#so this is no hate to anybody who likes him
akkszqii · 3 days
some of my katsuki bakugo hc rants <3
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(be mindful i haven’t kept up with the manga)
warnings: fem!reader, 18+
first, i don’t think he would like a weak partner, you would need to have SOMETHING you’re good at. like… did u see the way he treats people, he needs to see and recognize ur strength, otherwise you’re falling into the extras category immediately. and to add onto this, if u don’t have a strong quirk i just don’t think he would be interested at all, c’mon he wants to be number one!!!!! are u helping him or not!!!! u will not spark his interest if not.
he likes you to adress him by his name, no petnames, no love, no tsuki, nothing, call him katsuki, it feels so personal and raw, that’s what he likes and gets all his attention on you<3
this guy will not be a good boyfriend at first i’m sorry lol, it’s going to take some time and patience for him to learn to love properly, i think your relationship would go through some break ups or time outs, but one thing about katsuki he doesn’t mess around and he KNOWS what he wants! so no, that doesn’t mean he will stand there and see guys flitting with you. yes you broke up with him two weeks ago, no that doesn’t mean you really broke up, like you’re still his, get it together.
kinda continuing the last idea, i think having a really longterm girlfriend suits him. meeting as kids and then never letting go of you type of thing. why? this man was devoted to hating midoriya for years, what makes you think he would easily let go a girl that gets him all weird and stupid, you both will grow and learn together (so cute). also, it’s really hard for him to let people in, once he does it means he really really appreciates you and wants you to be in his life.
he’s obsessed with getting his dick sucked. don’t get it wrong, he also loves putting it all the way inside you, but watching you suck his dick while you look up at him with your pretty eyes hits different!!! and he’ll be trying to get his dick wet at any moment (be prepared). having a study session? your breaks will be used to suck his dick. cooking? you’ll be on your knees while that pie’s getting baked. he’s tired? just suck it and he’s going to be at 100% again. you get the idea<3
contrary to popular belief… i don’t think he would try to hide his relationship with you. because katsuki doesn’t care about social norms at all. just think about it, he’s rude, loud, scary, so why would he care about people knowing he has the cutest girlfriend ever? he’s more of a show off about it. if anybody thinks it’s weird he’s making fun of them lol. “you’re the only stupid loser out there who’s never been loved by a girl who’s not their mom, that’s why u think is weird” (he’s probably saying that to kaminari).
(this got kinda long so i’m leaving it here:p)
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billybatsonbrainrot · 11 hours
For the WIP ask game!
There's so many fun options! I'd like to know about Raise Your Hopes Not the Dead
"Raise Your Hopes, Not the Dead" Features a necromancer Billy (not really) Also wasn't sure if I should call it "Raise the Dead, Not Your Hopes" instead because no hopes are being raised, just a failed attempt at raising the dead. The current title is more like a warning.
Anyways, here's the plot:
Starts a little after the death of Billy's parents and Billy living with his uncle. Billy is still in the denial stage of grief. Billy hates living with his uncle, so he runs away. He's homeless for nearly a month until he meets the wizard.
After getting the powers of SHAZAM and becoming Champion of Magic, Billy realizes that he has the most powerful magic in existence at his fingertips. (He doesn't have another form, just stays as Billy.) He finds a library in the Rock of Eternity after wandering around because the wizard straight up died in front of him and left him there with no knowledge of how to get back. The library is full of spellbooks that he goes through quickly thanks to speed of Mercury and wisdom of Soloman. Eventually, there's a book that catches his eye, one that is black with purple accents with a skull in the middle of the front cover and decorated with symbols he doesn't recognize. Inside are spells on how to commune with the dead, and more importantly, spells on how to bring back the dead.
The first thought he has after discovering this? He's going to bring his parents back from the dead! He starts with his dad first. However, it doesn't really go as he planned.
He didn't even know if the spell would work. Curiosity got the better of him and now he's here, in front of his parents' graves.
Billy is able to dig up his father's body, whose body has still not decomposed because I looked it up and they decompose fast but the good thing about the fictional city of Fawcett is that time works differently there. He doesn't have the other ingredients for the spell to work. The spell he's looking at is how to put a soul inside a dead body. He went looking for his parents' souls but for some reason he can't seem to find them. Turns out there are millions of different afterlives for different religions, alien species, etc. all across the universe. Billy stops looking after the hundredth one because he was starting to get frustrated. Others wouldn't even let him enter because he's still alive.
