#pls say it gives me Tim vibes
ghost-bxrd · 2 months
I just spent an hour at a Café drinking about five espressos and writing the Selkie au. It’s… going. Also my body is sending me mixed signals about the amount of caffeine intake in such a short period of time oops 🦭☕️
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arrowheadedbitch · 7 months
can you pls tell me what your thought process was when you added Mother by megan trainor to your Tim Drake playlist? bc my first thought was janet, but then also tim just looking at the wet violent depressed rat that bruce was after Jason died, and how he pretty much said 'well if no one else will fix it" and picked him up kicking and screaming by the scruff of his neck.
I really genuinely wanna know, I like knowing the thoughts that go into peoples interpertaions of characters, and how that translates into music. (also you have very good playlist making skills.) -🌸
Not the part where people call him their mother obv, I could never see that happening
But the parts where the sing says things like "you listen to me" "I think you forgot who you're talking to" give me Tim vibes
Basically I just think he goes from being a fun guy to hang around to a bossy and scary leader so fast you get whiplash, yknow?
If anyone else has questions about the playlist, I'd love to answer them!
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Hi there, its me again here to vent 👋🏼
I totally agree with you, in spite of some moments, it was super funny. One thing i love about the show is that is like Brooklyn 99 but lasting 45 minutes and a lot more of police stuff. The scene where she invites everyone to the party and its seen by the bodycams? THAT IS FUNNY.
What we asked for is here, those glances of I HATE YOU but I LOVE YOU from Lucyyy omggg or Tim trying to reach her not knowing how? S1 Tim being all I dontgiveafuckmywifeisanaddictidonttalkaboutit but this time dontgiveafuckbrokemygirlsheartdonttalkaboutit? THE PINING 2.0 IS COMING PEOPLE!!!
I see everyone got stuck in London and the face she makes when she close the door and Tim going there afterhours. But what I can't see bad about it. I mean sure this shrink is quite sketchy BUUUT I see a therapist that worked all day in building trust with a potential patience and is proud that got him to open up and say that need help. AND I also see Tim completly broken... the scene where he talks with Lucy you can see him about to cry and doesnt know what to say, aknowledging he can't give her what she wants (and adult talk) while she tells him he needs more help... Is that what pushes him to go and say Dr London this is URGENT.
Also I read other post where someone states that all this drama with Blair is because she is just a young pretty female AND I COULDNT AGREE MORE. If the therapist was a man or and old lady everyone would be 'ohh yes Tim finally'
Also I will die on this hill → the writers are not idiots, they wont make something so dark like hooking them up and screwing chenford being at risk of loosing the fans and for instance loosing the show, its what feeds their families lol
I gonna trust the process, Melissa's and Eric's sneak peaks, and thats all.
Also thinking about the 'OFFICER DOWN' in the promo thats Tim voice and last week here was a bts video where you can hear OFFICER DOWN ITS CHEN so IM PREPARING MY SELF FOR LUCY HURT TIM PANICKING AND BEING THE FIRST STEP FORWARD (or to become a professional clown)
My vent Is over, see you next week haha
hello, friend! pls vent away! ♡
adlkfjsdas omg yes! it definitely gives b99 vibes when it’s leaning into it’s comedic side~~ especially the funny cold opens remind me so much of it lol. THAT WAS BRILLIANT — i think the choice of filming it through the body cams and the security cam added to the chaos and awkwardness. lucy was so real for that but i will forever cry at tim not being there because he was there with lucy when they met and he practically lived with them.
yes! 😭👀 that first scene with them in the hallway was so angsty but what made it hurt that much more (than what we saw in the promo) was how lucy had just caught smitty in the middle of a betting pool about the break up like no wonder she just bolted and shook her head. THE ANGST WAS ANGST-ING. it hurt but i kind of loved it??? because it highlighted once again their struggle to communicate and be on the same page with one another (the “you know me so well” is fake news atm 😭. YAY ♡ so excited for angst and pining 2.0 eras.
i am definitely said people with the look she gave lmao. i swear as she closed the door there was something in her eyes that just felt off? personally for me it’s just how she’s treated aaron at the bar and then ended up with a hidden recording? especially the latter like that’s the only answer i can come up with because it’s clearly important for them to have added it into the scene but to me, when she turned it off, it didn’t struck me as her covering her ass because she had a moment with her client and she needed to put a stop to it - it felt malicious~~ OMG BUT YES. sketchy or no, dr. blair wasn’t lying when she told aaron she knows what she’s doing because she read tim without hesitation and said things he really needed to hear. tim is so broken rn 💔 yeeeees! the way he tried (and epically failed) at making small talk bc he was so off base but i think that was the first time in the day he actually smiled?? that scene was the angst i was expecting for the entire episode and i’m so glad we got it at the end of the episode because it was so important. i definitely agree with you like i think that was the final push he needed to seek immediate help.
oooh~ that’s a good point, i can see that! i mean for me it’s def just the sus vibes she gave with that video recording. like maybe this is one step past delulu but to the point you just made about how it’d be so different if the therapist was a man or an older woman (agreed), it makes me wonder what the casting call for the therapist was because i feel like that could be telling of the purpose/intention of the character? 
1000000000% - that theory has me a little confused, ngl. like maybe if it were grey’s anatomy and he was owen hunt? but it’s not and that’s absolutely not who tim is even at his lowest and most vulnerable. nothing about that would absolve him from his guilt, it wouldn’t be a way for him to punish himself, and he didn’t break up with lucy because he stopped loving her. i don’t think he’s hooking up with anyone any time soon because this man has completely lost himself and doesn’t think he’s worthy of anything but even if he did, she’d probably be the last person not the first. for sure on them knowing better like they know, they might be tugging at our heat strings but they aren’t going to do something that far-fetched that would add nothing to anyone’s character growth or progress any storyline. 
same ♡ they have yet to give me a reason not to believe them and if they’ve both said this is a needed thing and good things are coming then i’m gonna take their word on that.
YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!!! it’s so interesting that they layered that voiceover in the promo with what’s happening at the hospital because of that bts video eric shared. it’s definitely lucy and celina who get hurt because of how all the bts content lines up (and the synopsis) BUT OOOOH~ THAT’S GONNA HURT SO GOOD. like it’ll be the first time where she’s hurt and he likely can’t comfort her the way she needs?? because dod, he never moved from her bedside; and then with the shooting, he was also by her side reassuring her and ready to help support her. i am curious to see if he full on panics or panics, rushes to her side, and then once he knows she’s alive/okay, retreats? (but i’ll grab the make up and join you if we don’t get hurt lucy and panicked tim lol).
thanks for sharing! appreciated hearing what you had to say! see you next week ♡
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
The 'this fandom is undefeated and Tim owes us all royalties' reaction dump:
I'm not kidding the way this fandom can sus out what they do and the amount of times they pull from us...Tim have your people reach out for a place to send my check 🥰
This, much like every week during football season is going to be a literal mess as I divide my attention once again. I feel like the Burnie meme, tbh - but it's not my fault the Chiefs play tonight and like its RAIDERS WEEK so what am I supposed to do here?
((pretend I have a modicum of an attention span))
Also: quick predictions to get out of my head:
The bike scene is going to end on a cliffy - we won't actually know if Buck gets squished until next week [if true sedate me fam]
Hen is going to be doing a lot of work to try and set up retaking her exam and/or pushing on to next year with the added caveat that she has to retake the course she failed. Can she do this? No idea, I do corporate/adminy things so...
We get a Hen/Denny moment
The lie Eddie catches Denny in is going to be relatively tame - I'm thinking like lying to miss school because of an assignment he forgot or he broke something relatively expensive and doesn't want his dad to panic.
Alternatively he lies to protect his dad - like he gets in trouble at school because someone makes a bad comment that relates to his dad (racist, possibly homophobic if they make inference about Buck being involved...) and lies about either his involvement or what it was really over. Or even if he's being bullied and doesn't want his dad to get upset like with Ana.
