#so the resume overhaul is in process
sparklyslug · 3 months
Yes I DO have a job application due in today but consider if I DONT first go for a walk in the sun to all my area little free libraries and maybe also the beach I will SCREAM and also possibly DIE idk
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duplicityvn · 2 months
Welcome to Duplicity!
Below you’ll find links to tags and the new itch page (once part 1 releases; tags will be added as they’re posted). You’ll also find some general information about the game and what to expect from here on.
As per usual, this game is a horror romance. It will feature and optional NSFW toggle, and it is not safe for minors. Minors DNI with this blog or the game.
Game development, art, & writing: me, @indycinders
Draft editing and Ideas Chief: @winndycakes
Game Summary:
It’s been several years since you’ve been home, and a lot has changed. After failing to meet the strict deadlines of your former publishing house, your contract was terminated and you were left to fend for yourself. Once a prolific and popular author of romance and adventure stories, you’re now forced to move back home to live in your best friend’s apartment as their roommate. Struggling to figure out the next book in your series, you’re faced with many life-changing events, such as having to go back to work a customer service job you thought you’d left behind.
As you navigate this new chapter in your life, you’ll meet friends, old and new, and perhaps finally experience your own romantic tale… Just don’t trust everyone you meet.
(potential) Tag List:
#duplicityvn - general tag to encompass everything
#duplicitydevlogs - tag for dev-specific posts like progress and updates
#duplicity asks - tag for asks submitted to the blog
#duplicity griffin - Griffin specific tag
#duplicity tris - Tris specific tag
#duplicity taipan - Taipan specific tag
#duplicity dell - Dell specific tag
#duplicity nina - Nina specific tag
#duplicity savoy - Savoy specific tag
#duplicity riley - Riley specific tag
#duplicity melon - Melon specific tag
#duplicity mags - Mags specific tag
#duplicity all - general tag when everyone is involved in one post
#duplicity lore - tag for lore related to characters or settings
Here’s some potential questions I might get that I’m proactively answering now:
Why was the old blog deleted?
-I had a bad experience in the community and wanted to remove myself from it completely. I also had no idea where the game direction was going. Honestly, it started out with me wanting to make a yandere game with no understanding of what was going to happen really.
Why are you continuing with Duplicity?
-Duplicity originally stemmed from vague ideas about a horror romance I had started writing three years ago. Really, only some of the character names were similar. Once I started to feel like I wanted to come back and resume with development, I knew it needed a complete overhaul. So I went back to that old story and started piecing it together so it would work for a visual novel!
What changed and what can we expect?
-In the original demo, the game’s MC was around 20 years old. This has changed to player preference of anywhere between 25-30. Why? Because I’ve been wanting to see older characters in yandere visual novels, and just in VNs in general. I also don’t feel comfortable writing younger characters anymore. The characters’ ages will change depending on yours as well, which will be explained later. The only characters who have set ages are Mags and Melon.
-Speaking of characters, Sophie is no longer part of the story. I didn’t think about it at the time but I don’t want a minor to be included in this story when she’s not directly related to anyone, like a sister or a niece or something. In her place are several new characters: Nina, Savoy, and Melon.
-The game will be released in 3 parts instead of on a day-to-day basis. Part one will be mostly introductory but lengthy, part two will probably be the longest, and part three will mostly be focused on the endings of each route.
-The game will have more than just Griffin’s route. There are currently 9 endings I’m in the process of planning.
-As of the publishing of this post, everything previously known to the game is no longer canon, except for a few things.
What kind of asks can we send?
-Asks pertaining to the game and its characters and settings are all completely fine. In fact, it’ll probably help me develop the characters even better.
-NSFW asks are allowed! While there might not be NSFW in the base game (still juggling around the idea of a paid NSFW version), I am happy to write little fics if people are wanting them. I love writing, give me prompts!
-Hateful, derogatory, or other such topics that are sent to this blog will not be tolerated nor published. I wish to promote a safe space for everyone, and I won’t pay attention to any negativity.
-Silly and nonsensical asks are also allowed if they aren’t negative in context.
Alright this was long lmao but I hope it encompasses the general idea of what to expect from here on out! I’m not putting myself on a publishing schedule and I will update as frequently or as little as I do. I’m an anxious bean and can only do so much.
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Do you know where someone can get raw scans of the chapters?
Hey there!
If by raw scans you mean the raw Japanese scans, then it is pretty difficult to come by right now. We have all the raw scans ourselves for Overhaul, but we are planning on release all the Japanese pages equally edited and cleaned up.
As soon as we can begin uploading the Japanese version online, we'll begin doing so as quick as we can. The cleaner doing Trigun vol 1 and 2 is, however, very hard pressed with life happenings right now and has not been able to continue progress on the volumes. We hope to resume the cleaning process as soon as it is responsibly feasible, as life and health will always come first.
I apologize that I can not offer more help in this matter, but if anyone has access to older scans of the original Japanese version, do not hesitate to contact us so we can share it.
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vifetoile · 3 months
Calvin Anagonye-Shellstrop and Hobbes
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Eleanor Shellstrop becomes the first woman to get knocked up in Hell.
Spoilers for the end of The Good Place, however, no spoilers for Good Omens (this does not incorporate season 2) and Calvin & Hobbes and Fairyland, they need no spoiler tags.
Post-Season 4. Eleanor and Chidi are in the process of overhauling the afterlife; the process is going well but there are still holdover-demons who prefer the old regime. Chidi and Eleanor are happily together and Do It a lot; they visit the old Neighborhood and have a quickie in Eleanor’s old house, and two months later Eleanor realizes she’s pregnant.
The first person she goes to is Janet, who confirms it and says that the chance of a woman conceiving in the afterlife is astronomically low. She congratulates Eleanor on beating the odds. Eleanor asks Janet to keep it a secret and asks for help— how will she tell Chidi without him freaking out? Comedic advice sequence ensues.
Eleanor tells Chidi, he has a few minutes of shock but once it’s confirmed he’s surprisingly chill. He asks Eleanor what she feels about it.
Chidi and Eleanor have a long talk about parenthood. While keeping the idea of abortion fully on the table (Janet can do it), they decide they want to try being parents together.
Furthermore, Chidi says that he would like their child to live on Earth, if that’s possible, with a normal experience of time and space. 
So this is the news they break to Jason and Tahani and Michael. Jason is delighted at the prospect of being an uncle; Tahani offers sincere congratulations and sends for champagne; Michael is surprisingly morose. The idea of Eleanor and Chidi returning to Earth really bums him out. But Jason manages to talk Michael 'round. It'll be fun to be a godparent.
So Eleanor and Chidi resume their lives on Earth, and move to Maine. When they marry they take the surname Anagonye-Shellstrop. When their son is born, they name him Calvin. 
Tahani and Jason also choose to resume their Earthly lives.
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Meanwhile, back in London...
Aziraphale and Crowley get notices from their separate authority figures: this kid Calvin was conceived in Hell. A kid like that… could have all kinds of strange powers. He could even fill the role that Hell wants, the role of the Antichrist.
Remember how I said there are those who want the old regime, and the old plans for Armageddon? Yeah, not all of them are demons. 
Plenty of angels would like to put Armageddon back on the calendar, and this kid might be their way to do it.
Aziraphale packs up his books, and Crowley packs up his plants, and they head out to Maine. The Arrangement has a new form.
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Artwork by Ana Juan, colored by me
By a completely unrelated train of events, there is the realm known as Fairyland, as described by Catherynne M. Valente. There is a young Tiger by the name of Hobbes. He is kin to the Leopard of Little Breezes and the other great cats of Fairyland. 
Hobbes hasn’t quite found his domain yet. As he vagabonds along from one port to another, he finds his way to the world of humans, where he appears as a stuffed toy to most. However, even under this glamor, Hobbes possesses a debonair charm which catches the eye of Tahani al-Jamil. She introduces Hobbes to Calvin and they become fast friends.
Calvin will come into his powers when he reaches seven, the age of reason. However, the year before Calvin’s seventh birthday never seems to end, it just… sort of loops. Jeremy Bearimy never saw it coming.
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Artwork by Bill Watterson
How will this all end? Will the Maine sea-air prompt Crowley and Aziraphale to confess their long-buried feelings? Will Hobbes ever go back to Fairyland? I don't know, it's a mystery, but isn't it fun to think about!
This all could be a long-running Ao3 series with 100k words and dozens of chapters and interludes, but in this part of Jeremy Bearimy, it is a humble tumblr post.
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Can Fat Freezing Treatments Help Men Achieve a Sculpted Physique?
The quest for a sculpted physique isn't just for the gym rats anymore. Men are increasingly turning to non-surgical options like fat freezing to achieve a more defined look. But before you jump on the cool bandwagon, let's explore the science behind this trendy fat freezing treatment and see if it's the right fit for your fitness goals.
Understanding Fat Freezing: A Chilly Approach to Body Sculpting
Fat freezing, also known by the trade name CoolSculpting, utilizes controlled cooling technology to target stubborn fat deposits. Here's the gist:
Fat cells are more susceptible to cold than surrounding tissues.
During the fat freezing treatment, a specialized applicator is placed on the targeted area, gently freezing the fat cells.
Over time, your body naturally eliminates these damaged fat cells through a process called apoptosis.
The result? A gradual reduction in fat layer thickness, potentially leading to a more sculpted appearance.
Is Fat Freezing a Magic Bullet for Men?
Let's be clear: fat freezing isn't a weight-loss solution. It's a targeted body sculpting technique designed to address those persistent pockets of fat that resist traditional diet and exercise efforts. Here's what men can realistically expect:
Targeted Results: Fat freezing works best on specific areas like the abdomen, love handles, flanks, and chest. It won't address overall weight loss or body fat percentage.
Gradual Improvement: It's a marathon, not a sprint. Typically, it takes 2-3 months to see noticeable results, with some men requiring additional sessions for optimal sculpting.
Non-invasive Approach: No needles, no surgery. Fat freezing offers a comfortable alternative for those hesitant about more invasive procedures.
Minimal Downtime: Most men can resume their daily activities right after the treatment, although some may experience temporary redness or numbness in the treated area.
Men and Fat Freezing: A Perfect Match or a Cool Misconception?
While fat freezing offers exciting possibilities for men's body sculpting, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Here are some factors to consider:
Body Composition: Men with a healthy body mass index (BMI) and a good baseline of muscle tone are ideal candidates. Fat freezing works best on areas with localized fat deposits, not significant weight loss.
Realistic Expectations: Remember, it's about CoolSculpting, not dramatic body transformation. Aim for a noticeable improvement in those stubborn areas, not a complete physique overhaul.
Lifestyle Habits: Fat freezing complements, not replaces, a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise routine is crucial to sustain your results.
