#plant based Peruvian
deliciously-vegan · 3 months
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Vegan "Chicken" Huancaína
1 pack soy curls or soya chunks 2 cups vegetable bouillon
2 tbsp olive oil 1 white onion, peeled and chopped
2 yellow bell peppers, cored and chopped 3 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
2 cups vegetable bouillon 1 block soft tofu 1/2 cup bread crumbs 1/2 cup nutritional yeast 1 tsp ají amarillo paste (or more if you like spicy) 1 tsp cumin 1/4 tsp turmeric
2 tbsp oilve oil
1 cup green peas 1/2 tsp sea salt 1/4 tsp black pepper
Place soy curls in a large glass mixing bowl. Pour vegetable bouillon over top. Stir to fully incorporate. Allow to rehydrate while you prepare the sauce.
Heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a large saucepan over medium-low heat. Sauté onion and bell peppers for several minutes. Add the garlic and sauté for another minute or two. Remove from heat.
Transfer cooked veggies to a blender. Add; 2 cups vegetable bouillon, soft tofu, bread crumbs, nutritional yeast, ají amarillo paste, cumin, and turmeric. Purée until smooth. 
Heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a large saucepan over medium-low heat. Brown rehydrated soy curls,  stirring frequently, for several minutes. Stir in the puréed sauce. Turn heat to high. As soon as mixture comes to a boil, reduce temperature to low and simmer, stirring frequently, for about ten minutes. Turn heat off.
Stir in the green peas, sea salt and black pepper.
Serve over Cilantro Rice.
Cilantro Rice
1 bunch cilantro leaves 3 cups vegetable bouilon
1 tbsp olive oil 1 white onion, peeled and chopped  3 cloves garlic, peeled and minced 
2 cups white rice
Place cilantro leaves and vegetable bouillon in a blender. Puree until smooth. Set aside.
Heat olive oil in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Sauté onion for several minutes. Add garlic and sauté for another minute or two. Turn heat off.
Transfer sautéed onion to a rice cooker. Stir in the white rice then stir in the cilantro broth mixture. Cook accordingly to directions on rice cooker.
When done give another thorough stir. 
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alithographica · 1 year
As promised, welcome to
Fun biology in TOTK’s designs
I'll keep this post updated as I go through the game. I'm going to skip the more general identifiable things like apples (they're based on apples!) because there are tons of more unusual species to talk about.
Overall, the really interesting thing I've noticed is that many of the more unique Earth-based lifeforms in TOTK are super ancient, like predating dinosaurs ancient, which is a really cool tie-in to the overall time-hopping plotline of TOTK. Specifically, they're found in the new areas (caves, depths) while the surface remains a bit more normal.
(There will be no plot spoilers in this post, and also I've barely gotten into the plot because I'm spending all my time wandering, so shhh no spoilers in the tags for like a month please.)
Most recent additions: More lilies, irises, wild ginger, spiny bones, pigeon extravaganza, plus added some more real photo comparisons to old stuff.
Bryophytes my beloved. Bryophytes are among the earliest land plants, waaaay predating flowers and even seeds. In our world, they’re small by necessity—they lack vascular systems to help move water around like other plants, so they have to stay small and moist (hence their frequency in caves in TOTK—though they do need some light in real life.)
In TOTK they’re quite large and I think that’s very sexy and art directors should give us big bryophytes more often
Anyway, there are three types of bryophytes: mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. First image pair is a moss, second is a liverwort. Those red-brown and palm-tree-like structures, respectively, are their reproductive structures.
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Real liverwort photo © Graham Calow, NatureSpotUK
Not yet spotted: Hornworts! Did they forget the third bryophyte sister :(
I think these next guys are probably lycopods (specifically club moss, which is not a true bryophyte moss, thanks science.) Very old, but vascular, so they're a bit more evolutionarily recent than bryophytes.
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Real photo © Gloria Hanley Schoenholtz, virginiawildflowers
All the enormous curly-topped trees in the depths: Ferns! They curl like that until they unfurl. Another very old plant, though younger than bryophytes and lycopods.
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Real photo via The Cosmonaut, Wikipedia
Brightblooms and some of the other giant plants in the depths: Possibly based on a cycad? Again, a very ancient plant lineage. At this point, evolutionarily, they've developed seeds—that giant cone in the center is called a strobilus, and that's the seed structure.
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These next few plants are angiosperms, meaning they produce flowers. Angiosperms are a more recent evolutionary lineage—still many millions of years old, but it took a while to develop flowers as a reproductive tactic.
Sundelions (left) are a fun recolor of a lily. There are also some scenery lilies (right) in various places—there are yellow ones that spring up when you turn on a lightroot (which gives them literal and thematic connection to the surface) and several other varieties, including tiger lilies, throughout Hyrule. Fun note, the sundelions appear to only have 5 stamen, while other lilies in the game (correctly) have 6. Seems to be an intentional decision to make it a more distinct fantasy species.
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These next ones are Peruvian lilies/Alstroemeria, just used as a scenery plant but a very fun inclusion. Fun fact, not true lilies, so they're not deadly to cats like true lilies are.
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Real photo © Dick Culbert, Wikipedia
Plum trees: These are also called out as plum trees in game! There's a journal in Kakariko that refers to the plum orchards.
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Okay I'm a little proud of figuring this one out. Bomb flowers blend a few botanical references. Superficially, the fruit resembles a type of seed pod called a capsule—specifically it's very similar to a poppy capsule. The little red thing in the center is a nice addition to resemble both a flower stigma (reproductive part that leads to the ovary) and a bomb fuse. Now, poppy capsules disperse their seeds via wind, but there are other plants who do explode their seeds outwards as a dispersal tactic! This is called explosive dehiscence.
There is one tree in particular called the sandbox tree, AKA monkey-no-climb or dynamite tree (yes, really.) Their capsules look more like little pumpkins, but are known for violently exploding when ripe—they can launch seeds at 150 miles per hour (250 km/h) and spread them roughly 200 feet (60 m) away. The photo comparison is a poppy capsule but you should def go look up dynamite tree videos.
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Real photo © PommeGrenade, pixabay
Fire fruits (and the other elemental fruits) grow on the same generic plant that looks kind of like it has grape leaves. Fire fruits resemble a specific botanical thing too though—the black netting is a papery calyx (part of the flower) seen in a nightshade genus, Physalis (golden berries, tomatillos, etc.)
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Real photo © Helene Rogers, Alamy
I think this stuff is an Asarum, AKA wild ginger. I was actually puzzling over it until I walked past some today and went HEY
Not sure of the exact species but they're very green and heart-shaped and love being dense and low to the ground.
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Real photo via David Stang, Wikipedia
Irises: Love irises, one of my favorite flowers and words, very happy to see them in game.
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Cup lichen! Lichen is not a plant, but a symbiotic structure of an algae + a fungi. Cup lichen is just a type of lichen formation that has a kind of vertical cup-like structure.
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Real photo via Bernard Spragg
Geology crossover! Go look carefully at some of the whiter walls in the depths—they look like they have fossils of coral and other undersea hard-structured animals in them.
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Sticky lizards: Based on Diplocaulus, a very early (now extinct) amphibian! Their skulls are wacky. We're not sure whether the long sides stood out separately or were smoothly connected to the body by skin flaps, but the separate arrow-like shape is the most popular rendition.
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Deep firefly: Might be a stretch because it could just be a multi-winged fantasy critter, but I think the "wings" and antennae are very reminiscent of Anomalocaris, an ancient aquatic arthropod.
Update: Other folks in the notes/tags have pointed out that they're probably based on a cryptid that's especially popular in Japan: skyfish AKA rods! They show up in photos and people think they're an alien lifeform. In reality, they're an optical blur created when a lower quality video captures intermittent flaps of an insect's wings, leaving sort of a many-winged smear in the photo. Thanks to all who left info!
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Little frox: Another stretch because it totally could just be a Hinox-like frog, but every time I see the little ones I can't help but think of like...Ichthyostega, Mastodonsaurus, Eryops, and other early amphibians. They were pretty hefty—little frox size or bigger—and had with little waddling legs. This is less "I think it's definitely this" and more "it makes me happy when I picture frox as primitive amphibians."
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I haven't detailed many of the scenery animals around Hyrule because most are identifiable with the camera function—it'll tell you that a certain animal is a heron or porgy, for example, and those groups are real, even though the exact species is made up. But I think the pigeons are fun because they're all crested pigeons. Pink-necked green pigeons may have also been the inspiration for the color palettes on the wood and rainbow pigeons.
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Both pigeon photos via JJ Harrison, Wikipedia
Spiny bones: Not a specific critter, but those spiny bones that you can find lying around Eldin Canyon are vertebrae—possibly from the same thing that left those big rib cages around? The top spike is the spinous process where muscles attach, the littler spikes on the side are the transverse and articular processes. The dark O in the center is the spinal cord.
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Also I made a friend who finally recognizes my purpose in Hyrule.
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That's all I've got for now! Will add more as I keep playing.
