#pepe carroll
andrewckeeper · 2 years
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Before/After LIDMF “Fistro” Merchiquito: https://www.latostadora.com/lidmfofficial/dibujos/1223062
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Burke’s Law -  List of Guest Stars
The Special Guest Stars of “Burke’s Law” read like a Who’s Who list of Hollywood of the era.  Many of the appearances, however, were no more than one scene cameos.  This is as complete a list ever compiled of all those who even made the briefest of appearances on the series.  
Beverly Adams, Nick Adams, Stanley Adams, Eddie Albert, Mabel Albertson, Lola Albright, Elizabeth Allen, June Allyson, Don Ameche, Michael Ansara, Army Archerd, Phil Arnold, Mary Astor, Frankie Avalon, Hy Averback, Jim Backus, Betty Barry, Susan Bay, Ed Begley, William Bendix, Joan Bennett, Edgar Bergen, Shelley Berman, Herschel Bernardi, Ken Berry, Lyle Bettger, Robert Bice, Theodore Bikel, Janet Blair, Madge Blake, Joan Blondell, Ann Blyth, Carl Boehm, Peter Bourne, Rosemarie Bowe, Eddie Bracken, Steve Brodie, Jan Brooks, Dorian Brown, Bobby Buntrock, Edd Byrnes, Corinne Calvet, Rory Calhoun, Pepe Callahan, Rod Cameron, Macdonald Carey, Hoagy Carmichael, Richard Carlson, Jack Carter, Steve Carruthers, Marianna Case, Seymour Cassel, John Cassavetes, Tom Cassidy, Joan Caulfield, Barrie Chase, Eduardo Ciannelli, Dane Clark, Dick Clark, Steve Cochran, Hans Conried, Jackie Coogan, Gladys Cooper, Henry Corden, Wendell Corey, Hazel Court, Wally Cox, Jeanne Crain, Susanne Cramer, Les Crane, Broderick Crawford, Suzanne Cupito, Arlene Dahl, Vic Dana, Jane Darwell, Sammy Davis Jr., Linda Darnell, Dennis Day, Laraine Day, Yvonne DeCarlo, Gloria De Haven, William Demarest, Andy Devine, Richard Devon, Billy De Wolfe, Don Diamond, Diana Dors, Joanne Dru, Paul Dubov, Howard Duff, Dan Duryea, Robert Easton, Barbara Eden, John Ericson, Leif Erickson, Tom Ewell, Nanette Fabray, Felicia Farr, Sharon Farrell, Herbie Faye, Fritz Feld, Susan Flannery, James Flavin, Rhonda Fleming, Nina Foch, Steve Forrest, Linda Foster, Byron Foulger, Eddie Foy Jr., Anne Francis, David Fresco, Annette Funicello, Eva Gabor, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Reginald Gardiner, Nancy Gates, Lisa Gaye, Sandra Giles, Mark Goddard, Thomas Gomez, Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez, Sandra Gould, Wilton Graff, Gloria Grahame, Shelby Grant, Jane Greer, Virginia Grey, Tammy Grimes, Richard Hale, Jack Haley, George Hamilton, Ann Harding, Joy Harmon, Phil Harris, Stacy Harris, Dee Hartford, June Havoc, Jill Haworth, Richard Haydn, Louis Hayward, Hugh Hefner, Anne Helm, Percy Helton, Irene Hervey, Joe Higgins, Marianna Hill, Bern Hoffman, Jonathan Hole, Celeste Holm, Charlene Holt, Oscar Homolka, Barbara Horne, Edward Everett Horton, Breena Howard, Rodolfo Hoyos Jr., Arthur Hunnicutt, Tab Hunter, Joan Huntington, Josephine Hutchinson, Betty Hutton, Gunilla Hutton, Martha Hyer, Diana Hyland, Marty Ingels, John Ireland, Mako Iwamatsu, Joyce Jameson, Glynis Johns, I. Stanford Jolley, Carolyn Jones, Dean Jones, Spike Jones, Victor Jory, Jackie Joseph, Stubby Kaye, Monica Keating, Buster Keaton, Cecil Kellaway, Claire Kelly, Patsy Kelly, Kathy Kersh, Eartha Kitt, Nancy Kovack, Fred Krone, Lou Krugman, Frankie Laine, Fernando Lamas, Dorothy Lamour, Elsa Lanchester, Abbe Lane, Charles Lane, Lauren Lane, Harry Lauter, Norman Leavitt, Gypsy Rose Lee, Ruta Lee, Teri Lee, Peter Leeds, Margaret Leighton, Sheldon Leonard, Art Lewis, Buddy Lewis, Dave Loring, Joanne Ludden,  Ida Lupino, Tina Louise, Paul Lynde, Diana Lynn, James MacArthur, Gisele MacKenzie, Diane McBain, Kevin McCarthy, Bill McClean, Stephen McNally, Elizabeth MacRae, Jayne Mansfield, Hal March, Shary Marshall, Dewey Martin, Marlyn Mason, Hedley Mattingly, Marilyn Maxwell, Virginia Mayo, Patricia Medina, Troy Melton, Burgess Meredith, Una Merkel, Dina Merrill, Torben Meyer, Barbara Michaels, Robert Middleton, Vera Miles, Sal Mineo, Mary Ann Mobley, Alan Mowbray, Ricardo Montalbán, Elizabeth Montgomery, Ralph Moody, Alvy Moore, Terry Moore, Agnes Moorehead, Anne Morell, Rita Moreno, Byron Morrow, Jan Murray, Ken Murray, George Nader, J. Carrol Naish, Bek Nelson, Gene Nelson, David Niven, Chris Noel, Kathleen Nolan, Sheree North, Louis Nye, Arthur O'Connell, Quinn O'Hara, Susan Oliver, Debra Paget, Janis Paige, Nestor Paiva, Luciana Paluzzi, Julie Parrish, Fess Parker, Suzy Parker, Bert Parks, Harvey Parry, Hank Patterson, Joan Patrick, Nehemiah Persoff, Walter Pidgeon, Zasu Pitts, Edward Platt, Juliet Prowse, Eddie Quillan, Louis Quinn, Basil Rathbone, Aldo Ray, Martha Raye, Gene Raymond, Peggy Rea, Philip Reed, Carl Reiner, Stafford Repp, Paul Rhone, Paul Richards, Don Rickles, Will Rogers Jr., Ruth Roman, Cesar Romero, Mickey Rooney, Gena Rowlands, Charlie Ruggles, Janice Rule, Soupy Sales, Hugh Sanders, Tura Satana, Telly Savalas, John Saxon, Lizabeth Scott, Lisa Seagram, Pilar Seurat, William Shatner, Karen Sharpe, James Shigeta, Nina Shipman, Susan Silo, Johnny Silver, Nancy Sinatra, The Smothers Brothers, Joanie Sommers, Joan Staley, Jan Sterling, Elaine Stewart, Jill St. John, Dean Stockwell, Gale Storm, Susan Strasberg, Inger Stratton, Amzie Strickland, Gil Stuart, Grady Sutton, Kay Sutton, Gloria Swanson, Russ Tamblyn. Don Taylor, Dub Taylor, Vaughn Taylor, Irene Tedrow, Terry-Thomas, Ginny Tiu, Dan Tobin, Forrest Tucker, Tom Tully, Jim Turley, Lurene Tuttle, Ann Tyrrell, Miyoshi Umeki, Mamie van Doren, Deborah Walley, Sandra Warner, David Wayne, Ray Weaver, Lennie Weinrib, Dawn Wells, Delores Wells, Rebecca Welles, Jack Weston, David White, James Whitmore, Michael Wilding, Annazette Williams, Dave Willock, Chill Wills, Marie Wilson, Nancy Wilson, Sandra Wirth, Ed Wynn, Keenan Wynn, Dana Wynter, Celeste Yarnall, Francine York.
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thebrownssociety · 1 year
Hi, Roxy! It's been sooo long since I haven't sent you an ask so I thought why not change that!🙃 I'm back to bother you bestie with another Looney Tunes question. What are the LTs' favorite books and why? (write for as many as you like😊)
Bugs - He doesn't get much time to read, but when he does he prefers fantasy things like Terry Pratchett as well as horror like Stephen King. He likes 'Carrie' and 'Christine' especially.
