#posts im sure are going to get me blocked again lmao
transhawks · 1 year
The key to liking canon Hawks is finding all the weird ass crazy shit he does funny. Like if you are a Hawks hater who used to like him and are wondering why people like him again the answer is that if you see him as a crazy man who keeps doing unhinged shit and the heroes don't even blink at it or know how to deal with it, everything becomes comedy. Stuffed Best Jeanist into a duffelbag and literally gave him up to the villains unsure if he'd really live or whether he'd be noumu'd? Yeah, sure. What if Jeanist was just like noumu'd immediately? Well, too bad. Brought Endeavor to Kyushu because he knew he needed a strong hero to fight a noumu and was literally putting the man in danger? Yeah, cool had to happen. Why not use people as bait. Gave Endeavor eugenicist fascist propaganda to communicate messages to the HPSC while acknowledging Enji's fucking dumb and this might backfire (also gave a bunch more people that shit, including impressionable teens). Yeah, it's all good. No way that can cause issues going forward. Left the hospital right after he got barbequed to go finish the job which is cleaning up Jin's body - he could barely talk! Yup. All good. Best Jeanist clearly gave him a ride to his mom's house after he took care of his 'unfinished business'. Speaking of Jin, just randomly deciding to tutor Jin for a month or two in villain ideology like he was helping a classmate pass an exam and no one batted an eyelash. Wow, the number two hero is just here tutoring the villain Twice in how to be a better leader and part of this army? Amazing. And for free?
Like ignoring Dabi - no one mentioned it. Not Toga. Not Compress. Not Spinner. The majority of the PLF saw them hang out repeatedly. Skeptic watched him tutor Twice. No one for a second asked how fucking weird it was that a twenty-three year old hero was teaching a thirty-one year old villain who was on Japan's Most Wanted years before the League even existed lessons. They just saw them playing senpai-and-kouhai and shrugged it off.
No one even mentioning how Keigo went straight for the kill with AFO. I know it's AFO and war, but like the lack of hesitation. "Oh wow, yeah Hawks is going to attempt to kill him straight off." No one cares - and heroes don't kill (unless they're Hawks apparently). On a milder line - straight up admitting to being prejudiced in the manga and saying he wanted a bird intern. In the light novel, asking Tokoyami weird questions about Shouto and breaking into giggles and hiding his face like that's normal behavior about a coworker and his teenage kid. All the weird other shit he does like meowing at Ragdoll.
He's weird!!! He's crazy!!! And its funny!!!! I don't get hoping for some fanon narrative and when you could be seeing this goldmine murderous nutcase that Horikoshi created in the guise of a cheeky funny sad little caged bird of a hero!!! The real Hawks is funnier!!!!
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snow-and-saltea · 4 months
yesterday i spent 45 minutes of my life watching a video essay criticising the use of cheap shock values and crossing of taboos for a video game and i went from "he has a point even if he's explaining it in a really inflammatory way" to "oh umm... i can see how he thinks that way even if i don't agree" to "oh this guy's just straight up using people on tumblr as material for an audience to get mad at like other outdated people on the internet. nvm he's just an asshole"
#yuu rambles#it was about the coffin of andey and leyley btw - i agreed w him on the first half of the video about how it felt rather noncommittal to it#concepts and themes but i recognise its not really *trying* to be serious which means its not a reasonable#framework to judge the intention and execution of its work - an apple pie does use butter in it but just bc it does#doesnt mean you get to compare it to steak; a dish that also uses butter. this is intuitively easy to understand for me#but nonetheless it was like 3 am i had stuff to do so i just put it on my background to listen#he makes a diss at “people on tumblr” early on that i just raised my eyebrow at but shrugged it off bc its such an old joke#its lost its zinger; and im p sure its just confirmation bias from going into the tags of the thing you dont like lol if you use tumblr#normally you wouldn't come across things you dont like bc you'd have blocked them. But Anyways#then at the end he got sooo self righteous about how people on tumblr are insane and weird and showed screencaps about how twisted everyone#who likes the game are. there were some screenshots of people's post that were like “incest is bad and shouldn't be explored in media.#paragraph break‚ me who is an incest survivor and finds it helpful for working through my trauma: lol”#those types of post. but then lmfao he started going out of pocket and just mentioned the lists of other people he doesnt like which are#a screenie of a video essay about how kink is important at pride#and then some other stuff i dont remember anymore w the tumblr screenies#it was very mockingly written and said and at the end of it i felt sad i couldnt#block people on youtube lmao. like its not i dont want this guy to comment on my videos. i dont want to see his channel involuntarily#recommended to me ever again. just resorted to the most base sort of trolling behaviour he accused and judge other game devs for in his#video essay. good fucking god. the psychological projection is unreal#i dont have any strong feelings towards the game at the end of it even though i thought i would be like Eugh at first#but my bleh for any cheap gimmicks is overshadowed by my disdain for this guy's reliance on self righteous rhetoric#i discovered another new channel i really like tho after that vid!! bc i had to watch smth else to cleanse my palate lmao#they're jacob geller and freddydude! ive only seen one vid from freddydude about his essay on#detention‚ the horror game set in taiwan during the era of white terror under new cn leadership after ww2#im personally quite jumpy so his humour and the way he edits his videos to make it silly even though its Scary#made me like it a lot!! im going through jacob geller's other vids but ive watched three specific types of terror#and the one about pinocchio which made me go :00 wow his scripts are super good!#again everything at your own discretion esp w the whole james somerton shit‚ but i enjoyed what I've seen so far#i just wanted to end this in a somewhat positive note JSHDKSJDJD the ramblings Continue...#theres a pedantic error in one of ky tags but im gonna update it when im on comp bc mobile sucks smh my head
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izzy-b-hands · 7 months
Was gonna sleep in. Instead woke up randomly at 5 am and have been writing a fix it steddyhands fic since then
I work in like. six hours. I have gotten maybe four hours sleep. Today is a double shift day that'll have me working bit late into the night.
This is fine.
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whorekneecentral · 6 months
The Night Before Christmas
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Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader
Warnings: snow storms, delayed flights, slight disappointment, mention of a christmas miracle, hitchhiking - don't worry andrea is there for adult supervision, incorrect ski terms and whatnot - idk I don't ski, old ladies love joris, fear of flying/small planes, oral (f!receiving), penetrative sex (p in v), creampie, cuddles in bed.
Word Count: 2,225
Author's Note: so sorry for the delay in posting this, I've been in a bit of a slump lately and im trying to get back on schedule with the posting, bare with me lmao
merry smutmas series
A massive snow storm delays Charles’ flight home for the holidays and you both begin to give up hope but a Christmas miracle occurs.
Christmas was a bit of a mess this year.
December 24th and Charles Leclerc was stranded in Italy with Andrea and Joris. Charles had gone because he had a Christmas event to do with Ferrari, Joris and Andrea had accompanied him but they decided to go up north and go skiing for the remainder of the week.
They hadn't planned to push it so close to Christmas and then the snow came down; the stupid snow which blocked the roads and left them stranded in the mountains of Italy.
You were a bit disappointed when your boyfriend called to tell you that he wouldn't be able to make it home in time for Christmas. You asked him if there was anything you could do and he told you because of the snow, he wasn't exactly sure when he'd get home.
Charles could hear the disappointment in your voice, and it made him sad to know that he wasn't gonna be able to be home in time to spend Christmas with you.
It was as if Andrea could read Charles' mind; "what?"
"We have to get out of here, we need to go home."
"I know," Andrea tells him, Joris looks up from his laptop, "everything is closed, the roads, the airport, like.. we're stuck."
Charles was nothing if not determined. He made it his mission to make it home in time to spend Christmas with you - bit of a tight task considering it was 10pm on Christmas eve. Nonetheless, he and the boys rallied up - not like Joris or Andrea had a choice - and followed Charles out of the ski resort.
They made it about 2 miles down the road trudging through the snow before they finally came across a ski ranger, the man on his way down the mountain to pick up something they needed on the resort. He was kind enough to let them get in, the 3 of them squished into the back seat as the ranger drove them down. Due to the snow, it took them triple the time to go down than it took to go up but it was progress nonetheless.
Once they made it to the town, they were at crossroads again. How are they going to make it to the airport?
It was a one step at the time sort of plan, if they thought too far ahead, they'd just give up.
Joris wanders into the one place that was still open, a little bakery that was run by the older couple that lived there and they had a grandson who lived not too far off from the airport. The roads were cleared down there but they had no car.
The couple happened to be closing up for the night and on the way to their grandson's, the older woman took a liking to Joris, holding his arm as he led her over to their car.
"Charles!" Joris shouts, waving his friend over. Andrea and Charles wandering over. "Yeah?"
"This is Maria, she and her husband are on their way to grandson's, who lives like-" "He lives five minutes from the airport, let us take you."
"Are you sure?" Charles asks her, as much as he wants to get home, he wouldn't want to put a sweet old woman out of her way.
The woman pinches Charles's cheek, "yes please, I cannot leave you out in the cold. Come, come." She tells him, Andrea helps the older gentleman put all the luggage into the trunk, the 5 of them getting into the car - Charles, Joris and Andrea squished into the backseat again.
The older gentleman, Joe, was just as sweet and welcoming as his wife. They told them stories from when they moved there, how they opened their bakery and their family. As much as Charles appreciated their kind gesture, he was wondering if maybe he should have offered to drive them to the airport.
At some point, an excruciatingly long 3 hour drive - Joe drove slower than most, they made it to the airport.
Maria rolls the window down, saying goodbye to Joris. The photographer holds her hand as she calls for Charles. "Make sure you come back! And bring your girlfriend."
"We will, thank you both so much. I don't know what I can do to repay you."
"Take us to the race next year," Joe calls from next to his wife. Charles laughs, "sounds good, I'll come back and bring your passes."
The 3 of them run into the airport, the boards in front of them display only one word listed to all of the flights - canceled.
Big, bold, red letters crush Charles's heart and his chances of getting home.
Joris pats his friend's shoulder, Andrea already one step ahead of them trying to see if they were anything they could get on to make it home in time - after all, he wanted to get home to his family too.
It's an hour of Andrea bickering with the very tired and annoyed woman behind the counter before Charles joins him, asking her if there was anything they could get on to go home.
The flight to France was 2 hours, he'd manage anything at this point.
"There's one flight, a small passenger plane. I'd have to ask the pilot first."
"Please," Charles says, "I'll pay extra if I need to."
After what felt like another hour the woman finds them and tells them to follow her; she checks them in, getting their passes to them before directing them to where they'd meet the pilot for their flight.
When she said it was a small plane, Charles was expecting small but not this small.
The plane looked like those water planes you'd take from the mainland to an island - it didn't hold more than 6 people.
Charles is just clinging to his seat, counting down the minutes until he can get off that plane. He feels his ears pop, the thud as the plane meets the runway in Nice and he's thanking every god out there for that. They thank the pilot, trying to figure out if they should take the train or just drive home.
None of them have a car at the airport and thank god, it wasn't snowing.
It was Christmas morning, the airport was a madhouse and Charles didn't typically do this but he did use his F1 status to get them a rental, he signed a few autographs for the staff behind the counter and they were off again.
The sun is peeking over the Monaco pier, Andrea drove them home because Charles was too antsy to drive. They dropped him off first.
"Thank you guys, really." He says, standing on the curb with his suitcase.
"We didn't have a choice," Joris tells him jokingly, Andrea nods. "Tell y/n we said Merry Christmas."
"I will," Charles smiles, wishing his friends well before waving them off.
It was good to be home; the man made his way up to your shared apartment, the lights off as you were still sleeping - your soft snores filling his ears as he quietly made his way to the bedroom.
You're tucked away under the covers, the blanket wrapped you up and kept you warm during a lack of Charles in bed. He knew you were a deep sleeper, the fact that he had accidentally slammed the door and it hadn't woken you was sign enough.
