#also please someone have pity on me and teach me how to make better mood board things
Disneyland DILF
Summary: While on a family vacation to Disneyland, Elide discovers her husband Lorcan has been featured on the viral Instagram page ‘DILFS of Disneyland.’ 
When he claims not to know what a DILF is, Elide decides the best way she can explain it to him is to demonstrate what the F stands for.
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For the wonderful and amazing and talented @headcanonheadcase! I've been teasing this Lorcan DILF fic for a while, so thanks for being patient with me! Thank you for being so kind and supportive, and I hope you enjoy!
Rating: Explicit. See AO3 link for tags.
Word Count: 4.9K
Read on A03
“Come on Jack, look over here! Look at Mommy! Come on baby, just give me one good photo!”
Whoever coined the idiom “herding cats” to describe an impossible task should have instead used something like, “getting your toddler to look at a camera for more than one second for a halfway decent picture.” The latter, Elide decided, conveyed more of the frustrating nuance that people were bound to face, even if it was a bit too lengthy of a phrase. Who even had enough cats to herd anyways?
“Lorcan, can you stop distracting him for one minute, please? I really wanna get a picture of Jack with Pluto. And can you fix his hair?”
Her husband stopped whispering whatever he was saying to their son. He looked up at Elide with a frown.
“I’m not distracting him - I’m just telling him how better dressed he is than every other kid here.”
“Well, maybe don’t do that,” she cringed, as a middle aged woman wearing a pair of Mickey Mouse ears with a gaggle of similarly dressed children behind her shot Lorcan and Elide a dirty look. 
“And I think his hair looks good like this,” Lorcan went on, slightly tussling his son’s dark hair. “It looks effortlessly messy and windswept. Classic.” Jack agreed, as he grinned and clapped his pudgy little hands at his father’s compliments. 
“He’s two,” Elide deadpanned. “He’s not going to be on the cover of Baby Vogue.”
Lorcan hummed. “Is that a thing? It should be, and Jack should be on the cover -“
She sighed; she knew when she lost her battles with her husband, rare that it happened. “One, two, three -“
Quick as a snake, Lorcan turned himself and Jack towards Elide’s phone and gave their biggest grins for the picture: Lorcan’s a small uptick of the corners of his mouth, his long, dark hair swaying in the warm breeze, while Jack grinned toothily at the camera. 
“Oh, that actually turned out pretty good,” Elide said, slowly walking over to show the picture to Lorcan. “And Plutos is in the background, so I guess that technically counts.”
“Pluto’s the dog, right?” Lorcan asked, settling Jack back in his stroller.
Elide looked at her husband exasperatedly. “Yes, Pluto’s the dog. I still don’t understand how you know so little about Disney. It’s like you grew up under a rock.”
Lorcan shrugged as they set off at a slow pace down Disneyland’s broad Main Street and into the heart of the park. “Growing up in an orphanage and joining the military at 18 doesn’t exactly lend itself to having a pop culture filled childhood.”
“Disney transcends pop culture,” Elide muttered distractedly, pulling up the Disneyland app on her smartphone. “I know I should have quizzed you on everything Disney, or at least made you memorize the map of this place.”
“Where are we off to next?” he asked, looking over her shoulder at the map pulled up on her phone.
“Where aren’t we going? Big day planned. Jack loves Tigger so I want to head over to the Critter Country area so he can meet him and get some pictures together. I think we’d all like the Jungle Cruise - can you double check I packed the noise canceling headphones? - watch the parade, hang around in Toontown, depending on how Jack is doing, then end the day by visiting Sleepy Beauty’s castle. That’s been on my to do list since I was a little girl.”  
Lorcan arched an eyebrow. “Is this Disneyland vacation for him or you?”
Elide pursed her lips. “It’s for all of us, you giant twerp. But what do you want to do? I’ll hang back with him if you want to go on rides or visit the Star Wars area.”
“I don’t need to do anything other than be with you two. Just keep me fed and I’ll go wherever you tell me.”
Elide grinned. “Smart man. How about we head over to Adventureland for the Jungle Cruise? I think he’d like the animals.”
“Lead on,” Lorcan said, wheeling Jack’s stroller around and following Elide further into the park.
The Jungle Cruise was a hit. Lorcan strapped Jack into his front-facing toddler carrier and held him the entire time, making sure his headphones were on and pointing out the different animals they saw, to Jack’s delight. Elide should have spent the ride taking in the sights around her - this Disneyland trip was truthfully perhaps more for her than for their son - but she couldn’t help but let her gaze linger on Lorcan. 
Devilishly handsome didn’t seem like it did her husband justice. Nearly seven feet tall, with shiny shoulder length dark hair, a perfectly symmetrical face, and rippling muscles that didn’t seem real, Elide knew Lorcan was a catch. 
But what she adored even more about him was his personality: his quiet, understated humor, how loyal he was, his bravery, and his unending support for everything Elide put her mind to. He carried her weight  - sometimes literally - when her disability became too much for her and she struggled to walk even with her ankle brace on. 
Best of all, he was an excellent father. Before Jack had been born, he’d confessed to Elide that he was scared that he didn’t know how to be a good dad and he’d do something to traumatically mess up Jack’s life. She didn’t believe that for a second; she had full faith in him, and told him that repeatedly. The first time Lorcan held Jack after he was born was the closest Elide had ever seen him to crying. 
And now here he was, willingly walking around the capitalistic hell that was Disneyland, all so his wife and son could have a picture perfect day. What a lucky woman she was.
“I think he really enjoyed that,” Lorcan commented after they collected their stroller from the front of the ride. He decided to keep wearing Jack in his front-facing carrier - “He’ll be able to see things better that way,” he reasoned - and Elide wasn’t going to complain, especially since seeing Lorcan carry their kid around sent odd little flutters throughout her body. 
“He did,” Elide cooed, re-fastening Jack’s little velcro shoes so he wouldn’t kick them off. “I got a good picture of him looking at elephants.”
“Good thing he didn’t seem to realize what the lions were doing to that zebra.”
Elide shuddered. “Yeah, maybe some parts of this ride aren’t the best for babies and toddlers.”
“Where to next?” Lorcan asked. “Try to find Tigger and then lunch?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Elide said, kissing Jack’s cheek and squeezing Lorcan’s hand. “Want me to take the stroller?”
“You navigate, I’ll steer.”
She quickly learned Disneyland was much larger than the little map on her phone made it look. By the time they found Tigger and took dozens of pictures of an excited Jack with his favorite character, and let him burn some energy on a Winnie the Pooh playground, Elide’s ankle throbbed with every footstep she took. She hobbled to a sitting bench and watched Jack go down a slide before running back up to go down again and again.
“How are you doing?” Lorcan questioned, sitting down next to her on the bench.
“I may have underestimated how much walking we were going to do today,” she admitted, leaning down to rub her ankle. 
“Want your brace?”
She grimaced. “Maybe not right now. I’ll try to wait until after lunch. Speaking of, I think Jack’s getting hungry and tired - want to see if we can find somewhere to sit out of the sun?”
They found a shaded and relatively quiet restaurant in the New Orleans area, and Elide sat at the table and put on her ankle brace, waiting for their food, as Lorcan walked around with Jack in the picturesque square outside the restaurant. She watched them contentedly as Jack toddled over a short railing into a flower bed and stuck his entire head into a bunch of flowers. Rather than pull him out, Lorcan crouched down next to him and started pointing out different flowers to Jack.
Sighing happily, she took a sip of her mocktail and closed her eyes, leaning back in her chair. Besides her ankle, the day was going perfectly. 
“Mama! Mama!”
She opened her eyes. Lorcan was walking towards her with Jack on his hip, a bunch of bright flowers, dirty roots and all, dangling from his fat fist.
“He was very interested in the flowers, and I told him how much you like flowers too,” Lorcan said, putting Jack in a high chair as he thrust the flowers at Elide. 
“Oh Jack, these are perfect,” Elide gasped, fighting the tears that had welled in her eyes and taking the bright arrangement from her son. She leaned down to kiss Jack on a chubby cheek. “Thank you so much baby.”
“Seems I’m gonna have to do better the next time I give you flowers,” Lorcan grumbled. “Not sure how I’m gonna compete with a fresh Disney bouquet.”
“I’m surprised no one came and shooed you away,” Elide noted, wrapping the bottom of the flowers in a napkin and tucking them in the stroller. 
“Oh, someone did,” Lorcan confirmed nonchalantly. “Especially when Jack tossed a bunch of tulips on the ground. They didn’t seem to like us damaging park property, or something.”
“Lorcan!” Elide admonished. “You didn’t make someone miserable over some flowers, did you?”
No, I just stood up and I guess they thought better about trying to yell at me. Besides, it’d be well worth making anyone miserable if it made you happy.”
“Aw. That is so sweet and threatening.”
He winked and gave her a small smile. “Anything for you.”
They took their time with lunch and by the time they finished, Jack had fallen asleep in his stroller. Deciding to let him sleep, they staked out a shaded bit of lawn and sat down to watch the parade from a distance. Full of energy when he woke up, they leisurely made their way over to Toontown and got in line for the steam train ride.
“I can take him for a bit,” Elide suggested, picking a bench in the back of the train so Lorcan wouldn’t block anyone out. “You’ve been handling him a lot today.”
“I got him,” Lorcan said, sitting Jack on his lap. “You just sit and relax.”
Her husband had apparently designated himself as being on ‘Jack Duty’ all day, as he refused to let Elide even push his stroller or hold him, besides whenever she thrust her phone at Lorcan and asked him to take pictures. 
“Is that safe, Lorcan?” Elide asked nervously after they had gotten off the train. Her husband had just thrown Jack onto his shoulders, giving him the best view in the entire park.
“Course,” Lorcan grunted, holding onto their son’s legs, his arms flexing as they walked towards Goofy’s Playhouse. “Just want to make sure he can see everything. He loves people watching, just like his mom.”
They set Jack down and he immediately ran into the bright, cartoon style house.
“He’s gonna sleep so well tonight,” Elide sighed happily. 
“And we won’t?” Lorcan countered, an eyebrow raised.
“Good point. I’m glad tomorrow is a lazy day at the beach.”
By the time they dragged Jack away nearly an hour later, even he had come to the conclusion that he was ready to leave. Burying his face in Lorcan’s shoulder, he didn’t seem to mind stopping at Sleeping Beauty’s castle. Elide didn’t have the energy to go up and explore any of the winding passages and staircases, but Lorcan still took her picture everywhere she could go in the castle, juggling her phone in one hand and their near-sleeping son in the other.
“You could have put him in the stroller,” Elide said as they made their way back to their car, double and triple checking that they hadn’t lost anything in the park.
“That’s alright. Didn’t want to risk waking him up.”
Dinner was some fast food they picked up on the way back to their Airbnb. Jack picked at his food and didn’t fight them as they gave him a quick bath and Lorcan got him settled for bed in the small second bedroom of the condo. Elide showered and stepped into the master bedroom to find Lorcan laying on the bed reading a book.
“Did he go down pretty easy?” she asked, drying her hair.
 “Oh yeah. Only made it a few more pages into The Hobbit before he passed out.”
“God, same kid,” Elide groaned, throwing on her pajamas and crawling into bed next to Lorcan, grabbing her phone and looking through the several hundred photos she and Lorcan had managed to snap that day.
Opening Instagram, she scrolled through her friend’s recent posts and videos - Aelin and Rowan celebrating their wedding anniversary, Manon’s rescue bulldog Abraxos officially completing training to become a therapy dog, and some professional pictures of Yrene, Chaol and their daughter - before she noticed a ‘Suggested for You’ account:
Elide snorted and scrolled away. How stupid and niche. It was probably filled with a few blurry creepshots of men at Disneyland, or a PR stunt of some kind for a movie or TV show or podcast. No, thank you. Elide had standards. She scrolled away.
On the other hand, she was on vacation; her standards could take a break. She scrolled back up and clicked on the account and was brought to a professional looking Instagram page:
DILFS of Disneyland: Welcome to the Happiest place on Instagram!
Apparently the account wasn’t niche at all - it had over 400,000 followers, and more than 1,200 posts, all featuring pictures of handsome men with babies and toddlers at Disneyland. Elide was stunned, scrolling through post after post after post of men with their kids at Disneyland, doing frankly normal things - pushing strollers, posing for pictures, eating ice cream and churros with their kids - but there was something… else, something more she couldn’t quite put her finger on that made these men extra appealing. 
Not that she would ever admit this to Lorcan. Snorting, she scrolled back to the top of the page when she noticed a new post from today with an all too familiar face:
“WOW 😍😍 A DILF to beat all DILFS! Taking Tall, Dark and Handsome to a new DILF-y level!! #hotdads #dilfsofdisneyland #dilfalert #strollermeat”
There was her husband, in all his DILF-y glory from throughout the day: Lorcan walking with Jack strapped to his chest, Lorcan pushing Jack in his stroller, and even one from late in the day when Jack sat on Lorcan’s shoulders. Elide had to give it to the photographer on that one - his arms and chest looked absolutely ripped in the photo. 
And the internet agreed. The post had only been up for a few hours and already amassed several hundred likes and over one hundred comments, all from women - and some men - going feral for Lorcan.
“Call the fire department, cuz I’m about to climb that DILF like a tree and get stuck”
“Hello Daddy😏😘”
“God bless this Disney DILF🙏🏻🙏🏻”
Elide couldn’t help but chuckle. She maybe should be concerned that someone had been stalking her husband at Disneyland but as she looked through the many comments bemoaning how hot and unavailable Lorcan was, she didn’t feel any anger for the people drooling over her husband. Her chuckle morphed into a full laugh, until Elide was snorting in laughter.
“What are you laughing at?”
Lorcan was staring at her, his brow furrowed. 
“Your greatest fear has come true,” Elide gasped out. 
Lorcan sat up. “Rowan got some stupid award he can rub in my face?”
“No, you’re internet famous. Kind of.”
“What?” he snapped, rolling on his side to try to look at her phone. “What happened?”
“It’s nothing bad,” she said, working to contain her laughter. “The internet says you’re a DILF.”
Lorcan stared at her blankly. “A what?”
“A DILF. You know,” she repeated, waving her hand like that would explain the acronym.
"What’s a DILF?”
Elide sat up on her elbows. “Wait, really? You don’t know what a DILF is?” She narrowed her eyes and cocked her head at Lorcan, studying him for any of his lying tells. 
“Really. What’s it mean?”
“You’re thirty-four!” Elide exclaimed. “How do you not know what a DILF is?”
“Well, I’m not glued to my phone twenty-four seven -”
“Because your old flip phone doesn't have internet and you only have three people’s phone numbers.”
“Just tell me what it means,” Lorcan grumbled, pouting. 
Elide snickered. “It means ‘dad I’d like to fuck.’ There’s an Instagram page devoted to dads in Disneyland, and you’re proving very popular.” She handed her phone to Lorcan and watched him read through the myriad of comments left on his pictures. 
“Huh. That’s… interesting.”
Elide shrugged. “Maybe a little odd, but they don’t mean any harm by it. Just people admiring how hot and good of a dad you are.”
“And being a dad… makes me more attractive to women?”
“Oh definitely. There have been times when you’ve been so good with Jack I jumped you when we put him down for a nap. And seeing you today, holding Jack, playing with him…” she trailed off, biting her lip and sweeping her eyes down his body.
“Really? That gets you going?”
“Maybe,” she purred, crawling over to him and swinging her leg over him so she sat on his lap, “I could put on a demonstration of the ‘F’ in DILF, if you still need convincing.”
He grinned, trailing his big hands up her slim thighs. “I’ve always been more of a hands-on learner. That might help it… sink in.”
“Maybe if you’re lucky, that won’t be the only thing you’ll be sinking into,” she murmured, leaning down to capture Lorcan’s lips against hers. 
Lorcan’s warm hands grasped the sides of her head to keep her still as their tongues met. Elide sighed with pleasure. She could spend all night just kissing her husband, feeling his large body flex and shift underneath her, his hands trailing soft caresses down her body. His fingers dove beneath her sleep shorts. She was already wet. She gasped as his fingers trailed up and down her slit before plunging a thick finger inside her. 
“Guess you weren’t kidding about getting turned on by me being a DILF,” Lorcan mumbled against her, nipping her bottom lip. 
Groaning, she rolled off him and threw herself off the bed, tugging her clothes off. “Well, hop to it,” she breathed, laughing softly as Lorcan fumbled to get his pants and shirt off. 
She took a moment to stare at his body: a strong chest covered with a smattering of dark hair that formed a dark line below his belly button, thick thighs that could crush a person to death if he needed to. And his cock. Thick, long, and perfectly proportional to his big body and which looked obscene next to Elide’s petite form.
Lorcan lay on the bed, absentmindedly stroking his cock as he looked Elide up and down. “Dad you’d like to fuck, hm?” He murmured. “How about I get you warmed up for a fucking?”
Elide shivered. “What do you have in mind?”
“I like the idea of… sinking into you.” He grinned lazily, and her belly tightened with anticipation. “Get on.”
He grabbed a small bottle of lube and coated his thick length liberally. She climbed on top of Lorcan and gasped as he spun her around and settled her over his cock, her knees bracketing his hips as she faced away from his face, towards his long legs and feet. She turned around to look at him. 
“Just wanna feel you around me,” he remarked. Grabbing his cock, he pulled her down, letting her take him within her at her own pace.
Elide moaned. Even after all this time, she still needed to take him slowly, let him stretch out her inner walls. The lube helped immensely. She swirled her hips, taking an inch before withdrawing and taking another, then another, then another, Lorcan’s deep groans egging her on. Finally she sunk down fully against his body. She started to raise herself on her knees to start that intimate rhythm they both knew so well when Lorcan’s hands gripped her hips.
“Hold on,” he said, not letting her move. “Now that you’re here, I wanna enjoy this.”
“Were you not having fun before?” Elide gasped, feeling him twitch inside her. 
“Oh, I was and still am,” he said, caressing her hips. “Just come back down and lean forward a bit - yeah, just like that.”
Elide blushed as she leaned forward over Lorcan’s body, grabbing his knees for leverage. She felt exposed and open as Lorcan hummed appreciatively, rubbing his hand over one of her ass cheeks. 
“You take me so well,” he murmured. “I think this is a nice interlude before I fuck you. Just wanna feel you warming my cock.”
She craned her neck and gave him an annoyed look. This is not at all what she thought he meant by ‘warming her up.’ “And what about me?”
Lorcan raised an eyebrow. “I was under the impression that we ended up here because you get so turned on just by me being a good dad. Don’t I have a say in how I want to be fucked?”
“Well, I guess, but -“
“Then just sit there nice and pretty on my cock,” he soothed. “Don’t move though, just stay still.”
“Lorcan,” Elide squirmed against him. “I need -“
“Don’t worry, I’ll fuck you full in a bit,” he said distractedly, and Elide knew he felt her cunt clench around his cock ar his words. “I just wanna finish this chapter -“
She tsked. “Really?” 
“Yeah,” he said, reaching for his book with one hand and rubbing her back with the other. “Just a few minutes.”
Elide sighed and turned her head back towards Lorcan’s legs, forcing herself to relax. She considered herself fairly adventurous in bed, and her and Lorcan had a very open and healthy sex life, but this was one thing they hadn’t tried yet. Elide didn’t see the appeal in cockwarming, but actually experiencing it, well…
Lorcan subtly shifted his hips and she felt his cock somewhere in her stomach. Cursing, she gripped his knees and made herself stay still. This wasn’t how she thought this would go. When she initially climbed on his lap she thought she’d suck him for a bit then ride him, or maybe bend herself over the bed so he could pound into her from behind.
But here she was, hypersensitive and aware of every little movement and touch from Lorcan, only a few breaths away from breaking and begging him to do something.
Which is probably why he did this. Jerk.
“I can hear you thinking.” She refused to turn around to look at him but she could hear the smirk in his voice.
“Just thinking how I actually wanted to fuck my husband, not stare at a wall with his cock stuffed in me,” she sniffed. 
Lorcan laughed. “Ok, Ok, I get it. You’re lucky I’m done with my chapter.”
She whined as he lifted her off his length. She felt horribly cold and empty until he flipped her around on her back and kneeled in between her legs. 
“That wasn’t even five minutes, just so you know,” Lorcan said, stroking his slick cock and glancing down to her red pussy. 
“Bullshit,” she gasped as her husband gripped her thighs and hauled her towards him so her legs were resting over his hips. “Felt like an hour.”
He hummed. “I should fuck you for an hour, so you have a frame of reference next time we do this.” He laid a wide spread hand on her stomach and moved his hand up her torso.
“What a perfect little wife you are,” he whispered. Elide gulped; his hand covered nearly her entire chest, and his fingers graced the hollow of her throat.
“Please,” she gasped, licking her lips and shifting her hips to graze his cock. 
“So tiny, but like you were made for me.” He looked down to where they were almost joined. His cock jutted obscenely out over her stomach. 
“Is this what you imagined?” He asked, dragging the head of his cock over her clit before settling at her entrance. “When you told me that I’m a DILF, and how excited that makes you?”
Elide couldn’t answer, her eyes darting between Lorcan’s dark gaze and his thick cock so close to where she wanted him. 
He squeezed her thighs. “Well?”
“Yes,” she said in a broken whisper. “Yes, I imagined you fucking me so hard -“
Lorcan pushed into her in one hard stroke and Elide lost her train of thought. Lost every thought she’d ever had, honestly, as Lorcan gripped her waist and set a hard pace. 
Elide grabbed Lorcan’s forearms as he pounded into her, needing to feel even more of his warm body and to keep herself from moving around the bed with the power of his thrusts. She threw her head back at a particularly rough thrust.
“Fuck Lorcan,” she groaned, aware that she couldn’t be as loud as she wanted with Jack in the room next door. 
“God, you’re always so tight,” he grunted out, wrapping his arms around her thighs and hauling her lower half off the bed and further into his lap, letting him thrust even deeper inside her. “Feel so good. Is this hard enough for you?”
“Yes!” Her orgasm inched closer and closer. She reached down and started circling her clit rapidly. If he kept fucking her just like this, and she kept touching herself…
“I wonder how turned on you’d get if we had another,” he said, staring down at her intently. “You wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off me, would you?”
Lorcan didn’t get an answer as Elide came, squeezing her eyes shut and biting her lip to keep herself quiet. Warmth spread throughout her body as her orgasm traveled along her nerves, lighting her up from the inside. She was vaguely aware of a muffled groan above her and more warmth between her legs as Lorcan came.
He dropped her limp legs and bracketed his arms next to Elide’s head, careful not to crush her as he gave her a gentle kiss before rolling beside her. They lay in blissful silence for a few moments, each focusing on slowing their erratic breathing, when Lorcan let out a huff of air, then another, until he started chuckling.
“DILFs of Disneyland. How many likes did the post have?”
“Hm?” Elide mumbled, halfway to falling asleep.
“Were there a lot of comments on my post? I only saw about a dozen.”
“A lot of… what?”
“Any chance you can check your phone?”
She propped herself on one elbow to stare at Lorcan, brows furrowed. “What? You don’t know anything about Instagram or how it works.”
Lorcan rolled his eyes. “Of course I know how Instagram works. I browse it every now and then.”
“How? Your phone doesn’t have any apps!”
“The desktop.”
“Your old desktop computer?” Elide asked, flabbergasted. “I didn’t realize that thing still worked. And whose accounts are you looking at?”
“Yours, obviously.”
Oh. “Lorcan,” Elide said, grinning softly. “That’s so sweet -“
“And the DILFs of Disneyland page.”
The grin vanished from her face. “What.”
“Yeah, Rowan showed it to me when I told him we were coming here, and he said he and Aelin and their girl are planning a trip later this year. I bet him I could not only get featured on the DILFs of Disneyland Instagram account, but also get more likes than him if he manages to get featured too.”
Elide stared at her smug husband, slack jawed. “So the entire day you insisted on holding and wheeling Jack around -“
“Was because I wanted to spend time with him and so your ankle wouldn’t get sore and we’d have to leave early,” he said gently, bringing her down to lay on his chest. “But if it also meant there were lots of opportunities for me to look hot as hell while holding Jack, then that was nice too.”
“You self centered ass,” Elide said, lightly smacking his shoulder as Lorcan laughed. Elide couldn’t help but join in, shaking her head all the while. 
“Well, what did you two idiots bet on?”
“Bragging rights and the loser has to get a shirt for the winner proclaiming them the official DILF of Disneyland.”
“If you somehow win, that will be a bedroom shirt only,” Elide warned. 
“Definitely not. I’m gonna wear it around all the time. Get fucked, Rowan.”
“Then you’ll be the one to explain to Jack what a DILF is.”
“This is great,” Lorcan said, pointedly ignoring Elide. “As soon as we get back, I’m gonna email him my DILF pictures -“
“God, you’re such an old man,” Elide laughed, throwing herself dramatically on the bed next to him. “Living up to the reputation of dads being terrible with technology.”
“I make up for it in other ways, don’t I?” he breathed against her neck, his lips trailing past her collarbone and breasts and stomach and then even lower.
“Oh! Yes, I suppose you do have your strengths,” Elide mused breathlessly as Lorcan settled his head between her thighs. 
