#project designers
stivkun · 25 days
I wonder who's hiding under that comically long hounskull- Oh my gar.
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Decided to probably name them Edgar. Need my silly pun names.
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mangozic · 1 month
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my dead goth son and his friendly neighborhood personified concept of insanity
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procurepublic · 7 months
Choosing Excellence: Finding Principal Designers with ProcurePublic’s Framework
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Recognizing the Significance of Principal Designers:
Project Designers play a pivotal role in coordinating health and safety aspects during the pre-construction phase. Their expertise ensures the identification, management, and effective communication of potential risks, contributing to the overall success and safety of a construction project.
The ProcurePublic Advantage:
ProcurePublic’s framework simplifies the process of finding experienced and competent Principal Architects. The platform connects project managers and stakeholders with a pool of pre-qualified professionals, streamlining the selection process and ensuring that only the most qualified individuals are considered for the role.
Efficiency in Selection:
A key advantage of utilizing ProcurePublic’s framework is the efficiency it brings to the selection process. The platform provides a comprehensive database of Principal Designers, complete with their qualifications, certifications, and project portfolios. This transparency enables project managers to make informed decisions swiftly.
Quality Assurance:
ProcurePublic is dedicated to maintaining a high standard of quality among its listed Project Designers. The platform implements rigorous vetting processes, ensuring that only individuals with proven track records of success and compliance are included in its network. This commitment to quality assurance sets ProcurePublic apart as a trusted resource for finding excellence in Principal Designers.
Streamlined Collaboration:
The framework fosters collaboration between project stakeholders and Project Designers. Through ProcurePublic, project managers can seamlessly communicate project requirements, timelines, and expectations. This collaborative approach ensures that Project Architects are aligned with project goals, leading to smoother project execution.
Innovation in Safety Management:
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In the quest for excellence in Project Designers, ProcurePublic’s framework stands as a symbol of efficiency, transparency, and quality assurance. By choosing ProcurePublic, project managers not only simplify the selection process but also ensure that their projects are entrusted to experienced and qualified safety professionals. Elevate your construction projects with ProcurePublic — where excellence seamlessly meets efficiency.
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nots-27 · 8 months
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artsyvii · 8 months
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bixels · 2 months
Was encouraged by Tulli to post some of my original work here today for portfolio day. Besides GG20s, I'm also developing a cyberpunk story about a rookie cyborg boxer in an alternate 2001 Los Angeles in the style of late-90s anime.
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I also have a side project, developing a video game idea on exploring the Pacific ocean and speculative marine sciences.
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Also some posters I've done, including a piece I made for The Lovers.
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mikufigureoftheday · 2 months
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⚡Today's Miku figure is:⚡
Design COCO JAPAN TOUR 2023 ~THUNDERBOLT~ ver. 1/7 (2025)
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prokopetz · 1 year
"I wish I could make a game but get other people to do all the art and writing and programming and" you literally can. It's called being the project manager, and all you have to do to get this job is be willing to write all the emails, make all the phone calls, set up and moderate all the group chats, schedule and lead all the meetings, monitor and follow up on all the deadlines, coordinate with all relevant third parties, and personally chase down the answer to every question that anyone might conceivably ask about anything. If that sounds like your idea of a good time, there are any number of projects that would love to have you on board.
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mikufanclub · 4 months
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pipertonic · 6 months
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Meltdown Rin. If you even care
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sparrowlucero · 6 months
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Though their initial mutations were the result of long term nuclear war, it's actually an intense culture of propaganda and strictly enforced conformity policies that have kept the Daleks in their current state. Every Dalek undergoes surgery just after birth; not to mitigate the effects of irradiation, but to rid them of whatever is legally considered "imperfections to the Dalek form" (usually throwbacks to a humanoid body plan, such as teeth and hands) and physically ready them for their casing. Additional surgeries must occur throughout a Dalek's life to prevent them from becoming "rooted" - a painful, often fatal scenario in which the Dalek overgrows their own shell and cannot be safely removed. Not only does their homogeneity serve to reinforce their fervent belief in genetic superiority, but the resulting chronic health issues prevent insurrection; a Dalek's fear of losing access to regular healthcare colors much of their judgement, and most attempts at dissent end as soon as their painkillers run dry.
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stivkun · 24 days
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Henryk the Sturgeon Knight Character I made a while ago that started story about fish knight I'm working on (temporarily called "Ashore Project" till I figure out a better name). Will probably do some smalled tweaks to his armor at some point, but I love him very much.
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onebadnoodle · 8 months
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poison type miku ⚠️
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beebeedibapbeediboop · 2 months
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Some of my character design work for our upcoming short film Chrysalide :)
If you want to check out our progress, you can follow us on instagram here!
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nots-27 · 9 months
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EVEN more mikus
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ruikasas · 8 months
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project voltage - hatsune miku icons
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