#protests and demonstrations
sushis4kalyo · 1 year
Sauvez le tourisme en France : proposez des vacances culturelles ! 😁
J'vois plein de gens qui s'inquiètent du tourisme en France avec tout ce qui se passe ... alors qu'en vrai, si on regarde bien, on peut vraiment adapter nos offres touristiques à l'actualité !
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J'ai tilté ça en voyant de plus en plus de photos de gens, probablement des touristes, se faisant prendre en photo devant les poubelles et feux à Paris. Du coup, je me suis décarcassée pour qu'on puisse rester une bonne destination des tours opérateurs, voici quelques pistes :
Faire vivre la révolution française 2.0 aux touristes : Certains manifestent déjà devant les ambassades françaises, on peut convier les touristes qui sont déjà sur place à ce moment culturel 100% français ! On peut leur fournir une fourche sponsorisée par FO, une casquette à strass CGT et un photographe les prend en photo ! Imaginez comment ils seront fiers de raconter à leur famille comment ils ont accompagné les français dans leur lutte ! C'est pas donné à tout le monde de participer à un moment historique !
Prévoir des goodies ! Beaucoup de goodies ! Les casquettes CGT à strass auraient certainement du succès ! Ainsi que les boules de pétanque gravées "réforme des retraites 2023". Des sweats à capuche "qu'ils viennent me chercher" ou le badge "J'y étais" avec un gros 49.3 en flammes... même que les fonds pourraient être versés aux caisses de grève.
Des repas 100% traditionnels et conviviaux devant le journal de 13h. Le café en terrasse ... devant un bon feu de poubelle réconfortant. Possible partenariat avec Trogneux !
Faire un musée national de la Grève où les touristes peuvent découvrir comment on a obtenu ce droit, la création des syndicats etc.
Faire le parc à thème "Macronieland" où tu peux lâcher un pognon de dingue dans le 49.3 infernal (un rollercoaster où quand t'en veux plus, bah t'en as encore !), Tu peux aussi faire un tour dans le train BRAV-M (c'est comme le train fantôme sauf qu'au lieu des monstres, t'as des mecs qui te menacent avec des matraques en mousse et des fumigènes. Non, pas des vrais lacrymos, on est pas des monstres !). Les enfants pourront jouer à la pêche aux milliards (Comme la pêche aux canards, mais avec des petits bonhommes avec des logos McKinsey et BlackRock gravés) ... et niveau staff, on pourra même récupérer en CDD les anciens élus Renaissance quand ils traverseront la rue pour trouver du boulot.
Non franchement ... pourquoi on s'inquiète ?
Je déconne hein ... mais imaginez quand même !
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reemosupremo · 10 months
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trytoshotmedown · 10 months
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creativitytoexplore · 2 years
A barrier of fear has been broken in Iran. The regime may be at a point of no return | CNN
A barrier of fear has been broken in Iran. The regime may be at a point of no return | CNN
CNN  —  A woman dressed in black raises a framed portrait of her son, Siavash Mahmoudi, in the air as she paces the sidewalk in Iran’s capital, Tehran. “I am not scared of anyone. They told me to be silent. I will not be,” the woman seen in a viral social media video yells, her voice fraught with emotion. “I will carry my son’s picture everywhere. They killed him.” Mahmoudi’s mother is among…
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sesemueller · 11 months
To all people in south australia:
Go protesting, for the sake of everything democratic
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quedlinburgistbunt · 11 months
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faheemkhan882 · 1 year
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pressnewsagencyllc · 9 hours
US postpones decision on aid to Israeli army battalion accused of abuses against Palestinians
WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Antony Blinken has determined that an Israeli army battalion committed grave human-rights abuses against Palestinians in the West Bank before the war in Gaza. But he said in a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson that he is postponing a decision on blocking aid to the unit to give Israel more time to right the wrongdoing. The undated letter, obtained by The…
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rwpohl · 10 months
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codewithcode · 11 months
Warner CEO booed at Boston University as supporters of writers' strike picket outside
BOSTON — Scores of Boston University students turned their backs on the head of one of Hollywood’s biggest studios, and some shouted “pay your writers,” as he gave the school’s commencement address Sunday in a stadium where protesters supporting the Hollywood writers’ strike picketed outside. About 100 protesters chanted “No wages, no pages,” waved signs and were accompanied by an inflatable rat…
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monstrousliarstold · 1 year
“The national police of Peru have approved pellets for use in crowd control operations,” Muñoz said. “But those pellets are supposed to be made of rubber.”
