#ok ima get back to work now
cenri-monpi · 1 month
nghh.. i need to spread my propaganda
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stararch4ngelqueen · 8 months
soft!jason who just needs a fucking hug but its a stubborn bitch about it until reader basically forces him to hug her (its koala szn ok i dont make the rules) and his resolve is just GONE and he melts into her touch bc he really needed it
I follow the book of SZA for this season.
Personally ima imagine Gotham Knights Jason cause he gives off ugly bulldog vibes and I love that, but all Jason lives matter here 😊❤️
It’s been a while since you’ve witnessed a squash get butchered into many interesting pieces.
The tackling of the oddly tough spaghetti squash was always handled by your boyfriend, who made cutting it into its prepared state look incredibly easy. Cut it into multiple rings, season them, roast them, then fork out the perfectly cooked, sizable noodles with said utensil.
He was lost in thought, he had to have been, as said rock hard vegetable had been resorted to crooked, uneven cubes. His bowed head and dark expression after you quickly noticed, only signified the assumption to be true.
“Jason.” You tried his name again for a second time, concerned enough to settle a hand along his forearm. It was a miracle he hadn’t lost a finger yet, but knocking on wood in your mind would’ve been powerful enough to make it happen.
The knife pauses, the man blinking once as if someone snapped in front of his face. He lifts his head a bit, coming back to his senses only to realize the state of what mess he’d created on the cutting board.
“Shit,” Jason mutters once, glancing over to see if the other half of the spaghetti squash was still intact.
“Shit.” The curse was further dragged out a little louder. Too lost in his dark cloud of remembrance to realize he butchered it all. Great. Just great.
“Hey,” you speak up, watching him catch your gaze for a split second before avoiding it, quickly setting the knife down.
“Hey.” He clears his throat, his hands piling together the fragments of their now ruined meal. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” You try to insist, watching him scoop up the pieces in his hands. “We can still roast it, make it into something still eatable.”
Jason didn’t respond.
This makes your worry meter spike just a little bit more.
“What’s with that frown handsome? You love Italian night.” You question, keeping your hand settled along his forearm.
There was nothing Italian about this dinner, except the homemade sauce and crumbled choice of sausage from an authentic butcher.
He groans but not out of irritance for your words. His hand shifts, making your hand etch back as he leans against the counter, his head bowing once more.
What’s going on in that kind mind of his? Was he involuntarily reminiscing of topics and experiences you don’t dare to mention? Was he beating himself up inside for his slip up, ruining a crucial part of your guys’ dinner?
“Come here,” you step closer, slightly extending your arm out a bit as an offering.
Jason nearly etched his head off to the side, nearly mumbling an ‘No. M’fine babe,’ but you weren’t having it.
“Come heeere,” you tried again, reaching your arm up along his opposite bicep, attempting to capture his broad build into your limited embrace.
You make the effort to squeeze in between the tall man of muscle and the kitchen counter, managing to fit both hands over hud shoulders, securing them being his neck.
“We can fix it.” You tell him before he can say otherwise, his brow either furrowing or raising in mixed surprise, and or denial, “We can ask Alfred for one of his secret recipes. If it doesn’t work, fuck it. We’ll make nutella sandwiches or something.”
His brow sharply quirks.
You return the expression with a smile.
You’re a bad influence on him. He adores that about you.
He huffs, an edge of his tone resembling a weak, throaty chuckle. A corner of his lip raised into a limp smile, which was all you needed to see.
“Long day?”
He merely has the strength in his social battery to respond as his head lowers to settle along your shoulder. With a single sigh, the weight of his body against yours nearly had you squished against the counter. A pleasant company along your sides were those ‘unrealistically’ large hands guarding your back from digging too deep against the marble countertop edges.
Your small hand cradles the back of his head, nearly soothing the pain from his tension headache. His eyes close, another small sigh leaving his nose. Not all of the palpable stress leaves his body, but your comfort nearly dulls it down into something much more manageable in seconds. Something much more bearable.
Your soft voice floods his aches and pains with a golden warmth of serenity. Your secret super power did wonders on his heart and mind. You didn’t even have to try.
“How’s Nutella sandwiches sound, actually?”
“We don’t have the marshmallow fluff.”
“No, but.. think we got strawberries.”
His brow slightly quirks again. Tonight sounds like it’s getting better already.
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kurosstuff · 2 months
For the event 🦇
Lute x Vampire! Girlfriend!reader where the reader is incredibly famished due to not having any blood to drink for a longggg time.
Lute being the amazing gf she is steps up and offers reader to drink hers! Reader is incredibly hesitant tho cuz she doesn't want to hurt Lute. However she eventually agrees to feed from her. (Maybe gold blood taste different from red). Lute praising her the whole while for being strong and patient even tho she'd been starved. <3
I imagine it would be an incredibly intimate and fluffy moment due to the trust required
Oo this is a really good idea- ima make it q headcanon this time around, though~ I hope you don't mind? +longish drabble
Warning(s): vampire stuff, some angst, reader doesn't take care of themself very well, Lute is soft, the end kinda got dark? Idk
Lute x vampire!f!reader: feeding headcanons
Being a vampire and dating an angel? How the hell did that even happen? Technically speaking, you'd have to have been a demon- who was redeemed EVEN BEFORE lute even considered dating you-
Like. Ofc it's lute she's a bitch to all demons(and deep down she may view your vampire side as the remaining sin of being a demon even now) but. She loves you- so she'll Over look it
Ofc like an amazing lover- she takes care of your feedings ensuring your eating properly- even reminding you at times.
"Little bat" lute grumbled seeing the undrinken hotel of donated blood in your fridge cause she REFUSEF to allow it in the normal one. "Come and eat or no damn cuddles.. or kisses"
Hearing youe running, she hummed, smirking. Worked every time.
Of course there will be times she forgets to remind you.
Never on purpose no- she's a busy woman. She tends to over work(alot) but she tries-
For you she tries to take breaks more often which..isn't much but by her standards it is- its her attempt at it
She'll spend hours if not if neither of you are careful. Days training even more if execution day is coming.
Then she forgets to prepare your drinks- aware you hate it. Hate being reminded of what you are. So she does it instead- she knows you can yourself-
But ita her way of saying she loves you through actions
Execution day sucks. It's exhausting- the aftermath is never fun. Lute was in an even more sour mood which. Didn't help.
She didn't get a kiss nor hug. She tried to remember- did she forget something? A date? A anniversary? A holiday?
Shes done those often. Never on purpose. But her work- her training distracted her
Walking into the house, she blinked. It was quiet. Too quiet. To dark. Sighing, she put her mask on the table, going to the one place you went when upset. Your shared bedroom. On the way she prepared an apology- for.. whatever she must have done
Nothing but completely silence answered her back. Frowning she walked into your shared room seeing you curled in your shared bed. Shaking. Frowning deeply she moved sitting beside you- quiet as she rubbed your arm
She knew what this meant. She knew that tense movement. Experienced it herself. Knows why you starve yourself. Even more from being a redeemed soul.
God, does she hate it. When you get like this.
"How long?" She spoke softly, watching you shakily lift three fingers. Taking a deep sigh, she hummed "weeks?' A nod. Rubbing your arm, she hummed. "Come on. Let's get you some fresh food. Tugging you onto her lap gently. Knowing talking at this moment hurt you. So she took up most of the talking. Making sure what she asked would be easy to answer back for you. Seeing your confused face made her smirk amused.
Tugging her shirt open, brushing her hair to the side, seeing your expression made her chuckle smirking "babe you drank from me before~ you can again, no?" You shook your head
"Will- will hurt-"
"Dove.. don't talk for me ok? Be a good girl and drink. You need to drink- to feed- I'll stop you if need be ok?" That was all you needed as you sunk your fangs into her. And began to drink.
"That's a good girl~" she praised, trying to hide her wince from you
Everytime without fail as she allows you to feed off her. She knows how you get- how rich her angel blood is. She has been warned to be careful
She is. She takes the precaution that even though you have control of yourself. It isn't always the case- sometimes you attempt to get more then what you need- take more
Your addicted to her blood
And she knows it.
And she knows how down right dangerous that is- but she's a good mate. She'll feed you in anyway to ensure your survival.
And if not yours. Then, any poor soul you decide is your next meal. Your her responsibility just as she is yours
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radiant-reid · 1 year
idk if the first one got sent-
(ok this is one of the worst things to talk ab on international womens day of all days bUT-)
i know that i, a modern day feminist, wants ANY man to know that i can handle myself in any situation like that anon ask but now bc of said ask i need blurbs of husband(or boyfriend or pining, idc)!spencer standing up for or defending reader or else. i wont take no for an answer girlies, so ima need you to drop recs in the comments
of course. i'm sorry it's so late <3
Spencer is used to being the odd one out. He's the youngest member of the BAU, and his intellect often sets him apart from his colleagues.
But he has never felt as uncomfortable as he does now, standing in the crowded police precinct, surrounded by men who were openly leering at you.
It had started with a few offhand comments, the kind that was meant to be funny but left a sour taste in Spencer's mouth. Then it had escalated to outright harassment, with some of the officers making suggestive gestures as you walked by.
Spencer had tried to ignore it at first, let you deal with it as you saw most appropriate and focus on the task at hand, but as the comments became more aggressive and personal, he knew he couldn't stay silent any longer.
"Excuse me." He says, stepping in front of you and facing the group of officers. "Can we please focus on the case at hand? We're all here to solve a crime, not to make inappropriate comments about our colleagues." The officers laugh, but Spencer stands his ground. "I'm serious." He says, his voice rising with anger. "This behavior is unacceptable, and it needs to stop."
One of the officers, a burly man with a thick mustache and bad body odor, steps forward. "What's the matter, pretty boy?" He sneers. "Can't handle a little locker room talk?"
Spencer feels a surge of rage. How could these men be so callous, so disrespectful? No matter what room it happens in, it's wrong. He takes a step forward, ready to confront the officer, but before he can say anything, you speak up.