Unfortunately for Elide, Lorcan received his DILF of Disneyland shirt from Rowan, and he gloated insufferably. Fortunately for her, though, Lorcan made sure to show his wife how he became a DILF, and she couldn’t walk straight for two days. 
She had to give it to them: the DILFs of Disneyland account really was the happiest place on Instagram.
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Can I have Present mic, Aizawa, and all might where they learn their young student is fatherless? Like... their father walked out/went to prison when they were young. I'm sorry if this is time consuming, but I can't stop sobbing over my father.
I'm the situation baby but remember it wasn't your fault
I changed it up a little bit with Mics- I hope you don't mind
Present Mic:
• from the getgo something was wrong
• The moment you walked into class he could tell
• You looked like shit
• Dark bags under your eyes, hair messily brushed, just to get it out if your face, and your eyes were a light red.
• You didn't look particularly happy to be there either
• something turns in his stomach, a gut feeling that something really had went down
• And he hated seeing his students upset
• but he was relatively close to you to begin with, his felt different
• He felt like he had to do something
• Everyone settled into their seats as the bull rung but his eyes remained on you
• You honestly didn't pay attention during the lesson
• He could tell as much
• class finishes and the bell rings but you sit still, and it's not until most of the students have trickled out of the room do you start packing up
• He walks over and kneels in front of the desk "You okay there? You don't look so good," he looks concerned and his heart drops when he sees your lip start to quiver
• It takes you 0.27 seconds to break and you're frantically wiping your eyes as sobs wrack your body
• He's got his arms wrapped around you in seconds and you're leaning into his shoulder.
• He isn't sure exactly how long you're crying for but eventually you calm down enough to get out a coherent sentence
• "My-My dad was arrested Friday night. He won't tell me why- he won't let anyone else tell me why and I don't know what else to do," you cry, "I miss him so much and its only been a few days- I don't- I don't have anyone else, Mr. Hazashi,"
• And you're crying again.
• He has you take the rest of the day off, in fact he takes the day with you
• He calls in a sub (you don't know what strings he had to pull for that but you don't ask, at this point you don't care) and you two dip
• He takes you to get food, real food, that'll make you feel better
• He knows that'll help a little
• and after that he takes you to get something sweet- that tends to help mood and blood pressure and anxiety
• So he does his best with you
• He nutures you the best way he knows how
• if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING this man has you covered
• He does his best to step up in any way he can
• first off he extends his assignment deadlines and cancels two tests. Who needs them anyway.
• And you eat lunch in his classroom because he can well tell you don't want to talk to anyone else right now
• He closes it off (seemingly) so in reality its just you and him
• He'll probably tell Aizawa too but on the downlow (just so he knows)
• When holidays roll around, the dorms close.
• In this case- he let's you stay with him. He has an extra bedroom. He doesn't want you to stay in an empty house.
• You also get his phone number (which you gladly use) for anything really
• Bored? He'll deliver some shitty puns.
• Confused about homework? Text him.
• having a mental breakdown? He's got you covered.
• You got memes? Please for the love of God send them to him.
• The dynamic eventually shifts to a VERY father daughter relationship.
• He knows he'll never replace your dad. He understands that wholeheartedly, but he wants you to have someone
• He actually gets a letter from your dad, thanking him for taking care of you
• but he really doesn't mind
• He had a feeling that there was something going on at home. Or rather, a lack of something.
• He's dealt with it in the oast- with himself and with past students and current ones
• Shinsou
• I mean, aside from that fact whenever parents were mentioned, you'd either stiffen up or wrinkle your nose
• You didn't really like the subject of parents
• There was an essay prompt about parents (nothing too personal) nd you ended up writing it on the extinction of dinosaurs and why God fucked up instead
"It'd be absolutely stellar to see huge lizards roaming the earth and occasionally stepping on people, you know? Jurassic park was onto something."
• Man's couldn't even fail you on it because it was written v well
• Anyway, he doesn't pry too much. He just silently figures it out by process if elimination and pattern.
• He doesn't really care too much
• In the sense if it doesn't define you and he doesn't help you because he pities you
• he helps you because he seems potential
• He takes you under his wing with shinsou
• Yall spend a whole summer training
• And that's when it all came out
• It was an accident really.
• Shinsou was tired, exhausted really
• and when people get tired- that tired- sometimes they spout random shot they wouldn't usually say
• and thats what he did
• he went on about his home life
• and if he could, you could too right?? You could trust them.
• "My dad walked out when I was a kid. Little, like 3. I have a few pictures of him holding me, but I guess it wasn't enough. I don't have any desire to meet him. Not anymore. But it left me feeling like I did something wrong? I guess? Which I suppose is why I train. Because then I feel strong. Which is a good difference from how it usually feels."
• He knew it.
• He called it.
• He was right again.
• He reassures you that you are good enough, strong enough, and his decision to leave had nothing to do with you
• and when he saw you give him a soft smile, he warmed.
• I mean really, it only goes up from there
• he'll deny it, or grumble under his breath, but he seems you two as his own
• Like these aren't my kids but they are my kids
• When dorms close on holiday yall get to stay because that's where he lives too
• Like if you chose too
• he's not gonna force you to stay but if you don't want to go home, you don't have too
• He has that power
• He will buy you food
• all you gotta do is ask
• and he'll roll his eyes and grumble something he doesn't really mean, just secretly happy that you feel comfortable enough around him to ask for something
• lmao family group chat
S: 'Hey Mr. Aizawa I found this cat. Hold on lemme send a pic'
A: 'Dont need a pic. Bring him home'
Y: 'What if he's ugly??'
A: 'gremlin. Bring him home.'
Y: 'Hey I saw this tweet that said 'kids be like watch this and do a half roundhouse spin kick clap and waste my fucking time' and it make me think of you.'
S: @ mr. Aizawa when he has to watch deku do sumn
Y: Lmaoooo like when he threw the baseball
A: Me watching you too try to figure out how to beat me in training
Y: Yikes bro
S: That was a rough one
• Does he regret giving you and shinsou his number??
• Maybe
• Not really
• Lmao super secret lunch movie days
• Every week on wendesday yall watch a movie. Usually it takes 2 or 3 days to watch the movie since lunch is only 70 minutes
• @ you accidently calling him dad one day and shinsou snickering but it stuck
• dadzawa lmaoo
• Man's has 2 underlings.
• You and Deku.
• Picked you up when he started teaching at UA
• Ion know let's say one day you popped off bc he said some dumb shit and you were like no sir that's clearly wrong
• schooled him in his own damn subject
• the other kids were like 😳
• what the fuck
• Anyway
• He see's you have potential
• And though he's not the best teacher, you seem to respond better to the way HE was taught
• So tbh its easier to teach you
• 'okay, now I want you to beat the shot out if that wall,'
'Okay lmao bet'
• Midoriya is like, hey mayhaps we should analyze the situation
• N ur like noe
• You just don't give a fuck
• about anything really
• other than moving up the ranks
• But even then- its not a super super big deal, you're just gonna do your best but you aren't gonna stress
• However he noticed a pattern w you (even before Midoryia brought it up to him)
• You don't let anyone in
• Midoryia knows a bit more than the other students but that's really only because he's always with you
• a good majority of the week he's w you
• but its not really a deep connection
• you don't rely on either of them
• You do your best to do things on your own.
• He knows midoryias life story
• he knows why he acts the way he does
• but he doesn't know why you do
• he has a gut feeling it could be the same as midoryia
• I mean he already had one kid who's dad dipped
• he'll surely be able to figure out you too??
• So he makes himself a promise that he'll figure it out and he'll become someone you trust
• And he does just that
• When you tell him about your nightmare of a family history he's like mm, makes sense
• but he's happy that you trust him!!!
• He's a BIG suckered for movie nights
• he's got popcorn, snacks, candy, chocolate, soda- he's prepared
• list of movies lined out all ready
• I lowkey feel like he'd be into lord of the rings or fast n furious
• fast n furious at LEAST
• He's really into American action movies
• and he has no problem sharing those movies with you
• he doesn't have a whole ton of money, like he's not rich, but if you or midoryia need something he's definitely there to get it for you
• even if ur like fam no you don't need too
• he'll buy yell food a lot
• a l o t
• and cards
• when you and midoryia get him a father's day card he thinks he's gonna cry
• You guys also have a group chat
• 'da faemilee'
• Y: "Hey dad do you have milk?"
A: "???? Do I have milk????"
Y: "ya I'm looking in your fridge n ion see any???"
A: "How'd you even get in????"
Y: "Izuku."
I: "lmaoo"
Y: Izuku you dumb bitch I left for ONE day
Y: And you got into a fight with Bakugou
I: He wanted to throw hands. I just did what you would do.
A: He's got you there
A: What do you guys want for dinner
I: Sushi
Y: Chicfila
Y: Izu square up
I: K
Y: Izu is fighting kacchow again
A: Beat his ass young midoriya
Y: Lmaoooooo
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favefandomimagines · 3 years
Why Did You Do It? (r.c.)
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Summary: you find out that Rafe gave the Rolex you gifted him as collateral for Barry and that was the last straw for you. 
AN: again, this is not entirely canon Rafe. there’s no murder or the assault on Pope. The only canon thing about him is the drug problem (: 
It was no secret that you and Rafe were the power couple of the OBX. No one would even attempt to get with you or get with him in fear of the other coming to their defense. 
Though the pressures Rafe faced from his father was a constant point of contension in your relationship. So much so, you knew that when Rafe stormed into your bedroom and began pacing, it was best to let him get it out before even trying to calm him down. 
But Rafe was dead set on making sure that you stayed in his life. Obviously because he loved you and he felt that you brought out the best version of him, but also because you were the only thing his father thinks he’s done right. 
You slowly began to hear the rumors that were going around the island. That Rafe was getting into hard drugs and started to lash out more at the Pogues. Confrontation wasn’t Rafe’s strong suit but you didn’t want to be with someone who turned to drugs to cope. 
The night of your first confrontation, you apprehensively entered the large house and practically ran into Ward. 
“Oh, hi, Mr. Cameron.” You greeted him. “Hello, Y/N. It’s good to see you. Rafe’s in his room. Probably thinking of what he can mess up next.” Ward said, clearly a jab at his son. 
You ignored the irritation that you felt hearing him say that. You gave him a small smile before treating up the staircase towards Rafe’s room. The door was partially open and you saw him sitting at his desk, doing stuff on his laptop. 
“Knock, knock.” You announced. “Hey, baby. I didn’t know you were coming by today.” Rafe greeted you, looking over his shoulder. “Uh, yeah I just wanted to stop by. See what you were up to today.” You explained. 
“Probably golf with Topper and Kelce. Kelce is having a party at his house tonight so maybe you and I would stop by.” Rafe said. 
At that point, you knew you just had to be straight forward and confront him about the things you’ve heard. “Rafe, can I talk to you about something?” You asked, moving to sit on his bed. “Of course you can.” He said, still clicking on his computer. 
“I’ve been hearing some stuff recently. That you’ve been going to the Cut to get drugs from Barry.” You said. “Is it true?” You questioned. “Where have you been hearing this?” Rafe asked you. By that point, he had completely turned around to face you. 
“It’s been going around, Rafe. Sarah texted me, saying I should probably talk to you about it.” You answered. “Y/N, I would never lie to you. I’m not going to the Cut for drugs. Why would I even want to take drugs?” He asked. “I don’t know. To forget about your dad and his constant pressure on you.” You said. 
“I don’t need drugs to help me escape from my dad. I have you and you are the only thing I need to make me feel happy.” He told you. 
Of course you believed him. He had never given you a reason to not trust him before. You nodded your head as he got up and placed a kiss on the top of your head. 
Your second suspicion that something was wrong, was at a party Topper was throwing. You and Rafe had shown up together as per usual but at one point in the night, you had gotten separated. 
You were talking with Sarah when Rafe came turning the corner, seeming to be too hyped up about a local party. “Hey baby! I was wondering where you snuck off to.” He said, sliding his arm around your waist. 
“I’ve been wondering the same thing.” You said, looking up at him. And when you did, you noticed some white powder on his face. You furrowed your eyebrows and raised your hand to wipe it off. 
Rafe’s smile faltered slightly but he recovered quite well. The only person who seemed to still be dwelling on it was you. 
“Rafe, where were you?” You asked. “I was with Kelce, he wanted to do a keg stand.” He answered casually. “Promise that’s all that happened?” You questioned. “I promise. I wouldn’t break a promise, you know that.” Rafe told you. 
He kissed your lips sweetly and then the two of you enjoyed the rest of your time at the party. 
After that, you ignored all of the rumors your friends were telling you about Rafe selling them cocaine. You trusted Rafe and why would you listen to other people over him? 
That was until you went to drive Kiara to John B’s since her car had a flat tire. You were friends with Kie and didn’t mind the people she hung out with. You were good to them so they were good to you in return. 
You pulled up to the house and she hopped out as JJ ran to your rolled down window. “Hey, JJ. What’s up?” You asked him. “Uh, did you ever give Rafe a Rolex with an engraving of a date on the back?” He questioned you. 
“Uh, yeah, why?” You pushed. JJ didn’t say anything but fish the watch out of his shorts pocket. “Where did you get this?” You asked as he handed it to you. “He gave it to Barry for collateral. My dad stole it while he was there for a fix and I found it on the table when he passed out this morning.” JJ explained. 
You looked down at the watch as Kie and JJ looked at you with both pity and anger for you. “I’ll see you guys later.” You muttered before peeling out of the driveway. 
Sarah had told you that Rafe was at Topper’s and you probably broke a few laws trying to get there as quickly as possible. You pulled up and could hear the music coming from the porch.
You didn’t think you could be so angry at Rafe until that moment. The Rolex was a gift you had given him on your two year anniversary. It was the first thing you had given him with the money you earned teaching surf lessons, so it meant a lot to give it to him. You only thought it meant the same to him, but clearly it hadn’t. 
“Why’d you do it?” You questioned, causing the three boys to turn around and face you. “What?” Rafe asked with a small laugh. You held up the watch and you saw guilt wash over your boyfriend’s face as he looked at the object in your hands. 
“Want to try to lie to me again?” You sneered. “Y/N,” He started. “No, Rafe. Not only did you lie to me when I asked you if you were getting drugs, you gave Barry your watch as collateral for cocaine. You lied to my face and made me look like the biggest idiot in this entire town.” You snapped. 
“Baby, you don’t understand.” Rafe said, moving to approach you. “What’s there to understand, Rafe?” You yelled, tears slowly starting to cloud your vision. “You lied to me. You promised me. And you clearly don’t care or you would’ve fessed up the first time I asked you.” You added. “So you can take the watch for collateral and you can never speak to me again.” You finished, shoving the watch into his chest until he took it. 
“Please, Y/N, don’t do this. I can’t lose you.” He pleaded. “You lost me the second you lied to me.” You muttered, wiping the tears off your cheeks and retreating back to your car. 
It had been a couple of weeks since you had broken up with Rafe and word went around like a forest fire. Sarah was your closest friend, so she opted on staying at your house for the duration of those couple of weeks. Just going home to get new clothes and tell Ward she was alive. 
As she was getting an outfit for a Boneyard party that night, Rafe stopped in her doorway. 
“Are you still staying at Y/N’s?” He asked her. “Yeah.” Sarah answered plainly. “How is she? Is she okay?” Rafe questioned. “Is she okay? Seriously? She’s devastated, Rafe. You broke her trust and lied to her. She didn’t love you so much, she’d probably be fine.” Sarah answered. 
“If she loved me so much, she wouldn’t have broken up with me.” Rafe replied, just out of pure frustration. Not frustration with you but with himself because it was his own fault.
“If you loved her as much as you claimed you do, you would’ve been honest with her. Instead of making her butt of every joke for months.” Sarah rebutted. She zipped her bag closed and pushed past her older brother. Leaving him there to regret his actions even more. 
Rafe looked down at the watch on his wrist and groaned angrily. He had to get you back but he just didn’t know how.
Later that evening, Sarah had to drag you to the Boneyard to the party the Pogues were throwing. You obviously weren’t in the party mood but Sarah was very persuasive.
You were stood with the Pogues as you bobbed slightly to the music that was playing. John B could see that your mind was a million miles away from the Boneyard. 
“You okay?” He asked you. You gave him a tight lipped smiled and nodded your head, looking at the contents of the plastic cup in your hand. “I know you better than that, Y/N. It’s about Rafe isn’t it?” John B questioned. 
He could see your face distort into something he couldn’t quite comprehend. “Y/N, what he did was fucked up. I know that, you know that, and I’m sure he knows that. Because when you were with him he laid off of us and he was actually tolerable. He doesn’t deserve your forgiveness but maybe it would be good for you to listen to him. If not to understand but maybe to get closure so you can move on.” John B told you. 
You hated to admit that he was right but he was. If it wasn’t going to fix things between the two of you, talking to Rafe would give you the closure you needed to move on. 
You excused yourself from your friends as you wandered to find Rafe but luck wasn’t on your side. 
“Topper, where’s Rafe?” You asked the blonde. “I think he’s by the keg.” Topper answered. You were about to go towards that direction when Topper stopped you. “Look, I know what he did was bad but he really loves you. If that’s worth anything.” He told you. 
You just gave him a curt nod before walking towards the keg. 
Rafe was leaning against the table, staring at his feet until he heard footsteps approaching. He looked up and saw you standing a few feet away from him. Rafe could tell you were uncomfortable by the way you shifted weight from one foot to the other.
“H-Hey.” He stammered. “Hi. We, uh, need to talk.” You spoke. Rafe gave you a nod and gestured for the two of you to step away from the music and people.
“I miss you.” He said. “Why’d you lie to me?” You questioned, not even registering what he just said.
Rafe swallowed the lump in his throat as he ran a hand through his hair.
“I lied to you because I knew you’d be disappointed in me. You wouldn’t see me anymore, you’d see your boyfriend the guy who does cocaine. I didn’t want you to look at me like the way you are right now.” He answered. “And what about the watch? I worked so hard to give you that and you just, gave it away.” You said.
“I know, it was a mistake. I just supposed to sell the coke for extra cash and I would’ve gotten the watch back. My dad’s been on my ass about money for stuff around the house and I just panicked.” Rafe said. “That’s not an excuse for you lying to me. We aren’t supposed to lie to each other, you don’t lie to the person you love, Rafe.” You told him. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I-I just wanted to forget about my dad. You were right, I was doing it to cope. And I felt like if I talked to you, you would leave because you’d just see me as incapable of taking care of you.” He said. 
You sighed and looked from him to the cup in your hand. “You’ve always taken care of me. You always have, but you can’t lie to me and keep things from me. That’s not what we do.” You told him. 
“Can you ever forgive me? I-I paid Barry back and I haven’t stepped foot there since you left me.” Rafe pleaded. 
You were quiet and hesitant for a moment, wanting so bad to be strong and not give in. But you loved Rafe even if he did make many mistakes. It was hard to just give all of the good up just for a really bad thing. 
“You have one more chance. Do anything like this again, and I’m gone.” You finally spoke. “I promise, I will not lie or keep things from you again.” He said. 
He walked towards you hesitantly, almost as if he were asking for permission to come closer to you. You nodded your head and he quickly engulfed you in his arms.
“I love you, I hope you know that.” You whispered. “I love you too. I always will.” Rafe said back.
It of course took time for you to full trust Rafe again but over time, he learned to heal and you found yourself trusting him again.
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of whisky, witchcraft and what lies between
When Lena walked into Peggy's bar she'd been ready to tear shreds from her. Elizabeth Walsh was out of Peggy's reach, there was no way for her to pay for what she'd done, she she'd been prepared to hae the daughter pay for the sins of the mother.
But Lena just looks too sad. A couple of drinks couldn't hurt or lead to something more, could it?
read on A03 or please continue...
There was a momentary sense of satisfaction to popping that entitled rich bitch’s idea of her fairytail reunion with her mother’s memory. But it had only lasted a brief moment. Five minutes after Lena Luthor had left the regret had set in. The feeling of unease lying heavy in her gut and the second guessing rattling around in her mind. Now Peggy was pulling pints and serving customers with a churning stomach and knowing that she’d never get the chance to apologise for her harsh words.
Not that she would apologise. Elizabeth Walsh had been rotten to her core and it was better for the Luthor woman to know that then continue to believe her mother was a saint. But she still felt bad. That was her own mother’s fault for raising her to be empathetic. Still. The guilt was eased by the knowledge that someone with Lena Luthor’s money would likely be sleeping on the finest cotton sheets and returning to her life of wealth and luxury. She’d hurt for a bit but what did someone of her stature know about real suffering? So Peggy continued to work and tried to put it out of her mind. It wasn’t like she was ever going to see her again.
Life sure did like its little jokes.
It was later in the evening when Lena Luthor walked back in.
Peggy dropped her bar towel across her shoulder and placed her hands on her hips and watched as Lena approached the bar meekly. Her head lowered, shoulders up, and a definite drag to her steps. For someone so neatly put together she looked a mess.
“Ya look like yer’ve seen some stuff.” It was impossible to hide the nasty satisfaction. Her dear departed mother would be so disappointed. She didn’t remember him well, but she knew her father could hold a grudge, and well, maybe the vindictiveness came form him.
Lena stopped at the bar and placed her arms across the top. She raised her head and it was immediately apparent that she’d been crying. Peggy fought down the urge to immediately try and soothe her.
“You could say that,” Lena said then laughed wetly. She wiped her hand under one eye. “Sorry, I don’t usually — no. Actually I cry a lot these days.”
“Really? Doesn’t come across when I see ya on TV.”
“Public persona’s aren’t real. They’re just carefully crafted fantasy.” She drew in several shaky breaths and finally, once satisfied that she was under control, looked up to meet Peggy’s eye. “I’m surprised you’re not kicking me out.”
Peggy smirked. So, whatever it was Lena had found out it had corroborated what Peggy had told her. That was satisfying. But Peggy wasn’t one to gloat. She could be magnanimous in her grim satisfaction.
“You got cash?”
“More then I know what to do with.”
“Then you can buy yourself a drink. I’m not gonna kick ya out.” Peggy cursed her dear old dead mum and her stringent teaching on hospitality. It’s old magic Peggy, there are rules. Peggy barely resisted the urge to huff in annoyance. “Whisky neat?” she guessed.
Actually…” Lena stared at the pumps. “I’m trying to be better about drinking and wallowing. Whisky is too contemplative. What beer would your recommend for someone who rarely drinks it?”
“YellowBelly’s Fighting Irish is the most popular.”
“That is…” Lena blew out a breath eyeing the pump warily. “Strangely apt. I’ll have that.”
Lena took her half of ale and retreated to the far corner, sliding into a booth and pulling out her phone to make a call. Peggy went about her work. She served customers, took orders, piled dirty glasses into the drawer for the wash, and wiped down tables. Lena remained at her table slowly sipping her beer and talking softly on the phone.
Peggy resolved to ignore her but her eyes were continually drawn to the woman in the corner. She hadn’t even taken her coat off. She sat stiffly, chin tight and head held high. She cut a strange and lonely figure. Dark coat and dark hair stark against her pale skin. She must have burn on overcast days with a complexion like that. She looked smaller in person than she did on television. Maybe it was standing next to Supergirl that made her look taller, more in control, maybe it was just camera trickery and a great stylist team. Whatever it was, Lena Luthor hadn’t brought it with her. SHe looked tired and defeated.
Her call finished her phone lay on the table before her and her glass was finally empty. Peggy walked over.
“Another?” she indicated to the empty glass.
“I’ll take that whisky now please.”
“Thought ya didn’t want to wallow.” Peggy picked up the empty glass and stared down at Lena. She looked tired, and not just the usual jet lagged tired that tourists did around here but a bone deep tired hat she’d be carrying about for the rest of her life. Weary with life as her dear departed mum would say.
“I didn’t but I just chickened out on a phone call so now I do want to wallow.” She smiled sardonically and rolled her eyes. “A bit of whisky to help with the self-deprecation.”
“You rich folk have it so rough.” Peggy marched to the bar and poured Lena her drink, making it a double because she looked like she needed it. On a whim she poured herself one. It was coming up to the end of her shift and she didn’t need to be the one to close up. Perks of being the boss. She went back to Lena’s table where the woman was staring down at her phone as she picked at her finger nail.
Peggy clunked both glasses down loudly and Lena jumped. She stared wide eyed as Peggy sat opposite her and slid her drink across the tale to her. She sipped her own.
“What are you..?” Lena trailed off. Then she closed her eyes and exhaled heavily. When she opened her eyes again her gaze had hardened. “I’m not in the mood for a fight.”
“Yer sure? Yer look like ya gearing up for one.”
The muscle along Lena’s jaw twitched. She had a hell of a jawline on her. One that could probably cut steel. That maniac of brother of hers must have been right jealous. He was clearly hiding a weak chin beneath his beard.
“I’m being neighbourly. Didn’t want ya drinking alone.”
Lena finally picked up her whisky and took a sip. She put the glass back down and murmured a thank you.
“Saw yer on the phone before. Take it that wasn’t the phone call ya chickened out on.”
