#saw theme song trap remix
trapargentina · 6 months
SAW X THEME SONG (TRAP REMIX) [Especial Halloween 2023] 🎃
SAW Theme Song,saw movie theme song remix,saw theme song remix,trap theme remix,saw trap remix,saw theme trap remix,saw theme song trap remix,saw movie theme,saw movie theme song,trap,trap music,trap remix,trap 2023,halloween trap,halloween theme remix,halloween 2023,halloween theme song remix,halloween playlist,halloween music,jigsaw,saw movies,saw x,saw x song,saw x track,saw,saw theme song,jigsaw theme song,saw theme,saw x remix,nahueldeep
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ixtaek · 9 months
This was one thing TotK did super well. These two songs mesh just enough at first you don’t notice, then think it’s a neat remix, but as time goes on they diverge. They aren’t fully compatible. I felt uneasy as I ran around Lookout Landing and saw all the people I had helped staring at the castle in shock. Even though I knew (because the game really did not consider it’s own non-linear structure when setting up that plot point) it wasn’t Zelda, it still felt like Lookout Landing music was fighting for the hope that it might be her, she might be alive in the castle—even as the castle theme thrummed through the lighter notes like a splash of Gloom, warning you that you weren’t running towards your friend.
You were running into a trap.
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angelthefirst1 · 3 years
Beth repeats everywhere.
Okay so I'm back and excited about the upcoming episodes and while bummed we didn't see Beth in 1016. I am super excited about where this is heading...
Even the title names are in your face Bethyl at this point, I mean... Home sweet home?
If the spoilers are accurate-it's actually a good thing...
*Ducks for cover (please don't throw things at me) 🥴🤕
So after a long but very needed break (The world falling apart kinda made analyzing TWD seem very unimportant) I have decided to climb out of my cave to weigh in on the current spoilers that have everyone acting like they just sat on a cactus. 🌵
If correct, these spoilers confirm to me that Beth is just about to be reintroduced and also confirm what i have been saying about how the story is told in TWD for years.
Season 9 and 10 especially has been repeating, major Beth season 4 and 5 plot. And, there is a reason it's getting more and more blatant. It's coming to a head...
We've seen Beth's story on repeat using other characters to remind us of the past, and show us the future to a degree too.
It's called predicative programming, showing a shadow of what's coming before it actually does.
So this Leah...even if she is "real" (more on this a little later) IS BETH showing aspects of the past to subconsciously remind us of past Beth, and aspects of what's to come for future Beth.
On the topic of what's real and what's not, there is a very good case to be made, that this is all in Mr Dixon's (And ultimately Rick's) head.
A bit further on I will go through some of the blatant repeats in the story to remind you just how 'in your face' the repeats from season 4/5 have become in season 9,10.
But first I want to talk through what I think is most likely happening with these potential spoilers.
I see a few possibilities out of this, but none of them are actually bad.
Scenario 1. Leah is real and her and Daryl have a relationship in that cabin.
Why isn't this bad?
This maybe a difficult concept for some to grasp as they see all the characters separately, but...the writers make the characters all one, by moving them in and out of repeating rolls.
So as I stated above, Leah is a Beth fill in and the reason we most likely won't actually see a full Leah and Daryl love scene on screen, is because it's shadowing the real love scene to come which will be with the main fulfillment, Beth.
Leah is the shadow reminding us of Alone and Still, but Daryl's memory, desire and hope are all about Beth, not Leah.
I mean come on... A Cabin? A Dog? Them not getting along to start but then hints of romance? They eat together? She leaves and is never mentioned until years later? and a note? In your face Bethyl.
And this leads into scenario number two...
I've often wondered if all these characters actually originate out of the 'real' Rick's mind (yes i know the comics don't end that way, but that doesn't mean the TV show isn't going down that road potentially)
While unconscious in his hospital bed, the character of Rick comes alive in his mind.
Some might not like this concept, but It does make sense of the constant repeats in story. Which can be likened to a dream state and inception.
If we have been in the character Rick's mind all this time, then once Rick's character "left" in the helicopter season 9, it became "Daryl's" mind we entered (He became the last man standing) and that's when the story shifted and became extremely Beth heavy.
We possibly entered into Daryl's subconscious instead of Rick's and instantly started getting HUGE Beth symbolism.
Why would Daryl's mind/subconscious be showing him in an almost identical setting to what we saw him and Beth in season 4, in Still and Alone but with someone else instead?
Because it seems he has suppressed her memory as much as possible to cope (Leah not being mentioned all this time is another clue that this is actually about Beth), but it's building and building to a climax, which should soon end in the truth exploding from his subconscious and finally revealing that Daryl loved and desires Beth.
Rick's story started and ended with "finding his family"-that was his repeating story.
And until he left and handed the reins over to "Daryl's mind" we were never going to access Daryl's subconscious enough for the truth about Beth to be revealed.
As soon as it becomes Daryl's characters mind in control, we immediately start seeing major Beth repeats beginning.
I'm going back over some major repeats from 9/10 to show you how obvious the repeating story has become.
This became long and it's only the really obvious stuff that I'll cover, there is way more that could be included, and it will become extremely obvious by the time we reach the end, that this IS Beth’s story, just remixed.
Further down i will also explain scenario number 3.
Repeats: Starting with season 9
As soon as Rick's helicopter files away over a barn (which is very similar to the barn Daryl weeps over Beth next to)
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We see Magna who has been a major Beth fill-in with her blond hair and prison tattoo, and in a relationship with a dark haired archer.
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We then meet grown up Judith with her braid and sheriffs hat.
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We first see Daryl in season 9, as he comes across Carol and Henry in the woods
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And he suddenly has a dog.
The camp site is a repeat of Beth and Daryl's "Suck-ass camp" from Still.
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But having Dog there shows Daryl's desire to have Beth there. He desperately wanted to get her that dog in Alone.
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Daryl kills a snake in suck-ass camp number 2 (it’s black and hanging around his neck)
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Just like in Still...
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Carol asks Daryl to take Henry to Hilltop because he wants to learn blacksmithing.
Daryl says he doesn't want to babysit. Repeating the sarcastic line Beth says to Daryl about being her chaperone.
Beth going to get something she wants (get alcohol)
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Is Henry going to learn at the Hilltop blacksmith. In both cases Daryl does go with them even tho he initially protests.
Before they leave Henry hurts his ankle in a trap and Daryl provides an ointment to help it heal, a repeat of Beth's ankle in Alone and Daryl bandaging it for her.
Soon after we see Jesus get killed in a dark misty graveyard, Daryl's the one to immediately kill Jesus's murder. This was a combination of the Alone graveyard and Beth/Dawn at Grady.
We then see Henry get drunk on moonshine at Hilltop, and when Gage says they should have some more fun, his idea of fun is showing disrespect to the dead walker they trap in a pit. Henry kills it- just like Beth killing the walker in Still that Daryl was "having fun with".
Because of the moonshine Henry gets stuck in the cell block with Lydia (think Daryl saying "home sweet home") and in Still and Beth says "if we are going to be trapped (prisoners) again, might as well make the best of it".
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We find out Lydia was abused like Daryl, and Henry keeps saying Lydia is a good person. Just like Beth and Daryl.
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Henry and Lydia are young Beth and Daryl, who bond during this time in the cell block, they get separated due to the prisoner exchange with Alden and Luke.
The introduction of Alpha (An evil twisted Beth) who looks like she is dead. Same with Beta being Daryl with his double knives and who would follow Alpha anywhere. Their roles are reserved in that he is the musical one with a singing career and has released albums (sounds familiar to Emily right?).
Alpha is referred to as Mother by Lydia, and the whisperers refer to themselves as a pack (symbolic of wolf's) which is fulfillment of the song at the end of Still about 'Mother being absent' and a 'party when the Wolf comes home'.
We see the prisoner exchange (Luke and Alden for Lydia) from a nomad group and a fixed community. A repeat of Grady
We then see a Henry, Lydia rescue mission from Connie and Daryl in a building with a elevator shaft that Daryl pushes Beta into (Grady) repeating Beth pushing the officer down the elevator.
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As Daryl and Beta fight, Daryl stabs him where Beth stabs Dawn.
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Beta keeps yelling at Daryl "Where is she?" Daryl then stabs Beta in the same spot as Beth stabs Dawn. Repeating Daryl's desperate search for Beth from season 5 and how it ends.
Just before Beta gets pushed into the elevator he says "All I want is the girl", referring to Lydia but it shows Daryl's subconscious desire when going to Grady was just wanting the girl too (Beth).
The song at the beginning of 914 when pregnant Michonne is looking for Rick, is about dream catchers and dreaming. Which could be a hint at this being a dream state.
The episode also repeats the theme from the Grove, messed up children (Lizzy) willing and even happy about killing (Mica). The episode focuses on children killing dear just like The Grove and Josalin teaches them they must be strong, not weak just like Carol taught the kids in season 4. The timeline in this episode includes Henry getting his leg patched up at Alexandria with Lydia (another repeat of Beth's ankle injury) which would have happened around the same time as the events in the Grove.
We see Miles and Hilda running from walkers through the woods, him wearing plaid and her a cardigan just like Beth and Daryl in Still/Alone
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They just happen to come across somewhere safe (Hilltop) but that eventually leads to her being scalped and Miles gets his face turned into a whisperer mask so he effectively ends up "walking around like a dead man" which is a reminder of what Len says to Daryl in season 4 referring to Daryl being miserable due to losing Beth.
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Connie and Kelly fight about Connie not saying goodbye when she leaves with Daryl to rescue Henry. A reminder of  Beth and Daryl's conversation about not saying goodbye at the prison.
When next we see Beta and Daryl realises he survived being pushed into the elevator shaft.
Beta says to Daryl "You just had to give me the girl, no one else had to die, now that deal is done".
Same theme and mentality of Daryl when planning to rescue Beth from Grady.
He wanted everyone to go home and no one to die so he rejected Rick's plan of quietly slitting everyone's throats and hoped for a peaceful trade . But once Beth was lost to him, that deal was done and he instantly opens fire on Dawn.
The whisperers then kill Henry and the other's by quietly sneaking into Kingdom, taking them, and eventually slitting their throats and cutting their heads off.
All because they couldn't get Lydia back. The tactics were reversed. And in both situations the main Dr was not killed (Edwards and Siddiq)
Henry is killed and Lydia is miserable enough to almost commit suicide while the group is traveling through a snow storm from Kingdom to Alexandria. This is a repeat and reverse of the group traveling from Alexander in a heat wave and drought while Daryl was miserable.
Season 10
We see Siddiq keep having flashbacks about those that were killed at the fair.
Negan in prison at Alexandria is a repeat of Beth as a prisoner in Grady.
In 10.02 (1010) we get Alpha and Beta's back story from 7 years earlier. They are both in a addiction treatment Facility with hallways reminiscent of Grady, Beta has written on the walls 'Why am I STILL ALONE'. hint much?
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Alpha tells Beta that she doesn't die easily. A repeat of Beth telling Daryl that even tho he looks at her like just another dead girl, she isn't.
Alpha starts singing/humming when she hears Beta humming and he tells her to stop singing and never do it again. Repeating Daryl yelling at/mocking Beth about her singing in Still, and a reverse of Alone when he tells her to keep on singing.
Beta asks for Alpha's name and she responds with "The dead don't have names". Reinforcing the theme from Still of Beth telling Daryl that she knows he sees her as just another dead girl, and that's why he's afraid to get too close to her.
We see the introduction of the whisperer sisters (twisted versions of Maggie and Beth from season 4/5) one of which-a blond, has just lost a baby (Beth and Judith) and she eventually dies.
Beta and Alpha talk about what the dead feel, Alpha says "nothing" repeating Beth yelling at Daryl "Do you feel anything?"