"Excuse me." You say, keeping a calm but firm voice. You've kept quiet out of ease, blowing up at them would only make the whole working relationship tense, and to save people, everyone needs to be working together. "I don't appreciate being talked about like I'm a piece of meat. And I'm sure the families of the victims we're here to help wouldn't appreciate it either."
The room falls silent, and for a moment, Spencer thinks the officers might apologize and back off. But then the mustache man steps forward again, his face twisted in anger.
"Who do you think you are?" He growls. "Coming in here, telling us how to do our jobs?"
"I'm not telling you how to do your job." You say. "I'm asking you to show me respect."
The officer scoffs. "Respect? You want respect? How about you show us a little respect and stop acting like you're better than us?"
Spencer can feel his blood boiling. This man is completely out of line, and he knows he had to do something before the situation gets out of hand.
"Excuse me." He says, his voice steady but forceful. "Y/n is not acting like she's better than anyone. She's simply asking to be treated with basic human decency. That isn't too much to ask."
The officer glares at Spencer, but before he can say anything, the door to the precinct opens, and a man in a suit walks in.
"What's going on here?" He asks, looking around the room.
Spencer recognizes him as the captain of the precinct, and he breathes a sigh of relief. Maybe with a higher-up present, the officers will back off.
But the mustache man isn't done yet. "These feds are coming in here, telling us how to do our jobs, and then they're crying about being disrespected? Give me a break."
The captain raises an eyebrow. "Is that true?" He asked, looking at you. It seems impossible he's even questioning your truthfulness.
Spencer takes a deep breath, ready to defend you until the end. "No, sir." He says. "We're here to work with you, not against you. But we won't tolerate being harassed. Agent L/n hasn't reacted to any of the disgusting comments coming from your officers, but one more and all the sanctions you can imagine will be filed against your officers and you as their supervisor." He's always been respectful of authority, drawn inside the line, but this is an argument he's not going to back down from.
Thankfully, the captain understands the seriousness of what's gone on. You're willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he has just had his head in the sand for the last few days. It's not surprising when he's spent most of the time in his office with the blinds drawn. "Outside, all of you. Now." He sounds furious, scowling at them.
You turn to him, nudging his shoulder. "Thanks."
He shakes his head. "I'm sorry you had to listen to that crap, and I hope I didn't overstep by stepping in."
"Not at all." You assure him. "Thank you for it, truly."
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mellowdyverse · 3 months
the little things
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han yujin x f!reader , no adults💋 ( ur weird !! ), not proofread!!
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YOU KNEW yujin wasn't the most affectionate person, he's usually the one receiving it ( e.g, gyuvin ). It was never an issue for you as you found it cute how awkward he got, but sometimes it did get a little disappointing. "yujinnnnn" you said while poking his cheek, a little too close for his comfort, "huh?" you smiled at him getting flustered. "let's go out tomorrow!" you exclaimed leaning back into your bus seat, "like.. as in, a date?" he mumbled the last bit, blushing bright red, "exactly!" you said smiling, resting your head on his shoulder.
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"and you're saying this going to work?" you asked, flopping onto your bed it had been a few days since you and yujin had your date. let's say that it was just so.. awkward. "it will, just act a little distant and he'll come running into your arms, trust." itsuki said as she handed you and miwa ice cream, "ima be so for real, I don't know if this'll be the best option, what if he doesn't do anything because he thinks you're upset at him?" miwa said, "ugh that's true.." itsuki said, taking a bite out of her ice cream. you frowned before groaning out loud, "girl its ok, you'll be fine, maybe just communicate with him??" itsuki suggested. she shut up real quick when you gave her a side eye.
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the next day, it struck you that you had literally every single class with yujin and it was impossible to ignore him at all. "shit." you mumbled when you spotted the familiar raven-haired boy in the class. "yn..." yujin spoke looking up at you, you pretended to not notice him, walking by him quickly before sitting next to itsuki. "girl, I can't believe you actually did it-" itsuki said, jaw dropped, "girl shut the fu-"
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now what if i said that's it 4 today 💥 MWA BYE GUYS!!
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tainted-heartz · 1 year
HEYYEEEYEY ITS MYSTERY PERSON AGAIN (yk at this point its always a wally x reader🧍‍♀️ANYWAYS-)
Ok so what if it was another sunrise (again😔) Y/N WAKES UP AND OPENS THERE EYES AND SAW THAT WALLY WAS A HUAMN AND SHOOK WALLY AWAKE "WALLY WAKE TF UP" SO they (*cough*finally*cough*)woke wally up and he was confused like "mf I love you but it's 6 IN THE MOR-" then he saw y/n as a puppet AND look down at his hands to see that he was human and was like "istg ima kill someon-" BUT FINALLY THEY BOTH CALM DOWN AND GET READY FOR THE DAY AND THEY TRY TO TEACH EACHOTHER HOW THE HUMAN/PUPPET BODY WORKS AND ECT, AND ALSO LWTS JUST SAY WALLY WAS (finally 😥) TALLER THEN Y/N!!
(Also another sence that wally puts y/n on a high place where they couldn't get down he walked away whistling and while y/n on the other hand was cussing wally out telling him to put her down👁👁 also the neighborhood heard y/n yelling)
| THIS IS A SILLY IDEA DEAR LORD U KEEP GIVING ME SILLY IDEAS AND I LOVE IT MYSTERIOUS PERSON THIS IS GONNA BE A LIL LONG SO ENJOY!!(and once again using an older image of wallys human ver clown made) |
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- it was a normal morning , or well at least you thought till you sat up and stretched. your body felt more..plush like? you shrugged it off till when you looked at wally he was human. that wasn't normal , of course it wasn't- you sat there for a minute before gently shaking wally. “ wally. wally darling wake UP. ” wally mumbled and swatted your hand away. “ dearest , I need my beauty sleep why are you bugging me at such an early hou- ” as he turned to look at you well..you weren't how he remembered you looked before. he hoped this was a dream till you spoke again. “ a-..and you're human as well. oh god why me of all people! ” you hopped out of bed only to fall RIGHT on your face.
- wally panicked and slowly sat up and made his way over to you to help you up. “ dearest , I may have to tell you that puppet bodies just feel lighter..you have to get used to it. ” “ how are you so calm about this! you're TALLER than me now it's not even fair! ” “ oh it's very much fair..I'm in denial. ” he said with a smile. “ plus this may be a one day thing , like a small curse you could say. just curious why it has to be us. ” wally said as he lifted you up off the ground. “ wally , I'm not a baby. ”
- “ oh but dearest you'll walk around like a newborn if I let you walk around anymore till we get ready. ” he sat at his vanity , placing you down on his lap. “ we can get ready like this. ” this was almost humiliating but you guessed this is how wally felt the various times you'd picked him up and even embarrassed him. you can't tell how wally felt about being human but you could tell he was still getting used to not feeling light.
- “ ..you look very different , dearest. it's not a terrible strange I just can't help how your hair looks now. ” wally said with giggle as he looked down at you. “ oh shut up , at least mine doesn't look like a cinnamon roll. ” you rolled your eyes and reached over to grab your hairbrush but every time you brushed it or tried to style it , it would just pop right back into place. after a few attempts you merely gave up on styling your hair and watched wally style his.
- “ puppet hair isn't the same as human hair , y/n. I hope you're aware. ” “ I am now. ” you mumbled and were lifted up and held again as wally stood up. “ oh well..you can pick out your outfit and such for the day. I need to see what it's like to eat. ” he placed you down and left you to your own devices.. of course he'd go see what it's like to eat normally.
- you were getting used to walking by now , a few stumbles here and there but once you were in the living room you didn't see wally about anywhere. you felt like a damned parent having to look after their child. “ wally , where did you even go? ” “ kitchen , dear. ” peeking into the kitchen you noticed he was just..sitting there and reading a newspaper. it was weird how he wasn't acting like anything was different. he'd even changed into his normal attire without your knowledge. “ oh and dearest , you sadly can't eat. we don't really have stomachs. ” “ you don't have teeth either , of COURSE I CANT EAT! ” “ don't raise your voice or I'll put you in time out. ” “ time OUT? oh I'd love to see you try- ”
- wally placed the newspaper down and grabbed you by your waist , lifting you off the ground. you squirmed but were placed on top of the fridge , wally just smiling at you. “ now I won't let being a human stop me from finishing that painting poppy wanted..love you dearest! ” “ IF YOU LOVED ME YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE ME UP HE- and you're gone. cool. ” you sigh then resorted to talking with home. “ ..home , can you irritate him for me? ” squeakkkk. “ thank you. ” it was enjoyable to hear wally yell about his paint spilling but knowing you'd have to stay this way for the rest of the day wasn't too bad. you hoped at least.
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kyojurosprettygirl · 10 months
Ok ok I’m back for some more Genya content!😼 ((bcuz ima simp-)) how about a Fluffy jealous Genya x Fem!Reader?
Just him being pouty and clingy maybe even shoving his face on her chest mumbling words and holding her close and Reader is just giggling at his childish behavior and trying to comfort him? ((Pretty Please with a cherry on top!🍒🙏))
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a/n: HOW COULD I EVER SAY NO WHEN IT HAS A CHERRY ON TOP, genya is just <333333 ilovehimsomuch gosh, i just CANT get enough of him.
i listened to Teenage Dream by Katy Perry when writing this, it made me feel so in love while writing .
Love Sick.