“No. That was my friend Andrea. She’s been instrumental in my taking this journey or self discovery.” She rolled her eyes again.
“Then who yer trying to call? “
“Just… A friend. A former, well…” She exhaled, her jaw working. She rubbed her finger against the wooden table top, following the pattern of the grain. Finally she looked up. “She is a friend but for a time I wasn’t a very good friend to her. We fell out. And I did some awful, terrible, arguably unforgivable things to her.”
“But she still calls yer a friend?”
“She’s very understanding. Even to those who least deserve it.”
“Then why aren’t ya calling her? Sounds like if she forgave yer after all that then the least ya could do is call her.”
Lena’s eyes flickered fearfully towards her phone.
“It feels selfish to waste her time with my worries,” she said. She licked her lips nervously. Peggy followed the movement of her tongue and took a long, slow sip of her whisky. She set her glass down gently.
“Sounds more selfish to not call her.” She tapped her fingers against the side of the glass. Lena’s eyes widened and she drew back. Her pale skin going whiter by the second. She was the spitting image of her mother and it made Peggy’s blood boil. She was staring into the face of her father’s murderer and offering her friendly advice when she should have been throwing her drink in her face and cursing her out. “She cares about yer as much as yer make it sound then ya should call her. She’d want to hear how it’s going.”
“You’re right.” Lena picked up her phone and stood up. She stepped out from the booth, paused, turned and grabbed her whisky. She downed it in one swift gulp, lips twisting at the taste. It was a sipping whisky and that was a waste. She wanted to do that then Peggy had some cheap shit behind the bar she could have given her. Lena set the glass down and hurried outside, thumb already moving across her phone.
Peggy sipped her own whisky. With a huff she stood up, took Lena’s empty glass to the bar and refilled it, bringing it back.
From what Lena had told her it sounded like the apple hadn’t fallen far from the tree. Elizabeth had been a terrible friend as well. She’d abandoned Peggy’s mother when she’d needed her the most. Left her to shoulder the looks of pity and incrimination. Peggy had been forced to watch her mother wither under the stress of what had happened to her husband, under the guilt, until she hadn’t been able to stand it anymore and she had given up. She had as good as killed Margaret Bishop as she had her husband.
She swirled her whisky. It wasn’t true what they said, children were stained by the sins of their parents. Elizabeth’s Walsh’s selfishness was written deep into Lena Luthor’s blood. That was also old magic.
She looked up from her drink as Lena returned, shoulders still hunched and her coat still on. She paused when she reached the table, no doubt surprised that Peggy was still there.
“Well. Don’t keep me in suspense.” Peggy raised both brows at Lena. Slowly Lena slid back into the booth. She placed her phone down on the table.
“She was busy. But I gave her a quick rundown of what I’d found out.”
That her long thought exalted mother was a liar, a murderer and a gold digger. She’d probably already known the last one, being the product of an affair and all.
Lena looked uncomfortable. “And she was happy that I was getting answers. But she was busy and couldn’t talk for long.”
Maybe Lena wasn’t quite as forgiven as she’d thought.
“Honestly, I’m amazed she’s taking my calls at all.” Lena smiled sadly. She picked up her glass and took a sip. “Thank you. I think after this I’ll try and find somewhere to stay. If anywhere will have me.”
“Might have to go a few towns over.” Elizabeth’s crimes were well known in the area. “Didn’t think you’d be staying.”
“There’s some more questions I want to ask Florence,” Lena said.
Peggy slammed her hand down on the table top. “Y’what?”
Lena had found Florence Abbott. She’d found the other witch that had made up her mother’s coven. Who had left her mother to die.
“I — I have more questions for Florence. Assuming she’s willing to answer them.”
Peggy dragged her nails across the table top. All these years. All these years and Florence had apparently just been hanging around waiting for Lena Luthor to show up. Where the hell had she been Peggy’s entire life? She remembered her vaguely from when she was a child. That she’d been kind, a little stern, tutting when Peggy had begged for sweets but giving her them regardless. She’d left after her father’s funeral. Left rather than face justice.
There were so many things she wanted to say to Florence Abbott and every single one of them would be far harsher then what she’d thrown at Lena.
She looked up at Lena’s curious watery gaze. This woman cried at the drop of a hat.
“Enjoy yer drink.” Peggy pushed her half finished drink towards Lena and stood up. She stalked back towards the bar and went back to work guilrt replaced by the old familiar burning twist of anger.
More fool her for ever speaking to Lena Luthor again.
Last orders came and went and Lena Luthor was still at her booth only just finishing off her whisky. Peggy stomped over and stood by the booth, fists on her hips.
“Drink up, settle up and get out.”
“Right.” Lena startled. She slung back the last dregs of her whisky and stood, following Peggy to the bar. She dropped her card on the bar top and Peggy ignored the name of the bank printed on it as she swiped it. To her immense surprise and annoyance Lena dropped a hundred dollar tip.
“Yer driver waiting outside?” Peggy asked. She didn’t really care but it was a force of habit to make sure her patrons made it home safe.
“He’s back at the B&B. He was tired so I told him to get some rest. Use the room I was meant to be staying in.”
“Sounds real smart. Guess that’s why you’re the scientist and I’m just pulling pints. Where you sleeping, genius?”
Lena smiled and shrugged. “I’ll work something out. It’s a nice night for a walk.”
She left. Not that Peggy cared where she slept. It was none of her business. City girl wanted to curl up beneath a tree then more power to her. She had an alien who could fly on her frequent called log, she’d be okay. She probably had the keys to a spaceship in her pocket.
Peggy cashed up, wiped down the bar, said goodbye to her staff and stepped out front to lock up. As she was turning the key she felt the prickle on the back of her neck, the fine hairs rising.
“I’m gonna tell yer now, attacking me would be a serious mistake.” Her voice didn’t tremble. Her fingers tips did. The magic humming beneath her skin.
“Good job that’s not what I’m doing then.”
Peggy spun round. Sure enough Lena Luthor was waiting for her, eyes bright in the light from the bar. “What is it yer want?”
“To talk.”
“Think we talked enough. I’m going home to get some sleep.” She stomped down the steps and brushed past Lena. She was rounding the corner of the bar to the steps for her apartment when Lena called out.
“Florence Abbott had a lot of interesting things to say. Some of them corroborated what you told me.”
“Oh, aye?” Peggy turned. Jaw clenched and fingers curling to fists. “What was it old Florence had to say?”
“Much the same you did. Witchcraft and cauldrons. Hopping over brooms and running naked in the moonlight,” Lena sneered. “I’ve seen a lot of strange things. Even what aliens have passed off as magic but there always a scientific explanation.” She took a step towards Peggy. “What I find interesting is that you believe in it. Even with Supergirl and Superman flying around you still get those that deny the existence of aliens. Why would you ever believe that your mother and mine were witches? Unless…”
“You’re chatty. Where was all this when we were enjoying our drink?”
“I’ve…” Lena tipped her head side to side, wrinkling her nose in thought. “I’ve had time to contemplate. To put some things together.”
Peggy tilted her head back and stared up at the night sky. It was a small town with little light pollution so she could see the stars. For all of her guilt and shame, for all of the blame she took on herself and allowed to grind her down, her mother had always preached kindness.
“Damn ye mum,” she hissed at the stars. She dropped her head, sighing loudly. “Where yer staying tonight?”
“I don’t know.”
“Come on. The couch is a pull-out.” Peggy turned and went to the stairs leading up to her apartment. She didn’t look back but knew that Lena was following. She put her keys in the door and unlocked it. Behind her she could hear Lena breathing heavily, her teeth nearly chattering even though it wasn’t all that cold. She pushed the door open and stepped in, flicking the light on and kicking off her boots. “Shoes,” she told Lena not waiting to see if she complied.
She walked through to the kitchen and turned on the lights there as well. Lena wandered in after her, looking about the small apartment. She froze in the kitchen door way, her eyes widening.
“You have children,” She said. Peggy followed her gaze to the toys that had been left on the floor.
“Two boys,” she answered. She filled the kettle and placed it on the stove not lighting it yet. “Don’t worry. It’s the holidays and they’re with their father. Tea?”.
“Yes, please.” Lena finally stepped inside the kitchen. “You have a very nice home.”
Peggy snorted. “Ya taught to say that at yer fancy schools?”
“Yes.” Lena unbuttoned her coat, slipped it off revealing a black blouse. She hunger the coat across the back of one of the kitchen tables before pulling it out and sitting down. She rested her forearms on the table, fingers lacing together.
“What did Florence tell ya?”
Lena met her gaze steadily. “That she and my mother and yours were witches.”
“You believe her?”
“I believe what I can see.”
“Can’t see atoms but you believe in them.”
“You can see — of course you can seem atoms.” Lena screwed her brows up, confused. Peggy had never claimed to be good at science. It was one of those subjects that had never clicked for her. “You can’t see magic.”
“You feel magic,” Peggy told her. “Why are yer here?”
“Because.” Lena heaved in a breath. “Because Florence says that I have my mother’s…” her lips twisted into a sneer. “Gift.”
She made the word sound dirty rather than something to cherish. Like it was a shackle she would have to bear always chafing at her flesh. Irritation flashed white hot through Peggy. This woman. With all her money and her airs, with her super powered friends, was looking down on one of the last connections Peggy had to her mother. She saw it as best a joke and worst something to turn her nose up at.
“Doesn’t explain why yer’ve come crawling to me.” She crossed her arms, glared at Lena. “I don’t have answers for ya.”
“Sounds like this ‘gift’ is hereditary.”
“So yer wondering if I have it? Even though you don’t believe in magic.”
“I’m not going to believe in something without evidence.”
She should kick her out. Tell her not to darken her doorstep ever again. Instead without breaking eye contact, Peggy turned the gas on for the stove top and put her finger to the ring. Lena’s brows drew down, her lips parting. It took so little effort. No will at all. Just the barest hint of a tingle in her fingertips. It was more a parlour trick than real magic. A small flame flickered from Peggy’s fingertip lighting the gas.
Lena twitched but to her credit didn’t leap from her seat. Didn’t start screeching for the villagers to get their pitchforks. She raised her eyes to meet Peggy’s and exhaled slowly.
“I suspected,” she breathed. “It passes from mother to daughter?”
“Not always. It’s dying out, there aren’t enough of us left.”
Lena nodded, absorbing the information. “I don’t want it,” she said finally.
“Tough shit.” Peggy turned to her cupboards and pulled out two mugs. She set about preparing the tea pot as the kettle on the stove started boiling.
“I won’t do anything with it. It doesn’t matter if it’s… there. I don’t want it and I won’t use it.”
The kettle boiled and Peggy poured the water into the waiting pot. She set it down on the table before Lena, ignoring the frown and pout she was sporting. She pushed one mug towards Lena and kept the other for herself.
“I don’t have any fancy china to break out for ya,” she explained. Lena curled her long fingers around the empty mug, seemingly not caring that it was chipped. “Good news for yer is that it’s probably too late for ya t’learn. Normally mother teaches daughter. That usually happens young. Yer mother not being here, yer age, well…” She shrugged. “You might have the gift but I doubt you’ll ever learn to use it.”
Not more then cheap tricks anyway. Very few learnt instinctively and without a teacher Lena’s power, whatever it might be, would eventually wither.
Lena seemed troubled at the news. She shrunk down, shoulders up again and head lowering. Biting back the umpteenth sigh for the night, Peggy poured both their teas. Much like Peggy, the gift was probably Lena’s only real connection to her mother. Her real mother, not the Luthor matriarch who spoke in syrupy sweet tones on the television but couldn’t hide the cold contempt in her eyes.
Peggy poured them both half a cup of tea. Lena lifted it and inhaled the aroma, closing her eyes.
“Its fennel and ginger,” Peggy said. “It’ll soothe ya and help ya sleep. Good for the bowels too.”
“Thank you.” Lena smiled at her over the top of her mug. The stress lines around her eyes melted away, the hardened edge of her lips softened, and she looked like she should. A beautiful young woman. One who likely shouldn’t be looking like she was trying to carry the weight of the world on her shoulder.
“You got no luggage?”
“I left it in the car,” Lena admitted. Her smile turned a little sheepish as she tucked her hair behind her ear.
They sat in a not completely uncomfortable silence drinking their tea. Finally Peggy drained the last of her mug and stood up.
“I’ll lend ya a shirt or something.” She quickly cleaned up. Pointed Lena in the direction of the bathroom while she went to the den and pulled out the couch and found some blankets that didn’t smell too fusty. She’d just finished making up the couch when Lean reappeared, her face freshly washed and hair out of it’s neat braid.
Without the make up she looked softer. Younger. Less fake and more like a real person. Even more like her mother. She favoured the Luthor’s colouring but the eyes and the jaw line were all Elizabeth.
Peggy hated her.
Lena pulled at her own fingers as she approached. “Thank you for this. It means a lot to me.”
Peggy pulled a shaky breath in through her nose and held it.
Magic was a strange and unpredictable thing. Peggy hadn’t always been the best student of the craft, her mother had only shared enough so Peggy wouldn’t hurt herself, and anything else Peggy had taught herself through painful trial and error. But she knew that when magic called you answered. And she was drawn to Lena. Felt it in every moment where she’d wanted to turn her away but had pulled her in. Had anted to cast her out but invited her into her home. Served her tea and invoked old magic that meant she couldn’t kick her out.
Her eyes dropped to Lena’s parted lips.
Lena’s eyes widened a fraction just before Peggy kissed her. Her lips were soft. They parted further, a surprised “oh,” breathed against Peggy’s mouth. She stumbled back, her fingers going to her mouth.
Peggy’s heart was thundering. What was she thinking? What the actual fuck was she thinking? This woman was everything she despised and yet Peggy wanted her.
Lena stepped back into her and pressed her lips to Peggy’s. They stood in the low light of the den, hands y their sides, bodies apart, but leaning into one another, lips moving against and with one another. Lena tasted like her tea and whisky, with a hint of mint that suggested she’d slipped a mint at some point. Peggy brushed her tongue against Lena’s and the small whimper that Lena emitted made her break the kiss.
She stared into Lena’s eye. The faded moss green of one and the gentle washed out blue of the other.
“This way.” Peggy walked past her, not waiting for a response. Lena followed behind her as she led her to the bedroom.
Peggy switched on the bedside lamp and pushed the door closed behind Lena. She didn’t reach for her but she turned, stepping back till her knees met the edge of her bed. Lena swallowed, eyes tracking over Peggy.
It wasn’t about romance. Certainly not about love. It was something older and more primal than that. It was about the pull that Peggy felt and that she was sure Lena felt too. Old magic drawing them to one another.
She didn’t go to Lena and Lena didn’t come to her. They stood apart and each stripped off their own clothes dropping them to the floor until they were both bare and only then did they close the gap between them. Only then did Peggy curl her hand around the back of Lena’s neck and draw her towards her, capturing her lips in a heated kiss.
She pressed Lena down atop the sheets on her bed. Kissed her as she cupped her breasts, thumbs skimming over already stiffened nipples.
Part of her wanted to wrap her hands around Lena’s exquisite neck. To throttle her the way someone should have done her mother. But Lena gasped and trembled beneath her like it had been age since she’d been touched with anything resembling kindness so the urge was smothered. It had been a long time for Peggy as well. Not for the kindness, but the gratification of sex. So she kissed Lena and let her hands roam over soft skin, she rolled her hips and moaned at the feel of long strong fingers exploring the length of her body. They gasped wetly into one another mouths, legs twisted together as their hands delved between on anothers legs.
Then it was a race to the finish. They breathed hot and wet, fingers pressing, hips pushing. Messy and beautiful and heart pounding.
Lena came first. Her hips shuddering against Peggy’s hand and letting out a small broken cry. She shook, twitching away from Peggy’s touch. She gulped down several breaths. Just as Peggy was starting to suspect she was going to have to finish herself off, Lena rolled her over to her back, lowered her head and took a nipple in her mouth. She pressed two finger inside her and ground down on her clit with the heel of her hand and — <em>oh!</em> — She had impressively long fingers.
Peggy’s orgasm was almost overwhelming. It rolled white hot through her, liquid heat and all those over used flowery imagery, with stars bursting behind her eyelids. Really she came so fucking hard that she yelled and slicked wetly against Lena’s hand.
When she opened her eyes Lena was leaning over her. Eyes wide and shining, red blooming in her cheeks and chest, her hair in disarray.
She was beautiful. And broken. Peggy could see the cracks running though her and the way she was desperately trying to hold onto herself.
“Well that was something.” Peggy wiped her own hand down her stomach and settled back on the pillows.
Lena laughed. The smile curling a the edge of her lips a little shy. She dropped onto the bed next to Peggy and stared up at the ceiling.
“This wasn’t what I was expecting when I followed you home,” she admitted.
If she had a better understanding of her gift then she would have seen that it was inevitable.
“Come with me to see Florence tomorrow,” Lena said.
Peggy shook her head. She wouldn’t. She couldn’t. Maybe one day she would be ready to face that woman but she refused to be part of it now.
“I’ll just get in the way,” she said. She turned her head so she could watch Lena, took in the frown pulling at her lips. She wanted her again. To touch her. To taste her. Sex was a kind of magic in it’s own way. People never really understood how much of themselves they gave away in the act.
“Right.” Lena licked her lips. She sat up, swung her legs over the edge of the bed.
“Stay,” Peggy said. Lena looked back at her, surprised. Like she thought Peggy would kick her out. Which to be fair was probably exactly what she was used to in these situations. She knew nothing of the old ways. Peggy reached out and trailed a finger down her spine. “Stay and make me come like that again. I’ll make ya breakfast in the morning.”
The smile that broke across Lena’s face was the best yet. Her cheeks dimpled and eyes squinted closed. She turned and leaned over Peggy, buried her face to her exposed throat and pressed her lips to her pulse.
She wouldn’t go with Lena to see Florence. She already knew this was a fleeting moment not meant to last. That Lena would leave, go back to her friend whom she had hurt and work on her forgiving herself. Likely she would rarely think of Peggy.
She didn’t know it but she had smoothed the jagged edges of Peggy’s hurt. Made the ache where she kept the memory of her mother that little bit less.
But it didn’t hurt to hope that Lena might think of her again one day.
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ibijau · 3 years
Futures Past pt12 / on AO3
Lan Xichen gives Nie Huaisang a music lesson
Everything was perfectly laid out on the low table when Lan Xichen finished his preparations. There was a guqin, of course. Not his personal one, since it would have been unwise to let a complete beginner touch an instrument that valuable, but a very good one nonetheless, borrowed among those Gusu Lan used to teach its newest disciples. Along with the guqin Lan Xichen had also taken a manual detailing the different hand positions, how to play different types of notes, and how to care for an instrument. In case Nie Huaisang took a liking to playing music, as Lan Xichen so hoped he would, permission had even been obtained on his behalf to keep both the instrument and the manual for the duration of his stay in the Cloud Recesses.
With how unpredictable Nie Huaisang was, there was a real chance he wouldn’t want to learn after all, or that he’d be as unfocused with this as he was with most things at this point of his life. But if Lan Xichen’s plan worked, if Nie Huaisang took to music…
It was unlikely at this point that Meng Yao would ever work for Nie Mingjue, or for Jin Guangshan. Just that morning, Lan Xichen had received a letter from Jiang Cheng who had wanted to give news about Yunmeng Jiang’s newest recruit, stating that Meng Yao seemed to get along with everyone so far. Only Madam Yu had reservations, having predictably guessed that Meng Yao was one of Jin Guangshan’s many bastards, but his good manners and respect for authority apparently pleased her, leading Jiang Cheng to believe that his mother would eventually warm up to this new disciple. Lan Xichen fervently hoped it would be so, and intended to answer that letter to thank Jiang Cheng for letting him know everything was going well, and for taking good care of Meng Yao.
If Meng Yao settled well in Yunmeng, then Jin Guangshan would find it much harder to conduct a plot against Nie Mingjue’s life. The man had treated his bastard son like dirt, never realising Meng Yao was the best thing that had ever happened to his sect, never seeing his true potential. Without his son, Jin Guangshan would hardly be a threat to anyone.
Still, there were hard times coming in the near future. Even without the Jin conspiring against him, Lan Xichen had suspected in that other future that Nie Mingjue’s temper and inner balance had been hit hard by the pressure of the Sunshot Campaign, and so Lan Xichen had now inherited his future self's fears on that subject. There was a good chance that the Jins had only precipitated a death that would have happened too soon even without their interventions.
But if there were someone in Nie Mingjue’s entourage who could play Cleansing for him, properly play it, someone as determined as Lan Xichen to keep Nie Mingjue in good health, but with the advantage of proximity and availability…
Cleansing was not an easy song. Even among Gusu Lan disciples, there were many who could not play it well, and they were not considered inferior cultivators for that failure. Teaching such a complex piece of music to a stranger, untrained in the ways of Gusu Lan, would be a gamble, one Lan Xichen had lost in another life.
He would not fail again to protect Nie Mingjue.
A knock on the door called Lan Xichen back to the present. He was not surprised to find Nie Huaisang there, whom he invited to come in. Nie Huaisang appeared to be in a good enough mood, and bore almost no more trace of his fight with Jin Zixun. It seemed to Lan Xichen that the other boy’s nose used to be a little straighter, but he couldn’t be quite sure. It was nothing horrible to look at, anyway. In fact, it might even have added something to Nie Huaisang’s face, giving his face a certain charm he wouldn’t otherwise have developed until well into his twenties, around the time his brother died. 
Or perhaps it was just that Lan Xichen had never paid attention this early into their other lives. Not his worst mistake perhaps, but a mistake nonetheless because it had allowed Nie Huaisang to turn into a cold, lonely, and cruel man, one who haunted Lan Xichen’s nightmares in this life. But maybe this Nie Huaisang, with his slightly crooked nose proving a brave heart, with a loyal friend to count on, would turn out differently. 
Lan Xichen must have stared too obviously, because as soon as he was done removing his shoes, Nie Huaisang covered his face with his hand.
“It’s really noticeable, isn’t it?” he whined. “Everyone says it’s just like before, but I know it’s not. I’m disfigured!”
“You’re certainly not disfigured,” Lan Xichen assured him. “I don’t think anyone who hasn’t met you before would even realise the shape isn’t natural.”
“I will have to hide my face behind a mask for the rest of my life,” Nie Huaisang insisted, going to sit without waiting to be invited to do so. He picked the side furthest from the guqin, which Lan Xichen thought didn’t bode well for his plan. “Good, honest folks shouldn’t have to ever see something so horrific. I will have to go into hiding! I will live and die alone, having never kissed anyone because I missed my chance when I was handsome.”
“You’re still quite handsome.”
“I’m not! Lan gongzi, there’s no need to lie, there’s no need to pity me. My life is ruined. With a face like that, what do I have left to attract others to me?”
Lan Xichen didn’t know whether to laugh or be annoyed. It wasn’t the first time he was comforted to realise that not all of Nie Huaisang’s behaviour in that future that wouldn’t be had been a comedy aimed at distracting Lan Xichen from his true intentions. It also wouldn’t be the last time he found such comfort in those antics either. Still, Nie Huaisang really was too dramatic, and Lan Xichen wasn’t sure how to deal with it.
“Nie gongzi has many other qualities that might attract a cultivation partner.”
“I do not. Really, I don’t!”
“Then let’s teach you some new skills,” Lan Xichen offered, calmly gesturing at the guqin. “The history of Gusu Lan is filled with musicians who wooed their true love through their talent, surely Nie gongzi might find success that way as well.”
Nie Huaisang pouted, and glared at the instrument as if it had insulted his parents.
"I really don't know if there's a point," he said. "I won't have any talent for it." 
"I've heard that before," Lan Xichen said, opening the manual to its first page. "From people who in the end proved very good at playing, once they got over their worries and just started. Wangji was absolutely terrified he would disappoint us all, and look at him now." 
In fact, Lan Wangji had cried his entire first lesson. And the second. The awkward timing of it, soon after their mother's death, hadn't helped. Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren had needed to reassure him they would still love him and keep him in the family even if he turned out to be the worst guqin player in the world before he would touch the instrument. 
And then he'd enjoyed it so much that within a year he'd caught up to Lan Xichen's level, before promptly surpassing him. 
"Oh you can't compare me to Lan Wangji," Nie Huaisang complained, but he still leaned over the table to better look at the manual, peeking inside with some curiosity. "He and I are of a different sort. Everything your brother sets out to do, he succeeds at. I'm just a normal person." 
Lan Xichen's hands clenched. He remembered too well the respective failures and successes of Lan Wangji and Nie Huaisang in that future he hoped they would avoid. Though thinking about it, Lan Wangji did usually get what he wanted. He'd even gotten Wei Wuxian, though it had taken him a while. All Nie Huaisang had gotten was bloody revenge, at the cost of everything else.
"Ah, sorry, I shouldn't speak like that of your brother," Nie Huaisang quickly mumbled. "I guess I spend too much time with… it's just that people in your sect tend to be unfairly compared to him, when he's a natural prodigy." 
"I suppose I cannot blame Su She for finding it tiring," Lan Xichen generously conceded. "Though he has qualities of his own, and should take pride in those. Although your punishment is now over, I hope you won't mind if I keep stealing him from you here and there to help copy texts."