He stripped out of his clothes, making his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. At some point he thought he heard you shift, he peeked out the door way to find you still sleeping.
Charles joined you in bed shortly after, his arm snaking around your waist, the coldness from the bracelet he had on startled you. Your body responded before you could, taking a second to gather your thoughts - the fight or flight kicking in.
He presses a kiss to the back of your shoulder, the smell of his cologne and toothpaste filled your surroundings. "Charles, you're home," you whispered, turning to face the man.
You couldn't fully believe it, not after his call last night, telling you that he wouldn't be making it home.
Your boyfriend smiles, kissing your forehead. "I'm here."
"How?" You mumbled, moving closer to him. Charles's hand presses to your back, rubbing the bare skin softly. "It's a long story, for another time."
You hum, not really caring for the story at the moment. All that matters is that Charles was home and he was home for Christmas. You opened your eyes slightly, peeking at your boyfriend. Both of you wore the same sleepy look - you having just woken up and Charles after a long night of traveling.
You kissed his chin, the man hummed in response. You follow the structure of his face, moving from his chin to his jaw and up to his sideburns, down his cheeks and finally to his lips. Charles pulls you flush against him, his lips holding your hostage.
It had been a long week apart and you both missed each other terribly. Andrea often says you two are like high school kids, all young and in love.
Your arms wrap over his shoulders, pulling the man on top of you. Charles settled himself between your hips. Your boyfriend pulls away from your lips, much to your dismay and finds himself moving down to your neck, along your collarbones and to your chest. Now propped up on your elbows, you watch as your boyfriend's head dips, his teeth softly grazing your stomach on his way to between your legs.
Charles glances up at you and pulls your panties to the side. He was close enough that you could feel his breath on you, your head dropping back when his tongue finally met you.
You look down at your boyfriend between your legs; the man smiling up at you as his arms hook your thighs to pull down flat on his face. 
Your hips buck when you feel his tongue against your clit, your hand gripping on his hair. Charles’s hand on your hip rocks you back and forth slightly, just enough that he can hear his name fall from your lips. 
Your hand rests on his cheek, “I can't believe you're home.” Your eyes meet his blue ones. 
“I'm right here, baby.”
You pull him back down for another kiss. Charles’ hand slips between the two of you, thumb pressed to your clit. Your back arches from the sudden touch, moaning against his lips. 
Charles smiles, his heart fluttering every time knowing he’s the one that reduces you to nothing more than a whimpering mess. 
“Please,” you pull on his hair, “Charles.” 
“What?” He asks, rubbing circles with his thumb. 
You can’t help the whimper slipping past your lips. “Fuck me, please.” You ask sweetly and how could he ever say no to you? 
Charles finds himself moving to hitch your leg on his hip, lining himself up with you before pushing into you. Your back arches and he gives you a second to adjust to him before moving. You’re biting your lip so hard, you probably drew blood.
Your hand drags down his torso, pressed against his toned stomach when you speak. “You feel so good,” you whisper, knowing you can’t speak any louder.  
“Yeah?” He calls, hand slipping between the two of you. 
Your red nails, painted for the holidays, digging into his skin, leaving matching red marks matching the colour of your nails against his pale skin. “Fuck- please yes.” 
Charles doesn’t quit; his fingers rubbing on your clit, the other hand moving your leg from his hip to rest over his shoulder. Just when his ego couldn’t get any bigger, it did. The 16 hanging off the silver chain around your neck, sitting flat against your sternum. 
He can’t help but lean down and press a kiss to it, in the process pushing your leg back. The sound that left your mouth was nothing if not music to his ears. 
The sudden ego boost, Charles takes his chance to ask you. “Who makes you feel this good, amour?” 
You’re trying to answer him but between keeping the same position and his excruciating pace, you couldn't bring yourself to answer him. 
Charles asks again. “Who makes you feel this good, amour ?” 
A strangled answer slips past your swollen lips; “You, only you Charles.” 
The answer satisfies his ego, his focus is making you cum. His hips hitting the back of your thighs, your boyfriend has now moved your other leg over his shoulders. 
“Charles-” you call, your eyes meeting his. He can feel the way you’re clenching around him, his hand moving back to your clit. 
“I know,” he hums, “me too.” 
A few more sloppy thrusts and both of you fall over the edge, one after the other. Charles kisses by your ankle before letting your legs down, settling against you between your legs still. 
Passing a hand through his hair, you smile at your boyfriend; his eyes all droopy and a sleepy smile on his face.
"You're here," you whispered, he nodded and his stubble scratched against your bare skin. "I'm here."
You hum quietly, the sun shining through the curtains in the room, the two of you cuddled up in each other's arms.
"Shall we open gifts?" Charles asks and you shake your head, "they're not going anywhere, let's stay in bed for a bit longer."
He smiles, pressing a kiss to your soft skin. "I like that idea."
taglist:  @nosugarallspice @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16 @books-and-netflix-pls @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @forza55 @norrisleclercf1 @allalngthewtchtower @therealcap @burningcupcakefire @stargirl36 @brettlorenzi3 @guiseppetsunoda @magnummagnussen @flippingmyshit @savrose129 @lovelytsunoda @irda12-blog @dhhdhsiavdhaj @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @f1lovers22 @toomuchdelusion @eviethetheatrefreak @faye2029 @lillians-world-is-f1 @chalando1604 @lenaxwbr @im-obsessed @potashiuhm @lcxlerc16 @enjoythebutterflies3 @lillyfootballsworld @micksmidnights @mashtonbunny @chrlsleclerc @logischeroktopus
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crazystargirl · 11 months
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instagram posts ft. @jackchampion & @y/n_l/n pt. 4 ♥︎
pairing ♥︎ - jack champion x fem!reader, jack champion x actress!reader
a/n ♥︎ - hahahahah im having writers block again so heres pt 4 of the instagram posts since i missed making these. also cass bby ty for choosing for me which thing to work on
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liked by jackchampion, jennaortega, and 209,842 others
y/n_l/n yay finally summer aka vacation time !!!
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jennaortega why wasn't i invited?
| devynnekoda ^^
| y/n_l/n bc im too broke to take both of yall 😭
jackchampion where to?
| y/n_l/n ykyk 🤭
user828 gahhhh i wanna go on vacation now
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liked by y/n_l/n, baileybass, and 743,832 others
jackchampion just flew in! can't wait for the stuff planned!!
view all 22,829 comments
user372 jack we love you but what is that caption lmao
| jackchampion im not changing it 😒
baileybass hope you two have fun!!!
| user402 so like im not going blind and seeing that she wrote two right?
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liked by devynnekoda, jackchampion, and 821,923 others
y/n_l/n beach day!!!
view all 74,920 comments
devynnekoda still waiting for you to come and take me
| y/n_l/n im sorry babe 😫
| jackchampion nonononoooo focus on me 😭
| y/n_l/n im not going anywhere 🤭
| user929 👀
user557 @y/n_l/n who drove?
| y/n_l/n that's a secret 🤭
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liked by y/n_l/n, jamieflatters, and 792,010 others
jackchampion she called me a dork 😭
view all 172,923 comments
jamieflatters thats cause you are
| baileybass jamie that's not very nice
| jackchampion yeah jamie 😒
user810 she???
user362 who called you that jack?
| user618 im willing to bet it was y/n
| user572 didn't she also go to the beach?
| user838 yeah i think theyre there together
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liked by misstrinitybliss, jasminsavoy, and 729,291 others
jackchampion she's a little silly
comments have turned off on this post
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liked by jackchampion, masonthegooding, and 282,929 others
y/n_l/n he sucks at this 😒
view all 73,292 comments
masonthegooding i warned you
| devynnekoda this is why you should've taken me
| y/n_l/n yeah im starting to regret taking him
| jackchampion gaspspspsppsps how could u?!
| y/n_l/n noooo im sorry i still love you!
user137 *gasps* i knew it she went with jack
user879 all jack and y/n shippers have assembled
user518 i want what they have 😭
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liked by jackchampion, devynnekoda, and 927,372 others
y/n_l/n smallish photo dump from vacation :))
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masonthegooding now we shall wait for all the comments
| y/n_l/n get off my post, you cant stay here if you don't like it
| masonthegooding ok ok i liked it
user356 hold up did everyone else see the last photo?!?
user720 ship 
user619 i mean we already knew that they went together but like the third photo?? forget the last one but why are they holding hands 🫢
| user518 exactly!!! i'm pretty sure they're dating at this point
| masonthegooding same 🤭
| user413 hold up is mason confirming???
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liked by y/n_l/n, jamieflatters, and 1,836,329 others
jackchampion cats out of the bag so i guess i can confirm that me and y/n went on vacation together 
view all 527,219 comments 
y/n_l/n i hope you were planning on giving credits for the last photo 😒
| jackchampion sorry im not :)
| y/n_l/n blocked
| jackchampion wait nooooo im sorry!!! last photo credit: y/n
| y/n_l/n ok ur forgiven :))
user533 stop theyre literally dating at this point
user163 my parents :000
| user642 no fr tho!
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liked by user161, user738, and 89,201 others
y/nchampion my parents ??? 🫢🤨
view all 52,712 comments
user126 omg theyre literally datinguser525 nah after they announced they went on vaca together and jack posted that photo of y/n they cant deny the dating allegations
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taglist ♥︎ -  @xyzstar, @ourloveisgod23, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @bhk1234uwu, @nonniesworld, @athenalive, @lanaslittletwinkie, @beccajoestar
if your name is crossed out it's bc it wouldn't let me tag you
©crazystargirl 2023 || do NOT translate or repost my work without my permission
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rurulovestaki · 1 year
[ nicknames &team use for you ]
note : shorter post today. i’m kinda going thru writers block lmao. i wanna try posting daily again in hopes that doing so will help T-T . goodnight my dears
🧸 kei
- my love
- baby
“my love do you need help with anything?”
“what are you up to baby?”
calls you ‘my love’ because its romantic and he wants to seem all mature for you lmao. and ‘baby’ because you are his baby (totally not the other way around) im kidding im kidding, he takes care of you more. even though he’s playful, you’re always his first priority.
🧸 fuma
- darling
- angel
“darling be careful with that.”
“good afternoon angel, have you eaten yet?”
‘darling’ just seems so sweet and innocent, so he loves calling you that. and ‘angel’ because you are an angel to him. he’s so cringy its cute. like one day ur like, “fuma why do you call me that?” and he’s like “because you are the one i love most, so i must convey that using pet-names” HAHAHA IDK
🧸 nicho
- babygirl
- babe
”babygirl are you free tomorrow night?”
“babe you should take my hoodie, its cold”
cmon you guys should’ve seen this coming. he’s such a ‘babygirl’ person. and ‘babe’ because he thinks its fancy or something lmao. (ask him not me -_-) tbh i don’t see him calling you by ur name at all after you start dating, its ‘babe’ or nothing >:D
🧸 euijoo
- angel
- pretty
“angel make sure you charge your phone before you sleep!”
“hi pretty, what did you do today?”
‘angel’ is just so +\€.+|£euijoo+{€~+|. you’re the prettiest in his eyes so ofc he’s gonna call you that. also probably calls you a shorter ver of your name. (but prefers ‘angel’ and ‘pretty’ more because he’s sweet like that)
🧸 yuma
- cutie
- bae
“what are you doing right now, cutie?”
“bae come here. i miss you”
ngl i feel like he’d call you every pet-name in the book, but his favorites are ‘cutie’ and ‘bae’. in his eyes, cutie is so soft and y/n fitting, and bae is v playful (and we all know how yuma is) . probably has a nickname for when he teases you.. like ‘tiny’, ‘loser’, or ‘dummy’ lolol.