Porky - The 'Wooster and Jeeves' series by P.G.Wodehouse. He finds them funny and well-written and also envies Wodehouse's talent with words. He's sometimes tried to say the dialogue in his room, but - much to his frustration - can never get through it due to his stammer.
Petunia - Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carrol. She likes the fantasy element and the morals and harbours a soft spot for the Walrus and The Carpenter. When Disney did the adaption, she was the one who insisted on dragging the rest of the LT's along to see it.
Elmer - 'Grimm's Fairy Tales' and fairy tales in general. He likes seeing how they've changed from the originals to what Disney decide to do with them. His favourite Fairy Tale is the original 'Three Little Pigs.' He's also an Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes fan.
Pepe - Probably to no one's surprise - 'Romeo and Juliet' by Shakespear. He loves the tragedy of it and finds the idea of young love separated to be 'tragic'. Penelope says that's rather the point.
Penelope - 'Rebecca' by Daphne Du Maurier. She considers it the perfect mix of romance and mystery. She particularly likes the 'portrait-dress' scene and likes imagining herself in the dress.
Wile.E - Not that he'd admit it to ANYONE [except Roadie] but he likes Winnie The Pooh. It calms him down and makes him feel like a child again.
Roadrunner - He likes the 'Asterix' series. He finds them hilarious and clever and likes the puns.
Jr - 'The curious incident of the dog in the night time' by Mark Hadden. He felt he could sympathise with the protagonist and indeed the parents as well. It did make him cry.
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princess-josie-riki · 2 years
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Year of the Alice Day 313
This is my first (and hopefully only) one-year project (which will be only 365 days) and this one is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland-themed.
In this pic, Yaya the Rabbit of Clovers (the Mysteryland counterpart of Yaya Yuiki) and Pepe are waving hello.
Made with Microsoft Paint.
Enjoy! ♠️♥️♣️♦️
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (c) Lewis Carroll
Shugo Chara! (c) Peach-Pit and TV Tokyo
Josie in Mysteryland, idea and artwork (c) me
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thebeautycove · 2 years
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MASQUE MILANO - WHITE WHALE - Collezione OPERA - ATTO IV Scena IV - Eau de Parfum - Novità 2022 - Sipario. Ora il sogno ha forma viva. . Moby Dick, Achab, Ismaele, la baleniera Pequod, i protagonisti del romanzo di Herman Melville sono al centro dell’ultima avventura olfattiva di Masque Milano, White Whale, parte dell’imponente Collezione Opera nell’Atto IV dedicato ai Sogni. White Whale attiene allo spazio sconfinato dell’immaginazione, al potere che un capolavoro della letteratura possiede nello stimolare creatività, nell'ampliare a dismisura i confini della fantasia. La fragranza racchiude un profondo messaggio simbolico di scoperta e conoscenza, una sfida all’ignoto, un lungo viaggio oceanico, oltre l’orizzonte visibile, in cerca del proprio destino. Christian Alori, Naso creatore, descrive gli accordi olfattivi come in un diario di bordo, annota pensieri, immagini, sensazioni, avverte chiara la vastità dell’oceano, i suoi misteri, gli umori acuti, governa un’imbarcazione ruvida, impaziente, pronta a veleggiare nella tempesta. La fragranza dispiega la sua essenza intorno all’ambra grigia in un sottile accordo con osmanto, violetta, iris e olibano, uniti per infrangere la sensazione di cupezza e smarrimento ed evocare luce, calore, nostalgia di momenti placidi. Sono palpabili le poliedriche sfumature delle preziose materie prime utilizzate (gli estratti premium Laboratoire Monique Remy). È così suadente questa vibrazione ozonica salata, presente ma non dirompente nell’apertura ariosa, trascinata al largo dalla freschezza pungente del pepe nero. Si va lontano, sguardo attento a prua, a saggiare il vento, percepire le cime umide tendersi, le vele gonfiarsi, le tavole stridere tra i flutti, in un’abbondanza aromatica di legni e resine balsamiche, cedro, patchouli, cipresso, vetiver, cisto, muschio di quercia, che sono cenni odorosi di fiducia, sostegno, intraprendenza, solidità. Qui ci si perde, distanti da luoghi e tempi, ma non si affonda.  La sfida è vinta
Creata da Christian Alori. Eau de Parfum 35 ml. In selezionate profumerie. ©thebeautycove   @igbeautycove
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Sedici fragranze suddivise in quattro gruppi (atti) con quattro fragranze ciascuno.
White Whale è la fragranza che rappresenta la scena finale dell'ultimo atto (Atto IV - Scena IV) La collezione OPERA ha omaggiato i classici della letteratura, in particolare anglosassone (Romanza dedicato a Il ritratto di Dorian Gray di Wilde, Love Kills ispirato a Romeo e Giulietta, Lost Alice omaggio alle avventure di Lewis Carrol). "Concludere questa Opera è stato per noi un sogno e un obiettivo che abbiamo inseguito negli ultimi 10 anni. Per questo motivo, la nostra ultima fragranza è stata ispirata dalla ricerca più ossessiva della letteratura, l'inseguimento del capitano Achab al mitico capodoglio bianco, Moby Dick"
Alessandro Brun e Riccardo Tedeschi, cofondatori Masque Milano •••••••••••••• Christian Alori, Naso creatore Come sono stati raccolti gli elementi ispirativi per la composizione della fragranza? Il giorno stesso in cui Riccardo e Alessandro mi hanno contattato, annunciandomi di voler concludere la loro collezione OPERA con una fragranza ispirata all'inseguimento della mitica balena bianca, e che avrebbero destinato me alla 'guida' della composizione, ho avvertito subito lo scatto creativo, la sensazione di essere nel posto giusto al momento giusto. Tutti gli elementi del romanzo di Melville hanno scatenato l'immaginazione, ci siamo ritrovati a bordo di una baleniera mentre solcavamo l'oceano ma non bastava... desideravo approfondire certe sensazioni vivendole in prima persona, prima di stendere la partitura olfattiva... Così ho convinto mia moglie a fare una vacanza a Martha's Vineyard, l'isola del Massachusetts. Siamo stati a vedere le balene a Cape Cod, abbiamo visitato il Whaling Museum a Nantucket e percorso le strade costiere per visitare i tanti fari presenti, molti ancora in funzione per segnalare alle imbarcazioni secche e fondali rocciosi che circondano l'isola.Esplorare questi luoghi, epicentro dell'industria baleniera, mi ha spalancato un mondo, annusare la stessa aria oceanica del capitano Achab è stato essenziale per comprendere i significati simbolici e le metafore presenti in ogni scena del romanzo. Come si è concretizzata olfattivamente White Whale? Ho subito immaginato di costruire la fragranza intorno all'Ambra Grigia, poi gli accordi a venire si sono dispiegati naturalmente nella mia mente. Il legno grezzo della nave baleniera Pequod, l'immenso impenetrabile oceano, pesanti funi salate, la morbida luce di una candela, le pagine di un vecchio mastro di bordo...Ci sono brani musicali che possono richiedere anni e innumerevoli modifiche prima di raggiungere il culmine, mentre ad altri bastano pochi minuti e praticamente si compongono senza sforzo. Bene, questo era più simile al secondo scenario. Il risultato è abbastanza letterale, nitido e diretto al punto.Ho ammirato la passione di Alessandro e Riccardo nel perseguire il loro obiettivo e l'entusiasmo che mi hanno trasmesso nel dedicarsi a questa avventura che sarebbe diventata di lì a poco una fragranza. Far parte della loro opera in profumo, con i suoi diversi atti e scene è stata un'esperienza unica che mi ha trasmesso emozioni indimenticabili. Consigliata la visione della serie tv North Water con Colin Farrell per apprezzare le atmosfere della vita a bordo di una baleniera.