Nie Huaisang gasped in horror. 
“Wait so it’s your fault if Su-xiong hasn’t been around lately?”
“I thought it would be better to keep him away from Jin gongzi,” Lan Xichen quickly explained. "And even though I told this to him on your first day of punishment, I still caught him trying to come and see you again the second day, so this seemed a good way to prevent problems." 
“I’m really so relieved that’s the reason Su-xiong wasn’t around,” Nie Huaisang said, looking more relaxed indeed. “I was so scared he didn’t want to hang out anymore, or that he was upset about getting scolded because of me…”
“Nie gongzi should have a little more faith in others,” Lan Xichen gently scolded. “Especially in your friends.”
Nie Huaisang nodded, looking at Lan Xichen with some surprise.
“It sounds like you almost don’t hate him anymore.”
“I am currently reconsidering my opinion of him,” Lan Xichen admitted. “I thank you for encouraging me to do that. You were right in accusing me of unfairness.”
It had been with great reluctance that Lan Xichen had involved Su She in his project to prevent their sect's library. He'd only given him some texts of minor importance, which Su She could not put to use if he still broke out from the Lan sect in the future. And even those texts were only given to him for Nie Huaisang's sake, because Lan Xichen realised he wouldn't get Huaisang’s trust without making concessions toward Su She. 
Much to his surprise, Su She had acquitted himself of that task with diligence and skill, producing an excellent copy of the text given to him, without a single wrong stroke on any character. Lan Xichen had praised him for his work and, since there had been two days left to Nie Huaisang's punishment, had given Su She another text to copy. 
Since then, he had become curious about Su She, something he'd never done in his other life. 
Lan Xichen had trusted his sect to be fair in that other future, both as a youth and as a sect leader. Because the rules ordered fair treatment and respect towards everyone, he had believed that things were so. If anyone was unhappy, they would have reported their trouble to an elder, or directly to him. Indeed such things had been brought to his attention sometimes once he was sect leader, which he had investigated and set right again, proving to himself that the system worked. And if the system worked, then someone like Su She who had betrayed his sect in such a despicable manner could only be a villain.
Nie Huaisang’s surprising attachment to Su She had forced Lan Xichen to pay more attention to him. He hadn’t liked what he’d seen so far, but not for the reason he would have expected.
Su She was not only skilled in cultivation, something Lan Xichen had always reluctantly been forced to admit in that other future, but he was also dedicated to playing by the rules of Gusu Lan, bending to every rule even though the sect’s way of living clearly went against his entire personality, obeying his elders, working hard to please his teachers. And yet in spite of those efforts, Lan Xichen heard from some teachers that Su She was considered lazy and difficult. If pressed, those same teachers might say that Su She’s background meant he didn’t value hard work as a peasant’s son might have, that he lacked the education in classics he might have acquired in a family of scholars, and that he just didn’t have any refinement of manner as befitted a cultivator.
Su She didn’t belong, the same way Meng Yao didn’t belong.
Lan Xichen had a feeling that in that other future, his adult self had often been puzzled by the friendship between Jin Guangyao and Su She. Even when they had been revealed to be partners in crime rather than merely friends, Lan Xichen still hadn’t understood what might have brought those two to become so close.
It was starting to make sense now.
And this meant, also, that Gusu Lan had betrayed Su She no less than he had betrayed them.
“I’m glad as well, if you’re changing your opinion about him,” Nie Huaisang said with a happy smile. “He’s really a good person. Maybe he doesn’t always have the best of tempers, but neither does da-ge and you like him, so…”
Lan Xichen, however willing he was to give Su She a chance to prove himself in this new life, still shivered at hearing him mentioned at the same time as Nie Mingjue, whose death he’d probably helped in the other future. Jin Guangyao was very skilled, but it was doubtful he’d have mixed Cleansing and that other piece of music without a little help.
But that wouldn’t happen again. Meng Yao wouldn’t grow to hate Nie Mingjue, nor would he go to serve his despicable father. Not this time.
“Now that you’ve been reassured about your friend’s loyalty, how about starting the lesson?” Lan Xichen offered. “I do fear you’ll have to come sit on my side.”
Nie Huaisang grimaced and threw the guqin a worried look, but made no movement to get up.
“I really don’t know if it’s a good idea,” he said. “I’m such a bad student… I always get distracted and bored...”
“I think only because people usually try to teach you things you don’t enjoy,” Lan Xichen replied. “Come sit here, and let’s start. If really you don’t like it, then I’ll let you go and we’ll just forget about this, it’s fine. But you can’t give up without at least trying once.”
“You sound like my brother,” Nie Huaisang complained, but at last he stood up and walked around the table to sit closer to Lan Xichen. “Always saying I won’t know unless I try… and then when I try things and I don’t like them, he gets all upset and we fight. But… fine. Fine, let’s try this, I’m here already, anyway.”
With Nie Huaisang in such a mood, Lan Xichen thought that the whole endeavour was doomed to fail before it had even started. His uncle often said that it was near impossible to teach someone who didn’t want to be taught, and seeing Nie Huaisang like this made Lan Xichen understand what he meant.
Still Lan Xichen started his lesson as if nothing was wrong, explaining the very basics of how to play a guqin, demonstrating hand positions, pausing sometimes to play a few notes so Nie Huaisang would better understand what he was explaining. At first Nie Huaisang’s posture was closed off, his expression as reluctant as if he were listening to one of Lan Qiren’s lectures. 
But as the lesson progressed Nie Huaisang's attitude changed. He looked more focused, and started imitating the different hand positions Lan Xichen was explaining even before being invited to do so. When invited to try playing a note or two, Nie Huaisang seemed to immediately know when the note was wrong, and dutifully listened as Lan Xichen corrected the movement of his fingers or their positions on the string, his expression one of intense concentration. He would then replay the note until he got it right, showing a determination that Lan Xichen wouldn’t have thought him capable of, not at this point of his life anyway.
Maybe it wasn’t just that the death of Nie Mingjue had changed him, or the lonely decade that followed, Lan Xichen realised. Maybe Nie Huaisang had always been that stubborn, but only about things that mattered to him… and because the things that mattered to him didn’t matter much to Lan Xichen, nor indeed to most people who met Nie Huaisang, they assumed he was easy going and unwilling to make effort,even perhaps a little stupid, just as he often claimed to be.
After a while though, Nie Huaisang appeared to hit his limit. It had taken longer than Lan Xichen would have expected, and indeed the lesson had gone on longer than he’d initially planned, but he’d allowed it to drag on, fascinated by Nie Huaisang’s unexpected determination. It was only when Nie Huaisang started failing to play a new note several times in a row that Lan Xichen finally suggested they stop for the day.
“I told you I wouldn’t be much good,” Nie Huaisang sighed, flexing his fingers to stretch their muscles. “I just couldn’t do it, in the end.”
“On the contrary, you’ve proven yourself an excellent student,” Lan Xichen replied. “Better than many I’ve had to help, and more serious as well.”
“It’s only your very first lesson, Huaisang,” Lan Xichen said, “and we have gone much further with it than I expected. You have real skill for it, I believe, and far more importantly it seems to me that you have a taste for it. Am I wrong?”
Still flexing and rubbing his hand, Nie Huaisang nodded quickly, a shy smile on his face.
“It was… it was really fun,” he admitted. “Lan gongzi is a good teacher.”
“Nie gongzi is a good student, when the subject pleases him. Do you wish to continue learning?”
Lan Xichen would have expected Nie Huaisang to take a moment to consider the question. Even if he liked music, it seemed to him that Nie Huaisang had little affection for Lan Xichen, something he might have deserved.
It was a pleasant surprised when Nie Huaisang immediately nodded.
“I think I do want to learn, if Lan gongzi can spare the time.”
It would be complicated to organise. Just this one lesson had taken a lot of rescheduling. Lan Xichen had a lot to do, between helping teach the juniors, his own lessons, his uncle trying to involve him in the ruling of the sect, and of course the copying of books from their library. But becoming closer to Nie Huaisang was essential to ensure this new life would turn out better than the old one.
It might also be pleasant, Lan Xichen realised with some surprise, thinking how quickly time had passed while teaching Nie Huaisang, and how pleasant it had been to have such an eager student. If Nie Huaisang's interest in music remained, if he learned enough to have conversations on the subject, if his understanding increased enough to have debates even...
Lan Xichen's plan upon gaining knowledge of the future had been to gain Nie Huaisang’s trust rather than his friendship, seeing no value in the latter. A mistake on his part, he was starting to realise, and he hoped now to get both trust and friendship as a result of his efforts.
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phinksimp · 3 years
Hi 🥰 can i get some nsfw toxic relationship hcs?
and thank you for providing us phinks simps with content 🥺🥺🥺
Thank you so much for the request!  I hate to admit it, but I love all forms of Phinks...even toxic ><.  I always write him as a big softie, so this was a fun change of pace!
Phinks x Fem!Reader
18+ NSFW
Trigger Warning:  Emotional abuse, sexual abuse, extreme jealousy, NTR, Smut, Dubious consent (dubcon)
You sat cross legged on your bed in front of your laptop.  You laughed as you looked into the webcam, your earphones making you oblivious to the man who had just entered your room.
Phinks raised his brow bone when he saw you.  He had been curious as to why you hadn’t replied to any of his text messages in the last 15 minutes, and why you weren’t there to greet him when he came home.  
What the hell is going on here?
The blonde man cleared his throat to get your attention, but to no avail.  
You shot up immediately, waving a hand at Phinks while smiling nervously at the camera.  “Hey, sorry. Something urgent just came up!  I gotta go, but just message me when you find any articles and I’ll check them out.  Bye!”  The sound of your laptop closing made Phinks’ eye twitch.
“Phinks!”  You jumped off of your bed, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist.  “I had no idea you were coming home so soon!”  You looked up at him lovingly, your smile dropping when you noticed the scowl on his face.
“Well, you would have known if you answered my texts.  You didn’t have 10 seconds to text me back?”  He then eyed your laptop.  “What the fuck were you doing, Y/N?”  He pushed your arms off of him as he made his way to your bed.
You rolled your eyes as you followed after him.  You knew Phinks was impossible to talk to when he had these “fits”, but it didn’t stop you from trying.  “I had a meeting with my classmate Paul for a school project.  He’s going to be doing most of the research, so he just wanted to go over some things with me.” You fought a sigh from escaping your mouth as you stood beside Phinks.  
You wouldn’t dare tell Phinks that Paul had confessed his feelings to you a few weeks ago.  He was sweet, attractive, and successful, but you had no interest in him at all.  You let him down easy, but you could tell that Paul wasn’t the type to give up.  You knew it wasn’t coincidence that you two ended up on a project together as Paul was extremely liked by your professor.
Phinks opened your laptop and began to scroll through your chat with your Paul, his eyes carefully scanning each message for any hidden meanings.  “So, you chose your classmate over me?”
You leaned your head towards him, unsure if you had heard him right.  “Sorry?”  
“You didn’t reply to my texts because you were talking with your classmate instead?  Y/N, do you even remember who bought you this laptop?”  He scanned your classmate’s name one more time before slamming the laptop shut.
Your heart began to race.  While you were shorter than Phinks-- him standing over you like that made you feel even smaller than usual.  “You bought it for me, Phinks.”  You tried to find the words to appease him.  “And I’m so grate--”
“You’re not.  It’s like you don’t even love me.  If you loved me you would have replied to my texts right away.”  He turned his back towards you as he began to exit the room.
A small gasp escaped your mouth as your jaw dropped.  “What?!  Of course I love you!  What are you--”
Your blood ran cold when your phone went off.  
Phinks grabbed it immediately, flawlessly entering your 9 digit password.  The password he had created for you.
“Y/N!  Hope everything is okay, you seemed flustered when you left.  I’m here if you need to chat!”
It took every fiber of his being to hold himself back from crushing your phone in his hand right then and there.  He took a small breath before holding a finger down on the message and deleting it.
You nervously approached him, his silence making you even more nervous.  “Who was it, Phinks?”
Phinks smiled at you softly.  “Just a spam message.  Nothing important.”  He waved your phone in his hand as he continued to walk.  “I’ll be taking this for a bit.  You won’t need it while you’re making us dinner anyways.”
Before you could reply, Phinks turned around to look at you.  “You look like shit by the way.  Have you not been sleeping?”  He looked down at you, a smile of pity on his face as he examined you from head to toe.  “You’re lucky I choose to stay with you when I could be with anyone else if I really wanted to.  You should be thankful.”
You stood there dumbfounded.  He was right.  Phinks had ingrained into your head how much better he was than you.  You believed you’d never have anyone as good as Phinks if you lost him.
I can’t mess things up...
You quickly ran to the kitchen to prepare dinner, praying you had the ingredients to make a meal that would please Phinks.
Phinks laid on the couch with your phone in one hand and his in the other.  He read through a long message he had typed out before sending it to Shalnark.
This should teach her a lesson for being so fucking ungrateful.
The smell of spices filled the air as you carefully pulled out a casserole from the oven.  Phinks had once told you it was one of his favorite recipes of yours.  You had also prepared vegetables, a pasta salad, as well as a small cake for dessert.
“Dinner’s ready!”
You sat excitedly at the table, hoping the dinner would bring a smile to Phinks’ face.  
Phinks looked down at the table before grabbing his wallet.  “I’m going out to eat.  Don’t wait up for me.”
You slowly lifted your head from your pillow, rubbing your swollen eyes from crying over the past few hours.  You blinked frivolously, a bright blue and white light illuminating the room.  
You screamed as Phinks made his way on top of you, the smell of alcohol filling your airways.  “Phinks!”  He bit down on your shoulder hard enough to make you yelp out in pain.  You tried to push him off but instead he pressed his weight down onto you even more, pulling your hair up as his mouth began to explore the area from your collar bone to your neck.  “You’re hurting me!  Phinks sto--”
Phinks jerked your hair up for you to look at him.  “What? You want me to stop?  If you make me stop then I’m going to go fuck someone else.  Is that what you want, Y/N?”  He pulled his phone out from his pocket, shoving his Contacts screen into your face.  “I could always call one of them.  Maybe they want this cock more than you do, Y/N?  Is that what you want me to do?”
You shook your head, the thought of Phinks making love to anyone else was enough to make you sick.  “No, that’s not what--”
He began to rip your clothes off, a wicked grin on his face.  “So you don’t want me to stop?” He took his own clothes off before following back on top of you, the grip on your wrist hard enough to make you believe it would snap.
“I...don’t want you to stop.”  
Phinks threw you off of the bed, pulling you up by your hair again so that you were now kneeling.  
You gagged as he shoved his cock into your mouth, its size making it hard for you to breathe.  He began to fuck your mouth relentlessly, the whiplash from his hips thrusting into your face while he pulled your head back was making you see stars.  You lost control of your mouth as your lips unshielded your teeth from Phinks’ member.  There was a small hope in you that the feeling of your teeth would make Phinks stop, but if anything-- it made him go even faster.
Your vision began to go black.  The wet sounds slowly replaced by the sound of blood rushing to your head.  
A hard slap on your face brought you back to reality as Phinks repositioned you once again.  You were now on all fours.  You turned to look back at Phinks, but screamed when he wrapped a thick piece of black cloth around your eyes.  “Phinks-- what are--”
He spanked you hard enough to make your back arch.  “Shut the fuck up, Y/N.  I’m so sick of you complaining.  I thought you wanted this?”  
You bit your lip, not wanting to anger him further.  “Yes, I--”  
You moaned loudly as you felt Phinks’ tongue against your entrance.  He had been with you enough times to know exactly how to get you off.  You continued to moan, his tongue dancing between your clit and your opening.  
Phinks squeezed your bottom as he continued to eat you out ravenously.  “You’re so fucking wet, Y/N.  You like this, don’t you?”  He spanked you once again, leaving several marks on your backside.
You nodded your head, feeling you were about to reach your climax.  “Phinks, please fuck me!”
You screamed as he spanked you again.  “You really think you deserve anything?  If you want my dick that bad, you’re going to have to do something for me.”  He inserted a finger into you, making your craving for his dick even worse.
“Anything, I’ll do anything!”  
Phinks grinned as he slowly began to finger you, the quivering of your walls letting him know how badly you needed his cock.
“Your classmate Paul.  Do you wanna fuck him?”
The question almost threw you out of the mood completely until Phinks began to finger you faster.  
“What?!  No!  I only want your cock, Phinks!”
Phinks entered another finger into you, his breathing growing heavier.  “Then say it.  Tell me you’d never fuck Paul.  That he’s a worthless piece of shit."  
Your desperation for release made you ignore how ridiculous Phinks was being. You tried to steady your breathing as Phinks continued to finger you, trying to remember what he wanted you to say. “I--would never fuck Paul!  He’s worthless.  A worthless piece of shit!”
Phinks’ other hand made its way around your throat.  “Good girl.  Is there anything else you want to say?”
You shuddered as you felt the tip of Phinks’ cock at your entrance.  You knew all it would take was for him to shove it into you to put you over the edge.
You were so close.
“Stop making me say his name or even imagine how disgusting his cock would be.  I only want you Phinks!  Please, please fuck me already!”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your whole body buckled.  Phinks filled you completely, your jaw falling as a moan escaped from your mouth.  
Phinks continued to pound you, the swelling of his member signaling that he was close to finishing.
“Phinks...I...want your cum...”  You had already climaxed several times, and you could feel yourself starting to pass out.
Phinks leaned down to kiss your neck as his breathing grew heavy.  “Then I need you to do one more thing for me.”
You grinned, the tone of his voice making your temperature rise.  “Anything.”
He pulled himself out and stood so that he was now facing you.  
Phinks removed your blindfold with one hand as he continued to stroke his member with the other.
“Say hi to Paul.”
You gasped as the blindfold fell to the ground, your eyes meeting Paul’s in your laptop screen-- a horrified look on his face.
Before you could say a word, Phinks unloaded his cum-- the splashes of white landing in your mouth and around your eyes.
“Hi Paul.”
#phinks #phinksmagkav #phinksmagcub #hxh #phinkshc
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bookstantrash · 3 years
A/N: Special shoutout for @perseusannabeth @thewayshedreamed and @arin1030 for blessing my year with their amazing one shots/multi chapter updates even though 2021 has barely began. Your beautiful writing made me take a break from frying my brain with studying.
So here it’s, Part Six. Enjoy!
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In which she makes a friend, Part Six
“Arms up. Feet apart” Nesta followed his instruction, getting in position “I want you to focus all your power in your fists. Redirect the flow to them.”
It was not Cassian’s voice who Nesta heard. No, it was the voice of the Lord of Bloodshed. Of the Commander of the Illyrian Armies.
They had been trying for an hour, maybe two. Today was the second time in the week since they’d first started training together that Cassian was trying to teach Nesta how to maintain a constant flow of her powers. To not let her spend herself with one killing blow like she had done with Hybern.
It was hard. It was impossible.
Nesta had no ideia of what she was doing. She couldn’t tame the beast inside her to behave and do what she wanted to. She felt stupid while silently willing her fists to gather that blinding light she had fired at Hybern or even the silver flames that appeared when she lost control.
Nothing had happened in two days.
Not to mention she also had to think about her fighting stance, balance, Cassian counting out loud while she punched, all the while keeping her grip on her power.
And she had not been able to confront Cassian about the troubles at camp that he was keeping from her. That only made her more annoyed and restless.
“Focus Nesta” Nesta snapped back to attention at his words “Your figure is excellent but your mind is far away. If you get distracted on the battlefield you can get hurt. Or worse, killed”
“I am paying attention. If you could only be more precise about what exactly I’m supposed to be doing—”
Cassian laughed, which only served to ignite that fire that seemed to roar whenever they were in the same room.
“My powers are totally different from yours sweetheart. You have an enormous amount of it too, from the little I’ve seen” his hazel eyes scanned her, as if he could see beneath her skin and pinpoint where her power resided inside of her “But you lack control”
“Aren’t you supposed to be some legendary warrior? With seven siphons and all that” she spat back, wanting to jab him at his poor job at teaching her, but she only earned a feline smile back.
“Have you been paying attention to me Nes? I’m flattered” he placed a hand on his chest, feigning surprise.
Nesta gritted her teeth. Most of the time, she didn’t know whether to throttle him or kiss him. Sometimes both.
“Whatever you’re doing right now sweetheart, keep it up” Cassian said, amazement lacing his words.
Nesta raised her fists, which had fallen beside her body during her spat with Cassian, and she realised that she had done it. The silver flames that sometimes appeared were dancing along her hands, turning the air around them hot, although they did not burn her.
Nesta allowed herself to feel proud. She had done it. She could feel her power flowing all through her body down to her hands.
Raising her fists, Nesta got into position like Cassian had taught her.
And she punched him.
Cassian allowed her flaming fist to get dangerously close to his face before he dodged it, sidestepping. She aimed again. And again. Until they were dancing a dangerous dance, Cassian blocking and avoiding her fists, while Nesta concentrated in keeping the flames alive and remembering the correct steps.
She thought she had finally caught him, feigning a punch towards his face while actually aiming at his gut — a move Cassian had recently showed her — when he took her arm in an arm lock, pulling her body flush towards his.
“That was good” he breathless said, so close Nesta could see the green in his eyes “But you still are too slow in the transition. And you look at where you want to hit me. That’s what gave you away”
Nesta opened her mouth the retort, but no sound came out. She got conscious of how close they were. Of how Cassian didn’t seem bothered by her flaming fists.
She didn’t know whether she was feeling hot due to the exercise, the flames or the proximity with him.
“You are always surprising me, you know that?” Cassian murmured, his breath sending chills down her spine.
She was burning. She couldn’t breath or think, her thoughts running fast and incoherently around her head. She could only look at him.
She wanted to pull him closer.
She wanted to push him away.
She wanted to kiss him.
She wanted to scream at him for making her feel this way.
Nesta wanted and wanted and felt everything too deeply. His body against hers. His breath, mingling with hers. His grip on her army getting loose. His deep hazel eyes like molten chocolate, his pupils dilating and his gaze flicking from her eyes to her mouth and—
A bird’s cry shook Nesta out of her trance, and she quickly put some distance between her and Cassian, her flames flicking out.
Dangerous. It was dangerous to allow herself to get close to him. To let him slip between the bars in which she caged her heart.
“I think that’s enough for today” Cassian said, nervously clearing his throat “You— Are you going to train with me and Kaelin today?”
Nesta trained with Cassian everyday in the mornings, Kaelin joining then in the afternoons after her own training was done. Cassian had proposed to Nesta that she practice in the afternoon only three times a week for now. He said it was best not to demand so much of her body in the beginning.
But he always asked her if she would join then or not. Even if it was the day all three of them were supposed to train together.
“I’m fine” Nesta managed to say, grateful that her voice did not give away how she was feeling “I’ll be here”
Cassian only nodded, his eyes looking everywhere but at her. If Nesta didn’t know any better, she’d think he was just as shaken as her.
“Azriel...Azriel is coming to Windhaven tomorrow” Cassian blurted out, before Nesta could excuse herself.
Nesta only raised an eyebrow in question, as if to say ‘go on, I’m listening’
“He’s going to stay here four days, maybe a week. We have some... some matters to discuss”
“Matters about the Illyrians rebelling?” she asked, taking him by surprise.
“Just because you tell me nothing it does not means nobody else does” she snapped.
“It has nothing to do with you” he snarled and Nesta raised her chin in defiance.
“I think it does if I live here now”
“I didn’t want you here”
Nesta felt as if she had been punched in the gut. She felt that spark that had been slowly coming back to life vanish, turning into cinders.
As if it never was there.
“Wait, I— I didn’t mean it like that” Cassian desperately said, seeing the change in her mood.
“Of course you did” she snorted “I’m no more of a burden to you than I was to my sister. I understand”
“No, Nesta it’s not that” he ran his hand through his hair, freeing it from the bun that held it “Please believe me”
Nesta only remained quiet, eyeing him. Trying to decide if he spoke the truth or was pitying her.
“You have suffered enough. You have given enough. You don’t need the weight of another war on your shoulders. I—” he took a sharp breath “I cannot bear to see you go through it all again. I thought it was best for you to not know about it”
“It was not your decision to make!” she spat at him “You should have thought about that before banishing me here!”
“I told Feyre this was a stupid ideia! But she was desperate!! She blames herself for all the dangers you and Elain went through and she had no ideia what to do!!”
They were both screaming now, each one louder then the other.
“Sending you to the human side was off limits given the human queens! The other courts are civil at best with the Night Court! And I doubt you would want to be sent to another court were you knew no one and they were all wary of you” he laughed in disbelief “At least here I could— you would know someone”
“It was not her decision to make” Nesta said, her powers raging inside of her, all control from a few moments ago gone.
“I know that. I can—” he shook his head, trying to find the right words “I can try to call in a few favours. Maybe Helion...the Day Court is beautiful and his library even more spectacular. Or Dawn. They’re neutral ground and you seemed to like the last time we were there. For sure not Winter. I think you’ve had enough of this dreadful weather”
Cassian started to mumble to himself, trying to come up with a solution.
