#sf 55
whewchilly · 3 months
SF-24 via Scuderia Ferrari
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ferrari hyping up the name announcement only for them to call it the SF24 is so fucking funny
like yeah babe I could have put money on it being called that… in fact maybe I should have put money on it, because I would have made a profit
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aesthetic--mood · 3 months
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Scuderia Ferrari Aesthetic
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racing-is-passion · 3 months
Ferrari SF-24 photos
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randomnameless · 1 year
That is racist of Dheginsea. Othering the children who aren’t responsible for their parents choices and demonizing them so they have no place to go, and so those children end up with resentment to the Laguz for the way they’re othered and treat. Not to mention it wouldn’t stop Laguz from willingly being with a Beorc despite the consequences, which further leads to both sides hating the other. Of course the narrative of how both sides wrote history to say they alone are descended from the Zunanma rather than admit both are closely related sub species itself furthers the othering as well, as it means there’s no reason to view the other species as deserving to exist when they’re the Goddess chosen people.
I think Dheginsea at least meant well, but he never truly considered the idea that his actions to preserve his species at the cost of a new species(as that’s what the Branded are) caused the same problems he feared for an even smaller minority.
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No pbs anon!
That's why I really really really hate the Tellius situation, it's a "divide by 0" equation where no matter what, some people will be screwed at the end.
And that's the issue!
Of course protecting a minority from being persecuted is an obvious step on a path to protect everyone - but it's the ultimate railroad dilemna where you have to choose who is going to be rolled over.
Sadly I've tried to find the chapter from which the Misaha quotes were ripped off on SF but it's not from the endgame?
It's those lines :
"Misaha: All of the apostles have borne this brand. It is our greatest secret. The senators must never know. Because of this brand, I thought that I had been born of some great sin. It plagued me always. Guilt tore at me every day as I hid my mark from my people, deceiving them constantly about my true nature. Lehran: Oh, child...how can I apologize to you? Misaha: And yet, now that I’ve met you, I understand. There is no shame in my heritage. None at all. I will not live in hiding. I will reveal to the world that I am one of the Branded. They must see there is no shame in who I am."
Misaha thinks she was born from a "great" sin because of her brand, most likely hearing the stories of Deghinsea about brandeds being "parentless" children and "sins against the goddess".
But why is Lehran apologising here?
Is he apologising because he participated in that lie, or more twisted- Lehran apologises because if Misaha has a brand and cannot pass as a beorc in Begnion, it's because of "him" for not being a beorc? Is Lehran actually apologising for being born a laguz?? For befriending Altina and getting their first kid?
Granted, when Lehran has his breakdown because of chaotic energies before making the decision to erase both Laguz and Beorcs, it goes like this :
Dheginsea: “You, who have lost your birthright?”
Misaha: “And yet, now that I’ve met you, I understand. There is no shame in my heritage. None at all.”
Ashera: “In deference to you, I will place my faith in your kind one last time.”
Altina: “You… are the gentlest soul of them all, my sweet Lehran…”
Lehran: “Why? Why did I lose my power? Why? Why was my tribe stolen? Why, why, why?”
More than 800 years later, Lehran is still "not over with" losing his powers. Lehran who is kind and gentle, but who wants to help - loses his birthright, he cannot fulfill his promise to Ashera anymore - thus cannot help - his descendant is proud to be, well, his descendant - but he cannot help/save her (as if he had the possibility anyways!) because he lost his powers - and Deghinsea who inadvertently (I think Deg had no malicious intent here) reminds him that he is powerless...
Imo, it encapsulates everything - there is nothing wrong about Laguz and Beorc accepting each other, but why the fuck Laguz lose their powers? ?
As for the lie in itself and crossbreeding...
What do you mean by "weren't taught properly"?
That's precisely the point of that lie, the truth, if taught to the world, would be unearable for both Laguz and, to a lesser extent, Beorcs. Like, telling the truth to Laguz? "Don't fuck Beorcs or you will end up losing your abilities forever" ? But for Beorcs it's just "you're free to fuck Laguz, you'll create another being with superpowers and cripple the laguz that way!"
(also, I think it is most likely taught around, there's the joke UST between Elincia and Tibarn, and Bastian cockblocks Tibarn because they remember this tale?)