The other spell suggests putting someone else's beating heart into the body. Billy doesn't want to kill anybody, he's trying to unkill somebody. So what he does instead is give up a piece of his soul and heart for his dad. He got chosen for his pure heart so there is no way his dad would go through corruption, turn evil, or other things he's heard of people coming back wrong.
And it works! A bright light is shone after the spell is casted and Billy can see the figure of his dad moving. Except, he's wearing something different than what he was buried in. His dad is wearing a red suit with golden boots, golden sash around his waist, a lightning bolt on his chest that looks like the one from the wizard, and goddamn white cape with gold accents. He looks like a superhero!
After one conversation, Billy realizes that he did come back wrong. He doesn't remember who he was or who Billy is. And Billy tries so hard to get him to remember. It hurts to reintroduce himself to his own father. He tries to tell him that his name is C.C. Batson, he was an archaeologist, he had a wife and son, he was murdered. He tries to recreate scenes in his life to jog his memory, but the man in front of him does not remember anything. It actually started to drive him crazy.
It's like Bily created a whole new person that's wearing his father's body.
Thus, Billy had created Captain Marvel, a name he gave the superhero. Marvel has a good spirit, and he inherited some his powers when he gave him part of his soul, he can be a superhero if he wants to. In fact, that's the only thing Captain Marvel wants to do, he's always busy doing some good deed. Billy should be proud of him, but he just hates looking at Marvel. This is nothing like his dad.
Billy leaves Marvel to his own devices as he leaves to try to find a way to "fix" him. That's when Captain Marvel joins the Justice League. He's having fun and making friends. And he's with them for about a year because Billy has been gone for about a year.
Billy comes back and he's more frustrated than ever. He managed to find nothing. He doesn't feel like going back to talk to someone who doesn't remember him in the way he wants them to, but Marvel is still his responsibility. His other half that left him with a literal hole in his heart and soul.
He comes back to see that Marvel has joined the league and he tries to be okay with it. He's trying to make it work and pretend he's fine with everything. With Marvel being Marvel and picking up slack on the duties he ignored. He feels he finally reached a breaking point. He gave up on looking for a someone that wasn't there. Maybe he can have a relationship with this new version of his dad. But there's always something that irks him every time he sees him.
When Billy finally has a moment of clarity, he realizes just what a crazy and cruel thing it was that he did. Captain Marvel shouldn't be alive in the first place and the hole inside of him just keeps on getting bigger and bigger. He ends up coming to the conclusion that it's time for Marvel to go.
It was time to put an end to this ruse, but the Justice League doesn't seem too keen on letting Marvel go. Who was this kid anyways?
I made two endings
Ending #1:
Billy knows deep down he'll always miss his family, but his heart showed him what he really wanted, a hero to come save him. The reason he wanted them back was because he knew he wasn't ready for responsibility the wizard had bestowed upon him. He tried really hard to avoid it, trying to go back to a time where his life was easier. He even went as far as creating a new person to hand it off to. It was never going to work in the long run, it was Billy's role to fill in the first place.
In the end, Billy finally puts his father's body to rest and accepts his position.
Ending #2:
Billy can't bring himself to put an end to Captain Marvel. He became his own person while he was gone. He decides to let him stay but he still wants to let his dad rest in peace. They go on a new journey to get Marvel his own body. They even start to bond, and Marvel agrees to help with the duties the wizard left him. Billy is finally able to go through the stages of grief and accepting their death.
In case you couldn't tell, this was heavily inspired by Betty Grof from Adventure Time and her relationship with Simon/Ice King. Trying so hard trying to make him remember who he was she actually drove herself mad by becoming a wizard to find a solution, while having moments of clarity. But she ended up sacrificing herself for him to go back to normal.
Billy drove himself mad with grief and the feeling that he was under immense pressure. He feels that he didn't have time process anything before he got pushed into such an important role. It was only made worse when he wasn't whole. Marvel's problem was that he wasn't really brought back to life to begin with, it was just Billy's soul inhabiting a corpse.