“Would not your High Lady need to approve it?” poison filled Nesta’s word, angry of how she had been banished by her youngest sister before “Don’t you report back to her about me?”
“She only asks how you are doing. If you’re eating. If you came out of your room. And I don’t say nothing else besides it. Feyre worries. She feels guilty of what she did” his eyes meet hers “She would not have to know. You could go, and I would only say that you were well when she asked. You don’t need to stay here Nesta. I won’t be your jailer. I have already failed you enough”
And Nesta knew — be it due to the raw emotion in Cassian’s voice, the way he looked so distraught, his hazel eyes pleading at her — she knew he was telling the truth. That he would get her out of Illyria. Would let her have her way.
She was tempted to say yes.
To say yes and run far far away from the eyes that seemed to judge and burn and condemn her, all the way from Velaris.
But then she thought of Kaelin. She thought of all the healers, the females and children at camp.
If a civil war was to break out, who would defend them? Who would make sure they’d not be in the middle of the cross fire? Who would make sure Kaelin was not found out?
And Nesta made her decision.
“I will stay” she declared, making Cassian look at her in surprise.
“But I have a condition” she added “You will not hide anything else from me. You will tell me what’s happening here. What’s happening with the queens. With the other courts. I won’t stay in the dark any longer.”
“I promise you Nesta Archeron,” he said, his voice full of emotion “I will tell you even the Mother’ secrets if you want to”
Nesta spent the rest of the day lost in thought. Her conversation with Cassian — or screaming match to put it more truthfully — had opened some old wounds. Wounds she had thought to be already closed.
How foolish had she been.
Her quietness did not go unnoticed. Jacira was more talkative than usual, trying to cheer Nesta up and make her come out of her shell by any means, not caring if Esmée reprimanded her. But even the head healer took notice of Nesta’s mood.
“We don’t have much work today. You can deliver this tonic for me and then retire for the day” Esmée had said, a tad softer than usual “Now shoo! This won’t be delivered if you stay here looking at me”
And so Nesta found herself standing in the small craftsman center of the camp, walking towards a wooden building, its glass window identifying it as a clothier. The bell above the leaded-glass door tinkled as Nesta entered, warning of her presence.
“The shop is closed” a sharp voice said “Come back later”
Nesta looked at the female behind the polished counter. She had dark hair, which was braided in a style similar to the one Nesta favoured, offering a clean view of her sharp brown eyes. She wore a simple green dress, and Nesta noticed the female’s wings. The scars on them.
“I didn’t come to buy anything” Nesta walked towards the counter, placing down the package containing the small vial “I came to deliver this. I take you ordered this from Esmée?”
The female nodded, taking the package.
“So you’re the High Fae who’s working alongside the healers now” Emerie scanned Nesta, eyeing her pointed ears.
“What of it” she replied, straightening her spine, a mask of cold boredom on her face.
“Nothing” Emerie raised her chin, her posture matching Nesta’s “No wonder you decided to help them. They’re nice, and even Esmée’s presence is more pleasant than staying all day alone”
Nesta tried to calm down the fire inside of her, raging at the implication. She didn’t need her powers getting out of control here, destroying the store and hurting the female.
“Males are such emotionless creatures, don’t you agree? ” she added, waiting for a reaction back “I hope you gave the Commander hell for leaving you by yourself like that”
“He’s not— we’re not a couple” was Nesta’s only reply.
Emerie intrigued her. She was not like the other females Nesta had meet. She could recognise the fire inside of her, meeting Nesta’s gaze without fear.
She reminded Nesta of how she had once been. Before the war. Before she was Made.
“You aren’t?” Emerie raised an eyebrow, shrugging “Either way, I for one know I wouldn’t leave a guest unattended for such period.”
Nesta was excused from answering when the door opened, a familiar voice greeting them.
“Emerie, I finished with my deliveries, is there anything else I—” Kaelin stopped mid sentence, seeing the scene before her eyes.
“Kaelin, what are you doing here?” Nesta asked, surprised to see the girl.
“I do deliveries for Emerie sometimes. To the families who live too far or are too poor” the young girl stretched her wings a bit, shaking off the cold “Esmée let you go earlier today”
“She asked me to deliver something and call it a day” she inclined her head towards Emerie.
“Well, it’s a good thing then! You can stay for tea with me and Emerie!”
Nesta felt her cheeks redden.
“Kaelin, you can’t just invite me to someone else’s house!” she hissed, shocked at Kaelin’s boldness, her old manners classes coming to mind.
“I’m not bothered” Emerie said, coming from behind the counter “I can have some kind of courtesy towards those who I want to”
Kaelin grinned and opened a side door with a staircase — which lead to Emerie’s home in the upper floor of the shop — already moving up.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to” Emerie added, seeing Nesta hesitate “Kaelin tends to act before he thinks. But I know he’s a good kid, so I won’t be offended if you choose to go back to your General’s home”
Nesta thought about saying how Cassian was not her General. How his home was not hers. How she had a thousand thoughts screaming in her mind. How her powers were singing beneath her veins and how afraid she was of losing control.
But she was even more curious about Emerie, a female who did not bow like the others, the sole owner of a shop in such a place as Illyria.
“I hope you have biscuits” she choose to say instead, feeling hungry for the first time in long while, the thought of eating not scaring her in the least.
Tag list: @sayosdreams @thewayshedreamed @sjm-things @perseusannabeth @arin1030 @caotica-e-quieta @vidalinav @swankii-art-teacher @ireallyshouldsleeprn @duskandstarlight @greerlunna @thegoddessaltenia @dayanna-hatter @verypaleninja @awesomelena555 @courtofjurdan @allilal @sensitiveillyrian @moe8 @illyrianwitchling13 @silvernesta @bri-loves-sunflowers @queenestarcheron
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Mistakenly Saving the Villain - Chapter 3
Original Title: 论救错反派的下场
Genres: Drama, Romance, Xianxia, Yaoi
TW for this chapter: Mentions of slave trafficking
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter 3 - Born Without Tears
The red-dressed beauty lightly opened his vermilion lips and blew into the jade flute. The flute sound was full of lingering affection, softly touching his heart, as if he was inviting all listeners to join the red curtain and share the scenery together.
Song Qingshi's mother was an internationally renowned pianist. Because of her influence, music had become Song Qingshi's only hobby outside of school. In the last days of Song Qingshi's life, he had lost all body functions, but his consciousness was extremely clear.
His mother invested heavily in installing top-notch audio equipment in his room to play music everyday. She also asked top musicians in various fields to give him a small concert every day.
Music rescued him from the brink of despair and soothed his heart. During this special time, Song Qingshi was particularly sensitive to the emotions in music. He could hear the player's tenderness in the passionate piano music, and he could also find hidden encouragement in the sad and solemn guzheng music. . .
Now, he heard the familiar struggle and despair in the lingering and affectionate sound of the flute.
Song Qingshi finally raised his head, staring at the brilliant phoenix in a daze. He could no longer look away.
Jin FeiRen found out that Song Qing finally became interested in one of the beauties, and he was overjoyed: "Song Xianzun is interested in this slave? His name is Yue Wuhuan, naturally charming, a rare wood single-spirit root. That means he's much more resistant when tossing him around in bed. The more you rough him up, the more unhinged he comes. Those who have tried it have never failed to boast about it. Do you want to taste him first?"
Song Qingshi's ears were reddened by his explicit recommendation. He quickly turned his eyes away, and said dumbly: "No need."
"Medicine Master Xianzun is clean and does not engage in those activities. If you don't love these things, don't force him, friend." LingBao Xianzun came over, pointing to Yue Wuhuan and exclaimed, "If I remember, was this the best product sold by Xie Que? This immortal world is still the best place for him to raise beautiful people; one is more tasteful than the last. Alas, I have a friend who is his good friend, and all kinds of better goods will be sold to you first."
Jin FeiRen waved his hand and said, "You flatter me. What he really has a good relationship with are thirty hu of mermaid pearls."
LingBao Xianzun laughed: "If all friendships in the world could be created with money, my friend would be surrounded by the most affectionate people in the world. Come, come, let me have three cups with my friend and celebrate the wind and moon together.
Jin FeiRen also laughed, and ordered the young man in his arms to fill a glass of wine and drink with LingBao Xianzun.
LingBao Xianzun had already drunk a lot. He was slightly drunk. He leaned against the table and listened to the flute. He exclaimed: "I remember that when this beauty first entered this place, he was reluctant to accompany guests, even under the control of Acacia Seal. It was very interesting to see, but now he has become so promiscuous, and his flavour has changed. You have great methods, my friend."
Jin FeiRen shook his head: "It's a pity that this beauty doesn't cry no matter how rough you toss him around. He was born without tears, and because of that, some of his appeal has been lost."
Song Qingshi heard the professional question and couldn't help answering: "Being born without tears may be a problem with the lacrimal secretion system."
Jin Fei was dumbfounded for a moment. He appreciated his friendship with Song Qingshi, but he couldn't keep up with his medical obsession. He had to laugh awkwardly and switch off the topic: "Don't look at this beauty's promiscuity deceive you. In the mortal world, he was also a noble and respectable prince. When he was eight years old, Xie Que found that he had excellent aptitude when he was looking for beauties in the mortal world, so he showed his supernatural powers and presented the emperor with a pill for prolonging life. The old emperor was so happy that he happily gave his son to the immortal leader. Xie Que is also an ingenious person. He will seriously accept mortals with spiritual roots as disciples, and coax them to trust him. Then he uses that trust to trick them to sign the spiritual contract of voluntary slavery. He then teaches them superficial techniques, and, when they appear to be at their peak, brands them with the Acacia Seal. He always gets them when the colour is at the best time for picking, and then sells them to the brothels to serve in their rooms.
Although everyone knew he was taking advantage of those loopholes, they all turned a blind eye and eventually accepted this method of slave trafficking."
The Yanshou Pill can only be taken once to extend someone's life to reach 100 years old.
Cultivators can live at least three hundred years so long as they build a good foundation base. They don't need this tasteless kind of thing at all. Most of them are bought for their mortal servants. The price is very cheap, only worth two low-grade spirit stones. Such huge profits have continued to promote the slave trade.
There is an endless stream of cultivators in the trade, but none of them are well-versed as Xie Que.
Song Qingshi was surprised to find in his memory that the original body had seen Xie Que before.
That spring, the original body was studying a new way to create pills behind closed doors. Xie Que came to seek medical treatment with a comatose child. The child was a mortal, about eleven or twelve years old, with a rare pure yang physique and a wood spiritual root. Moreover, when he reached the third rank, his talents were different, and he was even better than some of the wasted descendants of various immortal families. Xie Que said that it was his new apprentice who had recruited more than three years ago. When he went to the mountains to practice, he was bitten by a Devil Mask Snake. Devil Mask Snakes are not extremely poisonous, but they will turn the faces of the poisoned person different colours, just like they were wearing a mask.
The original body typically didn't treat mortals, but Xie cried out in tears, saying that this was his most important apprentice, and he was willing to pay a high price to save him. The original body was in a good mood at the time, and was annoyed by his repeated crying. The Devil Mask Snake poison was also easy to detoxify. He finally relented and ordered a servant to give him two detoxification pills and ordered Xie Que not to cry again.
Xie Que stayed beside the apprentice’s bed and took care of him for three days. The apprentice woke up from a coma, his body no longer in a serious condition, but it took time for the ghost marks on his face to disappear. They stayed in the valley for half a month, and waited until his apprentice's face fully recovered.
During that time, the peach blossoms in the medicine garden bloomed just right, like red brocade all over the sky. When the original body encounters a problem with his alchemy, he often sits in a high place and looks at the peach blossoms and thinks. Every time, the original body would see a small figure under the peach blossom practicing swordsmanship. He practiced in the morning, at noon, and at night, as if it had become a landscape of symbiosis with the peach blossoms.
Mortals trying to cultivate immortality are like a fish leaping over a dragon's gate. The path comes with many difficulties and dangers, and there are few successful ones.
Xie Que was always by his side, with a worried expression on his face. He was either afraid that he would drop his sword or that he would become exhausted. The two quarreled several times. On a whim, the original's body and mind let out a spiritual thought to investigate. He heard the child say to Xie Que: "Master, although mortals are not as good as immortals, my father taught me to reward my diligence, and diligence can make up for my weaknesses. So I have to work harder and never waste time."
"What you said makes sense," Xie Que tried to persuade him with a bitter face. "Your injury has not healed. I'm afraid you might hurt your body. And. . . why do you have to practice sword? Entertaining cultivation, wouldn’t it be better for you to learn some flute, piano or something?"
"Master taught me to use music to cultivate Taoism is very good," the child scratched his head embarrassedly. "But I like swords, I want to be like Mo Yuan Jianzun. Master, rest assured, I know all the songs you taught me. I practiced better than my senior brothers and sisters, and I definitely don't put off practice."
Xie Que had no choice but to say: "I will find you the right ice silk gloves later. You must wear them when you practice swords. You must soak your hands with lotion at night to make your hands soft. This will prevent calluses, so you won't miss the subsequent practice."
The child cheered, excitedly: "Master, you are so kind."
"Don't get hurt," Xie Que lightly knocked on his forehead and complained. "You naughty devil. Your master is terrified. From now on, stay in the sects when you practice, and you are not allowed to go to the back mountains. Take breaks as well to avoid ruining your eyes."
The child accepted all these conditions.
Xie Que leaned over, rubbed his head gently, and sighed: "You don't know how much Master values you. . ."
"I know." The child raised his head and said in a serious voice: "I know that the immortal world looks down on mortals that cultivate immortality, and even looks down on the master who only accepts mortals as disciples. I don't want to shame my master, so I must cultivate a Golden Core to prove to everyone that Master’s vision is right!"
Xie Que looked at his face silently, his eyes distant and difficult to distinguish.
The child pulled Xie Que's sleeves, turned his eyes, and said embarrassedly: "Wuhuan likes Master the most!"
Xie Que stretched out his fingertips, stroked the child's colorful face, looked carefully, and finally stopped reluctantly on the small red mole under his left eye, which was dazzlingly beautiful. He was silent for a long time, showing a very kind smile: "Master also likes you the most."
. . .
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writer-room · 3 years
Siblings: Chapter Three
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4
Summary: The Bats reflect on how their thoughts about siblings have changed over the years. Some opinions stayed, others didn't.
Jason was glad he didn’t have any siblings.
There was a point in his life where he longed for an older brother or sister, when he was younger and fluctuating in and out of his mom's apartment that smelled like a different drug every week. Someone to teach him the ropes and beat up the bigger kids when they stole the food he’d found or the pocket money he’d snatched up.
Nowadays he was grateful he didn’t have anyone to share resources with.
Sure, he didn’t have anyone looking out for him, but that was for the best. He couldn’t learn how to survive on his own if he didn’t get hit a few times, right? 
And a younger sibling was out of the question. He couldn’t look after some toddler while he was barely functioning himself. Hell, if he had an older sibling, he wouldn’t have blamed them if this hypothetical sibling ditched him after a month tops.
Attachments in Crime Alley were for people who made gangs, who had followers or brothers-in-arms. That was the best you could get, but don’t expect any of them to risk their lives for you.
A sibling would’ve been seen as a weakness. Someone others could torment to get what they wanted out of him.
He really didn’t want to think about another kid being stuck in this dump with him, either.
It was one of the small mercies of life, that he didn’t have any kin to drag him down.
“Why are you here, again?”
“Because unlike you, Father prefers someone do their job efficiently.” 
Jason snorted, side-stepping the henchman who charged him, kicking his leg out and letting him slam his face right into an alley wall.
“I think blasting heads is pretty efficient,” Jason said, twirling one of said guns in his hand as Damian kicked in the face of a second henchman. “But, alas, I’ll have to settle for horrible maiming.” He said, pausing to shoot two fleeing men in the backs of their legs, sending them toppling to the ground.
“Change of heart?” Damian grunted, kicking a goon in the back and using the motion to body-slam into another. “I didn’t think you were capable of such a thing.”
“You wish,” Jason snorted. “Unfortunately, Nightwing would break his no-murder rule just for me if he knew I dared kill in the presence of his majesty with nobody else to be a buffer.” He said with a remorseful sigh.
“Tt,” Damian rolled his eyes, he always made an exaggerated head motion when he did like he was making sure people could tell through the whites of his mask. 
“He’s foolish to think that would do anything.” He said, picking up the unconscious body of one of the goons he’d knocked out and tossing it to the side of the alley. “I’ve killed far more than you could dream of.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Jason said, his tone bordering on babying. “But, yeah, ol’ Wing’s got his priorities weird.” He shrugged, letting off another shot when he saw one of the men try to grab what looked like a knife from their scattered supplies.
“Maybe he’s just afraid of us bonding.” He continued, watching as Damian stood before four men splayed on the ground by broken wooden boxes, only two of them barely conscious and cowering away.
“And what, pray tell,” Damian said, psyching out the men by jerking towards them, startling them back against the wall, before turning to Jason with an unamused look. “Would you think to bond over?”
“Let’s see,” Jason hummed, leaning back against the opposite alley wall, gun resting on his shoulder as he counted off his fingers. “History with the League of Assassins, died at one point, killed people, fairly badass if I do say so myself, mothers with horrible morals, should I go on?” He said with a grin.
Damian paused for a moment, eyes narrowed. He thought for a moment before raising his head again to meet Jason’s gaze, a surprising lack of unbridled fury in them.
“Does that not also apply to Orphan?”
Jason paused, caught off-guard. He frowned, recounting off the points he made before staring at Damian, glad that his helmet hid his disturbed expression.
“Damn,” Jason whistled. “Guess the three of us need to bond sometime.”
“I’m sure she will enjoy being included,” Damian hummed, looking over his gloves as one of the seemingly unconscious men behind him opened his eyes. “Though I imagine Father would have some complaints about--”
Now, in Jason’s defense, he hadn’t been paying attention to Bane’s goons. As far as he was concerned, the fight was over. Which was why his attention was on Damian, and not anything around Damian.
Which meant that when one of the men who had been playing possum behind Damian jumped to his feet, gripping one of the wooden boards from the broken boxes in his hand, he barely flinched. In one movement, the man swung the plank of wood like a one-armed batter, connecting with Damian’s head.
Jason jerked the moment the wood hit, immediately sending Damian right to the pavement. He was firing off a shot before he even registered aiming it. The man yelped, falling back and clutching his side as he screamed out swears.
Jason ignored him in favor of crouching down while cursing under his breath, shaking Damian. The kid was blanked for a good few seconds before he jerked and stirred. Not too bad of a hit, not even out for more than a minute. He blinked his eyes rapidly, grumbling incoherently as Jason wrapped an arm around his front, drawing Damian up to his chest.
“B’s gonna kill me,” Jason grumbled, tightening his hold on the boy as he weakly felt around, gripping onto Jason’s arm.
The man wasn’t screaming as much as before, but he was still shouting as he gripped the wooden plank again, yelling about how he was gonna kill Jason or something. He wasn’t really in the mood to care.
Instead, he turned around, still holding Damian upright as he tried to regain consciousness. The man, with one hand still clutching his side, was raising the plank of wood again and waving it wildly around.
“Oh would you shut up?” Jason snapped, aiming his gun.
He fired off two more shots. He didn't pay attention nor particularly worry about where the bullets hit. The man finally slumped against the alley wall, weakly holding himself together and finally shutting his mouth.
Jason holstered his gun, freeing his other hand to wrap around Damian’s chest and hoist him up. Damian was shaking his head, eyes still blinking rapidly.
“The hell?” Damian mumbled.
“B talk to you with that mouth?” Jason lightly teased, shaking Damian slightly. 
Despite that, he still scooped up Damian, letting his head lay on his shoulder as he supported him.
“If you bite me for this, I’m dropping you off the first roof I see.” Jason threatened, stepping over one of the other men strewn out on the ground. “I know you haven’t gotten rabies shots, and I’m not taking that chance.”
There were balconies and window sills along the building to the left of the alley, so he used that. One arm kept a muttering and waking up Damian situated while he jumped between the balconies and used his free hand to grab onto the windowsills. It was a slower going than he normally liked, but he figured carrying Damian like a football wouldn’t go over too well.
The second his head popped up over the roof, he was greeted with the sight of black boots with thick blue stripes. One of the feet was softly tapping with slight impatience.
“Goddamnit,” Jason cursed, thunking his head on the edge of the roof, which was pretty uncomfortable considering his helmet was in the way and he was currently dangling by one arm about four stories up.
“I should’ve figured the sounds of murderous screaming were caused by you.” Dick said, crouching in front of Jason with a cheeky grin that crinkled his domino mask. “Having fun?”
“Right now? Worst time I’ve had in weeks,” Jason huffed, pulling himself up higher to reveal Damian hanging off his shoulder.
Dick’s smile dropped instantly. He reached out as Jason offered Damian to him, quickly taking the kid in the gentlest way that only Dick could pull off. Jason almost teased him for it, treating someone like Damian of all kids as fragile. He could be hit by a semi-truck and walk it off like it was an inconvenience. 
But Dick was clearly on the brink of having a panic attack, and it wasn’t any fun teasing him when that was happening. All it did was rile him up in the ‘I’m going to curl in a corner and try not to cry’ way and not the superiorly funnier ‘I’m going to punch your teeth in’ way like Damian or Tim.
“He’s fine,” Jason assured him, rolling onto the roof as Dick pushed Damian somewhat upright. At least the kid could properly hold his head up now. “Just took a blow to the head, was barely out for a second. More stunned than anything, I think.”
“Being knocked out is not fine.” Dick stressed, holding onto Damian tighter as he started growling and weakly trying to push Dick away.
“He’s getting better!” Jason huffed, gesturing towards him. “The brat’ll live. Honestly, you didn’t treat the rest of us like glass this after we died.”
“You lost all pity for it when you tried to kill everyone and bring up your death every five minutes,” Dick deadpanned, his worry breaking the moment his gaze left Damian. “And for the record, I do worry about you the same way, it’s just that Dam--Robin here is still a child.”
“Don’t patronize me,” Damian grumbled, still trying to peel Dick’s hands off him.
“He speaks!” Jason gave a sarcastic cheer. “Think you’ll live to see another day?”
“What even happened?” Dick demanded, ignoring Jason’s comments as he stood, helping Damian to his feet. 
“Took out some of Bane’s lackeys down there,” Jason said, pointing where he came from with his thumb. “Kid presumably ran off from the old man again and decided to grace me with his presence and help out. Just got a little distracted, he’s fine.”
“Please don’t tell me you killed the guy who did this,” Dick begged, giving Jason an apprehensive look.
“First of all, if I did, he’d deserve it.” Jason said, crossing his arms. “Second of all, no, I didn’t...I think,” He frowned, looking back towards the direction of the alley. “I didn’t actually check. Shot him a few times, though.”
“Okay, okay, stop,” Dick said, raising a hand up. “Every word out of your mouth is making me more anxious by the minute. I’d rather not know.”
“Oh, so when I kill people, it’s a heinous act,” Jason scoffed. “But when a certain ex-assassin lady and demon child kill someone, suddenly you can make excuses.”
“I do not make excuses--”
Damian, with one of his arms freed, batted at Dick with increasing violence until his brother finally released him with obvious hesitation.
“If you two are done bickering like schoolgirls over makeup,” Damian gruffed, pushing himself away. “I believe we are finished here.”
“You could’ve changed ‘schoolgirls’ to ‘Dick and anyone with eyes’ and your statement would’ve stayed the same.” Jason muttered.
“The only thing you know about makeup is how to cover bruises.” Dick retorted, hands on his hips. 
“And you only know how to look like a drag queen with excessive glitter.”
“I’ll have you know I look amazing in drag.”
“Obviously, but that is literally the only makeup you know--”
Jason only cut himself off when Damian attempted to roll his eyes and leave without them, instead swaying and stumbling into his steps. He shot out a hand and grabbed Damian by the back of his cloak like the scruff of a cat, holding him up.
“You wanna do this the easy way or the hard way?” Jason said, pulling him back. “Because I’m not against harming a child if it means I can get you back to the Manor in three pieces at worst.”
Damian growled and looked like he was contemplating spitting on him. Jason held his gaze, knowing that if he took off his helmet to give a proper glare that Damian would take the moment of broken eye contact to bolt or something equally stupid.
Dick’s eyes shifted between the two of them with a mix of nervousness and confusion. 
“...you will be the one to inform Orphan of the bonding meeting, and will be the one to keep her from doing anything abnormally ridiculous, and whatever other messes she causes during and after.” Damian negotiated slowly.
“Deal,” Jason released Damian, pushing him towards Dick. “Can we go now? I’m getting bored of this already.”
“You’re so impatient,” Dick tutted, looking like he was about to pick up Damian before thinking better of it and deciding to just wrap an arm around his side. “And what did he mean by bonding? Are you two actually getting along?” He gasped in a melodramatic fashion.
“We’re bonding over dying, the League of Assassins, and terrible mothers.” Jason said calmly as Dick pulled out his grappling gun, pausing at Jason’s words.
“And killing people,” Damian added.
“And killing people,” Jason nodded wisely. “We’re getting Cass in on it, too.” He said, sidestepping away from Damian’s attempt to kick him and muttering about using names.
