#seraphi oc
icicledream · 5 months
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sonic oc jumpscare (this is old doodles)
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the-friendly-warden · 8 months
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Seraphis tried to challenge Ophelion It didn't exactly go in his favor. Sera got his ass kicked to the surface and back again lmao
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Dr. Serapi is a lover of angel food cake and request it as her birthday cake every year
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nemmet · 2 years
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more of my silly little triton ocs (in fullbody form!!) 💜💗
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magicalbunbun · 1 month
Since everyone is sending in your Hazbin Ocs
Here's mine
Well my Angel Hazbin sona anyways
I'd like to see them in your style
But they might have too many details so sorry
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Titania is Sora/#### guardian
They were the first angel ever created and looked after and raised the other angels including the seraphi
They don't view god as their parent and simply have a creator creation relationship to him
Therefore they don't view the angels or seraphi as siblings to them either
Titania's name isn't a joke
They stand at 8'2 which is the smallest they can go and they can grow bigger
It was essential to their function to be able to be bigger because they were supposed to keep Heaven's rules and order and take care of the others before they disappeared
Shortly before Lucifer's rebellion Titania suddenly disappeared,just in time to avoid the war
They remained missing for many years but one day just after Cabel/Charlie's birth they reappeared in Heaven with a child clinging to them
No one's quite sure if the child is Titania's or if it's a sibling of sorts
No one wants to ask
Plus the child and Titania bare resemblance to eachother
Though all that remember Titania are overjoyed they are back
There's a uncannyness to them
Like Titania isn't Titania anymore
The bleeding red that never dries from their bandages no matter how many times people have seen them change them
The tears that drip down their blanked out black mask like face perpetually after the lost of those once under their care
How their creepy uncanny eyes that seem to see the past, present and future
Pin people down and stare into their souls when they are open
Titania just feels wrong to everyone now
I mean Titania hasn't done anything
They've simply returned to their original role of caring
They always silently look after the young angels
Allowing Cabel,Ria,Sora and others to climb all over them,ask them questions or cling and swing from their wings or tail
But they feel simply wrong
Some suspect that Titania has made a deal with a demon or something worse
For what else could explain the gray starting to stain their once pristine white hair
Or the dark weird coloured markings that have appeared on their wings
Or the black claws sheathed from their fingers
How they can test through flesh as easily and messy as butter
Titania is wrong
Feels wrong
But no one will say anything
Because they don't want to unleash whatever wears the skin of a angel
Sera is scared if her old Caretaker and she makes sure Emily stays away from the thing wearing the skin of something she used to know
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poffim · 8 months
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My oc Seraphi:>
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clavicuss-vile · 1 year
My Dragon Age OCs
finally an actual list;
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ORIGINS - Ara'kian Surana - Hero of Ferelden - He/They | City Elf | Circle Mage | Maleficar Spirit Healer | Former Warden-Commander of Ferelden | Leader of the Mage Rebellion | ♡ Zevran
Nymanar Vella Ilsasireia Sabrae - Warden of the Fifth Blight - He/Him | Dalish Elf | Grey Warden | Archer Rogue | Victim of the Blight | ♡ Lucas
Cywren Tabris - Veteran of the Fifth Blight - He/Him | City Elf | Dual-Wield Rogue | ♡ Alistair
Lucas Amell - Veteran of the Fifth Blight - He/They | Half Elf | Circle Mage | Apostate Maleficar | ♡ Nymanar
Na'ava Escarrà Asturia - Veteran of the Fifth Blight, Princess-Consort of Ferelden - She/Her | Half Elf | Circle Mage | Princess of Rivain | Former Chancellor of Ferelden | ✖ Leliana | ♡ Anora
