#pinned by debris
set-phasers-to-whump · 8 months
waiting again
prompt: "don't move"
whumpee: shawn spencer
fandom: psych
hi this one is a part two to my fic for day 10, wait and see. hope you like it!
Gus is getting worried. It’s been almost two hours since Shawn left for that sketchy abandoned warehouse, and he’d promised to be back by now. 
Maybe he’s just running late, Gus thinks. 
Or maybe he’s been captured by some kind of evil former forklift operator, or something. 
He calls Shawn. C’mon, pick up, he pleads silently. Don’t make me have to come after you. I am not in the mood to face off against a crazy guy with a forklift certification. 
But Shawn doesn’t pick up. Gus debates calling for backup in the form of Jules or possibly Lassiter, but, well. They’re both busy and they’re not even on a case right now and maybe he’s being a little paranoid. Maybe. 
He goes alone. 
The Blueberry screeches to a halt in the parking lot of a warehouse that is significantly flatter than Gus had thought it would be. It’s collapsed. Shawn hadn’t mentioned that particular detail before he’d left this morning. 
Gus had already been anxious, but now that anxiety sharply rises. Maybe the warehouse hadn’t been collapsed before. Maybe Shawn had done something to make it collapse, maybe there had been a bomb hidden somewhere in the building, maybe an earthquake had hit this very spot, and nowhere else. 
He very, very cautiously approaches the ruined building. 
“Shawn?” he calls out, stepping over a large metal beam and wishing fervently that his friend had decided to do anything else today. “Are you here?”
“Gus!” Shawn’s voice comes from somewhere in front of him, loud and relieved. There’s the sound of rubble shifting, and then a very distinct “Ow!”
“Don’t move!” Gus shouts instinctively. “Just - give me a second, okay? Where are you?”
“I dunno, man, there’s…concrete and wood and stuff everywhere.”
Gus looks around and discovers that this descriptor also applies to his current location. Okay. Not helpful. 
“Say something else,” he calls out. “So I can follow your voice.”
“Okay, uh, I’m really glad you’re here, I mean, I knew you’d come, but my phone broke when the building collapsed - it collapsed right on top of me, all on its own, I swear I didn’t even do anything - and where was I? Right. The building collapsed and my phone broke so I couldn’t call you and - did you bring anyone else with you? Cause I’m kinda stuck here.”
As soon as Shawn says stuck, Gus steps through a partially-collapsed doorway and is immediately made aware of the problem. 
Shawn is lying there, covered in dust and bits of building material, and there’s a massive piece of concrete pinning his leg to the ground. There’s blood beneath it, and Gus steadfastly does not look at it. 
“Good to see you,” Shawn says. His face is a little too pale and his hair is speckled white with plaster. 
Gus crouches beside him, avoiding a large piece of rebar. He reaches into his pocket for his phone and calls Jules, holding up a finger of silence when Shawn opens his mouth to say something that is surely not going to be helpful. 
“Jules, hi, I’ve, um, well…can you maybe send some help to -”
He looks over to Shawn. “What’s the address of this place?”
Shawn makes an I dunno sound. 
“Okay, we don’t know the address, but it’s a creepy abandoned warehouse near a taco place that’s kind of also creepy and maybe abandoned.”
“Got it,” Jules says, almost immediately. “What happened?”
Gus tells her what he knows. 
“Is he okay?”
He looks over at his friend, who gives him an only somewhat reassuring thumbs up. 
“He’s alright. But he’s really stuck.”
“I’ll send the fire department. And an ambulance.”
Okay. Okay. Jules is sending real help, and everything is gonna be fine. Don’t think about the blood. 
He goes back to Shawn, passes him the phone so he can talk to Jules. He’s smiling and chats with her almost normally. But Gus can see the pain on his face, the way his expression goes still and serious the second he hangs up. 
Gus sits down beside Shawn, ignores the dust that gets on his pants, and puts his phone back into his pocket. He puts a hand onto Shawn’s shoulder and joins him in doing the only thing they can do. 
They wait.
thanks for reading!!!
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icypantherwrites · 2 years
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New Fic: Twitch
Summary: The explosion came out of nowhere. One second Lance was rounding a corner in the Galra Empire base, bayard drawn and steps quick and light. And the next the ground was rippling beneath him, the walls were buckling, the ceiling caving and…
And now…
Now there's a slab of wall lying completely across his entire upper body, a pipe sticking out of his lower left arm, the ceiling groaning and ready to finish coming down and Lance has no idea how he's getting out of here. He's... he's not certain he actually can.
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cologona · 3 months
Bruce didn’t mean to slice Jason’s throat and if he did mean it, it was only to disable , it wasn’t lethal and the wound would’ve been treated, and though that didn’t happen it wasn’t Bruce who sealed Jason’s fate but Joker who set off the explosion, and anyways Jason didn’t actually die he comes back in other comics.
Except none of that matters. It matters for the validity of UTRH as a Batman story that Bruce has deniability sure, but does it absolve him? UTRH says No. At the end of the day Bruce would rather attack his son than let his murderer die. Bruce thought he was refusing the choice but the lesson of this tragedy is that refusing to pick one over the other boils down to choosing the other.
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jasmines-library · 8 months
No Escape
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WHUMPTOBER 2023 DAY FIVE: prompt: pinned down/debris.
Fandom: The lost boys.
Summary: After a storm leaves the vampires stranded in the cave, things get heated between you. You decide to retreat into the cave, needing some separation from the boys; but the storm has other ideas to take that separation further when part of the cave collapses.
Warnings: blood, gore, being crushed, vampire turning.
Word count: 1.6k
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
The rain hammered loudly against the roof of the cave. It trickled through the cracks trailing downhill before tumbling off the edges, splattering at the entrance and creating its very own curtain of water. The waves thundered against the cliff, a churning wall of white water as the wind howled and the sky grumbled angrily.
The storm had brought the five of you indoors, having left the boardwalk early you were now all milling around the cave. Paul and Marko had resorted to flicking small stones at their dark haired counterpart who was circling the old water fountain on his skateboard. You sat besides them, watching the night sky ignite as lightning pillared down towards the ground.
“I don’t like the sound of this storm.” David huffed out through a puff of his cigarette. He was perched atop of the old wheelchair he treated like a throne.
“It’s the worst I’ve seen in a while.” You agreed.
Santa Carla was always nice during the summer, but you couldn’t say the same for when winter began to roll around.