Finding the Right CoolSculpting Clinic for Men
With the growing popularity of fat freezing, numerous clinics offer fat freezing treatments. Here are some tips for men to navigate this landscape:
Board-Certified Expertise: Seek a clinic with qualified dermatologists or plastic surgeons experienced in fat freezing procedures for men.
Treatment Customization: A good clinic will assess your individual goals, body composition, and recommend the appropriate number of sessions for targeted areas.
Competitive Pricing: Fat freezing costs can vary. Explore different clinics and compare their pricing structures. Remember, affordability doesn't mean compromising quality. Focus on clinics with ethical practices and experienced practitioners.
Beyond the Cool: Optimizing Your Sculpting Journey
Fat freezing can be a valuable tool in your quest for a chiseled physique, but it's just one piece of the puzzle. Here's how to maximize your results:
Diet Matters: Maintain a balanced diet rich in whole foods and lean protein to support a healthy metabolism and optimize fat burning.
Embrace Exercise: Regular exercise, particularly strength training, builds muscle mass, which contributes to a more sculpted look.
Manage Stress: Chronic stress can lead to fat storage, so incorporate stress-reduction techniques into your routine.
The Final Freeze: Is Fat Freezing Right for You?
Fat freezing offers a promising non-invasive approach for men seeking to refine their physique. However, it's not a magic shortcut. By understanding its capabilities, expectations, and the importance of a healthy lifestyle, men can make an informed decision about whether fat freezing aligns with their fitness goals. Talk to a qualified dermatologist or plastic surgeon to discuss your specific case and explore if this cool technology can help you achieve your desired physique. These professionals can assess your needs, discuss the pros and cons of various sculpting options, and help you choose the most suitable approach for achieving your desired physique.
Key Takeaway
Whether you choose fat freezing treatments, knowledge is your key to success. By understanding the science behind these procedures, setting realistic expectations, and prioritizing a healthy lifestyle, men can embark on a sculpting journey that complements their fitness efforts and helps them achieve a more defined, confident physique. So, take time to research, consult with experienced professionals, and discover the options that can help you sculpt your version of a chiseled physique.
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gregg-reuben · 14 days
Transforming two-sided markets
Transforming two-sided markets https://seths.blog/2024/05/transforming-two-sided-markets/ AI agents are going to overhaul the way we think about buying and selling. Uber already did this in a small way. They organized the drivers, and now they organize the riders. Hailing a cab was already sort of anonymous, but with competition and structure, AI will continue to get better at finding the right passengers for the right drivers, and vice versa. But there are far more markets where this sort of transformation hasn’t happened yet. Real estate (both buying and renting) has been slightly changed by the internet. They’ve made markets a bit more efficient and given buyers more insight. But the choices people make are based on intuition, and data sets are incomplete and have more “I know it when I see it” than we’d expect from such a large and regular transaction. What happens when the right person finds the right place to live, and the connections have value far beyond building awareness? Tinder and other dating apps changed some of the inefficiencies of people connecting with one another as they pursue relationships, but it’s mostly focused on displaying many options to people on both sides of the marketplace. It’s a very large singles bar with some pre-sorting and ranking going on. Participants aren’t eager to give up their agency, and there’s not a lot of data about what happens after a match is made. Linkedin amplified the ‘find a job’ x ‘find an employee’ dynamic, but it’s a similar approach. They don’t know who came in second at the end of a grueling job search, nor do they know a lot about which bosses make good bosses or accomplish useful hires. These marketplaces feel so vast and so human that it’s difficult to suggest that AI is going to make much of an impact. But I’m confident that it will. There’s so much expense and wasted time and anxiety around these essential connections that some part of the market will be open to engaging… and success will lead to more success. We have a lot of fake agency, where we think we’re making a choice in hiring or connecting with others, but that choice is influenced by structures and dynamics that aren’t actually related to what we want. If it’s sunny on the day of the open house, more people make an offer… We’re using false proxies and amplifying negative cultural tropes to shortcut our selection processes, and it harms everyone involved. We don’t need a better digital resume, or a way to get the word out. We need to get much smarter about what we want, why we want it and what’s likely to work. Creating connections between and among buyers and sellers in dramatically more productive ways is (possibly) around the corner.
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profresumes · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Perfect Resume Writer
In today's competitive job market, having a well-crafted resume can make all the difference in securing the job of your dreams. However, crafting a compelling and effective resume that highlights your skills and experiences can be a daunting task. This is where a professional resume writer comes in. Hiring a resume writer can provide you with the expertise and industry knowledge needed to create a resume that stands out from the crowd and increases your chances of landing interviews. In this ultimate guide, we will explore the various aspects of finding the perfect resume writer and how their assistance can significantly impact your job search success. From researching and selecting the right resume writing service to collaborating effectively with the writer, we will provide you with a comprehensive road map to navigate this crucial process. So let's dive in and discover how hiring a resume writer can give you the competitive edge you need in today's job market.
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Introduction: Why Hiring a Resume Writer is Important for your Job Search Success
The significance of a well-crafted resume
Your resume is like a personal advertisement for your professional skills and experience. It is often the first impression a potential employer has of you, so it needs to make a lasting impact. A well-crafted resume not only showcases your qualifications but also highlights your unique strengths and accomplishments. It gives you a competitive edge in a crowded job market and increases your chances of getting noticed by recruiters.
How a professional resume writer can boost your chances
Let's face it; writing a resume can be a daunting task. It requires a deep understanding of industry trends, formatting guidelines, and effective language usage. That's where a professional resume writer comes in. They have the expertise and knowledge to create a resume that grabs attention and makes you stand out from the competition. A skilled resume writer knows how to highlight your strengths, tailor your resume to specific job requirements, and optimize it for applicant tracking systems (ATS). With their help, you can present yourself effectively and increase your chances of landing interviews.
Researching and Selecting the Right Resume Writing Service
Identifying your specific resume writing needs
Before you begin your search for a resume writer, it's essential to identify your specific needs. Determine if you need a complete resume overhaul or if you only require minor revisions. Consider if you're changing careers or targeting a specific industry. Understanding your requirements will help you find a resume writer who can meet your expectations and deliver the results you desire.
Conducting thorough online research
Once you know what you're looking for, it's time to dive into online research. Start by searching for reputable resume writing services that align with your needs. Look for companies or individuals with positive reviews and a track record of success. Take the time to explore their websites, portfolios, and samples of their work. This research will give you a better understanding of their approach and style, helping you determine if they are the right fit for you.
Reading reviews and testimonials
Reviews and testimonials provide valuable insights into the quality of a resume writing service. Read feedback from previous clients to understand their experiences. Look for testimonials that highlight successful job placements and positive outcomes. Pay attention to any specific industries or job levels mentioned in the reviews to ensure the resume writer has experience in your field. Engaging with online communities and forums can also provide additional recommendations and feedback.
Understanding the Different Types of Resume Writers and Their Expertise
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 Certified Professional Resume Writers 
Certified Professional Resume Writers have undergone rigorous training and passed exams to earn their certification. They possess a deep understanding of resume writing best practices and stay updated on current industry trends. Hiring a CPRW ensures you are working with a qualified professional who can create a resume tailored to your unique needs.
Industry-specific resume writers
Industry-specific resume writers specialize in particular fields or industries. They have in-depth knowledge of industry-specific terminology, skills, and requirements. When seeking a resume writer, consider someone who understands the intricacies and nuances of your industry. Their expertise will help you highlight your relevant experience and skills effectively.
Freelance resume writers vs. resume writing companies
When choosing a resume writer, you have the option of working with a freelance writer or a resume writing company. Freelance writers can offer a more personalized experience, allowing for direct communication and collaboration. On the other hand, resume writing companies often have a team of experts with diverse backgrounds and industry knowledge. Consider your preferences and needs when deciding between freelance writers and resume writing companies.
Evaluating the Resume Writer’s Credentials and Experience
Assessing relevant certifications and training
A resume writer's credentials can give you insights into their level of expertise. Look for certifications such as CPRW, NCRW (Nationally Certified Resume Writer), or ACRW (Academy Certified Resume Writer). These certifications indicate that the writer has met industry standards and is committed to professional excellence.
Years of experience in professional resume writing
While certifications are important, experience also plays a crucial role. Consider the number of years a resume writer has been in the industry and their overall track record. A seasoned professional will have a wealth of experience working with diverse clients and understanding what employers look for in resumes.
Specialization in your field or industry
Lastly, evaluate if the resume writer has experience in your specific field or industry. An expert who understands your industry's requirements and expectations can help tailor your resume to effectively showcase your skills and qualifications to potential employers. Remember, finding the perfect resume writer is a personal choice. Take your time, do your research, and select someone who understands your unique needs and can bring your professional story to life with wit, personality, and an extra dash of awesome!Sample Resumes and Portfolios When searching for the perfect resume writer, it's crucial to review their sample resumes and portfolios. This step allows you to assess their style, quality, and effectiveness in crafting compelling resumes.
By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect resume writer who can help you craft a compelling and effective resume that opens doors to exciting career opportunities. Happy job hunting!In conclusion, finding the perfect resume writer can be a game-changer for your job search success. By investing in a professional who understands the intricacies of resume writing, you can ensure that your skills and experiences are effectively showcased to potential employers. Remember to thoroughly research and evaluate resume writing services, review sample resumes and portfolios, and establish clear communication with your chosen writer. With their expertise and collaboration, you can finalize a customized and impactful resume that sets you apart from other applicants. So take the leap, hire a resume writer, and boost your chances of landing that dream job. Good luck!
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skillswaveglobal · 1 year
RPL and Skills Recognition Offer a Wide Range of Benefits
Assuming that you have abilities and information created in your profession and are hoping to overhaul your capabilities, acknowledgment of earlier learning (RPL) and abilities acknowledgment could be the ideal choice for you.
RPL is an appraisal technique that surveys your ongoing vocation experience and matches it against the ability necessities held inside Broadly Perceived Capabilities. It is embraced as a feature of the Australian Capabilities System as a substantial technique to get Capabilities inside the professional schooling and preparing area.
It gives a potential chance to "quick track" your direction to a capability, without the requirement for considering, in light of the fact that it depends on your vocation information. The evaluation interaction surveys your profession and confirms how you might interpret the necessities for skill at the normal business principles.
RPL and abilities acknowledgment gives various benefits that you probably won't know about, so here is my rundown of the main advantages, including:
RPL is a basic, quick, modest and genuine option to all day concentrate on which is embraced as a feature of the Australian Capability Structure.
The RPL appraisal process is customized for every person and is well defined for individual work history, industry experience and abilities and kind of work acted in different vocation jobs;
Profession abilities and information is plainly characterized and checked by "planning" it against the business guidelines inside Australian preparation bundles;
RPL distinguishes information you have in covering industry fields to show aptitude and intricacy or information, so different capabilities can be gotten without any problem.
