#snootles's writes
snootlestheangel · 7 months
Curious about the ocs you mentioned and your original work.
That has gotten me thinking about my own original work and adding it to my current hyperfixation, our darling COD and its men and women.
Though only a part of my original work would flow with COD, but it would flow better with Halo lol
Oh my work wouldn't flow super well with COD without some weird magic stuff going on but the characters will be unstoppable
*cracks knuckles* Prepare yourself for a long ass read cause we gettin' into it *screams of victory in the distance* (I have not introduced anyone to these characters/this story in literal years so I am flipping out. This is soooooo much information I apologize for the dump but holy shit the autism is autisming) (also halfway through writing this I am starting to realize this is not really what you are probably expecting... but I've had literally years to think about these characters soooooooooooooo *panic*)
First, the homebrew monsters cause important
Death Crawlers are humanity's greatest enemy, as they were created out of a greedy desire to bring humanity to its knees. Magic users with the capacity to live very long lives, but are easily killed by most things. Under the command of the first of their kind, Sortis, and the Elders, the first generation. They are cunning creatures willing to do anything to be successful, which we'll get into later ;)
Death Crawlers are strict in how they run things, actually. There is no such thing as friendly/neutral interactions with humans. Every interaction must have ill-intent behind it, otherwise you are subject to execution. Any magic with a visible presence, such as summoned fire, appears Blue. That is critical information! Limited uses of magic: cannot heal things/people, must study different books written by the Elders to learn new advancements (most DCs can wield a small flame as children but cannot make it useful aside from lighting a candle until they study). There's more worldbuilding stuff here that I can get into but I'm not gonna right now
Night Watchers are the predecessors/cousin species of Death Crawlers. The exact date of the beginning of their existence cannot be traced, but it is assumed they have existed alongside humanity the entire time. They get their name "Night Watchers" from the early humans, because they often kept the nightwatch to keep tribes/communities safe. Very well adapted for the dark. Night Watchers' greatest duty is to protect humanity. They have what is referred to as Red Magic, while DCs have Blue.
They are the reason humanity didn't know/believe in the existence of monsters and other species. When Death Crawlers became a nuisance, a war between the 2 broke out, trapping humanity in the middle. Together, the Council in the Night Watchers Royal Court came together to combine their magical knowledge/prowess to erase the memory of DCs and all other monster-kind, including themselves, from humanity's memory. All documents were destroyed and any trace of their existence completely wiped. This threw the DCs into hiding, as most of their power came from taking humanity out from within, but they didn't know how to blend in and relied on their status as magic-wielders to manipulate people. Night Watchers have taken sanctuary underground.
Dragons!! Live in what could be interpreted as a side dimension from ours. Massive creatures that can shift into a human-appearing form, although it isn't uncommon for most dragons to retain a few reptilian-like qualities in this form (such as slit eyes, sharper teeth, split tongues). Cold-blooded creatures so they are mostly found in warmer areas and are known for just lying in giant piles together. They "breathe" fire based on a system of gas produced in their digestive tracts and a small, hard piece in their throats that can be flicked to create sparks. The sparks ignite the gas, thus fire! (literally just basically think of it as they burp (exhalation of gas) and the spark just makes it fire breath). Don't have a true government system (there's a major story with that) but basically whichever dragon is the biggest gets to claim the "crown". Very rowdy creatures with some aggressive tendencies but that's just cause of their size. Have a hatred for unusually small dragons :)
First, the "protagonist" Maxlar
Utmaxos 'Maxlar' Whishling is a Death Crawler with a bounty on his head. Through some series of events, mostly not his fault despite what everyone believes, he is being actively hunted by the Death Crawlers. He was born with purple eyes and it was soon realized his magic did not have a blue appearance, but rather purple. (combination of Red and Blue is no bueno in this world). This was a huge scandal, of which his family suffered the most. His parents were put through several trials to prove their loyalty to their blood-line, and his brother got the worst of it
Believe it or not, DCs actually hate killing their own kind, hence why execution is typically left for those that have interacted with humans in ways that benefit the human/lack any ill-intention. Maxlar was exiled at one point because he never engaged in truly "evil" acts but more or less just acted as a trickster towards humans. They didn't like his poor commitment, especially when it was worsened after the murder of his family. However, upon finding out he's married to a human and has a family, Sortis puts a bounty on his head. Dragons are technically allied with Night Watchers and DCs are, in the modern era, allied with humanity. There's a special agreement between them that there is to be no travel between the Realms (Dragon realm, Night Watcher Realm, and DC/humanity).
Therefore, when a dragon with a vengeance against Maxlar breaks out of prison and into the, what is referred to as Natura, realm, Sortis declares war, thus giving him the excuse to hunt Maxlar down and execute him. However, one of the Elders with a unique focus on fortune telling, sees the inevitable downfall of the Death Crawlers through this war, thus she enlists the help of The Demon to both protect and "end the Whishling name in a fate worse than death".
Physical description: Roughly 5'11, maybe 6' if he's wearing the right shoes. Brown hair that lightens naturally as it gets longer. It's stuck between a constant state of curly and wavy, thus making it an absolute mess but he rocks it. Keeps it roughly at his collar/shoulders. Never clean shaven, kind of a mess appearance wise but he's just like that. Dad bod dad bod dad bod. Intense purple eyes, always wearing just like a leather coat that touches his knees, jeans, and a V-neck shirt even though he's in the middle of a war. Got the weirdest collection of socks. Is schizophrenic, according to those around him he "cannot shut up to save his life", is a really openly emotional guy.
Absolute Dad! Married to the most beautiful human woman named Andrea, has several children and adores them. Literally so in love with his wife sometimes he'll be sitting there just crying quietly cause he misses her. His best friend is Devon, a dragon, and they actually canonically have an invalid Las Vegas marriage. Andrea knows about it and thinks it's so funny, she gifts both of them flowers on their "anniversary".
Devon Blackstone
Technically the prince of dragons since his father is current reigning King, and he's bigger than all the other dragons. Doesn't really give a shit about the throne, especially since when he was beginning the process of becoming a full-fledged prince is the time he met Maxlar. Really chilled out dude, but is such an instigator. Literally has the best time doing stuff to intentionally annoy Maxlar. Carnivore diet? Sure, but also a massive seafood eater. Has been known to just go hunting in the ocean as a dragon. Fiercely protective of Max and his family. Likes to throw his weight around when in fights, can be a bit of a masochist. Darker skin, broad flat nose, kind of mean looking but then he smiles and you're like "ah! friend! :D"
Massive teal-colored dragon: has longer hind legs than front ones, uses this to pin and gain the upper hand on dragons that are closer to his size. Wish I could tell y'all just how big, but like roughly 200yards nose to tail, and maybe like 2/3rds of that in height when on his back legs. Wings are massive (the ratio is like 3x of their size I think). He's got spines along his back that are perfect for riding behind. Human form is roughly 7', and he still has some teal coloration to his hair, so he keeps it buzzed and pretends he dyes it. Literally the King of Dad Bods! Big, massive guy. Just really round and beefy and just *chef's kiss* I love my big boy.
Hades Evanchio
Tired, wants to go home. Please. The only Night Watcher that resides in Natura (referred to as Topside in the Night Watchers' Realm). This is because he was nearly executed for a crime he technically didn't commit; the crime being treason of the highest offense and him being royalty made the penalty that much worse. Only reason he was able to survive is because his mother, the Queen, begged for the Council to stop it. (Night Watcher executions are brutal. They have an executioner that is highly versed in the ways of using fire. The executioner will tie a thread around the victim's throat, set it on fire and force it through their neck. It also simultaneously cauterizes the wound/keeps them alive until their brain stem is destroyed. It is torturous.)
He, like most Night Watchers because they literally live underground, is unnaturally pale. British accent because it's where he first ended up and relearned how to speak due to his wounds. Has red eyes, dark very curly hair (just like his Mum), and chronic anxiety. Literally 6'4" ish but is so skinny and is constantly hunching in on himself because "please do not perceive me I will cry". Wears scarves/turtlenecks all the time to hide the really obvious scar on his neck from his near-execution. Runs naturally cold, uses his cold hands to get Maxlar to shut up (will wrap one around his neck to which Max freezes and just slowly drops to the ground cause COLD)
Hades got brought back into the Night Watch Realm after the war broke out because his father had been poisoned and stated no heir other than Hades. Literally dragged down there against his will. He hates the Council, the Council hates him, thank god for the Queen Mother. He just wants to go back to his little cabin, curl up with tea and write poetry while using his dragon husband as a pillow/bed.
Atendarajo Evanchio
Feral little dragon. Hades's beloved husband. Cannot put enough emphasis on the feral and little aspects of his character. Escaped the dragon realm a long ass time ago because he's dangerously tiny for a dragon. Devon is considered unnaturally big, but Aten is definitely like concerningly tiny for a dragon. Dragon form has legs of the same size, he stands only the same height as Devon's human form like this (7'). Has a beautiful headpiece made of horns and smaller spines. Gorgeous red-orange color. Literally a ginger in human form with so many freckles it drives Hades crazy. He's constantly having to fight Hades off cause "You cannot count them all! I am busy!" Retains his sharp teeth and wings in human form. (Thank goodness Night Watchers possess healing magic otherwise poor Hades lmao). Stands only like 5'4", maybe 5'5" on a good day. This does not prevent him from picking fights with anyone and everyone. Hades is so anxious he wants to cry in crowds meanwhile he's married to the feral little guy trying to fight a biker gang for literally no reason. Literally falls apart every time Hades calls him his "good little dragon" despite the fact that if anyone else called him little, he's trying to kill them. Will literally start fights with Devon because he's filled with rage. Severe small dog syndrome.