Marko laughed. “Oh babe, you ain’t seen nothing yet.” He reached around and pushed you playfully on your shoulder. “You would have loved that big one back in ‘39?”
You were still a half. Still half human. And the boys liked to make it known.
“Of course, if you decided to join us now, you would be able to see these things with us.”
“We agreed-“
Paul rolled his eyes and whined. “We know what we agreed babe, but it’s just so much more exciting to have you now.”
“Seriously? Is that all I am to you?”
“Y/N, come on doll that’s not what he meant-“ Marko interrupted.
“Well it’s what he said.”
Dwayne placed a careful hand on your shoulder and gave it a squeeze, steering you back towards the group, but what came out of his mouth wasn’t what you were expecting from him. “Relax a little Y/N. It’s okay to have fun once in a while.
You pushed away from him agape and scoffed, before turning away briskly and venturing down one of the caves' many tunnels to seek refuge away from the boys. You could hear them calling after you, though none of them made any move to chase after you.
“Y/N, come on. We’re sorry-”
You ignored their calls and half arsed attempts at an apology, and stormed further away into the cave, towards your own room.
The boys looked at David, who shrugged nonchalantly. “Her loss.” Before taking another long drag of his cigarette.
As the night began to draw old, the storm had begun to get worse. The cave groaned loudly as the rain continued its heavy pelt against the cliff. Despite your walkman blaring your favourite mixtape loudly in your ears, you could still hear the raucous of your boys in the main cave.
You didn’t want to be mad at them, not really, but balancing life as a half was hard; and something that they had long forgotten. you were constantly tired having to balance day and night, your joints ached in ways that you never imagined, and worst of all was the hunger that was imminent, always there in the back of your mind like an itch you couldn’t scratch.
You pushed yourself up from your bed and began to make your way back down the winding network of tunnels when thunder ricocheted across the caverns. The whole cave shook.
A sea of small pebbles began to trickle down the walls. Shit. The cave trembled as it began to give way. Your feet slapped against the uneven floor as you tried to weave away from the collapsing roof. There was a loud crackle as one of the old beams began to splinter. You pushed forwards, but your human legs wouldn’t allow you to move fast enough. This began to get worse when you foot caught on a piece of debris, sending you spit king to the floor. And that was when the beam gave way, hurtling stacks of rock towards your helpless body.
The vampires had drifted into their own activities when they heard it; a fateful crash that echoed around the cave’s walls.
Dwayne’s head perked up from the book he was scanning though, though he hadn’t really been paying much attention to the words that were printed on the page. His mind was too occupied thinking about you. So, naturally your name was the first thing that fell from his lips when he heard the tumbling of the rocks.
He was up in his feet in an instant, racing towards your bedroom. His brothers were hot on his heels. They didn’t have to go far before they smelt it. Sweet and fresh. Blood. Your blood.
“Y/n…” Marko muttered as he stumbled upon the collapse of debris.
All four of their hearts, had they still been beating, would have stopped right there and then.
You were pinned, flat on your back, under a blanket of rubble and parts of the wooden beam which had failed to do its job. The blood they could see was coming from your temple, it dribbled into your hair from where your head hung back, and from your nose. The impact had left you with a nasty set of vertigo too.
David swallowed thickly. He could also smell the blood he couldn’t see. The thin sheen of blood that appeared in the bruises that consumed your body. Blood that crept into your lungs and out of your organs. He could tell that the others could smell it too from their paler than usual complexions.
“Get it off her.” He barked, moving towards the debris.
The four of them made fast work of removing the smaller pieces. Your eyes were closed, but David could hear you struggling for breath; the wheezing in your chest was far from pleasant to listen to.
The larger pieces on top of you were harder to move. Despite their vampiric strength, it was still a task to move and they didn’t want to risk moving anything without knowing the extent of your injuries first. Dwayne, who was the closest thing to a doctor that they had access to (even though that wasn’t very close), had told them that if anything was lodged in your body, it was best to keep it in there to stop you bleeding out .
Paul patted your face, turning your head gently in his hands. “Y/N? Baby. Please wake up. You have to wake up.”
The vampires watched your face, frowning when you. They tried again. Still nothing. That was when David ran a fingernail along the length of his wrist. The scent of his blood had your eyes flickering open within seconds, though as soon as your body regained consciousness, you were hit with a blinding, consuming pain.
“Doll?” The curly haired boy asked.
You could do nothing but whimper in response.
“Baby, I need you to tell us where it hurts the most.”
“Everywhere.” You cried out through gritted teeth. “Please.. make it stop.”
Dwayne felt tears prick his eyes as he moved towards you, stroking your hair. “We will baby, but we can’t help unless you tell us. Please… you have to try.”
“Right thigh.” You grunted out, “stomach…”
He nodded knowingly.
With each of their hands gripped firmly around the edges of the debris, they hauled the piece away. You screamed as the movement shifted your body, and the release of pressure made the pain intensify. Luckily, there seemed to be no puncture wound, though the way that your leg was bent screamed to them that your femur was definitely broken.
Your chest gurgled as your tried to suck in air greedily, but it left you doubled over in a coughing fit. Marko froze at the blood that coaxed your hand when you pulled away. It stained your teeth red and had a coppery taste against your tongue. Whimpering, you eased yourself back down.
Paul stoked your hair gently, whispering tender reassurances into your ear as he looked up uncertainly to the other three who stood watching you shell shocked from various places within the small space.
When your eyes began to feel heavy, there was a pinch against your skin as Marko rushed to your side.
“Don’t you go falling asleep on me babe. The night is still young.”
Had you not been in agony, you would have chucked at his remark. The night was actually in fact, very old, and Marko wished that he could just screw his eyes shut and wake up where all of this was just a dream. Your out of beat heart wouldn’t let him forget that though.
“Y/n?” David asked.
“Hm?” Even the noise you made was laced with pain.
“Please.. let us help you. Turning you will let your heal quicker and-“
David cut himself off, watching you anxiously. You were struggling to breath now; in a pained state, your chest heaved quickly. White spots tickled the edge of your vision as you tried to plaster your eyes open, but the pain was much duller where it was darker. The darkness allowed you to let go of everything, to stop feeling full stop, so you gave in, but not before mumbling out a reply.
“Do it.” The command was barely a whisper, pushed out across dry lips. But all four of them heard it, nonetheless.
“David?” Paul freaked when your body slumped even more into his lap.
“Go.” He turned to Marko and Dwayne. “Find her something. Anything.”
The listened to your heartbeat slow, listened to the blood pumping around your body being to cease.
