#pro natalist society
battleangel · 6 months
Would you push the button for human extinction❓️
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pro-birth · 1 year
“We live in a pro-natalist society that hurts child free people :((((“
Going back to work three days after birth isn’t pro-natalist. Being paid less than your childless peers isn’t pro-natalist. Being mistreated by subpar medical experts isn’t pro-natalist. Being pressured to abort when your circumstances aren’t perfect isn’t pro-natalist. Having an increased risk of homicide during pregnancy as caused by an SO or other loved ones isn’t pro-natalist. Being denied safe and effective treatment options and care providers for pregnancy and birth isn’t pro-natalist. Having your infertility symptoms be mismanaged by an overbloated artificial fertility industry isn’t pro-natalist. Being shamed for having more than 2-3 kids (or for having any at all!) is not pro-natalist. Not having great options for pharmaceuticals because of lack of research into perinatal health isn’t pro-natalist. Lacking sufficient support for lactation isn’t pro-natalist.
Being annoyed by other people judging you for remaining childless sucks and I support people minding their damn business, but I know things that suck worse. Don’t gaslight me about the bullshit society has put me through because I chose to procreate.
(This post is US centric. I understand that childless women receive far worse treatment in other parts of the world. This is about child free women in the US trying to act like they are placed beneath mistreated mothers).
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With my eldest (unplanned baby) the OB tried to bait me into a 20-week anatomical ultrasound by saying we could see if there was anything wrong and terminate the pregnancy. I was deeply offended, not at all subtle about it, and for the rest of my pregnancy received so little care that my son was finally born via a thoroughly preventable emergency C-section.
But sure, we live in a pro-woman, not anti-natalist society. 🙄
(He's fine now. No lasting effects.)
First and most importantly, I'm glad your son is fine ^_^
Second, you're right. My mom had something similar happen to her when she was pregnant with me. Some test came back that said I might have some kind of birth defect (can't remember what it was) and the doctor immediately offered abortion as an option. This was in 1987 too, mind. Thankfully she told him she had no interest in abortion and he actually listened and provided real healthcare after that. But if it was like that back then I can only imagine how much worse it is now.
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blackantinatalist · 1 year
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How many parents do you think actually have any clue how much it costs to raise a child?
I wish our society wasn’t so pro-natalist so people could give informed consent about having a child. How many people would do it if you knew it costs that much over their lifetime(s)?
My antinatalism is unconditional and no amount of money would be enough for me to have a child. But if kids are going to be born, at least their parents be financially secure. This is an individual and societal responsibility. By this, I mean that we need socialism so that people can have what they need to raise the children they have. And that people who know they are not financially (or emotionally or mentally) prepared to have children should be brave enough to make the choice to forego having children who would suffer.
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 6 months
What do you think about decreasing fertility rates and population decline? Should we be concerned? What is your solution?
i am very concerned. think it is potentially the greatest existential threat facing human civilization, especially alongside climate change. imagine populations collapsing, then civilization collapsing with it (due to all the pressures caused by a population collapse), then having a bunch of anarchic primitive societies trying to cope with climate change without the benefit of all our modern technologies (and that includes things like farming -- how many people actually know how to farm? and even more, how many people know how to farm without modern technology?).
with that said, i'm a futurist and an optimist. i believe we will overcome this hurdle like we've overcome all others.
as for what i believe to be possible solutions...
universal basic income is a start. more parental leave. reduce work hours and more remote work for a better work-home life balance. higher wages. affordable high quality daycare. family-oriented education and /actual/ family planning centers where they offer resources and info for having big families. educate people on why having kids is good, for individuals and society, and emphasize the risks of not having kids. fund movies and shows and books which are pro-family, pro-humanity, and pro-natalist. want movies that celebrate family and having kids and demonize people who are childless. being childless needs to be seen as cringe and only for losers. we need to change the culture generally. including in the education system and celebrities and the highest levels of academia. we need to be pushing pro-natalism. we need to encourage an optimistic, life-affirming national ideology through all of the institutions. also just education reform in general. make higher education great again, rather than just the "next step" after high school. and make it free for the truly qualified. and offer career education in other forms.
build walkable, family-friendly cities with more affordable housing. universal healthcare. financial incentives like tax credits per child or family loans for married couples where a portion of the loan is paid off for each child or even preferential loans for homes for extended families or something. meanwhile tax childlessness. invest in automation of menial jobs so we can increase wages and reduce work week. invest in robotics so we can have robot-servants who help reduce the burden of household chores and childcare. invest in artificial exowombs. invest in life extension technologies. encourage people to freeze sperm, eggs, zygotes. encourage space exploration and colonization. address climate change (for a multitude of interrelated reasons, not least of which is because many anti-natalists use it as justification for their death cult).
again, just generally speaking, we need to encourage an optimistic, life-affirming ideology. we need to show people that a better world -- one filled with hope, vitality, nobility, beauty -- is possible.
and, of course, join my cult (which encourages having children).
basically all americans should live as if they were the aristocrats of the globe. living lives of ease and luxury where they are free to hone their skills and virtue and raise future generations of world-aristocrats.
and we need to understand that degrowth, anti-natalist types aren't actually interested in saving the world like they pretend. they are anti-human, life-hating demons who are members of a death cult. they are the ugly and vicious enemies of goodness.
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queenofcandynsoda · 1 year
Sol Fertilis History: The Progressive Natalist Party
The Global Drought <- The Formation of the Progressive Natalist Party -> The Great Economic Collapse and Falling Birth Rate
(Happy Sol Fertilis Party Foundation Day~)
Formation of the Progressive Natalist Party
The formation of the Progressive Natalist Party did not start overnight. It took place over the course of two years. During the Global Drought, several political parties in control, both national and local, tried to resolve the growing issues with various degrees of success. Two political parties stand out, the conservative Unified Amendment Party and the liberal Independent Labor Movement. Despite their political differences, the two parties started to communicate with each other about their concerns and how to resolve them.
They were officially created on April 3rd when the two parties combined after two years of negotiations. They are known as the Progressive Natalist Party. Despite having “Natalist” in their name, they don’t consider themselves to be “pro-birth” but see themselves as “pro-child”, “pro-fertility”, “pro-farmer”, “pro-family”, “anti-poverty”, and “pro-peace”. There is some controversy since these would only have Alpha and Delta leadership while limiting Beta and partially excluding Gamma and Omega participation.
In the Portuguese town where they were first elected, they approved fertilizers, new farming equipment, better crop rotation, and better care of livestock. The livelihood of the people approved greatly. The new mayor, Cezar Rosário, then met a young Omega woman named Lillemore Solberg, a Swedish woman working with the farmers. They fall in love and got married shortly after.
The PNP was getting more popular due to its agricultural development, bringing in more support and membership. As time goes on, they got younger members, especially those who are internet savvy. The Alpha members who helped create and expand the PNP are currently known as the Founding Fathers and Mothers.
Later on, they got people such as Concetta Angelone, Vincenzo Ciccone, and Paviel Nedyalko, who have ideas to improve society in other fields, such as horticulture, religion, and technology.
