#purification ritual
Headcanon #85
The Sun Forge can be purified. 
It’s not simple, as it requires a strong of heart individual capable of performing the purification ritual from the inside, not outside - basically risking dissolving in the darkness.
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Sat. Sept 30th, '23. 98% waning Moon at 21° Aries, Sun at 7° Libra
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dejahisashmom · 2 years
Purification as the Core of the Ancient Shinto Faith | Ancient Origins
Purification as the Core of the Ancient Shinto Faith | Ancient Origins
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ohshinytrinketsmine · 6 months
Already posted in another gifset but
Look at his face and tell me I'm not the only person who's thinking abt how it looks a hell lot like he's getting-
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roaringwish · 3 months
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And now for something completely different!
Omoikane-sama performing a purification ritual.
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-Ganondorf’s Gloom-
Context lost in translation and how that can affect Hyrulean PC faiths.
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This post is heavily inspired by “Gloom vs Malice: The Untold Secrets of Gloom in Tears of the Kingdom” by QuestWithAaron on YouTube. I will be making many references to his video, including his thoughts on the Japanese texts while giving my own thoughts. His video is discussing the lore of the video games, but I will frame much of this in the context of how these revelations can relate to my own Hylian Faith and other Hyrulean based faiths.
Fans often wonder what the differences are between Malice produced and used by Calamity Ganon in Breath of the Wild and Gloom produced and used by Demon King Ganondorf in Tears of the Kingdom. For starters, what was localized into English Malice was the Japanese word Onnen meaning “deep-seated resentmenment.” This is a Buddhist concept referring to the essence of one’s hatred that persists throughout the cycle of death and rebirth.
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Pictured here is the dragon Naydra corrupted by Malice.
Gloom was actually a rather odd choice of word chosen for the English localization. The Japanese word that was used was shouki meaning “Miasma, toxic gas, bad air.” Anyone who ever watched Inuyasha should be very well acquainted with the concept of miasma. The miasma produced by characters like Sesshomaru or Naraku is in fact quite similar in function and form to Ganondorf's gloom. This shouki becomes linked with another concept known as jyaki. Jyaki is translated literally to mean "evil energy." This evil energy is a corrupting force that can infect people. We see the effects of this evil energy throughout the Legend of Zelda series, whether it is corruption of land, demonic possession, what have you.
In the Japanese text of the game, there are two words that describe how gloom or miasma affects people. These are the words mushibamu and okasareru, which refer to an invasion of the body and spirit which deteriorates physical and mental wellbeing. However, these invasions of the mind and body by shouki and jyaki can be opposed with purification.
All of this relates heavily to a term I have spoken on before which originates in Shinto thought: kegare. This kegare, or impurity, bogs us down and separates us from our connections with divinity, whether it be our own innate divinity or our relationships with our deities. In Shinto, which was a major inpiration for the Legend of Zelda series as well as my own Hylian Faith, the Kami and humans are deeply interconnected via musubi, the power of creation or becoming. Harmony. In fact, in Tears of the Kingdom, the terminology used says that the royal family of Hyrule was born from a musubi (harmonious relationship) with a tribe of Kami, referring to the Zonai.
This gloom produced and harnessed as a weapon by Ganondorf to corrupt the land and infect the people within it served to destroy this harmonious relationship which had produced so much power of creation and peace.
While I hesitate to say whether there exist literal evil figures that seek to corrupt us and our relationships with the divine, impurity absolutely exists. Whether it is generated by our own negative thoughts or feelings, harmful actions, or even literal filth, this impurity must be purified in order to maintain harmonious relationships with divinity.
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This image depicts Princess Zelda in BotW purifying herself in the Spring of Wisdom before praying to Goddess Hylia.
Purification is an important practice that should be used relatively often. I need to partake in this practice far often, myself. I have written of purification in past blog posts but I intend to expand on purification practices that can be used specifically in a Hyrulean PC context.
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khensaptah · 8 months
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I recently wrote a new purification prayer, as part of a new moon ritual I am developing. I'm hoping to host a public ritual going forward in honor of Ptah's role as god of the newly waxing crescent!
You can find this prayer here, on my website.
This purification connects us to the Ogdoad as a primal source of purification, as well as Ptah-Djehuty as the creator. May it provide you with blessings.
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ray-elgatodormido · 2 years
Send this to your friend with absolutely zero context.
I think I was interrupting something.
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yourheartinyourmouth · 2 months
soothing my aching soul by world building a humanist solarpunk society that’s like a star trek federation commie fever dream
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ancientorigins · 9 months
From the Maya's sacred sweat lodge ceremonies to Japan's Misogi cold water washing rituals, the secrets of spiritual renewal of body, mind and soul transcend time and place. These ancient traditions have left an enduring legacy in our modern pursuit of holistic well-being.
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heart-shaped-horns · 5 months
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sapphic bitches
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ome-magical-ramblings · 11 months
Purification Practice
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I think one of the most underutilized aspect or an aspect that's get off-loaded to another practice is purification. I don't mean a cleansing bath or spiritually cleaning once or doing LBRP just quickly before going on your practice.