Later we find out Beta's brother was being treated in that facility for addiction, repeating Daryl telling Beth about Merle and how he was always high. Alpha is the one to kill Beta's brother, repeating Beth telling Daryl "You got away from it" meaning Merle and his influence, and Beth's insistence on him staying who he is, kept him from becoming his brother.
The very next scene is current time and shows Beta telling Alpha (Just after the satellite hits) that he saw smoke at the boarder. Insinuating the fire from the satellite also represents the fire from the cabin in Still which was also right after Beth and Daryl's talk about Merle and how he got away from him.
Alpha and Beta then interlock fingers just like Beth and Daryl in Alone.
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The Whisperer sisters also have a conversation about how Alpha killed Lydia (which she lied about) and Alpha told them that she didn't shed one tear when Lydia died. One of the whisperer sisters says "She is Alpha, she doesn't cry."  repeating Beth's "I don't cry anymore Daryl".
Beta finds out Alpha lied about Lydia being dead and yells at her "she is never coming back, she is GONE! Alpha." Repeating Daryl and Rick's conversation about Beth being just gone.
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The beginning of 1003 shows Alexandria get wave after wave of walkers because of the fire from the Satellite (Sill cabin) which is a repeat of the walkers being drawn to the cabin while Beth and Daryl are still watching it burn. 413 opens with Maggie, Sasha and Bob fighting waves of walkers in the fog, and the Grove episode which happened on the same timeline showed burned walkers coming to the cabin Carol, Ty and the girls were in.
It's repeating that era.
The fighters at Alexandria are exhausted and Gabriel tells Aaron he has to use Negan to fight because they are low on fighters, he says pointing to Negan then Aaron "Peanut butter meet jelly" repeating the peanut butter Beth eats in Alone and Jelly Daryl eats.
Carol, Daryl and Michonne stay the night at Barnett academy home of the foxhound. Repeating the dog theme from Alone.
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The description of the episode says "The group stays at the academy but Carol falls into a trap." Once again Repeating the Alone/foot trap/dog/Grady/trap theme.
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Carol calls for Daryl to help her once she steps in the trap.
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This trap causes Carol to fall and hurt her arm badly repeating Beth's arm injury from season 5 when she wakes up with her arm in a cast.
Rosita and Eugene have an argument about how he loves her, and he says that he wished she would would re-zone him into love town, and hoped she'd changed her mind. (Changed your mind? Love? Yeah not spelling this one out for you)
This same episode Carol "wakes up" smiling but actually dreaming of domestic bliss with Daryl preparing her food, they have run out of jam/jelly. Probably because Daryl ate it all lol (once again Alone on repeat)
1006 Carol and Daryl go looking for Negan (the missing prisoner) a repeat of consumed 506 with Daryl and Carol searching for Beth.
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At the same time we see a focus on the doctors/medical ward of Alexandria due to the contaminated water making everyone sick. A reminder of Grady.
We also have Eugene on the radio broadcasting to try and reach a new community, which eventually leads to him and the others in 1016 ending up at the end of the train tracks with train cars and the meeting of a new group.
Which is repeating terminus, who were broadcasting on the radio too.
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He is on a mission to meet the new potential love of his life (Stephanie) at the same time Daryl and Carol are out on their search for the missing prisoner.
We see the whisperer doctor (Dante) plant himself into Alexandria and he eventually kills the second doctor (Siddiq) repeating but twisting the Grady story of Dr Edwards using Beth to kill the new doctor that comes into Grady.
Before he kills Siddiq however, Dante uses poison and kill another whisperer who gets put in the jail cell at Alexandria, he then blames the mistaken medication that killed the whisperer on Siddiq. Repeating Dr Edwards poisoning the new Dr that came into Grady while blaming Beth.
Lydia runs away from Alexandria during the time Dante kills Siddiq.
While Lydia (the girl) is missing and no one knows where she is, father Gabriel oversees Siddiqs funeral. Repeating Ty's funeral from season 5 while no one knew what became of Beth. The funeral scene emphasizes the sprinkling of dirt into the grave just like we saw with Ty.
Next we see a father Gabriel watching a video log of Dante when he first arrived at Alexandria
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repeating the groups from seasons 4/5 arriving at Alexandria and doing video logs with Diana.
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Aaron and Gracie are seen taking about vehicle registration plates and the different states, repeating Aaron and Eric's obsession with collecting them all in season 4/5
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While searching for Alpha, Carol almost steps in an animal trap and Daryl saves her. Another repeat of Beth's animal trap.
Soon after the animal trap, Carol then runs after Alpha leading the group into a trap in the cave, repeating her running into the trap at Grady and being hit by the car and the leading of the group to Grady.
While in the cave we see a bird cage, like we see in Beth's cell back at the prison, the bird cage representing her at Grady.
Carol is rash wanting revenge and stupidly drops the explosive causing the group to think Connie and Magna are dead. Beth at Grady rashly stabs Dawn, causing the group to think she is dead.
We next see a depiction of resurrection when Beta comes out the grave while sneaking into Alexandria.
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Daryl and Alpha fight, Alpha after fighting with Daryl wakes up from passing out, she is reborn stronger.
Eugene takes to Rosita about the probability of never seeing Father Gabriel and the others from Alexandria again because Alpha's horde is coming to Hilltop. Rosita tells Eugene to stop, repeating Beth and Daryl's argument in Still about never seeing Maggie again and Beth yelling at him to stop.
Eugene and Rosita then share some alcohol (moonshine) depicting Beth and Daryl doing the same.
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Rosita tells Eugene he has no romantic game which we all know applies to Daryl too.
Before the fight/fire at Hilltop, Daryl tells Judith that he is afraid a little bit. With Beth he wouldn't admit he was afraid of losing people, he cared about.
We then see Hilltop get drenched in a clear flammable liquid (tree sap) and set on fire (The Hilltop fire represents the cabin Daryl and Beth Burn)
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The episode with Virgil and Michonne is fascinating and aspects in it, could well be repeated with Daryl and Leah. This episode could be a foreshadow of: Scenario number 3. It's in part a hallucination.
In the Virgil/Michonne episode we see Michonne get drugged and she sees what the past would have been like if she'd chosen a different road. She describes what she saw in her hallucinations to Virgil, as losing her family and that it was Hell to see.
Virgil has taken the drugged tea before and he describes it as heaven because it reunited him with his family and he hoped it would do that for her. After coming out of the hallucination, Michonne spares Virgil's life and that act, ends up leading her to Rick's boots
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And the phone with the picture of her and Judith on it.
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The end of the episode ends in Michonne going to "Find him."
So the theme at play is: a Hallucination, then having mercy could lead to clue of a lost loved one finding the other. Interesting...
The note Daryl apparently leaves Leah says "Find me".
If Daryl is in some kind of drugged state during this episode, it could combine his immediate situation (Leah actually being there) and his memory and desire of Beth in a similar setting (Alone). If this scenario plays out Leah could take something of Daryl's and the follow on effect may well lead Beth to a clue about Daryl, leading to her finding him.
Just putting this idea out there as the hallucination theme is reinforced in season 10 with Siddiq and in the very next episode when Carol hallucinates Alpha, just after Alpha has been killed. Princess also mentions not being sure if she is hallucinating or not when she meets Eugene, Ezekiel and Yumiko, and wonders if they are real. And Beta hallucinates the walkers all looking to him and saying "this is the end of the world".
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So the Leah events maybe half true, half hallucination and this might be what leads to a clue and eventual reunion just as we assume Michonne's clues will eventually lead to a reunion with Rick.
After this episode the repeats in Bethyl themes get even more obvious.  
Beta takes Alpha's head and goes off on his own to listen to music (Emily's song, a love song with lyrics about going to Hell to find your missing girl) Beta makes a mask of half her face. She's with him even when she's gone.
The last words Beta says to Alpha are "Thank you, I see now, thank you". Repeating the thank you note and how she taught Daryl to believe there are still good people.
Eugene's group going into the city and then on to meet the new group at the train yard, is a mix of the group traveling to Atlanta to get Beth and also traveling to Terminus. Both times at the train tracks with train cars and the group ends up surrounded and with weapons pointed at them.
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The hospital location in 1015 and 16 or "Tower" as they call it, and what happens especially with Judith and Daryl, is in my opinion the biggest clue we are close to her return.
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The hospital is in your face Grady and it's meant to remind you of that time.
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In the hospital we see Lydia patting cats
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A reminder of the claimers and Joe the claimer leader asking Daryl if he was a cat person, just after losing Beth at the funeral home, but before Grady.
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Lydia has just lost Henry, repeating that time. Also if you recall in season 4 just before the Daryl meets the Claimers, Michonne and Rick were separated he was injured and she eventually finds a clue to him and Carl. Michonne is currently looking for Rick again due to the clues she finds with Virgil.
Luke is working on fixing up a speaker system to play music. Music/Beth inside the hospital.
Outside the hospital, in the woods Judith finds Daryl and tells him she doesn't like it inside it smells like cat pee (another reminder of the claimers era) she then tells Daryl she wants to learn what he does.
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Just like Beth learning to track, we even get Judith tracking and identifying what she tracks as a walker while Daryl looks on proudly.
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The group's whole plan for 1016 is to safely get "The music" speaker system out of the tower/hospital, to lead the huge horde of walkers surrounds them away.
Exactly what we didn't get to see in the aftermath of Grady. Getting Beth (music) out of the hospital.
Carol putting the knife up her sleeve is repeating Beth putting the scissors in her cast.
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Carol ends up getting her revenge without getting killed (Unlike Beth with Dawn) but ultimately it's Negan and Daryl that do the revenge killing for Carol and Beth. Carol says to Negan regarding killing Alpha" What took you so long", where as Daryl's reaction was instantaneous, in a split second and he had put a bullet in Dawn's head.
We also see Negan go down the elevator shaft with a rope, just like Beth did.
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The music they play to get the walkers away from the hospital is "Burning down the house", another repeat of the Still cabin.
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When Negan comes across Beta, Beta runs at him immediately to kill him. Pushing him down he pulls out his knife and is about to kill Negan as he say "For Alpha". Beta Repeating Daryl's instant revenge on Dawn.
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The title of 1016 is A Certain Doom, which is actually what Coda should have been called, considering this episode actually went to plan (mostly) for our group. Hardly anyone dies, only Beatrice from Oceanside and they get rid of Beta and Alpha's horde.
Beta dies as Daryl kills him before he can kill Negan. As Beta dies we see Alpha flashbacks of her telling him, he is not broken, that they love nothing, fear nothing, feel nothing and it makes them free. This is the exact opposite of what Beth taught Daryl. She called him out on being afraid of feeling and loving/caring about others.
Season 9 and 10 culminates with Lydia (Daryl) saving Carol (Beth) from certain death, by not letting her go over the cliff with all the walkers.
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And standing on the edge of the cliff watching the horde fall down-along with Alpha's mask, Lydia and Carol interlink hands, just like Daryl and Beth in front of the grave. The Grave Beth and Daryl stand in front of says Father, while Lydia and Carol are looking at the end of Mother (Alpha)
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Hopefully soon we get to see the original version of all this, and not just a repeated shadow of Daryl unknowingly doing something that helped Beth survive in the aftermath of Grady.
The upcoming episodes have me itching to see, I'm already seeing more repeats from Alone, Coda and 510 to name a few.
Beth is absolutely spilling out of the story right now through all these parallels, I haven't even covered them all here but just the main standouts of season 9 and 10.
So no matter what happens with this Leah character, Beth is still coming back and it's going to be massive
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electric-marrow · 4 years
mouth dreams review but it was typed live while i was listening to it and completely unedited
under the cut because it’s 1800+ words. also, swearing. actual review to come soon!!
mouth dreams' first track is ephemeral and beautiful, spine-chilling and moving. it rocks you into this world in a beautiful passageway, like the entrance to sakaar, and the moment it peaks over into the twilight opening you are almost on the verge of tears.
and then we will rock you kicks in.