Asmalverious Whishling
He's the last one for today, I promise :')
Most commonly referred to as Malvo, or better yet, The Demon. Is Maxlar's younger brother. Died nearly 200 years ago but due to the curse of the DC Elder, he had to crawl out of his own grave. Is now contractually bound to protect Maxlar. Unless the threat against Maxlar's life is eliminated or Malvo is killed, Maxlar cannot be harmed by DCs when in Malvo's presence. Anyone actually within a certain distance of the younger Whishling brother is safe from harm caused by DCs. The curse cannot be broken unless the above stated or a much more upsetting scenario that I am not sharing.
Referred to as The Demon because he is. Demons aren't actual demons, but rather a group of people that participate in a forgotten, ancient form of Black Magic. When he was a child, Sortis contracted out several of these "demons" to twist Malvo into one. He is by far the most powerful being but still requires studying/practicing before able to do very complicated things. His magic is Black, not Blue, as he's more practiced in the darker arts of Demon kind. Sortis knows what he is capable of and hopes he will win the Demon's favor.
Literally a know it all. Thrives on learning and knowledge, thus he's far more advanced in his magic than he often lets on. Aten refuses to trust him. It's unclear why exactly.
Same height as Maxlar, perhaps a bit taller. Constantly clean shaven. His curly/wavy black hair is always slicked back, literally the image of perfect hygiene and self-care. Always wearing classy clothes. Prefers classical fighting styles such as using weapons like swords. Has a very cool looking navy blue sword that is like one of two possessions of his he cannot afford to lose. The other possession being a journal. No one knows what is written in it or why it's so important. Very unnerving cause he always makes too much eye contact and he's got really intense, empty green eyes. Speaks like he's from the 19th century, cause he is but he just refuses to adapt.
So fed up with Maxlar's bullshit. Constantly wants to go back to being dead. Not suicidal, just not happy he got dragged out of his grave.
And those are my boys!! I love them very much (clearly) and I cannot wait to write the thing with our beloved COD boys. Also, I have some visuals of their appearances (not drawn by me, but they're pretty accurate representations of my boys) if y'all want those
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I’m going against common fanon here, but: Soap who actually uses the least products in his skincare.
He has sensitive skin, gets rashes from any mystery ingredients, so he keeps it as simple as he can.
He has a cleanser, a lotion (which is just the one he uses all over) and sunscreen. That’s it, he’s done his research and experimentation and it’s what works best for him.
No tempting a breakout or rash, and it’s easy to sus out if he does start reacting to one of the products.
Gaz is baffled by this, was convinced for the longest time that Soap was just lying, but no, he’s just blessed.
(Soap keeps photos of his teenage self under a tight wrap because for a solid 5 years he had the worst skin. It’s like his body had to burn through it. Not to mention his fashion choices.)
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Let's Talk: Dragons
Dragons are like the bad boy/jocks of the Imperfect World.
To most other species, especially human, they are perceived as "aggressive" creatures, yet this couldn't be further from the truth. They really take the term "Gentle Giants" to a whole new level. This misconception is related solely to the drastic size difference and more animalistic behaviors of Dragons compared to other species, especially humans.
Dragons are Reptilians
Dragons are scaly, cold-blooded creatures with more traits in common with reptilians than anything else. Even when in their "human" form, Dragons are still cold-blooded and incredibly susceptible to cold temperatures and dramatic temperature changes than other species.
Often found wrestling or engaging in very violent-appearing behaviors to produce warmth. Think of litters of puppies playing. Lots of teeth, growling, tackling, and pinning each other but just massive reptilian creatures with wings that roar and growl and can shake the ground. Also engage in massive dogpiles to conserve warmth and energy. Just picture a mountain of multicolored dragons all curled around each other and using each others' wings as blankets and their tails as pillows. Any buildings designed for their "human" forms have massive windows, very open spaces designed to let in light.
They have nostrils, like lizards and snakes do, but use their forked tongues in similar fashion to smell. Surprisingly poor sense of smell, but make up for it in vision. You cannot hide from a dragon. They will see you. Adapted with heat-seeking "abilities" (basically thermal detection). Depending on where they're from within the dragon realm, they're surprisingly good swimmers. Can hold their breath for long periods of time (big lungs equal big breaths), and have hollow bones, meaning if they wanted they can float just a bit.
Primary diet components are cattle like animals found in their realm, a variety of seafood found on earth as well (crab is peak evolutionary form), unicorn, and sea-vegetation. Yes, they have unicorns in their realm and yes they are prey creatures. And yes, Dragons eat them.
Might be large and powerful, but surprisingly lazy creatures. They're known to not want to make short travels because it simply requires too much effort. This definitely has to do with their cold-blooded nature, as they often want to preserve energy for times where it might be a bit cooler than is comfortable to function.
Dragons: A History
They have a legend/true story that serves as the basis for their "government".
It's the story of the first monarchs. Prior to their ruling, the lands of their world were divided between the Stone fields, the Meadows, the Basalt Pits, and the Northern Forest (forest is a loose term for it, more like the only place that has trees. Think of like massive Californian Redwoods type trees here). There wasn't necessarily any aggression between these places, but they were all closed off from each other, typically due to just basic geography preventing easy access to other areas (such as Northern Forest dragons are a far distance from each other in dragon terms so they had little to no contact with each other prior to the first monarchs).
The first King, a Meadows dragon had spent a long time travelling between the different regions and had learned so many things. He knew it'd benefit their kind to be united in a way that allowed for better trade/communication. Besides, he had this burning love for a dragon from the Basalt Pits. So he worked on getting all the leaders/elders/officials of each region together and they formed a monarchy. He, surprisingly, didn't want to be the one to rule. He didn't like the idea of being the one in charge, but the others reminded him he was the most versed in all the regions out of them. They even called him "Son of All Dragons" because he had lost many practices/traits that are iconic to a Meadows dragon.
He was able to wed the Basalt Pits dragon he had fallen in love with. The Basalt Pits dragons are the most hostile out of all, they're still not aggressive nor dangerous to other dragons, but they, to this day, still prefer to keep to themselves.
Alpharion thus became the first king, an absolutely massive multi-colored dragon that earned respect from all the regions. His beloved wife, Sapphirona, was an equally large dragon, nearly his size. Their massive size is the reason the monarch must be the biggest, rather than there being an actual lineage to the throne: the "Dragon of all Dragons" so to speak gets to rule.
They had a buttload of children. Not uncommon for dragons, actually. Dragons are born from eggs, often in clutches of 3-5, and remain as dragons until roughly 18-20 years of age. Dragons can live for long ass times, so this is like, comparatively to humans, only like 18-20 weeks of development. And they get big fast.
Their first clutch was 4: A gold dragon boy named Alverick, a bronze girl named Mayatina, a silver boy named Tobias, and another boy of grey coloring named Timotep. These four grew up to be the largest of all their siblings, and Alverick even grew to be larger than his father.
Their second clutch was 3: a dragon girl with cocoa brown coloring named Caris, a black dragon boy named Wilmack, and another girl with the most brilliant white scales named Yundara. Yundara ended up being the biggest of this clutch, roughly the same size as many of her older siblings.
Their third clutch was 4: a girl of pinkish coloring (like a sunset almost) named Roschlin, a boy of iridescent scales named Indizi, a gorgeous forest green girl named Emteria, and a dark yellow boy named Flamiatus.
But what Sapphirona and Alpharion hadn't expected was a single egg to be laid nearly a month later. It wasn't uncommon for some eggs to be delayed, or premature, but these types of eggs typically held still-born offspring. This egg, however, hatched rather quickly, and out popped the most beautiful little red dragon Sapphirona and Alpharion had ever seen. His headdress was gorgeous, matching his mother's extremely complex crown of spines, horns, and a matching pair of massive sea-shell like ears.
HIs name? Atendarajo, meaning "Precious".
Alverick and his siblings quickly grew very jealous of their mother's favoritism, especially considering how ridiculously small this dragon was. They tried to find ways to get their mother's affection to waver, yet it never did.
So Alverick took matters into his own hands. With the help of the Royal Guard, he captured his mother and baby brother. She was chained in her dragon form by her own son, as he was the only dragon present bigger than her.
She watched in horror as they killed her precious baby.
To this day, in the dungeons of the castle, built by Alpharion, lies a massive chamber known as "Sapphirona's Death". Inside the chamber is a pool filled with water. The water has remained the same the entire time, and many believe the water to be the very tears Sapphirona shed for both her sons; the eldest so overwhelmed with jealous it had driven him mad, and her precious, no more than a babe and as innocent as can be.
Alpharion casted himself and Alverick out, and there are rumors that on a distant island, they still fight to this day. Sapphirona, unfortunately, passed from what they call "heartbreak" not long after the incident.
But the dragons know something she never had a chance to learn: the dragon murdered that night wasn't her own. He has yet to be found ;)
This is part of why dragons, to this day, still discriminate against small dragons: the lasting jealous of Alverick's surviving siblings permeated the political realm, and has yet to be reversed.
Regions of Dragons
As I mentioned before, there are different regions within the dragons' realm.
The Stone fields: a large portion of exposed stone on the main island. These dragons are typically shorter, yet longer, with slimmer shapes. They're designed for mining the plethora of raw materials found within the stone base of the mainland. They had specialized claws, no horns/headdresses, and nose flaps/second eyelids to protect from dirt/dust. Very well-adapted to seeing in the dark, especially opposed to Meadow dragons. The social butterflies of the dragon realm. They share most of what they find, as they prefer the drab stone and basic rocks found, so they trade many of the precious gems/metals.
