#protective zon
gallus-rising · 2 months
dungeon meshi loreposting again: orc addition
it always seemed kind of weird to me that Zon, the orc chieftain, evacuated the community to the safer upper floors while leaving his much younger sister (Leed is 14 which is the age of majority for orcs. she has only just recently become an adult) behind to keep an eye on the now dragon infested home settlement
there's a few personality differences to help explain that. Zon is a new chieftain and is trying to take a more cautious approach when dealing with the dual threats of monsters moving into upper floors and a increasing number of adventures on the island. Leed is a hot-blooded youngest who thinks they need to fight back
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but if that's all there is to it why couldn't Zon be the one to stay behind while telling his younger sister "hey, we're moving the women/children/elderly to the upper floors for safely. you take a few warriors and defend them from the adventures"
and note that orc women are considered noncombatants. why does Leed, a young woman, have such a loyal group of warriors? as the chief's younger sister she probably has special privileges, but it's pretty reasonable to think that these big tough men might get a bit uppity about following little girl when the chief's not there to protect her, and "i kinda know who Senshi is" still seems like a flimsy reason to not kill a group of intruders (that has an elf with them!)
character design note
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Leed is perhaps drawn with the palest skin/fur out of all the orcs we see. since her eyes are so large it's much easier to tell what color they are vs most other orcs but it seems like pale blue eyes are at least uncommon. she is also the only orc we see with white hair.
CONCLUSION 1: Leed is albino
another design note
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baby orcs are born with white stripes (like baby boars 🥺) which they grow out of. from the example of what is clearly baby Leed we see the stripes are harder to notice on paler fur, so orcs with pale fur likely "lose" their stripes at a younger age
CONCLUSION 2: albino orcs are seen as mature, strong warriors, or otherwise special in some way. there's even precedent in the dungeon meshi universe for individuals with unusual skin/fur color to be given special status. despite not being the queen's actual children/grandchildren Flamela and her sister were the only 2 people in line for the throne because they're Elf Melanistic
FINAL CONCLUSION: as Zon's younger sister Leed is in a position to personally push back against his orders. Leed wants to stay and fight the dragon? ok, there's plenty of fellow battle hungry warriors ready to rally behind and follow the most specialist murder baby in the dungeon
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wanderingsorcerer · 11 months
The 72 Demons Of The Ars Goetia
This will be multi parts and in each one we will be going over each branch of them "whoop whoop" let's get cracking
Starting off the 72 demons of the ars goetia are the amalgamation of the Occult Writings from the 15th century. Compiled into one text in the 17th that is where we get what is now known as the Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis or simply The Lesser Key Of Solomon. Due to many translations spelling changes depending on region and personal preference for the author.
Now for the next section The Dukes Of Hell Pt.1 of 2
Amdusias: One of the Dukes of hell. They have 29 legions of demons and spirits under their command. The Duke is depicted as a human with claws instead of hands and feet, the head of a unicorn, and a trumpet showcasing their powerful voice. Amdusias is associated with thunder and many say they hear his voice within storms. They are in charge of the music being played in hell and he is said to play music on command of the conjurer.
His Symbol
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Invoke during more aggressive pursuits and execration magicks. Some Demonolators believe Amdusias, Asmodeus/Asmoday, and Amaymon are the three heads of the three headed Asmodai image from Colin de Plancy’s Dictionnaire Infernal. Amdusias being the more aggressive of the three to be employed during battle and situations requiring an aggressive strategy with military precision
Agares: One of the Dukes of Hell Ruler of the Eastern Zon, is served by 31 legions of demons. He is described as a pale old man riding on the back of a crocodile. He can return runaways and make those who stand still run I.e from a bad situation or in a fight or flight moment. He holds the power to destroy dignities both temporal and supernatural.
His Symbol
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 It is said that you should wear his sigil after the work in question. Seek Agares for wisdom in friendship and to make your garden grow. He also gives advice on financial matters with regard to projects
Valefor: Duke of Hell,Commands 10 legions of demons. He is described as a Lion with the head of a man, or as a Lion with the head of a donkey. He tempts people to steal and is in charge of a good relationship amongst thieves.
His Symbol
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Teaches loyalty and the art of manipulation. Can show you how to charm others and get what you want. Wear Valefor’s seal during rituals to invoke, and afterward to manifest the desired results.
Barbatos: Both and Earl and Duke of Hell, He rules over 30 legions of demons and has 4 kings as his companions to command them. He is described as arriving when the sun is in sagitarry and arriving with his four noble kings and their great troops. He gives the ability to speak with animals big and small and find hidden treasures. He is shown to be omnipotent and is able to hide those in power from their enemies.
His Symbol
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Seek Barbatos to stop magician’s personal wars with one another. Invoke Barbatos to communicate with your familiar if needed. Also invoke to protect your home from hidden attacks.
