Karlach is a cuddler, a pretty constant cuddler once she actually can. Your bedroll/bed is no longer yours. You are sharing with with Karlach. Though sometimes, when she can get the others permission, she does go and crawl into their bed.
Wyll is the most common one for obvious reasons, however Shadowheart and Halsin do often get snuggled with and both of them appreciate it. Astarion, Minsc, Gale and Lae'zel do also get snuggles don't you worry.
She asks very nice. Also she brings Yenna to cuddle with her once Yenna gets more adjusted. Karlach is happy to keep the kid safe and this is the best way to do it with her engine under control.
Hands. Are. On. You. CONSTANTLY. Hips, waist, shoulders, boobs, ass- anywhere she can touch she is all the time. She loves to come up behind you and rest her head onto of yours if she can. And if you are taller than her well, she will just wait till you sit down.
Is also happy if you start doing the same. Hand holding is her favorite thing in the world.
Also loves to bring you to small alcoves to make you see stars whenever she feels the need too but that is for the NSFW headcanons~
Karlach eats a lot. Her engine burns so many calories she has to. In the hells she was given pretty shitty rations but they were filling and she got a lot of them... but actually food- oh gods she loves actual food.
Karlach does actually enjoy fancy rich food a lot. She didn't get to have it for long but when she was working under Gortash she got really good food. One of the untainted memories of working for that son of a bitch was when she was supposed to watch him at some fancy party and found the buffet. Karlach almost got kicked out of the party from how much she was enjoying it.
But Karlach loves when Gale cooks all his fancy wizard food and dishes from Waterdeep.... however if you cook she is always going to favor your food. Even if you are a terrible cook her sense of taste is pretty warped anyway.
Well Karlach does like fancy food, she is not one for fancy boozes. Always much preferred her good ole fashion ale to the expensive wines that Gortash would guzzle down. Though due to her time under fuck face she does actually know a great deal about fancy wines.
Before you got her engine repaired Karlach tried to bring you flowers once but they burned to a crisp in her hand. She was honestly so sad... but then she found a nice rock.
Karlach brings you all sorts of trinkets she finds, for awhile it was rocks, stones and treasure she could pick up... but as soon as she got her engine repaired she began to look around the shadow cursed lands.
When you were near Oliver she found the flowers Halsin mentioned and brought you one of them. Karlach is always happy when she brings you stuff but she was so, so happy when she could actually bring you flowers.
When you go to Baldur's Gate take this girl shopping. Astarion, Karlach and you on a shopping date to find some new clothing for the two of them. It makes Karlach so happy to be dressed in normal clothing again!
Karlach wants to dance with you. She loves to dance and well dancing with a partner has been a long time coming! Dhe will drag you into one of her silly little jigs, swaying her hips and giggling with you.
Pulling you close and swaying with you humming an old tune, perhaps grinding on you just a little bit but again, NSFW headcanons. Be warned she does step on your feet but can you really be mad?
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hsuyee · 3 months
Crazy fan-theory / AU: what if Rosie was the one who has Alastor on his leash?
Alright, hear me out on this theory about Alastor and Rosie in "Hazbin Hotel." So, in the show, it seems like Alastor just casually strolls into Rosie's territory, asks for help, and boom, she's down with it. But let's dive deeper.
Rosie mentioned, "And old Alastor has never done me wrong before," hinting at a history between them. What if they had a binding demonic deal going on? Like, Alastor brings souls to Rosie, boosting her power, and in return, she hooks him up somehow? Maybe it all started with them teaming up to hunt demons, with Alastor broadcasting screams on his Radio Station, and Rosie's crew feasts on the literal bodies like an all-you-can-eat-buffet clean up crew. But then, because of some vague or confusing wording that created a "backdoor" in the deal, it twisted in Rosie's favour.
Alastor and Rosie working together isn't an implausible scenario, since we know Vox approached Alastor to team up as well. Now, why did Alastor pick Rosie over Vox? Simple. He found Vox too brutish and preferred Rosie's refined persona. He also just didn't vibe with Vox's goals: Alastor doesn't respect Vox because Vox doesn't respect his professional medium. Vox wants influence using media in the way the media corporations of real-life owns and influences us. Alastor takes pride in his radio profession, sees it as an art form from simpler but more refined times. To him, it was an easy choice between Rosie and Vox.
