#shut up j.c. no one cares
seafoamgreen · 6 months
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sexhaver · 1 month
i wanna prod at ur catholic confession post actually. like yes, murder and child rape is obviously bad and there is an inherent problem with how the catholic church shields abusers. but i think removing some of the restrictions of what a priest can or cannot say about a confession could cause some problems. like, for example, how a lot of priests considerer LGBT people to be child abusers/predatory! hypothetically if the cath church made it so preists could openly condemn confessions guilty of child abuse, and if the church considers identifying as LGBT as child abuse, then that could cause problems if someone confessed to IDing as gay/trans. or alternatively, what if someone confesses to killing a rapist/sexual abuser. a priest could use that confession to testify against them and get them imprisoned. is it ok to imprison people for murdering their abusers? idk, but i dont like the idea of the catholic church having that power having a blanket statement that priests cant mention ANY confessions makes it *slightly* more immune to corruption IMO. obviously i dont think this solution is perfect, but my alternative would be to dissolve the catholic church entirely, and i dont think thats happening anytime soon.
well as you point out there isn't really a good solution to this, and that is because the idea of confession is inherently dumb as fuck. everything the catholic church considers a sin falls into one of three categories:
failing to be pious enough (forgetting to pray, missing church, taking the Lord's name in vain). keeping these secret is fine because they aren't, like, actual crimes, and in small + devout enough communities there are definitely priests who would gossip about to their neighbors if not for the confessional seal.
really cool and good activities that are only an issue if you were raised to believe that they would send you to eternal neverending torture after death (jacking off, being gay, having premarital sex, getting/considering an abortion). these should obviously be kept secret because they're embarrassing and potentially dangerous. however, this is kind of a moot point, because any decent person (priest or otherwise) would understand this without needing a confessional seal making it official. so these need the seal to stop the average priest from tattling to a kid's parents when they confide in them.
actual literal crimes with prison sentences and everything (rape, murder, manslaughter, assault). you should not be telling anyone about these if you can help it. what the fuck guys. this isn't even an ethics thing, this is a "don't be fucking stupid" thing. if you murdered your abuser and got away with it, good for you! now shut the fuck up about it because murder is still illegal. is the guilt eating you alive so badly that you need absolution from God about it (cringe)? do what Protestants figured out centuries ago and cut the middleman out of the equation by talking to the J.C. directly via personal prayer! yes i am aware this is heretical. if you care about heresy more than getting caught you are stupid.
so looking at the three points above, the best argument in favor of confessional seal that i can formulate is "sure, it allows murderers and abusers to literally have their actions condoned by God with the explicit guarantee of never being held legally accountable or even changing their behavior (just say a few Hail Maries), but think about the consequences of removing it! priests would be even MORE bigoted than they already are! some of them might even GOSSIP!" like hm, okay, i hear you, you make some excellent points, i think we should nuke the Vatican
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vibratingskull · 8 months
Dance Lesson
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Part1, 2
Between dancing, stealing uniforms and your heart, your head gets fuzzy.
“I was caught up tutoring Shah-tezh on basic theory. I didn't have time to find a date for the Gala!."
"Fair enough. Hopefully it was worth it." Karyn replies.
You shrug your shoulders, you don't care at the moment, you are too busy laying on the grass enjoying the sun. With your limbs spread like a starfish you let the pleasant warmth spread on your skin while a soft wind keeps blowing a lock of hair through your face. You don't mind, at this instant you were really at peace.
"Do you have anyone in mind? Cosblo maybe?" She grins at you.
You burst out laughing together, hugging your ribs. You try your best to speak coherently.
"I can see his face! He would be so disgusted!"
Karyn joins you laying on the grass, her body shaked by her laughter. You both stay like that, under the sun's rays, calming down slowly and enjoying the simple company.
"So, do you have someone in mind or not?" She asks quietly after a moment of silence.
"No, I didn’t actually think that much about it. I’ll just pop up at the Gala alone and run off with their best bottles, what do you think?"
"Sounds good, but if Deenlark caught you, you would be in big trouble!"
"Blast Deenlark! I will have already graduated by then anyway, he won't be able to do much."
You let a moment pass, appreciating the song of a bird near you. It is a gentle melody but one of its last. Birds don't live long on Coruscant. They are constantly imported to the city planet to please the wealthy, but can’t survive in the urban environment.
"And you?" You ask.
"Hey, I still have two years before this Ball, don't pressure me with that now!" She responds playfully.
"Come on. Don't you have any targets? Nobody you wish you could ask in secret?"
She looks at you from the corner of her eyes before capitulating.
"Alright, alright. I am thinking about asking Tiabri's out."
You search in your memory Tiabri's face, you are not the best when it comes to remembering people.
"Tiabri, Tiabri, Tiabri… Long curly black hair and green eyes? The one with a silvery tattoo?"
"Yes, that's her." She answers lazily, getting more and more sleepy under the sun. It doesn't stop you from harassing her with questions.
"When will you ask? How?"
"First off, I can hear your smile with my eyes closed, stop it. And second, I don't know. I’ll see when the moment comes."
"Okay, but don't take too long. You can’t be the only one with your eyes on her"
"Says the one without a date?"
You nudge her.
"Oh shut up, you."
"Hey, J.C! Karyn!"
Shielding your eyes with your hand, you turn toward the voice and see Eli meeting you with a smile, making the grass crack under his feet.
"What are you both doing here?"
"Enjoying the sun, come sit."
Eli lets himself down to the ground beside you and sighs with contentment.
"Why have you never told me about this spot? It must be the greatest thing in this Academy."
"Because we didn’t want you here, but now that you've found it we’re screwed." You playfully whisper.
"(Y/n), language." Karyn berates you.
"Now we are exposed?"
"Better. Where is the other guy? Thram?”
“Thra-wn.” Eli corrects. ”He’s talking with Deenlark”
“He’s talking or he’s talking?”
“He’s arguing with Deenlark.”
“Oh for Maker’s sake…”
“Where did you come from?" Ask Karyn.
"I just came back from the race track, the team accepted me as a substitute after my essays."
"See? I told you they would say yes,Jakeeb is a fair guy, he wouldn’t say no to someone who wanted to join the team.”
“In fact I will mostly help as a technician but he said I could participate in the Senior Race at the end of the year.”
It’s the final race of the season and the one concluding the curriculum of the seniors students just before the final exam of simulation.
“And the ball to finish the year.” you added.
“The what?”
“The ball!” you respond in unison.
He opens his eyes and turns towards you with an incredulous expression.
“Beg you pardon?”
“One, two, three... One, two, three... One, tw- Wrong foot!” You drop Thrawn’s hand and cut the music “Let’s take a break.”
You go over your towel and rub the sweat off your face while the chiss with a frustrated expression go to his bottle, next to him Eli lays against the wall with a defeated look on his face. Clearly neither him nor Thrawn are pleased to be here.
“Eli, you’re next.”
“Okay, but can you tell us again why we have to sweat?”
“The Gala is in less than three months.”
“Isn’t it just a stupid dance?”
“I wish it was. It would be easier, but I’m not working your butt off for just some dance.” You take your bottle and go sit with them. “It’s the Academy Ball, it’s trickier than that.”
“We would show more enthusiasm if we knew what it entails,” argues Thrawn.
You take a sip looking at them, wondering how to put it simply. You’re not informed about everything either.
“To be brief, did you notice how many of the students are from the elite? It’s the new way the Gotha have to introduce its childs to the high Society.”
“Didn’t the Empire wipe them off to instate a new social order?” Thawn wonders, surprised.
“Well it did, but some old, old families of the Republic worked with the Chancelier Palpatine to keep their privileges when he would be emperor. Now the upstarts and the new bourgeoisie had joined them and adopted the old ways of the former Nobility. So they use the ball as a means to introduce their prized children as adults to the Society.”
“And put them in contact with the rest of the political and military scene, I see,” completes Thrawn.
“Of course, as aliens and outer-rim dwellers we don’t have to live up to those high expectations but we still need to honor and not embarrass the military corps in front of the wealthy. So you really need to catch up with those dance moves!”
“Why isn't there any rehearsal with the class?” Eli grumbles.
“We had them at the start of the year, with the taking of measurements of uniforms”
“There is specific uniforms?”
“Of course, they don’t want to present their future new officers with some cheap tuxedos. They’re unique costumes. All the students that could afford it got one. I would have gotten one for myself if Karyn hadn’t already promised me to lend me a dress from her family.”
“Your friendship is strong,” notes Thrawn.
“I stood up for her in front of a stubborn professor when she arrived two years ago.”
“I see, so she bears a sentiment of gratitude towards you since then.”
“Don’t know, she had plenty of occasions to repay me. We just connect well.”
“And what about the students that cannot afford a tailored costume?”
You put your hands behind you and roll your head to ease the muscles of your back.
“Not everyone takes them back so we take old ones that we touch-up, you should ask for one at the stewardship.”
“No.” Thrawn responds, holding his chin. “This will not be an option.”
“Why not?” Eli queries doubtfully.
“I am afraid this opportunity closed itself with my last argument with Deenlark not long ago. He swore he would try his best to get in my way to the navy command chain.”
Eli looks at him mortified, Thrawn has no equal when it comes to running into problems but it seems he surpassed himself this time.
“What did you do?” You ask.
“I merely pointed out alternative and more effective methods of education.”
“Did you?”
Sometimes you wonder if Deenlark wouldn't outright refuse Thrawn to graduate to make him pay for his insolence. He often flirts with the line.
“I bet none of you have the money for a private tailor, so that leaves you with…”
“Robbing one.” Thrawn completes.
You choke on your water.
“Hey, calm down! Isn’t there a solution less… radical?” Eli intervenes.
“You could borrow them,” you propose.
“Unfortunately, we are not popular enough students for that.”
“We could rent them?” Eli adds.
“As J.C said, they are unique costumes. No store would have them.”
“Maybe Karyn could lend us a costume?” Eli insists.
“We would run into the same problem, moreover she agreed to lend a dress to (y/n) who is a good friend of hers, none of us can say the same.”
Eli frowns, annoyed.
“You could just… not go?” you suggest.
“That is out of question for myself. This is evidently an important ritual for the navy. I cannot ignoreit. Moreover, it will get me in contact with the chain of commands as a whole, I can not let such an opportunity pass.”
His arguments are sound, but still… You both turn your head towards Eli.
“I want to go too.” He responds, pressed.
“Then it’s settled, we should soon think about a plan.”
“Hey! Don’t bring me into this!”
“As you wish” Thrawn speaks camly. “But with or without you we will find a way.”
You gave a long groan. You were going to regret this.
“What do you mean Eli won’t come?” You ask.
It is still early in the evening and you just ended your daily session of Shah-tezh and revisions with Thrawn.
“He has practice with the team for the Senior race.” Thrawn answers unwavering, replacing the pawns in the box.
You sulk during your walk to your room. You’re not worried for Eli, his dancing skills are good. He can afford to skip a few sessions, but it is not the same for Thrawn and you're worried about the idea of being alone with him. Who knows what lies behind those incandescent eyes.
You inhale and get ready for what comes next.
“Wrong foot again.” You lightly shake your head. “I don’t understand, you master it when you are without a partner but you lose it when we dance together…”
Thrawn steps back at a respectful distance.
“Maybe you should let me lead for once.”
“ I will when you know how to put one foot after the other, until then you lead nothing! Let’s try it again without music.”
You get back in position, providing enough distance so he can clearly see your feet.
“Let’s try it slow, everything starts with your left foot…”
You start once again, swiping across the floor at the measure of you counting.
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. One, two…”
It’s already been a month since you started teaching them. It has been an adventure if only for finding an empty room everyday, muscle soreness and all the time they stepped on your foot. With so little time you’re only teaching them the three most popular dances for those parties.. Eli was doing well enough, you had started helping him develop freestyle. Thrawn, however, was another entity. He’s doing remarkably in the solo exercises, but completely spoils it with a partner; too fast, too slow, off beat, zero synchronization. If only he could just follow the music you could follow him in return.
“One, two,thre- Ouch…”
You hold his shoulder while you prance to keep your balance and he holds your arm for support.
“I am truly sorry,” he says.
“I don’t doubt it, I just wished it didn’t happen as much,” you laugh it out. “I feel like you're not with me on this, like you're absolutely trying to take the lead.”
“I am trying my best but it has proven harder than expected.”
You put your foot back on the ground and think, what could prevent him from improving?
You won't say you fully understand him. His mind works in a different capacity than most anyone you'd ever met. He couldn't even look at a painting without finding a way to bring the art of war into it. Perhaps that was the solution.
“I think… You see your partner as an adversary rather than an ally.”
He raises an eyebrow.
“This is not combat, miss (y/l/n).”
“That’s exactly my point, you expect resistance where there is not. You should relax, go with the flow! Stop being so stern and serious all the time… I know!”
You put the music back on dropping the ballroom style for a more upbeat and joyous style and slide the volume up. You start prancing, swinging on site and encouraging him to do the same.
“Come on! Dance! Have some fun!” You dance and skip “It will unknot your muscles, you’re always so stiff!”
His demeanor doesn’t change but a flash passes through his eyes like you screamed profanity at him, something akin to a horrified expression twists his face for less than a second before getting back to it’s usual imperturbable look as you rotate around him in rhythm.
You take his hands and start swinging them.
“Come on, come on!”
Understanding he wouldn’t escape this, he starts shifting his weight on his feets reluctantly. You start freestyling, shaking your head with all your might to shake off all your stress and nerves from the last month, the exams, the ball, the simulation test, everything that came and is to come, throwing everything away.
At the corner of your eyes you see him expanding and caressing his limbs, more into a choreographed stretch than a real dance, but it will do.
You continue like this for five more minutes before switching back to the ballroom music.
“Let’s try this again! And dance with me this time, not against. ”
You hold your hands and you already notice a difference in the way he carries himself. You engage the first steps and he follows with ease like something just switched in his unconscious mind.
"Very good!"
You keep up the same dance until the end. There were still some errors and resistance on his part but the progress was amazing. These lessons will be less tedious from now on.
“Much better! Let’s take a break.” You turn down the sound and sit to do some stretches.
“Did you make up your mind?” Thawn asks.
“About what?”
“About helping us with the costume. The date is rapidly approaching.”
You hum out a sigh. “I’m not sure. This is not really my problem, no offense.”
He looks at you in silence with a cryptic expression
“I see, a pity.”
“No nothing, what do you mean by “a pity”? You never make commentaries without some idea in mind, what are you thinking about?”
“I was just thinking how displeased you would be if your secret were spreaded.” _______________________________________________________________
I’m an idiot, you thought, leaning behind a wall to ensure nobody's there and Thrawn behind you to have your back.
You regret accepting to help and you regret this date was chosen. Although it is the best date possible, the Senior Race is monopolizing all the Academy and both teachers and students are at the circuit to support the team, it also means Eli won’t be there to help.
You feel uneasy, you didn’t talk much to Thrawn since you tried to kiss him the other day and you’re not sure how to act. He doesn’t seem to know about it and is acting like always, but your lips and cheeks burn at that single thought.
You press yourself against the wall when a loud group of students pass nearby. The storehouse is down the corridor at your left, and the connection point in front of you, you will need to traverse the junction when the cameras won’t look to the next blindspot.
“You know how to enter, miss (y/n)?” He demands with a low voice.
"That's why you asked for my help., And cut it out with the miss, you're stressing me out."
You turn your head towards the camera.
“Go!” You check left and right and cross the intersection “Stop!”
Hiding from the cam behind Thrawn you open your bag and take out a little console and start searching for the round plug.
“What is this?” He checks on you over his shoulder.
“This, my dear, is a technological marvel that you won’t find anywhere else.” You found it and plugged it right away. “It will take some seconds to connect.”
The screen lights up and you start playing with the buttons, searching for the correct command.
“C’mon, c’mon… Ha!” You click and select the correct files. “I’m hijacking the stream of the camera. There! We won’t appear on the tape anymore.”
He turns himself and kneels next to you to observe.
“It shouldn’t take too long from now on.” Series of numbers appears on the screen and your little machine starts searching.
“So what is it exactly?”
“At first it was sold to technicians to manage stocks, but some smart ones quickly found out how to overwrite the primary code and transform this little toy into a global master key. It works on everything because the code is the most simple one you can find, without any frills. After that the Republic destroyed them for public safety reasons.”
“Not all of them, I see.”
“Most of them.” You laugh. “My grandparents once robbed a bank with one of those!”
He raises an eyebrow.
“Or so I’ve been told.” You clear your throat. “There won’t be any cams inside but the droids can record through their eyes.”
“You sure seem to know a lot about the infrastructure, J.C.”
“No, not really.”
He looks at you with glaring eyes.
“Okay, I’ve done it once. But I only took chocolate bars for Karyn’s birthday.”
“It explains a lot.”
You can’t say if his tone is neutral or judgmental.
“It’s open.” You close your bag and stand up on your feet.
You check left and right once again and go down the corridor to see the storehouse door wide open, you gallop to it and close it behind Thrawn. Glaring across the room you both hide behind a metal box left here. Rising over it you observe the armada of droids handling the stocks, coming and going in a waltz rhythm by the hum of engines.
“And now what?”
“Now we must find the aisle and the correct box.” He answers mimicking a shush.
“I can find the aisle.”
He frowns at you incredulous.
“I told you this toy was a gem!” You look up at the screen. “Row seven.”
You put your console back inside your bag and spy the droids.
“How are we gonna cross the room?” you mumble.
“Haven’t you done this before?”