Genya Shinazugawa x Fem! Reader
. it wasn't often Genya got jealous, and although some deem it surprising when told, Genya finds it hard to get jealous when your constantly smothering him with reassurances. It's so unfamiliar to the point where when he DOES get jealous, he doesn't know it, and it makes him feel physically sick. it's just so rare for him.
you hummed a tune as you sat down next to genya on the engawa of the butterfly estate, the gentle light of the moon lighting the area. you had cradled two cups of teas in one hand while your other hand held some kind of ointment. you kissed genyas shoulder and he quickly helped you with the items, placing down the teas while turning his head in confusion at the ointment. you smiled, "thank you!" as you gently scooped a generous amount of ointment in your fingers. you inhaled a bit before you used your free hand to pick at the buttons on his shirt. You said your chest felt heavy earlier right? I figured since it wasn't anything physical, it could just be some built up stress, Shinobu said aroma helps. genya thinks back to earlier in the day. he hadn't known it yet, but after seeing how comfortable and excited you were to train with one of the strongest slayers, jealousy had wrapped its arms around him, effectively creating a heavy weight on his chest. he spent the whole day with an uncomfortable gut and heart. "Oh, okay" he said, his eyes wide a little. you giggled at his expression, his face painted with childlike innocence. he didn't understand how the smell of something could help him, but he went along with it anyway. simply because it was you, and you were never wrong. once his shirt was unbuttoned, you warmed the ointment up before rubbing it in slow circles in his chest, the smell overwhelming him and coaxing him to relax as he felt your hands work their magic. he sighed in content as you did so, and he closed his eyes. you stared fondly at him before continuing your ministrations, feeling intense gratitude that the ointment worked. until now, you had tried every medicine and he had still felt uncomfortable. once the ointment had begun to dry, you were about to pick more up before he gently wrapped his hand around your wrist. "hm?" you said, he smiled at you, "im okay now, thankyou." you smiled back and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him tight. he gently rubbed up and down your back before getting back to talking and drinking tea. it was the only part of the day he had you all to himself, unable to make the connection that he was jealous and simply needed some of your attention to ease the uncomfortable feeling he had.
. on the contrary, when he's aware that he's jealous and what it is that's bothering him, he seeks you out himself rather than letting the physical aspect of it brew. When it came to you, he let all his walls come down. it was easy since you just, got him. not once did he need to explain himself.
you were helping a newer slayer out with training, Genyas eyes staring fondly at you the entire time from afar. He's in a daze, and the purple hue in the sky makes you look even dreamier, he swears he can see the gods smile down at you when the gold rays from the sun hit your eyes in just the perfect time as you performed your breathing form. the slayer you were training was a known heartthrob in the corps, it was obvious he was smitten with you, and it would have bothered genya had he not been so focused on your form. He was taken out of his trance when Tanjiro had politely greeted Genya. "Good evening Genya," jumping from the suddenness, he turned to look at Tanjiro, a small amount of embarrassment flooding into his chest. "Hey." he gruffed out, a little bothered by the intrusion. tanjiro began to speak about something Genya could barely comprehend, his focus still slightly on you. It was only after Tanjiro had mentioned the slayer you were training at the moment that he really payed attention to him. "He was talking about asking for her hand, but there isn't any way he's unaware of yours and hers relationship." Tanjiro puts a finger on his chin, showing that he was thinking, and hummed as he looked to the side. "yeah, i don't think he's unaware, but, i just wanted to let you know what I heard." he turned back to genya and smiled at him, genya scoffed and looked to the side for a moment, "thank you." tanjiro smiled bigger, "Ofcourse, you're my friend after all!" Genya paused and inhaled, "yeah.." , he forgot they were friends now. Although genya had been perfectly fine not even a second ago, he was now hyper aware of everything the slayer did. he noticed slight touches he hadn't before, and the way he looked at you. as jealousy pricked it's needles into his skin, the final one in the coffin was when the slayer had put his hands on you. he had treated you like a mannequin to show you how he thought your form was supposed to be. he realized you weren't as tough on the slayer as you were with others when training them, and insecurity's began to get at him. genya felt a vein snap and his stomach began to hurt. he groaned and rapidly made his way to leave. you had noticed that the sun began to set, and as you turned to look at the slayer to let him know training was over, he had placed his blade down and grabbed your hands. you gasped, and looked at his face. "what are you doing, Kakuchi?" you questioned, he nervously laughed and stuttered a bit, "i just, wanted to tell you something.." you immediately knew what he was going to say and you began to pull your hands out of his grasp, but as you did so his grip only got tighter. you looked back to ask Genya for help, but his spot was empty. Your brows furrowed, 'shit.' you thought. he was spewing nonsense as you groaned and jerked your hand off, "Kakuchi, that is inappropriate." his eyes widened, "what?" you look at him, your gaze fierce. "my job is to train you, and now it's starting to seem that you aren't taking any of it seriously. i am not here to entertain your fantasies, i hope you understand that you are wasting my valuable time in doing this." you grabbed his blade and placed it in his hands, "practice forms one through seven, you aren't doing any of them correctly." you huff and walk away, "i will speak to the master to set you up with another teacher, since you aren't making any progress with me." you sweetly smile, it makes him feel sick, "you're aware that i'm already in the hands of someone else right?" he looks down in shame at his blade and you make your way to look for genya.
As you turn the corner you see him walking, muttering something under his breath. he needed to cool down before he went to you, so he decided to wait at the garden you both always meet at. you hastily made your way to genya and gently touched his arm, he went stiff before his gaze made its way across your features. he eased into your touch and exhaled, 'it's not her fault', he thinks. you put your forehead on his arm, and groan into it, snapping him out of his thoughts. "what happened?" he says, the ghost of a frown making its way onto his lips. "i've been wasting all of my evenings this entire month." you say, and he snickers, "yeah? what'd it take to realize it." he says. his tone is snarky, and had you not known any better, you would have pinched him for the attitude. "this entire training thing," you scoffed. "a waste of my time and energy." you shook your head in frustration. your hands began to move as you explained and walked to the garden. "see, i had a feeling he was purposely trying for it to be me to train him, but, how could i go off of just a feeling? i can't tell the master i can't train him just cause," you crack your neck before smiling, "but NOW i have an excuse to get him off my case, thank the gods.." he stops before furrowing his brows, and you're quick to explain before he questions it. "he waited until the sun set to tell me that he thinks i'm so beautiful and blah blah," you huff and roll your eyes at the memory, "he was asking me to be his girlfriend." he frowns and his face forms into an angry expression. he clicks his tongue and looks at you for a bit before speaking, "what did you say?" you snort, "i shut that shit down," he exhaled in relief and you laughed, "did you think i'd do otherwise?" he groaned and rested his forehead on your shoulder, biting it as he inhaled your sweet scent. he quickly recognized it as being the perfume he had bought you on one of his missions and pinched the spot he bit as you giggled, a muffled 'quit it' slipping from his lips. you knew how he was feeling, you knew he left because he was jealous, he would always wait for your session to end before walking to the garden with you, it was an everyday thing, it would be unusual for him to leave you behind. you finally stopped giggling and kissed his head as you began to play with his hair with both of your hands. he gently snaked his arms around your waist, pushing you farther into him. "you were jealous, weren't you~" you cooed, and he pushed you off, still holding your waist. "no." he said. you laughed, "oh okay!" you say, grabbing his face his your hands, gently kissing his forehead and placing his head to rest on your chest. he gently snuggled himself deeper into your skin, trying to mold himself with you although impossible and sighed in content. he felt the vibration from your voice on him as you spoke, "it's okay to be jealous genya, it's normal to feel that way you know? you don't have to hide it." he was debating on pushing himself off your chest, but he knew you'd just drag him back into you. instead he opted for snuggling deeper into your chest and nipping at the skin he could sink his teeth into. "not jealous." he said. you nodded, "hm, sure." you lead his head to yours to give him a kiss on the lips, and he smiled mid way through it. once you felt it was enough, you kissed his cheek and held him tighter. "you're my everything genya, just know that." he closed his eyes and indulged in your words, deciding it's best to just keep quiet. "i hope we get married one day, after all this." he opens his eyes at that, furrowing his brows, he's thankful you can't see him. he kisses your pulse on your neck, and grabs your left hand to kiss your ring finger. "ill marry you. make you the happiest wife. tomorrow if you want me to, and if that's too soon, then the day after that and so on.." he widened his eyes, not thinking he would ever say the thoughts out loud. you held him tighter at that, "keep your word, shinazugawa."
funfact! when sanemi first caught wind of the news of genyas wedding day, he was ashamed and hurt that he had pushed genya way to the point of not being able to share the excitement with him, that was until you had came to all the hashira at the end of their pillar meeting. you had held out 8 invitations in your hands and you smiled sweetly at them all, explaining you had "saved the best for last" sanemi had been the first of the hashira to say grab an invitation yes, rengoku being a close second.
when all the hashira went their separate ways, you held sanemi back, "thank you for deciding to come. he doesn't know your coming, i want it to be a surprise." he gives you a small nod and smile, his rough nature making it difficult to speak kindly to you, his future sister in law. "genya was thinking of making it an open wedding, he felt you wouldn't come otherwise or say no if he invited you directly, but he really wanted to keep the wedding private and only for those special to us." he nods, wincing internally that genya was willing to be uncomfortable at his own wedding just to catch a glimpse of samemi. "oh! you're invited to the after party too, this will be much smaller than the wedding itself, but it would be nice to see you there as well." you smile and wave goodbye, taking your leave.
sanemi and genya had spent the entire after party speaking to eachother, intently listening to how you and him had met. he had missed his little brother after all.
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zoros-bandana · 1 year
Ok ima be specific about this zoro x a science/inventor reader where she used to nice and clumsy with her inventions and hang around zoro until he got mad at her after thriller bark when she was caring for her and then timeskip then once they get back he wonders why she doesn't talk to him and itll be like a steven and connie scenario where there a big party as the others try to make them talk again but take the wrong way until they forgive each other
Hi lovely, I haven't seen Steven Universe so I had to do some research and I'm hoping you were referring to Kevin's Party? hopefully so since that is what I found to pull inspiration from x This was also really fun to write, putting in little bits from various crew-mates POV so thank you for this request
The Banquet
Zoro x fem reader
Multiple crew POV
Warning: slight Thriller Bark spoilers, slight Sabaody spoilers, slight Fisherman Island spoilers, mentions of threats (usual Zoro/Sanji banter)
Summary: The crews reunion turned sour once you and Zoro shared the same space. There was obvious tension from when you last spoke, hindering on the bitter tone of his words to you. With the crew sick of the avoidance, Nami and Usopp lead a plan to have you reconnect at the King's Banquet, hopeful the uncomfortable avoidance will be resolved.