Capabilities will assist with building certainty, confidence and a feeling of achievement in light of the fact that your abilities are affirmed and approved.
Broadly Perceived Capabilities are given from an Enrolled Preparing Association with a full rundown of the Units of Skill you accomplish;
RPL permits you to saves significant time in accomplishing capabilities, as there is by and large no necessity for study or extra preparation except if holes are recognized in your insight;
Assuming holes are distinguished you would say you can finish independent web based preparing to assemble your insight and understanding to accomplish capability;
RPL appraisal depends on adaptable time periods, so you can accumulate proof voluntarily without forcing on current work and individual responsibilities;
RPL wipes out reiteration and duplication of learning since you won't have to continue preparing or learning at a school. RPL gives full thought to the abilities and experience you have proactively acquired "at work";
Many types of proof can be utilized to demonstrate your ability, including business references, references and tributes from directors and industry associates, examinations and abilities audits, duplicates of reports or undertakings you have finished, photographs of settled works, accounts and recordings.
RPL considers discovering that happens outside a 'formal' climate;
Experience got as a worker, leading cause work, or in neglected temporary positions or work experience can likewise be utilized as proof;
- RPL opens up pathways to finish further examinations at a more significant level and the capability you get can be utilized for credit exclusions this incorporates tertiary college study including Certificates, Graduate Testaments, Graduate Recognitions and Bosses Degree programs;
- Adding capabilities to your resume will open up profession choices, for example, advancements, pay rises and give you more accreditations whenever look for new position open doors;
- RPL gives admittance to capabilities to individuals that could not ordinarily have an amazing open door to finish 'customary' concentrate because of responsibilities and monetary impediments.
- RPL constructs and reinforces choices for 'deep rooted learning" and urges individuals to keep on encouraging review and look for professional success amazing open doors.
In the event that you are thinking about considering, you ought to check out at RPL and abilities acknowledgment first. You will be astounded with the scope of capabilities that you could be qualified to acquire.
For More Info :-
RPL Certificate Cost
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integratedhomes · 1 year
Sensible Office Automation Solutions Utilizing Iot Automated Office Expertise
These duties, which come within the class of clerical assist, are usually delegated to entry-level staff since they're simple and easy to study. As a result, many companies make use of clerical help employees who are solely answerable for these duties. The average office automation clerk resume is 1.1 pages lengthy based on 450 words per page.
The most common mistake is adding a couple of digits when paying staff and vendors. However, there are still organizations that, regardless of knowing the benefits of automation, are nonetheless stuck on digitized systems. This article will walk you thru what office automation is, its benefits, and the implementation course office automation of, which entails what you need in an office automation system. Refers to the variety of software program and hardware used to digitally create, acquire, retailer, manipulate, and relay office data wanted for accomplishing fundamental duties. Organising office workflows could be the lacking piece in your journey of automation.
They can kind out letters, resumes, stories, and other paperwork shortly and effectively, and use formatting tools to make the documents look polished and skilled. Word processing software program additionally permits for straightforward editing and collaboration, as a quantity of people can work on the identical document on the same time and make modifications which might be automatically saved. Other office automation solutions similar to content material management systems have become in style and allow employees to simply contribute to, schedule, or edit digital content. This signifies that they are often accessed from wherever by any variety of users. Moreover, low-code expertise such as drag-and-drop functionality allows non-technical customers to simply create and manage their very own net content material. With office automation instruments, corporations can assist clients by complementing human work with automated one.
You can solely obtain full-scale automation if a company rolls out an office automation system. 7) Easier compliance – Compliance laws have gotten increasingly strict as firms grow. To make sure that these rules are adopted, companies must maintain accurate documentation. An automated document management solution makes complying with these necessities office automation systems rather more accessible. 3) Reduced costs – When applied correctly, office automation saves cash as a result of workers spend much less time submitting papers and scanning documents. Additionally, they don’t require additional training since every thing occurs mechanically.
Traditionally, bodily keys were the one means you can entry these spaces. Ideally, this can be a course of that shouldn’t take you greater than five minutes to determine out, even when it’s your first encounter with the software program. Above all, you understand it’s the best selection when it matches into your already established processes as an alternative of complicating issues and forcing you to overhaul many already established systems. Better nonetheless office automation system, you don’t have to chop brief your adventurous escapade in Hawaii just to return to the office to perform a task. You now not have to spend hours configuring every side of your corporation; as a substitute, all you need to do is join Office 365 and start utilizing its options and integrations instantly. The best part in regards to the Office 365 automation tool is that it has no further fees.
The expertise part in your resume may be nearly as essential as the expertise part, so that you want it to be an accurate portrayal of what you can do. Luckily, we've discovered all of the skills you'll want so even if you don't have these expertise yet, you understand what you need to work on. As you progress alongside in your career, you might start taking over extra obligations or discover that you've got got taken on a leadership position. Using our profession map, an office automation secretary can determine their career targets through the career progression.
This is identified as office automation, and it can immediately enhance productivity and allow firms to easily accomplish tasks that were falling via the cracks previously. While human beings could make mistakes while handling paperwork and digital files, automated systems do not make errors. They follow the identical protocol each time they handle any tasks, so you'll have the ability to be certain that everything is accomplished without business automation solutions any mistakes. You can be certain that your office automation software is doing a passable job by providing you with real-time stories and analytics. In addition, there must be a centralized area the place you can entry all of the reports and knowledge in one place to understand how your office automation is doing and what needs enchancment. Our wholly-owned internal financing division now provides versatile short-term rental finance and service options that allow us to evolve alongside a rising market.
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liftwellnes · 1 year
Do You Need a Career Coach?
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The last couple of years have brought immense change and transition to the world of work. Employees have had to navigate hybrid work and home offices, blurred boundaries between work and home, all with the backdrop of a global pandemic, political and social turmoil, and general upheaval to what used to be business as usual. What may be the most drastic change the workforce has seen has been the mass exodus of employees leaving companies voluntarily, colloquially known as the Great Resignation. You may find yourself in a position to consider if you will join this watershed moment in labor market/employer relations as people are reconsidering their relationships with loved ones and corporations and making decisions on what to prioritize in droves. If things at work aren’t feeling as constructive, supportive, or viable as they were pre-pandemic, it may be time for a change. But the actual work of finding new employment can be brutal: reworking a resume to pivot within your industry, the time spent agonizing over cover letters, applying to roles that match your passions and skills with fair compensation can all be exhausting. It can often feel like a second job in addition to the one you’re hoping to leave!
Here is where a career coach can provide some invaluable resources and support. Coaching has become part of the zeitgeist in recent years with coaching platforms and practitioners popping up across the Internet and social media, but who are career coaches and what specifically can they do to help? A career coach is someone who has specialized training in helping and advising job seekers to hone various skills related to their careers. These can include written materials (think resumes, cover letters, and sometimes LinkedIn profiles), enhancing clients’ networking abilities, strengthening interviewing skills, and helping define career goals and aspirations. Finding and utilizing a career coach can help expedite the process of finding your next role, however it is important to understand that career coaches are not headhunters, therapists, or recruiters. They help coach job seekers be more effective in their search so that they get that offer letter sooner.
When is it time to enlist the help of a career coach? Depending on your goals, you may seek the support of a career coach earlier or later in your job search. If you are looking for a total career overhaul and switching into a new field, a career coach may benefit you earlier on in your search to help rework your resume so the disparate roles you had in the past still highlight relevant skills. If you are looking to advance in your current field to a leadership or management position but have not been getting those second interviews after a few months, a career coach can help assess where the hangups may be in companies pursuing you as a second round candidate. If you are trying to find a new job for the first time in a few years, a career coach may help prepare you for the job market before you even leave your current role.
Making the decision to invest in personal or professional development is rarely one that is taken lightly. If you feel that it may be time to invest in a career coach, take a few things into consideration when searching for your ideal coach. Find someone who you can connect with, who you feel comfortable sharing your concerns, expectations, and aspirations with. You will be paying for these services and for the sessions to be most effective, you as the client must be willing to open up, be honest, and put in the effort to make the most of what you learn. Consider how and where you best learn as well, does that mean that meeting in person is a must or are you comfortable with virtual sessions? Take some time before reaching out to write down what it is you are looking for support with and what goals you’d like to achieve through your coaching sessions. Once you have a picture of what you’re looking for, reach out to the coach you feel would be the best fit for you and get started!
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realitylong · 2 years
Project manager resume
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“But what will make that stand out even more is when the candidate indicates that in those 10 months, she was able to cut costs by 30% or save time in process improvements by a certain percentage. “Working for 10 months on an e-commerce platform is good as it indicates that the candidate can thrive in a busy environment,” says Devin Schumacher, founder of SERP Co. Our experts were also in agreement that quantifying your achievements is a must to make your resume stand out. You’ll note that all those example bullets had numbers in them. Managed program to optimize IT assets in Latin America region delivering $100K+ in savings.Delivered 11% increase in customer satisfaction by designing and implementing customer satisfaction survey to identify improvement opportunities and coordinate system enhancements.Realized 8% budget saving and 11% increase in client satisfaction by overhauling operating and governance model for two BPM application platforms and standardizing operating model based on ITIL framework.How does this philosophy translate to actual bullet points on a resume? Here are some examples for you from Debra Wheatman, president of Careers Done Write: Remember, most recruiters and hiring managers will not have the context to understand the details of your past projects.” “You want your experience to be quickly understood. “Be clear and concise when describing your performance,” he says. Zucker adds that here too, focus is important. “How did this project benefit the sponsoring organization? Did it open new markets? Generate revenue? Reduce costs? Consolidate operations?” Remember that your hiring manager might not be in the same industry as you and they certainly won’t know your internal jargon.”Īlan Zucker, founding principal at Project Management Essentials, says you should ask yourself a few questions about any engagement you include on your resume. You only have a short time to make a good impression and some of the resumes I have read aren’t scannable at all, as they don’t make sense when you read them quickly because of the technical language. “I know many resumes are read by automated services that search for keywords, so you do want to include the terms that are mentioned in the job description, but any internal words or department names, abbreviations, and specific vocab for your industry should be replaced with something else. “Take out all the jargon, and then take out some more,” urges Elizabeth Harrin, director at RebelsGuideToPM, an education and mentoring site for project managers. Articulate how your skills would add value to the role you are applying for.” “Don’t assume that the person reading the resume knows the systems in place at your current job. That means crafting a resume that bridges the gap between what you’ve done and what you want to do in the future, says Davis. When sending a resume to a potential employer, you’ll want to tailor it to the company and its industry. Focus on what’s important to your future employer
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shorkbrian · 3 years
So happy your requests are open and I don't mind the wait at all!