“There weren't as many droids! I think they took on the fact that someone came behind their back…”
He shakes his head and observes the whole room. His gaze travels from the door to the droids, to the shelves.
“We are going to climb the shelves.”
Without giving you any time to protest, he walks to the first shelf, careful to stay out of sight of the droids and climb the ladder rapidly to the top. You grumble and follow in his trail, avoiding the mechas by passing behind diverse structures and climbing as fast as you could. at the top you measure the area between the two shelves.
“You know we can't jump such a distance, right?”
“We are not going to need to jump, we will use the wall.”
You turn your head to observe the reliefs of the motifs on the walls, you could indeed grasp your hands around and put your feet on the rails but… The surface is incredibly slim. You look down to see the ground and you get dizzy.
“I’m not sure about that.”
“You can stay here if you are afraid.” Without hesitation he places his hands on the wall and starts crossing the gape.
You gulp, you’re not sure those costumes are worth the broken bones you risk with that method, but you’re not a coward and you won’t let that chiss believe it.
You wipe off your hands on your pants and follow him. The surface appears even slimmer now that your weight is on it and you feel like this is gonna be really difficult.
Don’t look down, don't look down, you repeat like a mantra while progressing along the rails. If only the shelves weren’t so spaced out! You grip the embossing with all your might as you start feeling sweat run down your back and your temperature rising. Are you really risking only a broken bone if you fell? Your arms and legs start trembling at the middle of the crossing, in front of you Thrawn already traverses and waiting for you at the next shelf. It looked almost easy when he did it, why is it so difficult?
You stop as even your fingers are shaking with cold sweat running down between them.
“Why did I accept to help you, again?” You whisper.
“Because I know about your family.” He responds deadpan.
Son of a bantha! You feel ire rising in your veins and a new energy spreads through your muscles, you quickly close the gap and seize the hand he extended for you while digging your nails through his sleeve. He doesn’t react and turns himself to the next gap. You forgot there was still five of them. Damn it! You have to take your breath, this is exhausting…
As you stop your eyes travel through the room and you notice a pallet truck moving around. You study its path and calculate roughly when it will come next to your shelf. You step back and sprint to the ledge, as it passes you jump and land almost too far. You crouch and wave to Thrawn as it goes by. It is way quicker than crossing the gap! You laugh a little, realizing the situation is both thrilling and terrifying. You hold yourself to avoid trembling on this precarious balance and you can jump back to the seven shelf. As you turn back you see Thrawn imitates you with another forklift and joins you back.
“Good thinking.”
Without missing a moment he goes down the ladder and starts searching for the right box. You follow him and you quickly find the box you need.
“How are we gonna open it?” You ask “It’s sealed.”
“With this.” He takes out his Lieutenant plaque and inserts it into a port.
“Won’t they find out who opened it?”
“It is a blank plaque, it should not be a problem.”
You hear a click and the lid trembles a little before stopping, you both take one side and slide it.
“I didn’t know a plaque could serve like that!” You say.
“I found it out recently as well.”
Now opened, you could see a myriad of uniforms tightly folded. Without any tag you will need to eyeball each of them to find the good ones.
“They should be ranged by size.” Thawn says.
You both start searching and it takes you around twenty five minutes to find both uniforms and ten more to fold and place back the one you don’t need. You calculate mentally how long the false video recording is and realize you have little time to go back. Once done you put them in your bag and close the box.
Thrawn looks at his chrono.
“We should hurry, the race will soon end.”
You go back back on top of the shelf and jump again on a forklift. Thrawn is right behind you. His landing sends a vibration through the metal, nearly forcing you off the platform. Before you topple off the edge, Thrawn seizes your arms, pulling you tight against him. You can feel the warmth of his hand on your skin and it reminds you again of this fateful kiss. You clear your throat, uneasy. The first shelf arrives quickly and you jump back to safety and go down rapidly. The way back is spent mostly avoiding the cameras and lonely persons wandering the halls.
As you reach Thrawn and Eli’s room you collapse on Thrawn’s bed without asking permission with a long and relieved sigh.
“Finally! Safety!”
Thrawn leans over to seize your bag and takes out the uniforms to try his one again. He plants himself in front of the mirror to appreciate it and finds where to do touch-ups. He really wore it elegantly, you think. At this moment, Eli enters with a cry of victory, so much it startles you.
“We ended up in second place! I got to race ‘till the last lap!” He proudly announces.
You jump off the bed and hug him tightly. “Congratulations!”
As you separate, you notice out of the corner of your eyes Thrawn silently observing both of you.
“How did it go for you?”
“We’ve found them both, you will have to try yours.”
“Quickly then, I have to join the team again after!”
You then take the opportunity to pack your stuff and go to the door.
“I’m gonna sleep a little. I will come celebrate with you later Eli!”
As soon as the door closed behind you, Eli turned to Thrawn.
“Did you really have to steal them?”
“Of course not. I lied to test J.C.’s aptitudes.”
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@exoplorationn, @bluechiss
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The Nanny Named...
A/N: Hi all! So,it’s been a while. I have been in a real nostalgic mood lately and totally binged ‘The Nanny’. Annnd then all I wanted to was write a story about it. So I’ve been writing a multi-chapter story with Y/N as Fran and Gwil as Maxwell. I hope you all enjoy this prologue. Any feed back would be appreciated! And if you’d like to be tagged, please let me know! Love you!
Pairing: Producer!Gwilym Lee x fem!Reader
Summary: You need a job after you walk out of your last one. Your friend sends you to an interview and it…doesn’t quite go as planned.  
Warnings: Cursing, some angst, and cheating
 You leaned over the counter, trying to make out what your boyfriend had written down for the specials for the night. Why couldn’t the man learn to write like an actual grown-up?
“Oooh, Y/N,” one of your best friends, Mel, came in. “Have you heard?”
“Heard what?” You replied, not looking up.
“J.C. and Erika? They just got engaged.”
That got you attention. You looked up at her. “Are you serious? They’ve been dating for what? Three seconds?”
Melanie laughed, taking her coat off. “I think closer to three weeks, but yeah. Isn’t that crazy?”
You sighed, looking back down at the notes. “To each their own, I guess.”
You were happy for them, on some level, but it was a bit hard when two people that you considered ridiculously obnoxious were engaged in less than a month but you and your boyfriend had been dating for almost four years and were still not living together.
“Think that’ll make Kurt move any faster?”
You shook your head. “No, there’s nothing that will make him move any faster. We’ve talked about it countless times. He’s just happy right where we are.”
“Yeah, but you’re not.”
You huffed, not disagreeing. You had wanted to at least living together by now. Maybe not married (you still weren’t even sure if you wanted to get married), but at least the notion that the relationship was going somewhere.
“Maybe you should bring it up to him again,” Mel suggested as she tied on her apron.
You thought about it. Maybe you should. It had been a few months since the two of you had had any kind of conversation about it. Every year when your lease was up for renewal, you brought it up just to see if you should renew. And Kurt always told you ‘yes’.
“Yeah, maybe. But for now, I’ve got to figure out these damn specials he’s decided to jot down like a first grader after a lunch of cake and ice cream.” You grabbed the paper and then knocked on the door to his office. “Kurt!”
“Yeah, babe?”
You went into the office to see him staring at his phone. He glanced up at you for a second before going back to his phone.
“Hi, sweetie, can you decipher this chicken scratch for me?” You walked over and sat up on his desk.
Kurt sat his phone down, face up, and took the paper and squinted at it himself. “Uh…I…huh. Ribs of some kind. I’ll have to go look in the fridge quick. Be right back.” He pressed a kiss to your temple before getting up and leaving the office.
You swung your legs, waiting for him to come back, thinking about the dinner rush on the Friday night that was going to hit. But hey, at least the tips would be good.
And then you saw something light up on the desk.
You glanced down to see Kurt’s phone on full brightness. With a notification from Tinder. Saying Kurt had 3 new messages waiting for him.
You picked up the phone and stared at it, fighting back tears. You’d had a feeling something like this had been going on, but it was a totally different story when it was staring you in the face.
“Beef ribs are the special tonight.”
You stood up and shoved Kurt’s phone at him. “Great. Maybe whoever these 3 can serve it!” You stormed out.
“Wait! Y/N!” Kurt chased after you. “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out!”
“Oh, fuck off!” You yelled at him, turning on your heel to yell at him. “This isn’t how you wanted me to find out!? What the hell kind of excuse is that?!”
“Can we discuss this back in the office?” Kurt offered quietly.
“No, because there’s nothing to discuss.” You untied your apron and threw it at him. “I quit and I am DONE with you! FOUR YEARS! I’ve wasted four years of my life on you in this stupid dying restaurant!”
“It’s not dying!”
You stared at him stunned. “That’s all you have to say? Four years down the drain and all you care about is this damn rat trap?!”
“It’s not a…!” Kurt took a deep breath. “You know what? Fine. Go ahead. We don’t need you around here!”  
“Obviously!” You screamed before grabbing your coat and stomping out.
You walked all the out to the street, hailed a cab, and got in the back. You gave the driver your address and then fell apart.
“Um…a…are you alright, dear?” The cab driver asked you, glancing in their review window.
You could only shake your head. “Okay, well, there should be a box of tissues under my seat. Help yourself.”
You reached down and grabbed the box, pulling out tissues. You blew your nose and wiped your eyes.
“Just put them in the trash when you’re done.”
You nodded your thanks, making a mental note to give them a big tip.
The rest of the time the two of you were silent as you tried to make yourself somewhat presentable so your roommate wouldn’t ask what happened. You were not in the mood to talk about it.
The driver pulled up to your building and told you the total. You paid and started to make your way out before they called to you.
“Whatever it was, I hope it gets better.”
You gave them a smile and wave before you shut the door and started to into your building. You ran up the stairs instead of taking the risk of running into a nosy neighbor on the elevator. You got into your apartment and collapsed on the couch. You started sobbing into your pillow.
How on Earth could he do that to you? Sure, the two of you hadn’t gone beyond dating but four years?! You had given four years of your life! Not just romantically but you’d worked your ass off to help with his restaurant. You’d hired nearly all of the servers! And three of the cooks! Who the hell was he to kick YOU out?
You woke up to your roommate, Olivia, coming home, not sure how long later.
“Y/N? What are you doing home? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
You sat up, your entire face felt swollen.
“Oh, Y/N,” Olivia sat next to you and wrapped an arm around you. “Did something happen at the restaurant?”
You tried to explain what happened, but you couldn’t get the whole story out without bursting into tears.
“Oh sh, sh, honey,” she rubbed your shoulder. “I know. He’s a scumbag. I’m so sorry.”
You just nodded, crying into her shoulder.
“Do you want me to call Rosie and see if she’ll let some the dogs loose in the kitchen?”
You chuckled for a moment. “Think she would? I know she’s very attached to them.”
“Well, they are shelter dogs. They deserve a good meal.”
You pulled your head up and gave her a semi-smile. “You are the best person I know.”
“If only I was available to you.”
“I can love you better than Rosie can.”
“Yeah, but can you afford an apartment in Hell’s Kitchen like she can?”
You sighed, pretending to be defeated. “I guess not. I give you my blessing then.”
“I can run down to the bodega and get some wine and ice cream. I don’t have to work tomorrow.”
“Oh good, then get something for yourself.”
Olivia pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Great, I’ll be right back.”
You laid back down when Olivia stood up.
You and Olivia spent the rest of the night drinking, eating ice cream, and complaining about Kurt. It made you feel a little better.
At nearly one in the morning, you finally stumbled to your bed, hoping that you wouldn’t dream of Kurt, the restaurant, or anything to do with your love life.
“Y/N!” Olivia announced as she came home.
“Whaaaat?” you called back to her from the couch. You’d barely left it in the past couple weeks. You’d barely even left your apartment, if you were being honest.
“I think I’ve got you a job!”
You sat up and looked at her, somewhat skeptical. “Where?”
“Oh,” you were surprised. Olivia had been trying to get you jobs, but this was the one that sounded like it might actually be promising. “What is it?”
“Rosie’s brother has a catering gig and needs a good waitress, but the homeowners want to interview everyone individually. They want you there at 3:30 for your interview.”
You jumped up. “Are you serious?!”
“One hundred percent!”
You threw your arms around Olivia’s neck and pulled her in for a hug. “Oh thank you thank you, Ollie!”
“Ooof. You better stop thanking me and get in the shower.”
You got on the subway to make your way up to Manhattan a couple hours later. You hadn’t been there since last year when a friend of yours had their 30th birthday party at some pretentious hipster bar. 
You kept glancing at the passing stations, hoping that this was going to work out. You could still hear your mother’s voice in your head telling you that you should’ve known better than to take a job at the man that you were dating’s place of work. 
The past few weeks, you’d been miserable. You had barely left the apartment besides your runs down to the bodega to get alcohol, ice cream, or the minimal amount of groceries that you could afford and actually wanted. Your bank account was screaming at you before you’d left the restaurant, so as much as you’d wanted to just wallow in your self-pity on the past four years of your life that you had wasted, you needed to get a new job. 
You got off at the correct station and walked up the stairs, stepping onto the streets of Manhattan. This part of the city always seemed different to you. Sure, you’d grown up in New York City, but it had been in Queens. 
You walked to the correct block and took in all the gorgeous buildings that were there. It sort of took your breath away, the way the trees were just starting to bud in the spring air. 
You nearly ran into somebody on the street and apologized, hoping they couldn’t tell how out of place you were. 
This was insane. Who in their right mind would hire YOU to work some cocktail party that was going to have people there that blew what you paid in rent on a quick trip to Macy’s? You thought about turning around and just heading home, but then you remembered that your bank account had about $15 in it.
As you walked down the street, you were hit with a strong smell of rose, jasmine, and vanilla. It was comforting and made you a bit more confident in yourself. Like everything was going to work out, regardless of how the interview went.
You glanced down at your phone, making sure that it was the right address before taking a deep breath and walking up the stairs to the front door. You knocked and then waited.
A man in a suit opened the door. He had black hair and kind brown eyes. He seemed unsurprised to see you standing there.
“Hello, are you here about the position?”
“I am.”
“Well come in, come in, Mr. Lee should be ready for you soon.” He ushered you inside, taking your coat for you. “Would you like me to drop off your resume to him?”
You hadn’t thought about bringing that.
“Oh, um…no, that’s okay. I’ll just…get it to him if he asks for it.”
The man raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything before he lead you to the couch and gestured for you to sit down.
You sat down and waited for him to return. Or for this mysterious ‘Mr. Lee’ to appear. You looked around, amazed at how high the ceilings were.
Suddenly, there was a scream from upstairs and the pounding of footsteps coming down.
“Help! Help! I’m hurt!” A little boy with dark, curly hair came running into the room. He collapsed right in front of you, his eyes closed and his tongue sticking out.
You looked down at him, trying not to laugh. “Ya okay, hun?”
The boy opened one eye, quickly shut it again, but didn’t say anything.
“Ah, Master Aled, I believe this is the third time today you’ve passed on. I’ll make sure your father and sister mourn the proper amount,” the man appeared again, stepping over the child and coming to stand in front of you. “Miss, Mr. Lee will see you in his office. If you’ll just follow me and please don’t trip over the expired, younger Master Lee. He’ll need to get up for his Little League practice in about thirty minutes.”
“James!” The boy, Aled apparently, sat up and glared at the man, James. “You ruined my plan!”
You stood up and the two of you walked into an office.  It was decorated with different awards, pieces of art. The hardwood on the floor matched the desk that was in the middle of the room. Sitting at the desk was a man writing something.
He had a dark, thick head of hair. He stood up, a pair of piercing blue eyes behind a black, horn-rimmed glasses. He was wearing a black turtleneck, gray suit jacket, and black pants.
“Hello, I’m Gwilym Lee,” he offered you his hand.
“I…um…hi,” you smiled and shook his hand. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Thank you, James,” Mr. Lee told him. James nodded and started to leave the room. “Now, do you have your resume?”
James sent you a pointed smirk, before leaving the room all together and shutting the door behind him.
“Um…no, I don’t. Sorry, Mr. Lee.”
He frowned at you. “Alright, Miss Y/L/N. Well, tell me about your work history then.”
You cleared your throat. Rosie had neglected to tell you that the man you were going to work for was this handsome. “Well, I’ve worked in multiple, high class restaurants over the past ten years. I was working at my last job for nearly three years.”
Mr. Lee squinted at you, but you kept talking.
“And I’ve been a server, a hostess, and a bartender. I could work anywhere that you’d need me tonight.”
Mr. Lee took off his glasses and continued to stare at you.
“S…so, um…I can give you references if you need,” you finished lamely.
“Um…Miss Y/L/N, I believe there’s been a bit of a mix up.”
“Oh,” you replied, totally defeated. “I understand.”
“It’s just…this job is far too difficult to do without any experience and I think…”
“I mean, I…I have SOME experience.  I once served at the River Cafe,” you tried to argue.
“Oh no, don’t get me wrong…”
“Daddy!” A little girl came running into the room, seemingly in tears, and hugged Mr. Lee’s arm. “Aled said that there’s a monster in my closet and then he took and threw her in the closet to the monster!”
Mr. Lee picked up the girl and placed her in his lap. “Oooh Afon, sweetheart, I’m sure he didn’t mean to…”
“Yes, he did!“
“I did not!” Aled came running in too.
Mr. Lee sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Aled, please just go get the bunny out of the closet. I am in the middle of a meeting.”
“Fine, let’s go, Afon. Daddy is a veeeery busy man,” Aled grabbed his sister’s hand and took her out.