Word Count: 3,400
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"So you think this is going to work?"
"It has to" Nami insisted, turning her head in search of Usopp. She had strategically put a plan into place, sharing the news with everyone except for you or Zoro; giving the best chance of success. "If I have to watch them both ignore one another for one second longer I'm going to lose it! They can only sulk for so long before it gets under my skin!"
"I think it's making its way under everyone's skin; including theirs"
"Which is why this is going to work"
"Shh" Robin laughed, nudging her friend gently. "She's coming over"
"Y/n" Robin waved, shuffling over to make space for you to sit down. You had gone in search of something to drink, the night still very occupied for the King's Banquet in celebration of your crews assistance to defend Fisherman Island. Along your way you kept a weary eye out for Zoro, shifting ignoring every green coloured object in your way.
"There you are... I thought I lost my way for a while trying to come back over here"
You gracefully sat beside your friend, huddling close as the music throbbed to your right. You held the glass in your hands, keeping it close to act as support, knowing the tension in the air that loomed over you. It was obvious since the crews return of the awkwardness between you and Zoro, almost deafening in a room full of obnoxious activities.
"Uh huh" Nami smiled, taking a sip from her wine. "That sounds like a certain person we know. Say, Y/n, have you had a chance to speak to Zoro tonight?"
You scoffed. "Absolutely not"
"Why not?" Robin question, her tone soft as usual. She didn't pry on such events, her usual kindness and concern for her friends making it easy to succumb to her questions.
"I don't particularly want to talk to him after what he said to me, and how he said it. I know he was hurt but there was still no excuse in how he put me down like that"
"What if he apologised?"
"Now we all know that thick headed idiot doesn't even know how to spell that word, let alone know how to make one"
"Y/n, answer the question"
You sighed, glancing quickly over in his direction, walled behind a few of your friends. You had always thought about it, approaching him first even just to get him to talk to you, but you never saw the point. How would he know he was in the wrong if he didn't initiate conversation first?
"I'm not sure" you looked back over to the girls. They shared the same hopeful face, smiling sweetly, making you feel safe in their company. "Maybe?"
"That's good enough for me..." Nami mumbled under her breath, covering her voice up as she took another sip, her attention shifting to Usopp.
"Wait, what's the plan again?" Luffy scratched his head, tilting to one side.
"I already told you!" Usopp snapped, annoyed having to repeat himself for the sixth time in the last hour. "We get Zoro over to Y/n so they can talk it out and stop ignoring one another"
"Oh yeah!" Luffy laughed, "I remember now"
"Yeah, but for how long..." Usopp mumbled, noting Zoro as he sat in the corner; still from when you had all entered hours ago. He was occupied from the bottles of alcohol that surrounded him, clearly intoxicated by the way he moved, his eyes shutting in show motions.
Continuing his search, Usopp caught the eye of Nami, waving her down with a sly signal, letting her know the operation was in place. She returned the signal, turning back towards yourself and Robin to execute her end of the plan.
"You sure you want to be the one to do this?"
Sanji clapped his hands together, drunk on the thought of Nami. "Anything to please my sweet Nami-Swan!"
"Alright, sorry I asked..."
Usopp swiftly pushed Sanji into Zoro's direction, bracing himself for a clash to unfold. He was surprised when Sanji had volunteered to help, however, now understanding his willingness to help Nami, it became clear he would set aside his pride to be in her good book for a while.
"Oi, Marimo"
"What the hell do you want, curly brow?" Zoro snapped, opening his eye. As he looked up it was if he had sobered up immediately, not wishing to be caught off guard by someone like Sanji.
Kicking the bottle aimlessly, Sanji ignored looking directly at Zoro, disgusted to be in his presence; but determined to obey Nami's wish. "I can't believe you're still just as drunk and useless as before. Or maybe I can, it is you after all... and I expect nothing but disgusting behaviour from you"
"What the hell did you say?"
"Oh, and you're deaf now too? A wonderful addition for the greatest swordsman you so wish to become"
"You better watch what you say stupid cook or the next thing that will be flying out of your mouth is those teeth"
Sanji laughed, amused by Zoro's attempt to sound tough; knowing he couldn't kick his ass if he was even sober. Lighting up a cigarette Sanji let room for a dramatic pause, building Zoro's anger all the more painful. He wanted to let him sweat, bath in his fury in a wish to escape, hoping the rest of his friends were sticking to their end of the plan; not screwing it up for his beloved navigator.
Taking a long drawn out puff, Sanji soothed the smoke around him, clouding Zoro's view. He was prepared to fight back if things turned sour, Zoro obvious to the script given, widening his stance just a bit more than usual.
"Not if I end up knocking you on your ass first, moss head"
Looking up from your drink you noticed a comfortable laugh, meeting Luffy as he sat opposite you; Usopp sitting to his left. In one hand, Luffy had gathered a flowing bowl of food, unusual to the group as food services has ceased mere hours ago. They easily slid into conversation, Nami and Usopp counteracting off one another as usual; Luffy too busy with the food to chime in.
As Robin's eye slid from the group she noticed a commotion caused by Sanji, drifting her attention to where Zoro sat. She half nudged to you, although spoke loud enough for Luffy to hear.
"Zoro looks rather uncomfortable"
You followed her gaze, alongside Luffy, finding the tufts of green behind the stack of bottles and Sanji's tall figure. It was obvious the two were bickering - as usual - their body language intense and stubborn.
Amused by his friends, Luffy took a moment to finish eating, swallowing the chunk of meat wedged in his mouth. His body turned, already forgetting his mission but proceeding out of the goodness of his heart.
"Oi, Zoro!" Luffy called.
The group shifted their attention, looking over to where Zoro sat, apart from you, the grimace on his face a clear indicator of what everyone was looking for; a clear way for him to come over. Everyone around you exchanged a look, proud as Luffy waved his arms around, catching Zoro's attention.
All it took was Luffy's instructions, a simple obedience from the captains right hand man, and the plan would continue the smooth sailing in place.
"Come over here!"
Intruded by the inviting idea of separation, Zoro quickly left from his spot. He ignored the wobble in his legs, grasping his swords tight as he shoved past Sanji, making his way over to where his captain sat.
From his angle there looked to be four of his friends, laughing and having a better time than what he was experiencing currently. He didn't mind if he had to listen to the nagging voice of Nami as she spoke, mindlessly chatting to Robin, who as usual, looked deep in thought. He would be happy to engage with Luffy when he could, making the top of his list for favourite people in a heartbeat, enjoying the pleasant conversation as he joked with Usopp.
As he crashed down into the circle he caught sight of something he hadn't noticed before, sitting to his left, hidden by the figures of his friends. A crushing stutter caught him in a choke, punching the air from his lungs. His heartbeat was horrifically loud, pounding in his ears, not expecting you to be here, so close to him; smelling so inviting.
You could feel the group grow quiet, half expecting you to say something, surprised Zoro even spoke to you at all. It had been years since he attempted any form of conversation, the last time ending a lot differently than his current tone now.
"Hi?" you shrugged, looking away from him back to Robin, ignoring the blistering heat of embarrassment across your face.
Zoro grumbled something, half attempting to get up but remembered Sanji, looking over his shoulder as if to keep him in place. He refused to engage in any looming conversation, as much as they tried to include him, keeping to himself as he fidgeted, agitated of this current predicament.
He was trapped.
Once again Robin nudged you, laughing as you rolled your eyes at her now obvious attempt to get you to talk to Zoro. Her face continued to remain hopeful, even attempting to bring Zoro to join in; which he quickly rejected.
"Stop trying to make it happen..." you mumbled to her, leaning in close so nobody would overhear. "He is clearly not going to make things better between us so there is no point in trying to get us to talk"
Grinning innocently she took a sip from her wine. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Y/n"
"Robin, please!" you begged, hoping someone would back you up here. Everyone knew how much he hurt you, unable to hide your raw emotions after the fight, turning cold and almost frightened at his mere presence. And it stung, seeing all your friends ignorant to your feelings, pushing you to do something uncomfortable.
How come Zoro wasn't getting this treatment?
Why wasn't he being pushed to speak to you?
You stood up, unable to take any more of the growing intolerance between you and Zoro. If something was to happen moving forward you were not going to be the one to break first. "I'm going to grab another drink"
Robin watched as you walked away, an added annoyance in your strut as you quickly chugged the remainder of your drink. She sighed, turning to Nami, afraid the plan was getting out of hand. "Nami..."
Nami held her finger up, stopping Robin from counting further, knowing what she was referring to. "I've got this"
She had noticed Zoro's dazed state, realising your disappearance may have unnoticed to him. Thinking quickly she drunk the remainder of her drink, pinching Robin's out of her hand, before finishing that as well.
"Oi, Zoro, go get us some more drinks" Nami extended her arm out in his direction, drinking glasses twisted through her fingers.
Zoro scoffed. "Why would I want to do that?"
"Because you would do anything to get some alcohol in that empty hand of yours, and I told you to" Nami pressed her lips into a thin line, handing her glass over to him. "Now go!"
Mumbling under his breath, Zoro trudged back over to the drink table, slamming the glasses down. The table was still flowing with bottles of various alcohol and barrels of beer, which Zoro was sure to swipe of mug off on his quest.
As he fumbled around the bottles of wine he caught a whiff of you, transporting back to moments ago sat by your side. Actually, he never noticed you leave your spot. He wondered where you went, both as of now and after Sabaody. He missed you terribly, forcing his memory of you to be pushed to the back of his mind, too focused to worry about the addition of his friends. He missed everyone - even the presence of Sanji - but nothing hurt him as much as returning to silence.
Zoro missed your chatter, your laughter, having you accompany him with stupid experiments. He missed how you would annoy him with help, both to rest and to assist with various things in the name of science. He enjoyed your stories, babbling on with terms he didn't understand, but the joy in your eyes was enough to get him through.
He missed having you around.
He would do anything to have you back.
As his hand came over to the barrel, there was a slight touch, gentle and cautious, pulling away as soon as you both touched hands. The voice sung a swat apology, Zoro looking over to grunt at the person, annoyed of their close proximity.