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Purification is an on-going process, you don't stop and say "okay am clean enough" of the whole practice and if any cards or parts would show that more it would be....The star(s) , the toil of the lady on the side of the lake, emptying the jugs into the lake/body of water. By always purifying, praying, enflaming ourselves in prayer, toiling daily, etc we are creating this way that we can put it back into this world. We aren't leaving in a vacuum, and a lot of people act like every aspect of their practice is in a vacuum. The Moon and Luna-tic is in this case that people get too enamored with their "junk" that they didn't clean out, you don't clean it then it is the first thing you're gonna see, doing cleansing bath once is okay, but doing it over a long time is harder and takes more effort and consistency because you will be seeing all your bad qualities surfacing, all your toxic friends flicked away, etc.
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Again it's layers of works going at once, remember the trident of Paracelsus. You're going out and doing the work/action, your working in your city, with your family, with your friends. You're purifying, you're praying, you're meditating and so on. You're calling spirits, elementals, angels, and demons, etc. All these are three parts going at once, it's not one prong plunging forth, it's three and you need the handle to "handle" them. The three prongs are yod-heh-vau and the handle is heh, the trident is shin, the action you bring forth into the world. You can't even begin to bring action into the world if your not in the world. What comes out of this is that the purification is grounded into the world, it brings us back from the dream land and the astral palaces and cleanse/wash them into the Water of The World. If you look at the ordering of the major Arcana one card before the Stars and the ones after them we can make a phrase "I purge the impurities and defect out of the house of god, with the celestial lights combined with my sun and moon, I purge them forth into the land that they may be purified" Which again is a powerful statement to use and work with, Mark Stavish in his book Between the Gates and Kabbalah for Health and Wellness mentions the practice of visualizing Sun on right and Moon on left then visualizing their light combining and purging out the "dark filth or impurities" down our bodies into the earth. INRI, Igne Natura Renovatur Integra or All Nature Will Be Renewed By Fire. You do it 15 minutes twice a daily and the practice got me hooked because I did it more and more, and found stuff in my practice going more smoothly. In essence, the practice of purification allow us to be more effective in magic, in the world, and in being ourselves. You don't need it to be shadow work. It can be praying a lot, it can be specific visualization, it can be ritual bath you do everyday, it can be a novena. The important part is that you do it consistently, at a rhythm, and without going toward it thinking "I will just do it once and done". The essence of this practice is that we are always pouring our vases into the Water of the World, we are always here pouring it out. When we pour it out consciously we transform the process as a whole, the prayer is enlivened when we are "in it". We have to be, it's not just a one off thing the whole work is a living breathing process and not just a ritual that you do once and done lol.
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sukimas · 5 months
Honestly, a lot of touhou translations make the mistake of thinking a word with a negative meaning in the mouth of a human also has a negative meaning in the mouth of a youkai, and twist sentences into unnatural forms because of those preconceived notions. Take this for example.
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Comets aren't called "detested or condemned" stars by youkai. They're called 忌星— pure or holy stars. (With the specific pronunciation of 忌 as いみ, that is.) The phrasing for ill-omened here is also different from the usual ones used to refer to youkai; it's a phrase, "an omen that is bad", "縁起の悪い", rather than the single-word 禍々しい or 凶兆 often used to refer to youkai themselves.
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kradogsrats · 1 year
plot twist: the much-hyped s5 deep magic spell is actually freeing Kim’dael rather than Aaravos or the coin squad
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A Ritual of Purification
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The purification ritual will utilize my prayer the Four Goddesses but can easily be personalized to address one's primary Hyrulean deity if that is preferable or easier. In my case, I may shorten the prayer on occasion by focusing on the Lady Hylia section of the prayer until I can remember it better. In that particular situation, Lady Hylia is the protector of the Triforce and has direct contact with the Three Golden Goddesses.
Recite the Prayer of Purification either in front of your altar or with a suitable portable icon in your hands if you are traveling. For example, a miniature goddess statue you can keep in your pocket. In the case of my friend who worships the Great Deku Tree, they have found a small tree man statue that is originally part of a fairy garden set. One may choose to use sea salt, blessed sand, flour, or egg shell powder to rub onto the three Triforce Energy Centers I reference in my blog post about my Embodying the Triforce cultivation technique. You may also choose to rub the purifying agent of your choice onto you shoulders and arms. From there there are two different methods to complete the purification.
After completing the initial preparation, step into the shower. You may choose your water temperature. Warm is more comfortable, but cold is rather invigorating and has many benefits. Take up a comfortable but meaningful posture. I recommend hands clasped over the heart akin to the posture of the Goddess Statues. It may also help to have a chant or mantra. For example, “Din, Farore, Nayru—Power, Courage, Wisdom— Purify and restore. Lady Hylia, Keeper of the Triforce, purify and restore.” I recommend repeating this at least three times while under the shower stream.
Outdoors in natural running water is generally going to be an even more powerful practice so this is recommended to be done as often as possible though the shower practice is more accessible. Complete the same preparations and then step into the water. The same chant will work but one may also wish to recite the full Prayer of Purification while in the water.
Other thoughts and recommendations
I have my Goddess Statue that I keep on my altar but I also intend to buy a stone angel statue I can hold in my palm while I do the prayer away from home and maybe even to hold in my hands while I’m the water chanting. Often these relatively lower detail angel statues are also similar enough to a Goddess Statue and I think would serve as a great tool.
If you choose to use cold water in the shower or you’re in water outdoors that is cold, it may be helpful to practice some breathing techniques ahead of time. I plan to look a bit more into the Wim Hof method to help me better handle cold water. I also recommend taking a full breath at the beginning of each repetition of the chant.
Please feel free to share thoughts and suggestions! I look forward to hearing about your own personal practices if you’d like to share!
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