So, when Alastor brings Charlie to Rosie, he's not doing anyone a favor. It's a win-win for Alastor. He wins if Charlie + Cannibals lose because Rosie will be weakened and its not like the Cannibals are his people, and he ALSO wins if Charlie wins because then the Princess of Hell is indebted to him. He didn't have such high stakes in the gamble at all.
He definitely miscalculated his own strength when he faced Adam, and regrets it. Alastor likely thought he could take on Adam as equals. The fight worked out well enough in the beginning, Alastor was able to easily dodge Adam in his childish rage, and severely underestimated the First Man. Alastor knew that Vox would be watching, if not broadcasting it, so it was also an opportunity for Alastor to show off his sheer power to the masses.
Alastor is ADAMANT to remind all of Hell he is back, and just as fearsome. During his song against Vox: "♪ Let's begin... I'm gonna make you wish that I stayed gone. Tune on in... When I'm done, your status quo will know its race is run, Oh, this will be fun! ♪".
But his plan backfired BAD, and it made Rosie stronger because her people got to reap the rewards of the battle. EVEN WORSE, Alastor was wounded and nearly died.
"Great Alastor Altruist died for his friends?"
If he HAD died, the citizens of Hell would've thought he died for his friends since he, a powerful and feared overlord, has lived at this Hotel that supported the ridiculous notion of betterment and redemption. Completely against his personal brand. Word has surely spread of his return, especially news regarding his questionable choice of residence. In his breakdown song, it wasn't Alastor having an internal conflict between "omg I can't believe I nearly died for my friends??? These people?????? what the fk??" but more "i fked up, and this makes MORE people think i'm soft and weak, sacrificing myself for OTHERS".
So Alastor went back, because Charlie's team had won, as Plan B. Even if Alastor lost is fight against Adam, who could blame him? Charlie trusts him more now, and owes him BIG TIME. Not only because Alastor reached out to his 'friend' to help her, but he also nearly died fighting the biggest and most powerful person from the enemy team. With Charlie owing him big time now and their binding deal in play, Alastor's favor can be way more significant.
As for Alastor's initial interest in the hotel, it's likely he saw it as a chance to cozy up to the Princess of Hell and maybe gain some leverage to get out of his deal somehow.
I still can't rationalize the coincidence of Alastor and Lilith disappearing at the same time, so I'm going to ignore that for now.
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spacequokka · 6 months
For Me | Day 5
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader Genre: Fluff Rating: G Summary: Baekhyun invites you over for a Christmas movie marathon. Word Count: 1.3k Warnings: established relationship
Here's a fluffy drabble set sometime after part two.
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Baekhyun was the kind of guy who got hyped up for holidays. He always went all out for Christmas. Competing with his neighbors for the highest light bill generated by the decorative mass of lights and lawn decorations was his newest hobby. His apartment was no exception. The interior would make Martha Stewart proud with the copious amounts of garland, candy canes, and holly adorning every surface. The man was a menace, right down to his meticulously wrapped presents and perfectly hung mistletoe.
You knocked on the door, and it swung open instantly. Baekhyun greeted you with a bright smile on his face. He was wearing a red and green flannel, a Santa hat perched on his head, and had even drawn a fake white beard on with eyeliner. "_____! You made it!" he exclaimed and pulled you into a warm hug.
“If I missed this, you'd come find me and drag me back here," you replied, engulfed with the mixed scent of cinnamon and pine as it wafted through the door.
"Of course, it wouldn't be a Christmas movie marathon without you," Baekhyun chuckled, his voice filled with genuine warmth.
"Not true. You could snatch Taemin and never notice the difference."
"Please. He doesn't get why I watch the same movies every year." He stepped back and gestured for you to come inside, revealing his apartment transformed into a cozy haven of holiday delights.
"True, but I wouldn't say I entirely understand it, either." You shrugged. "I just like seeing that little giddy smile you get. It's cute as hell." Baekhyun blushed at your compliment, the warmth of the room seeming to intensify as his gaze met yours. "Besides, they're not bad movies, and I like free food."
"Well," He took your coat and traded your shoes for fuzzy slippers that matched his, "there's no shortage of food this year. I managed to get that chicken place we like to give me a catering discount."
"Catering? For just two people?" You looked at him then over his shoulder towards the kitchen. The buffet he'd set up looked like it could feed a football team. "You're gonna get sick from eating too much, watch."
"Nooo," he whined, throwing his arms around you again. "You're here to help too! Whatever's leftover will feed me for the rest of the week."