The Meadows: Typically the biggest of the dragons, with minimal extra qualities like spines/headdresses. Probably what you think of when you think dragon, just without the flair, in terms of shape. Proportional limbs and good, thick bois all around. Probably the laziest of the dragons, as well. Their biggest trade item is the cattle creatures they shepherd, as well as unicorn. The most common of dragons/have the largest population. Follow in Alpharion's footsteps and travel the most, making them desirable in official trade businesses.
The Northern Forest: These are the dragons that have longer hind legs than front ones. Devon is a Northern Forest dragon. The shorter front limbs are designed to assist them in foraging in the trees, which can often be taller than the average Northern Forest dragon (Devon is an exception, he has a bit of Meadow heritage from his father hence why he's hecking large). Lumber is their biggest trade item, and are known as the "nerds" of the dragon world because they do a lot more reading/writing than the others do. This makes them desirable for working within the castle/government.
The Basalt Pits: These are the introverts of the dragon world. Where Stone Fields dragons are extroverts, these guys don't like company/visitors. They're the rivalling for largest dragons (on average) but also the fanciest of dragons. Known for having complex crests/crowns of horns, spikes, spines, etc. around their heads. Have really reflective/almost naturally sparkly scales. Have the best metal workers and create the best weapons/metal creations. Cranky, not very desirable for government roles because of their tempers. (Yes, this is what Aten is)
And that's our talk on Dragons! Any questions, compliments, or just ideas you've had after reading this? Please don't shy away from asking!
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freesia-writes · 1 year
For the celebration: 17 and Tup!! Thinking about that sweet soft boy today, I wanna hold him, I get so worried for him ;;; @fives-girlfriend
Oooooo baby. I was excited for this one!
#17 - "Don't ever do that again! You have no idea what it does to me…"
Tup x Reader (I think GN but correct me if I missed anything) Word Count: 3.6k Content Warnings: drinkin and kissin. Apparently all I write, LOL.
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“Come on, Tup. It’ll be awesome!” Hardcase exclaimed, clapping him on the back with enough enthusiasm to nearly knock him off his bench. 
“Yeah, they’ve never done this at 79s before!” Fives added, and even Dogma nodded vigorously through his mouthful of food. 
“I know, it’s just…” Tup began, but Jesse’s arrival, accompanied with a loud “who’s ready to party tonight?!” drowned out the rest of his reply. 
It was the talk of the mess hall -- Sy Snootles was coming to perform at 79s, and she was bringing along an infamous troupe of Twi’lek dancers, supposedly heralded throughout the galaxy as some of the most luscious and lascivious one could encounter. The clones who were lucky enough to be on Coruscant were undoubtedly excited, as they were rarely considered deserving of such luxuries. A few squads were planning to attend, the 501st being one of them, as you had heard on your lunch break. 
You worked with them frequently when they were on world, providing armor improvements, repairs, and tune-ups beyond what they would do for regular inspections. You were part of a small team that scuttled from armory to armory, equipping troopers with updated devices and outfitting new squads. The 501st boys were some of your favorites, having enough personality among them for the entire GAR. One in particular had always held a soft spot in your heart, with his unassuming demeanor and quiet insight. You’d chatted with him often while going over various armor components, and the stories he’d shared about the horrors of Umbara had broken your heart for him. He’d formed strong bonds with his brothers, especially after enduring that nightmare, and you’d felt your affection growing as you saw him grow from a fresh little rookie to a skilled negotiator, brave soldier, and man of strong convictions. 
If you were honest, he’d grown on you a lot. You found yourself daydreaming, during slow hours, of slowly freeing his hair from its neat little bun, running your fingers through it, and tracing your lips across his cheek to the little teardrop tattoo beneath his eye. But you’d also become close friends, and you were fairly certain that was the extent of his perspective and feelings toward you. There was an intimacy and familiarity between you that had been established as he’d shared some of his most vulnerable moments and harrowing experiences while you’d listened quietly, patting his hand and offering empathetic platitudes that couldn’t begin to match the magnitude of what he had been through. At some point, it had grown into more than just fondness, you’d realized, and it resulted in a simmering attraction that burned in your chest whenever you saw him. 
So when you found him at the back of the cluster of troopers waiting for the lift after lunch, and he caught sight of you as you approached him from the side, it sent a little shiver of tingles down your spine at the small smile that curved across his face. 
“CT-5385,” you said quietly, giving him a solemn salute that earned you an eyeroll as he looped his arm across your shoulders, pulling you into a warm side hug. 
“Cut it out,” he commanded, dropping his arm as you filtered into the crowded lift. “You heard all the fuss about 79s tonight?” he asked, barely audible over the rest of the chatter in the small space. 
“I did. You going?” you asked, feeling a sudden whirlwind of mixed emotions at it. 
“I’m not really feeling it, but it doesn’t sound like I have a choice,” Tup answered, shrugging and tipping his head toward his fellow blue-striped 501st brothers. 
“I can call you in for an emergency armor upgrade if you’d like,” you offered, to which he chuckled and shook his head. 
“Why don’t you just come?” he asked, looking up at you with those large honey-brown eyes. “It would make it a lot more bearable, that’s for sure.”
Your heart skipped a beat, wondering if he did have feelings for you after all, or if it was just the simple statement of one enjoying the company of a friend. You couldn’t help but smile, though, and tried to angle your face away from the light as you felt your cheeks grow slightly warm as you wondered about his affections. 
“I will if you will,” you said, resuming your light and airy attitude as the lift doors whooshed open. 
“Game on,” he declared, giving you the cheesiest finger guns you’d ever seen, promptly cringing at it, shrugging, and pulling his helmet on as he trotted off after his squad. 
“It’s a date?” you whispered under your breath as he disappeared around the corner.
* * * 
79s was packed to the brim, and clusters of troopers spilled out onto the streets all around it. The atmosphere was infectiously exciting, as though the entire world were on pause and tonight was a chance to escape it all for a few hours. There were three times as many food carts as usual, as the local vendors were quick to pick up on any chance for some extra business, and the entire block seemed like a party in itself. You started to feel anxious and out of place, as this wasn’t usually your thing. It had been something you and Tup had bonded over from the start -- a preference for more quiet, intellectual, serene spaces as opposed to the vibrant party scenes that more of the troopers opted for. 
You adjusted your outfit, feeling slightly self-conscious as it was decidedly more fitted and flattering than your simple work jumpsuit. You realized you had never really seen Tup in a more informal setting, as your interactions were primarily in the mess hall, the armory, or the barracks. All the questions and doubts began to swirl in your mind, amplified by the booming music that assaulted you as soon as you pushed your way into 79s. Heading straight for the bar and downing a double shot of liquid courage before you even looked around, you wiped your mouth on the back of your hand, returning the glass to the countertop and scanning the room for familiar faces.
“You’re off to an ambitious start,” came a smooth voice from behind you. “Lookin to stir up some trouble? Give those Twi’leks some competition?” You smirked, turning to face Fives, whose presence could be felt as much as heard. His boisterousness and joviality always brought a smile to your face, and you admired his ability to channel that even after his harrowing experiences at war. 
“Oh, you know me…” you said, shrugging as you felt the tingly burn down your throat, warming your chest. “Where are the rest of the boys?”
“Upstairs, for now. Lost a fight with the 212th for the table by the stage, but we’re plotting our revenge,” Fives said with a conspiratorial wink as he jerked his head toward the stairs, motioning you to come along. There was something different about tonight, whether it was the setting or the occasion or some strange alignment of the stars, and you just felt an apprehensive prickle down your spine, as though something were about to happen. You ordered another double shot, taking it with you as you trotted up the stairs after Fives. 
A couple whistles and hoots met you as you reached the top of the stairs, and you grinned bashfully as Hardcase and Jesse catcalled you while Fives announced your presence. It felt like being welcomed home, as cheesy as that sounded in your own head, with the kind familiarity and brotherly acceptance they always had for you. Hopefully not TOO brotherly… for all of them at least… Your eyes roved across their faces, finding the one that made your heart flutter. Tup was crushed in the corner of the booth, mercilessly squeezed between Hardcase and Dogma, arms pushed into his sides. You laughed at the sight of him, and he carefully arranged his features into sarcastic disdain when he met your eyes. 
“Our little armorer here thinks she can keep up with us,” Fives proclaimed, gesturing grandly toward you as you gave him a quizzical look, having promised no such thing. “So let’s show her a good time tonight, eh boys?” A cacophony of agreement, friendly taunts, and promises followed his words, and you shook your head, the elation of the moment sweeping you up, and downed the double shot in your hand in one gulp. 
“Ohhhhhhhh she ain’t messin around!!” Denal howled, slapping the table amid the cheers and squawks. 
“Alright, move out. I want to sit right THERE,” you demanded, pointing to the corner between Dogma and Tup, who were surprised by your sudden attention. Hardcase laughed, eternally ready to join in any sort of shenanigans and feeding off of your energy, and rose to his feet, pushing the rest of the clones right off the bench to make way for you to climb in. They filled back in, squeezing even more, and jostled each other for room until Kix toppled off the end and had to search for a chair instead. 
“Hey buddy,” you said to Tup, happily pressed against his side from shoulder to knee. His plastoid armor plates were carefully positioned to avoid digging an edge into your side, although as you snuggled in, you found yourself wondering what it would be like to slowly take each one off…
“You’re in rare form,” he noted, lifting an eyebrow at your effervescent attitude. “What was Fives on about?”
