#something something by being in need of help the juniors end up helping their seniors too
yume-fanfare · 3 months
enstars is about many things but most importantly it is about the element epilogue where eichi wakes up from reminiscing about a day he nearly died, to find tori worrying over him. that is the core of es1
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enstars theme of the younger characters helping the older ones heal i love you
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scremogirl · 8 months
✧✩🜚𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐈𝐂 🜸𖤐✰
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮
Yandere! Nerd x Academic Rival! Reader
Mentions of depressive behavior/thoughts of suicide. AFAB! Reader: is called “Ms”.
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A know-it-all smarty pants that was simultaneously the worst pain in your ass. Not that he meant to be of course; you couldn’t really blame him. Sure, some people are just naturally smart; but not him. Following you around like a lost puppy no matter where you went. He was toying with you on purpose and you knew it! You just couldn’t understand why he decided to make your life worse.
Now, the relationship you have is more one sided. You’d make subtle jabs and throw cheap shots his way but all he ever did was laugh it off. He never fought back. From what you’ve gathered, he just prefers to stare. And when I say stare I mean straight into your soul type stare. Every time he gets annoyed or is thinking really hard about something that’s what he does. Stares. It’s really creepy and unsettling, all the times you caught him or tried to, he would just look away blushing, trying his best to hide behind his shaggy hair. Eyes burn holes through the back of your head five out of the seven days of the week. However, even the two days you aren’t in school, the feeling of eyes on you never seems cease. You feel chills crawl up your spine and always look over your shoulder wherever you go only to find nobody there.
You’ve always strived to be the best. Your home life was like the equivalent of being tossed in solitary co finemente and being left to rot. It seemed as if your parents only cared about your academic life. Therefore, they were always super strict about your grades. You knew it came from a place deep within their hearts, they just wanted you to do good in life; but it still hurt. You wanted to make them proud. Wanted to feel loved by the people who were supposed to be closest to you. So you pushed yourself to limits nobody could ever reach. From winning spelling bees to holding the spot of Vice President on your school's student council team. Schools were already offering you all expense scholarships in freshman year!
You were an all rounder. One of the most involved students in your grade. You were in various sports and academic clubs, always helped in school fundraisers, and even have 500(+) SS hrs.
“ Apologies, Ms. (L/N), but there’s nothing we can do about this. You’ll have to get a tutor in order to pass,”
Technical engineering.
Your worst subject. You excelled in physics and math; some would say the best. You got the formulas down to a T and knew everything there was to know. It was more so the building aspect of things. There were just so many damn parts! Who even needs an electriconic digital caliper anyways?!
“I’m sorry, (Y/n), but that’s just the way things turned out. You need this credit to graduate, but you needn’t worry. Miylo is the best at this. He’s perfect for the job,”
Miylo Reneritzer. A 6 foot, dead eyed, pale skinned dork. He’s never stood out to you. He wasn’t popular or a scholar. He didn’t play sports and wasn’t in any clubs. He didn’t participate in the annual dances and didn’t attended school games. He was just there. A regular student with a knack for technicalogical architecture. You were in 11th grade at the time. You needed to get all your credits out the way so you didn’t have to worry about them senior year. Not that it was a problem for you seeing as all of them were already completed. Well… except this one. You’ve been putting off for so long. You had to face it sooner or later. Too soon for your liking.
You would meet with Miylo twice a week; you were place in the same tech class so the first meeting didn’t really count. He was a great teacher! A little quiet and very monotone, but very thourough none the less. By the end of junior year you ended up with a A-. You parents hammered you for not making it a plus but you’ve come to terms with it. He saved you. And you were grateful. You ended up losing contact the transitioning year and just never interacted again; almost completely forgetting about him.
He didn’t forget about you though. How could he?! You were the most beautiful girl in the entire school! Nobody could compare to you. What you didn’t know about him was he was s everely bullied and even contiplated ending everything. That was until you came along. Someone finally wanted to talk to him. Even if it was just for help getting a good grade. Taking to a pretty popular girl and getting money and an increases on his report card? Sign him up. That one day changed the entirety of his life, he owes his life to you.
All he remembers is being called down to the counselors office; parents ready waiting and giving him the most bone crushing hug. Everything seemed like a blur from then on. But what he can remember is how he got there in the first place.
“A friend of yours, (Y/n) (L/n) had some concerns about your health. She said she’s been paying attention to you for awhile and noticed your self destructive behaviors,” says the counselor.
What? Before he started tutoring you he thought you were a teachers pet and hog all the chances for others to answer questions but if saves him the embarrassment of public speaking he doesn’t mind. You’ve noticed him? In more than just at tutor-tutee way? Nobody ever notices him. Not even his own parents. It’s evident with the amount of shock on their faces and all their “why didn’t you tell me’s” and confessions of love. He’s mad at you at first. He spends at least 3mths in that looney bin because of you. He hated it at first. All the questions and discard for privacy. But… slowly he changes. He becomes healthy and happy again. His mind drifts back to you. The way you would answer questions when you noticed the teachers eyes land on him, the way you would always do the presenting part in group presentations, the way gum and smiley faced erasers would apprear on his desk on a particularly hard day. You cared. You did this for everyone you saw struggling. Not that he took that into account, in his mind, he was the only one. You thought he was special. And he wouldn’t let anyone take his spot in your heart.
When he got out, he decided he was a changed person. Senior year would be his redemption arc and you would finally be together. You already were in his mind; you were just to scared. He saw straight through your act. That’s why you would do all that stuff for him instead of just coming out and saying it. He needed to pull himself together and become a better person first. He wanted you to be proud of him. He wanted you to see him for all he’s worth. He joined all the clubs you were in and surpassed all expectations. He became popular, inserting himself into all your social circles and even became a student council member beside you. Or should I say infront of you? The President. And the validictorinan.
Ugh! Since when did he become so…so great!? You don’t have any clue where this change in him came from and you want him to go back to the way he was. You were the best! You didn’t work this hard for your parents approval for nothing. They would always compare you time him. Miylos the student council president they’d say. He would never get an A-, he would never miss a volleyball game because he was overwhelmed with school work, he would never feel how school was the only true escape from an emotionally disabled household. He would never understand. Oh, but he did.
He’s been in your house plenty of times to know what’s going on. Not that you’ve know of course. That explains all the missing panties. Hmm, maybe that explains where all of your pens have gone too. And your half eaten food, and the Polaroids you’ve take of yourself, and your rose to-… Regardless! You’ve had enough of this! You needed him to know just exactly how you felt. What other way than asking him to meet you under the tree on Fri before school ends?
“I already know,” Hm?
“Good. I couldn’t hold this in any longer. You do know just exactly what I feel,”
“Oh my love but I do,” ….my love? What is he taking about.
“What am I talking about? Oh sweetheart, don’t play coy with me. It’s okay; I’ve always know the real reason behind your aggression towards me. Your just shy is all. I just want to let you know that I love you too. More than you could ever know,” he steps forward and arms outstretched and expecting a hug. He push on his chest and stare up at him in confusion. Love him? You don’t love him, you despise him! He chuckles.
“Like I said, it’s okay to be open about how you feel. That’s why you brought me here isn’t it?” What! This wasn’t some sort of confession. Well…technically… but not one of love! He was here to understand how much you loathed him. He had to not like you either, that’s why he did everything you did right…Right!? He hated you. He had to!
“Hate you? (Y/n), I could never hate you. After all you saved me,” at this point you thiught he was joking with you. Furthering your suspicions of his true feelings. You tried marching pasted him only for him to grab you arm. You tried to shuck him off but his grip was strong. All those clubs really built up his physice. He wasn’t the same scrawny little geek you remembered. He was larger, seeming as if he grew a few more inches. He filled out his uniform more, and his eyes became brighter and more emotional. If your affliction for him didn’t exist you’d think he was cute. The only thing that seemed hadn’t changed about him was his unwavering love and loyalty to you. He huffs out an exasperated sign, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“I get that your shy my love, but that’s there’s no need to be so rude. We’ll work on a more conventional way to express your emotions,”
“Do I have to spell it out for you! I don’t like you, you creep! You’ve been following me around every since the beginning of this year. You’ve taken everything from me. Clubs, student records, student president! Do you know how hard I’ve worked to get here! You act so laid back and relaxed about everything and it drives me nuts! I hate you!” You push past him again, angry tears forming from all the supressed emotional turmoil. He doesn’t grab you right away which makes you think he’s finally got the picture. Didn’t anyone ever tell you no to turn your back on the enemy? You’re suddenly grabbed and thrusted into the base of the tree. He tsks at your behavior before sighing again. Hands have now moved to your shoulders and apply slight pressure keeping you in place. If that didn’t do it, the way he's looking at you would’ve have; fierce and warning, and yet, filled with so much adoration.
“We need to fix this little attitude of yours, don’t we?” It’s rhetorical. You know that but you feel the urge to snap back at him. Before you could get a word out, you can her the distance ringing of the school bell signaling the end of the day. His phone rings on the last ring. He gives you a hard glare telepathically telling you not to move. He stands straighter and picks it up. With what you heard, the student council meeting is starting soon and the others are wondering where you two are. Saved by the bell. He sighs before grabbing his bag that he placed down as long as your hand before sighing.
“Unfortunately, we can’t continue this conversation my love. Lucky for us, it’s Friday. We’ll have the rest of the weekend to work it out of you,” he throws a coy smirk your way and grabs at his belt, readjusting it a bit. God, what will you do?
Hey loves! Hope you enjoyed. I’m thinking about making apart to of this. I wasn’t really confident in it and decided that I should give more explanation to Miylos behavior. This could just be his introduction and I’ll expand on it. Let me know what you think. Thank you for reading!
-Love, Sos❤️
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cameronspecial · 6 months
Bad Friend
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Swearing, Mentions of Sex and Making A Bet On A Date On Getting A Date With A Girl.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 10.8K
Summary: After Rafe makes a bet with Topper, it leaves him in need of Y/N's help. Y/N doesn't believe in love, but through getting to know Rafe while helping him, she may start to rethink her thoughts about the feeling.
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“I dare you to get Y/N to date you,” Topper challenges, taking a sip from his drink. Rafe’s eyes stare at the pair of girls stumbling over each other, laughing as they trip on the sand. They are obviously very drunk. Rafe doesn’t think he has ever seen her smile. The only person who could break Y/N’s enigmatic and emotionless composure is the girl currently being held up by her, Amanda. Rafe isn’t one to back down from a dare, but he also doesn’t chase after a lost cause. Love isn’t something that Y/N has ever sought after. It isn’t a secret to anyone on the island. She’s the product of an affair; her Kook father cheated on his wife with her Mainlander mother. She grew up listening to her mother’s stories about how charismatic boys always leave behind brokenhearted girls. About how even though Willard Graham genuinely did love Cordelia Y/L/N, the money his wife, who was back in the Outer Banks, would bring was more important than the little girl he bore with Cordelia. This didn’t stop Cordelia from moving to the Outer Banks and Willard didn’t object, he wanted to be in his daughter’s life. But that truth imprinted itself on Y/N. She saw how the possibility of love tore her mother apart and she vowed to never let herself go through the same thing. In fact, she abandoned all notions of emotions in general. Feelings made her vulnerable and vulnerability got her hurt. 
Rafe doesn’t need to get tangled up in that mess. He pulls away from the sight of the best friends and shakes his head at Topper. “Nah, I don’t feel like dealing with her. She may be all bark and no bite, but I don’t want to deal with that yapping dog,” he refutes. Kelce chuckles, “Come on, you scared you won't be able to win her over. Or better yet, maybe you’re scared of her.” The rest of the senior boys laugh, teasing Rafe about being frightened by the junior. “Dude, I could get any girl I want. But if I’m going to be going after someone, I might as well go for someone that’s actually hot. Y/N looks like she fucks about as good as a sack of potatoes,” Rafe disagrees. 
Topper gives into Rafe’s demands for a different target, “Fine. How about Amanda? We’ve all heard the rumours about her in bed, but she will be hard to get with guard dog Y/N by her side. So I bet you can’t get Amanda to go on a date with you by the end of the summer.” He spots the girls again from across the fire. “What do I get if I win?” Rafe questions, swirling the solo cup in his hand. What’s the point of a bet if Rafe doesn’t gain anything from it? “Bragging rights,” Topper continues when he sees Rafe’s raised eyebrows. “And… we’ll each give you two thousand dollars.” This piques Rafe’s interest. He honestly would’ve done it for the bragging rights, ten thousand is a raindrop compared to the ocean of his family wealth, but it’s always fun to get a little extra money. Before Rafe can agree, Kelce speaks up with his own question. “Hold on, what do we get if you lose?” Rafe’s hand reaches for his chin, rubbing it as he thinks about what he can offer. Money is a plausible option, yet it’s nothing to the rich Kooks. He feels the buzz of his phone with a notification from Barry saying that his next stock is ready. A lightbulb shines in his mind. “I’ll give you all free blow for a month,” he suggests, shoving his phone back in his pocket. Sure, they can afford their own drugs, yet the principle of getting stuff for free gets to anyone. His friends grin at him. “Deal.” 
Amanda Dalton. One of the sweetest Kooks around and also the most innocent. She’s the epitome of the dumb blonde stereotype, no matter how much Y/N tries to help her friend out. “Y/N, what state is Canada in? I can’t find this on the map?” Amanda asks, searching through the American map. Y/N sighs and searches up a map of North America, “Babe, Canada is its own country. See. It’s right on top of America. So it’s not a state.” Amanda concentrates on her friend’s phone. “Oh, that makes sense,” she whispers, going back to typing on her phone. Y/N puts her phone away and continues to paint her nails, “Why do you want to know?” “Well, I wanted to buy tickets for the Era’s tour in To…ron…to. It says it’s in Canada,” Amanda explains.
“Toronto? That is in Canada.”
“How about Vancouver? It says British Columbia. Is that in England? I’ve always wanted to go to England.”
“No, Babe. Vancouver is in Canada. British Columbia is the province. It’s like a State. Why are you looking at other concerts anyway? Didn’t your dad already get us the tickets for the concert and plane?”
Amanda nods, “He did. I wanted to go to another one. I guess I won’t be though. Thank you for coming by the way. I know you aren’t the biggest fan of concerts.” Y/N looks up at her friend with a smile. “No problem, I would do anything for you. You know that. Plus, someone has to keep you safe.” Y/N takes Amanda’s hand, starting to paint the girl’s nails without asking. Much to the girls’ surprise, the sliding door opens and Rafe appears before their eyes. “Hello, ladies. How are we today?” he questions with a smile. He settles in the chair between the girls and leans forward on the table. “What are you doing here?” The friends postulate at the same time. Amanda with curiosity. Y/N with annoyance. He flashes his pearly teeth, “Mr. Dalton asked me to come over. I’m helping my dad with the company and he is making a deal with Mr. Dalton, so I offered to come over to go over the contract one more time.” 
“How sweet!” Amanda gushes. Y/N has the opposite idea, “So why are you with us right now?” Rafe ignores the latter and turns to the former. “Not as sweet as your cupcakes. Your little brother let me try one and it was delicious,” he compliments. Y/N knits her eyebrows together. She doesn’t understand why Rafe is being so nice. He’s only polite to people he wants something out of. Amanda’s cheeks turn red and she turns her head to hide it, “Thank you. It’s a new recipe.” “Well, it was really good. If you like cupcakes, I know this great bakery on Maine Street. Maybe… maybe I can take you some time,” he proposes with a charming grin. Amanda’s eyes start to twinkle, “I would love that. Y/N and I love cupcakes. Her favourite is salted caramel. Do they have them?” Rafe is about to correct the assumption that Y/N is invited when the door opens again. 
“Rafe, thank you for waiting and coming over. I’m ready to go over the contract now,” Mr. Dalton announces, giving Rafe room to walk back into the house. Rafe bids goodbye to the girls and follows Mr. Dalton inside. 
Y/N closes the front door behind her, making sure to yell out to the family to lock the door after her. The gravel gives way to the pressure of her feet and she puts her headphones on as she picks up her bike from the ground. Her father tried to buy her a car, but she wouldn’t take it. The only thing she allows Mr. Graham to do for her is to pay her tuition at Kildare Academy, but she refuses his help for anything else. She even started working at The Wreck so that she could grow independent from him in university. Unlike most people in the Outer Banks, Y/N doesn’t really belong to either of the tribes. Her father is a wealthy judge, who is the son of an affluent lawyer and doctor. Her mother makes enough as a software developer for them to sit comfortably, nowhere near Kook level, yet also more than the Pogues. Sometimes it’s hard for Y/N to be in the middle of both worlds. Both accept her into their groups, except for the times when she does something that goes against their nature and then it’s like she belongs to neither. Like when she went to Midsummer as a guest, the Pogues were quick to mock her for being a part of the tradition. Or when she sided with the Pogues during a fight between the two groups and suddenly, the Kooks didn’t know who she was. 
Before she hops on the bike, the front door opening and closing causes her to turn around. She thought maybe she had forgotten something and Amanda was coming to bring it to her. Instead, she finds Rafe watching her. Rafe isn’t expecting to see Y/N at the end of the driveway. He didn’t see her when he said goodbye to Amanda, so he assumed she had left a while ago. As they stare at each other, an idea pops into Rafe’s mind. It’s a long shot, except if he can get her to do it, then it would help him along with the bet. Even though, Amanda isn’t a virgin, everyone knows she can be a little ditsy in terms of actual dating. As made evident in his earlier conversation with her, she isn’t the greatest at detecting that someone is flirting with her. He knows that the way other people have had sex with her is because she approached them and Rafe didn’t want to play the game like that. It would be too easy. Plus, Y/N backs off the guys if Amanda is the one to initiate it. He is here to play the game, so he will. 
“Do you want a ride?” he calls out, opening the passenger’s side door for her. Y/N considers it for a second. It would take her around thirty minutes to bike home and only ten minutes by drive. All it takes is for her to notice the setting sun for her to come closer to him. She doesn’t say anything as she opens the back of the truck bed. She struggles a little with putting her bike in the back, so Rafe helps her out. His hand accidentally grazes her arm and she jerks it away from him as soon as she feels his touch. She storms off into the car. Rafe sighs and closes up the back. This is going to be harder than he thought. 
The truck sits in silence before she breaks it. “What are you up to with Amanda?” she interrogates, not looking away from out the window. Rafe isn’t sure how to word his proposition, “Nothing, I was just being nice.” “That’s a lie. Everyone knows that isn’t in your vocabulary,” she retorts. He shrugs and looks back at the road, “Maybe it is now. Amanda is a darling. She deserves to be treated in a pleasant way.” 
“You don’t treat your own sister like that. What makes Amanda so special?”
“I don’t know maybe I like her…” 
He tries to make the words as genuine as he can, looking over to Y/N to further the believability. “Ha, I’m not going to let you go anywhere near her,” she laughs. This is his opportunity, “You might change your mind once you hear what I have to offer.” The joy she feels stops abruptly. She shouldn’t be intrigued, yet she is. He takes her silence as a motion to keep going, “I’ll pay you ten thousand dollars if you help me get a date with Amanda.” Her first instinct is to reject him, “You are ridiculous if you think I would do that to my best friend.”
“Why not? You aren’t doing anything bad. I don’t want to hurt her. Just take her on a date. No offence to her, but we both know that talking to her can make you feel like a catapult. Everything goes over her head.”
“It’s practically selling my friend to you for 10K. I’m not doing it.”
“You aren’t selling her to me, just helping me out. Like a consultant. You could use the money for university. I bet it would go a long way.” 
He got her. He can see the moment her frown turns to interest and he has to stop himself from celebrating. Her mind hates her right now. How could her mood instantly change at such a selfish thought? She thought that she was more loyal and had better values than that. However, the money would help her out a lot with tuition and it’s not like Amanda has to know. “Fine, I’ll help you.” This is a bad idea. 
Closer to closing The Wreck is practically a desert town. Y/N sits at the counter, reading over her textbook. “I’d like a table for two, please,” a voice interrupts her studying. She looks up to see that Rafe is alone. She chuckles, “And who is going to be joining you? Your ghost girlfriend.” “Haha. I forgot how funny you are. No, you are,” he reacts, waiting for her to give him a table. She gets up to get him a menu, “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m working.” “There is no one here, Y/N. If someone does come, then I wouldn’t get angry at you for getting up to help them,” he points out, holding his hand out to the booth he decided to sit at since she isn’t moving. She huffs in defeat and joins him at the table. “Did you want to order anything? I don’t think Mike and Anna would like it if I just let you hang out here,” she informs before sitting down. Rafe glances over the menu, “Ugh, a cheeseburger, fries and a coke for me, please. And then get whatever you want. On me.” Y/N’s eyebrows rise at the mention of a please and that he’ll pay for her food. She isn’t going to argue though because who doesn’t like free food? 
Rafe plays with his rings while he waits for her to return. “Alright, I put the order in,” she tells him, sliding into the booth across from him. He nods and looks down, “Thanks.” She waits for him to talk and gets annoyed when he doesn’t. “Why did you come here, Rafe?” she asks with irk dripping from her voice. He gathers his thoughts, “You said you’d help me get through to Amanda. So what can you tell me?” “Right. Then I have two things I want to bring up. One. I’m going to quiz you to make sure you actually care for her. Two. If you pass, we are going over the terms of this deal,” she lists with two fingers up. Nerves cause goosebumps to run up and down his arms. The prospect of being quizzed on Amanda makes him worry that he won’t be able to keep up this charade. He extends his hand out, motioning for her to continue. “I’ll start easy. When is her birthday?” she tests. 
“May 25th.” 
“Correct. What’s her favourite TV show?” 
“She says The Good Place because it’s your favourite, but it’s really The Bachelorette.” 
“Okay. Last year, she had an allergic reaction to something. What was it?”
“She got stung by a bee.”