“She hasn’t got much time left.”
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
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skyward-floored · 8 months
Whumptober Day 5: Debris, Pinned down
Wind and Four <3 ...and some unplanned characters. This changed a bit from that one wip I posted!
Warnings: the title stuff, broken bones, and a teeny mention of blood.
Read it on ao3
“Anybody over here?!” Four shouted, squinting through the smoke and dust blowing through the air.
Nobody answered him, and Four kept walking through the huge piles of rubble, the tight knot of worry in his chest only growing.
The Links had been hunting down a group of monsters who’d reportedly been stealing and stockpiling bombs, for what, nobody knew. They’d traced them to an old patch of ruins, and engaged, taking out a large chunk of the group without much difficulty. But when the monsters realized they were rapidly being exterminated, they’d decided blowing them all up was the best way to stop them.
That had led to a mad dash to get out of the ruins as they’d exploded around them, but the Links had been separated while escaping, and hadn’t realized until the dust had settled.
They’d quickly split up to look for their missing members, and Four had been poking through these particular ruins for what felt like forever. His worry was growing with every minute that passed where he didn’t find anyone, and he looked nervously at a few larger piles of debris. He’d gone by several really large piles, so big that if anyone was under them he would have no idea they were there, and he’d debated trying to move them more then once.
But what good would it do? If anyone is under them, there’s no way they’d even be...
Four’s eyes suddenly caught on a distant scrap of color, and his heart jumped at the familiar shade of blue. He bolted to it, nearly tripping in the debris field between, and bent down to pick up the torn patch of cloth.
It smelled faintly of the ocean.
“Sailor?!” Four called, but heard no reply, and he continued to search around a particularly large pile of debris, listening intently for any sign of life.
He continued to call the sailor’s name, using both Wind and Link, but he had no luck until he turned a corner into a more closed-off area.
And saw a shock of blonde hair, coated in dust that shone in the sunlight.
“Wind,” Four breathed, and bolted to his side, trying not to panic at the huge pile of rocks the sailor was under. He reached down to put a hand on his only visible arm, and gave it a light shake. “Wind, can you hear me?”
A groan came from Wind, and his eyelids slowly flickered open, face twisted in pain. His expression was twisted in confusion as he looked around, and his one free hand clenched at the dirt as he obviously tried to move without thinking. Then his face went white as he bit back a cry, and Four felt his worry triple.
“Sailor, easy, stay still,” Four soothed, heart in his throat, and Wind looked blearily up at him.
“...Smithy?” the sailor whispered, letting out a cough. “Is that... you?”
“Yeah, yeah it’s me,” Four replied, looking again at the large rocks covering most of Wind’s body. “Are you okay? How... how badly are you hurt?”
Wind was silent a long time, and looked to be thinking rather hard about the question.
“...I can’t move my legs,” he said quietly, voice taut with pain and barely-hidden fear. “A-at all. They’re stuck under everything, and... my arm is pretty busted up too.”
“Is there any part of you not incapacitated?” Four tried to tease, and Wind let out a laugh, though it broke into a pained cough a moment later.
“This arm, I guess,” he said tiredly, and Four swallowed, and began to feel around the stones, trying to figure out which ones, if any, were loose. But everything seemed solid and stuck, and Four looked helplessly at the rubble. There was no way he was strong enough to move any of it.
Then he squared his shoulders, and began pulling at the rocks that seemed the least load-bearing. Wind wasn’t going to get free if he just sat here, and hopefully his power bracelets would be enough to unpin him.
Wind stayed mostly silent as Four worked, sometimes letting out a quiet cough. At some point he began to hum, a quiet, rolling tune, and Four could tell it was to distract himself from the pain by the way it occasionally hitched. He hummed along once he figured it out, and tried not to despair at the absolutely tiny pile of rocks he’d managed to move.
He wasn’t making any progress.
Four looked over at Wind, who had paused in his humming, and for some reason seemed paler then before. “Yeah, Wind?”
“I... I don’t think you can get me out by yourself,” he whispered, and Four shook his head and went back to scrabbling at the tiny, looser rocks. “You’re gonna, ha-ave to find someone… else to help.”
“I’m not going to leave you here,” Four replied sharply. He wouldn’t even entertain the possibility. Leaving Wind to go get help might have been what his logical side was telling him to do, but his emotions were horrified he was even considering it.
What if I leave, and I’m too late, and he’s all alone when he...
Four felt a touch on his leg, and looked over to see Wind giving him a pleading look, his single uncovered arm clutching at him.
“Four. I’ll be okay until you get back,” he said, a faint smile on his lips. “You gotta…”
He coughed again, and Four reluctantly paused in his digging, crouching down and taking Wind’s hand in his.
“Look, Wind, I don’t… I don’t know how much longer you have,” Four admitted quietly, and Wind let out a thick chuckle.
“Long enough for y-you to get help,” Wind promised, a drop of blood falling from his lip. He met Four’s eyes, and the Smithy was struck by how much trust he saw in them. I’ll be… okay, Four. Sailors’re tough. Go.”
Four leaned back on his heels, and looked at Wind again, studying the dust in his hair, the pained twist to his expression. Wind actually resembled himself quite a bit he realized, their hair nearly the same color, faces a similar shape. Their noses were even remarkably close, and as Four looked into his eyes, he suddenly felt like an idiot.
“Oh sweet Nayru, why on earth did I not think of this sooner,” he gasped, and quickly reached around to grab for his sword. “I have a solution Wind, I might not have to get anyone else after all.”
“...how?” the sailor asked in confusion, and Four held up his sword.
Rainbow light shone brightly from the blade, and Four saw Wind squint against it as he split apart, the dust in his hair lighting up with bright colors. It quickly faded, and Vio dropped next to Wind, immediately setting in on studying the situation.
Red sat next to him, nervously holding Wind’s hand, and Green and Blue waited, one more patient then the other, for Vio to finish thinking.
Wind stared between all of them, blinking like he couldn’t believe his eyes, but his shocked faded soon enough, replaced by a look of dawning understanding.
“Oh. Four. I get it...” he snickered to himself, then his breath caught on a laugh and he winced.
Red squeezed his hand again, and Wind shakily squeezed back.
“Okay. I believe we can do it,” Vio said finally, standing up. “If two of us wear the bracelets, and are helped by a third, we can lift the rocks while whoever is left pulls Wind out. I think we have just enough strength between us.”