“That was all him,” you laughed, “But for some reason this just sounded really fun tonight. You excited about the dancers? Perhaps get yourself a special one?” Why were you baiting him like this? Your head felt a little bubbly, and the wild atmosphere was doing nothing to help it. Tup gave a low chuckle, dropping his eyes to the table, tracing his finger around a ring of condensation drops from his tall drink.
“Jesse threatened to buy me one, but I doubt he’ll go through with it. He’d rather spend the credits on drinks for the ladies…” 
“Well. You deserve a break. You can’t keep everything pent up inside all the time,” you affirmed, nodding confidently as you shifted to survey the rest of the crowd. Tup looked up at the side of your face, suddenly pensive and solemn, as though he yearned to speak. You felt his eyes on you and turned back curiously, eyebrows lifted and an inviting smile on your lips, but he just returned your grin with a small one of his own, shook his head a little, and followed your previous glance out to the crowd as the announcer began introducing the infamous guest stars. 
* * * 
The show seemed to go on forever, punctuated with breaks where the performers would come out and work the crowd… both literally and figuratively. The booth had emptied a bit, as the troopers scattered to the refresher, the bar, and other groups. You and Tup had been lost in conversation, heads leaned together, living through adventures and faraway thoughts, completely engrossed in each other’s company. The connection was absolutely vibrant, and you felt pulled to him more than ever before. The general raucousness of the bar got louder as the performers were making their way upstairs, scattering to dance and laugh with the clones there. You felt a sudden flare of passion, a mixture of jealousy, protectiveness, and the mounting pressure of all the feelings you had for this trooper that you’d been stifling for so long. 
Two of the dancers whirled over to the booth, purring their invitations. One slowly sat on the eager knees Jesse, who laughed and yelled, “For free?!” The other climbed onto the bench on all fours and began crawling toward Tup, who looked alarmed. In a rush of emotion, you scrambled to get up, banging your knee on the table incredibly hard as you suddenly threw yourself across Tup’s lap. As you straddled him, you turned and put a hand out toward the Twi’lek. 
“This one’s mine, honey!” you said, channeling all the sass you’d ever seen on the holovids. The performer laughed, waggling her finger at you and sidling back out of the booth, only to be quickly scooped up by a pilot trooper. You turned back to Tup, resting your hands on his shoulders and looking down at him now from your perch on his lap. He was sitting straight as an arrow, hands held up slightly out to the sides as if he didn’t know where to put them. Heat blossomed across your cheeks and throughout your chest, and you laughed, trying to seem lighthearted but also not wanting to move anytime soon.
“I’m just looking out for you,” you said teasingly, glancing over your shoulders in mock fright as though there were horrors lurking around every corner. As you came back to him, he let out a laugh that almost sounded forced, and you noticed his eyebrows were working overtime to conceal the cesspool of emotions that were funneling through his brain.
“Thank goodness,” he breathed, with another nervous chuckle, awkwardly lowering his hands to the outsides of your thighs and setting them down so precariously, you’d think you were made of glass. 
“Better make it convincing though,” you said, lifting your hands to his hair, where you gently pulled the band off of his ever-present man bun. His textured brown locks toppled down, holding their shape where they’d been twisted around each other day after day. It was comical, as it lay in messy tufts around his shoulders and one decidedly large bump in the middle, but it was also incredibly sexy, and you felt yourself literally salivating. You also felt a panic settle in all of a sudden, wondering if you were wildly crossing the line… Or perhaps you were getting a question answered that had been burning for a long time now. 
He lifted his chin, eyes fluttering shut for a full second as you slowly, painstakingly raked your fingers through his hair, now free of its tight constraint. Your hands continued across his skull, down the back of his neck, and then forward along each side of his jawline until they came together at his chin, where you finished by giving his nose a tiny boop. His eyes widened, realizing your face was within inches of his, and he suddenly shifted himself to the side, knocking you off balance and onto the bench. He scrambled out of the booth, catching one quick glimpse from Jesse, who had been oblivious to you two due to the undulating distraction in front of him.
You felt a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, cringing so hard at the thought that you may have just ruined everything, and you flailed to get out of the booth after him. You caught sight of him disappearing out the balcony door (you didn’t know 79s had a balcony did ya? It does now!) just as it closed behind him. Pausing before following him out, you watched him lean on the railing, looking at the Coruscant underworld stretching out before him as his hair drifted across his eyes in the speeder-induced breeze. His expression was unreadable, and startled you in how foreign it looked. 
Taking a deep breath, you ventured outside, steeling yourself to try to patch things up. You pulled up next to the railing next to him and faced the city skyline, feeling too sheepish to meet him head-on. You fumbled for words, wringing your hands together in not-so-subtle anxiety. “I’m sorry…” you began.
“Don't ever do that again!,” he said suddenly, startling you into standing up straight and facing him fully. You were filled with regret, looking up at him apologetically and readying your explanations, until he continued speaking in a low growl that sent an electric shock through you. “You have no idea what it does to me…” he admitted, voice slightly hoarse at the end. He slowly stood from his lean over the railing, leaving one hand on it and turning toward you, the other hand pushing his hair out of his face. As your eyes found his, you were lost in the rich brown pools of emotion, accentuated by the wildly mess of his hair that made him look like an entirely different person. His hand clenched at his side, and he shifted his eyes off to the horizon again. 
“What does it do to you, Tup?” you asked quietly, and he closed his eyes at his name, soft on your lips, before slowly opening them and taking a step closer.The intensity of his gaze and the singular focus of his presence were electrifying, and you felt as though your insides were trembling. 
“It drives me crazy,” he whispered, some dark waves twisting across his forehead as the breeze ruffled past. He looked from eye to eye, taking in your face with an enamored stare as though he were seeing it for the first time. “I don’t want to make things awkward. I love our talks. I love getting to see you. I love your wit, your intelligence, your curiosity…” His confession had been coming out more confidently but hit an abrupt halt as his gaze dropped to the ground. “I’m sorry if it ruins our friendship,” he said with a resigned tone, and your heart took a tentative leap in your chest as you processed his words, hoping they meant what you thought they did. 
Fueled by his vulnerability and absolutely irresistible look, you reached for him, slipping your hands around the back of his neck, one slightly roving up into the roots of his hair at the base of his neck, and pulled him gently toward you. His arms were around you in a flash, and after one last meaningful, searching glance that seemed to stretch out into eternity, he closed the distance and kissed you deeply. Your tiny gasp of delight was swallowed up by his mouth pressed against yours, muscles tightening around you, pulling you against his armor. His hair gently tickled your cheeks, and you savored the taste of his lips, the scent of his shampoo, and the electrifying excitement of being in his embrace. 
He pulled back, mouth falling open as though he couldn’t believe what had just happened, and stared at you in awe. You offered a sheepish smile, giddy at the sight of him so shocked and enthralled. He lowered his hands to take yours, shaking his head at the ground, still dumbfounded. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” you admitted, and he jerked his head back up to you, mouth curving into an elated smile. “You’re my favorite, Tup. You’re brave and insightful and kind and complex… I think the world of you.” Each word you spoke seemed to inflate him more and more with an overjoyed enchantment that lit up his face in a way you hadn’t seen before. 
“I didn’t think people saw us as unique enough to be interested… for real…” he murmured, and you shook your head, surprised and sad that he’d have such a notion. You lifted a hand to his cheek, which sent his eyebrows up a little further, and touched your nose to his. 
“Well I do,” you said, leaning in to kiss him again. He eagerly reciprocated, pressing one hand against the small of your back and drawing the other up between your shoulder blades. His lips were so soft, yet firm and commanding, and his nose pressed into your cheek. There was more of a passion to it now, an intimacy and urgency that set off fireworks in your soul, and you dug your hands into his hair again, relishing the thick tufts between your fingers as you clenched it gently at the roots. A satisfied rumble came from his chest, and he tilted his head, deepening the kiss until you were seeing stars. When he finally let you go, you gasped in as much of the cold night air as you could as though it alone were tethering you to reality. He smiled, face inches away, glowing with wonder. 
“I think there might be more of those Twi’leks up here,” he said with a mischievous glint in his eye, and you laughed breathlessly. “Better make it convincing,” he murmured, turning to back you up against the side of the building, leaning in with a sudden confidence, and bringing his hands to your face. He was kissing you again, pressing against you all over, hands roving from cheek to shoulder to waist to hair. It felt as though a dam had broken, and so much that had been held at bay was crashing down in the most incredible, unbelievable way. You lifted your leg, wrapping it around him, and he immediately gripped it with a gloved hand, moving his armored thigh and hip into you for support and stability. Kissing your way down his neck as he rolled his head to the side, closing his eyes in blissful abandon, you gave the top of his turtleneck a little snap, sending both of you into a quiet giggle fit as you held yourselves together. Every inch yearned to be connected, and you slowly lowered your leg, nestling your head into his neck and shoulder, not daring to move lest you wake up from this dream. 
“I guess we did show you a decent time tonight, eh?” he whispered in your ear, wrapping his arms around your shoulders in a warm, protective hug.