Eddie and Hen/Karen/Both bonding over parenting; or even bonding with Bobby and Athena over parenting
Low key I'm about to go back to streaming on Hulu if only to stop seeing Derek Schmidt's ugly, lying, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic ass face on my TV
The ranger narrating is kinda funny, kinda creepy ngl
I REFUSE to believe that is possible I mean - the CGI on that vaulting back over ???? Babes. Baaaaaaaaaabes.
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Captain Hen again ahhhh ♥♥♥
Pls don't lose another one pls pls pls
Bro you can't hit on her right now oh my godddd 🤣 It's giving B99 'Number 5 killed my brother' vibes lmao
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no no nanny buck could be good
Actually please someone fic that
Skipping science club? The kid who loves science? uh oh
Karen snitched so fast, I love her
Bobby knowing she needs to recharge but knowing she'll never take it willingly
"Just say no" - oh that's gonna be a recurring theme I can feel it
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Ok they're adorable
Mr. Fixer is gonna want to do whatever he can regardless of how it actually affect him, isn't he?
Eddie is two seconds from panicking over his kid growing up naturally he needs to deflect to a despondent Buck and boy does his husband need a hug rn
Also can we talk about how easily he believed that Chris would go to Buck over him i mean they're so relationship shaped ?????
Well, this is the drunk driver call and we know that later Buck is fine at Hen's house - so unless that was a dream--
--also that fucking bone out of his face I'm gonna vomit--
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The song choice oh my god yesssss
Chim put your belt on you are making me so freaking nervous
Buck, babe I can't believe that worked either
"straight to jail"
Kick of timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
look at my lil Bobby Witt jr banging the drum 🥰
It's been :45 seconds and there's already a flag for a chop block. I have a feeling this is going to be a looooong game
If we don't get Buck reflecting on almost getting creamed by the car I'm going to be very upset. Which, isn't unusual for this show but still.
Eddie and his dad having a productive conversation? That is self deprecating in the right ways?!!!!!??!?!?!? IN THIS ECONOMY ?
with words of WISDOM TOO
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Why are Buck's arms so biiiiiiiiig in that shirt I mean
Bro, does he ever 💀
he's giving Buck a sweet out, and honestly I'm glad they circled back because yea it was an odd way to ask him to father their child but at the same time having someone from his past call him a good person? That has so, so much weight!!
Buck always talks about his upgrades but he forgets he was always a good person. It isn't like he just started being a good guy with Abby, but a lot of the time I feel like the character does think that, when in reality there were small things about himself he had to refine (thank you Dr. Copeland) but none of those made him inherently bad. It speaks to his self esteem issues and idk if they're going to really give enough attention to how weighty that should have been for Buck.
Ok this next call is going to be so rough for me idk if I can watch this
Yall it was like 4th and 3 on the opposite 30 and you Adams torch you for a TD ???
At first I wasn't too sure about the new dispatcher (I blame Jonah) but I wonder if he's going to fill May's role while we get to watch her explore college life. Honestly I'd love that for them
God this must be so hard for Maddie to listen too
ooooooooooohhhh the Hen/Buck scene is coming yessss
Is that a little Lizzo I hear okay, alright I see you
What a way to break into that lmao
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"Donor not dad" 😔😭
Patty pls keep feeding Kelce
I'm gonna need yall to drop all the happy Dad!Buck fics ASAP pls and thank you
I really need a Buck-Eddie convo stat like I'm not asking Tim
The obvious PI goes uncalled, shocker
Wait the dog was THIS episode
Buck passed out at her table
"Are you two drunk?"
If by protective custody you mean the firehouse, I approve
"You did math in your HEAD..."
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Oh no the Diaz boys are fighting no I don't like this
Honestly big props to Eddie for realizing the conversation was veering into unproductive territory and realizing he needed to take a step back and regroup before getting on the same level as Christopher by sitting in front of him to continue the discussion. Also meeting in the middle and compromising instead of just punishing, and understanding what Chris needed in that moment versus what Eddie was taught growing up.
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Hey Chiefs defense I'm gonna need yall to get a stop here please and thank you
If we don't get a Buck-Eddie or a Buck-Maddie scene talking over this sperm donor dilemma I'm going to have to do a fix it fic, I stg
A practical exam ??? Ooooooooohhhhhh shit. Is this going to be going on while she's saving Karen and Denny at the lab? It is, isn't it.
Please don't, please let her fucking nail this
He's going to do it, isn't he? And it's gonna hit a road block with the Daniel stuff, isn't it?
If not I want this to parlay into Buck having an awakening of wanting a fam and Eddie pointing out he has a fam and like maybe a husband already idk
JFC The Chiefs are playing like their 2009 selves tonight and this is not the vibe
Anyway now I gotta go make a fucking fix it because we got no maddie or eddie insight and like, those are two of the most important people in his life and I refuse to believe he didn't talk to them about what was going on in his head at that time
10/10 loved it tho, so ya know. This season has been phenomenal so far ahhhhhhhhhhhh
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h-pelessly · 6 months
November 30, 2023.
David and Hunter's second Crowd Pleasers show happened today. We weren't actually planning on going because for one, I started a new job and thought taking this day off wouldn't work, and so Tim didn't request it off. But it turns out my assignment ended early and we were able to go. The only thing that sucked was that Tim wasn't able to request it off bc we decided to go late (past 2 week request) and bc another one of his co-workers already requested that day off. So we went right after Tim got out. He got out early for once and he was able to go home, eat, shower, and walk Luna. And then we were off. We arrived like an hour before the show started and I was like oh, it'll probably get filled bc it was last time, but it wasn't. We were able to snag seats in the aisle. However, this time around, David brought many friends which took like half the arena so was it really sold out? Anyways, to the show. The musician started off the show and as much as I like Alex Aiono, this guy was so much more interactive and funny. He stopped by the couple in front of us and my heart fucking stopped tbh because I was like PLS I WILL CRY IF U LOOK AT ME. And then to the dating portion of the show. I didn't know the girl dater, but we knew most of the contestants. The girl in front of me, who came with her boyfriend, who apparently, is in a it's complicated situation, was so fucking annoying and down bad for Zach Justice. Like I get mans is funny. I didn't get the appeal until like 5 dating shows in, but like she would film every time he spoke, and only him. She blocked my whole view because she kept moving her damn head and I'm like????? The other people are also hilarious!! Trevor Wallace was one of the other contestants and people did not like him. I was like WHAT IN TARNATION like that man is hilariously dickish. He even looks like a Chad/Brad like come the fuck on. Moving onto the male dater, I didn't know who he was at first, but then he started speaking and I'm like I swear I know him from somewhere. Then he mentioned his roommate is Fabio and I'm like OH YEAH HE WAS THE WINGMAN IN FABIO'S VIDEO. He's funny tbh. I felt like I didn't know any of the contestants, but they were rizz masters. Oh, and an Asian girl was on there and she almost won. She turned out to be famous. OH, also, she said she was Filipina, and the WHITE girl in front of me was like cheering. I was like ???????/ what the fuck is happening. Anyways, I have mixed reviews for the night like they def made some improvements, but was I just tired/dead? Or was the couple in front of me just assholes?
Also, I wanted to say that I had an assignment for a staffing agency starting on November 13, and they were honestly so fucking strict and weird. I met people, and that was cool, but my manager was super cliquey and weird. Yeah, I probably shouldn't have worn a crop top, but it would've probably been fine if I wasn't reaching for something. But she, my manager, was Asian, and I don't know, I got super weird vibes from her. She's like fake happy, which I get is the role of receptionist/office management, but I'm like????? what the fuck please.... Also, I was mid-talking one time, and she didn't let me finish before snatching my notes away and reading my question. Like she was too impatient to wait. Like SUPER red flag. But also, they said they didn't want me after a week lol like what did u test me on. Like u didn't give me a chance, but that's okay. That shit was far and driving home with astigmatism was so bad.
Books I read this month;
Behind the Net by Stephanie Archer (100/10) I loved this book sm. Jamie was the perfect book boyfriend, and if Pippa and Jamie were not soulmates, I would be FERAL for this man. He's such a sweet person whose main focus in life is his mom and his career. He has so much self control, but it turns out his weakness is this girl. This girl who needs him. Who he betters by being her #1 supporter. Pippa's story is so relatable it hurts, and she's being pushed for a safe career. I connected with the characters, and Stephanie Archer can have my soul honestly. This story took my absolute breath away. And the side characters? I'm so excited for the next story.