🧸 jo
- dear (he’s like me fr .)
- y/n, but lovingly
“dear what are you doing over there?”
“thank you for loving me y/n.”
HE’S AWKWARD IN A RELATIONSHIP OKAY. T-T be nice to him. mostly just calls you by ur name, but with more love if that makes sense ToT.. calls you ‘dear’ occasionally because he wants to call you at least one pet name, but he keeps getting shy. and ‘dear’ is easy for him
🧸 harua
- sweetheart
- bun
“i miss you sweetheart!”
“bun what are you doing tomorrow? lets hang out”
we all know harua is &team’s bun, so he must call you that too lolol. and calls you ‘sweetheart’ because hello?? its so cute. sweet + heart. two adorable words for one adorable y/n.
🧸 taki
- y/nie
- sweetie
“y/nieee lets go on a date tomorrow, yeah?”
“do you need anything before i leave sweetie?”
huge ‘y/nie’ sayer, fight me on this. like jo, he wants to at least have one nickname for you, so he picks, ‘sweetie’ AWWWWEE. he thinks its really cute and soft, and that’s what u are in his eyes ( ‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅ )
🧸 maki
- angel
- honey
“angel have you eaten yet? what did you eat?”
“i miss you honey”
he’s so cute i will faint. one day ur js like, “maki why do you call me ‘honey’?” and he’s like, “i dunno, it sounds like we’re married or something” I FEEL FAINT. and also calls u ‘angel’ because its cute to him O.O
— thank you for reading, ♡ ruru
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lexithwrites · 4 days
soooo what's exactly your problem with lily (i understand this one, if the fandom gonna take her husband from her they at least should do her justice or don’t write her) and barty being portrayed as shitty exes and why you can't scroll past and let people write what they want and where does your limitation end? are you also gonna bash writers who write regulus as raging homophobe and rapist in wolfstar fanfics or it doesn’t apply to him? what about snape? the way he's written in many marauders fanfics goes against his canon arc, should the writers be called out for inaccurate portrayal of him?
i think characters are tools and if writers wanna use them as tools it should not be controversial. do you think otherwise?
to answer your first question — because it's an opinion. am i going onto people's fanfictions and wasting my time commenting that i hate their trope? no. am i calling authors out by username? no. am i just stating my opinion on my tumblr? yes. plus, you are well within your right to scroll too, you didn't have to let my post get to you? if it offends you that much then block me lmao
id love to know what fics you're reading where regulus does that?? but no i dont agree with that therefore i wouldnt bother reading it? idc how popular a fic is, if i dont wanna read it then i dont have to, its called having free will. i dont want to read about a r*pist for a start, and ive never really liked snape that much and ive only read the books once and watched the films growing up, i dont really think about his character that much especially since i only write muggle/modern aus. write them how you want, but it doesn't mean i have to like it does it?
i dont think anyone should bash authors for their work, myself included. am i allowed to have a private, personal opinion on what i want to read/enjoy reading? absolutely, everyone is in their right! as are you anon, but coming to me and saying this is surely a waste of your time? my opinion doesn't matter to anyone but me lmao
and when did i say it was controversial? i just said i dont like when people make these characters the bad guys when they dont have to. oc's exist for a reason, why not make lily and james old childhood friends instead of exes that have bad blood? why does barty just have to be the old fuck buddy that regulus never looked at again the moment james came around, when he and regulus could have been raised as brothers together and are close that way? or they could all be strangers, the possibilities of fanfics are endless! thats the beauty of them! but is this gonna keep me up at night that authors have FREE WILL and can CHOOSE to write whatever they wanna write? hell no idc that much lmao, but this is my tumblr, as i said, and i can say what i want on it tbh
anyway, if you hate my opinion that much then thats cool, im not mad at that, but you can do much more vital things in your day im sure, have a good one <3
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how long can you stand the heat || ot7
Warnings: Uhhh, none I think? Non-graphical smut and slight angst, but that's pretty much it for now since I'm still crafting the next part, and some curse words lmao.
I won't control you, but MDNI. This is not for you, please.
Pairings: OT7/(F) Reader, Jackson Wang/(F) Reader
Plot: The one where your soulmates don't want you in their life, so you give them what they want and stay out of their way.
Genre: not really unrequited love (but they're all idiots), mutual pining, angst, denial of feelings, poly ot7
How do you think I'm going to get along
Without you when you're gone?
You took me for everything that I had
And kicked me out on my own.
Are you happy? Are you satisfied?
How long can you stand the heat?
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat.
mixtape: all i have left to give - part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - ending 1
I originally posted this on ao3 last April but I've just recently thought, "why not post this on tumblr now that i'm using it again after a few years?"
this fic is v self-serving, and was brought to you by my ✨maladaptive daydreams✨
first fic i posted here. idek what im doing but lezzgawwww
Title obviously came from AOBTD. Thank you, Sir John Deacon. You are heaven-sent for making this iconic and legendary bop.
This will be a part of a multi-fic series and i've already crafted 80/90-ish% of the next part im so sorry my mind isn't cooperating rn
God must be testing your patience.
I mean sure, you might not also be sure that there is indeed a god out there somewhere. However, you must have pissed off some deity or you had pissed on some old man of the mound. Either way, you don't care. You're pissed off now, too.
You see when they rejected you and asked (read: avoided you like the plague until Sejin spoke with you) not to speak or interact with them, you respected their wishes. It stung, but it's not really surprising.
It's not a secret that the seven of them are soulmates, polyamorous soulbonds not even a rarity in and out of the industry. However, it's also not a secret that they're very exclusive and don't let too many (if any) other people in their circle because of the things they had to endure as a group. It makes sense that they wouldn't want a new person intruding and messing with their dynamics, soulmate or not.
(deep down you want to say it doesn't make sense. you're their soulmate, why can't they accept you like that? but there's still nothing you can do, isn't there?)
And so, you delegated all your tasks related to their group to your most trusted employees completely and avoided them at all costs. And by 'at all costs', you mean everything. You even deleted all their songs on your playlists and blocked them on social media (even on Spotify). You can co-exist with them without interacting, although it makes your chest ache through the bond because of the soul rejection like a 24/7 acid relapse.
It's fine. You can ignore all that. You can handle rejection. You've been used to this since you were a kid; adult you can handle this.
Soul rejection side effects? Nothing meds and doctors can't fix. Technology has never been more advanced and all that jazz.
You're a mature person, and you pride yourself on that. You don't like confrontations that much and would rather step back as much as you can to disengage. If your soulmates don't want anything to do with you, then you'll back off.
But you sometimes wonder if they can feel it too, the soul strings fraying and slowly decaying. After shit went down, it's bouts of nausea and dizziness, and constant chest aches for you. That's not even half of it. It'll take a whole day for you to list all your symptoms.
If they do feel it, does it add to their list of reasons why they hate your existence? You mean, they had been borderline antagonistic since your first meeting, cold but civil at best.
It was a contrast to the way the tiny soul marks on each of your fingers glowed on your first meeting even until after Taehyung and Yoongi fled in what you can guess is disbelief and refusal, the others following suit. The warmth in your hands felt scorching, and you had never wanted to scrub them with water in your life then more than you ever did, your chest beating hard and painfully. You remember feeling like someone slashed your insides with a hot knife, and it has never stopped being in pain ever since.
What else were you supposed to think other than they hate you?
Not wanting to risk another embarrassing conversation with Sejin (bless his heart), you decided to book an appointment and signed up for the relatively new soul-scraping therapy. It's still in its human trial stages and is slowly being recognized as a way of severing soul ties, albeit not approved and sanctioned by the government. Anything to give and honor their wishes. They're your soulmates, and it's innate in you to give people what they want.
(or was it really just that?)
All of that and everything else, you can take. You live and abide by your life motto to stay out of drama, so you take all of it in stride and with dignity because it's all you have left at this point when it comes to them.
This is where you got pissed off, though. This day takes the cake, this sodding party.
Attending the party was certainly not your idea. You're tired from the long-ass meetings you had today—JYP's team asked for a meeting for your agreement with Day6 since Sungjin got discharged a few months ago with Younghyun following suit in a few days. A party is definitely not on your to-do list. If it's up to you, you'll be going home to your phone and fics.
(and if they're bangtan fics, nobody has to know. this, you can let yourself have—you were advised against going cold turkey from them by the doctors handling the soul-scraping therapy, after all. if you can't have them, maybe you can at least indulge in fictional them.)
You have been minding your own business since you arrived at the bar. It's laughable how socially inept you are despite handling your business and meeting the entertainment industry's biggest names and leaders regularly. When being put in parties and other gigs that force you to socialize just for the sake of socializing, you're back to being the fat loser kid that avoided making new friends because the ones you previously had in childhood (if you can really call them that) can't understand how your brain and mouth work. Frankly, you don't, too, so you just preferred to stay in one corner until it's socially acceptable to go home.
"Hey." Jackson squeezes your hand in his and smiles worriedly at you. "You doing okay?"
Jackson had been a long-time friend and is someone you trust your whole life with. Jackson had seen you through your bests and worsts, but had never once turned his back on you or betrayed you as many people did.
Yeah, you would trust him with your whole life. Your panties too, but don't tell him that.
(there's no need to because he knows; he did lots of times before, with his face between your thighs and your undies in his pocket.)
"I'm good." You don't even bother smiling, knowing it won't convince him too much. He knows your stand on parties; you're his polar opposite, after all. "I just really wanna go home."
"Can I come with?" he asks with a salacious smile.
You roll your eyes.
"Stop being horny for five minutes, please."
"You shouldn't have worn that dress, then." He rakes you with an assessing look. "On second thought, that's the best decision you did tonight so far. If you're not going home with anyone tonight, my room's open."
"You up to be my wingman?" you ask.
"Sure. I'll sit with you all night so we can look like a swinger couple scouting for a third we can take home." He waggles his eyebrows.
You snort at that with an amused chuckle, oblivious to the glare(s) directed your way by—who else?—your soulmates.
They (Taehyung) heard from Manager Sejin and Noona Ae-cha that you're not sure if you can come. They didn't know why the two were talking about you, but Taehyung tried to act immersed in his phone while eavesdropping.
Apparently, you had been stuck in the boardroom almost all day with the back-to-back meetings, and you even had to cancel your doctor's appointment. For what the appointment is for, he didn't know. It explains your absence that day, and he files the information away at the back of his head. He can't for the life of him understand why he can't stop trying to spot crumbs about you.
(he does know, but he's in denial about why—and he'll deny both.)
He then told his hyungs and Jungkook, which they just nodded at, seemingly uninterested. But if Namjoon's faraway serious look at times is anything to go by or the way Jimin picks at the skin on his lips as he's lost in thought, he's pretty sure they are also subtly trying to figure out if you're coming.
(but they'll all deny that if asked.)
They haven't seen you that much since they started actively avoiding you months ago and shut down whatever soul link you have with them, and you are damn good at trying to stay out of their way.
It surprised them, they're not gonna lie. They expected you to put up a fight, but all Manager Sejin told them was that you agreed. You never interacted with them ever since unless it was really needed, and you were always wearing your rings and not making unnecessary eye contact even once.
(and that somehow pisses them off and itches under their skin because how dare you not be interested?)
And now you've been here for the past hour or so, Jackson Wang in tow. Or rather, Jackson has his arms alternately snaked around yours or slung around your shoulders. It makes Jackson look like a frat douchebag.
(and it makes taehyung look jealous and interested in you which he is so not, no.)
Hoseok was the first one to spot you arriving, Another One Bites The Dust thumping through the dancefloor that was bathed in red lights. He nudges Namjoon from his seat in their secluded and swanky VIP room that was separated one floor above the bar proper.
"There she is", he says then, gesturing towards you as all seven pairs of eyes land on you as you enter with Jackson. "She's with Wang."
