#sometimes you've got wisdom through experience and sometimes you don't
worstloki · 2 years
i actually love the concept of thor and loki being aliens that have lived a thousand years of various experiences yes but also being considered young because they're *only* a thousand and haven't experienced a lot of things and have regular relationship problems
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bitchy-craft · 8 months
Let's Give You A Confidence Boost | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find a confidence boost for you. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterlist > Questions > Paid Readings
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
It's important to recognize that your journey is uniquely yours, filled with experiences that have shaped who you are today. Embrace the qualities that set you apart from others, for they are the very essence of what makes you special. Your strengths, talents, and even your challenges have contributed to your growth and wisdom.
As you navigate through life's twists and turns, remember that you possess the inner strength to overcome any obstacles that come your way. Every setback is a chance to learn, adapt, and come back stronger. Embrace your journey, and let your confidence shine.
Pile 2:
At times, it's easy to underestimate your own potential, but I want you to recognize the incredible capabilities that lie within you. Take a moment to reflect on your accomplishments, both big and small. Each success is a testament to your dedication and hard work. Your journey is a collection of achievements that highlight your resilience and determination.
Believe in your abilities, and trust that your unique perspective and skills bring immense value to any endeavor you pursue. Don't shy away from challenges; instead, view them as opportunities for growth. The world is waiting to see the greatness you're capable of achieving.
Pile 3:
Life is a series of steps, each one taking you closer to your goals and aspirations. Amidst the uncertainty and self-doubt that can sometimes cloud our minds, it's crucial to remember just how resilient you are. You've weathered storms and celebrated triumphs, proving your ability to navigate through life's highs and lows. While it's easy to be critical of yourself, I encourage you to acknowledge your progress, no matter how incremental it might seem.
Each step forward, no matter how small, is a testament to your determination and courage. The path to success is rarely linear, but your willingness to persevere despite challenges speaks volumes about your character. Keep moving forward with unwavering confidence in your potential. You've got this!
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theadhdbarista · 6 months
Your Interests Are Valid, Too
Let's talk about interests for a moment. Specifically, let's talk about ADHD interests. As ADHDers, we sometimes experience what are referred to as "hyperfixations", or those interests that are extremely intense and consuming for a while but then fade out of our lives for seemingly no reason at all.
For some ADHDers, this can be a really discouraging trait. I'm definitely a person who used to get very upset with myself over it. If I can't hold onto a hobby and I know it'll be gone soon, what's the point in being excited about it?
It gets really frustrating to deal with. And honestly, the horrible things I used to tell myself over it were extremely damaging to my mental health overall. However, after spending a lot of time working through it, I've realized all that shame isn't going to change the way my brain works.
All it does is make me miserable! It sucks out all the joy and excitement from my life. Here's what I learned, a little wisdom I'd like to impart upon the reader.
My interests are still valid and so are yours. They may be drastically different by next week, but that's not inherently a bad thing. It's certainly infuriating for some of us - don't get me wrong.
But our brains need novelty. Our brains need a surge of things that are new to get through life without being bored. Have you ever noticed that rearranging your desk suddenly makes writing that economics paper a task that's actually possible, or that buying a new sponge gets you up to clean your sink, or that getting really invested in a new show makes you motivated to create art? The thing that those situations have in common is that something is new.
We simply don't get motivated the same way neurotypical people do. Novelty is one way that many ADHDers overcome their executive dysfunction. It lets our brains do something!
And then that new thing gets old. It's no longer new, so we move on to something else. It doesn't make us any less deserving of excitement, no matter WHAT neurotypicals want to tell us (and what we internalize from that).
What I'm getting at here is that you're allowed to be excited about that show. You're allowed to reorganize your computer as often as you want. You're allowed to loop that new song 60 times in a row. You deserve to live your life in a way that brings you joy and fulfillment, not in a way that someone else thinks you should. It's okay to be interested in things.
If you've got no one to be excited with, my askbox is open. I would love to hear about whatever you're interested in right now. You deserve enthusiasm, my friend.
I wish you a wonderful week. Remember, you are valid and loved just as you are!
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rubyarrows · 8 months
Needed Distraction
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I couldn't believe I was stuck in that hospital room, waiting for the doctor to come back with my test results. The sterile smell and the constant beeping of machines were starting to get on my nerves. I absentmindedly flipped through a magazine, my mind wandering to anything but the situation at hand.
Just then, Will Halstead walked in with a kind smile on his face. I was surprised to see him. We had struck up an unlikely friendship during my time at the hospital, and I appreciated his company more than I cared to admit.
"You're still here?" I asked, trying to keep my tone light. "You don't have to keep me company, you know."
He chuckled as he pulled up a chair and sat down beside my bed. "Well, I figured you might be bored out of your mind sitting here alone."
I shrugged, unable to hide the gratitude in my eyes. "Yeah, well, I guess I am. Thanks for saving me from the brink of insanity."
Will leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed casually. "It's no problem. I've had my fair share of hospital stays, so I know how mind-numbing they can be."
I smiled, appreciating his understanding. We had shared stories about our past hospital experiences, forming a bond over the absurdity of medical procedures and the peculiar characters you meet along the way.
As we chatted about random topics, I realized how easy it was to talk to Will. There was a natural flow to our conversation, and his presence was surprisingly comforting. It was as if he knew just what to say to keep my mind off the anxiety that had been building up since I arrived.
"You know," he said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between us, "sometimes a bit of distraction is all you need to get through these situations."
I nodded, grateful for his wisdom. "You're right. Thanks for being my distraction, Will."
He grinned, his eyes lighting up. "Anytime, YN. Just remember, you're not alone in this."
I felt a warmth spread through my chest, and for the first time since I'd been admitted, I didn't feel quite so alone. Will's presence, his genuine concern, it all meant more to me than I could express.
As we continued to talk, I realized that the connection we had was something special. It was a platonic bond that had formed in the most unexpected circumstances. And in that moment, sitting in that hospital room, I was grateful for his company, for his ability to turn a mundane and worrisome situation into something that didn't seem so daunting after all.
As Will and I were engrossed in our conversation, the door to my hospital room swung open once again. This time, Dr. Natalie Manning walked in, her presence commanding attention. She was the kind of doctor who exuded confidence and compassion in equal measure.
"YN," she greeted me with a warm smile, her eyes moving from me to Will and back. "I see you've got some company."
I looked at Will, a hint of amusement in my eyes. "Looks like I'm not as alone as I thought."
Natalie chuckled softly and stepped closer to the bed. "Well, I'm glad to see you're keeping good company. How are you feeling?"
"Anxious, mostly," I admitted with a half-smile. "Waiting for test results is never fun."
Natalie nodded in understanding, her gaze sympathetic. "I know the feeling. But you're in good hands here."
I glanced between Natalie and Will, a sense of gratitude washing over me. These two had gone out of their way to keep me company and offer support during a time when I felt vulnerable. It meant more to me than words could express.