Play with Me by Becka Mack (100/10) Bro, I'm in love with this book because Jennie is like me which begs the question of do I have daddy issues???? I was not gonna pick this one up because I wasn't the biggest fan of the first book of the series, but omg the tension and the characters are chef's kiss. Okay, but anyways, Jennie has major trust issues and knows how to take care of herself, but in walks a nervous wreck of a hot guy (who also happens to be a hot hockey player and her brother's bff). Garrett (which I might be biased by his name) could have any girl he wants but he wants to stick by Jennie. He agrees to the FWB pact with Jennie even though he could have anyone else including penetration sex (because Jennie is only agreeing to oral.) Garrett is such a cinnamon roll simp for Jennie and she walks him like a dog, but also breaks down her walls for him and I am absolutely here for them. Do I want her more????? I think so because Garrett is blonde and idk. The book was long and there were some repetitive parts, but I enjoyed every last minute of this book.
Delay of Game by Maggie Rawdon (7/10) Only bumping it up from 6.9 to 7 because of the quote "You're the love of my life Liv. I thought I could have that in half measures with us just being friends. I thought it would be enough, but it's not. I want all of you." HE WAS WRITTEN BY A WOMAN. Anyways, not my fave in the series, but I did want to know the tension between Olivia and Liam from the beginning. This was a friends to lovers trope/miscommunication trope with a bit of survivor's guilt/emotional cheating in a way. I have come to the realization that most friends to lovers trope is super cheesy and needs to be crafted to perfection in order for me to read and love it. Regardless, the story was short, but it skipped out/skimmed over major issues that needed more explaination, but the author def. found her voice in this one vs. the first book.
Enemies with Benefits by Roxie Noir (5.8/10) This book had me kicking my feet and giggling in the first part, not going to completely lie, but then it got real. Their hatred for each other was really childish and doesn't really stem from anything-- just that they want to always one up another which is also Devi and Ben from Never Have I Ever. Also, it's a forbidden romance in a workplace setting which I don't mind, given that The Hating Game was amazing, but this one was so realistic. Like they are ALWAYS working and barely have time for anything else, interacting mainly because of work. I like realistic stories, but not THAT realistic. This book was pretty southern and boring, not going to completely lie. But I finished it so I'm proud of that!
The Love Wager by Lynn Painter (10/10) Honestly got me out of my tiny reading slump from the last book I read. Jack, the male main character, was honestly the love of my life for the beginning, then he started being Hallie's love and I was okay with it. I love Hallie, she's honestly such a lovable and strong character. This is a friends to lovers trope, and as much as it's such a hard topic to tackle, Miss Lynn Painter killed it! I was sobbing, hoping they will be together at the end. It was a cheesy rom-com read and I fuck with that.
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spidey-boyy · 2 years
woop woop guess who’s back with the liveblogsss anyways here’s titans s4 ep threee
-oh I forgot about what happened with rachel
-okay what is w/ the the short term memory going around
-nice lava lamp there
-“don’t take her on alone. we’re a team,” yeah says dick lmao
-eww she can ChAnGe Her VoIcE??
-wHat is with the music
-well that was quick, bye jinx,,, this whole thing is quick why are we we moving so fast lmao
-yooo gar’s faceee, he’s so sad man damn
-“it’s okay I’m past all that” I WOULDVE LOVED TO SEE IT ON SCREEN. look i know that’s a lie but damn, it really just highlights the fact that we haven’t seen anything on gar dealing with his past and it’s frustratinggg. they make it seem like he’s moving past it and has it under control to an extent at least in his eyes, but we’ve seen n o t h i n g in terms of how he’s dealing with anything. it really just feels like the writers have no idea what to do with him so they just made him the exposition for the plot with little development of his own to an extent
-wHat is this lighting Tim and Conner are in, oh okay
-damn Conner why you throwing Tim under the bus like that
-jinx is giving off lilia from tua vibes
-love you kory,, what wait why did she turn to stone
- “of corse the only sane one in the group gets taken away”, quote my sister
-okay is it me or is the pacing is hella weird in this ep? we’re jumping from scene to scene and all of the info we’re getting is only for the plot and mostly everyone just seems kind of bored?? idk I feel like the plot for this ep is hanging on one thin string and they keep on shaking it to get to another scene as fast as they can. i don’t think that makes much sense but in general, the pacing is not it lol
-Sebastian what’cha doing ,,, WAIT NO DUDE HE DIDNT CALL YOU. pls this poor man
-great is this man gonna throw up blood or something. waittttt- dude STOP
-ahhh what is with everyone getting arrested
-Gar you okay there buddy?
-wait so he’s like the bridge to their world to the red world?? interesting… why him though? okay random thought but can it have something to do with why he was able to resurrect himself in the beginning of s2? and no, i’ll never be over the fact that he was able to do that with no explanation
-jinx i barely know you, why we’re doing this “old flame” crappp. she seems fun I want to know more about her and not just through one liners made towards dick
-why is this party at a church lol
-korryyyyy what’s going on. oh wait she’s connected to the red world? Oh shit the diner
-which destiny has arrived??
-sebastiannnnnnn getting pulled into so much shit already
-“congratulations, detective.” pleaseee i forgot dick had a job before all this lmaooo
-conner, you good there too?
-yo conner what are you doing lmao
-ooo the corpse tree
-gar how do you know this??? like how and why is he specifically able to do this? Is it connected to koryyyyy? probs not. also why was Rachel able to see it earlier? wait it was probably bc of her gem but now that’s taken awayyyy. ummm okay we’ll see if anything is added to this next eppp
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
DC Prompts and requests!
by Jason_Rose
Comment prompts and ideas and ill make one shots woooo!!
Will legit write anything alright byeee
(it says 1/1 but idk how to change that. Its 1/? ty)
This is very new and i know some of you guys will be mad at me for making a new fic instead of finishing my older ones BUT THAT ASIDE(so sorry)
Words: 50, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Edward Nygma, Selina Kyle, Harleen Quinzel, Talia al Ghul, Jonathan Crane, Slade Wilson, Rose Wilson, Jericho - Character, man i forgor his name frfr, ok anyways - Character, Pamela Isley, Barry Allen, Diana (Wonder Woman), McCaffery (Aquaman), Ray Fisher, Clark Kent, Oliver Queen, Artemis Crock, Aqualad (DCU), Wally West, M'gann M'orzz, Superboy (DCU), Nightwing, Robin, All robins, ROBINS ASSEMBLE!
Additional Tags: Domestic Batfamily (DCU), Teen Titans - Freeform, Titans, justice league - Freeform, Young Justice - Freeform, titans! Get the fuck up!, im so funny /j, pls say something abt dick i love dick so much, ok i love everyone equally, and im being basic, but fuck u anyways /j, Oneshot Prompts Challenge, Smut, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Suicidal Thoughts, tim the coffee addict drake, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne is a Bad Parent, either way man, Missions, Missions Gone Wrong, ships, Tsundere Damian Wayne, HGYFT, Jkjk, but no really, he gives platonic tsundere vibes, 🍆💦, Dick Grayson is a Better Parent Than Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson is Damian Wayne's Parent, NO I JUST SAW THE EMOJIES, i didnt mean, that, I MEANT THE CAT HEART EMOJI AND HAND HEART THING, but ima keep it there bc its hilarious, 😻🫶 is what i meant
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39657192
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papaiyatree · 2 years
insane how people hc tim as asian bc of the fact that he's a "soft uwu baby" or whatever like. i hc him as asian bc i saw a panel with him saying "ay ay ay" and just decided he's filipino now. sorry, i don't make the rules
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homosnapeiens · 2 years
rating the batfam’s costumes pt. 8: duke
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- he’s just a baby!
- hi baby!
- legitimately tho this may be the cutest child i’ve ever laid eyes on.
- and i hate children so this is saying a lot.