One civilian, 22-year-old Rosalino Florez, was shot more than 30 times with pellets on January 11. He died this past March after nearly two months in the hospital.
These people are monsters.
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magdalenajordan · 1 year
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“Performance en Plaza Dignidad”  Acrílico sobre tela 18 x 35 cms | 2020
de la serie "Mujeres en el espacio público"
Mujeres en el espacio público es una serie de pinturas comenzada en el año 2019 y en constante desarrollo hasta el día de hoy. La serie contiene varias pinturas de carácter figurativo, basadas en imágenes de escenarios reales e inventados, en relación al tema de la presencia de las mujeres en el espacio público. 
Mediante el uso de símbolos urbanos e iconos de la lucha de las mujeres por los derechos de aborto y por la eliminación de la violencia hacia a la mujer, graffitis realizados por mujeres e imágenes de documentación de arte de performance, y a través de la apropiación de retratos importantes de la historia del arte, la serie tiene como objetivo reflejar la visibilidad de la lucha de las mujeres en el campo mismo de la pintura.
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fairydustfromhell · 1 year
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sesemueller · 1 year
Just today, here in Germany, the police arrested around 25 people accused of plotting to overthrow the government. They call themselves "Reichsbürger" (Citizens of the Reich), believing Germany/the holy roman empire never fell and still had an emperor.
And there are people In the news, comparing the last generation, a green group of climate activists that, through civil disobedience, want to bring politics, mostly in Germany or Austria, to adopt better policies regarding the fight against the climate catastrophe.
And I am always like… do these people really not understand the differences between shutting down gas pipelines by glueing oneself to them and plotting to overthrow a democratic government? Do they not understand the vastly different consequences of civil disobedience and having radicalized people in places of power (e.g. a judge)?
I read about people saying the last generation is the "green RAF" and like... no they're not? The RAF literally bombed and killed. The last generation is only slightly violating laws, and don't come close to these kinds of acts.
The main difference, in my opinion, between the last generation and the "Reichsbürger", the RAF or other extremist organization or group is their way to act, their way to 'success'. The last generation has shown and demonstrated multiple times, that they do not want to cause any harm to people, they want their attention. This is not meant in a bad way, but in the way that basic democracy functions.
They don't glue themselves to the highway, stopping cars and telling people not to drive their car, they do it and tell politicians that we need more renewable energy.
They don't temporarily shut down pipelines and tell people that they need to heat their homes less, they do it and tell politicians that we need a better way out of coal and other fossil fuels.
They address politicians, demanding that they act on these and other issues relating to the climate crisis.
This is not some radical tactic to achieve a goal or to gain power, this is basic, although a bit extreme, democracy.
The last generation is inherently democratic and they respect the democratic system in place (here in Germany). They cannot be compared to these other organizations or groups, because of that. Claim that they threaten the democratic order or might devolve into militant groups are therefore also not well founded (Source)
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reportwire · 1 year
Neither protests nor garbage piles stop French pension bill
PARIS — An unpopular bill that would raise the retirement age in France from 62 to 64 got a push forward with the French Senate’s adoption of the measure despite labor strikes, street protests and tons of uncollected garbage piling higher by the day. French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne tweeted late Saturday after the 195-112 vote that she looked forward to the bill’s definitive passage to…
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pressnewsagencyllc · 2 days
A look at the Gaza war protests that have emerged on US college campuses
Student protests over the Israel-Hamas war have popped up on an increasing number of college campuses following last week’s arrest of more than 100 demonstrators at Columbia University. By Thursday, police in Boston and Los Angeles said they had arrested protesters at schools in those cities and at least one university announced that it had closed its campus. Protests on Wednesday on the campuses…
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