“Right. Final question, what does she do when she gets nervous.” Rafe pauses for a second. He has no idea what the answer is. The only reason why he knows all the other stuff is because Amanda is a loud talker, but something that comes from an observance of her wouldn’t register in his brain. As he thinks, his eyes are drawn to the way Y/N’s fingers dance along the table. He can tell they are moving in a pattern but he can’t keep track of it. “Are you going to answer the question?” she impatiently queries. He focuses on her face, “No, I honestly don’t know. I really do like her. I promise.” “Your promises don’t mean anything to me, but you still pass. I was going to help you anyway, knowing those things don’t mean anything. I just wanted to make you suffer a little,” she teases with a soft smile that Rafe enjoys. He chuckles, “You got me. So, to go over the deal. As long as she goes on a date with me by the end of the summer, you get your money. Does that work for you?” “It works perfectly. I’m going to add that I am not going to let you do anything that hurts her and if you do it behind my back, I’m going to chop your dick off and sell it on the black market to be eaten by the creepiest bidder,” she threatens, her finger pointed at him. He extends his hand out to her, “Deal.” 
Y/N readjusts the magazines on the ottoman one more time. She doesn’t know why she told Rafe to come over to her house, but there is more of a chance that they get caught by her going over to his house than by him coming over to hers. There are always more eyeballs on Tannyhill. She is snapped out of her worry by the ding-dong that sounds throughout the house. Her sock-covered feet glide against the hardwood floors as she hurries to answer the door. “Hi,” she greets a little out of breath from her cartoon-like slip. “Come in.” She steps out of the way so Rafe can make his way inside. He enters the house and takes off his shoes once he notices the pile by the door. His eyes examine the open plan of the house. Her house isn’t anything like one would find on the Cut, yet it also isn’t as big as the ones in the Figure Eight. It was brand new when Cordelia bought it and since then, it has undergone small renovations as necessary. 
“I get that it isn’t as big as your house. You don’t need to make googly eyes like that though,” she comments, heading to the kitchen to get something to drink. He shakes his head, “No, I wasn’t thinking that. Your house looks cozy. I like it.” “Well, I don’t care for your approval. Do you want something to drink?” she offers, holding up a can of coke. Rafe doesn’t know if the choice of drink is because she is getting one for herself or if she remembers his order from The Wreck. His head flicks up to signal he does want one. He settles on the couch and listens to the sound of the can being cracked open. She pours the drink into a glass with ice, walking over to join him on the couch. When she places her water next to his bubbly pop, he concludes that she remembered his order and this causes his stomach to flip. He could tell people a hundred times what his favourite food is and he would bet all his money they wouldn’t hold the information in their brain. She takes a sip from her drink, “You have to be more direct when it comes to Amanda, but also not too obvious with what you want or you’ll scare her off.” “If I have to be clear and not clear at the same time, where does that leave me?” he questions with a chuckle. She holds her fingers up so they are practically touching, “In this sweet spot that gets you a date with her.” He sits against the back of the couch. “Okay, so how do I get in that sweet spot?” he inquires, drinking from his cup. “Movies. Recreate a famous movie scene and that’s when it will click in for her.”
“What kind of movies? Like romcoms?” he gets her to clarify. She nods and squats in front of the entertainment centre under the television. She pulls out different DVDs, placing them in front of him. “Yep, we are going to watch all of her favourite rom-com movies, so take notes,” she tells him. He looks at the spread in front of him, “You actually have DVDs.” “Yeah, these cheer Amanda up when she is down and you never know when streaming services will take them down,” she says nonchalantly. He gives her a soft gaze, “You must like the movies too if you bought them though.” “Not really. They’re okay. I prefer mystery movies. Knives Out, A Simple Favor, The Menu. You know, stuff like that,” she lists while popping in the first movie. Rafe thinks it’s sweet that Y/N went out of the way to buy these comfort things for her best friend. 
During the ads, Y/N goes to the kitchen to get some snacks for them. The variety she has is impressive, yet he doesn’t find the quintessential movie night snack. “No popcorn? Not that I’m complaining.” She brings the box of donuts in her lap, “Nah, who needs to fill up on that shit when I’ve got Krispy Kreme donuts.” He watches as she picks up a jelly-filled donut and bites into it. She lets out a small moan, pulling the treat away from her mouth to leave behind the red jam at the corner of her lips. The sound she made went straight to his brain, the one downstairs. His hand goes up to his own mouth to hint at the mess on her face. She wipes at the wrong side, so he goes to wipe the correct corner. She jerks away from him, “It’s okay I got it.” “Sorry,” he mumbles, dropping his gaze with shame. She shakes her head, “It’s fine. I just don’t like being touched. Do you want a donut?” He picks out a regular glazed donut and eats it. “You are right, these are better than popcorn. I have to ask though, why donuts over popcorn?” 
“My mom never liked popcorn. Said they made the house smell when you popped it and the kernels were a choking hazard. Plus, since Krispy Kreme isn’t on the island, she’d make it a whole event when we went to the main island to get them for movie night.” 
“That sounds fun. Are the jelly donuts your favourite?” 
“Yep, I like strawberries and who doesn’t like powdered sugar.”
“True, both very valid reasons to like it. Can I have one?” 
She pulls the box away from him, “That’s a funny joke. These ones are mine.” “You’re territorial, noted,” he thinks out loud. The movie starts and a hush falls on both of them. After watching a few movies, they take a break to go to the bathroom. “Do you want to watch The Good Place?” he proposes as she walks back into the room. She tilts her head at him, “Sure. I meant to ask. How do you know it’s my favourite show?” He changes the TV to the Firestick and pulls up the show on Netflix. His shoulder rises, “You talked about it in philosophy class. It was what you made your presentation on and you sounded so passionate about it that it was clear how much you liked the show.” “Huh, I didn’t think you would notice that,” she thinks out loud. He gives her a pointed look, “I’m not as unobservant as people think that I am, you know. I do actually listen when other people speak.” She smirks at him. “Really? I wasn’t aware your ears had the ability to listen.”
The sight before her is one that she never dreamed of seeing. She honestly isn’t sure if her rom-com plan is going to work, but getting Rafe to recreate the movie and the money is worth the lie she told him. It wasn’t hard to get most of their class to come to the football field during the summer. Everyone will do what Rafe would say and people are too scared of Y/N to argue. When the speaker turns on with a loud screech, multiple people duck with their hands covering their ears. The beginning melodies of “Can’t Take My Eyes off Of You” by Frankie Valli start to play and out comes Rafe from behind the bleachers. He sings the lyrics as he moves from side to side of the rows, pointing to Amanda to make it clear who he is talking to. Y/N glances at her friend to see the other girl’s eyebrows connected. She nudges her friend with her elbow, “I think he is serenading you.” “Like in 10 Things I Hate About You?” Amanda’s eyes brighten. Y/N’s head moves up and down, “I think so.” Amanda’s hands come together near her heart and a smile paints on her face. 
“This is so sweet. Do you think he wants to fuck?” 
“Babe, for him to go through all of this, I think he wants to do a lot more than have sex.” 
The song finishes and Rafe hops over bench after bench to run in front of Amanda. “Please go on a date with me, Beautiful,” Rafe pleads. Y/N should feel happy that the plan is working. The look on her best friend’s face says it all, yet it doesn’t help the ugly roar she wants to let out at the nickname he used. She is pulled out of her thoughts by Amanda screaming yes. Amanda flings herself into his arms and kisses his face. The student body claps to congratulate the pair. With the endgame achieved, Y/N feels she is overstepping, so she starts heading back to her bike. 
A voice from behind her halts her departure. “Hey, Y/N, wait. Where are you going?” She spins around to see Rafe chasing after her. “I’m heading home. You got your date to go on and I’ll wait until you go on it to collect what you owe me,” she says, getting on her bike. Right as she is about to petal off, Rafe runs in front of her and grabs her handlebars so she can’t go further. His head moves from side to side, “We are going out tomorrow. She has dinner planned with her family tonight, so I thought that maybe as a thank you, we can go to the Mainland and get some doughnuts.” “From Krispy Kreme?” she mutters, playing with the knob of her bike bell. He smiles, “Where else? Come on, we can make an afternoon out of it. I think it would be fun.” “And why would you want to spend more time with me? I’m not the one that you like,” she responds. His fingers meet her hands on the bar. When she doesn’t flinch, Rafe thinks she lied about not liking being touched or maybe her feelings about him have changed. “Because I’m grateful that you are helping me and I want to thank you.”
“You will thank me with the ten thousand dollars that you give me.”
Rafe doesn’t know why he insists on taking Y/N out; he really wants to spend the afternoon with Y/N. 
“Are you really turning down a free doughnut? I saw that box, you don’t have any more strawberry jelly doughnuts to fill your tummy, Petite Louve.” 
Three years of French means that Y/N can easily translate the nickname he calls her. Little Wolf. She wants to ask why he called her that, except her rumbling stomach gets her to agree with his statement instead, “Fine, let’s go.” Rafe lets out a victorious whoop and he helps her off her bike. They walk beside each other to his car. Y/N would bump her hip against his every once in a while, which would cause him to knock into the bike that he was holding for her. He could only chuckle every time she did so. 
“How can you drink that? It’s basically all sugar?”
“Says the person who is about to eat a bunch of donuts. I don’t think you can judge me though because you are drinking pure dark roast. No wonder you are so bitter.”
Y/N giggles, “I will have you know that my bitterness is due to the fact that most people suck.” “Hm, that makes more sense. Here, try some. Maybe it will make you a little sweeter,” he offers. He tips the straw in her direction. The light brown slushy-like drink is topped with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles. Her lips wrap around the tube and suck. Rafe tries to stop the intruding thought of her lips being around something else. He doesn’t know why the image came into his mind; he shouldn’t think of her like that. Her face scrunches as soon as the sweet liquid hits her tongue. “Blegh, I was right. This is too sweet,” she criticizes. She hands him back his drink and their hands brush against each other. He laughs at her reaction and she loves the way it sounds. He takes a sip from his drink, “Why am I not surprised that it’s too sweet for you, Petite Louve?” She stops swirling the coffee cup in her hand and looks up at him. “Why did you start calling me that?” she queries. He leans back in his chair, “Call you what?” “Petite Louve,” she utters without hesitation. His elbows meet the table as he places his head on his hands, “It means little wolf.” He knows what she wants to know, except he is enjoying this game. She rolls her eyes and her arms cross one on top of the other. “I was in your French class last year, Rafe. I know what it means,” she scolds, giving him a dead stare. Rafe’s hands go up in defence, “Alright, alright. It’s because wolves are protective of their pack and they don’t often let outsiders in. That’s how you are with your pack.” 
“I see. Wolves are pretty cool so I accept that nickname,” she concludes. He lets out a satisfied breath, “They are. So are you going to eat your doughnut or are we going to stare at it all afternoon?” Her eyes dart to the white puff piece in front of her. She picks it out and holds it up to him. He gives her a raised eyebrow. “Because you let me try your drink,” she clarifies, waving it in his face. He takes a bite and similar to what happened to her a few days ago, a small red blob forms at the corner of his lips. Her arm instinctively reaches for his face and wipes the smear off his face. She uses the napkin to clean off her thumb. “Thanks,” he shows his gratitude by offering the doughnut he picked out for himself. 
She takes a bite out of it and they eat in silence for a few minutes. “I totally embarrassed myself this afternoon, didn’t I?” he verifies between bites of his caramel Kreme crunch. A grin forms on her face as she recalls the events, “I thought it was hilarious. Unfortunately, from what I saw on Insta, every girl found it romantic and every guy wished they thought of it to get into Amanda’s pants.” Rafe can see the gears turning behind her eyes. “You are planning their downfall, aren’t you?” Her grin turns wicked, “Most definitely. They are going to regret the shit they said.” “Well, I’m looking forward to seeing what you have planned for those guys,” he informs. They had about two more doughnuts each before packing up the rest for home. He opens the door for her and hovers his hand on her lower back as he guides her to his car, making sure not to make any contact with her. She can feel the heat emanating from his hand and wishes that she can feel the weight of it. He pulls the passenger’s side door open for her, closing it once she is safely in the truck. As he drives to the ferry, his eyes dart toward her and drink in her appearance. Her shoes are resting firmly on the floor mat while her sock-clad feet are curled under her leg. She leans back against the car seat with her hands on her knee. The slight dip at the corner of her lips does not stop her from mouthing along to the lyrics of the song. 
Her clothes aren’t name-brand like the other Kook girls. It looks like something she could get at any generic store. However, one thing stands out to Rafe as he watches her stick her hand out the window to glide with the wind. A gold bracelet with three small diamonds slid down her right arm. Only one person could’ve gotten her that Tiffany & Co. bracelet. “Why won’t you let your dad pay for your university?” The hand out the window drops onto her lap. She fiddles with her bracelet. “He didn’t want to be in my life. The only reason why he suddenly cared about my existence is because my mother moved here, so I could be closer to him. He solely cared for me when it fits into his life,” she begins. “If he pays for my university tuition, then it’s going to be like I owe him something. And the last thing I want is to owe that man something.” 
Rafe nods as she says, “If you don’t want to owe him anything, then why are you going to Kildare Academy? It’s not like you can’t go to Kildare Country.” “It’s an agreement I made with my mom. She agreed that I could pay for university if he pays for private school,” she shrugs. He finds it refreshing that, even though she could choose to be taken care of, she wants to provide for herself and work hard to be able to do so. The car slows once her house comes into view. It comes to a stop and Rafe reaches behind the seats for the box of doughnuts in the back. His hand accidentally brushes her shoulder; she doesn’t flinch away. Instead, she wishes his warmth would remain against her skin. He turns toward her and rests it on her lap. “Thanks… for everything. It was really nice of you,” her voice is barely above the sound of a mouse. He flashes her a smile, “No problem. And should I be concerned that you are being kind to me? Are you playing nice so I don’t suspect you are going to kill me?” “Haha, I’ll have you know that I can be delightful sometimes,” she retorts. Her eyes wander down his face to his pink lips. They appear to be softer than she expected. He doesn’t seem like the type to use lip balm. He notices her line of sight and instinctively, he examines the curve of her lips. 
His head leans forward and she follows his lead. A knock at the window causes them to jump away from each other. “Hey, Baby! Where have you been?” Cordelia yells through the window. “Is that Rafe Cameron beside you?” The mother squints at the boy sitting beside her daughter. “Yes, Mom, it’s Rafe. We went to the Mainland for doughnuts. We brought you back the glazed chocolate cake ones you like,” Y/N reports to her mother whilst rolling down the windows. Rafe’s head peeks out from behind Y/N’s head, “Hello, Ms. Y/L/N.” They wave at each other and Cordelia smiles at the two of them. “Please, call me Cordelia. You bought me dessert. Do you want to come inside for dinner? We are probably going to order from The Wreck,” she suggests. Rafe shakes his head with tight lips, “I would love to if I didn’t have to go to dinner with my family tonight.” “Ahh, that’s too bad. You definitely have to come over another time,” she encourages. He assents to the statement, “It would be my pleasure.” Y/N gets out of the car, gathers her bike from the back and the women bid Rafe au dieu as he drives back home. 
“You and Rafe would make a pretty cute couple.” Y/N’s eyes orbit themselves, “We aren’t a couple, Mom.” “Sureee. I saw you guys were about to kiss. It was funny seeing how fast you guys jumped away from each other,” the mother taunts her daughter. Y/N groans, “Forget about delivery, I’ll pick up our food myself.” She hops on her bike and starts making her way to the restaurant. “You can’t escape my questioning forever, Baby,” Cordelia screams to the girl fading into the distance. 
He didn’t want to lie with Y/N close by; he couldn’t exactly reveal to her that he was going to meet up with his friends to collect his winnings from a bet. It would ruin everything if she found out about the bet. “I think it’s cheating that you got Y/N to help you out,” Topper objects, setting his stack of money on the table. He shrugs, “We didn’t mention anything about getting outside help. We merely talked about me getting a date with Amanda, which I am going on tomorrow.” Rafe counts the money, listening to his friend complain to the others.
Y/N couldn’t stop thinking about what her mother said. When she got home, her mother wouldn’t believe that Rafe wasn’t her boyfriend until she told the older woman he was going on a date with Amanda. Despite that, her mind is plagued with the idea of being his girlfriend. She’s never felt this way before about someone. She shouldn’t feel this way about him. Love isn’t something that is on her checklist for things she wants to achieve in life. “Get out of my brain you insufferable man,” she grumbles to herself. She twists to rest on her other side, watching the light shine on her bedroom wall as a car drives by. Why can she still feel the warmth of his hand at the bottom of her back? Why didn’t she feel uncomfortable by his touch on her shoulder? She places her hand over the shoulder he touched, trying to simulate his touch. It doesn’t feel the same. Her hand drops to her elbow and she goes through the day. The envy she felt at Rafe calling Amanda beautiful. The sweet gesture of going out of his way to take her somewhere that means so much to her. The way he respected her boundaries about being touched when she didn’t initiate it. These all lead her to one conclusion she can’t make sense of. She must be falling in love with Rafe Cameron. And there is one thing she needs to do before his date tomorrow that is going to make her a bad friend. 
Rafe jogs over to the front door and swings it open. “Hey, I got your money. I was going to give it to you tomorrow… I can get it for you now if you want,” he propositions, stepping back to head upstairs. Her hand darts out to grab his wrist. At the contact, she retracts her arm back to her side with a mumbled sorry. “It’s okay, come in. If you aren’t here for the cash, what did you want to talk about?” he queries. She avoids the windows to his soul and plays with the bottom of her sweater’s sleeve. “Petite Louve, are you okay?” he worries, his hands ghosting the side of her arms. Her normal assurance seems to have evaporated completely from her body. She finally has the confidence to look at him, “Do you really like Amanda?” He pauses, unsure of what to say. “O-of course I do. Why else would I ask for your help with asking her out if I didn’t?”
“Maybe… maybe at the time you thought you liked her.” 
“I did and I still do.”
“Do you really though? Because you don’t have any chemistry with her. Not like you do with... With me.”
His emotions flood him like an ocean overtaking a desert. How can he deny something so true? Except he has too. Not simply because of his bet on Amanda, but because what do two people like them know about romantic devotion? One who doesn’t believe in it and the other who enjoys the chase too much to care about commitment. When the pads of her fingers grazed his face yesterday, he thought he would do anything else to have it on him again. He’d chop off the hand of anyone else who tried to touch him if it meant forgetting what she made him sense. With her standing in front of him, he could have all of that. However, he knows how fragile her heart is and he can’t be the one to accidentally break it. 
“I have no idea what you are talking about Y/N. I like Amanda and I’m going on a date with her. What else would all of this be for? You and I are purely friends and I value that friendship.” 
A dagger to her back isn’t the word for what this feels like. It’s more accurate to say that he put a bag over her head and held it there to leave her gasping for air. This is why she doesn’t believe in love. Because right when a person thinks they have it, the universe rips it away from them in some cruel act. It’s what happened to her mother and it is what’s happening to her at this moment. She fights back the swell that is trying to burst through her tear ducts. She steps away from him, inching toward the front door. Her head swivels to the side and she watches the potted plant on the side sway with the wind. “Right, friends. How could I be so wrong? I mean what would I know about love if I’ve never been in it? I’m going to go. Good luck on your date,” she apologizes, leaving without letting him say another word. Once she is gone, Rafe doesn’t know how he keeps himself upright. His head feels dizzy and his heart is being put through a shredder. He had to do it. There is no happy ending for them. Not for two people who have no idea what it is to be in love.
A month with Amanda was one month too long. Every date they went on further proved the mistake he made the day of their first date. He tried to be the boyfriend she deserved. Tried to fall in love with her. Just because it started as a dare, doesn’t mean it can’t be more for him. Nothing he did could make that sentiment true. His mind was occupied with someone else. With someone, he is trying to protect by lying about how he truly feels about her. This was wrong though and he knew how he could fix it. “And my dress to the party is going to be light pink, so I need your tie to mat-” Amanda can’t finish her thought cause Rafe interrupts her. “I think we should break up.” Her lips move to form soundless words. “Wh-what do you mean?” she cries with her bottom lip quivering. “We aren’t working out. I think it’s best that we break up,” he justifies. He gets up from the table and jogs out of the coffee shop to his car. If they never dated, then he couldn’t break her heart. Except it also meant he didn’t get to spend any more doughnut days. He didn’t get any more afternoons watching The Good Place. He didn’t go to The Wreck out of fear of seeing her. Getting those moments with her is worth the possibility of ending up unhappy because then he would have the good memories they made to keep him company. Mistakes can be made and they can also be fixed. 
Topper and Kelce talk at the booth in the corner, pausing every time Y/N gets close to them. She pays no real attention to them whilst she cleans the table around them. She focuses on finishing her task so she can go home when her shift finishes in ten minutes.  Once she finishes wiping down the table, she picks up the bus tub and starts to head toward the kitchen. Her hand goes for her phone, which makes her realize she left her phone on the chair back there. She spins to get it and catches the back end of the boys’ conversation. “I mean not only does he call her a dog, but he also compared her fuckability to a bag of potatoes and the universe is still like ‘Yeah, sure. She’ll help you win 10K by helping you get a date with her best friend.’ I mean how is that fair.” The tub at the side of her hip clatters on the ground, causing the friends to turn in her direction. “Shit,” Topper whispers. She storms toward them and slams her hands against the table, “Tell me everything.” And for fear of their dicks, they divulge every single detail about that night at the bonfire. 
Thanks to Sarah, who asked Kiara, Rafe knew that Y/N was working today and that her shift was about to end. He leans up against the truck, waiting for her to exit the restaurant. He thinks against putting her bike in his truck already, so she doesn’t feel obligated to talk to him. He pushes off of the side of the truck as soon as he catches sight of her walking down the wooden ramp. He frowns the closer she gets because he can now clearly see that she is touching her face to wipe away tears. Anger fills him at the thought of someone hurting his Petite Louve. He wants to harm whoever did this to her. 