With varying levels of internal turmoil, they all watch as Jackson led you through the throngs of people, presumably to another room like theirs. They see you shake your head and point to the bar, and Jackson's face light up with a wide smile before redirecting your steps.
Yoongi asks himself why you have to wear that dress or why Jackson has to clutch at your hands like a little kid, the others having a similar train of thought. Does Jackson think he's going to be lost in this bar? Is he that plain stupid to be lost in this bar, really?
And why are you letting him?
Jimin tries not to let his eyes wander on your legs, tries not to let his mind wander back to the thought of being choked by your thick supple legs and ripping that off-shoulder dress off you and—
Oh. Woah, there.
Stop it! he thinks to himself and shakes his head.
(this is not the first time he's thought of this, darling. when he first saw those smooth and lovely-looking plump thighs, he knows he was fucked.)
Jin is no better, but he hides it better than the others. After all, it was not his idea to shut you out like that. He was opposed to it and tried to talk some sense into the others, but they didn't listen. He thought back then that Namjoon would at least be reasonable and give you a shot but nooo, the kid was stupid enough to listen to others.
Let them have what they want, then.
(he can feel the pit and longing in his chest some nights and thinks that maybe he can let the others do what they want but still do what he wants too. but he takes a look at the six men who had been there for him through thick and thin, and he can't lose them. he sends you an apology mentally, hoping you can at least feel it through the bond.)
"Calm down," Jin tells them levelly, trying to pry the glass off Namjoon's hand, lest he crushes it and injures himself. "You're crushing the poor thing, Joonie. Don't wanna end up in the ER, do you?"
Jackson's the one to end up in the ER if he doesn't unwrap his arms from your shoulders, that's who, Namjoon thinks to himself bitterly before he can stop himself.
Jin leans back on his seat and watches as you laugh with Jackson, arms slung around your shoulders as the latter listens to you talk. They all wouldn't have to seethe in barely contained anger if they just listened to him though, so who's at fault here?
Aish, these brats.
"I'm going to get more drinks," Jungkook suddenly says, disentangling himself from Taehyung fluidly.
"You can just ask them," Namjoon says, pointing towards the glass doors where their security detail is posed out of the room. "There's no need to go out."
"I'm going to get more drinks," Jungkook repeats firmly, ignoring him. Namjoon's jaw clenches. "Come help me, Jin-hyung?"
Ah, this conniving brat. Jin wants to kiss his pouty lips for this.
"Sure," Jin says easily, much to Namjoon's annoyance. He pats Namjoon's cheeks gently. "No breaking the glass, Joon-ah. We have a photoshoot tomorrow."
He pulls Jungkook out of the room before any of them can disagree further. He loops his arm around Jungkook's petite waist, nodding once to the man stationed at the door.
"You're not just getting drinks at you, aren't you?" Jin asks as they descend the steps.
"I don't know what you're talking about, hyung." Jungkook's smile is sharp. "I just don't wanna get roofied and end up on the tabloids tomorrow, is all."
"You don't have to lie to me," Jin says, kissing his hair. "I wanna see her, too."
Jungkook's smile turns sad at that.
"I just don't understand. [Name]-noona seems like a nice person. They're all being stupid."
Jin has to agree. "But you know why we have to, right? I don't like it, too, but we have no choice."
"But we do!" Jungkook insists. "We can be friends, even."
"Friends don't fuck friends." Jungkook snorts at that. "There's nothing 'friends' about wanting her with us, Jungkook."
"Friends don't fuck friends, my ass," Jungkook mumble mockingly. "That didn't stop Jackson-hyung at all."
Jin stops momentarily, pulling Jungkook to a stop. "Excuse me?"
"They were having sex last week, hyung. When Jackson-hyung came over last Wednesday."
"Was that why...?"
"Yeah." Jungkook takes his hand as they walk again. "I felt it through the strings, too."
Jungkook is suspiciously not meeting his eyes.
"What?" he asks innocently. Jin's lips pull into a smirk.
"You naughty cat!"
"I—what? No!" but Jungkook is still not meeting his eyes. "I didn't watch them."
Jin gasps delightedly.
"This is so much better. I didn't even say anything yet!"
Ah, fuck.
In Jungkook's defense, he hadn't meant to listen in. But he had been on his way back to the practice room from relieving his screaming bladder when he heard it. The warmth and arousal that was definitely not his he had been ignoring since that lunchtime was not helping his curiosity.
"Ah!" And oh shit, it's someone moaning and it's you.
That explains the arousal he's been feeling. Oh, and the jealousy now (his), too.
"Yeah?" A deeper voice asked breathlessly. Another punched-out moan from you, and the arousal flares in his chest.
Yup. It's definitely his this time.
"Jackson, please," your equally breathless voice pleaded, and the sound shot to his cock. Jungkook had to stop his hand from going south inside his pants and boxers.
A delighted shriek and breathless laugh, followed by a staccato of 'ah ah ah's and hips slapping against each other punctuated the otherwise silent afternoon he was having.
And what would a self-respecting man do?
Stay and listen to you get railed six ways to Sunday, was what he did.
(jungkook didn't say he's a self-respecting man.)
Jungkook slipped his hand inside his pants and boxers and wrapped his hand around his aching cock. He almost moaned at how your moans quickly reached a whole other level of desperation. He wondered and tried to imagine how you would feel around him if he fucked you harder and deeper than Jackson possibly can.
He knows he can.
"Hands, Jackson." There was a chuckle, then your whine was heard. "Baobei, please."
Jungkook heard Jackson's sharp intake of breath, and he had to internally agree. Even speaking Mandarin, you sound so hot.
He heard you mewl with a choked giggle as the sounds of hips to hips got faster.
"You really like my hands, huh?" Jackson asked.
"Mhm. Want them wrapped around my—ah!—neck all the time."
Jungkook had to bite onto his hands as he came, so as not to give his position away, cock spurting on his hands,. Seconds later and he heard you cry out and Jackson grunt to completion.
So, no. He definitely didn't watch.
"You nasty, nasty boy!" Jin cackles at him and he wants to pout. "You listened in to them having sex?!"
"Hyung!" Jungkook hisses. "Not too loud."
Jin snickers at him, mouth pulled in a tempting smirk he wants to kiss. "Was it good?"
"Hyung," he whines. At Jin's unfaltering smirk, he sighs. "It was. She sounds so good, hyung. I can't take it off my mind."
"Maybe later, we can do something about that." Jin says with a low hum.
He peers at Jin's eyes and almost shudders at the dark and hungry look in them. Jin squeezes his waist, and it takes Jungkook's breath away.
In his silence, Jin nods with a hum.
"Hm, definitely later."
He won't say no to that. If they can't have you, Jungkook's gonna take what he can get, even if it means settling on replaying your moans in his head.
When they reach the bar, you are still sitting at the other end with Jackson. They are careful not to be seen by you or you'll probably leave like you always do when they get within your 10-foot vicinity.
Then Jackson puts his hand on your slightly exposed leg. He feels the others' jealousy through the bond first before he feels his own, and he sees you stiffen in your seat.
Jungkook quickly looks away, but not before Jackson catches his gaze. He completely misses the way Jackson's mouth pulls into a quick smirk as their drinks are thankfully served at that exact moment.
"Wanna head back to your place?"
You're unexpectedly suddenly close, and it's like Jackson wants him and Jin to hear to rile them up. It works, and he can barely tamp down the urge to pour the drinks over Jackson's big head, being older be damned.
"Sure. I'll just swing by the restroom." You say as you walk away. Jin and Jungkook take that as their cue to go back to their ritzy room.
"That was short," Jin says tightly as they go back. "Was it you?"
Jungkook shakes his head.
Jin's lips quirk into an amused smile.
"Ah, jealous bastards."
"Weren't you too, though?" Jungkook asks with a slightly amused smile of his own. "That was... that was intense."
"That serves them," Jin says as they near the room. "If they weren't just pigheaded, it's my shoulders her legs are gonna be hanging from later."
"Jin-hyung!" Jungkoo huffs, but then deflates. "Yeah."
"Don't worry, we still have later," Jin says with a lascivious smirk.
And he can't complain about that, can he?
"Where's Tae-hyung?" he asks when they enter the room, Taehyung nowhere in sight.
"Went out. Didn't say where." Hoseok says as he accepts their drinks and puts the tray on the table. It takes a few seconds for him to piece it all together, and he mentally facepalms.
"Whatever happened to 'not giving a fuck' about [Name]?" he mumbles.
"Jungkook," Namjoon warns.
It sets him off.
"What? Are you all really going to keep on pretending? You do realize I felt that back there too, right?" he shoots back.
"So the drinks were just a ruse?" Namjoon's face is stormy.
Jungkook holds his gaze steady. "And what if it was? You all know what I felt about this since day one."
"Kook-ah." It's Jimin this time. "Not now, please."
"And when, hyung? When we go back to just pretending an eighth of our soul doesn't exist out there?"
He glares at Yoongi. "No, hyung. If you all want to be stupid, I don't! [Name]-noona is going through therapy because of this, don't you know?"
Yoongi scoffs. "She's a big girl, she can handle herself."
"Not soul-scraping therapy, she won't."
They all stop at that. Even Jungkook stops and internally curses.
Fuck, he wasn't supposed to say that.
"What did you say?" Namjoon's voice takes on a dangerous tone.
He huffs but stays silent, not really wanting to dig a deeper hole for himself.
"I talked to Jiho-hyung, okay? I bumped into him five months ago when he visited her."
"Im Jiho?" At Jungkook's nod, Namjoon's frown deepened. "I didn't know he practices soul-scraping."
"He's co-authoring the soul-scraping study with Doctor Seong."
At the mention of one of their previous soul health doctors, Yoongi raises his eyebrows.
"Our Doctor Seong?"
Jungkook nods with a sigh, plopping down beside Hoseok. "Apparently, it's why he stopped private practice—to focus on the studies. They're also lobbying for fully legalizing soul-scraping in the Assembly. I ran into him, and he mentioned that he was there for noona's side effects from the therapy."
Side effects?
"W-wait. Five months, you said?" Jin says with a tremble in his voice. "Is that why I can barely feel her anymore?"
Jungkook's sigh is pained, forlorn. "Apparently, yeah."
They all lapse in complete silence after that, the thumping of the beat on the dancefloor faint through the walls.
It is then that Taehyung comes back. He takes one look at their varying degrees of solemn and stunned expressions and tilts his head.
"What? What happened?" he asks.
Taehyung's eyes widen before his expression smooths into indifference.
"I told you, I'm no—"
"That's not it," Jimin says softly. "She's in soul-scraping therapy, Taehyung-ah."
(oh, lord. you don't know the turmoil you caused all these pining idiots, darling.)
And what about you?
As we said in the beginning, god must be testing your patience.
"Hey," Jackson says softly. He lifts your chin with a gentle smile long after Taehyung fucked off to god knows where. "You good, baobei?"
You didn't even know they were here. You were vaguely aware that yeah, they might be, but it totally slipped your mind. Meetings really did drain your brain.
When you stood up and went to the restroom while Jackson called for the driver, you didn't know that Taehyung was watching you from their room and completely high-tailed it from there just to intercept you when he saw you stand up from the corner of the bar. You didn't know why, but his stupid drunken ass just decided it wanted and it was a good idea to rile you up.
To piss you off is why, you think.
When you exited the ladies' room, Taehyung was standing there by the wall looking lethal. The ache in your chest flared up for two different reasons, but you ignored it. You ignored him and started walking away, pretending you didn't see him.
"So you're really here."
You continued ignoring him and walked on, but he didn't let you get far.
He grabs your wrist. "I said, you're really here."
The spot where he held you burned and you hissed, cursing the therapy's side effects. You were warned that coming in contact skin-to-skin with your soulmates while undergoing the therapy would feel painful (literally), but you didn't heed it then. You had no reason to touch them after all when they didn't even want to see you.