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colorlatina · 1 year
Trans Day of Visibility 2023 #TDOV
This year, on Trans Day of Visibility, I carry with me a grief that seems compounded more and more every day. This day is about trans joy, but I don’t believe joy is antithetical to grief, or even to anger. Joy is so much more than we give it credit for, and as one of my favorite [QTPOC] authors says, joy is a politicized form of pleasure that goes beyond gratification to challenge the norms and social structures that incite violence against us. Trans day of visibility brings mixed feelings for me, knowing that increased visibility often leads to increased violence towards our community. But knowing, also, that trans existence is power. Trans joy is power. Trans people are worthy of love and protection. This day means so much more to me than just uplifting a handful of trans voices. This day, and every day, is a celebration and investment in trans joy. To me, that includes recognizing how reproductive justice (RJ) has always been queer and entangled with trans liberation, and that I carry my transness and and my investment in trans joy with me in the work I do. Even if the movement has not always explicitly worked to protect the rights of trans people (and I am glad it is finally moving in the direction of doing so), the basis of reproductive justice is rooted in anti-racism and queer and trans liberation.
RJ argues that it is not an accident that women of color are disproportionately impacted by acts of reproductive oppression; reproductive oppression is a deliberate tool in preserving and expanding white supremacy. The (re)production of white social, political, and economic capital relies on an exploitable population. For example, the state created pro-natalist policies for Black, enslaved women because their having children resulted in an increase in white wealth (property, labor, status), and it created anti-natalist policies for Indigenous women because their having children were a threat to white wealth (land, claims over resources, western cultural ideals). In order to justify their exploitation, people are dehumanized through a racialization process that includes their sexual and reproductive oppression. Part of this was by asserting that gender is a human characteristic, so only white men and women had access to gender. Black and Indigenous people were classified as not human in species—as animals, “male” and “female.” Thus, the construction of gender, and the way it functions in our society and in our laws, is intricately tied to how reproductive oppression is leveraged. Having or not having access to gender is reflective of our proximity to power, and trans people are undoubtedly a large part of who we fight for when we work to dismantle reproductive oppression. 
Even when racialized or gendered implications are not always explicit in the language of these laws, their interpretation (and thus, their implementation) disproportionately hurt Black, Indigenous, and other nonwhite women, queer, and trans people. Systems rooted in whiteness decided which mothers were "unfit" and which people were "socially inadequate."
This legacy continued through the use of privacy-based protections for reproductive rights, where privacy is culturally defined, and undoubtedly influenced by the legacy of these dehumanizing methods. Not only is privacy not enough to include access to people’s rights, but it also begs the question of whose privacy should be protected. In 1965, The Supreme Court argued that a violation of someone's right to privacy is an "indefeasible" right afforded to everyone as long as they do not commit a “public offense.” The problem in this premise arises when someone's identity is a matter of public offense. In practice, women of color, queer and trans people, immigrants, those with disabilities, etc, are not included here. That is why RJ is grounded in human rights, moving beyond privacy. We know how important this is now more than ever, since the Dobbs decision. 
Now we see laws targeting abortion care and laws targeting trans people surge so quickly, so violently, so brazenly, and they mirror each other. Bounty hunter laws, for example, like the ones in Texas, allow any private citizen (see where I’m going with this) to sue anybody they thought could have been involved with any part of an abortion after six weeks of pregnancy. Using the same bill language, another legislator introduced a similar bill that would allow people to sue anybody who hosts or performs in drag where any child is in attendance; in a society where existing as a trans person could be interpreted as drag. In both cases, a winning plaintiff can expect to be paid actual damages, attorney’s fees, and statutory damages. There are bills that criminalize “aiding and abetting” abortion and gender affirming care. Including even emotionally supporting trans children, helping with travel for either care, the reimbursement of the costs of an abortion through insurance or other means. 
So what do we do? Part of what we’re doing is working to pass a bill that would provide civil and criminal protections for abortion and gender-affirming care providers, patients and those who support them. We know this is needed because of how this care is targeted across the country, and how it threatens not only trans people, but the people who love trans people, too. And even in sitting through the weight, and the grief, and the tears, and the anger of it all, in the hours of egregious testimony against our very existence, there is joy there too. I was surrounded by trans people and people who love trans people. I held the memory and the inextinguishable fire that radiates from all the trans people in my life. My mentors and my friends, my heroes and my ancestors. They were there, too. 
Trans joy is everywhere. Trans joy is so radiant, that it lingers even when we exit the room. Trans joy is the kindle in the fire of every social movement I can think of. Trans joy is proof that magic exists. Trans joy is alchemy. It is the warm feeling in our bellies when we decide to make something out of nothing; the is the in-between-ness that allows us to sew meaning from torn and stolen fabric, ...the re-stitched and recycled fabric of space and time we’re left with when we have no choice but to make new worlds; to be able to exist outside and within the one that is given to us. 
And as someone who is still pre-transition, I tend to not take up as much space, as I know I walk through life with the privileges of a cis person. And my decision to wait, as painful as it is, is my own. It is a decision I make every day. Everyday I wake up not feeling fully alive in my own body. Everyday I wake up with an overwhelming love for trans people. Everyday I wake up seeing more and more violence on my trans kin. Everyday I decide to have joy, deliberately and brazenly. Everyday I wake up wondering if I wait any longer, I might never get to transition at all. I also see the immense power trans people have in their capacity to honor their grief, joy, anger, love, and contradictions. To persist, and resist, and insist that we are right here, everyday, and we will always be. So I write this, on TDOV, knowing nothing I could write could be truly lighthearted, as a love letter to my trans kin, and a message to the people who love us. I see you and I love you. And we are here to stay, today and everyday. 
And in honor of highlighting the radical trans joy [and its visibility], I do want to highlight a handful of trans people/orgs you might consider following the work of and supporting, or use as a resource:
King Vaughnz (he/they), one of my very favorite Denver-based Latinx drag kings. Email for booking: [email protected]
Bri Hill (they/them), also known as ArtsyQ, one of my very favorite Denver-based Black trans mix-media poet and educator, who leads Sacred Voices Denver, an organization that offers culturally-responsive based poetry, education, and events.
Erin Reed (she/her), a “trans queer news and history content creator, lgbtq+ and repro legislation tracker, and activist trying to change the world to be a better place,” who not only testified on behalf of Senate Bill 188, but keeps track of track anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, updates an informed consent hormone therapy map so people know where to access care, and has a very comprehensive newsletter you can subscribe to, to stay up to date on all of the most important pieces of trans and queer news and legislation for the week.
The Black Trans Femmes in the Arts Collective, that “create spaces for the production and preservation of Black trans art and culture by building community with Black trans femme artists and providing them with the resources and support necessary to thrive.” 
The National Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network, a healing justice organization actively working to transform mental health for queer, trans, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.
Blog post written by Mar Galvez (they/them), COLOR's Policy Associate
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root-cosmo · 25 days
Was recently accused by someone of being a Leninist and 'demonizing Stalin.'
Alr, so, lets break this down point by point.
First, the decriminalization of homosexuality was due to the reform of the legal administration in 1917. However, they did affirm the decision in Congress twice in 1922 based on its criminalization making it harder to 'cure.' Second, I agree with you that Lenin was no great ally to the socialist cause.
Third, the Bolsheviks didn't affirm women's right to an abortion because the Bolsheviks didn't fucking believe in human rights in principle. Their goal was to establish the clinics, daycares, schools, laundromats, and other facilities necessary to provide a material basis for women's liberation and they failed at this due to industrial collapse in Russia during the revolution and ensuing civil war. In the face of this, the Soviets made abortion legal because women couldn't care for their children, and put restrictions on it in later years as the civil war wound down.