He rushes to the end of the ramp, “Petite Louve, who did this to you?” He restrains himself from pulling her into a hug; instead, he waits for her to blanket herself in his hold. She freezes at his voice, chuckling at his appearance. “Oh, I didn’t know you cared about me again. Thought you would be too busy basking in the glory of your Beautiful to care for someone who can be out fucked by potatoes,” she growls, furiously digging her palms into her eyes to get rid of her tears. She refuses to let him see her vulnerable again. His eyes widen as words he said so long ago are repeated back to him. His hand drags down his mouth, “Who told you that?” “Does it really matter when it’s your words that are causing me pain?” she counters. His hands ghost her shoulders with a shake. “You don’t know the full story,” he argues, running his hands through his hair. She chortles, “So the full story isn’t that you called me a dog and said that I wasn’t attractive before using me to win a bet that would hurt my best friends. And you LIED about it. You made me so much worse of a friend than I thought I was.” “What I said doesn’t mean anything. It was all a lie. It was before… before I knew who you truly were,” he croaks, knowing this isn’t going to end as he thought it would. 
“It’s either a lie or said because you didn’t know me. Choose one because neither of those things is acceptable to me. And to think that I thought I was actually falling in love with you. You go ahead and prove that everything I thought about love is true.”
“You were falling for me?”
“No. I don’t believe in love, so I guess my brain was a little confused. How could it think that someone so selfish and self-centred could be the one for me?”
He knows that her words are true and are merely a fraction of her agony at the revelation. He is left gapping like a fish, searching for any word that would convey how sorry he is for everything. She isn’t satisfied by his wordless scramble, so she gets onto her bike. She doesn’t look back at him as she rides back home. “Fuck,” he yells once she is finally out of sight. He kicks the tire of his car. Topper and Kelce sheepishly come out, discussing how they are going to reveal this all to Rafe. For all they know, Rafe is in love with Amanda. They stop in their tracks. “Rafe…What are you doing here?” Topper frets, approaching the boy hesitantly. Rafe’s eyes burn into their souls, “WHO TOLD HER?” “It was an accident man. We’re sorry. Maybe she won’t tell Amanda,” Kelce hopes. Rafe’s hand tugs at the strands of his hair, “I don’t fucking care about Amanda. Y/N is torn up about what happened and she hates me even more than before. I was about to try to fix everything and now because of you two shitheads, I have no chance.” He slams the car door entering it, cursing why he had to screw this up in the first place.
Y/N had to tell Amanda the truth. She isn’t like Rafe; she can’t lie to the people she cares about. “I’m so sorry, Babe. I understand if you don’t want to be friends. I would hate myself too. I just hope you can forgive me for what I have done,” she begs with tears in her eyes. Amanda’s hand cups her friend’s, “I love you and it’s the past.” Y/N looks at Amanda with big eyes.
“You are too forgiving.”
“Or maybe you aren’t forgiving enough. Your mom forgave your dad a long time ago, so why shouldn’t I forgive you?” 
“Are you back onto this again? You think I should forgive my dad.” 
“He needs a chance, not forgiveness. From the moment you were old enough, you hated your dad. He has never gotten the chance to show you that he loves you. I mean, have you ever asked your mom how she feels now about everything?” 
Y/N stiffens, taking in the suggestion her best friend gave. Amanda continues at Y/N’s silence, “Because I have, Y/N/N. She said that in the moment, it felt horrible. But… as she got older, she realized that it was the right choice. Their relationship was the product of an affair, so she would’ve never been able to trust him if they got married.” “I… uhh… I never knew she felt that way,” Y/N admits, bowing her head in shame. Amanda squeezes Y/N’s hand, “That’s okay. You do now, therefore it means you can change. Give your dad a chance. Now, tell me what is going on with you and Rafe?” “Nothing has been going on with him,” Y/N lies. Amanda giggles, “I’m your best friend. I know when you are lying.” “Fine, I thought that I was falling for him. It was a mistake. He was just using me to get to you. I let him convince me to hurt you and I was such a bad friend for that,” Y/N reasons. Amanda shakes her head, “Please stop beating yourself up over that. As for Rafe, I think it turned into something so much more than getting your help with me.” “Why would you say that?” Y/N inquiries with a tilt of her head. “He broke up with me earlier tonight and he seemed to be on a mission when he left. From what you told me, he was going to tell you something,” Amanda starts to illuminate. “Plus, I know people think that I’m clueless, but I could tell his mind was occupied by someone else during our relationship. He always wanted to watch The Good Place while eating powdered jelly doughnuts. In hindsight, that should’ve been my indicators as to who he was thinking about.”
Y/N looks at her best friend with glassy eyes, “Really?” “Yeah, I would go along with it because it made me feel like I was hanging out with you. And I like hanging out with you too,” Amanda confesses, looking down with a smile. Y/N is touched by her soul sister’s words and pulls Amanda into a hug, “That was so sweet. You know you are more intelligent than people give you credit for and I’m sorry I don’t realize that more often.” “It’s okay. And I know I’m smart. I also know that you need someone to take care of.” Amanda kisses her friend’s forehead and they remain in each other’s grasp for the rest of the night. 
After seeing her for the first time in a month, Rafe didn’t know how he lived without her. What they had was so brief, yet it burned so brightly in his mind. He keeps reliving the memory of them in his mind and it makes his heartache that he doesn’t have more with her. He has to make this right with her for his sanity and his heart. He can’t relive the past; he has to find a way to make a future for them possible. This leads him to the one person in the world who will know how to fix everything. It kinda feels like an ironic full circle to him. “I know I’m probably the last person you want to see right now after I broke your heart. But I really do need your help,” he pleads to Amanda, who is in her backyard tanning. Her eyes find him through her sunglasses, “I’m more pissed off that you hurt Y/N more than anything you did to me.” “Right, right. I can understand why you feel that way. What I did to both of you was shitty,” he confirms, rubbing the back of his neck. She shrugs, “It was. I thought she was finally coming around to the idea of love and now, thanks to you, she feels like she has direct confirmation that it isn’t real.” “I’m sorry.” She scoffs, “Sorry isn’t exactly going to fix what you did.” 
“I know. I’ll do anything to get your forgiveness. And I want to show Y/N that love is really because… Because I love her.”
Amanda sits up completely at the new revelation, “You love her?” “I do. I can’t get her out of my head. I wake up and I’m thinking about her. I go to sleep and I’m thinking about her. Every moment in between I spend beating myself up for letting her go,” he rants, tearing up at the thought of this not going where he wants to go. She crosses her arms, “Well, I want you to be beating yourself up forever.” “Don’t you also want to see Y/N happy?” he counters. 
“I do. And that’s what do you want to do? Make her happy?”
“I want to make her the happiest fucking person in the world and I would give up anything in the world for that to happen.” 
“Fine, I’ll help you. If you hurt her though, I will have my father pull out of the deal with yours and absolutely take down Cameron Development. It’s my turn to be protective of her.” 
Rafe nods, “I would deserve so much more than that if I hurt Y/N. Now, how many rom-coms am I going to have to watch and do you have doughnuts for while we are watching them?” 
Y/N couldn’t believe she was considering doing this right now. She’s walked up and down the driveway so many times that she seriously thinks she should get on her bike and leave. The door swinging open stops her from escaping the situation. “Y/N, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?” Willard steps outside and rushes to check on his daughter. She steps back to stay away from her father’s touch. “I’m fine, Dad. Can I ask you a question?” she cuts to the chase. Willard’s head moves up and down, “Of course. Anything, Kiddo.” “Did you really love Mom?” she spews, eyes glued to her hands playing with themselves. His eyes are slightly wide as he answers, “I did. I regret lying and causing her pain, especially since it meant losing the chance to be your father.” “Why did you do it then?” she pushes further, needing all the answers as to why her father broke their family apart before they could become one. He stares at her for a second, “Life is complicated. I had an affair with your mother when my marriage was showing signs of problems. I was young and thought that running from my problems was the solution. When I found out about you, I realized I had to grow up. So I went back home, worked on my marriage, and focused on earning money to help provide for you.” 
“I was the reason why you broke Mom’s heart?” she whimpers, an awful feeling growing in her stomach at the thought of risking her mother’s love life. Willard shakes his head, “No, none of this is your fault, Kiddo. I was the idiot who broke your mother’s heart. It was never your fault, so don’t think that for even a second.” “Right. Well, thank you for answering my questions,” she states, backing away from her father with her head down low. He scrambles after his daughter, “Wait, is that all you wanted to talk about?” She falls in a standstill. “No… I was thinking that maybe we could go out together sometime. I think that I want to give our relationship a chance.” Willard grins, “Of course, I’m free right now if you want to go out for a late lunch.” “I can work with that,” she agrees.
Lunch with her father worked quite well and her mom was glad that it did. “I think it’s great that you are trying to have a relationship with your dad. The resentment you had for him wasn’t healthy,” Cordelia praises her daughter, bringing her into a hug. Y/N smiles at her mom, “Yeah, it was fun. Although, I still don’t think I want him paying for uni if he doesn’t have to. I want to try having a little bit of my own independence.” “I think that’s great, Baby. Remember that your father and I are always here to help you if you need it,” Cordelia assures. A knock at the door pulls them apart. “I’ll get it.” Her mother leaves her bedroom, so she flops back on her bed with a sigh. “Y/N, you have a guest,” the mother announces from downstairs. Y/N groans because she is just getting comfortable. She rolls out of bed and falls on the floor with a grunt. Her hair is a little chaotic, yet doesn’t bother to fix it. The echo of her weight jumping from stair to stair is the only one that can be heard throughout the house. “Babe, I didn’t know you were coming ov-” Y/N starts, thinking Amanda is at the door because it is the only plausible answer. She ceases once she lays a sight on who it is. “You have a lot of balls coming here,” she says with her hand coming down on her jutted-out hip. 
Rafe gives her a sheepish smile, “I know. Could we talk?” Y/N huffs, thinking about her new streak of giving people chances. She turns to her mother, who is standing near the door. “You guys probably want privacy. I really don’t want to; however, I will be going to the store to get more… eggs?” Cordelia excuses herself, taking her purse and keys to head to the store. “I’m sorry,” he breathes out now that they are alone. Her eyebrows raise, “Is that all you wanted to say?” “No, it’s just the beginning of everything I have to say. I wanted to give you a chance to back out,” he acknowledges. 
She motions with her hands for him to continue. “Lying to you so it risked your relationship with Amanda was horrible. I’m glad that you guys are still friends. It was also terrible that thing that I said about sex and potatoes. It was out of line. I’m sorry and don’t believe that it is true. Those weren’t my biggest mistakes though. My biggest mistake was telling you that we didn’t have any chemistry. Because we fucking do. We have a whole chemistry lab. Test tubs and drugs and all,” he raves. She doesn’t want to giggle, except that the comparison he made was too good not to laugh at. “You know people normally equate chemistry with sparks or fireworks,” she faults, turning her head to the side so he can’t see her amusement. He chuckles with her, “I don’t think we can be considered as normal. I’m an idiot who messes everything up half of the time and you are a stubborn girl who doesn’t believe in love.” “So you’re saying that all girls have to believe in love,” she chides. Rafe panics, “No, I didn’t mean it like that I… uh.” 
“It’s fine, stopping blubbering like a fish out of water,” she commands. His mouth closes and he scratches the back of his neck. “I see you haven’t lost your bark,” he comments. 
“If I lose my bark, then I wouldn’t be me.”
“Right, petite louves always have a bark.”
“Wolves don’t bark. They howl.”
“Okay, I think we are a little off track.”
She shuts up at his words, waiting for him to continue. Silence fills the room as Rafe gets everything off of his chest. “That’s all you want to say?” she confirms. His mouth ups and closes before he nods. “It’s my turn to talk. One. I don’t really care about the potato thing. I’m a virgin so I don’t expect to have any sort of skill in that department. Two. You are lucky Amanda forgave me or else your dick would be hammered to my bike. Three. I tried to open up to you and you lied to me. How am I supposed to trust you after that?” she tirades. Rafe hmms, “Those are all valid points. And I hope maybe you can trust me by letting me show you that I truly love you.” “You don’t love me. You just think you do. Love doesn’t exist,” she reveals. Rafe objects, “I think that you changed your mind on it and are too scared to admit that you did.” “Yeah because look where believing in love landed me. Almost losing my best friend and my heart felt like it just got crushed by an anvil,” she fires back with venom laced in her words. A crooked smile forms on his lips, “So you admit that you do love me.” “I-I… umm. That’s not wh-... um,” she babbles, trying to untie herself from the net he caught her in. 
He takes this as a chance to step closer to her, “Now, look who is the fish, Petite Louve.” He perceives the way her breath stops falling on his skin and a sense of victory finds its way through him. She stares up at him with a dumbfounded look, trying to think of a comeback. Rather than doing so, she falls victim to her own desires and pulls him down so her lips can meet his. His arms grip her waist, just above her bum to pull her closer to him. Their kiss deepens and suddenly, air isn’t something they need. A cough from the front door ends the motion of their lips. Their heads press together as they see who is there. Cordelia gives the pair a bashful smile, “Sorry, I forgot my phone.” 
They wait for her to get her phone from the kitchen. “Rafe, you are staying for dinner when I get back. I also look forward to hearing your apology to me for hurting my baby girl,” Cordelia proclaims, closing the door at the last word. Y/N steps away from him, examining the hardwood floor to gather her thoughts. “This doesn’t mean that everything is completely fine between us. You don’t get to earn my trust back with the snap of your fingers,” she discloses, toeing at the floor with the point of her foot. Rafe’s head bobs, “Definitely, I understand. It will take at least a thousand strawberry jelly doughnuts for that.” She gives him a shove, laughing through her nose. “It’s going to take a lot more than doughnuts for what you have to do,” she adds. “I know. I am prepared to give you all the jelly doughnuts in the world and so much more to help you truly believe in love.” 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @nonbullshit-toleratingkindagirl
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dawndelion-winery · 8 months
Just Like That
Guiding their starry-eyed junior (can be viewed as platonic or romantic)
Ft. Alhaitham, Cyno, Dottore, Kaveh, Tighnari
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Haravatat was...well it had the lowest enrollment rate for a reason
And having enrolled yourself, you were starting to see why
But you wouldn't let that deter you!!
You'd heard of the exemplary senior in your darshan by the name of Alhaitham and decided to seek him out for assistance
Which in itself, you felt, should have earned you an award of sorts given how hard he was to find
He excelled at making himself scarce, perhaps even more than he did at his work
Worse still was convincing him to tutor you
As passionate as you were to learn, he wasn't the type to be moved by devotion, and teaching you seemed like more trouble than he cared to deal with
Worst of all was the roundabout, cryptic ways he'd phrase his rejection: never a direct no, it always had to be in another language in some sort of riddle
Until you realised his stupidly annoying phrasings were his way of teaching you subtly
You should be more annoyed with him (enough to never speak to him again) but for whatever reason, him opting to help you, however ridiculously, was touching enough for you to hang around him even more
You'd looked forward to the day you enrolled in Spantamad
After all you'd heard of incredible alchemists like Albedo from Mondstadt and Rhinedottir from an ancient civilisation
But of course, Rhinedottir's work wasn't something you could freely research
And the ley lines!
You'd found a bunch of ley lines that, very strangely, spawned in a foggy orb which when walked into, spawned monsters
You concluded soon enough that the yellow ones gave you mora while the blue ones gave you old academic texts
Now, Cyno first approached you because of interest in Rhinedottir's alchemy
It was mainly to warn you to remember the sins and how you ought to be careful
And then he followed you on one of your ley line trips because it was suspicious how you kept finding notes from adventurers who went missing
Sometimes even the occasional weatherworn documents on research not documented in the Akademiya library
And you were fighting random monsters for this? With no way of knowing what would come out? What if there are rift hounds or something worse?
Absolutely not on your own. He's coming with you from now on
Trust in your reliable senior to beat up anything the ley lines spawn with ease
You must have thought you were real smart getting into Ksharewar
Until you found every Kshahrewar student is brilliant and you're not all that special
The very first time you found a puzzle you couldn't solve, you holed yourself up in the library for endless trial and error
Which only ended when some disgruntled senior came by and solved it for you because you were taking up his usual spot
With his fluffy, electric blue hair and startling ruby eyes, he was an eccentric sort of handsome
And so you scooted to the side for him to sit with you
And he only stared at you wondering why you hadn't left yet
Not that you would now that he's sat beside you
Looking over his solution, he was no doubt the brightest of the brilliant fellows in your darshan, and you'd be damned if you didn't get him to teach you his ways
Against his better judgement, he did finally cave to taking you under his wing
Begrudgingly. Though he wouldn't necessarily get rid of you at the first chance he got
You had the opportunity to attend the Akademiya while the Light of Ksharewar did, what an honour
His work ethic was really something else
It was... inspirational to see, but frustrating to work with
Can you imagine being on your nineteenth draft because the professor squinted a little too hard at your submission which clearly implied they weren't fully satisfied with it?
Yeah well there's no need to imagine, (read in salesman voice) because with Kaveh, that becomes a reality!
For the low low price of your happiness and sanity, you too could be as much of a perfectionist as Kaveh
Of course he isn't that hard on you
He offers to redo the drafts himself since he's the one who thinks there should be modifications
But for one, you weren't about to waste an opportunity to learn from him
And second, you'd feel bad if he slaved away at it himself
So you often ended up in the House of Daena at ungodly hours with him
Which in turn sparks gossip because of how tired you seem and your peers knowing you're often with your very pretty senior
Congrats on getting into the most popular darshan, Amurta
I sure hope bio is your strong suit bc it isn't mine
The potential projects you can pick from is so broad that it's impossible to have nothing to do and it's doing wonders for your mental state
Until it's not and you find yourself burnt out
Professors who once praised your drive and dedication now look at you in disappointment and disapproval
It's heartbreaking, really, until they ask Tighnari to guide you, thinking you've had a change of heart about your passions
Tighnari called bullshit on this, of course
He knew what the actual situation was once your change in behaviour was described to him
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So when you'd nervously ask him how he was gonna get you back on the work grind, he scoffed and took you out for some relaxing field work
You were wondering what the point of it was, but didn't think it wise to question your well respected senior
At least until his sass got to you and you started quipping back
To which he finally laughed as though he'd succeeded in something
"There you go, you depressing lummox. About time you started loosening up. Stop losing your mind over what you can't do, or you'll start spiralling even more."
Taglist: @ryuryuryuyurboat @yinyinggie @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @haliyamori @irethepotato @boundedbyfate @favonius-captain @aqui-soba @tiredsleep
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leennaan · 5 months
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Alessia Russo// Take on the world pt1
Warnings: fluff, mentions of anxiety, sickness-corona, it gets a bit angsty at the end, English isn’t my first language so there could be some grammar and spelling mistakes, it got pretty long so I hope you don’t mind
This story is based on the song „Take on the world“ by You me at six. The song gets a bigger role in the next part so if you haven’t heard it before go check it out🙃
The first time that you had met Alessia was in 2019 when you started your Freshman Year at UNC.
Alessia being a Junior and also Captain of the Tar Heels soon took you under her wing.
The two of you became inseparable in a really short time.
The team started to tease you endlessly but you didn’t mind it.
Lotte was the one that made you realize that you felt a bit more than just friendship for Alessia. She came to you after a really intense practice and basically told you to make a move already. And you did. After you ignored her for a week because you got to much into your own head.
Alessia noticed your absence and forced you to speak to her. It was the best thing that she could’ve done.
„Y/N what happend? Did I do something wrong?“ She had cornered you after the last training session of the week.
You just shook your head, painfully aware of how close she was.
„Just say the word. Whatever it is. I can see, see the pain in your eyes. I care for you. You know.“
„I’m sorry. I just… it just got all too much and than Lotte got me thinking… and you are my best friend I don’t want to lose you…“
„Hey hey breath. Look in my eyes, I will never desert you.“
And you did. Her blue eyes were filled with concern and something else. Something that was reflected in your own. She was just as scared as you.
In that moment you remembered something that your father had said to you when you were younger.
„You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.“
So your took your chance, be damned the consequences.
You leaned in and kissed her, slowly and with out much pressure, prepared for her stepping back or even pushing you away but she didn’t.
Alessia tensed for just a second before she realized what had happened.
She was the one to deepen the kiss, pulling you towards her.
The both of you couldn’t help the smile that broke out on your faces, that ultimately made you both stop the kiss.
„You have no idea how long I wanted to do that.“ Said the blonde when you looked at each other again.
She pulled you into a bone crushing hug. Oh how you loved Alessias hugs.
„If I didn’t make myself clear. I really really like you Lessi.“ You whispered in her ear still scared that she was somehow only messing with you.
„I really like you too. Y/n I would love for you to be my girlfriend, i care so much for you.“
Instead of giving her a verbal answer you just leaned in again and kissed her . This time the blonde striker kissed right back. It felt so right. It wasn’t your first kiss, but it felt so much better than any other kiss you had before.
Lotte would later tease the both of you that she was the reason the two of you had got together but she would shut up when the two of you started to kiss each other in front of her.
„Alright alright I stop, I don’t need to see the two of you shoving each other’s tongue down the other’s throat. O what have I done.“ Lotte shook her head disgusted but the smile on her face betrayed her. You could see how happy the defender was for you and her best friend.
Your first year at college was one of the best years of your life.
You felt like you were on cloud nine. Alessia and you were stronger than ever, wether it be on the field or off.
Alessia scored the goals, you gave the assists.
So when the new year came you were exited for what was coming.
2020 started as good as 2019 had ended. Alessia and you had both been called up for the senior team for the first time.
It was the highlight of your young career, something that you hade dreamed of since you were a little kid. But boy were you nervous and you weren’t the only one.
The day before you were meant to travel to base camp was spent with Alessia.
The whole day you could feel how nervous she was.
At lunch with your friends she zoned out every few minutes, her leg bouncing up and down until you laid your hand on her leg in silent support.
But that didn’t stop her from biting her lip.
You didn’t comment on it, just silently supporting her. You knew that she was in her own head and that it wouldn’t help her to draw attention to her fidgety nervous self.
You were glad when Alessia asked you to sleep at hers and Lottes because you knew she wouldn’t be able to fall asleep otherwise and also because it would help you too.