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loveandplanet · 12 days
Spread positivity around 💖💖 tag the mutuals you apreciate and say a good thing about them 💙💙 paste this on other askboxes and let's make someone's day better 🤩🤩
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Awww Snootles my dearest 🥺
In no particular order,
@going-to-ikea-for-the-fries: for rotting my brain to the point of writing smut ily dear Kea 🫶🏻
@the-original-honeybun: my first moot 🥺 Bunny is always there to bring the most unhinged, toe curling Captain Mactav banter 🫶🏻
@lovifie: the tax evading cat that always brings the bullshit ❤️
@xxshadowbabexx: the shadow moot who haunts best my dreams 😍
@harpsinfinity: brings the top tier Foap content 🫶🏻
@lyralein: @support free my bby you homophobic fuckers 🖕🏻🖕🏻Lyra deserves freedom and plenty of kiths 🫶🏻
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This idea keeps bubbling in my brain and I wanna write it (thanks to @snootlestheangel for inspiring and motivating me to write this-) 141 Monster/Cryptid AU but with Ghost as just a human... or is he? I don't know the specifics of Snootles' headcanons for the 141 and what their species are, but uh, I hope they don't mind I come up with some species for them Captain John Price = Were-dragon OKAY HEAR ME OUT; Anywhere I look, John is either a Biblically Accurate Angel or a Wyvern hybrid but I personally like to view him as a were-dragon. I can imagine him with a few features of Draconic origin like a few scales along his back, his arms and his legs. Maybe some small horns but I'm not gonna follow the 'only transforms on full moons' troupe. Instead I think he can transform on command but his emotions are tied in with his transformation. He's gotta be in check of his own emotions to keep control of his transformation, but he isn't as destructive as he was back then. Yes he can breathe fire in any form. Fight me on this. --- Sergeant Kyle Gaz Garrick = I dunno yet, I'm caught between Shapeshifter, Wizard or Undead. If he was a shapeshifter, I keep thinking he'd become anything that anyone is scared of if they've pissed him off. Also may I interest you in; flattened hamster Gaz? Like y'know how some hamsters flatten when they're relaxed? I can imagine Gaz as a hamster, chilling on Soap's head. For the wizard idea, he'd be a firm believer in 'I don't care how small the room is, I cast fireball.' and he'd wear a store-bought wizard outfit to fuck with people. The undead part came to me cause I keep thinking of him yanking his arm off and chasing someone with it in his hand. Or his head getting tossed around like a ball. --- Sergeant John Soap MacTavish = Werewolf or Dullahan. I might go with Dullahan for him to be fair, the idea of a headless rider sitting upon a black horse seems fitting for him. (yes I know the Dullahan is strictly from Irish folklore but I couldn't find anything that'd fit Soap-) And the idea of Gaz and Soap being headless buds sounds fucking funny to me. I can imagine him in a suit of armor styled as a black knight, riding on a black horse of shadow, probably confusing the piss out of the enemy until he's fucking throwing bombs around while they're trying to understand why an armored headless man is here when it's the fucking modern era. --- König = Eldritch Horror (tentacles galore.) I will not explain myself. --- Kim Horangi Hong-jin = Weretiger or Kumiho (Nine-tailed Fox) Okay I might go with the Kumiho, I like that idea. --- Simon 'Ghost' Riley = Human? If I were to draw conclusions about Ghost's true nature, my mind keeps guessing Grim Reaper, a shadowy skeleton, and for some reason the ghost rider- Why? I don't fucking know. OR MAYBE HE COULD BE A HORSEMAN OF THE APOCALYPSE- I might keep the horseman of the apocalypse idea, he's just so good at disguising himself as human and emitting that cryptid energy that no one would guess if he's Death.
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gffa · 1 year
hey there! i don’t know if you’ve already been asked this already, but i just saw your post about ‘what’s the niche sw lore that you know back and front, mine’s the in-universe calendars and such, since they don’t know about yavin’
…and, like, oh my gosh. for the last couple months i’ve wanted to write a sort of long, backstory fic about mon before andor, and i’m… struggling, as i have absolutely no idea what to use as a marker for years and dates and such, especially since it isn’t the easiest thing to search on google, and bby isn’t something she would know about at the time.
if it‘s not too much trouble, where could i find out more about these in-universe calendars/could you explain it/them? as a new ish fic writer, i’d honestly be forever in your debt lol
Hi!  So, this sent me on a bit of another deep dive down some rabbit holes as best as I could and while I’ve covered Coruscant Reckoning Calendar years in this post, there is still a bit more I can offer. So, the thing about Star Wars lore is that there are multiple continuities and we, as fans, absolutely should take what we want from each of them or none of them, carve out the juicy bits, and measure what’s canon in our hearts.  But there’s a difference between what a given continuity/canon has taken into account versus that fans aren’t beholden to the same rules, so!  I suggest you just do what’s right for your fic, whether that’s sticking to the Andor continuity, mixing and matching, or rejecting it all to substitute your own worldbuilding. That said, here’s what The Clone Wars shows us: In the episode “Deception”, when Rako Hardeen is going back to his room, there are posters on the walls along the way, including one for a Sy Snootles concert:
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Cleaned up image is from the trivia gallery on starwars.com.  Bottom row’s translation of Aurebesh translation from Wookiepedia: “FRI–SAT 12–4“ (Supposedly, there’s also a mention of “Fri” on a poster in the background of “Missing in Action”, but I haven’t found it and I’ve been down this rabbit hole long enough.  It’s another poster, though, so consider it in the same vein as this one.) WHICH MEANS:  They apparently use Mon / Tues / Wen / Thurs / Fri / Sat / Sun in the GFFA.  Are these abbreviations for “Friday” and “Saturday”?  Or is the GFFA version just “I’m going to a concert this Fri”?  (Supplementary material says “Friday”, including Rebel Journal by Ezra Bridger using the full word.) Probably it makes more sense to use “Friday” (posters abbreviating for space’s sake makes perfect sense), but I kinda like the twee-ness of “Fri”, it feels sufficiently ridiculous enough to be Star Wars.  I love when SW is ridiculous, okay!! So why do you see “Taungsday” or “Centaxday” in fic a lot?  Because there’s another calendar called “Galactic Standard Calendar” that was used in Legends and has been mentioned in Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon for Disney/Lucasfilm canon, but I would be super hesitant to call that hard canon. (Wookieepedia includes it, which I think is fair!  Just that I personally would not rely on such a source to be consistent with other SW media in the Disney/Lucasfilm continuity.  But it can be very useful if you’d rather go with the five-day week that the Galactic Standard Calendar establishes, though, it doesn’t match up with the posters we see in TCW.) One thing that’s going to cause a snarl:  If that “12–4 “ on the poster means 12/4 as in December 4th, then the way the dates are written is different from how they are on the C.R.C. post, which was “7956.901.3“ (which works out to be November 25th or October 27th, if you follow the math on that first linked post), so maybe they use both “329th day of the year” and “11–25″, “November 25th”. For a Mon story in particular, she’s from Chandrila, which is a Core World, so I would expect that she probably uses the C.R.C., especially given that she’s spent so much of her life on Coruscant from such a young age.  You can just write the numbers or you can use the days/months, if you want, pick whichever feels more natural for your story!  Or mix in the Galactic Standard Calendar info if you want, too!
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whoovesnassistant · 1 year
Skit Contest Entry 11
“The Unicorn Conundrum”  - By Freddo
SFX: Sound of magic being used while Twilight Sparkle hums a song (maybe the DW who or MLP theme), suddenly a knock on the door!
Twilight: Just a second! (Sound of hoofsteps hurrying to the door and opening it)
The Doctor: Hello! Sorry I uhhh.
Twilight: Oh hello…Clockwork right? 
The Doctor: Uuuh…yes, yes…Clockwork that’s me?
Twilight: (lets out a light chuckle) Yes! I remember you from a week back, hearts and hooves day, sleepy Clockwork! 
The Doctor: (confusion in his voice) Sleepy…?
Twilight: (Slight confusion in her tone) Yes, you said you were Narcoleptic?
The Doctor: Ooooh….riiiiight…Anyway! I remembered I still had those Lewis Carrot books you gave me, I only just remembered I still had them!
Twilight: Aww (Laughs) it’s ok, like I said it’s always nice to see a couple rea-
The Doctor: (cuts her off with a slight embarrassed tone) Woah! C-c-couple wh-hat are you talking about??
Twilight: (again with confusion in her voice) Uhh, Ditzy you’re special somepo-
The Doctor: (cuts her off again with a even more embarrassed tone) OH! No, no, m-me and Miss H-hooves are friends! Strictly friends, nothing more, nothing less!
SFX: A awkward silence fills the air for atleast 5 seconds, sounds of the old library creaking in the background.
Twilight: (Clears her throat) So uuuhh…the books?
The Doctor: Books……..Ah yes, books, right silly me!
SFX: Sound of the books being handed over.
The Doctor: Well since I’m here, I hope you don’t mind if I take a look at a few more books? Still have a feeling there are things I can learn about equestrian and all it’s wonderful wonderous….things.
Twilight: Well of course, but if you take any make sure to let me know first! (the sound of her trotting away.) Right then time to get the paperwork for these done.. (sounds of her magic powering up then the sound of quill on paper.)
The Doctor: (Sound of him trotting through the bookcases, picking out books and skim reading them) No, that didn’t happen. Oh yes, I remember that. It didn’t happen like that…oh… (SFX stop)
The Doctor: (Sound of him picking out a heavy sounding book).
Twilight: Oh that one, The Unicorn Conundrum, big biological study of Unicorns, still holds up to this day it’s still taught in schools, it was a big part of my education! They said the author was ahead of their time!
The Doctor: Really? (SFX of the book being opened) Who was the author then? I don’t see their name.
Twilight: That’s because we don’t know, they never released a name it was just…found the Canterlot castle’s grand library about three hundred and eighteen years ago, sitting on a random desk. 
The Doctor: (Joy in his voice) Ah yes! A mystery, I love a good mystery, maybe it’s hidden in the book, like an anagram? 
Twilight: Maybe? But I doubt it, many ponies have combed through that book, although I don’t think any were looking for the authors name as some sort puzzle?....Clockwork why are you pulling a face?