Gusion: A Strong Duke of Hell who rules over 40 legions of demons. He is depicted as a baboon or as a xenophilia. He is another semi impotent being, can tell all past and future events and knows the answer to life's questions. He also has the ability to reconcile friendships.
His Symbol:
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Gusion is a spirit of divination as well as being a guide in the communication with the shades of the dead. Gusion is also a spirit which instinctually passes on concepts and ideals in honor and dignity. The sorcerer through invoking the spirit would focus on areas of character development and self-perception, that which separates the initiate from the profane and common clay of humanity
Eligos: Great Duke of Hell , rules of 60 legions of demons. Depicted as a good knight carrying a lance , an ensign and a serpent (an ensign is a flag). He discovers hidden things and knows the futures of wars and the fate of soldiers. He attracts the favor of Manny lord's , knights, and important people (politicians).
His Symbol
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Eligos is known to cause love between important people like world leaders// princes - princesses etc.
Zepar: A Great Duke Of Hell and commands 26 legions of inferior spirits. He is depicted a soldier with red clothes and armor. He makes me and woman fall in love and can cause woman to become barren.
His Symbol
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He is used often in sex magic and love spells
Bathin: A Great Duke of Hell, he has 30 legions of demons under his command. He is depicted as a strong man with the tail of a serpent riding a pale horse. He knows the virtues of precious stones and herbs and can bring men suddenly from one country to another.
His symbol
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He helps you with Astral Projection and takes you wherever you want to go.Invoke Bathin before travel for a smooth trip. Also keep his sigil on you. You can invoke Bathin for opportunity to travel as well. Kitchen Witchery will get you further with Bathin than ceremony
Sallos: a Mighty Great Duke of Hell, He has 30 legions of Demons under his command. He is depicted as a Handsome Soldier wearing a crown and riding upon the back of a crocodile. He is said to be a pacifist and causes love between two humans usually a man and a woman.
His symbol
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Sallos is a spirit of lust and desire, whom one may project to bring on with another – and create a flowing inspiration to achieve the union with another. 
Aim:A Great Duke of Hell, rules over 26 legions of demons. Truly a powerful Spirit. He is depicted as a Handsome man with three heads One of serpent, one of a man, and One of a cat. carrying in his hand a lit firebrand with which he sets the requested things on fire.Examples being cities, castles and even churches
His Symbol
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Duke Aim is a very beautiful and incredible Solar Demon.  He is a demon of creativity and one who is incredible for working with the creative energies of the universe.  He can remove creative blocks and open up the flood gates of inspiration.  He can inspire one to uncover ideas for original art projects and embrace the creative nature of their soul.  He is a visionary and innovative when it comes to any artistic venture whether it is fine art, fashion, various crafts or anything that involves creative ventures. 
Always when working with these entities show them great respect and take into considerations that the majority of these are gods from other cultures that have had their meanings shifted over the years to be perceived as demonic. Treat them with kindness and respect and for the most part they will treat you the same. Do your research and learn. Learn more everyday and don't forget to have fun. The occult is a wonderful and beautiful thing and I hope to take you on more journeys with me.
We will continue this next time when we go over the rest of the Dukes of Hell in part 2
Thank you for being here with me and having tea with me on the other side of the Great divide :)
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m-jelly · 2 years
Levi x Rich Vigilante fem reader, like she has beautiful country manors and cars and things and she’s like the sweetest person in earth and Levi falls in love with her but he wonders what she does. She claims she’s a baker and she does have a bakery but the cost of living to how much bakeries make doesn’t add up so he is a little but sus of her until he like sees her kill Political tyrant that got like invited to her house or something and she thinks he is afraid and he’s like actually really shy and flustered by what she does
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@kenkopanda-art go check out their art and support them!
I can explain
Pairing: Levi x Vigilante!Reader
Genre and tags: Romance, fluff, being a couple, secrets coming out, mentions of blood, mentions of death, coming clean to Levi, talking, communication, love.
Concept: Levi gets up in the middle of the night in search of you, his girlfriend because he wants cuddles in bed. However, he comes across you slitting the throat of a tyrant politician. Instead of running, Levi tells you how to get blood out of your clothes and floor. As Levi helps, you explain your job and he showers you in support.
TW: mentions of blood and violence.
Tag list: @ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @skittlelover69 @strawberrybunny123 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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Levi saw pure surprise and then fear in the man's eyes as a gloved hand clutched his forehead and his back was pressed against his attacker. A silver blade skilfully pierced the fat and muscle in his neck to reveal the crimson liquid under. Blood spurted forth in a light spray as the rest gushed down his thousand-dollar suit.
The eyes became more fearful of what was to come as death sank its claws into him. His gargled cries reached no ears that would help him. The light of life soon faded and all that remained was a husk of a monster of a man. His lifeless body fell like a ragdoll to the floor to reveal the assassin.