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alexlacquemanne · 4 months
Janvier MMXXIV
Bridget Jones Baby (Bridget Jones's Baby) (2016) de Sharon Maguire avec Renée Zellweger, Patrick Dempsey, Shirley Henderson, Gemma Jones et Jim Broadbent
Arnaque à Hollywood (The Comeback Trail) (2020) de George Gallo avec Robert De Niro, Tommy Lee Jones, Morgan Freeman, Zach Braff, Eddie Griffin, Emile Hirsch et Kate Katzman
Copie conforme (1947) de Jean Dréville avec Louis Jouvet, Suzy Delair, Annette Poivre, Madeleine Suffel, Jane Marken, Danièle Franconville, Jean-Jacques Delbo et Léo Lapara
L'Inconnu du Nord-Express (Strangers on a Train) (1951) d'Alfred Hitchcock avec Farley Granger, Ruth Roman, Robert Walker, Leo G. Carroll, Patricia Hitchcock, Marion Lorne, Jonathan Hale et Laura Elliott
Une affaire d'honneur (2023) de et avec Vincent Perez et aussi Roschdy Zem, Doria Tillier, Damien Bonnard, Guillaume Gallienne, Nicolas Gaspar, Pepe Lorente
Hôtel fantôme (Das letzte Problem) (2019) de et avec Karl Markovics et aussi Stefan Pohl, Maria Fliri, Julia Koch, Max Moor, Sunnyi Melles Laura Bilgeri
Aviator (The Aviator) (2004) de Martin Scorsese avec Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, Adam Scott, Kelli Garner, Alec Baldwin, Ian Holm, Jude Law et Danny Huston
Palais royal ! (2005) de et avec Valérie Lemerciere et aussi Lambert Wilson, Catherine Deneuve, Michel Aumont, Mathilde Seigner, Denis Podalydès, Michel Vuillermoz, Gisèle Casadesus, Gilbert Melki, Maurane
Du plomb pour l'inspecteur (Pushover) (1954) de Richard Quine avec Fred MacMurray, Philip Carey, Kim Novak, Dorothy Malonne, E.G. Marshall, Allen Nourse, James Anderson et Joe Bailey
Les Douze Salopards (The Dirty Dozen) (1967) de Robert Aldrich avec Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, Charles Bronson, Jim Brown, John Cassavetes, Richard Jaeckel, George Kennedy, Trini Lopez et Telly Savalas
Le silence des ânes (Das Schweigen der Esel) (2022) de et avec Karl Markovics et aussi Julia Koch, Caroline Frank, Gerhard Liebmann, Valentin Sottopietra, Klaus Windisch, Tobias Fend, Julian Sark, Stefan Pohl
Elmer Gantry le charlatan (Elmer Gantry) (1960) de Richard Brooks avec Burt Lancaster, Jean Simmons, Arthur Kennedy, Dean Jagger, Shirley Jones, Patti Page et Edward Andrews
Tendre Poulet (1978) de Philippe de Broca avec Annie Girardot, Philippe Noiret, Catherine Alric, Hubert Deschamps, Paulette Dubost, Roger Dumas, Raymond Gérôme, Guy Marchand, Simone Renant et Georges Wilson
Judy (2019) de Rupert Goold avec Renée Zellweger, Darci Shaw, Rufus Sewell, Michael Gambon, Finn Wittrock, Richard Cordery, Jessie Buckley et Bella Ramsey
Cinquième Colonne (Saboteur) (1942) d'Alfred Hitchcock avec Robert Cummings, Priscilla Lane, Otto Kruger, Alan Baxter, Clem Bevans, Norman Lloyd, Alma Kruger et Vaughan Glaser
Robin des Bois, prince des voleurs (Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves) (1991) de Kevin Reynolds avec Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman, Christian Slater, Alan Rickman, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Nick Brimble et Michael McShane
La Fine Fleur (2020) de Pierre Pinaud avec Catherine Frot, Melan Omerta, Fatsah Bouyahmed, Olivia Côte, Marie Petiot, Vincent Dedienne et Serpentine Teyssier
Maigret et l'Affaire Saint-Fiacre (1959) de Jean Delannoy avec Jean Gabin, Michel Auclair, Valentine Tessier, Robert Hirsch, Paul Frankeur, Michel Vitold, Camille Guérini, Serge Rousseau et Micheline Luccioni
On a volé la cuisse de Jupiter (1980) de Philippe de Broca avec Annie Girardot, Philippe Noiret, Francis Perrin, Catherine Alric, Marc Dudicourt, Paulette Dubost et Roger Carel
Gosford Park (2001) de Robert Altman avec Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon, Kristin Scott Thomas, Camilla Rutherford, Charles Dance, Geraldine Somerville, Tom Hollander, Stephen Fry, Helen Mirren et Emily Watson
Meurtre à Hollywood (Sunset) (1988) de Blake Edwards avec Bruce Willis, James Garner, Malcolm McDowell, Mariel Hemingway, Kathleen Quinlan, Jennifer Edwards, Victoria Alperin et Patricia Hodge
Iron Claw (The Iron Claw) (2023) de Sean Durkin avec Zac Efron, Jeremy Allen White, Harris Dickinson, Holt McCallany, Lily James, Maura Tierney et Stanley Simons
La croisière s'amuse Saison 1
Une traversée de chien - L'Amour fou - Ami ou Ennemi - Farces et Attrapes - Une célébrité encombrante - Le Grand Air - Le docteur voit double - Le Grand Amour - Le Père du commandant - Monnaie de singe - La vie est belle au large - Tel est pris qui croyait prendre - Jeux de mains - Les Grandes Retrouvailles : première partie - Les Grandes Retrouvailles : deuxième partie - La Victoire en dansant - Le Gros Lot - Coupable, mais de quoi ? - Souvenirs Souvenirs - Il y a des jours comme ça - Qui comprend quelque chose à l'amour ? - Le commandant connaît la musique - Coup de folie - Ne comptez pas sur moi pour tomber amoureuse
Coffre à Catch
#148 : Bonne année 2024 à tout l'univers d'Agius ! - #149 : Zack Ryder : Woo Woo Woo, tu le sais ! - #150 : L'exceptionnel retour de Colby ! - #151 : Les adieux au catch de Tommy Dreamer ? - #152 : Tommy Dreamer enfin champion de la ECW !
Les Simpson Saison 1
Noël mortel - Bart le génie - L'Odyssée d'Homer - Simpsonothérapie - Terreur à la récré - Ste Lisa Blues - L'Abominable Homme des bois - Bart a perdu la tête - Marge perd la boule - L'Odyssée d'Homer - L'Espion qui venait de chez moi - Un clown à l'ombre - Une soirée d'enfer
Downton Abbey Saison 5
Tradition et Rébellion - Un vent de liberté - Le Bonheur d'être aimé - Révolution à Downton - Tout ce qui compte… - Étape par étape - Désillusions - Menaces et Préjugés - La Réconciliation
Castle Saison 4
Renaissance - Lame solitaire - Casse-tête - L'Empreinte d'une arme - L'Art de voler - Démons - Otages - Dans l'antre du jeu - Course contre la mort - Détache-moi
Kaamelott Livre IV
Tous les matins du monde première partie - Tous les matins du monde deuxième partie - Raison et Sentiments - Les Tartes aux fraises - Le Dédale - Les Pisteurs - Le Traître - La Faute première partie - La Faute deuxième partie - L’Ascension du Lion - Une vie simple - Le Privilégié - Le Bouleversé - Les Liaisons dangereuses - Les Exploités II - Dagonet et le Cadastre - Duel première partie - Duel deuxième partie - La Foi bretonne - Au service secret de Sa Majesté - La Parade - Seigneur Caius - L’Échange première partie - L’Échange deuxième partie - L’Échelle de Perceval - La Chambre de la reine - Les Émancipés - La Révoquée - La Baliste II - Les Bonnes - La Révolte III - Le Rapport - L’Art de la table - Les Novices - Les Refoulés - Les Tuteurs II - Le Tourment IV - Le Rassemblement du corbeau II - Le Grand Départ - L’Auberge rouge - Les Curieux : première partie - Les Curieux : deuxième partie - La Clandestine - Les Envahisseurs - La vie est belle - La Relève - Les Tacticiens : première partie - Les Tacticiens : deuxième partie - Drakkars ! - La Réponse - Unagi IV - La Permission - Anges et Démons - La Rémanence - Le Refuge - Le Dragon gris - La Potion de vivacité II - Vox populi III - La Sonde - La Réaffectation - La Poétique II : première partie - La Poétique II : deuxième partie
Affaires sensibles
Henri Martin, debout contre la guerre d’Indochine - 1923 : Germaine Berton : l’anarchiste qui tua pour venger Jaurès - Prince de Conty : où sont passés les lingots de l'épave? - De Paris à Dakar, le rallye du désert - Cannes 1987, Pialat et sa palme - Affaire Mis et Thiennot, la fin de l'énigme judiciaire ? - Agnès Le Roux, la disparition d’une héritière - Les mystères de Chevaline
The Crown Saison 6
Un engouement fanatique - Hors du temps
Le Voyageur Saison 2
La Forêt perchée - La tentation du mal
Alfred Hitchcock présente Saison 5, 6, 3, 7
Arthur - La Vengeance - Chantage - Pan! vous êtes mort