Looking up he was quick to meet your eye, looking away just as fast, embarrassed he didn't see you there. Again.
It was a common theme for him tonight, almost overlooking you like a shadow without means. He was confused, hurt, but knew if something were to happen now would be the time to ask. He needed to know why you were ignoring him.
Maybe attempting to smooth things over wouldn't be so bad?
"Beer, huh?"
"Hmm?" you stopped pouring, setting the mug down onto the table; grasping it firmly for comfort. You refused to look over in his direct, feeling his body do the same, unable to meet each other in an eye lock.
"I didn't think you drank that stuff"
"Well, there's a lot you don't know about me. A lot can change in two years, you know"
He went quiet to that, skipping a beat.
"You still... doing those experiments?"
You turned your body towards him, cocking an eyebrow at his attempt to small talk; wondering what your friends had said to him. Surely Nami had got to him, assuming Robin was too polite to be forceful and direct him your way.
"Is this your attempt to say sorry to me?"
"Are you trying to apologise for your behaviour, Zoro? How you treated me? Or are just going to pretend like that never happened?"
"I-" Zoro fumbled, not entirely sure what to say. "What would I apologise for?"
Zoro could see his response hurt, your face dropping, a slight quiver in your lip. Your hand let go of the mug, balling at your side in rage, turning your knuckles a ghostly shade of white. An inconvenient swear parted your lips, furious he had the nerve to even say that to you.
How could he still be so blind and ignorant?
Brushing past him you made sure to hit him on the way, cementing your frustrations. It wasn't enough to let him mentally paint the picture anymore, waiting for some half-ass apology that had no value to his words; only to stop you behaving in such a sour way. It was tiring, exhausting, wondering if maybe you would come back to him the same as he always used to be, forgetting about how he treated you, resuming your friendship, or if he would take the plunge and own up to his mistake.
And unfortunately neither was an option.
Zoro's head followed you, looking over his shoulder as you walked away from him. There was a drop in his stomach, realising why exactly now you were ignoring him; hurt by his actions. But Zoro had no idea why. Until he remembered the fight.
Your face held a familiar look to how you looked before, back in Sabaody; back when he snapped at you. He could clearly remember the whimper and shake of your lip, almost frightened by how he raised his voice at you.
You were scared of him.
He made you retreat from him - afraid to get hurt again.
Swearing under his breath Zoro realised what he had done, realising there was a reason for your blunt behaviour that he hadn't thought about before. He was so blind to his own selfish goal over the two years it never occurred his actions had consequences on you; or anyone else for that matter.
Leaving the glasses on the table, Zoro followed you, struggling to keep up as you darted out of the banquet. He picked up to a steady jog, the only indicator of you the linger scent that curled his toes to think about. A wash of blame fell over him, never understanding why it took him this long to piece together what he did. He had time. 2 years. 2 years to think about everything but somehow this slipped his mind.
He hoped he could repair what he broke.
"Y/n, wait..."
Zoro continued to follow you outside, a deep hazy blue surrounding you as you stood by the doors of the palace. It was quiet, still, the loss of people still hoarding in the banquet giving an almost apocalyptic feel.
As he lunched to you, Zoro's hand gripped your arm stopping you in your tracks, the amount of force made you turn on your heels, allowing him to face you properly. "Is this why you've been avoiding me?"
You struggled to look up at him, knowing if you did you would cry. His grip was strong, although you knew it would be easy to break away from him if you wanted to, giving you the freedom to disappear again. He just wanted an answer.
"I wasn't trying to ignore you. I was going to speak to you... I thought about it, but it didn't make any sense. I wasn't making any sense. I thought, if we are going to talk then I need to get an apology; something sincere from you. And so I came back and I saw you and you said nothing, and any time we were together, you said nothing. And now we're here and you're still not saying anything to me"
Zoro continued to stay silent, hoping you would explain deeper.
"What you said to me back then, how you handled your emotions and lashed out at me for helping you, it wasn't fair. And now I don't know how to act around you and it isn't fair. I don't know how to feel. I'm angry. I miss you. I feel like I'm out of my mind!"
"No, you're not! I snapped at you when you were just trying to help me, care for me, and you didn't need me doing that to you. I was cruel. And I came back and tried to act like it was no big deal, but it was a big deal! I couldn't stand the thought of you not speaking to me ever again, but then I was also doing it to you! I made a promise to myself and it got in the way of how I treated you, and so I'm sorry! Nakamas?"
You smiled up at him, ignoring the stream of tears that clouded your vision. There was only thing you truely wanted when the crew reunited and now you had it, an apology, a genuine apology from Zoro.
Your arms flew around Zoro's middle, pulling yourself to him in an embrace, feeling his body stiffen at the contact. You were aware of his strict dismissal of affection, however you didn't care, leaning into the idea everything was okay between you two. And it was.
Zoro reciprocated the hug, keeping you close, his face leaning down to bury into the tuft go hair atop of your head. His body relaxed, engulfing you tighter into his body, pressing the smell of musk and steel against your skin.
He was happy. For the first time in a long time he was happy. It felt so good, so right to have you like this; speaking to him again. It was if the moment he snapped a part of him went missing, your presence dissolving from his life and also a part of him he wasn't sure he could ever get back. But here he was, completely whole, and he refused to let something like that come between you two again.
"I'm so glad I have you back, Y/n"
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
Hob is paying his way through college as a sex worker. He is safe and takes care of himself and has some regular customers, but is careful to keep it separate from his college life. Then one day he’s requested by someone he knows from campus. Hob is scared at first—he doesn’t want to get kicked out of school. This person has the power to ruin his life. So he shows up, prepared for anything, from blackmail to shaming to having to fight his way out.
He gets to the motel and…Dream, a student at the same college, is waiting for him.
Dream actually has not seen Hob around. He doesn’t pay much attention to people. He’s only here because he is a virgin. He’s technically dating someone but is sure he won’t be able to please them, so this was his great idea: hiring the most attractive escort he could find. He asks hob to let him practice so he doesn’t disappoint his soon-to-be lover.
Hob relaxes when he realizes this isn’t a trap. So he is happy to flop down and let dream sweetly explore his body. He talks dream through how to open someone up and make it good for them—how to kiss hob and massage his thighs and finger him gently. He teaches him how to reach his prostate and read his body. It’s actually super sweet how attentive Dream is to hob’s pleasure. And rare, honestly. Hob rarely gets to think about his own pleasure with clients.
Hob lets dream fuck him for the first time and takes great pleasure in seeing the awe break over his face. They actually spend the night together, and hob teaches dream all his best cocksucking tips, and they really work on Dream’s stamina (and ability to fuck hob in the shower, on the bed and against the wall.)
In the morning, hob sits dream down and tells him that if his partner is the right person it won’t matter how experienced dream is. And that he has no reason to be ashamed of himself.
Then he leaves.
Dream is … beginning to realize this was a mistake. And he feels more comfortable with kind, lovely hob than he ever did with his partner. Dream ends up deciding to end the relationship because of his feelings for hob. But Dream tells himself it would be wrong to pursue him. Surely he was just a job to hob. So he loses hob’s number.
…only to literally run into hob in the campus library a week later.
Aww this is very sweet!! I'm imagining Dream getting out a lil notebook and very studiously making notes on what Hob is teaching him... until he gets too distracted by their practical lesson, heh.
He keeps the notebook even though he has no one to use his new skills on. He doesn't want anyone except Hob, and he's so bummed about the whole situation. He really wishes he didn't delete Hob’s number now.
And then, like fate itself is watching, they walk into each other in the library. Dream spills his to-go latte all over his notebook and Hob’s face turns scarlet, desperately trying to keep quiet while Dream stares at him and tries to mop up the coffee. Hob helps him clean up and tries to explain everything in hushed whispers but they're still too loud, and end up being booted out of the library.
Outside, Hob pleads with Dream not to expose him or tell anyone, and of course Dream agrees, he'd never do such a thing. He's just glad Hob is ok. And Hob relaxes, asking if his first time with his boyfriend was a success?
And Dream admits that he actually broke up with his partner. So he'll have to use Hob’s techniques another time. Although his notes are ruined now, so he might not be able to.
Hob rolls his eyes fondly. And takes Dream back to his flat, this time. The hotel room is for clients. Future boyfriends get the privilege of coming home with him.
(Dream firmly cements his status as boyfriend by rocking Hob’s world even without notes, making him cum until he's dry and aching. His focus is entirely on Hob’s pleasure, and that is... revelatory. Ultimately Hob decides to switch into a part time job bartending, but he'll never regret his time in sex work. It helped him find a love he never could have imagined.)
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just--some--prompts · 6 months
Sentence/Conversation Starters:
Random things my friends and I have said over the years on Discord
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
✦ — Person A: “Something on my face?” Person B: “Yeah it's called being too handsome, now stop it.”
✧ — "Two cups of chicken broth, two cups of heavy cream, and then add the lego's–"
✦ — Person A: -makes struggling noises- Person B: "Are you ok?" Person A: "Nope" Person B: "Ok then"
✧ — "Don't shoot me! I'm pleasantly thick!"
✦ — "You’re starting another cult. You bitch."
✧ — Person A: "I’m allergic to honey because I’m allergic to beeeeeeees." Person B: "That's… not how it works?"
✦ — "You were here, you were our side hoe!"
✧ — "The hetero's are upsetero."
✦ — "Why does he not have clothes!?"
✧ — Person A: "We're not clean in the eyes of God." Persona B: "You're not clean in the eyes of your bathtub. How can you be clean in the eyes of God?"
✦ — "Consent is hot when you're fucking my life"
✧ — Person A: "You tire me" Person B: "Then go to bed"
✦ — "You were so far in the closet you were finding Christmas presents from 4 years ago!"
✧ — "I want... to put a pop-tart in his mouth. Do you like smores'?"
✦ — "Life of crime? Naw. Life of shaking ass? Sure."
✧ — Person B: "You're the opposite of a friendly boy." Person A: "What's the opposite of a friendly boy?" Person B: "A bitch."