Mr. Lee just watched them leave, a somewhat longing look on his face before meeting your eyes again.
“Miss Y/L/N, this interview was for a nanny position for my children. You see, our last one just quit and I…I’ve been interviewing people for nearly a week now and…” Mr. Lee shook his head.  “I’m sorry, you don’t need to hear all my woes. I’ll have James see you out.”
Why had Rosie sent you here? If this was an interview for a nanny position you were WAY out of the running. You barely even liked the younger cousins that you had. Maybe you’d gotten the time wrong and they had meant to have the caterer interviews earlier in the afternoon?
You jumped up, an idea coming to your mind. “Ya know, Mr. Lee, I actually do have some nannying experience. I was a nanny for a family on my block every summer while I was in high school.”
It technically wasn’t a lie. You’d babysat for your neighbors. Once a week. When their mom had her PTA meetings. For about two hours.
Mr. Lee was shaking his head and standing up. “No, I couldn’t subject you to this. I’m very sorry. But if we ever need a caterer, I’ll keep you in mind.” He gave you a smile, coming around the front of his desk.
You sighed and stood up. “Well, thank you for taking this interview with me anyway,” you offered your hand again and Mr. Lee shook it.
“Of course, now could I escort you to the door?”
“I suppose so,” you told him.
Mr. Lee gestured for you to go through the door and followed you out of the room.
You were halfway through the living room when the phone rang. James, who had been wiping down the coffee table, quickly grabbed the phone off the hook. “Lee residence…yes…yes…oh how unfortunate…I will let him know…yes, thank you, goodbye.” James hung up the phone and looked at Mr, Lee. “That was the service. They won’t be able to send anybody tonight. They are booked solid.” 
“Oh no,” Mr. Lee rubbed his temples. “That’s totally unacceptable. What happened to that woman that we used last weekend?” 
“She’s refusing to come back. Something about a near death experience,” James looked over at Aled who sunk down behind the couch to hide. 
You hesitated at the door. Maybe this could be your chance. Even if he just used you tonight, as long as you didn’t kill the kids, you would get paid. And probably pretty well guessing on the house. You could at least offer, you supposed. 
“Um...Mr. Lee. If you need somebody for tonight, I’d be available.”
Everybody’s heads whipped around to you, all eyes wide, surprised. 
“Well,” Mr. Lee ran a hand through his hair and sighed heavily. “I don’t know. James, couldn’t you…?” 
“It’s my night off, sir. Remember? I’ve got my niece’s dance recital.” 
“Oh right, of course,” Mr. Lee looked you over, seemingly arguing within himself about what to do. “Look, Miss Y/L/N, I...I usually don’t do things like this, especially where my children are concerned, but I am...desperate. I’ve got a meeting with one of my biggest potential backers this evening and I need someone to watch my children. So, if you could…”
“Oh thank you! Thank you!” You pulled  Mr. Lee into a hug before you knew what you were doing. “You won’t regret this! What time should I be back here?”
“Before I change my mind,” Mr. Lee muttered.
You pulled away, laughing a bit, before you heard James say something about six-thirty. You then quickly left before Mr. Lee could’ve said anything else.
You practically ran to the subway, nearly giddy. You had a job. You FINALLY had a job! You were walking down the stairs when you pulled your phone out. You had four missed calls and fifteen text messages. Just when you were going to read some of them, it started to ring. You saw it was Rosie.
“Hey, Rose, what’s…?”
“Oh, thank GOD! Ollie, she’s okay. Where the…?”
“WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!” Olivia yelled in the phone.
“In Manhattan at the interview your girlfriend sent me!”
“Nooo, you never showed up to the interview! We’ve been calling you for almost an hour now!”
You frowned at that. Why were they so upset? Rosie had sent you to the interview, how was she so confused?
“What house did you go to?”
“The one Rosie sent me to,” you told her slowly, hoping she would calm down. “1781.”
“She says she went to 1781,” Olivia must’ve relayed to Rosie. “That’s what you told me!…Soooo, funny story. You were supposed to go to 1871. That’s where the catering job was.”
“It’s fine! I got a job anyway! I’ll explain when I get home, but I’ve got a job tonight!”
“What?...She got a job by going to the wrong house….I don’t know! She said she would explain it when she got home…When will you get home?”
“As soon as the subway will let me.”
The whole way home you felt like you were floating. You were hoping that you would at least get paid enough to buy some groceries.
How were you going to take care of two kids tonight though? They didn’t look that old. The boy, Aled?, seemed like he was about nine or ten. The girl, in the brief moment that you had seen her, seemed to only be about five or six. You supposed you could entertain them for a couple hours. Hopefully they had all the streaming services. Just stick them in front of the TV and wait it out.
You walked into your apartment and got tackled into the wall by Olivia.
You laughed and gave her a hug back. “I’m fine! You leave me here all the time to go to your girlfriend’s house, but me going into Manhattan scares you.”
Olivia pulled back and glared at you. “Whatever. Tell us what happened!” Olivia started to pull you towards the living room where Rosie was sitting on the couch. “Ronnie told us you never made it to the house and then you weren’t picking up.”
You went into the whole story of what happened. Explaining the kids, the mansion, the butler, and finally, the man that hired you.
“…name’s Gwilym Lee.”
“Wait,” Rosie sat up a bit straighter. “Gwilym Lee? The producer?”
You exchanged confused looks with Olivia.
“Oh, come on, neither of you know Gwilym Lee? He was like this huge producer at Disney. He’s been involved in all the Marvel movies.”
Your eyebrows shot up. “Are you serious?”
“Yeeeeeah, did you not see anything in his house that gave it away?”
“No,” you answered honestly. You hadn’t. You were sure that there was something that you had missed, but you were too worried about the interview and trying to get a job that you weren’t paying that much attention.
“And he’s going to trust you with his kids?”
You slowly nodded, suddenly much more nervous about tonight than you originally were.
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: Could I request a oneshot for John Constantine with a protege/child figure where they get hurt during one of the many shenanigans they've gotten up to? Reader is in their middle to late teens. Either gender neutral or female reade. Please and thank you! P.s I love ur writings.
Warning: canon-violence, swears
A/N: Did - Did I just post a fic in the middle of the day?? Yes. Yes I did. You know why? Because I’m posting a SECOND one tonight to make up for last night :) 
Alright look, I’m not gonna start writing for Constantine but this was cute so I couldn’t say no. 
Word Count: 2k
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John Constantine was insane.
You had been saying it since the start of your adventures with him and the more that you were with him, the more you kept saying it. He was a crazy old fool who kept putting himself in situations what always came back to bite him in the ass.
When Zatanna dropped you off at his front door, he had no desire to take care of you. What the hell would he want with some saucy teen that would only get in his way and stop him from doing what he enjoyed most - liquor and sex. Unfortunately, he couldn't exactly say no to Zatanna, and when he saw just how powerful you were, he didn't have much of a choice.
You were young, and if that power within you wasn't controlled early, god knows what would happen. Constantine had fucked up a lot in his life, but maybe helping you was something that would make up for some of it.
So, he taught you everything that he knew - at least the not so dark aspects of it. The last thing he wanted to do was ruin the rest of your life with tainted magic that would haunt you forever. Life with you as his side wasn't all bad. He had someone to watch his back, keep him company, even boost his mood when he was down.
John faced a lot of hardships with you. A lot of the time he had no idea what the hell do to with you - comfort you, give you advice  - he wasn't good at any of that. He had to help you get through your first heartbreak, the doubt within yourself, hell he even struggled with looking you in the eyes and telling you everything was going to be okay.
He lied a lot.
You liked to consider John as more than just a mentor to you - he was your best friend. Even though there was a considerable age gap between the two of you, you were on the same level of humor and wit. A lot of the time you felt as if you were meant to be at his side. Zatanna finding you was pure accident, but being under John's protection almost seemed too good to be true.
Sure, he was fucked up in almost every way possible. He pissed everybody off, drank too much, his past was horrifying. Somehow, none of it scared you off, and in some ways, you made John a better person. To be responsible for just a kid - a 'I'm only a year and a half away from being an adult go fuck yourself' - made him get his act together.
Between making fun of his clothes, the way he talked, even his rudimentary way of living, the bond you formed was unbreakable. You would never admit it, but you looked to him as a parental figure. A fucked up parent who didn't ask to be or know what he was doing, but a parent nonetheless.
Your little 'missions' would usually leave some scrapes and bruises - most times blood of whatever victim you were killing off. For the most part, the most severe pain you had to put up with was John's hangover's. He had a lot of those. After being in this line of work for only a few years, you couldn't blame him.
Then there was the time that it was more than just a cut that could be magically healed. It was supposed to be an easy exorcism. You and John had done dozens of those which meant you went in there confident. Your guard was down and you weren't prepared for things to go sideways.
Things went bad, really bad.
John was left to make the tough call of saving the little girl that had been possessed, or saving you. He couldn't do both, he wished he could do both. However, he knew if he had saved you and not the innocent kid, you'd rip his head off. So, he had to bite the bullet and watch as you fell to the ground screaming and he saved the girl.
Sitting in this hospital with you unconscious on the bed, wires hooked up to you that weren't really doing anything against the magic coursing through you, he wished he made the other choice. Throughout all his years he had sacrificed lives to save his own skin, why did he start now with saving you?
"Shoulda never let Z to convince me to take you," John scoffed to himself. He wasn't strong enough to heal you, not by himself. His energy was already drained from taking care of the demon from earlier, he wasn't sure if he could do any magic at that point. "Can't tell if it was me or you that was the dumb one, huh?"
He felt like a fool talking to you. Obviously you couldn't hear a word he was saying, but part of him was just hoping you did. Maybe it brought him comfort, maybe he was just an old coot who didn't know how to accept this worry running through him. Either way, grabbing onto your cold hand sent chills up his spine.
"I'm sorry," John's eyes sealed shut. His fists gripped the edge of your bed as he tried to keep himself level headed. The demon that did this to you faced a fate worth than death for what it did. "I shouldn't have dragged you along, you deserve a better life. Not one with me leading you. I've made a fuck ton o' mistakes and I guess now you're one of 'em."
When his eyes peeled back open, a few stray tears slipped down his cheeks. John had faced a lot of evil in his life, he was so used to death and destruction that it no longer fazed him. Guess you made a little weak spot in his heart. For the first time in a long time, John felt grief for someone who wasn't even dead yet. He was scared.
"Never thought I'd see the day that John Constantine cries over someone." John looked up in the reflection of the window. He hastily wiped away his wet cheeks and scrambled up to his feet to see his visitor. Zatanna looked between him and you. "How are they?" Concern filled her voice.
"Needs help," John stared down at you. Zatanna stood on the opposite side of the bed. She placed her hand over yours, the unfamiliar lack of power caught her off guard. "Your help, I'm too drained to do any magic, at least by myself. I can't let them suffer like this, not for my mistakes."
"I know, John," Zatanna assured. Constantine wasn't sure how she knew that the two of you had gotten in trouble or exactly which hospital you were in. At that moment, he didn't care. He was more happy to see her than he ever had in his entire life. Zatanna could save you, if there was anyone out there that could, it was her.
"Let's get to work."
"I'm fine John, would you fuck off?"
John never thought he'd see the day where he was happy to hear you lip him off. In all your time together the second that you retorted any snide comment towards him, he would scowl. Now, he couldn't hold back a smile. He had been worried about you, more worried than he was for anyone.
Zatanna was the one to really save you. She had overworked herself to bring you back to the land of the living. It was worth it, she saw a lot of greatness within you. You rubbed off on John, he was becoming a different man than she knew a lot of her life. He was better with you at his side. Zatanna feared what he would become if he lost you - especially when it was his fault.
When you finally made it back home, John hovered over you like a mother bear. He didn't let you leave the house and he certainly didn't allow you to join him for any missions until you were 100% again. It was beyond frustrating for you, but you had to admit you were glad to see that someone cared about you this much.
You were bed ridden for a few days. Too weak to get up unless necessary but strong enough to get yourself out of the damned hospital. John became your 'bitch boy' for those days and you made sure to take well good advantage of it. By the time that you were up and walking, you had gotten annoyed of his hovering.
"'scuse me for being worried," John rolled his eyes. "Don't happen to often you know, you should be considered lucky."
"Lucky?" You scoffed. You hadn't tested your magic yet, your whole body still felt weak and you weren't about to put yourself back into a comma just to see if you could light John's cigarette with the snap of your fingers. "Anything involving you is far from lucky. I should be considered dead is what I should be."
He pulled a smoke out of his pocket, he forgot how peaceful it was without your comebacks. You narrowed your eyes as he lit it up and took a drag. Constantine knew that you hated when he smoked inside and yet he continuously did it anyways.
So, to test out how strong you were getting, you tried to disintegrate his cigarette. Your eyes narrowed with concentration and somehow, it had worked. John cried out as his cigarette suddenly burst into flames and fell to dust on the floor. You felt fatigued by the small spell, but at least you were getting back to normal.
Constantine glared at you. He reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out another one. Without breaking eye contact, he lit it up and took another breath of the nicotine.
"Twat," you muttered. The petty side of him was something that would never go away - no matter how close to death either of you were. It was who he was. John missed seeing your smiling face in the few days that you were out. He never realized the comfort that it brought him.
Without another word, you sluggishly walked back to your bedroom. You needed rest, as much as you tried to deny it. Zatanna had done a good job of fixing you up but you still had a long way to go. It was going to take time, but you knew damn well that John was going to be at your side through it all -whether you wanted him to be or not.
"Berk!" Constantine yelled after you. A smile toyed at his lips. As much as you did fight and bicker with him, he couldn't imagine what his life would be like without you in it now. Never in his life did he imagine he'd be some sort of father figure, with you... he enjoyed it. He was proud of you.
The thought of losing you to some stupid mistake that he made nearly destroyed him. He took you in to make his wrongs right and he would have lost all of that alongside with you. But, it was more than that. Constantine cared for you, losing you meant he would be losing a piece of himself.
There was already so much of him tainted by the evil of the world, he couldn't bare the thought of losing the little good part of his soul. As much as he hated to admit it, John needed you far more than you ever needed him.
210 notes · View notes
promptsfromthecrypt · 4 years
𝐉𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐑'𝐒  𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘  ( 𝟸𝟶𝟶𝟿 )      ♡      𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎  𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜.
triggers  and  nsfw   may  be   present  in  this  specific  meme.  some  grammar  may  have  been  changed  to  fit  a  roleplay  setting  from  the  original  content.  any  pronouns  may  obviously  be  changed  to  fit  the  situation ,  etc  etc.
“  it  smells  like  thai  food  in  here.  have  you  guys  been  fucking?  ”
“  you’re  lime–green  jello  and  you  can’t  even  admit  it  to  yourself.  ”
“  yes,  yes  i’m  a  virgin.  i  never  even  done  sex.  i  don’t  even  know  how.  ”
“  so  you  guys  should  find  somebody  who  does.  know  how.  ”
“  do  you  buy  all  your  murder  weapons  at  home  depot?  god ,  you’re  such  a  butch!  ”
“  i’m  not  even  a  backdoor–virgin  anymore,  thanks  to  ( name ).  and  by  the  way,  that  hurts!  ”
“  i  had  to  stay  home  and  sit  on  a  bag  of  frozen  peas.  ”
“  he  listens  to  maggot  rock.  he  wears  nail  polish.  i  have  a  bigger  dick  than  him.  ”
“  pms  isn’t  real,  ( name ).  it  was  invented  by  the  boy–run  media  to  makes  us  think  that  we’re  crazy.  ”
“  nice  hardware,  ace.  ”
“  oh!  a  puncture  wound.  god,  that’s  so  emo.  ”
“  i  need  you  frightened.  i  need  you  hopeless.  ”
“  yeah,  tonight’s  gonna  be  their  last  show.  ”
“  i’m  going  to  eat  your  soul  and  shit  it  out,  ( name ).  ”
“  i  thought  you  only  murder  boys?  ”
“  i  go  both  ways.  ”
“  i  had  one  of  my  night  terrors  again.  ”
“  i  dreamt  some  bad  guys  were  hammering  and  nailing  you  to  a  tree,  just  like  j.c.,  but  i  saved  you  ‘cause  i’m a  badass  mom!  ”
“  i  can  take  care  of  myself.  i’ve  been  using  the  bowflex.  ”
“  i  am  scrumptious!  ”
“  i  am  a  god!  ”
“  no,  i  mean  she’s  actually  evil.  not  high  school  evil.  ”
“  hell  is  a  teenage  girl.  ”
“  they  took  her  in  their  spooky  van  with  the  windows  all  blacked  out.  ”
“  knock  it  off ,  ( name )!  ”
“  you  know  it  off,  ( name )!  you’re  a  penis  cheese!  ”
“  i  think  i  already  died  when  you  got  here.  but  i  woke  up  when  i  heard  your  voice.  ”
“  you  killed  my  fucking  boyfriend,  you  goddamned  monster!  ”
*grabs  breasts*  “  these  are  like  smart  bombs.  you  point  them  in  the  right  direction  and  shit  gets  real.  ”
“  i  recommend  that  you  shut  the  fuck  up.  ”
“  you  know  what?  you  were  never  really  a  good  friend.  even  when  we  were  little  you  used  to  steal  my  toys  and  pour  lemonade  on  my  bed.  ”
“  and  now  i’m  eating  your  boyfriend.  at  least  i’m  consistent.  ”
“  i  feel  like  boo  boo.  my  skin  is  breaking  out  and  my  hair  is  dull  and  lifeless.  i  feel  like  one  of  the  normal  girls.  ”
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cheyningdiamond · 3 years
Breakfast In Bed
TW: Manipulation mentioning, Angst, Fluff, Heavy language, Suggestive mentions, Heavy topics mentions
It was in the morning. In the facility where Jeb, Adam, and the demons were, Dallas and his crew were in the kitchen making breakfast for Jebediah, who was still in bed.
