#she made him wear Mickey ears too
can-of-pringles · 2 years
El: Can we go to Disney World?
Henry: No.
El: Can we go to Disney World?
Henry: No.
El: Can we go to Disney World?
Henry: No.
El filming herself and Henry standing in front of Cinderella's Castle: Guess where we are right now?!
Henry: I spent your college fund to pay for this trip.
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ferrstappen · 1 year
hey bubs, dunno if your taking requests still but I was wondering if you could write dad!Max taking his kids to a theme park for the first time, maybe Disney?
Thank you in advance
Disney World Break (Max Verstappen x fem reader
Max insisted, like really insisted on taking the kids to Disney World, you were already in Miami and a flight to Orlando would be short forty-five minutes.
You, on the other hand, weren’t so thrilled about the idea of taking two four-year-old to a theme park, walking under the humid sun for hours, packed with people from all over the world who could recognize your very famous husband.
The twins, Luca and Mila, both carbon copies of their father, pleaded you to go during the entire flight from Azerbaijan to Florida, encouraged by their father.
“Max, they’re too young to go, they’ll last two hours, tops” You told him as the twins were sleeping, cuddling each other.
“We can take breaks or whatever, we’ll take one of those VIP tours so we can skip lines,” Max hummed at the feeling of your fingers threading through his hair while his head rested on your lap.
Something flashed as you looked at him, always acting like a child outside the track, maybe because he was trying to connect with his inner child, and it all made sense. “Baby, have you ever been to Disney World?”
Blue eyes made contact with yours, his hands finding their home on your thigh. “No, not in Orlando at least. Mum and dad took a Victoria and I to Disneyland in France, but I don’t remember much”
Those words were enough to make you close your eyes and take a deep breath, knowing both Max and you were going to regret this, but it was going to be another adventure for your books. “Ok, baby. We are going to Disney world. You better book that VIP shot soon, and of course we’re going to Magic Kingdom.”
Fast forward two days and you were on the entrance of the park, Max helping Luca to choose his first ears, all while carrying Mila on his arms and telling her to choose whatever she wanted.
“Those ears look really great on you, my love.” You knelt in front of your son, fixing his hair so it wouldn’t look messy.
Just as you were speaking with your private tour guide, Max walked next to you, placing his hand on your waist and gently squeezing it to catch your attention.
“Put them on, liefde.” Max placed a pair of classic Minnie ears, as he adjusted his own Mickey hat.
It seemed like you were not only in charge of your twins, somewhere along the way after riding the Jungle Cruise, your husband started taking Luca and Mila to every shop, money not being an issue as the twins overindulged in merch and sweets.
“What do you think about going to the teacups next?” Max asked Mila, who was on his shoulders.
“Daddy, I’m tired.” Mila complained.
The whispered I told you so didn’t pass unnoticed by Max, who playfully placed his hand very near your ass.
“Max! It’s full of children here, have some respect!” You laughed, placing a kiss on his chin, only to be interrupted.
“Eww! Mama and daddy don’t!” Luca said making a disgusted expression, only to be reprimanded by his sister.
“How about we head to the castle and take our family photo?” You suggested and Max agreed, asking the guide to walk you to the best picture spot.
The sun was glowing, the four of you wearing your ears. Mila was in front of you while Luca was in front of Max who placed a hand on his shoulder and another on your ass, giving it a light squeeze just as the photographer snapped the picture.
This wasn’t a vacation, though. Just after the fireworks exploded, you were on a SUV, full of Disney World bags including multiple t-shirts, dolls, Mickey Mouse replicas, a play set of Cinderella castle driving to the airport where the jet was already waiting for the four of you.
You laughed after noticing multiple Pandora jewelry bags full of Disney charms, bracelets and earrings, even if you insisted to Max that Mila would never wear them. Max didn’t care, whatever his princess wanted, whatever his princess would get.
Max and you were still wearing your ears, staring at Mila and Luca who were both sleeping between the two of you.
“So, what do you say to a week long Disney vacation when the season’s over?” Max proposed and you giggled.
“Only if you ride all the roller coasters with them while I eat my churro” You answered and Max laughed; his gorgeous cackle which made the corner of his eyes crinkle and his mouth form the most beautiful smile before leaning to leave a kiss on your lips, careful to not disturb the twins.
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gravehags · 2 months
the papas and the ghoulettes/ghouls at disneyland
nihil - grumpy old shit that his sons deposit on a bench on main street and abandon for the day. complains loudly to no one how he wishes seestor was there (she refused to come). somehow manages to end up with an enormous waffle cone and makes a kid cry.
primo - loves, loves, loves the people watching. is content to sit on a bench of his own (far, far away from nihil) soaking in the vibes. spends the rest of the day ambling around the park appreciating the variety of plants that are on display. loves the fantasyland dark rides.
secondo - loves the thrill rides in both parks but is especially fond of space mountain. wears a simple pair of black mickey ears all day and commands quite a presence at the carthay circle bar in california adventure (he loves good liquor and a good meal). has several tourists coming up to him for pictures because they mistake him for pitbull.
terzo - adores the energy of the place and like primo, loves to people watch. charms his way into club 33 and texts ridiculous and smug pictures of himself hanging out there to an outraged secondo all day. flirts heavily with the princesses in the most over the top romantic displays. can frequently be found vibing in the enchanted tiki room.
copia - this man is riding haunted mansion on repeat and loving every second of it. loves a good dole whip or a churro (anything sweet really) and will always laugh outrageously at all the skipper’s jokes on jungle cruise. manages to make multiple babies smile and laugh throughout the day, to the utter delight of their families. cries at the fireworks, always.
cumulus - she loves fantasyland - the dark rides, the music, the fairy tale vibes. can commonly be found riding the carousel looking stunning and singing along with the songs. cries openly at it’s a small world while dew and sunshine laugh affectionately. like copia, has a sweet tooth and will never say no to cotton candy. insists on the pack staying to watch the fireworks every night.
cirrus - easily the coolest person in the park, always at cumulus’ side. loves tomorrowland and galaxy’s edge - anything with a space theme really makes her smile. compiles a professional team to conquer smuggler’s run made up of mountain, rain, sunshine, and herself. will sip happily on a blue milk and definitely ends up buying a lightsaber.
sunshine - this girl is a toontown girl!! she loves the fun architecture and delights in meeting the characters (collects autographs too). she and swiss could ride runaway railway all day and the two of them love to annoy their fellow pack members by singing the song from the ride on repeat. will fucking demolish several tigger tails and spends the rest of the evening complaining about her upset tummy.
aurora - the pack princess? you know she’s hunting down her fellow princesses throughout the park - when she finds the other princess aurora she’s beside herself with glee and insists swiss and aether act as her personal photographers. her favorite ride is soarin’ and will absolutely be the kind of person to swing her legs while she’s flying through the air.
swiss - this ghoul insists on the pack all getting classic mickey ears with their names stitched on them and makes mountain take several group selfies with them all wearing them. incredibly competitive (and good) at the carnival games on pixar pier and passes out his stuffed animal trophies to the crowd of kids that comes to watch him.
dewdrop - like copia is a huge fan of the haunted mansion. will ride with a different pack member every time and point out different goofy ghosts while telling them “that’s you”. he learns how to play grim grinning ghosts on his guitar when they get home which delights phantom to no end. loves a good candy apple. will spin the teacup so hard on mad tea party with sunshine they makes phantom puke.
rain - he loves pirates of the caribbean, loves the damp air and the darkness and will happily ride it all afternoon. most likely to make friends with random cast members throughout the park which baffles mountain who asks “how do they all know you?” is a fun little beverage connoisseur but his favorite is the non alcoholic mint juleps they serve in new orleans square.
mountain - wears the oswald ears to make himself look even taller and can frequently be found looming over children and smiling benevolently at them. is the first to offer aurora a piggy back ride when her cute impractical shoes hurt her. loves grizzly river run and the entire grizzly peak area of california adventure (redwoods enjoy redwoods, naturally). his favorite ride is guardians of the galaxy: mission breakout.
aether - the organizer of the pack he has absolutely considered getting those leash backpacks for several of them. big man loves indiana jones and the temple of the forbidden eye and definitely ends up buying an indiana jones fedora. his favorite ride though is big thunder mountain and will always insist on sitting in the back (the best seats, naturally).
phantom - yet another haunted mansion super fan and gleefully drags aurora and dew into the shops to buy all the merch. loves his jack skellington mickey ears and the little magnetic zero he got to sit on his shoulder at all times. like sunshine, collects character autographs in a book and his favorites are dr. facilier and cinderella. gets really into pin collecting and trading.
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silent-raven13 · 10 months
Lil Billie's Arch Nemesis
Billie loves giving his big brother kisses, kisses for boo-boos, kisses for goodbyes, kisses for hello, kisses for showing love. Hugs and kisses, she does it all! She loves her big brother, Miles! Her idol, her Spiderman, her amazing big bro! So, the two year old have no problem showing love to her favorite only big bro, Miles. Everyone says she's his biggest fan, she's number one in his heart! Little sis Billie, Miles' lovable sister! Yup, that's her!
One day she sat in the living room watching her favorite show Mickey House Clubhouse with her pacifier in her mouth. She hears her mother cooking in the kitchen, while her dad snoring on the couch.
"Ah-HA! See ya, real soon!" Mickey Mouse rings her ear, giving a sign her show ended. This made her very excited. One of the main reasons she loves her show it ends right when her big bro comes home. She got up on her two little feet getting ready to be the first one to greet Miles.
"Mils!" She muffled through her pacifier as she waited by the front door.
"Mi amor, waiting for your big brother?" Her mom chuckles in amusement always spotting her daughter being by the front door.
"Si!" Little Billie jumps, she got her favorite pink blanket around her as she waited.
The doorknob jiggles, through the door Miles softly humming with his heavy footsteps wearing timberland boots. "Mils!" Billie jumps with excitement.
When Miles enter his home, he's greeted by Little Billie wanting him to pick her up. "Hey, boo-boo!" Miles awed at his little sister, he quickly pick her up.
"Mils! Mils!" She muffled through her pacifier, giggling as she gets picked up being hugged. For a two year old, she's very smart. She took out her pacifier to give kisses on Miles' cheek. "Miles!" She said happily. "Wuv you!"
"Awe, i love you, too. Awe, my little Billie!" Miles happily snuggles her.
"Miles, are you home?" Their mother's voice loud being in the kitchen cooking dinner.
"Si, mami!" Miles closed the door behind him then went over to kiss his mother's cheek, "Smells great."
"Of course, i cook this!" Rio laughs, "Right, mi bebé?" She blow a kiss to her daughter.
Little Billie giggles having her arms around her big brother's neck, "Mmhhmm," She put her pacifier back in her mouth.
"So, mom today Hobie is coming over, remember?" Miles casually reminds his mom.
'Hobie?' Little Billie gave a side eye at her big brother, she don't like Hobie. Not because their dad said comments about the punk's fashion or being a punk or rule breaker- No, Billie doesn't care for that. She don't like him, because he is taking away her big bro! Nope, all those kisses and hugs Hobie gives to Miles makes her jealous. Her big brother is her's. They are two peas in a pod. Not Hobie.
Not to mention, Hobie likes to bite her big brother on the neck from time to time and that really makes her mad. No one should hurt her big bro. Her big brother is Spiderman, a good man, a hero, her big bro!
Rio laughs at her daughter's reaction, "Mira, Miles! Your sister doesn't look too happy your boyfriend is coming over. She's still upset from last time." She remembers Billie crying as she spotted Hobie giving a hickey on Miles' neck, when they were in Miles' room. Miles let out a yelp in pain which caused Billie to cry and scream.
Miles blushes being embarrassed, "I should've lock the door..."
"And have tu papí bust down the door?" Rio scoffs, "No, your leaving that door wide open and no funny business."
Miles groans, "Mamí, he didn't mean it..."
Little Billie rolled her eyes, "Hmph!"
"Boo-boo, I thought you're on my side?" Miles pouts giving his baby sister a kiss on her round cheeks.
"Nuh uh!" She shook her head.
Rio laughs, "She's too smart for your own good, hijo! I wonder where she gets it from." Implying from her like Jeff could ever be this sassy.
Little Bille said, "No, Obie! No! Nonono!" She waves her hand at her big brother.
"Awe, he's a great guy, Billie. Look this time he'll be good. I promise!"
He was so wrong. Very wrong.
The moment Hobie came over, Little Billie had throw launched a toy web shooter at him. "Whoa? Wat's wrong with the lil one, sunflower?"
Miles sighs, "She's still mad at you from last time."
"Ahhh," Hobie smirks widely as he squat to Billie's level, "Atta girl, protecting your cute brother. I respect it. Let bygones be bygones, hmm?"
Little Billie shot another web shooter toy at Hobie's face with a scowl look on her face. "Billie!" Miles quickly picks her up and took her toy away.
Hobie presses his lips with a nodded, "Fair enough."
"Billie, say you're sorry!" Miles said.
"No! Bye, Obie!" She hugs her big brother then sticks her tongue out at her brother's boyfriend.
Hobie could only laugh in amusement. "I admire that."
"What? Really?" Miles blinks at his boyfriend. "Normally, you get mad when someone tries to-" Hobie said, "Because they are adults and should know better, luv. Billie is a child and I think I can make her a fine anarchist!" His lips widen to a wicked smile, he wrap his arm around his boyfriend's shoulders then said, "Hey, Billie Willie. Look. Mwah! Love you, Miles." He kisses Miles cheek.
"Hobie, stop! You're gonna make her mad!" Miles said out loud.
Little Billie's eyes widen and gasps, "NO! No, Obie! NO!" Her tiny hands try to shove Hobie's face away from her brother's face, "Me! ME!" She planted a kiss on her brother's cheek. "My bro-ther!"
"My boyfriend!" Hobie chuckles as he kisses Miles' left cheek and Billy got Mile's right cheek.
"No, my brother!" She kisses again.
"No, mine!" Hobie laughs.
Miles stood receiving battlefield kisses by his two favorite loved ones. His cheeks warm from the amount of attention he was getting.
Jeff yawns waking from his nap spotting his wife standing by the doorway to the kitchen and hallway watching the three. "What's going on?" He asked his wife being so confused.
"Oh just Hobie and Billie fighting for Miles' love, again." Rio giggles. "It's cute."
"Ah, I hope Billie wins and get that punk outta here."
"You missed it when she shoot hit him with that web shooter thing." Rio laughs.
"Awe man, I did!" Jeff saw the toy on one of the drawers, "Hey, Billie. Shoot Hobie again!" He rushes over to hand his daughter the toy.
"JEFF!" Rio said out loud. "Don't encourage her! Violence is bad!"
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moonlight-prose · 10 months
❛ say you want me, and i’m yours. ❜ + ❛ i’m not wearing any underwear. thought you’d like to know. ❜ w/ fanboy ? 🫣
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a/n: babes!! when i had started this, i had just recently rewatched top gun maverick which means the inspo for this man was through the roof. i kind of went overboard a bit and turned it into a long ass one shot. (even going so far as to giving it a moodboard). if it's alright with you i only used the first prompt due to someone requesting the second already. i swear this fic was meant to be short, but then again it's fanboy and i can never help myself. so enjoy this monster.
summary: pining after your best friend never ended well. however in the case of said best friend being mickey garcia, things turn out better than expected.
word count: 3.7k+
pairing: mickey "fanboy" garcia x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, flirting amongst friends, friends to lovers, pining, exhibitionism (seriously idk what happened), cumplay, cumeating, thigh riding, oblivious idiots falling madly in love.