"You know," Will chimed in, his tone light, "we were just discussing the art of distraction. Turns out, I'm quite skilled in that area."
Natalie raised an eyebrow playfully, her lips quirking into a smile. "Oh, is that so?"
I chuckled, feeling a warmth in my chest. "Yeah, he's been regaling me with tales of his hospital adventures."
Will feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart. "Hey, those stories are gold! You can learn a lot from them."
Natalie and I shared a knowing glance, and for a moment, the three of us were connected in a way that felt unexpectedly comforting. Despite the hospital setting and the uncertainty hanging over me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie.
"Well, I should probably let you two carry on," Natalie said, her gaze shifting to me. "But remember, YN, if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out."
"Thank you, Natalie," I replied sincerely. "I really appreciate it."
As she left the room, I turned back to Will, a genuine smile on my face. "You see? Even Dr. Manning thinks you're a good distraction."
Will leaned back in his chair, a proud grin on his face. "I've always known I have a talent for keeping people entertained."
I laughed, shaking my head. "You're something else, Will."
Our conversation continued, seamlessly transitioning from light-hearted banter to deeper topics. With Will by my side, the weight of my worries seemed to lessen, and the hospital room felt a little less sterile and intimidating. As the minutes turned into hours, I found myself grateful for this unexpected friendship that had blossomed amid the chaos of the hospital. And in that moment, surrounded by the presence of two caring individuals, I realized that maybe I didn't have to face everything alone after all.
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choclateteez · 2 years
🥊💥4*town During Conflicts/fights with others and each other💥🥊
Part 1 (except I actually continue this time- T and Z's parts are about half way done🤭)
With others
Robaire is slow to anger- being a leader comes with having to work on his patience skills
If you've made him actually lose it, he has tried to make you understand in the nicest ways possible. You've crossed the line
This man is SCARY when angry
He's never afraid of confrontation, try him. Try. him.
Don't try him, actually
He won't care if you're taller, more muscular, more athletic than him, he won't back down. He isn't scared, he really isn't.
The other members kinda get worried about him getting himself into dangerous situations because he has absolutely no fear response in these situations
He doesn't like to resort to yelling, he makes his point across just fine with well chosen words
*trash argument* “oh really??” NONOnoono, dont fucking interrupt me, okay?!”
If things do get physical, he can hold himself well in a fight; he can take a punch or two and throw a lot more
With 4*town
Canonically, he and Aaron Z have a friendly rivalry
However, sometimes it can go a bit too far. Especially when Z has an attitude towards Robaire's orders, or when Robaire doesn't agree with Z’s suggestions or ideas
They'd never physically fight each other, but the tension can get intense
Especially if it's before a big concert
“If the others can do the move, how come you can't? I'm not gonna change the whole choreo because you don't have what it takes.” “I don’t have what it takes? I don't have what it takes???” “I said what I said, Robaire.” “Where did all this come from?” “We are mere days away from performance, and you STILL haven't got the move down" "And whos job was it to teach me?" "Oh??" Z shoots up, stalking closer to Robaire, towering over him. "You telling me I cant do my job?" Robaire isn't intimidated. He doesnt move back, but instead moves closer, chests close. "You just told me I couldnt do mine- i'm telling you cant eat what you dish out" The words fly out of his mouth before he realizes. He sees the moment Z's eyes dilate out of anger and realizes hes pushed it too far. He sighs and backs down, running his hands down his face. "Shit…sorry..listen- we perform soon, we're all stressed and i… shouldnt have done that. '' Z studies him, still trying to calm himself down. "Just…just teach me the move and ill do my best alright?" "...fine…im sorry too or whatever.."
He doesn't conflict with the other members often, only sometimes with Jesse because of the age difference
Robaire and Jesse have an interesting dynamic
As the leader, Robaire often calls the shots, but he knows he doesn't have to enforce it on Jesse too harshly- he wants to respect him
At first, he thought of Jesse giving suggestions as Jesse questioning his authority
It got them off to a rough start, as Robaire would kindly, but bluntly shut him down
Soon though, Robaire had FINALLY started to accept the fact that Jesse knew more than him in some instances
Jesse wasn't trying to belittle him, he was just offering some help through experience that Robaire wasn't ready to admit he didn't have. 
With others
Some people tend to think that Jesse has a shorter temper compared to the other members, but he doesnt usually respond in a large scale
But when he does, it’s not as intense as some people may think
ESPECIALLY when it comes to haters
Being the oldest also comes with experience and wisdom, some of that wisdom being that haters are only jealous
At the end of the day, Jesse knows that HE’S the one who is in a world famous boy band, not some heckler who wants their 15 seconds of fame
Jesse has had ample time to work on his confidence skills (telling your uptight parents you want to major in art takes balls of iron), and in situations like these, they really come in handy
Arguing with him is pointless. He knows his worth, and words from some hateful nobody will never get a reaction out of him, much to the haters disdain
Say some shit about his fellow members, his fans, OR his family??
Consider yourself dead
“Say it to my face, say it to my fucking face”
Jesse is INCREDIBLY defensive and protective of those close to him, so if you know what's good for you, shut your mouth
He's never afraid to call anyone out, so be prepared to have your face and name all over the news if youve really fucked up
One thing everyone loves about him is that he doesn't get down and dirty- he lets everyone else do the fighting FOR him. 
*someone saying something downright horrendous* “security, his head please.” All he has to do is say the word
Oops! Your credit card info was leaked by 4townie twitter? Oh noooo!! 
With 4*town
The only time he argues with 4*town is when they overstep his boundaries a little
Being the eldest, he'd still prefer a little respect
The old jokes don't really bother him (in fact, he finds them quite endearing). 
What does, is when they're either talking down on him, or when they're not taking his advice seriously
4*town doesn't realize they're doing it sometimes, but it still irks him. 
When he does give advice, it's often well thought through, and he means it earnestly, and with the best intentions. To get them brushed off as “oldest one just wants to control us”, drives him mad, and rightfully so
And when he has to switch to brutal honesty, it makes it worse, and they start to argue with him, gang up against him, even question his intelligence, and it starts a burning feeling in his chest that Jesse has to stop before it gets out of hand
He rarely raises his voice, but when he does, the gang knows they've pushed him over the edge
“Guys, im being serious-” “When are you not?” “Yeah, T’s right you're kind of being-” “You're interrupting me-” “Jesse, cmon-” If y'all would just LIST-” “i dont-” “jesus christ, SHUT UP!! All of you!” Jesse’s breathing heavy, face flushed. Tae Young and T flinch, and Jesse notices, urging himself to reign it in. “Just let. me. talk.”