Yes, each side think they are the ones who descend from the Zunama - instead of learning the truth of how they "both" descend from the Zunama, but if both sides try to return to, idk, Zunama roots and the original "we were both one" myth, well, one side loses all of its powers, while the other get away scot-free.
So, are they that "closely related" as sub-species as they are supposed to be, in one species "dies" when it breeds with the other? We know they are, as they both descend from the same "ancestor/species", but the result of the two breeding says the inverse.
Of course the lie wouldn't stop Laguz and Beorcs who like each other a lot to live together and get kids, but the Branded's sheer existence, regardless of Deghinsea's words and edicts, is something of an anathema to Laguz, as we see with Vika and Miccy's base convo :
Micaiah: You always run away from me… Did I do something to offend you? Vika: No, I’m so sorry. I can’t explain why this happens. I get so jumpy around you. There’s just… something about you. Micaiah: Oh… Vika: Oh, but please don’t be sad! It’s not you. It’s me. I get… confused… sometimes. I really admire you, and then I get a bizarre feeling, and… Micaiah: It’s all right. Sorry to bother you. Vika: …No. Wait. Micaiah: Hm? Vika: I want to overcome this. I don’t like that I feel I must avoid you for some inexplicable reason.
Why Laguz, in general, feel Branded are people "they must avoid"?
Is it because to Laguz, even subconsciously, a branded's existence means one of them "died"? Or in a more metaphysical sense, because Brandeds herald the end of the Laguz race (because if more brandeds are born, it means more laguz "die" ?)
Misaha didn't only want to end injustices and racism against the Branded, she wanted to stop racism in Begnion against Laguz (thus by proxy, against Brandeds).
In conclusion, Deginshea's lie created discriminations against Brandeds, but I think it's more nuanced than a general "to protect one race he put another under the bus".
When Soren goes :
Hate… That I could understand. This was denial. They made me feel like I wasn’t supposed to exist at all. That my simply being alive was an affront to the world.
It's painful to read, because no one should ever think they shouldn't have been born, or their mere existence is "an affront to the world".
Tibarn puts it this way, talking about "an old song" :
It is said that the goddesses forbid laguz and beorc to procreate. If a couple breaks the taboo, the punishment is dealt to the laguz parent. She or he loses the power of the laguz and becomes something that does not belong to either species.
Deghinsea created the "taboo" and the decree, but he wasn't the one who created the "punishment".
Heck, the punishment is the reason why the "taboo" was created, to reduce the number of "punished" people, but also, and maybe, to find a reason why those "punishments" are given?
The sitation becomes unbearable : we have people who are shunned hated and at times even killed for "existing", and we have people who "die"/lose their abilities/are "punished" automatically when the first people mentionned start to exist (iirc Almedha lost her powers when she became pregnant).
For what it's worth, per Nasir, both Beorcs and Laguz came to accept the concept of Deginshea's decree :
Nasir: Even so, the taboo was broken several times over the next few decades. Usually no child was conceived, but when there was, it was swiftly covered up. The parents soon learned what it meant to bear a child who possessed both laguz and beorc blood. After they learned of the consequences, none of these parents ever rejected the edict forbidding it.
Of course comes the obvious question of did anyone even thought about asking a Branded their opinion on that decree ? Miccy is part of that conversation too, and reacts when "honor killings" of brandeds are mentionned.
But afaik, we don't have Miccy's pov about that edict - after this conversation - and the game sure as hell doesn't want her to talk to Lehran (all of his convos are reserved for Sanaki!) - whose fault is it that Lehran lost his powers, thus direct line to the goddess, thus will to live? Hers because she was born (or her ancestor's)? His, for loving Altina? Whose fault is it that Brandeds are shunned? Deghinsea, who made that decree, or Laguz in general who can sense what they are and see through them the extinction of their race, or an unfair "punishment" from whoever ?
As always, with complicated questions, Ike is nowhere to be seen, but even without Ike, what would be the best solution?
Of course, stop persecuting and denying the existence of Brandeds would be a good start.
And then?
When Laguz and Beorcs will argue againt about something stupid, reject coexistence because, to Beorcs, Laguz are beings that "stop existing" as soon as they shag? And to Laguz, who will feel cosmically "cheated" because they are the only ones who receive "punishment" from miscegenation, to the point of thinking maybe Beorcs are really the superior race?