Dallas wanted to do something nice for him, as he wasn't feeling too good. Diesel came up with the idea of making him breakfast in bed and hoped that would make him feel better at least emotionally.
They finally finished making the pancakes, eggs, and bacon for him.
Dallas held the syrup bottle in his hand with an idea in mind and a proud, triumphant grin on his face. "Alright, you wanna see something cool? Check this shit out."
He started to put the syrup on, making a circle on the edge of the pancakes, then tried to draw... A rather poorly done pentagram on it.
Diesel and Roxxie stared, then looked at him, raising their eyebrows.
"Uhh Dallas, babe?"
"The Hell are we looking at!?"
Dallas blinked and looked at them. "You dipshits, it's clearly a pentagram! It's like, a sign that we made it, y'know?"
"Boy, that ain't a pentagram."
"Looks more like a compass. With, like, a bunch of those spin-y thingies."
"Shuddit, assholes! It doesn't look like that!" Dallas barked.
This made his buddies laugh. Poor Dallas was huffing with anger.
"Well, c'mon! Let's take it to him." Diesel grinned. They took a tray and set the plates of food on it and carried it to Jeb's room, creaking the door open.
Jeb was laying back, but he was awake. He was playing on his phone, looking through images on it.
The door opened more and he saw the demons walk in.
"Ah, hello guys. What's... All this?"
Diesel grinned. "We heard ya weren't feelin' too good, boss! So we wanted to do somethin' nice for ya!"
"Ah..." He smiled and sat up. "You fellas didn't have to..."
"Yeah, well-" Dallas scoffed. "We did anyways so, deal with it, jackass." He set the tray on his lap.
Jeb stared and his soft smile turned into a small grin. "Uh... Is this a little... Symbol?"
"It's a pentagram, dickhead." Dallas corrected.
"Ah. looks more like a compass that has multiple needles."
Roxxie and Diesel covered their mouths as stifled laughter escaped from them both.
Dallas turned and glared coldly. But, it was hard to take him seriously when his face was as red as the Cherry Pop top he had on.
"Just, eat the damn thing." He crossed his arms, annoyed. Jeb couldn't help but find this amusing. He cut a piece and ate it. His expression lit up slightly. "Ah, this is nice... Thank you three so much, I-" He sniffed the air.
"Why do I smell smoke?"
Diesel and Roxxie's eyes went big. "Shit, we left the oven on! Uh, C'mon D!" She took the larger incubus' hand and rushed downstairs.
"Don't be setting fires in my home!" Jeb yelled loud enough for them to hear. He then chuckled softly.
The lighthearted expression faded though once he saw Dallas' face. He looked... Sad. Depressed, even.
Jeb frowned. "Oh, Dallas I didn't mean to embarrass you."
"Eh?" He perked his head up. "Tch, I'm not upset over that, J.C."
"Then what is it?"
He sighed and moved towards the bed, sitting down on the edge of it.
"I'm just... Still thinking. About what happened to me and Audie..."
Jeb's expression turned grim as he spoke.
"Just, fucking... I thought I could trust him! I put too much faith into that fucking bitch and she just-..." He looked down and shut his eyes. "She fucking used me."
"Not only once, but TWICE! Two times have I been manipulated. First was my cunt of an ex, then them! They always made me feel like I was 'loved' and 'appreciated' only so they could use my powers. Make them more stronger by flirting with people and using that charm." He covered his eyes.
"I've gotten at least 20 people killed doing that. They were probably innocent. Maybe not, I don't fucking know! It doesn't fuckin' matter!!" He yelled.
"Dallas." He put his hand on the incubus' shoulder. He felt his body shaking violently from hysteria.
He heard Dallas sniffle and hiccup. "I'm just sick of it... I'm sick of being nothing but a fucking toy for people to play with. I have feelings too, man! I really thought Audie loved me..."
He wiped his eyes, then held onto Jeb's hand, desperately needing the comfort. "Then that bitch told me, after I gave her her fucking army. 'I don't need you anymore. You were just a ladder to me. A tool. A toy'."
Jeb listened closely. He remembered seeing Dallas getting thrown out the ten-story window of the A.A.H.W facility and landing on one of the cars outside. He was lucky Jeb was there, otherwise he would've died.
Dallas sighed. His voice got softer and he sounded weak. "As usual... The people I fall for just, use me as a way to get whatever shit they want... Never cared for me in the beginning. Just, wanted me for my body or my powers."
Jeb moved the tray onto the nightstand next to his bed. He then got closer and rubbed Dallas' back. "Not everyone is like that, though... You still have me. You got Clayton, and Frank."
Dallas scoffed. "Clayton only likes me 'cuz of my 'talents'."
"Not true. Believe me, when I'm with the Sheriff, he never shuts up about you." He chuckled.
"Mhm! He uh, promised me not to say anything... But, he always says he's really trying on thinking of ways to impress you, or wants to take you to places but isn't sure on where."
"Please tell me you suggested a bar."
"Oh, I did." Jeb laughed softly.
"Good boy." Dallas smirked. "Know me too well and I've only lived with you for two months. That's way more than what Audie did..."
"Well... Unlike the Auditor, I actually care a bit." He smiled at Dallas, who chuckled and punched his shoulder lightly. "Don't get chummy on me, ya baldin' bastard."
The two men laughed quietly and sighed happily.
"But... Really, just... Thank you. For everything. I know I've been a huge pain in the ass lately and I'm sorry."
"Ah, it's fine... I kinda noticed you weren't feeling emotionally well. And uh, after what happened 2 months ago, I can understand your pain."
"Well... Thanks for puttin' up with me." They wrapped an arm around Jeb, hugging him close. He wiped a final tear from his right eye, smiling weakly.
"But of course... And hey."
Dallas looked at Jeb as he put a hand on his back.
"I'm here if you need to vent. I know what losing a loved one feels like. Not an abusive one, but a lost loved one nonetheless. You know I will do whatever I can to help."
Dallas chuckled softly. "Y-Yeah man... I get it... Alright, I'm... I'm gonna go help the two dumbasses I love... Thanks again, Jeb..."
Dallas moved Jeb's head close, kissing his cheek. He then got up and went downstairs.
Jeb smiled softly and took the tray off the nightstand, eating what was left on it.
It finally felt like Dallas had someone he could trust.
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"I was prepared to take care of myself, if I needed to. I don’t want to be where I’m not wanted, you know?”
He reaches out to hold her face. "You are always wanted in my bed, Ace." He kisses the tip of her nose, the one part of her face he reaches first. "Now sleep."
He scoots further under the blankets and closer to her, especially after she touches his chest. "And as for the rest, I've made good on all my promises so far, what makes you think the pancakes will be any different." He smiles as he shuts his eyes.
He notices her thumb tapping against his chest and her soft voice. "I hate sleeping alone...I just didn’t want you to ask me to stay out of chivalry or something. That’s all." He wraps his arms around her and pulls her tight against his bare chest. "You're not alone now. And didn't anyone tell you, chivalry is dead." He kisses the top of her head. "Now sleep, or I will be cooking you lunch instead of breakfast. We can talk more in the morning." He enjoys the warmth of her near him, lulling him into a sense of calm. "Goodnight, Anne." -J.C.
She leans into his hands when he cups her fact before humming contentedly at his kiss on her nose. Relief that he meant his words, that it wasn't all just for show, relaxes her further. Her hands curl underneath her chin as she snuggles into his chest, draping her leg over his hip to hold them intimately together for the night.
"You're a mystery, Mr. James LastName. I'm going to have to stick around through that meal if only so I figure you out. Hope that doesn't mess up your disappearing thing."
Someone as handsome and surprisingly gentle and clever shouldn't need to pick up a hook-up in a dirty bar. Why hadn't any woman scooped him up yet?
A yawn fans out against his chest. She kisses the scruff covering his proud jaw before cuddling underneath his chin. "I don't know who told you you were the boss of me, but they're wrong," she teases. "Night night, James."
Another yawn and she falls asleep, melting into him without a care in the world.
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I'm not going to sugarcoat this... This anime is bad. It is one of the most overrated series I have ever seen. I don't say that lightly.
Merry Christmas?
Part 1 (Episodes 1-4)
The Story
The story is about a young boy who finds out he is actually dead and has only a short ghost-life.
The story has a good idea for a shounen series. But the rest of of the series contains every cliché in the book that we have seen many times before, making the series not stand out like everyone says this series does. It feels like any other dull anime out there.
The characters spoon feeds you most of the information and says the same thing about it hundreds of times with no new information and the explanations feel very forced and poorly written into the show. The series reminds me of Soul Eater. It has an interesting idea, but very poor execution.
The Characters
The characters are not memorable at all to the point where the protagonist looks exactly like the protagonist from Omamori Himari! But while that character was interesting, this series protagonist is like Bella from Twilight. He can't defend himself and his personality changes from a wimp to a brave guy and back again!
Shana is the most unlikeable tsundere I have ever seen. Even though she has seen many of the protagonist's kind. She acts like a bitch to him for no reason and does not sympathies with him in the slightest. Even though she protects humans, she acts like a absolute jerk and has no respect for anyone.
The villain is also not interesting. The only thing we know about him is that he has a doll fetish. And it isn't implied, he talks sexually to a doll multiple times. Heck, every time I see these two, I expect it to turn into a Hentai! The only thing this achieves is demonising people with unusual fetishes, even though the Internet already belittles them already.
The side characters aren't worth mentioning. They are forgettable. In fact, they are the most forgettable side characters I have ever seen. And seeing that I have watched many bad anime before, that is saying a lot.
The Animation/Special Effects
The animation is definitely below average. The animation looks lifeless and dull and the character designs look uninspired. The series recycles a lot of the footage and uses obvious cheap tactics to save money.
The Dub
The dub is bad. The protagonist sounds dull, Shana sounds annoying (especially when she says 'shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!') and the side characters voice actors don't even try.
Final Thoughts
Overall, after seeing these episodes. How do people think that this is one of the best anime of all time? The story is dull, the characters are uninteresting, the animation is lazy and the dub doesn't even try to be good.
And we have 20 more episodes to go... Oh boy...
The Story 1/5 The Characters 1/5 The Animation/Special Effects 2/5 The Dub 1.5/5
Overall 1.5/5
Part 2 (Episodes 5-8)
The Story
The story is still as bland as ever. Even though the series explained how the world works, it is cleche and dull.
The Characters
The characters are not much better. Shana suddenly likes the protagonist for no reason whatsoever, the protagonist is dull and I'm actually siding with the bland villain with a doll fetish. And if you make an uninteresting villain more likeable than the heroes, you know that you have fucked up this series.
The Animation/Special Effects
The animation is still as uninspired as ever. But what do you expect with J.C Staff?
The Dub
The dub is still bad. I don't need to say anymore than that...
Final Thoughts
Overall, this series is still not that good. Who's idea was it that this series is one of the best of all time?
The Story 1.5/5 The Characters 1/5 The Animation/Special Effects 2/5 The Dub 1.5/5
Overall 1.5/5
Part 3 (Episodes 9-13)
The Story
The story has a lot of filler in the first two episodes of this part, then the new villain arc is rushed beyond belief.
The Characters
There is a forced love triangle in this series and you know exactly where it is going to go. The romance between the two main characters feels forced and rushed and we get all new fetish villains! This time its loli and Shota incest! And yes, that's all we know about them. And they are still more likeable than the two main characters!!!
The Animation/Special Effects
Why are the villains the only ones with decent character designs that are memorable? And why are the action scenes so boring and unexciting?
The Dub
The dub is still not very good. In fact, the new villain's voices sound really annoying!
Final Thoughts
Overall, I'm finding it harder to believe that this series is one of the most beloved out there? How the hell did this become so popular?
The Story 1/5 The Characters 1/5 The Animation/Special Effects 2/5 The Dub 1.5/5
Overall 1.5/5
Part 4 (Episodes 14-16)
The Story
The story tells us the backstory of Shana. The problem is that a lot of things happen without any explanation on why this is happening and we already knows what's going to happen because we have seen this plotline many times before and we know how it's going to end.
If it was at the beginning of the series or was just one episode, I could forgive it more, but the backstory takes up THREE episodes! And most of what happens can be summed up in one explanation scene or an OVA, not 3 episodes of the main series.
The Characters
The only interesting relationship in this part is the maid and Shana, but we already know what's going to be revealed, but it is better than what we have seen in most of this series!
The Animation/Special Effects
The animation is okay in this part, nothing special, but an improvement from previous episodes.
The Dub
Dub is still awful. Where is Funimation when you need them? Wait... Funimation made this dub... Dear god!
Final Thoughts
Overall, this part is an improvement from the previous episodes, but it isn't anything worth watching, either.
The Story 1/5 The Characters 2/5 The Animation/Special Effects 3/5 The Dub 2/5
Overall 2/5
Part 5 (Episodes 17-20)
The Story
We get a cleche romantic misunderstanding and a mad scientist taking over the world. One word... BORING!!!
The Characters
We don't have much character development here that we haven't seen 100s of times before! Even the villain is just a generic mad scientist!
The Animation/Special Effects
The animation isn't as good as the previous part. In fact, more care went into the boob juggles with one of the characters in a Yukata than the rest of the show!
The Dub
Zzz...zzzz... Huh? It's still bad... I'm going back to sleep....zzz...zzz...
Final Thoughts
This part was BORING! I was so bored, I started to play Tales of the Abyss near the second half of this part because it was so boring. And I just listened to the dialogue because the animation was so dull.
The Story 0/5 The Characters 1/5 The Animation/Special Effects 2/5 The Dub 2/5
Overall 1.5/5
Part 6 (Episodes 21-24)
The Story
The final part goes on for far too long! Most of the episodes is just fighting dumb looking robots! And the climax is rushed beyond belief. The ending is also really predictable!
The Characters
The characters are the same as ever. The villains are dull and I don't care about anything in this show!
The Animation/Special Effects
The animation is average once again. The fight scenes are below average, but I do think the music is good. If only the music was attached to a better series...
The Dub
The dub isn't that amazing... Can I go back to sleep now?
Final Thoughts
Overall, this last part was a dull ending to a dull series. Need I say more?
The Story 1/5 The Characters 1/5 The Animation/Special Effects 3/5 The Dub 2/5
Overall 2/5
Overall Thoughts
How was this series considered as one of the best series of all time? The story is dull, the characters are uninteresting, the animation is uninspired and the dub doesn't even try! When I watched this series, I could see why Miyazaki thought anime was a mistake. Because fans think this kind of crap is acceptable. Well, it isn't in my book! Don't bother watching this series! It isn't worth your time!
Part 1 1.5/5 Part 2 1.5/5 Part 3 1.5/5 Part 4 2/5 Part 5 1.5/5 Part 6 2/5
Overall 1.5/5
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bytheangell · 4 years
To Fall Again
(Read on AO3) Square Filled: Inter-dimensional Travel for @shadowhunterbingo Pairing: Jimon  Rating: Teen and Up  – Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Tags: Multiple Universes, pre-fic character death, angst with a happy ending Summary:   Simon Lewis didn’t think moving on was possible. He didn’t think he’d ever be ready to fall in love again. It’s a good thing life rarely waits until you’re ready. NOTE/WARNING: There is no character death that happens within the current timeline of this fic, but there is one that takes place just prior. However, all versions of the characters who appear in and are the focus of the fic itself are, and remain, alive and well!  -------------
Simon Lewis never expected to love again after Jace Herondale. Like everything that came with Jace, their love exploded shortly after the fuse was lit, a brilliant burst of excitement and color and adventure and passion. Most flames that burn as bright as Jace did would be expected to burn out just as fast, but he never did.
And he never would have, Simon was almost certain - too bad they never got the chance to find out before his light was snuffed out instead.
Jace worked as a bounty hunter, it was the family business, and they knew the dangers. They did what they could to mitigate the risks but it wasn’t enough. After it happened Simon wondered if he had it in him to take revenge - he and Jace were polar opposites when it came to a lot of things, a stomach for violence included, but Simon thought he might have it in him for this.
For Jace.
He didn’t get the chance to find out as Jace’s siblings took care of that for all of them. They also looked out for Simon during those first few weeks when he barely left the house, never answered his phone or texts, and was very obviously not doing great. When it was clear Simon needed a change of pace - or at the very least to start leaving the apartment again - they convinced him to take on a part-time bartending job with his friend Maia. They want him to be happy, he knows that - hell, he can tell they even want him to move on - but he knows the latter is impossible and he isn’t so sure of the former if he’s being honest.
He takes the job anyway if only to make ends meet without needing help from the Lightwoods. It turns out to be one of the best decisions he ever made.
New New York is too busy of a city for Simon but he can’t bring himself to move. Ever since it was branded as a centralized hub for Official Interdimensional Travel the influence of people passing through from other worlds nearly quadrupled. Simon is still weirded out by the common use of portals between worlds but many others take full advantage - some looking to start over, others to simply get away for a day or two. A lot of missionary sort of work from more advanced universes to struggling ones, which is cool and all. It’s just a lot, and not for Simon.
Until he sees Jace again.