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- it’s the ladle for me.
- why do i feel like that’s the underpart of an actual robin tunic that he somehow stole.
- it just looks really familiar and i don’t know why.
- pls stop doing illegal things buddy it doesn’t fit you.
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- i think they had good intentions...it’s just clunky..
- he just looks like a transformer to me idk.
- fuckin bumblebee lookin ass.
- from the chest down it’s a work of fucking art.
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- oh you sexy bastard.
- this one right here officer he’s the one that stole my heart.
- legitimately tho it is BEAUTIFUL
- duke in his emo arc lmaooooo
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- i had to include the webtoon at least once.
- i’m not sorry.
- what happened with that girl duke??
- we haven’t gotten any updates...
15/10 go read the webtoon
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- it gives arkham tim vibes
- and i hate arkham tim
- don’t go down this path duke
- it’s one that leads to your dating your brother’s girlfriend
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- they made the helmet sleeker that’s all i wanted
- it’s just gorgeous
- going into top ten of the whole batfam
(spoiler alert?😏😏)
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- this was right before his emo arc </3
- #brocken😭💔💔
- can i have a skull pls?
- i feel like it would be a good conversation starter...
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chal-latte · 2 years
hey! today’s my birthday and I wanted to have an early gift hehe, can I request for a y/n!actress x timothée au 💌🕯 no pressure, take your time <33 thank u!
A/N: HI OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABEEEEE AWWW I HOPE YOURE HAVING A BLESSED ONE!! TYSM FOR THIS REQUEST I’ve been manifesting for someone to give me a request and here you are!!!! so in love w ur request & i hope u like ur gift 💝
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Liked by tchalamet, simoneasshley and 928.189 others
bridgertonnetflix it would appear viscountess y/c/n looks absolutely ravishing in a rather modern jacket🥰
tagged: @y/i/n
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fanpage29 MY QUEEN
fanpage10 i watch bridgerton only cus of her
fanpage40 i would like to give you my hand in marriage @y/i/n
↪️ tchalamet respectfully declined
↪️ tomholland2013 @fanpage40 unaccepted
↪️ jbayleaf @fanpage40 you have to get through me first
↪️ fanpage40 @tchalamet @tomholland2013 @jbayleaf OKAY SORRY GOSH 😭😭😭😭
↪️ y/i/n @tomholland tf you doing here??? 🤨🤨
simoneasshley gee seems like y/n is protected in the movie AND in real life 🤣
↪️ y/i/n youre the one to say🙄🙄🙄
fanpage67 SHES SO CHAOTIC😭😭😭
fanpage55 what should i do to have a friend group like hers
fanpage43 hand in marriage now then @tchalamet
↪️ y/i/n keep dreaming love ❤️
↪️ jbayleaf @y/i/n NOO HAHAHA
↪️ tomholland2013 @fanpage43 unaccepted
↪️ y/i/n @tomholland2013 gtfo man @zendaya make him behave
↪️ tomholland2013 @y/i/n going
fanpage92 cant wait to see timothee in s3 <333
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Liked by netflixuk, charli_xcx and 1.892.018 others
y/i/n we wear af1 and boots in bridgerton now 😎
tagged: @tchalamet
See all comments
netflixuk i want to be a rule so y/n can break me
↪️ fanpage89 NETFLIX😭😭😭
fanpage82 my fav actress so bad
charli_xcx i dont wanna go to school i just wanna break the rules ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
↪️ y/i/n thats the vibe!!!!
fanpage78 pls give us a peek on timothee in his dress shirt
fanpage19 you are so beautiful mamas
sydney_sweeney when can i come to set☹️
↪️ y/i/n i thought you’re still in capri???
↪️ sydney_sweeney i am lol gonna be back for ur birthday tho
*Liked by @y/i/n
fanpage72 they better be kissing and rocking in the next season
*Liked by @tchalamet
fanpage67 DOES THAT MEAN👀👀👀👀
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Liked by y/i/n, regejean and 4.618.200 others
tchalamet good night
tagged: @y/i/n
See all comments
bridgertonnetflix the prince and his lover 💐❤️
y/i/n hehehehe🤭
*Liked by @tchalamet
↪️ jbayleaf now whats going on?
↪️ regejean @jbayleaf oh cmon jonathan weren’t you there last night?
↪️ jbayleaf @regejean no i wasn’t what happened?
↪️ phoebedynevor @regejean @jbayleaf stop you two tim and y/n wouldn’t like talking about it in public
↪️ tchalamet @phoebedynevor thank you for being the voice of reason
↪️ y/i/n @jbayleaf @regejean im blocking you two
fanpage20 i read smth on deuxmoi about this!!
fanpage29 invite me to one of these parties please 😭😭😭😭
fanpage55 imagine dancing with drunk timmy >>>>>
netflixuk iykyk😏
fanpage39 what is TRULY going ON????
fanpage88 is this abt a certain episode in season 3???
fanpage78 now you got us all wondering @tchalamet
fanpage11 come home the kids miss you
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Liked by hbomax, emilia_clarke and 902.726 others
y/i/n good morning
tagged: @tchalamet
See all comments
fanpage78 why hbomax liked this post
fanpage18 if i were hbomax i’d like this post
pauline_chalamet tell me this is from a scene
↪️ y/i/n 😶😶
↪️ pauline_chalamet unbelievable wait until mom sees this @tchalamet
↪️ tchalamet @pauline_chalamet at least i look hot
↪️ y/i/n @tchalamet LOLLL good one babe
fanpage88 im watching dune as im writing this
fanpage51 oh to be y/n
fanpage29 share him with us and you can end worlds hunger @y/i/n
emilia_clarke good morning
↪️ y/i/n UH GOOD MORNING TO YOU TOO QUEEN MOM whats going on??
↪️ emilia_clarke @y/i/n best to check your email darling 🥰
fanpage87 i bet its an offer to star in the house of dragon!
↪️ deuxmoi you guessed right! check our page to see what’s happening
fanpage27 y/n youre KILLING ME 😭😭😭😭
fanpage39 🐉🐉🐉🔥🔥🔥
346 notes · View notes
ectonurites · 3 years
What are your opinions on Teen titans
'Teen Titans' is very broad. lots of things that could refer to, so i'll give my opinions on all the possible ones i can think of:
Vol. 1 / Silver Age - i have read like 3 total comics from that era but love the vibes tbh
1967 Filmation shorts - THESE ARE SO FUNNY PLS WATCH THEM!!! they're like on youtube. theres so much going on
The New Teen Titans (80s) - i still need to actually read this run start to finish not just in random chunks when the mood strikes/i have a specific question im trying to answer but like, iconic
Vol. 2 (90s) - i forgot this one existed until i was just looking at all the different possible teen titans things to talk about. so. i think that says my thoughts about that
2003 Cartoon - i grew up on this one babey (like i remember watching it as new episodes came out and everything) its always gonna hold a special place in my heart and tbh was one of my first introductions to superhero stuff in general
New Teen Titans shorts - these were so cute. the who is red x one where gar insists its jason... iconic
Vol. 3 (2003) - Geoff Johns face my wrath for what you did to the core four. but um. a WILD ride from start to finish i can tell you that!!!! i shit talk this comic a lot but like it does definitely have its moments and there are some cool and interesting things it did, it just also showed a blatant disregard for previous characterization of four of its main characters which annoys the shit out of me and always will.
Teen Titans Go! - im going to be so real with you i understand why so many ppl hate this show but its actually so fucking funny to me. i dont regularly watch it or anything but like. it is so amusing to me. every time i remember the urn marked 'Robin II' displayed next to a crowbar i lose MY MIND. or the 'NOBODY CARES ABOUT TIIIIM DRAKE'.
Vol. 4 (2011/New 52) - this comic caused me physical pain to read. nothing makes sense. none of the characters are themselves. shit is just a mess, an absolute mess. however Bunker? Miguel? I love him. best thing to come out of this damn comic.