“Well then let’s go!” Blue said, cracking his knuckles. “Red’s gonna be the one to pull him out, right? Makes sense for him to do the easy job, he’s noodle-armed.”
“I am not noodle-armed!” Red cried, and Wind let out a faint giggle.
“You’re strong in other ways Red,” Green said patiently. “And actually, I was going to suggest Blue pull him out.”
“What? Why?!”
“Because you can easily pull him out while the rest of us move the rocks, and if you end up needing to be quick, you’ll do it even if it’ll hurt him,” Green said, meeting his eyes. “Now let’s go, Wind’s not getting any better.”
Blue grumbled, but agreed, and Vio and Green each put on a power bracelet. Red stood next to them while Blue crouched beside Wind, and the three of them began pulling the largest rock upward.
Wind’s breathing got shakier as they pushed, the rock shifting slightly. Small pebbles bounced, and dust billowed up into the shaft of sunlight as they lifted, slowly, carefully, straining as they pulled the huge stones.
Blue stayed as close as he could to Wind, waiting for the space to widen enough to pull him out. The sailor’s eyes were squeezed shut, lips trembling as they pulled, and Blue shifted uncomfortably as he saw a tear fall down his cheek.
See? Red would have been better, he grumbled to himself.
“Get ready Blue!” Green grunted, sweat beading on his forehead, and he, Red, and Vio all gave a concentrated push, lifting the stones up just enough to create a space above Wind.
Blue moved quickly, grabbing Wind under the armpits and pulling him out without jostling him too much. It didn’t seem to matter though, since Wind cried out the moment he tugged him, but Blue ignored the noise, and kept pulling until the sailor was all the way free and a good distance away from the rocks.
“He’s clear!” he shouted, and the other three parts of himself attempted to put the rocks down as slowly as possible, so nothing would collapse on top of them all. Something grabbed at Blue’s hand, and he realized Wind was clutching at it, breathing heavily as tears trickled down his face.
Blue looked away, and squeezed back.
The others dropped to Wind’s side a few moments later, and Green immediately began fishing in his pouch for something. Red’s face was pale, and Vio remained silent, studying the sailor as he breathed shakily.
His other arm was definitely broken, that much was obvious. Something seemed a little off about the way his lower chest looked, and his legs remained limp, Vio swallowing as he looked at them. He wasn’t sure if the others realized exactly what was wrong, but he wasn’t planning on telling them unless it was absolutely necessary.
“Here,” Green said, and pulled a fairy from his pouch. “This... this should do it.”
I hope.
Vio nodded, and Green opened the bottle, the glow of the released fairy making the tear tracks on Wind’s face glitter. The little creature made a beeline for Wind the moment she saw him, and chimed in distress, then swirled around him in tight circles, concentrating near his legs and spine like Vio had suspected.
Wind exhaled heavily as she finished, and the fairy chimed again, bobbing gently by his cheek, then flitted away into the sunlight.
“Wind. Can you move your legs?” Vio asked, and Wind scrunched his face up in concentration.
He managed to lift them both a little ways, and all of them sighed in relief.
The fairy had done her job.
“Think she didn’t get my arm all the way though,” Wind said with a wince, but he was noticeably less pale then he had been, and was already trying to sit up. “Guess she had to focus on my legs.”
“That would make sense,” Green said with a smile, and helped him sit up. Wind clung to him a little tightly as he assisted him, trembling slightly, and after he was upright, Red leaned over and hugged him.
Wind let out a shaky breath, his eyes glittering, and the others drew near and hugged him as well, even Blue and Vio.
“Thanks,” the sailor said into Red’s shoulder, voice smaller then normal. “Thank you Four, th-that...”
“Of course, sailor,” Green replied gently.
Wind swallowed, and didn’t say anything further.
They stayed there and hugged him for a long time, Red’s shoulder damp where Wind’s face was pressed to it. None of them really wanted to move, shaken and trembly after everything, but eventually Wind pulled back and wiped his face, and the colors helped him stand.
They looked at Wind, then around at each other, and wordlessly grabbed their swords, fusing back into one. Wind watched in surprise, but only asked a few questions before going quiet again, his normal exuberance obviously dampened by pain and leftover fear.
Four put an arm around Wind to support him while they walked, and they set off to rejoin the others, the sailor humming the same rolling tune as earlier.
Four joined in, and the debris around them quietly echoed the song.
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whumpslist · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 no.5 'Debris | Pinned Down'
La Brea episode 2.13 "Fool's Gold"
Levi (Nicholas Gonzales) is wounded and pinned down under the debris.
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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callaeidae3 · 8 months
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Whumptober2023 Day 5: Debris | Pinned down | "it's broken"
Susan tending to Kyle's broken leg, making a makeshift splint out of broken wood debri and the rest of the bandages she has on hand.
The broken leg isn't the most concerning injury, however...
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c-53 · 9 months
the fact i immediately and completely sympathize with monsters makes dealing with mindflayers so hard, like this mfer is ""manipulating"" me to feel compassion meanwhile im GENUINELY like 'I could fix them🥺🥺🥺'
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what-the-whump · 8 months
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Whumptober 2023 | No.5
Debris - Pinned Down - "It’s broken."
Connor Temple in Primeval - 5x05 - The End of the Future: Part 1
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Whumptober day five
yes yes I know it's late I lost my computer it's fineee
No. 5: “You better pray I don't get up this time around.”
Debris | Pinned Down | “It's broken.”
“Shit. Shit. I think it’s broken.”
“Yeah. That’s generally how my arm chooses to react when it gets trapped under concrete.”
“Can we not do this?”
“I don’t think I know what you’re talking about.”
“This- this thing that you do, every time something bad happens. You put a brave face on and, and make a joke about it, but I am worried about you! I am scared!”
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set-phasers-to-whump · 8 months
wait and see
prompt: broken phone
whumpee: shawn spencer
fandom: psych
here's a short little psych hurt no comfort thingy...been a minute since i wrote this show so it may not be the best, but hope you enjoy!
The building is crumbling around him and there is nowhere to run. The stairs are too far, and he doesn’t really like his chances of breaking through a window and falling to the ground unharmed. He does the only thing he can think to do, and stays put. Duck and cover. 
Except duck and cover is a philosophy best used when only the ceiling is falling in. When the floor’s collapsing, too, there’s only so much it can do. 
Something heavy and hard strikes him across the back and something else scrapes down his leg and then he’s landing on something flat and also hard and the wind is knocked out of his lungs and he sort of loses consciousness for a little bit. 