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nynaevedesign · 7 months
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Kira Cereus Cactus Cereus Peruvianus, commonly known as the Peruvian Apple Cactus or Queen of the Night, is native to South America, particularly in the Andes region. It is well adapted to arid and semi-arid environments and can be found growing in a range of habitats, from rocky slopes to dry forests in its native range. These cacti are cultivated as ornamental plants in various parts of the world due to their striking appearance and relatively easy care. Place the cactus in a chic, speckled marble pot to achieve a seamless fusion of modern elegance and natural beauty. Game-ready low poly, optimized for low-end computers. Base game compatible. You can choose if you want the cactus in a pot or without. Download: NynaeveDesign.com
Happy Simming! 🌵
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shamandrummer · 7 months
168 New Nazca Geoglyphs Discovered
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More than 100 new designs discovered in and around Peru's Nazca plain and surrounding areas could bring new information to light about the ancient artworks that have intrigued scientists and visitors for decades. Following two years of field surveys with aerial photos and drones, Peruvian and Japanese researches from Yamagata University reported the discovery of 168 new designs at the Unesco World Heritage site on Peru's southern Pacific coast.
The geoglyphs, huge figures carved into the South American desert, date back more than 2,000 years and depict living creatures, stylized plants and imaginary beings, as well as geometric figures several kilometres long. Jorge Olano, head archaeologist for the Nazca Lines research program, said the newly discovered figures averaged between 2 and 6 meters (6.56 to 19.7ft) in length.
The purpose of the Nazca Lines, which could only be seen from the air, remains a mystery. These new findings, however, are smaller and can be seen from the ground. The figures, iconic vestiges of Peru's rich history, are about a three-hour drive from the capital, Lima. Researchers had already discovered 190 figures in the area since 2004. But the vastness of the terrain they cover has complicated efforts to study and conserve the heritage site.
Yamagata University said the research will be used in artificial intelligence-based surveys to help inform the lines' preservation. Studies from the university in collaboration with Peru's government have helped delineate and protect the area, which is facing threats from urban and economic developments. Some geoglyphs are in danger of being destroyed due to the recent expansion of mining-related workshops in the archaeological park.
Anthropologists, ethnologists, and archaeologists have studied the ancient Nazca culture to try to determine the purpose of the lines and figures. One hypothesis is that the Nazca people created them to be seen by deities in the sky. Another theory is related to astronomy and cosmology, as has been common in monuments of other ancient cultures: the lines were intended to act as a kind of observatory, to point to the places on the distant horizon where the sun and other celestial bodies rose or set at the solstices.
Other theories were that the geometric lines could indicate water flow or irrigation schemes, or be a part of rituals to "summon" water. The spiders, birds, and plants may be fertility symbols. It also has been theorized that the lines could act as an astronomical calendar, as proved by the presence of radial centers aligned along the directions of winter solstice and equinox sunset. Researchers believe that the geoglyphs were the venues of events linked to the agriculture calendar. These also served to strengthen social cohesion among various groups of pilgrims, sharing common ancestors and religious beliefs.
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covenawhite66 · 2 months
Gatherer-hunters.” That’s because “hunter-gatherers” implies a diet consisting primarily of hunted meat supplemented by a diet of gathered plants, whereas these early Peruvians existed on a diet that was 80% plant-based.
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houseofashesif · 1 year
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he was born and raised in Varanasi, India until the age of 10. then he immigrated to Britain with his parents where he studied in █████ University till he was 18. (p.s. i changed his past from Keaton's death to simply getting tortured physically and mentally)
ABOUT HIM (p.p.s it's all jumbled up soooo-)
➤ Ayaan originally wanted to be a Wildlife Biologist, maybe a part time Toxicologist, but his father wanted him to join I-DIE so he did. albeit reluctantly and against his will. because his father insisted so.
➤ has a surprisingly very british sounding accent despite what people think when they hear about his indian heritage
➤ tends to violently and unexpectedly switch between hindi, english and bengali whenever he's agitated or just mad in general
➤ can be frequently seen facepalming himself on the face and letting out an anguished "কি খারাপ অবস্থা" (basically "what the hell" In english) whenever someone messes up something before him, which they frequently do owing to his intimidating reputation
➤ has a pet venus flytrap. and a poecilotheria metallica (aka peacock tarantula) too. which he always brings to work with him. apparently it's his emotional support tarantula. don't question it.
➤ his favourite animal is the Eastern Green Mamba.
➤ has been bitten by snakes more than 50 times so far. that, not including bites from wild hornets, his pet tarantulas, scorpions and etc
➤ Ayaan's house has a small greenhouse behind it, which is basically filled with all sorts of poisonous plants. 90% of them at least. but who even dares to test the statistics out. the poisonous garden is filled with Lily of the Valley's, Oleanders, Marigolds, Peruvian Lilys, Water Hemlocks, Wolfsbanes, Angel's Trumpets and many more. so better stay away from it. if you value your life that is.
➤ also has a seperate section in his house where he keeps all of his poisonous pets together. anyone walking in might think they just walked into a wild jungle out of the blue. one filled with creatures capable of killing you within minutes.
➤ weirdly enough Ayaan likes polishing and manicuring his nails with the greatest care as if his life depends on them (jk im just exaggerating), he will frequently pick the polish on his nails or simply pick his nails in general if nervous or uncomfortable or even flustered. at least the remaining ones that is. Ayaan is missing 4 nails on his left hand including his thumb, then 2 nails on his right hand, courtesy of the kidnappers. he greatly cherishes his remaining nails. and is therefore always seen wearing black gloves no matter the circumstances. wouldn't wanna scare people off yknow.
➤ for some reason, Ayaan attracts the attention of animals, especially this one time when he and keaton (when they were still alive) chose to explore one of their bases in rome instead of riding in a cab, and he petted a cat he found by chance on the streets and the next thing he knew he became their new god
➤ "he killed me. Father just killed me."
➤ "i feel like i did a really good job, so you should give me overtime compensation and an extra long vacation"
➤ ”ah someone died here? no biggy, i come from varanasi afterall, the city where the world comes to die.”
➤ "i used to have this creed, if you can't trust them, don't use them. if you're gonna use them, trust them."
➤ he is a very llight sleeper. even the lightest creak of a door swinging in the wind is enough to wake him up immediately. therefore seeing him sleep deprived and drinking an unholy concoction of monster drink with vodka and iced coffee isn't uncommon. very rarely will one ever find him heavily asleep.
➤ despite his dyslexia, Ayaan loves reading books, newspapers, magazines and literary works of any kind. he usually prefers to read nonfictional works like autobiographies, even instruction manuals over fictional works because they expose him to more vibrant and useful words, plus providing insight on different real-life events and experiences. sometimes he may read a realistic fiction or two, but that's only if he finds nothing else to read. he’ll usually read them for an hour or two everyday inorder to keep his mind fresh with the knowledge. his favourite book is ‘daughters of the samurai; a journal from east to west and back’.
➤ Ayaan was once addicted to marijuana and smoking, but slowly he got rid of his unhealthy addiction. however he still smokes, although not as bad as he used to. however there are times when he's so stressed that Ayaan will start reverting back to his past self and smoke as many as three packets all at once in a single day. it's surprising how his lungs haven't collapsed yet.
➤ thinks very lowly of people, especially politicians. imagine his surprise and horrow when he was assigned to one. he planned to quit the job for a second there but hesitatingly agreed to the job fot some reason. hmmm…
➤ although he's more of a non violent person (if speaking and humiliating people into submission is anything but), Ayaan won't hesitate to throw hands if he wants to. he's skilled in krav maga, taekwondo and muay thai, courtesy of his father. he will beat the shitz outta you, then mock you by going "why you weak? huh why do weak?"
➤ has an especially soft spot for scalpels and sniper rifles. although he isn't partial towards pick axes and haandguns either.
➤ will look into the eyes, call you the ugliest piece of disgusting wet stale dough then walk away nonchalantly as if he just said that potato chips are made from potatoes.
➤ oranges are his favourite fruits. not because he actually likes it but because he can spray the citric acid in its peel on the eyes of any unfortunate fool who dares invade his personal space.
➤ personality wise, he can be described by the following words. Sophisticated. Quiet. Listless. Calm. Sadistic. Workaholic. Generous. Determined. Dense. Volatile. Sensitive. Ill tempered. Self destructive. (das a lotta worse tho)
➤ has shown multiple signs of psychopathy in the past despite not being a psychopath, including his apparent lack of empathy for those around him and his balant disregard of law. literally he doesn't even bother to remember people's names and only calls them as 'you'. only remembers Nadia's and Ailbhe's name.
➤ as a reciprosexual, Ayaan has never really formed any kind of strong relationship with anyone so far. not even his own family members. he thinks dealing with people is annoying already, and having a significant other isn't even in his list of to-do's before death. therefore he is quite dense. no scratch that, he's so dense light bounces away from him. every time someone tries to flirt with Ayaan or express their feelings for him :
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➤ as a child (and adult) Ayaan suffers from an undiagnosed reactive attachment disorder. “a condition in which a child is unable to establish healthy attachment with parental figures or primary caregivers. [...] children with RAD have been so disrupted in early life that their future relationships are also impaired. they may experience difficulty relating to others and are often developmentally delayed.” [source : helpguide.org]
➤ can be VERY VERY petty and vengeful depending on the circumstances. he likes to return the pain back 10 fold worse to those who are unfortunate enough to piss him off.
➤ likes to talk about adult stuff in a pretty anatomically scientific sense. especially about kinks, sex and etc. even though he isn't kinky at all (or is it) he has QUITE the knowledge on it and several more forbidden stuff.
➤ he is NOT a kid friendly person. if a kid were to ask him a question like "how are children made?" he'll gladly give the child a detailed explanation about how sex works and how babies are actually made. mothers especially dislike him. he wonders why, seeing no wrong in it.
➤ can swear like a sailor. and he can rapidly change his cuss words from english to hindi to french within the span of a sentence. and he doesn't give a shit about what others think about him.