But it is painful, and it burns.
You yanked your wrist away, hiding your wrist behind your back. There's no need for that, though. Taehyung was looking at your face intently.
"Yes, and I was just leaving. See you around, T—"
"With Jackson?"
What's it with this guy?
You looked back at him and squared your shoulders up. "That's really none of your business, Taehyung."
He laughed with a sneer, shaking his head.
"What would people say if they knew you're off gallivanting with men who aren't your soulmate?"
The nerve of this asshole.
You can't let him see it affect you though, so you tilt your head with an innocent smile.
"I'm just a nobody. Why would they talk about me? " You smirked in amusement. "I don't think it'll be me they will talk about since I wasn't the one who rejected my soulmate, was I?"
And oh, shit. Where did that come from, [Name]? Feisty.
"And I'm not doing anything illegal. Why should I be scared?" You slightly lean back and tilt your chin up. "I'm not the one between us with a reputation to uphold, a name I should protect."
You paused, a serene smile on your face.
"I'm not a coward. I'm not you, Taehyung"
The smirk on his lips was replaced with a sharp look of disdain, almost like he wants to slap the smile off your face.
(he wants to, darling. trust me. just not in the way you think.)
You knew you hit a nerve and it feels petty and mean, but it's nothing compared to the loneliness and pain they gave you these past few months. It felt satisfying, even if for just a bit.
"You really think you're all that, don't you?" He smiled almost mockingly. "Tell me, how does it feel to be rejected?"
That really stung and angered you, but you've spent all your life hiding your emotions when needed to. Your expression didn't falter.
"It feels good—"
"—because she dodged a bullet."
You internally sighed in relief as Jackson's voice float behind you. You'll forever be thankful for this man's existence, gods or not.
You melt in his arms when he wrapped them around your waist. You chanced a look at Jackson, not seeing the twitch on Taehyung's brows at your body language.
"You really think you're all that, don't you?" Jackson mocked back at him. "Imagine thinking it's the end of the world for your soulmate just because you shut down their bond." Jackson chuckled ruthlessly.
"You're pathetic, Taehyung-ssi."
The two were locked in a glowering match before Taehyung straightened up and spun on his heel without a word.
Jackson let you get your bearings by the wall of the hallway to the ladies' room in silence. But he didn't let you stew in your thoughts for long.
So now here you are, looking at his gentle eyes.
"You good, baobei?"
You don't know how to answer that really, so you pull him by the collar into a searing kiss.
He puts his hand on your waist, the other on the wall by your face, and you tighten your hold on his collar.
You pull away to gasp for air.
"Take me home," you exhale heavily as you lean your head on his shoulder. "Take me home and fuck me 'til I forget, or I might do something stupid."
Jackson's sharp intake of air is your answer before he pulls you away to your awaiting car outside the club.
feedback (constructive, please don't be too rude bc i'll cry) and kudos very much appreciated!
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lyrakanefanatic · 5 months
Songs that I think would fit phone girl and graysons relationship pt. 2!!
dancing with our hands tied by taylor swift: I remember a mutual saying this in the comments of my last “songs i think would fit PG and graysons relationship” post but I can’t remember who, I think it was @reminiscentreader but I’m rlly not sure sorry 😭😭
“I, I loved you in secret” I imagine that they would keep their “situation” (i have a good feeling they will like kiss or something like that but then the next day will pretend like nothing happened or something pushes them apart?? Idk it’s a trilogy so jlb can’t give them a relationship right away) a secret from the hawthornes and the other contestants for a while when they do become official, but nash catches on first
“first sight, yeah, we love without reason” it was technically love at first sight bc gray kind of had feelings for PG when she first called him, when usually it wasn’t love at first sight for his past relationships (which is how u know they’re gonna be endgame 😍)
“My, my love had been frozen, deep blue, but you painted me golden.” basically how his past relationships had left him heartbroken and “blue” but when he met phone girl he really started to fall for her which “painted him golden”
“I, I loved you in spite of, deep fears that the world would divide us” grayson afraid of something tearing him and PG apart and almost expecting something to happen, or just expecting himself to drive her out like he did with his past relationships (😭😭)
“I’m a mess, but I’m the mess that you wanted” grayson literally says (when he’s describing his “girlfriend” to Gigi in the brothers hawthorne) that his supposed girlfriend, “wasn’t perfect, and when im with her, I don’t have to be either.” so this is very fitting LOL
fallen star by the neighborhood: yes, im only putting this one here bc I saw an edit that @herondalesbooklover posted and I liked the audio, so whatever sue me 😔
“I’ll keep you far away from me, like a star” Graysons habit of driving the people he loves out, and I can see him distancing himself away from PG bc he’s scared of falling in love again 💔
“Hard not to fall for you, I gave you all my heart” again, its Grayson trying (and failing) to not fall for phone girl, even though he knows she has his heart and always will 💗💗😜
“Further apart, the closer, the closer, the closer that we are” he’ll try not to get close to her, but he can’t keep himself away for too long and I have a feeling he’ll find himself getting attached and unable to block her out like he usually does with the people he loves
“You’re in my dna, I can’t keep away no matter how hard I try” like I said with ⬆️ one, he’ll try to keep her away but no matter how hard he tries, he will always find himself coming back to her (😭😭💗💗)
“I’m on a one way train and it’s far away, but you’re still on my mind” grayson will always run back to her every. single. time. just because of how much he loves her 💕😭
i can see you by taylor swift: this song is kinda averyjameson too but whatever i feel like it’d be fitting for PG and grayson too
“You brush past me in the hallway, and you don’t think, I, I, I can see you, do you?” I don’t rlly have a reason behind this line but “you brush past me in the hallway” would fit the kind of “professional” setting they have going on 😍
“I’ve been watching you for ages, and I spend my time trying not to feel it.” Okay PG hasnt really been “watching” him for ages but she has been kind of calling him and checking up on him, (for the riddle lmao) plus I feel like she’d try to deny the fact that she likes gray bc of her fathers death being somewhat related to the hawthornes
“But what would you do if I went to touch you now? What would you do if they never found us out? What would you do if we never made a sound?” Again, i feel like they’d keep their “relationship” a secret from everybody else until they become official
“And we kept everything professional, but somethings changed, something I, I like” Graysons probably gonna be a “helper” in the games so I feel like he’d try to keep a professional air with PG at first until he starts to develop feelings (not like he already didnt have feelings for her when she just called him LOL)
“They keep watchful eyes on us, so it’s best that we move fast and keep quiet” Okay but just think about how many people are on that island (there’s probably some maids, bodyguards, the hawthornes, and ofc the contestants) and then having to keep ur relationship a secret with all those people around 😭😭 but anyways once people start to kind of catch on, they’ll definitely pay closer attention to PG and gray just to see if the rumours are true
“I could see you in your suit and your necktie” suit. necktie. literally couldn’t have been anymore obvious 💀💀
“Passed me a note saying, ‘meet me tonight’” to discuss clues for the game or to do other things.. 😜
“Then we kiss, and you know I won’t ever tell, yeah” again, it’s just them keeping their relationship a secret from the other contestants + hawthornes
gorgeous by taylor swift: I haven’t listened to this song in a while but I did a few days ago and just realized how much it sounds like PG and gray omg 🫢
“You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk” probably just her mocking how “self obsessed” he sounds and also how he just expects to get what he wants and just the phrase “the world bent to the will of grayson hawthorne” 💀
“You should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong” this man does have a strong magnetic field, bc tell me why every girl he’s ever talked to likes him? 💀😭 (including phone girl 🤭)
“You’re so cool, it makes me hate you so much” this is so phone girl towards grayson omg.
“Whiskey on ice, sunset and vine, you’ve ruined my life, by not being mine” his family did kind of ruin her life, but add a romantic twist 😍
“You’re so gorgeous, I can’t say anything to your face, cause look at your face” grayson definitely is gorgeous, and I know phone girl found him attractive too 🫢 (who wouldn’t)
“And I’m so furious at you for making me feel this way” ofc she’d be mad she has a crush on him, his grandfather was probably the reason her dad died 😭
“But what can I say? You’re gorgeous” 🤭.
“You should take it as a compliment that I’m talking to everyone here but you” probably PG trying to avoid grayson for a bit after she realizes she likes him
“And you should think about the consequence of you touching my hand in a darkened room” maybe at an event, or that masquerade ball, graysons hand brushes against PG or he holds it while dancing and she gets butterfliesss 🤭🤭💗
“If you’ve got a girlfriend I’m jealous of her, but if you’re single that’s honestly worse” I feel like she would be jealous of his “girlfriend”, eve, but would also be like “what. 😧” when he says he’s single bc HOW??!
“Ocean blue eyes looking in mine, I feel like I might sink and drown and die” ik shes crushing hard on those ocean orbs of his 🤭
“There’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have” she “can’t have” him bc Tobias was apparently behind her fathers death, which is why she tries to deny she likes him
“You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad” her being mad she likes him 💀
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tiktaalic · 6 months
What did Sarah Z do ?
tbc my beef w her is not a beef its just a matter of personal preference n not liking the two (2) vids ive seen from her . i dont like that she does tumblr summaries with the vibe of and aren't these people crazy. arent these people cringe. couldnt be me. i just have a tumblr accoutn and rubber neck them. i remember her johnlock vid got flack from ppl involved in tjlc for being inaccurate. and i remember a lot of ppl i follow preemptively blocking her when she announced she was making a destiel vid based on the way she would yoink tumblr posts for her vid without asking you if it was ok to like. put your post on blast to 2 million views while she implied it was embarrassing and cringe. um and then the destiel vid she made didn't live up to my standards of accuracy and completeness . in my memory she actively reached out to someone for their recollection of johnlock the cultural moment and did no such thing for destiel just based it on what was hitting the top posts part of the destiel tag in november of 2020. thats all. went back to look for my posts abt it at the time and here's one sample.
havent finished the vid yet but i think there are more points to be made about parasocialism – she mentions that it was easy for fans to interact with creators/cast because of the simultaneous rise of social media/conventions/the cultural shift where shipping wasn’t taboo, but i think there’s definitely something to be said about how the creators were a large part of encouraging that. they were using fan inserts back in season 4. they Knew what was going on in fan spaces to the point where they referenced names of real bnfs, and they made the decision to goad and wink and play it up instead of adhering to the norm of looking the other way. like. there is a parasocialism there to be sure, but no one MADE them say the words wincest and destiel and sastiel on the show. creators/writers played a fairly significant part in crafting the fan environment that was crafted. imo
and now im mad again lmao bc you cannot talk about fans being parasocial and then not say and isn't it FUCKED that eric kripke name dropped real forum mods and forum members as stupid and cringe in his television show. oh and she was a chronic name searcher. she was always reblogging untagged posts abt her to argue with somebody. and they werent like. [accusation] [response saying that's not true] it was like. harmless disagreement. sarah getting their ass with her much larger following, but to be clear my main gripe is i think i know more about destiel than you do genius. which is petty but arguably valid criticism of someone doing a literal destiel retrospective and mocking it the whole time
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trashbins-stuff · 6 months
Hello. I have seen that you have been tagged by @neobixiscool on one of their posts. I am planning to make a rant post on them. If you can provide some background info and your side of the story, that would be great. If you feel uncomfortable discussing this, that's ok. Have a good day/evening.
rub hands together like flies. my time has come/silly 😋😋
and thank you for coming to me :3 i appreciate it/gen also i get to go all cabby on this hehe
oh and, im not really hurt-hurted by them, i feel like mocha (mochablogger), liam (moonmxple) and mac (blairdrawzstuff) are most affected. They did have a book with my character in it but in a different universe or something (without my consent nor credit btw). Anyway under the cut is my observant. Honestly i think i might have jsut make the rant post for you lmao hrgbnhe 😭😭
the background/before:
mocha was working on a little story and xe said we could be in it! so obviously me and my friends signed up for the fun, not really expecting anything, the story was called "The Traumatized Cup", thats when we first meet him.
