antynous · 9 months
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Rewatched Wildhood today
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omarsapollo · 10 months
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samsdei · 11 months
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Joshua Odjick
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celluloidrainbow · 10 months
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WILDHOOD (2021) dir. Bretten Hannam In a rural East Coast trailer park, Link lives with his toxic father and younger half brother, Travis. When Link discovers his mother could still be alive, the siblings embark on a quest for a better life. On the road, they meet Pasmay, an openly two-spirit pow wow dancer drawn to Link. As the boys journey across Mi'kma'ki, Link finds community, identity, and love in the land where he belongs. (link in title)
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tepkunset · 6 months
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Native Film Recommendation: ↳ Wildhood (2021)
When Link discovers his Mi'kmaw mother could still be alive, he and his younger half-brother Travis and flee their abusive father to track her down. They meet Pasmay, a dancer on the Pow Wow circuit, who volunteers to help them in their quest. As the boys journey across Mi'kma'ki, Link finds identity, love, and a place where he belongs.
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itsmyfriendisaac · 8 months
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Wildhood: Link escapes an abusive household to search for his missing mother's whereabouts & ends up finding companionship in the form of a new friend named Pasmay. As their journey pushes forward, the chemistry between them grows spectacularly!
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misforgotten2 · 1 year
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Un, deux, trois, quatreGrand-mère s'est fait écraser par un renneRentrer à pied de notre maison veille de NoëlVous pouvez dire que le Père Noël n'existe pas
Mais quant à moi et grand-père, nous croyons
Life   December 2nd  1940
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veryqueermovies · 10 months
|| Wildhood (2021) || 5/5🌟 || Drama/Romance || "In a rural East Coast trailer park, Link lives with his toxic father and younger half brother, Travis. When Link discovers his Mi'kmaw mother could still be alive, it lights a flame as the siblings embark on a quest for a better life. On the road, they meet Pasmay, a pow wow dancer drawn to Link. As the boys journey across Mi'kma'ki, Link finds community, identity and love in the land where he belongs."
Content Warnings: Police Violence, Child Abuse, Homophobia, Dead Animal, Sex Scene, Nudity, F-Slur, D-Slur.
The beginning of the movie is pretty intense and there's child abuse so be careful going in but it is a happy ending.
This was just absolutely beautiful. Definitely a new favorite.
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Queer Film everyday of June 21/30 🏳️‍🌈
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Cine: Wildhood (2021)
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Lincoln, o Link (Phillip Lewitski), cuyo cuerpo está marcado por los golpes de policías que lo detienen por intentar robar elementos de una casa aparentemente deshabitada junto a su medio hermano menor Travis (Avery Winters-Anthony), cree que su madre ha muerto. Eso fue lo que le dijo Arvin, su padre (Joel Thomas Hynes). Sin embargo, al hallar una vieja tarjeta enviada por su progenitora que le revela lo contrario, surge en Link la desesperada necesidad de abandonar a su padre y llevar a su hermano a su cruzada personal, a fin de hallarla. 
La pista lo conduce a una institución religiosa dedicada a rescatar a almas infortunadas por la vida y, en el camino, encuentra a Pasmay (Joshua Odjick), un muchacho Micmac (o Mi'kmaq), pueblo originario canadiense al que también pertenece Sarah, la madre de Link. Lógicamente, la pista es la primera de muchas que conducirá a los tres (más algún acompañante ocasional, como Smokey, interpretado por Michael Greyeyes, que también es micmac) a un más que interesante trayecto en el que el protagonista comenzará a reconectarse con sus raíces y a afianzar su relación con Pasmay.
La película, en la que se habla inglés y micmac, expone el concepto de berdache, bardaje o “dos espíritus”, en el cual un espíritu masculino y otro femenino se manifiesta en ciertos individuos de la Norteamérica aborigen. Condición que la ha causado gran dolor a Pasmay, a punto de ser expulsado de su familia, y que también posee el productor, guionista y director Bretten Hannam, quien enfoca su cámara tanto en las bellezas geográficas como en las de las tradiciones de los micmac. 
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tomorrowedblog · 2 years
First look at Wildhood
A new trailer has been released for Wildhood, which is set to release June 24, 2022.