(I also have a hc that if Billy were to be gender-swapped, his name would be Betty. Billy Batson -> Betty Batson. Magical girl Billy occupies my thoughts sometimes)
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reluctanttrabbit · 8 months
i think i might've caused all the luis discussions on our dashes ☹
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babydarkstar · 6 months
so many griddlehark doomers on this website. smh my head…….theyre doomed by fate AND the narrative to be intrinsically intertwined no matter what. i cannot conceive of a finished locked tomb series where theyre not lying dead in each other’s arms or existing together in some fugue state of unbeing. not even death can separate the lesbians that scratch each other bloody and then cry in each other’s arms. they have been fated to orbit one another literally since their conception. one flesh one end, bitch.
#also harrow literally lobotomized to forget gideon and she still couldnt in the end#anyways i often think abt the whole#‘i gave you my whole life and you didnt even want it’#and the thing is like. yeah gideon. she didnt want it because she never wanted to lose YOU who was attached to it#you who she just bonded with. has had a very tumultuous girlbestfriend situationship with#when i think abt how young they are i fucking scream#this is why i hate john gaius. insane man. kill him to death alecto#tlt#griddlehark#tlt spoilers#anyways. thinking about the saddest girl in the whole world tonight :(#this is a john gaius HATE account all my homies HATE john gaius#anyways. why is everybody so so scared that theyre going to have a terrible endgame#baby theyve already been falling through a terrible endgame thru the duration of their entire existence#i will say. if harrowhark ends up with anybody else i’ll have to off myself#i support womens wrongs but ianthe can go be wrong somewhere far away from harrow#im about to go through the entire series again so i can screenshot and prove why im right about this#theres a narrative thread to follow#and never once have i been afraid of them not finding their way back to each other#the thing is like. above everything. these girls exist to orbit each other#gideon thinking harrow is her past when harrow has always been her present and her future#harrow thinking gideon’s death will be her undoing#because to harrow. gideon is unable to die. she WOULDNT die for so long#and when she found something to die for. she went to it with her whole being#but heres the thing. one flesh one end is more than just becoming one body and dying one death#idk im incoherent i need to talk abt this in a post instead of tags#i will. soon
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feluka · 2 months
i hateeee jokes about arab parents only wanting sons and not wanting daughters because 1- when it's like that, that's an awful thing and not something to be joked about and 2- it spits on the face of every arab parent who consistently has to put their middle finger up to the world and say fuck you my daughter is my greatest treasure and i'd rather have her than a thousand sons and i won't hear a word against her!! because in my experience these are the most loving parents to be found in the whole wide world
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greenerteacups · 2 months
thoughts on Ginny and Harry as a couple?
There are a lot of people who find their romance in HBP forced. I don't think it's forced so much as underwritten, and the books don't get the chemistry quite right (though the movies certainly don't, either). There's potential, but they just don't get enough actual scenes of substance (besides Harry thinking she's pretty or feeling jealous of Dean) for a lot of readers to buy that they're not only in love, but deeply enough in love to break up, get back together, and wind up married.
That's not to say I don't see the appeal. There's a very cool scene in Book 5 where Harry's doing a woe-is-me-Chosen-One act, and Ginny effortlessly puts him in his place about it by reminding him that she was possessed by Voldemort at eleven, which is a rare glimpse into her character and also a great synecdoche for their relationship — Ginny is a grounding presence who, like Ron and Hermione, isn't going to be awed by his past adventures because she knew him before they happened. In that respect, Ginny's probably one of the few women Harry could feasibly wind up with, because he only ever seems comfortable around people (let alone girls) who can see past the Chosen-One schtick and treat him like a normo (see: Ron, Hermione, the Weasleys, Luna, Hagrid). True to type, he doesn't get interested in Ginny at all until she's ditched her celebrity crush and ceased to view him as an idol, because in his heart of hearts, Harry wants to be a normal boy, and it's stressed over and over that part of what he likes about his relationship with Ginny is how normal it feels. He kind of has a horribly supercharged version the celebrity dating problem: after the Battle of Hogwarts, anyone he meets is going to know him first as Harry Potter, Chosen One, Boy Who Lived, and Actually Fucking Resurrected Messiah of the Wizarding World, which is... I mean, it's possible that there are witches out there who could get over that, but Harry's not an extroverted guy, and I'm not sure how he'd go about finding them. Ginny's the one who's been there since the beginning, doesn't need anything about him or his past explained to her, and actually likes him for who he is.