The room is soundless. Even Robaire becomes subdued and holds his tongue
When 4*town is being scolded by Jesse, they know they probably deserved it this time, and will take his words to heart
Tae Young
With others
This man has a MOUTH
You wanna say something to him, best believe hed say something right back
He has little to no patience with people who try him
It's hard to have beef with Tae Young- He’s sweet, and he tries his best to be helpful, and there for anyone that needs him
So to be mad at him for small/insignificant things is not the move
From sarcasm, public humiliation, cameras, anything, Tae Young will use his environment as his weapon
He also LOOVESS to tease people who tick him off, or get mad at him for dumb reasons
“Why do you wear so much makeup? You're so feminine, are you even a man?” “Awweee, big stwong man is scared of a little powder? You poor thing! If you're ugly, just say that!”
He is also emotionally intelligent
He knows that he might be sensitive to some of the things people say to him, and in those situations, he urges himself to just walk away
It doesn't matter who calls him a coward, if he needs to walk away from the scene, he will
If you wanna fight him, you gotta catch him first. Good luck even touching a hair on his skin, bro is FAST
his emotions come in strongly
But when they've said something that REALLY riled him up, he'd walk away angry beyond words. He’ll vent when he needs to (it's healthy to, and he knows he'll feel better afterwards), and maybe he'll cry. But he's not crying because he's sad, or because his feelings are hurt- it's because you made him so mad that his body got overwhelmed. Good fucking job
With 4*town
His biggest issue is him being babied
Don't get him wrong, he loves the special attention and affection from his bandmates
But there are times where he'd wish that they'd stop acting as if he were 5
He could be off on his own, getting a drink maybe, and they'd freak out like he had gotten kidnapped
Yes, he could get himself in some concerning situations, and yes, he can act out on a whim, but he’s an adult for goodness sake, he could take care of himself
That, and sometimes, the others won't take him seriously when he's mad
And sometimes they wont take his advice because something in them thinks young = stupid
He wants to be taken seriously just as much as the rest of them, and surprisingly, this was the biggest issue with T
When they had first started working together and he was making suggestions, t was very indifferent about his input
It was a long road before 4*town actually understood this because every time Tae Young tried to tell them, they'd brush it off to him being a juvenile rebellious teen, or him being cute when he's mad
So what if his stupid cheeks puffed up or if his stupid expression was cute when he was mad?! His feelings were still valid weren't they?
Their first time doing choreo together was…disastrous
“T, can you please go slower on the flip? I asked like 3 times now” “Well, what's gotten into you today? Calm the hormones down, haha!” “...dude, now is really not the time” "I'm not even doing anything??" "Aaron.." "what, you expect me to slow down in midair?" "T, you KNOW thats not what I meant." "Gosh, youre adorable- your face is doin the thing- anyways, listen, Z's being stingy on the timing here, soo either you keep up, or you do the original choreo with everyone else, kid🤷🏽‍♂️" "imsorry, kid? 😃 I-no, im fucking done" Tae Young storms out the studio, door slamming. The other members look on in shock. T is kind of surprised he reacted that way- he didnt mean to be condescending, but it didnt change the fact that he was.  "Tch. Nice going, T" Z says with dripping sarcasm, going after Tae Young to make sure he was okay.
The group is much more careful about this now
He was smart to go to Jesse to help with this. His old man wisdom came in handy! He taught Tae Young a lot about not letting people walk on him, and helped with his confidence a ton
They never meant to invalidate Tae Young's feelings and they avoid doing this as muuchhh as possible now
Tae Young is not afraid to confront them if it happens again
Okay, i just wanna say thank you guys SO much for all the love youve been giving me im so overwhelmed😭💖 
Your comments and hearts really motivated me! 
I just wanted to do my part in keeping the 4*town fandom thriving, so im so glad yall actually enjoyed it<3
Thinking of making a masterlist and taking requests soon!👀
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jyeshindra · 11 months
Some Astrology Thoughts/Observations
Sun sign is your sense of self. It is how you self-affirm/self-actualize in this life. What are the things you do that help you shine? What has never changed about you? That's why it's kind of your general vibe, and you're already kind of aware of it. People point that out in you the most or praise you for this or even hate you for it sometimes!
Sun sign can also point to activities you like to do or even things you don't like! What allows your soul to shine? To sing?
Like for me just being an Aries, I've always felt the most like myself through service, self-expression, and leadership. I work best at the center of the apparatus itself. I work even better when I'm HELPING. I'm like a firefighter!
Aries is "I am" it's want is to self-actualize. Aries will excel at anything that allows them to identify themselves and express themselves. And they have the stamina and the courage to overcome any obstacle. They're single-minded and that kind of focus is incredible to witness. Aries usually always has that "thing" that's theirs and allows them to feel connected to who they are, whether that be singing, dancing, basketball, fixing cars, etc. It's why the Sun is exalted in Aries, this is a sign that is Invested In itself. Consumed at times! Aries wants to do things their way and gets a lot of gratification from this. It pleases us to be an individual. The ego thrives on this.
Aries suns will have a hard time being anything other than what you are. Lying is poison to your soul. Be you and embrace you. No one else will do it better.
Mars in Capricorn will make you a good storyteller. Capricorn placements in general. Saturn is wise, remember? Capricorn is able to tell excellent stories because of that wisdom. At the heart of wisdom is discernment and Capricorn can comb through the details and really analyze something for its strengths and weaknesses and break it down in this way. It's lived experience that makes Capricorn so deadly and so smart. Data over time. Combine this with their wicked, sardonic, and wry sense of humor? Yep, you've got a fine storyteller. I have a teacher with this placement as his chart ruler in the 10th and he was a writer/director!
Scorpio Suns in particular get a lot of satisfaction from being the ones to uncover the truth or peel back the layers. Revealing or illuminating is something they excel at and they are gifted with the power of perception. They get right to the root of things! I also notice these are people who enjoy transforming or transforming others or helping others see the truth. Scorpio is all about death/rebirth and transformation. I've got two close Scorpio suns in my life and I see this in both of them.
Rising sign will honestly tell you a lot about a person's actual personality; what makes them the way they are? It will give you insight to the affairs of each house which all answer the question of why you approach life in this way. It's showing you exactly how the universe is conspiring to help you achieve evolution.
Moon sign will tell you about what you need in this life for security, emotional stability, and true joy. Moon is your mind and your emotional landscape. This place of privacy and tenderness and love and memories and intimacy. When you have the pleasure of seeing someone's Moon it is a real treat, but often it'll shine through without you even realizing. You'll see it in the way they care, in the way they love, in the way they sing their feelings, in how they defend themselves and the ones they love. In ways it is the essence of you, beyond the spirit and now into the reflective waters that can only be felt and expressed in earnest.
Your moon sign is like your inner child, the part of you that needs nurture and to be fed and clothed and shown the love and care it deserves. It is who you are when no one is watching.
Disharmonious aspects are not the worst thing in the world! It just requires some creativity + endurance to work through. It's like when the hero and the villain team-up! WOAH are they insanely powerful together? When they actually figure out how to make it work? But the connection is delicate. It requires constant communication and discipline to develop.
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sortvaniliekrans · 11 months
I just wanted to ramble a little and say I really love your writing! I ramble, this ask may seem a little long, but it's all adoration I promise! Please don't be unnerved by the length!