/and then the spongebob squarepants opening theme kicks in/.
and then the two motherfucking /sync/.
a beautiful piece of childhood, worked over another. beautiful guitar overlaid with beautiful chanting almost powerful.
the next song uses extensive sentence mixing, but is cut so smoothly that we are convinced Cash is offering up an absurd, painstakingly honest tale. "it's probably a good train." fuck, fuck, yes, it probably is. "my mama was my train." fuck, she was...
the instrumentals are soul-rising, and the "baby, baby, baby" undercurrent is eargasmic. everything about it feels like you're listening to your dying mentor's backstory.
it moves you, and you keep moving. this whole album keeps you in constant motion, as if you yourself have some falling to do.
and then he says "i shit my pants". and you realise, this is it, this is NEIL'S ALBUM, oh, how foolish you were for forgetting.
HELL YES IT'S FUCKING PSYCHO KILLER. let me pause the review of that song, fuck yes.
a heavily sentence-mixed "pyscho killer" focusing on david byrne's bed, overlaid atop the iconic instrumentals of super freak.
this makes the talking heads classic seem like an upbeat song you might hear on the radio. it's much less somber, more passionate.
neil's humor pokes through visibly, shining like a beacon of light that brings a smile to your tear-stained face.
there's no room to breathe on this album; the songs come running together in the most gorgeous of ways. holy shit, am i only twelve minutes in? i think i might sob.
this one is unfamiliar at first—i only saw the partridge family once or twice as a kid. the remixing is smooth, so that it sounds natural.
so natural that when it starts to sound unnatural, it's a terrifying work of art that made me shake. a plea with you to be happy, almost a demand, like they're outside your windows.
the music starts to dance from ear to ear, and it's almost masterful in the horror it invokes.
and then there's scatting. or, what sounds like it.
and then you realise it's the chili's babyback ribs ad. it's soulful, placed atop everybody wants to rule the world in smooth ease.
that's when marilyn manson starts shrieking. the roughness, the rasp, smacking against that smooth drawl. it's a beautiful juxtaposition.
oh, and then the lion sleeps tonight is there. somehow, it fits. you start to revel in neil's genius. no one will ever be able to achieve this again, not in the same way. this is the beacon that you needed in these dark times.
you wonder if you'll cry the next time you hear this.
it's a pretty effective ad, actually. if marilyn manson advertised everything, i might buy it.
the next song makes you jump to attention. the track teased in the trailer, with its jumping guitar and its congested vocals. this sounds almost natural, like an authentic goth song.
of course, he has to say "mouth". aerosmith and green day and, most importantly, neil cicierega, combining to create a mouthy ballad that echoes through you.
—oh, goddamnit, green day. september 30th. neil woke up when september ended. fuck. dammit. is that insensitive? maybe. shit.
i'm not well-versed with music, so these songs were both pretty alien. however, their mixing is masterful, and the removal of the singer's objections to his situations form a sweet little ballad.
my own worst enemy. this one is  familiar, and it makes heads turn as you realise what music is slowly remixed.
a rocking tribute to sleeping with your clothes on. short, sweet, rockin' and rollin' as hard as it can.
the segue is beautiful, like it's natural.
the lyrics make your chest heave, and the sound itself is heavily distorted to a dreamy state, as if you are as drunk as the singer sounds. anything can be amore, you realise.
the distortion is noticeable without ruining the track, and neil has gotten significantly better.
it ends a little more nightmarishly, and makes you feel very real. very in your skin. fuck yeah, neil.
the following "stop" is even more jarring, and it's almost welcome.
and then, stacy's mom. i think the instrumentals are where is my mind, i don't know. but it /works/, and it fits together, with stacy's mom slowed down considerably but not so that it ruins the track. the pitch is shifted properly so that it becomes an angry slow ballad about stacy's mom. rife with heartbreak.
and then it stops, breaks off into a cry for "mom" that might awaken buried maternal issues in the listener. maybe just me, though.
here comes fred durst. it gets the "wow wow" treatment, and its nookie theme becomes sweet, bouncing around with innocent sentimentality. i thought i heard seinfeld around there somewhere.
this is a good point in the album to close your eyes and really hear the album, to feel what ou are truly experiencing. it can move by too fast if you're not paying attention. listen to that iconic sledgehammer guitar. listen to—mario?
fuck. fuck. fuck.
fucking christ. not the fucking ewok celebration.
almost nonsensical lyrics play over the nookie instrumental (reversing the last track's roles), and the combination is natural and rowdy. you slowly realise what those ewoks reflected in neil's glasses /mean/, and it horrifies you just a little.
god, that's good. fuck you, neil.
jingles? is that—jingles?
a moment of confusion. and then, THX.
the iconic, crawling note, invading your ears and then slowly fading out. "she drives me crazy" is playing, and the THX sound is its backing track.
only neil.
it gets better as it goes on, from a joking track to a genuinely orchestral sensation. it's good music. it's beautiful. it feels like an action movie soundtrack, as the hero discovers a massive secret.
maybe you are dreaming.
the next sound sample is jarring. the announcement. the outsiders cast. and then more, and then more. it feels like a list of gods left in a dying world. johnny.
and then there is johnny cash.
and then it isn't.
what neil plays is heartbreaking. it feels like your world is crashing down around you. it's a betrayal that could bring anyone to their knees. the booing played behind it is appropriate.
but he builds that world right back up, with soft, strumming guitar. it's forgiveness and vitriol all rolled into one.
actually, you can forgive him for the next track. yes. fireflies. let's fucking go. closer overlaid with fireflies. yes. hell yes.
it's like a gift, a peace offering.
the nostalgic, upbeat lyrics, feel deeper atop the warbling, warped backing track. it's like owl city's song about dreaming feels like it could be a teenage angst anthem.
it's art.
the plucked guitar fades out, and the lyrics start to distort. everything fades away...
nevermind, time for billy joel.
the shrieking, screaming, rasping lyrics of nightmare are mixed atop the bouncing piano music, so the song lays halfway between an upbeat piece of joy, and a warning.
it ain't over yet.
xylophone. why is there xylophone?
the iconic "powerhouse" track serves as our instrumentals, the classic sound one from our childhood as the droning sound of jack white forms a buzzing piece of heartbreak. only neil, right?
only neil.
the "War" sample is iconic, and it makes you jump.
the "Wannabe" sample will make you writhe.
iconic, jamming guitar, and also wario. the spice girls, and also wario. yes. yes. this is it.
the following laughter brings back your childhood. elfman's work on the peewee soundtrack, peripatetic in nature, running up and down your ears as gorillaz croons a bittersweet sound. it becomes almost triumphant against the instrumental, re-energized like the monster in frankenstein's lab.
peewee is laughing. maybe we should laugh too.
the next one up is soft, plucked note by note, until alanis morisette goes completely off the deep end. the spoons, alanis.
holy shit, is that knight rider?
this mashup is classic, expertly remixed without a single hitch. it's neil at his finest, neil at his neiliest, alanis' quiet "Don't you think?" almost smug.
the sound of rain, followed by the crooning iconic "raiiiiin" is enough to make you break down. this is a blessing from an unknowable god.
two backstreet boys lines run up against each other, forming a surrounding sound that envelopes you in shaking guitar until the distorted sound in the back becomes noticeable.
there it is. there's the song you were waiting for.
your savior has arrived, and it is in a horrible form. it rises from the tomb in an unholy abomination. you fall to your knees.
"wake up."
i can't. i'm trapped here. i can feel every single one of my vertebra. i'm crying.
and then beethoven and britney make a duet.
"hit me baby one more time" runs along iconic dashing violin.
you start to hear it, and then it's there even more.
the hall of the mountain king, slowly building, the suspense enough to bring you to the edge of your seat. weezer's lyrics are pronounced like an oracle's prophecy, sardonic and yet grim, delivered with its iconic "say it ain't so" almost ironic.
then the crescendo hits, and the singing feels like it's declaring your fate. it rocks you, and never lets you still.
...and then there is the dial-up. you're staring at neil's face, and you realise the title itself has a secret. the starred letters spelled out "nice modem."
the screeching dial-up sound, and then nothing. you're sitting in the silence, with this quiet revelation.
he's carried you through the greatest adventure of your life, and then left you in the nothingness, tearing away a world that could only be imagined in the dreams of a 90s kid raised on the internet.
it's heartbreaking, but it mends every single tear of that vital organ. it's alright. neil's got you. this is his gift, this is his message.
he shares this dream with us, because it's the only piece of hope we can hold onto. someone else's dream, forged on childhood memories and ambition, woven together with years of experience until it culminates into an hour-long album of cultural mashup and musical blasphemy.
it brings tears to my eyes, and then wipes them off. it wants you to feel, it wants you to bleed, and then it wants you to heal. rejoice, says mouth dreams. rejoice. rejoice in what the world has given you.
you're going to be alright.
definitely, like, a solid 9/10. pretty good album. i think my favorite track was either brithoven or superkiller, tell me what yours was in the replies!
i can see new colors.
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lavenderlight · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40 >:)
Ahdgkhh okay here we go!!!
1: Which TES games have you played?
All 5 main series games, ESO, and Blades!
2: Favorite TES game?
Oblivion........ like the other games have traits I like more, but also cons. Like... if I had to pick a game to just play with only the Unofficial Patch, it’d be that one.
3: When and how you got into TES? I was at a game store with my brother and we saw Oblivion with all these award “amazing game” stickers on it on clearance. So picked it up. I wasn’t impressed right away (remember picking dark elf tho) so put it down. My bro played it and said “omg you have to get out of the tutorial dungeon that sucks but the rest of the game is so good!” So I made a bosmer and did and there rest is history. TES has been a special interest of mine and a big comfort series for a decade now!  4: Favorite race Bosmer! Dunmer are a close second though. Thanks Morrowind. 5: Favorite province Valenwood........... love it............ Cyrodiil too because I’m basic. 6: Favorite character Ahdjgh hard to pick because there are so many! Off the top of my head, Dagoth Ur/Voryn Dagoth, Indoril Nerevar (what a shock, I know), Serana Volkihar, Glarthir, The Adoring Fan (don’t @ me), The Jemane Brothers, Marcurio, really all the characters from ESO’s main quest and the ending side quests who help you 😭😭. 7. Favorite faction
Thieves’ Guild, minus Skyrim’s. Skyrim’s Thieves’ Guild was awful eww.
8: Which province you would like to live in
If the lore and history and stuff weren’t a thing, Summerset because it’s aesthetic and has nice beaches. Realistically, probs Cyrodiil because I’m basic and I like how it’s a melting pot of various races and cultures!
As much as I love Valenwood, wouldn’t be able to handle the Green Pact
9: Which deity/deities would you worship?
Dibella - because I like how she’s the divine for the arts, and actual true love and beauty in the world (feel like she’s the divine most likely to say gay rights and trans rights). That vibes with me.
Makes me sad that both in the games and in the fandom, she’s reduced to “ha ha slutty sex goddess”. 
10: Favorite Divine
Dibella because see above.
11: Favorite Daedric Prince
Oh boy... hajdg I love Daedra (except Molag Bal - eww)!!! So it’s hard to pick. Just rapid fire listing some favs: Sheogorath, Meridia, Azura, Barbas (does he count?), Hircine... 
12: Favorite enemy
Dagoth Ur
13: Favorite dungeon
Hmmm, I feel like I’m forgetting some, but I enjoyed Nocturnal’s trial dungeon in Skyrim because I like sneaking and it was all based on that.
14. You have awakened and you are a Cliff Racer. What do you do?
Hunt and kill anyone who dares to step outside Seyda Neen lol
15: What would you do if you contracted vampirism?
C u r e
16: What would you do if you contracted lycanthropy?
C u r e
17: Are there any characters you have crushes on?
Not rly because I’m ace.
 If so, who?
18: Favorite Great House
The Sixth House. The Tribe Unmourned. The-
Honestly all of them are whack and have... issues. When I played Morrowind, I didn’t join any of them lol. Telvanni is at least entertaining and very out there which makes them cool. So I guess them?