When you look at it that way, it's not surprising he married his high school girlfriend. She's one of the few people still alive who doesn't see him as a demigod.
#in general I was never one to ship harry with anybody#what I wanted for him was a long quiet life and plenty of therapy#maybe some dogs. i think harry needs dogs and deserves them#The other obvious solution ftr — though not one I think Harry would take — is for him to marry a muggle#though again. you'd run into the problem of how you explain All That#which harry doesn't like to talk about and probably would want to talk about even less as an adult#plus also: harry loves magic. like he loves it loves it#the muggle world for harry is permanently connected with the dursleys and it would take years to break that association#which I just don't think he's going to invest#Harry post-BOH is moving to Hogsmeade or wizarding London or some other magical neighborhood and staying there forever#by the way this post is not anti Harry and Ginny! no hate on the ship I've seen versions of it that are very cute#but I just think their love story needed Sauce#there are also some really interesting posts I've found in Deep Fandom crackship blogs about h/g as Harry's sublimated desire for Ron#now I don't necessarily buy that reading. I don't think Harry is in love with Ron in the original text#I do think he LOVES ron and projects that love onto the Weasleys very quickly ginny included#and I think Ron is his soulmate platonic or otherwise in every universe#so marrying Ginny has like. Implications. vis-a-vis Harry's status as a Weasley and adoptive brother[in law] of Ron#like it's a full-circle moment where he becomes officially legally a member of Ron's family#which I do believe JKR had in mind. even though that basically means ginny's wedding becomes kinda... actually... about her brother...#it's weird basically. my final verdict is I wish H/G had been written by an author who was more interested in Ginny for Ginny's sake.#greenteacup asks
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sciderman · 4 months
I would say you’re more of a Mr peanut butter type yeah
doggy doggy what now?
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cloudprincesslady · 7 months
the reason i always hate taliesin's characters is because he makes them arrogant in a way that just does NOT sit right with me. and that's his prerogative. but fucking hell.
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sonknuxadow · 1 month
I’m honestly surprised that people are saying Keanu reeves is a bad choice despite the popular fan discussions about it. Where I’m at in the internet, he’s considered a good choice and people were excited.
i cant speak for everyone obviously but ive always thought he was a bad choice for shadow ever since the idea started going around 2 years ago. because from what ive heard personally he doesnt really sound like shadow + i hate it when big movie stars are given voice acting roles in movie adaptations just to have a big name attached to the project even if theyre not good for the role. and this definitely feels like that. back in the day people were only saying he should be shadow NOT because his voice actually fits but because hes an edgy action guy or whatever and movie sonic is canonically a fan of him/his movies and they could make jokes out of that. and i feel like thats Still what a lot of peoples reasoning is which annoys me because shadow isnt just an edgy action guy and i dont think his voice should be chosen based on a joke of all things especially if the voice isnt fitting enough to justify it
not gonna say my opinion is the most popular but i know that there are a lot of people who agree with me on this, or at the very least are unsure about it. a lot of people dont want him
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dnangelic · 20 days
sometimes i feel like the way i write him people who know nothing about the series would be surprised to find out that dark or daisuke is the protagonist and not like, the overall series antag, but it's just a matter of the fact that everything in the series happens to revolve around daisuke despite the way that within the greater narrative he's an antag to the law as a criminal and the hikari by uh, long-standing family feud stuff. what i'm saying is to certain groups he absolutely, definitely can serve as a 'villain' which is why i don't necessarily shy away from anything related to the fact.
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starlooove · 11 months
We are NOT the same, I say Duke wasn’t Robin bc he said he wasn’t Robin and We Are Robin was unfortunately not taken as seriously by the batfam as I would’ve liked.
YOU say Duke wasn’t Robin so you don’t have to include him in ur fanfics and fanart without feeling guilty, and u conveniently use this to also ignore the only woc in the batfam all the damn time unless it’s time for her to be a silent badass or translate ur faves emotions to whoever tf he’s talking to.