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It was just drinks they said. Just a group of people who were there to laugh, enjoy each other’s company, and eventually go home at some ungodly hour. That’s what you expected when you walked into the bar. Ready to nurse one beer, talk to Phoenix about your work issues, and go home.
Quick. Easy. Painless.
At least the hangover part the next day was.
What you didn’t expect was to find him sitting there, talking with Bob as if he didn’t have a single care in the world. You had half a mind to turn around and head back to your car—try this socializing bit on a different day. But Rooster’s arm was slinging around your shoulder, tugging you into a warm and rather hard body. You had to be careful not to trip over your sneaker as he dragged you with him. Never bothering to check if you were actually in step with him.
“Look who I found!” he shouted, his breath giving away the exact number of drinks he had.
“Rooster,” you hissed, trying to pull away before he made you sweat too.
“Leave her alone,” Phoenix chastised, finally yanking you free from his tight grasp. “You’re drunk off your ass Rooster. Sober up or you won’t be getting anywhere near the pilot’s seat tomorrow.”
You sighed in relief as she led you to the bar, signaling to Penny to put another beer on her tab for you. “He’s pretty touchy feely tonight.”
She laughed. “Yeah well he just got permission for a week off next month. I’m pretty sure he’s over the moon for a break.”
“Definitely sounds nice.”
It’s not that you didn’t want to make conversation with Phoenix. You looked forward to seeing her, hearing all the juicy details about what went on in the Top Gun halls. Hell you were even interested in what current feud Hangman and Rooster were stuck in this week. Tonight however, you were barely comprehending a single word she said. Your brain, lagging—unable to catch up fast enough.
You could see her hands moving animatedly as she spoke, lips moving fast, but the words went in one ear and out the other. Because he was sitting mere feet away, eyes fixed entirely on you. The burn from his stare singed through the thin dress you wore to combat the current heat wave outside. Even though you remained focused on Phoenix, you could tell he was in the exact same situation as you.
Transfixed by the utter longing that tore at your chests. Clawing for a way to get out.
“So that’s how I ended up fucking Hangman.”
You nearly choked on your spit. “What?”
“Ah there you are.” She grinned, taking a sip of her beer. “I’ve been talking for the past five minutes and you’ve been completely out of it.”
“Sorry.” You scraped your nail on the bottle’s label, attempting to refocus your attention on Phoenix, but it seemed to be too late. She had figured out where your mind had drifted off to.
“You know you can talk to him right?”
“What are you…”
Was it that obvious that you were unable to even keep your composure in the same room as him? Your mouth opened and closed, words evading you as her lips pulled up into a shit eating grin. You could hear the words echo in your head: Got you. She knew you were close with Mickey. The two of you became fast friends a year ago, bonding over scifi shows and comic books.
But then he left. You understood he couldn’t be around for months at a time; his job came before everything and you accepted that. However, four months without his presence left you feeling empty in a way you couldn’t fully describe, even if you wanted to. He was the sunlight on your dark days. The warmth you clung to when life turned cold. And he was gone.
It didn’t take you long to realize how evident your feelings for him were. Which also meant…it took Phoenix less time.
You coughed, swallowing your beer to avoid giving her a response, but it was clear by the expression on her face that you weren’t getting off that easy. She sighed as if you were one of her irritable students who refused to see reason. When in fact, you were her oblivious friend who couldn’t see past your own fear to finally realize that Mickey was head over heels in love with you.
“Explains why he’s been sulking all day.”
That caught your attention. “What do you mean?”
“He’s been back in town for two days.” You nodded, remembering the text he sent you a week before with his flight details. “And have you spoken to him in person yet?”
She knew she caught you when you averted your gaze to the bartop. “I figured he was busy.”
Your eyes snapped to her. “It’s not—”
“You just figured you could avoid him and hope your feelings disappeared.” Heat crept up your cheeks, but she wasn’t done with you. Far from it. “Meanwhile Fanboy’s been acting like a kicked puppy for two days and none of us could figure out why.”
“He hasn’t been—” Her glare cut you off, forcing your eyes to wander back to where he sat rather quietly.
Most nights he was one of the loudest people there. Laughing and spouting jokes funny enough to have you in stitches. Except for tonight. His eyes were cast anywhere but you, smile only showing when he forced it. But even then, it never quite reached his eyes. All in all, he looked exactly like Phoenix described him. A man who couldn’t figure out why one of his best friends was avoiding him like he was the plague.
You felt the heavy weight of guilt settle in the bottom of your stomach, turning the taste of your beer sour. He’d been gone long enough for you to miss him. But it never occurred to you how much he’d miss you.
Before you could wrangle the remaining courage in your body and get up from the stool, his eyes traveled back to yours. Meeting them for the first time that night. He sat up a bit straighter, the small grin you loved so much making a reappearance as he sent a small wave your way. A peace offering that would hopefully lead to more.
You found yourself unable to stop the smile that spread across your lips. The familiar lick of warmth, coursing through your body.
He was your best friend. The man you spoke to on the phone for hours at a time while he was away. You sent him letters, various comics, and care packages full of his favorite kind of cookies. Even going so far as to send him cheesy holiday cards full of Star Trek references that you knew would make him smile.
He was your best friend…and you were completely in love with him.
Phoenix nudged your knee with hers, jutting her head in his direction. Only you were too late on that front. Mickey was already getting up, excusing himself from the group’s conversation, and heading your way. The familiar standard issue khaki uniform he had to wear did nothing to hide the strong shoulders you knew lay beneath the fabric. Simply watching him maneuver his way through the overcrowded bar towards you, took your breath away.
“What do I say?” you said under your breath, leaning closer to Phoenix.
She shrugged, grabbing the full beer in front of her that she asked Penny for. “Tell him you want to get married.”
You spluttered, trying not to choke on your beer. “I can’t say that!”
“Can’t say what?”
The all too familiar deep vibrato of his voice caused your whole body to stiffen in your seat. Embarrassment washing over you at the realization that he had heard you. Phoenix however was more than happy to slide out of his way, pressing the cold beer into his hands, and muttering what you believed to be a quick: Don’t fuck this up.
You had half a mind to drag her back just to get some more context, but Mickey sitting down, his knees pressing on the outside of your thighs drew your attention to him. He smiled and took a sip of the beer. And you tried your best to ignore the searing heat that came with watching the way his throat moved as he swallowed.
The silence that grew between you the longer he sat there was deafening. So much so that you found yourself half tempted to drag him outside where nobody could see you. At least maybe you’d finally have a chance to get the truth out. Or if not the truth, then some form of words strung together to make a single sentence. That was a better option than sitting there staring at him like an idiot.
“Welcome back,” you blurted out, trying to calm the rapid beat of your heart.
He smiled and this time it reached his eyes. “Thanks.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything to you sooner. Works been keeping me busy and I—”
His hand on your knee caused the remainder of your rant to die in the back of your throat. “I figured you were occupied. So it’s alright.”
“It is?” you asked, your voice barely loud enough to hear over the raucous noise of the bar.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” He shrugged, his hand never moving higher and never pulling away. You swore your heart had stopped beating the second his warm palm touched your bare skin—your eyes dropping down quickly to see the veins that spread beneath the skin.
Shifting slightly, you tamped down the emotions that ran rampant in your mind. Whatever you were feeling—or dreaming about—wasn’t going to happen tonight. If you were being entirely honest with yourself, it didn’t seem like a possibility that would come to fruition at any time. Which meant you were stuck in this neverending pit of pining over your best friend. Part of you wished Mickey could read minds just so you wouldn’t have to say the words yourself.
“I wasn’t avoiding you.” The words came before you could stop them—fully revealing that you were in fact avoiding him. “I mean…I wasn’t…um…”
“Right,” he said, his hand pulling away and eyes shifting back to the bar.
You could physically see his walls begin to close up, the light that had reappeared in his eyes, now vanishing from sight. It wasn’t until then did you realize that saying the words wasn’t the hard part. No, in fact you found you could say them in an instant if you had to. The hard part was the possibility of losing him for good. The fear of him never reciprocating your feelings held you back—causing the chasm in your heart to grow every second.
“No, wait.” You grabbed onto his wrist lightly, catching sight of the disappointment in his eyes, and it broke your heart. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?”
You sighed. “Can we go outside? Away from all this noise?”
Mickey was standing up faster than you expected him too, digging out enough cash to toss on the bar for Penny before taking your hand in his. You didn’t fight the small grin that appeared on your lips this time. There was just something about him that pulled on the strings of happiness in your chest. That made you want to always see the good in the world—the good that you knew resided in him.
“Slow down,” you called, trying to keep up the pace as he practically sprinted towards the parking lot. You caught sight of his familiar dark blue car—having been in it more times than you could count.
“Sorry,” he replied, giving you a chance to catch your breath. “I figured you wanted out of there quickly.”
“I did.” How the fuck were you supposed to go about things now? When it was just the two of you standing there, his back pressed to the passenger door of his car.
You tried to ignore the way he looked—how the soft lights from the bar played across his face. Turning him into an almost ethereal painting you were visiting in a museum. It took your breath away and for a moment you remained silent. Watching as his eyes took in your features, his chest rising and falling with each breath. There wasn’t a better moment to kiss him than right now. Except your doubts began to rear their ugly head again.
A bitter heat crept up the back of your neck as you turned your attention to the rest of the parking lot. Trying—and failing—to come up with something to say. You just never expected Mickey to beat you to the punch.
“Don’t do that,” he said. Your eyes snapped back to him, catching the glimmer of dejection in his eyes.
“Do what?” You knew exactly what he was talking about and playing it coy wouldn’t stop him from pressing even further. It was a quality about him you both loved and hated. He would never stop until you told him the truth.
“Don’t hide from me.” His hand still held onto yours, thumb pressing gently along your knuckles. “What’s going on with you huh? What aren’t you telling me?”
You let out a breath, attempting to get a hold of the nerves that seemed intent on keeping you quiet. “I like you.”
He paused, eyes taking in the panicked expression on your face. You half expected him to say something in return—anything to appease whatever it was you were dealing with. But he didn’t. Instead he watched, his mouth opening and closing every few seconds as if trying to soak in the full extent of your words. I like you wasn’t much to go on, you’d give him that.
So you continued. “I’ve liked you for a while—although like is probably not the right word to describe how I feel about you. And I understand if you just want to remain friends. If it’s…easier that way. Or even if this is the end—”
He yanked you forward, his hand cupping your cheek to turn your face towards his. Lips capturing yours in a kiss that left you sinking into his chest, a soft moan emitting from your mouth as your eyes fluttered closed. Mickey kissed you like it had been the only thing on his mind since you first met. He licked into your mouth, dragging out sounds you didn’t know you could make—his hand wrapping tightly around your waist to keep you pressed close.
He kissed you as if he would never get the chance to again.
“Mickey,” you sighed, his lips sliding along your jaw, other hand pressing tightly to your waist to press your hips against his.
“I love you,” he murmured, bunching up the back of your dress as heat quickly filled your senses.
“You…” Tilting your head back, you tried to gain some sense of control over your thoughts. He however seemed adamant on keeping you right where you were. That is…until his words finally registered. “You love me?” you exclaimed, pulling away—much to his disappointment.
His smile was sheepish, red staining his cheeks and the very tips of his ears. “Have for a while now mi vida.”
Heat burned beneath your cheeks at the small nickname—the words burrowing deep in your heart. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
He had you there.
Smiling, you wrapped your arms around his neck, dragging his lips back to yours. “I love you mi amor. More than you know.”
A sound pulled from his throat—high and wanting. It was pressed into your mouth, his hands grasping parts of you that he had only dreamed of touching. Scrunching up the side of your dress, his hand slid up your thigh, digging into the plush skin as you moaned against him. You were right outside of the bar where anyone could walk out and see you. Yet neither of you cared.
Licking into his mouth, you dug your hands into his newly grown out short curls—your nails scraping against his scalp. He shivered, pulling you even closer and slotting his thigh between your legs. Giving you something to press down on.
That alone stirred something in the base of your stomach. A molten heat sliding through your veins until you were putty in his hands. Mickey seemed to sense the shift—your needy whine a slight beg for more—and began to guide your hips along his leg. The wet patch you knew was on your panties, now seeping into the light color of his khakis.
“Fuck,” you gasped, head falling back and hands grasping onto the front of his shirt. “M-Mickey.”
“Mhm?” he hummed against your throat, teeth digging in until it sparked pain through you.
“I need—ah—” His grip on your hip grew tighter, thigh bumping up and pressing against your clit perfectly. “I need more.”
He shuddered, his lips colliding against yours in a heady kiss. This one was different. You could taste the desperation on his tongue as he took you apart with his mouth. He wanted to leave you breathless. To see you writhe because of him and have you begging for more. And you’d give into him without question. You’d give him whatever he desired, because he’d do the same for you in a heartbeat.
“Say you want me, and I’m yours,” he breathed, pulling you along his thigh harder.
Your knee pressed against him, grinding against him with each movement and you visibly watched him chase his high. He bucked his hips, desperate for the minimal amount of friction. A moan tore from his throat, his lips sliding along your jaw, hand shifting to grip your ass tightly. You wanted to give him that high. To watch him combust as you did. But you were lost to the sensations sparking through your body.
Something built in your stomach, pulling impossibly tight. You felt it grow—driving you so high that you were certain you’d go mad if you didn’t have it in your grasp. He pushed and pulled your body until you were a whimpering mess against him. His name was a reverent prayer you pressed into his mouth in the hopes he’d answer your greatest wish. To feel his love pour into you—captivate you so entirely you’d never be rid of it.
“I-I want you,” you stammered, your eyes hazy with lust.
“C’mon then.” He slid his hand down the front of your body, fingers dipping into the sopping mess that was your panties and finding your clit with ease. “Think you can cum like this mi vida?”
You nodded frantically, moving your hips to catch the friction of his fingers. Your heart nearly beat out of your chest when he began to whisper praise against your skin. Kissing down your chest until he reached the top of your dress. Something in your brain begged him to pull it down. To keep going. But you understood the risk with being outside still. Neither of you wanted to get caught; the both of you would never live it down.
“You’re beautiful,” he breathed, his fingers pressing down harder—face lighting up at the sight of your eyes rolling back.
He yanked you back to him, lips sliding against your own as you shattered in his arms. It burned through you, causing your whole body to shake and your breath to catch in your lungs. Rather than pull away entirely, he kept going. Prolonging the pleasure until there wasn’t anything you could do. A muffled cry echoed around the parking lot and it took you a moment to realize that you were the one who made the sound.
Mickey gasped, his hips canting up against you in search of that same feeling. So you pulled on his curls, dragging his lips back to yours as his fingers still pressed firm circles around your clit.
“I love you Mickey.” You pressed the words against his jaw, watching as his eyes fluttered shut, his brows pulling tight. He managed to quickly muffle his moan against your neck, his whole body shuddering in your grasp and a soft whine of your name echoing in your ears.
Yet he never stopped his fingers from moving. Two of them gathering your cum that steadily leaked out and sliding them up to your clit. Sending another soft wave of pleasure through your body. You wanted to remain there. Forever stuck in this moment with him. But you knew the faster you managed to get home, the better the odds were for the both of you.
“I can’t,” you gasped, grasping onto this wrist to stop him from shifting the overstimulation into an uncomfortable pain.
Before you could ask him to take you home, he was rendering you speechless—slipping his shiny coated fingers into his mouth and groaning at the taste. Your clit throbbed and for a moment you felt dizzy. Even as he held you upright. You watched his tongue peek out, wondering how it might feel against you. And once more the heat began to build again, causing your imagination to spin out of control.
“Mi vida?” he asked, pulling from your haze. His small smile let you know he had figured out what you were thinking—already halfway to teasing the answer out of you.
“Take me home Mickey,” you croaked, unable to wait any longer. “I want you.”