In one of the chapter mocha had introduced rubix, at first i didnt really think much about him, i was just aware of his presence, i do notice him and mocha started to become friends and i thought that was great :)
something that you should probably contact cuppy for more info:
so rubix (or according to rubix, "jasp" was roleplaying) and mocha were friends on facebook, and they roleplayed there i think, this i just know but apparently he said crap about liam (mocha's platonic partner and my best friend). Mocha is very sensitive and even in roleplay xe's still uncomfortable with what rubix said
"bezel's" divorce headcanon (and possible influence on further problems):
i heard people talked about it but never knew where it came from, but thne i found out and,,
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tdlr; 1st one is about mocha and rubix, i dont know if mocha consent to it. 2nd one is uh a bit weird i i guess like he could have ask facemoji to make another one ;-;. 3rd ah yes the divorce that i had heard about!/vneg
rubix said bezel forced him into making the 1st one, even if thats true, rubix said the divorce was bezel's headcanon but hes the one that decided to post the 3rd one ("okay i asked facemoji again..")
seem kinda sus not gonna lie..but what do i nose right :-)
bezel probably influence more but even after all these months im still not sure if he really did do those things, idk lul, it is pretty weird that bezel's blog was a sideblog though (liam told me)
heres a bunch of words with link attach, those r my opinions lmao:
these u can just click to read so i hope thats okay
on wattpad he have a book in which he painted mocha, hazel and blair as manipulative (admittedly his writing was good, he could have used it for something different though)
he also uses some of our characters (such as mocha cuppy, hazel, blair, harp, blueberry, winter, bin (mine btw), seedling, galaxy journal,...etc) he did the delete that book tho, anyway heres more screenshot proof (credit @moonmxple )
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mocha asked liam and neobix said its cringe
i remember this one also
the one where he tried to ban pet name and online dating (in 2023) (check the comment and other reblogs also theres alot, its practically a goldmine/silly)
and can i say he barely knows our friend group? like sure he knows mocha but hes trying to fit into our group (very poorly)
please read what cass wrote in the comment (thanks cass for speaking out about it ily)
the ask i sent him
NOT to get all bitchy here but mocha blocked you therefore you literally dont appear anywhere on xer dash, you're out of xer life and xe had no reason to pester you, not everything has to be about mocha. You guy's relationship (or supposedly lack there of) had change but honestly? thats okay they dont have to like the same people that they liked yesterday. You might think you know that's them but it wasnt, mocha in real life is kinder and better than the version inside of your head and they're happier now and its so sad that you cant see (because you're blocked)
and again, not everything has to be about YOU
he also made it all about HIM like excuse me ???? can i not complain for little bit without you coming in and nag about your problem ??? if you're suffering go talk to someone dont talk to online strangers ??? :)))???????
bro cant even read a long paragraph post like go back to elementary school lmao, also reporting ppl just because they use their right to not forgive you is such a sore loser move, it make you sound like petty six year old (also max be spitting facts tho)
bro brought out HIS right (reporting mocha, which he actually cant do if he doesnt have a valid reason) while ignore MOCHA's right (not forgiving him, which isnt a valid reason for him to report xem). The definition of petty is literally complain way too much about unimportant things that could have and should have ended already
"you dont have to relate to everything you see on the internet, somethings are simply not about you" :)
did you know that to report someone you have to click alot of buttons??
common salad W &lt;3333
oh yeah, this doesnt have links but jasp/neobix is being so casual abt bezel's death but also uses it as a way to make people feel bad for getting upset with what he did
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Sorry for playing the dickhead role, but you wouldn't be laughing if you knew how we felt about every single one of you. (why it sound serious all the sudden lol)
why i still doubt (uh and heads up, galaxy brush, kodu, cuppy,..others who think @/rubixisanidi0t was saying the truth, im not saying he isnt but you cant blame me for not trusting can you? please skip this part if you're sensitive):
naw so if this was suppose to be jasp then whats jasp motive lmao :/..he dont gain anything from this + who tell people their secret plan publicly?? + how did jasp know about rubixs hallucination?? rubix please dont tell such personal things to jsut your friends and please just talk to an adult in real life. And jasp, dont let these kind of things on the internet its not safe/srs
this is just straight up weird and also why did neobix/jasp said "old friend" like hes rubix?? when he supposedly told rubix and i quote "yeah.. Soo.... This person named @/mochablogger seemed like some cool person, and when I tried to talk with them... Nothing happened, so when I figured they didn't care... It all happened at once." neobix/jasp and mocha werent even friend to begin with why was he SO obssess over getting mochas forgiveness when they supposedly barely interact much??
aint it a bit weird how this is supposedly jasp/neobix but why would they make this video??? it???doesnt make any sense?? and like were rubix and jasp still good friend??? why wood bezel make jasp of all people do it??? unless yk
HOL UP, WAIT A MINUTE..if rose jelly dated rubix but rubix tunred out to be jasp then..WHO IS ROSE JELLY ACTUALLY DATING??????
if @/neobixiscool is suppose to be jasp then how did he get a screenshot for a show rubix was making???
i translated it and head up. it has death threat in it
you know, if someone stole my account and ruin my reputation i wouldnt be following them and be mutuals with them :)
i appreciate him saying hell save us but like..why would @/neobixiscool linked the real rubix's yt and discord knowing full well that the real rubix was there and could told joiners the truth??? that seem kinda dumb ngl also on the channel you can find a video called "waitng for forgiveness" which @/neobixiscool had talked about. and lets do a bit of timing here, if rubix really was telling the truth and havent been on social media since his alst post on @/rubixcuix (last posted in august) and the divorce arc and the roleplay thing and EVERYTHING had started in september, and if the yt belonged to rubix, then he shouldnt have known that mocha didnt forgive him and make that video????? bc he wasnt suppose to be there since august??? bc if anything he shouldnt be waiting for forgiveness bc if jasp really did steal his tumblr account then its not his fault?? like i find it absoltuely HILARIOUS that the evidence agaisnt what rubix said was on both the account @/neobixiscool AND @/rubixisanidi0t's PINNED post?? and it boggles my mind how no one talks abt this???/lh/nm i mean its quite obvious maybe im jsut really observant though idk
if you got your account stolen and jasp supposedly brought back a wattpad book, i dont think you should be continuing it?? and didnt you said your reported him on wattpad?? on the same account where the book is?? why are you acting like "yes i did promise them this and im fully aware of what happen even though i supposedly havent been here since august and i will continue this book" has it hit you?
uh yeah so these are just my silly little takes, but hey! what do i nose? :-)
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demonophilia · 8 months
minors, or no age listed. this is an instant block. have your age plainly listed either in your bio or pinned post.
raceplay, ageplay (dd/lg, md/lb, or any variation on those), detrans/misgendering, sexism/misogyny, sissy/forcefem, beastiality, incest (including step/adopted/fauxcest) , or orientationplay (ex. 'turning' lesbians. fuck off
proana/promia/thinspo/any kind of ed blogs i have an ed and these blogs are INCREDIBLY triggering for me. do not interact with me. i will block you.
scat, vore, inflation etc. nothing wrong with these but i'll most likely block if theyre a main focus of our blog. if i follow first, this doesnt apply!
any "icky x" shit. generally falls under the ageplay or incest umbrella, but i wanted to make sure i was clear. if i see any variation on those tags on your post, i will block.
chasers please just be normal LMAO
do not ask about my private life/ask for my sfw blog. again, this is only if we aren't friends/close. i might post abt it in vague terms and its fine to ask abt minor things (how was your day etc) but dont pry. i am literally a porn blog im on here to get people off LMAO im not that interesting
if i say no or say to stop, stop. this should be obvious. if i say no, i mean no. this includes if im being dominant. if you repeatedly disrespect a boundary ive set, i will block you. if you arent clear on a boundary, ask!
more info under the cut ⬇️
hii im connor :] i use it/its, he/him, and she/her pronouns. i'm bisexual + bigender (tme, and i have a cunt), and i'm fine with both feminine and masculine petnames (see petnames section below :]) i'm a vers and a switch, though recently i've been heavily sub leaning. feel free to send me dom-focused asks, i just can't guarantee i'll get to them too quickly!
i love getting asks, especially sexual ones (obviously). just be certain that youre respecting my boundaries! i understand slip-ups, but try your best to "respect" me (obviously disrespect me lmao but yk what i mean). if you'd like to use an emoji for your asks, lmk and i'll tag the answers with that emoji :]
the terms i use for my anatomy are fairly loose, but do not use the term "bonus hole" or any variation to refer to my cunt. boypussy is fine, but i don't really find it very sexy LMAO. also, i call my clit a cock or tdick. it's fine to use clit for it, but i prefer the other 2.
i looove petnames :] feel free to use any of these (unless i specify otherwise), id honestly prefer you using these over my actual name LMAO.
angel, baby, darling, etc. these aren't sexual, but feel free to use them! i find them cute :]
toy/doll/fucktoy/thing etc. i love being objectified/dehumanized so these are always a good bet LOL
puppy, dog, pet, mutt, kitten, kitty, etc. bonus points for "bad dog" which makes me crazy in my head
good boy/girl/toy etc.
slut/whore/cumdump etc. i love most degrading names, lol. go wild with these, if i don't like one i'll lyk :]
sir/miss. when i am domming, these are generally the titles i prefer. feel free to try others though! (aside from daddy/mommy.)
go wild! the ones above are some of my favorites/the ones that immediately came to mind, but feel free to try other ones :] like i said if i don't like it i'll just lyk, no harm done!
i should note that i enjoy all my kinks from both directions, whether im dom or sub :] due to my frequently subby nature some of these descriptions are worded in terms of Me being the sub but i love them when im domming also basically.
praise i adoree being praised... generally i prefer it mixed in with degradation ^_^ tell me if im doing a good job, making you happy, etc! i also love praise when im domming please lmk if youre enjoying yourself i like knowing im getting people off :]
degradation another favorite ^_^ as ive mentioned, i love being dehumanized and sexualized. call me stupid, useless, etc. aside from words, i do enjoy being made to do degrading tasks <3 Also idk where to put this but i lovee spit spit in my mouth spit on me Whatever
painplay hitting, slapping, choking, biting etc are some of my favorites. i also enjoy knifeplay and gunplay. anything that will leave bruises/marks will make me wet <3
somno/intox i enjoy both of these, but i am very picky about them, and i'd probably won't talk about them a lot because of how picky i am.
monsterfucking vampires werewolves angels demons tentacles etc etc etc i go crazy for them . i do want to do unspeakable things to a service top werewolf this is true.
petplay i should note that i'm fairly picky about petplay as well! i mainly prefer the petnames, collars/leashes, etc. i don't enjoy anything about cages or being made to bark (though i don't mind phrases like "puppies don't talk" and stuff like that)
bondage, gags, handcuffs etc. pleasee tie me up and tell me what you'd do to me <3 i have an oral fixation so any use of my mouth is very appreciated <3
breeding I LOOOOOVE BREEDING im crazy abt it. if you threaten to knock me up i Will beg for it lol. i don't really care abt any actual pregnancy details, aside from future hypotheticals (youre gonna be so big, im gonna fuck another baby into you after, etc)
exhibitionism/voyeurism if i didnt get off on ppl looking at me i wouldnt have made this blog love and light .
this list is nonexhaustive! i like a lot of kinks, so feel free to bring up any you think i'd like, so long as they aren't on my dni or anything. worst case scenario i just won't like them and i'll lyk LOL.
mutuals feel free to dm me if you'd like ;] i tend not to initiate bc i have a hard time telling when its normal to reach out LOL, so if you want to talk to me, please do! everyone else can talk to me through the ask box!! once again, Please sexualize me (why would i make this blog if i didnt wanna be sexualized lmao) but respect my boundaries <3
related to above, but if you get off to my posts/thinking of me, id love to know :] i loveee getting ppl off so <3 and if im feeling dommy i might tease you abt it LOL
i do my best to tag specific kinks for navigation (and to tag hard kinks with tw (kink)) but i might slip up/forget! if you notice an issue with the tags, feel free to lmk and ill get that fixed :]
also i should note i am bisexual bigender, so im fine being rbed with both wlw/nb and mlm/nb tags ! lmk if youre uncomfortable with me interacting with yr content in any way 👍
ty for reading this whole long thing :D i tend to ramble a lot lol... i don't rly have anything to give you for reading it all buttttt feel free 2 like if youve read all this also youre my favorite and you can do whatever you want to me (joke (or is it!?))