✦ — -takes a fighting stance- “I'm ready to bite yo ass"
✧ — "People not talking to me? Ideal."
✦ — "You are all a burden upon my shoulders"
✧ — Person C: “Ima eat yo fucking al dente ass ligaments u Italian deviant” Person B: “You're welcome to. End my meat lineage.”
✦ — "Lol, simping for some sleep"
✧ — "Cucked for a soft pillow"
✦ — "Get cucked consciousness"
✧ — Person A: -struggles to breathe- Person B: "Breathe" Person A: "Who needs air?" Person B: "You need air to survive." Person A: "Debatable…" Person B: ".......shut up"
✦ — "I like my men like I like my food...  Genetically modified."
✧ — “Bitch, you got crabs?”
✦ — Person A: “Suc-Fuck you!” Person B: “You were gonna say suck.” Person C: “You were gonna say suck,” -Person C leans in closer- “that’s kinda gay bro.”
✧ — Person A: "So what are y’all talkin about?" Person B: "Uh... we were talking about gender reveals but with spaghetti"
✦ — "It's a millennial thing innit? Eatin' ass?"
✧ — "I'd stuff my face with you."
✦ — “Screams in slut, what!?”
✧ — Persona A: “I’m not mad.” Person B: “Don’t lie.” Person A: “Shut your whore mouth!”
✦ — -hands slam down on table- "They’ve had sex together!!!!"
✧ — "Rip in shit, binch. Sloshed and forgotten."
✦ — “This is how I die. Tell people it was something cool and not spicy egg salad.”
✧ — Person B: "You don't eat your phalanges [Person A]. Rookie mistake."
✦ — "When the Campbell's chunky take chunk out of you."
✧ — "Excuse me, Ma'am, can you put down a wet floor sign? You're a bit of a hazard."
✦ — "My gamer arthritis is making it hard for me to hold my wife's hand"
✧ — "Is this roller camping? .............I'm gonna fuck your mom."
✦ — Person A: "I struggle with his emotions–" Person C: "So does he."
✧ — "I thought by ‘squirt’ you meant that the clowns had venom sacks."
✦ — "We learned our lesson, don't convert–"
✧ — "You fed me eggs, now the government can track my location!!!"
✦ — Person C: "Anyway, back to the topic at hand–" Person B: "God, I wish his throat was under my hand–what?"
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chansbabygirlsstuff · 3 months
hi hi !! ur writing is so cute!
Request here,
can you write something like best friend's popular brother hyunjin who secretly likes reader (she does as well but thinks she has no chance) and then one day he confesses being all shy and shes like WHAT
anything like this u can decide i love whatever you write !<3
Hey beautiful, thank you for requesting, your lovely comment made my day! ( I was having a difficult day) so with lots of love, I will do this for you!
Song recommendation: Popular by the weekend
Warning: fluff
Your POV
Mr. popular passes through the corridors, his scent leaving traces behind him, leaning against my locker my eyes follow him and walk all the way outside, his smile flashing to his friend talking about something only them will know.
"Hello? Are you listening to me?" my best friend catches my attention from him "Mhm? Yeah I am" My eyes draw to her now
"so are you gonna go?" she asked seriously "Where?" I asked confused
"I JUST TOLD YOU" Her frustration lands on me "Sorry I didn't pay attention" I truthfully say "To my house" She sighs "My stupid brother is going to bring Ashley over to the house and you know she annoys my ass like I can't stand watching her being so stupid with my brother like she is all over him and-" I cut her off before she explodes
"Hey, calm down girl it's ok, I will be there for you" I calm her down "Thanks, but you know... it's not because I'm jealous of my brother is just that she is such a pick me and every fucking girl is gushing over him and it's just so annoying" I understand her, I wouldn't like seeing my brother with some other girl in my house about every day
"do you know if they are dating?" my curious heart asks feeling a ting of jealousy "I don't know, I hope not"
We get to class and sit down, I look over at Hyunjin who is sitting in front of me, oh my poor little heart, when will you stop loving him?
4:40 pm
Yeji and I get ready to head to her house, we walk outside the school's door and feel the nice weather hitting our faces "Ain't it lovely Yeji" I smile loving this weather and wishing it would be like this everyday
"the weather is nice" she smiles and closes her sweater, "how about we watch the new movie that just came out 2 weeks ago?" she asks me "What movie?" I ask curiously "Well the tale of the nine-tailed fox" She answered my question "Oh, the one where Lee Dong-wook appears?" she nods as we get excited about thirsting over a 40-year-old man.
We get to her house open the door and leave my stuff in a chair "Let me get the popcorn ready" I say heading to the kitchen "ok girl ima put your stuff in my room and get everything ready" she shouts from the door already hearing her steps as she walks through the stairs
"hey y/n" Hyunjin smiles at me while making something to eat for himself "Hey Hyunjin" my heart drops as I didn't see him at first
It's normal for me to be at their house so he is accustomed to seeing me around here, we have known each other since I was 5 and he was 6, Yeji and I knew each other from kindergarten and we always used to play with her brother in my house or her house, so we become friends a long time ago, but I feel like it all changed since we entered high school since I was 15 we don't talk as much as before, just small talks, no more movie nights or baking time with him like we sorta got uncomfortable with each other, he also became Mr, popular at school so I believe he feels better than us now. Now I'm 17 and he is 18 and yeah we are in the same grade because his dumbass failed chemistry in 10th grade, obviously, he was so busy fucking his ex-girlfriend and doing her work for her than concentrating on himself that he was swept away 1 whole year because of it.
"How are you doing?" he asked me smiling at me and looking back down at his sandwich "I'm doing good and you?" I ask looking the popcorn to put it in the microwave. "I've been good, what are you guys doing today?" he asked me to make another of our famous small talks "We are going to watch a movie and maybe I'm staying over" I smiled and continued doing my work. "nice, lucky you, I have to do a project for history fro next week" "ah yeah the ones about the empires?" I ask "Yeah, I got put in with Ashley" he whispers and rolls his eyes at me showing his annoyance, and I laugh silently "It would've been better if I got chosen to be with you, you are pretty smart and organized, and we known each other for most of our life" he continues to finish his sandwich. "yeah right? I got chosen with Lia, so it was not bad at all, just her brother is a bit creepy" I say making a weird face remembering her brother and how immature he acts.
"oh yeah Daniel is awful" I nodded and put the popcorn in the microwave not forgetting what he said about me my tummy filled with butterflies, but again I reminded myself I couldn't let these feelings get the best of me, he barely talks to me and yeji would be so mad at me if I ever get to date him.
"But if you ever need me to him in his place please tell me and I will do it with pleasure" he smiles grabs his plate and rubs my head while passing by to the living room.
my cheeks got all red by his touch, I placed my hands over them to soothe them down the popcorn finishes and I get out of the kitchen
"oh Hyuinjin you so funny" I hear a girl exaggerating her laugh, ofc she is here, I feel a bit down and go to Yeji's room.
"everything is ready" I get to her bed and put the bowl in the middle of both of us she starts the movie and we are already melting by seeing Dong Wooks face.
something in me doesn't let me concentrate on the movie and a tinge of jealousy gets to me, it should've been me who was with Hyun-jin right now, not Ashley.
"May I join" Someone opens the door and looks at Yeji with pleading eyes "No go fuck yourself" She stretches and lays down in another position, so I move aside and pat the side of my bed to let Hyunjin join us "See she's nice, unlike you?" he says getting on the bed sticking his tongue out at her "no y/n why did you let him in!" she groans while saying it getting annoyed and moving to the side of the bed to give me more space, he lays on his stomach and hugs a small pillow and gets near me, his head touching my arm of how close he is to me.
Butterflies run through my stomach as I try to control my breathing so I do not blush.
15min later
"He's not that even good looking," He remarks making both of our heads look at him "Shut up you dickhead, he is the most handsome guy to ever exist" She throws a pillow at him, but he throws it back, sitting up and getting comfortable back in the sheets, now sitting like I've been doing this whole time, but our arms connect he looks down on me and smiles, I smile back and quickly look back at the movie, now I do feel my cheeks blush
"did you see how hot Lee Yeon's brother is?" yeji asked me "Yes Rang has that type of bad boy vibe right? but he is so gentle on the inside like he is so cute" I say as we comment on the series. But I feel Hyuinjins head on my shoulder hugging my arm trying to get comfortable on the bed, Yeji gives her back to me and I see her sleepy eyes trying to fight the urge to fall asleep, I pat her head gently making sure she gets some rest but I feel Hyun-jin caressing my arm with his thumb up and down. I feel his breath get more relaxed but I tense up feeling nervous about him.
I try to ignore it and continue watching the movie "Yeji look at the puppy" I pout looking at how cute he is "yeji?" I called her again but I heard no response from her "Did she fall asleep already?" he asked me
"mhm, I think she did" I try to shake her but she does not react, hating that she left me alone with her brother again.
"mmh ok, I'm going for something to eat wanna come?" I nod and get out of bed with him turning the TV and lights off for yeji to sleep as we walk out to the kitchen.
"what are you craving?" he asks me "What about some ramyeon?"
"Sure that sounds good" he started to boil the water while I took the packets out
"so... how did the project go? I asked curiously about the 2 of them
"it was... ok I guess, I kinda ended up doing it all by myself and she was very annoying btw," he said a bit disappointed.
"well I'm sorry to hear that," I said relieved to hear that it didn't go well between them, he got next to me to grab the cups of noodles, and our hands brushed each other, our eyes met and our bodies froze
He pecked my lips and stared into my eyes waiting for my reaction, my eyes widened and my mouth gaped looking at him in shock, but I didn't say anything staying in the same position.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't done that without asking you, I-I thought t-that maybe you wanted i-it"he stutters nervously looking everywhere but my eyes.
"W-why did you kiss me?" I asked in shock, his face in fear "I'm sorry y/n I couldn't stop myself I don't know what came over me, I-Ii just really like y-you and-"
"You WHAT?!"