Fourth, I don't believe I've ever indicated that I was a 'Leninist' or that the USSR's failings have ever been a product of a lack of ideological fidelity. The socially conservative policies of the USSR arose from Soviet society and the pro-natalist politics of the Party, first and foremost.
Fifth, when was any of this an excuse for a politician? It can be argued that all policy arises from society (specifically class society and the bourgeois state's role in managing it). Don't we still criticize the politicians who implement these policies? Stalin DID try to legitimize himself as a successor to Lenin, his administration DID implement abortion bans, and it DID do a load of bullshit.
So please, at least try to understand the basic positions of someone before making assumptions about how they think or what motivates them to speak.
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10/52 You won't believe this one neat trick!
Or: a peek into my brain as of this writing
So I’m taking a break from my unofficial reviewing of books to document influences on my worldview and personal philosophy.
(I still find it surprising that I ended up with so many blog posts being book reviews. Shows how important reading is to me, I guess)
(Also yay, me using my blog as an actual diary thing 😂)
(I should also make a blog post about me using emojis so much)
The common thread in the concepts I’ll outline is that they’re like pointing out an optical illusion - once you see them, your view on society reorganizes itself because it makes so much damn sense - and you start seeing it everywhere.
A part of me is concerned about this - because searching for A SINGLE UBER TRUTH THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING is a base human failing; it’s why conspiracy theories exists, because it’s comforting to the human mind to imagine a wrong, single and simple reason for how things are the way they are instead of facing the fact that the world is actually complicated.
Still, these ideas seem to serve me well.
First concept chronologically:
The housing market isn’t being taxed enough. Not enough houses are being built. Rents should not be profitable.
To use a quote from the links provided (that also have other links in them to explore in depth):
Georgism is a school of political economy that is really upset about, among other things, the Rent Being Too Damn High. It seeks to liberate labor and capital alike from those who gatekeep access to scarce "non-produced assets," such as land and natural resources, while still affirming the virtues of hard work and free enterprise.
The central idea is that rents - money that is being paid to a private person not for buying a product or service, but just to generally exist - are the root of all evil.
And that rents manifest in the real world as, well, rent coming from owning land or houses the landlord minimally maintains.
Landlords don’t add value to society, but siphon it from the middle and working class to hoard it for themselves - gradually impoverishing everyone while perversely becoming more and more powerful as a result.
To get an idea of what I mean, please realize that a king is the ultimate landowner - with scores of serfs under his unelected control who have to give all the fruits of their labor simply to exist.
And once this was pointed out to me…I kept seeing it everywhere.
See how the housing market works; you either rent, or to buy you get a mortgage which is effectively a rent paid to the bank.
Buying a house if you already own a house is relatively easy, but buying one if you’re poor or middle class is an ordeal.
And this is tied to how stupidly difficult building new houses has been getting for the past fifty years; supply is constrained and prices perpetually go up.
Housing, shelter, is a basic need for everyone.
But government provided housing feels like it’s been going the way of the dodo.
Every country I know of is struggling with houses being more and more unaffordable for its population - and there’s little sign of the situation improving.
The way I know of fighting this is to make taxes on land and improve the housing supply.
Second concept:
We’re not having enough children.
This is a bit depressing.
Having children is a huge cost to the people who have them.
It’s tiring, difficult, sometimes dangerous work that isn’t rewarded by society.
(absence of parenthood is sometimes punished - but it’s not by punishment alone you get people to do things)
It’s a rational decision to not have them.
This sets up societies for horrible doom and failure for the future.
Coupled with the fact most societies (Italy especially) are xenophobic and don’t let in enough immigrants….this is a recipe for failure.
I’ll leave this with a simple population pyramid graph:
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Solution: pro-natalist policies with actual teeth. Taxing companies whose employees have fewer children than the national average. Equal parenthood paid time off for men and women. 
(As an aside, I don’t understand why taxing things that hurt the collective is so frowned upon in politics. It should be a win-win, letting state coffers be replenished while helping society)
Third concept: 
Monopoly power is a root of all evil
This comes from Cory Doctorow’s seminal essays on (sigh) enshittification.
Relevant quote:
This is enshittification: surpluses are first directed to users; then, once they're locked in, surpluses go to suppliers; then once they're locked in, the surplus is handed to shareholders and the platform becomes a useless pile of shit.
The idea is that monopoly power is - well - power. And power corrupts.
And that’s how you get HP printers that cost a subscription to operate and spy on you.
(I’m ashamed at having bought one of those awful things a while ago. In my defense, I needed a printer STAT and this was the cheapest, cheapest option)
The solution to this is actually enforcing anti-monopoly laws.
I don’t believe in despair. 
Despair is not useful. It doesn’t inform what you should do, it leaves you standing there and is honestly actually self-indulgent at times.
This is why when outlining these concepts I’ve always added a line to possible solutions.
It’s my own “and so what? And then?”
Doesn’t mean it isn’t hard of course.
But I find it much more satisfying to live my life with grim optimism.
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battleangel · 5 months
Why I am Antinatalist
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TW: mentions & descriptions of r*pe.
Absolutely fucking sickening.
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Dude, its motherfucking December.
Its practically freezing temperatures outside, in the 30s.
So, tell me why the fucking humidity is 80%+?
I am 42 and I have never seen humidity levels this high during winter.
Whats the cause?
Climate change endlessly driven by capitalist excess, human greed, zero sum late stage capitalism, consumerism, overconsumption, materialism, corporatism, lobbying and profiteering.
Basically, humanity.
Humanity caused climate change.
Therefore, end humanity.
Its not complicated.
Neither is antinatalism, which is the belief that is morally unjust to create a life.
The better question is, why is society so endlessly pronatalist?
Why is pronatalism the default stance?
Because people cant get over their disgusting self-serving obsessive egotistical need to have little mini-mes running around as extensions of their pathetic self-aggrandizing selves and their disgusting myopic need to continue their respective bloodlines, add to their lineages, create their own family trees and create and propagate endless children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren and so on because individually if you (universal) have 1 to 2+ kid(s) and those kid(s) go on to have their own kid(s) -- when does it stop?
When does it ever stop?
How many ecocidal, environmentally destroying, climate change causing and contributing, landfill filling, ozone depleting, overconsuming, plastic using, oil guzzling, carbon footprint having, non biodegradable using, GMO consuming, pollutant causing, fast fashion shopping, Amazon Prime Delivery in 1 Day demanding, 1400 pounds of trash a year generating, thousands of gallons of water wasted a year just showering, electricity consuming, excessive indoor temperature control (AC/heat) energy vampire little cunts do you need to personally shit out to feel "complete" and "fulfilled"?
Pronatalism is a motherfucking joke but is the literal default in virtually all human societies.
Humanity is nothing but a self-replicating virus that has caused immeasurable harm to the planet and inexplicably to itself as a species yet still it continues to endlessly self-replicate as mindlessly as the Borg on Star Trek.
Never an independent rational emotionally detached logical reasoned out devoid of societal pressures, rewards and punishments thought, just wombs to be endlessly assimilated by the Pronatalist Borg Masculine Patriarchal Seed Collective.