The Doctor: (slight edge but also confusion to his tone) Because…I don’t think the ponies who went through this book knew what they were looking for, the signs are all there, it’s a code. I know who wrote this book.
Twilight: Well then, please do enlighten me.
(SFX of the Doctor trotting away and ruffling through paper, Twilights paperwork from earlier)
Twilight: (slight annoyance building up in her tone) Hey, I had those sorted perfectly and they are private, you can just snoop through all of that, it could have personal information!
The Doctor: (Low) I was wondering when some of that uptight snootle was going to start showing itself. 
Twilight: (offended) I’m sorry??
The Doctor: (starts speaking like a giddy child) Oooh, that’s good. That’s really good oh time travel, I could kill you because even I don’t understand you but I also LOVE it when you do this!!
Twilight: Could you please explain yourself Clockwork, are you ok? Have you been on saltlicks? 
The Doctor: Ok listen, I don’t have time to explain this to you. I need you to write this book.
Twilight: (Confusion in her voice) You…want me to write…a book?
The Doctor: Not just any book! The unicorn conundrum, look! The hand writing, it’s VERY, VERY similar!
Twilight: (sound of her trotting over and picked up a piece of paper) Ok…I don’t know how I never noticed that, and I see what you mean but it isn’t definitive proof Clockwork!
The Doctor: Well this, is where the interesting bit comes in (sound of him turning pages of the book) There are only fifteen letters…FIFTEEN LETTERS in this over five hundred page book! And I think we both know what they spell out.
Twilight: (Sound of her snatching the book out of the Doctors hooves and quickly skimming through the pages before silence falls for a few seconds) Twilight Sparkle…. By Celestia, this…this must be some sort of joke, right? You have my original hidden somewhere and replaced it with this!
The Doctor: Nope! Time travel, oooh such a funny thing. This is what we call a bootstrap paradox. Funny thing it is.
Twilight: (lets out a long sigh) Time….travel….bootstrap paradox? I-I….this must be a dream.
The Doctor: Oh come on now, I have heard about all the stuff you have seen and done, and you find this unbelievable… (he tuts) 
Twilight: Now hold on, i- 
The Doctor: (Cuts her off) Yeah, yeah whatever you were about to say..no. You have a book to write!
Twilight: (beyond confused at this point) But, i-I b-b-b-but ha-
The Doctor: (cuts her off again) Come on Miss Sparkle! Time is of the essence! 
Twilight: I-I (she stops and takes in a biiiig breath) Ok….ok, fine. (Sound of her trotting away.)
The Doctor: Well that was easy, I thought that would take more convincing. 
SFX: (Sound of Twilight writing for half a minute, muttering random things, showing the passage of time as she rewrites the ENTIRE book)
The Doctor: (Flicking through more books) Huh, I guess that’s why they don’t eat bacon..
Twilight: Ummm…Clockwork? 
The Doctor: (sound of him closing the door and putting it back) Ah hello Miss Sparkle! Did you finish the book?
Twilight: Uhuh..? (Sound FX of her giving the book to the Doctor.)
The Doctor: (SFX of the book opening and pages scrolling quickly) Absolutely spot on! Well done Miss Sparkle, now time to get it delivered.
Twilight: Yeah…that’s why I even did this, I want to know how you plan going back three hundred and eighteen years?
The Doctor: (Lets out a chuckle) Well, c’mon! I’ll show you, Avante!
(SFX scene transition)
Twilight: A box…?
The Doctor: Yep! My TARDIS, I’ll explain it all later, we better go before my friends come, they are out card hunting. (SFX of the doors opening)
Twilight: Card huntin-oh by….i-i.
The Doctor: (SFX of him pressing buttons) Yes, I know. Go on say it!
Twilight: It’s dimensions on the outside are significantly smaller! 
The Doctor: (alittle deflated) Oh…well yeah, that’s a way you can put it….i guess…
Twilight: This is so fasinat-
(She is cut off as the TARDIS takes off and starts to shake)
The Doctor: Oh yeah, I should of told you, hold on!
Twilight: I’m tryiiiing!!!
SFX: (The TARDIS lands and settles)
The Doctor: (presses a few buttons) Come on.. (SFX of him hitting the monitor, the monitor bleeps and loads from static) Ah, perfect, right on time. Three hundred and eighteen years in your past, the night the book is found!
Twilight: (Trots over to the door and opens it) w-we moved, it’s night time…it was only three thirty in the afternoon when we left!
The Doctor: Yeeep. Now, go and stick the book in the place they found it.
Twilight: (starts taking a few trots but stops, in a more hushed tone) Wait, why couldn’t you do this?
The Doctor: (in a hushed tone) Because I don’t know exactly where I found it, also I’m not connected persay to this whole mess like you are, now go on!
Twilight: (lets out a sigh and trots away, sfx of her speeding up as distance voices and trots of guards approach, she quickly places the book down and gallops back into the TARDIS.)
The Doctor: (closes the doors) Alright, well done back home! (SFX of him trotting over to the console and pressing buttons, pulling levers, TARDIS comes to life once more, taking off.)
Twilight: That was…woah…that was just….wow, just wow. Wait, hold on, if I wrote that book…then, when did I get the inspiration in the first place to write it for the exact first time??
The Doctor: (Bursts out laughing) Oh trust me, don’t go thinking about that. It will hurt your brain, time travel, it’s a funny thing it just does things like this, I’m not sure why, but it just does….oh speaking of thinking…and remembering.
(SFX of him trotting over to twilight) 
Twilight: Uhhh, why are you trying to place your hooves on my forehead?
The Doctor: O-o-oh I uhh….well you see, since you know abour me, and the TARDIS now, I should give you the rest of the information it’s a uhhh…magic thing, yes!
Twilight: (lets out a little sigh) Alright then, just get it over with.
The Doctor: (SFX of him placing his hooves on her forehead.) Sorry about this, but I don’t think it’s the best idea you remember this little outing..
Twilight: Ughhh… (sfx of her passing out and slumping onto the ground)
The Doctor: I am sorry, don’t worry, you’ll be as right as rain when we get you home… (SFX of the TARDIS drones out.)
Twilight: (Groans) Oh my head…what happened? (SFX of her magic and the clicking of a approaching clock) Forty minutes past three? Wow I must of fell asleep.. (she yawns).
SFX: Twilight getting up from the desk she was sleeping on and trotting until she stops)
Twilight: Oh, I must have left the Unicorn Conundrum up (SFX of her horn powering up and picking up the “original”) Funny…I really feel like I forgot something… (SFX of her putting the book back) Oh well, I’m sure I’ll remember at somepoint….
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aresielle · 1 month
Sometime my brain work in mysterious way even I can't understand.
The other day I read a manhwa, Lies become you, and I see this big tiger. I say to myself "that's a big kitty, like the one in Aladdin" . And next think I know I was daydreaming a Aladdin fanfic AU about Jafar/Genie slow burn where, instead of each of them having a lamp, they were force to share the same lamp. And Aladdin can't free Genie because if he does it, Jafar will be free.
It end with a nice guy and reliable Genie with stundere Jafar. With absurd revelation like "Jafar is actually the illegitimate son of the sultan and Jasmine older brother", "the Genie was an human 6000 years ago but was curse by a sorcerer" or "Iago is the next royal vizier and is damn good as his job".
I don't understand how my brain go to point A to point B. There is a total leap of logic.
I suppose it will go away in a few day now I write about it. It worked for the Palpatine/Sy Snootles a few year back.
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Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Special Edition (1997)
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With some money my grandma had given me for ‘my future’ later that year, I bought the gold VHS box set of these films, as well as more action figures to go with my battered eighties ones - only these musclebound nineties guys had clearly been overdoing it on the blue whey shakes*. In any case, the gold card cover for the videos made the most wonderful comedy fart noise when you opened it and slid it closed just right. I’m sure my family must have absolutely loved me doing that all the time.
Anyway, to the film. I did NOT need the Sarlacc to have a beak, nor did I need Sy Snootles sexed up any more. If you don’t know what I mean, just before Luke Skywalker enters Jabba the Hutt’s palace, there’s a strangely upbeat but bleak tune playing that ends with an unfortunate dancer being fed to the Rancor beast below. This was a great mirror of the Mos Eisley cantina musical number in the first film, when an inexperienced Luke enters another hive of scum and villainy so unprepared that he ends up accidentally starting a fight. In Return of the Jedi, the new Luke we see is a calm and confident Jedi, strolling in unarmed (too soon, Ponda Baba?), which showed us how far he had come. The updated, 1997 CGI-embellished music track is an admittedly fun R&B number but it just completely changes the tone of the scene. A baffling decision. On a more positive musical note though, the John Williams score swelling in the last lightsaber duel gives me goosebumps still.
Since writing this, I found an article in a film magazine from 1983 (in the Castle cinema) that quoted a LucasFilm Vice president as saying 'I can’t think of anything we know how to do that we haven’t done for this movie.’ Make of that what you will.
*It’s always hard to know whether a reference is too niche when dealing with such a huge franchise but I did mention Republic dactaries in the last one, I guess.