"I like you y/n, I have since we were young" I stare at him in pure shock
"wait so wait what? so you like me? And you tell me until now?"
"what do you mean until now? I was scared you were going to reject me"
"I would never reject you Hyunjin, I've liked you since I was like 8," I said a bit angry that this didn't happen before
"YOU LIKE ME?!?!" he raises his voice in shock and joy
"yeah I do" I get a bit shy saying it out loud
he cups my cheeks and kisses me delicately his lips feeling soft, tasting him on my lips is kind of my new obsession.
when we separate ourselves in our eyes we see our future we just started.
and that is how I started to date Mr popular.
Hi loves enjoy
please comment, like, and give support!
The tag list is open
Please check out my other works too
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myperfectfatdads · 6 months
You have never been in love with girls you have always been more of a guys type of person. You have always found men super cute mostly bigger guys. All of your friends were guys you always hang out with guys you never even talk to girls. It’s summer and you only have one year of college left before you graduate with your three best buds. So for fun you invite all three of them up to your vacation house. It will only be you four there but that’s ok you have all been really close since childhood. You had never had the best luck with guys as it’s hard to find a cute guy especially when all three of your best friends are super ripped.
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Your fit too but they definitely hit the gym more then you do but that your only problem your friends aren’t your type. But you were looking online to change that and you came across this item called daddio you curiously click on the link and you come across this liquid you can put in someones drink and it will change any type of person to a fat old dad. This is genius you think so you buy three of them and can’t wait for the boys to get here. The daddio arrives right before the guys get there as you open it up you see three little jars of liquid you quickly pick them up and put them right away for later. As the boys knock on the door the first to answer is Mike and you see the two other boys Dan and Derik unloading the car. As you welcome them in they are amazed on how nice the home is as it was their first time coming out. “Dude this place is awesome why is it only my first time here” says Derik. You guys can put your stuff upstairs your rooms are up there. After the three boys are all done unpacking you guys sit down and turn on the TV to watch football. You walk into the kitchen and ask the guys if they need anything to drink. “Yeah dude we are all super thirsty after unpacking can you grab us all beers” says Mike. Yep sounds good man you say as you grab three beer out of the fridge. Putting them on the counter you open them and pull out the three little glass containers containing the daddio. You pour them into each of the guys drinks and give them all a good shake. That’s good the drinks look the same color and smell the same the guys won’t notice anything different. Waking back to the living room you hand the boys there beers. “Dude this stuff is great you always have the best stuff” says Dan. “Yeah man this is really good” says Derik. Perfect the boys feel right into your trap they don’t even know anything is up so now you just have to sit back and wait. With out telling the boys you went out and bought big clothes for all of them and put them in the dresser. They won’t need them now but hopefully they will soon I love a big boy in his big boy clothes. “Woah how did it get so late I swear we just got here it’s almost time for me to get to bed” says Dan. “Me too dude it’s already eleven I think ima go up right now” says Derik. All you and the boys pack up and go upstairs and get to bed. You excitingly get right to bed as you want to see if the daddio was worked after all or if it was just a scam. As you wake up you make your way down stairs and are met with Dan. The daddio is definitely working as Dan looks a lot older and has formed a double chin. “What’s for breakfast dude I’m starving I came down here to look for a snack” says Dan. You look at him not knowing if the daddio had fully set in as only some of his body has changed as he still had a nice six pack. Yeah man I’ll make some pancakes how does that sound? “Sounds great I’ll be watching the game also do you have anymore beers?” Says Dan while itching his double chin. Yeah dude we have a ton in the fridge right there. You start to make some pancakes cooking up a ton not knowing how much the boys are gonna eat. Soon you see Derik some down stairs and he looks totally different as his once fit but was a total bubble and even starting to form a beer belly. You go to wake up but when you walk into his bedroom your met with an older version of Mike. Hey dude breakfast is ready if you want some. “Yeah I’ll be right down” says Mike. As he gets out of bed you notice that his neck is huge and his face had totally fatten out. You would never know that he had a six pack has he was forming a bit of a belly. All the guys sit down for breakfast, and you made a good amount of pancakes five for each of them which you already think is a little much but you don’t know how hungry they will be. Surprisingly with in the first ten minutes Derik is asking for seconds and so is Dan and Mike! You quickly whip up some more and serve them they gobble them up real fast. “Thanks dude these were great” says Dan.
After you clean up all of the food you go to see the guys. You guys doing ok? “Yeah dude never better I just wished I packed a bigger shirt it’s starting to feel really tight on me” says Derik. Sorry man, you say even though you know there is more clothes you just have to wait for them to get a little bigger. Looking a Derik he is really staring to grow a beard out of no where and fast but it looks good on him. You ask the guys if they need anything and they all say more beer even though they have all ready had four each! You guys sure you need more? “Of course I do I need to watch the whole game with a beer in my hand or daddy’s gonna be angry” says Mike. You look at Mike shocked he called himself daddy but your not mad you even kinda liked it go you get the beers right away and sit down with them. “Well that was a good game guy but I think I’m going to get to bed I’m exhausted” says Mike. All you did was sit around how are you tired also it’s only nine normally you stay up late. That’s the thing with Mike he goes to bed early and sleeps in too. Ok you do you man. Soon after that all of you guys head up saying good night to the boys and that when you tell Derik and Dan that there’s extra clothes in the closet if they need any as the daddio should be all done by the morning. You get to bed too as you can’t wait to see the guys in the morning. Waking up you notice that your the first up which is weird because Derik and Dan are always up before you. You walk up to there bedroom and from all three of the guys bedrooms you hear loud snoring which is a good sign because they never snore. A little later Dan comes down stairs and you can tell that this is it the final product. Dan looks great especially with the clothes I bought him and he doesn’t even know anything has changed he’s just my big old dad now. He doesn’t look like he is your age he looks about a whole forty year older then you.
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You go up and pat his huge belly. He loves it when you rube is belly you like that shirt on Dan because on how the buttons look like they could pop off any second. Next down stairs is Derik he comes up right to the fridge takes out leftovers and sits down and starts shoving it into his mouth. After he’s down he’s ready for his daily nap already and you know your going to go up and cuddle with him soon
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You grab his ass real fast on the way up and try to help him up the stairs as his gut is almost touching the group and it’s hard for him to pick up. But as you get upstairs you already know the deal as you walk right into Mikes room and he’s on the bed ready for what’s coming.
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You love your three daddies and you wouldn’t have it any other way and they all like you as you share it all together for the rest of there big boy life’s.
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
Fight PT 2 *Edited*
Heyo! Since a couple people wanted this, I shall write it because I'm a people pleaser! :)
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Warning: Yandere! Bruce, Yandere! Finney, Yandere Robin, Yandere, Billy, Yandere! Vance, Yandere! Griffin. Toxic, obsessive, manipulative behavior. Aged up to 18 because that just makes more sense to me! Some swearing.
Summary: The boys go to seek out Y/N's friendship and she accepts. What she didn't for see was the manipulation, overprotective and obsessed behavior.
My older sister walked into my room and shook me awake. "Dude, wake the fuck up" she said, pulling the covers off of head. "What the hell happened to your eye?! MOM!" "No! Don't yell for mom! It's fine. I just got in a fight." "On your first day? Did you win?" she questioned me. "What the fuck you think? Of course I won. I'm no wimp." "Sure. Seriously, get up though if you don't want to be late." She laughed, rolling her eyes and walking away.
I crawled out of bed and got ready to go. I went downstairs to where my sister was eating at the table. "Where are the adults?" I asked "They just left for work" Of course they did. Didn't even interact with me at all. "Grab a pop tart or something and go. You have like 10 minutes until you're bell rings" she says. "Oh shit!" I said, running to the pantry, grabbing a Smores pop tart and bolting out the door. Once I started driving, I remembered everything that happened yesterday and started freaking out. Oh god. They're gonna kill me. I started imagining scenarios of them beating my ass or murdering me. Stupid intrusive thoughts. I didn't want to go to school now but I didn't have a choice. I parked my car, took a deep breath, and walked inside.
The bell hadn't rang yet so the halls were crowded with students and their friends talking before school started. As I was walking towards my locker, I saw Donna and she waved me over. "Hey! I heard what you did yesterday! That was either really smart or really stupid." She said, chuckling. "Probably the latter" I faintly smiled. "I have to go get my books from my locker. Ill see you later?" I asked. "Of course. Do you want to eat lunch together under the tree again?" she asked. "I would love to!" I said, smiling. "Ok! I'll meet you there! Bye!" "See you"
Once I made it to my locker, I saw the group of boys from yesterday waiting there for me. Oh god, oh god, oh god. I'm gonna die. They're gonna murder me and ima die. Play it cool, Y/N. Play it cool. I walked over to my locker and opened it, completely ignoring the boys crowded around it. How the fuck did they even know that this was my locker anyways? "Hey" Bruce said. I ignored him. Probably not the best choice but I didn't know what to say. Hey I'm sorry for beating your asses yesterday. Please don't kill me. No.
"Hello?" Finney said, tapping me. I shoved my books in my bag and started to walk away but Vance grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "We're talking to you" "How can I help you?" I asked, sighing in exasperation. "We need to talk" Billy said. "About what?" I questioned tiredly. "Let's go outside" Robin said. They started walking outside. Perfect time to bolt! I tried to run off but Bruce, who was closest to me, grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards them. They surrounded me so I had to walk with them.
"What the fuck do you want?!" I said, angry because I couldn't get away. "Hey! Stop that! We just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out with us!" Bruce said. What the Reeses peanut butter fucks is this shit? "What the fuck do you mean?" Robin said. "Did I say that out loud?" "Yes, Y/N. Jesus." Vance rolling his eyes. "How the hell do you know my name? I never told you." "We asked Donna. And because she's scared of us, she told us." Billy said. "We just want to be your friends" Griffin says. "No catch?" I ask, suspicious. "No catch" Finney reassures me. I hesitate for a second before saying "Ok." and walking off.