His eyes softened, fingers gently pinching your chin as he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. Pouring all the emotion he ever said aloud into you. This was it. The moment that would replay in your head for the rest of your life. Mickey Garcia smiling sweetly, his hands caressing your hips to soothe the ache of his tight hold—love shining in his eyes. You felt your heart leap in your chest, breath once more getting stolen just by his mere proximity.
“I’m yours.” 
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puuta-heinaa · 3 months
Joker Out, Paris (Café de la danse) 22.3.2024
I arrived at the venue around 14ish, and was third to last in the EE queue. However queueing is part of the party! I exchanged sooo many bracelets and met amazing people, some of which I just met that day, some I knew from Discord or tumblr or earlier gigs, couldn't have been happier. Got selfies with Bojan and Jan?? Hug from Bojan??? HELLO. That would never happen in Finland. I described his hug as jämäkkä and turvallinen, which roughly translates to sturdy and safe.
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Some of the bracelets I made for the concert!
Met someone in the queue who had hawk's eyes and who encouraged me to go and ask for a selfie with Jan, and later on she spotted Bojan on the street 100 m before everyone else did. I had a chance to give Bojan 3 2 ananaslonkero -bracelet that I'd made, with a tiny drink charm. If the main joke in fandoms is that a hug from your blorbo would cure you? well it's true. Getting a hug from Bojan removed some stiffness between my shoulder blades that I didn't even know was there. It was literally easier to breathe after the encounter. I also kept vigorously shaking for 3-5 minutes afterwards, so much that some people asked if I'm ok. Just released years worth of trauma ig. Also LOTS of happy hand stims throughout the day, my autism was showing lol.
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Jan was outdoors SMOKING!!! And Bojan had charmingly dirty hair! He was taller than I had thought.
ANYways the gig !! I ended up on Jance side, which was nice as I was on Kris' side in Helsinki. Whole stage was about as wide as K-18 section at Kultsa, and I think they suit better on smaller stages.
We got Vem da Gres and Gola in soundcheck! I was wearing Vem da gres -bracelet that I got in Helsinki a few weeks ago and thought about that person for a few seconds!
Gola was ok. Bojan got disney mickey ears, and he was wearing my 3 2 ananaslonkero bracelet. Bojan also got a maca plushie that he was NOT scared of, he even made it fly.
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Kris left the stage as soon as the last notes of Gola were over, other boys stayed jamming in accelerating speed for couple of more minutes. I showed them my UM sign that only read "I want to sing UMAZAN" at that point. :')
20h02 was ok, didn't connect with their music at all though. JC Stewart seemed a bit sick, but sounded good nevertheless. Finished my sign.
They started with Katrina and Bele Sanje, and people were singing even guitar riffs along. Dopamin hit like dopamine followed by Ne bi smel, Nace was staring at me several times during those songs.
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Liinu's superb edit of staring sc Nace and struggling Kris and Arcti's edit about Jan's forgotten library books made my day
People were already singing along to Sta bih ja, and Bojan was sooo happy (and sweaty. We were all very sweaty, the concert hall was ridiculously warm.). Kris disappeared for a moment in the beginning of Sta bih ja, and Bojan looked like a lost puppy (wait, where is kris?? about 5-10 seconds into sta bih ja). Bojan said Kris didn't like how Jan played the riff and that's why he left the stage :P. Jan flipped a bird to him.
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Decibels raised by about 20 when they played Ona and Demoni. Turns out they might be the easiest to sing along for absolutely everyone, not just for people who speak Finnish. Bojan looked me directly into eyes during second verse of Demoni for several seconds, and I felt so seen (in a good way). EE was definitely worth its price.
In Helsinki I felt like the setlist was over before it even started, but in Paris it felt more like we were really dancing and playing until the stars fade. I think it had something to do with how much they interacted with each other and with the public during each song. In Helsinki they seemed like they had forgotten how to be on stage, and there was just TOO MUCH SPACE, whereas Paris had Nordic Tour energy.
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They all moved a LOT on stage!! Kris was on jance side several times! Nace had a mating dance thingy going on with Kris at least twice, Jan once. Jan interacted with the public on Kris's side a few times. Bojan almost run into Kris at one point - no wonder he caressed Kris's arm to let him know he's there before grapping his hips?? and dancing behind him??? during Behind those eyes. It's cafe de la danse after all.
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Def thinking "THIS is how we'll trend on tumblr tonight" right after the famous dance
Everybody's waiting and soooooo many people raised hands when Bojan asked in his spiel before the song if anyone here suffers from panic or anxiety attacks, and I think it made everyone feel less alone. He sang I'm the problem it's me -line to make things a bit lighter before proceeding to the song.
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We got Omamljeno Telo and I felt SOOOO HAPPY (but also sad for Moonu) but also SOOOO HAPPY it was on the setlist, I think I screamed VITTU JES on top of my lungs (manifesting it for Ruisrock huh). Famous water spray on Jan during OT, and it shows I've grown old, because instead of "yeeeess I want Bojan's spit on me" I went "rat disease, why am I not wearing a mask".
Everyone sang along during CD, not in French though even if there was a fanproject French translation published a whole 28 hours before(....). Plastika hit like a hammer once again, but I think I was already waiting and stressing for UM, so I didn't mosh for example. Which, good idea, because my neck was soooo sore after Helsinki.
Bojan announced the karaoke song, and asked which versions we have today. He saw my sign, asked "Slovenian version?", to which I "said" (from 4th row on Jan+Nace side) Finnish version, and he heard it and corrected himself and said perfect. I was not afraid at all even if I knew I'm probs going to sing in front of about 500 people in 5ish minutes???? How??? I'm usually a ball of anxiety but here I was just proud and excited to sing my version of it.
I loved the Bretogne/French version (I've still no idea what were the words, but it rhymed super well and she sang well, but that was def NOT paris region French), cringed at some of the "translations" because they did not fit the lines and did not rhyme, sang along to Slovenian versions in Finnish, felt bad for one of them as the karaoke singer started at the wrong moment and Bojan spent most of their special moment trying to orchestrate the band.
When Bojan approached with "I think we still have a Slovenian version, OH NO, A FINNISH VERSION" I chortled, and felt the last bits of nervousness disappear. (Cue "some boat, titanic, oh no".) I had my ACTUALLY finger pointing moment, which, on point with my personality, telling him it's a hybrid version. I don't know what he meant with SUOMI SAA, but it was NOT full-on Suomi SAATANA, that much is certain. I quite like the idea/interpretation he was making a pun with SAA(tan)Are you ready? But who knows. Sad about missed chance to answer "ArE YoU???" now that I think about it, but at least I wasn't the only one who failed the moment :') . Speaking of cursewords though, a histronic youngster next to me did shout vittu though! I loved my spot but she was super annoying throughout the evening.
The Finnish version is in the beginning of this one, and the Arabic version right after Finnish version is AMAZING. The French version is on the first part, as well as Bojan going "uuu Finnish version? perfect".
Started in Slovene, which made him have a Ok?? face, but when I switched to my own Finnish version that rhymes with the Slovene version, he raised his brows and seemed so impressed that I just nodded to him, sending telepath(et)ic messages that yes, our languages match and rhyme, about time you collaborate with Jere. I think he remembered I asked for a hug in the afternoon, because he did not hug everyone during karaoke. Afternoon hug was better btw.
I love his little surprised smile right when I finish the first Finnish line on this one
I usually think quite a lot about how other people perceive me, but now I didn't give a single fuck, just enjoyed being the main character for 20 seconds, having this interaction with my blorbo. Forever grateful for the 4 different angles I received from friends I made in the queue, and 1 from a random guy who asked me after the concert if I'd like to receive a video he took of me singing. Even Vita was filming the whole thing with her big light + camera + phone ensemble. I often sing in my car, and even IMAGINING i'm singing karaoke makes my voice suddenly tiny and weak and compressed, so I'm overflowingly glad it went this well, you have no idea even if I've just bragged about it for 4 paragraphs.
I later realised I was the only one who didn't hold the mic themself, this is a clear example how I objectify the boys, seeing Bojan just as a mic stand.🫣😵‍💫
I got fluent Kiitos from Bojan, that guy needs to move to Finland he speaks Finnish so well. Also LMAO I forgot to sniff him in the afternoon, now I'm praying the snifff I took after karaoke wasn't too evident and doesn't show on Vita's video……….. Jere is wrong, Bojan does not smell like shit, but there were no parfume smell either? He just smells like nothing in a pleasant, pheromone rich way lol.
my translation: Sanje so tvojega okusa Aamuihin taas tuoksusi Neula ei haarukassa Sieluni on hukassa Etsimässä tietään luoksesi
I haven't figured how to translate the first line. I've been playing with "Makus' on tarrannut uniini", but it does not rhyme with the og well enough. Otherwise super proud of my version. Neula and haarukka are parts of compass, basically saying the compass is layed on the map the wrong way. 🧭
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This is how small the place was??? I was in 3/4th row, and the hat guy in the right corner was right behind me during the concert so the club truly was tiny.
Apparently bubbles were not allowed on stage in Cafe de la danse? But some people had brought their own so we had bubbles anyway.
Jure exchanged his drumstick to a breadstick. I laughed because a) it was a clever pun and b) such a stereotypically French thing to bring a BAGUETTE wrapped in a napkin to a concert. Also no wonder boys are always sick, I don't even want to know how many people touched that bread before it was on stage.
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Life is pain (in mouths)
We waited for the boys after the concert outside the venue in the rain, and they walked past quite quickly. Bojan stayed for 30 seconds to take a group selfie. <3
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Honestly so happy I traveled there and met amazing people and surpassed myself on so many levels.
I feel like 2004 again, because that's when I last made a post this long on livejournal and also when I last was this hyped about a group.
I loved band's AMAZING OUTFITS in Café de la danse, everyone had some idrija lace on them, and I'm afraid my next special interest will be bobbin lace.
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
Blow by Blow | 0.3 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader au
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Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
Synopsis: Bradley’s washed up before his career has even really begun. He doesn’t want to fill his father’s shoes and he doesn’t want someone else to either. Stuck in limbo, living the same way he always has, the opportunity to step up wanders through the door of his gym in a mini dress and heels that are a size too big.
Warnings: unspecified age gap, violence, probs boxing inaccuracies somewhere along the line, blood and injuries throughout the fic but will be specified in the warnings of the chapter. Smut and other 18+ content, minors dni, no warnings in particular for this one
“Why aren’t we doing what you and Payback were doing?” You question as Bradley straps the pads to his hands. He scrunches his brows and looks down at the guys, then back to you incredulously.
“Because I’m not going to hit a girl.” He scoffs back. You suppose that would be unfair, but not because you’re a girl. Because he has been doing this for as long as he can walk, and you’re about as graceful on your feet as a deer on ice.
“So what’s this?” You tap your hands together, wearing gloves that fit this time. There aren’t really any women’s gloves for you to borrow — girls don’t really come here, let alone train here. Nat let you borrow hers. She’s watching with interest at the side of the ring whilst Mickey covers her 11am session.
“Call it target practice, not that you need it apparently.” Bradley jokes, tilting his head from side to his, neck still stiff from that shitty couch upstairs. He’s just messing around, the lamp didn’t even leave a bruise — hitting the floor, now that’s left a mark around his elbows but he’s fine. He’s been through worse.
Rooster hadn’t planned on getting to drunk to drive home last night — spending the day with a sore neck after having to walk back here to spend the night, and also being assaulted with a lamp — those seem like fair punishments for his lapse in judgment.
Your ears heat up slightly. You swallow and offer him a sheepish smile.. “Sorry again, about that.”
He looks you up and down and then smiles, rolling his broad shoulders back. It’s been a while since someone looked at you like he does. “Sorry for breaking in and almost flashing you.”
It’s in your head. You’re getting in your own head about this. It’s just because you saw him and his stupid tanned muscles last night. He’s not flirting with you.
“Almost…?” You aren’t quite sure you heard him right, you take a step closer. He smiles at you and knocks the pads together in his hands, flirting.
“Yeah, I usually sleep naked — you stopped me right in time,” He chuckles, then sniffs. “Alright. You ready?”
You stare at him. He raises his eyebrows at you expectantly. You glance across at Phoenix, who is close enough to have heard what he just said to her. She’s practically wincing.
Swallowing softly, you turn your attention back towards him and nod.
The terminology he uses isn’t exactly beginner friendly, but you understand what he’s asking you to do. Different combos, different variations of swinging towards the pads on his hands — hardly rocket science.
Jab. Jab. Hook. Bradley sighs and shakes his head, “Hit like you mean it, Bambi — this is just sad.” He taunts. You frown, shooting another glance towards Phoenix. “Now!”
You flinch at his raised voice, blinking hard as you turn your head back to face him. Phoenix pinches the bridge of her nose. She probably should have filled him in. Taking a deep breath, you do as he asks. His brows furrow as you complete the combination.
He looks over at Phoenix at the edge of the ring and notices her shaking her head at him. He pauses.
“Have you ever even hit anyone before?” Rooster asks, making no effort to hide his distaste for your current technique. There’s a judgment to his tone that you weren’t expecting. You shift your weight uncomfortably from foot to foot.
He’s hot and cold, and confusing.
No one ever took it easy on him during his training, and that’s what made him good at what he does. It wasn’t until someone took pity on him that it all got screwed up. Going easy on clients doesn’t work.
“Alright, um… maybe we take a couple of steps back,” He lifts his hand and bites the Velcro on the back of the pad, shaking it off of his right. hand and then pulling it off of the other. They clatter to the floor messily. Your skin burns, embarrassed. You’re in the centre of the gym, quite literally on a platform. Rooster curls his fingers towards Phoenix, “Nat, wanna give us a hand?”
“Someone ought to.” She scoffs as she pulls herself up and steps under the ropes. She smiles and nudges her elbow into yours. Bradley rolls his eyes playfully at her.
The practice that you do next is much more tame. Natasha holds your hips, making sure that you stay in ‘stance’. Her arm guides past yours, her fist moving from vertical to horizontal — arm rotating as she extends it. Slow movements with her chest to your back.
You breathe out softly and copy.
“No, not —“ Bradley sighs and catches your wrist, stepping closer. He extends your arm slowly and turns it like hers, then nods. He looks up, meeting your gaze. “Like that. Okay?”
You nod softly.
Footwork is important in boxing, you know that much. It’s as important to be fast as it is to be strong. And yet, Bradley’s got you standing completely stationary, extending your arm and rotating it.
It’s important, making sure that your jab looks good before he moves on to anything else — walking before running, and that kind of thing. You’re already sticking out like a sore thumb, doing this with them just makes you burn with embarrassment.
Still, you won’t admit that here.
After maybe thirty minutes, Bradley reintroduces the pads. He stands in front of you, Phoenix holds your hips.
“Go ‘head, Bambi — impress me.” He murmurs, holding the pad up in front of you. Slow at first, you do exactly what he showed you. His lips quirk at the edges. He nods. “Mhm. Harder.”
Natasha looks past you, staring at him, unimpressed. She knows her best friend well — and he’s an idiot for flirting with you right now. It’s not his fault, he’s just messing around. He likes to tease girls, it’s part of the fun.
Besides, as far as he’s concerned, you broke up with your asshole boyfriend and are probably looking for a rebound. Looking at your short skirt and the tank top that you had strolled in here in, Rooster would be more than happy to be your rebound.
His tongue slips forwards and wets his lips as he glances you up and down. He’s well aware that there are people watching — the guys that train here aren’t used to there being a pretty girl in the ring. They stopped looking at Nat after she launched a dumbbell at a guy, maybe it was a bit much, but it had worked.