He comes back into awareness and everything hurts. The air around him is dense with smoke and dust and it’s very difficult to see anything at all, but he can see - and feel - that there is a very large piece of concrete pinning his left leg to the floor. There are also a few miscellaneous smaller pieces of debris sitting on his chest.
He moves these small pieces of plaster and wood and the like off of himself, which takes a tremendous amount of effort. But there is no chance of moving the concrete off of his leg. It’s pinned. He’s gonna need some help. 
He carefully reaches an aching arm towards his pocket and fishes out his phone. 
It’s broken. Absolutely shattered. Won’t even turn on. The thing has been dropped numerous times, from many different heights and into at least three strange substances. But this fall has finally killed it for good. 
He’s trapped. 
He tries to reassure himself. Gus knows where he is. Gus knows when he’s supposed to be back. Gus is going to start to worry, and then he’ll call, and Shawn won’t pick up, and then he’ll probably bring the entire SBPD to Shawn’s last known location - which is where he still is, though it’s not much of a location anymore - and they’ll be able to move the concrete off of him and everything will be fine. 
Problem is, he has no idea what time it is. He can’t even guess. Falling through an entire building messes with your sense of time, apparently. 
All he can do is wait.
thanks for reading! may or may not follow this one up at some point...guess we will have to. wait and see. lol
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ajpendragon · 8 months
It has come to my attention that I have made a lot of people very unhappy with the first part of this story. So, in the interest of no longer dealing with quite as many angry people, I have more!
Please don’t hate me too much!!
“You’re doing great, guys!” John’s encouraging voice came through the comm. “There’s one more life sign in the southeast corner of the building. Looks like ground level or below.”
Gordon glanced at Virgil, wiping the grime from his forehead. His big brother was clearly exhausted, having been doing more than his share of the heavy lifting all day. Gordon’s back twinged, but he ignored it. It was nothing he couldn’t handle, and Virgil was in worse shape. He shot his brother a cocky smile. “I got this, Virgil. Keep my exit clear until I come back.”
He turned and jogged into the building’s interior. As Virgil disappeared behind him, he switched on the lights on his helmet and pulled up the map of the building that John had uploaded to his wrist comm. The tiny red dot flickered, then stabilized, and he quickly mapped his route. Down one flight of stairs, two hallways over, and down again. This shouldn’t take long. 
He ran down the stairs, coming up short at the bottom as he stared down the tangled mess of the hallway in front of him. He mentally revised his prediction. This could take a little bit. 
He clambered over and under the debris, heading further and further into the hallway. A particularly difficult climb set his back spasming, and he had to stop and breathe though the pain. It faded into a bone-deep ache, which wasn’t much better, but at least it was consistent. 
He had been pushing himself too hard recently. Once he got out of here, he’d have to ask John for some downtime. And some for Virgil too. His big brother had been pushing himself just as hard. In fact, why wait until later. He reached up and thumbed the button on his collar. “John?”
No response. That wasn’t like John. The building must be blocking the signal. As if to prove his theory, the little red dot he had been aiming for began to blink and jump, before finally disappearing for good. 
He fixed its location in his mind and continued. While IR tech was good, it wasn’t infallible. This would not be the first rescue Gordon had completed without its help. He was a professional. He could handle it. 
He rounded the final corner to the last survivor and was unprepared for the sight that greeted him. Blood spread in a pool around the man. Gordon knelt to check for a pulse, but it was gone. He was too late. 
He bowed his head in respect for a moment before forcing himself to his feet. The building wasn’t going to wait forever, and he needed to get out. He turned to leave, then staggered into a wall as the building shook around him. His head collided with the concrete, and everything went black. 
When he came to, everything was still black. He tried to reach up to switch on his flashlight, but he couldn’t move. 
He tried again. Nothing. He reacted, frantically trying to move anything. Nothing responded. He tried to take deep breaths to quell the rising panic, but it flooded over him. Unable to help himself, he began to hyperventilate, and passed out. 
He was a little more coherent the next time he awoke. Focusing on breathing exercises to control his fear, he concentrated on trying to wiggle one body part at a time, starting with his toes. Each successive failure sent his heart rate spiking, but each time he forced himself to calm before continuing. By the time he completed his evaluation, he was sweating with the effort of maintaining his composure. It wasn’t great news. 
He couldn’t feel anything below his waist. The only thing he could move was his fingers, and that was just barely. The pain in his back had blossomed from the usual ache to a burning pain he hadn’t felt since…
Just the thought of his accident was enough to send him spiraling again, and he sent long minutes trying to retain control. The memories of blinding pain, helplessness, long months in the hospital threatened to drown him, and he found himself hyperventilating again. 
It was a long time before he could think logically again. The panic in this situation was familiar, and he forced himself through the breathing exercises Virgil had taught him, that were cemented in his mind by months of use.
Virgil would find him. 
He just had to hold on. 
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alicewritingstories · 8 months
Whumptober Prompt Fills Part 4: Talus
~~Also on AO3~~
No. 5: “You better pray I don’t get up this time around.” | Debris | Pinned Down | “It’s broken.”
No. 14: “Feed me poison, fill me ‘till I drown.” | Flare | Water Inhalation | “Just hold on.”
No. 30: “It’s okay, just to say, ‘I’m not okay’.” | Borrowed Clothing | Bridal Carry | “Not much longer…”
Warnings: Bombs, drifting in and out of consciousness, injury
Central character(s): Hyrule, Wild
The plan, such as it was, had been good. Things had been quiet for a few days and Wild had suggested to Time that he should take the opportunity to go foraging and that maybe Hyrule should come along too. Time hadn't been fooled for a moment, but had chuckled and said that if Wild thought it was a good idea then he agreed; they'd all meet in a couple of days at the Dueling Peaks stable. Wild and Hyrule had set out into the wide green countryside with all the excitement of exploration in their hearts, for all that Wild knew the area well. They were going to climb to the top of the Dueling Peaks, but there was no other solid plan; they would just see what they found.
They had found a talus.
An infected talus that sensed their approach from further away than Wild had expected and was far stronger and faster than it should have been.
"Wild, back!" yelled Hyrule, lighting the fuse on a bomb. He saw the flash of blue as Wild jumped off the talus' back and fled, sledgehammer in hand, then threw the bomb and ducked back behind a large rock. The explosion sent a gout of flame through the air and when Hyrule peeked out again the talus had slumped to the ground. Wild was leaping back up it. The gem deposit on its back was cracked but clearly not deeply damaged.