Levi's heart skipped a beat as he stared at you in all your glory. The blades glistened in your hand as the sparkle in your eyes reflected a rush of emotions at being caught. His eyes dragged over your curves, your kissable lips and a body he longed to hold close. He felt no fear towards you, only a strong sense of arousal.
The copper scent assaulted him causing him to wrinkle up his button nose. He hummed in response as he looked at the marble floor and saw the blood creating a small pool that reflected the void look in the dead man's eyes, along with the two living people.
Levi flicked his gaze to you as you spoke into a device and informed whoever was paying you that the deed was done. He listened closely to you accepting the cleanup job and disposal. He kept his eyes on you as you gave code words before ending the call.
He moved his eyes to the blade in your gloved hand as it twirled within your palm. "Are you going to kill me?"
You smiled sweetly at him. "Never."
"So, why are you playing with your knife?"
You threw it into the dead man. "It's a tick. I do it when I'm anxious."
He stared at the knife embedded in the body before looking back at you. "Why are you anxious?"
You kept smiling at him. "Mm, maybe because the love of my life just caught me killing someone."
He hummed and assessed the situation. He was safe, but he didn't really need to confirm it. Levi always felt safe with you and he loved you more than anything. He also knew you loved him.
"Are you scared of me?"
He stared at your face and saw the apprehension and worry. He knew very well you didn't want to lose him. He didn't want to lose you. He wasn't scared of you, far from it. In fact, he was feeling something he knew far too well when it came to you.
Levi was aroused.
Your show of strength was something he didn't know he would enjoy. He loved protecting you, but now knowing you could protect him was a joy to feel. He was excited and he wanted to see more. He wanted to see you break bad men.
You stepped a little closer breaking Levi's thoughts. "Levi?"
He zoned back into the moment. "I...find this...incredibly attractive. Before you say anything, I am confused as well, but it is what it is. I want you and I love you." He groaned as he felt those three words so strongly. "Fuck, I love you."
You brightened up. "Really? You find this hot?"
You walked right up to him and he felt himself trembling with desire. You cupped his face and pressed your plump lips against his needy ones. You moaned against him as he yanked you tightly against his body. His hands roamed over your warm body as he sighed softly through his nose.
You retreated from his lips and licked your own. "I should explain. I'm a vigilante of sorts. I kill bad people and I get paid to do so. I was doing it easily, but the only way to get this guy to come out of hiding was to welcome him into my home. I am sorry for bringing my work home."
He searched your eyes. "Were you ever going to tell me?"
"In time." You shrugged at your thoughts. "I mean, how does one talk about this sort of thing?"
Levi released a long sigh. "I was coming to get you for cuddles, but I guess I'm helping you clean up."
You gasped as Levi released you and walked to the body. "Oh! No, I'll sort this out."
Levi turned to you with a soft frown. "Tch, come on brat, you know me. How good am I at cleaning?"
You blushed at his question. "Excellent."
He gave you a small reassuring smile. "I'll help you clean up, okay? I can make all this disappear. You never know, I might teach you a thing or two."
You giggled at how sweet your man was. "Thank you, Levi. I appreciate this." You helped Levi pick up the man's body. "I could ask my bosses to hire you as the cleaner. It pays really well."
"I'd happily take it. I'll be the best fucking cleaner they've seen."
You laughed as you walked with him. "I know you will be. I'll give you glowing reviews when I present the idea."
"Thank you." He kept moving until you reached the basement where you had an incinerator. "I always wondered what this was for."
"People don't question much when you live in an old manor."
He helped you shove the body in. "You're right. Seems normal it's here."
You turned it on and sighed. "You want waffles for breakfast or pancakes?"
He walked with you upstairs, his hand tightly holding yours. "Waffles."
He scooped you up like a bride making you giggle so sweetly. "I'll make it all. Now, let's clean and go right back to snuggling in bed."
You kicked your legs happily. "Yes, sir!"
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earthfluuke · 4 months
Potential AU ask, tell me what you've got in your head about the royalty!AU
Five facts about the Royalty!AU feat. Princes Pete & Tutor (the prettiest boys in all the land~)
When Tutor eventually accepts his feelings and admits them to Fighter, they have to come up with...creative ways to see each other, outside their normal courses of business. There's a lot of sneaking around and making out in empty corridors. Fighter begs to stay the night, convinced that his position as captain of the guard and protector of princes is the perfect alibi if anyone were to find out. Tutor is as stubborn as they come, so it takes a couple nights of whining & puppy dogs eyes until he relents.