How many little shits will you generate even from having "just 1 kid" because then how many kid(s) does that "only 1 kid" go on to have?
Just dont have them.
Stop your own personal lineage with yourself.
Stop adding to the human experiment.
It has failed.
I would think it would be obvious but here we are at this late stage in the game in 2023 with people allowing themselves to become impregnanted and I am endelssly pressured as a woman to immediately say, "Congratulations!"
Congratulations for fucking what?
The human experiment has failed for endless reasons:
Genocides. War crimes. Ethnic cleansings. Chemical warfare. Mass graves. Mass incarceration. Public executions. Lynchings.
Terrorism. Carpet bombings. Civilian slaughter. Bombing schools. Bombing hospitals. Hostage taking. Hostage execution.
Human experimentation. Tuskegee Airmen. Forced sterilizations (Puerto Rican women by the US government).
MK Ultra. Big agriculture. Big pharma. Military industrial complex.
Raytheon, Northrop Grumman & Lockheed Martin company stocks exponentially increasing 300%+ since 20k+ Palestinian civilians have been murdered over the past 2 months.
Endless wars. Endless profiteering. Duopoly. False agendas. Propaganda. Misinformation campaigns.
Burning innocent witches at the stake.
Forced births.
Crack epidemic in the 80s caused by Reagan flooding the Black inner cities with crack cocaine.
Endless exploitation.
Hundreds of millions killed by the death cult known as capitalism via houselessness, poverty, hunger, famine, lack of universal health care and affordable medical insurance, violence stemming from capitalist patriarchal systems held and endlessly reinforced by militarism, police states, toxic masculinity, sexual violence, misogyny, oppression of females and femmes, transphobia and homophobia, policing of women and femmes behavior, dress, mannerisms, sexuality, career choices, life decisions (marriage, motherhood) and personality and a constant demand for women and femmes to be polite, "nice", agreeable, inoffensive, pliant, and especially likeable at all times even and especially when we are being mentally/physically/emotionally/sexually/spiritually/financially abused, manipulated, gaslit, harrassed, assaulted, attacked, controlled, coerced, raped, beaten, isolated, ostracized, humiliated, silenced, repressed, suppressed, oppressed, intimidated, stalked, threatened and even killed.
As a woman and a femme, you are endlessly groomed, societally conditioned, raised, brainwashed and endlessly pressured and rewarded for constantly apologizing, shrinking yourself, making everyone else feel comfortable at the expense of yourself, endlessly justifying yourself, endlessly having to explain yourself and defend yourself, never being confident as it will be misconstrued as cocky, never being assertive because it will be misconstrued as aggressive, never speaking up for yourself because you will wrongly be called a bitch, never taking charge as you will be hated, never being logical by detaching your emotions as you will be accused of being cold and heartless, never deciding your actions and behavior through reasoning and logical deduction as you will be endlessly pilloried for not thinking with your heart instead of your head, endless pressure at all times to perform emotion and to "wear your heart on your sleeve", constant demands at a societal macro level to perform feminity, maternal care and emotional labor at work meetings & functions, holiday parties/dinners/events, performing emotional labor in all situations and environments regardless of personality (having to attend baby showers at work even if you are an antinatalist and/or childfree woman, having to excessively emote if there is a personal tragedy reported at work with no corresponding requirement for male employees -- miscarriage, hospitalization, accident, death, firing, layoff, etc.).
Rapes, sexual trafficking, sexual slavery, slavery, child sex trafficking, child molestation, child abuse, pedophilia, murders, tortures.
Pharmaceutical industrial complex, pathologizing of normal behavior by the psychiatric industrial complex, overmedicalization, misdiagnoses, overprescribing prescription medication, excessive nonsensical harmful medical interventions, extending life beyond all sense and reason to the point where the interventions are needlessly painful, harmful and completely unnecessary versus accepting death as not just a part of life but a beautiful transformation that should be embraced and not feared, contrived forced and constantly pushed and reinforced fear of death, sexual repression.
Women getting a scarlet letter for being a slut, whore, hoe; men getting an "attaboy" for being a player, stud, ladies man for the exact same sexually promiscuous behavior.
Tyranny of motherhood and demands for women to do constant endless unpaid domestic and emotional labor for their children for absolutely zero compensation and very little social reward beyond perfunctory lip service once a year on Mothers Day.
Endless materialism, endless consumption, endless consumerism, capitalist excess, corporatism, lobbying, fake news, us vs them, tribalism, political prisoners.
Child soldiers, child brides.
Famine, poverty, houselessness, lack of clean water, gun crime, gun deaths, drivebys, AK-47s, machine guns, serial killers, serial rapists, Columbines, Sandy Hooks.
False flag events, paid actors, green screens, sound stages, scripted events, rigged elections, Mandela effects, strangers in Moscow.
Gang violence, frat hazings, initiations, kidnappings, abductions.
Religious cults, priests raping altar boys, Eagle Scouts raping Cub Scouts, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, IDF, US military.
Elementary schools, churches and theaters being shot up.
Police brutality, Ahmed Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Say Her Name, Hands Up Dont Shoot, Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Its just a bag of Skittles officer.
13 year old boy shot dead, not by the police, but by a Stand Your Ground civilian.
Dont Tread On Me Zionist Proud Boy.
Islamophobia, racism, white supremacy, racially motivated killings, hate crimes.
Donald J. Trump and Elon Musk.
Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook.
Mark Zuckerberg and Peter Thiel.
Roger Goodell and Vince McMahon.
She was asking for it, what was she wearing, was she drinking, why was she out so late, she went upstairs with him what did she expect.
Theres no such thing as marital rape, feminazis invented that term in the 90s.
I dont care if you have a headache.
I dont care if you dont like anal, flip over and stop complaining.
Its not my fault that youre bleeding.
Then stop tensing up and it wont hurt so much.
I bought you the anal numbing cream and youre still complaining? Its lidocaine. Shut up.
I want anal every week so were having it.
I hit you open handed no bruising. Stop complaining.
I want to cum on your face. Theres nothing wrong with facials. Stop complaining. Leave your glasses on. Now take them off. Open your eyes. Keep them open.
Im into golden showers. Stop complaining.
Im into scat. Stop complaining.
Im into spanking. I didnt hit you that hard. Stop complaining.
Im into choking during sex. Its okay to not be able to breathe. Its only for a few seconds. Stop complaining.
I like biting your nipples. Its supposed to hurt. Stop complaining.
I like slapping your cunt. Stop complaining.
I like spitting in your mouth. Stop complaining.
I like roleplaying. Youre going to be 8 years old. Im going to be your uncle. Yes, during sex. Its just a roleplay. Stop complaining.
When can I put one of our videos on stileproject? You'd be good in porn. Why cant I upload them? Why do you say no to everything?
Okay, put your forearms on the floor and your legs on the coach on either side of my waist. No, were going to have anal this way. Im tired of doggy and Im tired of you riding me and Im tired of missionary. Were going to have anal in different positions. Youre tiny and flexible. Do it. Stop complaining.
Then stop gagging and stop throwing up. Theres no reason why you shouldnt be able to deepthroat me. Then work on your gag reflex. Stop complaining.