You continue, hitting into the pads. Natasha can feel you relaxing into it.
“Harder.” Bradley insists, the impact of your punches barely rocking the pads in his hands. You do as he says, and he lets you go on for a while, but you’re holding back.
It’s boring.
“Alright. I’m gonna take a break before Lou shows up.” Bradley decides finally, taking the pads off of his hands and stepping closer to you. You lift your chin, eyes on him as he invades your space to set the pads down on your forearms. “Not bad, Bambi.”
You’re left awkwardly holding them, still wearing Nat’s gloves as he steps under the ropes and drops down from the ring. Natasha takes a split second to watch him walk away, then shakes her head. Asshole.
“Ignore him,” She mumbles, shaking her head as she takes the pads from you and tugs at the velcro on your gloves. “He’s a dick to everyone that he trains. Method in the madness or whatever.”
You almost scoff. If that’s him being an asshole, you can handle that. Compared to what you just walked away from, this is a playground fight. You can handle your own here. Especially with her to back you up. You smile softly at you new friend.
“Maybe next time, I could practice with just you?” You suggest gently. Natasha nods, smiling back at you.
Bradley whistles as he tucks himself back into his shorts, stepping away from the urinal and walking over to the sink. He wets his hands, then soap, then washes. The soap in here is cheap and never lathers right, but that’s Mav’s department. Bradley couldn’t care less about this kind of crap.
He looks at himself in the mirror above the sink, wiping his hands on his shorts and running his fingers through his hair. His eyes skim along the long, jagged split in the mirror. Somebody should probably get that fixed.
“Now you listen to me, dickhead,” Natasha starts, unfazed as the door slams into the wall. Bradley flinches, eyes going wide.
“Nat, this is the men’s room!” He protests, turning around to face her, eyes going wide. She continues towards him as the door swings shut again, pointing her finger into his chest. Bradley stares down at her, confused.
“Don’t fuck around with her like that. It’s not what she needs right now.” She wants him seriously, looking up at him, eyes narrowed. She might be half his size, but she has shown him more than once that she’s not to be messed with.
Still, that doesn’t mean he won’t argue back.
“Are we talking about me flirting with her?” Bradley asks. He folds his arms over his chest and leans back against the counter. Natasha shoves at his chest.
“Can you just be normal around a girl for once in your life, please?” She huffs.
“Everyone needs sex, Nix. It’s natural.” He shrugs calmly.
“Not her — not from you,” Phoenix insists. Bradley stares at her, trying to read her face. All he knows is that Phoenix ran into you after you had dumped Jett. From what Bradley knows about Jett, he wasn’t surprised that you didn’t want to see him again to grab your stuff. He’s starting to think that there might be more to it than that. “Just don’t mess with her head right now. I think this place could be good for her, and you’re going to ruin it. So — don’t. Okay?”
“Fine, but if she comes onto me, then—“
“She won’t.” Phoenix answers, shaking her head as she turns away from him. Bradley scoffs as she pulls open the door and leaves him in peace finally.
After over a decade of friendship, Natasha has never cock-blocked him before. Sure, she has done her best to dissuade him from making some poor decisions, but nothing like this. He turns towards the mirror and frowns slightly.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that whatever went down between you and your ex-boyfriend was bad, but Bradley’s curiosity claws at him. He thinks about it.
Sad eyes, shaking hands. What came before.
Phoenix thinks that time heals. Maybe that’s what she’s trying to give you — time. Bradley disagrees. He has had plenty of time and he’s still just as angry as he was back then. Getting better doesn’t work like that, not for him.
“Shit…” You mutter softly, staring at the text. Your heart sinks.
Jake raises his eyebrows as he wipes at the back of his neck with a towel. He takes a long drink from his water bottle and lets out a heavy breath, “Everything okay, kid?”
You look up from your phone. Clearly it’s not, Jake can see that much on your face.
“Y-Yeah… yeah,” A soft shake of your head, you sigh and close your eyes. Do not cry, do not cry — don’t fucking cry. “My friend just let me down is all.”
“Anything we could help with?” Coyote asks without hesitation. Jake looks at him and scrunches his brows. This is how they always get roped into the stupidest shit. Javy smiles sincerely at you.
These guys have already done too much. You shake your head again, “No, I was just supposed to get some things from my old place today. My dog and stuff. My ex is going to be at an appointment and it’s like the one time that he’ll be out… it’s — it’s just annoying.”
“I love dogs.” Javy declares. Jake drapes the towel over his shoulder and shrugs. He knows about what happened.
“I’ve got a couple of hours free.” Jake agrees.
They’re standing side by side, both sweaty and clearly exhausted. Without looking at each other for reassurance, they offer you the same soft, sincere smiles. You stare at them.
Jake dips his hand into his pocket and pulls out his keys, “My car or yours, kid?”
Your old apartment is about a twenty minute drive, a ground floor apartment with a small space at the back of it. Jake’s brows furrow slightly as he slides out of the driver’s side of his car, “Jesus Christ — is that your dog?”
Barely listening, you fish your keys from the front pocket of your denim skirt and head for the front door. Jett’s car isn’t here and you don’t know how long you’ll have. Jake and Javy share concerned glances as you rush towards the loud, deep barking coming from the apartment. Jake winces as the door springs open, preparing himself to witness a viscous attack.
Instead, a chunky tan and white pit bull launches himself into you, wiggling and wagging his tail.
“Oh, baby — Mommy missed you so much!” You coo over the fifty pound dog as he knocks you onto your butt and immediately throws himself into your lap, licking your face. Jake stares in disbelief. That cannot be the same creature that had been barking so incessantly a second ago. Not the excited blur of dog that’s all over you being called baby.
Javy laughs and heads forwards to join in. You breathe in softly and hold your hand up. He stops in his tracks.
“Hold on, he — um, he’s kind of shy about meeting new people,” You explain gently as you push yourself up onto your knees and wrap your arms around the dog to keep him against you. “If you both just come and sit, like right here, and let him sniff you, it should be okay.”
Javy obliges immediately, sitting cross-crossed a couple feet away from you, in the parking lot of the condominiums. Jake approaches slowly, uncertain as he sits beside his best friend. You smile and kiss the dog’s shoulder, slowly loosening your hold on him and letting him wander forwards.
He stalks towards the two of them, slow and cautious. Jake holds his breath. He’s never been great with dogs. Javy lifts his hand, calm and still as the dog sniffs him first.
“This is Tank.” You announce, smiling softly. Javy seems to have passed the friendship test, Tank moves on to Jake. He takes longer to decide when it comes to the tense blonde. After a few seconds of sniffing, Tank’s tail begins to wag. He presses himself into Jake’s lap, snuggling into his chest as he sticks his big head out towards Coyote.
A couple of minutes under the San-Diego sun, the four of you getting to know each other.
Jake helps you grab what you can, only the stuff that matters, while Coyote stands watch. Tank appoints himself the unofficial foreman, making sure that everyone is doing their jobs, following you from point A to B as you load Jake’s truck with as much as you can carry.
“Thanks, for helping me out with this stuff,” You say softly as Jake closes up the back of the truck bed. He turns and offers you a small, cool smile. Javy beams at his side. “I really appreciate everything you guys have done for me.”
Javy steps forwards and wraps his thick arms around you, forgetting his strength for a moment as he squeezes you tight. “We look out for each other at Bradshaw’s. Happy to help. Right, Jake?”
Jake can’t help but laugh at the concerned, half-crushed and worried look on your face. He nods and pats your shoulder as he heads for the driver’s seat. “Yes, we do. Now let’s get this guy home before he pisses on my seats.”
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callsign-phoenix · 8 months
I wrote this as a part of my falltober fics, I hope you like it!
It is a Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x female!reader imagine.
Thank you @famfan-1034 for proofreading!
Day 12: Costumes
Warnings: none
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You were so extremely single that you decided to pimp up your costume to make it a little more provocative.
You had opted for one of your favorite childhood films, deciding on Jessie from Toy Story, but pepping it up a little.
Your last relationship had ended quite a while ago and you were ready for something new, to get out there and party, including a lot of drinking.
Halloween was the perfect time for it, so you joined your coworkers in going to a Halloween party.
Bradley had suggested it and all of you had agreed to it, deciding to all go in costume.
While no one knew what the other was wearing you were sure it would be fun and you decided to carpool with Nat.
She was dressed as some kind of superhero and you entered the bar receiving an approving whistle or two.
After downing the first shots of the evening you found your friends and joined them, taking each of their costumes in.
Bob and his boyfriend were dressed as Frodo and Sam, Mickey wore a USS Enterprise uniform along with Spock’s telltale pointy ears and Bradley had donned one of his typical Hawaiian shirts along with a hairdo that was only fitting Ace Ventura.
When you looked at Jake though your breath caught in your throat, and everyone else started chuckling when they made the connection.
You hadn’t talked to Jake much in your joint time at base because he seemed too cocky for your liking, but you couldn’t deny the fact that your heart started beating faster at his sight.
He was undoubtedly dressed as your costume’s better half, Woody.
Jake was already staring at you and in the dim light you could swear that his pupils were dilated as he took you in.
You could feel the heat rush to your cheeks and you shifted in your stance.
“Toy story was my childhood,” you said simultaneously and once again everyone laughed out loud.
There were a few seconds of silence between you and you could see a blush playing around the top of Jake’s ears.
“You look very grown up, though,” he said more shyly than you had ever heard him speak and your eyelids fluttered in response.
You didn’t know why seeing Jake so taken aback affected you so much, but you felt a heat run through your lower stomach at rendering Jake so speechless.
You were just as speechless as him, though.
“Well, I think you’ve found your dates for the night. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, babes,” Nat said with a daring and excited smile on her face as she stepped closer to Bradley, lacing a finger through the belt loop at the back of his jeans.
It became clear quickly that Nat didn’t shy away from spending the night with a friend and fellow aviator so you had no chance but to give Jake a chance.
You got yourselves a drink and you downed it quickly with Jake watching you.
When your eyes met again you decided to just go for it, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips.
Jake was as surprised as you were but he eagerly kissed back, wrapping his arms around your waist as your cowboy hats connected and tumbled to lay on the strings around your necks.
When he finally pulled away he looked at you with a hunger that made your knees buckle.
“Shit, you’re so hot,” he whispered before reaching up to retrieve his hat and setting it suggestively onto your head.
“You know that means you’ll have to go home with me tonight,” he said with a voice huskier than usual, and you nodded breathlessly.
You did go home with him and you found out how much more than just Toy Story you had in common, starting a relationship that though having a rough start became something neither of you ever wanted to live without.
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tagging: @starkleila @mayhem24-7forever @green-socks @letsfvckingdance @shadeds-library @kmsryles343 @yespolkadotkitty @whateverbagman @neptunes-curse @sweetheartlizzie07 @top-gun-rooster @iloveprettyboysblog @ateliefloresdaprimavera @imjess-themess @littlebadariell @angstyjellybean @marchingicenotes7 @midget713 @supernaturaldawning @gspenc @adorephina @gigisimsonmars @dempy @bespinnn @tipsykeen @malindacath @aerangi @kassieesworld @kwanimations @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @marvelandotherfandomimagines @luckyladycreator2 @mavericksicybabe @kendra-rose @desert-fern @mavrellover91 @allivingstone01 @rhettabbotts @withakindheartx @trikigirl271 @cherrycola27 @airedale17 @bonitanightmxres @ratcatcher2world @glowingtree @wingmanvenus @classyunknownlover @oliviah-25 @natasharomanoffisbaebby
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r-2-peepoo · 2 years
The disaster family at Disneyland:
Obi Wan: organises an absolutely immaculate itinerary planning the day from start to finish down to the last second. He has meticulously calculated and timed every single ride people want to go on in order to anticipate when the lines will be the shortest, and has accommodated every single one of the parks everyone wants to visit.
Anakin: immediately runs off as soon as they get in, destroying all of Obi Wan’s plans.
Ahsoka: follows him but feels bad about it later and comes back to find Obi Wan. She forces him to wear matching Minnie Mouse ears with her which doesn’t actually take much convincing. They both look adorable in them.
Rex: looks apologetic about the desertion and will claim he wants to go off to find them and bring them back but will get distracted and inevitably dragged onto rides by Anakin. He doesn’t like rollercoasters (cue flashbacks of every time Anakin has crashed a ship or used the force to throw him) but it’s too late because he’s already in line and Anakin is very persuasive.
Cody: helped Obi Wan plan everything and can see how stressed he is so he goes to find them all and actually brings them back. Ahsoka comes back on her own though because she knows Anakin is a bad influence. Cody also particularly enjoys the parades and is trying to come up with a good excuse to hold Obi Wan’s hand throughout the day. He’ll claim it’s so they don’t get separated but no one believes that, not even him, but they’re all too scared to challenge him on it.
Padmé: An absolute adrenaline junkie. If the ride moves slowly, she’s not interested. She was fine with It’s A Small World the first thirteen times Luke made her go on it because she will gladly make sacrifices for her children but it’s getting to be too much. She longs for the rides that move so fast it feels like her head might be detached from her body. That’s what she came here for.
Luke: Wants to meet all the Princesses and is adorable doing it too. He’s scared of Mickey Mouse though and I do not blame him. That mouse is evil. He can feel it in the force.
Leia: Stays by Obi Wan’s side the entire day. She knows she’s too small for a lot of the rides, but she respects how organised he is. Refuses to let go of his hand. When she gets tired, she rides on Cody’s shoulders. She’s also able to convince absolutely anyone to buy her anything she wants from the gift shops. It doesn’t matter how expensive the thing is. She gets her persuasive abilities from her father (and Obi Wan has also been teaching her to negotiate a little too) who as it turns out is actually the weakest when it comes to saying no to her. Anakin is the biggest girl-dad and that is canon.
Fives: Points out at one point they’re in one of the parks that seems to sell merchandise with them on it. There are droids literally everywhere as well as people in very familiar costumes but no one notices. No one can see past the fourth wall except him. Once more, Fives knows the truth and is ignored. He gives up and gets a picture taken with the Darth Vader they have in the park and texts it directly to Anakin and says “look familiar?”. The reply he gets is just “is that Black Panther?” Fives sighs. Anakin has the wrong franchise and he doesn’t even know, he thinks to himself. Fives has achieved full enlightenment and self-awareness. The idea that he is a fictional character should scare him, but it doesn’t. It’s actually way less pressure because then his terrible life choices aren’t actually on him. He didn’t write them. He claims no responsibility.
Echo: kidnapped by Mickey Mouse. Luke’s instincts were correct. The mouse cannot be trusted. Echo will not be recovered until season 7 where they come back with The Bad Batch. For now he will remain lost in Magic Kingdom until he is either rescued or becomes part of the park.
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | MS47 | part. 05
Social media version
Pairing: hamilton!reader (she/her) x mick schumacher
Warnings: curse words, mentions of food and bike rides, fluff, not proofread etc etc. Minors DNI!
word count: 2.4k
part. 04 | series masterlist | part 06
Summary: Mick Schumacher rode a lousy wave for quite some time, so when the sky gets cleaner and the sun brighter he just knows something terrible may be in store for him. Whereas y/n was just so magnetic, and the possibilities of life with her seemed better than anything his mind could ever create, that's why, for the first time in forever, he throws cautious carelessly through the window, hoping to get to the finish line before it catches up on him.
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Mick considered himself a shy person, and for some reason, he thought the fact he spoke less and heard more helped him read all rooms better. He was, in fact, quite right, but he also was very aware that his attentiveness would triple when it came to Y/n. She would walk inside the room, and his ears would perk up, his eyes searching for her, scanning her body, making sure she looked safe and happy. He did it every day Y/n would show up during training and races. She was still good at her job of not being seen that much, but Mick Schumacher was better at finding what he was looking for.