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies - go watch this right fucking now if you haven't seen it. its literally so good even most ppl who hate ttg still will admit its good. my friend recently reminded me that when we saw it in theaters there was a part that made me laugh so hard i literally fell out of my chair
Vol. 5 (2014/Still New 52) - this one is also really bad but at least its kinda funny. definitely more pleasant to read than Vol. 4 but like its still not good or pleasant to read, i just mean that like, in comparison. the last two issues i actually genuinely like tbh (bc #23 is a standalone like, just nice team story, and then #24 is a memorial for Tim after he 'died' in Rebirth)
Justice League vs Teen Titans movie - the dcamu is a fucking fever dream but like the concept of max from wizards of waverly place voicing jaime while violet from american horror story voices raven amused me so much. also the FUCKIN UHHH MAGICAL GIRL-ESQUE TRANSFORMATION SCENE WITH DAMIAN THEN JUST TRYING TO BREAK INTO THE CAR FOR HIS SWORD IS SO FUCKING FUNNY
Teen Titans: Judas Contract movie - its the judas contract. it is what it is.
Vol. 6 (Rebirth) - i have not read too much of this one (like. ive read... chunks of it but not the whole thing) but eh. i've heard bad things about later parts of it especially and from what i've read that seems to... line up.
Titans TV show - a hot mess. superhero riverdale. i binged the first two seasons within 48 hours. very nice costumes and mostly very well cast but the writing makes me die
Tween Titans - in that one episode of dc superhero girls. im just obsessed with Dick having the thick jersey accent its so fucking funny
Teen Titans Academy - I really was not vibing with it early on but as we've actually gotten to focus on the new kids more i've liked it more, but overall its just way too bloated of a cast. having the new characters students, the previous team older students, and then the og titans as teachers is just... too much to focus on in one book. then also did not like the attempt at dick/babs/kory love triangle drama in like issue 2 get tht shit outta here
and if u meant more just the team overall like. i think the titans are cool
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doomedship · 3 years
Not sure if you’ve watched Bones (if you haven’t, I put a recap below for what I’m referencing), but this Tim/Ashley thing is reading very similar to Booth/Hannah so far with what we know. Like creepy similar. What do you think?
We know Tim’s family will affect his dating life. Most likely after that catalyst discussion (equivalent would be the confession from Booth to Brennan that started the H saga), Tim will be thinking of settling down, starting a family and moving on. Enter Ashley. The last ditch attempt before Lucy. Pretty sure this whole thing is to make Lucy realize she feels something for Tim. Lucy will realize, and then Tim will. That’s the minor difference.
On Bones, Booth also was trying to move on with his life and find someone to settle down with and have a family after a catalyst event. Enter Hannah. The last ditch attempt before Brennan. The B&H saga ended with a failed proposal since H “wasn’t the marrying kind”. And it took 6x01-6x13 out of a 23 ep season to resolve. H only was in 6 eps, but she was used to make Brennan realize her feelings for Booth. Brennan did and confessed in 6x09, but it didn’t go anywhere then. B&B got it together in the ep before the finale. Took the death of someone to do it, but still. They got it together.
Booth had an ex wife with a kid, then he dated Tessa seriously, then after a couple flings, then Hannah seriously. That’s 1 ex wife and 2 serious relationships before his “one”. Tim has an ex wife, then dated Rachel and now Ashley. That’s also 1 ex wife and what will be 2 serious relationships before his “one”.
Gives me hope for this whole Tim/Ashley thing.
Hmm, I haven't seen it so there's not a whole lot of point me speculating on how similar they are since each ship has a very different vibe. I am aware, however, that there are Bones fans with a lot of bitterness around how that ship was handled so I don't really know if similarities would particularly give me the best feeling!
Also, it's clearly possible that Ashley is part of the well-trodden trope of third parties resulting in a ship getting together. It happens all the time. I'm not even saying that I don't think she will be.
I'm more saying that if they are going this route, I think they've already botched it by not going into the lead up with the right framing of the Chenford relationship. As things stand, there's been six episodes of minimal interaction and absolutely no discussion of their relationship. There's been no sense of tension, conflict, longing, UST, hope, fear. It's all just been ha ha, what good buddies we are, but Lucy pls be quiet.
So this is not the right time to introduce a heavy emotional storyline for Tim and a new love interest if the end goal is actually Chenford getting together. We just don't have the emotional development in place for that, so it will either be a whiplash 180 back into intimacy for Chenford or it will be something else.
And that's why my suspicion is that we aren't going into a Chenford storyline so much as a Tim storyline.
It may well be that all this still results in Chenford endgaming, maybe this season, maybe in the series finale, but I'm just not sure if I like the story they're telling to get there either way.
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nighttimepixels · 3 years
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you are so valid and I totally see why everyone I've ever mentioned it to loves the hell out of it
aksdjlsdfj I meannnn if you want to hear my rambling about it then hell yeah
Okay, gonna put this below the cut to save everyone else XD also- since I'm not leaving this Mass Effect obsession anytime soon, if you're not interested in seeing occasional posts about it, please feel free to block the tag "night plays ME"~
(mild spoilers ahead??)
((also for real I mean it when I say this is rambling as hell lol, apologies and no stress if absolute no one reads all this))
OKAY SO Mass Effect 1-
Stars help me, I was honestly hooked right from the start?? Like even in Legendary Edition (the combined trilogy just re-released in one "can play it on one system + minor improvements", for anyone who doesn't know) where it's smoothed out, of course it's obvious that ME1 is a decade old... but the foundation for these relationships are all there and gods I love them already.
Like - Kaiden right off the top is a delightful good fightin lad, what the hell. I've heard that he's viewed as 'bland' by a good portion of the fan community but I dunno, he's a delight and even more complex by the time 2 rolls around and you encounter him on Horizon, it was honestly Ashley I was way more meh about - mostly because before you can learn about her family history/etc, she comes off as hella xenophobic and I was immediately offended for my growing space family that she didn't like/trust all the aliens around, pfff.
(she gets redeemed a bit through further actions/evolving thoughts, but I thought in retrospect it was a bummer that they didn't flip the order there, give her a chance to be liked before the complicating factor of being so rude about aliens >:c that then she could grow from... ah well. Apparently she has a good arc but uh, let's just say I chose Kaiden at the "key junction" in the latter part of the game so I won't be seeing anymore of Ashley uh... anytime soon, haha.)
Garrus??? Is??????? The ABSOLUTE best???????????
I liked him from the start, I'm always a bit of a sucker for a rogue-detective "the system won't bring this bastard to justice, so I've got to" type and all their moral shadiness XD But he just gets better, honestly, and where I'm at in ME2 (right before the Reaper IFF mission, as of typing this, with everyone's loyalty!) I am only digging myself deeper into this hole-
-*wheezing* okay anyways -
Wrex is AMAZING I love fightin' middle-aged krogan bastard, gods. Liara is great too, I'm a sucker for a wlw relationship (playing fem!Shepard, so) - buuuut I'll admit she's a bit more one-note in ME1. Last week while I was still on ME1 I remember hearing (while trying to dodge spoilers) that her arc is really good, though. I think they leaned a little hard on the 'innocent but sexy' sterteotype on her (so despite the yikes aspect of a few of the things I've learned in ME2, lol, I actually really like the complexity that's been added to her character.)
Saved Liara first, so by the time I got to Noveria and had the standoff with Benezia there was the chance to have emotions over Liara having to face her TwT and of course, I made the questionable but quality decision to free Queen Rachni heheh. no ragrets
More than a blow-by-blow of my choices though I totally wanna take the chance to say that even in the mild jankiness of ME1 (goddammit, the Mako.... please..... please just go up this impossible cliff I just want to resource hunt-) the way that the lore, both obvious/key to main plot and the lesser/filler/background/world-building kinds... I just love it. It incorporates it well, you can go ham in the codex learning more, or just dive into the basics - it's clearly a complex galaxy (and they do an even better job in 2 of fleshing it out further), and it never really felt overwhelming. It was pretty natural figuring it all out-!
Plus the interesting implications of resource hunting amongst the sapient races, and the little side missions you better bet I did every one of- there's so much rich depth in the story if you do 'em!! (And that lead with that Keeper side mission...? Looking back, damn, clever foreshadowing-!!!)