➤ one of his biggest pet peeves is people eating his food. he doesnt mind sharing his food with others, but isn't it a common courtesy for people to ask permission before they eat your food? apparently not, and this ticks off Ayaan to no ends. he’ll gladly buy you another meal if you are so hungry, but please don't touch his food without his permission. maybe if you ask nicely he may be willing to share some with you tho
HELLO HELLO 👋 here's my detailed profile on my MC Ayaan :D (@rf-interactive ) he's gonna be paired up with Roman, much to his dismay XD
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plethoraworldatlas · 1 month
A small mountain community in the Peruvian Andes has won a victory that could echo across Latin America.
In a historic ruling, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has charged the Peruvian government with violating its people’s right to a healthy environment by allowing a century-old metal smelter to contaminate the community of La Oroya. In its scathing decision, the Court found that the government “was aware of these high levels of contamination” yet chose not to take appropriate actions to prevent it, “nor to provide care for persons who had acquired diseases” caused by the pollution.
La Oroya is perched over 12,000 feet high in the Andes along the banks of the River Mantaro – a river so polluted with lead and arsenic that one local called it “a dead river.” Huge swaths of the surrounding mountains have been cleaved for mining, and pollution from the smelter has killed much of the area’s vegetation. Yet generations of locals still live here, fighting to maintain their homes and health.
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Residents of La Oroya, Peru, photographed in 2008 near the the smelter complex that has made the city one of the most polluted places on earth. (Ernesto Benavides / AFP via Getty)
Since the smelter began operating in 1922, the people of La Oroya have been exposed to extreme levels of lead and other harmful contaminants, including arsenic, cadmium, and sulfur dioxide. At one point, 99% of children under 6 years old in La Oroya tested had lead levels known to cause severe health harms. Many residents suffer from developmental and behavioral disorders, cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory illness, and cancer, among many other health issues.
Peruvian researchers and La Oroya locals who tried to disseminate information about the smelter’s toxic impacts were harassed and intimidated. In the absence of government action, the Latin America-based environmental legal group the Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA), with the support of Earthjustice, began advocating for the people of La Oroya. In 2006, AIDA and Earthjustice, together with other groups, filed a petition against the Peruvian government at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. AIDA and APRODEH, a Peruvian human rights organization, represented families from La Oroya in the proceedings.
In the 15 years it took the complaint to get before the Court, the Peruvian government repeatedly gave the smelter’s owner, Doe Run Peru (a subsidiary of the U.S.-based Renco Group, Inc), free leave to emit massive levels of air pollution that frequently went well beyond Peruvian regulations and World Health Organization standards for air quality. Since the government sold the plant in 1997, Doe Run Peru was given special exemptions from complying with environmental laws until it could install much needed technology to control pollution. Later, despite the company repeatedly failing to install these controls, the government granted extension after extension allowing the company to continue operating and polluting.
Doe Run Peru eventually declared bankruptcy and creditors later sold the smelter to its local workers in La Oroya – potentially transferring its environmental liability onto the people it had poisoned.
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swetty88 · 2 months
Steven Universe Future Timeline (Including The Movie) [Long Version]
When I started writing my Steven Universe Future fanfiction, I discovered that dates are very important to me. The day, month, even year. They may be minimal details in most series, but when I write, it's essential to know when the events occur, to have a stable chronological order.
One of the things I highlight about the Steven Universe franchise, in addition to its focus on diversity, love and acceptance, is the continuity in the story. Nothing that happens in the episodes is in vain, the events can be mentioned later. The “unsolved mysteries” thing doesn't count here, I think the crewniverse left some things up to our interpretation, which is fine, it's a good exercise for the mind.
So, keeping continuity in mind, today we will put dates for the events that occurred in The Movie and Future. I won't include the original series because there is already a very detailed timeline on Reddit, made by NubOnReddit. Click here to see the timeline of the original series.
We will consider some important details for the construction of the timeline. Some are based on the timeline on Reddit:
Steven's birthday is August 15 (Canon)
Steven was born in 2001, so he should be 16 in 2017 and 17 in 2018 (Headcanon)
Steven is 16 in the movie, in "Rose Buds" (he mentions it), in "Bismuth Casual" (he mentions it) and in "Growing Pains", the latter is seen in his medical record (Canon)
Snow episodes occur in December, so "Snow Day" occurs in December (Headcanon)
Beach City and possibly the state of Delmarva is a warm place, there's no snow during the end of December and the months of January and February (Peruvian headcanon, I don't know snow)
"Snow Day" occurs on a Monday (the start, snowing), Tuesday (tons of snow), and Wednesday (the snow disappears a little at the end) (Canon)
Little Homeschool's curriculum has a lot of freedom. Apparently you can join the school any day of the year, as seen with Cherry Quartz, Bluebird, and Nice Lapis. So, "Little Graduation" doesn't necessarily take place in June (Headcanon)
There are only a few days between "Little Homeschool" and "Guidance". In the second episode, the GHEM (Gem-Human Excellence Mentorship) program that Amethyst implemented is recent, and it would fit so well if she implemented it at the beginning of school. So the distance between both episodes is a few days minimum to a week maximum (Headcanon)
In "Snow Day", a note on Steven's smartphone says that the third quarter starts next week. It's very difficult to estimate a third quarter when there is a lot of freedom to join the school, when in "Little Graduation" only the Off Colors graduate and when in our world the third quarter is in February in the United States. Since Steven doesn't know what a school year is (seen in "Bismuth Casual"), let's assume that he believes that third quarter means the third month of four months, from the start of school. Also, it would have a more literal meaning (Headcanon)
In "Guidance" and "Rose Buds", Steven is seen eating meat (Pepperoni on pizza and a small piece of meat respectively). Since in "Snow Day" Steven says that he has been a vegetarian for a month, "Rose Buds" must take place at least a month before "Snow Day" (Canon)
There is a distance of at least two months between "Little Homeschool" and "Little Graduation", since it's in that period of time where Sadie starts dating with Shep (in the episode Sadie mentions that they have been dating for almost two months and Lars mentions that they met during the tour with The Suspects) (Canon)
Graduations at Little Homeschool occur at the end of the fourth quarter (or fourth month according to Steven's perspective), so there is a gap of two months with a few days between "Snow Day" and "Little Graduation" (Headcanon)
In "Prickly Pair", Steven took care of his plants the old-fashioned way, without healing spit. Among his flowers, there's a blue campanula, this flower blooms between early and mid-summer (June and July in the United States respectively). So that there is a logical space for later episodes, let's assume that "Prickly Pair" takes place in June, and that a good amount of time must pass between this episode and "Little Graduation" so that Steven has time to take care of his plants the old-fashioned way (Headcanon)
In "Bismuth Casual", actually hours before off camera, Daniel's mother scolds him for his grades of the last exams (from the cram school, according to what I searched, there they prepare for the school exams). School vacations in the United States are usually at the end of May or beginning of June, although according to what I searched, it can also be in mid-June. As the events in "Prickly Pair" occur earlier, the events of this episode will occur before mid-June, a few days before school exams (Headcanon)
In "Together Forever", from Steven and Connie's initial dialogue, we can assume that Connie recently chose which university to enter, and that before the episode she must have visited Steven to leave her brochure at his house. We can assume that Connie is already on vacation at this time, since she has a little more freedom for the aforementioned events to occur and to implement her fifteen-minute break with Steven (which also seems to be recent). Also, in this same episode there are classes at Little Homeschool. Gems don't get tired like humans but I think they will also want their Saturdays and Sundays off (Headcanon)
At the end of "Together Forever", Connie tells Steven that she will call him tomorrow at lunchtime, which she does in the first minutes of "Growing Pains". Also, in "Growing Pains" the Gems went on a field trip and Greg was the manager of Sadie and Shep. Since Greg didn't appear in "Together Forever", we'll assume he was away from Delmarva at the time, and the Gems could have easily left for the field trip in the morning, hours before "Growing Pains" (which seems to be around 2 pm or 3 pm). In conclusion, the events of "Growing Pains" occur one day after "Together Forever" (Headcanon)
In "Mr. Universe", Steven mentions that he went to the hospital two days ago, so the events of "Mr. Universe" take place two days after "Growing Pains" (Canon)
In "Mr. Universe", Greg mentions that his parents are away because they go to Florida Island every winter every year. It's impossible to move this episode to the past because it's part of a chain of successive events (From "Together Forever" to "I Am My Monster" all the events occur almost after the other, if you remove one, the chain is broken). So, in order not to create an erratum, let's say that Greg's parents go to Florida Island in the winter, but a few years ago they started going in the summer as well, only Greg didn't know it (Headcanon)
We don't need to wait a week for the Gems to return from the field trip, most likely after Steven crashed the van, he or Greg contacted them to help them. It could also have happened that Greg called a transportation service to take the van to the beach, but they would have still contacted the gems since it was an emergency. So, the beginning of "Fragments" occurs one day after the events of "Mr. Universe" (Headcanon)
"Fragments" occupies a range of 5 days: Steven goes to the forest and asks Jasper to train him on the first day, Jasper trains him for the next three days, on the fifth day we see Chad Steven (name for Steven Post-Training according to the official consensus of the fandom) and that same day he shatters and revives Jasper (Canon)
"Homeworld Bound" occurs at night of the same day that Steven shattered and revived Jasper, and also takes place at dawn the next day (Canon)
"Everything's Fine" occurs from the morning until approximately 1 pm or 2 pm, a few minutes after the end of "Homeworld Bound" (Headcanon)
"I Am My Monster" occurs on the same day as "Everything's Fine", during the afternoon (Canon)
"The Future" occurs a few months after "I Am My Monster" (Canon)
Despite the usual warm weather in Beach City, this city also has its cold days. Because Connie's outfits in the episode are warmer compared to what she wore the rest of the season, "The Future" takes place between October to early December (Headcanon)
Taking the details into account, let's start with the construction of the timeline:
Steven Universe: The Movie
For greater precision, we will decompose the key events into days and periods (morning, afternoon, sunset, night, early morning):
The detailed breakdown will only be for the movie, for the episodes they will be shorter, don't worry.