And he’s been looking for Y/n since the very first day. 
That is why when she walked in that morning wearing baggy jeans, a sweatshirt, and a pair of sneakers instead of the usual heels she was testing for her collection, he knew the leaking of her presence and even more, her identity, had affected Y/n more than people would think.
Y/n waved his way and made small talk with those who came to her though she was quick to go to the motor home to work on her own assignments. 
“It’s ok if we make a quick pause?” Mick asked one of the engineers who was talking nonstop to him about an improvement and some tactics. He could hear everything perfectly. However, his mind was unfocused. “To stretch and get some coffee, you know,” he clarified, and the girl nodded. She was probably looking for the possibility of caffeine. 
Schumacher got up and made his way to the room inside the motor home he knew Y/n always used, and undoubtedly there she was, curled up on the sofa instead of the spacious work table. Laptop perched on her legs, eyes scanning its screen until she heard the door open. 
“Hey, Mouse,” she greeted. Y/n has been calling him “mouse” after the first week when it was clear they would become, at least, close friends. She joked about his name, saying that it reminded her of Mickey, the famous mouse from Disney, and Mick, used to that, but finding it funnier for the first time, could only chuckle along and let her proceed to give him a nickname. He was Mick or Schumacher or even Schumi to some in the paddock, but he was Mouse to Y/n, which gave him a sense of intimacy. It felt like he was unique to her like they shared something that no one else did. Rationally, he knew it was probably nothing, she was this open and affectionate with most people, but he decided not to dwell too much on it. “You’re looking for Lewis? I saw him with George.”
“I was looking for you,” he stated before closing the door behind him. 
“You seemed sad. I was worried,” two simple sentences were enough for Y/n to close the lid of the laptop and sigh. There was something so touching about the fact that someone took the time of the day to look at you and look for you, really look, not just pass eyes and greet, but make sure you seemed happy and safe. 
“I- you don’t have to worry. I just did not sleep very well tonight… I don’t wanna keep you from your work,” the way her eyes stared at anything but his own was the evidence he needed to know that she was probably brushing it off and lying. 
“I’m on my pause. And you can talk to me, you know that, right?” when her big eyes finally found him Mick took a step towards the couch. “Do you wanna talk about it? Want me to stay in your company?”
“I-” she started but did not finish her sentence, eyes glued to the ground again. 
“I’m your friend, am I not? You won’t bother me, just tell me what you need me to do, and I will do it. If you want me to leave, I can leave,” he voiced, and when one of his feet moved away from the couch, Y/n hand gripped his hand in a beat. The first thing Mick noticed was how cold they felt against his skin. How small they were in comparison, and then how good. 
Her hold on him felt good. 
They shared eye contact for a while before she offered “stay.” 
And so when he sat beside her, without letting go of her hand, thighs, and part of their bodies touching, it only felt natural the way his arms encircled her shoulders, bringing her impossibly closer. 
“Is that okay?” he tried to sound casual, but his voice was just above a whisper. Y/n’s perfume was richer this close, some of her curls tickling his cheeks and neck in a soft caress. Her body accommodated his perfectly, he thought. 
“This is perfect,” she, too, whispered. “Add a chocolate bar or a pit of ice cream, and I would be 50% better,” it was a joke, her tone a bit lighter, and that’s why Y/n stilled when Mick moved a bit to reach something in his pants pocket. 
“Not a chocolate bar, but close enough, I guess?” Mick dipped his head to look at Y/n, forgetting how close they already were. There was a beat before she looked down at his hands, a small smile on her plush lips. He could see clearly the undertones and how they had a darker color around the edges, whereas the center of her lips seemed a bit lighter. Mick wanted to trace it with his fingers. 
“You have a sweet tooth too??” 
Mick grinned, shaking his head, “Not really, but I like to have something sweet with me in case someone needs it, and also, I ran out of my regular granola bars,” it’s his explanation. 
She stares at the plastic paper for a second, he can see how her brows knitted, and for some  reason, he feels like clarifying, “It’s vegan if that’s what you’re thinking about.” 
“Is it?” the smile she gave him almost pushes his body back on the couch. It was bright and big and so so so beautiful.
“Yup, they are usually the healthiest opinion or at least the easiest to know what’s inside.” 
“Good for me,” she grins. 
“It’s a family thing, then?” he asks in a lighter tone, and Y/n adjust her body, pushing her legs up to the sofa, which makes them impossibly closer. 
Y/n opens the bar and pushes it closer to his lips. And, albeit Mick was not feeling hungry or wishing for something sweet, quite the contrary. He felt satisfied. His body would not let his mind reject food from her hands. Her figure was close, her fingers impossibly closer. So he wrapped his lips around the bar, taking a small bite. It was worth it because her lips tipped up in a small grin before directing the piece of food to her own mouth. Eating was not something attractive to Mick Schumacher until now. Until he experienced her cheeks puffing, the tip of her tongue coming in contact with her lips to gather the chocolate syrup that dripped a bit, and her neck working to swallow a bite. “Nah, it’s only me and Lewis,” she answered. 
“Huh?” Mick asked after noticing he spaced out.
“It’s not a family thing. Only me and Lew are vegan. Dad loves to host barbecues, by the way,” she silenced to take another bite and then offered to Mick again. “You know, the bad part about the constant travel is that sometimes it’s hard for me to find proper vegan places where I get exactly what I’m craving. Not everyone can do vegan food. I consider it an art,” she rambles. 
“We can explore them together…” he suggests, and her eyes find his face. It flushes a bit. “I usually know the city or have friends that can suggest locations. You would not be alone, get to eat your vegan arts, and I would get to eat good food,” and have your company, he almost added, because that was his interest. 
Mick was a smart guy. He knew what attraction felt like, and although he never felt it quite the way he was feeling, he was starting to piece the fact that he cared about Y/n a bit more than the friendship lines would let him. 
“Are you for real?” 
“Yeah, of course.” 
“Then I’m in,” there’s a small smile on her lips that turns into a ghost when she adds, “I’m sorry for earlier, for giving you a cold shoulder, when you tried to check on me. It’s just so stressful how half of the internet is saying that I am my brother’s girlfriend, and the other half is digging shit up, ugh.” 
Mick thought for a second, waited to see if she wanted to add something, and then spoke, “Maybe now that the cat is out of the bag, the best option is, to tell the truth, and ask people to give your privacy back or stop overstepping, you know? Sometimes this is all it takes, some people are going to start stuff either way, but when you are vocal about your space and how you feel about it, chances are high that at least a good part of the fans will try to respect it. Speaking for personal experience.” 
Y/n sighs before dropping her head into his shoulders, one of her hands finding its way into the Mercedes logo on his shirt and tracing to distract her screaming mind. 
“You’re right. I will try to do just that. Maybe it’s a good thing, after all, no more contracts about people saying who I am or if they saw me here or not. I will be able to walk around and talk with some of the guys I’m already friends with,” she states. 
They stayed together, intertwined like that, for some more minutes before Mick had to leave and Y/n had to get back to her e-mails.
The next day Y/n woke up late but decided to let Lewis know she was going a bit later than usual just so her brother wouldn’t be worried. If it were up to him, they would arrive and leave together, he could always get her home, but most of the time, Lewis liked to get there early or had something to do before getting on the paddock. Y/n loved every minute of her sleep, so she chose to go on her own and, sometimes, leave with him. This morning, however, Y/n got a message from Mick asking if she was showing up, and after telling him she was probably a tad late but would be there, he suggested a ride on his bike. And it’s not that she was afraid of bikes, but she was always unsure, it seemed dangerous, kudos her brother's work was dangerous as well, but it was different, or so she thought it was, but when the bold asked if she trusted him, Y/n could only be honest and say yes. 
That’s how she found herself staring at an absolutely breathtaking Mick wearing his helmet and offering her one. 
“Are you sure it’s safe?” Y/n voices her concerns one more time, her eyes scanning the big bike with uncertainty. 
“Absolutely, I won’t let anything happen to you, c'mon,” he was so sure, and she could almost see the smile on his eyes, his lips covered by the helmet. 
Y/n took some seconds trying to gather her thoughts. She would have to sit there and attach herself to Mick. Hold his waist. Trust his guidance. Let him fly through traffic. 
“Y/n?” Mick asked, staring at her. 
She nodded, and he brought her close by her hand, pushing some of her hair back before securing the helmet on her head. 
“Comfy?” his eyes goes over her to make sure she was safe, and she could only nod again. She wanted to hug him like the other day, to feel his hands on her arms and his solid chest on her head. “Now, come on, or we will get late.” 
Mick helped Y/n climb the bike and secure his backpack on her shoulders, the one she insisted on taking, which she started to rethink after noticing how much closer they would be without the thing between their bodies. She secured her arms around his abdomen, and he covered her hands with one of his after taking off.
He guided the motorcycle with one hand for what felt like a minute or so, but she did not feel unsafe or scared. Quite the opposite, his hold on her and his warmth only made her feel safer. 
“There’s something on my backpack for you. Remind me to grab it when we get there, will you?” His voice was low under the gush of wind and car noises, but she confirmed and made herself more comfortable. Life was passing in a blur around them, and she enjoyed the feeling of watching everything at that speed with him so close. 
Once Mick and Y/n finally arrived at the Paddock, they ran to the motorhome. A chuckle escaped their lips when both entered the meeting room Y/n used to work whenever she was around. 
“I had no idea which one you would like, so I got two,” Mick opened his backpack, diving for a medium-sized lid and passing it to Y/n. 
“Is that food?” she asked, a big grin on her lips. 
The blonde just watched as she opened it to find two vegan cookies staring back at her. They seemed intact after the ride, thank goodness. 
“Oh God, Mouse, this was so thoughtful!” Y/n left the sugary treats at the table before throwing herself in his arms. She couldn’t help herself. 
Schumacher’s hands were fast to find their place on her back and waist, bringing their bodies closer and sharing more warmth. She got on her tiptoes and distanced her face a bit to let a kiss on his cheek, but somehow her plump lips ended up on his jaw, and Mick almost sighed, asking for one more. Just one more chaste kiss. One more touch of her soft lips. 
Friends did that too, right? 
Friends could be affectionate around each other.
He was not crossing any lines, he thought. But deep down, he knew that his mind and heart raced through any lines before his body could. 
He was down deep, but nothing ever felt this good. 
make sure you like and reblog <3 feel free to talk to me as well, my inbox is always open!
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discount-shades · 8 months
Sleepy Baby is Joe Cool
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a/n: So I had the costume idea back in February or March and I have been holding on to it until now. It has been forever since I've written at all let alone for these two and I'm feeling pretty out of practice.
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin/reader
Warning: none, Fluff
Word Count: 800 ish
Summary: It's Halloween!
Previous          Masterlist          Next
“Jake, you have to wear them.” You can’t help but whine, holding up the headband with the floppy dog ears made from felt and hot glue. “You wouldn’t let me paint your face so if you don’t wear the ears you're not Joe Cool. You are just a guy in a red sweater and sunglasses.”
Jake frowns down at you and you go to place your hands on your hips but are blocked by the red cardboard doghouse hanging off your shoulders that you had spent weeks carefully building. “You don't have to wear ears.” He replies. 
“I’m World War I Flying Ace Snoopy,” you explain patiently with a roll of your eyes, “He wears an aviator hat and a red scarf.” Spinning the scarf in question around you grin as you let it brush Jake's nose.  
“I don't see why I couldn’t be Flying Ace Snoopy, I’m the fighter pilot of the two of us.” Jake is now the one whining. 
“But Flying Ace Snoopy is in the Air Force and you made it very clear to me the day we met that you are in the Navy.” Your grin widens at the pout on Jake’s face. “Besides, you get to be the pilot every day, let me be it for once.”
“Fine,” Jake huffs as he puts on the dog ear headband, “But only because you look cute in the hat.” You lean forward to give him a kiss and are forced to stop when your cardboard dog house bumps into him. “How are you going to get into the truck with that thing on?”
 After carefully redressing in the cardboard doghouse part of your costume in the parking lot you edge into the Hard Deck as Jake holds the door. Catching hold of his hand you make your way over to the boisterous group at the pool table near the back. After your engagement dinner your group of friends had sort of melded into the Dagger Squad. Occasionally meeting up for backyard barbecues and nights out. 
A grin splits your face as you walk over to the cheers at your Snoopy alter ego costumes. Jake gives your hand a gentle squeeze as he goes to get drinks. Surveying the group's costumes you are glad you went all out to build your Snoopy doghouse. Almost everyone has dressed up. “Really, Bradley,” You turn to the one person who looks almost identical as he looks in his everyday life. “Magnum PI?”
“I can’t help it if I’m always this sexy.” He puffs out his chest and glances at Grace as if to make sure she is looking. You roll your eyes and look over to see Grace, dressed as Sandy from Grease, leaning against the wall talking to Bob.
“Keep telling yourself that.” The voice comes from behind a white stormtrooper helmet to your left. You smile at who can only be Mickey. 
“Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?” You ask him and he laughs as Jake returns with your whiskey sour. 
“Hangman, your fiance is cooler than you are.” You feel Jake bump into your box and press a kiss to the leather helmet you are wearing. 
“She’s cooler than you too, Fanboy.” 
– – – 
The evening continues with everyone talking and laughing. At some point Jake 'loses' the headband and asks Penny for a stool without a back so you can sit down in your doghouse costume. It is late when you finally leave with Jake, and Bradley follows. 
“She really doesn’t like me does she?” Bradley asks mournfully as Jake helps you out of your costume when you reach his truck. 
“Who?” You ask as you smooth your mussed hair. 
“Grace.” He looks at you with puppy dog eyes. “She just rolled her eyes and ignored me all night.”
“I mean you were flirting with her in front of her boyfriend.” You shrug. “What did you expect her to do?”
Bradley freezes as he goes to open the truck door for you. “Her boyfriend?” he repeats in confusion. “She was next to Bob all night.”
“Yeah,” You glance over at Jake and see his equally shocked expression. “They’ve been seeing each other for months now.”
“She is dating Bob?” Bradley shouts out.
At the same time Jake says, “Bob was the guy dressed as Danny Zuko?” 
“Wow.” You glance between the two men in disbelief. “You both really are oblivious.”
“How could you not tell me?” Jake almost sounds offended and you can't help but laugh.
“We literally went on a double date together last Saturday.”
“I thought we were all just hanging out and I was pretty focussed on you and not Bob.” Jake says as he tries to remember the interactions between Bob and Grace. “Well good for them.” Jake opens the truck door and you climb in after putting the doghouse in the truck box. 
“What about me?” Bradley asks.
“Go find someone else, Magnum, Sandy is taken.” You call out the window as Jake drives away. 
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imawkwardlysoc · 1 year
twenty buttons and a strap
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Song- Green Green Dress from tick.. tick.. BOOM!
Pairing- Pete Mitchell x afab!reader
Warning(s)- Allusions to sex (not mentioned), reader and Pete have a five year age difference, reader and Pete have a daughter together
Summary- Reader goes onto base to pick Pete up for their date and Pete sees her in her outfit
Wordcount- 1,117
“So,” I stepped back so I could fit in the frame. “What do you think?”
“You look great mom,” Y/D/N replied with a smile.
“Are you sure?” I questioned my outfit choice. “Shouldn’t I dress my age?”
“Mom, do you think Dad dresses his age?” She let out a laugh. “Besides, you look hot.”
“That is true,” I chuckled and put on the earrings that Pete got me for our twentieth anniversary. “At the same time if he’s not in his flight suit, it’s just jeans with a t-shirt, and his bomber jacket along with his aviators.”