“...as the responsible one, I cannot, in good faith, recommend having an amatuer group therapy session.” Dick said after a moment. “As your brother, however, I commend you getting a hobby that doesn’t involve maiming someone.”
“It’s not group therapy,” Jason scoffed, patting his belt down, wondering if he’d remembered to grab a grappling hook of his own. “We’re not softies who talk about our feelings to professionals like some commoners. We bad-mouth traumatic events like the well-adjusted people we are.” He said matter-of-factly.
“You can’t bully me about going to therapy but then get pissy when I so much as joke about leaving.”
“I can and we will.” Jason said, to which Damian nodded in agreement. “Someone in this family has to convince the little ones to find a non-murderous psychiatrist.”
“You realize that you count as one of the ‘little ones,’ right?” Dick raised a brow. “You’re younger than me.”
“I’m an adult.”
“You count as a little one in my heart.”
Jason and Damian made over exaggerated gagging noises, to which Dick rolled his eyes at, despite his smile, as he withdrew his grappling gun.
“Oh hush, both of you. We’ve got a certain someone to check for a concussion.” He chastised.
“I do not have a concussion.” Damian insisted.
“We’re checking, anyway.” 
Damian groaned dramatically, Jason snickering as he shook his head, Dick giving his--their--little brother a light scolding.
They were all going to be the second death of him, he swears.
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kiranogareru · 3 years
Warning: Mention of blood, death, Hanahaki disease and probably cursing, because I curse a lot, may give you the feels
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
A/n: Tried 3rd person view for this, feedback is welcome! Also, I don't know where I'm going with this, so let's take this journey together😅
Katsuki jolted up in his bed, eyes wide and holding a wild look of horror in them!
His throat feeling like it was being ripped apart from the inside, as the burning sensation of brutal scratches from within began to restrict his airflow!
'No, not again..' he thought in realization as he started coughing
He choked and gasped, desperately trying to force some air into his aching lungs! His eyes welling up and unintentionally staining his cheeks with tears
The feeling was unbearable, the agony making him subconsciously reach for his neck with both hands, in a futile attempt to somehow soothe the pain, but alas..there was nothing that could be done
Katsuki kept his condition a secret, not wanting anyone to think he's weak. He's been dealing with this for months all on his own, fighting it day in and day out and the worst part is he doesn't even know what's wrong with him!
At first it wasn't as bad, so Katsuki brushed it off as a stupid cold, but the symptoms kept worsening and no medication seemed to work
As the all-too-familiar metallic taste rose to his mouth, Katsuki knew exactly what would happen
He pushes himself up and off the bed, planning to run to the bathroom, using the last of his strength, but as soon as he stands, his legs give out and he drops to the cold, hard floor of his dorm, knees scraping upon Impact!
Katsuki is now supporting his weight with one arm and gripping at the collar of his shirt with the other,as his coughing fit continues, until his pain spills itself on the tiled surface beneath him
Y/N was so concerned about Bakugou, he had been missing several classes, he seemed disconnected and tired during most of his training sessions these past few weeks
Losing sleep and performing anything less than perfect on the battle field, isn't like him, in fact it is so uncommon that it became an instant tell that something was wrong with the normally, fierce blonde!
Though the weirdest thing ought to be the unusual aura that radiated off of him. He was mostly calm and very quiet!
Y/N is one of the few people that Bakugou has allowed into his life, he trusts her! They're personalities are very similar and that provides Katsuki with a sense of comfort and understanding!
This lead the duo to become close friends, but without realizing friendship turned to love...the one-sided kind to be exact
Y/N had just woken up to multiple messages from Eijirou, saying how Bakugou sounds sick again
Kiri: Do you mind checking on him? If any of us go he'll feel like we're looking down on him for being sick
Fuck, Eijirou was right, Katsuki would mistake the Bakusquad's concern for pity
Y/N found herself at Katsuki's door, worried at the sounds coming from the other side
She was unsure whether she should knock or simply enter and help him, but his shaky breaths and quiet sobs convinced her to do the latter!
She cracks the door open and pushes it gently, slipping into the room
What she's met with, leaves her in shock, her mind unable to form words at the sight in front of her and her gorgeous orbs prickled with building tears!
Right there on the floor, was a barely conscious Katsuki, lying in a pool of flowers, petals and what she could only assume was his own blood!
Never before had she witnessed a thing so mesmerizing, yet so damn cruel! She didn't even know such a combination could be achieved!
It made her angry that this...this violent beauty of love was possible!
Why did such tragedy, such pain have to befall the boy she loves?
Y/N kneels next to Katsuki and cradles his exhausted form, observing her dear friend closely. His vermillion eyes glassy and puffy, tear-streaked cheeks, blood and petals smeared on his lips and chin!
The saddened, soft expression she was wearing, while gently caressing his cheek, made him wish he could dissapear! As much as he loves being in her warm embrace, he despises the fact that she is there!
Bakugou never wanted her to see him like this, so vulnerable and beaten down, so- so fucking weak! He'd rather her think of him as anything, but weak!
He hated that out of all people, she had to be the one to walk in and catch him at his lowest!
His handsome face, was tainted with pain and she fucking hated that! It made her sick to her stomach, to see someone so strong, look so distraught!
Y/N carefully rested Katsuki's head on her lap, brushing some stray, spiky locks of ash blonde hair, out of his face
She couldn't help but wonder how long he's been suffering for and who could possibly be the cause of the heartbreking disease, the one of unreturned feelings, better known as Hanahaki!
How could someone that managed to win Katsuki Bakugou's heart, throw away their chance and deny his love? It just didn't make sense to her!
Some sort of awkward tension was thick in the atmosphere of the room, as silence spread between them, but she couldn't quite pinpoint why..
"Why didn't you say anything dumbass?" She asked, with a halfhearted smile on her lips, using his nickname for her, in an attempt to lighten the mood
"I can handle it on my own, I don't need these extras thinking they can surpass me just because I'm sick" He grumbled, his voice coming out strained
"You're too stubborn for your own good, you know that?" Her question was clearly rhetorical, since both of them knew the answer
"So...who is it?" She finally questioned, voicing the thought that was stuck in her head
Katsuki gave her a strange look, one that implied he had no idea what the Hell she was talking about!
"Huh?" Was all that left his lips
"Who are you in love with?" She hesitantly asked
Bakugou quickly sat up, his back now facing her, as he suddenly started coughing once again, his breaths shallow and sharp!
She couldn't bare the scene that was unfolding in front of her very eyes! His body was a trembling mess, while he struggled to breath, flowers coated by his blood spattering from his mouth and hitting the floor, like some type of poetic murder scene!
She desperately wanted to help him, but didn't know how, or what she could possibly do!
As Katsuki started to calm down, Y/N went to get some wipes from his drawer
Both teens sat down, this time on Katsuki's bed. She cupped his face and begun to clean him up
"Whoever the fuck said I'm in love? And what does that even have to do with anything?" His voice was hoarse and his tone cold as he spoke
His words took her by surprise, since she was so shook up that she forgot she had even asked him something!
'Did he not know?' Y/N thought to herself
"I figured- because of..the flowers?" She stuttered out, her statement sounding more like a question if anything
"What about those damn flowers?" He spat in confusion, with a scowl on his face
"Katsuki..." She softly spoke, taking a hand of his in her own, her other resting on his cheek "do you not know why you're sick?"
He felt his chest tighten at the contact, but kept an unfazed facade, as he proceeded to lock eyes with her
"Don't look at me like that!" He suddenly snapped
"Like what?" She asked, perplexed as to what she did wrong
"I can see the fucking pity in your eyes!" He growled "It's just an illness! It's not like I'm fucking dying Y/N!" He angrily yanked her hand off of him and looked away
"Katsu you- you are dying..." Her voice cracked and trailed off, eyes brimming with tears, that were threatening to spill
"You have Hanahaki. Look around you, the plant in your lungs has grown so much, that you're coughing up fully grown-" Her words caught in her throat, as she pointed to the blossoms, picking one up to examine it closer, only to discover that these were her favourite flowers, even the colour was right!
"Hanahaki?" Bakugou looked heartbroken "I thought it wasn't real"
He'd heard stories about it ever since he was little, but never knew anyone who had actually experienced it! But apparently life has a funny way of teaching you things
It all made sense to him now! He already knew he was starting to fall for her, but now he also knew how Y/N felt and this only gave him two options!
He could either, suffer a little more as a lovesick puppy, until he dies, or get a surgery that will remove the problem from it's literal roots and risk losing all memory of the girl he loves and possibly the ability to love again!
As he was deep in thought, Y/N turned to him, flower in hand and with tears streaming from her eyes to match her broken smile
"It's not me..it can't be me" She mumbled out, gaze on the floor as she couldn't bring herself to face him
"Y/N it is you! I'm in love with you!" He confessed, his head resting against hers, those lively ruby orbs of his staring at the flower in her palm, while his hands cupped hers
"Please don't say that.." She sniffled, reaching into her pocket with her free hand and pulling something out "I don't want to be the one who did this to you"
She opened her fist, showing him petals of a flower he didn't recognize "I don't want to be the one who hurt you!"
'How could I have been so dense, so oblivious? Of course she loves someone else' Katsuki felt his heart shatter like a mirror, the pain returning, as he let out a sigh and pulled her into a tight embrace
He tried his hardest not to break down in tears, not to let the flowers suffocate him and allow this moment to be his last memory! Just her in his arms!
"Don't cry Y/N, I'll be alright! This is not your fault! I'll get the surgery and I'll be alright!" He rubbed the small of her back to soothe her
"But what if you forget about me? I don't want to lose you!" She cried
"I would never forget about you!" He told her sternly
"Do you promise?" She asked, like a line from some cheesy love story
"I promise, but only if you go into surgery too! I don't want you to end up in pain" He admitted
"Okay, I'll do it" Even though Bakugou tried to reassure her, she feels guilty and is willing to do this if it means he will be happy
As the days passed and the time for the surgery came around the teens went their separate ways, since their appointments were registered in different hospitals, or at least that's what Bakugou told Y/N
In reality he had simply asked principle Nezu if he could visit his parents that day for personal reasons and stayed with them
Mitsuki gave her son a whole lecture, but after he got fed up, he decided to tell her and Masaru the truth...or part of it anyway
Meanwhile Y/N was in another part of Musutafu, lying on an operating table
Two days later they were back to UA, trying to catch up on assignments. Y/N had no recollection of her prior love interest and Bakugou had no intention of telling her that he never went to the hospital!
"Yaho Katsuuu" She greeted, as he entered the kitchen. It was their turn to clean it today
"Huh?" He tilted his head to the side "Which extra are you again?" He asked playfully
Her shocked expression made him laugh "That's not funny!" She pouted "You scared me!" She said, before smacking him on the head
"It was funny to me dumbass" He said as he proceeded to wipe the table
Y/N was happy that everything seemed to have gone back to normal, she loved seeing him smile
But little did she know...
By the end of that same month, Bakugou was found dead in his dorm, which resembled a cursed garden of blood-soaked flowers! Some stems and thorns were coming out of his mouth, while others had pierced through his lifeless chest! The scene was gut wrenching!
Aizawa was the one who found him, after Y/N pointed out that he had never followed the rest of the class out of the dorms
The dorms were immediately sealed, so none of the students could see the traumatizing sight!
However Y/N had a feeling that she knew what had happened to the fiery hero-in-training and she couldn't help but blame herself for it
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official-weasley · 3 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 8, Ch. 11
Chapter 11 - Now, Then and Forever
After I made sure everyone was asleep and I heard my mum finally go to my parent's bedroom, it was time for me to sneak back downstairs to regrow my hair. When I got down, I found Fleur sitting alone on the sofa.
“Oh, 'ello Charlie.” She smiled, sipping her tea. “Going to regrow your 'air?”
“Yes.” I smiled back, reaching for the mirror Ginny left on the kitchen table.
“I am zo zorry for before.” She sighed, looking at her cup. “I shouldn't 'ave said anything.” I could see she felt bad.
I took the mirror and brought it to the coffee table, sitting down in the armchair opposite her.
“Please, don't beat yourself over it, Fleur.” I smiled at her before looking back at the mirror.
“It's just zo tragic.” She said, half into her cup. “You dezerve to be 'appy, Charlie.”
“Thank you.” I couldn't stop the smile spreading across my lips. “I'm fine, don't worry.”
“I am zorry if I am too intruding...” She cleared her throat. “But do you zink you will ever...”
“Fall in love again?” I finished her question. She nodded carefully.
I didn't answer, focused on my hair that was now of the length to my liking. It wasn't as long as before mum cut it but I decided to meet her halfway. Otherwise, she would find the time tomorrow to cut it again anyways.
“No.” I finally said. “Nova was the love of my life. I have come to terms with it and I thought about it, but I don't want to be with anyone else.” I said slowly but determined.
“I zink you are very brave, Charlie Weasley.” She smiled at me as she put her cup down. “I can imagine, it waz not an easy decision.”
“It wasn't.” I agreed. “But I know it is the right one.” I put the mirror down, finally satisfied with my look.
“What are you doing up, anyway?” I decided to change the topic. I could see she wanted to know more about Nova but I wasn't in the mood to tell her more. I was rarely in the mood to talk about her.
I had no problem remembering her and going through my memories of her but talking about it to someone else, especially when they had the look in their eyes that was saying that they felt sorry for me, was something I dreaded every time. There was nothing I could do and them pitying me didn't do me any good.
“I am nervous.” She giggled.
“You are going to do fine.” I smiled at her. “You are going to look so beautiful and I have seen Bill's dress robes, he is going to blow you away.” She chuckled at my words.
“Zank you, Charlie. Bill did ze right zing, making you 'is best man.” She looked up and I turned around.
“Of course, I did!” Bill beamed, sitting down next to her on the sofa. Fleur and I laughed.
“Can't sleep, sweetheart?” He kissed her forehead and her cheeks turned pink. A grin spread across my face. Nothing made me happier than seeing them so happy.
“I zink I will do better now.” Her eyes locked with mine and I knew she felt better apologizing to me again, even though she didn't really need to.
She kissed Bill and stood up. She put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it as she passed me.
“You will be fine, Charlie.” She whispered in my ear and went upstairs.
“She felt so bad saying what she did before.” Bill said when Fleur disappeared on the stairs.
“I know. She didn't need to though.” I reassured him. They were making a much bigger deal out of it than it was.
“And I'm sorry I never told her about Nova.” Bill's lips curved downwards.
“Not exactly a conversation starter, I know.” I forced a smile.
“Do you miss her?” Bill asked gently after a moment of silence. “Every day.” I said honestly. There was no reason to lie about it.
“Did you talk to mum about...you know...” He cleared his throat. “What you told me?”
“Not yet.” I shook my head. “I decided to wait until after the wedding, before I leave.” Bill nodded in understanding.
“Hey, do you remember when I gave her my jumper and you freaked out?” Bill tried lightening the mood. He was the only one I liked reminiscing about our years at Hogwarts with.
“Yeah.” I chuckled. “Or when you said I was going to make her an official Weasley.” Bill laughed.
“Or when you lost 100 points to both Houses because Snape caught you sneaking around.” He winked at me.
“How do you know that?” I tried putting on a serious face but remembering how angry Snape was, I just couldn't do it.
“Penny.” Bill answered.
“Of course!” I didn't expect anyone else to share that information.
I missed my friends. I finally started to talk to Penny about a year ago when she wrote to me that she was going to have another baby and asked me and Tonks to be Godparents. I corresponded with Tonks regularly and was so happy and excited for her when she told me that she has started falling for someone who was assigned on regular Order missions with her. I got the feeling she liked Remus a lot and wished her nothing but the best. She deserved it.
Tulip and I wrote to each other more as well. Jae told me that they eloped together in America and tried apologizing for not inviting any of us but nobody was really mad. Well, perhaps Penny a little. Jae and Tulip joined the Order after Nova passed away and got the same job as I did.
I liked the fact that none of them were asking me questions anymore, that we could all talk like friends instead. Reminding me constantly that one of us wasn't with us anymore was something none of us wanted or needed. I knew they missed her as much as I did.
“How about when I let it slip that Nova and I were going to the Forest.” Bill frowned at the memory.
“When you made me teach you spells because I thought you two were going to join the Duelling Club.” He facepalmed himself. “I should've known better.”
“But you went into the Forest with us anyway!” I laughed.
“Yeah!” He shook his head. “I still don't know why I pressed the matter so much.”
“Because you're the best older brother.” I said matter of factly.
“Listen, Charlie...” The smile the compliment gave Bill faded from his face. “I know you're doing fine and I support the decision you have made.” He cleared his throat. “I just want you to know that I'm here for you. Whenever and for whatever.”
“I know, Bill.” I nodded.
“I know there are moments when you miss her more than usual and that's okay. I just want to be there for you, if you need me during those times.” He forced a smile.
“Thank you.” I didn't know what else to say. He understood me better than anyone.
“I miss her too.” Bill whispered, lowering his head. “Sometimes, when I get a letter, I catch myself hoping that it's from her. That she will tell me all about what you are doing in Romania and ask me at least 10 questions about Egypt.” I smiled.
“Trust me, you're not the only one.” I admitted.
There were many times when I did the same. Catching myself thinking about when she will finish working or hoping she will be there when I wake up in the morning. I was happy to know I wasn't the only one who missed her so much. Bill knew her for as long as I did.
“If I miss her, I can only imagine how much you do and it's important to me that you know that you can talk to me if you have the need to.” We stood up simultaneously as he finished talking.
“As I said...” We hugged. “You are the best brother I could ever ask for.”
Even though we were attacked and I was interrogated by the Death Eaters about Harry’s whereabouts while still being a bit tipsy, I could say that the wedding was a success. As I predicted, Bill and Fleur looked great and even more so together. The ceremony was beautiful and since Ginny didn't shed a tear during it, I blinked as much as I could not do so. I wasn't going to go down known as the best man who cried at his brother's wedding!
It was also great to see Tonks, who was the only one of our lot who could make it to the wedding. She told me that she secretly married Remus and put a hand over my mouth, trying to calm me down as I wanted to jump for joy. I can't express how happy I am for her!
She told me that she is worried about her husband as he thinks he made a mistake marrying her despite loving her because of his condition. But I knew Tonks. I knew how strong and stubborn she was and I knew that they are going to be just fine.
I am not going to lie, we were all pretty shaken by the Patronus saying that the Ministry has fallen and the Death Eaters interrupting the wedding moments after. Seeing them, without knowing their faces brought back memories of when they attacked the Sanctuary, and even though my dad tried his best to make us all stay calm by just looking at us, I was shaking with fury.
I wanted to hurt them. To get back at them. Even though it was Dragon fire that killed Nova, it wasn't Thor's fault. It was the monsters hurting him and trying to immobilize him. I was holding to Bill's words that I will get my chance to fight again and since it looked like all they wanted from us was to know where Harry was, I decided to stay calm...for now.
After everything was over and we cleaned up the mess the Death Eaters made, I was getting ready to go back to Romania. I already said goodbye to Bill and Fleur and my siblings. I was thinking of Ron, Hermione, and Harry and hoping they were doing alright. Dad told me that Dumbledore trusted them with a mission and I wished them nothing but good luck.
I had my bag packed and ready to go and I knew I only had one more thing to do before I walk back up the Hill to the Portkey.
“Mum, can I have a word.” Before I left I wanted to talk to my mum. I needed to tell her something and with everything that is going on, I wanted her to know I was going to be okay. I knew she worried about me, not just because I lived so far away but because of Nova being gone as well.
“Of course, dear.” She said softly. She shooed everyone from the kitchen and pointed for them to go upstairs, gently grabbed my hand and we sat down on the sofa together.
“What it is Charlie, dear?” Her eyes were full of worry and deep understanding and I don't remember her looking at me any other way since Nova passed away.
“Mum, I've been doing some thinking.” She nodded, tightening the grip on my hand.
“When all of this is over and we can go back to our normal lives, I will return to Romania and bury myself in my work like I wanted to since I was six.” She nodded again and I knew she was waiting for me to tell her more.
“And I...” I looked down in my lap as it still wasn't easy to say it out loud. “Mum, you won't be mad if I never bring another girl home?” She let out a little cry and the tears, that were blurring her vision before, escaped her eyes.
“It's okay mum, really.” I smiled faintly. “I am content with my decision.” She pulled me into a tight hug, not saying anything.
“Are you sure, dear?” She whispered in my ear. I pulled away and handed her the handkerchief she always had on the edge of the sofa.
“I am. I know I will never be able to love anyone as I loved her and it wouldn't be fair to any girl to not be loved to the fullest.” She wiped her nose.
“Well, I guess I understand.” She said gently after a moment of silence. “If something ought to happen to your father...I wouldn't be able to...you know...either.” She tried her best to talk between her sobs.
“I was going through all my memories of her and I remember so vividly how she came to find me in the Forbidden Forest.” She frowned when I mentioned that we were in the Forest. “Mum I am an adult now, you have to let it go.”
“When we made up after that nasty fight we had in our Fifth Year.” I continued. “She told me I was irreplaceable to her and she gave me a kiss on the cheek.” My mum started crying again, now even louder. I knew this was killing her as much as it was killing me. She loved Nova as much as she loves me or any of my siblings.
“I knew at that moment that we were going to end up together. She might've not been there with her feelings yet like I was and she might've not realized she fancied me yet, but I knew that Bill and Penny and Olivia and you were all right when you wanted us to be together. I don't know how I knew, I just did.” I stood up and walked to where my mum had aprons hanging in the kitchen. I knew she had a handkerchief in every single one and the one I gave her before was soaked. I brought it to her and sat back down.
“Thank you, dear.” She blew her nose again.
“Mum, are you going to be okay if I don't marry and don't give you any grandchildren?” The tear that I was blinking away since we started talking ran slowly down my cheek. It hurt saying that. It hurt when the memory of Nova and I talking about it, rolled in front of my eyes.
“Oh, Charles!” She cried and pulled me back into a tight embrace. It was breaking my heart talking to her about what now seemed like the biggest decision of my life. My chest felt like collapsing and I needed to take deep breaths to stop myself from suffocating, that's how painful it was for me but I knew I was doing the right thing.
“Are YOU going to be okay with that, Charles?” She pulled away and tried her best to keep her eyes on mine.
“I will.” I swallowed hard. “I've given it a lot of thought and that's what I decided.” I faked a smile just so that she would think I am completely okay with it. Even though I knew nothing could fool her.
“You know that ever since I was little all I wanted to do in life was to be surrounded by Dragons.” She nodded and gave out a small chuckle.
“Up until the moment when I told Nova how I feel and she returned my feelings all I wanted to do was be a Dragonologist. I was never interested in dating and I hated myself for having a crush on her since Third Year as I saw it as a distraction. But she proved to me that I could have both. She showed me love that I never expected to have and didn't know I wanted and I cherish those moments and hold them close to my heart and nobody is more heartbroken to what happened to her than me and nobody can blame themselves as I do.” She hastily squeezed my hand as tears started to pour down my cheeks.
This was the most painful conversation I had ever since Bill visited me a few months after Nova passed away and I told him how she died.
“I know I shouldn't blame myself, mum, but to some degree, I always will. She was what I never knew I needed and before she passed she made me promise that I will stick with the only dream I ever had before falling for her and I want to keep that promise.” She blew her nose again, wiped her eyes, and hugged me.
“Then I support your decision completely. I just want you to be happy Charlie, as much as you can be.” She whispered and stroked my hair. And for the first time, I think she didn't think about cutting it.
I felt better talking to her. It felt good telling someone about my decision out loud as the only other person who knew was Bill but I told him about it in a letter. Now more than ever I knew I have made the right decision and I was happy with it. And I knew I can start working on being the best uncle to all the children my siblings will have.
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lalahbug · 4 years
Guidance - Zuko x Reader Chapter 1
Fandom: Avatar the Last Air bender Word Count: 3,819 My Masterlist Warnings/disclaim: General In this fic, characters are aged up, to what I see fit for my story, but will stay roughly on the same timeline This takes place on the timeline after the North Pole and Zuko and his Uncle go their separate ways for a bit. If you’ve never seen ATLA, the story may be confusing and vague/give spoilers.   Author’s Note: under the story ___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 3rd person Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting.  Story under cut, 1 of 8: Guidance Masterlist
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Limply riding along on his ostrich-horse Zuko clung to his stomach as a waft of food hit him. It was coming from a nearby forest, he turned the animal into the trees a bit before demounting and tying the reins to a trunk near some water. Zuko quietly walked, following the smell of food, the closer he got he could tell it was fish. 
A woman came into view, she looked around his age, but was alone, with many basins of salt, which he amused was for curing some type of meat. He kept low and quiet, waiting for the perfect moment to steal some food. 
Watching the girl intently, Zuko gripped the hilts of his double swords when she sat down a couple of leaves on the ground. She took the fish, which she had been roasting and rotating above a flame, gently pushed it off the stick it was cooking onto the leaf. She repeated the movements until 3 fish were on each leaf, she picked up one and sat down. 
After sipping her tea, she sat another cup across from her, with the other pile of cooked fish. This confused Zuko, because she seemed alone, yet was setting a place across from her, repeating with some rice in small bowls. 