When the princes move to the Midlands, Tin gives them all of the protection they'd had back at their palace. Fighter obviously comes with, because he took an oath to protect the princes no matter what (and because he'll follow Tutor anywhere). But he also assigns some of his personal guards to keep watch over them, one of which is Ae, who is immediately struck by how soft and sweet the younger of the two is. Literally, the moment he sees him. He's all business though, because he takes his role very seriously, so he doesn't bother getting his hopes up; princes - even ex-princes - don't belong with common folk like him. Luckily, Pete returns his feelings. Which of course leads to not one but two princes sneaking around with their respective bodyguard-lovers. They've only run into each other when looking for a quiet corner to kiss in once. Or twice. Or a dozen times.
Saifah followed Fighter to the Midlands, so Zon starts spending much more time there. None of his friends are in the Northlands anymore, so what's the point of going? Does this perhaps add a third duo to the sneaking around club? Only when he visits. Tin is only mildly annoyed (since his favorite spot behind the stables that he's frequented with Can has been stolen).
Remember those martial arts lessons that Pete was forced into? Never again, not if Ae has a say in it. Now that he has the full protection of Prince Tin's royal guard, he doesn't need to fight for himself, not if he doesn't want to (and Pete does not). Ae swears on his life that he'll protect Pete no matter what and that his soft, uncalloused hands will never have to do more than lift his teacup to his lips.
Tutor is constantly worried for his brother. It doesn't matter how big of an army Tin may or may not have stationed outside of the castle. If he does not have direct eyes on Pete, then he's a nervous wreck. Fighter is the only one who can calm him down, as he's learned over their many years together what Tutor needs in his moments of anxiety.
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ohmygillygoshoppler · 4 months
I gotta see some Secret Saturdays content from you because I haven't even though about that show until I read your bio there. I used to looooove that show, I was obsessed with cryptids and paranormal pseudoscience and all that fun stuff, and when the Secret Saturdays first aired I was so pumped! Please tell me you have something to say about that showw? Do you miss it? Did you make and killer OCs for it like you do everything?!
I loved this show sooooooooooo much, it made me look stupid. I think it was like 2008 when the show started and I had never heard of a cryptid until I watched that show. The whole Science Family protecting monster creature dudes and even adopting them screams found family, you know I'm drawn to that like a moth to a flame. Plus, I loved how Zak and Fisk we just sweet little dudes that were brothers and got into trouble, like I loved them, They're my fave character out of the whole cast. Komodo and Zon are cool, don't get me wrong, but my boys are my boys, I'm sorry, I don't make the rule. (I totally make the rules)
But I will not let y'all catch me slippin on Doc and Drew, the were couples goals. They're still couples goals. I love how they have their little disagreements and their banter and witty flirting and still be badass like crimefighters??? Because shiiiit, they're like canonically badass, like black belts and ray guns and hand-to-hand combat, hello??? I loved that. AND THEY SPAR TOGETHER?!?! BABE, SAY LESS. (also Doc is so fine, I know, Gilly has a type, boo boo booooo-)
I realy liked when they interduce Doyle, too. Like woah, wtf okay, Zak's Mom Trauma Hour, she lost her parents in the Himalayas and then was separated from her baby brother in a blizzard- wooooooah, didn't expect that but it made me feel so hard for Drew. He ultimately became such a cool and sweet Uncle to Zak through, so everything worked out in the end.
And Argost. My man V.V. Argost was such a campy villian, I adored him. His theatrical vibes, his hamminess, his autistic ass stance. And his gay little spiderman henchman, too. Yeah he might have tried to groom a child (yeeesh) but he was funny as shit about it, and he ended up being a yeti???!?! Okay, jumpscare, but that was dope! I loved it!
I don't know why they had to kill off Van Rook though, but his voice was super annoying, so I'm glad he died. :)
I would love to see a reeboot or spinoff or something, like I wanna write a fic about Zak growing out of his old friend group and slowly wedging himself into a new one over Visit of the Week fics. Maybe go into some stuff regarding Zak's relationship with his family, how the family copes with him not being around as often, new school, new life, no cryptid powers, maybe new differnet powers. Fuck it, I'll throw in a warewolf if it makes things interesting. I just really like these characters and this universe, and It'd be cool to see it expand and change.
Also Ben 10 and the Secret Saturdays canonically share the same universe, and I never even knew there was a crossover episode.
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monstersdownthepath · 2 years
Scourge Spotlight: Joyful Thing
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CR 6
Lawful Evil Medium Outsider
Nidal: Land of Shadows, pg. 57
It would be a crime against the Midnight Lord to talk about velstrac without first mentioning their cocoons. While far from the only way to create one, the Joymaking ritual is seemingly one of the most reliable methods of transforming a willing mortal being directly into a velstrac, the rules and laws of this ritual a secret closely guarded by the church of Zon-Kuthon, said Midnight Lord (though this hasn’t stopped the Demagogue Sugroz from finding her own methods that work on unwilling targets). Joyful Things are exactly what they sound like: things that are joyful. These once-mortals were subjected to unspeakable tortures and vile magics, removing all of their unnecessary extremities and organs to leave nothing but a vessel for pain and madness, acting as something of a divine font for Zon-Kuthon’s power and interpreters of his alien will.