I just found your fic "Pisces Caelestis" today and I caught up to your latest chapter. Honestly I was minutes away from being late to leaving for work, because I was that absorbed in your story and at that point I was only on chapter 8. If it wasn't for my work ethic, honest to the stars above, I would have called out to keep reading uninterrupted 😅 Of course, I couldn't put it down even when I got to work. (Night time security guard here lol) Between taking care of people and reading, the last few chapters took me about two and a half hours to get through. But honestly, I think I've been grinning like a doofus just about 90% of the time. I think the only ten percent left was when you tossed my heart to the fishies when the reader or boys became upset. Veeery good at giving my heart the good ol' squeeze like my heart is being strangled out of me. Very tasteful ✨👌
I love how you've been able to include the other FNAF characters in your story. And like I commented on AO3 the few chapters back, I loved the touch again to hinting at Chica's Latino heritage with the mention of her hair. Again, so many people I think. Play her off as occasion that the idea of it being different is just a stunner, and honestly I think she would look very cute with bleached blonde hair. And again, no way and heck did I expect her to be the crazy dog lady. How you incorporated "Cupcake" with her is just ✨golden✨ I haven't read many DCA fics, but I think this is the first one I've seen with Chica and her cupcake and I loved that touch. Also, I'm with the townspeople in shipping her with Roxy, they sound like an adorable pair together.
You've given our Superstar favorite dad Freddy his little boy which made me smile. I love to be exasperation from the readers playful jab/ threat to helping the boy get a hamster for class. He's a real sweetheart and his words of wisdom are much more appreciated than what YN was given as a child. I get the whole "why worry about it?" motif, but to a child they need better ways to cope. To understand their feelings and when young (especially when young actually) I think it's important for someone to be heard. YN getting that now from Freddy is heartwarming. He really shows attentiveness and makes me wonder if he knew YN when they were younger. Maybe not knowing the full picture of what their life was like as a child. But when you see a child neglected or misbehaved, I know people could probably wish that they could give words of advice. But not wanting to step on a parent's toes just, can't. To think he's wanting to give YN what they couldn't have when younger is really heartwarming, you really show he gives the best advice and hugs. And sometimes a hug or just a willingness to listen as all a person needs. You did really great showing that ❤️
Hearing Roxy have scars and a partial disability was appreciated. You didn't play down her blindness or scars, in actuality you showed that people could be proud for what they've lived through. She doesn't let people minimize her experience and doesn't let her past make up her current personality. And no way are her feelings for Chica just a crush If she's willing to face her trauma of being around six dogs just to see (her crush/girlfriend/ future wife-y) Chica. But dang is that some intense exposure therapy, that's gotta be a bit emotionally taxing. I hope if/when she has the courage to tell Chica about it that it goes well. She doesn't wanna jar Chica or maybe make her feel guilty, and she's obviously doing great if they're spending time together. Unless, when reader had reached out to Chica to get Roxy's number, she was at Roxy's house instead of Chica's. Either way, I hope both girls figure it out.
And Monty? Being a rebel? Who is surprised, but it still makes me smile. I'm curious if he kept the sea glass YN found to trade. Like in a drawer or something. Even when someone seems like a rebel, I feel like for most people if a child gets attached to you and gives you items even if for trade, you still try and hold on to them because I think it would make someone smile when they look back on it. I wouldn't blame him if he got rid of the sea glass, but at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in his house or around his house he had it. And it makes me smile at the thought of it. I'm curious about when he'll pop up again in the story. Would he'll have a bigger frame like security breach Monty, or if he would be more on the linky side. I could see him riding dirt bikes, yet can still find a way to make it rebellious. Even if the town turns a blind eye, it still made me laugh.
I relate to your YN greatly~ When are chores ever fun? Their independence is evident and I think a lotta people can relate to ✨emotional constipation✨ As YN was getting gifts and feeling bad a little bad at the idea that the boys were feeling pressured to give. I was already thinking just give them something in return like an exchange. When they finally did it, it made me laugh and say "Finally! So glad they figured that out!" aloud, and it made me glad I live alone because that would have been embarrassing for someone else to overhear. Only to hear that frustrated Moon, I felt bad, But how are we to know if they didn't tell? I'm glad Sun continued because he was happy seeing YN smile. YN also did better with the shirt slashing in the latest chapter. I think I'd still be deep/close to a PTSD that if he slashed his claws at me I'd probably be fighting emotional/mental barriers that would have gone up in feeling further unwanted. They really do need time to recover. I'm glad they know instinctually their reactions are valid, but their fortitude to press on to keep from stunting themselves or losing precious new seafriends is admirable.
It was rude of Moon to try and (kinda) traumatize Sun for what they had done. I mean, valid, in a way they care for YN enough to where he feels the only logical reaction would be to give them space/ keep them safe from them. But I'm glad/hopeful YN's reaction to Moon literally in a way wagging his finger in their face, showed they can stand on their own/aren't made of glass. His lisp is adorable and I think it would be hard to not just want to hear him talk to hear it again. Being scolded by Sun for emotionally hurting YN was needed. But still a hilarious mental image of Sun wrangling Moon if it meant helping clear up the misunderstanding and help YN be happy again.
And Sun, stars above, Sun. Can he get any more precious (not meant to be a challenge! Cause the stars above know how many times you made my heart melt into a puddle from him)? He's playful, he teases, he understood exaggerating expressions and his delight knowing that playfulness got YN to laugh was just too precious to read. I think I had to reread those chapters about three or four times before I could will myself to move on and keep reading. Sweetest fish, I think I was rolling on my couch a few times when he was just being a sweetpea. He shared his blueberries with YN, he grasped what coins/money was in hopes it would help YN. Also wondering if he understands the value of gold? He didn't just give a single coin, and Having already discussed the value of gold corns with my mom a couple months back. He has an older currency, probably more pure and just being older is something. No kidding that he literally helped provide. His pet names are precious and he just seems so stupidly sweet that repeatedly I wanted to hug him. You made a precious boy and each time there has been fluff you've made my heart melt. I'm so glad YN and the boys are starting to interact, You probably have an idea about it, but I'm still going to say it is such a relief when they finally got to speak to each other/ start to interact. Rocky star with Moon, but I'm glad Sun took things in stride when YN opened up to explaining their insecurities involving Moon. To help mediate and translate, to grasp when YN needed help being grounded and helped give emotional support from the physical contact. So so so so stupidly precious that I was repeatedly at a loss for words.
I loves all of this. My dejected exclamation in finding out I got caught up felt/ was to be expected. Your writing was so great, I really really loved all of this. I'm so glad I found your work and I look forward to how it progresses. You just moved into your own home (CONGRATS! 🎊) So I hope you give yourself a break, take things and stride. Try not to face burnout, It's okay if you have days where you don't do anything. Sometimes just getting to tomorrow is enough. Thank you again for your time (sorry for rambling a bit) and I hope you have a good rest of your day. May creativity and inspiration stay by your side ❤️
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AAAAAAAAAAAAA thank you this is so nice I wanna print it out and eat it 💜💜💜
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da-at-ass · 3 years
I share until I can't.