19: Favorite TES music
Ahaha... I sold my soul to Jeremy Soule... I have so so many... :’)
“The Road Most Travelled”, “Peaceful Waters”, “Stilt Sunrise”,  “Auri-El’s Ascension”, “Sunrise of Flutes”, “Harvest Dawn”, “All’s Well” “The Streets of Whiterun”, “Secunda” (this is one of my all time favourite video game songs!), “Sovngarde”, “One They Fear”
Then from ESO which has other composers too: “Northpoint Nocturne”, “Moth, Butterfly, and Torchbug”, and “Grazelands Dawn” (mostly because it’s a remix of “The Road Most Travelled” 🥺)
Oh, and this song from the Morrowind dlc because the remaster of “Nerevar Rising” from 2:54 onward. (which how could I forget “Nerevar Rising”? Ugh it gives me feels! The Oblivion and Skyrim main themes are very near and dear to me too)
Also really enjoyed this song from Clockwork City - captures the melancholy vibe and I like the clock noises in it.
20: In your opinion, what is the scariest thing in TES?
I can’t stand spiders so anytime anything having to do with them shows up... I play with mods that remove them and in ESO,  I have a list of dungeons and places to avoid. If I have to do one, I make someone go with me and kill them for me lol.
The Lighthouse Quest in Skyrim was also mega spooky. As for lore, soul trapping and the Soul Cairn really freaks me out! I can’t bring myself to use soul trapping because it bothers me :( I headcanon that when a soul gem runs out of charge, the soul is freed because it’s the only way I can sleep at nigh leave me alone lol 21: Favorite main quest Morrowind, hands down. I will infodump and discuss that game’s plot forever. 22: Favorite side quest
I really like the Daedric Shrine quests, they’re always fun. Also love the silly little short quests like in Morrowind when you have to help the guy get his pants back, or in ESO where you gotta find the lost dog in Valenwood and pet it.
Oblivion has loads of side quests I loved... the missing dunmer painter, Hackdirt, that quest with the ladies who are killing men, the Floating Bowl quest... the mystery at Chorrol Castle....
23: Most frustrating experience in a TES game
I get mad any time the sneaking mechanics in ESO don’t work like the main games. Because I always play an archer-thief lol.
That one fabricant machine puzzle in Tribunal.... oh man........ I had to look it up.
And also the final boss for Clockwork City was annoying. Don’t go to the Clockwork City!
24: Funniest experience in a TES game
Other than moments intended to be funny, I sometimes laugh whenever I miss a jump and end up dying from fall damage. It’s so ridiculous.
Dagoth Ur’s “What are you doing?!” when you first attack the Heart always gets a chuckle out of me too. He sounds so... upset and disappointed in you? Lol
25: Most badass moment in a TES game
The ending to ESO’s main quest was a rly big power fantasy moment for me.
Also more mundane, but I felt really cool and powerful when I got to the point in Morrowind where I could one shot kill cliff racers lol
26: Saddest experience in a TES game
The ESO side quest, “The Soul-Meld Mage” in Coldharbour. After that one, I had to step away for a bit.... man. It hurt my heart and I still feel so bad. That was a case in the game where I really felt impacted by how cruel and awful Molag Bal is. Like I *knew* but that quest played with my emotions and made it personal.
27: Favorite area/region
Valenwood from ESO. I spend all my time there, and sometimes go to Summerset or Vvardenfell lol.
28: Least favorite character
Also don’t like Maven-Black Briar. :I
29: In-game food item you want to eat the most
Also this one recipe for a beef dish I found in Valenwood sounded good.  Maybe also the Sunrise Souffle mentioned in Skyrim?
30: If you could try skooma, would you?
No. Don’t do drugs, kids.
31: If you had the skills and resources to do a perfect cosplay of any TES character who would it be?
Probs Serana
32: Have you read any of the novels?
No, but I’ve been thinking about it!
33: Favorite class to play
Thief, or a thief-similar class like agent or rogue.
34: Which type of magic would you most like using?
Alteration seems the most useful for everyday life lol. But illusion would be fun.
35: Favorite weapon
I use bows all the time!
36: Favorite spell
Levitate from Morrowind - it’s so much fun to use!
37: Favorite artifact
Nerevar’s Moon-And-Star Ring. It’s cute lol and I like the lore behind it!
Also enjoy the Wabbajack because of how silly it is, and Dibella’s Brush of Truepaint.
38: You have awakened to find you’re in Tamriel. How do you react?
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Because yeah I love TES but also the world of it is scary with gods and monsters constantly trying to kill you lol
39: Thoughts on ESO so far
I really enjoy the world and writing! But I’m still cranky over some moments where it’s an MMO and not a normal TES game :I
I also hate that we can’t have NPC companions.  You really gonna give me a clockwork nix-hound named Snuffler and not let me travel with him? For shame.
40: Character you’d most like to hang out with
Nerevar, because I’m very awkward and shy and bad at peopleing and I would hope he could teach me how to improve lol.
But to actually hang out and chill, Marcurio would be pretty fun lol
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rapuvdayear · 3 years
2020: “Paternity Leave Intro” Starlito (Grind Hard)
These picks were so much easier to make when I started making the list back in 2014. First, there was simply less content to choose from in 1979, 1980, 1981, etc. (though I realize I am far from an expert about that era and am oblivious to a lot that has just been lost to history). Second, with a decade or more of hindsight it’s easier to say which track was that year’s most impactful, influential, artistic, or whatever. Looking back through the past few years of my picks, I am going to be thinking about “Pure Water” when I think about 2019 ten years from now? Or “APESHIT” and 2018? “DUCKWORTH.” and 2017? Maybe so, maybe not. “FDT” definitely represents 2016 to me, though, and has had staying power, even through to this year.
When I think about 2020, I imagine that two things will stand out: the pandemic and the uprisings against police brutality. So while if I’m being honest, the song that will most be remembered from 2020 is “WAP” (and I love how uncomfortable it made that pearl-clutching IDW twerp), I don’t think it would make sense to pick a track that didn’t capture the moment in some way. Back during the early days of 2020, Young Dolph’s “Sunshine” summed things up pretty well. As things kept moving, a bunch of rappers released quarantine-themed albums, and after George Floyd was murdered there were a number of attempts to put out an anthem for the movement, none of which really stuck.
And so, Starlito’s return from his self-described paternity leave summed up a lot of the different emotions that were swirling around in 2020: frustration, fear, anger, exhaustion, maybe a little hope? The whole album is solid, which is no surprise; Starlito has been in my top 5 for nearly a decade now. It’s not his best work, but it does showcase what he’s always been good at: trap-inflected emo rap that’s complex without being “lyrically lyrical.” Some choice lines from “Paternity Leave Intro”:
Fed up that food for thought they feedin’ us ain’t fulfillin’/
How we s’posed to want peace when we the ones that they killin’?
Learned about Dr. King, but then I saw Rodney King/
Why can’t we all just get along? All we got is a dream/
The reality is I’m black, so that mean a lot of things:/
I’m feared, I’m scared, I’m scarred, I’m strapped, naw what I mean?/
Genocide-slash-civil war, y’all thought this was over?/
Skeptical of the protests when corporations promote it/
Had some hope but they stole it/
Our reparations? Condolences/
Don’t mean to sound bitter, [but] once you consider/
I ran up a million dollars, and guess what? I’m still a ******
I don’t think things gon’ change, least not any time soon/
We been lootin’ and marchin’ before I got here/
They still shootin’, we the targets, and no, it’s not fair/
I watch the news, read the articles, it don’t stop there/
Killin’ our own kind, really they don’t mind/
We die in these streets or sit in prison a long time.
Honorable mentions (other than those listed above): Savage Remix; Stimulus Check; FTP; The Adventures of Moon Man & Slim Shady; They Don’t Know; Close the Paper; Holy Calamafuck; Scottie Beam.
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overlordmilkuwu · 4 years
name: Tia (its my nickname) star  sign: Pisces height: 5′7 middle name: Thicc bitch
put  your  playlist  on  shuffle.  what  are  the  first  7  songs  that  pop  up ? Yellowcard ~ Lights and Sounds Madoka Magica - "Connect" (FULL Opening) | ENGLISH Ver | AmaLee LUIGI'S MANSION THEME (Trap Remix) 【C91 Trance】 Taishi - bluefieldcreator [Phant] 99 Problems/Points of Authority - Linkin Park Jay Z Code Vein Jukebox Song (Home Base) [Vamps - In This Hell] KINGDOM HEARTS METAL ► Vanitas Theme (Enter the Darkness) | Guitar Cover grab  one  book  nearest  to  you  &  turn  to  page  23.  what’s  line  17 ? Fanfiction counts right? “S-sorry,” Red says, a slight tremor in his voice. “I just realized… I think I recognize this place.”
ever  had  a  poem  or  a  song  written  about  you  ? There’s a friend of mine whose constantly singing about how big my boobs are. does that count?
when  was  the  last  time  you  played  air  guitar  ? 2 years ago
who  is  your  celebrity  crush  ? What’s a Celebrity? does it taste good? what’s  a  sound  you  hate  /  sound  you  love  : The sound of babies crying. It fucks me up so bad that I can’t be in the room. It is a nightmare when people bring their crying babies into my workplace and I can’t leave to avoid the sound. As for a sound I love. Underwater ambience. I can’t word it any better than that. I just like imagining I’m underwater and just sinking to the bottom of the sea floor without the fear of not being able to breathe. I also really like whispering and peoples voices. I’m an ASMR junkie. Sue me.
do  you  believe  in  ghosts  ? Wholeheartedly yes. I’ve even got some living in my house, It’s really freaky...
how  about  aliens  ? Yes and they absolutely terrify me. But not as badly as zombies.
do  you  drive  ? Yes and I absolutely hate it. See below.
if  so  ,  have  you  ever  crashed  ? When I had my first car. A spider flew into my face and I ended up crashing into a cement mailbox. It was bad...
what  was  the  last  book  you  read  ? The Disgaea 3 manga. Second volume.
do  you  like  the  smell  of  gasoline  ? I grew up around it as a kid. So I don’t mind it but I don’t want to inhale it all day.
what  was  the  last  movie  you  saw  ? Sword art online ordinal scale.
what’s  the  worst  injury  you’ve  ever  had  ? When I was still in elementary school I was playing with my best friend at the time and I tripped in the middle of the street and broke my chin. I have a baby scar left over from it.
do  you  have  any  obsessions  right  now  ? Besides roleplaying. Gaming, Yanderes, Kingdom hearts, Disgaea, Final fantasy and Code Vein.
do  you  tend  to  hold  grudges  against  people  who  have  done  you  wrong ? Yes but getting angry and holding grudges makes me physically Ill, So I tend to bury my issues with said person until an issue arises. Or I just avoid them like the plague. It’s usually the latter.
in  a  relationship  ? Yeah with my waifu Patchouli Knowledge.
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Tagged by: @praetorium-ventum​ Tagging: Whoever wants to do this.
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psychicscavenger · 4 years
Rules: We’re snooping through your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims.
I was tagged by @coolspacequips to do this and I have an interesting music selection because of my weird tastes so lets see how this goes.
1. Pokemon Theme (of fucking course)
2. Go To Her by Jefferson Airplane (an oldie but a goodie like me)
3. Blame by Bastille (i have so many of their songs. SO. MANY.)
4. Lust For Life by Lana Del Rey ft. The Weekend (i love lanas slow tempo and this album was the BEST)
5. Possession by Amarante (one of my new favorite bands atm theyre also on bandcamp)
6. In the Dark by The Cathedrals (my other obsession atm)
7. 11:11 by Andrew Applepie (i blame julian solomita for this)
8. Harry Potter Trap Remix by Trap Remox Guys (listen I told yall Im weird and while jkr is trash this song still slaps)
9. Moon River (vocals by Audrey Hepburn) by Henry Mancini (i like alot of henry mancinis work he created the Pink Panther theme)
10. Ship to Wreck by Florence + The Machine (knew one of their songs would make it on here eventually)
Welp this is my list its a shame we didnt get to a Monty Python song or that Shia Lebouf cannibal song floating somewhere but thats the rulez!!🤪
Anyways I’m gonna tag people, of course you don’t have to do this but its something to do if you’re bored during quarantine so...