I just really want to see a sweet quirkless omega going into heat and sending her alpha Overhaul (Kai Chisaki) into a hard rut and he just pins her to a wall and fucks the life out of her before taking her to the bedroom to knot her.
but you do know that it would 100% be like "hate sex" on Chisaki's part (even though he kinda do like it lol)
(Kinda overhaul x reader x chrono btw but only for a little bit)
Just. Overhaul being able to tolerate you being kept at his compound because one, you're his mate, whether he likes it or not.
Two, you're quirkless.
And three? You don't bother him, you stay out of the way and you have passable hygiene when compared to Chisaki's standards.
But that has to be thrown out the window the second Chrono hauls you into Chisaki's office, the man in charge of watching you when Chisaki isn't around flustered and pink around his ears.
"B-boss, your omega, she's-"
"What the fuck is that smell." Chisaki growls, eyes immediately snapping to your trembling form. Taking in the way you're gasping, sweaty, barely able to stand even with Chrono's hand tight around your bicep and holding you up.
For some reason, the sight of Chrono touching you makes Chisaki itch. Odd, that usually wouldn't bother him.
The smell is cloying; too intense and too sweet, it makes his throat burn and his skin crawl.
"I think she's in-"
"Please, it hurts." You choke out, cutting off Chrono. "Need... I need-"
Chisaki recoiled as the scent got stronger, clouding his senses, making him feel... Chisaki didn't even know. Excited? Tingly?
Uncomfortable - he decided.
"Get her out. Give her a bath too, she smells disgusting." He commanded, but Chrono stepped forward instead of back out the door.
"Boss, she's in heat."
Overhaul cringed.
Logically, he knew it was going to happen eventually. But on the other hand, he had hoped his omega would be different. you was already quirkless, already pure... surely it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to assume that you wouldn't be affected by the mindless heat-addling that Omega's all seemed to undergo?
His irritation was rising.
Chrono looked at his boss with questioning eyes, unsure what to do with the omega becoming increasingly more distressed at his side.
"You'll get her over it." Chisaki decides, ignoring the bitter taste that floods his mouth as he utters those words. His eyes slide over you again, lip curling into a disgusted sneer.
"Messy thing."
Chrono is frozen in disbelief. But this isn't a test of his loyalty, Chisaki truly doesn't want to deal with the germs and the mess and the cleanup associated with omega's during their heats. Slick everywhere, pheromones staining the room, needy hands touching everywhere-
"Sit her down on the couch." He instructs his second-in-command, rising from his office chair and stepping around his desk so he can close the door. "I want to make sure you don't damage her."
That's the only reason. Only reason he wants to be present and watching while Chrono fucks you through your heat.
"You're serious then?" The white-haired man asks, removing the plague mask he wears while inside the compound, thus beginning the process of disrobing.
Chisaki waved his hand idly, resuming his position in his office chair with a tired sigh. "It'd be such a chore for me to do it myself. Aren't you an alpha yourself Chrono? You should be jumping at the chance to bed a nice quirkless omega."
Chrono shrugs off his white coat, looking up from where you're panting on the couch while he stands in front of you, eyes finding his boss. "I wouldn't want to overstep my boundaries with your property."
The brunette smiles, not that anyone can see, but it's clear he's pleased by the crinkle near his eyes, the relaxed way he slumps in his chair. "And that's why you're my favorite Chrono."
You're wearing what you usually wear - long pants, a cozy sweater. Overhaul hasn't heard you complain about the chill in the compound, but it's clear to see it affects you by the way you dress and the way your nose darkens from the cold.
You don't fight the half-naked Chrono as he helps you out of your sweater, unbothered by the temperature of the room and looking entirely too hot and sweaty.
Chisaki supposes it's good that you aren't fighting. You had at first, when he first brought you here, crying and pleading for him to let you go and leave you alone. That pathetic show was quickly shut down with a simple demonstration of Overhaul's quirk, and what he'd do to you if you didn't comply.
Now you're seemingly accepting of the situation, casting nervous glances towards Chisaki, your attention constantly getting stolen by the pale man stripping in front of you.
It takes an embarrassingly short amount of time before Chrono has his cock in you.
And you look completely blissed out, mouth open and letting out choked little gasps on each thrust, one hand desperately trying to hold onto Chrono's shoulder, his arm, his chest - anything you can reach.
The other hand is on your stomach, and Chisaki doesn't understand why until he focuses on it, sees the distention whenever Chrono swings his hips into you.
Chisaki feels himself throb.
The sounds you're making sound like music. Awful music, all discordant and rushed and pornographic, stuttered breaths and pitiful cries, high-pitched and girlish moans in between Chrono's quiet huffs.
The sweet pheromones in the air become sweeter, thicker, and Chisaki can see the direct correlation between the smell and how much slick is dripping out of you, drenching Chrono's pretty cock, his stomach, even splattering his thighs on each thrust as his cock squelches deeper.
It's disgusting.
Digusting but curiously enamoring. Chrono's got you sitting on the couch, pushed up against the back while he fucks you. It's a tall piece of furniture, and Chrono merely hikes his leg up onto the cushions to gain a better angle to fuck you with. Your slick is everywhere; Chisaki knows that couch won't be salvageable after this. Somehow, he doesn't mind.
What he does mind, however, is the way Chrono is speeding up, rhythm stuttering and practically falling apart. He's going to knot you. Chisaki had given him full permission to - that's what taking care of an omega during their heat means, after all. But jealousy is boiling inside him, blood painfully engorging his cock, he feels tingly all over, very unlike himself.
He wants to touch you.
But you're a disgusting mess, smelling sweet and fertile and sweating and dripping everywhere. Chisaki can't believe he's feeling... attracted to you right now.
"O-ohh feels good, r-right there! Yes, thank you,t-than-" You mumble out, drunk on cock as you shudder through an orgasm, cream gushing out of your cunt and further dirtying Chisaki's office.
Chisaki sees red.
He's furious - not only at you, but at Chrono for touching you, and for himself for explicitly allowing it to happen. Chrono's about to knot you, claim you, and Chisaki is out of his chair before he knows what's happening.
"That's enough." And his gloved hands are ripping Chrono away from you, sending the other man reeling as his subordinate struggles to control his alpha instincts and stop himself from fighting his boss, tearing Chisaki to shreds for interrupting his mating.
Chisaki doesn't care, he's too focused on you.
"You're so pathetic." The man hisses at you, crowding into your space. When had he taken off his mask? He wanted to smell more of you.
His gloves are gone too, ripped away in a moment so he can feel your wet skin against his hands, feel the sweat beading your brow before those same fingers snap to undo his pants.
"I hate you, I hate you." He seethes, golden eyes staring at you so intently that you start to cry, overwhelmed with the situation, still craving a knot, craving intimacy and tenderness.
You've reduced him down to barely better than an animal, tearing at his clothes so he can sink into you, closing his eyes at the way you're wet and warm inside, perfect and velvety.
Chisaki doesn't know what's come over him. Normally he'd be disgusted, absolutely incensed at having such filth be in direct contact with his skin. But right now... all he feels is pleasure ripping through his veins, clouding his head, his mind, flushing rational thought down the toilet.
"Stupid, hate you-" his words rattle out on each rapid thrust, breath uneven and labored as his muscles stretch and work to fuck you harder and faster. He's building up to his peak.
One of his hands is fisted in your hair, close to your scalp and keeping you still, the other hand clamped firmly against your hip and making sure you don't wiggle away. Alpha instincts taking over as his brain convinces him to mate, breed, cum.
"You're so fucking dirty." He gasps, voice heated and gravelly as he struggles to fight through the heat taking over his body.
He's going into a rut.
Chisaki isn't supposed to do that. He takes supplements and suppressants to ensure he doesn't have too. Ruts are messy, nasty things to endure, and Chisaki would rather lick the floor of a dirty subway than experience one.
Yet here he is.
"You disgusting, wretched thing-" And you're crying, fat tears mixing with sweat and rolling down your chin. Chisaki feels disgusting himself, wanting to lick the liquid away.
He hasn't felt this good in his entire life, this burning fever pitch rising and rising and cresting, blazing along his nerves.
He can barely thrust his hips anymore, and only then does Chisaki realizes that he's popped his knot, jammed it in deep while you cried and moaned and struggled to hold onto him.
Theres a sick sense of satisfaction filling him up, his mind clears for half a second and Chisaki thinks to look over his shoulder, seeing Chrono still standing there with a soured look on his face, cock still swollen and drippy and bobbing purple against the man's stomach.
"Get out." Chisaki orders, and Chrono knows enough to merely pick up his coat and wrap it around himself before exiting the room. He's never seen his boss like this - so feral and unhinged and debauched like some regular dirty plebeian.
But Chisaki doesn't care. Odd.
He cares about grinding against you, feeling you milk every last drop of cum from his balls, shimmying his hips to hear you gasp and moan and clutch at his body, trembling like a little lamb.
Chisaki doesn't want to stop.
"As soon as my knot goes down-" He growls, lowering his face until it's mere inches from your own, breathing into your space. "I'm going to take you to my room and knot you until you break."
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
Ask Round-Up: June
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Hi there! Got some time to spare so I figured I’d kick this one off first thing in the month,. A couple of points, as usual
-Happy Pride Month!
-I posted a video on Twitter recently dubbing a comic Dan Schkade did, and I’m linking it here to announce that I do intend to use my Twitter for stuff soon (mostly when I do start “The Grim Screen” proper, which is the name of that big mystery project I keep alluding to, and where the characters in my profile pictures come from). I’m still figuring out how I wanna use social media to share and promote my work in a way that isn’t more grating than it’s worth, I need to start trying new things, this being one of them. 
-It’s COLD-AS-SHIT here in Brazil, we’ve been getting hit with some of the absolute coldest days in the country’s history, honestly reminded me of when I spent some weeks in London during a winter. Getting raised in a tropical country absolutely does not prepare you for that kind of shit, especially when coats (and clothes in general) your size tend to be stupidly expensive. And COVID’s spiking again to the point most people can no longer pretend this pandemic ever ended. 
-I picked a stray cat off the garbage over a month ago and, after trying every available option to see if someone could take care of her, running a ton of tests and taking her to vets and looking after her in our studio, we ended up giving up on pretending we weren’t gonna adopt her. Currently in the process of moving her to our home and getting our house cat to adjust to the new presence and it’s, a work in progress. 
-Still massively busy due to musical theater, currently trying to get enough time to finish my resume and start looking for work elsewhere. 