Get in the bathroom stall. Now. We'll be done in time for the start of Revenge of the Sith. Face away from me. The wall. Stop complaining. Pull your shorts down. Hurry up. No, in the butt. I dont want to wait to get to my house. Hurry up so you can still get your popcorn shrimp. Stay still. Stop moving so I can get it in. Be quiet. Youre not bleeding that much. Stop complaining.
Take your jeans off now. Do it. Im not in the mood for your little girl shit. Take them off. Stop crying. Both pant legs. Now. Hurry up so I can take you home to your fucking father. Stop crying! Be quiet. Hurry up. Its the least you can do after you danced all night at your cousins party.
Dont lie to me. Youve had sex since the restraining order. Shut up. Dont tell me what to do. Nothing hurts. I dont believe you. Hm. It is tight. Youre not hurt. Shut up. Be quiet, let me do this. Stop moving around and stay on top of me. Stay still. Stop shaking. Youre not bruised and youre not swollen. Stop talking. I still dont believe you havent had sex since we stopped dating. Dont talk to me. Leave me alone.
Dark side of private life.
Abusive spouses, murderous spouses.
Respected couple, matriarch and patriach, pillars of the church and community, married for almost 50 years.
Golden anniversary, golden showers.
Dark secrets, dark pasts, hidden criminal pasts, hidden felonies, hidden convictions, hidden prison sentences, lies to daughters, lies to mothers, lies to wives, repressed background check reports.
Might makes right, force, violence, imposing physical will, domination, vanquishing, crushing, destroying.
Humanity has had hundreds of thousands of years to fix these issues.
But we havent.
Were still -- as a species -- murdering, killing, raping, shooting, stabbing, enslaving, ethnic cleansing, erasing, occupying, colonizing, settling, imprisoning, making thousands of animal species extinct, filling thousands of landfills, destroying thousands of acres of rainforests, destroying ecosystems, overfishing, overextracting earths resources, killing indigenous people for diamonds, emeralds, ore, minerals, etc., pillaging, causing climate change, unsustainably raising the planets temperatures, causing wars and genocides, profiting off of and creating jobs for the manufacture and sale of weapons and bombs used to kill civilians mothers daughters grandmothers babies toddlers children teens students hospital patients fathers sons grandfathers teachers doctors nurses volunteers protestors intellectuals conscientious objectors love warriors revolutionaries prophets, AI cloning metaverse social media messaging apps streaming shows endless scroll always on never off, non stop notifications Slack Teams Google Meet Citrix Trello Asana Outlook Gmail corporate slave golden handcuffs modern day plantation.
The solution to all of the above unimaginable suffering is human extinction.
The solution is stop reproducing.
Stop procreating.
Stop pronatalism.
Stop humanity.
Reject societys non-stop endless brainwashing, programming, conditioning, grooming, messaging, demands, pressures and coercion to be pronatalist and reproduce endless bodies for the capitalist Borg machine.
Stop producing workers for them!
Rockefeller invented modern day public education and school systems because he wanted a "docile and obedient" workforce.
Thats all K-12 is because its all it was designed to be -- a feeder system for corporate, nothing more nothing less.
K-12 -- and college -- works exactly the way its designed to.
It breeds endless acquiescence to authoritatian figures.
Coaches, band leaders, music conductors, dance instructors, choir leaders, school counselors, school nurses, teachers, disciplinarians, principal as God figurehead.
Organized religion is the exact same -- endless acquiescence to authoritarian figures (priests, bishops, nuns, ministers, pastors, imams, Catholic pope as ultimate authority and God figurehead).
Corporate is the exact same (supervisor, +1, VP, Officer, CEO as ultimate authority and God figurehead).
Nuclear patriarchal family is the exact same (older siblings, older cousins, aunts/uncles, grandparents, mother, father as ulimate authority and God figurehead).
Government is the exact same (local representatives, mayor, governor, Congressmen/women, Senator, Speaker of the House, Supreme Court justices, President & Commander In Chief as ultimate authority and God figurehead; provinical representatives, Prime Minister, princes & princesses, dukes & duchesses, King as ultimate authorities and God figureheads; Queen is ultimate maternal archetype - "God save the Queen!").
Law enforcement is the exact same (beat and traffic cops, detectives, officers, seargants, captains, Chief of Police as precincts ultimate authority and God figurehead).
Military is the exact same (foot soldiers cannon fodder sausage for the sausage factory, squad leaders, corporals, seargents, captains, generals (1 through 5 star), Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as ultimate authority and God figurehead).
End the karmic cycle of humanitys universal suffering.
Say no to pronatalism and no to breeding.
Say no to continuing environmental destruction, ecological destruction, ecocide, rainforest destruction, landfills, environmental waste, climate change, ozone depletion, animal species going extinct, wars, genocides, ethnic cleansing, chemical warfare, civilian slaughter, carper bombings, hostage taking, executions, tortures, lynchings, slavery, sexual slavery, sex trafficking, child trafficking, rapes, molestation, abuse, child abuse, domestic violence, murders, shootings, stabbings, drivebys, fatal hazings, kidnappings, abudctions, child soldiers, child brides, political prisoners, civil wars, tribalism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, misogyny, hate crimes, racialized violence, toxic masculinity, military industrial complex, police states, militarism, empire building, war machines, commodification, profiteering, capitalism, excess, materialism, overconsumption, consumerism, lobbying, duopoly, fake news, agendas, misinformation campaigns, forced births, misdiagnoses, overmedicalizations, pathologizing of normal behavior, CTE, concussions, head impacts, permanent brain damage, violence, misogynoir, terorrism, mass shootings, human experimentation, forced sterilizations, mass incarceration, prison industrial complex, military industrial complex, medical industrial complex, corporate plantation, man as machine, dehumanizations, beatings, objectifications, fetishizations, cheapening of human life, commodifications, globalism, slave labor, slave wages, exploitation, endless wars, death squads, rape rooms, comfort women, profiteering, religious cults, forced baptisms, family secrets, abusive family patriachs and matriarchs, capitalist death cult, dictatorships, cults of personality, strongmen, deceivers, manipulators, gaslighters, thieves in the night...
Stop contributing to the endless cycle of human suffering and do something to end it.
Dont reproduce. Dont procreate. Dont have children.
Abstain from sex and be celibate, masturbate, watch porn, read erotica. Or have sex and use birth control, pills, sponges, patches, injections, surgical implants, spermicide, condoms, tubes tied or lasered, withdrawal, Plan B and/or abortion. Or have sex other than vaginal sex (oral, anal, manual, intercrural, etc.).
Just dont add to the already failed and flailing on its ass 7 billion plus strong current human experiment.
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avesblues2 · 4 months
It’s vile that we live in a society that favors disabled animals over disabled humans. Do I think we should care for and help disabled animals? Yes. Do I think we should put them before disabled humans? No. I’ve seen women say that their doctor told them to abort their baby because they might be born with a defect or a condition. Last year I saw a post where a doctor was telling a 6-7 month pregnant woman to abort her child since they were missing an arm. We can make prosthetics for humans and have done so for thousands of years! What’s stopping people now to help a baby? Animal prosthetics are new compared to human prosthetics but people are always for saving the animal more than a baby. I love animals too but it’s sickening that people want babies dead just because there’s a small chance there’s a defect.
The anti-natalist crowd is the most annoying and evil. Pro-abortion crowds never offer real solutions to the root issues of why women choose abortion too.