@angry-lil-goblin @poopjaculator @boychic @kindigo @springy-thingy @ladyjsenpai @confessionsofasix @challengedroom @dramaticalprince @lesbianlordsatan
So some of you I know I’ve never spoken before but I saw your handle pop up alot on my acitivty so hey whats up hows it going have a slice of pizza 🍕 hope youre doing well and once again you do not have to do this if you don’t want.
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thesunlounge · 4 years
Reviews 322: Aporia
I discovered the music of Aporia and Mitchell James O’Sullivan by way of Dub Disco, a beloved label who released Dub Disco Presents Aporia + Remixes back in 2018. One side of the 12” highlighted tracks from Aporia’s debut release Almost Tropical alongside an exclusive new track featuring Fazerdaze, while the other saw Dub Disco head Aussteiger and associated artists such as LITS801, Cosmic Palms, and S&W applying their balearic remix skills to to O’Sullivan’s tropically-tinged psych pop fantasies. The whole thing was a revelation and in the time since, both Almost Tropical and Dub Disco Presents Aporia + Remixes have worked themselves deep into my heart and now comprise some of my favorite music ever. So as you can imagine, there was considerable anticipation for an Aporia follow-up, which finally came during fall of 2019 in the form of Hotel Aporia, released by Cosmic Compositions and Fantasy Fiction Records. The LP sees O’Sullivan expanding the band’s line-up to include Nick Petricevic and Alia Seror-O'Neill, while also featuring a host of guest musicians providing additional guitar, synth, and woodwind treatments. And conceptually speaking, Hotel Aporia seeks to transport the listener to the titular hotel…an imagined beachfront resort existing in a sort of Lynch-ian dreamspace, one used by the band as a means to “navigate their South Pacific identities” and that is seemingly only accessible via exotic amalgams of library psychedelia, 50’s pop, Hollywood noir, sci-fi surf rock, and Hawaiian tropicalia.
Aporia - Hotel Aporia (Fantasy Fiction & Cosmic Compositions, 2019) After an introduction of mysterious orchestrations, operatic hazes, and chirping birds and insects, “Psychic Driving” sees a psychedelic surf beat riding alone before being joined by swinging bass thumps, tambourine jangles, piano chord splashes, horror film Moog leads, and spaceage theremin choirs. As the noir atmospherics recede, multi-tracked narcotica whispers flow above a sparse groove...as if O’Sullivan is scatting forbidden secrets while glowing synth hazes hover just out reach, with his voice sometimes backed by wordless feminine magic. During mesmeric choruses, cinematic strings and ghostly synth leads flow beneath Seror-O’Neil’s fantasy hooks and at some point, the whole thing gives over to a delirium jam out…like a trippy 60s happening taking place in the Red Room from Twin Peaks, with strobe lights flashing and enigmatic masked figures executing the batusi and the swim amidst melting layers of orchestral exotica. “South Seas Beijing” follows with seagulls and crashing waves surrounding liquid chord slides that recall nothing so much as “Breathe in the Air”. A lazed beat snaps amidst maraca rattles and chime strands as a Roger Waters style bassline drops, giving the whole thing the distinct feel of Pink Floyd scoring a South Pacific sunrise. And after an outro of moonlit wave motions, echoing loon modulations, and galactic synth flourishes from Lawree Goodwin, we flash into “Moon Taxi” and another solar surf rhythm glide. Seaside guitars glimmer in the sunlight and basslines sing beneath equatorial electronics as a vocal duet emerges, with O’Sullivan’s and Seror-O’Neil’s voices blurring together into heavy-lidded splendor. Cooing wordless refrains alternate with a fantasy chant of “the moon is watching” as flower power breakbeats are guided by bouncing bass guitar warmth, with lines occasionally sliding through lyrical romanticisms. There are moments where the mix reduces to an ambient blur, with aquamarine guitar vapors flowing through underwater vibrato fx, and towards the end, we flow into instrumental psych pop perfection as yearning voices suffuse the background…like sirens singing out from a hidden island paradise.
Amongst my favorite cuts here is “Helium,” which lets dense layers of fantasy synthesis guide a futuristic 50s pop epic. Slow motion drum beats glide beneath birdsong, with snares splattering through dub echoes. The classical ice cream chord progression rushes over the mix via lush pad orchestrations, angel choirs, and sparkling chimes while subsonic body grooves are generated by buzzing waves of analog warmth. Eventually, everything recedes save basslines, beats, and O’Sullivan’s and Seror-O'Neill’s vocal lullabies, which surround the heart with narcotizing threads of Roadhouse style synth-pop that strongly recall Angelo Badalamenti's and David Lynch's collaborations with Julee Cruise, as well as Chromatics. Gemstone piano mirages swim through the mix and during feverish choruses, the soul rushes towards a cinematic paradise aglow in tropical warmth. As the track progresses, multi-tracked string machines and droning polysynths subsume the singing…though hushed vocal incantations are still heard deep in the ether. Galactic lasers wiggle and cosmic tracers squiggle while fuzz guitars (or synths?) climb towards a molten summer sky, and during a moment of psychosonic mystery, the mix devolves into tremolo chordscapes and filtering trap kit rhythms, only to explode back into a stunning climax of “Heart and Soul” romance. A-side closer “Hawaiin Noir” continues exploring realms of 50s pop ethereality, though the vibe is pushed ever further towards South Pacific fantasy. Seed shakers keep a sparse rhythm while surf-stye guitars play doo wop progressions. A gorgeous voice calls out over the crashing waves with ecstatic abandon…like a goddess of the sunrise beckoning the spirit towards a paradise yet undiscovered…the effect so powerful as to literally take your breath away. Another guitar glides into the picture with soft motion solos, starshine electronics twinkle amidst a universal string synth hum, and nearing the end, everything fades into a mirage of meditative metal resonance, wherein Tibetan bowls sing over cricket chirps and crashing waves.
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“Cloud Lodge” opens with insects and bongo rhythms surrounded by bubbling liquids. Bell trees flutter and stoner basslines pulse through ethereal shadows as O’Sullivan’s doped out lyricisms ride on sci-fi synths and spaghetti western guitars. New age melodies swim through the cosmos and further six-string accents melt into golden shimmer…all while dub chords delay towards the horizon. Next comes “Moog in Cairo” and its atmospheres of classical jazz meeting otherworldly exotica. There are touches of Omar Khorshid, Diminished Men, and Hosono’s, Suzuki’s, and Yamashita’s Pacific in the surfadelic guitar leads and as Fabien de Menou’s clarinets intertwine with mystical choral cloudforms, hand drums guide the body towards a hidden oasis. Twanging baritones decay towards a blood red sunset and child-like choirs sing songs of forbidden ecstasy amidst guiro scrapes and starshine chime descents....the whole thing like The Ventures tripping acid through a dramatic Hollywood rendering of an Arabian desert landscape. Rainforest percussions filter and pan over kick drums and ethereal gas clouds in “News from Nowhere” before we drop into the main groove, which sees basslines dancing and Peter Magnum’s sci-fi funk riffs crawling across the fretboard while drum machines sketch out robotic exotica patterns. Interstellar hazes blow across the spectrum, carrying with them outer-dimensional orchestrations that again evoke Arabian sunrises as well as the sensual dances of tango, and O’Sullivan’s double tracked vocalisms marry sonorous sensuality and falsetto radiance. Synthesizers gleam like diamonds and noir guitars melt down as ecstatic children sing in support of the increasingly desperate lyricisms…their voices only adding to the sense of haunted disorientation. Elsewhere, the mix reduces to hand drums and static oscillations while vibraphones sparkle like oceanic crystal. And at the end, wave sounds and prayer bowl drones return us to the fourth world environments of “Hawaiian Noir.”
In “Isles in Motion / Shipwreck Bay,” chime strands flow over seaside field recordings while vibraphones and islander hand drums establish a loose exotica groove. Synthetic harps are plucked, morphing fourth world crystals decay into the mix, electronic zithers execute zany runs across a virtual fretboard, and basslines thump through tropical jungle growth while tambourines shake out golden glitter. Eventually, the stereo field washes away as an abstracted voice lectures above the sounds of the sea, presumably signaling entrance into “Shipwreck Bay.” Guitars smear into paradise mesmerism, with touches of Hawaiian psychedelia intermingling with oceanic new age, and ambient angels sing through bodies of cosmic-aquatic light. And as rainbow colorations surround the body in amniotic warmth, tribal drum rolls flow forth from bubbling pools of neon. Helicopter oscillations and mirage guitar shimmer introduce the climactic drum beats of “Secret Fields”…a sort of slow pounding ritualism accented by e-piano chordscapes. Rolling tom fills introduce dirgey basslines while synthesizers howl into the night, bringing touches of progressive rock, only as if slowed to the speed of heroin mesmerism. Vocals flow through lush vocoder fx and evoke a sort of balearic leaning Black Sabbath, though that band’s funereal doom energies are here subverted by Callum Fairely’s dreamscape guitar ascents and these ethereal orchestrations that radiate hues of a Hollywood sunset. Shakers and ride cymbals splash through tide pools while e-pianos sparkle and during a moment where the rhythms fade away, aqueous dolphin songs and mermaid pan-pipe melodies swim across the sky. As the drums return, they stomp unencumbered, although barely-there guitars trace out haunting themes of paradise majesty. Then, after returning to the Sabbath-ian psych rock dirge, the vocals eventually fade away, leaving space for increasingly hallucinogenic tapestries of synthesized symphonic wonderment.
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(images from my personal copy)
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jd-arts319 · 4 years
Name:March ember
Weight: 120lb
Alias:reina Javier,Marchy,emby
Mental Age (In Earth Terms):mid-20’s
Function:espionage(temporary),doctor & a scientist
Alternate Mode:triple changer(motorcycle(main))
Armor colors:turquoise,teal,blue,silver
Personality:fiesty,kind,intelligent,understanding,awkward,quirky,cheerful,mild-tempered(she is passive aggressive)
Fighting style: Savate,unknown
Abilities:Telekinesis,teleportation,Inhenced speed & strength,Crystallokinesis,soul & Weapon manipulation
Color of optics:teal with blue orbs
Universe most used within: Transformers prime,robots in disguise
Fandom types:crossover(UT X TFVERSE)
Sparkmate:no one yet....
Intelligence:  7-10
Speed: 9-10
Courage: 8-10
Firepower: 10/10
Physical Characteristics/Appearance: 5'10,teal Motorcycle Cybertronian,had a heart shaped chest in the middle(just search March ember)
once a human being,descendant of a powerful diety,she moved to jasper Nevada when she was 17,she did not go to the same school as jack however she is friends with Miko,who she met by accident,because of her abilities of her SOUL,she end up seeing bulkhead had a soul,along with bee & arcee,none of then knew this until she met breakdown(before his death).
Meeting breakdown:
he & she met when he was not working & was waiting for Knockout to finish his drag race,he was astonished to meet a human who actually know he is not what he seems,she asked not to tell anyone about this, since she didn't know what was going on,Breakdown knew she was not part of autobots team(until then…),so he did & every now & then the two end hanging out more,that is until she was caught up in a crossfire with breakdown’s & bulkhead’s battle,she came out to the school to meet up with him until she saw the battle.
Breakdown saw her & immediately took her away,as bulkhead & the others witnessed this,the others end up chasing breakdown but it was too late,she brought to the nemesis & was held prisoner,Breakdown felt guilty but she assure him that is ok,she was fine & end up meeting megatron himself who took a little liking on her obedience,she was held as a hostage until the others rescue her.