This coming-of-age LGBTQIA+ drama from Wolfe Video takes place in a rural east-coast trailer park, where Link (Phillip Lewitski) lives with his toxic father and younger half-brother Travis (Avery Winters-Anthony). When Link discovers his Mi’kmaw mother could still be alive, it lights a flame and they make a run for a better life. On the road, they meet Pasmay (Joshua Odjick), a pow wow dancer drawn to Link. As the boys journey across Mi’kma’ki, Link finds community, identity and love in the land where he belongs.
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eternidadeponto · 2 years
LEITURA I (anos pares) Jer 2, 1-3.7-8.12-13 «Abandonaram-Me a Mim, fonte de água viva, e cavaram cisternas que não conservam a água»
Num momento em que Israel se esquecera de Deus, o profeta lembra-lhe o tempo dos “primeiros amores”, quando da travessia do deserto, tempo que foi como que o da juventude feliz daquele povo, agora infiel, esquecido de quem tanto amor lhe dedicou e que vai agora a outras fontes pedir a água que lhe mate a sede.
Leitura do Livro de Jeremias O Senhor dirigiu-me a palavra, dizendo: «Vai proclamar aos ouvidos de Jerusalém: Assim fala o Senhor: Lembro-Me do afecto da tua juventude, do amor do teu noivado, quando Me seguias no deserto, numa terra onde não se semeia. Israel era então uma herança sagrada do Senhor, primícias da sua colheita. Aqueles que a devoravam recebiam a paga: a desgraça caía sobre eles – oráculo do Senhor –. Eu conduzi-vos a uma terra de pomares, para comerdes dos seus ricos frutos. Mas logo que entrastes, profanastes a minha terra e fizestes da minha herança um lugar abominável. Os sacerdotes não perguntavam: ‘Onde está o Senhor?’. Os mestres da Lei não Me conheceram, os guias do povo revoltaram-se contra Mim, os profetas vaticinaram em nome de Baal e foram atrás de deuses que nada valem. Pasmai de tudo isto, ó céus, estremecei de horror e espanto – diz o Senhor –, porque o meu povo cometeu dois pecados: abandonaram-Me a Mim, fonte de água viva, e cavaram cisternas, cisternas rotas, que não conservam a água». Palavra do Senhor.
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antynous · 2 years
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I’m very normal about them
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dixvinsblog · 2 months
Catherine Boissaye - Absence
Ma muse s’en est alléeAilleurs s’encanaillerMe laissant démunieAux heures de la nuit Les mots s’entrechoquentDans mon cerveau en loquesMais ne peuvent s’assemblerIls ne veulent me combler Je sais qu’elle reviendraDemain ? Peut-être pasMais il suffit d’un rienD’un mot peut-être bien En attendant qu’elle veuilleDéfaire le millefeuilleDe ma tête en jachèreJe vous lis et j’espère
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samsdei · 1 year
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Joshua Odjick
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suis-nous · 1 year
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kanadabiscuits · 2 years
In a rural east-coast trailer park, Link lives with his toxic father and younger half-brother Travis. When Link discovers his Mi’kmaw mother could still be alive, it lights a flame and they make a run for a better life. On the road they meet Pasmay, a pow wow dancer drawn to Link. As the boys journey across Mi’kma’ki, Link finds community, identity, and love in the land where he belongs.
“Wildhood starts off slowly and gives viewers a substantial, maybe even an overly detailed, understanding of Link and his relationship with his father before getting to the main action. On the road, Link, Pasmay and Travis get to know one another. Through secrets shared and harrowing moments escaped, they become a makeshift family.
The trio’s dynamic is entertaining, and they crack jokes with the same fierceness with which they argue. But it’s the evolving romance between Link and Pasmay that’s the most fun to witness. Maybe I’m a sucker for romance, but watching Link and Pasmay steal glances and exchange knowing smirks begins to feel more thrilling than the journey itself. Lewitski, who stars in Hulu’s Utopia Falls, and Odjick have a subtle and exciting chemistry that makes rooting for their budding love easy. The progress of that love is measured by the proximity of their bodies, which, as they get closer to finding Sarah, feel bound by an almost spiritual force.
The effect of such a stirring romance couldn’t be achieved without the dexterous work of cinematographer Guy Godfree, whose interest in capturing bodily details — a tense muscle during an argument, a surprised glance at a promise kept — is a treat. Lighting is a key part of the courtship. At all times of day, Godfree indulges in shots of the young characters cavorting in the fields of Eastern Canada, where Wildhood was shot. Whether it’s dawn or dusk, just before the rays of the sun disappear or when it’s at the highest point in the sky, light feels critical to this journey of self-discovery.”
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