Concert du Nouvel An en direct du Musikverein, à Vienne (2024)
Adele Live At The Royal Albert Hall (2011)
Sexe et jalousie (1993) de Marc Camoletti et Georges Folgoas avec Jean-Luc Moreau, Marie-Pierre Casey, Patrick Guillemin, Marie Lenoir et Bunny Godillot
Billy Cobham's Glass Menagerie (1981) live at Riazzino, Switzerland
Agents Are Forever : Danish National Symphony Orchestra (2020) avec Caroline Henderson
Bonté divine (2010) de Frédéric Lenoir et Louis-Michel Colla avec Jean-Loup Horwitz, Benoit Nguyen-Tat, Saïd Amadis et Roland Giraud
Kid Paddle, Tome 1 : Jeux de vilains de Midam
Détective Conan, Tome 20 de Gôshô Aoyama
Castle, Tome 1 : La dernière aube de Brian Michael Bendis, Kelly Sue DeConnick et Tom Raney
James Bond : Le guide officiel de 007 de Lee Pfeiffer et Dave Worrall
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ivanreydereyes · 7 months
Por cierto..si 2004 [año q cumpli 33 años y estaba en una situación muy complicada como decía mi padre en sus email_cartas..viviendo en calle MARIA SEVILLA DIAGO donde vivi el 11_M tras despertarme los gritos de TERROR DE LA VECINA..por lo q creía que había un INCENDIO o algo ASI..pero encendi la TV y vi q era los ATENTADOS..y pense como se pasan estos de ETA despues de haberme puesto en contacto con su ENTORNO]..acabo con la MUERTE DE MANZANITA [=cd QUEDATE CON CRISTO]..empezó con la MUERTE del Mago PEPE CARROL afectado por la MUERTE DE SU MADRE Y NOVIA lo q desembocó en un INFARTO:
José Arsenio Franco Larraz, más conocido por su nombre artístico Pepe Carrol (Calatayud, 19 de septiembre de 1957-Zaragoza, 5 de enero de 2004), fue un mago y presentador de televisión español. Su nombre artístico, está tomado del seudónimo del escritor británico Lewis Carroll, autor de Alicia en el país de las maravillas.. Publico 2 libros: 52 (los q cumplo en 36 dias) AMANTES y 52 AMANTES ATRAVES DEL ESPEJO
Mi disco de cabecera ese 2004 era EL PRINCIPIO DEL COMIENZO de Antonio OROZCO [en cuyo libreto dice QUE LA MUSICA NOS LO QUITARA TODO, Y CUANDO LO HAGA SE IRA]..q empieza con sonido de una EXCARCELACION como intro de DEJAME e incluye SOLAMENTE VERDADES.. Y me lleve el poster del 23 JORDAN ENMARCADO EN EL CORTE INGLES tapado con el de AXL ROSE con camiseta de CRISTO con KILL YOUR IDOLS en homenaje de malogrado MERCURY de QUEEN el cual empezo en IBEX (=INDICE DE LA BOLSA ESPAÑOLA).. y lo puse en la habitacion de TRABAJO o del PORTATIL.. pues tenia 3 habitaciones y 2 baños para mi solo
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travsd · 9 months
Taking Note of John Carroll
John Carroll (born Julia La Faye, 1906-1979) was the most forgettable and forgotten of the Marx Brothers “leading men”, appearing with the team in their worst film Go West (1940). A swarthy Frenchman from New Orleans, Carroll was frequently cast as Mexicans in westerns, often bearing names like “Pepe” and “Ricardo”. Occasionally he would get to play men of his own ethnicity in movies such as…
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arrebola-research · 1 year
ya no se que dia es ayer
Esta bitácora es un resumen de las don anteriores que no logré terminar.
Tuvimos nuestra ultima clase presencial por pepe antes de que se vaya a Europa. En esa clase del 25 de enero, nos dio catedra sobre el movimiento SURREALISTA. Luego al día sig. hablamos un poco sobre la farsa y el cabaret, y también leímos nuestras escrituras automáticas, la mía por desgracia la perdí. Para el 2 de Febrero ya nos vimos de manera virtual con muchas fallas técnicas debido al internet de la escuela. Ahí analizamos los performances que presentamos antes de que pepe se fuera de viaje. logramos hablar del mío. El lunes 6 de febrero no tuvimos clase porque fue inhábil. Hoy 7 de febrero, cada quien en nuestra casa a través de meet, terminamos de analizar los performances y también alcanzamos a platicar un poco sobre las principales referencias del kabarett alemán post Francia. 
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el movimiento SURREALISTA. cómo este nació para escandalizar a los burgueses, haciendo sobresalir la pulsión de VIDA Y MUERTE. Deseo, farsa sinlogica, sin juicio, sin etica, monomanía, viciosa. el arte no tiene que ser una imitacion de la realidad sino de los sueños. prolifera una violencia que se explica a través del psicoanálisis de S. Freud.
Referencias: Impresiones de Africa(1910) Raymond, Luis Buñuel, Jean Cocteau, El teatro y su doble de Antonin Artaud, Alicia en el país de las maravillas de Lewis Carroll, poema El ano solar” de Georges Bataille, Paul Eduard poeta surrealista.
En el performance no hay neutralidad. El surrealismo va en contra del futurismo porque recupera lo onírico de la naturaleza. buscar el desplazamiento del signo. ¿Cómo transgredir con la accion? El publico no siempre ba a ser obediente o amble. El cuerpo desnudo transgrede y agrede éticamente. Si alguien no sigue las instrucciones se vuelve un caos. la accion de mi performance no fue tan progresiva. una digresión: terminar tirándome la cubeta encima. Me falto un remate. En el cabaret/performance hay que ATRAPAR a los espectadores. 
ARTE ACCIÓN - progresión regresión digresión - HAPPENING - el uso del cuerpo - accion transgresora: espacio cuerpo moral ética
KABARETT: camerino. expresión francesa. ¿Qué implica? libertad, sátira, critica política, recreación, inversión de roles, imitación caricaturización, la musica como catalizador.
¿se puede hacer cabaret sin borrachos?
Referencias: Cabaret de Bob Fossi, La pasión de Tito Vasconselos.
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creo que estoy aprendiendo mucho en poco tiempo. Que lo que he dado por sentado como “logico” en varios de mis procesos creativos no esta tan sencillo y que puedo seguir complejizando mi poetica y mi aproximacion al arte accion, ya que despues de todo es un lenguaje que me gusta mucho y procuro. Siento ganas de aprender mucho mas de cabaret  y entrenarme en ello. Avido de subirme a mis tacones y hacer un gran show. confirme tambien mi afinidad y predicción al movimiento surrealista, que de los tres principales movimientos que estamos viendo es al que mas cercano he estado desde la preparatoria. 
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liverpoolsportsnews · 2 years
Match Report: Liverpool V Norwich
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Craig Bellamy scored his most memorable association objective of the time as Liverpool was held to a 1-1 attract at home to Norwich.
The Welshman scored a urgent objective on the finish of a predominant first half presentation, just for Award Holt to grab a point for Norwich on the hour mark.
A mosaic perusing "JFT 96" was raised on the Kop before start off in correspondence to the parliament banter for complete story of Hillsborough reports.
The consideration of Bellamy in the primary XI appeared to some degree a shock, leaving Andy Carroll and Jordan Henderson beginning the seat for the second sequential game. Glen Johnson Made his initial beginning of the time after wounds instead of Martin Kelly. Gerrard and Adam were sent in the middle without even a trace of the suspended Lucas Leiva who got his fifth yellow card of the mission last week.
Liverpool had begun splendidly; in the second moment Martin Skrtel hit the upstanding with a header from a corner. Then, at that point, Suarez came close when a nervy turn on the edge of the area left him through on objective, however he was unable to track down a completion to match the development.
Charlie Adam then, at that point, soared a pinpoint 40 yard pass to Bellamy who skirted past the safeguard and tracked down Suarez with the cross. The Uruguayan struck it first time just to be prevented by a mix from getting Rosy's fingertips and the post.