And oh my gods, Ilios??? hell yeah. I loved that mission so much, especially having Garrus & Kaiden with me when talking to the hologram/computer, and more than anything, that last sprint in the Mako trying to get to the jump before it closed-???
yeet the boi-
Also mannn I love a good setpiece, and having to go up the side of the elevator, space-side?? such a cool setup!!
Plus it felt good having been Paragon enough (as simple as the good v bad vibe system is, I don't hate it, lol) to avoid one of the Saren fights, ngl. And the er, "second fight" with Sovereign-Saren.... hell yeah
... I'll admit I had to double check my choice re whether to save the Council. I did in the end, but I swear, sometimes the way they phrase things I'm like ".... okay but Garrus is right, defeating Sovereign is more important than these few leaders??????" woops. Listen, priorities, is all I'm saying..... ( ̄ヮ ̄|||)ゞ
'Course later they emphasize (in ME2) that there were 10,000 people on that same ship and I was like well I wouldn't have second guessed if I'd known that, I mean c'mon-
Also I did indeed romance Liara in this one, so I got that scene ;Dc But,,,, I also knew by the end that I was totally gonna romance Garrus in 2 since he's an option then finally,,,,, lemme tell you the guilt as I waffled over whether to romance Liara bc of it. hahaha.
Aaaaand Mass Effect 2-
So I'm only up to right before the Reaper IFF Mission, so I don't know the ending, etc etc lol. That said, I've just finished every side mission I've found with the exception of the Shadowbroker Quest and the Arrival Quest (I've heard the latter basically leads into ME3, and the former is best either right before the Omega 4 jump or in postgame).
So from the start - fuck yeah fuck yeah what a high adrenaline start Shepard noooooo but also yes save Joker aH-
The motion comic too hot damn nice job
I loved this setup, seriously - especially forcing Shep into this situation, having to work with/for Cerberus, and the compelling reasoning given behind "why" they do what they do (I especially found it a good point that the Salarians have the Task Force, the Asaris the Commandos, the Turians the- etc... like, true, when you put it like that, having a similar group advancing human interests/solving human interstellar problems is pretty reasonable...). That said, I love too that it really isn't shied away from how Cerberus is nonetheless fucked up - or its at least done fucked up stuff.
Listen, I still think some messed up stuff is gonna be revealed in 2's endgame......... after that Horizon mission and the Collector's ship???? TIM I SEE YOU YOU SHADY MF-
aaanyways lol...
I'm so so glad on a gameplay level they nixed the Mako style exploration. A few Hammerhead missions are fine and a lot more focused than the slippery ass navigation in that glorified ATV, pfff. The probes are a neat way of getting after similar resources - and more importantly, having good levels and some good hubs (the Zakera Wards, Omega, Ilium, etc) is way way more fun than having a more 'sprawling' space that is.... a lot of empty nonsense, lol.
Then there's the fact that we get Joker right off the bat and you can interact with him so much - and him and EDI??? Get out gods I love them. Kasumi is so right when she says they sound like a bickering old married couple lol. I have a terrible feeling that some shit is gonna happen with EDI..... but I don't think she's evil as-is, at least.
Side-eying the hell out of those "access forbidden" parts of her that she doesn't even know.... and the fact that her AI core has a locked door access................... something's gonna happen gdi LEAVE OUR ADOPTED AI ALONE.
(Also Joker pls stop fracturing your thumb on the mute button)
Also please save me there are so many hot aliens in this game,,,,, the xeno/monsterfuckers really comin' through strong in the sequels............... doin' the lord's work........................................
In general, I love how many levels ME stepped up in two with complexity and interwoven narratives!! Like, to the point it'd be almost a drag to replay ME1, even though it was fun going through it (if occasionally a bit tedious with the cookie cutter rando planet science/mine facilities, lol). Like, just from how fun and interesting ME2 is, mostly! more of all the pre-introduced races, plus new ones, plus more filling in of intragalactic politics, and more interesting implications of all these space-faring races mixing....
Also gods WREX and his planet holy shit,,,,, fuckin' hell yeah my man get their shit together and also adopt Grunt yes good-
And Mordin??? My singing semi-evil scientist best friend forced to confront his choices more than he thought he ever would have???? With some of the best ongoing general report chatter of all the companions??
(when I tell you I choked on my coffee when I talked to him after confirming romance choice w/ Garrus and that 'pamphlet' and 'anaphalactic shot if ingesting-' kajsldkfjsldfjk)
Like, fuck, the fact that they actually dive into the mixed morality and horrors of the genophage, and you can confront Mordin on it, for good reason, yet he still stands his ground, until finally some bits of his loyalty mission seem to... affect him, and I'm guessing might set up things for 3 with him? Unsure, but either way, damn, the fact that they start to dig into it...
And Taliiiii my beloved forbidden alien wife TwT her loyalty mission was SO GOOD. I love how varied they all are?? Getting to defend her and discover what she'd unwittingly been a part of-!!
Zaeed is a bastard but tbh I love that he is and that he's unapologetic in him - and Kasumi omg, best thief. A heist?? Gods, yes- I love our couch lounge chats XD
Samara is..... illegally.......... she's an illegally powerful and beautiful and eloquent MILF...........................
(.... listen I'm sapphic as hell and I'm kicking my own ass for picking her up last aksjdlfksjdfl - but her loyalty mission, damn. And seeing how there's this interesting cultural subset, and the struggle with the Asari in that they unquestioningly accept/respect justicars, but also know that the impact outside their culture is a diplomacy nightmare waiting to happen-)
,.,,,,,T,,, Thane,,,,,
I am weak for morally implicated murder dads okay?? And that voice??? His mannerisms?????? How you first see him, and that prayer after assassinating her...???????? And his history/his people's history with the hanar, gods I love how messy it is, it feels so much more real!
Also Jack is a mess and I love her (and want to get her some therapy, omg), and her and Miranda nearly duking it out after you've done both their loyalty missions??? so good and makes a lot of sense-! Honestly I would love more interactions between teammates on the ship, but there's already so much the devs had to balance I can't blame 'em for minimizing, heh. But suffice to say I also love Miranda and Jacob, even if I'm softest for my alien crew XD Hell yeah Jacob, we'll get loud and spill drinks on the citadel indeed TwT
.... I could write a whole essay on how much I love Garrus oTL Perhaps because he and Tali are the throughlines from 1 on your 2 crew, I have some of the strongest feelings about them... but genuinely, he was one of my favorite companions in the first game, and how you find him as Archangel in two? Getting to help him fight his way out after he's gone nearly 48 hours straight fighting off three gangs alone, jfc. His vengeance quest and what can happen there.... That line? fuck me, that line -
It's so much easier to see the world in black and white. Grey? I don't know what to do with gray...
How DARE you come for my heart like this, devs holy shit
(also, some other choice faves so far from the series from him include We can disobey suicidal orders?? and This wasn't in my training manual... [in 1, if you have him with you @ th Thorian fight] and his whole.... pop the heat sink - in his romance ;Dc)
asdasdfksadjfkl like I said I can write an essay on him PFFF suffice to say I'm very looking forward to his romance scene and where things go in 3
But yeah gods I'm just gonna keep rambling if I'm not careful lol. Gods I don't even know what to talk about it's all so good and while I can understand people roasting the obviousness of Paragon V Renegade (v neutral) choices/alignments, I think they do a pretty damn good job in 2 of pushing it further - to the point that there were some times that I accidentally got renegade points and I wasn't that mad, haha. There's so much fun in the interactions that I just have a good time anyways~
I have so many thoughts about TIM (The Illusive Man) and Cerberus.... theories evolving galore............... and like, what the hell!! Omega 4 going to the center of the galaxy is such a cool twist, goddamn - though my heart still breaks at losing Kaiden (his line if you haven't romanced him?? about feeling like he lost a limb when he lost you??? holy shit.... but I also can't blame him for not trusting Cerberus to the point of it affecting his ability to trust Shepard... like fuck Shep go after himmmm) I'm really excited to see where that goes since he comes back in 3, and what the fuck happens with Cerberus bc while I love the fact that obviously there are a lot of people in it for the right reasons, doing good work, there are those that are doing the opposite, and I have a very bad feeling about where TIM will end up landing....