It's why Lehran's tale is so sad, he wanted coexistence but was punished for it by his very own world - why did he lose his powers?
What kind of solution can be found in a world that pushes for equality between races, but also reveals when they coexist, only one race is "punished"?
That's why I mentioned the divide by 0 equation -
The Tellius equation has no solutions.
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prettysainz · 2 years
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Red is such a hum colour ❤️
Forever associating red with him ❤️
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simdertalia · 6 months
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🎍 ACNH Harmonious Set 🌺
Sims 4, Base game compatible | 55 items
Type “ACNH Harmonious” into the search query in build mode to find  quickly. You can always find items like this, just begin typing the title and it will appear.
Use the scale up & down feature on your keyboard to make the items larger or smaller to your liking. If you have a non-US keyboard, it may be different keys depending on which alphabet it uses.
I hope you enjoy!
Set contains: Buy: -Azumaya Gazebo | 4 swatches | 9302 poly -Bamboo 1 (sprouts) | 2 swatches | 986 poly -Bamboo 2 (trees) | 2 swatches | 2932 poly -Bamboo Basket | 3 swatches | 1109 poly -Bamboo Bathmat | 3 swatches | 324 poly -Bamboo Candle | 3 swatches | 992 poly -Bamboo Deer Scare | 6 swatches | 1194 poly -Bamboo Divider | 3 swatches | 1028 poly -Bamboo Drum | 3 swatches | 1186 poly -Bamboo Grass Tanabata | 1 swatch | 1202 poly -Bamboo Lamp | 3 swatches | 1146 poly -Bamboo Lunch | 3 swatches | 1202 poly -Bamboo Noodle Slide | 1 swatch | 3484 poly -Bamboo Shelf (decluttered/liberated) | 3 swatches | 1706 poly -Bamboo Shoot Lamp | 2 swatches | 1036 poly -Bamboo Vase | 3 swatches | 1197 poly -Bamboo Wall Decor | 4 swatches | 1217 poly -Beanstalk | 5 swatches | 4784 poly -Flower Vase (liberated from shelf) | 3 swatches | 399 poly -Glow Moss Ceiling Decor | 16 swatches | 1198 poly -Glow Moss Jars 1-6 (6 items liberated from shelf) | 8 swatches each | low poly -Glow Moss Pond | 6 swatches | 9418 poly -Glow Moss Shelf (decluttered/liberated) | 8 swatches | 2046 poly -Glow Moss Wreath | 16 swatches | 612 poly -Gong | 2 swatches | 2400 poly -Japanese Coffee Table | 6 swatches | 1216 poly -Jar of Bamboo Shoots | 1 swatch | 602 poly -Kadomatsu | 2 swatches | 1194 poly -Kagami Mochi | 1 swatch | 1194 poly -Katana Display | 5 swatches | 2270 poly -Kimono Stand | 4 swatches | 2342 poly -Kimono Stand Fancy | 5 swatches | 2176 poly -Moss Accent Table | 16 swatches | 1924 poly -Moss Rugs (round & rectangle) | 6 swatches each | 340 & 465 poly -Moss Seat | 16 swatches | 1178 poly -Peacock Chair | 7 swatches | 1234 poly -Plate Decor (liberated from shelf) | 3 swatches | 338 poly -Sakura Vase | 1 swatch | 2699 poly -Samurai Statue | 6 swatches | 2551 poly -Sanrio Bridge | 1 swatch | 4732 poly -Stone Bowl | 4 swatches | 673 poly -Stone Bowl w/ Sakura Petals | 4 swatches | 693 poly -Surichwitteok | 1 swatch | 934 poly -Tanuki Statue | 1 swatch | 1205 poly -Tatami | 2 swatches | 140 poly -Vine Hat Decor | 5 swatches | 858 poly -Vine Rug | 4 swatches | 543 poly -Vine Stone Seat | 5 swatches | 1201 poly
Build: -Moss Brick Wall | 1 swatch
📁 Download all or pick & choose (SFS, No Ads): HERE
📁 Alt Mega Download (still no ads): HERE
📁 Download on Patreon
Will be public on November 28th, 2023
Happy Simming! ✨ Some of my sets will be early access from now on. If you like my work, please consider supporting me:
★ Patreon  🎉 ❤️ |★ Ko-Fi  ☕️  ❤️ ★ Instagram📷
Thank you for reblogging ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds  @gamommypeach  @stargazer-sims-finds  @khelga68  @suricringe  @vaporwavesims  @mystictrance15 @public-ccfinds
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without-ado · 10 days
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SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Starlink 6-55
l Charles Boyer l Cape Canaveral SFS, FL
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platinumaspiration · 3 months
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Someone say...eyebrows?