Day 1:
Morning (Before 12 pm): From when Steven returns to Beach City (Start) until the end of the song "Happily Ever After"
Afternoon (Between 12 pm and 6 pm): From the arrival of Spinel with the injector until the end of the song "No Matter What"
Sunset (Between 6 pm and 7 pm): From when Amethyst recovers her memory until the moment they plan how to recover Pearl's memories
Night (Between 7 pm to 12 am): From Sadie Killer and the Suspects' concert until after the song "Drift Away"
Day 2:
Early morning (Between 12 am and 6 am): From when Steven and Spinel go to the former's house until the injector explodes
Morning (6 am to 7 am): After the injector explosion until the shot with the main cast on Little Homeworld, before the scene where Beach City is repaired
There is an important detail in the movie: Going by the poster with the date of Sadie Killer and the Suspects' concert, "Day 1" would be May 21. Including the possible year where Steven was born, the exact date would be Monday, May 21, 2018, where Steven would be 16 years, 9 months and 6 days. However, on this day it's not possible for the events of "Day 1" to occur for two reasons:
Connie going to space camp: According to what I found, space camps usually last a week, or 6 or 9 days, also, they are a day and night stay. May is a school month, and since May 21, 2018 was a Monday, Connie should be at school, and I doubt her parents have requested permission from the school. They support her interests but I don't think they would allow her daughter to miss a week of school when they can wait until the vacations to enroll her in space camp.
Steven is 16 in "Growing Pains": Since Future is in chronological order, "Growing Pains" takes place some time after "Snow Day", which takes place in winter. Thus, Steven should have been 17 years old at the time, but his medical record shows that he is still 16.
Fortunately, one of the film's storyboarders (Petersen, I think) confirmed that May 21 was the date when she drew the poster, not necessarily the date of the film. So we can give a slightly different date, taking into account this details:
It must be during school vacations in the United States so Connie can go to space camp.
It must be after August 15, 2017 and before December of the same year, only then can Steven be 16 in "Growing Pains"
In short, putting both details together, the events of the movie can only occur after August 15 until before mid-September.
Don't worry about altering the date on the poster in the movie. In the original series there were slight situations of erratum, such as Garnet asking a question in the episode "Cheeseburger Backpack" in the first season (When Garnet never asks questions, except in her Cotton Candy form) or Connie being affected by Blue Diamond's power in a scene in "Reunited" (When she's immune bacause she's human, this was seen in the rest of the episode and in later episodes). Altering the date of the poster will only be one more moment of erratum.
And guess what. We don't need to alter the poster date much! The 21st is a nice day for the events to occur, so we can say that the events of "Day 1" of the movie occurred on August 21, 2017, which curiously falls on a Monday just like May 21, 2018. The only difference is that it would be during the school vacations season.
Therefore, the events of the movie occur on Monday, August 21, 2017 and Tuesday, August 22, 2017.
For now, I'll skip the time it takes to rebuild Beach City and finish building Little Homeworld. We are going to include them, but to avoid time clashes with some Future episodes, we'll estimate the exact date starting with the episodes with a more precise time period based on the important details that I explained at the beginning. The summary of the initial estimates would be this:
Except for "The Future", all episodes take place in 2018 before August 15, 2018, because Steven is 16 years old
"Snow Day" is the last episode that occurs in 2017, the rest occur in 2018 before August 15 (except "The Future")
"Little Homeschool" and "Guidance" are maximum one week apart
"Rose Buds" and "Snow Day" are at least a month away
"Snow Day" occurs from a Monday to a Wednesday in December. Furthermore, it occurs a week before the third quarter of Little Homeschool
For Steven, and by extension for Little Homeschool, third quarter means the third month of four months
"Little Homeschool" and "Little Graduation" are at least two months apart
"Little Graduation" occurs two months and a few days after "Snow Day", on the last day of the fourth quarter
"Prickly Pair" occurs in June
"Bismuth Casual" occurs shortly before mid-June
"Together Forever" happens a few days after the start of the school vacations, in June precisely.
"Growing Pains" occurs one day after "Together Forever"
"Mr. Universe" takes place two days after "Growing Pains"
"Fragments" has a range of five days. The first day takes place one day after "Mr. Universe"
"Homeworld Bound" occurs on the night of the fifth day of "Fragments" and the early morning of the next day.
"Everything's Fine" takes place a few minutes after "Homeworld Bound" and one day after the fifth day of "Fragments"
"I Am My Monster" occurs on the same day that "Everything's Fine"
"The Future" occurs between October and December
A new detail: To facilitate calculations, let's assume that Little Homeschool started on the first Monday of a month or on the first day of the month. It doesn't necessarily have to start after they finish building Little Homeworld, let's give Steven and the Crystal Gems time to create the curriculum
With this details, we see that the episode with the most precise time period is "Snow Day", which begins on a Monday and a week before the third month of four school months. According to the 2017 calendar, the episode may occur on December 4, 11, 18 or 25. Curiously, the first day of the year 2018 was Monday, January 1. With our estimate that classes began on the first day or Monday of some month, the events of Snow Day occur from Monday, December 25 to Wednesday, December 27.
Fact: The fact that the episode takes place on December 25 doesn't interfere with Christmas. In the world of Steven Universe, Christmas isn't celebrated in the same way as it's here. I don't know if it's true that someone from the crew said that religions don't exist in S.U. (They did say that New Year's is the only holiday), but since in "Bismuth Casual" we saw that Patricia is Muslim, this answer changes. My guess is that, in the S.U. world, Christmas would be celebrated only by Christians and in the traditional way (without a Christmas tree for example). That's why we don't see Steven and the Gems celebrating Christmas.
Returning to the construction of Future's timeline, with our first date found, we can conclude that Little Homeschool began on Wednesday, November 1, 2017. Therefore, the end of the fourth month and therefore, the graduation of the Off Colors takes place on Wednesday, February 28, 2018. The end of "Little Graduation" with the main CGs putting up the Welcome New Students sign and with Steven quit running the school, takes place on Thursday, March 1, 2018, on first day of the new first quarter.
In summary, we have these dates at the moment:
Little Homeschool began on Wednesday, November 1, 2017
"Snow Day" occurs from Monday, December 25 to Wednesday, December 27
"Little Graduation" occurs from Wednesday, February 28, 2018 to Thursday, March 1, 2018
What's next? Estimate episode dates before "Snow Day". We have to consider some new details:
Each episode in this group occupies one day, except "A Very Special Episode", which occurs over two days but may be a few more days apart.
"Little Homeschool", "Volleyball", "Bluebird" and "A Very Special Episode" (both days seen) can occur between Monday to Friday, because they are school days at Little Homeschool
"Guidance" can take place on a Saturday or Sunday, because we see children in the episode when they should be in school then. We can consider the GHEM program that Amethyst created as an extracurricular activity, although gems can also work during classes as long as their schedules don't intersect.
"Rose Buds" takes place on a Saturday or Sunday, because we see Steven and the main CGs without doing something related to school
With this details, we'll make our estimates.
In "Little Homeschool", the school seems to be too new, it gives off those vibes, so the events of the episode could take place in the second week of November, but when? As a classic symbolism of Monday, the beginning of the work week, let's say that "Little Homeschool" occurs on Monday, November 6, 2017.
We said that "Guidance" must occur on a Saturday or Sunday and that it must be at most a week away from "Little Homeschool". This would give us November 11 and 12 as possible dates. And there is something curious here: In the United States, November 11 is Veterans Day, it's a day that commemorates military veterans (living and fallen) who served the Armed Forces during times of war or peace. This date was designated because it coincides with the commemoration of the end of the First World War. In the S.U. world, I understand that there were no world wars, so I doubt this date will be celebrated. However, the gems, especially the uncorrupted ones, are basically that: military veterans who fought in a war millennia ago. In "Guidance" we see these veteran gems working on what they wanted, so, as a reason for honor and a nod to our world, this episode takes place on Saturday, November 11, 2017.
Since "Snow Day" occurs on December 25, "Rose Buds" must occur on or before November 25. November 25th falls on a Saturday, exactly the same month for Steven to go vegetarian for a month in "Snow Day", but "Rose Buds" could also occur on November 18th or 19th and there would be no problem. To give some harmony to the events and the timeline (minimum one episode occurring each week), this episode occurs on Sunday, November 19, 2017
"Volleyball" looks like a Wednesday to me. So, to continue harmony, this episode occurs on Wednesday, November 22, 2017.
As we saw in "Bluebird", every new gem on Earth has a party. But I find it difficult to have a party for each new gem. There are several (especially if you count the ones that come from Homeworld, there would be many parties in a row in the end) and Cherry Quartz didn't have her party in the first episode. Let's assume that Bluebird was very lucky to arrive on Earth in the second quarter, so she had her party as it was also the beginning of the second month of four school months. Therefore, "Bluebird" occurs on Friday, December 1, 2017
If you noticed, in this group of episodes we are selecting a different day of the week for each episode. Now, the remaining days are Tuesday and Thursday, and we only have one episode left, which is "A Very Special Episode" and, fortunately, it shows two days: The episode itself and the lesson of the episode narrated by Sunstone. Since the timeline of the original series on Reddit (my inspiration for creating this Future timeline) a snowy episode is located in mid-December, we will place "A Very Special Episode" between Tuesday, December 5 (first day) and Thursday, December 7 (second day).