Meeting the autobots & Optimus as her guardian:
She was eventually rescued by the autobots,all while this happens she was confused,dizzy,& quite,after getting her back to the base,she was asked by Miko if she was ok,she took things rather calmly despite her excitement of what happened,when she told them she knew they aren't normal in the first place the day she met Miko by her vehicle,many of them are astonished but jack didn't believe it at first until she shows a demonstration,everybody took liking on her as she was depsite her playful & childish side,she also shows great maturity at hand,she keeps Miko out out of trouble,helped around the base with ratchet.
Optimus becomes her guardian after what happend,since the others had their own charges she became his,the two bonded & she now become part of team prime.
Becoming Cybertronian:
She had a cube that she kept around for a long time,the cube was the all spark,the shurnken down into a small peice,she turns it into a necklace & wore it for a long time,somehow when she was separated from them she ends meeting the decepticons,Breakdown was not with them though,but she did end up being chased down until she was trapped inside an energon cave,she passed due to a rock hitting her,the cube activates itself & turns her into a Cybertronian.
This caught the attentions of both sides after she got out,because no one recognize her she immediately took off along with the cube,afterwards(thanks to the cubes help)she was able to found out how to use a comm.link,she decided to send a Morse code to the autobots after what happend.
It took time but they mange to meet,however she only asked for ratchet & Optimus help,the two(after finding the Morse code),both end up meeting her,they we’re skeptical at first but after getting some info from her,they found out she was reina Javier aka now known as March ember.
Random Facts/Quirks:
She likes to draw,play with her powers,she sometimes pull her helm off,singing & dancing(when no one is watching) play with Allison sparks
Weaknesses:her past,misjudgement,her nightmares,being hated
Theme song: bad time trio,coded to reality,megalo strike back remix
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dualitey · 5 years
S.I.O concert post (SET LIST SPOILERS)
Okay so first of I like to say I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors. I'm writing this on my phone and I'm still kind of tired but I'll try my best to keep it as nice looking as possible! I'm also gonna break these up into numbered parts so it a bit easier to follow. Also just gonna refer to my friends with the letters of there name to make it easier for me.
Okay first off when we got to the venue we got our places in line and we sat down for a bit. And then a few minutes later my sister ask if we wanted to get ice cream. So my sister, my friends, and I walked down to the ice cream parlor while our mom's stayed back and held our spots in line. While walking one of my friend J jokingly said "what if we run into Maxx?" Cause we had saw a guy that looked like Maxx but it wasn't him. So we walk a little further and I'm holding J's little sister G's hand and she telling me some story to me and then I hear J go "Was that Maxx?!" And I turn around and yep that sure was Maxx Danziger. So my sister was leading this gang of children down the street one of the being me who was not only wearing a whole lot of S.I.O merch but was also wearing a bandana like Maxx and we just happened to run into him. And so we get a little further up the road and my friend A looks at me and goes "Ya know I wonder how Maxx figured out we were fans?" And then gestures to all of me. Then we made to the ice cream place got our ice cream and headed back to the venue.
So after we got back to the venue we were sitting outside and our mom's told us that we had just missed Cody and that Maxx went into the tour bus that was sitting right in front of where they had us lined up. So we were all like oh okay cool and left it at that. Now this was J and A's first S.I.O concert so they had never met them before and were both really nervous. They got done telling me about and started messing with there phones. And I kid you not, like five seconds later Cody walks out of the venue and J had already noticed so i look over at A and I'm all like "A look up!" And she looks up and Cody says hi and they say hi back and then he go into the tour bus. And they got so excited they were so happy it was great!
A little while after that they come out and ask who all is doing V.I.P and A and I had the dream catcher V.I.P and so they told us what was gonna happen and a few hours later they came and lined us up. They had dream catcher go in first and take pictures and I was first in line. So I go up and hug Maxx and he's said "Hi! I like your bandana!" And I'm all like thanks and then I hugged Cody and then they took the picture and then I handed them the paintings I made for them. Just nice to know that Maxx enjoyed the fact that I was trying to steal his brand.
A few hours after the meet and greet we went in for the actual concert and we got pretty good spot we were like two rows away from the stage. And I really liked the opening acts if I remember correctly I think it went Famous for a day, Selfish things, Brodeside, and Emarosa. And they were all really good!
!!!SET LIST SPOILERS START HERE!!!Okay so the count down to midnight thing was really cool first off and the visuals used for the song's were awesome.The visuals used for Unopened windows were my favorite along side Killer in the mirror and overall I just liked the way they used the screens for this tour. ALSO MAXX GETTING TO PLAY HIS UKELELE AND GETTING TO SING BAD GUY IS JUST AHHH! IM SO PROUD OF MY BOY! Anyway the drum solo was lots of fun he did old town road and the Wii theme trap remix I don't remember which one of you ask him for that but it's on there! Long story short I had a lot of fun and can't wait til i get to see them again!
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drvinyl · 5 years
Sziget Festival Day 5
After exploring the city of Budapest itself during the morning, we headed back to the festival ready for one of the most exciting nights yet.
The first act we watched was the energetic Florida rapper Tyla Yaweh on MainStage. Towards the end of his set he even dived into the crowd itself, making us reminisce about diving into the cold Lupa Lake waters the day before...anyhow, a lively and enjoyable performance which got us in a dancing mood for the man himself, Post Malone later that evening. 
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After a fascinating interpretive dance routine performed by duo Dakota and Nadia, we then settled down to watch English electronic music duo Honne, who won us over almost instantaneously by opening with a Tom Misch remix. After watching Misch perform to a crowd of a thousand or so last year it was a huge contrast hearing his music (with Honne’s own spin on it of course) on the MainStage of one of Europe’s biggest festivals, and a show that we will not forget. 
Honne were followed by a gymnastic routine in the name of gay rights by partners Matthew Richardson and Francis Perreault, who blew the crowd away with their moves. This is yet another feature we have come to love about Sziget festival: instead of large and seemingly endless gaps between MainStage acts (as we have suffered through at many a UK festival this year), waiting times are broken up by entertaining events such as today’s dance/gymnastic routines and yesterday’s flag party. 
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Another one of these was Day 5′s Rainbow Ribbon (no, not Rainbow Rhythms) party. In a similar fashion to yesterday’s flag event, participants were handed - you guessed it - rainbow coloured ribbons to celebrate equality and the right to love. This made for some stunning views overlooking the crowd, and along with the flag party, will certainly stick in our memory long after Sziget festival itself is over. 
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Fittingly with today’s love and equality theme, the next act to grace MainStage was UK group Years and Years, the lead singer of whom recently went viral for his powerful gay rights speech at this years Glastonbury. The first time we actually saw them was at one of our first festivals Beniccasim in Spain two years ago, so this was quite a nostalgic performance for us! Just as we remembered, lead singer Olly Alexander managed to deliver a theatrical yet intimate performance even to crowds as large as these, which is quite a feat. Constantly interacting with the audience, it was clear he was enjoying the show just as much as them. 
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And finally, the headliner we’d all been waiting for, Austin Richard Post, or as most know him: Post Malone! 
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Standing at the barrier waiting for his set to start, you could feel the anticipation like electricity tingling through the crowd. It was the first time since seeing Ed Sheehan on the first night of the festival that there was literally a current pressing the audience forwards like a school of fish, and by the looks on their faces it was clear everyone was desperate to get a good view of this show. When he finally appeared on the stage like a beacon in his bright white outfit against the dark evening sky, the reaction was exactly as expected - madness! 
Similarly to Olly Alexander, Post Malone was clearly thrilled to be there. Again, he addressed the crowd like friends and obviously wanted to give festival-goers the best show possible. We even got a glimpse of his rock-roots when the trap music was halted for an acoustic guitar and vocal performance: yep, that’s right - Post Malone was in a metal-core band as a teen! 
Fans were ecstatic when following his last song, the rapper jumped down from stage and ran along the barrier high five-ing, fist bumping, hand shaking (etc.) those lucky enough to be within range. Despite the large crowds, this seems to be another theme of Sziget festival: a strong connection between artist and audience, as we have witnessed at pretty much every show across the festival so far. Perhaps this is to do with the ‘love revolution’ theme Sziget expresses at every opportunity: the festival does radiate love and unity, so why would it be any different between those on stage and those in the pit? 
After a thrilling day, we were exhausted yet buzzing for two of our favourite artists tomorrow night: Catfish and the Bottlemen, and Florence and the Machine! Stay tuned for the full run down! 
Photography by Anna Gibson - on Instagram @annagibsonphoto 
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precuredaily · 6 years
Precure Day 052
Episode: Futari wa Precure Max Heart 03 - “Could this be fate? Porun and Hikari, twin souls!!” Date watched: 07 July 2017 Original air date: 20 February 2005 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/obI9dkR
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but then I saw her face
I’m trying to remember if this series picks up once Shiny Luminous debuts but honestly I don’t think it does. Without a driving force like the Prism Stones in FW they just kind of take their time getting to stuff. This episode features more of Hikari wondering who she is, Nagisa and Honoka wondering who she is, Porun starts talking about how he’s going to awaken, all the non-mascot residents of the Garden of Light exposit about finding the Queen and cause trouble for Nagisa, and Seekun escapes again. Also in Dark Mansion, ~evil things~ are going on.
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Obviously the boy is the same as Hikari, some kind of reincarnation of the Dark King, but they’re going to drag that revelation out for a long time. However, this is pretty much all we see of him this episode. He rides around on his tricycle and nearly falls down the stairs before Circulas catches him and delivers the above lecture. THE END, NOTHING WAS ACCOMPLISHED. Oh but the house musical theme is a more relaxed version of the Dotsuku Zone theme from FW, it’s nice.
I know subtlety in this show is pretty much nonexistent but I want to laugh at hos this bit of Nagisa’s opening monologue was done. She’s talking about how they need to collect the bits of the queen’s wills and her life and heart and the camera chooses to cut to a shot of Hikari when she says that.
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Just in case there was any doubt.
As I alluded to above, Hikari’s role in this episode is to wonder who she is. While she’s in class, the rest of the students remember an elementary school trip to the planetarium and she has no idea what a planetarium or a field trip even are. Later she ponders this while staring at some flowers, bathed in light, and the Queen’s voice reassures her that Hikari knows all of this, that she knows so much more than anybody else, about the past and the future. This reassures Hikari. It’s also revealed that she’s made a few friends, fellow freshmen who recognize Nagisa and Honoka by reputation. They’ll go on to be supporting characters in this show but i think it’s a while before their spotlight.
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More like All Stars but you’re close
Porun sneaks along with Nagisa to school because he feels a premonition and wants to awaken. Nagisa is not pleased and tells him to stay in the bag until they get home but he sneaks out while she’s at lacrosse practice and finds his way to Akane’s Tako Cafe, where he runs into Hikari. Cue more stares:
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They exchange a few words but Porun runs off when Akane shows back up, and Hikari chases after him. Meanwhile Nagisa and Honoka are looking for the runaway Porun (while Seekun is also out and about, unbeknownst to them) and they find themselves face to face with a Zakenna, so they transform. Little do they know Hikari is nearby hiding and sees them.
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This fight is also less impressive than some in the previous show. There’s a part where they perform a flying kick on the Zakenna but they’re moving so slow it feels more like they’re slowly being pulled in, and that’s symbolic of a larger animation problem in this and the last episode, but let me finish the summary first. The duo defeats the Zakenna, recover Porun, and turn home while Hikari tries to make sense of everything she’s just seen with a beautiful shot of her staring into a river.
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If I had to assign this episode a numerical rating, I’d probably give it a 6/10. It progresses the story a tiny bit, pushing Hikari and Porun together and makes us wonder about Hikari, Porun, Seekun, and the rest of them, as well as that boy from Darkness. The gags with Elder, Wisdom, Seekun, Mepple, and Porun all being trapped at Nagisa’s place and hiding from her family are getting tiresome quickly. They only serve as comic relief to pad out the episode, unlike more purposeful character developing home life sequences from the last show. Also the animation in this one (and episode 2, I forgot to note) is somewhere in the realm of generally passable but frequently slips into bad. Just look at Hikari’s chicken legs here.