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july-19th-club · 10 months
how to make a character who sucks so bad and nobody likes him but he is genuinely a good protagonist (good as in interesting, maybe on a rare day good as in decent but also, just like, an incredible jackass) . i need to make him worse i need to make him MEANER!
#i think the key to getting this kind of character right is that he can't try to be anybody's boss#that's not the fun and engaging kind of jackass that's just reminding the reader of all the bosses they've hated in their time#the engaging and likeable Guy Who Sucks So Bad is a loner who might CLAIM that he will take over the group or whatever and lead#but never actually has any intentions of doing so because part of the things he sucks re: is responsibility of any kind#he does however know that leaders dont like other people horning in on their territory so he will say things like#i'm gonna wreck your shit and then all your lackeys will follow ME! ouahahahahaha . despite having zero plans to follow up with that#the ideal engaging asshole protagonist is a rebel without a good cause: maybe he has a sad backstory; maybe he's just a dick#but if there's one thing about him you can count on it's that he is Opposed To Shit. doesnt matter what it is his primary entertainment#is picking a fight with it for no reason and then saying what the fuck ever i didn't care about it anyway (he didn't)#ideally this is all done in such a way that he is SEXY . but you'd never want to hang with him because he is deeply obnoxious#he is not bossy. he is not controlling. he is maybe even a bit of a wife guy except he hates everyone else and wants to make their day wors#because making someone else's day worse makes HIS day better . the ideal wife for him is the one from ordinary day with peanuts#by shirley jackson#and i have GOT to figure out a way to engineer this guy without copying examples of my favorite versions of him wholesale#i have the scaffolding. but because of my own confrontation-averse tendencies#im terribly concerned that i will never be able to actually make him the asshole he was born to be#q
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becca-alexa · 9 months
never in my life have i ugly-cried during a movie like i just did for the Barbie movie
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trans-xianxian · 1 year
nawt somebody saying that jin guangyao didn't actually wrong nie huaisang or nie mingjue in a way that they should get sympathy for and thus nie huaisang didn't deserve to kill him 😭
#GIRL WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT#they were like did his other atrocities really make it so he deserved to die uwu#we can go into the semantics of whether or not anybody Deserves to die all we want but like#lets not forget that jgy did many like genuinely horrible things#they were also like why did wwx go after killing him when jgy never really wronged him#uuuh are we forgetting that he played a huge hand in the torture of the wen remnants#in the campaign for the remaining ones death#in taking advantage of wn and killing wq#in orchestrating wwxs demise at nevernight and egging the public on to hate him and turn him into a scapegoat#that wwx was Bound to mxy to kill jgy#like. what are you Talking abt#maybe you don't think jgy deserved to die and thats your hot take and thats fine#but saying wei killed a bunch of wen soldiers in cruel and unusual ways as revenge for the massacre of lotus pier wuxian#would have any to object to jgys death#maybe he had matured past revenge post res#but he DID have reason to be against jgy#even before finding out he had a part in nevernight#like. the jins persecuted the wen remnants and wwx would have known that included jgy#anyway.#also I agree w part of the conversation being does Anybody deserve to die and what does that mean and who gets to make that choice#I think thats a good point and a good conversation in relation to the themes of the text#but to say that jgy did not inflict harm on certain characters#in a way where their desire to seek revenge does not make sense or illicit sympathy#is foolish#ghost posts#text#jgy#nhs#nmj
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theswedishpajas · 1 year
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Long time, no see, cowboy
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topflights · 1 year
christ. i cant even imagine how the employees, both wrestlers and otherwise, must feel right now. this is such a huge “fuck you” to so many people, and downright dangerous for them, too. legit, my heart goes out to everybody in the company that got blindsided by this just like we did. 
also, FUCK you, vince mcmahon. youre a disgusting, pigheaded, piece of shit, bigoted, money hungry coward. youre destroying everything we all loved, for what? for a power trip? for some extra cash? go fuck yourself. this is ruining lives, putting people in terrible positions, all so he can stage some shitty ass coup of a company that didnt fucking want him anymore. 
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