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frenziedslashers · 1 year
i just loved ur rhys fic so much, ur such a good weiter and one of the few i see him writen in character. i dont have a specific request just- anything you come up with for this man im so depraved of my bb🥹🥹🥹
I appreciate this sm and am so glad that you guys are enjoying my Rhys content and overall just my Borderlands stuff 😭😭 That truly makes me so happy <3 I apologize if this isn't the best. I hit a mini writers' block tonight and I'm mad about it 😤 but I still wanted to post something lmao
Tell Me About Life On Pandora
"Doctor," Rhys called out to you in the hallway. Sprinting in order to catch up with you. The holler of your title and the quick motion caused you to turn with a worried expression plastered on your face. "Yeah?" your voice was a bit weary, quiet too. A lot quieter than it normally was, and Rhys took notice of that. He took notice of anything unusual that was going on with you. He always did, and probably always would as long as you were in his life.
He was panting a little when he reached you. He needed to work out more, really. This was pathetic, he was the CEO of Atlas and wore out from a light jog? That wasn't the point right now, though. "Hey, I haven't seen you around lately, is everything okay?" If anyone had overheard him they would have been jealous. Rhys never really went out of his way to check on specific employees of his. He was always either too busy or anxious to do so, but he was never too busy for you. He was always making sure that you were happy and all right. Plus, to make sure that you always had everything that you needed in your lab. You were one of his best scientists, after all.
You pursed your lips, brow worrying a little. Truthfully, you weren't all right, but you didn't want to go telling your boss that. Even if he was friendly with you, and you did consider him to be a friend. You still hated opening up to him. It felt wrong in a work situation. If you were outside fo work it might be a little different, but that wasn't the case.
"Yeah, everything's fine," you spoke, forcing a smile, though your eyes betrayed you. He spoke your name, frowning a little, and took a small step closer to you. "Are you sure? If you need a break from work, I won't be mad. I used to work under a CEO before, you know? I get how stressful everything can be." He told you with a lopsided smile, and you returned the smile. This time it was a little less forced. You even felt a little relieved by his words. "Thank you, sir." "Please, just call me Rhys." He was always telling you that, but again. It felt weird to you. Like you were crossing a boundary even if he told you it was okay.
The two of you stood there for a moment more before you heard your Echo go off. "Doc, we got an issue with the project," you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. "I'll be there in a moment. Please... Just scavenge whatever pieces you can from the device. We might have to start from scratch... Again." "Copy that."
You took a deep breath before looking back up to Rhys with a tired smile. "Well, Rhys, I have to get back to work. I'll see you around?" You spoke, a hopeful glint in your voice, and he nodded. "Yeah! Yeah, of course. You know where to find me if you need anything, too." You nodded, smiling at the man. "Thank you," he nodded, watching as you walked off with a sigh. He wished that he knew how to help you more.
The next few days were a lot for you. Rhys would wander the halls when he had time. Hoping that he would catch you doing the same, but he never did. The third day of not seeing you had him a little worried, as well. You normally always had the same schedule. You'd work from when you clocked in, until about thirteen hundred when you would go and eat. Then around thirteen-forty-five, you would be back in the lab. Working on work until you took your break around sixteen-thirty. Which was typically when he would catch you and chat with you for a little while.
The swish of the door opening didn't grab your attention. Your face was buried in notes that were spread across the table. Sighing deeply as you scribbled out new blueprints for the gun that you were working on for the company. "No wonder you have a headache almost every day," his voice made you jump. Turning quickly to look up at him. A hand gripping at the pencil in your hand, the other reaching for where you used to carry your gun when you worked on Pandora. You had been working under Rhys for nearly three years now, and yet you were still used to the ways of that hell site. Still used to defending yourself from bandits and other companies.
You raced to your feet, staring at Rhys with wide eyes, unable to say anything. He smiled at first, finding it a little amusing that he scared you, but once he realized how freaked out you looked, he looked more worried than you'd ever seen. "Shit, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." You still couldn't speak. You were moments from a mental breakdown before this, and the mix of being stressed and the memories of working on Pandora made your whole body shut down and go into lockdown mode. Trembling while you stared at Rhys with fearful eyes. "Hey, what's going on? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He tried to reach out to touch your arm. Hesitating when you flinched and your eyes clenched shut. "I'm sorry," you spoke with a shaky voice, and that only made his frown deepen.
He didn't realize how stressed you had been lately. Nor how easily frightened you were. Sure, you were always jumpy, but jeez. This was new. He didn't know what to do, really. "Hey, don't apologize, you did nothing wrong." His voice was soft and assuring. Reaching out to pull you in for a hug. "Hey, everything's all right, I'm here. Nothing can hurt you," He muttered to you, his heart racing a little when you hugged him back. Arms quickly raced to wrap around his body while you cried into his chest.
He was aware of the effects that Pandora took on you. You had warned him before you started working for him that you had PTSD from all of the situations you were in down there, but he never expected to invoke a trauma response out of you. "Hey, why don't we go to my office? It's safe there, we can sit down, okay?" He spoke, and you nodded. Allowing him to take you back to the safety of his office.
You were both thankful that it wasn't a long walk from your lab to there. His arm wrapped tightly around your shoulders and he opened the door and led you inside. Shutting it behind you both before pulling you over to a sofa on the side.
You were quick to leach back onto him. Hiding your face in his chest while he leaned back and held onto you. One hand was placed on the back of your head while the other rubbed at your back. "Hey, you're safe now, I won't let anything happen to you." "You promise?" He pursed his lips at your question. "I promise." Why wouldn't he? All he wanted for you was the best.
The two of you were silent for a moment. Just staring into one another's eyes before he awkwardly broke the silence. Clearing his throat with a sigh while turning his head to look over at his desk. Worried that he might be overstepping boundaries with you. "Well, uh, if you ever want to talk about- any of it- I'm here. I know how traumatizing Pandora can be," he chuckled, and you raised a brow. You hadn't realized that he had been on the face of that shitty place before. "Really? Why were you there?" You questioned, leaning back against the sofa. Your body turned to face him. Wanting to listen to what he had to say, wiping the tears from your face as you tried to keep calm.
Rhys pondered, thinking of how he could word why he was there. Should he tell the truth? Or lie and act like he was never actually there. "A vault key," he muttered, without even realizing it. He was as shocked as you were to hear those words leave his lips. "Were you a Vault Hunter?" You asked, a glint of excitement in your eyes. This would be one of your coolest discoveries yet. "Ha, no, that's funny though." He laughed, leaning his back against the sofa. Turning his head to look over at you with a smile. "Do you think I'd pass as one? Be honest," "No," he frowned, sighing. "What? You told me to tell the truth. It's not that I don't think you could handle yourself, Mr. Strongfork, it's just.." He watched you with an intent and curious gaze. "You're too considerate of the people around you." He smiled, nodding his head. That was one of the reasons he got into so much trouble on Pandora in the first place.
"Well, can you tell me about it? What it was like looking for the key?" You asked, and he nearly said no. He hates discussing the topic, but when he looked over at you. Just the dreamy and curious gaze in your eyes had him agreeing to tell you his story. "Yeah, but it's a long story," "Well, you could tell me part of it now, and then finish it later when you have the time." He smiled, enjoying that idea. It'd give him more time with you, at least. "Deal."
He started the story that night with you. Telling you everything he went through on Helios, with Vaughn, and Yvette, and Vasquez. How he found out the man was looking for a Vault Key after demoting poor Rhys to the status of Janitor. You were shocked, to say the least. You never expected Rhys' history to sound anything like this. You weren't sure what you had expected to hear, but certainly not this.
You watched as he told the story with his hands. Moving them and using his voice to convey the emotions of each event almost too well. You couldn't take your eyes off him the whole event. Not that you really wanted to, anyways.
"And then we made it to this race track. We had to wear bandit masks in order to race with them, you know... So they wouldn't shoot us- It was crazy! I was certain I was going to die there. But, after our cover was blown, and we did our damnest to get that briefcase back. We were saved by none other than Zer0 himself." Rhys told you with a grin, noticing how wide your eyes got. "So, that's how you met him? He saved you?" He nodded his head. "Well, he didn't mean to, he was just there to kill the lead bandit guy. I can't remember his name, DJ something." Rhys shrugged, and you smiled. "That's so... Awesome." He chuckled, finally relaxing his body once more. His hands in his lap while looking over at you. "Yeah, you think so?" "I know so. My time at Pandora wasn't anything like that. Sure, we were trained to fight if Bandits tried to break into the facility, but we never went out of our way to do stuff like that. That sounds exciting, heroic, almost." He turned his head away from you with a smile, trying to hide the bashful look on his face. "Well, jeez, thanks, I think?" "Well, what happened next?"
He wanted to tell you, he really did, but he knew if he kept talking the two of you would be there all night. Looking at his watch with a sigh as he noticed the time. "I think we better continue it tomorrow," the sigh that you let out after hearing his words made him snicker. Glancing at you with a hum, "Well, I'll come get you after I get done with my work tomorrow, how about that?" You nodded, moving so you could stand to your feet. Rhys doing the same. "I'll see you then?" He knew you would say yes, but he wanted to hear it from you. His smile growing when you agreed to see him again tomorrow to hear more about his life story. He never realized how useful this information would be in order to talk to you.
These meetings between the two of you carried on for the next week. Rhys telling you a chapter of his life before sending you home. Both of you came back to his office the next day to continue. You had more and more questions for him each day. Even a few compliments and praises here or there for how heroic he sounded. Which only fueled his ego and made him glance away from you while smiling sheepishly.
"After we defeated the Vault Monster, we got Gortys back. Loaderbot and her were happy and together again," you smiled, cheering silently in your head. "We healed up Sasha, too," he smiled faintly, staring at his hands in his lap. "Then Fiona and I left the group to run back for the Vault. What we saw inside," he chuckled, leaning back to stare at the ceiling of his office. "I can't even explain it. It was so cool, awesome, and mind-blowing. Everything was alien like. Nothing like anything I've ever seen before." He told you, a little dazed as he remembered it all.
"What happened with you and Sasha?" You blurted, truly curious, but you regretted asking it when you noticed how he seemed to recoil. His dreamy smile quickly fading, his whole demeanor shifting as he sat up properly on the sofa. Staring at his hands in his lap again. "Well, she moved on. She told me she didn't think she could continue a life with someone who used to work for Hyperion. Someone who had.." He paused, he was going to mention how Handsome Jack was in his head. How he didn't tell them about it until the very last moment. But he hadn't told you yet, worried that you would hate him for it and leave him just like she had. "Had what, Rhys?" Your voice soothed him a little, but he was still so anxious. "I had a monster inside me, okay? I wasn't me when all of that went down. When we found the Atlas facility that was abandoned, with Cassius in it. I plugged myself into this, thing. I ended up downloading an AI into my system and well.. I didn't tell anyone who or what it was until it nearly killed me and the rest of them. She tried to forgive me, but she mostly dated me out of pity after it all." He sighed.