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aurora-light-blog · 2 years
“Nothing is what it seems” Book of Boba Fett fanfiction
About ninety percent of this story was written before the series aired. Even after watching the series, I didn’t actually deviate from my main idea for the tail end of the second part (so about 471 words hadn’t been written). You’re probably wondering if it was done so long ago, why did you post so much later? What’s the hold-up? As previously mentioned, I typically hand write all my fanfictions before typing them up. Also, I hate the pressure of uncompleted stories. It freaks me out (goes off screaming into the night), so if I’m posting a story with chapters, don’t worry they’re all done 😊
Anyway, this story has a crazy amount of guest stars lol from all over. It has got legend comic books characters like Princess Tsian and Melvar, clone wars characters Crockager, Robonino and Chata Hyoki, Return of the Jedi characters Lyn Me and Sy Snootles, and of course Lady Valarian. Some Star Wars the Old Republic references are thrown in there too. Though, Fennec and Boba remain the main characters throughout both parts. It was a struggle at times with all the character but was still fun to write. Here is where it is at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42215886/chapters/105992010
If anyone enjoyed the story, please tell me, so I  can try to write an offshoot sequel then. That will probably incorporate some characters from series into the tale (except for the biker kids. I don’t like them. Sorry, that’s a definite no). Thanks for reading. Take care.
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snootlestheangel · 3 months
🧨 for a surprise
Little bit of Gaz and Ghost having the sillies and messing with Soap (I had one idea originally but it wasn't working out so here's a silly thing)
Soap huffed as he left Price's office, a bit angry with the way he had spent the better part of the last twenty minutes getting chewed out for a simple mistake. Granted, it was a mistake that could have made some serious damage, but no one was hurt and Soap didn't see a reason to be so upset over it. Yet Price was, and he didn't listen when Soap tried to argue otherwise. It was honestly infuriating, the way Price stood his ground and simply didn't budge despite the sergeant's pleading. He knew for a fact if Gaz or Ghost had been in the same situation, the chewing out would have been less severe and he probably would have caved to the other's pleading. Soap sat with another huff, and Gaz quirked a brow in questioning at the other's antics. "You good?" Was all Gaz asked, which somehow the question only made Soap angrier. "The fuck do you think? Just got my ass chewed out over something stupid." Soap grumbled, angrily crossing his arms over his chest and pouting. Ghost shook his head at him from across the room, and Gaz fought back a chuckle. "Maybe next time, don't be so stupid, mate." Gaz said as he nudged Soap in the ribs, only for the Scot to growl and push him away. "Easy for you to say! Neither of you would have been chewed out like that!" Soap snapped, getting up from the couch to pace. Ghost and Gaz exchanged glances, yet neither made any indication the statement wasn't true. Soap quickly caught on, and he stopped pacing long enough to stare in shock at the pair. "You're not even gonna deny it?!" He practically shouted, and Ghost nodded rather solemnly. "I think it's time we tell him." The lieutenant stated, and Gaz matched his solemn nod. Soap stood frozen in confusion as he looked between the two. "Unfortunately, Price has a condition that affects him in ways you wouldn't think possible." Gaz said as he leaned forward, a rather serious frown drawn on his face. Soap couldn't do much else other than look at him like he had lost his mind.
"It's true, Soap. He's got something known as Brown Eye Weakness." Ghost added, and Soap grumbled as he dropped into a chair.
"You're both full of shit." Soap muttered as he crossed his arms over his chest in a pout once again.
"It's true, mate. We've all got brown eyes. All except you." Soap just stared, unable to determine if the other two were being serious or not.
"Remember last week when you asked Price if we could have monthly movie night at his house? And he immediately said no and didn't elaborate?" Gaz asked and Soap nodded, vaguely recalling the incident.
"Do you remember how it wasn't until I asked that he explained Bailey had a school thing that night and he didn't want us in his house without him?" Ghost continued, and Soap remembered the way Price had pinched his eyes shut as Ghost pushed the request.
"That doesn't mean shit, though."
"What about every time you and I get in trouble? He's yelling at us and then all I have to do is say 'sorry Cap' and bat my eyes and suddenly we're being dismissed?" Gaz asked, head tilting as he leaned even closer to Soap. Soap frowned at him before shaking his head as a laugh bubbled in his chest.
Ghost and Gaz exchanged concerned glances as Soap's laugh grew, and the Scot eventually doubled over as loud cackles rang through the room.
"Aye, you two are off yer heids." Soap muttered before leaving the room, deciding to busy himself with other things rather than suffer this torment any longer. Ghost and Gaz looked at each other as he left, and the silence broke with a loud snort from Ghost as the two high-fived.
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simpskywalker · 4 years
i’m here to bless you all with my new rarepair: sy snootles/frog lady
sy snootles thought she could never know love again after ziro’s betrayal. until one day after a performance on tatooine (during rotj), she spotted the most beautiful frog lady. they fell in love. and now frog lady is traveling with her eggs to her sperm donor so she and her wife sy can raise a family together.
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Let's Talk: Night Watchers
Night Watchers are believed to have evolved alongside home sapiens, and are believed to have existed alongside some of the earliest ancestors of humankind. This makes them the oldest existing species to date, as there is no way to date the existence of Dragons. They are magic-users but draw much of their abilities from the natural world. Because of written texts from the earliest Watchers, many modern-day Watchers lack the more meditative personalities of their ancestors. This causes them to often lose certain abilities over time/to struggle to control certain things like fire and water.
They do not often refer to themselves as Night Watchers, but as Clatunate. When interacting with other species or when other species are present, they continue to use Night Watchers.
Humanity's Protectors
The earliest Night Watchers did not necessarily go out of their way to keep the early humans safe, but after a certain point, it was clear their ability to manipulate things like fire gave them a big advantage in survival. Thus, they began to integrate themselves into human societies as healers and guards. They provided fires and treated the wounded. Eventually earned themselves the name "Night Watchers" from the fact they would keep the night watch to protect the humans, as well as the fact they were mysterious people that could often be found watching the sky/stars.
Night Watchers helped humanity thrive and were rather proud of their relative species. Acted as a median between newer species like werewolves, vampires, etc. Once Dragons found a way into this dimension, the Night Watchers worked with them to find a way to keep their worlds separate.
This is where their alliance comes from; a joint respect for humanity's protection.
Then came along Death Crawlers, who were created out of a fear of the unusual. One particular human that found the magic of a Night Watcher to be unnatural and made a deal with Demons to create a new species that inherently wanted nothing but ill-fortunate for humanity. Humanity, by this time, had been named the Night Watchers' "Greatest Love", and it wasn't uncommon for humans and NWs to marry and have children.
However, when Death Crawlers began to run rampant, Watchers took the only action they deemed the best to protect humans.
The Council, a select group of the eldest/most skilled magic users within the Watcher community, came together to combine their power. They banished themselves, erased the memory of all monster-kind from humanity (thus were the myths came from, because there no longer existed any evidence), and cast a protection on humans. The protection meant that Death Crawlers could not directly hurt humanity, but could still influence them into hurting themselves.
The Night Realm
There are Night Watchers dedicated to the craft of maintaining their underground safe-haven. This includes monitoring the sealed portals between the Realm and humanity's space (what they refer to as Topside), keeping the caverns stable, and monitoring weak points.
Some of the animals/creatures found within the Realm are cavernous type creatures. Most are almost mythical, nightmarish versions of cave newts and salamanders (as if those weren't already terrifying enough). These are predatory creatures that pose a threat to the sheep, goats, and chickens the Watchers keep. They do not pose a threat to the thriving unicorn herds.
Unicorns were a gift from the Dragons as a sign of friendship. The Dragons intended this to be "Look, we offer great food!" whereas the Watchers took this as "Oh, a working animal! We shall care for and love these magnificent beasts!" Unicorns found within the Realm are so spoiled, in fact, rather than be skittish like the rest of their kind in the Dragon world, these ones tend to be aggressive/outgoing/bossy/arrogant. You name it. They've also adapted to living underground, and tend to come in more neutral colors, whereas Dragon Realm Unicorns come in a variety of colors. The white/lighter color ones in the Night Realm tend to be almost opaque, and all of them have more of a haunting appearance.
There is an entire agriculture-focused center of magic, where large groups of Watchers maintain fields and farm animals. This looks like providing "sunlight" and rainfall, while monitoring the growth of the harvests (which include wheat, barley, corn, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, and asparagus).
They Have Parasites
Yes, you read that right. Night Watchers have parasites.
These parasites are called Ethereals, as they are spirits that attach themselves to the essence of a Night Watcher. More often than not, an Ethereal goes unnoticed throughout its host's life, and when the host dies, the Ethereal will jump to another available Watcher in the area. Watchers can only have 1 (one) of these at a time. They are typically not bad, but also not necessarily good. They often exist undetected and when detected, aren't usually a nuisance.
Ethereals feed off of emotions, typically ones that are abundant (like happiness, stress, exhaustion, anger, sadness, etc. There are a few rare Ethereals that feed off of emotions like Fear or deeper things like adrenaline highs. These types are the dangerous kinds, as they often have to force their hosts into situations that trigger Fear or adrenaline.
These types are so rare, in fact, that they can all be named. There are four of them in existence today: Dante (feeds off depression), Starla (feeds off manic joy), Fineas (feeds off adrenaline highs), and Xander (feeds off fear). Starla and her host, Claudia, are kept safe in a facility after Starla's hunger drove Claudia mad, which led to her spree-killing. Dante and his host, Paul, live a quiet life, yet there are healthcare workers that regularly visit Paul to ensure his safety.
Fineas and his host, Alastor, serve as the Head Knight of the Royal Guard. Alastor is Hades's cousin, and I love my weird little freak. Hades is Xander's host :)
Ethereals can influence their host in a manner of ways. This includes speaking to them telepathically, making them involuntarily move, appearing as their reflection, or forcing them to laugh/cry. The other way is for an Ethereal to take full control of the host's body. This comes with minor shifts in the host's physical appearance such as becoming taller/shorter/fatter/skinnier, changing the color of their eyes, changing the way their hands/feet/nose/chin appear, and adjusting the tone/accent/other characteristics of the host's voice.