Before moving forward a few months, we still have one episode left: "Why So Blue?" What happens after "Snow Day" and before "Little Graduation". From this episode we enter the year 2018 and as "Little Graduation" occurs in February, this episode will occur in January. But on which day? I searched for celebrations in January and found an International Mentoring Day. This day falls on January 17 and its basis is for a person with more experience to share their knowledge with someone with less experience (I don't know if it's explained well, I've never heard this day before). In the episode, Steven and Lapis try to teach two Lapises to not destroy worlds. More or less the concept of the day comes in there. Therefore, the episode occurs on Wednesday, January 17, 2018
And before we continue with Future's timeline, we need to wrap up something pending. We are going to estimate the time it takes to rebuild Beach City and to finish the construction of Little Homeworld, since from Future both are already 100% built.
During the song "Finale" we have 4 shots of Beach City, the first was how it looked at the end of the day (August 22) and the following were gradual advances. I'd say it took three weeks to repair Beach City, but considering Steven has healing spit, he could put a small pinch of spit in a giant tank and all the water would take on healing properties. With a plane or ship, they would dump the water throughout Beach City, eliminating the liquid from the injector and reestablishing the flora. This would speed up the reconstruction of Beach City, allowing Little Homeworld to finish being built shortly afterward (During the movie it was at 83.7%). Additionally, all the gems that live on Earth would help in both constructions, which would shorten the time it takes to repair Beach City.
Putting both constructions together, we will estimate the duration like this:
Beach City was completely rebuilt in 10 days: The flora was reborn in three days with a few liters of water (combined with Steven's healing spit) dropped from the sky. The reconstruction of the affected establishments would last a week, ending on Friday, September 1, 2017.
Little Homeworld finished 100% construction 46 days after rebuilding Beach City: I calculated the days with mathematical calculations. Steven was 14 years, 8 months and a few days at the end of Change Your Mind. To round out the equation, let's assume that construction on Little Homeworld began a few days after Steven turned 15. One year would be equivalent to 80% completed (The remaining 3.7% can be distributed in the following days after your 16th birthday) and using the rule of three simple ((365*20)/80 in our example), Little Homeworld will be finished in 91.25 days. But since it would be a little more than a month after November 1, the date when school starts, this result wouldn't be possible. But we can work around it, assuming that the gems rushed twice as hard with the remaining build or that what was missing wasn't that complicated. This would give us a total of 45,625 days, but we will round it up to 46 days, so Little Homeworld will be finished on Tuesday, October 17. We have a few extra days left, in those days Steven and the Crystal Gems would plan the curriculum, Lars would open his bakery and Sadie Killer and The Suspects would start their tour. In conclusion, everything fits and doesn't alter any assigned date.
Let's see how the dates are going for the moment. We can omit the start date of Little Homeschool, we don't need it anymore:
Movie: Mon 21 Aug 2017 - Tue 22 Aug 2017
Little Homeschool: Mon 6 Nov 2017
Guidance: Sat 11 Nov 2017
Rose Buds: Sun 19 Nov 2017
Volleyball: Wed 22 Nov 2017
Bluebird: Fri Dec 1, 2017
A Very Special Ep: Tue Dec 5, 2017 - Thu Dec 7, 2017
Snow Day: Mon 25 Dec 2017 - Wed 27 Dec 2017
Why So Blue?: Wed Jan 17, 2018
Little Graduation: Wed 28 Feb 2018 - Thu 1 Mar 2018
Now, let's move forward a few months in our timeline. For this second group of episodes let's consider these details:
There's an unbreakable chain from "Together Forever" to "I Am My Monster", this subgroup of episodes is quite connected and when we get here, it will be very easy to find the dates, since we know the range of days of all the episodes in this chain
"Prickly Pair" occurs within a three-day range. Due to the presence of the Crystal Gems in the house during the afternoon on the first two days, the episode occurs from a Saturday afternoon to a Monday morning
"In Dreams" occurs within a range of two days, and since Peridot is present in the house, it occurs on a Saturday and Sunday
"Bismuth Casual" occurs in one day (or rather, in one night). As the cram school exams mention, this episode occurs between Monday to Friday
"Together Forever" lasts one day and occurs between Monday and Friday, because there are classes at Little Homeschool
"Everything's Fine" happens between Monday and Friday because there are classes. Considering the chain that unites the episodes from "Together Forever" to "I Am My Monster", if "Together Forever" occurs on a Monday, "Everything's Fine" occurs on a Wednesday of the following week. Therefore, "Together Forever" can only occur on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, so "Everything's Fine" occurs on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday respectively
Related to the previous information, since "Together Forever", Connie must be on vacation so she can be present in "Everything's Fine" and "I Am My Monster"
"The Future" occurs in a range of two days, the second day would be from five in the morning (because of the almost night sky at the end, compared to the dark sky at the time when Steven and Greg were packing the things from the former). As Connie is present on the morning of the first day and it doesn't appear to be a school day at Little Homeschool, the first day occurs on a Saturday or Sunday and the second day occurs on a Sunday or Monday respectively
With this details, let's start getting the dates for the second group of episodes. We estimate that "Prickly Pair" occurs in June, and school vacations in the United States usually begin in that same month. In order not to clash the dates, we will start by calculating the date of "Bismuth Casual"
We said that "Bismuth Casual" occurs in mid-June, this means that it must occur between Monday 11 and Friday 15. But we have an important detail to consider: In 2018, June 14 was Eid al-Fitr, a Muslim holiday. which marks the end of Ramadan, a celebration that consists of fasting, prayer, reflection and community. And in this episode appears Patricia, a Muslim teenager, so we must choose a date when she can be present without interfering with Ramadan so that she can perform the night prayers (Tarawih). The only date available in the selected week is Friday 15, so we'll say that "Bismuth Casual" occurs on Friday, June 15, 2018.
With our first date of this group of episodes, let's back up a bit and go to "Prickly Pair". Firstly, it can't coincide with "In Dreams" because they both occupy a Saturday and Sunday, so they must be at least a week apart. Fortunately, we have two free weeks in June before the events in "Bismuth Casual", and we also find the date of two episodes at the same time. In conclusion, "Prickly Pair" occurs from Saturday, June 2, 2018 to Monday, June 4, 2018, and "In Dreams" occurs from Saturday, June 9, 2018 to Sunday, June 10, 2018
This is when we enter into an important calculation, the date where "Together Forever" occurs will define when the episodes occur consecutively until "I Am My Monster". Since "Bismuth Casual" occurs on Friday, June 15, there must be at least a week away so that exam week passes and Connie can be on vacation. This data would allow us to calculate that, at least at the school Connie goes to, the vacations have started after Friday, June 22, and from this date, we must add some days so that Connie can decide to apply to Jayhawk, visit Steven and leave a university brochure at home. So what date do we choose? I searched for June celebrations and found that June 27 was designated as National PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Awareness Day. In "Growing Pains" we saw that Steven has PTSD and Dr. Maheswaran gave a good explanation of the topic, so it would be significant to choose this date as the events of "Growing Pains". As in 2018, June 27 was a Wednesday, "Together Forever" would occur on Tuesday 26, this date meets the details for the estimates, as it occurs shortly after Friday 22 and gives enough time for Connie to thoroughly plan her application to Jayhawk, visit Steven and leave the brochure at his house.
It's time to find most of the remaining dates using the "Together Forever" and "I Am My Monster" chain. With all episodes occurring in 2018, "Together Forever" takes place on Tuesday, June 26, "Growing Pains" takes place on Wednesday, June 27, "Mr. Universe" takes place on Friday, June 29, "Fragments" takes place from Saturday, June 30 to Wednesday, July 4, "Homeworld Bound" occurs from the night of Wednesday, July 4 to the morning of Thursday, July 5, "Everything's Fine" and "I Am My Monster" occur on Thursday, July 5.
Now, the moment of truth has arrived. Let's find the date where "The Future", the last episode of Steven Universe Future, occurred. To make our lives easier, we'll do discard methods:
Because of Connie's outfits we said that the episode takes place in October or December, but when everyone is saying goodbye to Steven like a celebrity at approximately five in the morning, we see that some of them don't have such warm outfits, and since it would be 5 am, It would be colder than usual. So we'll reduce some days and say that the episode occurs in October or mid-November
The episode "I Am My Monster" occurred on Thursday, July 5. To give Steven more time to heal from his traumas (but let's remember that he's not fully recovered, plus when you have PTSD it's more about learning to live with it in a healthy way, because it's very difficult to say recovering from PTSD by complete) and be ready to travel around the country, we'll estimate that "The Future" occurs in November (early or mid), which would be four months away from "I Am My Monster"
One of the possible dates for both days is Sunday, November 11, that is, Veterans Day. We said that the gems, especially the uncorrupted ones, represent being military veterans, and Steven could tell in a similar way, because although he didn't participate in any war, we can say that he put a definitive end to the war between the Crystal Gems and the gems of Homeworld. However, the only healed gems (not counting Jasper) who said goodbye to Steven are Larimar, Bixbite and Blue Lace, there with the group of humans who woke up early to say goodbye to Steven like a celebrity, while others from this group wander around the city as if nothing had happened (believe me, at that time most of the healed gems disappointed me a little). It would be a bit sour to choose this date for "The Future" when only three gems did what the other fifteen should also do and didn't (I think I'll talk about this in a separate post soon). Therefore, Saturday 10, Sunday 11 and Monday 12 are discarded.