-Currently caught between several juggling acts that have only gotten exponentially worse and more stressful since the first draft of this post but nevermind let’s go:
@jcogginsa asked:  So we just got a new Street Fighter VI Gameplay Trailer, with what seems to be a fairly massive change to the series' gameplay
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If anything, the gameplay seems to be the least changed aspect of it, or maybe it’s just the one I’m noticing the least because, frankly I don’t care about gameplay that much, but, wow, color me genuinely impressed with what they’ve shown so far. Just, Christ, this is what a major step forward finally feels like, not some faux-Alpha soft reboot or all-stars compilathon, no, they really are serious about taking Street Fighter to the future. Ryu, I already remarked at being pleased with them allowing Ryu to mature and change his outfit and role, but I’m far more impressed that they’re clearly letting Chun-Li follow suit as well, getting a slight visual overhaul (sort of a lightly-colored combination of her two key designs, SF2 and Alpha, with a characterization that seems to be building off her Third Strike era and a handful of new details like the change in bracelets and more exposed forehead to cement her maturity) and getting to show off a little as a teacher in the trailer. It feels nice to have good things to say about the direction they’re taking Chun-Li as a character (and oh thank god she’s got a new voice actor, I never liked Laura Bailey’s voice for her, this game really is spoiling me). 
They even got me onboard with having Luke stick around as the MC! Yeah, color me fucking shocked, but when he doesn’t look as much like Logan Paul a grotesque eyesore with a superfluous personality and he looks like a character that actually belongs in this world, and he gets a very neat-looking rival character to play off, yeah, I’m onboard with him. Really liked Jaime, too, I think he really sets a new standard for SF character design quite nicely, I like that just from a glance he pays homage to a lot of SF archetypes while very clearly being his own character (to a better extent than Luke, who seems to have been designed with the same idea in mind), love that he’s Street Fighter’s first take on the “drunken master” archetype except he’s not just a hokey old cliche but instead a fresh new spin on the archetype. This is what Street Fighter made it’s name on, this is what it should always be doing. 
Also saw that most of the starting roster was leaked a while ago, a couple of comments on that: I love that none of the OG World Warriors are coming back without some form of redesign, in particular I love Blanka’s new clothes and E.Honda looks cooler than ever. Not a fan of them finally being cowards enough to give Zangief pants but, fine, they are clearly scaling down the cartooniness of the prior installments, I get why the speedo had to go. Glad they kept Dhalsim’s beard while reverting back his bald head and, changing his necklace? Interesting. Very interested in what the hell’s going on with Ken, fucker looks more divorced with every new installment, kinda surprised that it’s Ken who looks like he’s got his shit together a lot less than Ryu this time around / and uh, I wrote this post before it was apparently leaked that Ken actually is divorced? The fuck? Curious to see how that goes.
LOVE LOVE LOVE GOUKI’S NEW LOOK, holy shit this is what he should have looked like in SFV to begin with, fuck, finally they made a redesign for him that doesn’t suck. Love that they seem to have incorporated one of the concept ideas they had for him for SFV, which was to have him wear the fur of a bear he killed, into his main design, because that is 100% a Gouki thing to do and it works masterfully with the lion / wildman imagery he’s already got going on.
Funny, I was JUST thinking the other day if they were ever gonna bring Dee Jay back and if they did, they were definitely gonna have to redesign him and tone down everything that made him look like a grotesque racist caricature or, at least, change it so that he doesn’t stick out as much compared to the other characters, which it seems like they did, I’m actually kinda shocked over how much I like how he looks now, he’s like 100 times better. I always did like Dee Jay’s concept as a fun-loving musician who, unlike the other characters, really was just in it to have fun, and I like that he actually looks the part now. LOVE that they brought Rashid back and redesigned him to look sexier, actually, I like that they seem to be a lot more willing to let the dudes look explicitly hot this time around at a similar and show more skin while the female characters look like they were made with looking cool as a priority over looking like someone’s fetish (might retract this statement depending on how Laura or Mika look like if they make it to the game).
Juri was obviously gonna come back, but I definitely prefer this look over the SFV bodysuit, not surprised Ed’s back but am mildly interested with where they’re taking him lore-wise. The new characters look a little samey and, to an extent they kinda look a little more like Tekken characters (but then again the whole aesthetic of this game reminds me a lot of Tekken), but I definitely like their look, and I definitely think they are gonna make a vastly better batch of newcomers than what IV and V had. I’m particularly interested in Marisa, JP, Kimberly and Aki. So, yeah, I’m definitely on board with where this game is heading. 
Anonymous asked:  Do you have any interest in seeing other parts of South America?
Sure. Already traveled through quite a bit of it, but I always wanna travel more, traveling’s one of my favorite things to do. Unfortunately it’s also terribly expensive even besides the whole, cough, pandemic. But, yeah, I definitely miss traveling. 
Anonymous asked:  Excluding pastiche of the character like Swam, what is your favourite version of the phantom of the opera ?
Come to think of it I, don’t think I actually have one? My favorite Phantoms are the ones I make myself out of extensively curating and Frankensteining together the dozens and dozens of existing Phantoms, sort of like The Shadow but to a much greater extent since there’s hundreds of Phantom of the Opera stories out there and the character’s public domain. I guess for me it’s not so much particular “versions” of the character, so much as it’s particular ideas. 
I love Leroux’s Erik, I think the resolution to his story is still pretty unsurpassed (except by the one depicted in the short story “Beauty and the Opéra, or The Phantom Beast” by Suzy McKee Charnas, that one has by far the best take I’ve read yet on the Phantom x Christine relationship), I find myself lately appreciating a lot how remarkably childish and darkly humorous he’s written to be, way more than you’d ever expect the original take on The Phantom to be. I like Lon Chaney’s Phantom likewise for the humor and classic villainy he has fun with, particularly in his final scene. I like Ken Hill’s Phantom for similar reasons and he’s probably my favorite of the on-stage Phantoms I’ve seen or heard (I have some more, mixed, feelings for the ALW version, I wrote like a massive report on it recently so I don’t feel like talking about it for now). 
I love how BATSHIT HORRIFYING the Phantom of Althea Liu’s Christine is, I really like some of the ideas at play in the Charles Dance version (not a wholly satisfying take but, there’s some ideas in there I like, and honestly being played by Charles Dance does go a long way in at least getting my attention). I love how he’s drawn in the MAZM game (hadn’t had a chance to check it in full yet) and I have some other favorite artistic renditions of him by artists like Greg Hildebrandt, Kyu Ha and Anne Bachelier, to quote a few among many. I have a LOT of space in my files devoted to cataloguing Phantom media and anything adjacent to it as a reference point, I go through them every now and then whenever I start thinking about the kinds of Phantoms I want to create.
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Honorable mention right now goes also to the Cosmos Takarazuka Phantom played by Yoka Wao. I’ve never been remotely able to witness this play, there’s no records of it I can find online outside of this terrific review penned by @ancientphantom​, but reading that immediately shot this up into becoming one of my absolute favorite takes on the character to read about or imagine (reading that, during Christine’s debut, this version of The Phantom broke the 4th wall by actually going offstage to the orchestra pit in order to personally conduct the orchestra went a long way in making this my favorite show that I’ll never get to watch, seriously, what a brilliant usage of the character). 
@thedeathalchemist asked:  Since you are doing musical theater, do you have any favorite musicals (can be both stage and film)?
Actually not that many, especially when it comes to stage since music theater shows tend to be terribly expensive. This might seem weird coming off the previous ask, and the fact that I did this big writing assignment on it, but I don’t actually consider the ALW Phantom among them (it’s, weird, the history I have with that play, but I don’t dislike it though). Among the ones that come to mind would be The Lion King (I was a little young to “get” the worship people have for Lion King when I watched the movie, but the play definitely instilled that impression on me), and Morte e Vida Severina gets a very strong recommendation from me.
For film, definitely my number one pick would be Phantom of the Paradise, followed by Little Shop of Horrors and The Prince of Egypt, and now Descendants 2. I watched the whole Descendants trilogy recently and I definitely have a lot of thoughts on it, but Descendants 2 in particular is shockingly good, trust me, it’s worth putting up with the first movie (not bad but, not terribly interesting) to get to it. Speaking of Descendants, I also gotta put it’s older sibling High School Musical here, mainly for 2 and 3 (my favorites being, every number done by Sharpay or Ryan across all three films, the “Troy has a mental breakdown” songs, and “The Boys are Back”, which almost kinda redeems Chad for a second). I also really liked The Happiness of the Katakuris which is, kind of a musical, it’s kind of a whole bunch of things but I don’t remember enough of it to talk more of it. Otherwise I’m not terribly familiar with musicals enough to have a proper list. Get back to me after I’m done with musical theater and that might change.
@krinsbez asked:  So, apparently, Dan Schkade has posted a list of "Batman Hot Takes" which includes Alfred being a retired Shadow. Thoughts?
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Not something I would write personally in my takes on either character, but I like it primarily because Dan’s reasoning of “He goes from The Master to a servant, shaping the next generation” is a rock-solid foundation for where The Shadow should go as a character if he were to actually “retire” for real. I’d seen this idea of his a while back and actually, this was kind of a crucial puzzle piece that went into my thought process for my “The Shadow meets Cassandra Cain” post, I was wracking my head thinking of ways for these hardline incompatible characters could co-exist or work together and then I found this on his tweets and stuff just kinda clicked together. It made perfect sense. 
I also like it because Alfred already kind of embodies a “prior generation” of crimefighter in how usually he’s written to reference James Bond, and because Alfred’s generally a character who already carries some kind of mystery and intrigue in his backstory, part of what makes him work as an all-timer anciliary character comes from us not knowing much about his life other than the myriad of skillsets he once had as the most awesome man on the planet and how that life culminated in him eventually becoming the right-hand man to the current most awesome man on the planet. The Batman crossovers even kinda played around with the idea of The Shadow effortlessly being able to become Alfred even without Bruce noticing.
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You could make a very good point based on how well this gap in Alfred’s past fits with the existing gap in The Shadow’s post-1949 future, how seamlessly you could make it so one ends where the other begins, and besides, Alfred’s main vocation besides butler is often established to be that of an actor, which is almost 90% of the time in fiction code for “this character isn’t what they say they are / don’t trust everything they say”. Is it really that unbelievable that Alfred was just, one in a million other names in a lifetime of fighting against evil by adopting different monikers and identities?
Again, not something I’d go for or establish “canonically”, largely because I don’t want The Shadow to be tied down to Batman more than he’s already perceived to be publicly, but the logic and thematic worth here is quite sound.
Anonymous asked:  Related to that last question, which fighting game franchise has your favorite lore, and/or the lore that you would most want someone to expand on in another type of work?
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Besides the two big ones I already talk about on the regular (Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat), definitely Capoeira Fighter, created by Scott Stoddard (who you can see above in the line-up, as he jokingly inserted himself into the game as a character called “Maionese”, portuguese word for mayo, I was frankly surprised to learn he was North-American). I’ve known about it for a long while but it was only recently that I started doing some looking into it and it’s character designs, and I’m only just now discovering that the creator of this was also the creator of Mad Shark and Robot Unicorn Attack, and the only social media he seems to have is his Youtube channel. Looking up Capoeira Fighter and it’s creator company, Spiritonin, nets you basically just dead pages and zombie pages still up that don’t work anymore because the game was made for Flash, so, yeah, it’s hard to even call Capoeira Fighter a franchise when it largely consists of mostly tech demos and one game that is pretty much gone unless you look for it in BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint.  Capoeira Fighter 3 does look a lot more polished and boasts a lot more than could ever be feasibly expected from a flash fighting game, including an interactive Arcade Mode where you can make choices that affect your character’s storyline. 