She pulled you close once the two of you had settled in bed, silently rubbing her hand up and down your back. It was not only helping her but you too. The both of you relaxing for the first time today.
“Silence the voices, that haunt you inside.” You whispered in the blondes ear and you couldn’t see her smile slightly. Glad that the both out you knew each other so well.
“You deserve to be called up, you deserve this place. You don’t have to be great, hell you don’t even have to be anything. It’s our first camp, they don’t have any expectations. Just show them what you are made of, what you train for every day. And most importantly just be you.”
You smiled proudly at Alessia and kissed her forehead.
When she looked up into your eyes she could only see trust and love.
The national camps went better than expected for you as well as for Alessia.
But shortly after the international break everything became a lot messier.
In early March you watched the news at one training, seeing how the whole world started to shut down.
You could see the uncertainty in a lot of your international teammates.
Lotte and Lessi also looking on in concern, especially when pictures from the hospitals in Italy were showed.
You could see the worry in Alessias eyes, so you pulled her into your arms, squeezing her tight.
The next evening you walked with Lotte to her dorm after class.
When Lotte opened her dorm room you saw Lessi sitting on her bed, talking on her phone, tears silently running down her cheeks.
You immediately walked over to her, pulling her into you and silently supporting her.
“Yeah mum, I… look into flights… I try to be home as soon as possible.”
She said and your heart sank.
Lotte had come over as well and had sat down on your Girlfriends bed.
Alessia ended the call and sunk into your arms.
“My Nonno got covid, he was admitted to the hospital yesterday but my Nonna said that they don’t have enough rooms anymore so he ha sto stay in the corridor.
My Mother is scared for him, the situation in Italy is escalating so quickly. She wants me home before we are not allowed to travel home anymore.” She said and you watched as more tears streamed down her face.
“My mother called me this morning. She wants me back home too.” Said Lotte and pulled her best friend into her own arms.
You remained quiet.
Of course you understood that Alessias and Lottes parents wanted them home. The virus was spreading quicker than anyone had anticipated.
But you couldn’t help but feel a bit selfish. You didn’t want them to go back to England, to leave you here in America, but most of all you were scared what that would mean for yours and Lessis relationship, but you loved her and you knew that it was the best for her to go back.
„I don’t want to leave. I know I am selfish and that it’s best to go home and be with my family but I don’t want to leave you.“ Alessia was close to tears again when she looked at you, her lip quivering.
„I know Baby, I don’t want you to leave either, but it is the right decision.“
You noticed that Lotte had slipped out of the room to give you some space and you were grateful.
You kissed her soft lips, trying to convey your own feelings, your love for her.
„Love, I think over the last few months was fortunate to get to know you and I would say that I sometimes know you better than you know yourself.“ You were glad when Less chuckled.
„Do you remember what you said to me that day, we got together? Look in my eyes, I will never desert you. I say the same to you now. I know it will not be easy, but you just need to say the word and we will take on the world together, okay?!“
The smile on Alessias face was all you needed for you to know that whatever may happen in the future the two of you would be alright. You knew that even around 6.500 kilometers wouldn’t destroy what Alessia and you had.
Still you were not prepared for the day were Alessia and Lotte actually left.
It was one week after that fateful evening. Lotte and Alessia had talked with your coaches and teachers and they weren’t the only international students that were leaving campus.
The Virus had only spread and even your own family became increasingly worried. So you too were thinking about leaving campus to go back to your family in New York.
With the pressure of international flights being canceled left and right, the English girls had booked the next possible flight. So with in 5 days they had packed their thinks and were now standing with you at the airport, luggage by there side.
All three of you had tears streaming down your faces. No one knew what the next few days, weeks or even months would bring.
„I will miss you guys! Just promise that whatever happens we stay in contact, okay?!“
Alessia was hugging you her face hidden in your hair, hands grabbing your shirt as if she could take you with her.
„I love you so much! No matter what ok? We will call and face time and we will back in no time.“ Your heart shattered hearing her broken voice. And you couldn’t help but just nod. You pulled Lotte into your hug, you would miss the brown haired defender almost as much as Alessia. She had become one of your closest friends over the last year.
„I am just one phone call away. No matter the time difference. Just call me whenever alright? You too Lotte! You don’t know how much the two of you mean to me.“
„You too Y/n. We will see each other soon.“
With one last hug you said goodbye to Lotte before pulling Lessi into you for one last time.
„I‘ll miss you so much!“ You whispered and kissed her hard. A promise of Love and forever.
„Remember, we will face the world together ok? We will be alright.“
Alessia was looking into your eyes with so much love that you could only smile before kissing her one last time.
With a heavy heart you watched as the two girls left for security. One last wave from the two and they were gone.
Gone for an unknown amount of time
Pt 2 is already in the works so stay tuned 😀
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https-immotmari · 5 months
❝ Crush na crush na crush kita! ❞ ─── pjsk boys!
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Just from the title, y'all should have a thought of where I come from lmao <(^-^)>! Anyways, third request came in and I hope you don't mind the reader's gender being neutral, thank you!~
fandom! .project sekai character(s) used! .akito shinonome, toya aoyagi, tsukasa tenma and rui kamishiro gender of reader! .gn!reader however, implied fem!reader implied in toya's and tsukasa's sections head start! .reader, in both akito's and toya's, is a senior, reader in toya's section is tsukasa's older (by one minute) twin sibling, light angst in toya's section, rui's reader is a foregnier and doesn't understand nor speak japanese very well however, they can understand english
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. . .akito shinonome!
❝ Di mo ba nadarama? (Don't you feel?) ❞
what in the H E double hockey sticks is he feeling?!
he doesn't know why his heart goes crazy just the mere sight of you he doesn't know why he suddenly stutters his words when talking to you, he just doesn't understand why his mind wants to see you every day.
well, to everyone, it's no surprised you've captured the hearts of majority of the student population in kamiyama high. you're literally the IT girl/boy/person of kamiyama and you aren't even aware of it.
you're even a great senior! he met you through toya, who was trying to find tsukasa since he wanted to confirm something and they found him talking to you, and he was instantly whipped! though, he denies it.
toya lightly teases him that he acts like a mess when you're around him and akito just barks back with lies, just to save his pride.
"I'm telling the truth, toya. I don't act weird whenever (last name)-san is around." akito denied his best friend's, toya, accusation. him? having a crush on the school's heartthrob? that's stupid. he would never-
"excuse me?" akito suddenly froze on the spot as toya twirled his head only to see you carrying a bunch of test papers. "oh? toya? and uhm.." you squinted your eyes, trying to recall the name of the frozen ginger beside toya, "oh right! akito, right? you're ena's cute little brother, hm?" you tilt your head forward a bit, smiling in his way.
in the end, toya had the last laugh as he watches his best friend being completely different around their senior, "I told you so." as akito clutches his chest, where his heart is at.
just innocently dropping hints to toya that he 'needs' help with a difficult math problem, that's probably a year above them level, and that he needs a reliable and amazing senior to help him.
he ends up having tsukasa and sometimes rui, it's rare having you to 'help' him since you're quite busy as well.
but, that doesn't stop him! he often has toya delivers his little gifts, after a long time convincing toya that it was his older sister's, ena, request to deliver 'her' gifts, to your desk when you're not around, some students may have thought that toya has a crush on you.
his little gifts consist of key chains of (favorite things), sometimes flowers and pins with your favorite series/anime/manga/etc.
how he knew this? he actually got information from one of ena's conversation with you and your post from your social medias, in which he secretly hearts everything on an alternative account.
he turns into a lovesick puppy the moment you walk in, if he were a puppy, his tail would be going crazy all the while his face would be a hot mess.
during the sport event, you were one of the mc's and it made akito's motivation in winning increased TO THE MAX!
he was running faster than ever, even ena was suprised to see her little brother like that, poor tsukasa who was on his back, tsukasa was holding onto akito's shoulders for dear life.
"shinonome-san is running as fast as ever! it seems like he's eager to win, don'tcha think, partner?" the other mc look at you, waiting for your commentary.
you chuckled, smiling as you watch the intense match between your juniors, mizuki and akito. "I couldn't agree more, partner! even poor tenma-san is holding on for dear life~" both you and your partner snickered.
after he won that match, he was congratulated by you over the mic and no one can image the furious blush appearing on his cheeks, like, YOU, out of all people, were to congratulate him first before toya can?????
he was on cloud nine that even toya had a difficult time in getting him back to his senses till they were in their band practice, an hand to shake him back to life.
he denies this for a long time but, on valentine's day, instead of the classic chocolates and flower, he actually got you special and that he's proud of but, never admit it was him.
he got the valentine's day special chocolate pancake with (favorite fruit) on the side from the place where he usually buys his pancakes, he bought it using his hard-earned money. he also made oragami flowers, bouquet of flowers actually, the flowers being all of your favorite kinds. he actually spent a lot of time and dedication on the oragami flowers and learned them from a lot of youtube videos.
of course, he remained anonymously.
out all the gifts you've received that day, his gift stand out the most due to his effort in making it perfect. you gushed about it to your friends and one of them was ena. she had a gut feeling that it was her little brother, akito, but never got confirmation.
he doesn't know why his heart goes crazy just the mere sight of you, he doesn't know why he suddenly stutters his words when talking to you, he just doesn't understand why his mind wants to see you everyday. Don't you feel it?
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. . .toya aoyagi!
❝ Crush mo rin kaya ako? (Do you have a crush on me too?) ❞
you're actually tsukasa's older, by one-minute, twin sibling so, he's known you very well.
though, he wasn't able to have a lot of conversation with you back then since you were more focused on your youngest sibling's, saki, health and was always in the hospital, in which he couldn't go, fearing that it upset his father.
despite not often having to chat with you, toya can see you as the loving and caring older tenma sibling, within the three tenma siblings, you're the matured and calm one, one of the reasons why toya and you got along pretty well.
him crushing on you came when you caught him tearing up a bit after an argument he had with his father, he was a little kid at the time, and instead of degrading him for crying, you sat beside him and comforted him, whispering nothing but sweet things to him as he cried in your shoulder. you comforted him like how you comforted tsukasa whenever he has his episode due to him thinking he wasn't a great enough brother for saki.
after comforting him, you gave him a small smile and encouraged him to go after what he loves the most, and at that moment, the thing, or person, he loves the most at the moment, till now, is you. he just doesn't realize it till his unitmates told him he was, in fact, has a crush on you.
he felt the warm and loving aura coming out of you that you always give to your family, especially to your younger siblings. something he had craved from his father ever since he was born and yet he never received.
after that day, this little kid was always following you around like a little duckling, except in the hospital, in which you find it to be amusing and adorable since you've ever known toya to be the quiet yet blunt stoic kid and seeing him following you around whenever him and you are inside your house.
toya, at the time, didn't know why his cheeks felt warm and his heart going slightly faster than before whenever he encounters you. it makes him space out sometimes.
one time, he made a claw machine empty because he wanted to give you plushies like he gives to saki, through tsukasa, as well! you were surprised to see a lot of stuff toys in your room when you got back home from the hospital.
it made your face brighten up and as a thank you, you gave toya one of your beloved books in which you cherished the most so, image the shock expression he had once tsukasa told him that it was one of your cherished books you held dearly, and you gave it to HIM??
upon knowing that fact, the book you gave to him now has its very own section in his bedroom shelf, it even has its own clear protection case to keep the dust away if he's not reading it at the moment.
nobody is allowed to touch the book besides him and you.
now that you two, alongside tsukasa and saki, have grown into teenagers, you two have more screen time with each other now that saki is finally out of the hospital!
since you and tsukasa are the same age, meaning when toya was a freshman in kamiyama, you were a senior at miyamasuzaka, the same all-girls school saki is in.
despite being in different schools, you two interacted a lot! especially when all four of you hangout after school!
his feelings for you were rather obvious, at least to tsukasa and saki, he was so different from his quiet and stoic self.
whenever you're around, he smiles more often all the while talking to you, toya can't help it! you're just a beautiful scenery, it's a crime to not admire you. saki even called him out-
"(n/n) sure does look beautiful, right, toya-kun?" saki innocently teased the blue haired individual, who was admiring her older sibling as they baked a bunch of cookies for the four of them.
toya immediately snapped out of his daydreaming upon being called out, "o-oh.. yes, of course they are." he shyly nodded, feeling his cheeks warming up. saki simply chuckles, knowing damn well that she'll be the matchmaker alongside her older brother.
when vivid bad squad was formed, he immediately rushed to you and told you about it, you smiled at him, he was finally doing what he wanted and not what his father wanted, and you were proud of him.
whenever he's at band practice, he often unconsciously rambles about you to his bandmates, an and akito teases him about it, telling him that they didn't know toya has a crush.
that's when he furrows his brows, crush?
due to his oblivious self, an and akito, mostly an, explained to him that he has a crush on you, and he was like "oh...oh!"
now with this newfound information, he felt even more nervous around you, sometimes stuttering his words as if he's malfunctioning robot.
his heart just goes crazy and with the way you acted around him these couple of years, thanks to an explaining how most women acted when they have a crush on you, he wonders if you also have a crush on him too?
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. . .tsukasa tenma!
❝ Cross my heart, P.S. I love you ❞
he met you first in phoenix wonderland, you were a guest invited by one of your friends.
he, alongside his troupe members, was greeting the guests ever-so loudly and cheerfully and when his orange-yellow eyes set on you, his world just stopped right there and then.
your (h/c) was shining, complimenting your sparkling eyes and dazzling sweet smile, he felt his heart was racing, racing fast.
he was so stunned that when you and your friends came up to him and his troupe members, he was fumbling with his words all the while his troupe members cheerfully, mostly emu, greeted you and your friends. tsukasa's eyes were mostly on you, though he did try to act normal and tried to look at your friends as well but, his eyes kept glancing over you.
rui, who noticed this, teased him after you and your friends went away. tsukasa denied it, saying you look 'familiar' to him though, rui didn't seem convinced.
over the time your there, his eyes were trying to find you again, wanting to see if he was daydreaming that time but yet every time he sees you, he malfunctions again.
on the other hand, you caught him spying you from afar and whenever he quickly hides, you find it amusing.
he didn't know why he wanted to find out more about you, though you were a random guest, you can be EVERYWHERE!
but, I guess lady luck blessed him after a couple of weeks, he was in front of saki's school, miyamasuzaka, and while waiting, he saw you again! alongside your friends.
his eyes went wide, and my dude just stood there like 🧍‍♂️
once he and saki were back at home, he immediately bombarded her with a lot of questions about you.
"hey, saki, do you perhaps know somebody in your school with (h/c) hair and (uniform style/details about your uniform)?"
"oh, well there a lot of people with (h/c) hair in my school but, with the way you describe certain details uniform, I think you're referring to (last name)-san!"
that's where he learned about you as he watched saki talking about you gleefully, you were an assistant and close friend to the MORE MORE JUMP! members, no wonder why saki seems happier to talk about you to her older brother.
and no wonder he recognized you, he once saw you in shizuku's social media, in which he follows since they are good acquaintance with each other.
he thought about messaging you since shizuku tagged you in that one post. he wanted to formally apologize for weirding you out on that day.
and that's how you basically meet the blonde weirdo yet cutie from the theme park you visited a few weeks ago again. he firstly messaged you by introducing himself before apologizing for his behavior a couple of weeks ago, you honestly find it amusing and adorable. you two chatted with each other all day, and then the next day, and the next day-
after that, he invited you to hangout after school whenever your free, sometimes he brings along saki and toya, since you two bonded within the private messages you two have been sending each other.
honestly, he hasn't moved on from your first encounter, he still acts like a silly idiot around you. tsukasa doesn't even know why like, you're like everyone else, average yet has a certain charm around you making tsukasa even more invested into you.
whenever he's around you, he feels like very different that has him questioning himself about it. like, why does he feel funny around you but not to others? why does he feel the urge to impress you more with his charms and talents? why does he stutter his words out like a fool whenever it's you? WHY DOES HIS HEART YEARNS FOR YOU?!
I feel like he's seen a various of romance theaters, movies, dramas, etc (thanks to saki) so, he caught up with what's happening to him, it went like this;
"I'm in love..." the blonde muttered, finally knowing the reasons why he's acting differently to a certain someone. he had finally solved the mystery of his strange behavior whenever you're around!
"I'M IN LOVE- HAHHHHHHHHHH?!" tsukasa immediately stops himself upon seeing in the corner of his eyes, his troupe members all can be seen in the doorway, spying on their leader while rui was recording it with his signature smug cat-like smile plastered on his face.
in the end, let's just say rui, maybe emu and nene, got their blackmail for tsukasa.
he was quite shy at first but, he warms up since in his thoughts, he NEEDS to impress his crush, aka you, because the only way your crush is gonna notice you and wants to talk to you is to impress them! (tsukasa's words, not mine)
expects him to be a very, very, VERY gentleman towards you such as carrying your things, bringing you little snacks, escorting you to your house to your school along with saki, and many more that I can't possibly list down.
when he heard you were a fan of phenny-kun, he just has to impress you with his voice imitation of phenny-kun, he just had to. I mean, it IS his job, alongside his troupe members, to make people smile. his day brightens up whenever you enjoy his imitation of phenny-kun! doesn't he love you too much?
he probably made a play dedicated to you and have scenarios where you, the main character, and he as the love interest, he's too busy daydreaming he didn't notice that one of rui's inventions is coming straight to him-
he became a simp, your simp to be exact.
doesn't he love you so much? Cross his heart, he'll love you wholeheartedly that's for sure!
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. . .rui kamishiro!
❝ 'Di ko alam ang nangyayari (I don't know what's happening) ❞
he honestly didn't expect himself to be having a crush on somebody, especially when his crush is oblivious foreigner such as yourself.
you were the infamous transfer student he had heard about from the juniors; it was quite obvious due to your appearance alone, so you stick out like a sore thumb. if that wasn't bad enough, you also had a hard time understanding and speaking their language. you usually kept quiet as you feared that you might sound like an idiot when speaking japanese.
so now, picture this, a transfer student from (country) that has a hard time understanding and speaking japanese in a japanese high school, seated next to the well-known troublemaker of kamiyama high, now surely it won't be chaotic? spoilers, it did.
rui honestly finds you amusing, he would chuckle whenever he would ask for something to you, and you would completely give him another thing instead what he asks for.
it was another day in class in this new high school of yours, if the lectures make your head dizzy because it's difficult in understanding the teachers a bit, the purple head boy next to you makes it more difficult.
"psst.. mind letting me borrow your eraser for a moment?" he whispered to you, not wanting to get caught by the teacher. rui watched as you confusedly scanning your desk, trying to understand what he wanted from you.
'okay, he clearly wanted to borrow something... but, what??' you were thinking a bit too hard that the lecture from the teacher is mentally blocked from your head, now focusing on the given task by your seat mate.
"um.. t..t..this?" you tried pronouncing the said word in japanese but, it only sounded broken a bit, all the while showing rui a sharpener.
and that moment, rui kamishiro knew, he'll be going to enjoy this year.
you being shy reminds him a lot about nene but, in your reason, you were afraid of sounding stupid while speaking his country's language. though, he'll give you the benefit of the doubt since you were learning how to speak the language.
he teases you even though you mostly don't understand all he just said, which amused him more while you were determined to learn about the language more to know what rui is saying to you most of the time.
eventually, it was one of your daily routines to have rui tease you every day, even though you don't understand half of it but, hey! you're at least getting better with your japanese.
and with that, rui and your friendship began to develop as time went by, the purplenette introduced his unitmates to you and you were thankful that they introduced themselves in english. p.s rui rambles about you to them.
sometimes rui say english words to help you understand what he or other people are saying. though, if someone was mocking or insulting you, rui wouldn't even try to tell you what they are saying instead, he just guides you away from them by wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder and distracts you, though you had a gut feeling that the person was saying bad stuffs to you, you pick up some of their words and understand soe.
I think rui having a crush will take a long time since he's more on focusing on his inventions and his performances with his unitmates so, catching his attention in you, romantically, it's going to be a long ride. though, if you did, in which is going to happen, congratulations then.
though, he did start to feel whenever your around as the days goes by, and honestly, dude was confused. I feel like he has no grasp of like love and crushes since he's probably more focus on his works and his unit's performances that he doesn't have the time to think about anything else like love.
so yeah, it took him a long time to solve this difficult equation on why he feels weird whenever you are around/mentioned. he doesn't know what's happening to him.
with that, he went to nene and intentionally drop a topic like "what if somebody feels weird whenever somebody's around them, like something's making your heart beats faster?" and nene just look at him with a blank expression of hers, already knowing what's up with her childhood (best) friend however, she won't say it just for fun.
even with his newfound feelings, he acted the same but, once you come closer to his chest area where his heart is at, you'll hear his heartbeat. his teasing is still the same though he increased it to the max, anything for you<3
within school/lunch breaks, he'll teach you japanese words and how you pronounce them while you teach him english/(native language) words and how you pronounce it. though, that doesn't mean he'll stop teasing you just because him and you are teaching each other different languages, from time to time, he says to you compliments in japanese and when you try to pronounce it, his smug cat-like smile widens even more.
but, he'll only get scolded by you after you search about the phrases back at home, he'll do it again and again even if he's going to get scolded by you and he'll probably get the silent treatment by you<3
although jokes asides, he'll calm you down whenever you're feeling really anxious about speaking japanese, especially in front of the class whenever a teacher calls you out for recitation. he's one good listener and advice giver, so any problems you have, please go to him and he'll make it better, especially for you.
fast forward to summer holidays and school was ending, with all the moments and days you've spent with rui, you finally made a decision, something you'll feel embarrassed about but, hey! rui someone that is dear to you. as rui finished packing
up his things and mostly every one of your classmates were outside now, you approach rui very differently unlike the way you've approached him before this.
"rui.." you muttered out, loud enough for the said person to hear and make his head turn towards you.
"hmm, yes?" his eyes went immediately towards you, seeing a letter in your hands, your gaze shyer than ever, and some sort of red tint in your cheeks.