“There’s the occasional suit that’s not his dress uniforms,” she shrugged.
“All right, your dad and I will see you in a few days when you get back from college,” I let out a chuckle and finished getting ready. “Love you.”
“Love you too,” she smiled and we hung up the video call.
Grabbing my phone, I saw the text Pete sent me saying that he’s running a little bit behind. We already had plans for me picking him up on base as he changes for our date. Sending him a reply, I adjusted the straps and smoothed out the velvet green dress that I got a little while ago. Putting on my heels, I grabbed my purse and made my way out of the house.
Getting into the car, I turned on the ignition and pulled out of the driveway before making the ten minute drive to base. On the way there, I hummed to some of the songs that Pete and I have in our playlist. Pulling up to base, I pulled my ID out and was allowed to go in. Parking the car, I got out and headed to where Pete and the Dagger Squad were.
“Well guys,” I heard Pete say as I walked into the hangar. “You all are dismissed. Need to get ready for date night for the misses.”
“Are you going to dress up Mav?” Hangman jokes.
“Oh please, his version of dressing up is wearing the same thing and putting on the fanciest pair of aviators he has,” Mickey quipped.
“Hey, he can don a suit from time to time,” I said, making my presence known.
“Oh wow,” I blushed at Maverick’s reaction.
“Damn Mama Mav,” Coyote hyped me up. “You look-”
“Amazing!” Phoenix completed his sentence. “That color looks great on you.”
“Thank you,” I thanked her and walked up to Mav. “So, what do you think?”
“You look amazing,” he replied before placing a kiss on my lips.
I let out a chuckle when I saw Pete flipping Bradley off as we heard him gag.
“Now go change,” I smacked his butt. “We have reservations.”
“Yes ma'am,” he saluted me as I rolled my eyes.
Once he left the hangar, I went up to the rest of my Dagger Ducklings and talked to them while we waited for Pete. I also mentioned there was going to be a family dinner when Y/D/N comes back from DC. I might’ve also threatened to ground Bradley since he let out a groan when I told him that he needed to pick her up from the airport since Pete and I are busy on the day she lands and he had a day off. I’m pretty sure Mav forgot to dismiss them since they haven’t left to go change yet. All of us continued to talk to each other about other things until Mav came back.
“Looking sharp old man,” Hangman whistled. “Suit, tie, cufflinks, and everything else.”
“Well then, you all are dismissed,” Pete announced. “I’m taking this lovely lady out on a night on the town.”
“Have fun guys,” all of them told us.
Thanking them, I reminded them about family dinner and we headed off base to the parking lot. Pete opened the passenger door for me and I got in. Getting into the driver’s seat, Pete started the car and started to drive off base to our location. During the drive there, Pete and I sang along to the songs that were playing through the speakers. Parking and getting out of the car as we got to the restaurant, we headed in and waited for a little bit for our table.
“Don’t give me that look,” I told him as we sat down and looked through the menu.
“What look?” I could see him smirking.
“That look,” I replied while looking at him.
I could see him undressing me with his eyes.
“This is the only look I have darling,” he winked and I rolled my eyes.
Our waiter came back with our drinks and we ordered our meals. Munching on the free bread, we talked about the plans we’re going to have with Y/D/N when she lands here. We already have the family dinner planned but we’re not sure what to do for the rest of the week. Our food came and we continued our conversation.
Throughout the meal, Mav and I kept on sending each other looks. We teased each other a little bit but not too much. Pete would sometimes place his hand on my thigh while I smirked. When dinner reached an end, Pete paid for our meal and we headed out of the restaurant. Pete wrapped his arm around my shoulders and he got closer to my ear to whisper something.
“That dress is immediately coming off once we step into the house,” he whispered.
“I would love to see you try,” I laughed as we got into the car. “The back has twenty buttons and it took me a while for me to button them up.”
“Darling, I’m a highly decorated captain of the Navy,” he chuckled. “I’m able to do anything.”
Rolling my eyes at his answer, he drove us back home. Parking the car in the driveway, we got out of the car and Mav rushed to open the front door. Getting to the front door, I let out a squeal and a laugh as Mav picked me up bridal style as he carried me into the house. Wrapping my arms around his neck, we started to kiss as he carried me up the stairs. Opening the door to our bedroom, he placed me down on the bed and started to unbutton the back of my dress while placing kisses along my body.
*Meanwhile in the Living Room*
“Did we just?” Phoenix questioned.
“Yeah, did we just?” Bob looked at his pilot.
“Wanna go back?” Hangman suggested.
“Yeah, let's go back,” all of the aviators agreed.
All twelve aviators grabbed all of their things and headed out of the house to the shared house they own.
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Disneyland DILF
Summary: While on a family vacation to Disneyland, Elide discovers her husband Lorcan has been featured on the viral Instagram page ‘DILFS of Disneyland.’ 
When he claims not to know what a DILF is, Elide decides the best way she can explain it to him is to demonstrate what the F stands for.
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For the wonderful and amazing and talented @headcanonheadcase! I've been teasing this Lorcan DILF fic for a while, so thanks for being patient with me! Thank you for being so kind and supportive, and I hope you enjoy!
Rating: Explicit. See AO3 link for tags.
Word Count: 4.9K
Read on A03
“Come on Jack, look over here! Look at Mommy! Come on baby, just give me one good photo!”
Whoever coined the idiom “herding cats” to describe an impossible task should have instead used something like, “getting your toddler to look at a camera for more than one second for a halfway decent picture.” The latter, Elide decided, conveyed more of the frustrating nuance that people were bound to face, even if it was a bit too lengthy of a phrase. Who even had enough cats to herd anyways?
“Lorcan, can you stop distracting him for one minute, please? I really wanna get a picture of Jack with Pluto. And can you fix his hair?”
Her husband stopped whispering whatever he was saying to their son. He looked up at Elide with a frown.
“I’m not distracting him - I’m just telling him how better dressed he is than every other kid here.”
“Well, maybe don’t do that,” she cringed, as a middle aged woman wearing a pair of Mickey Mouse ears with a gaggle of similarly dressed children behind her shot Lorcan and Elide a dirty look. 
“And I think his hair looks good like this,” Lorcan went on, slightly tussling his son’s dark hair. “It looks effortlessly messy and windswept. Classic.” Jack agreed, as he grinned and clapped his pudgy little hands at his father’s compliments. 
“He’s two,” Elide deadpanned. “He’s not going to be on the cover of Baby Vogue.”
Lorcan hummed. “Is that a thing? It should be, and Jack should be on the cover -“
She sighed; she knew when she lost her battles with her husband, rare that it happened. “One, two, three -“
Quick as a snake, Lorcan turned himself and Jack towards Elide’s phone and gave their biggest grins for the picture: Lorcan’s a small uptick of the corners of his mouth, his long, dark hair swaying in the warm breeze, while Jack grinned toothily at the camera. 
“Oh, that actually turned out pretty good,” Elide said, slowly walking over to show the picture to Lorcan. “And Plutos is in the background, so I guess that technically counts.”
“Pluto’s the dog, right?” Lorcan asked, settling Jack back in his stroller.
Elide looked at her husband exasperatedly. “Yes, Pluto’s the dog. I still don’t understand how you know so little about Disney. It’s like you grew up under a rock.”
Lorcan shrugged as they set off at a slow pace down Disneyland’s broad Main Street and into the heart of the park. “Growing up in an orphanage and joining the military at 18 doesn’t exactly lend itself to having a pop culture filled childhood.”
“Disney transcends pop culture,” Elide muttered distractedly, pulling up the Disneyland app on her smartphone. “I know I should have quizzed you on everything Disney, or at least made you memorize the map of this place.”
“Where are we off to next?” he asked, looking over her shoulder at the map pulled up on her phone.
“Where aren’t we going? Big day planned. Jack loves Tigger so I want to head over to the Critter Country area so he can meet him and get some pictures together. I think we’d all like the Jungle Cruise - can you double check I packed the noise canceling headphones? - watch the parade, hang around in Toontown, depending on how Jack is doing, then end the day by visiting Sleepy Beauty’s castle. That’s been on my to do list since I was a little girl.”  
Lorcan arched an eyebrow. “Is this Disneyland vacation for him or you?”
Elide pursed her lips. “It’s for all of us, you giant twerp. But what do you want to do? I’ll hang back with him if you want to go on rides or visit the Star Wars area.”
“I don’t need to do anything other than be with you two. Just keep me fed and I’ll go wherever you tell me.”
Elide grinned. “Smart man. How about we head over to Adventureland for the Jungle Cruise? I think he’d like the animals.”
“Lead on,” Lorcan said, wheeling Jack’s stroller around and following Elide further into the park.
The Jungle Cruise was a hit. Lorcan strapped Jack into his front-facing toddler carrier and held him the entire time, making sure his headphones were on and pointing out the different animals they saw, to Jack’s delight. Elide should have spent the ride taking in the sights around her - this Disneyland trip was truthfully perhaps more for her than for their son - but she couldn’t help but let her gaze linger on Lorcan. 
Devilishly handsome didn’t seem like it did her husband justice. Nearly seven feet tall, with shiny shoulder length dark hair, a perfectly symmetrical face, and rippling muscles that didn’t seem real, Elide knew Lorcan was a catch. 
But what she adored even more about him was his personality: his quiet, understated humor, how loyal he was, his bravery, and his unending support for everything Elide put her mind to. He carried her weight  - sometimes literally - when her disability became too much for her and she struggled to walk even with her ankle brace on. 
Best of all, he was an excellent father. Before Jack had been born, he’d confessed to Elide that he was scared that he didn’t know how to be a good dad and he’d do something to traumatically mess up Jack’s life. She didn’t believe that for a second; she had full faith in him, and told him that repeatedly. The first time Lorcan held Jack after he was born was the closest Elide had ever seen him to crying. 
And now here he was, willingly walking around the capitalistic hell that was Disneyland, all so his wife and son could have a picture perfect day. What a lucky woman she was.
“I think he really enjoyed that,” Lorcan commented after they collected their stroller from the front of the ride. He decided to keep wearing Jack in his front-facing carrier - “He’ll be able to see things better that way,” he reasoned - and Elide wasn’t going to complain, especially since seeing Lorcan carry their kid around sent odd little flutters throughout her body. 
“He did,” Elide cooed, re-fastening Jack’s little velcro shoes so he wouldn’t kick them off. “I got a good picture of him looking at elephants.”
“Good thing he didn’t seem to realize what the lions were doing to that zebra.”
Elide shuddered. “Yeah, maybe some parts of this ride aren’t the best for babies and toddlers.”
“Where to next?” Lorcan asked. “Try to find Tigger and then lunch?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Elide said, kissing Jack’s cheek and squeezing Lorcan’s hand. “Want me to take the stroller?”
“You navigate, I’ll steer.”
She quickly learned Disneyland was much larger than the little map on her phone made it look. By the time they found Tigger and took dozens of pictures of an excited Jack with his favorite character, and let him burn some energy on a Winnie the Pooh playground, Elide’s ankle throbbed with every footstep she took. She hobbled to a sitting bench and watched Jack go down a slide before running back up to go down again and again.
“How are you doing?” Lorcan questioned, sitting down next to her on the bench.
“I may have underestimated how much walking we were going to do today,” she admitted, leaning down to rub her ankle. 
“Want your brace?”
She grimaced. “Maybe not right now. I’ll try to wait until after lunch. Speaking of, I think Jack’s getting hungry and tired - want to see if we can find somewhere to sit out of the sun?”
They found a shaded and relatively quiet restaurant in the New Orleans area, and Elide sat at the table and put on her ankle brace, waiting for their food, as Lorcan walked around with Jack in the picturesque square outside the restaurant. She watched them contentedly as Jack toddled over a short railing into a flower bed and stuck his entire head into a bunch of flowers. Rather than pull him out, Lorcan crouched down next to him and started pointing out different flowers to Jack.
Sighing happily, she took a sip of her mocktail and closed her eyes, leaning back in her chair. Besides her ankle, the day was going perfectly. 
“Mama! Mama!”
She opened her eyes. Lorcan was walking towards her with Jack on his hip, a bunch of bright flowers, dirty roots and all, dangling from his fat fist.
“He was very interested in the flowers, and I told him how much you like flowers too,” Lorcan said, putting Jack in a high chair as he thrust the flowers at Elide. 
“Oh Jack, these are perfect,” Elide gasped, fighting the tears that had welled in her eyes and taking the bright arrangement from her son. She leaned down to kiss Jack on a chubby cheek. “Thank you so much baby.”
“Seems I’m gonna have to do better the next time I give you flowers,” Lorcan grumbled. “Not sure how I’m gonna compete with a fresh Disney bouquet.”
“I’m surprised no one came and shooed you away,” Elide noted, wrapping the bottom of the flowers in a napkin and tucking them in the stroller. 
“Oh, someone did,” Lorcan confirmed nonchalantly. “Especially when Jack tossed a bunch of tulips on the ground. They didn’t seem to like us damaging park property, or something.”
“Lorcan!” Elide admonished. “You didn’t make someone miserable over some flowers, did you?”
No, I just stood up and I guess they thought better about trying to yell at me. Besides, it’d be well worth making anyone miserable if it made you happy.”
“Aw. That is so sweet and threatening.”
He winked and gave her a small smile. “Anything for you.”
They took their time with lunch and by the time they finished, Jack had fallen asleep in his stroller. Deciding to let him sleep, they staked out a shaded bit of lawn and sat down to watch the parade from a distance. Full of energy when he woke up, they leisurely made their way over to Toontown and got in line for the steam train ride.
“I can take him for a bit,” Elide suggested, picking a bench in the back of the train so Lorcan wouldn’t block anyone out. “You’ve been handling him a lot today.”
“I got him,” Lorcan said, sitting Jack on his lap. “You just sit and relax.”
Her husband had apparently designated himself as being on ‘Jack Duty’ all day, as he refused to let Elide even push his stroller or hold him, besides whenever she thrust her phone at Lorcan and asked him to take pictures. 
“Is that safe, Lorcan?” Elide asked nervously after they had gotten off the train. Her husband had just thrown Jack onto his shoulders, giving him the best view in the entire park.
“Course,” Lorcan grunted, holding onto their son’s legs, his arms flexing as they walked towards Goofy’s Playhouse. “Just want to make sure he can see everything. He loves people watching, just like his mom.”
They set Jack down and he immediately ran into the bright, cartoon style house.
“He’s gonna sleep so well tonight,” Elide sighed happily. 
“And we won’t?” Lorcan countered, an eyebrow raised.
“Good point. I’m glad tomorrow is a lazy day at the beach.”
By the time they dragged Jack away nearly an hour later, even he had come to the conclusion that he was ready to leave. Burying his face in Lorcan’s shoulder, he didn’t seem to mind stopping at Sleeping Beauty’s castle. Elide didn’t have the energy to go up and explore any of the winding passages and staircases, but Lorcan still took her picture everywhere she could go in the castle, juggling her phone in one hand and their near-sleeping son in the other.
“You could have put him in the stroller,” Elide said as they made their way back to their car, double and triple checking that they hadn’t lost anything in the park.
“That’s alright. Didn’t want to risk waking him up.”
Dinner was some fast food they picked up on the way back to their Airbnb. Jack picked at his food and didn’t fight them as they gave him a quick bath and Lorcan got him settled for bed in the small second bedroom of the condo. Elide showered and stepped into the master bedroom to find Lorcan laying on the bed reading a book.
“Did he go down pretty easy?” she asked, drying her hair.
 “Oh yeah. Only made it a few more pages into The Hobbit before he passed out.”
“God, same kid,” Elide groaned, throwing on her pajamas and crawling into bed next to Lorcan, grabbing her phone and looking through the several hundred photos she and Lorcan had managed to snap that day.