Sometimes it's the effort and sometimes it's the content that keeps me from sharing what I'm doing or how I'm doing. Lately, it's both. The content of what I've been working on, and through, and with, is difficult and thus it's exhausting, so I can't share due to both factors.
There's a lot of emphasis on sharing on the internet, and sometimes I think people don't understand how difficult it is to share some things, and how the act of sharing is itself difficult and time consuming in many ways. Not everything is shaped like it's sharable straight off, you've got to make it shaped that way yourself before sharing it, which is a lot of effort. And sometimes it's not worth what's being shared. What, you really want to know the repressed memory of why I have trouble riding bicycles sometimes? YOU DON'T, THO. It's not very pleasant and it won't teach you anything you didn't already know about how not to ride a bike, because you already know not to coast down a long steep ramp on a bike into a wall when you're six. And past the age of six that's not ever a problem you're going to need to avoid that you didn't already know to avoid. It's just not great to imagine, you know? Imagine this instead:
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So yeah, what's worth sharing? What's polite to share? Sometimes tumblr is the land of the comedic oversharing, and I get that, but there's a point at which it doesn't serve anyone. As for what magical and mystical factors might be happening in my life while this is all occurring, well, I've got to witness and think about those and consider what they mean for me before blogging about them. Typically, I don't process by writing what "happened" during a psychic or spiritual experience. My experiences are too non-linear. There's an element of time dilation that makes it difficult to write down or even recount all of what happened immediately afterward. Sometimes spiritual experiences are meant to be encoded into the subconscious and then revealed in conscious waking reality gradually as they are needed. So when magic happens... it's not all done, some of it is still at work.
Nothing I could ever write would be complete as an accounting of my work and what I do or experience. I think that it's better to share what seems to come out naturally, as this is probably what is for the world. The reality we experience inside is for us. The reality we participate in outside is for everyone. This is a balanced way of life and I find a lot of wisdom in it.
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crigil-blog · 3 years
Devotional: 101921:
Let us never forget where the LORD got us from.
Do not fear because I am your God who am with you. I will strengthen you and help you. Behold, all who were angry with you will be ashamed and confused. "Today will be a new day full of blessings and the presence of the Lord" for your life.
There are people who never want to ask for help. Whether it's pride, lack of confidence, shyness or whatever, they just choose to go it alone, even if it means failure. Sometimes you may not want to ask for help because you don't want to be looking at the person helping you. There is a friend you can always count on and he won't scoff at why you ask for help and can't. that friend is Jesus.
Instead of struggling with life's challenges alone, lean on Jesus for support. He will give you strength, courage and wisdom from him and when you depend on God for direction, you will not go wrong! Stay close to Jesus through prayer and reading his Holy Word. No matter where you go, take your best friend, Jesus, with you every step of the way and you will experience peace, joy, and happiness you've never known.
���If you feel like you are drowning and you can't hold out any longer, Jesus comes to you to save you. Today is your day of salvation tell him: Lord, forgive my sin, I accept you as my Savior, guide my steps, calm the storms in My life, my fear, loneliness, depression and insecurity. May the peace of the LORD be with you day and night until the end of your days. "
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zxoms · 4 years
written by zxoms
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⤷summary: you didn't know love any better. neither of you did. jeongguk didn't know what to think or what to feel. being famous was taking a tool on him.
⤷ idol!au, onenightstands!au
⤷pairing: jeongguk x female reader
⤷word count: 1.5k (it’s more like a drabble sorry)
⤷genre: angst, very little fluff
⤷warnings: very few mentions of sexual intercourse, alcohol and drugs.
⤷ a/n: hii :') this is my first time posting on tumblr so i hope you will like it. i don’t really know how this works but oh well.
[lowercase intended]
angels / chase atlantic
nobody told jeongguk he'll get lonely when he gets famous. of course, being an idol has its perks, but he's lonely. it is so very hard to admit even to ourselves that we are lonely - it is far easier to "invent" a myriad of problems that we buy into and encourage others to do the same.
his life is full of people showing a facade of concern for him or his success. no one actually cares. they're after his money or fame, they want exposure. they don't want him, they want the persona he created for himself. oftentimes he's scared to show the real him. he's scared they won't like it and so he stays hidden.
he's gone as far as he can on this path alone. he has learned how to walk alone, how to carry others, how to cope with and solve his problems alone. what's left is a form of loneliness that requires a lover to solve. it's the need for physical closeness, for touch, for emotional warmth from a partner in life.
to be honest, jeongguk actually thought it would be easier finding a lover once he debuts. it's totally the opposite.
he usually got sad and then alcohol came in the equation. "alcohol makes everything a little porny~", he thought.
yugyeom could smell jeongguk's breath from his seated position next to him, thick with alcohol as the maknae breathed heavily, chest heaving up and down so quick that yugyeom nearly thought the male was crying.
"yah," yugyeom tried to catch jeongguk's attention. he failed, the male was still swirling the whiskey bottle looking at the amber-like liquid.
"it's that time of the week.." jeongguk finally whispered back, although not turning to spare even a glance at his friend, "it came fast this time around"
jeongguk sat on the rotting leather chair in his dimly lit office, three ziplock tiny bags full of a green plant sprawled across the desk, even though he had no intetion of using them just yet.
yugyeom was sitting on the bed across from the chair, "gguk maybe it's time to put an end to it, seems like it's eating you alive"
the male sighed. he had given up on the whiskey bottle, and resulted into laying in a hunched position over his desk, clutching his forehead. a headache started to form.
"remember mama 2018? when me and the boys won artist of year?" he started, yugyeom hummed.
"bang pd-nim demanded us to change our phone numbers. again."
"i lost all phone numbers, including yours" jeongguk lowly chuckled, "i had to come to jyp to get it again."
yugyeom smiled remembering jeongguk running towards him yelling ' yugyeomie! your number! '
"yeah i remember."
"except.." jeongguk continued.