Xenhia "Kestrel" Aronhalaan Tirashan'Tillahnnen - Veteran of the Fifth Blight - She/They | Dalish Elf | Circle Mage | Shapeshifter | ♡ Morrigan
Emilie Howe (née Cousland) - Arlessa of Amaranthine, Bann of Cannock's Coast - She/Her | Human | Archer Rogue | ♡ Nathaniel
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EXODUS (II) - Solace Hawke - Champion of Kirkwall - He/Him | Human | Apostate | Former Commander of the Mage Rebellion | ♡ Fenris (briefly Anders and Isabela)
Marian Hawke - Solace's Twin - She/Her | Human | Apostate taken to The Gallows | Dies in Act 2 | ♡ Isabela briefly
Lucas Amell (he's back) - Runaway Apostate - He/They | Half Elf | Apostate Maleficar | Dual-Wield Rogue | 4th Amell Child | ♡ Anders (briefly Fenris and Isabela)
Faust Amell - Circle Mage -> Pirate - They/She | Half Elf | Circle Mage | 2nd Amell Child | Escapes in The Last Straw | ♡ Isabela (post-game)
Our-Lady's-Mercy "Kit" Amell - Circle Mage -> Pirate - They/She | Half Elf | Born in Circle | Marian's daughter
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THE LAST COURT - Anthonette de Serault - The Shame of Serault - She/Her | Human | Apostate | Former Marquise of Serault | Abomination
Séraphin de Serault - Marquis of Serault - He/Him | Human | Apostate | The Scholar | ♡ Wayward Bard
Anaïs de Serault - The Huntress - She/Her | Human | Archer Rogue | ♡ Smiling Guildmistress
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INQUISITION - Atlas Mahariel Alerion Sabrae Seraphys - Inquisitor - He/Him | Dalish Elf | Rift Mage | Grey Warden Deserter | First (later Keeper) of Clan Seraphys | ♡ Tamlen (married <3)
Arë'veia Isa'Cinnanain Seraphys - Inquistor - She/Her | Dalish Elf | Greatsword Warrior | Daughter of Keeper Dola'rosa | ✖ Solas
Aurélie Montilyet (née Trevelyan) - Inquisitor - She/Her | Human | Knight-Enchanter | Escaped Tevinter Slave | Escaped Circle Mage | ♡ Elia (rip), Josephine
Aeneas Rutherford-Trevelyan (née Trevelyan) - Agent of the Inquisition - He/Him | Human | Dual-Wield Rogue | Templar Deserter | ♡ Cullen
Revalin Amell - Agent of the Inquisition - He/They | Half Elf | Apostate | Herbalist | ✖ Oskar | ♡ Dorian
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DREADWOLF - Asra Aemaris-Ilonveil Seraphys - The Traveller - They/Them | Wood Elf | Mage | Migrant from Tamriel | Taken in by Clan Seraphys | Triplet Sibling of Rhaeneryia and Arabella | ♡ ???
Sorren "Rook" Surana - Protagonist - He/They | Half Elf | Sword & Shield Mage | Ara'kian's Child | ♡ ???
Lenaya "Sparrow" Surana - Teyrna of Gwaren - She/They | Half Elf | Archer Rogue | Twin of Sorren | Leader of the Night Elves | Chancellor of Ferelden | ♡ Eirian
Eirian Surana (née Cousland) - Teyrna of Gwaren - She/Her | Half Elf | Archer Rogue | Daughter of Fergus | Former Lady-in-Waiting of Princess Rosemary | Leader of the Gwaren Wyvern Knights | ♡ Lenaya
Rythian Mac Tir - Crown Prince of Ferelden - He/Him | Human | Warrior | Son of Anora | Betrothed to Rosemary | ♡ Kieran, Rosemary
Rosemary Mac Tir (née Howe) - Princess of Ferelden - She/Her | Human | Daughter of Emilie and Nathaniel | ♡ Rythian
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variouscolors · 2 years
Evolution lines
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On a similar note to [database] and [muse list] , this post is focused on lines for muses. I don't own icons for every form so if they appear they will be via text + and a link to their wikimon page since i'm not good at describing things orz
(note: this list uses OG names mostly / this post will be added to the database pages)
[Update: Feb/26/2024]
Taichi (OG + reboot): Agu → Grey → MetalGrey → WarGrey
Taichi (VT): V-dra → AeroV-dra → UlforceV-dra
Yamato (OG): Gabu → Garuru → WereGaruru → MetalGaruru
Sora (OG + reboot): Piyo → Birdra → Garuda → Houou
Mimi (OG + reboot): Pal → Toge → Lily → Rose
Daisuke: Vee → XV → Wingdra → UlforceV-dra
Ken: Worm → Sting → JewelBee → BanchoSting
Miyako: Hawk → Aquila → Hippogriffo → Valdur
Iori: Armadi → Ankylo → ??? → ???
Takeru (OG): Pata → Ange → HolyAnge → Seraphi
Hikari (OG): Tail → Angewo → Holydra
Wallace: Terrier → Gargo → Rapid (perf) → SaintGargo ↳ Lop → Turuie → Antyla (deva) → Cherubi (good/virtue)
Michael: Beta → Seadra → MegaSeadra → ???
Jun: Pulse → Runner → Tempo → LovelyAnge
Menoa: Morpho → ??? (possibly Hudiemon)
Maki: Baku → Monochro → Megadra → ???