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askgothamshitty · 2 months
Do you think feminists could stand to cultivate a more positive outlook towards the choice to have children? I've noticed when it comes the bodily autonomy discussion, wd put most of the emphasis on the "choosing not to have a baby" side of the argument, leaving the other side to be claimed by pronatalists like tradwives and redpill. I've been reading a lot about pagan practices and beliefs around reproduction and motherhood. I'm not even pagan, it's just the only way I've found to scratch the itch of wanting to see fertility and maternity venerated in a way that centers the woman and doesn't reinforce the commodification of the female body.
14 Feb
I think that's a inaccurate assessment of the situation. What came first was patriarchy/capitalism's emphasis on marrying and having a child, as endorsed by pro-natalists, traditionalists, and misogynists. Feminism then came as a response to this, asserting the importance of a woman's right to not reproduce.
I think that, so long as dominant society expects, endorses, and enforces motherhood out of women, feminism should unapologetically and militantly assert the choice to not have a child. In that context, it will always be subversive and insurrectionary. There is no reclaiming motherhood so long as patriarchal capitalism exists.
I'm no expert on paganism but I'd be careful with those depictions of motherhood. Venerating women as reproductive goddesses still existed within the context of patriarchy and enforced motherhood as the natural role for women. I think Gerda Lerner talks about this in The Creation of Patriarchy.
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tanadrin · 3 years
The issue maybe, is the cost of life associated with that decline, which, truthfully, is not often part of the conversation, but is probably something that ought to be considered.  Like, yeah, it would be nice to just wake up and be at that point in society, but there's maybe some obligation to prevent it just purely in order to preserve life (if that's something you care about, of course).
What do you mean by “preserve life”? The thing about the demographic transition is that it doesn’t require anyone to die prematurely to alter demographic transitions in the long term; indeed, people are living longer than ever, and are in better health later in life, unlike say the post-Roman economic contraction in western Europe which was the result of warfare and political upheaval and was associated with both loss of life and decline in living standards (in some places, for some people).
If by “preserve life” you mean “people dying early who don’t want to is bad,” I agree, but that’s not the scenario I’m envisioning. If by “preserve life” you mean “preserve population levels,” I don’t see that as inherent good. People should only have kids if they want to have kids. Having more people in the world is, all else being equal, morally neutral to me: I’m not a kneejerk pro-natalist. And while I would be sad to imagine humans going extinct, if humanity went extinct due to the aggregate free choices of individuals, and the last of our descendants lived out their lives happily before willingly kicking the bucket, I would have a hard time arguing that my desire for humanity not to go extinct outweights their right to live their lives as they choose long after I’m gone.
And if you simply mean that an economy which has a larger share of older people in it is going to have new and different challenges than present economies, which assume a degree of minimum year-on-year growth, I agree! But those challenges don’t seem prima facie insurmountable to me. In fact, it seems likely that as that new reality becomes unavoidable, we’ll find a way to reach a new economic equilibrium, and that living standards will continue to rise as technology continues to improve.
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It occurs to me that one relatively sympathetic aspect of these people might be that, their founding population having been abducted as small children and raised by an inhuman monster, they might lack a lot of the stupid prejudices that regular humans in a low-tech setting are likely to have if real history is any guide.
Think about what’s going to happen with that first generation. It sounds to me like the dragon abducts them when they’re very young, the better to brainwash them. The dragon is probably both ignorant of and uninterested in a lot of human culture, it just wants to raise up some dragon-worshipping brainwashed thralls. Which is probably going to be bad in a lot of ways, but it also means the transmission chains of a lot of stupid prejudices get broken. There’s no-one around to tell those kids that darker-skinned people are inferior. There’s no-one around to stigmatize left-handedness and force the left-handed ones to hide being left-handed. There’s no-one around to socialize them into complicated and rigid gender roles and tell them men should be in charge. There’s no-one around to tell them they shouldn’t share a washing bowl with a Cagot. There’s no-one around to tell them some people are Untouchables and karmically deserving of low status and suffering and you should take a ritual bath if one of them touches you. The dragon probably doesn’t even know about half that stuff and doesn’t care about most of the other half. The dragon might actually actively discourage a lot of prejudices like this if they do show up, because they’d interfere with its human stock being efficient thralls (“You’re telling me you want to reduce the military effectiveness and productivity of my dragon cult because you don’t want to share tools with people who have a particular surname? Yeah, no, we’re not doing that; any tool that is not personal property belongs to me and will be used by any of my thralls who is doing work that requires it”).
What happens when these kids reach puberty? The dragon probably wants its dragon cult making babies, so it’s probably going to tell them how baby-making works and make it clear it expects them to make some new thralls for it sooner or later, but as long as the thralls are making approximately the right number of babies and aren’t killing each other it probably won’t care much about the details. So... These people are going to start experiencing attraction to each other and sometimes falling in love with each other, and... Some of them are going to fall in love with people of the same sex, and there’s no-one around to tell them homosexuality is wrong. Some of them are going to fall in love with more than one person, and there’s no-one around to tell them they aren’t allowed to have multiple partners, and there’s no-one around to tell them that people who already have a partner are “taken” and off-limits, and there’s no-one around to tell them that if you’re a man another man having sex with your female partner is a huge deadly insult to your honor. The original write-up talks about dragons selectively breeding their human thralls, so there might be significant reproductive control and coercion happening, but it’s probably pretty orthogonal to the sort that happens in patriarchal societies.
This is simplifying in ways that might paint an over-optimistic picture. Even small children may have picked up some prejudices from the societies they spent their first years in. And some of that stuff might get reinvented. Children often detect and react with hostility to difference even without much or any prompting from adults, and I suspect some prejudices of this sort are ultimately rooted in that sort of reflexive xenophobia. And I think at least a rough “men do more of the fighting and heavy labor, women do more of the child-care and less strength-intensive work” division of labor is probably going to emerge, because it’s a natural and logical reaction to physical sex differences in a low-tech context. Though on that note, I can think of a few factors that might work to keep dragon cults more gender-equal than regular human societies:
Dragons likely won’t want their cults getting too numerous. A numerous cult would be harder to control and more likely to develop power centers independent of the dragon. Dragon cults would also be more secure against external threats than other human groups of their size, because they’ve got a giant fire-breathing monster on their side, so they wouldn’t have as much pressure to make sure they’ve got lots of fighters to defend their land (though the dragon would likely be a “tall poppy,” it’s likely that lots of people will want to kill it to stop its depredations and plunder its hoard and have the glory of defeating it, so that’ll partly cancel that out). Put this together, dragon cults might be at least a little less pro-natalist than their regular human neighbors. I mean, they’ll probably still have big families by modern standards because of how many people die young in low-tech societies, they’ll probably still need to have 3-5 children per couple just for replacement rate, but this might make at least a little difference. And high birth rates, large families, and pro-natalism are an important load-bearing pillar of strong gender roles; it’s not an accident that we started treating women a lot better after we invented or popularized vaccination, antibiotics, indoor plumbing, and birth control pills (the first three things made high birth rates unnecessary and even undesirable, the last thing made low birth rates easier to maintain). Compared to other human women, dragon cult women might have more time and energy to devote to things that aren’t making and raising babies.