One of the possible dates for the second day is Monday, November 5. "Little Homeschool" takes place on Monday, November 6, 2017, so choosing Monday 5 as the date for "The Future" would be symbolic. A year ago was the beginning of Steven's problems that unleashed his pink outburst and now, he is healing from his traumas and began a journey to discover himself.
Do we continue to discard more or go for the symbolism? I think we'll go for the symbolism, plus it's a good day for Steven to start his journey. Finalizing the timeline, the episode "The Future" occurs from Sunday, November 4, 2018 to Monday, November 5, 2018.
With all the dates found, the Steven Universe Future timeline, including the movie, looks like this:
Monday, August 21, 2017 - Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Little Homeschool:
Monday, November 6, 2017
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Rose Buds:
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017
A Very Special Episode:
Tuesday, December 5, 2017 - Thursday, December 7, 2017
Snow Day:
Monday, December 25, 2017 - Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Why So Blue?:
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Little Graduation:
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 - Thursday, March 1, 2018
Prickly Pair:
Saturday, June 2, 2018 - Monday, June 4, 2018
In Dreams:
Saturday, June 9, 2018 - Sunday, June 10, 2018
Bismuth Casual:
Friday, June 15, 2018
Together Forever:
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Growing Pains:
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Mr. Universe:
Friday, June 29, 2018
Saturday, June 30, 2018 - Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Homeworld Bound:
Wednesday, July 4, 2018 - Thursday, July 5, 2018
Everything's Fine:
Thursday, July 5, 2018
I Am My Monster:
Thursday, July 5, 2018
The Future:
Sunday, November 4, 2018 - Monday, November 5, 2018
It took some time to make the timeline, but we did it. The final result seems quite realistic to me, so I consider it a good job.
Short Version
Spanish Version | Versión en Español
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bradsmindbrain · 6 months
Why is the Geth Star/Southern Cross (I assume that’s what it’s based on) called Ukhu Pacha?
Karna Rog is based on Don Armage, who is in turn based on these deformed Peruvian Skeletons.
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The Incas who lived in Peru believed in three separate worlds, Hanaq Pacha (the world above), Kay Pacha (this world), and Ukhu Pacha (the world below). Hanaq Pacha was a world of the sun, moon, and stars, and the realm of many gods. Kay Pacha is our world, with all the people, animals, and plants. And finally, Ukhu Pacha is the realm of the dead and new life, inhabited by both the Incan fertility goddess Pachamama, as well as the Supay, demons that torment the living as well as a god of death. Some versions of the myths apparently state that the righteous would be able to go to Hanaq Pacha after death, while the wicked were damned for Ukhu Pacha. That being said, as a realm of new life as well it wasn’t seen as an entirely negative concept.
As such, I decided that the name of the Incan underworld would be appropriate given what Karna Rog is based on.
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jeweledstone · 1 year
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Misguineaus -(Shiny Stone)-> Mischinchillous
Soul Wings (aka Misincubus)
(Based off Peruvian Guinea Pigs and chinchillas)
Battle Info:
^ HP
v Attack
Misguineaus, Mischinchillous
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Fighting
Resistant to(x1/2): N/A
Resistant to(x1/4): N/A
Immune to(x0): Ghost
Soul Wings
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Dark
Resistant to(x1/2): Poison, Bug
Resistant to(x1/4): N/A
Immune to(x0): Fighting, Normal, Ghost
Info: Known for its long and luxuriously soft fur, Misguineaus are very popular as pets for small children. In the wild, they often are found in mountainous regions with lots of plant life.
Despite their short, stumpy legs, Mischinchillous are amazingly agile and can jump up to 20 feet straight up in the air. When threatened, this pokemon emits a loud “bark” as a warning before attempting to attack its aggressor.
A strange pokemon resembling Misguineaus, Soul Wings is a scavenger that feeds on the meat of deceased pokemon and trainers who’ve accidentally wandered into Area Zero. The wings on their heads are relatively useless for flying, but can be used to preform moves such as Whirlwind and Air Cutter in battle.
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Day 24 - The Peruvian Amazon
We head to the dining room for coffee before we start our boat trip. Neither of us slept very well - not really on account of the animal noises surrounding us but because my cough is getting worse, plus the bedsheets were damp because of the humidity. Today we are going to the Macaw clay lick. We take the boat 90 mins upstream and pull up to a “beach” alongside a bunch of other boats. We sit on our stools waiting for the parrots to arrive. There are some birds flying overhead an in the trees but it’s a slow morning - Marco assures us that as long as it doesn’t rain they will come. In the meantime we learn a bit about the different macaws, parrots and parakeets we can see). After a while we go back to the boat and have some breakfast that was packed for us - a boiled egg in a brioche bun (a little strange but it fills a hole).
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Not long after starting breakfast the birds start to come. We finish up and bring our stools back up the beach to watch. The birds are quite far across the river from where we are but we can see them through Marco’s telescope. He explains to us that the birds come here for two reasons 1) to get minerals from the clay and 2) to find a mate (parrots stay in couples and are monogamous).
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Apparently there were some other clay licks in the region bit as the clay cliffs have moved further from the riverbank vegetation has grown over them meaning that the parrots no longer visit. Marco says this is the case for Collpa Colorado and Collpa Chunchos hence today we are at Collpa Ocho Gallinas (although on Google maps it is marked as Collpa Chunchos). This is one of the last remaining so they need to keep it clear of vegetation to prevent this from happening.
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Next we jump back on the boat and go down a smaller channel to try and spot other wildlife. We find several families of Capybara (Jack was very happy about this), a caiman and lots of turtles.
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Time to take the boat back to the lodge - we need a nap. We manage to sleep better as we are so tired but I also start getting a fever - I’m wrapped up in blankets despite it being hot.
At 1pm we head into the dining room for our lunch - it’s Aji de Gallina (the dish I had in Cusco).
I’m dosed up on meds so feeling a bit better, there is just enough time to use the wifi before we go on the 3pm hike.
The hike is not very far and we are continually stopping to see stuff. Some things that we encounter are a tarantula’s nest (Marco tries to entice it out by simulating pray with a vine but it doesn’t fool for it) and learn some more about the trees in the area. One tree has a fruit (Jagua) that’s juice can be used as tattoo ink - a few volunteers come forward and Marco applies it directly with his machete - it goes on clear but apparently will go black later and will last 1-2 weeks. The Ceiba Pentandra (kapok) tree rather than having fruits produces a cotton like seed that floats away from the tree.
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At various points most of the group have been dressed down by Marco for talking too much or asking a question if it’s already been answered. He’s very friendly but at the same time he won’t hold back if he gets frustrated 😂
We also learn a bit more about the timber trade - we see another beautiful Ceiba Pentandra tree which is about 50 meters high and is the tree where the king vultures were perched that we spotted from the tower yesterday. The base of the trees trunk reminds me of a fig. Unfortunately these trees are logged for making plywood. Marco explains that the Chunchos land under its original owner was used to log mahogany and cedar to the point that these trees cannot be found here anymore. Plus planting of rubber trees and harvesting of latex for the car industry.
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We also stop at an Ironwood (Shihuahuaco) tree. This hardwood is good for building houses hence why it is a target for loggers. Shockingly it is also commonly used for charcoal packets in Europe - what a waste!! Apparently the government will protect this tree within 18months. The Brazil Nut also a target for its timber has already been protected.
These trees are near the property’s boundary and if they were outside they would have already been cut down for sure.
We head back to the hotel via the shortcut route which I am glad about as I’ve been struggling on this walk.
When we get back Marco offers to take us back out in another hour for a night walk and I’d love to go but we decide to stay home as I’m feeling so exhausted.
For dinner we have spag bol and end up staying talking to our group until nearly 10pm. By the time I get up from the table and walk back to the room I suddenly realise how ill I feel - I am completely wiped out, my body is aching. It’s time for bed but I cannot sleep as I am coughing so much and my fever is back throughout night.
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daniellekurin · 1 month
Unraveling Centuries of History and Culture of the Andean Odyssey
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A rich tapestry woven through millennia, the history of the Andean region of South America took place from the Preceramic period to the Spanish conquest in 1534. Archaeologists such as John H. Rowe and Edward Lanning have meticulously mapped the cultural development of Peruvian civilizations, dividing them into periods and horizons based on ceramic styles and radiocarbon dates.
The journey began in the Preceramic Period (before 9500 BC), pronounced by the earliest evidence of human occupation in Peru, and this period, marked by the absence of pottery, witnessed the gradual evolution of stone-based technologies among hunter-gatherers in the highlands and coastal regions. The transition to ceramic use began in subsequent periods, each characterized by unique cultural traditions and technological advancements.
In the Preceramic Periods I to VI, distinct cultural traditions, monumental architectural structures, population growth, and widespread textile production developed. The development of agriculture and domestication of plants during this time laid the foundation for more complex societies in the Andes. Notable sites such as Quebrada Jaguay, Chivateros, Lauricocha, and Caral Supe/Norte Chico exemplify the diversity and sophistication of Andean cultures in these preceramic phases. While the Quebrada Jaguay illustrates the use of marine and plant resources, the Chivateros showcases the use of stone tools. Lauricocha represents early agricultural activities in the region, whereas the Caral Supe/Norte Chico demonstrates social organization and urban planning.