These wriggling grubs represent the middle stage of the velstrac lifecycle, the twisting essence of the Shadow Plane keeping them alive and in constant, ecstatic agony from which they draw strange magical powers. Able to freely use Levitate and Mage Hand, their loss of limb isn’t much of an impediment for them... and, in fact, despite very explicitly having most of their sensory organs removed, they’ve experienced no sensory loss, having no immunities to incoming visual or audio stimulus or disadvantages usually given to creatures that cannot see, hear, or smell. If anything their senses are sharper, gaining darkvision, the ability to see into the future 1/day via Augury, and the power to taste thoughts. 
Any creature they manage to pin down in a grapple (more on how they do that in a moment), their repulsive tongue engulfs the victim’s head and afflicts them with an irresistible version of Detect Thoughts that lasts as long as the grapple does. While the Joyful Things care little for what other creatures are thinking unless it’s “oof ouch owie that hurts,” their caretakers and associates may be very curious to see what‘s rattling around in their victim’s heads, and can use the horrors as methods of interrogation as much as they can be used for religious ceremonies and, in a pinch, as assistants in combat.
Looking at them you wouldn’t think they were combat capable... and you’re largely correct. Fragile as a moth’s chrysalis, Joyful Things possess none of the defensive power of the fiends they will eventually become, protected only by 17 Spell Resistance and their (honestly quite potent) Blessing of Pain, a gift from their god that grants them a bonus to their AC, saving throws, and attack AND damage rolls equal to their Charisma modifier (usually +3). Without backup, a Joyful Thing largely relies on its inborn spell-likes like Darkness (at-will) and Mirror Image (3/day) to give it time to confound and debuff its enemies. It’s actually quite the potent support unit, able to use Bane, Cause Fear, and Command at will to control the party’s actions, and possessing Crushing Despair, Hold Person, and Bestow Curse available 3/day to cut them off entirely.
Once the group has been sufficiently crumpled or manages to get too close for comfort, the Things have a surprise for anyone in melee with them. The chain that binds their form is as much a part of them as their han-- as their fee-- as their skin and tongue, animate and lashing like a tendril. It’s able to strike twice in a round for 2d4+3 damage each and threatens to Grab any creature it strikes, which is how it can further move to embrace the victim with its tongue. Their bursts of emotional magic also allows them to Exploit Pain, granting them a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls versus any creature suffering from a fear or pain effect, which followers of Zon-Kuthon are noted for regularly throwing around.
Joyful Things may be the vesltrac equivalent of Demon Larva, but they’re far more than just helpless cocoons. That being said, bereft of caretakers to give them time to buffet the party with spells, even WITH their bolstered saves they tend go down quickly... and may even enjoy doing so, squealing with hideous delight as the party carves into them and exposes them to entirely new forms of pain. That, perhaps, is their greatest and most repulsive defense.
You can read more about them here.
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fisksaturday · 1 year
Got any wholesome Saturday family headcanons to share? 👀 (can include the Cryptids or Doyle)
i think zak loves to huddle together with his siblings. he loves a big cuddle pile with fisk, komodo, and zon
usually komodo will just lay on top of him like a very heavy weighted blanket and just go completely boneless
fisk wraps his arms and legs around his brothers in a kind of protective way and he likes to rest his chin on zak's head
zon isnt as much of a cuddler, but she gets all nesty when she's in a cuddle pile. a lot of preening and adjusting blankets around the boys and stuff
fisk is the most cuddly, followed by zak, then zon, and then komodo. komodo is almost exclusively cuddly with zak and drew
also bc you mentioned doyle: when they're traveling, zon gets very nesty over doyle too. his hair gets all messy and sticky-uppy from her preening and she's always digging at blankets and pillows and stuff
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squishyputty · 10 months
Shelyn: Hey, Nethys, do you know of any magic that can help me purify my brother? Nethys: Oh, of course! Here! Shelyn: Thanks! *Later* Zon-Kuthon: Hey Nethys. Got anything to protect against purifying magic? Nethys: Yeah! Here you go buddy!
Zon-Kuthon: Cool. Nethys: I am on a roll today.
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mayalaen · 2 years
paypal 😡
TWO MONTHS of back and forth with PayPal because a customer refused to pay the customs fees and taxes and they STILL sided with the customer and refunded the money plus charged me $15 for losing the case.
This has happened too many times and I’ve stopped selling outside the US because of it, but customers can continue to file claims for months after the fact because PayPal is always on the customer’s side.