"I.. uhm.. I.." you stuttered out, trying to find the words you wanted to say to him. rui, noticing it, gives you a pat on the head as a sign of encouragement as what he always did to you whenever you feel nervous/anxious.
eventually, you finally did as what you have planned the day before, "I.. just want-ted.. togiveyouthis..!" you quickly finished yourself, saying it all in japanese, while handing the letter to him before quickly rushing out, leaving rui with a dumbfounded with a letter in his hand.
the mad sciencetist, I mean, the purplenette boy stared at the letter the rest of the time as he walks home, wondering what you wrote in this. though once he had opened and read it, he lets out a smile, not his usual smug cat-like smile but, a genuine and gleeful smile.
with his heart beating crazily as he only thought about what you wrote in that letter, his thoughts filled to the brim with you, he honestly doesn't know what's happening right now.
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Apologies for the long wait! school just recently started and this january I'm filled to the brim with projects and performance task >︿<!
and also, I had writer's block with rui's section though special thanks to one of my lomls @liqis-postoffice for the ideas &lt;3
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rules! + masterlist!
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luvevee · 9 months
So Carmine is honestly really sweet to watch develop! She seems like she's an older teenager, maybe a junior or senior, so her coping mechanisms for her instabilities like her anger are interesting to watch.
Hands clenching and being brought to her chest because they're shaking with anger. This seems to imply she's fighting to urge to hit whatever's making her angry.
Huge firework outbursts in response to slightest pushback. It's afterwards she explains what she really meant to get across by them.
She does not like change at all + is very vocal about how much she hates outsiders in her town.
Very very loud, and very vocal with her presence.
Incredibly remorseful and emotional when apologizing for mistakes she makes.
I think the most important thing to look at in the background is that Carmine understands she has a support system, and that's what makes the hugest difference in how she copes with everything.
When we get the mask, her first thought is "take it to grandpa" with no intention of withholding information. She's not scared she'll get in trouble or thinking of hiding things from them, she knows she has to be completely transparent and she can do that with her grandparents. She trusts them, she knows they'll help even if it's something so bizarre that most people would dismiss her experience.
Adding to that is when she learns the true story of the Loyal Three and Ogerpon. Her first impulse is to run into town to shout the truth. It isn't even a "we need to avenge our family lineage" thing, it's the misinformation that destroyed the lives of her ancestor, a man who wanted to live a new and quiet life, and a pokemon that was just reacting to the death of her trainer/parent. She's angry at the town for what they did to Ogerpon and she wants them to listen. Carmine's thinking of what she wants and what should happen. Her fiery personality paired with impulsivity leads to a lot of possibilities of problems.
But then her grandpa stops her. He doesn't scold her, he just asks "what would happen if they found out the truth after so long" and lets Carmine realize the answer is most likely "get angry" without putting down her impulsive, though valiant, urge to tell everyone the truth. He understands that Carmine just wants to make history right and that she's an honest young lady, but that she's very impulsive and very aggressive with how she goes about things. And the thing is Carmine listens to him, because she knows her grandpa is trying to help her understand the situation.
Her grandparents very obviously love her and understand that she needs some extra nudging/coaching with things. They understand she has problems regulating herself, and they work with her. Carmine doesn't feel the need to lash out against them because she understands they're trying to help her, and that's helped shape how a lot of her current coping mechanisms work.
Carmine can think of the practical sides of things if she's stopped for a moment. She can redirect her anger from physically lashing out, because even though her first instinct is to hit since it's a very simple and impulsive movement she knows it's bad. She can trust that she has people to catch her if she falls, namely her grandparents.
Then the whole other ballpark of how she's very protective of Kieran. It seems like that Carmine wants him not to be her, but to feel like her. She wants her little brother to feel confident, safe, strong, but her emotional instability and typical big sibling feelings really strain the gap between them.
When Kieran pushes back, she struggles with responding appropriately and gets furious because "I'm just trying to be a good big sister" and "I'm the big sister he should listen to me" clash in her head alongside her pride. She's trying really hard to make him feel the way she does, but it ends up just making him shrink down further because of how aggressive she is. It's a cycle she accidentally perpetuates without realizing what she's doing.
And Carmine loves him so much! She wants what's best for him, she wants to be the model big sister. She cares so much about his feelings that she convinces us to stay quiet about meeting Ogerpon because she knows he'll be crushed that he wasn't there. Even though she teases him, Carmine's clearly trying to be a good big sister/trusted figure in his life. That's what hurts the most, is that she's trying.
But in her excessive worrying and outbursts about his feelings, she ends up doing more damage. She ends up yelling things that she feels on the surface level and has to explain that what came out was completely different than what she meant, but she doesn't tell Kieran that because it's the "he should understand I'm doing what's best for him" mindreading aspect.
By the end of the arc, Carmine does the one things she really can: give him space. She doesn't force him out of his room before they go back to Blueberry Academy, she just tells everyone he isn't feeling well. She's trying to protect his privacy and processing, still trying to be the wall between the turbulent world and Kieran's need for time, and it's obvious she feels adrift in this situation. Usually she can just apologize and things calm down, but it's such a huge situation that changed so much that the usual routine won't work. It's something that obviously troubles her, but she ultimately realizes all she can do is wait for Kieran to reach out to her when he's ready.
She wants so badly to help Kieran, but she's on the other side of the same wall that's making it so hard for her to truly look at him and understand what she needs to shift to be the good big sister she strives to be in his life.
Carmine's character is so amazing to watch develop as she learns to trust someone other than the people around her and how she takes in everything that happens around her, she really deserves a big hug for how hard she tries 😭
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letsgetrowdy43 · 10 months
Say yes to heaven ☆—
This takes place from Christmas 2020 to the spring of 2021
Warnings: heavy making out, swearing, lmk if anything else :)
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The first part
Au Masterlist!!
It had been months since Honey and Quinn's summer of rendevous, the nights of secret-filled kisses and promises of a forever slowly withered away with time as the autumn months approached. On their last night together in Michigan the two of them sat down in her room at the lake house and talked about it all, from the break up to what they wanted after she was done school.
He'd asked her only one question that entire night "what do you want in your life?", it was simple really, but Honey was at a loss for words. How do you say 'the only thing I've ever wanted in my life is you' without sounding completely lost, like she needed to re-evaluate her entire being. But it was the truth, Quinn was really all she wanted, she had only ever pictured a life with him in it, where he was she would settle, it seemed so unworldy but it was something she'd decided long before everything got messy. Instead she settled for a quick "I dont know yet," leaving both of them disatified with the conversation.
The next morning regret of falling back into old habits hit Honey as she watched him pack up his bags and head to the airport, she missed him a lot more than she cared to let on, but this was how it was meant to be, longing for love on two different sides of the continent.
Honey was asked to go with Team USA to the World Juniors to help with the media during her Christmas break, seeing as the pandemic had taken a hit on hockey at the time it was the only work she'd really been offered in a while so she took the opportunity.
Quinn on the other hand had been itching to see her, the moment he pulled into his driveway with Jack he expected to her be at his house along with her family waiting in their kitchen for family dinner as they usually did when they were finally altogether. He was gravely disappointed when he walked into his house to only see her parents and older brother on the couch, with no Honey in sight.
Honey's senior year had gonna by quicker than she'd anticipated, after Christmas it felt as if in the blink of an eye she was searching for a grad dress and searching for media jobs in the Michigan area. She also gave in to her curiosity and looked into jobs in the Vancouver area as well, pretending not to be upset as she job searched, fully knowing that there was and probably wouldn't ever be a set plan for her to move in with Quinn.
She and Quinn had yet to talk about if their futures aligned, she silently hoped that maybe he would ask her to get back together cause there was no one else out there for her, she knew that, but she wasn't going to be the girl to insert herself into his new life.
The night before her graduation she received a short message from Quinn saying sorry to her for not being able to make it to her big day, telling her how proud he was of her for accomplishing her dreams and wishing her well. She followed his text up with a quick thanks and a joke about him being a university dropout, then turned off her phone and cried in her room as she laid out her cap, gown, and dress.
Something about his absence felt suffocating, this was something she always pictured, and she had always imagined Quinn next to her during all of it. She remembers the end of their sophomore year and how hopeful they had both been in their relationship, it felt like a slap in the face, they were so naive to what the reality would be for their futures.
So now she sat in her bed, deep breathing as she tried to calm herself down to get a good night's sleep.
The next morning was hectic, getting up just as the sun began to rise to get her hair and makeup done, and her dress ironed along with every other small routine she needed in order for her morning to go as perfectly and smoothly as possible.
A quiet knock on her door startled her out of her anxious daze, she fixed the sleeve of her dress and opened the door to see a smiling Quinn in a suit. "You're here?" she said as she pulled herself into his chest, his arms wrapping around her as he held her for the first time in nearly a year. "You really thought I wouldn't make it?" "Yes, and I was mad at you for it" she laughed as she pulled away, her eyes tracing his face, thumb running over the growing beard, face seemingly more mature than the last time she had laid eyes on him, he looked really good. "I could hear the anger in your message," he whispered as his hands found solace on her waist before she allowed him to enter her apartment bedroom, and motioned him to take a seat on her bed.
She searched her room for her jewellery box, Quinn watched her brows furrow as she finally found it, his heart thumping in his chest as he grabbed the small box from his pants pocket. "Hun?" he whispered as she made her way over to him, she stood in between his legs as she put her last earring in, an awkward smile on her face as he stared up at her, "this is for you" he then pressed the small black box into her palm.
Nerves filling his stomach as she opened the tiny box, "you really didn't have to get me anything," she paused as she revealed a key, "is this?" "It's a key to my apartment, I know you said you didn't know where you were gonna end up after school, but a little selfish piece of me wants you all to myself in Vancouver," he mumbled as her gaze switched between the key and him. A grin grew on her face as she nodded, not ready to giving him a verbal answer just yet.
"Can I kiss you?" she asked lowly as she held the key in her hand, such a small thing that just changed the entire trajectory of her entire life. "Please," he mumbled, staring up at her with lustful eyes as she cupped his face as smashed her lips onto his.
His hands gripped her thighs as he pulled her forward and into his lap, "did I tell you how pretty you look today?" he pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. She shook her head and placed a kiss on his jaw, "did I tell you that I think the beard is hot," she grinned as his face broke out into a smile, his hand finding the back of her neck and pulling her down to kiss her again.
"I missed this so much," she said in between kisses, smiling at how careful Quin was, trying not to ruin her hair. He hummed, "m' never letting you go again," he whispered as his hands travelled down to her ass, making her laugh at the suprise contact.
"Guys!" Jack swung the door open to tell them that everyone was taking pictures, but screamed at the sight before him and slammed the door shut. "I'm not ready to deal with that," she whispered with a laugh as she looked at a wide-eyed Quiin, placing a kiss on his cheek as she got up off of Quinn's lap to flatten out her dress. "He should've knocked" Quinn shrugged and straightened out his tie, cheeks a cute pink hue as Honey took his hand and led him downstairs.
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cherry1sblog · 9 months
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PAIRING: Lee heeseung × fem!reader . a
GENRES:smut, fluff, bullying, alcohol,party,unprotect ed sex (rember to wrap your Willy so the out come won't be silly
WARNINGS there is bullying in this heeseung is basically a dick to y/n and nothing in this story is real!!! This is fan fiction and the way I write about heeseung is not the way I portray him as he's a person himself this is simply for entertainment only !!
SUMMARY:heeseung had always bullied you through your 3 years of Highschool but never let anyone touch you other then him and if he found out someone did that was the end of it you were basically marked as his toy that's until the summer of your junior year you had enough you were done with him always making fun of you and you hated the fact that after all he did I to you you still adored him and liked him but it dosent matter cause you wanted to leave your senior year with a banger so you were no longer your nerdy self still smart asf obvi but appearance wise different you got contacts new clothes thank god you guys didn't have a dress code and most importantly you spent all summer learning how to do your makeup..
y/n and sunghoon on the couch asleep "holy shit heeseung hyung is not gonna be happy" jungwon picked you up and ran with you on his back you being confused when jungwon locked his door and threw you on the bed *WHAT TH-
" jungwon covers your mouth muffling your yelling until you stoped "shut the fuck up unless you want to make heeseung hyung and sunghoon hyung hate eachother more right now " honestly you couldn't give a fuck less and if this made heeseung miserable then you had every reason not to care " why should I care on fact I actually don't mind going back ou " jungwon grabed your hand pinning you on the wall wtf is it with everyone pinning you on the wall " look I know heeseung hyung did fucked up shit and I know it's fucked up we didn't do anything but we all grow from our mistakes and plus now your like hot so please just shut the fuck up and well stay in here
/the next day after all that//
You got home after sometime of being stuck with jungwon you were honestly so feed up with everthing at that point but being stuck with jungwon wasn’t too bad you got to knwo him actually as a person and the way he talked about heeseung made you actually see there is a diffrent side to heeseung getting lost in your thoughts you didn’t know that chu was talking to you “oh sorry chu I just have a lot on my mind rn” she looked at you with a smirk confused you looked at her “I bet you are having a lot on you mind scince you slept with Sunghoon “ afraid someone would hear you covers her mouth “chu first of all we did not sleep together second of all please don’t say that” you wind to her “okay oaky I’m sorry “ she wisperd “ but if you guys didn’t fuck what did you do “ obviously her not buying it “well I mean we actually just watched a movie “ chu was in disbelief “you telling me you spent that night at his house and didn’t fuck!” “Omg shut up chu “everyone now staring at you and her apologizing “speak of the devil” you turned around confused at chu it was heeseung jake and sunoo sunoo smiled happyily at you giving you a hug sunoo was normally like this even when people were rude to you he made really nice gestures making you at least happy one person back then didn’t totally hate you “hi y/nnieeee” avoiding heeseungs contact a bit embarrassed from What hapoend the last time you guys spoke “didn’t know you had a nickname other than doll y/n “ sunoo smacked his shoulder “cmon now hyung don’t be a dick”sunoo said defending you “what ever “ heeseung said walking away sunoo being left behind “oh btw y/n I was wondering if I could get your help with something “ nodding at him curios to what he could need your help with “I know you and heeseung aren’t best of buds but cause you help me plan his birthday par-“ you stopped him “hell no sunoo” “why not th-“ you get it that sunoos action didn’t mean to hurt you but why would you do anything to help him “please y/nnie “ sunoo made it so hard to say no “your lucky your pretty “ sunoo smiled happily “okay well I’m his party is next week and all of the boys are pitching in and I need your help with decorations “ nodding but you didn’t want heeseung to know you helped cause that would cause problems “sunoo just don’t tell heeseung I’m helping you plan this “ nodding and not questiong you “oh and chu would you mind going with Jake the day of to get drinks “ you could see chus eyes light up in mention of jake “ofc!” Sunoo thanked you guys and had left
//2 days later//
“Okay sunoo so we have all the Ballons ordered and the banners nikis and jungwon and gonna pick up the cakes Sunghoon sunoo getting all the food so we’re set “ being so tired staying up late at night to plan more things for heeseungs party even tho as much as you hated him you still put a lot of time in this for no reason you couldn’t exactly pin point why you were putting so much thought in it being worried he wouldn’t be happy with it…. anyways back to sunoo “yes everything looks perfect !” Being happy everything was set in place for Saturday “wait y/n have you chosen your outfit yet “ omg after picking out everything and setting it all up for heeseungs party you completely forgot to buy and outfit with only 1 day left before the party “oh shit” sunoo being confused “what’s wrong?omg you didn’t chose one out yet did you” you shook your head “okay well you should have some time tommorw right I can go shopping with you” you thanked that sunoo even reminded you or it would have been so bad “your a life savor sunoo ilysm “
//The next day//
Sunoo arrived at the mall but not alone he came with sunghoon you hadn’t talk scince that day so you too were a bit awkward sunghoon just standing there as sunoo ran up to hug you “sunghoon hyung are you broken” laughing a bit at what sunoo had said “what no” sunghoon being defensive you ended up greeting him by just waving as he waved back “okay!let’s go shopping “
You guys had gon into a dress store to find a dress for the party you wanted somthing simple not to much it still being a little awkward beetween you and sunghoon but you guys lightens the mood by just saying some jokes sunoo had handed you a dress scince you weren’t liking any that you chose and sunoo really had an eye for clothes showing them the white dress sunoo had chosen for you his and sunghoon mouth hanging open “y/n I think you broke sunghoon” you both started laughing as sunghoon was a bit embarrassed but you knew that this was the dress you were gonna chose
After you and sunoo had spent all night and the morning of the party decorating at jakes house you finally had to go home and change tha fully the party was supposed to be a Suprise so you didn’t have to worry about heeseung seeing you…”hey y/n “ nudging you head at chu “what up “ she seemed like she was being held back by the question “e-even tho heeseung bullied you and none of his freinds did anything to stop him why are you still nice to them “ you yourself didn’t fully understand but as much as you say you hated heeseung you really well didn’t how could you hate him from the moment you saw him in middle school till now you could never get over his Bambi like eyes and you’ll never forget the first encounter you had with him either heeseung was super nice the first time you had met him he had accidently number into you the first day of 6th grade helping you pick up everything and apologizing but reassuring him that it was okay every year from that money on you guys always had the same class but 6th grade heeseung was much diffrent then heeseung now “I’m not really sure chu but I know that I don’t hate them and I can’t really blame the boys either at times they would tell heeseung he was doing to much or that it was enough and I thanked them for that it was never there fault “ nodding chus head understating you now and feeling simpathy for you “but chu that’s not important right now cause we’re gonna go party!”
//at the party //
Beomgyu had driven all of you to the party you walked in thrue the door and you were so proud of the decorations and that everyone loved them “holy shit y/n “ beomgyu said “I need you to be my party planner cause damn “ giggling you made your way to find the rest of the boys leaving you freind for a bit instead you ran into heeseung you rolled your eyes as he starred at you “cmon doll you can’t be rude to the birthday boy “ he walked closer to you “what ever happy birthday tho ig “ he just nodded surprised you said happy birthday to him at all jake and sunoo seeing you and going up to you and heeseung “y/nnieee!!” You hugged sunoo and Jake “do want a drink y/n? Chu got a pack of beer that you like” you nodded pushing thrue the crowed to go get a drink getting déjà vu as you saw sunghoon agian in the same place as last time “oh hey y/n” Sunghoon seeming a bit tipsy already “hey hoon are you drunk?” He shook his head “no not drunk but what ever you do do not drink jays punch” “noted” you said as you guys laughed he passed you a beer as “are you enjoying the party so far” he asked you saying it to you ear as the music was too loud nodding to him “do you wanna go dance?” You asked him being a flustered but agreeing as you two were dancing you had made eye contact with heeseung but he didn’t look away you were in a trans you didn’t even realize sunghoon was talking to you till you felt him pat hour back “hey are you okay?” He asked a bit concerned “yeah I’m good “you said as you look back to heeseungs spot as he smirked and left with a girl sunghoon noticed and looked in the same direction “don’t worry about heeseung “ he told you “I’m not dont worry” you saw him smile as you to continued dancing
//later in the party//
You saw heeseung with a girl making out you were staring so hard you were sure they’d be able to feel u you “yo y/n “Jake was talking to you now “you seem a bit to munch into heeseung making out with other girls “slaping jake for making that remark as he laughed “shut up Jake “ you rolled your eyes beomgyu laughing at his joke “ you two are so immature “ soobin added “I can’t belive you choosing sides “ “Jake hee not choosing sides he just has a brain” now you were laughing but still going back to heeseung every now n then but this time was different heeseung made eye contact with you and you had gotten flustered going outside on the balcony for some fresh air you were two into you thoughts you didn’t know heeseung standing behind you “you know y/n if you wanted to keep watching you should have tooken a picture “ being scared as he talked in you ear grabbing you wait being flustered at his comment and his gestures “what’s wrong doll you always have so much to say “ you turned around just to be caged into him “heeseung go away “ he tilted his head “why you don’t like this “ he came close to you neck sucking on your skin moving your neck to let him have more access but you knew it was wrong “no I’m not gonna be one of your quick fuckes “ you said as you pushed him back you could tell he was a bit drunk “why cause I’m not sunghoon? Are you now to good for anyone” you were a bit confused on why that even mattered “yk what heeseung you seem a bit drunk so I’m just gonna g-“ he grabed your arm and tugged you back the drink he had placed before down before he had it in his other hand but it got on your dress he himself was a bit upset he had gotten it on you dress and by now you were furios “why do you hate me so much! What have I ever done to you for you to hate me you can’t just fuck with my feelings heeseung” he was taken aback by your question “yk heeseung Even after all the times you hurt me I never hated you but you always hated me and still do I don’t know what I did but I don’t think I even deserve this “ tears coming in your eyes now he could see them even tho it was dark he get bad now “y/n I-“ “no heeseung save it I’m done with you bull shit have a nice night happy fucking birthday lee” and with that you stumbled and ran out the door realizing soobin was the one who had driven you so you had to walk home now.
//back in the party //
Part three will be out quickly I just couldn’t write on this page anymore for some reason tha my oh for waiting !!
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haknom · 8 months
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PAIRING: playboy!niki x crush-fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: Nishimura Riki, Earl Grey High's most known playboy. He constantly earned the title as ‘who's most likely to become a frat boy’ for the past 2 years and being a senior wouldn’t make a difference. But watching him chase after someone who doesn’t seem to like him back was quite shocking on his end—he never experienced it before. And for his highschool life to be complete, he need to ask you out for prom. Why? Great question. Still, with your frequent ignorance of his presence things only became even harder.
GENRE(S): written series, highschool au, nonidol au, playboy/troublemaker!riki, onesided enemies to lovers, slight sports au, and onesided pinning (for a bit)!
WARNINGS: riki is a homewrecker and is jealous, swearing (i forgot), proofread like half of this, lmk if i missed anything
WORDCOUNT: 1505 words
NOTE: see i was supposed to post this yesterday but i fell asleep and woke up to do hw LMAOO so im posting it now and ill begin writing chapter 4 soon !!! tysm for the support on chapter one im glad u guys enjoy niki being a red flag 😭😭
TAGLIST IS OPEN! 👑 send an ask or reply to be added.