It’s only been four months since the funeral when Simon catches sight of the familiar blonde hair walking away from him. He does a double-take and nearly brushes it off like he usually does - it wouldn’t be the first time he saw a stranger in a crowd and thought for just a moment it was Jace, knowing full well that it wasn’t - except there’s something more to it this time. Something about the way the figure carries himself, the style of that leather jacket, and when he drops something and turns around to pick it up Simon sees his face for the first time and nearly faints.
It’s actually Jace, but it isn’t his Jace - even from here Simon can see he’s missing a scar on his neck that Jace got when one of his bounties had a hidden knife they didn’t find when they searched him and tried to get free, managing to get one good swipe in before Jace knocked the weapon away.
So not his Jace, but still… Jace.
And then just as quickly he’s gone, lost in the crowd. By the time Simon manages to gather himself enough to try and follow there’s no sign of him anywhere, and Simon doesn’t stop thinking about it for a very long time.
The next time Simon spots him he’s coming out from the back with four plates of food, two in his hands and two balanced on his arms.
All four drop to the ground with an unceremonious clatter when the sight of Jace sitting on one of the barstools catches him off-guard.
“Simon, what the fuc-” Maia starts, fully ready to tear into him over the food that’ll have to probably be comped off that group’s bill and re-made on the fly, but when she catches sight of the blonde at the bar she softens immediately.
“Take 30, Lewis. I’ll clean this up.”
Simon stands there, unsure of what to do. Does he leave? Does he talk to him? How does he even begin to-
“Hey, you alright?” Jace asks, leaning over the counter a bit towards Simon.
“No,” Simon says immediately.
“It’s just… you’re looking at me like you’ve seen a ghost.”
A ghost. Close enough.
“I.. you…” Simon starts, but he can’t seem to find the words. “Jace, right?”
“Jonathan,” Jace says.
Jonathan Christopher.
“And you are…?” Jace - no, Jonathan - asks.
It hurts Simon to hear, to realize he doesn’t know, but of course he doesn’t. Why would he?
“Simon,” Simon says, with a small, sad smile.
“You’re still staring, Simon,” Jonathan points out.
“Shit, sorry. I should go-”
“Wait,” Jonathan stops him. “Why? If you don’t mind me asking?”
“You look like my ex,” Simon says, then cringes when he realizes how that sounds. “He, uh. He died.”
“Oh,” Jonathan says. “I’m sorry. I should go-”
“No, please,” Simon says, not intending for his voice to sound as pleading as it does. “I’d actually, uh… I mean if you’re going to sit for a drink, maybe we can just chat? Unless that’s too weird. That’s too weird, isn’t it?”
Jonathan smiles, and god, there’s that grin Simon fell in love with. “Not at all. I’ve got an hour or two before I have to head home.”
Simon takes the next hour off - Maia is very understanding - to talk to Jonathan about his life and where he’s from, but it’s over too quickly and soon he’s on his way, back to a universe without Simon.
A universe where he’s still alive and well and thriving.
Simon wonders how many more versions of him are out there.
He never expects to actually find out.
The answer is a lot. It seems like no dimension is complete without its own Jace Herondale, or occasionally Wayland or Morgenstern. Sometimes he goes by Jonathan or J.C.; sometimes he’s a chef, or a soldier, or a pianist; sometimes he recognizes Simon and sometimes he doesn’t... but at the core of him, he’s always just Jace.
Simon talks to one or two of them when they cross paths, usually stopping in for food or a drink during their travels. The only problem is that they’re always on the way to somewhere, and never stay long enough for him to really get to know.
He knows how absurd that desire is, the desire to have these other Jace’s stay, and-- and what? Because whatever Jace comes through isn’t his Jace - he has a job, a family, an entire life to get back to, he doesn’t want to stay and comfort Simon.
Until one does.
Jace Herondale is the grandson of Imogen Herondale, a well known and wealthy politician in the dimension he’s from. He travels for fun because he’s a bit of a troublemaker and his family decided it was better to let him wander and do his own thing if that’s what keeps the family name from being dragged through the dirt.
Simon knows this because they talk, and when it becomes increasingly apparent that Simon doesn’t intend on kicking him out of the bar Jace stays until close and then admits he doesn’t have anywhere else to be if Simon wanted to grab a nightcap.
They end up back at Simon’s apartment. Nothing happens, but they talk some more, and Jace stays the night on the sofa. He stays the night after that, and the one after that, too. Simon offers to trade-off and take the sofa, and when Jace refuses he hesitantly offers to share the bed instead.
Just to sleep, they agree - until sleeping together leads to, well, sleeping together, and Simon isn’t sure how he feels about it.
Simon is, however, sure how he feels when this Jace Herondale leaves a week later with murmured apologies about needing to do some damage control back home.
After that, Simon goes a little numb. It’s like losing Jace twice, in a way - he knows it isn’t the same, he knows he shouldn’t have hoped for this new thing to last, but he had. And now that it’s gone his heart breaks all over again at the cold, empty space beside him in bed.
He tries to ignore the next time he catches sight of another dimension’s Jace, except it’s one where Jace knows him, so Jace approaches Simon instead. Attempting to avoid him is one thing, but Simon can’t bring himself to brush off Jace once he’s standing there in front of him with that infectious smile and gleam of mischief in his eyes.
Simon can’t bring himself to grow too attached, so he does the only logical thing: he shuts down entirely. He tries to convince himself he’s fine with one night stands, forces himself to go through the motions with the constant reminder that it isn’t him, that there’s nothing there.
He hates it.
Perhaps the lesson he’s meant to take away is that he needs to stop trying. No one else is going to fit the mold of exactly what he needs, to know what he’s going through and what he’s missing. They can’t, and he shouldn’t expect them to.
The easy solution is to go back to passing acquaintances - little chats from behind the bar that end there with nothing more. No hopes to crash, no expectations to fall short of. Better than nothing, and safe.
He’s okay with it. Not the fake, forced okay he was with the casual hook-ups, but actually okay. It’s a taste of what he wants, of what he’s missing, and since he knows he can’t have it all it’s a realistic expectation to allow himself.
And then for a while, he stops crossing paths with any other Jace’s, or J.C.’s, or Jonathan’s. He wonders if maybe they warned all the other dimensions about the weirdo bartender in New New York who talks too much and always manages to say the wrong thing, and maybe they’re avoiding him. Or maybe he just came across as many as there were, and that’s it. After all, there may be an infinite number of realities, or dimensions, or whatever out there, but it isn’t as if they have access to all of them. He should be lucky to have found as many as he did.
Days pass, and then weeks, and then months. It never gets easy, but it gets a little easier, and Simon finds himself falling into a pretty solid routine. He’s made some friends at work, mostly through Maia, but they still totally count and they all go out some nights after work. And work is actually going great - he’s an assistant manager under Maia now, which only comes back to bite him in the ass sometimes.
Sometimes like this night, in particular, exactly one year after Jace’s death, when he decides to cover for not only Maia who is on vacation but two other employees who called out sick. And of course, there’s some sort of bachelorette party or something that drags at least twenty customers to the bar who seem determined to order non-stop overly complicated mixed drinks and shots - on top of the entire rest of the restaurant’s worth of drinks he has to make. He wanted a distraction tonight, sure, but maybe he should’ve been a bit more careful what he wished for because he’s about to lose his goddamn mind, and--
--and then there he is. On this day, of all the days, it feels more like seeing a ghost than ever before. His blonde hair falls softly across his forehead and into his eye, and he pushes it away just as he looks up and makes eye contact with Simon. Jace. Of course, there would be a fucking Jace doppelganger here, tonight, right now, and-
Jace’s voice is soft, pained, and Simon’s thoughts stop dead. As does the rest of him. He has a million things to do and is in the middle of turning around with a bottle in his hand to make some shot with a name he can’t repeat with a straight face, but he just freezes at the way Jace is looking at him. Unlike the other times, this feels different, somehow. Like fate, a small voice in the back of his head offers, but Simon is quick to quiet it.
And then someone is literally snapping their fingers to get his attention and he doesn’t have much of a choice other than to give Jace an apologetic grimace before mouthing ‘sorry’ and going back to making drinks.
He keeps an eye on him, though, watching as Jace lingers before finally approaching the bar. Simon is still drowning in drink orders but since Jace is actually at the bar now he can at least go over for a second, even just to see what drink he wants.
“Can I get something for you?”
“What?” Jace asks, then shakes his head. “Oh. No,” he starts, but then seems to realize that means Simon is going to leave again so he quickly amends his answer. “I mean, yeah. I’ll take a rum and cola.”
Simon nods, and grabs for the bottle and the soda hose, pressing the ‘cola’ button and watching as the brown carbonated soda mixes with the bottle of rum he turns over into the glass at the same time.
“Sorry,” Jace says as Simon makes the drink. “About earlier. That was creepy of me. I didn’t mean to be- it’s just you-” Jace stumbles over his words.
“You have a Simon, in your world, don’t you?” Simon offers, and Jace looks relieved that Simon understands.
“Yeah,” he says, and Simon notes the way he hasn’t broken eye contact since he came over like Jace is afraid to look away and lose him even though Simon clearly isn’t going anywhere other than the other side of the bar and back.
“Hey, another drink down here, sometime tonight maybe!” An impatient man yells from the other end of the bar, and Simon winces.
It’s only then Jace looks away from him and down the bar. “Are you alone back there?”
Simon nods. “Perks of being the boss, I guess. Everyone else called out,” he admits. “It’s fine,” he adds quickly.
“Doesn’t look fine,” Jace points out.
“Fine, it isn’t fine. I’m dying. I think my wrists are going to fall off and if I have to make one more buttery nipple shot for that bachelorette party I might actually cry,” Simon admits in a rush. “Happy now?”
“No,” Jace says. “But I can help.”
Before Simon knows what’s happening Jace’s rum and cola is empty and Jace moves to the small opening at the end of the bar.
“You can’t come back here,” Simon says, but Jace only cocks an eyebrow.
“Says who? You’re the boss, aren’t you?” Jace grabs a nearby white towel and drapes it over his shoulder, already rolling up his shirtsleeves. “Want the help, or not?”
Simon knows that Maia will have his head for this but right now he can’t be bothered to worry that far ahead. He just needs to survive until close. “Ask me if you can’t find something, or don’t know a recipe, or-”
“Relax, Simon. We got this,” Jace promises, and Simon can already feel the panic and tension fading at the reassurance.
They do have this. In fact, they work together so well anyone watching would think they’d been doing it for years, and by the end of the night they’re calling out for bottles closer to the other and tossing them back and forth without a second thought. Simon doesn’t know if Jace is just good at making things up as he goes or if he really knows his stuff, but he doesn’t ask about a single order that comes his way, and they clear out the last customer minutes after closing.
Simon counts out the register, takes well over half the tips they made that night, and folds the bills over to hand to Jace.
Jace looks at the money like he’s never seen it before. “Keep it,” he says.
“You just saved my ass,” Simons points out. “It’s the least I can do.”
Jace only shakes his head. “No,” he says. “Just… being here. This? This is more than enough. You have no idea-” he starts, but the words catch in his throat. “Sorry, I should go.”
“Wait,” Simon says, instinctively reaching out to grab Jace’s wrist to stop him. He knows he shouldn’t - just passing acquaintances, he reminds himself. But there’s something different about this time, about this Jace. “What is it?”
Jace hesitates, and then in a voice so quiet Simon almost doesn’t hear it, says, “I lost you.”
Jace realizes the slip-up the moment it leaves his lips. “Him,” Jace is quick to correct. “I lost him. My Simon.”
Simon isn’t sure what look crosses his face at that, but whatever it is has Jace shaking his head back and forth. “Yep, that’s too weird. I knew it would be. It’s just… it’s been a year, and you aren’t the first Simon I’ve run into from another place, but when I saw you here, tonight, it was like… like…”
“Like fate,” Simon offers, voicing the thought he had previously. “It isn’t too weird,” Simon adds because he doesn’t want this Jace to leave, not yet at least. “I lost you, too.”
Simon wraps up his shift faster than he ever has before, moving fast despite the exhaustion he feels starting to settle in. Jace sits at an empty table while Simon finishes everything he has to do to close the bar down, having a drink or two while he waits, and then Simon makes a drink of his own before joining him.
The longer they talk the more Simon knows the similarities are too specific to not mean something. It’s been a year to the date for both of them, they both had an Alec and Isabelle and Maia of their own to help them through, and Jace was a bartender before he and his Simon met.
“I actually haven’t poured a drink since,” Jace admits, swirling the liquid in his glass around a bit. “It was a totally random robbery-gone-wrong, and Si was playing a set at the bar that night. Wrong place, wrong time.”
“My Jace’s was an occupational hazard. He was a bounty hunter,” Simon admits, and the Jace in front of him spits out his drink in shock.
“I what?” he says, eyes wide. “Fuck that’s intense.”
Simon laughs. “Yeah, tell me about it.”
The hours pass and soon it’s late, they’re both a little on the other side of sober, and it’s obvious that Simon can’t send Jace off alone like this, not that Jace seems to have any inclination to leave on his own. Simon waits for the little voice in his head to tell him to send Jace back home anyway, that this is all just going to lead to awkwardness and regret and disappointment… but the voice never comes.
Simon can definitely feel that it’s different this time, and he’s pretty sure Jace can, too, because they get each other in ways that the others never had. It isn’t that Jace’s Simon broke up with him, or that they never dated, or that they never met each other at all. This time each knows exactly what the other needs because, for the first time, they’ve both been through the same loss.
They get back to Simon’s apartment and Simon tosses Jace a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt to change into. Neither of them says anything but Jace has to realize it’s a pair that used to belong to Simon’s Jace with how perfectly they fit him.
“I can sleep on the sofa,” Jace offers, but Simon shakes his head.
“You don’t have to. I mean, if you’d rather, that’s fine. But… I wouldn’t mind the company.” Simon doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath in anticipation until Jace nods and makes his way towards the bed, and all of the tension and anxiousness eases out of Simon at once. Jace goes to the left side - his side - and Simon goes to the right.
He doesn’t have to ask as he moves forward at the same time Jace shifts back toward him, their bodies fitting together perfectly, and Simon begins to drift off with his arm wrapped around Jace, lulled to sleep by the steady rise and fall of his breathing.
For a few moments, Simon forgets where he is. He’s wrapped around the warmth of another body, just like he dreamed of so many times - except this isn’t a dream. In fact, this is more than he let himself even dream of lately. For a moment Simon forgets and it’s as if nothing bad has ever happened in his life.
But then Jace stirs beneath him and he’s forced to acknowledge the reality of his situation - that this, like all the other times, can’t stay forever. Simon just waits for the other shoe to drop while they wake up, and eat breakfast, and spend some more time talking and even watching some mindless reality tv show; until Simon has to go to work and has an awkward moment where he expects Jace to leave with him, except Jace stays on the sofa.
“I’m… I have to go to work,” Simon says, not for the first time that day.
It seems to click very abruptly in Jace’s head that this isn’t his place, and of course Simon expects him to leave when he leaves.
“Oh. Right. I’ll just…” Jace starts, and only at that moment does it become apparent to Simon that Jace hadn’t planned on leaving.
“You can stay, if you want,” Simon is quick to tell him. “I’ll be back in a few hours. There’s plenty of food, and the tv, and video games and stuff?” He sounds unsure, but Jace almost immediately eases back into the sofa.
“Thanks,” Jace says, and Simon realizes he’s relieved that he can stay.
Jace also stays the day after that. And the day after that.
And Simon realizes, slowly but surely, that Jace doesn’t plan on leaving.
Simon brings up the fact that Jace has an entire life he just casually up and left- not because he particularly wants to, but because he knows they have to talk about it eventually - but Jace just shrugs.
“I told Alec and Izzy where I am. I think they’re actually kind of relieved to know I’m at least out and about” Jace says, settling back against Simons’ shoulder while they watch a movie on Simon’s day off. “But whenever you want me to leave just tell me. I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
That’s just it - Simon doesn’t want him to leave. Ever. But he also can’t bring himself to say it, so instead, he just mumbles something noncommittal and turns back to the movie.
It’s nearly a week later when Jace tells him he’s going back home to check in with his siblings. Simon doesn’t expect him to come back at all, figuring this has to be it, this is Jace’s way of sliding off without making a scene and the inevitable heartbreak Simon feared all along.
Jace leaves, and Simon fully expects to never see him again.
So when Simon’s getting ready for bed that night and he hears a knock at the door, his heartbeat races at the implications. It can’t be… can it?
When he opens the door to see Jace on the other side, suitcase in tow, he doesn’t know what to say.
“Hey,” Jace starts. “I know this is… well, Alec said it was ‘incredibly presumptive’, but… I’d like to stay. If you’ll have me. And if not, if it’s too much, or too weird, I get it, and just say the word and I’ll go back-”
Simon steps forward to close the space between them, cutting off Jace’s rambling by pressing their lips together for the first time. It doesn’t feel like the first time, though - it feels like this is where he’s always meant to be. Jace kisses him back, leaning into the motion easily.
“Only I can nervous-ramble that much,” Simon informs him matter-of-factly after they pull away.
Jace laughs, and it sounds like the sweetest music. It sounds like hope and happiness; like everything Simon worked so hard to keep himself from feeling for the better part of the past year.
“You’re welcome as long as you’d like,” Simon reassures him, stepping aside so Jace has more than enough room to come in and make himself at home.
And Jace does. It isn’t long before it feels like their home again, the way Simon hadn’t realized he missed as much as he did.
Simon knows that true second chances are rare - he had enough ‘almost’s pass through his life to recognize this one for what it is. It isn’t going to be the same as before, but it doesn’t need to be: he has a second chance at love, and he plans on taking it.