All a customer has to do is file a claim, get their refund, and then go down to customs and pay the taxes and fees, and they’ve got MY product for a fraction of the cost.
I’ve been selling this product online for 10 years, and for the first 8 years I won every case against me, but PayPal changed their policies a while back, and I lose every single case now.
I have ALL the documents and tracking info showing that I’ve fulfilled my end of it, but that doesn’t matter.
This past summer they sided with a customer in the UK and she now has a brand new $1200 tattoo chair for only the cost of customs fees after PayPal refunded her AND charged me for losing the case.
When I talked with the postal service AND customs from both of these countries, they advised me to stop selling online because scammers are overwhelming the system and PayPal and other services can’t keep up with it.
Am@zon does the same thing.
Which means there are NO credit card processing companies anymore who will protect me even though I’m above board with everything.
I can’t afford this, and I can’t see a way around it.
Big business wants to see small businesses go away, and they’re doing a very good job of it.
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molochka-koshka · 1 year
For the Seven Forms of Love questions...how about Stroge 4 for Teren, Eros 5 for Tristo, Philia 5 for Vienna, and Philauta 3 for Wyleth?
This is a mess so sorry in advance, I'm so bad at writing my thoughts out heheh
Teren, Storge 4:
Ooh I actually hadn't thought about this!!! I feel like he probably has several half-elf siblings (because I love tieflings that aren't just from human families for some reason). He seems like an eldest son to me, so I feel like his younger siblings all look up to him so much.  His parents probably didn't have a favorite, but since he's a tiefling and his siblings aren't, I feel like they would spend extra time with him to make sure he turns out "good".  He's a paladin of Shelyn, so I feel like his family probably raised him to be fairly religious and he would probably do church-y stuff with his younger siblings.  I also feel like he would be in charge of arts and crafts in his household probably, and would always have little crafts planned out for his siblings until he goes off to be a paladin.  He probably becomes a paladin to protect them, actually!
Tristo, eros 5:
Tristo usually doesn't feel very attractive.  He doesn't think he's unattractive either though, he's very neutral about himself and it's not directly linked to his confidence?  I feel like he doesn't think he deserves love, but he wants it so badly. He doesn't directly tie that to how attractive he feels though, it's more like he thinks love is messy and loving him is messy and 'it's awful work' and aaaa he's such a mess tbh I love my angsty boy
Venna, philia 5: SPOILERS for wotr here heheh
Venna wants her best friends to just be content.  I feel like in WOTR she's platonically closest to Woljif, Lann, and Seelah (and romantically closest to Daeran). She works against her own interests sometimes to make sure they're just okay at the very least. On that note, in her playthrough of the game she does what she thinks is best for Lann, and lets him try to fight Savamalekh on his own and when he dies she's just b e r e f t and doesn't recover for a while afterwards. His death makes her trust people less honestly, and I feel like she doesn't handle loss well after that.
Wyleth, philautia 3:
Wyleth is the "lawbringer" archetype basically in our tyrant's grasp game. She suffered a lot when her family and all of her childhood friends were wiped out in the orc raid on Roslar's Coffer and it kind of codified her sense of justice and the standards she holds herself and others to. She's not really hypocritical because of this and has a pretty high set of standards for others and even higher standards for herself. Her partner is the only person who really keeps her in check as far as that goes. He's a former priest or cleric (idr which I actually decided on) of Zon-kuthon and thinks that the mental abuse she puts herself through when she fails herself is worse than any physical pain he experienced (or inflicted) back then.
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gefdreamsofthesea · 1 year
Not me trying to convert my Kushiel's Legacy RP character (an adept of Mandrake House) to Pathfinder 2e.
I have made him an Aasimar (Angelkin) but there's no sex worker background so I was thinking entertainer or noble (as he comes from nobility). As for class, cleric of Calistria fits best, I feel, as she covers both BDSM and sex work (favoured weapon is a whip, no really) also because Zon-Kuthon is evil. Lymnieris (Empyreal lord who protects sex workers and people going through transitions) is another option.
So many choices.
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miraclerizuin · 2 years
words for your wips, round one! (feel free to do variations on these like pluralizations, change verb tense, w/e) Cat, intense, nobody, zone
just remember that you asked for this
winchester family au - season 11
It’s broad daylight, not exactly time for most of the monsters Claire has ever heard of, but the parking lot is deserted and there’s no one to see if two wayward girls get into a catfight or one eviscerates the other either with claws or silver knife.
rose joins torchwood
“Look what the cat dragged in,” Jack says, before introducing his colleagues: “This is Gwen, she’s married but we made out once—” “I’ve told you to stop introducing me like that” “—and this is Ianto, he’s not married and we’ve made out loads of times.” Ianto inclines his head slightly as if to agree.
spn s7 fix
"No, I'm not," Cas says.  "But if they are determined on this course of action, I will protect you."