"hers. the only number i haven't changed yet"
jeongguk recalled the moment when he met "her". you were supposed to be a mere one night stand since both of you were equally embarrassed the next morning.
you didn't want people to know. you were embarrassed of him.
he, too, didn't want people to know. he was embarrassed of himself.
you met him at a very strange in his life. pain and pleasure felt the same to the boy. seemed like he lost faith in the word "trust" so when you told him 'let's forget this happened' something snapped in him. jeongguk naturally asked for your phone number, to repeat the experience,of course. you naturally gave it to him for the same purpose.
hook up culture. never using "how are you" or "what's up". it's only about getting in eachother's pants. soon enough, both of you skipped over the small talk. it wasn't about communication no more, it was about both reaching your high in a shady motel you registered in, it was safer this way. you couldn't afford jeongguk's name being associated with renting a cheap room on the outskirts of the city. jeongguk didn't seem to care recently.
he's been sloppy. though, sloppy in this context may seem good there was no room for shallowness. you couldn't risk getting caught. jeongguk couldn't afford a scandal. you stressed double for both of you.
jeongguk on the other hand seemed to enjoy you stressing. he felt human for once. the sheer thought of fucking up big time was able to give him a reality check. jeon jeongguk can, in fact, fuck up. he's allowed to, he's human and he liked that. he liked your little secret, maybe too much at times. he grew used to your touch even though he barely knew your name after all this time.
ironic. it's ironic how he's not sure if you prefer purple over blue, but he knows your sensitive spots. it's true he never bothered to get to know such trivial details, but he was still thinking about it from time to time.
you two can't even be called friends with benefits since your knowledge of eachother can't be covered by the word friends.
acquaintances with benefits.
sometimes he hated that. hated the fact that the person he's been closest with, physically, has such a depthless emotional connection with him.
there were times when he overthinked it. the male couldn't help it, it was in his very nature. jeongguk is sensitive, he naturally grew a level of attached to you. the level of attached that requires him sitting alone with a glass of vodka, thinking.
"sometimes i look at the bottom of the glass and wonder why it's empty and why can i see through it..." he trailed off and began to swirl the glass between his fingers. again. yet he couldn't help, but smirk at his pathetic position.
"then i remember love in my career patch almost never works out. maybe when it works out the sky is bluer and love songs stop being cheesy, they start making sense." he sighs, "but i can't possibly have that so i start to fill my glass again."
sometimes jeongguk just gets in the mood to spill his brain to you. most of the time, he stops his impulses, but today, right now, his thumb was hovering over the call button. the contact was you.
he really wanted to pull away, but the alcohol told him not to.
it rang and rang and jeongguk was getting discouraged.
"if you're not busy, take a walk with me"
"jeongguk, it’s one in the morning.."
"please y/n.."
you've held back calling him as you tried to be understanding, knowinh how busy he is, though he called you for a walk. you pulled your hood over your head in an attempt warm yourself still confused. jeongguk never asks for walks.
"hey" a male said and you instantly recognized the voice you grew way familiar with.
you two walked for a little until it was decided to climb on a building. jeongguk laid on his back, shifting around uncomfortably on the cement rooftop. he was in an impasse. tonight alcohol was just not drowning away his thoughts.
"nobody told me it gets lonely when you're famous" he broke the silence. you didn't shift, waited for him to continue. "everybody loves you, but not really"
"it's like a tailor, almost. everybody loves the dress, but not necessarily the residue material left or the material cut during the process. it's always about the fucking dress, y/n"
you sighed, moving closer to the boy's side in an attempt to comfort him in an odd way. you usually just fuck. little did you know that it wasn't working. it took you a while for you to realise the wetness pooling under his eyelashes.
he didn't know any better. jeongguk didn't know what love is. he thinks he knows, but he doesn't.
love is not sex.
love is sweet, yet more as fresh fruit than candy or confectionary. love is colourful, yet more as summer blooms than the neon lights of frenetic city streets. love is steady and forgiving, yet more as the wise mother than the servant in chains. love hears and speaks with the wisdom of the heart, with a sense of the soul of the other. in love we have our "forever home" and it gives us the ability to fly so freely, joyfully returning when each heart calls for the other's touch.
love is not sneaky links at shady motels, yet he didn't know that. all he knew was you and you were the closest thing to his definition of love. you were for him like a cake he loves and keeps buying. he doesn't know the recipe nor he does care. he's just used to that cake. he's used to you, he finds comfort in you even if it's just sex. jeongguk thinks sex is love and love is sex.
"i think i love you, y/n"
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lovefromkelly · 4 years
as someone also pursuing a career in entertainment (not quite the same as you but possibly involving writing and tv) i would really love to hear more about your trajectory! what you've done and what you hope to do! i know this is a big ask so no worries if you don't want to talk about it on this platform but it's very cool to see you making moves and i'm a sponge for career wisdom/musings at this point in my life
hell yeah, good luck w everything, I mean that!!!! my career’s been weird, man, it’s hard to sum up. so my whole career story is under the cut!
i did a lot of sketch comedy and improv growing up through a program called destination imagination (DI). then when i was 17, i did some local movies and things during high school (actorsaccess and a site called shortfilmtexas had listings for open calls, then i started getting asked to be in things by producers and directors i’d worked with before). then i moved to LA from austin after high school to act which was big and scary and maybe a mistake but needed to happen. i got a manager right before moving out there through some austin connections and then he saw me perform with DI cause i travelled with them; but if I’m 100% honest, he really didn’t do much for me once i was out there besides get me a couple auditions. i found out i’m just kinda above average at acting but nothing showstopping, and honestly really didn’t have a huge passion for it (reinforced by a bad set experience in my last show i filmed in austin where i got, like, physically hurt). so i started to write my own shit, something i missed since DI and was always good at but never considered a full time option. i started writing monologues for my auditions, then doing more and more (i got hired to write a speech for NASA for the 50th moon landing thing bc i once wrote a speech for austin pride). i finished a movie i started to write while waiting to move to LA after high school and realized that holy shit it’s actually really good and kept working on it. then i met a lot of other writers through classes at groundlings, lesly kahn studios, second city, etc.. then one of my friends heard about a gay character being written onto a show and how the writing staff was worried about it, so i told my manager and we pitched me to the studio as a character consultant, so i came onto the team and helped them write respectful representation. from there, more studios and shows hired me for that job, which branched into writing LGBT+ storylines and episodes. during all this, i had started doing standup as an outlet for wanting to perform since i wasn’t getting work acting. that weirdly started to get me attention, which made me realize comedy writing was ALL i wanted to do forever. but after a while, i stalled out in LA and hated it there (truly wanted to die every second i was in that city), so last september (too late, if im honest), i bailed on it and moved back to austin to be closer to my family and friends. i now live happily in austin, i got a job giving coverage for scripts at detour film productions just by applying to an internship and them seeing my resume and offering me the job, and im doing a lot of standup sets and working to get my first movie script picked up, plus the odd remote job from back in LA or sometimes in NYC. weird life, weird path. 
also if I’m thinking of what I want to do in the future, I REALLY wanna just write comedy movies and do standup, but writing for a sketch show for a bit might not be a bad jumping off point.
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discovering-ellie · 3 years
August 19, 2021 - Post Three
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Okay, so after thumbing through that A to Z Self-Care Guide I got last week, I decided to buy myself a tarot deck. I found this absolutely gorgeous deck that just perfectly matches what I think my aesthetic is and, ugh, just yes.
Anyway, after trying my best to shuffle these cards, I attempted a Self-Care spread. The card in the middle is my problem, upper left is what to do now, upper right is what to do later, bottom left is what I need to hear, and bottom right is what I need to avoid.
So let's get into it!