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seafoamgreen · 7 months
i am having. a night.
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hufflewritings · 4 years
A Pirate's Life for Me: part 5
Tags: @thomothy @sophiefrye22 @thebluebutterflyaffect
Dancing with Jack Ketch: to be hung
Knave: a servant boy or dishonorable man
It was high noon when Eric finished mopping the decks of the pirate ship, and now Pete ordered him to scrub the main spar of the ship with a rag and a bucket of soapy water. He had only been on the ship for half a day and was already being worked to the bone, his back and arms were beginning to feel sore. But he needed to keep working, he didn't want to be on Magnum's bad side. He continued to scrub until he felt someone pat his back rather harshly, prompting him to turn around only to see Pete look down at him with a grin.
"Well, color me impressed, lad. This ship 'asn't glistened like this in ages." Pete began, taking the rag from Eric. "But the Cap'n says that ye 'aven't eaten yet. So 'ow's about ye take a break an' get some grub?"
"A-Aye s-sir," Eric whispered as he sat the bucket down, looking around. "Wh-Where do I-?"
"One o' our cooks be preparin' it fer ye an' will brin' it to ye shortly. 'e dyin' to meet ye," Pete answered, picking up the bucket and tossing the rag in. "'e'll be 'ere shortly. Just wait where ye be."
Eric gave him a nod, watching as the quartermaster walked away, before noticing the pirate named John, casting him threatening glares, talking with a small group.
"Why does 'e get to eat early? we did nay get that there special treatment when we were 'ired." one of them murmured, giving Eric a dirty look.
Eric flinched as he turned away from them, clutching his leather vest tightly. He wanted to run when-.
"You're Eric right?"
Eric jumped turning around to see a pirate, holding a plate of fruits and meat, a warm smile on his face. The timid ego was quiet for a moment before clearing his throat, straightening his vest. "Uh, um yes- I mean Aye. I'm Eric. And uh um you are?" he asked, holding out his hand for him to shake.
"I'm cooking master Jim." He said with a smile, taking his hand and shaking it firmly. "But you can call me C.J. since my brother is named Jim as well."
"Wh-Who's your brother?" Eric questioned before watching C.J. pointing over to a man steering the ship, who looked exactly like C.J. minus the different outfits.
"That be him." C.J. began. "He and I are twins. Mother thought it easier if we had the same names." he chuckled before looking at the plate. "Well, I was ordered to bring ye some grub and so I brought you the best that this ship can offer. Don't want ye working on an empty stomach."
Eric smiled, taking the plate from C.J. "Thank you C.J. it's nice t-to meet a friendly f-face here."
"Ye, but don't be fooled by the Captain's harsh exterior. He's got a kind heart." C.J. shrugged. "Just chooses not to show it sometimes... Well, I'll take me leave then. Enjoy."
Eric waved C.J. off, before walking over to a lonely corner, where he sat, taking small bites of his food, thinking over what C.J. said. The Captain didn't seem... Too harsh to him... Was he like that to the others?... And what made him so different?
After he was finished, he walked around the ship looking for a place to discard the empty plate when he was shoved out of the way causing him to fall to his stomach.
"Watch it!" A pirate snapped, glaring at Eric before walking away.
Eric shook his head, lifting himself to his knees, about to grab the plate, when something grabbed him by his shirt, lifting him up in the air, causing him to yelp. He was slowly turned around, revealing that it was Magnum holding him up in the air with one hand, looking at him with a grin, chuckling to himself.
"The others can be a 'andful to deal with me lad. But ye'll get used to them." Magnum began, setting Eric gently down onto his feet, before helping him dust off. "Ye okay?"
"Aye Captain," Eric whispered casting his eyes on the ground, rubbing his hands together.
"LAND HO CAPTAIN!" A pirate shouted causing Eric to jump.
Magnum looked up to see that they were about to enter a giant cave, causing him to grin before turning to Eric, patting his back. "Ye be in fer a treat me lad, come."
Eric watched as Magnum walked to the front of the ship, before following him close behind, looking around the dark cave. He watched as Magnum grabbed one of the ropes, holding it tightly as he walked on the very edge, leaning forward as he stared ahead, able to see an opening in the cave. "HEAD ON THROUGH!" Magnum shouted. "AN' PULL THE MAINSAIL IN!"
As commanded, the pirates pulled the mainsail in as the entrance became narrower, the ship getting closer to the exit. Eric was blinded by the sudden light, causing him to rub his eyes, before opening them once more and what he saw left him in awe. Through the cave was what looked like a small city next to the shore that was surrounded by a huge cliff barrier. There were buildings and people laughing, singing, and fighting. The smell of food cooking filled the air and the sound of music rang through Eric's ear and all he could do was stare in shock. "Wh-Where are w-we?"
Magnum only chuckled as he turned to the timid ego, who was looking up at him in wonder. "This... here be pirate gulch... 'ome o' the deadliest pirates ye'll e'er see." he then turned to Eric hopping back onto the deck looming over the timid ego. "So I'd advise ye to stay close to the crew if ye want to stay alive." he smiled as Eric gulped, giving him a nod, causing him to chuckle, before walking ahead, the boy following him close behind. "CINCH THE SAILS AN' DROP ANKER CREW, WE'LL BE 'ERE AWHILE!"
After the ship was secure, Magnum and his crew walked onto the deck, heading into town. The streets were busy with people selling either food, livestock, or jewelry, all yelling their prices and what's for sale. It brought a smile to Magnum's face. He loved the loudness of the streets, it was home. However, he turned around to see Eric walking right behind him, following him like a lost puppy, looking around with timid eyes. He gave him a small smile before patting his back. Maybe the boy needed a distraction. "So, do ye 'ave any questions boyo?"
"Uh... W-Well... Wh-Why is Pirate g-gulch surrounded b-by a cliff?" Eric asked, looking up at Magnum.
"Oh, why fer protection me lad," Magnum answered with a smile. "No one other than us pirates knows about it."
"Why do p-pirates hide? And... Wh-who are they hiding f-from?" Eric whispered flinching when a person at a booth coped the head of a fish completely off.
"Well, sea creatures like sirens, ghost ships, everything." Magnum began before turning to Eric, stopping in his tracks. "An' worse o' all, the Royal Navy. Ye stay clear o' them me lad. No jolly will come o' it."
"Wh-What will happen i-if I do?"
Magnum only grinned, giving Eric a dark chuckle. "Then ye'll be dancin' with Jack Ketch."
Eric blinked in confusion before turning around, looking at Pete who was behind them the whole time, his eyes full of question on what he meant. It was until Pete made a hanging gesture when he realized what that meant causing Eric to gulp, standing closer to Magnum.
After strolling down the streets of pirate gulch, Magnum turned to the crew, watching as they all paused one by one. "Alright, crew! I 'ave important business to attend to, an' I wish not to be disturbed. So, yer assessment be to restock on supplies an' after go one o' the taverns get yourselves a drink. Ye've earned it."
Eric watched as the crew only cheered, before beginning to break up into small groups, going to stands or into taverns. He only stood there before feeling someone pat his shoulder causing him to look up, to see Magnum look at him with a smile.
"Find a crew to 'ang around. This here business be a private matter I be afraid." Magnum ordered gently.
"B-But... But I d-don't know who will-."
"Come with us." C.J. smiled pointing to his brother who just waved. "We're getting food supplies if ye want to join us."
"Good lads." Magnum cheered, patting C.J. and Jim's backs with a chuckle, before turning to Eric. "I'll see to ye later Eric. Pete, let's make 'aste!" he ordered as he walked away, Pete following close behind.
Eric watched them leave before feeling C.J. taking his hand, pulling him along. "Let's get to the market for fruit supplies." C.J. smiled placing Eric right between him and Jim, heading further into the market.
A few minutes later, Eric was watching J.C. and Jim as they were picking out fruits for the ship, along with livestock that they could cook with. Other than that he was watching the people of the market doing their work when he felt someone forcefully grab him by the shoulders and drag him away. He went to scream for C.J. when someone clamped his mouth shut. He watched as they dragged him into an ally way right next to a store selling fish. He was then slammed against the wall, causing him to yelp before looking up in horror.
It was none other than John and three other crew members looking at him with harsh grins, chuckling at his growing fear.
"Ye listen well an' ye listen jolly." John began with a growl, watching as Eric coward and squint his eyes shut. "I don't care if you were stranded or if you're really are a stowaway. But you will not last a week on our ship."
"I-I... I'm n-not-."
"An' another thin." he interrupted, watching as Eric pressed his mouth shut. "Ye may be the Cap'n new little pet, but that there doesn't mean that we be fixin' to give ye special treatment. Ye be no pirate! Hell, ye be not even a cabinboy. You're just a Lilly-livered knave."
Eric flinched squinting his eyes shut, fighting the urge to cry, but that didn't stop his eyes from filling with water.
"Now stay out o' me way, or there be consequences, savvy!?" John snapped.
"A-Aye!" Eric whimpered, before being yanked off the wall and thrown out of the ally, landing right into barrels of fish that he knocked over. Eric shook his head as he looked up to see John and his gang walk away, causing him to sigh in relief before hearing someone yelling.
"Who knocked over my barrels?!" a man snapped before he paused looking down at a frightened Eric. "You!" the man then reached to his side pulling out a dagger. "I'LL 'AVE YER AN' FER THIS!"
Eric gasped as he scrambled to his feet beginning to run, the man following close behind. He ran past dozens of people, trying to plow threw crowds, but the man was still on his tale and getting closer. He glances behind himself seeing the man reaching for him before he suddenly stopped. Eric then looked ahead seeing a cliffside. That he was about to fall off. He tried to slow down and skid to a stop but he went over anyway. He squints his eyes shut waiting for him to hit the ground below, but nothing happens. However, he felt a tug as he was hoist into the air causing him to open his eyes, staring right at captain Magnum, who was looking at him in confusion.
"What be ye doin' boyo?" Magnum questioned looking him over. "Ye could 'ave caught yer death-."
"Sir!" the man who was chasing Eric snapped with a scowl, pointing at Eric. "Unhand that there no jolly scoundrel so that I can-!"
Magnum's warm eyes suddenly became cold and callous once more as he let out a low growl, slowly turning to the man, who's scowl fell, being replaced with fear. Eric watched as the people around them gasped, backing away in fear.
"C-Captain M-Magnum?!" the man breathed as he backed away some more.
Magnum then gently sat Eric down, stomping toward the man, things around them shaking with every step he took. The towering pirate clenched his fist as he spoke. "An' just what be ye plannin' on doin' to me cabinboy?"
"He-He's y-your?-"
"An' I 'ope it be nothin' that could 'arm the poor lad. Because if that be the case." he suddenly grabbed the man by the neck and hoist him in the air, getting into his face, hearing the man choke within his grasp. "Then I'd 'ave to shoot ye out o' me canon. An' I've been dyin' to use 'her fer a while now. Though we don't want that right?" the man frantically shook his head. "Jolly, now go aft to yer 'ell 'ole ye call a fish shop an' leave me cabinboy alone savvy?!" the man nodded his head, causing Magnum to let him go, watching as he dropped to the ground before scrambling onto his feet and run the other way.
Magnum huffed as he straightened his coat turning to Eric who was looking at him in fear. Suddenly the coldness left Magnum's eyes as he walked over to the boy, looking him over. "Be ye okay? 'e did nay 'urt ye did 'e?"
"N-No. I-I'm o-okay." Eric whispered looking down.
"What 'appen to C.J. an' sail master Jim?"
"I g-got separated from them."
Magnum thought for a moment before turning to Pete who just shrugged. The captain hummed to himself before patting Eric's shoulder. "I suppose ye can come with me to the meetin'. Ye be me cabinboy after all. Besides, it might 'ave not been the best idea to let ye wander alone. Would ye like to accompany me?" he asked watching as Eric gave him a nod. "Jolly, but I must warn ye, no blabberin', or askin' questions, do as I say when we enter, an' whatever ye 'ear do not tell the crew anythin'. I'll tell them when I be ready to, savvy?"
"Aye Captain," Eric whispered cowering slightly.
"Jolly. Now come, we be fixin' to be late." Magnum quickly said as he began to walk down the street, Eric and Pete following close behind.
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vibratingskull · 8 months
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When you're worried about the final exam, Thrawn may be just the teacher you need. Maybe.
"... And that's how it almost exploded at my face! I wouldn’t have thought a simple mouse droid could be this dangerous. J.C what do you think about this?"
"(y/n) put down your datapad."
"Fascinating, Eli. A really… Enthralling… Story…"
You suddenly get back to reality, realising you are in the cafeteria with your datapad almost taped to your face. Eli seems pretty annoyed by you, to let him speak uselessly in the void.
"What are you even reading?"
"I'm just revising our classes for this semester." You answer, getting back at your screen.
He rolls his eyes with a sigh.
"Maker, I thought you would be more fun to be around given your nickname, but you're like Thrawn." He teases. "No, you're even worse than him, he has the decency to stop when it's time to eat."
"I wouldn’t need to do it if I were like Thrawn, believe me." You laugh.
"What would you not need to do if you were like me, exactly?"
You jumped when Thrawn's voice resonated behind your back. One day he will give you a heart attack. He sits next to Eli who tries to make you stop.
"She has been glued to her datapad since last week. Impossible to get her to drop it."
"I don't want to fail the Final Exams, that's all." You start to get irritated, there is no need for drama over such a petty thing.
"Your grades are already good, you don't need to worry about this exam. Come on, shut it down and eat, you didn't touch your plate."
Indeed you haven't touched it yet. The food must be cold by now but you still don't drop your pad. You choose to tease him back instead.
"I didn't know you were an overprotective mother Eli. You are supposed to look after Thrawn, not me you know?"
You both laugh along while Thrawn keeps eating silently without picking up the joke. He must look like an exhausted father forced to supervise some troublesomes teenagers.
"Anyway, I don't simply want good grades, I want the best grades! I'm sure Thrawn will support me on this one."
"I am inclined to agree. To be at your best capacities in any field must be a goal for anyone."
"Ha HA!" You laugh triumphantly at Eli and steal him a bite of his meal as a trophy.
"But Eli is also right to tell you to take a break from your device. You are not doing yourself a favor."
Wait, what?
"Ha HA!" Eli replies back and steals your dessert as revenge.
"In this case, why won't you give me a hand, since you know better." You ask sarcastically while taking back your fruit.
"If this is what you wish, I am happy to oblige." He answers without hesitation.
"Wait, really?" You honestly didn't believe he would accept, you can't say you associated him with philanthropy. "I thought you would keep studying and scrutinize humans through our art." You ask while exaggerating your gesture for a dramatic effect, trying to obtain a reaction from him.
He looks at you in the eyes as he always does, without blinking at your act.
"There is nothing to prevent me doing so while assisting you. We can meet at the library tonight after your chore."
You consider his proposition, you asked this question to irk him but if he is serious about it why not benefit from the situation?
You turn to Eli.
"Is it okay for you Eli? Since you are supposed to assist-"
"I have no problem with this. Go on, work well!" He responded immediately, too happy at the perspective of one or two hours alone without Thrawn to "supervise".
"Well, in this case, I accept your generous offer, Thrawn."
"Very well, let us begin."
At these words, Thrawn snatches the pad out of your hands.
"Hey! What are you doing?!"
"I want you to stop studying during break times." He states while turning off the datapad.
"I can use those times as I want and I want to study!"
You try to take it back but he simply lays the device beside him on the bench, out of your reach. You let out a frustrated grunt.
"Why do you care?!"
"Pauses are scheduled for a reason, Cadet (y/f/n). If you constantly work while you should let your brain recover, you will learn a mixture of irrelevant and useless informations. Forcing yourself is counterproductive, good work comes with good methods." He preaches.
"Oh that's rich coming from you!"
Eli stays silent, careful to not bring himself into the fight. His expressions worried more and more every time you raise your voice.
"Would you care to remind me what we studied at the beginning of the week?" Thrawn inquires with his composed voice.
"Of course, we have seen the Williamson Maneuver for large ships." You respond confidently, crossing your legs.
Judging by his unimpressed expression, you have misplaced your confidence.
"Cadet Vanto, if you please?"
"We studied the Titor hyperdrive model... For large ships." Eli looks at you with "sorry" speld in his eyes.
Damn it! The maneuver lesson was last week, John Titor invented his model of propulsor after to make it easier.
You cross your arms over your chest, displeased by the turn of the conversation. In front of you, however, Thrawn is content with himself.
"Now that the point has been made, eat please. This is not the first time that you neglect to feed yourself, as Eli pointed out."
This is with those casual remarks that you remember he has eyes everywhere, especially on those who are somewhat close to him.
Bless Eli for what he must endure all day long, he surely has it worst.
"Could you give me back my pad?" You ask, exasperated.
"I will return it to you once the noon break is finished."
"Oh come on!"
You walk down the corridor in silence, passing by other students going about their daily business.
You're apprehensive of the next hour. It will be the first time you will be alone with Thrawn after your little discussion in the classroom. Even though your relationship is now… let say cordial, the situation is less comfortable than what you’ve anticipated. You know he won’t try anything, but you can’t muffle your inner voice telling you to stay on your guard around him.
As you enter the academic library you are immediately welcomed by the familiar sounds of keyboards and murmurs. Each step you make resound inside. You absorb yourself with the serious and studious atmosphere reigning here. Despite its factory's design and architecture, the library is still the least suffocating room of this Academy. You should try to come more often.
As you're wandering between the bookcases and the desks, you saw Thrawn in an alcove away from the main agitation, comfortably consulting a holobook on who knows what.