His gaze is intense.  Dean ties the necktie over his eyes to quit feeling like he's caught in a searchlight.
assets aka jemmafic
my self isn't charming, she thought.  it is "unnervingly intense" and "a little oblivious to social cues" and "deeply weird in the presence of attractive men".
bill meets rose
But Bill once had an intense personal connection with a girl made of sentient oil.  She could handle this.
spn amnesia fic
seems like being an ex-angel kind of sucks, but nobody has really explained to dean how it works. like, did cas quit or was he fired? that is to say, did he fall or was he pushed?
spn pre-series au
dad doesn’t ask if they learned anything. sometimes he still seems to want to pretend that sam isn’t part of the work he and dean do, that sam still doesn’t know, when at this point sam probably knows more than dean. it’s just that nobody ever asks.
“what happened to the body?”
“no one’ll find it,” dean says.
spn s6 rewrite
Dean sits in the driver’s seat of the Impala and nobody dares go near.  He already waved Cas away, so Sam knows he’d be even less welcome.
“Nice of you to finally show up,” Dean says, always one to snark at an angel when no one else would dare.
spn s7 fix
"You’re not upset that I was among humans?"
"Nobody died, right?  Cas, I'm not the boss of you.  That's how this works."
“It’s not my mountain,” Cas keeps saying on the phone.  “It’s everyone’s mountain.  And no one’s.”
winchester family au - season 7
Her mother always assumed that if Jo went off on her own she would get her insides clawed out and she’d bleed to death in the woods somewhere nobody would ever find her body.
winchester family au - season 11
Nobody can tell her not to scream.  They can ask her to do her own laundry or please don’t put your feet on the kitchen table but nobody tells her to be quiet anymore.
winchester family au - season 15
Like a disappointed father, like her brother turning his back on her, like a cold grave with no one to mourn.
It was nice, spending time with Trip in a situation where nobody was actively trying to kill them.
time is not on our side (peggyfic)
She turns ninety, and the family all come for a visit, and nobody mentions trying to fix her brain with robots or whatever nonsense, but after nearly everyone has left, Sharon stays behind.
ghost stories (clarafic)
and nobody seems able to look at the two of them and see the precise constellation of promises and lies that have tied them together, that means they will never be free of each other, they will be chasing and fighting and reaching and embracing until the heat death of the universe.
last hurrah aka thirteenfic
“How long has it been?” she asks, bracing herself for having gotten it quite wrong, although nobody is extremely aged or dead, so it can’t be too bad.
long way home (endgame fix)
“We think Daisy Johnson may be able to help us out.  Is it true no one’s seen her since the blip?”
light years
But she stands now at Leia’s side and apparently that makes her important.  (Not nobody.  Not nobody.)
romance languages
she asks him about work, and the conversation becomes easier. food makes it easier, too. anna knows his taste and always picks restaurants accordingly. if she thinks he should get out of his comfort zone more, she doesn't say so.
bryn looks rather horrified. “they aren’t zoned for labor!”
“oh, do grow up.”
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film-in-my-soul · 2 years
Thai/Taiwanese BL
A mobile-friendly, Thai/Taiwanese BL masterlist from across all my blogs/AO3:
Be mindful of ratings!
(New fics at the top of the fandom category with **)
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Slip and Slide   
Pairing: Time Teepakorn/Sarawat Guntithanon
Rating: E
Summary: It happens by accident, but then Sarawat can’t stop thinking about it. Can’t stop imagining what Tine’s skin will look like, covered and glossy…
the most beautiful part of your body is where it’s headed
By: thantawan (chronoshift) (Written) - ReformedTsundere/Film-In-My-Soul (Recorded)
Pairing: Sarawat Guntithanon/Tine Teepakorn
Rating: E
Length: 1:04:39 hours
Summary: A recording of “the most beautiful part of your body is where it’s headed” by thantawan (chronoshift) - “As the song winds down, fading out into a silence that feels audible, Sarawat touches Tine’s knee. “Tine, I know this may be forward, but do you want to get out of here?” (Or: Tine goes home with Sarawat)“
Love By Chance
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Under your spell (It’s up that I fell)
By: weilongfu (Written) - ReformedTsundere/Film-In-My-Soul (Recorded)
Pairing: Tin/Can
Rating: T
Length: 38:41 minutes
Summary: A recording of “Under your spell (It’s up that I fell)” by weilongfu - “Tin certainly does not believe in magic. He believes in numbers, in systems, in trends, in things tangible things he can control. But even if he doesn’t believe, Tin can acknowledge that some of his competitors may use such means to ensure their success. Fortunately, Pete recommends someone who might help, even if Tin doesn’t believe. But Can ends up helping Tin in more ways than Tin expected, even without magic.”