"As long as you're not trying to overfeed me." You led the way to the couch and plopped down. "So, what are we starting off with? Comedy? Horror? Hallmark?"
He settled down beside you with two mugs of hot chocolate. "I was thinking classics. How about Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? I saw the DVD in store and got hit with nostalgia."
"Ooh! I love those. They have an old-school charm to them, like Charlie Brown era stuff."
"See? You get me! That's why you're my baby." He pulled you close and kissed all over your cheek. "Okay, okay. So I made the cocoa when I got your text, so it should be safe to drink. If you get hungry before this one's over, we can pause and load up."
You nodded. "Gotcha. Until then," you put your legs over his and cuddled into him, "I just wanna get warm."
"Oh, I'm great at that." He pressed his face into your neck, lips tickling your skin. "Just some touches and kisses and you'll be on fire."
"Oh my gawd, you goober. Stawp!" You giggled, weakly pushing at his head and hands until he pulled away. The loud fanfare of the movie drew his attention away, allowing you both to settle down. Moments like these were the best. Just being held in his arms, being the most important part of his cute little tradition, were the moments you lived for.
Neither of you spoke much during the movie until his stomach growled loudly. His face scrunched up, and he paused the movie, looking at you with puppy eyes. "Babe—"
"Time to hit up your buffet?" You suggested with a teasing smile. He nipped at your neck again, then nodded.
"Please?" His voice was muffled, making you laugh out at his silliness.
"Come on. Let's see what you got."
As he unwrapped and unboxed the feast he'd ordered, you regretted eating anything at all that day. The spread was enough to give Thanksgiving a run for its money. "Stop looking at me like that! It's not that much food."
"My love, not that much for who? Are you inviting more people over?"
He shook his head. "Nope. This is all for you—well, us—but I didn't want you to need to leave or order anything. I have a case of wine, desserts, even that honey bun you said you liked from the donut shop."
You mulled his words over. "Wait, how long am I staying?"
His eyes sparkled. "As long as you want to. You said you had a few days off and we've both been caught up with work…"
You put a hand over your chest, then pulled him in for another quick hug. "Jesus Christ. Every time I think I've seen you at peak cuteness, you raise the bar. My heart can't take this if you keep maxing out the adorable boyfriend on me."
He bit his lip, and for a second, you could tell he was lost in thought. "…Boyfriend."
You side-eyed him. "Yes." A Byun in deep thought could be a troublemaker if left to his own devices. "A boyfriend I love and adore very much."
He nodded and luckily left it at that, pulling out plates and forks for you while you picked up the pretty festive wine glasses he'd put out for the occasion. Soon enough, you both were back on the couch with your food and drinks, continuing the movie. When that one went off, he let you pick the next movie, so you opted for your favorite, The Nightmare Before Christmas.
"You know," you said in between bites of the crispy, fried chicken he went "to the ends of the world" to get, "their relationship reminds me of how ours started out. I'm really thankful we had the chance to change things."
He watched you for a bit, then nodded. "Me too. More than words can express." He picked up his cup for a swig of wine. "But I'd like to change things again."
You looked at him, eyes wide. "In what way?"
He put down his plate and wiped his fingers on a napkin, prompting you to do the same. Whatever he was about to say had to be serious. "Well," he rubbed his hands together, the movie quickly forgotten as it continued playing, "I bought this townhouse with the intention of you moving in with me at some point."
You nodded. "Yeah, that's why you insisted I tag along for the viewing."
He turned toward you. "We never really set a date for that, y'know? And with Christmas coming up, it feels like there's no better time than the present."
You couldn't help but smile. "Is this your way of asking me to move in?"
"I mean, I think I could do better, but--" You cut him off with a kiss before throwing your arms around him.
"Nah, I like this. It's all cute and flustered and you." You kissed his cheek before sighing. "You're lucky I've been thinking about it too, with me missing you so much. I realized I wouldn't have to miss you if I could wake up and go to bed with you. So, I may have been packing already."
"You're serious?" He pulled back to look at you. "Please, don't joke about this. I don't think my heart could take it."
You shook your head, smile growing wider. "I pretty much just need to hire a moving service and figure out what to do with the furniture I don't need to keep."
"I love you so much," he bear-hugged you, peppering your face with kisses. "Just hearing that makes me feel better. This will be the best Christmas I’ve ever had."
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