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CHAPTER TWO. gross, romance.
Physics was never Riki’s strongest subject, and of course, he always took it to his advantage with a sly smile on his face. It was obvious to everyone that he was going after you. Everyone thought you were his next so-called target, but that truly wasn’t the case; at least Riki knew.
He couldn’t help but chase after you as if he were a lost puppy. To be honest, he doesn’t know what caused it. His feelings even took him by surprise. Although the two of you have been attending Earl Grey High for the past three years, he only noticed you during your Junior year. 
Maybe it was the way you smiled at others when walking through the halls or how focused you were trying to unlock your locker—who knows? You still managed to catch Riki’s eye. Since then, he’s always bothered you. You soon began to develop a hatred for the boy due to how much of a disturbance to your studies he could be.
Riki leaned back into his chair, arms crossed over his chest, as he tried his best to listen to the lesson. He really did try, but nothing about Physics sounded interesting to him. Instead, his eyes stayed staring at you, who sat a few seats ahead of him. Through his peripheral vision, he spotted Junghwan, who seemed more annoyed than ever. It left Riki satisfied.
“Alright, please take the rest of the period to work on the assigned sheets. I’ll be collecting them tomorrow.” Mr. Jeong instructed as everyone got to work. Riki grabbed his sheets and phone, leaving his pencil behind on purpose.
Regularly, you would move your desk closer to Junghwan and work together, but today wasn’t the case. As you prepared yourself to push your desk towards his, a taller figure walked right in between you two. “Excuse me,” Riki interrupted, earning scowls from you and Junghwan. He took a seat in front of you with a teasing look all over his face.
“Sorry, am I disrupting something?” He asked even if he didn’t care at all. “You kind of are,” Junghwan informed the boy as Riki shrugged. “Anywho,” He said, staring right at you. “What?” You asked with a vivid, annoyed expression on your face.
“I don’t understand the concept.” Riki rested his arms on top of the seat he sat on, causing the sleeves of his uniform coat to rile up his forearms as you raised a brow at him. “Why is that my problem?” You asked again, your expression never faltering. “I mean, you’re one of the top students in class. Plus,” he said, pointing at the board with writing everywhere. “You’re one of the helpers.” He wasn’t wrong about his words.
You couldn’t say no either. “Fine.” You gave in, earning a slight smile from the boy in front of you. If someone stared hard enough, they could most likely see the tiny hearts forming in his eyes. He was quite literally obsessed. “Where’s your pencil?” Your eyes scanned his closed fists, but no pencil was spotted. “You don’t have one, do you?” He shook his head at your words as you sighed. 
You handed him yours and searched your pencil case for a new one. “Here.” Junghwan handed you a pencil with a loving smile. You returned the smile and took the pencil into your hand, causing Riki to roll his eyes. So what if he was Jealous? “What don’t you understand?” You asked, your eyes meeting his. “Everything.” He replied as your brow furrowed. You sighed, realizing how long this would really take. 
There will most likely be no time to work with Junghwan. Quite sad, but not for Riki. He was glad and internally smiling like a toddler on Christmas morning. This was almost like a blessing for him. All he had to imagine was that you two were alone and on a study date without Junghwan. That wouldn’t be so hard, right?
“See, if I were (Name), I would hate you too,” Jungwon said while kicking at the mini rocks in between the detailing of the bleachers. “I’m being so honest, Jwon, I could treat her way better than Junghoe,” Riki said, adjusting his resting position against the bleachers behind them. “It’s Junghwan. And I highly doubt it.” Jungwon laughed as Riki shrugged. 
“Hear me out. There’s something so suspicious about him.” Riki said. “Or are you just jealous that he’s dating the literal love of your life?” Jungwon asked. “Ouch?” Riki gasped at Jungwon’s words. Was he always this harsh?
The sudden ding that emerged from Riki’s phone caught both of their attention. “Oh, my mom needs something from the store after school,” Riki said, summarizing the message he just received. He looked over at Jungwon while putting his phone away. “Do you want to come?” He asked, but Jungwon shook his head.
“Can’t. I have to study for my math test.” Jungwon answered as Riki sighed. Of course. He nodded at Jungwon’s response and made a mental note to stop at the dollar store after school. “Listen,” Riki started while rising from his spot on the bleachers. 
“If my suspicions end up being right, you owe me one,” Riki said, earning a confused look from Jungwon. “What’s in it for me?” He asked as Riki shrugged. “No clue. What do you want?” Jungwon pondered Riki’s words. What did he want? There was nothing he really needed at the moment. 
“I’ll think about it. Don’t go causing trouble though, remind you, he’s the student president after all.” Jungwon warned. “Okay, okay. I won't trust me.” Riki said with a ‘promising’ smile. “You’re lying, aren’t you?” Jungwon asked as Riki broke character, letting out a teasing smile. Yeah, I am,” Riki said. 
Jungwon softly pushed Riki with narrowed eyes. He knew how much of a rascal Riki could be at times after being around him 24/7. It was only natural for an interaction like this to happen frequently.
Riki pulled his hood over his head and made a knot with the drawstrings. All that could be seen were his eyes. He was truly lucky to have a spare hoodie in his locker to hide his school uniform. The task he was sent to do was quite embarrassing. Nobody could see him buying foot fungus treatment. 
He walked into the dollar store, looking more suspicious than ever. Many would've thought that he was currently on his way to steal, but he wasn’t the type to do that. Yes, he might seem like a bad person and a huge troublemaker, but breaking laws wasn’t something Riki found cool.
He searched the aisles for the item that should not be named. He read every sign, hoping that he would come across it quickly so he could leave quickly. But sadly, to his dismay, his plan wouldn’t work. The good news was that he, sadly, found the correct aisle, but the bad news was even worse. 
The treatment wasn’t in a small box like he expected, instead, it was in a bigger box. One that couldn’t even fit in his pockets. So he panicked. What could he do? They didn’t sell plastic bags, and there was no way he’d have enough money left to buy a reusable one.
He grabbed the box, accepting the fact that his reputation was practically gone. He sighed and made his way to the self-checkout line, hiding the box under the hem of his navy blue hoodie. Yes, he looked suspicious, but hey, at least he’s paying for the item, unlike others. Riki waited for the line to move, him being the next to go as he stared out the windows in the hope that time would move faster if he was distracted. 
The sun was starting to set as its orange gleam rested on the trees and cars that drove past. His eyes scanned the area, reading the random signs he had never noticed before as if they were the most interesting thing in the world, but clearly, there were other things he hadn’t noticed before, like the handholding of a couple who smiled brightly at each other. They were practically sending hearty eyes to one another as the boyfriend landed a kiss on the girlfriend’s forehead. 
Riki rolled his eyes and held back a gag. “Gross, romance.” He mumbled. Yes, he’d been chasing after the same girl for the past year, but it was only fine if he did it. No one else. He even went to a dollar store that was nowhere near his neighbourhood or school. There was no way anyone would see him at this rate—or so he thought.
His eyes narrowed, brows furrowing, as he looked back out the window of the dollar store he stood in. The couple were passing the last window as their faces finally came into view. The orange gleam from the setting sun disappeared for a brief moment, making things even more visible to Riki.
There was absolutely no way he was seeing this right.
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TAGLIST BATCH ONE: @soov @redm4ri @ox1-lovesick @urszn @feeeli @hanniluvi @dakkisz @dimplewonie @ddeonudepressions @xiaoderrrr @ja4hyvn @mmaplepastries @essmarye @w3bqrl @jennaissantes @yenqa @yeokii @yyunari @wvnkoi @flwrshee @strwberrydinosaur @gibbysupremeacyisreal @rikizm @teddywonss @whoschr @misokei @forjungwons @sourdiary @ririlovesrenjun @enhaz1 @cha3w0n-hearts @ashy1um @lovelovelovebts @jxp1-t3r @haechansbbg @soobs-things @j-wyoung @en-chantedtomeetyou @dolletesera @im-yn-suckers @imsiriuslyreal @ilychee08 @nishik1 @namdeyoui @lovelovelovebts @jlheon @hueningkslvr @s00buwu @envirae @latriii @beomsbeanie @rikicito @annoyingbitch83 @shawnyle @en-happiness @sungwhoonz (TAGLIST IS OPEN!)
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maximoffwitch · 2 years
It’s Our Party…
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pairing: sorority!wanda maximoff x reader
warnings: swear words, mentions of alcohol, and slight angst
summary: Sorority president Wanda Maximoff, who you also happen to have a huge crush on, invites you to the biggest party of the year. What could possibly go wrong?
word count: 3.1k
a/n: after a while, i have finally written my sorority!wanda idea :))) and special thanks to @didujustcallmedumb​ for helping me brainstorm and to @maximotts​ for helping by sending some inspo pics <333 ....and yes there will be a part two
1 | 2
“(Y/N)!” you heard your name being called, as you were packing up your things.
“Oh, hey, Wanda,” you immediately felt your cheeks warm upon locking eyes with the older girl.
Wanda Maximoff was probably the most popular student on campus, as she was a senior and the president of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Though you were in the year below her, the two of you shared quite a few classes, seeing as you were both the same major.
Over the past couple of years, as you observed the other girl from afar and interacted with her in passing, you’d developed a small crush on Wanda.
How could you not? Wanda was undoubtedly the most stunning woman you’d ever seen, her flowing blonde locks perfectly complimenting her gorgeous green eyes, and not to mention, based on her course load, she was brilliantly smart.
“Your comment about addressing intersectionality in political movements was really insightful,” Wanda complimented, causing your face to burn.
“Thanks,” you ducked your head with a bashful smile.
“So, what are you doing Friday night?” Wanda put her hands on the desk and leaned forward, giving you a teasing view of her red lace bra.
Coughing, you forced yourself to meet her eyes, a devious glint sparkling in them.
“I’m not…I don’t have any plans,” you nervously muttered, earning an amused smirk from Wanda. “I might get started on that Religion and Law paper.”
“Oh, come on, (Y/N),” Wanda pouted, “that’s no way to spend a Friday night.”
“Well, I don’t really have anything else to do,” you scratched the back of your neck with a sheepish grin.
“Now you do,” she beamed, pushing herself off the table to stand upright.
Tilting your head, you furrowed your brows, confusion written all over your face, as you slung your bag over your shoulder.
“I want to invite you to Kappa’s party this Friday,” Wanda revealed, sincerity lacing her voice. “It’s our end of year annual spring fling, and I’d really love it if you came.”
Your eyes widened, not expecting an invitation to the biggest party of the year, let alone from the Kappa president herself.
Too stunned to speak, you could only nod and offer a small smile conveying your appreciation.
“Think about it,” Wanda squeezed your bicep, causing your breath to hitch. “And if you decide to show, just tell them I invited you. No need for an RSVP.”
“Great, thanks, Wanda,” you nodded, suddenly aware that this was probably the longest conversation you’ve ever had with the older girl.
“I really hope to see you there,” she gave you one last smile before heading out of the classroom.
You waved after her lamely and watched her leave with yearning eyes.
“What did Maximoff say that has you looking after her with longing puppy eyes?” Maria, your best friend and roommate, asked, as she came up behind you.
“She invited me to the Kappa spring fling,” you explained, the two of you making your way out of the building and towards her car.
“Really?” the brunette raised her eyebrows, not even trying to hid the shock on her face. “Are you gonna come?”
“I dunno,” you shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Well if Wanda managed to convince you, I’m sure Nat will be thrilled,” Maria mentioned her girlfriend and the fact that the redhead had been relentless pestering you to come to this party.
Maria had been dating Natasha Romanoff ever since freshman year, and although the Russian was a year older than both of you, she was still a junior (something about her credits not transferring properly; you didn’t really know the full story nor were you bothered to ask).
Not only was Nat dating your best friend, making her one of your best friends, she was also a part of Kappa Kappa Gamma, treasurer at that, and good friends with Wanda.
For the past couple of weeks, Natasha had been practically begging you to come with her and Maria to the last party of the year, seeing as you rarely went out with them and the fact that you had a raging crush on the host of the party. Of course, Nat knew about your crush and saw this party as the perfect opportunity to set the two of you up.
“Why will I be thrilled?” Natasha pushed herself off the hood of the car, quickly greeting Maria with a chaste kiss.
“Wanda invited (Y/N/N) to the Spring Fling,” Maria explained before wrapping her arm around Nat’s waist and pulling her in for a deeper kiss, not satisfied by the initial peck.
You rolled your eyes at your friends’ blatant display of affection, though you were no stranger to it. “Can you guys at least wait till we are at home so you can get a room?”
Natasha chuckled, while Maria playfully hit you upside the head, still holding the door open for you to slide into the backseat.
“Seriously, though,” the older redhead glanced back at you through the mirror, “you should come. Have some fun for once.”
You couldn’t argue with her there. You rarely went out; it just wasn’t your thing. To be honest, you’d much rather stay home and watch a movie than hang around a bunch of drunk college chicks and obnoxious frat guys. On the other hand, you did want to spend time with your friends, especially before the school year was over, and if the party was where they were going, you would probably be close to follow.
“Maybe,” you responded, not wanting to commit to anything.
Satisfied with your answer, as it was a step up from the vehement no’s you’d given, Natasha changed the subject, her and Maria talking about mindless nothings. Tuning out the bantering couple, you stared out the window and watched the greenery of the campus blur together, your thoughts drifting to a certain sorority president.
When Friday rolled around, you were in no partying mood. This past week had been brutal; two exams and a midterm paper later, all you wanted to do was curl up on the couch with a pint of ice cream and binge FRIENDS for the hundredth time.
Right as you plopped down in front of the TV, Ben & Jerry’s in hand, Maria swung open the door, Natasha following close behind her.
“Hey,” Maria frowned, “why aren’t you dressed?”
Furrowing your brows, you took a bite of the chocolate ice cream and asked, “For what?”
“The party!” Natasha said, exasperated, smacking you upside the head as she made her way into the kitchen.
“Ouch, Nat,” you groaned and rubbed the spot where she hit you.
“Ignore her,” Maria took a seat in the spot next to you, as she rolled her eyes at the banter between you and her girlfriend. “But seriously, what are you wearing?”
“Sweatpants,” you gave her an incredulous look.
“To the party?”
“No,” you sighed, sinking further into the cushions and taking another delicious bite of ice cream, “for my date with Ben & Jerry and the cast of FRIENDS.”
“(Y/N), not again,” Maria whined, causing you to chuckle and blow a raspberry.
“Come on, loser,” Natasha came from the kitchen with a glass of wine and perched herself on the arm of the couch your head rested on. “Come to the party with us. You could use a good party.”
“Yeah,” Maria nodded. “After the week you’ve had, you need to go out, let loose, have a few drinks.”
You raised your eyebrows but before you could protest, Natasha interjected, a devious glint in her eyes.
“Plus, Wanda is really looking forward to seeing you,” she sang teasingly. “She kept asking if you were coming tonight.”
You felt your heart nearly skip a beat at the revelation. Leaning your head back, you looked up at the older redhead, “Really?”
“Yes, really,” Natasha fondly tapped your nose, shaking her her head, “you love-sick fool.”
“Hey,” you pushed her off the couch in protest, causing her to stumble slightly with a good-hearted laugh.
“So will you come?” Maria asked again.
After glancing at both your friends and contemplating your options for a moment, you closed your eyes and sighed. “Fine.”
Maria and Nat both cheered, leaning over to high-five each other above your head.
Pushing the blanket off of you, you regretfully put the lid back on the pint you’d barely made a dent in and went to put it back in the freezer.
“Do you want us to help pick an outfit?” Maria called after you.
“No thanks!” you yelled back, knowing if you’d accepted, it’d probably take twice as long and you’d end up in some super short see-through dress from Nat’s closet.
About fifteen minutes later, you reentered the living room, stopping to clip on your other earring. “Okay, I’m ready.”
Both women got up from the couch, shutting off the TV, and turned towards you, their eyes widening.
“What?” you nervously smiled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“It’s just…” Nat eyed you up and down, as she trailed off, earning a smack from her girlfriend.
“You look really hot, (Y/N),” Maria finished for the redhead, also nodding appreciatively. “Like wow. I’ve never seen you in anything like this.”
You were wearing a pair of straight black ripped jeans with a red backless lace up cropped cami, accessorized with small gold hoop earrings. Because you rarely went out, you decided to put on a light face of make up, some eyeshadow and a red lipstick that matched your shirt. To top it all off, you clipped your hair in a half-up-half-down do.
“I didn’t even know you owned anything that showed your shoulders,” Nat quipped, earning a light-hearted eye roll from you.
“Thanks guys,” you ducked your head shyly.
“Alrighty,” Nat downed the rest of her wine, “let’s head out. Technically, I’m already late.”
Seeing as the sorority house was only a few blocks from your apartment, the three of you walked over to the party, enjoying the spring evening air. Along the way, you ran into the rest of your friends, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Carol, all of who were in Greek life. In hind sight, you really didn’t know how you became friends with so many of them, seeing as you rarely went out.
Nat, being the Vice President and all, led you guys to the side entrance, where there was less of a crowd. As soon as you entered, you ignored the reeking smell of beer and the pounding bass from the speaker, as your eyes searched for the one girl you came here for.
“She’s upstairs getting another pack of ping pong balls,” Maria approached from behind you, making you jump.
“Jeez, Maria,” you clutched your chest. “You nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“Oh, please,” she rolled her eyes at your dramatics. “Here, have a drink.”
She handed you a red solo cup filled what appeared to be a mix of orange Fanta and vodka.
“I don’t know, Ria,” you gave her a faux pout. “My mom told me to always pour my own drinks.”
“Just drink it,” she lightly shoved you, causing you to chuckle before taking a sip of the beverage.
You grimaced as the alcohol burned your throat. The two of you lingered in the kitchen for a while, catching up with Jane, Kate and Yelena, who you hadn’t hung out with in a while because of their crazy practice schedules.
“Hey, Nat,” Maria called the redhead over from where she was pouring a drink.
“Can you stay with (Y/N/N) for a sec while I go ask Nick something?”
“You guys,” you whined with a slight eye roll, “I don’t need a babysitter.”
“Hush, young one,” Natasha placated you, gently patting your cheek before turning back to her girlfriend. “Sure, babe. Tell him he still owes me 20 bucks.”
“Will do,” Maria gave her a parting kiss before making her way towards the backyard, weaving through the crowd.
As you scanned the room of people, your eye caught a flash of red. Wanda had returned from upstairs and was on the dance floor conversing with some friends. Feeling like you were in a trance, you couldn’t take your eyes off the older girl.
Wanda was wearing a black lace body suit tucked into a simple pair of blue skinny jeans, her entire outfit hugging the curves of her body perfectly. Seeing Wanda in her natural element, surrounded by her friends, letting her hair down, you could feel your crush growing stronger by the second.
“Why don’t you go over and talk to her?” Natasha leaned over to whisper in your ear so you could hear her over the music.
“What?” you snapped out of your thoughts and turned towards her.
“Wanda,” she emphasized, wiggling her eyebrows before nudging your hip with hers. “Go over and talk to her.”
“I can’t,” you shook your head, as you looked down, suddenly finding your shoes the most interesting thing to look at. “How am I supposed to start a conversation with her? What would I even say?”
“Looks like you may not have to,” Nat smirked behind her cup, as she took a sip.
While you had been watching her, Wanda felt your gaze on her, stealing glances towards you out of the corner of her eye. She bit back a smile, giddy that you’d decided to show up tonight. But when she turned your way, Wanda’s mood soured.
You and Natasha were standing close together, whispering in each other’s ears. Wanda couldn’t stop the jealousy bubbling up in her chest, as she saw you nervously duck your head at something the redhead said.
Deciding to do something about it, she made a beeline for you.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Wanda flashed you a wide smile, causing your cheeks to flush, before narrowing her eyes at Natasha. “Nat.”
“Hey, Maximoff,” Natasha gave her a slight nod. “What’s up?”
“Carol needs your help with the new pledges,” Wanda directed, leaving no room for questions.
“Really?” Nat tilted her head with a frown. “Last time I talked to her, she said she had it all under—,”
Before Natasha could finish, Wanda raised her eyes at the protest and interrupted, “I said you needed to go help her.”
The authority in Wanda’s voice sent a flush of warmth throughout your entire body, pooling in your lower stomach. You watched as Natasha pursed her lips and nodded before leaving to find Carol.
“So, (Y/N),” Wanda’s demeanor softening, as she turned back to you, “I’m really glad you decided to come tonight.”
“Yeah, me too,” you offered her a nervous smile, as you bit your bottom lip. “You really know how to throw a party.”
Wanda beamed at your compliment before she caught a glimpse of the red leather jacket around your shoulders. Reminded of the way you were interacting with Natasha earlier, she frowned.
“Do you hate me or something?” Wanda huffed. “Like I know I can be kinda bitchy sometimes, but I’ve never been mean or rude to you.”
“I know..I know you haven’t, Wanda,” you stuttered, a wave of embarrassment washing over you, as you pushed back the tears that began to sting your eyes. “And I don’t hate you. At all.”
“Then why are you avoiding me?” Wanda’s frustration, insecurity, and nerves all bubbling over. “I was the one who invited to you and you’re not even gonna talk to me?”
At that point, the sorority president’s voice had been getting increasingly louder, drawing the attention of the rest of the party. Feeling everyone’s eyes on you, you cower in on yourself, unable to formulate words, Wanda’s green orbs still burning you.
“Hey, what’s going on here?” Natasha pushed through the crowd, placing a reassuring hand on your lower back, effectively upsetting Wanda even further.
“Nothing, Romanoff,” Wanda dismissed the redhead, her eyes still locked on you, completely blinded by jealousy.
Natasha only needed one glance at you to tell that you were about to cry. This was not how this was supposed to go at all, she thought to herself. Feeling a protective surge over you, Natasha moved slightly in front of you.
“Wanda, why don’t you calm down and we can talk about this outside?” she suggested. “You’re causing a scene.”
“Just stay out of this, Nat,” Wanda snapped before addressing you again. “So are you gonna say something or just keep avoiding me?”