All that said though I need to do the Reaper IFF mission (where I'm lightly spoiled as to getting That Boy, but not how/what happens to make it so - just that it's apparently wise to have all your side missions done before getting him...) and the actual Omega 4 jump. So we'll see what happens and what I think about it from there heheh!
.... major kudos and genuine props if you made it here to the end, I am so sorry for not editing on condensing all this, and appreciate you so much ;w;
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danny-chase · 3 years
You know, in a lot of the fics I've seen about Tim and Dick reconciling after the whole Robin being handed over to Damian, Tim is usually filled with self righteous anger about the entire situation. And idk I just don't really vibe with it - specifically, I don't think it's realistic for Tim to rage against Dick and forget he's messed up up in their relationship too. Especially because of this panel from an arc that concludes Young Justice.
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In this arc (I'm guessing some people abhor it because it leads into the unspeakable Teen Titans and is a dark and gritty DC story) Young Justice (Tim's team - at the time being lead by Cassie) ignores directions given by Dick multiple times, makes a bad situation worse, and said situation ends up maiming most the Titans, and killing two others (most notably Donna Troy, Dick's best friend).
Now this isn't directly Tim's fault. And honestly I don't blame Tim for what happened. But would Tim blame himself? Definitely. This was Tim's team first - he was the leader for the majority of the run though young justice was a more informal team. Plus the batkids all have extremely high standards for themselves (and Dick holds his teammates to high standards as well).
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(Garth deserves better)
On some level I think Dick would have partly blamed Tim for what happened (idk if it's explored in the Teen Titans run after this at all) but Tim is right when he says how dumb his teammates acted. They made really bad decisions in this arc, and it wasn't entirely ooc for them to do so (see Kon during the superhero war arc in YJ, Cassie bringing home a plant from an alien planet, Bart like electrocuting Kon to give him back his powers). Young Justice was a team for wacky fun adventures, not "the real world" and it's pretty depressing reading this arc, idk i just feel like it's something that could be explored more. Especially because this occured when Tim idolized Dick deeply, and then literally his own team destroyed Dick's (which is how i think Tim viewed it).
Obviously I think Dick would forgive Tim, or at least try his best but like...Donna's death was freaking devastating for him like look at this:
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Ugh this arc was so sad. Donna comes back to life of course cuz DC stands for Death doesn't Count but like yeah this would have been traumatic is heck for both characters.
Tl;dr: Dick does have reasons to subconsciously be angry with Tim, and Tim has reasons to doubt his footing with Dick. A lot of their reconciliation fics focus on the Robin thing, but that didn't happen completely in a vacuum (unless you ignore anything but Red Robin). This arc happened way beforehand (years ago in universe and they went on a year long cruise after Kon died where I'm sure they made up). But damn, their relationship really has its ups and downs.
(Tim stans pls don't yell at me i don't blame Tim for this i just think he would blame himself and then be too ashamed to literally even look at Dick for awhile and i feel like that would make for a more interesting discussion, also I've been on dc tumblr for like *checks watch* 4 months so like idk if people already talk about this a lot i personally haven't read any fics or seen posts about it)
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draganasimpsforjeff · 3 years
Uhhhh,,,, do ya happen to have any Masky and/or Hoodie hc? Thanks for taking a look at my ask lmao-
Hehhe lets get this bread may switch from Masky/Tim to Hoodie/Brian just bc I'm too lazy to change it
• even though I headcanon Tim as older, doesn't mean he's more mature
• has learned the "meme language" as he calls it, like tea, fleek, queen, big dick energy,.etc
•but only to confuse poor Hoodie
• "Literally Jeff is a fucking rat, why don't we just hit him with a broom till he yeets out of the window?"
• Brian, terrified and clutching his coffee. "Excuse me?"
• they are stupid competitive
• but usually Hoodie knows his limit...however
• Masky has once tackled a creepypasta during a game of football, but didn't realize it was near a patch of poison oak bc all he saw was "BALL"
• just ball ball ball...red...tackle...get ball
• so this fucker got real itchy the next day and had to use a shit ton of ointment
• It amuses Hoodie when Toby gets on Tim's nerves, as long as its not a seriously high impact of a mission, but if it is, Hoodie will quickly shut that shit down
• Hoodie is the one that drives. He doesn't like Masky doing it with his impulsive nature and seizures and Toby....just no.. so Hoodie drives
• Tim cannot cook for shit. Unless its simple things like mac and cheese or other pasta...and don't let him bake, this dude doesn't know anything about following directions and just adds whatever he wants
• alright alright, So, imma say that Brian/ Hoodie use to skateboard, cuz he's got that vibe, yknow? And not just cruise but like tricks too
• only time his confidence is higher than Jeffs...how is that possible?
• Hoodie will know if he trusts someone or not. But makes it stay internally while Masky will just flat out, "I DONT FUCKING LIKE YOU"
• Hoodie often feels like a single parent with an impulsive, raged older son and a emotionally unstable younger son who makes things harder than they have to be
• give this poor man a drink...pls...or 10.
• cannot draw for shit, but sing? Oh they sound like angels, only time they are pretty calm even though Hoodie has stage freight, he can get lost in it.
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how many wips do you have? like what are they all, and not the number of wips in a fandom? what are all the names?
okay. fuck you. fuck you so much. fuck you.
i’m putting this under a read more cut no one else deserves to see this shit. a lot of these are requests, and for those i will just write out the request itself
domestic polycule fluff with tem, jessa, and will because im not a coward
- hehe hoho i request destiel hehehe
- request 61/? cai cai cai cai i need you to rewrite the destiel scene but yk. GOOD. not like i'm in the know about the spn fandom or anything, it's been years for me. but DO IT
Bright Sessions
- caleb/adam grisha AU
- mark bryant vs. united states aka sue the AM
- caleb/adam college fluff
Umbrella Acaademy
- request 31/? i want a ben and klaus drabble please spare me some brotherly bickering
- AND SO BEGINS NIGHT 4 with request 13/? oooh oooh can i get a raymond and allison playlist??? i think their vibes together would SLAP
- hi there night 2 is technically morning 3 but who's counting not me anyway request 5/? can i get a ben moodboard? gotta rep my tua bb
Percy Jackson
- request 9/? can i get a percabeth moodboard or quote edit?? like god they're the og couple goals take me back to high school cai
- For the 100 follower things :D Jercy getting caught in the rain
- request 29/? a drabble about literally anything to do with pjo. i’ll be happy with anyone and anything i’m love these children
- *somersaults in like I’m a real fancy acrobat* hello ello ello may I request some camp half blood chaos possible involving *does a flip* ✨side characters✨ <3
Penumbra Podcast 
- request 52/? drabble about the penumbra podcast. this is for ren bc ren likes it and i don't actually know anything about it. juno? i think? that's the one ren likes. write it for ren
- Tpp ghost hunting / buzzfeed unsolved au
- sad juno smut
- final resting place fic go brrrr
- request 6/? i'm going to my roots y'all can i get a spider-man playlist? if not a playlist then i'd honestly be happy with literally anything involving spider-man
- request 15/? i'm going crazy this is recorded evidence of me actually losing it ANYWAY can i get a quote edit for something from iron man? literally anything that man says is gold so cai's choice :D he deserved better in endgame i'm still bitter
- request 42/? do another spidey thing that differs from the other spidey thing
- request 73/? you have Opinions. rant about infinity way and/or endgame. go.
- request 74/? quote edit for deadpool!!
- spideytorch relationship character study
- peter parker as a tired grad student monitoring the young avengers (send help)
Six of Crows
- okay listen i wasn't going to request anything bc i worry about you but also? if you want to/have the time hit me with a playlist for our girl nina zenik
- request 43/? fuckin give me the ending anya should have had. she is alive and with her new son and having a great time
- request 45/? inej moodboard?
- request 47/? will you make literally any meme of your choosing for six of crows?