I regret that I didn’t get to play Capoeira Fighter 3 before the death of Flash, because looking it up makes me frustrated. There’s quite a lot to like here. This is absolutely a series that I would love to see get a proper shot under the sun with a budget and some more polish (gameplay definitely could use some work still), there’s a lot of incredible stuff here.
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fighting game, or even a game really, where I look at the characters and recognize not just the pop culture archetypes they draw from, but I also recognize people in them, real people I’ve met. Both of it’s main masters, Mestre Loka and Mestre Rochedo, are opposites and yet they both look unmistakably like real fighting masters and people I’ve trained under (Loka in particular). You see the Muay Thai girl in the image above, named Chompoo? Not only is she the 2nd woman in fighting games who uses Muay Thai, but she’s the only one who actually looks like it (King is by leaps and bounds my favorite of the SNK girls but she’s evidently not dressed for combat), but she actually kinda reminds me of my teacher’s wife (the absolute scariest person I’ve ever seen fight Muay Thai, not even joking, he loves talking about her and showing me videos of his tiny and lovely and terrifying wife tearing down opponents twice her size in the ring), I bring this up because this game's authenticity absolutely deserves praise as well as it's character design. Look at the other two characters above, Ramba and Buldogue, and I’m gonna post this excerpt from BigMex’s article on it that better summarizes the two and part of what is so great about this game:
The diversity of the characters could not be understated. There were 15 unique capoeiristas, in addition there were 13 other "World Warrior" type characters that represented other fighting styles like Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do and boxing. It was not the sheer number that made the game unique but instead the showcase of figures. 
 In other fighting games, the playable characters were always roughly the same size and body type. They never had an ounce of fat on them, and were never too short or tall. Capoeira Fighter 3 had every skin color and body type that a person could imagine. The various tones and shades of skin suggested that several characters were of mixed marriages, mulatto or even native. 
There was a character that reflected just about every type of gamer there was, including the young and old. None of them seemed feeble when competing against fighters in their prime. 
Very few games, before or after, had put as many minority characters in the roster. Very few games had ever put minorities in prominent roles for the accompanying story. The lineup featured tall, skinny, fat, short, muscular and average build body types. Even the heroic Mestres could not have been more opposite
Ramba had actually been away from competition because she was busy at the university. She was asked by Mestre Loka to look after his students. She reluctantly agreed as it would be a good excuse to get away from law school for a moment. 
Along the way, Ramba met Buldogue and offered her a better life. Ramba knew that Buldogue was a strong fighter, but had never been given an opportunity outside of the roda (fighting circle). Buldogue had been used as hired muscle by other characters in the game and Ramba wanted to get her out of that life. She knew that the bruiser was actually respected by the community, especially the poor that lived in the favela or ghetto. 
If she were able to get an education and become known for something other than fighting, then Buldogue could become an inspiration for other women trapped by their situation. Players were given a choice whether to team up Ramba and Buldogue or to play solo. The purpose of Ramba in the game was not to beat the main villain, but instead to help guide those in need. 
If players completed the game solo, then Ramba learned what she was really fighting for. She earned her degree, but decided to open her own firm to help the less fortunate. If she teamed up with Buldogue, she became a mentor and enrolled her in school, while still working double-duty as a lawyer.
Strong, positive, dynamic, interesting minority female characters that didn't need to flash skin to get noticed? There had been few and far between for over 25 years. Designers in Japan and the US had lost focus on how they could introduce new faces without relying on pandering or stereotype. 
Characters could color the perception of gamers after all. When done in a positive light they could stop perpetuating stereotypes. Capoeira Fighter 3 had set a standard that would be hard for many developers to follow.
And, man, do I wish Capoeira Fighter 3 actually did set a standard to be followed by the bigger fighting game studios, especially in how they approach black or Brazilian characters. It’s hard going back to those now, seeing a different standard as to what they could be like. So many franchises these days are getting unexpected revivals or glow-ups, I would absolutely be onboard to see Capoeira Fighter get this kind of treatment or to even write and conceive stuff for it myself.
Maybe 2D fighting games have gone with the wind again (platform fighters seem to be growing more as the new rage) but, man, it would break my heart to see this be forgotten, and it very easily could have been. I absolutely do not want this to go the way so many other flash games did, I think Capoeira Fighter's truly remarkable and I would love to see it be revived in some form (or maybe I should just finally take a crack at game design already and make my own fighting games, who knows).
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twiistedgalaxies · 3 years
Cuck for One Uses Tinder
"All for One, infamous boogeyman of the underworld, felt his non-existent eye twitch as one of his minions slid a stack of forums onto his desk. They were divorce papers. In a matter of moments, said minion became a red smear on the office wall. He had broken out of Tartarus for this nonsense? Seriously??"
A/N:  I'm sorry, I don't have any excuse for this. I woke up in the middle of the night with the plot idea for this fic and thus this monstrosity was born. Bone Apple Teeth.
        All for One, infamous boogeyman of the underworld, felt his non-existent eye twitch as one of his minions slid a stack of forums onto his desk. They were divorce papers. In a matter of moments, said minion became a red smear on the office wall. He had broken out of Tartarus for this nonsense? Seriously?? Made even worse was the fact that, with the aid of search, he found that All Might, kami damn him, and his now ex-wife were constantly spending time together. He had half a mind to head to the apartment complex that he owned and paid for and reclaim what was his.
        “Sensei?” A familiar, raspy voice spoke up behind him and he felt the onset of a stress induced headache. The brat was meant to be his successor and potential replacement body. Unfortunately, those damn heroes had broken into the hospital before he could be fully developed, and All for One had to fish the young man out of a decayed crater the size of several city blocks before he could be thrown in Tartarus in a cell next to him. He wanted eventual retirement, and has had his plans foiled at every turn.
        “Yes Shigaraki?” he replied, standing up from his chair.
        “What happened? I underwent the operation one minute and the next thing I knew-”
        “Ah, that. You were awakened several months before you were meant to. That’s why I called this doctor here to-” He glanced at the red stain, realizing that the man in question had been eviscerated in his divorce-papers induced rage, “-No matter, I’ll do it myself, come.”
        All for One led Shigaraki down a series of winding hallways and stairs into a room filled with large test tubes and the few Noumu that remained after the raid on Dr. Garaki’s hospital. He stood before one that was open, not yet filled with the preservation fluid that left the Noumu in suspended animation. “Everything should be calibrated properly, if you’ll just step inside, the process will resume.”
        Shigaraki scowled, “I’m not doing this for you,” he clarified, scratching the back of his neck, “This dream is my own, this is just the means to an end.”
        If All for One had eyes, he would have rolled them with disdain, instead he said, “Sure, just step into the machine Tomura, or would you like to remain in your half-finished state?”  
        The young man let out a huff and begrudgingly complied. All for One injected him with enough anaesthetic to subdue a horse and closed the convex glass door. He fiddled with the controls for a moment - he hated being, for all intents and purposes, blind - and soon the tube was filling with preservation fluid as Shigaraki’s upgrades resumed. It was only then, in the greenish glow of the underground laboratory, that All for One realized with some dread that he had months of unfilled time on his hands.
        All for One’s first course of action was to break into the bedroom of a young girl on the UA campus. He had, through his various underground contacts, heard of the Overhaul incident. How a man so incompetent had managed to go so far in his plans baffled him. Truly, the state of the hero industry has fallen since his prime. It was not the man’s fanaticism nor his sadism that fascinated him, but rather the child he’d had in his possession that was now under UA’s care. Her quirk, Rewind, was rather interesting with infinite and overpowered applications. He’d be tempted to take it for himself permanently had she not emotionally latched herself to a certain, green haired teen that proved time and time again to be a thorn in his side. It was simple enough to slip through UA’s security in the dead of night, to disable all nearby cameras with a mere flick of his hand. It was a wonder what a technopathy quirk could accomplish. 
        She was asleep, small face peaceful. He could feel contentment radiating from her. Likely having a good dream, he mused. Gently, All for One placed one of his large hands on her forehead. He borrowed her quirk, and felt his body rewind several years, before his fateful battle with All Might. He couldn’t help the satisfied smile that crept across his face as he opened his eyes for the first time in nearly a decade. Quickly, he returned Rewind to her and used a warp quirk (the same one he used in Kamino) to leave the premises. There was no need to alert the heroes to his restored state. Yet.
        At least he’d be able to show up to his divorce hearing in person, though it would take every ounce of willpower he had to not level the courthouse.
        All for One was lounging on his couch in his makeshift home and using his phone in an attempt to understand The Youth (which to him, was anyone who wasn’t in a nursing home). On a whim, he installed Tinder, it had been decades since he really got into the dating world. His lover has been villainy, generally being an asshole, and terrorizing aspiring heroes. Having to wait for his plans to unfold was making him restless. Anyways, he was planning to get into politics now that he had his face back, as a way to enact social change without having to deal with a slew of moronic underlings. It didn’t hurt to build the foundations for his retirement, and having at least some people in his life could make him more relatable to the public and help his long term goals. He was planning to use his ex-wife and estranged son for this, but the divorce threw that plan out the window. People don’t tend to trust those who spring into existence seemingly from nowhere. (To be honest, he was just lonely, not that he’d admit it to anyone, especially not himself.)
        Where was he? Ah yes, Tinder. As it stood right now, he was swiping through the incredibly vain and shallow app, no one had truly caught his eye. No one that is, until his gaze (and didn’t that feel good to say?) landed on a disheveled man with long dark hair, stubble, and dark undereye circles that stood out against his pale skin. Aizawa Shota, 31. Eraserhead. He was tempted to swipe left on impulse when he paused. Getting close to heroes could be convenient to his political goals. There was no better or more ironic way to take out the hero commission than from within after all, plus it would give him information his underground contacts lacked. Yes, this would do nicely. (And if he found the man’s sleep deprivation and dry sense of humor charming as they spoke through text that night, well, that was just a side benefit.)
        They had decided to meet at a nearby cat café that evening, and All for One showed up in his best suit. It was a dark, wine red and chosen to match his eyes. Belatedly he realized he was overdressed when Aizawa showed up in a simple t-shirt and dark jeans. Whoops.
        He extended his hand for the other to shake, “Hisashi Kamiya, a pleasure to meet you.” It was absolutely not a pleasure to meet the erasure hero, but Aizawa didn’t need to know that. He couldn’t help but quirk his lips at his own last name. He had chosen it after the divorce, Shigaraki most certainly wasn’t going to fly, especially since his protégé had gained some degree of infamy.