After the big hair default replacement, there were a few WCIF requests for eyebrows. So now here we are :)
These are basically all of the eyebrows from TS4 converted to TS2. I did include default replacements + a doc on which customs to remove if you want the defaults too. And, if you're not a fan of my default options, I'd suggest checking out @tvickiesims option here
Download - SFS | MF 55 options | 5 natural colors | unisex | all ages (for the most part - you can use OutfitOrganiser to remove ages)
credit: paluding (tattooer)
previews under cut:
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neosimi · 10 months
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🍃 4t2 the woodwind collection by greenllamas 🌿
happy tuesday! here is this wonderful living set made by greenllamas. there are 11 objects in total, four of them are repo'd. the full object list and polycount is under the cut. as always, please lmk if you run into any issues. enjoy!~ 。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。
files are compressed. collection file included.
download: [sfs] | [box] ♡
credits: @greenllamas.
Clarinette 2-Seater Couch - 564 polys | $200
Clarinette 3-Seater Couch - 528 polys | $300
Deformed Olive Tree - 632 polys | $250
Deformed Olive Tree (Table Size) - 632 polys | $55 [REPO]
First Quarter Console Table - 211 polys | $150
Full Moon Coffee Table - 174 polys | $200
Hungry Moon End Table - 262 polys | $85 [REPO to full moon]
Hypnosis Vinyl - 98 polys | $45
PURRRRR Rug - 12 polys| $105
Third Quarter End Table - 148 polys | $75 [REPO to first quarter]
Wazowski Chair - 488 polys | $160 [REPO to 3seater]
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note: the clutter on the tables is not included. the vinyl is not pictured, that's my bad lol.
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radioactivedotcom · 7 months
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👽 alien set 👽 [conversions] - SIMBLREEN 2023 TREAT 01
yep, i have reused the image. sue me. anyway, alien plants!! mm style! 3 grasses, 42 plants and 10 trees. hope you like it :D
reminder that you can mess with the plant's sizes in game by using the [ ] keys :)
– 55 packages –
all lods
mostly all between 1k and 6k polygons. maybe 2-3 at 10k.
find them by typing [RDC] or Alien Set in the search bar
credits for 3D models&textures can be found in the description boxes
recolors are very welcome!! (and yes you can include the mesh, in builds as well, as long as there’s NO PAYWALL)
– through here for all my s4 downloads –
tag me if you use!
download: sfs - mediafire (unzip and drop in your mods folder)
––– links not working? try right-clicking and opening in a new tab!
~ have fun ~
{•̴͈ ˔̇ •̴͈}
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remysa · 11 months
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This is my new set with STAINED GLASS WINDOWS inspired by Harry Potter PC Game Series!
I very hard worked for this and hope you will like it!
Description, more photo and download link under the cut
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Sorry, guys, I know most of you dislike boosty but it easy for using, I can`t use Patreon for early access in my country ( try found money for treatment =_=”)
*You can change this site`s language top right corner*
Make your wise choice:
Round windows have 55 stained glass options in 12 frames. You can choice what do you want (look at pictures!). Arched windows have only 9 stained glass options in 5 frames (look at pictures too). Its very high size of packages because i`m so bad englishspeaker and can`t to find tutorial about texture packages =_=”
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Report me any issues!
Download:BOOSTY.TO | SFS
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kaluxsims · 6 months
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While this week's post isn't spooky, it is a conversion of one of @whyhellosims' Simblreen treats, their Oversized Sweatshirt for kids. I saw it, I needed it in my game, I converted it. It's just how I am.