I think dragon cults are also likely to be socially hierarchical but economically communalistic, with little private property and relatively high social mobility. From the original write-up it sounds like dragons want totalitarian control over their cults, so they won’t want their cults to have power centers independent of the dragon. Dynastic families and sizeable accumulations of private property are power centers independent of the dragon, so the dragon will discourage their formation. In low-tech male privilege societies powerful families and stable inherited property are major bulwarks of patriarchy; they make it important who your father is, and they make it important to avoid family instability that may result in division of the property or otherwise endanger the family’s claim to the property. If patrilineal descent chains don’t matter much, women are likely to have more sexual freedom and by knock-on effects of that more freedom in general and are under less pressure to marry early and produce lots of potential heirs for their husbands.
Finally, the write-up mentioned dragons selectively breeding their human thralls for size and strength, and maybe implied also selectively breeding them for precocious physical maturity. If they’re doing that, dragons might also selectively breed their thralls for reduced sexual dimorphism. From the dragon’s point of view, why wouldn’t you want to double your pool of potential strong fighters? So after two or twenty centuries of selective breeding dragon cult women might have size and upper body strength a lot closer to males. Dragon cults would probably still have some kind of “men do more of the fighting and women do more of the work compatible with having a baby or child in close proximity” gendered division of labor, but reducing sexual dimorphism would tend to weaken gendered divisions of labor and hence gender roles in general.
I mean, we’re talking about a creepy high-control cult here. And “nobody was there to tell them...” would definitely have potential dark sides, like “nobody was there to tell them rape and incest are wrong” and “nobody was there to tell them that an adult shouldn’t casually slap around or beat up a child when they’re angry at them.” They’d probably develop some taboos on that sort of stuff just to keep their society somewhat functional, and the dragon would probably give them rules against the aspects of that sort of behavior that might lower their efficiency as thralls or endanger the viability of the dragon cult, but “basically functional levels of rape, incest, and casual physical abuse of children” might look pretty horrifying (though given what a lot of actual historical societies looked like I’m not sure they’d really be worse on the rape and casually beating up their children fronts than their non-dragon cult neighbors). So this isn’t going to be any kind of utopia. If dragon cultists showed up in a story they’d probably be bad guys. But, like:
“And because they serve dragons, they sometimes get the good stuff. Picture a 15- year-old kid with the physique of Conan, wearing the golden armor of ancient kings and armed with magic spears. The kid is also illiterate, covered in fleas, and thinks that humans were created by dragons.”
I suggest that this kid might be a girl, who has a girlfriend and a boyfriend, in a world where a female person being a warrior and interacting on a footing of easy familiarity and equality with rough violent men and having multiple partners is very much not a regular thing in most human societies. And while from one point of view this person is a brainwashed slave of a giant fire-breathing mammal-like reptile, she can look forward to having a lot more personal freedom than most non-dragon cult women (e.g. the 15 year old farmer’s daughter whose father and older brother she just eviscerated). Would fit into: “And its not hard fascism either.  Their barbarian tribes don't chafe at the collar.  They've believe in their dragon.  And when you stand in front of a dragon, you can see why.” If that girl has some idea of how much less freedom and power she’d probably have if she’d been born into one of the surrounding more normal human societies, that knowledge surely cements her loyalty to her dragon. It’d make the whole thing more insidious in a way.
Aside: the one thing that kind of bugged me about the Goblin Punch post is where it says dragon cultists “never build cities or roofs.” So what do they do when it rains, or is freezing cold, or burning hot? I’m interpreting this as they live in tent-like structures and don’t build permanent houses with thick walls, cause otherwise that bit is just grimderp.
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lesbianfeminists · 4 years
There’s More Than One Way to ‘Erase’ Women
On 28th May Hungary’s Parliament signed a bill into law which ends legal recognition for transgender people. The votes of rightwing Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party pushed the legislation through by a majority in the context of a pandemic in which he is ruling by decree indefinitely. The changes to Hungary’s Registry Act will restrict gender to biological sex at birth, a status determined by primary sex characteristics and chromosomes. All other forms of identification are tied to birth certificates in Hungary so these too will reflect birth sex.
Trans advocacy and human rights groups argue that it will lead to more discrimination because Hungarians are required to produce identity cards on a frequent basis. This means that they will, in effect, be ‘outing’ themselves in everyday situations which may be humiliating, at best, and dangerous at worst. The government say they are merely clarifying sex within the law; a disingenuous claim in a political context in which the traditional family is increasingly being placed at the heart of a ‘white’, Christian nation.
Julie Bindel recently argued that it was unwise of Pink News to look at Orban’s policies in relation to transgender people in isolation. They should instead be conceived of as part of a broader attack on women’s rights and the rights of minority groups.
But Bindel’s advice applies equally to those gender critical feminists, albeit small in number, who are responding positively to the news from Hungary, on the basis that Orban recognises the immutability of sex. Whilst Baroness Nicholson might see no problem in adding Hungary to her list of causes for celebration, feminists shouldn’t lose sight of a much bigger picture.
In 2013, Orban introduced a constitutional reform which enshrined the idea of ​​the family as the foundation of the nation in the Basic Law. Although abortion was legalised after the Second World War, since 2013 the Constitution has stated that “the life of the fetus must be protected from the moment of conception”. Orban has yet to move on abortion but he publically supports anti-abortion organisations and in 2017 he opened The World Congress of Families conference in Budapest. The WCF is a United States coalition is a virulently anti-abortion organisation which promotes Christian right values globally.
By 2018, he was setting out his plan for a new “cultural era” which included amending the kindergarten curriculum so that it would promote a “national identity, Christian cultural values, patriotism, attachment to homeland and family”. (5) In 2019, the government announced a series of pro-natalist measures which included a lifetime income tax exemption for mothers of four children and free IVF treatment for married heterosexual couples. These policies aim to reverse demographic decline and curb immigration, at one and the same time. Orban argues that “it’s a national interest to restore natural reproduction. Not one interest among others – but the only one. It’s a European interest too. It is the European interest”.
In essence, he subscribes to the white nationalist “demographic winter” theory, which claims that the “purity” of European civilisation is in peril due to the increasing numbers of non-white races, in general, and Muslim people, in particular. Orban’s draconian measures against migrants and refugees dovetail with this belief system.
Such policies also cast women in the role of wombs of the nation, echoing the eugenicist policies of Hitler, who also provided financial inducements to bribe Aryan women into motherhood. As Anita Komuves, a Hungarian journalist, tweeted, “Can we just simply declare that Hungary is Gilead from now on?”
Homosexuality is legal in Hungary, but same sex couples are unable to marry and registered partnerships don’t offer equivalent legal rights. Orban’s government has made the promotion of patriarchal family values so central to its cultural mission and policies that anti gay rhetoric amongst politicians has become commonplace. Last year, László Kövér, the speaker of the Hungarian parliament, compared supporters of lesbian and gay marriage and adoption to paedophiles. “Morally, there is no difference between the behaviour of a paedophile and the behaviour of someone who demands such things,” he said. (9) In 2017 the annual Pride event was attacked by violent right-wing extremists hurling faeces, acid and Molotov cocktails at the marchers and police.