Until We Meet Again
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The key to my soul
By: FlorBexter (Written) - ReformedTsundere/Film-In-My-Soul (Recorded)
Pairing: Dean/Pharm
Rating: G
Length: 23:27 minutes
Summary: A recording of “The key to my soul” by FlorBexter - ““Look. It’s the Soulmate Reveal page from the university.” Pharm took her phone and scrolled down the post. “The trigger was glitter?”, he asked amused. Apparently, some student from the economics faculty had blown a handful of glitter at a friend and suddenly her soulmate had appeared next to them, sputtering and cursing about the amount of glitter in her face and hair. “Imagine a cloud of glitter coming at you out of nowhere,” Pharm said and linked his arm with Manaow’s as they started to walk towards their lecture room. - or - Your soulmate is invisible for you until you figure out a certain trigger.
History 3: Trapped
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stir fry
By: stebeee (Written) - ReformedTsundere/Film-In-My-Soul (Recorded)
Pairing: Meng Shaofei/Tang Yi
Rating: T
Length: 34:05 minutes
Summary: A recording of “stir fry” by stebeee - “Tang Yi’s carefully steaming a marble goby fish to perfection when the doors to the large kitchen slam open. “Boss,” Jack calls. “He’s here again.” Or Shao Fei keeps busting drug criminals at Chef Tang Yi’s popular restaurant, and Tang Yi, for the love of god, doesn’t quite know why he keeps letting Shao Fei do it.”
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The Unusual Vampire
By: Erin_Riwen and RunningOutsideTheLines (Written) - ReformedTsundere/Film-In-My-Soul (Recorded)
Pairing: Tharn Thara Kirigun/Type Thiwat Phawattakun
Rating: T
Length: 1:08:31 hours
Summary: A recording of “The Unusual Vampire” by Erin_Riwen and RunningOutsideTheLines. - “Type was an unusual vampire. Suddenly thrust into the world of the supernatural, Type only has his wits and his bad attitude to protect him. But he meets a handsome werewolf along the way that makes him want to believe he does not have it go it alone.”
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Your Love's My Ritual (pt. 2 Smiling Stupid)
By: blakemetothemoon (written) - ReformedTsundere/Film-In-My-Soul (Recorded)
Pairing: Saifah/Zon
Rating: E
Length: 00:29:38
Summary: "I don't want to break up with you! I want to fuck you!"
Or: Zon wants to top. Predictably, he sucks at bringing it up.
Smiling Stupid
By: blakemetothemoon (written) - ReformedTsundere/Film-In-My-Soul (Recorded)
Pairing: Saifah/Zon
Rating: E
Length: 00:17:48
Summary: “Do you want to top?”
“But you’re taller.”
Or: Zon is (pleasantly) surprised to learn sex isn’t exactly like it is in the BL dramas—it's better.
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frameszon · 4 months
Discover the epitome of eyewear excellence at Frames Zon, crowned as the best optician  in cp and the top optical store in Connaught Place. This haven of sophistication seamlessly blends style with precision, offering a curated collection of frames catering to diverse tastes. Beyond aesthetics, Frames Zon's commitment extends to advanced lens technologies for optimal visual clarity and eye protection. As the go-to destination in CP, Frames Zon combines visionary excellence with personalized care, setting the standard for eyewear elegance. Elevate your style and vision at Frames Zon – where every frame is a masterpiece in the heart of Connaught Place.
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williecthepoet · 6 months
The Golden Kingsmen
Once upon a time, in the distant galaxies of Goldiana and Zonevil, a battle between good and evil was about to unfold. Able Zon, the ruthless king of planet Zonevil, had set his sights on conquering Goldiana and its Golden Kingdom. However, the Golden Queen, ruler of Goldiana, was determined to protect her realm and its mythical creatures from the clutches of evil. Knowing that her powers alone…
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studiodewinkel · 7 months
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Zonnige gezichten!! Prachtige porselein onderzetters
Set van 6.
Bijzondere blikvangers voor op je eettafel of salontafel. Prachtig om je wijnglazen of kopje thee op te zetten! En zo blijft je tafel beschermd tegen kringen en vlekken en je kan ze gewoon op de tafel laten liggen want ze zijn prachtig om te zien
*Check ze allemaal in onze shop --> https://www.studiodewinkel.nl/wonen/WTR016.html
Sunny faces!! Beautiful porcelain coasters
Set of 6.
Special eye-catchers for your dining table or coffee table. Beautiful to put your wine glasses or cup of tea on! This way your table remains protected against circles and stains and you can simply leave them on the table because they are beautiful to look at.
*Check them all in our shop --> https://www.studiodewinkel.com/wonen/WTR016EN.html
#onderzetter #coasters #design #porselein #vooroptafel #zon #sun #zonnigedagen
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