Hyrule swore. He only had a couple more bombs. Rock presumably wouldn't be affected by Thunder or one of his fire-based spells; he'd never asked Wild. It had to be bombs.
He needed a better angle.
He dashed for another large rock, already fishing out another bomb. He could hear the impact of sledgehammer on rock where Wild was unleashing one of his strongest spin attacks, surefooted on the moving stone under his feet.
Then he heard something else: Wild's voice ringing shrill and panicked: "'Rule!"
He looked up. The talus was drawing back one of its huge arms, ready to throw. He tried to run faster. Suddenly the rock he was aiming for looked very far away…
Something impacted his side and he cried out in shock, but realized it was Wild, leaping from the talus' back to tackle him out of the way. The debris of the talus' arm flew overhead as Hyrule rolled down the shallow slope.
As he finally managed to scrabble to a halt, he heard a horrible, ripping scream. He looked up. The talus had followed him. It was drawing back its remaining arm for another throw.
Wild was pinned under its bulk, one of its feet on his leg.
It shifted its weight to throw and Wild screamed again. The sound brought the world snapping back. Hyrule flattened himself on the ground and the arm once again flew overhead.
Every fiber of his body strained to go to Wild, but there was no point while the talus was alive. He snatched a power bracelet from his bag and slipped it on, then ran forward with his sword in one hand, snatching up Wild's dropped sledgehammer with the other. Now was a good time to find out if a fireball would hurt the talus. He begrudged the magic, but he wasn't a good enough climber or archer for another option.
He summoned a wave of magic, sending it down the blade of his sword, then swung it. The fireball seared off the end of the blade and hit the ore deposit squarely, sending the talus staggering to lie still for just long enough for Hyrule to spring up its back. He raised the sledgehammer, braced his feet, and started smashing with all the force of strength, magic, fury, and sheer desperation, gritting his teeth as shards scattered around him. The talus began to stir under him as he kept going, his muscles burning, panting for breath.
Then so suddenly it made him stumble, the deposit smashed apart. The talus dropped and dissolved into smoke in a final scatter of gemstones, sending Hyrule dropping to his hands and knees with bruising force.
There wasn't time to catch his breath; he scrambled up and half ran, half limped to Wild's side.
He'd been sure that the other teen had lost consciousness, but as he approached he saw that Wild's eyes were open, staring blankly across the rocky ground as his whole body heaved with great, sobbing gasps. He'd managed to get a potion out of his slate but it was spilled across the ground by his head, the empty bottle still clutched in his shaking hand.
Hyrule didn't even stop to speak to him; he skidded to his knees and laid his hands on Wild's shattered leg, immediately aware of the crushed bones, pooling blood, and lacerated muscles. Without proper healing Wild would never walk again.
Hyrule gritted his teeth. It wasn't the worst thing he'd had to heal.
Close, but not the worst.
Forcing himself to ignore the pain audible in every breath Wild took, he immersed himself in the magic, piecing together the scraps of bone, stopping the bleeding, patching the torn flesh.
He could feel the aching tremble in his own body that told him he was expending too much magic, but he kept going. Wild was in agony. He had to keep going.
He was starting to feel dizzy, but Wild's knee was so badly damaged that its pieces could hardly be distinguished from the rest of the broken bones. Hyrule gritted his teeth as he pulled tendons and ligaments back into place and reattached them, careful, delicate. A potion would probably do at this point, but they were rough and ready things. He could keep going a little longer.
He couldn't hear Wild's breathing any more, only the pounding of his own pulse. The tiny bones of Wild's ankle slid back into place. The fluid of the joint returned.
He felt like he was floating, only aware of the ripped holes left where stone had ground muscle on broken bone. One by one, as careful as Legend with a needle and thread, he put them back together. Good as new.
At last it was done.
It was done.
It was done…
Wild had been distantly aware of the pain fading, but his body was so filled with panic-laced adrenaline that for a moment that stretched out to an eternity he still couldn't move, trembling and weak, unable to get enough breath. He couldn't even see the sky overhead; his entire world had narrowed to the terrifying, alien wrongness of his ruined leg and the spasming, torturous pain flaying every scrap of thought from his mind.
He was only jarred back to full awareness as Hyrule collapsed into a limp heap on the ground beside him. Belatedly, he realized that the pain was completely gone. His leg was back to its proper shape.
Still, for a moment he couldn't bring himself to move it.
Get up! He needs you!
Wild looked at Hyrule lying beside him. His leg was fine. It was fine.
But just thinking about moving it made him feel sick.
Doesn't matter. He needs you. So what if it hurts? Get up!
He took another couple of deep breaths, trying to shove down the panic. He had to get up. He had to fight on. That was why he was alive. It didn't matter how much it hurt or how frightened he was; he had to fight on.
Another breath to brace himself and he shoved himself half upright.
Even though he knew his leg was healed, it was a surprise when the only pain came from his bruised back and chest.
He stayed propped up on his elbows for a moment, panting, then twisted round to check on Hyrule. The smaller hylian was limp, trembling and pale. Wild had seen him in this state once before and immediately reached for his slate even though he knew he didn't have a green potion. His heart jumped as he saw a stash of green bottles, but they were stamina elixirs; no help there. With a silent apology, he also dug in Hyrule's bag, but Hyrule didn't have one either, otherwise he presumably would have taken it rather than collapsing.
Wild looked again at his slate. Hyrule needed somewhere safe to rest. Dueling Peaks stable was right there with a shrine glowing beside it, but they were still figuring out the limits on his ability to take others with him when shrine-jumping. He didn't want to risk it with Hyrule in this condition.
Gradually, still very aware of his just-healed leg, he eased himself onto his knees beside Hyrule.
"Hyrule? Can you hear me?"
Hyrule groaned and his eyelids twitched, which was encouraging.
"OK… I'm going to carry you for a bit and then we'll head down to the stable. You'll be able to rest there."
Hyrule's eyelids twitched again. Wild took that as agreement and carefully gathered Hyrule up in his arms. He was too heavy to carry far, but Wild ignored the strain for now. He also ignored the scattered gems that he'd normally have picked up, setting off up the rocky slope towards the east. The faster he could get Hyrule to somewhere comfortable and safe, the better.
As he walked, Hyrule's trembling eased and he drifted into something that looked more like sleep. Wild let out a relieved huff of breath, trying to walk a little more steadily while still moving quickly.