"Hey! You're sitting with us at lunch." said Finney "No, I'm not. I'm sitting with Donna." "No you're not." Robin says. "You're sitting with us" said Bruce. "No I'm not! You can't tell me what to do!" I say. Vance stalks over to me. "You're sitting with us. Or do we need eliminate the problem?" Vance whispers in my ear. "You can't do anything to Donna" I whispered, my voice shaking. "You'd be surprised, Doll." "Ok. Ill sit with you guys" I whisper. He pulls away and as I'm walking away he yells "See you at lunch Dollface!"
What have I gotten myself into?
Soooo Idk if I like this yet but whateves. I'm gonna try to post everyday. Please request stuff! My imagination only goes so far. and let me know in the comments if you want yandere poly ghost boys, yandere brance x reader, yandere finbin x reader, or just some fluff or angst with any of them you want. Part 3 is posted! Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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rainysofsunshineao3 · 27 days
Predictions for whatever the hell is going on with Yaz and Sammy in JWCT
Before it airs tmr on GODDAMN ROBLOX. I've never loved and hated that game so much XDDD
So it does seem like something's going on between them whether it's related to Yaz' PTSD, the fact that she's at college, or because Sammy now has integrated dinosaurs into their daily life (Which loops back to Yaz' PTSD) and it seems kinda weird to me that most of the theories that I've heard have been Yaz-centric, or with Yaz as the larger reason their growing apart.
Maybe not weird but definitely interesting.
1. Because honestly, I can see that if they ever were to break up (I swear to god I'm murdering someone if they do tho) it would be Yaz who ends up doing it. I just can't see Sammy willingly ending things.
2. Because that's somewhat of the problem. Like, JWCC gave Sammy the bare minimum of character and plot development, most of it happening in season 1-2 with her whole "I'm a spy" deal. After that, she sort of just...stays the same. She doesn't have the same amount of development as Ben or Yaz or even Kenji. She's the most consistent character in the series and I'm not sure if that was done on purpose - like, the writers saying "ok, we have 5 really good or decent character arcs, let's have this one stay the same so there's diversity in not having change" - or they just didn't have time to really develop her character outside of the "Looks like a cinnimonroll but could actually kill you"
So something I'd like to see is Sammy having a bit more of a voice than she did in JWCC and I think the writers knew that was a problem and seem to have made her part of the main trio (Darius, Ben, and Sammy) for JWCT.
I made a previous post about the *tension* everyone seemed to get in the most recent clip > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HQffL_R1F4
in which Ben and Sammy go to visit Yaz at her university.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE that they're diving more into Yaz' PTSD that we get a glimpse of in Seasons 4-5 of CC. She seems like she's doing better and actually trying to help out others who struggled with the same things that she did which is cool.
And then we have this scene =>
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And it's cute and Sammy and Ben look fine af and there are so many amazing things about this clip but like...
Sammy's not coming to Yaz' defense, like, at all.
Like, Yaz' thing isn't working and I feel like CC Sammy would have said something like "That's a really cool view!" or "Coool...?" or even like "That's...awesome Yaz!" in her wtf-is-this-but-ima-be-positive-anyway and maybe it's the writers doing what I mentioned before and giving Sammy a deeper personality and the change in demeanor is small enough that it might just be me overspeculating, but there's tension there.
And pair that with the fact that Ben says "Get in-between two girlfriends?" Like, are they arguing?! Sammy's trying to get him to choose sides? Am I getting that right?
*Cough* I mean, though, Ben would probably choose Yaz ngl, they besties. No hate on Sammy but *Cough*
Sorry, what was I saying 😅
And the line right before that when Sammy says "Ben, help me out here!" Makes me think that Sammy has been trying to get Yaz to stop obsessing over this hologram thing for a while, and maybe the only reason they came to the university was to get her to stop her research and come with them since I'm assuming this is maybe when Darius is picking up the rest of the gang. Again, I could be wrong, but that's personally what I think.
Speaking of the picking up of the campers, I love how most of us collectively agreed that the order was Sammy Kenji Yaz. That was just funny to me :)
Anyway, does that mean Yaz is just living at the University doing her hologram shit and Sammy has been trying to convince her to just come home? Cause that would be so incredibly sweet and terribly sad at the same time, like, c'mon :(((
And now there's dinosaurs chasing them again and everyone thinks Brooklyn is dead and now it's not a matter of "I miss you" but "It's not safe anymore"?
God, this show has so much potential how tf am I so invested in animated characters.
This post ended up being way longer than I anticipated so Ima end it here <333
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ricegobbler · 3 months
TFP Ratchet x Fem!Reader who’s trying to make him sleep😴
Ok I’m actually busy today. So ima just leave this short post here for yall for the time being. I’ll try making the Part 2 of the TFP Cons x Fem!reader soon😢
Anyways, like I said take this food before I go☺️
Warnings: None!! Mainly just fluff.
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One night at base, Y/N was awake while everyone else recharged. Well, not everyone. Of course the “sunshine” was awake. He was just typing away on the computer, face covered in a green light. Y/N just sighed and watched him as he continued his work, not a word from him.
She honestly felt concerned for him, he’s always working and never recharges. She did leave him alone though, she didn’t wanna bother him.
Eventually, Y/N felt tired and ready to recharge. As she started walking to her quarters(or berth idk) she heard the medic yawn. She quickly turned her helmto look at him covering his mouth as he slowly turned his helm to look back at her.
“Ratchet..” You started, fully turning around to look at him and crossing your arms.
“Not a word.” He grumbled, going back to the computer.
You groaned and just walked behind him, quickly pulling his servo and grasping it into yours.
“You are going to recharge tonight, whether you like it or not.” You hissed, narrowing your optics at him.
“But my work! I must finish it! I need this!-“ He was then shushed by your finger which was literally up to his mouth. “And I need you to rest…you work too much..” you say softly. “Come now.” You then start to gently and slowly drag him to his quarters(or berth)
She then gently lays him down and sits next to him as he laid down and breathed softly. “Better?” You ask, “Mm..” he grumbled.
You just giggled and hummed a soft lullaby to help him sleep.
Good thing is it worked! But you were too tired to even move at this point. Before you could at least try getting up, Ratchet quickly took your wrist in his servo and pulled you into him. Cuddling and big spooning you while he slept peacefully.
You didn’t squirm nor surrender, and took it with no hesitation <33
Kinda in a rush, sorry if it’s bad🙁
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azraelohim · 6 months
Lost Paradise Passing, passing Just passing by(e) I fie; that I believe In one great high So I won't let anything get in the way of my greatest high As I transcend As I ascend Into the true bosom of my friend My true one Ra a a a !!! •
Yeah you know that Could you flow that You couldn't keep up I'm gonna bully em(me) They said come with the horns like the bull They said come like Birmingham man shook They said come like ya military self
They said come like ya blackest of now They said come like ya truthful way They said come like ya truthful self They said truce is the only way out They said the matrix is bondage again But ya mother bore ya from bondage I Did she do or did she when(?) I gotta pay back So I'm gonna finish dem You know that's why ya bullet to ya brain You know that's why That's the murder rate Gotta prove yourself to your own self first Then you gotta prove yourself to the metavein: To the metaverse You gotta earn sumting You gotta work You need a job there You need a Job, where You need an Apep
You need to escape You need to see yar-way You need to see ya brave You need to see if you are true Heru Either way I got the temple on the real juice Either that! It's dull, dull, dull Dat I don't like it Turn my way If I'm keeping equalateral One Shape I knew that Seti said he'd come out of me I knew that he said take Asarian seat As I try to bully you and get you to ya feet The devil Satan said something again But I couldn't understand Cus I don't under-stand Eviler advice from Seti right there Check an ego rather than a dirty best friend •
You figured that out..
When you saw God's first light When you saw it was the Morning Son Because that is Jesus - Bright Everybody clapped their hands and they said one tie But you couldn't recognise No you couldn't recognise That it's the only way to go Gotta sacrifice yourself Gotta sacrifice yourself daily That's the way out If ya really on dat What's the Muhammad way? Gotta listen to your humm Gotta listen to the brave Gotta listen to The One. Black Ra Elohim Virtually every, every, every. Everything. One Source One King One Source • Elohim
One Source One King One Source • Elohim •
Just for your last peace in As we get to the hemp Know Amen Az Ar Kin See to the one ima jump with f(ire) •
I don't give… But I bless one test •
I know that I'm in my one true yes Yeshiva - Yeshua Yes Sire ! Ah Amen - Hotep ! Ah Emanence Allah •
Ar Ra The Master L. A. Za Imhotep Ra
Nyame Nhyah Nyame The One When we're coming from the underground Praise Nyame The One When we're coming from the underground Praise Nyame The One Yeah ya better be yourself now I Praise Nyame The One In the dao Praise Nyame The One In the Chi Praise Nyame The One In the (crossing of The T) Praise Nyame The One Can you see the hieruptain
Finish off In the Re •
Gonna keep the soap Don't know mate But I keep my soul with And I keep my greatest words to myself That I should eminate That I might emanence That I might emasculate something that tried to emasculate me To just make sure hey Was it my lady? Coming at me a bit rough bullying me Did you turn it into something like that¿ I know we're on a long road Lady's been seen Gone See ya next fall See ya next fly See ya next rice
See ya next way Only one tie Everything I just… To the one to the side Better check ya cards in and ya dice I don't… with mice So ya better check round see your hype You shoulda turned around & killed it In every chance of the challice of it Why du have to look back witness Everytime someones trying to… Do you get it But the anger is the chord As the anger is the rate How long is a murder rate Life Long. Time In your own hate. No You know my own self Yo, you know my own me Yo, you know I just bout Yo, you know I'm ok
Yo, you know I'm my góat Oh my days. You know I'm myself Yo I'm firebird in Yo I'm firebird wealth Yo I'm firebird winning Yo I'm firebird well Because The One Ra Elohim loves me now An I know I Love Ra Elohim as Well Emanence •
Is this The Lord Yahweh Light Emanent's •
This must be the next chapter which book did ya didn't, did-n did-n Finish Friend Duh Duh Duuh-n Eh Um Um Um Um B~~
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