It's for CU, all colors. Has a fat morph and is set as Everyday, PJ, and Gym. I converted all of WHS' textures, though I edited texture 9. It was too similar to 10 for my taste, off-white vs white, so I turned it green. I also did a bunch of solid and colorblocked recolors of my own. The total is 55 textures. WHS' are numbered, mine are color named. In the swatch, WHS' are the chest area and mine are the shoulder area, to show the contrasting sleeves on most of them.
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Download: SFS or MediaFire
Credits: @whyhellosims for TS4 mesh and textures
Next week? So many bear suits. I hope you like bear suits. Because oh wow, bear suits!
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toxxicsims · 7 months
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S4Nexus Skeleton Costume Conversion
This skeleton costume by @sims4nexus was a conversion request. I was asked to include some pastel recolors, and as usual I went overboard. There are 55 swatches total with my Halloween-themed colors and pastels. Oh, and it glows.
I did not convert the mask, but instead I converted the face paint from Spooky Stuff (pack not required). I recolored it to match the costume and there are 40 swatches total. Grab the toddler costume here. Someone also converted the face paint for toddlers here.
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simdertalia · 7 months
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🐈‍⬛ Cat Offerings Set 🐈‍⬛
Sims 4, Base game compatible. October is Black Cat Awareness Month If you are considering adopting, do consider a little house panther! (but be careful not to let kitties roam outdoors) 22 items, functional items will require Cats & Dogs for the tunings.
Always suggested: bb.objects ON, it makes placing items much easier. For further placement tweaking, check out the TOOL mod.
Set contains: -Bastet Statue | 10 swatches to include originals | 404 poly -Bed (decor & functional versions. Decor version has a slot) | 15 swatches each | 861 poly -Cat Grass | 7 swatches | 1518 poly -Cat Tower (functions as a bed) | 6 swatches | 1350 poly -Collar Decor - Diamond | 6 swatches | 694 poly -Collar Decor - Leather | 1 swatch | 650 poly -Food & Water Dish Decor | 5 swatches | 1202 poly -Food Cans 1 & 2 | 5 swatches each | 694 poly -Litterbox Decor | 7 swatches | 1105 poly -Mouse Toy (decor & functional versions) | 7 swatches | 192 poly -Rug | 1 swatch | 964 poly -Chicken Jerky Bag | 1 swatch | 55 poly -Chicken Jerky Treat Decor | 1 swatch | 55 poly -Fish Cookies Bag | 5 swatches | 501 poly -Fish Cookie Treat Decor | 1 swatch | 210 poly -Fish Jerky Bag | 5 swatches | 602 poly -Fish Jerky Treat Decor | 1 swatch | 110 poly -Heart Cookies Bag | 5 swatches | 554 poly -Heart Cookies Treat Decor | 1 swatch | 146 poly
Type “cat offerings" into the search query in build mode to find  quickly. You can always find items like this, just begin typing  the title and it will appear.
📁 Download (SFS, No Ads): HERE
📁 Alt Download (still no ads): HERE
As always, please let me know if you have any issues! Happy Simming!
✨ If you like my work, please consider supporting me
★ Patreon  🎉 ❤️ |★ Ko-Fi  ☕️  ❤️ ★ Instagram📷
Thank you for reblogging ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds  @gamommypeach  @stargazer-sims-finds  @khelga68  @suricringe  @vaporwavesims  @mystictrance15 @public-ccfinds
The rest of my CC
There are some deco pets here that include a lying down kitty, that might be able to be used on the deco bed, for people who do not have the Cats & Dogs expansion.
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celestialspritz · 9 months
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⭐leahlillith malibu + pralinesims irene eyes 4t2⭐
so, malibu was initially a polycount reduction request from @mrs-mquve-cc, but memento's original conversion had issues with exporting so i decided to bite the bullet and convert myself. BUT!! i simply used memento's mesh file so that my conversion works with existing recolours
as for the eyes, another set ive done before that needed resizing and resclera'd. luckily, i still had the swatches laying around on one of my drives lol
☆ leahlillith malibu - 25k to 11k, cf-ef, uses memento's package, angles here - MESH ONLY / MESH WITH MY RETEXTURES ☆
☆ pralinesims irene eyes - 55 swatches, on usual sclera, custom only - DL @ SFS ☆
credits - memento-sims, leahlillith, pralinesims
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