Norwich were holding tight, they couldn't keep the Reds going after smoothness under control. The passing was immediate and the development was compromising.
Pepe Reina was moderately, yet Hoolahan terminated from an intense point driving a save from the Spanish 'manager. The Canaries reminding ข่าวกีฬา ลิเวอร์พูล that they're still in the challenge.
Liverpool looked the bound to start to lead the pack and came close again when a mishandle by John Rosy permitted Luis Suarez to gather the ball however he couldn't track down Dirk Kuyt in the crate.
At last the merited advancement came through Craig Bellamy. Russell Martin had cut down Suarez yet Bellamy raged through to gather the free ball and opened past Rosy with a redirection to give the Reds the lead on the stroke of half time.
Norwich, but were still in the game and fortunate not to be 4 or 5 objectives down.
After the restart Anthony Pilkington came close yet his shot was directly at Reina, permitting him to make an agreeable save.
The post then, at that point, denied Suarez for the subsequent time and Liverpool's third. After an eminent piece of expertise on the edge of the area, nutmegging Barnett yet his shot was redirected onto the post. The Uruguayan was wherever bar the score sheet, reliably bugging the Norwich protection however without any result.
On the hour mark Norwich's versatility was compensated. Anthony Pilkington conveyed a tempting cross, which was met by Award Holt to gesture home between two safeguards and Reina. The Spaniard had come steaming on a mission to gather the ball yet it seemed like some unacceptable choice as it left the Norwich forward with a basic errand of coordinating his header on track.
The Reds most certainly mourned their botched opportunities all through the game; the outcome ought to have been put past Norwich inside the initial 20 minutes. Anyway Norwich dove in and regarded themselves as level.
Norwich almost went on not long after. Award Holt was plain at the back post and coordinated his header across objective just to be kept out by an exceptional Pepe Reina save.
Liverpool set out for a success, Henderson was presented for the vivacious Bellamy, a to some degree dumbfounding replacement thinking about how the Welshman played. Again it was Suarez calling the shots to reestablish request however it was a bizarre sort of day for the Uruguayan.
Carroll was then presented and practically gave the Reds a fundamental late objective to secure triumph however his transcending header barely went by the post.
Once more a Suarez volley was then turned over by the great Bronzed right at the passing to deny Liverpool.
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bongdatructuyenus · 2 years
10 phiên bản hợp đồng tệ nhất trong lịch sử hào hùng Ngoại hạng Anh: Chelsea góp 5 thương vụ
10 phiên bản hợp đồng tệ nhất trong lịch sử hào hùng Ngoại hạng Anh: Chelsea ‘góp’ 5 thương vụ https://ift.tt/RQjB5gH admin 10 phiên bản hợp đồng tệ nhất trong lịch sử hào hùng Ngoại hạng Anh: Chelsea ‘góp’ 5 thương vụ   10. Paul Pogba | Juventus đến Man Utd | 2016 | 89 triệu bảng Quý phái của tiền vệ người Pháp là không thể phủ nhận, nhưng Pogba lại không cho thấy được sự ổn định thiết yếu. Thêm một đợt nữa, ngôi sao sáng sinh vào năm 1993 lại rời Man Utd “không kèn, không trống”. 9. Fernando Torres | Liverpool đến Chelsea | 2011 | 50 triệu bảng El Nino gieo rắc nỗi sợ hãi cho Ngoại hạng Anh bằng tài năng săn trái siêu hạng. Tuy nhiên khi gia nhập Chelsea vào tháng 1/2011, Torres lại sa sút một cách khó hiểu. Tiền đạo người Tây Ban Nha dù thành công về mặt danh hiệu, nhưng chiến binh này chỉ từ là cái bóng của chính cá nhân tôi. 8. Andriy Shevchenko | AC Milan đến Chelsea | 2006 | 30 triệu bảng Sẽ là trinh sát thượng hạng trong màu áo Milan, nhưng Sheva trở thành chữ ký thất bại nổi tiếng khi gia nhập Chelsea vào năm 2006. Chân sút người Ukraine chỉ ghi 22 trái sau 77 trận cho The Blues. 7. Danny Drinkwater | Leicester đến Chelsea | Năm 2017 | 35 triệu bảng Drinkwater cùng với N’Golo Kante đã tích hợp hợp tác ăn ý, giúp Leicester Metropolis viết nên “mẩu truyện cổ tích” vô địch Ngoại hạng Anh 2015/16. Sau khoản thời gian chiêu mộ Kante vào năm 2016, The Blues chi luôn luôn 35 triệu bảng để lấy Drinkwater tái phù hợp với ngôi sao sáng người Pháp 12 tháng sau đó. Tuy nhiên tại Stamford Bridge, tiền vệ này chỉ từ là cái bóng của chính cá nhân tôi. 6. Tiemoue Bakayoko | Monaco đến Chelsea | Năm 2017 | 40 triệu bảng Thuộc lứa “thế hệ vàng” giúp Monaco vô địch Ligue 1 năm 2017, Bakayoko nhận được nhiều kỳ vọng khi gia nhập Chelsea. Tuy nhiên đáp lại tiền vệ người Pháp lại gây thất vọng tràn trề và thường xuyên bị đẩy đi theo dạng cho cho mượn. 5. Andy Carroll | Newcastle đến Liverpool | 2011 | 35 triệu bảng Sau khoản thời gian chuyển nhượng Torres cho Chelsea, Liverpool chiêu mộ Carroll về thay thế. Tuy nhiên sau 58 trận ra sân, chân sút sinh vào năm 1989 chỉ ghi được 11 trái. 4. Nicolas Pepe | Lille đến Pháo Thủ | 2019 | 72 triệu bảng Pháo thủ phá vỡ kỷ lục sở hữu của CLB để chiêu mộ Pepe vào năm 2019. Tuy nhiên cầu thủ người Bờ Biển Ngà thậm chí còn không đối đầu nổi suất đá chính. 3. Alexis Sanchez | Pháo Thủ đến Man Utd | Năm 2018 | 30.6 triệu bảng Sanchez gia nhập Man Utd sau thương vụ hoán đổi lấy Henrikh Mkhitaryan của Pháo Thủ. Dù nhận mức thu nhập khủng lên đến mức 505.000 bảng/tuần, nhưng đóng góp của Sanchez cho Quỷ đỏ gần như chỉ là con số 0 tròn trĩnh. 2. Angel Di Maria | Los Vikingos đến Man Utd | 2014 | 60 triệu bảng Di Maria khiến cho Quỷ đỏ tiêu hao 60 triệu bảng chiêu mộ chiến binh này vào Hè 2014. Tuy nhiên chỉ với sau 1 mùa giải, siêu sao người Argentina đã “tháo chạy” sang PSG. 1. Romelu Lukaku | Inter Milan đến Chelsea | 2019 | 97 triệu bảng The Blues tiêu hao 97 triệu bảng để lấy Lukaku trở lại nước Chiến binh này, tuy nhiên mùa giải vừa qua, tiền đạo người Bỉ chỉ ghi vỏn vẹn 8 trái tại Ngoại hạng Anh. Vừa mới qua Lukaku đã comback Inter bằng phiên bản hợp đồng theo dạng cho cho mượn. Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến - Cổng thông tin điện tử về tin tức bóng đá Bóng Đá Trực Tuyến [email protected] 221A Đ. Dương Quảng Hàm, Phường 5, Gò Vấp, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 700000, Việt Nam https://ift.tt/wMFrkWL
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andrewckeeper · 3 years
-Dortó, póngame la vacuna contra el coví-diesinueve, ahorar! -Y el otro le mete en la cara con un martillo que tenía allí, no vea como lo dejó... -Dortó, por qué me pega a mi-ri? -Y dise, primero porque soy er veterinario y segundo, porque lleva 30 año sin vacunar al perro, Cobarde!
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Merchiquito: https://www.latostadora.com/lidmfofficial/dibujos/1223062                      https://www.latostadora.com/lidmfofficial/dibujos/1319624
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badger-writes · 4 years
Rogues + First Date HCs?