He notes your presence and closes the holo as he rose from his seat before you could join him.
"Thank you for arriving on time."
"Did you expect me to be late, sir?"
"I expected to discover it this evening. Please, take a seat."
You sat in front of his previous chair while he brought an old suitcase on the table. The latches are used and dislocated, even the insignia of the Academy graved in the case is passed. He opens it and takes out a demesne.
"Do you play Shah-tezh?" He asks, presenting the board to your eyes.
"I used to, some time ago." You respond, unsure of the meaning of all this. You were pretty sure you agreed on working your classes, not a game evening. "Does Chiss play Shah-tezh?"
"Indeed we do, Cadet (y/f/n). We possess our own version of the game."
"Nice! But what's the point? I thought you would help me to revise."
He finishes placing all the pieces and sits.
"It is part of the processus. We will play a game then we will study the theorics."
Your gaze travels between the board and him.
"You expect me to win a strategic game against you?" You ask, incredulous.
"I do not expect you to win, I expect you to progress. You may start."
After staring at the board you just place your Craft randomly, without conviction. He immediately responds with his Dowager and you realise you don't have much left of your previous games. You add your Beast in the mix before watching him slowly slide his Vizier all across the board.
"Checkmate. Two moves."
You stare at the corridor you opened for him during the game, dumbfounded by your own stupidity. A beginner's mistake.
You wiggles on your seat, out of shame. He doesn't say a thing as he replaces the pawns.
"Let us start again."
He politely invites you to begin the game and you innerly thank him for not bringing you down over… this.
You gather your thoughts and search for an idea. You place your Craft in the exact same position as later and wait for his reaction.
Ho this is a petty idea, but you can’t resist it.
He plays along and does the same with his Dowager. You place yours in the same case of your side of the demesne. He places his Vizier on the left side and you mirror him once again.
He squints at you and you smile back .
"You know you cannot win with this attitude."
"Who says I'm trying to win? I'm trying to learn!"
His eyelid twitches at your insolent answer.
"Very well."
He slides the Dowager of three cases and announces with a cold tone.
You sigh and let yourself slouch down your chair. Now you're just fed up and grumpy.
"You're not funny."
"I am not trying to, I am trying to teach you."
"It's a game!"
"It is a strategic game." He corrects you.
You see him place back the pawns again. Is he not down? What does he hope to achieve with all this?
"I don't see how becoming a Shah-tezh master will help me with a Final about theoretical subjects." You muttered.
"It will. You misunderstand my intentions, I will not make you a Shah-tezh champion but I will engrave some ch'af… I mean mechanisms in your brain that will help you think logically and with pragmatisme."
It's the first time you heard him stumble over a word, it's surprising coming from someone who likes to use delicate phrasing. You wonder if it's because Eli is not here to help or because you seem to get under his skin at this moment. Maybe both.
"But I cannot do this alone, I need you to work with me. If you do not want to use my methods, we will simply cease. But if you want to try my way, I will ask for your cooperation, this is not something I can do instead of yourself."
You roll your head and straighten your back. Okay, you will give him a chance, lets try it seriously.
"Alright, I will concentrate. But I really hope it's effective and you're not wasting my time!"
He starts the game this time, and advances his Disciple.
"Patience, (y/f/n). This exercise will come to fruition soon enough."
"Very good. This is much better than our first games." He states calmly.
"I still didn't beat you." You respond disheartened.
After a whole month, you didn’t find a way to break down his defenses, whether it’s in the game or in real life. But you feel like you're getting to know him better, little by little, your relationship is getting more relaxed.
You stretch your body from hand to toes, trying to crack your spine. After an intense dance lesson and two hours on the chair without moving, your body is completely numb. Thrawn raises from his seat with ease and starts to put the pawns away in the box, you feel a pick of jealousy for his physical condition.
"This is not the point of those sessions."
"Yes, but it is my personal challenge." A sly smile grew on your face. "To beat you at your own game, Sire."
"Do you think you can do it?"
"Don't you?" You blink.
He slightly shakes his head, closing the box.
"No, I think not.”
"Well thank you for your honesty, I guess…” You reply with an exaggerated strangled voice.
“There is no use to react in such a way, cadet (y/f/n). It was not an insult.”
“How? Then what was it, lieu-te-nant Thrawn?”
You imitate his posture, bringing your hand together in front of your face with your back and legs straight while scrutinizing him.
"It was a simple observation. From my analysis your talents led somewhere else. You would make an efficient ISB member."
"HA! No. Not even in dreams."
It was a thing to distance yourself from your Drug Lord grandfather and family, it was another to apply to the very organization that seeks them out.
He flashes you a smirk.
"How unfortunate. However if I judge by your recent feat in the storehouse earlier, you are more than capable in thief and infiltration."
"Hey, I did it for you and Eli! Either way you would have looked ridiculous without a proper uniform for the Gala. But if you prefer, I could use my infiltration talents to put them back and leave you to fend for yourself…" You tease.
He glances at you from the side and chuckles. He quickly covers his mouth with his knuckles as if it had escaped him.
You, on the other hand, were expecting a sneaky remark, not a laugh.
It is so unexpected, you are bewildered by how it sounds, so sparkling, so…
You are not sure how to react, you've never heard him laugh. You thought he didn’t.
You realise you have never seen him as a person of his own, but rather this aloof and cryptic alien only here to infiltrate the Empire.
Despite his intelligence, you've subconsciously deprived him of his person…
But this laugh sheds a new light on him. You imagine him smiling and joking along with his peers, maybe his brother or sister.
That's right, he had a life before getting here. He surely had friends, a family, dreams and aspirations, maybe even a spouse… His exile must have deprived him of so much more than his world.
And you, you were prompted to classify him as the stranger one, the Other one, because it made your life easier to keep the view simple and unnuanced.
Gosh, you deserve to be slapped sometimes.
He clears his throat, recovering his composure as quick as he could, but a slight grin remains.
"Come on... Do not be so radical in your threats. One day you may execute them. Let us move on to the theoretical subjects."
You observe him take a seat at your usual terminals in the library, his chest still shaking intermittently with the last laughters.
You like how he sounds, it's refreshing.
And his smile…
So genuine.
You will make an effort to understand him better, maybe you will see more of him.
It's weird.
You're weird.
Since your last dance lesson together, you're feeling weird.
You’re hot with sweaty hands, your thoughts are fuzzy, you stutter sometimes when you talk to…
It's happening again!
Get over it, damn it!
You try to concentrate on your screen, but you can't help yourself and look at him from the corner of your eye.
Thrawn is entirely focused on an article on his terminal. Straight and unmoving, his gaze travels on the screen as fast as his brain devours information.
You wonder if you could guess what he is looking at by analysing his posture… Since he doesn't deprive himself to do it to everyone else.
From what you've observed during those two months with him in the library he tends to join his hands in front of him while reading, he will fold them if he's analysing what he's seeing, if he watch a video he will keeps his legs parallel with his arms on them but will cross his limbs if he disagree with anything presented to him.
Currently, one of his arms is crossed over his chest while his other hand is resting on his chin… So he's not analysing, he's investigating.
He doesn't make moves to slide the screen, so not a text, and the shadows casted over his face are still, not a video either.
So he's scrutinizing an image…
You recall seeing some old tapestries on his datascreen earlier this afternoon, he must be studying the subjects further.
You keep observing him as discreetly as you could, gathering as much information as possible.
Fascinating how his hands are in comparison to his more muscular stature. With long and tapered fingers which balance out his noble and large palms, they appear elegant and delicate.
Now that you think of it, his hands were surprisingly soft in yours for someone who has trained all his life. Does he follow a routine or is it a Chiss adaptation from their environment?
Go figure.
He really has a superb profile…
"Is there something wrong, cadet (y/f/n)? Do you need assistance?" He asks you, out of the blue.
You blink in surprise, realising you were fixing him in complete silence for several seconds. You turn back to your screen confused, clearing your throat to give you composure.
"Nothing Sir, sorry Sir. I was just wondering what could captivate you like that… Sir."
"I am studying the necropolis plan of an early Togruta civilisation. I must admit, their sarcophagus made of cocoon and wax is one of the most intriguing funeral rites I have ever studied."
Because he studied a lot of funeral rites?
"What are you working on, Cadet?" He politely inquires, facing you fully.
"Ho, some battles simulations with randomly generated variables. I'm getting better at those, thanks to your teaching!"
You smile to ease any suspicions but your speech voice is higher than ordinary. You hope your answer satisfies him and give you time to appease the growing fluster in your bowels and mind.
You feel a weird warmth spreading as a mist through your body when he lays his eyes on you.
"Splendid. Let me see your progress."
What!? No.
He doesn't let you time to protest as he rises from his seat to slip behind you, his hands fold on his back.
Without a word, he observes your tactical and managerial skills in a battle of pixels where your hypothetical fleet must rescue and secure a freighter of explosives against two groups of separatists. A high coefficient subject in the final exam, and you couldn't give a single fuck about what was happening on the screen while he was standing this close behind your back.
You summon all your willpower to focus on your terminal, but your body is so tense it's stiff.
You're running on autopilot, blindly applying the manual's tactics. You try to shake you out of that state, but everytime you look at your screen the reflection of his incandescent eyes gets your attention and you lose track of the battle.
You had to bite your inner cheek to snap off of it and recompose yourself.
At the very moment you're finally concentrating on your simulation, Thrawn intervenes in one of your maneuvers.
"You are fighting two different groups of enemies. They have formerly agreed to form a coalition but they did not pledge allegiance to one another. How can you use those informations against them?"
You hesitate a moment, you thought he would have just watched how you were handling the mission and went back to his own screen.
Your mouth is completely dry when you answer.
"Hmm… I could harass one of their ships, pushing them to make mistakes against their allies and to fight each other?"
You see his reflection nods in approval, and you hear a little smile in his voice.
"Show me."
And like that, everything seemed easier, your muscles relax and you feel a surge of pride. You chide yourself immediately.
Something is definitively off about you. You need to take charge of your behaviour and mind.
But it is so pleasant to hear the warmth in his voice, you could indulge yourself a little.
Just a little.
You suddenly feel his hand on the backrest of your chair, cutting you off guard.
"There is a more efficient way to apply this tactic. Let me demonstrate."
Without further explanation, you feel him bend over your shoulder to grasp your mouse.
You are completely frozen.
He is so close your lips would brush his cheek if you dared turning your head.
Him, however, is stoic and focused as usual. His eyes directed toward the screen, his voice calmly details how to subdue your opponent with less casualty, but you're deaf to his speech.
All his words melt in a dulcet melody, you can feel his warmth reaching and diffusing through your body, all your inspirations are filled with his odor and it's spreading to the depth of your lungs.
You swallow with difficulty as your blood makes your cheeks go crimson.
Granted, you have already been closer than that when you teached him how to dance, but it was in context! Now, this just…
You're suddenly keenly aware of yourself, your sweat, your own odor, your body as flexible as a metal door…
How can he not notice? He prides himself on his abilities to read people and here?
Is he blind?!
Your toes curl when his arm grazes yours, you keep crossing and uncrossing your legs.
How can he keep talking so mundanely while you were on the verge of spontaneously combusting?
You swear, if nothi-
"Thrawn! Here you are. The librarian told me you had borrowed a holo I could use."
A boy of a different class just passed his head in the alcove, breaking the tension in the air.
Thrawn straightens up, still unaware of your inner turmoil, to help this other student.
"Which holobook do you need?"
While he proceeds to recommend a whole bunch of holos to this guy, who clearly didn’t know what he was up to asking him for help, you seize this occasion to release a breath you didn't realise you were holding.
You feel your blood so furiously batting in your temples you can hear your own heartbeat resonating inside your skull.
You carefully massage your temple while taking long and deep breaths
Slowly your heartbeat slows and you begin to calm.
A quick glance at Thrawn indicates he's still talking with the other cadet about something you didn't care in the slightest.
You decide to finish all your battles simulations then you will call it a day.
_ _
You stretch your body at full lenght with a deep sight.
It took you longer than what you anticipated, but at least you had time come to your right senses.
This lesson had been… exhausting.
Both mentally and physically.
As you ease the tension in your neck you study the library, coming to the realisation it was dead silent. The usual sounds of footsteps and keyboards are absent and the disparate lights of the buildings are on. No silhouette in sight.
You didn't realise it was so late already!
Why Thrawn didn’t warn you? He must be back to his room by now.
You curse yourself for your negligence. After this joke of a battle simulation he must have lost his patience for the evening and headed back to his quarters with his less embarrassing friend…
… human?
What are we both to him?
You gather your stuff while you torture yourself with questions.
You rise from your seat to leave and stop dead on your tracks.
Thrawn is still here at his terminal, hidden by your own.
He did wait for you.
He is…
… sleeping?
His respiration is steady and calm with his hands folded on his lap, only his head slightly bent forward could be seen as unusual for him.
You carefully approach him, unsure what to do.
On one hand sleeping in this position is bad for the spine, on the other he looks so peaceful. You don't have the heart to disturb him.
After reflection, if you don't wake him yourself the librarians will do it, with less precautions.
You kneel to his side and try to wake him up as gently as possible.
"Sir? Sir. Come on, the library is hardly heated, you will catch a cold."
Really? A cold? For someone who originated from an iceworld?
You silently berate yourself.
His scent slowly reaches your nose once more, making you feel a little fuzzy once again . Under the smell of new leather and Iron, when you focus yourself, you are sure to perceive a familiar fragrance… like a forest after the rain.
You like it.
"Thrawn… Come on, wake up. We are the last one."
You slightly squeeze his shoulder but are only rewarded by silence.
He must be a heavy sleeper. It's funny, you would have bet the opposite.
The thought makes you smile as you study his face in more detail. Even closed, the red glow of his eyes is still perceptible. Your eyes lazily follow the lines of his cheekbones, then his nose before laying on his lips.
You stare at them a few seconds, your imagination running wild.
You wonder… how they feel.
How they taste.
Your mouth waters mildly at this only thought.
They are quite a tantalizing sight… really...
You bite yours with envy as you slowly lean toward him.
They look soft, and… inviting.
You wet your lips to soften them. Only one, like a secret. You close your eyes to savor the instant aND WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING?!
You jump away from him as reality hits you.
What were you thinking?!
Is that you now?!
A girl incapable of controlling herself to the point of taking advantage of a man during his sleep?!
Is that everything your former relationships had taught you?!
You're so ashamed you abandon the idea of waking him up.
You put your jacket on his shoulder to prevent the hypothetical cold and run off from the library in a mad rush without looking back.
You need to cease these sessions.
It's a good thing you didn't look back.
Who knows how to interpret that piercing red sight following you in silence as you escaped?
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@exoplorationn, @bluechiss
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of One Punch Man 2
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thejcshow · 4 years
Mental heath is serious, me being 16 years old I have struggled. Mental health has been a serious contributor to my life, it’s costes me and my family multiple years of happiness. I own a podcast with my friend, we not only talk about our experiences but our strategy to get over them and what we did to get to where we are!
My name is Connor, I am 16 years old and write about my mental health and life experiences! Some of my poetry is based on what I have learned, what I have experienced and what I feel at the point of time I wrote it
Poetry and motivational stuff
Depression is flawless, it is hard to demolish but it’s easier to accomplish if you try and abolish
The advantages of having disadvantages is the distant sound of happiness
Don’t be outlandish unless you’re fantastic. Express your anguish through your awareness
Being perfect is never conceivable. But ambition is always authentic. Don’t be hostile try and be fragile.
The gaze of one will empower most. The struggle will bring lots of hopes. There they will sleep a soundly night. For the light has dimmed for sleeping tight
The fall of night is the hardest fight but the shine of light is the healing sight. for there they shall fall and rest for life.
One who loves will fight for marriage one who falls shall look at one another. Once they portray their true meanings then one can rest for the nights to come
The one who breaths is living life. The one who falls will perish for life.
The one who loves will shine for life.
The one who hugs will embrace the light. As they show their peace. The darkness lifts, the light will shine for days and days. The darkness shall perish. And life will be good. As long as you stay strong the sadness will be gone.
For those who feel no end in sight. Don’t forget you’re bright and full of light. You give life while there is fright. So bright and beautiful you push for life. Feeling so dark but you know you’re bright. Shine brighter than the cosmos and you will fight. One day you shall live the life you wish. Don’t give up. It will come one day soon.
Embrace the darkness. Live the sadness. In the end it will help you grow. Be the person you want to be. Not everything will be handed to you so don’t expect it to be easy. Don’t give in to the emotional despair you feel like you’re in. You’re a beautiful person with an amazing personality.
Be proud and try not to frown
Passion, love, grief, sadness, happiness. This is a small list of what makes you the person you are. Nothing can change the past and you can’t predict the future. All you can do is try. Never let your dreams slide away. Catch em and hold them tight.
Love and passion is a large fueler to happiness, time and time again depression will hit. But it’s how you get back up. Life will throw it’s curves and will throw it’s ups and downs. Nothing is for sure in life. Ride the waves and see where you end up.
The ones who push will fight for light. the ones who cry will be held tight. the ones who try shall breathe with ease. The ones you want shall feel free.
Seeing the end does not usually happen. But that does not mean you won’t be happier. Push for the light and try and be bright. If you do that you will be okay.
The ones who cry stand bright at night, the ones who try shine brighter than light. The ones who push will achieve the light as the night begins prepare for your fight.