My problem: Five of Wands (reversed). Avoid conflict, compromise, truce "Conflict is uncomfortable, however, running away from your problems will not solve anything. Nipping it in the bud can help you practice confronting the issues head on instead of shying away. In the act of avoidance, you tend to scatter your energy and prolong the conflict, making it even worse! This could also be a pattern of compromising your values to appease others. You may be feeling competitive vibes, especially from your coworkers. Listen to your gut instincts on who you can trust, as some people will not have your best interests at heart. Learn to choose your battles and if this is worth fighting for. Reserve your energy for bigger battles ahead and come to a truce to ease the situation. Sometimes keeping the peace is more worthwhile than being right." My Interpretation: Well, if this isn't an accurate fucking depiction of my problem, I don't know what is. It's no secret that I avoid conflict because of how uncomfortable it makes me and, as a result, it always makes the situation worse. I'm working on nipping my issues in the bud, but this is definitely still a battle
What to do now: Nine of Wands Wisdom, Perseverance, Last Stretch "Almost there! You can see the finish line, and at the last minute, you are faced with an obstacle. This challenge can be seen as a setback or a test of your character. Expect the worst and protect yourself against any foreseeable attacks. Better to be prepared than to be sorry later! Throughout this journey, you have accumulated experience and gained enough wisdom to handle anything that is thrown your way. You've gained tools to deal with your inner struggles and now you have confidence in your abilities to overcome and persevere. Trust in your strength and power to make it to the end. Learn from your mistakes so that you can navigate setbacks easily in the future. Challenges are difficult, but believe in your abilities to make it through. You can do it!" My Interpretation: What I'm getting from this is encouragement to continue using the tools that I'm learning to get me through my struggles as they arise. I need to keep moving forward in my process, trusting it and continuing to learn.
What to do later: Nine of Pentacles True Colors, Splendor, Vitality "Indulge yourself! You deserve it. Your hard work is paying off and you are now reaping the rewards. You feel at ease with your financial status, income, and schedule. Live loud with luxury, allowing yourself to enjoy the abundance that you've created. It is now the time to celebrate and treat yourself, whether it's buying that item you've had your eye on or giving yourself time to rest. By staying true to yourself and your vision, you are improving the quality of your life. Show your true colors by saying yes to your independent spirit and the creations you are bringing forth into this world. Acknowledge your accomplishments and what it took for you to get to this place of fulfillment and satisfaction. Rich in inspiration, connect and replenish the unique beauty that you possess and provide in this world." My Interpretation: I feel like this card is telling me to acknowledge and celebrate how far I've come on my journey. I know that I still have such a far journey left ahead of me, but that doesn't mean that I should downplay all of my efforts so far.
What I need to hear: The Tower (reversed) Warning, Fear of Change, Avoidance "Whew! You've managed to avoid a disaster, getting out of harm's way just in time. The Tower Reversed is a warning that drastic changes are on the way, however you are given time to prepare before the storm. This is an opportunity to take preventative measures to soften the blow, so to speak. There is also an indication that you are resisting change and you are doing everything in your power to avoid these unfortunate but necessary occurrences. Prolonging the situation will not help. Face your fears and accept change as a start to a new beginning. Contradicting thoughts and actions make way for a confusing outcome. Actions speak louder than words, communicating your innermost thoughts. Take risks, be bold, and put yourself out there. As they say -- go big or go home." My Interpretation: Man, this card is really calling me out, isn't it? The section about change and facing my fears absolutely speaks to me and I know that it's telling me to just do the damn thing, but there's still a lot of fear behind "the thing." Additionally, I believe that this is telling me to continue to work on my communication with others and to give actions to back it up. Like it said, I need to take risks and be bold.
What I should avoid: Two of Wands Advance, Explore, Prospects "A new world is calling your names and you are confidently stepping forward, ready to see what's next! There is an enticing path laid before you, and you have conceptualized a plan to take action and progress towards your bigger ambitions. However, you're faced with leaving your comfort zone to venture off into unfamiliar territory. The big picture is clear, and you know what you are capable of. Bold and fearless, as you step into your own personal power you enable others to do the same. Making the decision to leave the comfort of home is not always easy, but can be necessary for your personal growth. Take the risk! And have a backup plan. You will learn so much about yourself and discover the world in so many ways. As J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, "Not all those who wander are lost."" My Interpretation: This confuses me because this card seems like such a positive card full of hope and encouragement, but it's in the "What I should avoid" slot. Does that mean I should avoid the urge to NOT step out of my comfort zone and explore? I'm still very, very new to this whole tarot thing, so if any of you with more experience have any clue what this could possibly mean, I'd really appreciate the input.
UPDATE: a friend that is well-versed in tarot gave me this interpretation for the Two of Wands: Two of Wands - this meaning can be taken many ways. To me, in this slot after reading your pulls and your interpretations- i am pulled to say this:: stay your path to healing you, this is working for you now. There will be a time to step out and explore but now, just stay the course That doesn’t mean don’t explore, don’t step out of your comfort zone - as this will play out naturally. But keeping the foundation of your path and the course to the next level of healing
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anyeot · 5 years
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From my own experiences, it's all about going on your OWN journey. And some of you are on the journey right now, not even realizing it. It's your own HERO'S JOURNEY. You start off as the FOOL, but you're a WISE-FOOL (paradoxically), because you took the leap of faith to step out on what you believed. After your journey is over, you'll eventually come back around with treasure in your hand.
And the greatest treasure of all will be the transformation within YOURSELF, which is what I said the other day about that inner alchemy, turning inner base-lead into inner gold. What you decided to have faith in is irrelevant, it's all about the journey itself. It's about the challenges and even sometimes, disastrous pitfalls you encounter along the way. It was the journey itself that turned inner coal into an inner diamond. It was the journey, in and of itself, that turned you from a FOOL, into a WISE GOD. Yes, Ye are gods, the kingdom of heaven is in YOU, you are the savior, demigod, superhero of your own story.
... and that is what it's all about and what many early Christians believed. The council of Nicea under the auspices of Constantine. The whole battle was whether a man is saved by grace through faith, or if a person is saved through the DIVINIZATION PROCESS (Arianism), which meant you had to suffer and go through challenges in order to fully become like the Christ. To become Divine within yourself. It's both faith and the inner process of becoming Divine like the God-Man. You take a leap of faith on any of these myths (as a WISE FOOL), you go on your journey by faith (faith is foolish to those who don't believe), and eventually, you experience INNER ALCHEMY, turning from a mere foolish human to a Wise God . The hierosgamos / merging of Animus and Anima / Union of the Divine Masculine and Divine Goddess WITHIN YOU where the kingdom of heaven is.
These myths are all very similar. All of them have a "hero" that goes on a journey, faces great challenges, does great exploits, even descends to hell, only to rise again as a god. These are roadmaps for you to follow, because YOU are the demigod of your own story. Divinity is in you. The divinization process begins with childlike faith in childhood fairytales and myths, which all seem foolish to believe in but they are only conduits by which you use to mature and grow. At the fullness of growth, you won't need myths anymore, because you will then create YOUR OWN STORY. I've built you a bridge and given you a roadmap. As you walk out on faith, the road markers will appear along the way to let you know where you're at in the storyline. Those road-markers along the way will appear in the form of SYNCHRONICITY. GO!