That was what broke the dam, as the tears that were pooled in your eyes had finally spilled over. Unable to keep it together any longer, cracking under Wanda’s gaze and the peering eyes of everyone else, you pushed past both Natasha and Wanda and ran up the stairs. You headed straight for Natasha’s room, the only thing you knew how to find in this house, and slammed the door behind you.
You felt humiliated. First, Wanda thought you hated her, and then she yelled at you in front of your friends and the entire party. If you had any hope of Wanda returning your feelings, you could now throw that out the door.
After you fled, Natasha glared at Wanda, who’d be six feet under if looks could kill. “I will deal with you later.”
As the redhead chased up the stairs after you, Wanda ran her hands through her hair, frustrated with herself. The party resumed, most of the people too drunk to have an attention span longer than a few minutes, and Wanda took a moment to calm herself.
“What the hell were you thinking, Maximoff,” she cursed at herself, rubbing her temples and taking a few deep breaths. “I gotta talk to her. I have to apologize.”
Wanda ran up the stairs, following wherever Natasha went, desperate to talk to you and explain herself.
“(Y/N), open up,” Natasha knocked on her own room, knowing you were in there. “Come on, (Y/N/N), it’s just me.”
When she was only met with silence, Natasha jiggled the door handle, groaning when she found it was locked.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry,” Wanda shouted, panting as she ran up to the door.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Wanda?” Natasha whipped around so fast that Wanda stumbled backwards. “Get out of here and leave her alone.”
“What the hell, Romanoff. Just let me talk to her,” Wanda pleaded.
“Why? So you can yell at her again?”
Wanda huffed, rolling her eyes frustratedly. “No, I just want to explain myself. I need to apologize.”
The redhead eyed her with a knowing look. Natasha not only knew about your crush on Wanda, but she also knew the sorority president was harboring feelings of her own. Knowing all Wanda needed was a little nudge, Natasha decided to give her the push.
“Why do you even care so much, Wanda?”
“Because I love her!” Wanda burst, throwing her hands in the air exasperatedly.
Right at that moment, hearing all the commotion out in the hallway, you swung open the door, “You what?”
taglist: @alexmxff @likefirenrain @amasimpformilfs @crescent-witch @iliketozoneout @fxckmiup @inluvwithfictionalwomen @chelleztjs18 @mediocre-writerr @milfloverslut @fayhar @kermy48 @nataliasknife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @when-wolves-howl @findingmaximoff @kacka84 @carnagewidow @bentleywolf29 @wandaromanoffsblog @noaaas-world @luvwanda @togrowoldinv
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hongmingoo · 6 months
Pairing: Joshua Hong x reader
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GENRE: idol!Joshua x idol!reader, angst, fluff, exes to lovers, idol life.
Word count: 3.5k
Synopsis: No one wishes to be unhappy. Every single person on the face of the earth wishes to be happy, to be successful, to be with the person they love the most. Even Joshua Hong, the perfect gentleman, and kind-hearted Joshua wishes to be truly happy. It's not that he's not happy to be where he is now, he is beyond grateful for his success, his fame, for his family, friends and fans. He couldn't begin to thank them enough for being there through all the shit he's been through. But truth be told, he knows that there's something missing in his almost perfect life. You. 
Joshua met you by accident at a music show when he was promoting Seventeen's debut. You were a senior artist that he only knew much much later, helped him get back to their waiting room because he was lost. You didn't say who you were, face hidden behind a black mask, a black bucket hat covering most of your head, only a pair of gleaming green eyes visible. And that sparkling green jewels were the one that attracted him to you. 
It was Seungkwan who told him about who you were, a senior artist who debuted way earlier than they were, a soloist to be exact. The younger male had said he's a fan of you too, telling him that you had a unique voice and a wide vocal range whilst being a good dancer too. Seungkwan had told him that you have your own crowd who adores you and also a group of antis who hated you just for being a biracial idol, that it's understandable if he doesn't recognise you. 
It was ridiculous to him, but that was also a logical explanation considering his band member, Vernon also faced the same discrimination and was bullied in his childhood for not looking like a 'Korean'. He began to listen to your discography, watch your music shows and start to become a fan. When he occasionally met you at music shows, he'd muster his courage to talk to you. 
That does it for him. You were kind, warm hearted and nowhere near arrogant as the rumors made you seem. It's true that you had sharp features that made you seem intimidating and unapproachable but he reminded himself that Wonwoo was like that too at first and yet he's the softest of all 13 members. You talked so politely, even with your juniors, treated them respectfully and were always ready to give them any form of help. Be it words of advice or singing or dancing tips, you were always willing to help. 
When he asked you to date him, a year after getting to know each other, after 4 times rejecting the idea, you finally agreed. That made him the happiest. He was always smiling so happily, he looked forward to your secret dates, your brief meetups from busy schedules just to see you and hold your hands. The long drive from Seoul to Gangneung, to go to Gyeongpo Beach that you guys frequent when you need to unwind. Staying up through the night to catch up with each other before driving back to Seoul for early morning schedules. It was tiring, but seeing your smile melted his fatigue so it was worth the struggle to him. But those happy times didn't last long, good things are bound to come to an end. It's bound to happen, that's just how life works and there's no one to blame. Rumors are beginning to spread and you guys had to make a choice. 
He had barely debuted, the future holds so many more opportunities for him and he can't afford to be distracted now. And of course, being an idol who has been at the top, you knew that. So you choose to step back and let him go, let him pursue his dreams. You refused to let him take the fall if rumors about you guys dating did spread, he will get hurt. You broke up with him and retired from being an idol. And you're gone, just like that. 
And now, here he is as one of the members of the worldwide kpop idol group Seventeen, at the peak of his career, after all of the struggles that were in their way, he finally made it. Hit after hit, topping charts, concert tickets sold out, breaking records after records, receiving multiple awards for their success but there's still one person that's missing. 
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He met you again when his company officially joined Hybe, you were one of the main producers along with Bumzu and Woozi who composed Seventeen's songs but you were in charge of a girl group under Bighit, your main label since before. And you were still as beautiful as ever, even after 4 years of radio silence, barely aging, barely anything changed. You still talked to him so nicely, congratulated him on all of his achievements and told him you have been keeping up with him and Seventeen. No one mentioned the breakup, it was like an unspoken agreement between the two of you, and he noticed there was an invisible wall around you when you talked to him or were in his presence. 
It breaks his heart a bit, because he only wants you to be comfortable around him like you did before but he guessed that the breakup hurt you a lot more than you're giving away. And it makes him yearn for you more. He wants to be in your arms as you cuddle again, wants to hear your heart beating against his ear as he rests his head on your chest. He wants to feel your fingers playing with his hair again as you lull him to sleep. He wants to hold your small hands in his bigger ones as you both take a night stroll along the Han River. He wants to hear your sweet voice as you both screamed your lungs to the songs on the radio when you went for a night drive. He wants to call you his, again. 
"Are you dating anyone?" Joshua asked one day. You were a bit shocked at the sudden question, but you shook your head anyway. Deciding not to question the reasoning behind his inquiry. 
"Why not?"
"Just don't feel like it" your reply came out curt and short, obviously showing you're not interested in continuing this interrogation any further and wishes he would change the subject. But he was staring at you, eyes full of unspoken wishes– glimmering with hope. A hope you don't dare to question. A wish you begged to never have to acknowledge. 
"Don't look at me like that. Please…" you breathed, looking away from him, anywhere but him. 
"I hope you know that I'm always here if you ever want to talk. About anything, about us" he said, voice soft.
"Shua–" you sighed but cut yourself off when you realized you shouldn't call him that again. It made you feel like you're closer to him once again. Hearing that nickname rolled off your tongue easily made you feel weak.
"You called me Shua again. You haven't called me that in a long time. I miss hearing you call me that" he says, fingers reaching to brush strands of hair from your face. You let him, and you have no idea why. Maybe you do, but you refused to admit it. You let him cup your jaw, tilt your head up a bit, brushing his thumb on your cheekbone as he stares at you with his beautiful bambi eyes.
"I've missed you. And I miss you. So so much" he whispered, his voice was so gentle, like the morning breeze, it warms your heart. Your soul that you've vouched away in order to survive in this cruel industry awakens, yearning for this man in front of you. You could see his brown eyes shimmering with unshed tears. It took all of your willpower to not just curl your arms around his neck and pull him in a hug. You looked away, in hopes that he would stop trying to stare at you, or even look at you.
"Look at me. Won't you look at me anymore?" That was the last straw, hearing his voice broke like that felt like a knife stabbing at your heart multiple times. You jumped at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and buried your face in the crook of his neck. You let the tears you tried so badly to hold back streamed down your face, wetting the fabric of his turtleneck.
"You can't do this to me. I was trying so hard to protect you. You don't know what you're asking for! You were doing so great without me… why– why are you…" you sobbed, clenching the fabric of his soft sweater in your fists tightly. Joshua wrapped his arms around your torso, his large hands rubbing at the small of your back. 
"You don't have to protect me. I only want you here with me, be beside me" he assured. You pulled away, to look into his eyes again. 
"You don't understand. I am the most hated female idol ever. I am the most controversial idol. Being with me will only bring scandal to your name! Even if I'm not an idol anymore, but–"
"None of the controversy was your fault. You know that, your fans know that, we know that. It's just the netizens' baseless accusations. There are still people who love you, are waiting for you–"
"But that changes nothing right? You couldn't deny that the crowd prefers me going under. The day I announced my retirement, people were cheering. The agency was flooded with people 'congratulating' me. My address was exposed, there's weird things in my mailbox everyday– threats to never come back, to just rot and die, to kill myself for being an embarrassment to society. Not everyone is as accepting and loving as Carats, Shua.” you say, voice stern. Joshua saw the pain evident in your eyes. The pain of betrayal, hatred and anger.
But there’s also sadness and longing  in the depth of those green orbs. He was taken aback, those eyes that used to be filled with so much love and care now painted with hatred and fear. What happened to you? What happened to you during the times that you left for him to grow as an idol. At that moment, he realized that he hasn’t been keeping up with you like you did for him. He didn’t follow up with your career as you did for him. He barely remembers someone told him that you attended some of their concerts  and during tours. He had shut you down after the break up because he was hurt and he was trying to move on from you. But you were still there, at the other end of the line, supporting him with your all. 
“What happened to you?” he sobbed, tears finally pours out of those bambi eyes and it broke your already broken heart even more. 
“A lot. Enough to eat away at my soul” you breathed, unable to keep it within you anymore. Now, your eyes are void of any feelings, empty and soulless. Joshua pulled you in, to lean your foreheads together as he cried, mumbling “I’m sorry” to you countless times until he’s breathless. 
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There were rumours spreading around the internet, about Joshua and his speculated ‘girlfriend’. It was said that they were dating, since they went to the same places, wore the same clothes and the girl even went to Seventeen’s concert. Most Carats were very accepting of this news, some of them were denying it because there were no confirmation from Shua or Pledis themselves and some are even mad that some people dared to invade his privacy. While this  maybe harmless, but there antis who went as far to pay trucks to insult him. There are hate comments posted all over the internet, stalkers and sasaeng tailing him around. While he looked fine on the outside, Joshua was badly affected by all of this. 
He was usually smiling wherever he goes, greeting fans and reporters around him with a kind smile. But there’s no smile on his beautiful face anymore. Carats saw this persona when they saw him at the airport with a straight face, he didn’t greet the crowd with a cheery face anymore. They were deeply saddened by this fact so the fandom showered him with more love and appreciation– liking all of his posts on Instagram, commenting on his post with kind words, making edits about him to show him how much he is loved by his fans and that he shouldn’t worry that his fans would leave him if he really did date someone and if the rumors were true. They told him that they wished he will always be happy– they’re happy if he’s happy. They’ll be so happy for him if he has someone he loves, someone to call a lover.
No matter what they say, we love you so much, Joshua.
They were giving their ending ments, but DK and Mingyu were trying to comfort Joshua who was emotional. He really tried his best to calm himself but ended up crying again. 
“I really want to thank all the Carats for keep loving and supporting us. Carats have been my driving force to keep working hard. I will continue to work hard even more from now on. Thank you Carats, I love you so much” Joshua say, as he choked up on his tears. He then took a deep breath before looking at his members. 
“Can I… Can I say something more?” he asked them, then turning to look at Seungcheol who was sitting at the top seat in the audience. They can already feel what he wanted to talk about so they all turned to their leader, waiting for his approval. Seungcheol sighed, he felt bad that his friend had to go through this torment, just for some baseless rumours. Joshua is not dating the girl he’s rumoured with, heck, he doesn’t even know who the girl was. Seungcheol nodded, he agreed to let Joshua to do what he wishes, the company be damned, he wants his friend to be happy first– more than anything. Joshua smiled at him sadly and mouthed a small thanks. He turned to the fans again.
“Truthfully, there’s someone that I love. I have loved her way back since I barely debuted until today. We dated once, very briefly but we broke up because fans wouldn’t like it if their idols date. So, she left. To protect me. She was someone I absolutely adore, very talented and loving. A senior idol we all looked up to. We meet again, and I asked if we can be together again. But she was still so afraid of that idea, afraid that it will hurt me more, that it will bring more damage to me. What do I do, Carats? How should I convince her?” Joshua said. His tears are falling again. The fans squealed, exhilirated to  hear this directly from him, because it was unusual for Joshua or even idols to share their private lives explicitly. 
“Date her!” someone in the crowds shouted. 
“You should convince her to date you!”
“We’ll be happy to see you date someone!” 
“An idol??”
“I wanna see this lucky girl!” 
The responses were mostly warm and it put a smile on their faces. Carats are really the best. Joshua looked up again to where Seungcheol was sitting, a sad smile on his face. 
“You heard what they say, don’t you? They wanted us to date. What do you say?” he asked. The crowd went wild after that. Shocked and excited to know this person who has been occupying their idols heart was present among them.
“She’s here?!” someone screamed. 
“What?? Is it someone sitting in S.Coups’s area?” 
“I thought it was all the staff members near him!”
The cameras zoomed in to the area where Seungcheol was sitting in again, this time showing him looking at a figure dressed in all black, face and hair all hidden under large bucket hat, face mask and sunglasses. He looked like he was assuring her, eyes gentle and understanding.
“It’s okay, Y/n. You don’t have to be scared” Seungcheol assured. 
“What are you guys doing, exposing us like this?!” you whisper-yelled, panic evident in your voice. 
“Calm down. We’re here with you. No one will hurt you” he replied.
“How are you so sure? There’s lots of people and staff members”
“The staff here are on our side. You don’t have to be scared. We’re in this together” Seungcheol said, voice firm. You knew he couldn't see your brows furrowing, and that you're biting your lips in worry. But he sure knows a way to pull you out of your thoughts.
"He's going to call your name if you don't look at him soon. The whole Tokyo Dome will hear it. Are you sure you're ready for that?" His words made you turn back to the guys on stage so fast you almost got a whiplash. 
"You finally look at me," Joshua smiled. His voice sounded so happy that it made the audience cheer wildly for him and it made your heart clenches with fear. 
“Date him! You are the luckiest girl in the world! There’s so many women who want to be in your place right now!” a fan cheered so loudly that made the  whole place cackles.
“No, I am the luckiest guy in the world if I’ll be able to call her mine again” Joshua intercepted, a sweet smile on his face as he looked up at you. You were feeling all sorts of things right now and you might just pass out from this overwhelming pressure. You wanted to run away but you also wanted to run to him instead. 
“Let’s start again. Let’s be each others’ light and courage once more. And, even if there’s another rainy day again… I’ll be the first in line for you. I will cry and laugh with you, so will call me yours again?” Joshua confesses, his voice breaking at the end– trying to hold back his cries. At this point, your face and the mask you wore were wet with tears and you were gripping the railing so hard that your knuckles turned white. The whole place turned quiet after that, awaiting your answer. The air hangs heavy in the atmosphere. Joshua felt like his heart might jump out of his chest from beating so wildly in his ribcage.
You finally nodded, finally gave him the answer he so desperately wanted and he immediately bursts into tears, exhaling heavily. DK immediately pulled him into his embrace to calm him even though he was the one crying harder than Shua did. The latter hid his face in DK’s shoulder to hide his crying face from embarrassment. Seungkwan went to hug him from behind, happy for his hyung– finally get to be with the person he loves again. And then it turned to be a group hug out of a sudden and Seungcheol was pouting because he couldn’t join them. 
“Do you want to join them? I can bring you to the stage” a guard asked Seungcheol who was pouting. 
“Yes. And please bring Y/n with us too” he replied.
“Why me?” you questioned, puzzled.
“Because you’re part of our family. Has always been that way. But, welcome back, Y/n” he smiled, gums exposed and cheeks bunching cutely. 
“Glad to be back” you chuckled.
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After the successful comeback– SEVENTEENTH HEAVEN, Pledis Ent made an announcement shocking the whole fandom and K-pop industry. 
Hello, This is Pledis Ent.
We are happy to announce that Seventeen’s member Joshua officially started dating fellow artist Lee Y/n of Bighit Ent. They have been together for quite some time and finally ready to share this happy news with the fans. We ask you for continuous love and support for both Joshua and Y/n for their endeavors. May they always be happy with each other among the loving family, friends and fans. 
Thank you. 
After that, Joshua posted on Weverse, photos of you both with the brightest smile on your faces, holding hands, going on walks and trips with each other. You both looked so happy in those photos and he wished his fans could see that too. 
 ‘My Headliner. Please continue to give us love and support Carats. And thank you for always loving me as I am. I am forever grateful for you all. I love you so much. And to my lover, thank you for staying strong despite all the hardships you’ve been through. I’ll make it up to you from now on. Please continue to love me <3’ 
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strwberri-milk · 11 months
Hi hi hello! Can i request mordern high school love with thoma? Reader being a gentle and reserved person being more popular among the juniors and thoma popular for his charm and being on the basketball team. Theyre relationship isnt too open but its not a secret either. They try to keep it low key of course
Now imagine the small moments with him :( after school studying at the library, walking home together, recess on the rooftop, arcade dates on the weekend and him winning you a plushie that we know sleep with evry night :(( him asking you to prom and being a gentleman :(( him coming over after school to study but end up staying over cause of the thunderstorm outside :(( our parents love him hes so sweet
(Pls help im so delulu for him)
ngl i love. modern high school aus theres smth about the simplicity of high school and being in the in between where you're *almost* an adult but still treated like a child and knowing youre about to ?? crest smth that everyone talks about anyway idk i really romanticised my high school life and ngl all my friends are from higschool LMAOO also the whole freshman/junior/sophmore/senior thing makes no sense to me idek if i put this in the right order and i wish prom was more of a thing here bc yall make it seem so fun
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Thoma is definitely that kid that people know of, but don't really know all too well. He's really nice and all the teachers and students like him, and of course being both attractive and athletic made him that much easier to admire.
You had a crush on him for what feels like forever, wishing that one day he'd notice you out of all the other people who liked him too. He had so many admirers due to how kind he was, but being his friend you knew that there was so much to him.
When he finally asked you out it was the most cliche, yet sweetest way he could have ever done it. He drove you to a place that the two of you often frequented. When you got out, you turned around to see a picnic he prepared for the two of you, thinking it was just another nice thing he was doing for you because you were a little stressed out recently but the flowers and shy look on his face told you otherwise.
The two of you didn't go out of your way to tell everyone you were dating. Thoma just wasn't as willing to let people touch him as much, and you were seen hanging around the basketball team a little more often than before. Thoma always walked you to class anyway if he could, so people couldn't really tell the difference until one day they saw him give you a hug.
By that point everyone found out pretty quick but the two of you didn't feel the need to justify anything to anybody so you'd just confirm that you were dating and that was it.
Thoma always loves taking you on various dates whenever you can. He would see what kinds of places pop up on his feed and scout them out before taking you out for a night on the town (until curfew of course).
Your parents were really trying to look for something to be wrong with him, not wanting him to distract you from your life or end up in an unsatisfactory position of your heart being broken or anything like that. However, the fact that he constantly brought you home on time and made sure to say greet your parents every time as well as bring them treats he baked himself made it hard for him to stay hated in their eyes.
He's constantly gifting you things that remind him of you. If he's at the grocery store then he's giving you a candy that you liked. If he's at the mall he found some accessory he thought you'd look good with. It doesn't matter when or where - you're always on his mind and the trinkets you've accumulated from him are proof of that.
Whenever there are any events locally he loves to take you to them. Whether it be some sort of festival or just a pop up his favourite thing to do is explore the grounds with you and spoil you with prizes or the food there. He's got no limits when it comes to you.
Exam season means crunch time. The two of you are forcibly holed up by each other to try and get studying done. He's a hard worker so he's got tons of study tips for you if you need it and the right amount of rewards too. Whenever you get a practise question right or finish a writing prompt within the time limit well he always congratulates you with a hug or a kiss.
I can see him being super into doubling too. The two of you are one of those people who are constantly on call just doing random shit together. Neither of you has to actually talk to the other person - you both just like being in each other's presence.
Your room and bed are both filled with tons of things that Thoma gives you and he can't help but grin to himself whenever he comes over and sees it. He's got photos commemorating everything on his phone, glad that you like the things he gives you as much as he likes you.
Thoma absolutely adores you and I can see the two of you being high school sweethearts. He comes to your events and you to his, and the two of you end up living a perfectly happy life together, glad that one day oh so many years ago the two of you were assigned lockers next to each other.