Opening Instagram, she scrolled through her friend’s recent posts and videos - Aelin and Rowan celebrating their wedding anniversary, Manon’s rescue bulldog Abraxos officially completing training to become a therapy dog, and some professional pictures of Yrene, Chaol and their daughter - before she noticed a ‘Suggested for You’ account:
Elide snorted and scrolled away. How stupid and niche. It was probably filled with a few blurry creepshots of men at Disneyland, or a PR stunt of some kind for a movie or TV show or podcast. No, thank you. Elide had standards. She scrolled away.
On the other hand, she was on vacation; her standards could take a break. She scrolled back up and clicked on the account and was brought to a professional looking Instagram page:
DILFS of Disneyland: Welcome to the Happiest place on Instagram!
Apparently the account wasn’t niche at all - it had over 400,000 followers, and more than 1,200 posts, all featuring pictures of handsome men with babies and toddlers at Disneyland. Elide was stunned, scrolling through post after post after post of men with their kids at Disneyland, doing frankly normal things - pushing strollers, posing for pictures, eating ice cream and churros with their kids - but there was something… else, something more she couldn’t quite put her finger on that made these men extra appealing. 
Not that she would ever admit this to Lorcan. Snorting, she scrolled back to the top of the page when she noticed a new post from today with an all too familiar face:
“WOW 😍😍 A DILF to beat all DILFS! Taking Tall, Dark and Handsome to a new DILF-y level!! #hotdads #dilfsofdisneyland #dilfalert #strollermeat”
There was her husband, in all his DILF-y glory from throughout the day: Lorcan walking with Jack strapped to his chest, Lorcan pushing Jack in his stroller, and even one from late in the day when Jack sat on Lorcan’s shoulders. Elide had to give it to the photographer on that one - his arms and chest looked absolutely ripped in the photo. 
And the internet agreed. The post had only been up for a few hours and already amassed several hundred likes and over one hundred comments, all from women - and some men - going feral for Lorcan.
“Call the fire department, cuz I’m about to climb that DILF like a tree and get stuck”
“Hello Daddy😏😘”
“God bless this Disney DILF🙏🏻🙏🏻”
Elide couldn’t help but chuckle. She maybe should be concerned that someone had been stalking her husband at Disneyland but as she looked through the many comments bemoaning how hot and unavailable Lorcan was, she didn’t feel any anger for the people drooling over her husband. Her chuckle morphed into a full laugh, until Elide was snorting in laughter.
“What are you laughing at?”
Lorcan was staring at her, his brow furrowed. 
“Your greatest fear has come true,” Elide gasped out. 
Lorcan sat up. “Rowan got some stupid award he can rub in my face?”
“No, you’re internet famous. Kind of.”
“What?” he snapped, rolling on his side to try to look at her phone. “What happened?”
“It’s nothing bad,” she said, working to contain her laughter. “The internet says you’re a DILF.”
Lorcan stared at her blankly. “A what?”
“A DILF. You know,” she repeated, waving her hand like that would explain the acronym.
"What’s a DILF?”
Elide sat up on her elbows. “Wait, really? You don’t know what a DILF is?” She narrowed her eyes and cocked her head at Lorcan, studying him for any of his lying tells. 
“Really. What’s it mean?”
“You’re thirty-four!” Elide exclaimed. “How do you not know what a DILF is?”
“Well, I’m not glued to my phone twenty-four seven -”
“Because your old flip phone doesn't have internet and you only have three people’s phone numbers.”
“Just tell me what it means,” Lorcan grumbled, pouting. 
Elide snickered. “It means ‘dad I’d like to fuck.’ There’s an Instagram page devoted to dads in Disneyland, and you’re proving very popular.” She handed her phone to Lorcan and watched him read through the myriad of comments left on his pictures. 
“Huh. That’s… interesting.”
Elide shrugged. “Maybe a little odd, but they don’t mean any harm by it. Just people admiring how hot and good of a dad you are.”
“And being a dad… makes me more attractive to women?”
“Oh definitely. There have been times when you’ve been so good with Jack I jumped you when we put him down for a nap. And seeing you today, holding Jack, playing with him…” she trailed off, biting her lip and sweeping her eyes down his body.
“Really? That gets you going?”
“Maybe,” she purred, crawling over to him and swinging her leg over him so she sat on his lap, “I could put on a demonstration of the ‘F’ in DILF, if you still need convincing.”
He grinned, trailing his big hands up her slim thighs. “I’ve always been more of a hands-on learner. That might help it… sink in.”
“Maybe if you’re lucky, that won’t be the only thing you’ll be sinking into,” she murmured, leaning down to capture Lorcan’s lips against hers. 
Lorcan’s warm hands grasped the sides of her head to keep her still as their tongues met. Elide sighed with pleasure. She could spend all night just kissing her husband, feeling his large body flex and shift underneath her, his hands trailing soft caresses down her body. His fingers dove beneath her sleep shorts. She was already wet. She gasped as his fingers trailed up and down her slit before plunging a thick finger inside her. 
“Guess you weren’t kidding about getting turned on by me being a DILF,” Lorcan mumbled against her, nipping her bottom lip. 
Groaning, she rolled off him and threw herself off the bed, tugging her clothes off. “Well, hop to it,” she breathed, laughing softly as Lorcan fumbled to get his pants and shirt off. 
She took a moment to stare at his body: a strong chest covered with a smattering of dark hair that formed a dark line below his belly button, thick thighs that could crush a person to death if he needed to. And his cock. Thick, long, and perfectly proportional to his big body and which looked obscene next to Elide’s petite form.
Lorcan lay on the bed, absentmindedly stroking his cock as he looked Elide up and down. “Dad you’d like to fuck, hm?” He murmured. “How about I get you warmed up for a fucking?”
Elide shivered. “What do you have in mind?”
“I like the idea of… sinking into you.” He grinned lazily, and her belly tightened with anticipation. “Get on.”
He grabbed a small bottle of lube and coated his thick length liberally. She climbed on top of Lorcan and gasped as he spun her around and settled her over his cock, her knees bracketing his hips as she faced away from his face, towards his long legs and feet. She turned around to look at him. 
“Just wanna feel you around me,” he remarked. Grabbing his cock, he pulled her down, letting her take him within her at her own pace.
Elide moaned. Even after all this time, she still needed to take him slowly, let him stretch out her inner walls. The lube helped immensely. She swirled her hips, taking an inch before withdrawing and taking another, then another, then another, Lorcan’s deep groans egging her on. Finally she sunk down fully against his body. She started to raise herself on her knees to start that intimate rhythm they both knew so well when Lorcan’s hands gripped her hips.
“Hold on,” he said, not letting her move. “Now that you’re here, I wanna enjoy this.”
“Were you not having fun before?” Elide gasped, feeling him twitch inside her. 
“Oh, I was and still am,” he said, caressing her hips. “Just come back down and lean forward a bit - yeah, just like that.”
Elide blushed as she leaned forward over Lorcan’s body, grabbing his knees for leverage. She felt exposed and open as Lorcan hummed appreciatively, rubbing his hand over one of her ass cheeks. 
“You take me so well,” he murmured. “I think this is a nice interlude before I fuck you. Just wanna feel you warming my cock.”
She craned her neck and gave him an annoyed look. This is not at all what she thought he meant by ‘warming her up.’ “And what about me?”
Lorcan raised an eyebrow. “I was under the impression that we ended up here because you get so turned on just by me being a good dad. Don’t I have a say in how I want to be fucked?”
“Well, I guess, but -“
“Then just sit there nice and pretty on my cock,” he soothed. “Don’t move though, just stay still.”
“Lorcan,” Elide squirmed against him. “I need -“
“Don’t worry, I’ll fuck you full in a bit,” he said distractedly, and Elide knew he felt her cunt clench around his cock ar his words. “I just wanna finish this chapter -“
She tsked. “Really?” 
“Yeah,” he said, reaching for his book with one hand and rubbing her back with the other. “Just a few minutes.”
Elide sighed and turned her head back towards Lorcan’s legs, forcing herself to relax. She considered herself fairly adventurous in bed, and her and Lorcan had a very open and healthy sex life, but this was one thing they hadn’t tried yet. Elide didn’t see the appeal in cockwarming, but actually experiencing it, well…
Lorcan subtly shifted his hips and she felt his cock somewhere in her stomach. Cursing, she gripped his knees and made herself stay still. This wasn’t how she thought this would go. When she initially climbed on his lap she thought she’d suck him for a bit then ride him, or maybe bend herself over the bed so he could pound into her from behind.
But here she was, hypersensitive and aware of every little movement and touch from Lorcan, only a few breaths away from breaking and begging him to do something.
Which is probably why he did this. Jerk.
“I can hear you thinking.” She refused to turn around to look at him but she could hear the smirk in his voice.
“Just thinking how I actually wanted to fuck my husband, not stare at a wall with his cock stuffed in me,” she sniffed. 
Lorcan laughed. “Ok, Ok, I get it. You’re lucky I’m done with my chapter.”
She whined as he lifted her off his length. She felt horribly cold and empty until he flipped her around on her back and kneeled in between her legs. 
“That wasn’t even five minutes, just so you know,” Lorcan said, stroking his slick cock and glancing down to her red pussy. 
“Bullshit,” she gasped as her husband gripped her thighs and hauled her towards him so her legs were resting over his hips. “Felt like an hour.”
He hummed. “I should fuck you for an hour, so you have a frame of reference next time we do this.” He laid a wide spread hand on her stomach and moved his hand up her torso.
“What a perfect little wife you are,” he whispered. Elide gulped; his hand covered nearly her entire chest, and his fingers graced the hollow of her throat.
“Please,” she gasped, licking her lips and shifting her hips to graze his cock. 
“So tiny, but like you were made for me.” He looked down to where they were almost joined. His cock jutted obscenely out over her stomach. 
“Is this what you imagined?” He asked, dragging the head of his cock over her clit before settling at her entrance. “When you told me that I’m a DILF, and how excited that makes you?”
Elide couldn’t answer, her eyes darting between Lorcan’s dark gaze and his thick cock so close to where she wanted him. 
He squeezed her thighs. “Well?”
“Yes,” she said in a broken whisper. “Yes, I imagined you fucking me so hard -“
Lorcan pushed into her in one hard stroke and Elide lost her train of thought. Lost every thought she’d ever had, honestly, as Lorcan gripped her waist and set a hard pace. 
Elide grabbed Lorcan’s forearms as he pounded into her, needing to feel even more of his warm body and to keep herself from moving around the bed with the power of his thrusts. She threw her head back at a particularly rough thrust.
“Fuck Lorcan,” she groaned, aware that she couldn’t be as loud as she wanted with Jack in the room next door. 
“God, you’re always so tight,” he grunted out, wrapping his arms around her thighs and hauling her lower half off the bed and further into his lap, letting him thrust even deeper inside her. “Feel so good. Is this hard enough for you?”
“Yes!” Her orgasm inched closer and closer. She reached down and started circling her clit rapidly. If he kept fucking her just like this, and she kept touching herself…
“I wonder how turned on you’d get if we had another,” he said, staring down at her intently. “You wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off me, would you?”
Lorcan didn’t get an answer as Elide came, squeezing her eyes shut and biting her lip to keep herself quiet. Warmth spread throughout her body as her orgasm traveled along her nerves, lighting her up from the inside. She was vaguely aware of a muffled groan above her and more warmth between her legs as Lorcan came.
He dropped her limp legs and bracketed his arms next to Elide’s head, careful not to crush her as he gave her a gentle kiss before rolling beside her. They lay in blissful silence for a few moments, each focusing on slowing their erratic breathing, when Lorcan let out a huff of air, then another, until he started chuckling.
“DILFs of Disneyland. How many likes did the post have?”
“Hm?” Elide mumbled, halfway to falling asleep.
“Were there a lot of comments on my post? I only saw about a dozen.”
“A lot of… what?”
“Any chance you can check your phone?”
She propped herself on one elbow to stare at Lorcan, brows furrowed. “What? You don’t know anything about Instagram or how it works.”
Lorcan rolled his eyes. “Of course I know how Instagram works. I browse it every now and then.”
“How? Your phone doesn’t have any apps!”
“The desktop.”
“Your old desktop computer?” Elide asked, flabbergasted. “I didn’t realize that thing still worked. And whose accounts are you looking at?”
“Yours, obviously.”
Oh. “Lorcan,” Elide said, grinning softly. “That’s so sweet -“
“And the DILFs of Disneyland page.”
The grin vanished from her face. “What.”
“Yeah, Rowan showed it to me when I told him we were coming here, and he said he and Aelin and their girl are planning a trip later this year. I bet him I could not only get featured on the DILFs of Disneyland Instagram account, but also get more likes than him if he manages to get featured too.”
Elide stared at her smug husband, slack jawed. “So the entire day you insisted on holding and wheeling Jack around -“
“Was because I wanted to spend time with him and so your ankle wouldn’t get sore and we’d have to leave early,” he said gently, bringing her down to lay on his chest. “But if it also meant there were lots of opportunities for me to look hot as hell while holding Jack, then that was nice too.”
“You self centered ass,” Elide said, lightly smacking his shoulder as Lorcan laughed. Elide couldn’t help but join in, shaking her head all the while. 
“Well, what did you two idiots bet on?”
“Bragging rights and the loser has to get a shirt for the winner proclaiming them the official DILF of Disneyland.”
“If you somehow win, that will be a bedroom shirt only,” Elide warned. 
“Definitely not. I’m gonna wear it around all the time. Get fucked, Rowan.”
“Then you’ll be the one to explain to Jack what a DILF is.”
“This is great,” Lorcan said, pointedly ignoring Elide. “As soon as we get back, I’m gonna email him my DILF pictures -“
“God, you’re such an old man,” Elide laughed, throwing herself dramatically on the bed next to him. “Living up to the reputation of dads being terrible with technology.”
“I make up for it in other ways, don’t I?” he breathed against her neck, his lips trailing past her collarbone and breasts and stomach and then even lower.
“Oh! Yes, I suppose you do have your strengths,” Elide mused breathlessly as Lorcan settled his head between her thighs. 
Unfortunately for Elide, Lorcan received his DILF of Disneyland shirt from Rowan, and he gloated insufferably. Fortunately for her, though, Lorcan made sure to show his wife how he became a DILF, and she couldn’t walk straight for two days. 
She had to give it to them: the DILFs of Disneyland account really was the happiest place on Instagram.
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witchwyfe · 1 year
the three-step plan - jhs
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I pairing: college! jake seresin x female reader
I précis: in which your friends use mistletoe to get you and jake to finally admit your feelings. college au, fluff
I word count: 1,414
I content + warnings: mentions of alcohol and drinking, mentions of being drunk, cursing, 
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All your friends know. They've known you liked Jake, and he likes you since before you probably figured out your feelings.
And after almost a year of both of you dancing around and insisting that the other one doesn't feel the same, they decide to take matters into their own hands.
Natasha told you she was throwing a Christmas party with her roommate, Callie. Although less of a party and more of an excuse for your friend group to hang out and get drunk.
So, after you've taken your last final, instead of being lounged in your bed, watching movies with Natasha, you're in front of her vanity mirror, rolling your eyes as she holds up another dress to you.
"Tash, I'm not dressing up to sit on your couch and drink natty light." You say, turning to glare at her.
"It's a Christmas party!" She argues, setting the red mini-dress on her bed.
"It is not!" You retort. "You said it yourself, we're all just drinking and relaxing after finals."
"But don't you want to look cute?"
"You said this was cute." You narrow your eyes at her, pointing at the Christmas sweater you're wearing, a big snowman knitted on the front.