The struggle starts. The emotions pour. Life seems distant like the North Star. The lonesome feeling comes to much to bare. But fear is powerful. So handle with care. Life will prevent the feeling of despair as long as the happiness is clear. Fear not as the struggle lifts. Be one with the fear and you will be full of cheer. Not one can change the darkness so listen here. The sun rises and the darkness still prevails. Somehow the feeling of air slowly disappears. But with a fight you will begin a new year. So stand and speak and you will achieve the happiness you might feel that is not so clear. Love the passion and embrace the darkness. You will soon achieve the happiness with single bits of fear.
The cultural stigmatization of mental health is cruel and demeaning. Life will throw its curves. It’s how you take those ups and downs and build off it. Life is tough. But it’s only achievable if you try.
Glowing appreciation, yielding dysphemisms. Showing support can be the healing hand to some. Living the light. Sleeping the night. Neither bring the spite that some can type. Showing the way to the ones who plead may be the saving grace for those in need. The spite of night is not a good fight. For there you lay in bed wallowing in the despair that seeps through the ears. The light won’t always show so be ready to fight. Not one or two understand the struggle. You’re the only who knows the struggle as one cannot breathe another emerges. So wake up as it will proceed like the tears on your face. Just fight the struggle and you will accept the fear and despair that one might feel so dear.
Piercing soul, blue eyes. I know the feeling when someone is daunting. So perishable I strive for truth, the ones who like are the ones who glow. Everyone has a fearful soul, the love of one is a thousand times, in the struggle to be, you will feel unfree. As naive as it sounds the truth is within. So fight for life or the wrath will strike. Fearing is strength, fearing is powerful. So don’t get close or it won’t seem plausible. Curves and curves will begin in light but the darkness is the daunting fight. Powerful and whimsical you will survive, just be careful as to not draw cheer or the fear will rise. But do not fear as one day you embrace the clear truth within yourself.
Peace within, live within, the world spins, the darkness comes. The thoughts roar and the fear sprouts. The happiness hides and does not come out, as it is sad to see the missing light. The truth will rise, but overtime it will feel as if the world is gone. But do not fear as your peers cheer. As it is a beginning of a new year, be proud of life and ride the waves, as you will find your tide one day!
Thinking, Sparing. Life is tough, it can be rough, gotta be tough. Love is fear love is beautiful. But the darkness overtakes those who feel. The light lowers and the breath goes cold, death feels near and it’s so hard to bare, but the light prevails and slowly spreads. As the darkness goes away the feeling of sadness will fade. So be ready to care or the sadness will reappear, show the passion and spread the love, for there you shall live, laugh and love
The love of one empowers most, the feeling of care is treated as tears, as the girl you like feels distant, the sadness of leaving is the heart of feelings. But one will come, the truth will show, my heart is full of glow, there’s a sparkle in my eye and grin on my face. As I look into the mirror and decide try. So deep and meaningful I build my spirits. But the thoughts of worry go through my mind. I yield my attempt and start to cry. But as the world spins it makes me try. It’s worth a shot. as I have some courage. I push for success but the feeling fades. As I realize I realize the truth. I relax in my heart and start to guess. But I do not give in and I try again. The feeling of happiness is too good to be true. So I sit down and wait, for the message to send, I realize I failed but it wasn’t in vein. I tried and tried but did not prevail, I will one day soon find the happiness I search for.
Strength, determination. The struggle will bring lots of slopes, just hold on tight and you will soon see the light. As the night sky glistens the sun will soon rise. The fight will be over and the joy will come, be strong with your heart and weak with your fists for there you will see the darkness lift. The feelings are the same so do not feel ashamed. You will soon understand the hours of darkness. As the joy comes the sadness will dim. The light will shine brighter than a firelight. So be proud and appreciate your life, as most may feel better soon you will discover sadness is strong and will never be gone.
The sound within battles the most. As I strive and thrive, the struggle appears, but I do not feel weird as it is a feeling. I push for happiness and ride the darkness, in reality I feel despair but I hide it and show my care. As long as I try the success will come but I must stay strong for the years to come. I feel as if the world is gone, my breathing disappeared and is yet to appear. So I lay in the darkness feeling the fear. But I do not care as I try to find the breathing that has since disappeared. I feel glad but the darkness will reappear. As I enjoy the light for the time to come, I push for love and make a change. I feel happy, waiting for it to dissipate. I start to cry but realize I must try. So I thrive for life and make up my mind. I must fight for the happiness I want this time
Acceptance, growth. Some will boast, Some will coast. But none will show the most. Life is weird, life is tough, but strength will show to those who know. acceptance is good and the truth can hurt. But that’s okay if you push and push, the sadness will show as the tears will flow. The hardest fight is the dusk of night. Hold on tight as the light is bright. The happiness will show to those who feel fright.
‪The best and the worst, don’t feel like a ghost. Ignorance and hatred spreading worse and worse, people in homes crying out for help, the tears are flowing but no one is going. Lifetimes of sadness go into darkness, but yet the fight continues so don’t feel discouraged. ‬
‪Blue eyes blonde hair, I see myself in the mirror. Withered by darkness, riddled by fear. The thoughts of happiness are becoming so dear.‬
‪The withered distress to my dismay means something more about my day, the lights shut off my mind turns on. The feeling of cheer slowly disappears, throughout the night I feel fright but the healing sight is the nearing light.‬ ‪
‪Problems fade and lifetimes parade, the light comes out and doesn’t fade, the band marches the crowd cheers, then I woke up and felt the fear and realized the truth is not as it appears, I feel a tremble and start to worry, but I push for the happiness that I feel is nearing.‬
‪The sky is blue, you may feel blue too, but do not fright as the light will be bright. Fight through the night and rise in the light, as you will succeed the dangerous fight!‬
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honeylikewords · 5 years
Santi, kids, go.
for a second when i read this i didn’t remember the context of my own post and had a legitimate heart attack thinking ‘oh god is someone asking me something gross???’ and my heart rate jumped and my vision went blurry but then i remembered my post and also that i have one hell of an anxiety disorder so ghdkghdgk ANYWAY
So, to make this legible, I’m going to, from here on out, use proper punctuation, capitalization, spelling, et cetera. I also should clarify that this post is largely only going to make sense if you’ve already seen Triple Frontier (now on Netflix!), so I suggest you go see that before you read this, if you’re interested in fully understanding what I’m talking about. I’ll include screenshots from the film for image reference, too, with specific points I’m talking about, but the weight of these scenes will work better if you’ve seen it actually in action. Oh, and this contains definite spoilers for the film, so if you wanted to watch it un-spoiled, better skip this post or watch the movie first and come back later.
Anyway, with all that preliminary stuff outta the way, let’s do a Classic K-Grade Deep Dive(TM).
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This is Santiago “Pope” Garcia. He’s the protagonist of the J.C. Chandor Netflix film, Triple Frontier. Santiago is an ex-Army soldier working in Colombia as part of a task force within the local government to find (and kill) the head of the largest drug cartel in the area, Gabriel Martin Lorea. His story and personality are the center of the film; he’s the first character we really meet in a longer, more personal sense, the first personality we get to know, the first empathy point and anchor for the audience. All the lives of other characters in the film are viewed through his lens, and he is the real heart and soul of the film.
As such, it’s an interesting note to see how often Santiago (whose name I’ll shorten here to Santi) is paired, on-screen and thematically, with children in the film. For example, within the first few minutes of the movie and his own introduction to the audience, he’s shown fist-bumping local children as he walks with armed officers to a selected point to begin a raid on a drug operation.
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(This one’s a little hard to see, sorry!)
That decision is just so fascinating to me, especially when you think about the fact that every action shown on screen is an intentional choice. This is an intentional display: they, the filmmakers, want us to see Santi interacting with children. They want us to know he’s friendly with them, kind to them, empathetic to them. This empathy with and love for children that Santi has is frequently contrasted against his fellow teammates throughout the rest of the film, and is therefore, in my opinion, a clear directorial and acted choice to show us Santi’s true stances and heart, the core of his character: a loving, good man who cares for others, and very specifically for children and those he believes most need his protection and help.
Of course, this shows up later in the film in many different ways-- from Santi protecting Yovanna, his informant within Lorea’s group, and her brother, to Santi’s desire to free Colombia from corruption and help its people rise to greater, healthier heights-- but it remains the same idea: Santiago cares about people, and specifically those he feels need a little extra protection.
But what we’re specifically talking about here is how Santi is repeatedly shown interacting with or framed against children. So, on with the list of examples.
The next instance of Santi with children is when we see Santi interacting with Tom (”Redfly”)’s daughter, Tess. Tess greets him familiarly and by his first name, meaning that she not only knows him, but knows him well. Santi is shown smiling wide, his voice warm and loud as he greets her.
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Immediately after this comment about Tess, we get a tracking shot of a young child at a sports meet (which appears to be baseball). The shot is framed to match Santi’s gazing out the window, meaning Santi is the one seeing this child.
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I argue that the framing of this is nostalgic or longing, probably because I think part of Santi’s arc is about his longing to leave his life behind and move on to something better. I think, for Santi, part of that is family. Family is a major thematic element of the film, and I like to imagine that this scene and its framing is meant to put us in the mind of Santi as he wonders about what it would be like to be a father with a child at one of these sports events, what it would be like to have something normal like Tom has. Santi wants a family, and all the family he has in his life anymore are the men who comprised his team, before, which is why he reunites them for the action of the film. He wants a family. I sincerely believe that. He just doesn’t know how to find one that’s anything next to normal, yet.
At any rate, the next example follows shortly after the previous one, as Tom begins talking about the details of the case Santi is offering him. Santi turns over his shoulder to check the backseat where Tess is sitting, clearly uncomfortable with the idea of her overhearing something like this. I don’t think he’s worried about the potential security risk so much as he’s worried about the idea of a child hearing her father talk about something violent and scary. 
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Here’s the over the shoulder glance; I mean, that just reads “concerned father” to me, you know?
Anyway, the next scene immediately follows, with Santi talking candidly with Tess in the car while Tom is in the gas station. Tess asks him about if he’s trying to get Tom to work again, and Santi tries, at first, to be playful, hoping to relax her, but when she seems serious, he gets serious and kindly concerned, too.
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He asks if she thinks her mom would still let Tom go, clearly trying to engage her and target what she’s concerned about. Hell, he’s even being empathetic to the idea that even though Tom and his wife are divorced, his ex-wife may still have a stake in and concern about Tom’s welfare. Santi clearly cares about Tom’s home life, and about the wellbeing of this child.
It’s interesting, too, because Santi appears to have more dialogue and time together with Tess than even her father does, in terms of on-screen time. Again, the film is showing us Santi and children for a reason: he listens, he cares, he sees them.
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This one’s blurry but I just thought I’d include the fact that Santi specifically says goodbye to Tess when he could easily have ignored her and just hopped out. He’s a sweetie.
The next scene doesn’t happen for a while, but when the team crashes their helicopter into the fields of a remote village, Santi is instantly hesitant to draw his weapon on the crowd that gathers around them. He does not fire, even when the situation grows more tense; his other teammates are the ones to open fire. In the crowd we can see a young, teenaged boy (who later returns to get revenge on Tom, who initiated the firing on the crowd), and a very young girl, who manages to survive. 
Santi is the one shown speaking to the village leader. Santi is the one who takes the initiative to go to that man and give him several million dollars in damages and express his sorrow for this loss. He specifically asks that the money be given to the families of those who were killed. Specifically. Again, Santi is not only shown to be empathetic to the lives of others, but specifically to the children, too. 
Interestingly, in the scene where the camera sits in the viewpoint of Tom as he walks to where Santi is (as Santi is talking with and giving the money to the leader of the village), it is specified in the audio description that a baby is crying.
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Again, a framing of Santiago and children. It’s a little loose, but I feel like there’s intentionality in that; there had to be a decision to lay that audio in, a decision to incorporate the sounds of an anxious child with Santi’s attempts to fix the problem.
Later, when this teenaged boy from the village tracks the team to get revenge on Tom, who opened fire, it’s noted that Santi is not the one being shot at. Tom is.  Again, this reinforces to the audience that Santi is not only not the villain, but someone who even children who don’t know him will respect and understand will not hurt them. 
After Tom is killed by this same boy, Santi goes through an intense bout of rage as Benny reports that Lorea’s men have gathered a child army to try and capture the team. For a moment, Santi snaps and yells that they’ll “go through them”, suggesting that they kill whoever stands in their way to bring Tom’s body home, but he quickly shuts himself down and turns away, immediately becoming apologetic and rescinding his comment, knowing full well that he didn’t mean it. It later becomes clear that he was entirely sincere in this apology, because when they encounter the child soldiers, Santi refuses to do them any harm, and, in fact, helps the first one they meet, and refuses to allow his teammates to shoot them or hurt them.
The first child soldier they meet is a young boy, and whereas his teammates draw guns on the young boy, Santi is quick to yell at everyone to calm down and holsters his own weapon, putting his hands out in a show of defense.
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He speaks to the boy in Spanish, showing that he is colloquial and personable with the boy. He’s trying to relate to him, calm him. 
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When Fish suggests he’s going to shoot, Santi raises his voice in a clear, anxious yell to tell him not to. He’s trying, desperately, to protect this boy.
The boy then calls for backup, and the team ties him up to steal his car. However, Santi lags behind to give the boy a stack of hundred dollar bills:
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And advice:
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And then cuts his ties loose and lets him go. He is STILL trying to protect this boy! Even after, when Fish yells at Santi for giving the kid money and berates him for not killing the boy, Santi yells back that they are not to kill anyone. 
Next, the backup that the boy called for arrives, and, lo and behold, it’s also all teens and children. Santi is perched in the back of the truck with a perfect vantage point to shoot and kill all of them in the car that has chased them, but he pauses, clearly unwilling, and then, instead, fires warning shots at their engine, incapacitating the car but not hurting a single soul inside.
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There are several back and forth shots between Santi’s face and the teens (too many for me to cap, frankly), and these serve to once again reinforce to us, the audience, just how deep Santi’s empathy runs.
More cars follow, and Fish yells at Santi to “shoot the driver”:
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But Santi won’t do it. Again, he only damages the cars, shooting out their tires. Again and again, throughout the scene, Fish yells at Santi to kill these kids, even as Santi blows out tires and new cars show up.
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But he won’t.
Once again, Santi aims for the tires. And he succeeds in only damaging the car, not the passengers.
Finally, as the film closes, Santi’s parting words with the last teammate he says goodbye to, William, are about Tom’s family, and specifically his daughters.
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Again, he’s worried about the children. He always is. Santi’s concern for children is such a major part of his character presence, it’s almost impossible to miss!
Why would I make this excruciatingly long post that required me to minute-by-minute revisit the movie and look for individual frames to show Santi interacting with or thinking about kids? Well, here are some reasons.
1. It’s always important to recognize recurrent themes, images, motifs, et cetera in films, and especially how they tie with characters. These choices are often intentional and left there by the artists making the film so that audiences, whether cognizant or subconsciously, can pick up on this information and see how it reflects on the character. Here, we learn that Santi is good with, friendly to, empathetic with, and protective of children. That shows us a good, heroic man, and someone the audience is meant to support, even when the chips are down. From an analytical standpoint, it’s good to be aware of this so you can better dissect and understand what a story is trying to tell you.
2. You all know I’m a softie who cares a lot about kids and I want the male characters I love or form affinities with to have similar attributes. This is a nice, big reference post for me to validate my stance on believing that Santi not only loves kids, but would be great working with them and being a father in his own right. Because I’m a sap.
3. I think it’s important to find examples of compassionate, caring male characters, especially men of color. I’ve seen a lot of disparaging comments made about Santi in the Triple Frontier tag, usually in order to bolster the image of his white teammates. And I wanted this to be a kind of definitive masterpost, if only for myself, about the fact that Santi is not only a good man, but oftentimes the better man out of all of them. So could y’all stop being racist against the POC characters in this film, please, could y’all sTOP-
4. Narratively, it gives us a better insight into what this movie is actually about. Because, quite frankly? It’s not a heist movie. I don’t think it was ever intended to be. A heist movie is something like Ocean’s Eleven, where the heist itself is almost a character. In this, the heist is background noise to the story that’s really being told; this movie is a story about people, and specifically one man, looking to make their lives better, and a story about families, bonds, personal connections. Now, I agree, the movie had some issues, absolutely, but I think that looking at this story as being Santi’s search for connections, for a family, really sheds light on how a lot of this movie works, and why it is the way that it is. By looking at his relationship with children and his personal arc with that, we’re informed about what he values, and the importance that he places on other lives. The movie turns from a “kickass action heist” into a more contemplative, thoughtful film about the cost of violence and selfishness, the loss we experience when we think only of ourselves, the real value of life and connection and love, in all its many forms. Familial, protective bonds are at the forefront of the piece, and recognizing that makes this movie make a whole lot more sense.
5. Men who are good with kids are hot. Which is also the point I made in 2., but it’s my post and I get to say what I want, goddamnit!
Anyway. I could go on for hours about ways we could interpret this or how it’s a valuable asset of the film, but I want to leave it up to every person to make their own decisions about it. I just wanted to be the one to point it out, since I think it’s a heavily glossed-over part of the story, and a very ignored part of Santi’s character and his story arc.
Also, let Santi be a dad 2kforever. Just sayin’.
That about concludes this post! If anyone wants to hear more about it or probe on the topic some more, I have lots more thoughts and opinions to share. Even if the movie is a little, shall we say, rocky in places, Santi and his story still hold a huge place in my heart, and I think a lot of this movie is actually really well done. J.C. Chandor really let Oscar shine, and I’m very moved by the work he, specifically, did in the film. Yay, Santi!
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