I understand that it's comfortable believing that the myth is true. It's comforting as a kid to believe Santa Clause is coming down the chimney every December 25th. Even when you are full grown, you still want to keep your kids excited that Santa is coming. But eventually, after the Santa story has served its purpose, you have to go beyond that.
I gave you a road-map. It matters not where you want to go, Miami, Seattle, New York City, Oklahoma City, Dallas, Los Angeles, etc.. the roadmap is the same, but the routes may be different. It's all about the journey along the way. I'm still figuring this out myself.I'm up all hours of the night thinking about the deeper mysteries of life, researching, seeking, trying to put the puzzle pieces together, etc..
I won't stop until my project is complete. That project being ME. I will sacrifice myself in order to have a bridge built for my progeny and others to casually stroll across. I think I'm only at the beginning stages of this enormous monstrosity. No one could've fathomed some of these huge bridges like the Golden Gate or the Brooklyn Bridge being built, until... they were. Now people drive over them every day, back and forth, without even thinking twice about how it got built, what it took to put the thing together, the man-hours, the hard labor, etc.. But nevertheless, that bridge is THERE. When I'm through, that BRIDGE WILL BE 'THERE.' And once that bridge is built..., then you yourself will get to decide what type of 'city' you build on the other side.
As a man, we LOVE to build. Before some of these great bridges were built, people were stuck on one side. Until men got together and ground out hard work, tons of man-power, hard labor, to create a bridge for their families and communities to benefit from. Before it was built, many people (who didn't understand the art of architecture or had no knowledge of iron-working or building), couldn't have fathomed a monstrosity like that to get them to the other side. It just took those few skilled men to build a bridge that allowed millions of people to stroll over these bridges day after day, even though the majority of the public would have no clue on where to even BEGIN creating one of these bridges. I'm building a bridge and I won't stop until it's built. Other men with just as much skill in this 'bridge-building' trade have come to help, as we stand on the shoulders of the giants before us, using their knowledge, and building upon the wisdom they've bequeathed us with. When it's finished AND IT WILL BE FINISHED, THERE'S NO STOPPING THAT, you'll have all that you need to figure out many of the deepest mysteries of this life.
The Greek Oracle at Delphi said :
"Know thyself"... some believe that Pythagoras added the statement, "and thou shalt know... the universe and God."
All of these myths, stories, fairytales, folk-lores that describe heroes and demigods aren't about THEM, they are about YOU. Nothing more than roadmaps for you to follow in order to know thyself. All the struggles you encounter, even the pain of death itself, was all meant to prove your 'Divinity' as you resurrect and rise above it.
The scene in the story where Jesus looks out at the people and says "The harvest is ripe and ready", meaning that they'd had enough of the 'scripture quoting' and 'tales', it was time to reveal the 'embodied truth' of those tales. You seek the scriptures, thinking in them you have life, but those scriptures testify about ME. I AM THE EMBODIMENT OF THE 'TRUTH' and so are YOU. The people have had their fill of the myths and folklores. They are ready for the real 3-D version of it! I'm not trying to bring you into a cliche' or a religious group of people, but to bring you into YOURSELF. Not to be controlled by others, or tell you to follow a strict set of rules or believe in any literal version of fairytales, but to follow and create your own story. That's the real one, the others were meant to divide you, conquer you and CONTROL YOU.
They've covered the true mysteries with their Literal version / Constantine version of the myth. St. Jerome was on the side that won during this Council of Nicea in 325AD. His Latin Vulgate Version of the Bible was the only official Bible throughout the entire known world for over 1,000 years (4th Century - 17th Century). Of course it is filled with scriptures that supported their theory, and discredited the theories of Arius (Arianism - Divinization Process). The KJV came into existence in the 17th Century, which is really nothing more than a translated version of the Vulgate. It's all the same thing. For most Christians, it was the only version of the Bible they ever encountered. The Vulgate's influence throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is even greater than that of the King James Version in English. For Christians during these times, the phraseology and wording of the Vulgate permeated all areas of the culture.
When someone flips on the light after you've been in the dark for so long, you have that brief moment of squinting and wincing because it hurts to look, but eventually your eyes will adjust... They already are...
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realglamorr-blog · 6 years
(Part 1)
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When was the last time that you prayed & fasted for God to speak to your heart and to challenge your thinking????
A lot of times in life we complain, when God takes us to the valley. We see the Mountaintop and the glory of it all,
And won't stop dreaming about it, & praying about it, as we we fail to understand, that preparation for it happens in the valley.
Your most intimate experience that you you will have with God, will be in the valley. That same experience that was bitter at the time, will be sweet in the end, as you look back and reflect on the journey & receive clarity.
Sometimes God takes us to the valley, for it is there that he restoreth our soul. But it is only if we allow him. Loneliness is one of the things we will experience in the valley, for Loneliness is God's cry to spend some time with us. And if we fail to acknowledge this truth, we will miss the lessons that would have been learned, And we will miss the revelations that God is trying to give us.
Blossom in the valley.
All of us must travel through this inner region.
Known as as the valley, We all have embarked on a pilgrimage of the heart, and as such, each individual must journey through his/her own “spiritual landscape”. We wander. We wonder. We seek. We stumble and stagger, and sometimes we fall. But then we get up and move forward again toward a goal,... an eternal “promised land”..., that somehow, we all sense lies ahead. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Along the way, we discover springs and oases, places of rest and refreshment. These are places of peace and comfort and encouragement . These are the welcome places that whisper:
“This is the right way. You're on the right path. Rest here for a while before moving on..”
Blossom in the valley.
In the valley you will gain wisdom.
In the valley you'll gain knowledge.
In the valley you'll receive Direction.
In the valley he will restore your soul.
As a child growing up in the Church, there's a song that I always heard the mother's sing,
Life is easy, when you're up on the mountain
And you've got peace of mind, like you've never known
But things change, when you're down in the valley
Don't lose faith, for you're never alone
For the God on the mountain, is the God in the valley
When things go wrong, He'll make them right
And the God of the good times
Is still God in the bad times
The God of the day is still God in the night
We talk of faith way up on the mountain
Talk comes so easy when life's at its best
Now down in the valleys, of trials and temptations
That's where your faith, is really put to the test
For the God on the mountain is the God in the valley
When things go wrong, He'll make them right
And the God of the good times
Is still God in the bad times
The God of the day, is still God in the night
The God of the day, is still God in the night
Blossom in the valley.
I pray that you will see the benefits of being in the valley. I pray that you will allow God to minister to you in the valley. I pray that you will see the test and trial as blessings in disguise.
As I am in the valley, the Lord has given me this word to share with his people, for you are overcome by the word of your testimony,
For this is the first time that I am embracing the valley #beblessed
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