"It is! It's adorable but Jakes coming and don't you want--"
"No." You shut her down. "I dress for me, not him and you wouldn't dress for a guy either so don't feed me that's bullshit."
She nods in agreement, dejectedly looking at her lap.
"And besides, you really think me wearing a skimpy dress is going to get him to like me?"
"But he already does like you!"
"No, he doesn't."
"You're fucking impossible!" She groans, flopping back onto her bed. "Both of you are."
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 Natasha and Bradley, being your and Jake's best friends, had devised a three-step plan. They were hoping of course that they would only need one step but planned two as backup.
Plan A: Make Jake jealous.
With Natasha's urging, Bradley was going to hit on you in front of Jake, in hopes of making him jealous enough to finally say something.
Jake's already made a comment about how cute you look in your Christmas sweater and sweats, so Bradley figured know is as good a time as any.
"Yeah, you're right bro," Bradley nods, clapping him on the shoulder. "I'm gonna go bring her a beer, maybe flirt with her a little. Since you obviously won't ask her out, maybe I will."
"Bradley, wait!" Jake calls, but it's too late and he's already across the room, smiling at you.
"Thanks Brad," You smile, tipping the can up to your lips.
"No problem sweetheart." He tries not to grimace as the words leave his lips. He loves you--of course--but you're more of a sister to him than anything else.
You furrow your brows and look up at him weirdly.
"What are you doing?" You ask, watching his cheeks flush red.
"Ah, ____, you're so funny!" He laughs, exaggerating the sound. He sets his hand on your arm before pulling it back.
You grab him by the collar of his hoodie and tug him down so you can whisper into his ear.
"Bradley Bradshaw, if this is part of some elaborate scheme or prank with Natasha, you better stop it right now."
He pulls away nodding, before forcing out another fake laugh.
"Yes ma'am." He mumbles before walking away.
And Jake is the only one who can't see through Bradley's horribly fake attempt at flirting, because he's glaring daggers at his best friend, stomach twists in knots.
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Plan B. Forced proximity.
After you'd scolded him, Bradley immediately texted Natasha that it was time for plan b. You're sitting on the couch, laughing at a story that Callie and Mickey are telling you, completely unaware of the lovesick glances Jake is shooting you.
"____!" Natasha calls, looking up from her phone. "C'mere!" 
You're annoyed at the interruption but don't show it as you excuse yourself and get up from the couch.
"What Nat?" You wonder.
"Bradley left some beer in the back of his car, can you maybe go get it?"
"Why can't he?" You wonder, arms crossed against your chest.
"Because I have to go to the bathroom!" He blurts out. "Really bad, it can't wait, and everyone needs beer now!"
You roll your eyes. "I'm not going down to your parking garage by myself Nat, if--"
"Jake will go with you!" Bradley offers grabbing Jake from where he was grabbing another beer.
Jake immediately nods, despite not knowing what's going on.
"Alright," You sigh. "Give me your keys."
Bradley happily hands them over and the second you and Jake are out the door, so are he and Natasha, rushing down to the basement of the building.
Natasha's cousin works in the building, for maintenance and the second her and Bradley make it to the basement, she's shoving the door open.
"What the hell Tash?" He wonders, looking up from his desk. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, fine, but we need you to stop the elevator."
"What? Hell no."
"Please!" She whines. 
"Oh my god, do you want me to lose my job?"
She groans, reaching into Bradley's pocket for his wallet and pulling out a twenty.
"Hey!" Bradley exclaims, snatching it back.
"Now please will you, do it?" 
"Fuck, fine!" He sighs, snatching the money from Natasha's hand.
There are no security cameras in the elevator so they can only hope you and Jake are inside when it happens.
Meanwhile, you and Jake decide to take the stairs because the elevator is taking way too long, and you don't feel like waiting anymore. 
When you get to Bradley’s cart there’s a single, warm can of Budweiser laying in his trunk, and you roll your eyes. 
“This is what was so important?”
“Jesus, he’s an idiot,” Jake sighs, shaking his head. 
“God damn it.” Natasha hisses when she sees a text from you. 
Back at your place. Where r u?
“It didn’t work.” She tells Bradley and her cousin—who still doesn’t know what’s going on.
“C’mon, Bradshaw, we gotta go to plan c.”
And plan c comes a couple of hours later when almost everyone is significantly more drunk. Natasha and Bradley laid off the alcohol, besides a couple of beers, because they want to make sure they can still run their plan. 
Jake is adorably tipsy, and all the drinks you had have long worn off. Natasha makes eye contact with Bradley, before giving him a quick nod.
He reaches into his back pocket for the crumbled bit of mistletoe he’d bought at the store weeks ago—solely for this purpose. 
“Hey guys!” He calls, getting everyone’s attention. “Look what I found.” He holds it high above his head, showing it off to anyone who looks at him.
“Ooh!” Javy drunkenly cheers. 
Bradley towers over where you and Jake are sitting on the couch, pulling you out of your separate conversations and turning towards each other.
“I think ____ and Jake should go first!” He announces, a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Hell yeah!” Mickey shouts. 
Soon enough, Bradley’s gotten everyone into chanting at you two, eliciting a deep blush on Jake’s face.
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” You’re swarmed with the calls of your friends, Natasha nudging into your back and almost pushing you into Jake’s lap. 
You smile sheepishly at him, watching amusement dance in his eyes.
“I think this is the only way to get them to shut up.” You giggle, setting your hand on his chest.
“Looks like it.” He whispers, the tiniest southern accent sneaking into his tone. You fist your hand into the soft material of his hoodie and lean forward slowly until your lips press against his.
Even louder cheers erupt from your friends, and you think you hear someone popping a bottle of champagne. When you pull away, Jake’s entire face is red, and you’re feeling pretty warm, yourself.
He smiles widely, before Bradley punches him on the shoulder. “It’s about fuckin’ time, my man!”
“Fuck off,” He grins, the insult having no sting, because he can’t stop smiling. 
“You can thank us now or later, it’s up to you.” Natasha grins, cackling when you shove lightly at her.
“Both of y’all are pains in my ass,” You grin. “But thank you.”
“At least now I don’t have to listen to Jake lose his shit every time he sees you and—”
“Shut it, Bradshaw.”
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© witchwyfe 2022. absolutely no reposting, translating, or modifying, even with credit.
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spicycinnabun · 4 months
Yes, Chef
WC: 696 🥟 Rated: G 🥟 Read on Ao3!
“Table four said their chicken Kyiv isn’t saucy enough,” Ian said, sliding the plate across the heated pass. He braced himself for a blowup as he added, “They want another one.”
“A chicken Kyiv don’t have sauce, first of all,” Chef Milkovich’s grumpy voice answered him. “It’s filled with garlic butter. I can’t pump ‘em with any more, or they’ll burst. They already have enough to clog a fuckin’ artery.”
“I know, Mick—Chef,” Ian corrected himself. He ran a hand through his hair, tired from pasting on his customer service smile all night. “That’s just what she said.”
Mickey slammed his spatula down. He grabbed the plate, staring down at it. All that was left on it was the picked-over salad. The feta and tomatoes were missing; it was just a sad pile of arugula. “So, did the chicken disappear into thin fuckin’ air? Must have been plenty saucy enough for her to eat the whole fuckin’ thing. I ain’t re-firing this unless they’re payin’ for a double.”
“Yes, Chef. I’ll pass along the message.” Ian’s lips twitched into a genuine smile. Why was Milkovich kinda cute when he got all worked up? (He was worked up ninety-nine percent of the time.)
“Just call me Mickey,” Mickey said distractedly, turning his back on Ian, already busy firing another order from his queue of tickets. “Hate that ‘Chef’ shit.”
“Okay, Mickey.” Ian saw Mickey’s shoulders relax a little as he dropped a basket of perogies into the deep fryer.
Ian straightened one of Mickey’s tickets after noticing it barely hanging onto its clip, and then he returned to the front of the house to break the news to his oh-so-lovely patron.
After dinner service, he caught Mickey outside, tattooed and burn-scarred fingers loosely holding a cigarette, chef whites now stained colorfully from a busy night. Ian didn’t bother saying anything—he could see the exhaustion on Mickey’s face, in the crinkles of his downturned eyes, and Ian, himself, had been talking almost nonstop since four PM.
They shared a moment of peace, leaning against the brick wall of the alley behind the restaurant and decompressing. Ian loosened his tie and watched Mickey’s full lips purse and pinch. Watched him exhale smoke as powerfully as the oven when someone left a tray of pyrizhky in for too long.
Finally, Mickey rubbed his nose and glanced at Ian almost self-consciously. “Fuck you lookin’ at?”
You. “Nothing, sorry,” Ian responded, looking down the alleyway instead.
“I got somethin’ on my face?” Mickey wiped at his cheeks, then his forehead, frowning.
Ian chuckled. “No.”
Mickey let out an irritable huff. “Fuckin’ what, then?”
“Can I bum one?” Ian asked, even though that wasn’t what he wanted. He’d stopped smoking a few years ago.
“Fine, but bring your own next time, freckles.” Instead of giving Ian a new cigarette, Mickey held out his own.
Ian accepted it and took a drag. This time, he was the one being watched. Mickey’s eyes were piercing, and he was about as subtle as a brick. Ian enjoyed that about him. “Fuck you lookin’ at?” he teased.
“Fuck off,” Mickey said, but Ian noticed a rosiness growing along his ears. He pushed off the wall. “See ya tomorrow, Gallagher.”
“Call me Ian.” Or any of the other nicknames Mickey liked to use. “Hate that ‘Gallagher’ shit.”
He really did. It was a tag he used to be proud to wear, or at least faithful towards, in the same way a golden retriever was loyal to their owner even if said owner was horrible to them, but he didn’t like Mickey using it.
“Gonna call you Polly if you keep mimickin’ me,” Mickey griped. Ian laughed, and Mickey turned back to face him. “Alright. Ian. Happy?”
“That was difficult for you, huh.” Ian smiled at him, though. Slowly. He liked how his name sounded coming from the big boss. “Thanks.”
Mickey looked suddenly flustered, shifting his weight, hands twitching by his sides like they didn’t know what to do with themselves. “Yeah. You’re welcome. Whatever.”
Had Ian made him nervous?
Mickey went back inside the restaurant at record speed, the door slamming behind him. Ian grinned.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
I don’t know who or how you’d make this work but this would be so hot for the next strictly Scandalous.
_ and _ blindfolding you and making you guess who’s eating you out/fucking you by technique and feel alone
I think we should play a little game with this one. I’ll write it with someone in mind and you have to try and guess who it is?
Warnings: This is Strictly Scandalous. Smut ahead.
“Look at her—“ Bradley growls from across the room. He’s stroking himself, giving himself some form of relief. He’s hard, the most painfully hard erection he’s ever had. “What are we gonna do with her?”
“Anything we want, Rooster.” Jake teases. He’s doing the same thing as Bradley, only he’s perched on the chair in the corner, eyeing you off through hooded emerald eyes like some helpless damsel he can do just about anything he wants to. “Just look at her.”
“Beautiful.” Bob's cooing. He’d been the one to bound your wrist, tie your ankles and blindfold you. “She’s so beautiful—“ Bobs still wearing his boxer briefs, but Mickey can clearly tell he’s straining against the fabric.
“Sounds even more beautiful.” Mickey adds, your whimpers echoing off the walls of Jake's guest bedroom. “Should I turn it up a little?” It’s not really a question, Mickey just wants to hear you moan out in reluctance.
“No no no—“ But it’s too late, Mickey is reaching between your thighs to press the button on the black hitachi strapped to your inner thigh. Bob was a craftsman as rope work. It’s pressed up against your clit, sending you into a tissy as the vibration kicks up. “Aaahhhhhh!”
Bradley jerks himself a little harder to the visual of you straining against the rope’s that held your arms above your head. Restricted to the back of the headboard. He’s throbbing, it damn near hurts how hard this is all making him.
“Fuck—“ Jake sighs out as he jolts his hips into his palm at the pressious sounds you make. “What a fucking sight this is boys—who would have thought it huh, Cyclones daughters a fucking whore.”
“Who wants to go first?” You can barely tell who’s talking, the four men who had practically kidnapped you out of the female locker room earlier that same Friday afternoon all sounded the same as you sprinted towards your first high.
“Let her come down from this first.” They can all tell by the way you're bucking your hips and straining against your restraints that you’re close. “Look at her, the Admiral's daughter.” There’s a hand that wraps around your throat just as your coil snaps. “Cum for us you dirty little whore—“ It couldn’t have been Bob who said that, no. He wouldn’t. But he’d choke you out for sure. Pressing his thumb and fingers into the side of your neck to restrict your airflow which made your walls flutter around nothing as you came.
“Ahhhhhh!! Fugghh—! Yes yes yes yes!” It’s muffled and needy and when the hand disappears you’re gasping at the extra oxygen. “Oh my god—“
“Right, so like I asked before—“ Everything sounded muffled. “Who’s going first?” There isn’t a split second that passes before the vibrator strapped to your inner thigh is turned off and you're relaxing into the softness of the mattress. Completely spent already.
“I will—“ One of the four men who’d come to you with his idea two weeks ago is quick to respond. “I’ll go first, I can see her dripping from here.” It wasn’t a lie, you could feel how slick you were, nectar dripping down your cunt to your ass.
There’s a moment where everyone is silent, you can’t see anything—so you’re listening for something, anything to tell you who’s going to have his way with you first. But the ringing in your ears is making it hard to distinguish who the fuck is actually talking.
“Ready for me?” One of the aviators who’d asked if you wanted to indulge in a few sexual fantasies asked as you felt the mattress dip, hands running up the expanse of your thighs.
“No—“ You whimper, but it’s really a yes. It’s always going to be a yes unless you scream out dagger. The agreed safe word.
“Too bad—“ You still can’t tell who it is as he blows cool air against your clit, spreading your lips with two fingers as you squirm and buck at the new sensations “Ah Ah Ah—no running sweetheart I got you.”
Before you could say anything in response, your cunt is being attacked, plump lips are attaching themselves around your clit as two digits are being thrusted into you.
“Oh fuck! Ahhh god, Mmmmhmmm—“ You’re already sensitive, already your walls are constructing against the thick digits. “Fuck! Fuck so good—ahhhhh”
“Taste so pretty, so sweet—too bad you’re a little whore huh? Being passed around like this, it makes me sick.” He’s mumbling against your overstimulated bundle of nerves, pulling back to slap a few small harsh slaps against your clit to have you withering in his grasp.
“AHH FUCK!” He doesn’t wait for long before he’s back at work, pumping his fingers in and out, lapping around at your cunt that’s gushing while his free hand pressing against your lower abdomen, holding you still.
The four of them had this planned, Rooster had even shaved his mustache just for this, he knew you’d be able to tell it was him just by that alone. But now there’s a scratching sensation against whoever’s upper lip is eating your out expertly and you can’t tell……because they all have facial hair, all shaved on the daily.
But as your coil begins to wind itself back, your muscles begin to tense in anticipation, you feel what could only be a class ring against the knuckle of one of the digits pumping into you. There’s a guttural groan escaping from the man between your legs, he’s trying to relieve some pressure, humping the mattress. There’s soft, sweat covered curls sticking to your inner thigh and as you cum hard on his tongue with a growl that has tears streaming down your eyes—he’s curling his fingers up into your velvet walls. Drinking in the taste of your orgasm as you let go of everything and squirt. Drenching him.
They all sound the same:
“Oh fuck save some for the rest of us Keys.”
“I’m fucking next, move, need to fuck that pretty cunt.”
“So pretty for us aren’t you beautiful?”
“We’ve got you all night Lieutenant, don’t think we’re done with you for a second.”
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