- request 48/? write a drabble for kaz, my favorite bastard
- okay so i don't actually like nina or mattias that much but i still wanna hear about your thoughts (and also see if you'll change my mind)
- kaz brekker turning 18 fic. birthday party, everyone singing, whole shebang. i need it stat
- religious trauma fic aka i started shipping kaz/alina/inej and i can’t stop
- kaz trauma soup (he has D.I.D. and you can’t prove me wrong)
- my two redacted fics for @grishaversebigbang​
- wesper fake dating
- six of crows bright sessions crossover: everyone gets therapy
- uhh... s1 gang having a nice time? melanie getting to have some Pride™️? some "fun" horror thing?
- request 7/? spare steph and jason bonding? please sir? spare some for a humble child such as myself?
- okay so this was meant for night 3 but i had midterm shit SO this is honorary night 3 let's DO THIS request 8/? i want a moodboard of extremely out of context magnus archives shit like i mean confuse the FUCK out of me i don't go here i know Nothing about it
- request 11/? OKAY so i need tim stoker meeting tim drake now i need my timmy to meet your tim plus i want to see character differences no i'm not trying to create a tim stoker in my head so i can read a's fic while NOT thinking of tim drake whaaaaaat you're crazy
- request 18(i think)/? i need a quote edit of every time within the first like. 15 eps of tam where jon is like “sounds fake but go off” thank u bb
- request 40/? i challenge you to write a tma drabble based only on the episodes i've heard. i'm currently halfway through episode 23
- Jon being lovingly bullied into taking a break. I'm aware this has been written a million times but it is one of my favorite things.
- spiral!sasha AU
- extinction martin go brrrrr
- high school era timsasha. they've both been friends for years, and everyone always asks when they will be a couple. they decide to fake date, to prove everyone wrong and show what a bad couple they would be. turns out that's a bit trickier than they thought
- after sasha comes back, tim is broken. he can't let go, scared that if he looks away for even a minute he'll lose her again. sasha suggests shibari as a way for him to give up control
- sasha pov mag 19 au, sacrificing herself to save the others, knows that if she gives herself up to the not!them it will let the others live
- this is the "tim finds a polaroid of sasha" trope
- early archives days,, long nights in research,,, clothes sharing,, somft. late nights and falling asleep at their desks warm and safe in the other's presence
- two parts: timsasha as kids, each picking a constellation that is "theirs". just soft kid antics. tim at sasha's grave glancing up to see their constellations
- continuing your job’s a joke (you’re broke)
DC Comics
- my redacted fic for @batfam-big-bang​
- request for you to get a decent amount of sleep? serious answer, dickkori, SAL's Venus
- request 4/? timsteph morning after 👀 mayhaps?
- a concept: nonbinary stephanie brown
- teehee hi mom, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, but can i request damian angst for your accomplishments 100 followers?
- hi you can ignore my first request if you want, or you can ignore this one. but bls possibly write some bikini ra’s? -the bikini bitch
- request 27/? jay is asking through me for a jondami playlist but tbh i also want it so win win yk?
- "I don't know how to help you but I can help you find someone who does" with bruce and jason? im just craving bruce being a good day to jason for once
- “I am putting you in time out because you need to understand the consequences of your actions.” with steph and jason as dumbass disaster bi best friends pretty please?
- request 32/? timsteph patrol date!!!
- request 33/? timsteph *gala* date? mayhaps??
- request 37/? tim drake drabble but make it Edgy cai
- request 39/? drabble of a prank war between tim and damian
- joyfire cuddly fluff please? or like just any outlaw fluff if joyfire isnt your thing (feel free to add every member of the outlaws, dont feel like u gotta stick with jason, kori, roy i love them all)
- barbara and robin! jason fluff? bonding over books or something?
- request 62/? i need a drabble about the chaotic trio jason, tim, and steph i'm love them ty
- request 63/? batfam x mcu crossover. batfam meets ironfam. give me ALL the cliches. ALL OF THEM
- request 64/? young justice x young avengers - jay cuz idk SHIT about the young avengers
- request 66/? jondami moodboard pls and ty
- request 67/? timsteph moodboard!!!!!!
- request 69/? HEHEHE kinky 😏 i would v much like a timsteph drabble of the almost first time. does that make sense? like i don't want you to go all the way NSFW cuz i know that's against the rules and i'm a rule follower. but like they *almost* go all the way. this could be fade to black or some shit i don't care just make it a lil steamy and have Fun
- i request damian angst! all of it
- hmm... maybe i request? jondami?
- mayhaps,,,,some batfam,,,,,committing crimes? ily be gay do crime <3 - lu
- How about a ficlet with Steph and Cass?
Found Family Bingo Prompts
- no powers au
- tunnel
- first day
- join the club
- hurt/comfort
- experiment
- playing favorites
- hold on
- possession
- 10 o’clock
- singing
- road
- snitch
- curfew
- timer
- fantasy au
- zombie au
- dreams
- campfire
- are you okay
- movie night
- games
- scared
- a request: Write A Drabble, Coward
- is it too late to request a moodboard for me?
- request 20/? i’m going off book because i’m in a Chaotic Mood™️ can you just absolutely vibe check me like go off cai demolish me
- request 21/? i formally request that you pick a favorite cai. i don’t care what that favorite pertains to, just pick a favorite something
- request 23/? roast me
- request 24/? can i have a buzzfeed unsolved spoopy playlist but spoiler alert it’s not spoopy bc shane doesn’t believe does this make sense it has been a Day™️
- request 25/50 i want a jake and amy fic make it Soft cai i’m love them b99 is so good
- request 28/? i know nothing about the lord of the rings so make something that will confuse the shit out of me
- request 34/? malvie and jaylos moodboards 😈
- request 35/? a moodboard for the bbb mods!! perceive all of us!!!
- request 36/? moodboard for the tua mods too???? mayhaps??
- request 41/? doctor WHO? idk but i want a drabble of him and the one character i know from doctor who which is rose
- request 46/? make an alignment meme with our group, have fun!!!
- request 49/? i want you to kin assign me a character from every fandom you can/want to. go feral
- request 50!!!!/? this is a special request. the most special request. can you make a bastards tbh playlist? i want our vibes encapsulated. i want us in music form. i want to hear those songs and be like "that's me and cai" and smile.
- requests 51/? i know jack shit about good omens. explain it to me in the most confusing way possible. make me know less by the end than i know now
- request 53/? can you write a mel aesthetic? i'm Curious
- request 54/? give me a list of book recs cai i want some good book recs pls
- request 56/? edit a picture of US together too
- request 58/? oooh can i have a disney edit? like. hm. i just really love disney and i want anything to do with disney. like a quote or an aesthetic or an aesthetic edit i just want disney.
- request 59/? i would v much like a recipe for carbonara. i've never had it but it sounds fucking delicious
- request 60/? ooh hey can i get a makeup tutorial? i know you like makeup, i'm shit at doing makeup. teach me
- request 65/? i need the most emo playlist you can make that vibes with dear evan hansen thank you
- request 68/? i want a superwholock moodboard. this can be serious, with the actual fandoms in mind, or literally what the era felt like. the insanity. the horror.
- request 70/? ooh ooh ooh do you have a good bread recipe?? i wanna get that bread
- request 71/? i want a playlist with the vibes of summoning a demon. please don't ask questions. i don't have answers. and if i do, no i don't.
- For the requests, how about writing something based on a friend?
- request 75/? MMMM i want literally anything to do with natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812
- request 76/? i want some healthy recipes. help a girl out
- a feral bbb quote or two?
- you perceive my plant but now I dare thee to perceive mine own visage
- okay this is a two for one request. 1. you did the bee movie script so now we need a shrek two script edit 2. sleep please
- Pansexual mb for my lil queer soul?
- my (probably) final request is just for you to ramble about something, i don't really care what
- HI ILY CONGRATS AS WELL CAUSE IM LATE BUT CONGRATS. could i request a pirates of the caribbean (or just pirates) or whatever you what to do, free range.
- mood board for the beluga whales who got brought to the animal sanctuary in Iceland please?
- 100 follower request: Moodboard for my stuffed cow Oaky?
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