Just as Orban has sought to eliminate the notion of gender identity within the law, so too has he gone to war against what he describes as “gender ideology”. In 2018 he issued a decree revoking funding for gender studies programmes in October that year. (10) At the time, this move was welcomed by some gender critical and radical feminists on the basis that postmodern feminism in the academy has contributed to a dogmatic sex denialism which is unable to analyse the basis of female oppression. (11) But, as with the changes in relation to the legal recognition of transgender people, Orban’s reasons were anything but feminist. As one government spokesman explained: “The government’s standpoint is that people are born either male or female, and we do not consider it acceptable for us to talk about socially constructed genders rather than biological sexes.” (12) Gender studies is seen as promoting too fluid an understanding of male and female roles in the place of a fixed social order in which women’s biological destiny is to be married mothers. The decision to withdraw funding from gender studies didn’t come out of nowhere. At a party congress in December 2015, László Kövér, one of the founders of the Fidesz party, stated:
“We don’t want the gender craziness. We don’t want to make Hungary a futureless society of man-hating women, and feminine men living in dread of women, and considering families and children only as barriers to self-fulfilment… And we would like if our daughters would consider, as the highest quality of self-fulfilment, the possibility of giving birth to our grandchildren.”
Orban’s war against “gender” also led to Hungary’s National Assembly recently passing a declaration which refused to ratify the Istanbul Convention, the Council of Europe’s Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.It was claimed that the convention promoted “gender ideology” and particular issue was taken with the section that defined gender as “socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for women and men.” Hungarian politicians object to an understanding of gender which recognises that women’s ‘role’ can change, even improve (!), as societies change, an unwelcome thought to those wishing to uphold men’s power in the family and discourage homosexuality. As with a number of Orban’s other policy decisions, there was also a racist element to the refusal to ratify the convention. The fact that it would have afforded protections for migrant and refugee women was in direct contradiction to Hungary’s anti-immigration policies. As one far right, Hungarian blog put it:
“By refusing the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, Hungary, says ‘Yes!’ to the protection of women but ‘No!’ to gender ideology and illegal migration.”
(Women’s groups in the UK have long suspected that our government refuses to ratify the Convention as it would bind them to properly funding the VAWG sector.)
Orban’s concern about “gender” and “gender ideology” is shared by other states with a socially conservative programme for women. Some gender critical and radical feminists use this term, as well, which can be confusing when our respective analyses have so little in common. Here, it refers to a set of beliefs that conflate sex with gender and deny the material reality of sex-based oppression. This is a far cry from the definitions shared by the growing “anti gender” movements in Central and Eastern Europe.
These movements privilege biological understandings of what it means to be a man or a woman but only do so in order to insist that our biology should determine (and restrict) our lives.They want to hang on the man/woman binary because they believe that gendered roles and expectations, ones which place women below men, are determined by sex. In short, they deny that gender is a social construct. “Gender ideology”, as a term, has become something of a dustbin category, deployed variously to attack feminism, same sex marriage, reproductive rights and sex education in schools. Trump’s administration is engaged in an ongoing fight to remove the word “gender” from United Nations documents.
In this context, we need to remember that “gender” is still most frequently used as a proxy for women/sex in UN Conventions like CEDAW (The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women). The term is also increasingly – to our concern – conflated with gender identity with all the risks that this entails.
But that fact shouldn’t blind us to the main motivations of those who oppose the use of the word gender at UN level. When conservatives say they want to replace the term “gender” with “sex”, it’s invariably to oppose women’s equality with men and to enshrine patriarchal understandings of women’s place in society. Replacing the language of gender with the language of sex is, in their terms, a route to a biologically driven and restricted notion of reproduction as women’s only fate. Replacing the language of gender with the language of sex is not necessarily a feminist enterprise.
Unless we establish very clear lines between ourselves and rightwing, religious fundamentalists, we are in danger of being swallowed up and used by the most anti-women, global forces, the canniest of which offer themselves as ‘partners’ in the fight against gender ideology: witness several events hosted by the Heritage Foundation, a hugely powerful Christian Right think tank which has platformed radical feminists.
The Heritage Foundation has particular chutzpah. Whilst claiming to be an ally in the feminist fight to preserve female only spaces and sex-based rights, it opposes reproductive rights, lesbian and gay rights and any measures to counter discrimination against women, notably the Equal Rights Amendment. In fact, it blames feminists for the current state of affairs – though Ryan Anderson would never be rude enough to say so at their shared events. “Transgender theories are part of the feminist goal of a sexual revolution that eliminates the proprietary family and celebrates non-monogamous sexual experiences.”
When it’s not cynically partnering with (a small number) of radical feminists as ‘cover’, the Heritage Foundation enjoys the company of the Holy See, the universal government of the Catholic Church which operates from Vatican City State. (20) The Vatican has opposed the notion of gender since the early-2000s, arguing that males and females have intrinsic attributes which aren’t shaped by social forces. Recently, they published an educational document called “Male and female he created them”.
Woman’s Place UK has consistently stated an opposition to working with, or supporting the work of the religious right (and their female representatives). Not simply because it is strategically disastrous but because it is wrong in principle. (22) When we look at what is happening in Hungary it is well to remember that there is more than one way to ‘erase’ women. Andrea Pető, a professor at the Central European University of Budapest, commenting on the official reports that Hungary (and Poland) send to the UN CEDAW Committee, noted, “we see that they replace the concept of women with that of family, women as independent agents are slowly disappearing from public policy documents, behind the single word family.”
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pristeenvane · 3 years
I'd just like to express my thoughts about Anti-natalism and Pro-creation.
Here's why I think the Anti-natalism movement is better than Pro-creation.
I'm from a family of 4 kids in the Philippines. Life wasn't easy for us even though my mom did her best, in what she thinks was best, to raise all four of us since my father left us 19 years ago. I was 9 then. My older sister was 12, and my 2 younger siblings were 6 and 4.
My mom did her best to take responsibility for us. Her personality wasn't really soft and warm. She was the opposite of that.
We had tons of challenges growing up. We weren't rich and my mom wasn't able to have a full time stable job.
Now, I'm 28. None of us siblings have gotten married, engaged, or has a child. We have a dog, and a cat. They're the only kids in our family. My 2 other siblings don't live with us anymore for their own reasons.
Here is my point:
Pro-creation advocates say that people nowadays are afraid of taking responsibilities of raising a child which is why they don't want to have one.
- This have reasons they fail to acknowledge.
1. Taking responsibility is different from actually being capable of doing so.
2. People come from different places in the society, and opportunities are not equal.
3. There are a lot of uncontrollable factors that a person may experience growing up.
4. The world itself has a lot of imperfections.
Some anti-natalists feel hatred towards their parents for giving birth to them because for them, they never made the choice to live in this world where they suffer.
I'm not one of them but I get where they're coming from.
I am an introvert. I am weird. I'm usually an outcast. I usually get rejected by people I care about. I'm not exactly happy.
Aside from our personal experiences, the world itself has a lot of problems, such as poverty, crimes, global warming, over-population, and selfishness.
I think that pro-creation advocates present some kind of selfishness in their advocacy. They limit their propaganda only up to the point of potential parents. They don't even look deeper at how those potential parents actually feel. Who knows they might not have had happy childhood memories and are traumatised to have their own. Worse, they don't seem to think about the offspring. Will they actually live a happy, normal, and safe life?
This is why Anti-natalism, in whatever stance they're on, is better than Pro-creation. It is important to actually consider the environment of a new life if it is even habitable for them, and if they will be grateful for it.
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