Harley Quinn:
you spend the w h o l e  d a y  on the Amusement Mile boardwalk together
carnival finger food and soda pop pretty much whenever y’all get hungry - she knows all the best stalls
for every prize you win for Harley, she ends up winning like three more for you. side note, you now know how many stuffed animals can fit in a car trunk before it doesn’t close
Poison Ivy:
picnic at the botanical gardens!
her plants make sure you’re all to yourselves
talks about her plants like they’re her children, gets super flustered when you start complimenting them & her
gets pizza delivered to one of his hideouts (you only have to struggle with the security system riddle for like 5 minutes before he buzzes you through)
he’s obviously trying to remember to show interest in you, but he does go on tangents about his work and his superior brain
35% chance he’ll go off about the blueprints for his latest death trap like Charlie’s Pepe Silvia board
steals another wealthy couple’s reservation for the fanciest restaurant in town, everything is ending up on their tab so go nuts
might fuck around and take you ballroom dancing. if she does, she leads.
deliberately overuses cat puns to gauge your sense of humor
VIP table at the Iceberg Lounge
you get comped the best of what the Iceberg has to offer. caviar? champagne? A5 beef? it’s yours
lets you feed the penguin enclosure with any table scraps
Killer Croc:
a little hard to plan public dates with, since. y’know. giant crocodile man
you eventually manage to convince him to leave the sewers for dinner at this one Chinese place he says he loved back in the day
he gets a lot of anxious stares, but Waylon is a perfect gentleman!
coffee shop across the way from the Gotham Public Library, the baristas know him by name
he might seem cold and withdrawn but don’t be fooled! he’s actually super nervous & doesn’t want to look foolish
blushes furiously when you tease him about his pumpkin spice order
coin flip between the Italian restaurant that used to be a front for the Falcones and the Italian restaurant that used to be a front for the Maronis
if you can get him to open up about his former law career, he’d love to talk about some of his former cases!
just... don’t ask about who got him the evidence he needed
stands you up, calls it a social experiment
Mad Hatter:
a private tea party, of course! if you have a preferred flavor, he’ll use it - if not, he’ll pick a good entry level brew
you will learn more casual knowledge about Lewis Carroll and hats than you thought was possible to store in your brain
nonstop gossiping about the other rogues
homemade Santa Priscan cooking! (it’s S O savory, you can’t even)
half first date, half genuine recruitment pitch for his militia. (he’s cool with it if you turn him down though, no pressure)
will let you touch his muscles on the first date if you ask politely
Killer Moth:
shows up at your apartment with a $5 biggie bag from Wendy’s
very sweet and chatty, but he’s been psyching himself out over tonight and it shows
will challenge you to mario kart. it’s a trap. do not engage.
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Season 1 Gilmore Girls References (Breakdown)
Yay! All the season 1 references have been posted. Before I start posting season 2, I wanted to post this little breakdown for your enjoyment :) It starts with some statistics and then below the cut is a list of all the specific references.
Overall amount of references in season 1: 605
Top 10 Most Common References: NSYNC (5), Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (5), Taylor Hanson (6), Leo Tolstoy (7), Lucky Spencer (7), Marcel Proust (7), PJ Harvey (7), The Bangles (8), The Donna Reed Show (8), William Shakespeare (10)
Which episodes had the most references: #1 is That Damn Donna Reed with 55 references. #2 is Christopher Returns with 44 references 
What characters made the most references (Only including characters/actors who were in the opening credits): Lorelai had the most with 237 references, Rory had second most with 118, and Lane had third most with 48.
First reference of the season: Jack Kerouac referenced by Lorelai 
Final reference of the season: Adolf Eichmann referenced by Michel 
  Movies/TV Shows/Episodes/Characters, Commercials, Cartoons/Cartoon Characters, Plays, Documentaries:
9 1/2 Weeks, Alex Stone, Alfalfa, An Affair To Remember, A Streetcar Named Desire, Attack Of The Fifty Foot Woman, Avon Commercials, Bambi, Beethoven, Boogie Nights, Cabaret, Casablanca, Charlie's Angels, Charlie Brown cartoons, Christine, Cinderella, Citizen Kane, Daisy Duke, Damien Thorn, Dawson Leery, Donna Stone, Double Indemnity, Double Mint Commercials, Ethel Mertz, Everest, Felix Unger, Fiddler On The Roof, Footloose, Freaky Friday, Fred Mertz, Gaslight, General Hospital, G.I. Jane, Gone With The Wind, Grease, Hamlet, Heathers, Hee Haw, House On Haunted Hill, Ice Castles, I Love Lucy, Iron Chef, Ishtar, Jeff Stone, Joanie Loves Chachi, John Shaft, Lady And The Tramp, Life With Judy Garland: Me And My Shadows, Love Story, Lucky Spencer, Lucy Raises Chickens, Lucy Ricardo, Lucy Van Pelt, Macbeth,  Magnolia, Mary Stone, Mask, Midnight Express, Misery, Norman Bates, Officer Krupke, Oompa Loompas, Old Yeller, Oscar Madison, Out Of Africa, Patton, Pepe Le Pew, Peyton Place, Pink Ladies, Pinky Tuscadero, Ponyboy, Psycho, Queen Of Outer Space, Rapunzel, Richard III, Ricky Ricardo, Rocky Dennis, Romeo And Juliet, Rosemary's Baby, Sandy Olsson, Saved By The Bell, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, Schroeder, Sesame Street, Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, Sex And The City, Sixteen Candles, Sleeping Beauty, Star Trek, Stanley Kowalski, Stella Kowalski, Stretch Cunningham, The Champ, The Comedy Of Errors, The Crucible, The Donna Reed Show, The Duke's Of Hazzard, The Fly, The Great Santini, The Little Match Girl, The Matrix, The Miracle Worker, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Outsiders, The Shining, The Sixth Sense, The View, The Waltons, The Way We Were, The Scarecrow, This Old House, V.I.P., Valley Of The Dolls, Vulcans, Wild Kingdom, Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, Wheel Of Fortune, Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf, Working Girl, Yogi Bear, You're A Good Man Charlie Brown
Bands, Songs, CDs:
98 Degrees, Air Supply, Apple Venus Volume 2, Backstreet Boys, Bee Gees, Black Sabbath, Blue Man Group, Blur, Bon Jovi, Boston, Bush, Duran Duran, Everlong, Foo Fighters, Fugazi, Grandaddy, Hanson, I'm Too Sexy, Joy Division, Jumpin' Jack Flash, Kraftwerk, Like A Virgin, Livin La Vida Loca, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Man I Feel Like A Woman, Metallica, Money Money, My Ding-A-Ling, NSYNC, On The Good Ship Lollipop, Pink Moon, Queen, Rancid, Sergeant Pepper, Shake Your Bon Bon, Siouxsie And The Banshees, Sister Sledge, Smoke On The Water, Steely Dan, Suppertime, Tambourine Man, The B-52s, The Bangles, The Beatles, The Best Of Blondie, The Cranberries, The Cure, The Offspring, The Sugarplastic, The Wallflowers, The Velvet Underground, Walk Like An Egyptian, XTC, Ya Got Trouble, Young Marble Giants