Subsequent historical periods, from the Initial Period to the Late Horizon, further illustrate the dynamic evolution of Andean societies. The introduction of pottery in the Initial Period (1800-900 BCE) marks a turning point, leading to new settlements along coastal valleys. The Early Horizon saw the rise of Chavín de Huantar, a site in the northern highlands that influenced the spread of the Chavín culture and its artistic motifs. Some consider the Chavín culture the earliest complex culture with intricate art, iconography, and religious rituals.
As time progressed into the Early Intermediate Period (200 BCE-600 CE), more cultures such as the Moche, Gallinazo, Lima, and Nazca emerged, each contributing to the cultural mosaic of the Andean landscape. The Middle Horizon (600-1000 CE) witnessed environmental changes that shaped the region's cultural and political dynamics. Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns influenced agricultural practices, affecting crop yields and food production.
The Late Intermediate Period (1000-1476 CE) featured the fragmentation of political entities, with independent polities governing different areas. Notable cultures during this period included the Chimú society on the north coast and the Chachapoya culture in the highlands. The Chimú utilized the rich coastal resources for sustenance as skilled agriculturalists and fishermen. They developed an extensive irrigation system for agriculture, allowing them to support a large population. The Chachapoya cultivated coca plants, which held ritual and medicinal significance. The exchange of coca leaves with other regional societies contributed to cultural connections.
The Late Horizon (1476-1534 CE) witnessed the rise of the Inca Empire, with sites such as Cuzco, Machu Picchu, and Ollantaytambo becoming symbols of Incan power and influence. The arrival of the Spanish in 1532 brought a seismic shift to Andean history. The conquest led to the region's colonization, with the imposition of new social, religious, and economic systems. The once-mighty Inca Empire crumbled, and the intricate stone structures of pre-Inca and Inca sites became the foundations for new colonial constructions.
Finally, the post-conquest era saw the integration of indigenous elites into the colonial administration, the introduction of a racialized caste system, and the devastating impact of new diseases. The modern era witnessed the rise of movements such as Indigenismo, which sought to valorize indigenous peoples and celebrate the achievements of ancient Andean civilizations. The rediscovery of Machu Picchu in 1911 and the efforts of Andean intellectuals such as José Carlos Mariátegui contributed to a renewed appreciation for Andean culture.
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sevenseascatering12 · 1 month
Seven Seas Catering: Setting Sail on a Wave of Flavor in 2024
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As Best Caterers in delhi , Seven Seas Catering is renowned for its delectable fare and impeccable service. But what excites taste buds and keeps us ahead of the curve? We've got our finger on the pulse of the culinary world, and here's a glimpse into the trending flavors and dishes that will set your 2024 event apart:
Globally Inspired Gastronomy:
Fusion Fare: Diners are craving exciting flavor combinations. We're incorporating global influences into familiar dishes, like fragrant Thai curries with Indian spices or Korean BBQ tacos with a tangy slaw.
Latin Fiesta: Bold Latin flavors are taking center stage. Expect dishes like Peruvian ceviche, vibrant Mexican street tacos, and succulent Argentinian grills to tantalize your guests' palates.
Locally Sourced, Globally Inspired:
Fresh, Seasonal Focus: High-quality, seasonal ingredients are king. We're partnering with local farmers to create dishes that burst with flavor and celebrate the best of Delhi's bounty.
Dietary Delights:
Plant-Based Powerhouse: Vegan and vegetarian options are no longer an afterthought. We're crafting innovative and flavorful plant-based dishes that will satisfy even the most dedicated carnivores.
Dietary Inclusivity: We cater to all dietary needs. From gluten-free to nut-free, our menus offer a delicious selection for everyone to enjoy.
Beyond the Plate:
Food as Entertainment: Interactive food stations and live cooking demonstrations are no longer just for high-end events. We're incorporating these elements to create a fun and engaging dining experience.
Sustainable Soiree: Eco-conscious practices are important. We're offering biodegradable plates, locally sourced ingredients, and minimizing food waste to make your event as delicious as it is sustainable.
Seven Seas Catering: Your Guide to a Delicious 2024
At Seven Seas Catering the Best catering in delhi. we believe in exceeding expectations. Let us curate a menu that reflects the latest trends and your unique vision. Contact us today and set sail on a wave of flavor in 2024!
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twnenglish · 3 months
5 Ambitious Ecological Projects From Around The World That Are Bringing A Change
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The recent United Nations Reports suggest that by 2030, there'd be a substantial increase in Earth's Temperature. Even though this has come as a shock to many, the signs have been there for quite some time. It's just that people willingly chose to avoid it. It also reported that about 1 million plants and species worldwide are at risk of extinction if nothing is done. Our environment is in grave danger, and we have brought this fate upon it.
Thankfully, many organizations globally are taking charge of bringing change to the current state of the environment and restoring it to the best of their capabilities. These organizations are calling on different countries to come together in our fight to restore our environment. Here are 5 Ambitious Ecological Projects From Around The World That Is Bringing A  Massive Change:
1. Great Green Wall Africa link
Launched in 2007 in Africa, The Great Green Wall is an Africa-based project that aims to restore ecological balance in the Sahel region of the continent. The Sahel region has become dry and barren over the years, and the Great Green Wall project (Also known as the Great Green Wall of the Sahara) aims to restore 100 million hectares of degraded land and generate more than 10 million green jobs in the world. The project also aims to segregate around 250 million tons of carbon. Since 2007 the project has helped restore millions of hectares of land in both Ethiopia and Nigeria. The primary objective of the project is to promote water harvesting techniques, green area protection, and improving indigenous land use techniques, aimed at creating a mosaic of green and productive landscapes across the region.
2. Peruvian Amazon link
It is a project that was launched by the Peruvian company Bosques Amazonicos SAC in 2008. Peruvian Amazonia is a region in the Amazon Forest that had been destroyed completely by deforestation and land degradation. The company brought the project to train the local farmers to sustainably grow food. Over the years, the project has grown into a successful model of sustainable farming. The program has inspired many such projects around the world.
To Read This Full ARTICLE, Click Here
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chatptakitchen · 3 months
CHATPTA KITCHEN is more than just a collection of recipes; it's a narrative of our culinary adventures, trials, and triumphs. We started this blog as a way to share our love for food and the joy it brings to our lives. From cozy family dinners to exotic gastronomic escapades, every post reflects the genuine passion we have for all things delicious.
"To passionately curate and share a diverse tapestry of culinary experiences, our mission at chatpta kitchen is to bring people together through the universal language of food. We strive to inspire a global community of food enthusiasts to explore, appreciate, and create delightful dishes that not only satisfy the palate but also enrich lives. With a commitment to authenticity, creativity, and inclusivity, we aim to foster a virtual gathering space where individuals can embark on a flavourful journey, learn, and connect with like-minded souls who share a love for the art of gastronomy."
"Driven by the vision of becoming a trusted source for culinary inspiration and knowledge, chatpta kitchen aspires to be a beacon in the digital food landscape. We envision a vibrant online community where people from all walks of life come together to celebrate the rich tapestry of global cuisines, exchange ideas, and discover the joy of cooking. Through engaging content, innovative recipes, and a commitment to cultural appreciation, we aim to be a guiding light for those seeking to elevate their culinary skills, broaden their culinary horizons, and create memorable experiences around the dining table."
"At the core of chatpta kitchen's purpose is the belief that food is a powerful catalyst for connection, creativity, and well-being. We exist to demystify the world of cooking, making it accessible and enjoyable for individuals of all skill levels. Our purpose is to ignite a passion for culinary exploration, encouraging our audience to embrace diverse Flavors, sustainable practices, and mindful eating habits. By fostering a sense of community, sharing knowledge, and promoting the cultural richness of food, we aim to empower our audience to not only nourish their bodies but also feed their souls through the transformative power of a shared meal."
Remember, these statements are just starting points. Feel free to adjust the language, tone, and specifics to better reflect your unique vision and goals for your food blogging project.
The Allure of Global Cuisine:
In today's interconnected world, culinary boundaries blur as chefs draw inspiration from far-flung corners of the globe. The rise of fusion cuisine has transformed traditional recipes into bold experiments, resulting in delightful mashups that challenge the palate and ignite the imagination. From Japanese-Peruvian ceviche to Indian-inspired tacos, the fusion phenomenon celebrates diversity and fosters culinary innovation.
Beyond the Plate: The Art of Presentation:
In the age of social media, food has transcended its role as mere sustenance to become a form of art. With smartphones at the ready, diners eagerly capture Instagram-worthy shots of meticulously plated dishes, transforming chefs into artists and restaurants into galleries. From delicate microgreens arranged with surgical precision to whimsical dessert creations that resemble miniature sculptures, presentation plays a pivotal role in elevating the dining experience from ordinary to extraordinary.
The Sustainable Kitchen: Nurturing Nature's Bounty:
As environmental consciousness grows, so too does the demand for sustainable dining options. Chefs around the world are embracing eco-friendly practices, sourcing ingredients locally, reducing food waste, and championing plant-based cuisine. From farm-to-table eateries that celebrate seasonal produce to zero-waste kitchens that repurpose scraps into culinary delights, the sustainable food movement is not only delicious but also nourishing for both the body and the planet.