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Faces lack detail, the eyes tend to be spaced a tad too far apart, and expressions just look blank. I made some budget observations about the latter half of FWPC but it looks like they tried to stretch all that budget across the entirety of Max Heart, with all new funds going towards the production of two movies (the first of which was originally going to be a FWPC movie but more on that in a week). I know there’s some particularly egregious episodes ahead of me so we’ll just have to see what happens. It’s not all bad, but it’s frequently bad enough at close range and/or for prolonged shots that it’s noticeable. Alright I’ve been saying I would talk about the new opening and ending themes so let’s talk about them! The new op, “DANZEN! Futari wa Precure (Max Heart ver.)” is a remix of the one from FWPC into a more rocky upbeat tune and Mayumi Gojo yells “MAX HEART” a lot. Where the original was a mix of piano and synth with a little trumpet for emphasis, the Max Heart remix is mostly electric guitar and brass with synth, plus a little bass guitar thrown in. The lyrics are the same (except for the added “MAX HEART”s) but it feels like a stronger song. That being said, I think I prefer the original.
The ending theme, “Murimuri!? Ariari!? IN ja nai~” by Mayumi Gojo and Young Fresh is a cute song about how it’s tough to be a schoolgirl, balancing love, studies, sports, a desire to eat lots of sweets (good thing they never met the a la Mode team!) and being Pretty Cure. Okay that one only applies to our protagonists but hey. It’s silly and peppy and as far as I can tell the beat is mostly a synthesizer and a drum machine with a little guitar thrown in. I like to envision that it’s the girls of the Sakura Class singing it together, and there’s one moment in the second version of the ending animation that features Natsuko, Kyoko, Yuriko, Shino, Rina, Honoka, and Nagisa (and later very notable character) sort of dancing along to it briefly in a precursor of the dance endings. But the first version that plays for... I don’t know how many episodes is mostly some still frames featuring various mascots or chibis of the girls in shenanigans with a box somewhere showing clips from the day’s episode. Very low budget. I’ll discuss the V2 when it comes up.
Oh real quick before I end this, here’s a cute picture of Honoka.
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Lastly..... Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0. I don’t believe there were any “Arienai”s this episode, sadly.
Next time, an awakening!
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ohmysparkle · 3 years
I agree with that other anon, definitely giving off girl boss vibes! When you mentioned how we would not be saying this it reminded of something I saw on social media: I’m a bad bitch, no you doing bad, bitch. Lol why is this also me 🙂
Anyways, I agree with you in sticker! I was excited for it to come out and when I listened to it I was like whaaaa 😧 and then I told myself to listen to it again to give it another try and I really couldn’t do it.
Btw, how was you day love?
-good taste anon
Thank you for calling me a girl boss 😭
I bet you are one too!
Warning to all of my fourteen year old haters, im going to critique this song:
Omfg I had to stop halfway after hearing that assault on my ears.
Since you sent this ask, I decided to listen to the other half. God forbid I have to ever listen to this with headphones.
You know that water laser thingy they use to clean your teeth at the dentists? The one that makes it feel like your brain is being drilled into? That’s what this song made me feel - in my brain and existentially.
It sounded like a trap remix of the spongebob theme song that neo emo kids that vape too much listen to.
It sounded like an emergency frequency that one robot was broadcasting to other robots so they’d all self destruct and take all of humanity down with them.
It sounded like the damn alarm Alexa wakes me up with but played low quality and backwards.
It sounded like the door to hell, except it’s one of those swinging kitchen doors and the hinges squeak every time it goes back and forth.
I do not know how any human being can objectively listen to that satanic flute beep and say “I like this”. In fact, I notice that in the video all of the members look pretty emo. I’m guessing it’s because they had to listen to this song nonstop for 48 hours while they filmed it.
Beside the hellflute, I do not understand what is happening with that song. It’s like the percussion and the vocals belong to two different songs with different bpms. One sucks and the other one could make a decent song but SM is too obsessed with their weird genre-bending remix songs and could not for the sake of their own reputation spare these boys from this musical abomination.
Around 0:40 in the song when jungwoo, haechan and Johnny are singing, it sounded like my head had been plunged into the devils mouth while he was gargling sulphuric mouthwash. I did not understand what direction these noises were coming in and why and it just sounded like a seltzering bucket of chaos.
I am confused. I swear that song gave me a panic attack. I feel like my brain is itching.
My day was fantastic.
And then I heard sticker.
0 notes
ickaimp · 6 years
[Boku no Hero Academia] Painappuru
@ARINROWAN IS A HORRIBLE VOICE OF REASON. 2,200 words of Eraserhead pineapple flavoured crack, kinda shippy with Present Mic, based off of this post by @textsfromheroacademia​. Totally unbeta’d, we shitpost like heroes. 
The first time  Shōta woke up with a hangover, he found himself in bed with  Hizashi and a pineapple.
Hizashi he could understand, they had been drinking together, and it was the DJ’s house.
The pineapple was a little harder to explain. But given the fact that his head was killing him and his mouth was so dry it felt like he’d swallowed a desert, it really wasn’t that big of a priority to figure out.
Hizashi didn’t have a clue where it came from either, so they ate it for breakfast, with some eggs and rice.
Free food was free food, and new heroes didn’t make much money, especially underground heroes.
And pineapples were expensive.
The second time he woke up with a night of binge drinking, he woke up sore from the battle they’d been celebrating the night before, with three pineapples, and  Hizashi’s foot in his face.
His hangover almost makes him wish he’d lost the fight the night before.
The third time he barely makes it to the toilet before his stomach violently expels everything in his stomach, his insides feeling like they’re trying to twist around his spine as the world spins around him.
It’s a waste of the booze, the amount he throws up, but he feels a little bit better once he flushes the toilet, his body having expelled the toxins.
He stumbles into the kitchen, grabs a glass of water and carefully sips it as he heads back to bed. Where Hizashi is snoring the way only someone with a sound base quirk can, and six pineapples.
Shōta decides as he crawls into bed next to  Hizashi’s warm bulk, that six pineapples is far too many.
He sells three of the pineapples to people he knows who won’t question where he got the fresh fruit.
That, plus two of the pineapples is enough to barter for his first scarf, woven with  steel wire alloy.
The scarf comes in handy while fighting, but he can’t feel a little embarrassed about how he got the funds. He’s heard about doing embarrassing things out of school to fund things, but this is a little ridiculous.
Still, the pineapple is delicious.
It’s a thing.
Whenever Shōta gets drunk, he wakes up with a hangover, Hizashi, and at least one pineapple.
Hizashi at least is understandable. Shōta never thinks to drink on his own, it’s usually with Hizashi’s encouragement, and then they stumble to whose ever house is closer to sleep it off.
The pineapples are harder to explain. They never show up any other time, just when he wakes up after drinking. He can rate how bad a hangover is going to be by how many pineapples he wakes up with.
Three is a happy medium. He hurts a little, but he can still function well enough. And it’s not like anyone other than Hizashi can tell the difference between when he’s hungover and not.
They’re not harmful as far as anyone can figure, certainly no one Shōta has bartered the pineapples to in exchange for his crimefighting gear has ever complained, he’s got a fairly constant demand if he wants it.
And there’s worse traditions than Morning After Hangover Piña Colada.
Once, just as he was drifting off to sleep, he swore he saw a pineapple slowly materialise.
That might have been the alcohol.
Nemuri thinks it’s the funniest thing over the one time she crashes on their couch after drinking to much. She can’t explain it either, but takes great delight in helping to dispose of the pineapple by eating it.
She figures it’s a secondary, useless quirk. Waking up to a prickly fruit, and pineapple.
Shōta happily helps Hizashi escort her out of the apartment. One of Hizashi’s neighbours sees the 18+ Hero leave, laughing hysterically and waving a slice of pineapple in the air, and  Shōta  resolves to himself not to look at the news for at least a day.
It does bring up a good point though, and the next time Present Mic has a gig out of town. Shōta goes and has a drink with some fellow heroes.
He wakes up to Hizashi snoring in his ear, and a pineapple.
Hizashi doesn’t know how he got to Shōta’s house either, but it saved him a trip home, so he’s pretty pleased with it.
They experiment with it without actually saying they’re doing so. Hizashi getting drunk doesn’t do anything.
Shōta getting drunk by himself results in waking up with pineapples.
Both of them getting drunk, even from across the country?
They wake up in bed together, with pineapples.
It’s a little weird, but there are worse secondary quirks to have.
“I left my wallet at home and don’t have cash for a taxi home.”  Hizashi calls from a club, the thick sound of the base reverberating through the phone.  Shōta thinks he’s in Osaka. “Have a drink for me?”
Shōta thinks about it for a moment, then sighs. “You owe me a new bottle of sake.”
Hizashi gives him a bright yellow down sleeping bag instead. Since Shōta is constantly falling asleep everywhere, he might as well be comfortable.
Shōta can’t swear that the bag is bright yellow because of the pineapples, but he’s pretty sure it’s because of the pineapples.
Still, the bag is comfortable, compactible, and it makes taking naps easier.
Nemuri breaks out laughing the first time she spots him sleeping in the bright yellow sleeping bag.
“OOOOOHHHHH!” She sings at the top of her lungs, in great delight. “WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA?!”
Shōta would do something to shut her up, but that’d require waking up.
Eventually she gets tired of singing and wanders off, but not before she gets the tune stuck in Hizashi’s head.
During Present Mic’s next radio show, which  Shōta firmly denies listening to, even though he’s never failed to catch it, Hizashi dedicates a song to a special someone, they know who they are.
Shōta could have lived without the knowledge that there were Spongebob Squarepants theme song remixes.
Nemuri sends an edible fruit bouquet to Present Mic’s office with a note that simply is filled with hearts. It’s mostly pineapple.
They’re mature adult heroes. Seriously.
Somehow, Nemuri becomes a teacher, and so does he. It’s… different. Louder, for sure.
In a weird way, he enjoys it, having a hand in shaping the future, being able to shape things in a way that he can’t as a hero, undercover or not.
Hizashi joins them a year later. He doesn’t tell Shōta about it, surprising  Shōta with his presence, and putting a pineapple on Shōta’s desk instead of an apple.
Nemuri happened to be walking by just as Hizashi does so, and laughs so hard she cries, and some odd rumours circulate about Shōta’s relationship with Nemuri,  Hizashi, and pineapples.
Shōta spends most of the first week of class sighing a lot. Still, it’s nice to be able to see his best friend more often.
Nemuri’s usual perfume gets replaced by the cloying scent pineapple.
Shōta has no idea how that happened.
Incidentally, her headquarters could really use a security upgrade.
The less said about the mysterious pineapple flavoured lube in Shōta’s office desk drawer, the better.
Hizashi gets some too and blew kisses at Nemuri as thank you. She cackled manically back and shouted she was pleased he enjoyed her gift.
Shōta crawls under his desk and takes a nap.
He doesn’t know why he’s friends with these people. Really he doesn’t.  
“So.” Principal Nezumi says, setting down his tea cup as they discuss Shōta’s reasoning behind expelling an entire class of incoming hopeful students. “Tell me about pineapples.”
Shōta shrugs one tired shoulder. “Obnoxious, yellow, and spiky.”
He can hear Hizashi yell outside, even through the closed windows. For a moment, he realises that could also describe Hizashi as well. Obnoxious, yellow, and spiky. Especially his hair.
“True.” Principal Nezumi nods. “And once you get past the prickly exterior, quite sweet, wouldn’t you say?”
Shōta stares at him with dull eyes, realising that they’re not talking about the fruit or   Hizashi anymore.  