Books/Book Characters, Comic Books/Comic Book Characters, Comic Strips: 
A Mencken Chrestomathy, A Tale Of Two Cities, Anna Karenina, Belle Watling, Boo Radley, Carrie, David Copperfield, Dick Tracy, Dopey (One of the seven dwarfs) Goofus And Gallant, Great Expectations, Grinch, Hannibal Lecter, Hansel And Gretel, Harry Potter (book as well as character referenced), Huckleberry Finn, Little Dorrit, Madame Bovary, Moby Dick, Mommie Dearest, Moose Mason, Nancy Drew, Out Of Africa, Pinocchio, Swann's Way, The Amityville Horror, The Art Of Fiction, The Bell Jar, The Grapes Of Wrath, The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, The Lost Weekend, The Metamorphosis, The Portable Dorothy Parker, The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath, The Witch Tree Symbol, There's A Certain Slant Of Light, Tuesdays With Morrie, War And Peace, Wonder Woman
Public Figures:
Adolf Eichmann, Alfred Hitchcock, Angelina Jolie, Anna Nicole Smith, Annie Oakley, Antonio Banderas, Arthur Miller, Artie Shaw, Barbara Hutton, Barbara Stanwyck, Barbra Streisand, Beck, Ben Jonson, Benito Mussolini, Billy Bob Thornton, Billy Crudup, Bob Barker, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Catherine The Great, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Charles I, Charles Dickens, Charles Manson, Charlie Parker, Charlotte Bronte, Charlton Heston, Charo, Cher, Cheryl Ladd, Chris Penn, Christiane Amanpour, Christopher Marlowe, Chuck Berry, Claudine Longet, Cleopatra, Cokie Roberts, Courtney Love, Dalai Lama, Damon Albarn, Dante Alighieri, David Mamet, Donna Reed, Edith Wharton, Edna O'Brien, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Elizabeth Webber, Elle Macpherson, Elsa Klensch, Elvis, Emeril Lagasse, Emily Dickinson, Emily Post, Eminem, Emma Goldman, Errol Flynn, Fabio, Farrah Fawcett, Fawn Hall, Flo Jo, Francis Bacon, Frank Sinatra, Franz Kafka, Fred MacMurray, Friedrich Nietzsche, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Gene Hackman, Gene Wilder, George Clooney, George Sand, George W. Bush, Harry Houdini, Harvey Fierstein, Henny Youngman, Henry David Thoreau, Henry James, Henry VIII, Herman Melville, Homer, Honore De Balzac, Howard Cosell, Hugh Grant, Hunter Thompson, Jack Kerouac, Jaclyn Smith, James Dean, Jane Austen, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Tandy, Jim Carey, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hoffa, Joan Of Arc, Joan Rivers, Jocelyn Wildenstein, Joel Grey, John Cage, John Gardner, John Muir, John Paul II, John Webster, Johnny Cash, Johnny Depp, Joseph Merrick AKA Elephant Man, Judy Blume, Judy Garland, Julian Lennon, Justin Timberlake, Karen Blixen AKA Isak Dinesen, Kate Jackson, Kathy Bates, Kevin Bacon, Kreskin, Lee Harvey Oswald, Leo Tolstoy, Leopold and Loeb, Lewis Carroll, Linda McCartney, Liz Phair, Liza Minnelli, Lou Reed, M Night Shyamalan, Macy Gray, Madonna, Marcel Marceau, Marcel Proust, Margot Kidder, Marie Antoinette, Marie Curie, Marilyn Monroe, Mark Twain, Mark Wahlberg, Marlin Perkins, Martha Stewart, Martha Washington, Martin Luther, Mary Kay Letourneau, Maurice Chevalier, Melissa Rivers, Meryl Streep, Michael Crichton, Michael Douglas, Michelle Pfeiffer, Miguel De Cervantes, Miss Manners, Mozart, Nancy Kerrigan, Nancy Walker, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, Nico, Oliver North, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar Levant, Pat Benatar, Paul McCartney, Peter III Of Russia, Peter Frampton, Philip Glass, PJ Harvey, Prince, Queen Elizabeth I, Regis, Richard Simmons, Rick James, Ricky Martin, Robert Duvall, Robert Redford, Robert Smith, Robin Leach, Rosie O'Donnell, Ru Paul, Ruth Gordon, Samuel Barber, Sarah Duchess Of York, Sean Lennon, Sean Penn, Shania Twain, Shelley Hack, Sigmund Freud, Squeaky Fromme, Stephen King, Steven Tyler, Susan Faludi, Susanna Hoffs, Tanya Roberts, Taylor Hanson, Theodore Kaczynski AKA The Unabomber, The Kennedy Family, Groucho, Harpo, Chico, Zeppo, and Gummo Marx AKA The Marx Brothers, Venus and Serena Williams (The reference was "The Williams Sisters"),Thelonious Monk, Tiger Woods, Tito Puente, Tom Waits, Tony Randall, Tonya Harding, Vaclav Havel, Vanna White, Vivien Leigh, Walt Whitman, William Shakespeare, William Shatner, Yoko Ono, Zsa Zsa Gabor
Camelot, Chernobyl Disaster, Cone Of Silence, Hindenburg Disaster, Iran-Contra Affair, Paul Bunyan, The Menendez Murders, Tribbles, Vulcan Death Grip, Whoville, Winchester Mystery House
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theliverpoolkop · 4 years
The Liverpool Kids
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Pepe Reina:  
Daniel Agger:
Jamie Carragher:  
Steven Gerrard:
Dirk Kuyt:
Andy Carroll:  
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Luis Suarez:  
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randomlyrandoms · 4 years
JANUARY Pegi Young - Jan. 1 (Folk Singer) Bob Einstein - Jan. 2 (TV Actor) Gene Okerlund - Jan. 2 (Sportscaster) Daryl Dragon - Jan. 2 (Pop Singer) Herb Kelleher - Jan. 3 (Entrepreneur) Jo Andres - Jan. 6 (Director) Annalise Braakensiek - Jan. 6 (TV Actress) Kevin Fret - Jan. 10 (Rapper) Mel Stottlemyre - Jan. 13 (Baseball Player) Carol Channing - Jan. 15 (Stage Actress) Hailie Masson - Jan. 17 (TikTok Star) Windsor Davies - Jan. 17 (TV Actor) Mary Oliver - Jan. 17 (Poet) Boo the Pomeranian - Jan. 18 (Dog) John Coughlin - Jan. 18 (Figure Skater) Sean Dolan - Jan. 19 (Family Member) *Ethan & Grayson's Father* Masazo Nonaka - Jan. 20 (Supercantenarian)   Emiliano Sala - Jan. 21 (Soccer Player) Ashley Lovelace - Jan. 21 (Imstagram Star) Kaye Ballard - Jan. 21 (Stage Actress) Russell Baker - Jan. 21 (Memoirist) Kevin Barnett - Jan. 22 (Comedian) James Frawley - Jan. 22 (Director) Oliver Mtukudzi - Jan. 23 (Reggae Singer) Aloysius Pang - Jan. 24 (TV Actor) Fatima Ali - Jan. 25 (Chef) Michel Legrand - Jan. 26 (Composer) Jayo Sama - Jan. 27 (Rapper) Pepe Smith - Jan 28 (Rock Singer) James Ingram - Jan. 29 (R&B Singer) Dick Miller - Jan. 30 (Movie Actor)
FEBRUARY Clive Swift - Feb. 1 (TV Actor) Neal James - Feb. 1 (Reality Star) *Kristoff St. John - Feb. 3 (Soap Opera Actor) Julie Adams - Feb. 3 (TV Actress) Matti Nykanen - Feb. 4 (Skier) Albert Finney - Feb. 7 (Movie Actor) John Dingell - Feb. 7 (Politician) Frank Robinson - Feb. 7 (Baseball Player) Fabio Legarda - Feb. 7 (Reggaeton Singer) Cadet - Feb. 9 (Rapper) Ron W. Miller - Feb. 9 (Entrepreneur) Jan Michael Vincent - Feb. 10 (Movie Actor) Pedro Morales - Feb. 12 (Wrestler) Gordon Banks - Feb. 12 (Soccer Player) Bruno Ganz - Feb. 15 (Movie Actor) Saban Saulic - Feb. 17 (Folk Singer) Sean Milliken - Feb. 17 (Reality Star) *Karl Lagerfeld - Feb. 19 (Fashion Designer) Stanley Donen - Feb. 21 (Director) Beverley Owen - Feb. 21 (TV Actress) Peter Tork - Feb. 21 (Pop Singer) Brody Stevens - Feb. 22 (Comedian) Morgan Woodward - Feb. 22 (TV Actor) Clark James Gable - Feb. 22 (TV Actor) Lisa Sheridan - Feb. 25 (TV Actress) Mark Hollis - Feb. 25 (Rock Singer) Christian Bach - Feb. 26 (Soap Opera Actress) Nathaniel Taylor - Feb. 27 (TV Actor) Andre Previn - Feb. 28 (Composer) Anna Cunningham - Feb. 28 (TikTok Star)