By the time he reached cliffs he couldn't climb down with Hyrule in his arms, the sun was tilting to the west. He knelt down a little way from the cliff edge, laid Hyrule down, and rolled his shoulders to stretch, looking at the tall horse crest of the stable in the distance. Normally he'd think nothing of leaping off the cliff, unfurling his paraglider, and gliding down there, but he looked down at Hyrule lying propped up against his legs. He couldn't carry him and use the paraglider and he couldn't carry him and climb. He didn't want to ask any more of his brother after he'd just exhausted himself healing him, but there was only one thing for it.
"Hyrule?" He gently shook the smaller hylian's shoulder. "Can you hear me?"
He prayed Hyrule would wake up; he didn't know what he'd do if he didn't. He could probably improvise a harness of some sort and strap him to his back…
Fortunately, Hyrule stirred and his eyes drifted open.
"Hey…" Wild forced a smile at him. "Sorry to wake you."
"I need you to hold onto my back while we paraglide down this cliff."
Hyrule blinked at him vaguely, only half awake.
"That's all you have to do. Just hold on."
Hyrule nodded, his eyes drifting shut.
"Hey!" Wild shook him again. "You need to be awake. It's just a bit longer; we'll be down before you know it."
Hyrule nodded again and this time kept his eyes open, though Wild thought he was paler than before.
Wasting no more time, Wild lifted Hyrule onto his back, encouraging him to cling on with arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He could feel the tremble still there in Hyrule's limbs and wondered if he should try to strap him on after all, but decided that the important thing now was to move fast to get to the bottom of the cliff. In the time it took him to rig a harness, Hyrule might pass out again.
With a deep breath, more nervous than he'd been about a drop since the Great Plateau, he took a running jump over the edge and unfurled the paraglider.
The jerk as cloth caught air was so slight he normally never noticed it, but it was almost enough to dislodge Hyrule. For a heart-stopping moment his grip on Wild slipped, but then he managed to grab a handful of tunic and pull himself back into place. Wild took a strained breath, aware of his pulse hammering against the collar of his tunic where it was now pulled too tight.
Right. Time to lose height fast without his usual technique of free-falling and catching himself at the last moment.
"Just hold on," he said softly, partly to Hyrule and partly to himself; the additional weight was already starting to tell on him and he wished he'd taken one of the stamina elixirs. "That's all you have to do. Just hold on."
Carefully, he steered towards the stable, putting the paraglider into a shallow dive, trying to balance covering ground and avoiding any sudden jerks with making it to a safe height as soon as he could.
Hyrule was shaking with the effort of supporting his own weight. His breath against Wild's neck came quick and uneven.
Wild's overstrained arm muscles and injured back were screaming at him.
The change in his weight and balance made it hard to steer and judge his angle.
He really didn't want to re-break his leg on landing.
"Just hold on," Wild said again, keeping his voice steady and soothing with an effort, the way he'd heard Time and Warriors do. "Hold on, it'll be OK. We're almost there. Not much longer…"
He hit the ground too hard and stumbled to land face-down with Hyrule on top of him, but luckily the grass was soft and neither of them was hurt. Hyrule was conscious enough to realize they were on the ground and rolled off to land flat on his back, gasping and shaking.
"Good job," said Wild, kneeling up next to him and trying to hide his own tiredness. "Good… good job." He half-lifted Hyrule to prop him against his chest for a moment, catching his breath.
"Doesn't… count 's… first… p'ragl'dr…" mumbled Hyrule.
Wild laughed. "No, you should be properly awake for your first paraglider ride. Another time." He hugged Hyrule a little closer. "Thanks for healing me," he murmured.
Hyrule chuckled and tried vaguely to pat his shoulder, hitting him on the ear instead. "'s OK."
"You just rest. I'll get us to the stable."
"'K." Hyrule rested his head trustingly against Wild's chest, finally relaxing back into sleep. Wild licked his lips, eyed the long walk to the stable, and picked up his slate. No green potions, but he was determined that he had enough stamina elixirs to get them there.
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solvskrift · 8 months
go ahead, bury me | loki & mobius stumble into the wrong timeline
whumptober prompt no. 5: “You better pray I don’t get up this time around.” | debris | pinned down | “It’s broken.” also on ao3!
Loki - the other one, the one holding that damned scepter - ran a finger down the line of Mobius’s jaw.
The Loki who currently had his arms twisted up behind his back by this universe’s Corvus Glaive renewed his struggles. “Don’t touch him.”
Corvus gave his arm another vicious twist, and Loki - the real one, the proper one, he thought uncharitably - felt his shoulder scream in protest.
‘Other’ Loki smirked at his counterpart, tilting his head in a way that suggested he was observing a mildly interesting specimen. “What is his significance to you?” he asked, flicking his gaze from Loki to Mobius and back. “I admit, there is a certain…quaint charm about him. He might make a good pet, I suppose.” He chuckled, low and vicious. “Now, if that’s the case, I could perhaps see how you might be one of my - variants , did you call them?”
Loki worked his jaw, muscles bunching under his captor’s grip.
Mobius caught his eye. Gave an infinitesimal shake of his head, and Loki could practically hear him saying, ‘ Don’t do anything ridiculous, Merlin.’
Loki swallowed. “Let him go,” he insisted, drawing on all of his control to keep his voice even, “and I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Loki - ” Mobius began to protest but was cut off by Other-Loki giving his hair a vicious yank, forcing his neck backward and exposing his throat.
“You speak when spoken to, mortal,” he hissed, and released Mobius just enough that he wasn’t staring at the ceiling of the ship. He turned his attention back to Loki. “An interesting offer…”
He paused, considering.
“Anything I want?”
“Yes,” Loki said, involuntarily lurching forward. Corvus wrenched him back. “Yes, I swear it.”
Other-Loki hummed. Then smiled. “Pathetic,” he said, and thrust the sharpened end of the scepter into Mobius’s gut.
“NO!” screamed Loki, struggling so fiercely he could feel his joints straining, popping.
“Oh, dear me.” Other-Loki allowed Mobius to drop to the floor like a marionette whose strings had been snipped. “I think I broke it.”
Mobius let out a horrid, awful wheeze, wet with blood and bile. His eyes found Loki’s and fluttered, attempting to focus.
‘Don’t do anything ridiculous, Merlin.’
In his head, he heard Mobius laugh - that small, genuine laugh he always hid behind a fist when Loki had said something, done something he couldn’t resist.
Loki’s vision blurred and his limbs began to shake.
This was not happening.
He would not let it.