“You are very stealthy but I apologize, not good enough to evade me.” The lady spoke softly, after a bite of rice. “Please come join me, you’re hungry, I could hear your stomach.” 
Zuko froze, it seemed like a trick, yet his need for food drove his feet forward slowly. 
“Would you like some water along with your tea and food?” She gave him a gentle smile as he emerged from the forest into her clearing. 
“Why?” Zuko demand. 
“Why not?” She retorted, pouring him a cup of water and setting it near the food. 
Zuko glared at her, he didn’t want to just take food given, yet it was technically better than trying to steal it when it was clearly free. 
He gingerly sat down in front of her, eyeing her. 
She chuckled a bit then sighed, “are you going to let that food go to waste?” 
“Answer my question, why?” 
“Technically I did, you didn’t answer mine. Why not?” Zuko glanced down at the food before glaring at her again, causing her to sigh again. “Let’s just chalk it up to me not wanting to fight today. I’ve had a very nice day, and I have enough food and supplies to share with someone who does not. Is that a good enough answer for you?” 
“So, you’re only giving it to me because you’re in a good mood?” He sneered. 
“No,” she stated calmly, taking a piece of fish and eating it. “I’m doing it because I know what it's like to travel and have almost nothing. It’s not pleasant. It’s not something I would even wish upon my enemy; hunger is the cruelest torture of life.” 
Zuko looked at the food again, before picking up the fish and starting to eat it. 
 Zuko kept eyeing her as they ate in silence, she didn’t bother to start conversation nor stared at him, her calm composure was throwing him off, but it also calmed him as it reminded him of Uncle Iroh. 
When Zuko was done eating, she handed him a water bladder, it was bigger than the empty one upon his person. 
“Trade me, I need a smaller one for watering plants.” Zuko glanced over at her makeshift home and saw a couple of pots with flowers near her makeshift wall. 
Zuko traded with her, without any words then he stood up to leave, as he turned, he glanced at her over his shoulder, “thank you.” 
“You’re welcome,” she paused as he started to walk away. “Would you like some feed for your ostrich-horse?” 
Zuko paused at the line of the clearing, mulling it over, she was frustrating him. 
“Why? Because you think I need handouts from a homeless person?!” He shouted at her. 
“I may be homeless, but at least I am not lost. I see the hurt and loss within you, I’ve been there, it’s easier to get through when you’re not alone and not wondering when you’ll eat again.” 
“So, you pity me? There is no way you could know what I’m going through! What I’ve lost!” 
She opened a piece of parchment with his face on it, his wanted poster. 
“Prince Zuko, I may not know what you’re going through exactly but I know what you’ve lost.” 
“If you know who I am then why would you feed me? Give me water? Offer me feed?” 
The woman stood and walked towards him, with an open hand, offering it to him.  “Because I know what it's like to be not wanted by anyone, not even my home.” 
Zuko could see her eyes water a bit before quickly blinking them away, he could see the truth behind her words, and the sorrow within her eyes. 
Zuko looked down at her hand, “so what are you offering?” He asked softly. 
“To teach you how to live on your own, and possibly guide you to yourself.” 
Her words struck him the way his Uncle’s do, but this time, he knew that the one behind the words had been in his place before. But was she was so lucky to have someone to help her, would he choose his self-isolation or take the chance to learn? He furrowed his brow not knowing any of the answers. He looked up into her eyes then gently shook her hand. 
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A few weeks had passed with Zuko and ___, he learned her name and told her his fake name, Lee, in case anyone came around. He found out she was 20, 2 years older than him, yet she seemed so much more knowledgeable on just about everything he had questions on. 
“And that is how to make a basket,” she said calmly, giving her basket to him. 
Zuko grunted and started to weave the pieces together, getting more and getting frustrated as the pieces wouldn’t stay together. 
“Here,” ___ sat closely next to him, moving his hands into a different position. “You can’t use so much force, you’re simply weaving pieces together, keeping composure and being firm, with your hands further apart and it should be easier. It’ll still take practice, but you’ll get it.” 
___ gently patted his shoulder before standing up and moving over to the fire, where she was cooking soup. 
“Why would I need a basket anyways?” Zuko grumbled as he took the process a bit slower and more seriously. 
“If you become good at it, you can make more watertight ones, so you can brine or soak meats before curing them, so you have more food while traveling. A couple of good baskets with salt in them, on the side saddle of your animal, you’ll just have to start a fire to cook, then you could eat and rest. Or knowing you, cook then continue.” She laughed slightly at her comment as she stirred the soup. 
Zuko put down his in-process basket, which was holding its shape thankfully and not coming undone the moment it wasn’t being held together. 
“How long have you been on your own?” Zuko asked before drinking some water. 
“I guess about 8 years now, soon to be 9. I left home right before my 12th birthday.” 
Zuko sat down to eat as she handed him a bowl of soup. Scooping soup for herself then sitting next to him. “What happened?” 
___ ate some of her soup before looking at the flames flicker. “Where I’m from,” she started hesitantly, “as a girl, you get married at 16, have a child, but you can’t fight, only can you learn how to aid and heal others. 
“My mother didn’t follow that path, she had me, outside of wedlock and kept me secret from everyone but our maid and my nanny. My mom was higher up in politics, working long hours, but when she came home, she’d send home my nanny and the maid, and it would be just us. She doted on me, loved me, but above all, I was still a secret, no one outside of our home knew I existed, not even my father. 
“I was about 8 or so when I begged and cried for her to take me shopping with her. I hadn’t been allowed outside of the house and I was tired of being a good girl and staying all cooped up. After what seemed like days, she finally agreed. Everyone stared at me as I clung to her, I was so excited but scared of everyone eyeing me. 
“While we were at a store, getting me some new clothes, a man ran up to my mother. Panting as if he ran with all his force, my mother hid me behind her. They argued quietly for a bit before my mom let me come out and introduced me to the man. Saying he was my father. The man broke down crying then hugged me like I’d disappear if he let go. 
“Once we were home, my mom explained to me that she never told my father about me, and when the town saw me, someone told him that his ex was walking around with a child that looked like him. She explained to me that to get where she was in her career, she couldn’t let a scandal like me out. She told me that if I wanted, I could go to school with other kids and see my father more to get to know him. 
“At the time I was just happy to have the opportunity to finally make friends and have a dad. A few years passed and my parents eventually got married and we lived like a true family.” 
___ had a smile the whole story until now, her face fell a bit. 
“My parents, being important members of our nation, were sent on a mission. They never returned. I don’t really know what happened to them, but it’s one of two things. Either Fire Nation got them, or nature did. I think it was nature, we had a very harsh winter that year and I never saw any soot in the sky, my mom and dad were supposed to stay close to home. 
“So, I was an orphan, but more than that I was angry at nature, the world. I wanted to learn how to fight and get strong. I begged the master and our council and even attempted to fight the master. 
“Of course, having no training nor good stamina, I got beat down again and again, over a week. One day, an elder came to me, telling me I’d taunted and tainted our traditions. If I was willing to let go of my anger I could stay home, but if I continued to be brash and try to fight, I would need to leave as my anger and thoughts were not welcome there. 
“So, I left, with very little, and all the money my mother and father had.” 
___ stopped, getting herself and Zuko more soup. After a few moments, she sighed softly as she could feel Zuko’s eyes on her, silently asking her to continue. 
“I went back a couple of years after I left and they could tell I had become a fighter, on my own. Because of that, I was forbidden to come home, to even enter the walls. I was sent away and I haven’t looked back.” 
“Where are you from?” Zuko asked softly, but she didn’t answer, she simply added some wood to the fire. “You know where I’m from, tell me.” Zuko tried to persuade her. 
“The North Pole,” she spat the words while poking the fire. 
“Are you a waterbender?” 
She chuckled dryly, “not a very good one. But I can fight, I know chi blocking, heal a bit, and I have very good senses, they are heightened. Which is how I heard you coming before.” 
“I didn’t know the North Pole was like that, it seems, so sexist,” he whispered while glancing at her before handing her a cup of water. 
“I didn’t have the happiest childhood, but not the worst, the war didn’t affect me until I left home. I’ve seen the devastation, so I made it my will to help everyone I can.” 
“But why would you help me, I’m Fire Nation, I’m the prince.” 
“You are as affected by the Fire Nation as the rest of the world. You were a child speaking with worry about your citizens with care and goodwill. For it, you were burned and banished for showing weakness, for showing loyalty and love to your father. At least when you were a kid, you were banished for trying to be good. I was banished for following my anger.” ___ gave him a soft smile, and it made his heart hammer. 
“No one has ever said I was good,” he murmured. 
“You have a dysfunctional family, the only good one is your uncle. It took him a while and pain to find his way. I know you’ll find your way.” 
“I just want my throne, my home, my country, my honor.” 
“I’m going to say something and I suggest you think about it.” 
“Just spit it out already, oh wise one,” Zuko said sarcastically. 
“No one can take your honor. No one can take your birthright from you. You need to take it back; you don’t have to earn and prove yourself to anyone. Who are you? Who do you want to be? What do you want out of life, for yourself? Look inside yourself and ask yourself the hard questions. Stop living up to the person someone wants you to be, be yourself, the best version of you. Because no one can take that from you, no one can be you, but you.” 
Zuko glared at the fire internalizing her words. “You sound like my uncle,” he said bitterly. “But with less nonsense and straight to the point.” 
“Still I guess my words can sound like nonsense if I’m not careful,” she laughed softly. “Come one, it’s time for bed.” 
Zuko sighed softly before helping ___ pick up the campsite and put out the fire. She cleaned up the dishes and put them away, going into the tent. 
“Hey, Zuko, it’s getting colder outside. Would you like to sleep inside or at least have a sleeping bag?” She asked while putting a blanket on to the ostrich-horse who was lying down next to the tent. 
Zuko stared at the ground for a moment, it was colder last night, and although the sleeping bag would be nice, the shelter would be better. 
“You’re furrowing your brow, thinking about it so much,” she laughed slightly before poking the bunched-up skin in-between his eyebrows. He glared at her slightly, “Since your debating, let me throw in another option. You can do both, have a sleeping bag, and come inside.” ___ gave him a soft smile; his heart did an odd twist at her smile. 
“Okay,” he looked away from her and walked into the tent. It was definitely warmer inside, probably because of the foliage she had around it. 
He saw her cot in the back and near one of the walls, she’d already laid out the bag for him nearby. ___ came in and started tidying up a bit more, putting some more things into a large backpack. 
“What’s the backpack for?” He’d seen it here and there; within the days he’d been there. 
“Oh, this is my necessities bag, so if I’m attacked or something happens, I can grab this bag and run. I’d have the most important things so I can start over.” 
“That’s a very good idea,” he mumbled softly before sitting down on the sleeping bag. “So, what are you teaching me tomorrow? I’ve learned fishing, gutting and deboning the fish, brine and curing, identifying good and bad berries and herbs, and today the baskets.” 
“I actually need to go into town tomorrow,” she said while taking off her heavier clothes. “I haven’t been in a couple of months. I’m a bit low on rice and potatoes. The blacksmith was supposed to make me a heavy-duty pan like the one I make soup in. Plus, I need to sell some things. Like baskets, cured meats and fish, I made some jewelry last month, I should sell that too.” ___ continued, but it seemed more so like she was rambling to herself. 
“So, what am I supposed to do?” Zuko groaned. 
“Come with me, I usually stay there for a week or so when I go. I do things around town, helping people, earning money. I’ll teach you some labor stuff, so when you leave and are on the road again. You’ll know how to look for things to fix, to get a free meal, supplies, or even money; if they have it.” 
“How long have you been doing this?” 
“Well, I’ve been here in this spot for about 2 years, I will probably be leaving soon, but there are two good towns here. I’ve been helping towns for about 4 years. I was wandering and learning to fight for about 2 years before settling down. You know, learning about plants and stuff too.” 
“So, you’ll just leave this place for a week and come back.” 
“Yeah I usually go every month into town, but,” she trailed off while getting into bed. 
“So, there's this guy, he’s nice and all, but he’s not my type, just a little too,” she paused for a moment before getting the right wording. "Complacent. I want to travel again someday, move around as I wish. He wants to just stay in one place his whole life. He’s been very flirty lately and I just don’t want him to bother me. Nor do I want to nicely put him down and give him any hope. He’s kinda too confident for his own good, which can also be annoying.” 
“Oh,” Zuko mumbled. ___ is attractive, even to him, and her kind heart is very enduring. “How often does that happen to you?” 
“Not much. I try not to let anyone be too friendly, because I won’t be around long. Nor do I want to make a good friend and feel conflicted about exploring my life.” 
“What if you loved them?” 
“I don’t know. You can’t plan who you love. But I would hope they would want to travel with me, or at least be willing to in the future, once the war ends.” 
“You seem so sure the war will end.” 
“I am,” she stated calmly. 
“How?” Zuko asked. 
___ yawned, “it’s a story to tell another day.” She rolled over facing away from him. 
Zuko groaned and lied down annoyed. 
“Goodnight Zuko,” she mumbled softly. 
“Night ___,” he grumbled. 
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Wind was whipping at the tent, waking Zuko, he sat up to look over at ___ to see how she could sleep through this noise. But he was shocked to see her cot empty. He gently lit a flame in his hand and called out her name, but got no reply. He got out of the sleeping bag and went outside to look for her. 
He looked about the general area of the campsite, but couldn’t see her. Eventually, he wandered towards the nearby river and froze when he saw ___ standing in the middle of it.  
___ was elegantly moving water, wearing a beautiful white dress that flowed and moved with her. Pushing, pulling, and swirling the water all around her, polished and gentle. There was no strength, just graceful movements. Zuko had only fought waterbenders, he never saw the beauty in it as he did now.  
As she slowed her movements she looked up at the full moon, with her face in the luminescence he could see tears streaming down her face. His heart tightened at the sight, he could almost feel how much pain and desolation she felt even with the distance between them.  
___ slowly sat down in the water, curling her knees into her chest, resting her head on the tops of her knees. A few moments passed when the water started to glow around her, illuminating all the water around her. The glowing water slowly consumed her; ___ lifted her head as the water reached her neck. Zuko could see her taking a deep breath, preparing for the void. 
The sight was unsettling as she was engulfed, vanishing along with the glow of water. Zuko wanted to jump in after her but his confusion as to why she would let it happen kept him in place. He came back to his senses realizing he could barely hear with the wind because the sound of his blood was pounding within his body.  
Zuko slowly sat down on the ground trying to calm down, as his heart calmed, he could hear the wind did too. He could only think of Zhao, who had been taken by the ocean spirit. What spirit wanted ___ and why? 
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While contemplating, the river started to glow again. Zuko watched intently as he could start to make out ___’s body within the water, pushing her gently up onto the riverbank. She was motionless, Zuko scrambled to his feet and ran to her side. Being closer he could see she was breathing slowly. She was dry, the water didn’t drown her, it simply took her and returned her. But why? 
___ took a deep breath while exhaling her eyes opened and the same glow as the water was there, briefly. Zuko was lost for words, as their eyes locked. 
“What are you doing here?” Her voice was soft but raspy as if she’d been sleeping. 
“You weren’t in bed, so I came looking for you. What happened to you?” 
___ sat up slowly looking away from him, clearly debating on what to say, depending on how much he saw, “how long have you been here?” 
“A while,” Zuko answered a bit curt, he wanted answers, not more questions. 
She stood up slowly, Zuko mirrored her warily and cautious as she looked weak. She wobbled a bit, Zuko quickly wrapped his arms around her. 
“Are you okay?” Even though he was annoyed and curious, he was also concerned. 
“I’m vastly drained,” she rested her head against his shoulder. Although he stiffened a bit, it was pleasant to him, he welcomed the feeling while tightening his arms around her. Something about this just felt so accurate, he rested his cheek on top of her head. Soon her weight started to drift onto him more and her breathing slowed. 
“___?” Zuko called her gently, but when she didn’t answer. He gingerly scooped her up into his arms, carrying her back to her bed. 
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Author’s Note: I haven’t wrote a story with intent to make it visible in a long time. So new work 2020, I refell in love with Zuko, like a lot of people did with the resurface of Avatar being on Netflix, I’ve watched it three times now, aha. Fanfiction wasn’t a part of my life/world when it first came out when I watched it. But Avatar did launch me into my love of anime, and from there I eventually found fanfics, then started writing them. I feel very late to post a Zuko fic, but this story has been in my head ever since I rewatched it, the first time. So, hopefully, someone is craving more Zuko fics like me and they’ll enjoy this with me <3
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the-art-of-styles · 3 years
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✧ Harry’s a foster kid who always seem to get abandoned until this particular family stays with him, but he can’t seem to trust them. Aylin, the girl across the street, talks too much and her parents fight a lot more. Both of them want to just get out of their houses, and playing ping-pong on the town’s fair brings them together for years.
Word count: 2144
Warnings: — (for now)
Part I (you’re here!)
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
A/N: hi ! this will be a short story so there will be multiple parts, obviously lol. there will be a number on the beginning of each chapter which means what age they are. I know the description makes it seem a bit boring but honestly is fluff and stuff like that :) hope u like it
Harry's head vibrated as he was leaning against the window while the car seemed to be cruising through sky, sea, and land, fighting storms and a giant monster when in truth they were just passing a dirt road.
Lilian, who was sitting co-pilot, looked back with fireworks exploding in her eyes every time she saw Harry, while Dev squeezed his wife hand tightly, her cheeks burning from the prominent smile that adorned her lips, which has remained intact since they left the place where the foster kids wait for someone to take pity on them and take them home. A real home.
On the other hand, the emotion was the least throbbing in the being of the boy, because he has already lived this process twice, three counting now and he knows that it will end in dissolving the existing family—the family by blood and then later go back to the orphanage and repeat the same process over and over and over again.
Well that's what he thinks. How could he not? The two families who took him in threw him out again like a stranded dog in search of the warmth of real love. So no, Harry doesn't want to allow himself to get excited and think that maybe they will keep him (yes, as an object) and that maybe they will love him and that maybe he will love them and that maybe Lilian will make him cookies with a glass of milk when he feels bad or that maybe Dev would teach him to cook or do his homework and that maybe everything will be fine.
"We have a lemon pie waiting for you at home, we — we don't know if you like it, I hope you like it, we prepared it with a lot of love for you, Harry."
"We prepared?" Dev laughed and Lilian rolled her eyes in amusement. "It would sound better if you say that I prepared, don't you think?" He looked in the mirror at Harry. "Champ, the kitchen almost burned down! Doing a lemon pie! Can you believe it?"
The curly-headed simply looked directly at Dev in the rearview mirror and tried to smile at him, which did not work and managed to slowly hide his prominent smile, Lilian giving him another firm grip on his hand and smiling at him with sorrow because deep down they both know that Harry isn't going to trust them just like that. He has felt used, but he also think he's useless, people have abandoned him, he doesn't have parents or a real family, so they understand.
And they will wait for him to open up, because having a child on their own was something that, unfortunately, they could not fulfill.
   Aylin's small hands covered both of her ears as she hid under the covers, without first making sure to close the door to her room. Her eyes were tight and a melody came from her lips that she sang every time this happened; but even so, the screams and loud words coming from the floor below her were not drowned out and managed to enter her brain.
   It has been a full two weeks now where breakfast, lunch, and dinner were a big plate of arguments from her parents. Now, apparently, it also came in snacks.
   Another sound was added to her brain, they were more murmurs and an engine being turned off, although the murmurs were not from her incredibly angry parents, but from some who were calm and trying to gain the trust of a new family member.
   Curious as always, like a monkey hanging from a tree, she got out of it (that is, her bed) and went to the window where her big eyes filmed a new scene that she had never seen before: the Evans were getting out of their car with a boy in a black joggers and jumper, dirty sneakers, and a hat. Aylin's mouth parted slightly, surprised that the Evans had never mentioned a cousin or that they had a godson.
   She doesn't know how long she was watching them, but she was fed up because now the only staging was the house across the street and the car parked outside was already inside the tiny garage.
   Even her parents' screaming stopped, so she supposed that the hands of the clock turned the clock several times in a row and extremely fast; speed of light, up to.
    Suddenly, her eyes caught how the same boy from a while ago came out and closed the front door ever so softly, squeezing his eyes a little as there was no longer any open space between the frame and the wood, placing a hand on his chest and releasing all the air in his lungs. Then, he put on the hood that came with his jumper and started walking. Aylin, with a smile on her lips, ran down the stairs and also left, obnoxious about the fact that her parents don't even care where their thirteen-year-old daughter will go alone, but that was already typical.
   The truth is that lately she has been feeling lonely, her house no longer feels like home and love was not a prominent thing in her heart, so the opportunity to be with someone who is probably her own age coming at a silver tray for her is something she cannot throw away, so jogging and running short of breath to reach the boy, Aylin yelled:
   "Hey! Wait! You! Wait – please!"
   Harry stopped walking and turning his torso a few degrees and pulling his hood off, he made eye contact with Aylin, who was still jogging with one hand outstretched in a 'stop please I'm dying' sign.
   "Um. . ." he started looking behind her in case Lilian or Dev sent the stranger after him. "Do you need help or. . .?"
   "You arrived with the Evans, didn't you?"
   "Er, yes."
   "Are you their godson? Cousin? They never told me about a cousin," Aylin said the last more to herself, pursing her lips.
   "Um. . . I'm—" Harry debated whether to admit that he was taken in from an orphanage or that he was a cousin — a godson, whatever. He thought that, thanks to past experiences, they will get rid of him in about three weeks, or a month, or even less, so: "I'm a. . . godson. Yes. That's what I am."
   "Oh, cool!" It wasn't. Aylin's illusions of having a new friend were crushed like an ant walking through a crowd, because if he was a godson then he wouldn't stay that long, anyway, it doesn't hurt to befriend him in the time that remains. "Where are you going?"
  "I don't know. I wanted to walk— "
   "Cool! Let's walk together. I'm Aylin. What's your name? There's this really cool fair at the center of the town, it has a loooot of cool games and cool stuff! Let's go there!"
   ". . . alone." Harry's word was lost with the wind as Aylin wasted no time in entwining her arm with his to pull him and walk with him while smiling from ear to ear for her new friend; on the other hand, Harry grumbled and what he wanted the most was to have duct tape to place it on the girl's mouth, she never stopped talking!
   ". . . And so the teacher farted and everyone laughed and— look! We arrived!"
   The two (still with arms intertwined) were standing in front of the start of the fair: lots of people, perhaps everyone who lives here in this small town came and went, children with cotton candy or candied apples, teenagers joking with their friends and parents waiting for the adrenaline rush in their children's bodies to relax. Immediately one could see the great white ferris wheel, the biggest game of all.
   "There are so many games!" Aylin kept talking as the two of them walked through the crowd. Harry must admit that his mood improved a bit when he saw all the attractions and happy faces and the smell of candy, but he stopped short when he saw an unoccupied ping-pong table, when she noticed this, she looked at the boy and smiled. "You like ping-pong, huh?" He nodded. "Me too! Let's play!"
   And so now the two of them were at either end of the table, paddle in hand, Aylin the black one and Harry the red one, the latter holding the white ball in his left hand, his tongue peeking out the side of his lips as he concentrated to make a good shot.
   Although it's hard to concentrate when she keeps talking, and talking, and talking.
   Some say it's a quality, others say it's irritating, but she can't help it, her tongue is never in a knot and words always roll down from it as easily as if they were made of butter. Aylin knows well how talkative she is, and there are times when she hates such quality because she does not know when to stop talking, and sometimes, inadvertently, she begins to talk about personal problems. . . like now.
   They were both quite good at playing ping-pong, their wrists moved with fluidity and a technique that was not naive at all, the harmony of the game rarely was cut off and the ball rolled on the floor where one of the two had to come out chasing after it like an idiot.
   "My parents have been arguing a lot lately. I mean, they always argue but now it's like a lot, everyday. Last night," ping–, "I heard them saying some things. I think my dad is with. . . you know. . . another woman,"–pong.
   "They will probably divorce. I've seen it. . . in movies! Yeah. . . movies."
   Aylin stopped the game by catching the ball and setting her paddle on the blue table. Harry frowned. "Why did you stop?"
   "A-are my parents going to break up?"
   Harry swallowed the accumulated saliva inside his mouth as he realized that Aylin's usually lively eyes had now passed away and a layer of tears was the only thing that made them shine.
   "I, um, er, I mean, they probably will— not! They'll probably figure it, uh, out?" By then, the girl's cheeks had turned red as a watermelon and tears were already streaming down her cheeks like a winter storm, placing a hand over her mouth and running off, losing herself in the crowd.
   Harry's mouth fell open in agape as guilt filled his heart. He wanted her to be quiet, but not in this way, so the only thing he could think of was to chase her, although it will be difficult to find her when there are hundreds of people running from one place to another and many loud sounds.
   "Aylin! Aylin! Where are you Aylin?!"
   Now he was getting desperate: according to the watch that was stolen from one of the houses he was in, twelve minutes have passed since he went out in search, but without being able to find the treasure. Thousands of situations and thoughts crossed his mind: she's lost, it's your fault, she was kidnapped, it's your fault, maybe she's dead, it's your fault, it's your fault, it's your fault.