MARCH Katherine Helmond - March 1 (TV Actress) Elly Mayday - March 1 (Model) Janice Freeman - March 2 (Pop Singer) **Luke Perry - March 4 (TV Actress) Keith Flint - March 4 (Pop Singer) Ted Lindsay - March 4 (Hockey Player) King Kong Bundy - March 4 (Wrestler) Chokoleit - March 9 (Comedian) Jed Allan - March 9 (Soap Opera Actor) Hal Blaine - March 11 (Drummer) Felicite Tomlinson - March 13 (Instagram Star) Mike Thalassitis - March 15 (Reality Star) Lil Mister - March 15 (Rapper) Dick Dale - March 16 (Guitarist) Richard Erdman - March 16 (TV Actor) Scott Walker - March 22 (Pop Singer) Agnes Varda - March 29 (Director) Nipsey Hussle - March 31 (Rapper)
APRIL Wowaka - April 5 (Pop Singer) Seymour Cassel - April 7 (Movie Actor) Mya-Lecia Naylor - April 7 (TV Actress) Earl Thomas Conley - April 10 (Country Singer) Bibi Andersson - April 14 (Movie Actress) Georgia Engel - April 15 (TV Actress) Black Jezuss - April 15 (Rapper) Alan García - April 17 (Politician) Lorraine Warren - April 18 (Supernatural Investigator) Julio Melgar - April 19 (World Music Singer) Stefanie Sherk - April 20 (TV Actress) Ken Kercheval - April 21 (TV Actor) Mark Medoff - April 23 (Playwright) John Singleton - April 29 (Director) **Peter Mayhew - April 30 (Movie Actor)
MAY   Rachel Jones - May 4 (Blogger) Rachel Held Evans - May 4 (Religious Author) Max Azria - May 6 (Fashion Designer) Jim Fowler - May 8 (TV Show Host) Peggy Lipton - May 11 (TV Actress) Pua Magasiva - May 11 (TV Actor) Alvin Sargent - May 11 (ScreenWriter) Elsa Patton - May 12 (Reality Star) Doris Day - May 13 (Movie Actress) *Grumpy Cat - May 14 (Cat) Tim Conway - May 14 (TV Actor) Isaac Kappy - May 14 (Movie Actor) I.M. Pei - May 16 (Architect) Ashley Massaro - May 16 (Wrestler) Bob Hawke - May 16 (World Leader) Herman Wouk - May 18 (Noveist) Niki Lauda - May 20 (Race Car Driver) Bart Starr - May 26 (Football Player) Gabriel Diniz - May 27 (World Music Singer) Bill Buckner - May 27 (Baseball Player) Susan Anne Christman - May 29 (Family Member) Leon Redbone - May 30 (Jazz Singer) Patricia Bath - May 30 (Inventor) Roky Erickson - May 31 (Rock Singer)
JUNE José Antonio Reyes - June 1 (Soccer Player) Ani Yudhoyono - June 1 (Political Wife) Dr. John - June 6 (Jazz Singer) Noemi Ban - June 7 (Non-Fiction Author) Curlyhead.kidd - June 8 (Instagram Star) Mary Duggar - June 9 (Reality Star) Bushwick Bill - June 9 (Rapper) Gabriele Grunewald - June 11 (Runner) Sylvia Miles - June 12 (Movie Actress) Sean McCann - June 13 (TV Actor) Edith González - June 13 (Soap Opera Actress) Franco Zeffirelli - June 15 (Director) Bishop Bullwinkle - June 16 (Soul Singer) Mohamed Morsi - June 17 (Politician) Gloria Vanderbilt - June 17 (Entrepreneur) Philippe Zdar - June 19 (DJ) Judith Krantz - June 22 (Novelist) Dave Bartholomew - June 23 (Songwriter) Stephanie Niznik - June 23 (TV Actress) Fame Reek - June 24 (Rapper) Billy Drago - June 24 (Moive Actor) Etika - June 25 (Youtube Star) **Beth Chapman - June 26 (Reality Star) Max Wright - June 26 (TV Actor) Hella Sketchy - June 27 (Rapper)
JULY Tyler Skaggs - July 1 (Baseball Player) Lee Iacocca - July 2 (Entrepreneur) Arte Johnson - July 3 (TV Actor) Chris Cline - July 4 (Entrepreneur) **Cameron Boyce - July 6 (TV Actor) Martin Charnin - July 6 (Director) Joao Gilberto - July 6 (Guitarist) *Rip Torn - July 9 (Movie Actor) Freddie Jones - July 9 (Movie Actor) **Denise Nickerson - July 10 (Movie Actress) Emily Hartridge - July 12 (Youtube Star) Bianca Devins - July 14 (Instagram Star) Rutger Hauer - July 19 (Movie Actor) Gabe Khouth - July 23 (Voice Actor) David Hedison - July 23 (TV Actor) Beji Essebsi - July 25 (Politician) Russi Taylor - July 26 (Voice Actress) Carlos Cruz-Diez - July 27 (Pop Artist) Dillon Henderson - July 28 (Youtube Star) The King of Random - July 29 (Youtube Star) Nick Buoniconti - July 30 (Football Player) Harold Prince - July 31 (TV Producer)
AUGUST Toni Morrison - Aug. 5 (Novelist) David Berman - Aug. 7 (Rock Singer) Ben Unwin - Aug. 14 (TV Actor) Peter Fonda - Aug. 16 (Movie Actor) Cedric Benson - Aug. 17 (Football Player) Gina Lopez - Aug. 19 (Environmentalist) Jessi Combs - Aug. 27 (TV Show Host) Valerie Harper - Aug. 30 (TV Actress)
SEPTEMBER Peter Lindbergh - Sept. 3 (Photographer) Carol Lynley - Sept. 3 (Movie Actress) Lashawn Daniels - Sept. 3 (Songwriter) Chris March - Sept. 5 (Fashion Designer) Jimmy Johnson - Sept. 5 (Guitarist) Robert Mugabe - Sept. 6 (World Leader) Robert Axelrod - Sept. 7 (Voice Actor) Camilo Sesto - Sept. 8 (World Music Singer) Robert Frank - Sept. 9 (Photographer) Daniel Johnston - Sept. 11 (Folk Singer) Eddie Money - Sept. 13 (Rock Singer) Ric Ocasek - Sept. 15 (Rock Singer) Phyllis Newman - Sept. 15 (Stage Actress) Suzanne Whang - Sept. 17 (TV Actress) Cokie Roberts - Sept. 17 (Journalist) Aron Eisenberg - Sept. 21 (TV Actor) Sid Haig - Sept. 21 (Movie Actor) Carl Ruiz - Sept. 21 (Chef) Robert Hunter - Sept. 23 (Songwriter) Linda Porter - Sept. 25 (TV Actor) Jacques Chirac - Sept. 26 (Politician) Jose Jose - Sept. 28 (World Music Singer) Jessye Norman - Sept. 30 (Opera Singer) Louie Rankin - Sept. 30 (Reggae Singer)
OCTOBER Karel Gott - Oct. 1 (Pop Singer) Kim Shattuck - Oct. (Rock Singer) Diahann Carroll - Oct. 4 (TV Actress) Ginger Baker - Oct. 6 (Drummer) Rip Taylor - Oct. 6 (Movie Actor) Larry Junstrom - Oct. 6 (Guitarist) David Weisman - Oct. 9 (Film Producer) *Robert Forster - Oct. 11 (Movie Actor) Kadri Gopalnath - Oct. 11 (Saxophonist) Sulli - Oct. 14 (TV Actress) Elijah Cummings - Oct. 17 (Politician) Alicia Alonso - Oct. 17 (Dancer) Bill Macy - Oct. 17 (TV Actor) Willie Brown - Oct. 22 (Football Player) Robert Evans - Oct. 26 (Film Producer) John Witherspoon - Oct. 29 (TV Actor)
NOVEMBER Rudy Boesch - Nov. 1 (Reality Star) Brian Tarantina - Nov. 2 (TV Actor) Walter Mercado - Nov. 2 (TV Show Host) Laurel Griggs - Nov. 5 (Stage Actress) Fred Cox - Nov. 20 (Football Player) Goo Hara - Nov. 24 (Pop Singer) Gary Rhodes - Nov. 26 (Chef) Godfrey Gao - Nov. 27 (Model)
DECEMBER Shelley Morrison - Dec. 1 (TV Actress) Ron Leibman - Dec. 6 (TV Actor) Juice WRLD - Dec. 8 (Rapper) Caroll Spinney - Dec. 8 (Puppeteer) Rene Auberjonois - Dec. 8 (TV Actor) Marie Fredriksson - Dec. 9 (Pop Singer) Philip McKeon - Dec. 10 (TV Actor) Danny Aiello - Dec. 12 (Movie Actor) Chuy Bravo - Dec. 14 (Reality Star) Mama Cax - Dec. 16 (Blogger) Claudine Auger - Dec. 18 (Movie Actress) Sue Lyon - Dec. 26 (Movie Actress) Don Imus - Dec. 27 (Radio Host)
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