And very softly, very quietly, resolves to get very drunk that night.
All Might hands Shōta a pineapple with a bow. “As a thank you, for commendation for making me at teacher.” He says sincerely, smiling his large wide blinding grin. He’s his in larger form, the idiot. “I understand you’re fond of these.”
Shōta stares at the pineapple. Seriously? He had a bunch at home, from the past weekend. This one wasn’t even ripe, for goodness sake.
Endeavour grunts, glaring at the pineapple in his hands. although he looks curious as well. Or as curious as one could, while constantly looking like someone shoved an pineapple up an uncomfortable orifice. “What’s with you and the fruit?” He demands.
“They’re good roasted.” He deadpanned, and wandered off, pulling out his yellow sleeping bag.
Seriously, he was going to kill Hizashi and Nemuri for turning this a public.
Shōta glanced around the cavern he was trapped in, trying to figure out what to do.
If it was just him, he’d go to sleep. But some of his students were here with him as well, which meant that wasn’t an option.
“Ideas?” He deadpanned, glancing around the students trapped with him. Creati, Froppy, Grapehead, Red Riot, Tailman, and Invisible Girl.
All students with physical, non explosive quirks. Which could be both a blessing and a curse, if Bakugō had been with them, the entire place would probably have come down on them already.
He keeps an ear out as the students talk amongst themselves, trying to come up with a solution to their predicament, wishing Hizashi was here. With his quirk, they could blow a clear and easy way out.
“Can you create explosives, Creati?” Froppy asks, her fingers pressed against her lips as she thinks.
Creati grimaces, rubbing the back of her head, then shaking her head. “It’d take more than I can generate.” She apologies.
Shōta glances at his phone, which isn’t getting any signal. However, he can see how late it is, when most people are asleep.
“Can you make saké?”  Shōta asks. “A small bottle’s worth.”
“I…” Creati looks confused.
“You’re going to DRINK?!” Grapehead bellows, like he can’t believe it.
“That’s so manly!” Red Riot cheers.
Creati gives him an uncertain look. Shōta stares back. Either she trusts him or she doesn’t, there’s nothing he can do to change that.
“Yeah.” She finally reluctantly nods. “Anything that’s digested is a little…. strange though.”
Because anything she created was out of her own fat cells, part of her body. “Small amount, as high of a proof as you can make.”  Shōta  nods, pulling out a small canteen and handing it to her.
Froppy looks with interest as Creati takes a deep breath and focuses, a small trickle of fluid seeping from a finger tip into the canteen.
“Thanks.” He salutes her with the canteen before lifting it to drink. “Kampai.”
It’s not the worst tasting thing he’s ever drunk, but it’s high up there. He can feel the alcohol hit him like a fist to the stomach and quickly stops.
“I’m going to sleep.” He informs them, the world already starting to do a bit of a swirl around him. Creati had certainly focused on the high alcohol content portion of his request. “You have about a half hour to come up with either an alternate plan or which direction is ‘out’ before I wake up.”
With that, he stumbles off to a corner pulls out his sleeping bag, curls up and goes to sleep.
The last thing he hears is Tailman’s incredulous voice. “Wait. Is that a pineapple?!”
When Shōta wakes up not quite a half hour later, he wakes up to four pineapples and the familiar sound of Hizashi snoring at his back.
And his students, staring down at him with wide eyes. He nudges Hizashi. “Oi.. Wake up.”
“Five more minutes.” Hizashi whines back, shuffling closer.
“Present Mic-sensei?” Red Riot asks, his voice going up an octave at the end.
Hizashi wakes with a jerk, glancing around, eyes wide in a panic. He figures it out in a second, leaning forward and smacking Shōta’s shoulder. “You jerk.”
Shōta yawns. “Need you to clear an exit.” He says, completely unrepentant. His head is killing him, and he wishes he has another canteen, this one with water.
That saké really had a horrible taste.
He glares up at the kids. “You figure out which way is out?”
Froppy points without hesitation. He mentally awards her extra points for that.
“Ah.” Hizashi stands up, then streaks, his hair sticking out every which way, much like the top of a certain fruit. “Shall we get out of here then?”
“Yes, Sensei!” The students chorus, with a great deal more enthusiasm than Shōta could ever muster. Shōta grimaces at the noise, standing up a great deal more slowly and grabbing the sleeping bag as Hizashi follows Froppy to where she’s sensing air movement.
“Don’t forget the pineapples.”  Hizashi jovially calls, then blasts the rocks away.
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felicityb-reviews · 6 years
Seventeen “Director’s Cut” Special Album Review
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So like...
Who else saw it coming?!?!?
Hello loves!! My name is Jace (aka Felicity B), and welcome to my first album review!! And of fucking course, it's on Seventeen's repackage (sorry, Special Album™) - Director's Cut!! Anyone who knows me knows that I'm complete and total Svt trash (I might have cried watching Thank You for the first time), so I am *very* excited to be doing Seventeen for my first ever album review.
I might have had plans to do a Teen.Age review as my first post on Felicity B Reviews. No one can prove that, but it might have been a thing!!
1. Thinkin' About You
Thinkin' About You is Classic Svt™, kids.
You can expect three different types of tracks to be present on most (if not all) Seventeen albums
Gay up Straight up, balls to the wall Funk that has a ridiculous ass routine and looks amazing performed live (Boom Boom, Very Nice, Clap).
A soft Radio Ballad type song that would make the perfect intro track at a concert (Beautiful, Without You).
An acoustic(-sque) ballad that makes your heart go pitter patter (Smile Flower, Campfire).
I told y'all I was complete and total Svt Trash.
Thinkin' About You is a Funky Disco Pop number that combines the first and second Svt archetypes (tropes, if you will), and I fuckin' love it. In fact, I'm pretty sure there's no way I could ever *not* like this type song from any group, much less Seventeen. There's just something so Right™ about Seventeen doing high energy, pure pop numbers. Most boy bands outchea are trynna act like they're all badass and what not (not that Seventeen isn't), but Seventeen know what the fans want.
I know I said above that these type of songs would be perfect for opening a concert, but I actually think Thinkin' About You would be great to close out one?!?! Or for an ~encore~ stage. It's interesting that they chose Thinkin' About to open the repackage (*ahem* Special Album), because there's an element of finality to it. It does its job well enough, but it'd be interesting to hear how it'd sound if they had placed this at the end.
2. Thank You *title*
The ugly tears I bawled watching the video for the first time, y'all...
Firstly, whomstever leaked the original draft of my Teen.Age review??!? Yeah, ya mama's a heaux. I (very jokingly) complained about Clap not having enough Jisoo, and only did they come out with that ~remix~ of Clap that's literally WonSoo looking hot to a trap beat, but Thank You has an explosion of Jisoo.
It's too much.
Thank You is an EDM track that I'd usually expect from Performance Unit. And that's not shade, cause I fucking love Thank You. But sis, y'all could put ha next to Dance of the 13th Month and HIGHLIGHT, and it'd be a trilogy of slayery.
I don't actually recommend doing that unless your edge control is blessed by God, cause you will look a hot ass mess afterwards.
The best way to describe my thoughts on Thank You is "When will your faves?". All of my feelings on this song boil down to that question. Jisoo told us to be ready, but once the teasers hit, I had accepted my fate. My edges will never be the same, just like consequences. I will never stan another like I do Seventeen. How could I when they deliver such high quality, forward thinking songs that are still true to their brand of public friendly pop bops like Thank You??!?!?!
Dramatics aside, Thank You is just a really nice, really healing type of song. This song feels like renewed hope in a jar. Thank You doesn't make me feel like I can conquer the world, it makes me feel like I can live for another day. It makes me feel like I haven't struggled and fought in vain. And as someone who has had many a depressive episode that's left her feeling like complete and total trash, that feeling is not to underestimated.
3. Run To You
Sis, tell me how Seventeen delivered a J-Pop style track, while also making the song sound distinctly theirs?!?!?! I'm very sure if another group performed this, it'd still have that patented Svt feel to it.
Legends only.
Let's get the obvious out of the way - Run To You sounds like an anime theme song. A very nice anime theme song, but an anime theme song nonetheless. I'm a little confused as to why they'd include a song like this on a Korean album, because this style is very hit or miss when done in Korea. My thoughts on Run To You tie very heavily into how I feel about Director's Cut as a whole, but I'll get into those later.
Run To You has a grit to it's severely dulled by the mixing and mastering process, and it makes me wanna hear it live. This is exacerbated by the Svt's very clean, very pop style mixing, but to be fair, it is a complaint I've had about pretty much every Korean rock song with high production values.
I really would not mind if Seventeen ever decided to do a punk/pop sub-unit. Yes, I do realize Run To You isn't punk/pop, but that could easily be fixed. Seventeen gave us MCR inspired aesthetics with the Teen.Age teasers, and I was A Fan™. And several of the members play instruments (I'm having war flashbacks to their KBS Song Festival stage). It wouldn't be hard for them to pull off. It'd be a super cool foil to their power pop/Boys Just Wanna Have Fun™ group concept.
4. Falling For U (Jeonghan and Jisoo)
In case anyone is interested, I prefer to use Jisoo's Korean name over his American one (even though he uses that as a stage name), because Joshua is my deadname. And it's really uncomfortable to call one of your biases a name that has the potential to make you extremely dysphoric.
Moving on.
Falling For U is Svt archetype number three. And even though I have love for every song on Director's Cut, Falling For U is my clear favorite. Outside of featuring 2/3 of my Svt biases (I am a gay trash can, leave me be), it's an Acoustic Coffee Shop RnB Midtempo.
And y'all know how much my gay ass loves those.
It's missing the RnB overtones you typically hear in this type of song, but it's still pretty rad.
Falling For U is another really nice, really healing song. She sounds like springtime dates with bae. Like you're in that Honeymoon phase and you just wanna be all gross and sappy all the time. Falling For U also gives me the feel of a couple that's been in love for a while now. Everything feels easy in that moment, because you're just so in love. It's a nice feeling.
I frequently talk about how K-Pop fans need to unplug every once in a while because they be sippin' the Kool Aid a lil bit too much, but sometimes, I just wanna listen to a cute love song by a cute boy (or cute boys #GayTrashCan).
And speaking of cute things by cute boys, HanSoo's cute rap during the bridge. Sis, my heart exploded with feels. Jisoo has such a nice lower range (you wouldn't know it by how high his vocal parts are, but he's got a lil oomph to his voice for a lyric tenor) and Jeonghan has rasp for D A Y S.
I wanted it to be longer, you guys.
Overall And Final Thoughts
Director's Cut does what a repackage/special album is supposed to do - extend the life of an previously released album cycle with a new look and some new music. I liked that three/four of the songs featured here are group tracks as opposed to unit ones; Teen.Age was a great showcase of Seventeen as individuals, but it felt more like a singles collection than an album because of it. The tracklisting was a hot mess that exacerbated the problem, but the root was how varied the sound of the album was. Adding in the group tracks definitely helps make the album feel more cohesive.
I mean, there's the task of actually integrating the tracks into the body of the album, but that's the beauty of the Digital Revolution.
At the same time, I almost wish they'd waited to release these songs?!!
I've heard that Seventeen are planning a Japanese debut soon, so why not save these songs for that album. Most groups release a remake of a Korean song as a debut single in Japan, but Seventeen could have released Run To You. If there's a few thing sI've learned about successful Japanese campaigns for K-Pop groups are, it's that groups a) need to be proficient (at the very least) in the language and b) you gotta tailor your sound to the market. And what do ya know, Run To You would have Perfect™.
Idk, I'm very happy with this comeback because it breathed new life into an already amazing album, but at the same time, I think Seventeen's first release in 2018 should not have been a repackage. Especially one with a tracklisting this poorly thought out. Seventeen's albums have always had iffy tracklistings, but Director's Cut takes the cake, sis.
It doesn't take away from the quality of the music, but it makes you wonder where their management's priorities lies.
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