   In the end, it seems like it's always Harry's fault.
   Then he saw her. She was sitting on the ground, the darkness playing in her favor, her knees bent toward her chest and her arms hugging herself.
   In the end, it seems that Aylin will always have to hug herself.
   He hadn't even noticed when his feet guided him to one of the tent shops and now he had a cotton candy in one hand and a candied apple in the other. He had no idea where he got the money from; he just rummaged in his pockets and voilà! Money.
   Harry sat next to her somewhat nervous, he didn't know what to say, or how to act, what he should think, less how to give her what he bought her. Aylin already knew of his presence, but said nothing.
   "Ejm, I — I bought you this, I'm not sure if you like cotton candy more or candied apple. . . uh, which one?"
   She sniffed her nose that looked like Rudolph the reindeer's nose and turned her head to look at Harry. Her eyes were swollen and from time to time she would shake from the force (and consistency) of her crying.
   Slowly, with her index finger, she pointed, surprisingly shy at the cotton candy. Harry smirked because at least she accepted his ‘forgive me gift’. He kept the apple and the two of them silently began to eat the sweets.
   And Harry thought that perhaps he wanted to hear her speak more, since now there was no sound between the two, not even of her breathing, nor of her thoughts. But at least she ate with him.
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My Treasure - William Nylander
Request: Can you do one where you are pregnant with William nylanders baby and getting hate and he makes you feel better
Getting pregnant at 24 was definitely not a part of my 5 year post college plan. Then again falling in love wasn't one of my bullet points either. But when my period was over a week late I knew that everything was about to change. William was thrilled when he saw the bolded word on the pregnancy test, immediately wanting to tell anyone he could. I was a little more hesitant to share the news.
I knew that I wanted children someday and those feelings intensified once my relationship with William became serious, I just figured we would be married and I would be a little more secure in my teaching job before we would add a baby to the mix. We told our families first and they were all excited and happy for us, same with friends and teammates. The real problem came when we started to share the news with the rest of the world. On William's social media everyone was happy for us and wishing us well, but mine is where all of the hate went.
She probably got knocked up so he couldn't leave her.
Hopefully you don't gain too much baby weight, you could already stand to lose a little.
You're not even pregnant with his kid I bet, just went to the guy with the biggest paycheck.
I did my best to delete the comments as soon as I saw them, hiding them from William so he wouldn’t get upset. Some people didn't get the hint after the first deleted comment and I would end up blocking them. Two weeks after announcing our pregnancy the nasty comments were outweighing the nice ones of my post. My pregnancy hormones went crazy one day when my pants didn't fit for the first time of the pregnancy and William was away on a road trip until the morning.
I canceled my plans to go get dinner with some friends and instead had a pity party in some of William's clothes with ice cream and reading through all the horrible things that were being said about me.
I can't believe he is still with her, she is not pretty enough for him.
Fat cow
You are going to ruin his career with the child.
I cried myself to sleep on the couch after midnight and didn't wake up until someone was brushing some hair out of my face. Slowly opening my eyes I saw a concerned William kneeling on the floor in front of me. "Ellie, what’s wrong? Were you crying?" I sat up, making room for William next to me before he pulled me into his lap. "Your friends texted me last night and told me you skipped on going to dinner with them. Is everything okay? Is the baby okay?"
"The baby is fine, I just couldn't find anything that fit comfortably with the bump. I had a pity party with ice cream and must have fallen asleep." Everything I said was true, I just left out one major thing.
"I'm sorry babe, but can I finally buy you some new maternity clothes? Please." He gave me puppy dog eyes as he begged, causing me to laugh and turn to face him more.
"You love shopping more than I do."
"Is that a yes? I'm taking that as a yes. Go get ready, shopping might take all day." With that he was carrying me down the hall, laughing the entire way. When he finally set me down I managed to find a t-shirt dress that wasn't too uncomfortable and proceeded to get ready.
After a full day of shopping William took me out to dinner at our favorite Spanish restaurant. I excused myself after we ordered a bunch of small plates to share to run to the bathroom and when I got back William was standing at the table with a large plastic bag and shaking hands with the owner. "What's going on?" 
"I thought you might be more comfortable if we went home and ate. I've kept you busy most of the day so I know your feet must be bothering you." His tone was off but I brushed it off as we headed out. The drive home was a tense silence without even the radio playing.
I didn't say anything until we were in the apartment and William started slamming cabinet doors as he got plates. "What's wrong?"
"I just don't get why people spend so much time trying to make other people down! Like, what does it do for them?" He had a fire in his eyes I had only ever seen on the ice, and I wasn't sure what was causing it.
"I'm going to some more context here. Did something happen at the restaurant?"
"Before we left the last store I took a couple of pictures for our shopping day and posted them to Instagram. I thought it was no big deal, just sharing what I was up to on a day off. And then when you were in the bathroom your phone started buzzing like crazy so I thought someone was trying to call you. But all of your notifications were for Instagram, and I know I shouldn't have opened the app on your phone but I thought maybe it was your girlfriends' group chat and Sophie finally got engaged." I let out a small chuckle at that, we basically were taking bets on when her and her high school sweetheart would finally take the next step.
"I'm guessing that isn't what you saw." I knew what he was going to say next but I was hoping with every fiber of my being that I was wrong.
"No, I saw the worst of humanity in your DMs. I just- how can people be so cruel?" William slumped into the bar stool next to me at the island as I reached for my phone having to see what was sent to me now. "Ellie…" I ignored his worried warning as I opened up the app, going to my DMs.
Fat cow, you only got pregnant so that you could lock in some who is far too good for you. I hope he sees he could do so much better and kicks you out before that baby ruins his career and life!
So you are just using him for his money. I bet the baby isn’t even his, probably a teammate who makes less. Whore!
Bitch, why are you even with Willy? He is a literal hockey god and from what i can tell you are just some stupid high school math teacher. He can do so much better than you. 
There were over 50 messages just like those, all sent within the last hour. I didn't even dare look at the comments on my latest post, even though it was a few days old the braver trolls put their nasty messages there for the whole world to see.
"How long has this been happening?" I had hopped off my stool, going to plate up the food we brought home and trying to avoid the conversation I knew we needed to have. "Ellie… Please talk to me. How long?"
"Honestly, since we started posting that we were dating. It's gotten worse since we posted that we are gonna be parents."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because part of me thought that if I just deleted the messages and comments that it wasn't real. That if I was the only one who knew that I could just pretend that it was all in my head. Then there is that stupid voice in my head that likes to play up my insecurities, that made me feel like if you saw what people were sending me that you would believe it. And I know that thinking that is stupid and unrealistic but it can sometimes be the loudest thing in there." William also got off his stool, coming to stand right in front of me. He kissed my forehead before cupping my cheeks and holding eye contact.
"Min skatt, never feel like you have to hide this from me. You are the one I am in love with and want to spend the rest of my life with. You are the only one that can make me smile and laugh when I am in a bad mood after a game. You are the only one I see myself growing old, and possibly bald with." I let out a gasp at the word bald, he was so protective about his hair.
"See, the rational part of me knows all that."
"Well, let me make it clear to every part of you. I love you with every fiber of my being and as soon as I meet with your father next week to ask for his blessing, I will be asking you to marry me."
"But I am going to need you to act surprised when I ask." That got a small chuckle out of me. 
"I'll do my best." William's stomach growled then, making both laugh. "Let's eat before your stomach starts communicating with us again." William just nods, a thoughtful look on his face that I'm sure would cause problems later but right now I just wanted to live in the happy moment.
After reheating the food and settling at the kitchen island to eat, I went through and deleted all the DMs and comments. I barely registered what they said as I deleted. What I didn't know was Will was looking at the comments as I deleted before pulling out his own phone. It was only when my phone buzzed with another notification that I found out what he was doing. 
@williamnylander tagged you in a post
The post was two pictures side by side; the first was from our first date at a Christmas market, all bundled up and snuggled into each other as we took the photo in a mirror. The other picture was a selfie he took of us at my last doctor's appointment for the pregnancy, both of us were all smiles as I sat on the exam table with a picture of the sonogram on the screen behind us.
Two pictures of the love of my life. One from our first date, where I was a clutz and spilt hot chocolate all over her light grey coat and she still agreed to a second date. The other from a few weeks ago when we got another look at our baby. 
I can say without any doubt that having Ellie in my life has only made it better. She has become my sounding board for when I'm frustrated, my motivation to score more goals, and my ray of sunshine on any cloudy day. 
I knew from that first date that Ellie was the one for me, no one can tell me otherwise. And now she is carrying our first child. My heart continues to grow and fall in love with this amazing, kind, dedicated, caring, loving, and perfect woman each day.
I am so lucky to spend time with you each day and anyone who says otherwise is wrong and jealous of what we have.
Min skat, I am so excited to watch our family grow and experience the joys and challenges of parenthood with you. Ellie I love you and can't wait to see where we go next. 
The tears started flowing before I even read the caption, the pictures enough with my pregnancy hormones. But the words William managed to write push me over the edge, I was crying at the love he put into the words but also laughing at the not so subtle 'fuck you' to all the nasty people who sent you messages.
"Did I overstep? I don’t want to embarrass you."
"It's perfect. You're perfect. I love you."
"I love you too, and I plan on showing you that everyday. Even if it is something as simple as an Instagram post."
"It's not just the post, it's that you are saying to all the people who see your pictures and then come trash talk to me that you know about them. And that will probably stop some of them from doing it again. And anyone who doesn't get the message gets blocked."
"Good. Now, let go watch some TV and cuddle." Nodding grabbing my plate of food, following William to the couch before curling into his side.
As William pulled up the next episode of a show we were binging, I thought of something. "You never have told me what 'min skat' means."
"It means 'my treasure'. And it reminds me how lucky I am every day to have you in my life."
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blackevermore · 3 years
{ Ruv x Cerivus HC/Lore } FnF
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x Cervius lacks emotion in her face which makes her look like a jojo character look like she’s always annoyed. Unlike Ruv she can smile but it still looks sinister and misplaced. But it’s rather easy to tell what mood she’s in by the tone of her voice.
x Cervius isn’t heavily religious and its obvious as hell as she brushes off a lot of the church activities. She’s here for the aesthetic honestly. Sarvente is aware of this and strongly pushes for Cervius to be more active if she wishes to stay. Cervius does it simply because she has found family within the church. Cervius lingers close to Ruv a lot.
x Cervius gets the feeling Sarv doesn’t really like her so she tries to avoid getting on her bad side. Cervius knows Ruv and Sarv are a buy one get on combo so she tries to not let her feelings get in the way of trying to chase after Ruv. She really doesn’t need Sarv seeing her in any light besides indifferent.
x This however doesn’t stop Cerivus from unconsciously drifting towards Ruv and finding comfort in their care free mood about the church and everything going on. They even have moments where they might share little bits about their lives with each other. Ruv told Cervius to never take pity on him or feel bad. Cervius in secret does feel sorry for him but she just nods and shrugs. Ruv says:
“The worse feeling besides everything that has happen is when everyone feels the need to hold your hand out of misplaced sympathy.”
x Cerius has a bad attitude for outsiders. Nothing pisses her off more than someone that comes into the church and disturbs the peace. Even if the outsiders are handled and the church goes back into a peaceful mood, Cervius lingers around in a antsy angry mood. No one dares to cross Cerius except for Sarv and Ruv. Sarv does it because she knows Cerivus won't do anything due to consequences. When Sarv gets fed up with Cervius anger she sends Ruv to deal with it. Ruv just plops a hand on top of Cerivus head and “shh”s her which is oddly very calming and always works.
x As the church's hell hound Cervius tends to have a loose temper fairly quickly. Sometimes she doesn’t even know why she’s upset but she knows that something will set her off and she distances herself from other to calm down. Ruv will come if he isn’t busy and sit with her in silent and just be a present company. Sarv always jokes about Ruv taming the dog and Ruv shrugs it off but Cervius always wants to say something. but she knows she can’t. Ruv says:
“Don’t let her get to you. Her love language is teasing.”
x Cervius is only 6′0 ft compared to Ruv and yes Ruv uses her as an arm rest. But he always fixes her hat when he gets off which always makes her heart flutter. Ruv says:
“Nice hat. Not better than mine.”
x Besides Sarv, Cerivus is the only other person who can touch Ruv causally. But she doesn’t because she’s scared to do so because she’s seen what happens when someone comes into his space uninvite. She even stands a few feet away from him out of respect.
x Ruv is strongly demiromantic demisexual and doesn’t need physical touch to live. He is perfectly fine within his bubble, please don’t cross the line or you will get your ass handed to you.
x Cerivus bedroom is across the hall from Ruv and she knows Sarv did that as a way to taunt her. There are mornings when Ruv and Cervius come out of their rooms at the same time both half undress. Cervius always screams and Ruv just shrugs and walks away to get ready for the day. Cerivus tells herself she has to stop trying to travel to the kitchen in just a robe if he is going to be around. he might not give a shit but she does.
x Cervius needs glasses but refuses to admit it. Ruv always comes in to help her during readings with copies of the scriptures that are in a larger font. He also helps her prep read them. Cervius stumbles overs her words a lot due to her mind always miles ahead of her or forgetting how to read English. Cervius finds it embarrassing that the Russian has better English than she does but she’s grateful he helps out.
x Ruv and Cervius share a lot of hobbies together such as taking nature walks, crafting, cooking, and knitting ( Ruv had to teach her how). For both of them this is their stress reducers, more so Cervius than Ruv since he has found his peace.
x I’m not bullshitting when I say Cervius doesn’t slip up and makes it obvious that she likes Ruv. Cervius keeps it very casual and friendly with Ruv. Only those that know her (which is only one) can tell without using their powers and finding out. Sarv found out (no surprise) and thought it be a funny to spill the beans to Ruv. During a late not sermon Sarv starts making jabs during her speech about unwanted feelings and how pitiful and sad it is that someone could devote such strong emotions to someone or something that would never do the same for them. She kept making eye contact with Cervius.
x Cervius could feel her body run cold as she hung her head down pretending to pray when really she was trying not to let Sarv know she knew. Sarv ended the whole thing off with saying that love was a powerful thing that shouldn’t be wasted, it was best to move on for your sake and for the sake of the other person. Of course in the name of the lord!
x Cervius sucked it up and accepted that maybe her feelings were wasted. She almost moved on until she heard Ruv and Sarv get into a fight which was rare in the church. Sarv was annoyed that Ruv was being stubborn about something and she was “just warning him that it wasn’t a good idea” but Ruv refuse to bend for her and he told her he didn’t care and for once felt something for someone else that wasn’t the feelings he had for Sarv.
“I’ve known the whole time.”
“You have? Hmm maybe you aren’t obvious, but why her?”
“Because....because.....I don’t know. But Cervius makes me feel happy. You’re my best friend, you have to give me this chance to be happy.”
“I know that! I’m just worried....if she hurts you.”
“I’m stronger than her, what exactually is she going to do? Besides I have you if she does.”
x Cervius was confused, excited, and worried all wrapped up in one. She didn’t know what she was supposed to do with that information, she knew damn well she wasn’t going to confront him about it. so instead she said nothing. Did nothing.
x Well that didn’t last long as she quickly realized Sarv started to stalk her every move when she was around Ruv. He knew too but pretended like he didn’t. It got so bad that Cervius stop coming around Ruv and even started to distance herself if it meant not pissing off Sarv. What really put the icing on the cake was after boyfriend defeated them and Ruv went to calm down Cerivus from her hell hound form and she flinched and ran away. Ruv had finally had enough and told Sarv to back off as he went after the other.
x Cerivus and Ruv shared their first kiss in the church's courtyard under the rose arch. But that was quickly broken up by Sarv calling them to come help clean up the church and a simply teasing reminder that god was watching.
[ the nsfw headcanons are on the other blog ]
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mxtcha-tea · 3 years
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✎desc; how I would rate haikyuu character's drawing.
✎team[s]; fukurodani, inarizaki
✎genre; crack
✎language[s]; english
✎chef note; okay, first off, I'm not a professional drawer but I can still rate drawings. This idea just came to me like a minute ago and I had to do it now, so enjoy :)
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Aight, I see that we started off greatly.
In all honesty, he have no idea how to draw,
And of course his drawing would look,,,, quite terrible i'm so sorry bokuto lovers
He's that kid in art class where's when the teacher already told them what to draw,
Bokuto sat there on his chair, staring at the canvas
Like, what is he suppose to do? Draw?
Well, yeah technically but what???
I can totally see him frustratingly erase the sketch if it can be called as a sketch
And then proceed to try to copy other people's work
Keyword; try
It's bad but at least he had an effort to finish it
4/10, there I said it
His drawings are not that professional but it's pretty
Have you ever seen a drawing that you wanted to stare at it for hours until you're satisfied?
That what's his drawing are like
Not typically an art kid so he's fine when student's from his art class asked him to draw for them
And is feeling pretty neutral with his talent (he actually won't call it a talent but more like a hobby or sum)
And just say 'thanks' if peoples compliments his drawing
Let say his drawing is, a good 8/10
A decent drawer in conclusion :)
Not a bad drawer but he rather keep it basic
Konoha's prolly too lazy to draw something over the top so he's just gonna draw flower or something ksndnzkj
Sometimes sleep during art class and had to ask what they had to draw
Proceeds to decently draws a scenery
He's totally not the creative kid so whenever the teach tell them to draw something, he'll always go with basket of fruits, like,
Man, I appreciated the drawing but at least put some effort on thinking what to draw
The art teacher also kept telling him that he have raw talent and should enhance the skill more,
But that never happened, no
"Sorry ma'am, I'll just stick to volleyball, thank you,"
One part of the art room has a section of konoha's basket of fruits drawings but in different mediums
Rating is 7/10
IS actually an art kid and you cannot convince me otherwise
Has a small sketchbook with him and he'll always doodle when he's bored or in a middle of a lecture (while taking notes of course)
His main skill in drawing tho is painting
The colors blends in so well with one another and he's good at picking color palettes
Also, he doesn't really get that annoyed if some kids from his class ask him to teach them how to draw
Or even look through his sketchbook
He'll just nod and hand it to them without a second thought
Ajsjdhsijsi Washio get so blushy when someone compliments his drawing,,,,
I’ll give a 10/10 :), congrats
The best that he can do is doodles of owls and other shits but other than that, he cannot do
But the doodles are kinda cute doe ngl
He’ll have his moment where he’s in class and have no idea what to do, and just doodles a bunch of stuff
Once he draw his whole teammate including his coach and himself, he thought to himself,
“Huh, this looks good,”
And then take a picture of it for memories (cause he might throw the book he’s doodling in away)
Speaking of that, he doesn’t have an official book for drawing and just draws in his english or math’s textbook or sum
His juniors eyes are blessed when they got his textbook
Sarukui just vibes in during art class, draws and that’s pretty much it
The drawings,,,,,eh,,,, not that good, he only specialize in doodling as I said
so in conclusion,
drawing? 2/10
doodling? I’ll give a solid 5/10, good job
I’m gonna say this and I’m prolly gonna say it again
He hates art class
Like, even with him trying his best to draw, it’ll always gonna look strange than what he planned
mf cannot draw a straight line in art class
This dood can draw a nice straight line in any other class whether it’s for a graph or others,
And then proceed to shakily draw a straight line during art session
Totally not an art kid and will never be one
His drawings,,,,
I’m so sorry but it looks so bad
It’ll prolly look a lot better if he put more effort, but it’ll still look bad no matter what
Komi hates art class and can’t draw even a decent doodle so unfortunately, I’ll have to rate it 0/10, sorry :(
His drawings are eh
It’s not good but also not bad?
Sometimes you’ll just stare at his drawing for a good minute and be like, what did he just draw just now?
What I’m saying is that his drawing’s are unexplainable
Maybe if you stare at it a little bit longer then it’ll make sense and you can see the beauty in it
But honestly I can’t really see anything, not in a bad way, but like, literally nothing
You’ll be staring at his canvas as the mario kart rainbow road music started playing inside your head
But Anahori is always proud of his drawings no manner what
So, I’ll rate confusion/10
Just like Komi, he sorta hates art class too
But lemme tell ya, his sketches are GODLY, like, have you seen those pinterest hand sketches?
That’s what his sketch would look like
It’s so yummy to look at what
But he sucks at lineart so JAHGSDSHD
Onaga cannot properly hold the black pen and do the lineart, it’ll always turn wonky and he had to throw it away
Like, if he spend even hours tryna outline it all, and then erase it
It’ll look so trash
And he’ll just stare at it for a couple of minutes before crumpling the paper
He’ll also suck at coloring
Mans cannot understand how the color blend in together
And I think I’ll rate,,,,,6/10 just cause he suck at coloring and lineart lmao don’t worry i suck at coloring too
Another decent drawer and her drawings are almost the same as Akaashi’s
But instead of it looking pretty, it looks cute
I have a headcanon that Kaori have a journal and does journaling so that’s prolly the reason why her drawings are cute af
But honestly, her drawings sometimes depends on her mood,
If she’s mad or frustrated, her drawing would look kinda rough and not that cute anymore
If she’s feeling happy tho, It’ll look so nice and cuddly does that even make any sense
Isn’t necessarily an art kid but would love to try be one
And she totally have drawing sessions with Washio aaaaaa,
Just imagine both of them sketching in the same sketchbook while talking about the volleyball club or anything else
She’s getting an 9/10 just cause her sketchs looks clean <33
She doesn’t draw at all
Like, you’ll never see her drawing at any kind of time so you have no idea what it looks like
Yukie would still attend art class,
But never draws
She said that she’s pretty lazy to draw it and said to draw it at her home later
But no one even saw that drawing after that
Yukie doesn’t show her drawings nor EVEN draw for once
So I technically can’t rate :/
The only reason why I started with Gin is because he have some amazing drawing skills
He admit that he’s not an art kid but draws godly as if he had been thought since he was a kid,
Well, actually yes
I think Ginjima actually wanted to be a drawer when he was still a little kid way before he started his 3rd year of middle school
So he practiced a few and became a nice drawer since then,
But he kinda quit being a drawer and decided to go with volleyball
And guess what?
His drawing talent is still there
He totally specialize in pencil drawing cause that’s the first thing he started learning
The lines are smooth and the shading are so yummy what is wrong with me
The Miya twins and Suna are so sh00ked when he saw his drawing during art class
ngl he’s pretty smug about it too but doesn’t brag about it
I’ll give this boy 12/10, mwuaah
I hate this man for this sole reason
Suna is too LAZY to draw so he doesn’t give any effort in his drawing
I can guarantee myself that I’ll get an eye strain when I saw his drawing
*wipes away tears*
He draws too many dick
Don’t come for my head Suna lovers
He’ll prolly think his drawing would look good but no, it’s not
No matter on what perspective you look his drawings at, It’ll still look bad
Osamu laughs a lot at his drawing and they started fighting for that only reason smh
Atsumu, I appreciate your effort so SO much,
But please, just stick to volleyball
I put a plus there because of his effort and because of pity
He draws in ms paint, with a mouse
But he can draw some foods tho
But all of it looks wonky af
A pretty decent drawer
Akagi always draw happy and cute drawings so you’ll also get happy when you saw his drawings
Puts on a big smile when people compliments his drawing and shyly scratches the back of his neck
“Nah, this just look normal!”
But he draws oddly thick lines sometimes
Sometimes it looks good in some drawing
And sometimes it looks, bizzare in others...
But I think his drawing would look nice <3
Overall, I’ll give a,,, 7.5/10, keep up the good work
He’s from class 7 AND I really think that he’ll be good at drawing
Well, he can draw a few things but he struggles drawing other things he never accustomed to
Oomimi is that kid who’s good at drawing scenery
He knows basic color palettes and which is cold and hot colors
So the scenery drawing would always look good
He get a lot of compliments for the drawing (50% of it from Akagi)
I think he doesn’t have that many time to relax and draw freely but when he does have it, it’ll just be small and simple doodles
um, let’s go with 8/10 <3
I truly believe that Aran can draw peoples face but in a pretty decent amount
He’s also good with anatomy teach me your ways king
But as much as he’s good at that, he kinda sucks at drawing any kind of background drawings
Mans can’t draw a scenery I’m telling you
As if the background doesn’t even exist in his mind lolol I’m sorry Aran lovers, I didn’t mean that in a bad way
Mainly uses copic markers to color and color pencils to shade
The first time he use the copic marker, he got really frustrated that the marker stain the other pages lmao
And he never uses digital drawing applications or softwares
Aran just doesn’t
I think I’ll rate him, 8.5/10
Okay, I know that Kita’s a top student and never fails in anything
But he’s not typically a good drawer that much
His drawing still got good marks but when you look at it, it just looks normal
I just know that the Kita lovers gonna get me after this
It’s not that bad and not that good, just a nice balance in between
I personally think Kita’s not that godly in drawing but rather a neutral drawer
He draw what he can and does shading and coloring when it’s needed
The colors are all basic colors, no pastel, no neon
And the shadings are pretty basic
Just a normal drawer here
Ya’ll gonna fight me for this but I’ll give Kita’s point,
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