Anyone familiar with the Host will always be able to tell when the Ethereal has taken over. This is RARE though! It requires an inherently powerful Ethereal, one that is incredibly old which means they have a high count of hosts, or one of the rare types that feed on darker things, like the above mentioned.
As far as I'm aware, this is it for our good boys the Night Watchers! Please don't be shy in asking questions or complimenting my work! I don't care if it's in replies, reblogs, my inbox, or through dms!
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freesia-writes · 10 months
Howzer + Aurelia Ch. 6
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Howzer stole our hearts when he appeared in TBB, and I wanted to write a bit of a backstory for him. It begins with his newbie days during TCW and stretches to where we last see him in TBB. Enjoy his character arc and some heartwarming romance, action, adventure, yearning, angst, and growth.
Master List of Chapters
Content/Trigger Warnings for Entire Work (individual chapters not labeled): wartime peril, injury, and death; pregnancy, birthing trauma, and infant loss; sexual assault up to kissing; relationship passion up to making out and heavy petting; sexual relationship alluded to but not described (no smut, sorry) ;)
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Word Count: 1.5k
6. Exploration
There was indeed a next time, much to Aurelia's delight. When Howzer asked when her next day off would be, and asked her to meet him, she felt a need to veil her giddiness a bit. She didn't understand how he could be swaggering around 79s like a macho Sy Snootles one minute, then be asking her about the ethics of individualism versus collective responsibility the next, and while she felt a growing infatuation, she also couldn't tell quite what his angle was, and wanted to maintain a bit of caution as much as she could.
"You know, it's not much of a date when you have someone meet you at the place where they work," she teased, strolling up to the corner where the neon sign of 79s lit up the entire block. Night had just fallen, and the sky was still a glowing hue of blue. Howzer was slouched against the wall, helmet by his feet, tousled hair scattered across his forehead.
"Oh, you think this is a date?" Howzer countered, raising both eyebrows innocently.
The disappointment was sudden and shocking in its intensity, but Aurelia kept going, "Okay, then what is it?" She kept her tone light and playful but felt a bit bashful as she had put a little more effort into her appearance than usual, tying her curly hair up in a messy bun with a ribbon and opting for a fitted blue tank top instead of her usual baggy work shirts. She had finished the ensemble with some black pants that were a bit too tight for her liking, and she found herself wondering if she had made a fool of herself.
"It's me winning," Howzer said, "By showing you a place that's even better than your park! Let's go." He turned and headed toward the lines of speeder bikes parked along the side of the building, and she followed in a cloud of confusion and intrigue. Apparently, he hadn't noticed, or had found nothing to comment on, about her appearance. She couldn't decide if she were relieved or insulted as he walked up to a speeder, swinging his leg over it, and patted the seat behind him.
She took a deep breath. She seemed to be a level-headed participant in most all situations, or at least that's what it looked like at her job. But she also preferred solid ground, stable routines, and consistency... Taking off into the morass of Coruscant traffic on the back of a speeder bike was none of those things. The slow, steady rock of the train was a much more welcome thought than what lay before her.
"What, are we a little scaredy-sark?" Howzer asked, leaning on one elbow on the handlebars. "Come on, I'm a pro. Plus, you can just hold on to me real tight." A wink accompanied the last bit, which would have been reason for her to smile but also felt similar to all the hot air he blew at the females at 79s every night, and Aurelia realized she was wildly overthinking it, as usual.
Seeking a witty retort and coming up empty handed, she awkwardly lifted her leg and swung it over the bike seat behind him, finding the pegs with her feet. Howzer pulled his helmet on, put both hands on the bars and flicked the bike on, turning his head over his shoulder, "You gonna hold on or just clench the seat with your buttcheeks?"
Aurelia burst out into laughter at the shock and hilarity of that mental image, and she leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her torso against the cold armor plates on his back. She found herself wishing she could feel him without them, but stopped that train of thought before it continued. He turned to face forward and they were off.
The impossible maze of traffic covering the entire planet was enough to make her head spin, and Aurelia had no idea how people weren't crashing into each other all the time. She felt her stomach rising into her throat as she watched over his shoulder, so she opted instead to turn her head sideways, closing her eyes and trying to enjoy the ride.
It wasn't long before he slowed, and she peered ahead again to see what he thought was so great. The night sky had deepened into a rich, velvet navy, peppered with lights of every size and color, both still and moving, and he stopped the bike on the balcony of a round structure at the very top of an impossibly tall skyscraper. It was completely dark and appeared to be abandoned. He hopped off the bike, pulling off his helmet and setting it on the ground before extending a hand to Aurelia, who took it with a little bit of a blush and got on her feet.
"I have so many questions," she began, looking around. The transparisteel panels were dull and cloudy, making it impossible to see what was inside the building. It could have been a fancy restaurant at one time, offering 360 degree views, but it had clearly not been touched in a long time.
"I know, it looks weird from here," Howzer answered, and she noticed with a tiny flip of her stomach that he still hadn't released her hand. "This isn't quite it though; just wait," he said, leading her toward a ladder that ran up one side.
"This isn't high enough for you?" she asked incredulously.
He gave her hand a squeeze before releasing it to start climbing the ladder, calling out over his shoulder, "I'm not a quitter!"
She followed him up to what apparently was the roof -- a round, flat surface covered in various debris. It had a few raised pieces here and there, pipes and fans that serviced what had once been inside. Her eyes roved across it, searching for any hidden gem that might make it an appealing setting, but found none.
"So... how is this better than the park?" she called after Howzer's back, as he continued to the center of the roof.
"Come here," he said, stopping finally and turning to face her. She approached tentatively, beginning to wonder if this was some sort of trick, or if she had actually fallen prey to a serial killer and was about to be his next victim. She stopped in front of him, and he smiled down at her for a moment in a way that made her heart skip a beat. He looked so different from the brash trooper he seemed to be everywhere else; his expression was one of boyish excitement. Without another word, he dropped to his knees, brushing off the ground around them, then flopped onto his back, gazing up at the bustling Coruscant sky, patting the ground next to him.
Apparently there would be no explanation. Aurelia followed suit, cringing at her bare arms touching the gritty, dusty surface of the roof as she lay on her back by his side. She watched him for further instructions, but he was staring straight upward, and raised a single arm to point above them. She rolled her head to follow his gaze, preparing a volley of snarky comments, but they all froze on her lips as her eyes met the sky.
The grids of speeder and ship traffic were always both chaotic and orderly at the same time, forming endless streams in every direction. Somehow, though, Howzer had found one point at which they all converged, at various heights, making a mystifying pattern above them. Lines of colorful lights flew out in perfect angles from the center, which was right above their heads, resulting in some kind of mesmerizing geometric illusion that would make someone on spice question all of reality.
She was both speechless and immediately full of questions. How had he found this place? What kind of clone spent his free time on abandoned rooftops? When did he have time for this when his entire existence seemed to be his duty and his pursuit of booty?
"Ha!" came the triumphant chuckle as Howzer watched the awe on her face. "Makes those ducks at the pond seem pretty boring now, eh?"
"It's pretty amazing," Aurelia admitted, "But they're both beautiful in their own way." She was captivated by the sky above; keeping her eyes in the center provided an incredible design across the entire canvas, but following individual lines was fascinating as well.
"Ahh, you just don't want to admit you're beaten," he said, gently poking an elbow into her ribs. She squirmed, smiling faintly, and tore her eyes from the sky to look at him. His profile was the same as the rest -- sharp nose, thin lips, angular jaw -- yet she felt as if she were seeing him anew.
"How did you find this?"
"I like to explore when I'm alone," he said, but kept his eyes upward and didn't offer any further explanation.
"Well..." she said slowly, returning her gaze to the sky. "I have to admit, I'm impressed."
He smiled, still watching the traffic above.
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hate to see you go but love to watch you leave ;)
Feel free to tag a friend who loves Howzer, or comment to be added to the tag list! <3
@mary-on-the-contrary @doublesunsets @523rdrebel
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kanerallels · 2 years
Fun Huttese fact of the day: during the production of Return of the Jedi, George Lucas requested a dance number scene for Jabba's palace. John Williams called on his son Joseph, of Toto fame (and the singing voice of Simba in The Lion King) to write the song. The original draft of the song was about the singer exercising to look fit for a handsome man coming to visit and was entitled Fancy Man. Ben Burrt translated the lyrics into Huttese, titling it "Lapti Nek."
However, the lyrics' translation changed between drafts. The titular fancy man was removed. The translation of the phrase "Lapti Nek" became "Work It Out." This was not picked up on by the compiler of the most comprehensive Huttese dictionary to date, the Complete Wermo's Guide. the CWG translated "Lapti" and "Nek" as "Fancy" and "Man," respectively, taking the translation from the song's first-draft English title, unaware that the literal meaning of "Lapti Nek" was not actually "Fancy Man."
That is, until now, because when Galaxy's Edge opened, a catalogue of in-universe songs was created for the music at Oga's Cantina, and released as R3X's Playlist #1. The album contained several songs in Huttese, including Moulee-rah by Fytee ft. RB Snootles. The track contained the lyrics "Dobra moulee-rah nek, jee wamma uba." In context, "man" is the rendering of "nek" that makes sense with the lyrics, which then translate to "I'm a money man, you pay me." And that is how a piece of incorrect Huttese fanon was retconned into canonicity
That is a DELIGHTFUL story!!! Where do you learn this stuff??? Is it Wookipedia or somewhere else, because you have an impressive store of knowledge!!
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