You could tell how much it all bothered him. Not wanting to touch further on the subject if he didn't want to. You weren't sure what to say, so you reader out. Placing your hand on top of his own. You were a little worried he might flinch away, tell you to leave his office or to not touch him, but he didn't. He seemed to relax under your touch. Eyes watching your hand, closely. Turning his palm upright so he could intertwine his fingers with yours. The action making your insides burn.
"I'm glad she and I didn't work out for that long, though." You hummed, watching him closely. "How come?" He paused, thinking of what to say. "Well, I think I found someone better." He told you, turning his head slowly in order to look at you. His eyes meeting yours with a soft gaze. You were certain he was referring to you, but you weren't one hundred percent sure. Your body burning up under the tension that was forming between the both of you. You wanted to ask if it was you, but again. You had no idea how to ask or what to say. It wasn't until his eyes fell onto your lips that you were sure it was you.
"And who's that?" You asked with a small smile, and he chuckled. A flush spread over his face as he gulped. Rethinking his word choice and the predicament he was currently in with you. He fought through his worries, though, focusing on your lips and then your eyes while thinking of how to word what he wanted to say. "Well, they're in this room, and it's not me." You pondered, looking around as if it weren't obvious. "Is Zer0 in the room with us?" Rhys let out a laugh, bringing his mechanical hand up to cover his lips. "Has anyone ever told you that you're adorably hilarious?" He asked with a wide grin, to which you shook your head. Allowing him to tug you closer to him by your hands. "Do I have permission to maybe kiss you? If that's all right? If not, I get it, I'm your boss, it's frowned upon, I'm weird, and-" You were quick to grab him by his face. Pulling him in for a kiss that you had grown to want just as badly as he did. A surprised 'humph!' left his lips as you did so, but he was quick to kiss back. His own hands resting on the sides of your face as well.
"You never told me what you found in the Vault," you muttered once the both of you had pulled back from the kiss. Rhys' eyes fluttered open to stare at you with that same dreamy gaze from before. Pondering for a moment while his thumbs brushed over your cheeks. "Well, when we opened it we found a bunch of valuable items. Money, Eridium, Weapons, you name it. It's how I was able to afford to revive Atlas." "Was it worth it?" Rhys squeezed your hand. A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he leaned in, his lips nearly touching yours once more. "Well, yeah. Without it, I probably would have never met you."
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sprintingnight · 4 months
fake asota d&d post simulator
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🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
yeah okay i feel like everyone's overreacting over the blood in the hallways. missing students aren't exactly a problem, people drop out of school all the time. it's literally not a big deal
🎵 snakefreak Follow
didn't you get a callout post a few months ago for getting caught eating a human arm in the girls bathroom
🎵 snakefreak Follow
whof the fuck is knoucking at my dorm room entrance in the middle of the night .
427 notes
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🐕 chickengirl Follow
excuse my language but i don't know how the FUCK to get out of this ice maze???????? any experts know what to do when your head starts spinning and you cant see right??? i think the reflections did some shit to me
⚔️ knightonpatrol23 Follow
op have you considered looking up the effects of low iron
🐕 chickengirl Follow
hold on i will in a second there's this weird crunching noise in the room ahead
🐕 chickengirl Follow
by the blight and the bane this can't be happening
#THE FUCKING MAYOR??? #hen.txt
2,674 notes
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☘️ liadons Follow
does anyone know the best fertilizer for my venus flytrap? im not too sure how to keep its roots healthy while also giving it the flies it needs.
🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
where is my rock rael
☘️ liadons Follow
what the fuck? how did you find my tumblr?
🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
give it to me rael
🐈 notheath Follow
give it to me rael
☘️ liadons Follow
please stop harassing me. this prank isn't funny. im going to report you to staff.
🐈 notheath Follow
how resistant are you to fire attacks
23 notes
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☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
Hello, students of Alamaz. I know we're concerned about the rampant disappearances, and reports of some of our students coming back to school covered in blood, but there's absolutely nothing to worry about. Please remain calm during your stay here and make sure to lock your dorm rooms if you feel the need to.
☘️ liadons Follow
hey op arent you the one with the corpse pile in her basement
☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
i have access to your student files, home address, family information, and authority over your brother, rael liadon
☘️ liadons Follow
5,972 notes
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🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
hey guys sorry abt the absence i was in jail for a bit :/
📚 bookworm87 Follow
how the fuck do you land yourself in jail????? arent you like. your bio says youre 16, what the hell did you do?
☘️ liadons Follow
dont ask stupid questions
🐕 chickengirl Follow
dont ask stupid questions
🎵 snakefreak Follow
dont ask stupid questions
#eboblogs #i hope nobody notices when bookworm87 mysteriously stops posting
50 notes
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🐕 chickengirl Follow
that girl down by the interrogation station was pretty nice, i wonder if i can get in contact with her again :)
🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
🎵 snakefreak Follow
im sorry catboy did you think i was the only one to get my crush swept away by some fucking golden retriever girl. the reckoning is upon you and if you think youll be spared its not going to happen.
🐕 chickengirl Follow
please get off my post
#hen.txt #i swear i need to like block these two off my blog or something #every time there's a blow up in my notifs #it's always them.
5 notes
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☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
im so hungry i could eat a
☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
i shant say
📚 studentswag Follow
um. my classmate went missing about an hour or two before this was posted
#....this cannot be connected i think im going insane
563 notes
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📚 studentswag Follow
alright this needs to be settled
#if youre already initiated you cant vote #your bias will show lmao #looking at a certain student whos name starts with d #and ends with aemus
7,836 notes
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🌕 mooncrying Follow
i miss my home so fucking much. why couldnt things have stayed the same? why couldnt i be happy? it cant end like this for me.
🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
have you considered getting used to it
🌕 mooncrying Follow
#im so FUCKING SICK OF TABAXI!!!!!!!!! #ESPECIALLY THIS ONE!! #why are we giving heath a platform like #i know its "funny" to "observe him in his enclosure" #but hes gone TOO FAR!!
30 notes
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sungbeam · 2 years
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐝𝐨! — six
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ep. 06 ☆ istg it's fate
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Minghao found you on the corner of two streets a few blocks away from the ramen restaurant, staring out at the ocean framed by the buildings on opposing streets. He couldn't help but admire the way the light breeze gently blew your hair, how the sun shone perfectly on you to make your skin glow, and your very stylish outfit picked by him and matching with his. (It must have been fate that made him buy that tan trench coat a month ago.)
"Hey!" He greeted, drawing your attention away from the view. 
You beamed at him, and he felt as if he could fly again. "Hey. Sorry you had to come run out to get me."
"It's no problem," he said, stopping beside you to admire the view. "It's really pretty here."
"Yeah," you agreed. "Too bad it's winter, y'know? I'd probably spend a lot more time there if it wasn't."
Heart pounding in his ears, Minghao glanced over at you and offered his hand. "Who says we can't?"
With your original plans abandoned, you and Minghao strolled along the shoreline. You hadn't bothered taking off your shoes, but instead walked along the damp areas close to the water where the waves were just fizzling out. You hadn't let go of Minghao's hand just yet, and while walking in a calm silence, you couldn't help but wonder when he would ask you. 
Or even if he would ask you. It was practically eating you up inside. You were so close—but how close were you really?
Xiaojun's words of advice cut into your conscience. If he doesn't do it, then you be the one to bring it up. Right, you had to pull up your big girl pants. 
You sucked in a breath, mentally preparing yourself. "Hao?"
"Hm?" He perked up. 
"Why'd you ask me if me and Xiaojun were dating?" You glanced over at him, and there was a slight widening of his eyes that would have been unnoticeable had you not been paying attention. Minghao wasn't exactly the easiest person to read. 
He bit his lip, eyes flickering to you. "Oh well, uh… to be honest…"
Come on, you mentally prompted him. Please be what I'm hoping for. 
"It's 'cause I like you, Yn," he finally said, and you felt that breath you were holding release from your lungs. "Like, a lot. And I really couldn't help myself from chasing after you even if there was a slight chance you were with Xiaojun." 
He stopped suddenly, releasing your hand if only to bury his face in it and then rake them through his hair. "I'm sorry, that sounds so bad," he said, then pressed his lips together. "Everyone was trying to get me to make a move or even ask you to make sure, but I don't even know—I was so scared of something going wrong that I didn't think of everything that could go right."
Your heart could have bursted out of your chest at this point and landed in his hands, and you would have been fine with that. "Hao, I like you a lot, too."
Minghao gazed at you, lips slightly parted. 
Your lips curled upward; how could he be so surprised? "And I'm glad you're still here—still chasing."
"Even if I'm a whole coward?"
"You'd be my coward," you laughed, and he blushed profusely, smiling to himself. "You like the sound of that? You being mine? Because I think I'm already yours, Hao."
Minghao nodded, gently reaching out to take your hand and press a kiss to your knuckles. His thumb grazed over your fingers, eyes never leaving yours. "Yeah, I'd really like that."
a/n: i have no room to insert a separation border lmao so this will be the border
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minimujina · 1 year
so. hear me out. scaramouche and nilou
maaaajor spoilers below, dont read if you dont know about scaramouche’s full lore and character arc and everything!!
i had this idea because you know how when he becomes wanderer (after losing his memories) and starts to work for that guy in the grand bazaar for free?? he HAD to have seen nilou perform before, i mean he must have right. and since he’s a completely different person from the big emo bastard scaramouche, i imagine that he would be so enchanted by her dancing that he might approach her after a show to tell her. he’s really sweet and just sort of floaty, ykyk how he was before he got his memories back. just a little guy :)
they would hit it off and stuff and maybe they’d go for a walk or something around the city or in a garden :) it would mostly be wanderer listening to nilou talk, since he cant remember anything about himself, and hes much more interested in her anyways. he finds himself really smitten anshjddhhd
i think that would probably be like their only interaction before he gets his memories back, but it was enough to spark a connection on both ends (especially since he told nilou jack shit about himself—she’s left wondering who the hell the guy with the big hat was lmao)
however, since he has now returned to being a bastard full-time, he tries to distance himself from nilou to protect her. he knows that if he saw her again and she realized he was a completely different person, he wouldn’t know what to do. there was too much to explain. he would feel so guilty not having an explanation if he accidentally said something rude or acted out of line. and in the end, he might just end up driving her away from him—which would be yet another loss of a person who is in some way special to him. and he’s not sure he’ll be able to endure that kind of pain all over again. what if she only liked the other version of him, and not this version, who was jaded and cynical and hurt?
auntie buer is not having any of that though lol—she quickly finds out he sort of might maybe like nilou (it wasnt that hard, he was literally thinking about her constantly. the thoughts of how to avoid her kept getting interrupted with fluttering admirations about her, how lovely she is, how sweet, how yadda yadda, and then he would get mad at himself and shake his head). and so nahida does some meddling (idk details theyre tbd) and BOOM confrontation ez clap
i could say more but. it runs off into a specific scene with details that arent necessary for this drabble post.
i thought of this last night and slapped some words onto a google doc before the inspiration slipped (it is quite literally an entire page of a block of nonstop words, there are no breaks whatsoever and its a mess😭) and i wanted to post a modified and much less aggressive key-smashing version of it to see if i can convert anyone to my rarepair agenda :-)
i might. might may maybe might write this story but i already have so many ideas i Cannot commit to and so many other things i should be focusing on. at the very least it will probably be a long time before i post it if i do end up writing it fyi—but this will definitely be in the back of my head
(so like. does. does anyone see what i see. does anyone else think this is cute. because im losing my mind thinking about these two in This specific scenario) (please let me know if this is cute or if i am delusional)
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