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chloryn · 2 days
best friends + forever || s.h. & r.b.
cw // a/b/o, omega!steve, first heat, light embarrassment, platonic relationships only, there’s zero romance in this, just best friends being best friends, drug abuse, self harm, probably not very canon at all actually
a/n || this is a prequel to the a/b/o steddie fic, i just really wanted to love on robbie and stevie and they’re friendship
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thinking about steve, steve in his early teens yearning for intimacy and begging someone to listen to him. because he feels left out. but not physically, just mentally.
steve who presents as a junior in highschool in the middle of class, in the second floor bathroom. alone, confused. and he is so embarrassed he doesn’t show up for the rest of the week. he blames a stomach bug, but the story will constantly evolve into a deeper lie until it evaporates and no longer matters.
steve who uses scent blockers and heat suppressants incorrectly. steve who buys them in back alleys and quiet corners out of town, so no one could ever know. steve who only dates betas, because ‘he’s a beta’. and that's perfect. that’s perfectly fine, and completely normal.
steve, who’s a senior, meeting his best friend. his best friend who he doesn’t even know yet. but she’s soft, and gentle. and he had never felt that kindness, at least not from someone who wasn’t forced to give it. and steve who is grateful for robin, because he may not tell her his secrets yet but she stays and comforts him regardless.
robin, who protects steve. even if she doesn't know why. robin who prides herself in not looking too far into steve’s past because she wasn’t a part of who he was, she’s just glad to be a part of who he is and will be.
and then it happens, the part where robin doesn’t have to dig. she doesn’t have to ask, not when steve is hiding in the employee bathroom for thirty minutes, and certainly not when she and every other alpha across the newly crafted mall could smell how sweet he smelled.
and robin, with her soft eyes and sweet smile, had to become a force. she closed the ice cream shop as fast as she possibly could, ordering everyone out. telling them there was a sudden emergency in the back, that a machine had malfunctioned, going as far as to say she was having the problem. even though deep down she knew she couldn’t pull that off.
she hurried to the bathroom, and she felt horrified for him. in his fevered, whimpering state. but even more so, horrified by the look on his face. because best friend or not steve knew robin was an alpha, steve had heard all the horrible tales, all the things alphas would do to omegas. and in the end he would lose every time, because he would be completely out of his mind.
“steve,” she spoke so softly, in control, “I’m not going to hurt you, okay?”
a soft whimper, a plea.
“steve, i would never do that to you, okay?” she was trying to comfort him, help him. “tell me what you need,”
he could see the control she had, he could see that she wasn’t going to hurt him. but what about after he spoke, what if he said something he didn’t mean, and what if she took advantage of that. and he didn’t know how any of this worked, he hadn’t even really had a first heat. he had a pre-heat and that was only a minor scratch in the surface. because what he felt now was overload. the embarrassment and hate he felt couldn’t even come up to his thoughts, because all he felt now was need. he couldn’t register the fear he had, he felt like he couldn’t breathe without begging for air.
and then robin bolted, running to find his bag. it was close, she was only gone for a moment but to him it felt like ages. it felt like being younger, being expected to present as an alpha. being pitied by his parents after they had found out. being an afterthought to them when he wasn’t in their direct sight. it felt like being lonely, it felt like he was being left out.
and robin, she stayed at least a foot away, dumping all of steve’s belongings on to the tiled floor. napkins and notes. a tin of mints clanged harshly, causing him to flinch and cry out. he still refused to speak, refused to look at her at all really.
but robin was busy now, she knew that unless this was steve presenting, which was incredibly unlikely, he had something on him. something to alleviate this at least to a bearable, dull pain. rummaging until she found a small bottle, a bottle meant for aspirin.
she held it up, a silent prayer. and he managed to nod.
she watched as he had taken the contents, looked at the pills he counted out. she said nothing as he swallowed them dry. said nothing about how he took more than he would have been prescribed. because maybe she was wrong, robin wasn’t going out and asking omegas their private business. and up until now robin wasn’t in the game of knowing an omega that personally to ask.
and then, they sat. robin silently, watching over her dearest friend. steve not so, still a mess. he had started blubbering, saying nonsensical things that robin knew he didn’t mean. his consciousness fading in and out.
they sat there well past the mall's designated closing time. thankful security hadn’t checked, probably due to the early closing of the store. robin going out to check every so often. it had been hours later when steve lifted his body from a light sleep.
he felt sticky, he felt the exhaustion pulse over him. he looked towards robin. who stared at him, letting her eyes soften not to startle him. she had grabbed a cup of water hours ago, and it sat there with her. waiting.
she nudged it towards him, still careful not to get too close. he moved to grab it, taking it in small sips.
“robin, i’m so,” his words fell flat, he didn’t think he would remember this much. didn’t think he could have, at least not from everything he’d researched alone.
tears fell down robin’s cheeks, she felt like this was the closest thing to shock a person could feel. she hated it, hated the way she was perceived. over something she couldn’t decide, something that was so out of her control. and she felt so ashamed, maybe not the same shame steve did, but hers was just as valid.
“i’m just glad you’re okay,” tear streaked cheeks and all, and she still managed to care more about steve, than herself. still managed to push aside all her feelings, and take care of him.
not because she was genetically crafted too but because he was her best friend, and she loved him. and he loved her.
they talked, they stayed there on the floor awhile longer. they shared horror stories, and stupid memories until they were ready. ready to walk out to steve’s car.
there things felt real, for the first time in hours this was real. and steve’s hands were shaking, his whole body really.
“i don’t know what to do,” it was broken, the words falling out of his mouth in a crumbled sense. he knew he couldn’t pretend it didn’t happen. couldn’t repress it any further back, no amount of shitty stories about chemistry class or disgusting ice cream orders could cover up what had unfolded. “this was never how i thought it would be, and i–”
“i realized when i was 13,” robin felt a sense of relief with her words, “i remember everything changing, and my god i could smell everything,”
“i mean it steve, like everything. and i was so, so mad because i remember thinking there was absolutely no way i could be an alpha, right?”
“but i was incredibly wrong, because then i had to lock myself in my room for a whole day, and i was so–”
“oh my god, robin!” steve was somewhere in between a laugh, “enough, enough!”
“too much?”
he gave her a soft nod.
“and f-y-i,” she pushed herself, steve was safe. steve would keep her safe too. “i’m not into you, or men, in like, general so,”
and like that, steve felt incredibly stupid, “you mean to tell me, we can pick?”
steve wasn’t completely dumb, he knew betas could pick, just not alphas and omegas. he assumed that was up to some different force. some divine creature.
“steve… of course you can pick?” robin was just as confused, “you just think of everyone as a potential partner?”
“of course not, i pick girls who are cute and present as betas,”
“yeah.. but do you like..” she didn’t know how to say these things, in fact robin wasn’t sure she knew how to speak, “like-like boys but not say it?”
“no robin!” of course he didn’t, “i only think of boys like that when i’m like, not taking my meds right,”
“steve.. what did you take back there?” the car suddenly felt ten times smaller.
“it’s uh, heat suppressors,” he scratched the back of his neck, “they help to stop-”
“i know what they do, but i also know that you’re taking way too many, and that it could seriously hurt you steve,” she really didn’t mean to sound so harsh, “i mean seriously?”
“is it really that bad to like boys?” she huffed, steve started to speak but she was quick to cut him off, “or-or is it really so bad to be an omega? because if it is then you have to figure something else out, you’re going to kill yourself,”
steve was silent, eyes blown. he knew he was hurting himself, knew the risks outweighed the rewards. but he knew it made his parents happy, knew they thought of him as less of a burden because he didn’t show his weakness. he knew his friends wouldn’t have liked him anymore, they would’ve thought of him as weak for it. he knew that he didn’t like that part of him. knew he couldn’t stand the thought of himself that way.
he realized he was crying again, and so was robin. because his fear, was shared with hers. the fear of losing him. but they were oh so different because steve, steve who was terrified of losing the version of himself he had created. he had worked so hard to build. to cover every ounce of weakness he had buried inside. and robin, who was scared of losing her best friend, steve who had become someone else when he talked about movies he liked. steve who had genuine love for the kids he hung out with, and gave them purpose. steve who only ever had to be steve.
“rob.. i’m scared,”
“i know,”
and that was it, he spilled it out. he told her all of it. repeating it over and over. he told her about feeling alone, and helpless. feeling like he would never be himself again. he told her about his parents, and the way they changed. told her about the drugs, and the terrible things he had done to himself. he told her how much he wanted to be loved.
“steve, you’ll always be loved,” and she meant it. she knew he’d find a first love, and he’d find a mate. but that’s not what made steve lonely, steve was lonely without a shoulder. without a person who could listen to him. steve needed a best friend, steve needed a bond that couldn’t break. no matter what.
steve drove them back to his house, robin had offered to sit in. his parents had left on a work trip, he was safe. and he trusted her, to stay with him.
robin left the next morning, making sure steve knew what to expect. they had studied all the books steve had, and even used the family computer once of twice. and the waves of his first heat, they were unbearable. but he pushed through. he felt relieved after, like he could really do this.
robin brought over the trashiest, sweetest food she could find once it had passed. and they celebrated. they celebrated them, their friendship. they celebrated steve and who he truly was. they celebrated to new beginnings.
they were whole.
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tamaotomoe · 1 year
an observation/character study of pisces tamao's story and developments from arcana arcadia -> star celebrate, along with my interpretations. note that a decent amount of these is just taken from some loose threads i made on twitter a while back, this is just the expanded version of it.
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or: bro who knows and fell into utter despair and embraced wanton destruction and the power it gave her now chooses to embrace her innate love and compassion in spite of what she once did 💀💀💀💀💀
revue of salvation and rebirth, or tamarui revue at the end of aa act 5 concludes with rui having to basically beat into tamao that the death she's emulating, a being something like maya, or akira, is not who she is. the tamao tomoe that gave rinmeikan, and all of them, life, is someone who is sweet, kind and compassionate. tamao is scared to go back to that again, something that she deemed weak, but she chose that path in the end.
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tamao became a villainous death out of desperation. she’s done so much. but she still has the choice to embrace her kindness. she will always have the choice. in spite of the death she once was, she can move on and grow past it through the kindness she chose.
and i think, in her star celebrate story (pisces) is when we first see how she wields this kindness and compassion.
the tl:dr of it is that tamao's stuck on how to perform her role and asks mahiru for help. star celebrate is a play without a script and it's up to the actors to interpret their roles. the story of pisces is about the goddess aphrodite who was holding a banquet at the banks of the nile, when the monster typhon suddenly appears and attacks. fearing being separated from her child, eros, she ties a string between them and disguises themselves as fish, and this is how pisces came to be. tamao has already come up with something, but...
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it feels too simple for her. after a while nighttime falls and mahiru and tamao try to find pisces. and then, mahiru speaks up.
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mahiru asks tamao to look within herself. introspection of the self, i suppose. and at the end, here is what tamao's interpretation becomes.
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a mother who loves her child, binds herself to him, but understands that one day, the string that ties them together must be cut, and the child must make a journey all on his own. but as per her mother's love, she hopes that it is not her, but her child that severs it. if it is the child that severs, then she knows not to worry, as it shows that her child has the strength and courage to face the future head on.
what i believe this is, interpret this as, is tamao's feelings between her, and ruiyukko.
it was often brought up in previous stories how much tamao fussed and worried over everyone in rinmeikan, but rui and yuyuko especially, because they're her juniors, and the ones who will inherit the rmk performance department.
tamao and ruiyukko are very much tied up in their roles as "senior" and "junior", "lord" and "follower". so even if it was not tamao's intention, it's those ties that would have them still follow her as death, willingly (rui) or unwillingly (yuyuko). perhaps she realized this. perhaps she too has come to the conclusion that they must move on from this, set off on a journey on their own, a philosophy similar to the movie.
it's obvious she cares for them, a lot. but if she is to see them flourish as stage girls, make a journey of their own, she has to cut what ties them together. but it is her innate compassion that dictates and hopes, that it will not be her that cuts these ties, it has to be rui and yuyuko that cuts them. to sever it herself would be cruelty. but she cannot care for them forever, as an unchanging stasis will lead to their deaths as stage girls. they will not grow. so wielding her compassion and love, she gives them the choice.
if rui and yuyuko choose to sever, then tamao need not worry or fuss over them as she did in the past. if they show her the courage and strength needed to make that choice, then she knows that they will be fine for what lies ahead.
tl:dr : look at my son boy. he who knew the power of death and despair once but grew to choose and believe in her compassion and love as her power. Look At How My Son Has Grown, Boy.
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chibivesicle · 1 year
I would love to see an in depth breakdown of Stampede’s reworkings of Trigun’s female characters and how they compare to their original counterparts. Because although I’m not normally one to cry “misogyny” but I can’t help but feel like whoever decided to turn multifaceted characters like Meryl, Luida and Elendira into cutesy waifus and reduced Rem to the classic ‘dead mother’ trope has some explaining to do. There’s also the matter of the plants in Stampede being forcefully impregnated via Knives violating Vash, complete with swollen pregnant stomachs, which to me is just straight up, well, cursed(although something similar happened in the manga).
I can’t help but feel like there’s a lot of unspoken misogyny here.
Now that Trigun Stampede is over and the dust has settled, I can 100% say that I agree with you. The level of lazy misogynistic writing in Stampede was high. When I was doing the weekly videos, I kept thinking, "Well, it isn't that bad. Is it?" until looking at the entire show and realizing, that "Yeah. It was terrible."
I'm not even going to touch on the entire sexual/impregnation of the plants via Knives by violating Vash at all! I'm sure one could write an entire meta about it and how cringe it is but I'm not feeling that vibe.
I'll focus on the female cast and how they were shortchanged from the original work to this 're-imagining'. I will say that the Trigun manga, focuses less on the female characters. But they are all totally competent individuals who are not driven by the romantic need to marry some man. Overall, the '98 anime was even better by creating the quartet of Vash, Meryl, Milly and Wolfwood. I mentioned it from time to time in my reviews but the original anime passed the Bechdel test. Which on paper isn't a high bar for media to clear but soooo many things fail that test.
For overall female character significance and roles in the Trigun universe (multiverse?) the '98 anime is top. Meryl and Milly play a major role in how Vash and Wolfwood behave and also bear witness to their actions and support them. Yet, they are not weak but instead demonstrate how four people, will have four different ways to solve the exact same problem.
However, the manga has a greater cast of women and cannot be ignored. As you mentioned, Luida and Elendira appeared in Stampede from Trimax and both are great characters. Aaannnnddd, Stampede ruined them for me.
The best way to approach all of the key women of the series, we'll break it down by character.
Meryl Stryfe - insurance adjuster/reporter
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Trigun manga - secondary character. Acts as human viewpoint watching Vash, reacting to the power of his angel arm, contemplating what it is like to kill someone with a firearm. Age at the start of manga 21. Age after time skip, 23. By the end of the series 24-25 ish?
Trigun '98 - main character. Acts as human viewpoint in observing Vash [again] but also feels compassion towards him as their friendship grows. Senior and experienced insurance adjuster both a friend and mentor for Milly. Competent on the job, hard worker, gets things done, leans for logic over emotions. Age not mentioned in anime, but likely similar to manga. Vocal, opinionated, and ready to take on any situation.
Stampede - main character. Newbie reporter for November news under Roberto. Older starting age of 23, yet acts like she's 16 or something. Her character is a disappointment in this version; with her being junior to Roberto there is no senior female in the cast and it shows. By no means is Meryl supposed to be a perfect person (this is Nightow after all) but he does not write cutesy female characters. No female character in his cast is like how she is in Stampede.
Milly Thompson - insurance adjuster/reporter/???TBD
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Trigun manga - secondary character. Strong, emotional, a bit naive but still able to help Wolfwood out during a fight. Continues to be the junior to Meryl and follows her to their secondary career as journalists.
Trigun '98 - main character. Foil to both Meryl and Wolfwood. Besides Vash making Wolfwood change his viewpoints, she also pushes him to think about things differently. Most importantly, she doesn't judge him based on his actions and only shows that she cares. Emotionally intelligent, naive and honest to a fault.
Stampede - next season?
Enough said right there. Why was Milly replaced by lame ass old man info dump Roberto?
Rem Severem - Key team member of Project Seeds/Vash and Knives adopted mother
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Trigun manga - Rem is the mother/moral guidepost for Vash in the manga. He tries to uphold her ideals and moral code to not kill anyone. She told him about the death of her significant other which left her feeling lost. However, a dream about her taking a train with a origin station but no destination created her philosophy that everyone's ticket to the future is blank.
She is an incredibly compassionate individual and even tries to stop Vash from committing suicide being injured herself in the events. It causes him to snap out of it as he put her in medical care. However, her philosophy is impossible to practice on the planet where the ships crashed. Yet for ~150 years Vash is able to not kill another person.
Trigun '98 - The exact same role as in the manga but with less backstory fleshed out. However, her quote of one's ticket to the future is blank is the same. Additionally, the anime adds in her love of a creation song which becomes a musical motif in the anime linking Vash to her and to the present day humans as they try to create a new world. Hence the creation myth song as Project Seeds was to allow for them to restart.
The anime links Rem to Meryl when Vash finds himself lost as she supports him before he heads off for his final showdown with Knives. It shows that a very similar philosophy still exists within humanity and that Vash can continue on with his personal moral compass.
Stampede - At first, we learn who Rem is, unlike the anime or manga. She shows us that she saved Vash and Nai and that she loved them. However, that was it. We never hear her personal philosophy. The flashback only focuses on how she tries to raise them as her own children but no deep moral discussions are had like in the manga or even the anime.
Again, this is a huge determent to her character in Stampede; the series very much went for tell not show. So to try to convey Rem's character through showing when the default was tell made it a disappointment. I waited, waited, waited for her to say at least some version of her quote about the ticket being blank. Nothing.
Rem barely spoke in the scheme of things. Nor did Vash have dream or one sided conversations with her in Stampede which also made it hard to understand why he wouldn't kill.
Elendira the Crimsonnail - 13th Gung-ho Gun/nail producing child-plant hybrid who doesn't age
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Trigun manga - A trans woman and the strongest of the Gung-ho Guns. Truly a witty and fashionable individual with her briefcase that allows for her to pierce opponents with a rain of oversized nails. Elendira's character is quite nuanced, watching the fall of humanity on the planet while having complex conversations with Legato. The two of them are frequently at odds but both see their roles to assist Knives in his goals.
I found her character to be the most sane/rational viewpoint into Knives and his organization. She always has a witty remark or comment and seems to have chosen to work with Knives thinking that this would be the winning side.
After she's revealed to be trans, that's pretty much it. It isn't brought up time and time again, nor does it define her character - you know with the whole ending of humanity on the planet taking more precedence.
Her final battle against Livio is epic and overall, I liked her character. She was badass in the best way possible.
Stampede - Ugh, where do I even start. . . . Elendira appears to be a perma-prepubescent child being a human-plant hybrid. We see her with Grey the Ninelines when they steal a plant in episode 3 wearing a pink dress. So maybe a girl? Maybe a boy? No gender?
But then, when we get the Monev the Gale/Rollo flashback, she speaks to young Rollo calling herself an angel and appears the same age. Present events put her fight with Vash, Wolfwood, Meryl and Roberto 25 years later and she looks the same. Apparently, being a human-plant hybrid makes her inferior to Vash or Knives since she still has to plug herself into one of the glass aquariums to regulate her 'gate'. So, not a plant plant, but lacking the skills of an independent plant. Sort of a crappy outcome the more you think about it.
Despite her age being at least 35 (say she was 10 when she met Rollo) or even older than that - she acts like a child. Gets angry like a child and has not mentally matured at all. Again, didn't get the rapid aging bits of Vash so still mentally a child? Unless I am told otherwise, I'm gonna stick with she/her pronouns and based on the rest of writing for Stampede, they likely want us to see her as cis not trans.
You cannot even compare Trimax Elendira to Stampede. They are not the same character other than the name. They don't even use nails the same way! As far as I'm concerned, she's pointless in Stampede. A cutesy angry girl who will kill you with her gate manifested nails.
Luida - Leader of [un]crashed seeds ship/botanist
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Trigun manga - leader of humans from the Project Seeds ship that had been in hiding with several generations of humans living on it above the barbaric planet below. As events worsen, becomes the de facto leader of all the humans resisting Knives and coordinates with the NML cavalry. Wise, straight shooting and in charge. Brad works for her after the death of the Sensei by the Leonoff the Puppet master situation.
She never really steals any scene but is critical to the success of their plan and acts as the link between the humans from Earth and the people on the planet's surface. Always framed in a strong position of leadership. A very androgynous appearance with spiked black hair, and simple clothing.
Stampede - Simplified to the second stand in mother figure for Vash. She also gets aged up with her first meeting Vash when he was a teenager and brought him into their home. Instead of being older than Brad, she is a peer with him and both of them are considerably older in the current time point. A plant biologist expert - something which is not even close to the role that she played in Trimax.
She also elicits the anti-mother anger from Knives in Stampede, meaning that Knives only wants Vash to himself. No women allowed to be mothers for them! Compared to the manga, she again like Elendira is a totally different character. We don't see a whole lot of that natural leadership and commanding presence from the manga.
Therefore, of this list of key female characters their fates are as such in Stampede:
Meryl - aged up but down in maturity and experience.
Milly - missing.
Rem - dead mother trope. Never said anything to convey why Vash is the way he is.
Elendira - infantilazation to a perma-child.
Luida - kind older lady/second mother.
Therefore, two female characters have been relegated to mother figures; Rem and Luida. Meryl was made less mature to be the junior to an old asshole. Elendira is as far as we know a perma-child.
All mature women with years of experience have been removed from the story. Yeah, I enjoyed the previous versions of Trigun for their killer girls, uwu-waifus, and doting mothers. Really connect with these sorts of characters. . . .
I'm sure you can tell I'm being sarcastic. Thus, I will rewatch the '98 anime, or reread the manga and turn my attention to Kekkai Sensen. Where there are more excellent female characters - shocking! K.K., Chain Sumeragi, Luciana Estavez, Aligura, Michella Watch (a blind woman in a wheelchair took out a Beyondian mad doctor remember?) and in the anime, White.
If Stampede wanted to do scary cute well, they only needed to look at Aligura. One of the 13 kings and a gothic lolita. It takes ovaries to liquefy your boyfriend and inject him into your crush. But hey, it works. 'Cause based on her dismissal of Leo thinking that he was important to her, she's not one to cry like a perma-child like Elendira in Stampede. When one's monster truck, car eating vehicle of destruction causes thousands of casualties, you are pretty badass.
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