Daigo: Bear → Grizz → LoaderLeo → Baihu
Lui: Ukko [does not evolve at all]
Advverse Ryo: Monodra → Cyberdra (warp)
(OC) Daichi: Ulforce Vee → XV → AeroV-dra → UlforceV-dra
(OC) Taisuke: BlackAgu → Grey (v) → MetalGrey (v) → BWG
(OC) Blu/Rhodo: Chibi → LordKnight (warp)
[02 ep 36-37] Chef Digitamamon: Vee → V-dra → Digitama
02 group: Armor + Jogress ↳ Dai-Ken: Paildra → Imperial (DRA/FM/PM) ↳ Miya-Hika: Silphy → Valkyri ↳ Iori-Take: Shakkou → Domini
Takuya: Agni ↔ Vritra → Alda or KaiserGrey
Izumi: Fairy ↔ Shutu
Ikuto: Falco → Peck → Yatagara → Rav → Rav BM
Taiki: Shout → OmegaShout
Akari: Dorulu → YaegerDorulu
Tagiru: Gumdra → Arresterdra
Haru: Gatch → Dogatch → Globe → Gaia
Eri: Doka → Dosuko → Ouja → Poseido
Rei: Hack → Raidra → Revive → Hades
Yuujin: Off → Shut
Hiro: Gamma → Betel/Kaus/Wezen/Gulus → Canoweiss → Sirius ↳ Espi → HoverEspi
[GG] Piemon: Imp → Wizard → Wise → Pie
[GG] Kuzuhamon: Rena → Kyuubi → Tao → Kuzuha
Rina: Vee → V-dra → AeroV-dra → UlforceV-dra
[CS] Magnamon: Vee → Magna
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seraphine-chan · 3 years
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Some sketches of my OCs. Their names are Audrey, Sophie, Mirielle, and Bianca. (Going from clockwise)
I gave Audrey a redesign since her original design was lacking IMO. I think she looks so pretty with braids(I believe they're called box braids?)!
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spaceokase · 3 years
Love and Marriage (And Children I Guess)
Feel like droppin’ that sick oc lore again, so here are my ocs’ opinions on love, marriage, children, the lot of it:
Zephrine: A romantic through and through, love and marriage have always been a high priority in her life and always will be. She’s wanted to get married since forever and thinks about it a lot.
She does not share the same passion for children. She likes them, and would be fine with having them, but they’re not a must-have in her life. Also, becoming Hierarch makes it less feasible. It’s hard enough to balance a love life as is. So she’s content to just be the dramatic aunt that shows up and spoils her friends’ children rotten.
Danyla: Is actually quite family-oriented and wants to have a partner and have children some day, but feels she’ll never be able to due to her commitment to the church and her dangerous line of work. Her job comes first and to her that’s not really fair on a partner, and even less fair on children.
Kajra: He’s baby, so it’s a long way off but I feel he likes the idea of marriage and kids in the far, far future.
Seraphi: Happily married to her fellow cleric-wife, Starlit Sky. It was never something Seraphi had planned on, but she’s very content. She has no desire to have children and neither does her wife tho lmao
Neralya: Doesn’t plan on either, as she’s a very go-with-the-flow type person, but ends up with both. No regrets.
Lhoril: Has been happily married to her husband for the past 300 years. Really, really wants children but since her husband is a brass dragon and that's a big secret in the city they rule together, she can’t for now. Half-dragons are pretty recognizable and her husband would be outed at worst and at best her fidelity would be seriously questioned lmao
Threnadil: No. She has baggage associated with both of them that I won’t go into further b/c spoilers.
Sunni: I don’t think she wants either, she’s got too much stuff she wants to do lmao
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kittywolfxxx · 5 years
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the-friendly-warden · 9 months
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Voryth is very curious about the box, with the strange new scent on it, but when they open it, it pops open! The vibrations startle the warden, but also end up agitating Seraphis. As the two smack at the box and fake snakes, chasing the vibrations, Ophelion lounges on a large rock nearby chuckling in amusement. Voryth absolutely fell for it xD
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jenesisarts · 5 years
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Companion piece in my personal OC series. This one is of my OC Seraphis! It didn’t end up having as much white as I initially wanted, but I’m happy with the result. Can’t wait to see how the gold dries!
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nemmet · 2 years
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two of my triton ocs!! they’re cousins who butt heads a lot (but love each other deep down)
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astukoshadowspider · 5 years
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Ever see serpahy mad...u better run for ur life...
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raventherogue · 5 years
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Wow, I posted something original for once! This is some concept art for a webcomic I may or may not actually do...
For now, have some lesbian forest gods
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