        Aizawa nodded, eyes narrowing, as he shook his head, “Aizawa Shota.”
        The cat café was a small, square building lined with blue wooden panels. The windows glowed with a warm orange light, and the smell of java floated through the air. The interior was just as quaint, Hisashi noted as he opened the door for the other, among the table and chairs were various cat towers and potted plants. Despite its humble appearance, the café was rather busy this evening, stuffed to the brim with overworked college students and romantic hopefuls. They ordered their drinks (Aizawa ordered a black coffee and Hisashi ordered an espresso with extra foam) and made their way to a small round table in the back corner. 
        “I just want you to know that I’m married and don’t want to pursue any sort of relationship,” Aizawa began, petting a small orange tabby that somehow already made its way onto his lap.
        Hisashi balked at that, but quickly composed himself, “So why are you on Tinder? I assume you don’t take random strangers on dates for the joy of it.”
        “I’m here because my students are villain catnip, and I want to make sure they don’t get maimed while they're out and about. Especially that one,” Aizawa gestured to a table across the room from them, “Problem child seems to attract the League of Villains everywhere he goes.”
        Hisashi followed Aizawa’s gaze to the table in question and felt himself pale when he saw a familiar mop of curly green hair, his son. He swallowed, trying to ignore the fact that his estranged kid was sitting only fifty feet away. “I can understand that, but why a cat café?” he asked.
        Aizawa shrugged, “They’re on a date, plus I like cats.”
        He had to do a double take, Izuku was with a boy that had dual toned hair. A date? Seriously? He hardly approved of his son doing such a thing at his young age. Part of him wanted to walk over and drag the teen from his table and out of the café. Instead of making his internal screams external, he smiled saccharinely, “It’s rather thoughtful of you to take time out of your busy schedule for your students, I’m sure it must be hard to juggle hero work and teaching.” And rather creepy. Who pestered and surveilled teenagers in their free time? Other than Hisashi of course, but he was the exception.
        Before Aizawa could give him a response, their drinks were set in front of them. The foam on Hisashi’s espresso had been poured in the shape of a smiling cat. He had the sudden, inexplicable urge to launch it at his date and run. Instead, he took a sip, grimacing slightly. Too much sweetener. They sat in an awkward silence, Aizawa didn’t seem like one to make conversation. Somehow the man had attracted more cats to his side.
        “So you said you were married?” Hisashi asked, probing for information.
        “Mhm, my husband’s name is Hizashi. He’s kind, if a bit much sometimes.” That was an understatement, Present Mic was one of the most obnoxious heroes in the public eye, right after All Might in Hisashi’s books. More awkward silence, and then:
        “So Hisashi, what is it exactly that you do for a living?”
        He blinked, “Oh, I’m a quirk analyst,” a lie, though quirk analysis was a pivotal part of his job, it had to be with his quirk, “I’ve just always found them interesting. It’s like how inventors feel about electronics, I just can’t help but want to pull them apart and see how they work.” Hisashi’s grin turned almost predatory at that, and Aizawa tensed. “The first quirk I ever analyzed was a neon quirk, the holder’s sweat glowed in the dark, they were like a walking, talking glow stick.”
        Hisashi rambled about quirks for a while (this was the first he’d spoken so much in a long time and the words seemed to gush out of him, like he had to pay some sort of deficit), and Aizawa eventually cut him off, amusement dancing in his dark eyes, “You know, you remind me of one of my students, he’s just as obsessed with quirks as you are.”
        He visibly perked up at that, “Really? It’s rare to find someone who shares my interest, most find it creepy.”
        The underground hero nodded, then glanced at the clock, “I should probably get going, my students have already left and I’m expected at the police precinct soon.”
        Hisashi nodded, reaching to take a sip of his espresso but finding it already drained, “This was fun, even if it didn’t go anywhere,” perhaps this night could be salvaged and still give him some sort of in, “Would you like to catch a drink again some time?”
        His next date was considerably more disastrous than the first. He had matched with a young woman named Iwata Setsuko. His date in question had admittedly plain features, was a single mother with three children, and looked chronically stressed. She had taken time off from her crammed schedule to have dinner with him at a small Italian restaurant. The restaurant was small, quiet, and made to resemble a courtyard in an Italian villa. At the moment, she sat across from him in the cramped restaurant, honey eyes nervously peering at him from a veil of straight mousy brown hair. Iwata worked as a nurse practitioner in a nearby hospital, and seemed impressed by his extensive medical knowledge. She presumed him to be a doctor of some sort, and while inaccurate he could become one easily with a few forged documents if this proved fruitful.
        Throughout the meal, she hardly spoke, leaving him to fill the silence with spun tales and falsehoods. He was telling her a particularly interesting anecdote about South Korea when she abruptly cut him off, “You’ve been lying to me all night.” Fuck.
        Hisashi tried to laugh it off, “Now what reason would I have to lie to you?”
        “My quirk allows me to read the vital signs of anyone close to me, I don’t know why you’d lie but I can tell you’re full of it.”
        His eyes widened, “That’s a rather interesting quirk you have, it’s certainly perfect for your field-”
        “Oh shove it, I know you’re deflecting,” She dismissed, a fire lit in her eyes that was previously absent.
        He felt something flutter in his chest, he liked a woman with spark, it’s why he’d married Inko after all, and he couldn’t help but think of all the possibilities and applications her quirk had, and how helpful it could be for his goals. So caught up in his fantasies of world domination, was he, that he ignored whatever was coming out of her mouth. It probably was as helpful as white noise, as most mundane people’s words were, “You’re one of the only ones whose ever seen right through me,” he said with a widening grin.
        “What?” She replied, confused.
        “You know, with you at my side, we could have everything you can dream of! Think of the possibilities as the world crumbles at our feet-!”
        He was cut off by Iwata, who was shoving breadsticks into her purse, “Look, it’s been fun but I have to go, my kids are waiting for me at home.”
        “Think about my offer, you have my number!” he shouted to her as she rushed out the door, he glanced down at her plate, “She didn’t even finish her meal either.”
        Iwata never got back to him, and All for One, dark lord of the criminal underground, was ghosted.
        After another series of failed dates, Hisashi was slumped over a bar as Kurogiri, the noumu he had broken out of Tartarus for this sole purpose, awkwardly patted him on the shoulder. “Uh there, there?” he said.
        Clearly, this online dating thing was not working, “I don’t even know why I try!” All for One proclaimed dejectedly, “Clearly the public cannot handle their awe of me.”
        If Kurogiri had a face beyond a pair of glowing yellow eyes, he would have winced, “Right, well, sir, if it’s my place to give you advice I’d like to do so.”
        Hisashi gestured vaguely with his hands, indicating that the sentient black mist should continue.
        “Why don’t you go back to what you had before, you were married were you not?” Kurogiri suggested, “Surely it can’t be that hard.”
        The supervillain lifted his head from the table, looking as if Kurogiri had just handed him the world, “You know what, you’re right, why don’t I re-enter their lives? They’re mine after all.” All for One stood up, a little drunk, “Kurogiri, if you had a mouth, I could kiss you.”
        “Please don’t, sir.”
        A few hours later, at some ungodly time in the night, Hisashi was standing outside of the Midoriya apartment, boom box perched on his shoulder, blasting romance music like he was in a shitty 90s romcom. He was oblivious to the lights that began to turn on in windows up and down the street. Using a quirk to artificially project his voice, he shouted, “Inko baby, take me back, I’ll be better I promise!”
        Soon he saw an uncharacteristically glaring, plump face in the window. Inko popped it open, slipper in hand, “Hisashi, I swear to god, if you don’t leave right now I’m calling the police, do you know what time it is?!”
        “Time doesn’t matter in the face of love,” he replied, “Inko I-” Hisashi was cut off as a slipper hit him square in the face.
A/N:  I hope this at least got you all to laugh, feel free to leave a comment! Happy holidays everyone, I should have the next chapter of Genesis posted on Monday.
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winemom-culture · 3 years
I abruptly quit my job at the daycare two weeks ago, right around my 2 year anniversary. 
Shit was going great, I got my classroom with my preferred age group and my silly little raise, was loving where I was at- then a former employee complained to the diocese about her grievances with my 2 bosses and one was basically made to resign, the other is relocating schools ALLEGEDLY by choice. Which like, I won’t get too into it but having been close to the employee at the time she was working there and privy to what happened between them... I think a lot of it was a petty vengeance mission rather than genuine mistreatment. I don’t agree with the way my bosses handled everything all the time, but I am pissed off that whatever she said basically fucked with all our job security, and realistically benefits her in no way shape or form besides getting her metaphorical middle finger at them. But whatever. Neither here nor there now. They just did away with them, without internally talking to any other employees who were still employed there, and put the superintendent in charge- who held us all for an hour and a half at 6pm on a Tuesday night and said effectively, “you all suck, I’m the boss now and I’m overhauling everything in the coming weeks to fix you.”
I got a new job by Thursday and put in a week notice on Friday morning.
I realized though after securing that job, which was a new daycare, I still had my last paycheck coming from the old daycare this week, my tax return and a pretty little savings cushion from stimmys (and hopefully, God willing, another one to come soon here!) So if there was ever a time in my life where I was in absolutely no rush and able to look around for something more permanent that pays better after getting my A.A. in December, now is the time. I think I might have found that (and when I say pays better I mean pays way better), it’s an awful corporate 3 step interview process but I move on to round 2 tomorrow, and the first guy I met with was fantastic. Other guy who I meet with tomorrow sounded equally cool on the phone. Fingers crossed.
Since I’ve had dedicated time to REALLY push my resume out on Indeed I’ve gotten great response in the last week, and that’s including the first daycare I turned down reaching out and saying, “we really want you, we’d like to offer you more money and give you whatever hours you want.” Which, I’m not saying to brag, but also it did boost my ego a bit. Like wow, I have options? That’s wild. That said, what they would offer still probably wouldn’t work out to be as much as this one I’m really holding out hope for. Another thing I’ve learned through this whole endeavor, is that phone interviews in the time of Covid SUCK. Like, it’s really impossible to make any sort of impression on the phone, at least I haven’t cracked the code. I’ve done like 5 in the week and nailed in-person interviews with 2. I really hope phone screenings & zoom interviews don’t become the new normal post-pandemic, because there’s really something to be said for how different it is from the typical in-person interview process, where I’m able to make a good first impression like 95% of the time. 
 Anyways, that’s the Winemom life update of the month. Send me good thoughts and vibes or prayers or whatever for tomorrow, it could be life-changing to some extent.