Preserving Culinary Heritage: The Importance of Tradition:
Amidst the whirlwind of culinary innovation, preserving traditional recipes remains crucial in honoring cultural heritage. From age-old techniques passed down through generations to time-honored rituals that infuse dishes with soulful flavors, culinary traditions serve as a bridge connecting the past with the present. Whether it's a steaming bowl of pho simmered to perfection or a fragrant tagine redolent with spices, these iconic dishes offer a taste of history, inviting diners to embark on a sensory journey through time.
Unveiling the Palette: Exploring the Fusion of Food and Art
In a world where Instagram feeds are flooded with aesthetically pleasing images of culinary creations, the convergence of food and art has become a mesmerizing trend. From meticulously crafted latte art to elaborate dessert masterpieces, the realm of gastronomy has transcended mere sustenance to embody an exquisite form of self-expression.
A Feast for the Senses
Food art tantalizes not only the taste buds but also the eyes, evoking a sensory experience that transcends the ordinary. Culinary artists, armed with precision tools and boundless creativity, transform ordinary ingredients into edible masterpieces that blur the lines between food and art. Each dish becomes a canvas, with flavors and textures carefully orchestrated to harmonize with visual aesthetics.
Culinary Innovation Meets Artistic Expression
The surge of food artistry has sparked a wave of culinary innovation, with chefs pushing the boundaries of traditional cooking techniques to create visually stunning dishes. Molecular gastronomy, for example, harnesses scientific principles to transform ingredients into whimsical concoctions, captivating diners with unexpected textures and flavors.
Meanwhile, edible installations and immersive dining experiences offer patrons the opportunity to engage with food in a multisensory environment, blurring the distinction between observer and participant. These immersive culinary journeys not only stimulate the palate but also ignite the imagination, inviting guests to embark on a gastronomic adventure like no other.
From Plate to Platform: The Social Media Phenomenon
Fuelling the food art movement is the ubiquitous presence of social media platforms, where visually striking food creations reign supreme. Instagram, in particular, has become a virtual gallery for food artists to showcase their edible masterpieces, garnering likes and followers in the thousands. Food bloggers and influencers wield significant influence, shaping trends and driving demand for visually appealing dining experiences.
The Intersection of Culture and Cuisine
Beyond its visual allure, food art serves as a reflection of cultural identity and heritage. From intricate sushi rolls that pay homage to Japanese craftsmanship to vibrant street food displays that celebrate the rich tapestry of global cuisine, food art encapsulates the diversity of culinary traditions around the world. It serves as a bridge between cultures, fostering appreciation and understanding through the universal language of food.
The Future of Food Art-
As the boundaries between food and art continue to blur, the future of food art holds limitless possibilities. Advancements in technology, coupled with an evolving culinary landscape, promise to usher in an era of even greater creativity and innovation. From augmented reality dining experiences to personalized 3D-printed creations, the intersection of food and art is poised to redefine the way we perceive and interact with gastronomy.
In a world where culinary craftsmanship meets artistic ingenuity, food art invites us to savor the beauty of creation one bite at a time. It's a celebration of flavor, texture, and color—a symphony for the senses that transcends cultural boundaries and ignites the imagination. So, the next time you sit down to a meal, take a moment to appreciate the artistry that lies before you, for in every dish lies a story waiting to be savored.
As we traverse the rich tapestry of global cuisine, one thing becomes abundantly clear: food is more than just sustenance—it's a celebration of diversity, creativity, and community. From the bustling street markets of Marrakech to the avant-garde eateries of Tokyo, each culinary adventure invites us to expand our palates, broaden our horizons, and savor the rich tapestry of flavors that unite us all. So let us raise our forks in solidarity, for in the language of food, there are no strangers—only fellow gastronomes sharing in the joy of discovery. Cheers to the endless possibilities that await us on our next gastronomic journey!
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easyweightlossmethods · 6 months
Viva Slim - #1 Weight Loss Liquid Drops
What Is VivaSlim?
VivaSlim is a liquid weight loss formula that is filled with 11 natural ingredients. So you don’t have to worry if there are additives that are harmful to your body.
It’s not your ordinary dietary supplement because it’s also nutritional and beneficial to your body. Not to mention that it also contains proteins, vitamins and minerals.
If you’re looking for a weight loss product that has benefits beyond maintaining healthy weight then this is what you’ve been looking for! You can purchase this product at $49.00 which is reasonable considering its health benefits and effectiveness when it comes to burning fat.
Does VivaSlim Really Work Or Is It Just A Scam? Find Out How It Works To Help You Lose Weight.
You might be wondering what makes VivaSlim by Simple Promise different from other weight loss products. You might be asking, “how is this going to be different from all the other products I’ve tried?” It was designed to be a solution for the lack of adiponectin production in the body.
What is adiponectin? It is a fat-burning hormone that switches the fat cells from storage mode into release mode. When it is lowered, there is a high chance that the body would have excess fat or worse, becomeobese. Simple Promise targets this particular problem - which makes it unique from other weight loss products that only focus on boosting the digestive system.
Another great thing is VivaSlim by Simple Promise is not just a dietary product but it’s also a health-based supplement.
VivaSlim Ingredients
The ingredients of Simple Promise’s VivaSlim make it stand out among other weight loss supplements. Here are the nutrients and benefits that you’ll be getting:
African Mango Extract
This is also known as Irvingia gabonensis (IG). It is rich in fiber which is helpful when you’re aiming to lose weight. It also maintains healthy blood cholesterol levels. It doesn’t end there, IG also helps when it comes to maintaining blood sugar levels.
L-Ornithine has a lot of uses and benefits. It helps to promote good sleep, and is also a good component for weight loss.
This is an essential amino acid that boosts metabolism. It also contributes to turning fats into energy that is helpful for the body.
This is another amino acid that is great for bodybuilding as it boosts muscle mass. Why is it good for weight loss? A study has proven that L-Arginine also burns stubborn fats.
L-Glutamine is another amino acid that promotes weight loss. This is not just a great component in your fitness journey, it is also beneficial when it comes to the immune system and intestinal health.
A Peruvian plant that stimulates energy and endurance. This amazing herb also helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure. Maca root contains vitamin C, iron, fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, and a lot more. To say that it’s nutritious is an understatement.
This is a B vitamin that turns food into energy. It is advantageous not only to the digestive system but also to the nervous system. It is also helpful in controlling cholesterol.
Pygeum Africanum
Pygeum africanum is another natural ingredient that is often used for pain.It’s a traditional African remedy and many people are aware of the wonders it can do to the body.
An amino acid that is helping athletes as it improves athletic performance. This happens because it is converted into other chemicals that promote muscle growth.
This herb brings about various health benefits and it’s also very safe to take. Like Beta-alanine, it also improves exercise performance. Rhodiola also helps the body adapt to and resist physical, chemical, and environmental stress.
This is a traditional Chinese medicine that is used to protect and support the immune system, preventing colds and upper respiratory infections, maintaining healthy blood pressure, and protecting the liver.
How Do You Use VivaSlim From Simple Promise?
It is very simple to use. Just mix 10 drops of VivaSlim into your drink. Simple Promise suggests taking this 3 times daily.
What Are The Side Effects Of VivaSlim?
Having doubts before using a product is totally fine. So checking the side effects, the ingredients, and the manufacturer of the product is highly important. If you won’t make time to do these things, it’s like you’re putting yourself in danger without knowing it. So let us be transparent with its possible downsides.
VivaSlim is all-natural hence it’s very safe to consume. Nonetheless, its users must avoid using it excessively. Furthermore, Simple Promise also reminds breastfeeding moms, pregnant women, people with existing medical conditions, and children under 18 years old to consult a physician before using the product.
The Verdict
VivaSlim by Simple Promise is legit and definitely effective. Unlike when you’re using other dietary supplements where you tend to worry about the side effects, VivaSlim by Simple Promise will keep those worries away because it’s filled with natural ingredients that are even beneficial to your body.
Simple Promise aims to make an effective formula that will let you achieve your weight goals in the healthiest way possible. Those who have tried this amazing product can definitely attest to this.
And oh, have we mentioned that Simple Promise has a 100% money-back guarantee policy? If you are not satisfied with VivaSlim and you think you are not getting your desired result, you are entitled to a 100% refund.
Frequently Asked Questions About VivaSlim By Simple Promise
Is VivaSlim By Simple Promise Safe?
Yes. VivaSlim by Simple Promise will surely change your impression of dietary supplements. It’s safe because its ingredients are meticulously sourced. If you want to make sure that it’s safe for your body, we suggest you check all the ingredients so you’ll find out if there are components that you are allergic to.
Moreover, we also remind breastfeeding moms, people with existing medical conditions, pregnant women as well as those 18 years old and below, to consult a physician before trying our product.
I’m Not Getting Any Results After Taking VivaSlim, What Should I Do?
For best results, make sure to follow the instruction for use by Simple Promise which is mixing 10 drops in any beverage you prefer. It’s also recommended to do this thrice a day.
If you are already doing this and yet you’re still not satisfied with our product, you can contact us and our team will be more than happy to help you out.
What Ingredients Are In VivaSlim?
Simple Promise made sure to only use effective ingredients including African Mango Extract, Beta-Alanine, Maca, and many more. If you want a full list of the ingredients and the health benefits of each one of them, you can check them out here.
Is VivaSlim By Simple Promise Worth Buying?
Yes. We can say that every drop of VivaSlim is worth it because it’s healthy and effective in burning fats. You can get a bottle of VivaSlim at $49.00 and it already contains 60 ml of VivaSlim liquid formula. This is such a good deal that you shouldn’t miss. If you are not 100% satisfied with the product, you can keep your money as we have a 365-day money back guarantee.
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