It was barely an effort, a whisper of a thought, to allow his growing horror, his rage to twist in on itself. To let the connection to Yggdrasil he had carried within his body since birth to draw on the power for which it ceaselessly called out, the power he had been taught and trained and lectured into fighting against every second of his fraudulent life. It burned him from the inside out, flowing through every atom of his being until he could feel it licking along his skin.
Distantly, he heard Corvus shout as if in pain. Through the haze of his vision he caught just a glimpse of Other-Loki’s face, etched with surprise and perhaps a little fear, before Loki screamed, a wordless cry of sheer agony, and let go.
The energy exploded outward, blasting his surroundings with an unstoppable wave of utter destruction. It burned like the center of a star, gold and green and terrible, and then it was gone as quickly as it had come.
Corvus was lying at an odd angle at the other end of the room, his spine broken over a steel beam. Proxima had tried to run. Her eyes were still bleeding out onto the floor.
Other-Loki hung from the wall, impaled on his own scepter, eyes wide and blank and staring.
Loki barely spared them a glance.
He knelt next to Mobius.
His eyes were closed. His chest still rose and fell in tiny, faltering movements.
Gently, very gently, Loki slipped his arms underneath Mobius’s legs and back and lifted him into the air, gathering him close to his chest.
“I have you,” he whispered, a profound calm soothing his heart as he stepped carefully over the strewn bodies and debris. “Don’t worry, Mobius. I have you.”
He called up the image in his mind of an opening to a world path and, with Mobius secure in his arms, stepped through it onto Yggdrasil’s branches without once looking back.
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oneweirdbookaddict · 8 months
Whumptober day five
Wars has a bad time. Wind witnesses. And also gets beat up.
734 words
Warnings for general Cia creepiness, nonconsensual touching that isn't described much, and just on the shoulder, and one (1) bad word. Let me know if anyone wants anything else!
Edit: Forgot to mention this gets a continuation tomorrow!
Wars stares up at the room. 
Slowly walks in. 
He hesitates, glancing in. It’s a beautiful room- dark, hardwood floors, gorgeous windows that allow light to spill through, decorated with paintings and tapestries and other works of art. 
But Wars is focused on something on the floor in the center of the room, looking almost… unsteady as he walks. 
He follows Wars into the room, frowning. “Wars? You ok?” He asks, and Wars nods slowly. 
But he clearly isn’t. He’s pale, eyes wide, hand gripping his sword. 
The second he steps into the room, the door behind them slams shut. 
Wars’ already wide eyes widen further. “Wind-” 
But before the captain can finish his sentence, something slams into him and sends him flying back. 
“Wars!” he yelps, grabbing his sword. 
Before he can even look around, a dark purple something slams into him and sends him into the door. Head smacking painfully, seeing stars before he can shake it off. 
“Cia.” He can hear Wars choke. 
“Well, hello there. It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it?” A woman’s voice says. And then there’s a horrible crunching sound, a yell of pain, and a woman laughing. 
“Wars!” He yells, scrambling to his feet. Follows the noise- 
“Wind! No!” 
Too late. Something- a whip- gets him right in the side, cutting through his skin easily. He leaps back, hand grasping at his side. 
“Wind- run!” 
“Like hell.” He mutters. 
Raises his sword and charges at the woman- only to get blasted back again immediately. 
He tumbles to the ground, body aching. Something in his arm is broken, he can tell quickly. His side is bleeding badly. And his head spins and aches. 
His eyes widen, catching movement- and he manages to roll out of the way just in time.
The whip-thing slams into the ground where he was just a moment ago, cracking the ground and sending debris flying everywhere. 
The villain- he can no longer remember what Wars had called her- laughs. 
He yells in fustration, glaring at the woman- sorcerer- thing. “Give us a fair fight!” 
Breathes past the awful pain in his side, gritting his teeth. 
“Oh, child. There’s no such thing as a fair fight. You take advantage of your enemy’s weakness or you lose.” 
A smile that chills him to the bone. 
“And it took a few tries, but I found out just how to do that with him!” 
And she walks over to Wars, a hand brushing lightly over his cheek. The captain flinches, eyes closing. A bloody gash over his eye looks awful, his knee is… something is definitely very wrong with it. This is bad. 
“You leave him alone.” He growls. 
“Sailor.” Wars says quietly. 
“Leave him alone!” He demands, ignoring his friend. 
“Wind, enough!” Wars snaps, but the captain once again flinches as the woman’s hands brush over his shoulders. 
“He looks just like you. Bit too old to be yours, though, isn’t he?” The woman whispers. He can hear it, anyway. He’s sure that was her intent. 
Rage flashes through Wars’ eyes, but that’s the only reaction the captain gives. 
“Let him go, Cia. It’s me you want, not him.” The captain says quietly. 
“No!” He shouts, but both people ignore him. 
The woman- Cia- considers this. 
“And what will you do, in return? Huh, hero? I let him go. What do I get out of it?” She asks, almost teasingly. 
Wars’ eyes close again. “I’ll- I’ll go with you. That’s what you want, isn’t it? I’ll go with you. Willingly. Just… let him go. Don’t hurt him.” 
A long moment of tense silence. He shakes his head frantically, but Wars won’t look at him. 
Then- Cia waves her hands, and magic slams him to the ground. 
“We have a deal.” The sorcerer says, taking Wars’ arm and helping him to his feet. 
“No!” He screams again, trying to shove himself to his feet, to sit up, to do anything, but his body won’t move. “No! Wars! Wars! You leave him alone- don’t touch him! Hey! You listening to me?! You’d better hope I don’t get up because I’m going to find your sorry ass and kill you!” He screams. 
Cia laughs as they slowly walk away, the captain limping heavily. 
“Oh, child. I wish you the best of luck.” 
And they’re gone.
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musewrangler · 8 months
“Sir…” panted Fox, needing Veers to know this. “I want to tell you, it’s been—”
“If you’re thinking of giving me some speech about what an honor it’s been, you can shove it, Fox,” Veers snapped, worried eyes betraying him. “That’s not you.”
Fox snorted. He felt a little…floaty now. But Veers needed to hear just what he was…
“Never…the Corries never had a General,” he said, pausing to get more oxygen into laboring lungs. “Other…other clone divisions did. Not us.”
Veers frowned a little at this revelation.
“Why not?” he asked, and then fired again. Fox wished he could see the odds they were up against, but decided he had no energy to waste on that. It was more important that this man know what he had been for Fox if he was to march on with his vod.
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