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allmightisgay · 4 years
A Hairy Situation
A Hairy Situation
Pairing: Sir Nighteye x Reader
Content: fluff, reader's gender not specified, AU - set three years after Overhaul arc
Word count: 2.5k
Language: English
You had won. After weeks of asking, several attempts of persuasion, and the best jokes you could conjure, Mirai had finally agreed.
You were going to dye his hair.
"You know what? Fine." His voice sounded exasperated, but you knew him better than to think he was actually angry.
"Wait, really? You mean it?" You practically jumped from the couch, putting your phone off speaker and bringing it to your ear. 
"I mean it. And you know I'm a man of my word." You could almost hear him adjusting his glasses. "You can dye my hair, whatever colour you want."
"No backing down from this!" You warned him. He replied with a humming sound of agreement, making you smile. "I'll go to the store and be there in half an hour. Love you!" 
Without waiting for his reply, you hung up, getting ready in record time. You left your apartment with a skip on your step, thinking of which dye you could pick.
Sir Nighteye was a very smart, business-look kind of man. It had a charm to it, and it was one of the many reasons why you loved him. But if there was something that was completely off in his look, in your modest opinion, was his hair. More specifically, its mismatched colour.
That green colour would've been fine, if not for those random strands of his natural blonde shining through. Mirai was a man of many talents, but hair dyeing wasn't one of them. He had confessed to you that he messed up the first time he tried to dye his hair when he debuted as hero, which he then kept, as he felt it was destined to be his signature look.
"Back then, I thought I couldn't change fate, so I surrendered to it and accepted it with grace." He explained to you.  
That confession was what got you asking, pleading, and begging him to let you fix his hair for weeks. You had even enlisted Bubble Girl for help, and she had contacted his former sidekick and now hero by own right, Lemillion, to weight in the matter.
You truly believed that your victory was the result of the excellent teamwork from his sidekick, his protégé, and yourself.
After you got all you needed from the store, already on your way to Mirai's place, you texted Bubble Girl with the news. You even snapped a picture of the dye, congratulating her on the amazing team effort, and to pass the same message to Lemillion.
You got her reply as you arrived to the apartment complex, which consisted in a myriad of thumbs up emojis and a request for a picture with the results. You promised to keep her posted, then dug out your copy of the keys as you pocketed your phone.
"I'm here!" You called out once you opened the door, getting your shoes off after closing it behind you. 
You heard him say your name from somewhere in the house, and moments later, Mirai appeared at the entrance. Even on his day off, he was wearing a formal shirt and suit pants, which made you roll your eyes. You approached him and got on your tiptoes as he bent down to kiss you. 
Your giant boyfriend, longer than a day without bread, straightened up after that, his sight darting immediately to the plastic bag you were carrying. You dangled it in front of his face, a smile dancing in your lips as his eyes narrowed down even further.
"Time to be a man of your word, Mirai." He tilted his head to look you in the eyes, then sighed in defeat.
"Best if we go in the bathroom." He started walking back in, but you lowered the bag and took his hand, making him turn around.
"Listen, you know it's all fun and games, right?" He smiled at you. "If you really don't want me to, I won't do it."
"I assure you, I wouldn't have agreed to this if I was against the idea." He let go of you to cup your face. "Besides, I trust you."
"Just making sure." You returned his smile, bringing your free hand up to hold his. 
Without letting go of you, he started walking again, the two of you making your way into his apartment. You didn't stop in any room until you reached the bathroom.
There, he faced you again, his eyes darting between your face and the plastic bag. As if he was unsure how to proceed. You couldn't help but smile. 
As serious as people made him to be, he was in fact the funniest man you had ever met. And endearingly cute, if you said so yourself.
You left the bag on the counter and helped him take off his shirt, kissing his collarbone as you undid the buttons. After the loss of his arm on his fight with Overhaul three years prior, it had become a gesture of reassurance that you repeated every time you helped him.
For weeks after the incident, he insisted on doing everything on his own, refusing to take things easy, no matter how many times you asked. You had to sit down with him and explain that the reason you tried to assist wasn't because you thought he was helpless. That it was because you loved him and you were worried about him. He needed to rest, and take it one step at a time.
Mirai, while reasonable, had always been prideful; it took some convincing that you weren't doing things out of pity, but of love. So, whenever you assisted him, you took it upon yourself to reassure him of this, giving him a quick kiss or reassuring touch every time you helped him out. 
You looked down at his suit pants, shaking your head as you chuckled. He raised an eyebrow at you, but instead of answering his silent question, you left the bathroom. When you came back a minute later, his barely used sweatpants in hand, he nodded in understanding. It was only logical, after all. 
Once he had changed, you dug into the bag, taking out what would be the first part of your dye adventure. You put the disposable gloves on and started to prepare the bleach, his eyes following your hands' every move.
When you judged it to be ready, you took his glasses off and put them on the counter. Then, you instructed him to sit down on the floor, his back against the bathtub. That was the only way for you to be able to actually reach his hair and dye it properly, considering how he towered over you.
You stood by his side and started the process of covering his hair with the bleach. You hummed a random melody as you methodically treated every strand, making sure you got every bit.
"Which colour have you picked?" He asked you. You stopped to look at him, his eyes narrowed due to him trying to see you without his glasses.
"Well, it's a surprise, but don't worry, the results will be to dye for." You snorted before you resumed the bleaching.
You could almost hear the gears in his head turning as he processed your joke. And then, your favourite sound made act of presence.
He started laughing. 
It was short-lived, as always, but that only made it all the more precious. His laugh was a low rumble that made his whole body tremble and his eyes close, any worry and seriousness in his expression disappearing into a cheerful grin.
You were one of the very few people lucky enough to see the whole spectrum of his rather expressive happiness. His laugh, his kind smile, his gentleness… Every time you were witness of his true character, you took it for the gift that it was.
Once his whole hair was covered, all you had to do was to wait. You took off the gloves, throwing them in the bin, and cleaned up the area. When you finished with that, you sat down at the edge of the tub, getting your phone out and setting up a timer for the bleach.
Remembering something you had read in the morning, you asked him about the upcoming All Might figure that was announced that day. Without missing a beat, he went into a detailed explanation, telling you about how he had already reserved it, its specifications, the differences between previous models… 
You listened to his speech intently, a fond smile spreading across your face like every time he got to talk to you about something he cared about. 
It didn't really seem to matter that he was personal friends with the Number One Hero himself, or that he had worked under him for years. Mirai had always held a deep admiration for the Symbol of Peace, and he was, without a shadow of a doubt, the biggest collector of All Might memorabilia.
He was telling you about the new company in charge of the production of merchandise when your alarm went off, startling you both. It almost made you fall into the tub, but you managed not to by grabbing onto his shoulder at the last second, which made the two of you laugh.
Following your instructions, he handed you the shower head and kneeled in a way that his head and upper body were over the tub. Being careful not to tangle your fingers in his hair, you washed the bleach off, happy to see it had covered every last bit of green.
After that, you sat him back down and proceeded to dry his hair with a towel, then a hair dryer. Once that was taken care of, you grabbed the dye from the bag.
As you mixed it up, you caught him trying to read the box in the counter. He couldn't really see what was written on it, but you quickly hid it away from his sight anyways. That got you a suspicious glare from him, that you replied to with a forehead kiss. He sighed and closed his eyes, resigning himself to your clear intent to surprise him.
"I suppose it's a bit late to ask you if you're sure, with the bleach and all." You said casually as you got to his side, putting on the disposable gloves.
"I believe so, yes." Mirai agreed. "But to answer the question anyways, you can proceed."
"If you hate it, I swear I'll get you the usual green and bring it back to its mismatched state." You promised, to which he hummed in reply. 
You waited for a couple seconds, but it seemed that's all he had to say. Taking it as his blessing to go on, you started to apply the dye. 
As you covered his hair with the new colour, you asked him to resume his explanation from earlier, to which he happily obliged. You worked your magic while he spoke, extending the conversation through both the application and wait time.
For the second time that day, your alarm cut him off mid sentence. Repeating the position from earlier, you washed the excess dye, then made him sit down one last time.
"I know what you were doing." He mentioned to you as you used the towel to dry his hair.
"Oh, I really hope so. You agreed to me dyeing your hair, after all." He scoffed at that, making you smile.
"I mean the whole thing of asking me about the All Might figure." He explained. "You were trying to distract me." 
"And why would I be trying to do that?" You asked him, feigning ignorance. But you both knew he was too smart to fall for that.
"So I wouldn't worry about my hair being done." You finished drying with the towel, folding it and leaving it on top of the counter.
"I won't confirm nor deny the charges without my lawyer present." Instead of getting the hair dryer, you grabbed his glasses and handed them over to him.
"Of course not." He chuckled, putting them on and getting up with your help.
He hesitated for a moment, not moving to step in front of the mirror, avoiding to even look in its direction. You reached out for his hand and squeezed tight, getting him to stare at you; you shot him the most reassuring smile you could manage.
"You look great, Mirai, it really suits you. I did a great job, if you ask me." You saw the hint of a smile in his lips.
With a sigh, he let go of you and took a step forward, his eyes finally meeting his reflection. For a moment, he didn't even blink. Then he tentatively reached for his hair and ran his fingers through, examining his new look.
While his natural hair colour was a rather bright blonde, you had dyed it using a darker tone, closer to what you'd call warm gold. He grabbed one stran where his usual mismatched bit was, unable to appreciate any differences with the rest of his hair. 
He reached for his comb, carefully styling the hair to its usual cleaned up look. When he seemed satisfied, he turned his head left and right, examining it in every angle possible. 
You were usually pretty good at telling what he was thinking, but his current silence was disconcerting, to say the least.
"Well, do you like it?" You heard yourself ask before you could stop yourself.
Mirai looked at you, then back at the mirror, his expression unreadable. After a minute that felt like an hour, he finally turned to face you.
"The result is simply dyelightful ." He deadpanned. You cackled, releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding.
You hugged him, still laughing at his joke, relieved that he actually liked it. He hugged you back, and you could feel his own contained chuckles. 
Once you recovered, you rushed him out of the bathroom and into his room. You searched through one of his drawers and threw him one of his t-shirts to put on.
After that, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and beckoned him to hunch down so you could take a selfie. When he realised you were trying to take a picture of you two, he posed with his signature peace sign, which you mirrored with your free hand.
You sent the picture to Bubble Girl, then used the chance of having his face next to yours to kiss him. You could feel his gentle grin spread as your lips pressed against his, making you smile as well.
Maybe Sir Nighteye wasn't the kind of loud, explosive hero that saved everyone with a smile, like the ones he had admired his whole life.
But he was kind, thoughtful, smart, funny, strong… Someone who would never hesitate to help if he had the means to. At his core, he was a good man with a bleeding heart that just wanted to bring hope and happiness to the world.
Mirai was the person that could make you smile every day, no matter what. 
And for that, he would always be your Number One Hero.
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