#sorry for the absolute crap
the-badger-mole · 7 months
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Listen....I don't care how old the person is, or how they're related to me, if someone tried- and nearly succeeded in killing me, I no longer feel an obligation to care about their humanity. It is madness to me that people insist that Iroh owed Azula anything after that, and to say that he was even a little wrong for saying she was "crazy and needed to go down" is mind boggling to me. I don't care that Ehaz was a writer- one of the best writers on the show. He is WRONG about Azula.
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haechan · 1 year
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jaehyun in superhuman era ⏤ for @delhyun ♡ 
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sillystarz13 · 4 months
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uhh.. snufkin doodles
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the-gay-prometheus · 1 year
The era of British and American Frankenstein is OVER.
The next time I see Victor Frankenstein in visual media he better be wearing lederhosen and a funky little felt hat blowing on an alphorn trying to sell me extra strength Ricola that'll raise a man from the dead
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sun-e-chips · 1 year
The Introduction
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Corpse spouse writing belongs to @peste-bubonica
Had to draw a part of this scene y/n really takes no crap from anyone!
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endwersed · 4 months
First & Last Lines
Tagged by the always delightful @dear-massacre 😘
Rules: Post the first and last lines of the last 10 fics you worked on. WIPs are allowed!
striking out, explicit, WIP (AO3 posting to begin this weekend)
First: The locker room is just how Derek remembers it. Last: “Oh god,” Stiles whines, fucked and reedy as his hands scramble for purchase on Derek’s sweat-slick shoulders. “Oh fuck, Derek, don’t stop, I’m begging you not to stop, please, just – do not fucking stop, oh my god.”
feels so good inside, explicit, complete
First: The worst thing about being an eighteen-year-old virgin and loser is, well – being an eighteen-year-old virgin and loser. Last: Laura laughs so hard she almost bursts a blood vessel.
in flux, explicit, complete
First: By Derek Hale’s junior year of college, he has come to know that there is nothing quite like the party after scoring the winning basket of a game. Last: Stiles tips his head in a loud bray of laughter, and Derek can only let himself be pulled along, a stupidly happy smile on his face and his boyfriend’s fingers tangled up with his.
another name for love, explicit, complete
First: Derek wakes up to the sound of a door creaking open slowly, a faint and careful noise nudging into his dreamless sleep and dragging him into consciousness. Last: “Yeah,” he replies, pulling her closer. “She would be.”
does one good, explicit, complete
First: Stiles is still mostly focused on towelling at his damp hair as he pads into the living room of his apartment on bare feet, humming a repetitive tune under his breath and scratching lazily at a patch of skin just under the hem of his t-shirt, over the waistband of his boxers. Last: Obviously Stiles doesn’t consider Scott people.
as dear as a brother, explicit, complete
First: Stiles Stilinski meets Scott Delgado on the first day of freshman orientation at Berkeley and immediately knows they’ll be best bros for life. Last: They cry for two.
and i'll write you a tragedy, explicit, complete
First: It’s pretty cool living in a world with superheroes, all things considered. Last: Even cooler when you’re one of them.
the lie is beautiful, explicit, WIP (AO3 posting to begin... eventually)
First: The glass of Stiles’ phone screen is cool against his ear as he sits in the driver’s seat of his Jeep, gaping up at the house in front of him. Last: Stiles burns even redder than before, like that’s possible, and spins as quickly as he can on his heel to beat the fastest retreat of all time.
say something, explicit, WIP (AO3 posting... god, at some point)
First: This isn’t what Stiles signed up for when he opted to spend spring break back in Beacon Hills. Last: “This is my way of saying I also,” Derek says slowly, pausing between words to bite at Stiles’ jaw, “want to suck your dick.”
the concept of character, explicit, WIP (AO3 posting... maybe one day)
First: It starts with a party. Last: Four months of stolen moments, four months to become addicted to the feel of Derek’s hands on him, in him, the feel of Derek curled up behind him, knees tucked behind knees and a palm flat over his chest for the short time Stiles allows himself before he gets up, showers, leaves for his real home, his real boyfriend.
Open tag to anyone who wants in!
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sailforvalinor · 6 months
Even more respect to Luan for when he found out that Helena is Bia’s sister and has been keeping it a secret that she’s alive for ten years, his response is “GIRL WHY? THIS IS RIDICULOUS??” and he sticks to his guns on that point
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southern-titan · 11 days
fuck u probably have the most delicious asshole tho 😋🥵🤤 tight as anything 2 no doubt 🥵🥵🥵 do u even realise wat a fucking tease u r looking like that and not letting any guy have his way with u????? 😡🥵 god i wanna just pin u down nd rail u so fucking hard 😍🥰🥵🥵 bet u moan so fucking pretty uhggggg 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
Will stares blankly at you for a moment, redness coming to his face. Unfortunately his blank expression doesn't exactly betray whether it's from arousal or rage. A heavy silence hangs, like he's just processing what was said, unclear how to respond.
His gaze drops to the slight tent forming in the front of his jeans and he snarls under his breath
"I oughta rip yer fuckin' throat out, ya fuckin' faggot!" He snaps while sitting and crossing his legs to make the effect your words have on him less obvious.
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grahamcarmen · 9 months
Do you think gray ever ended up killing anyone, i've seen 2 takes on this:-
He did.
Since he knew carmen would be upset after seeing her reaction, powered the crackle rod to stun mode. I like both, the first gives way for great character exploration as "Sabor a mi" and the second is very believable. What do you think?
😭I wanna say no cause I like him ( Carmen standing directly behind me as his defense lawyer)
But in terms of stray thoughts on this (sorry if they're scattered on pro v con)
That roof on the train does indeed have a hole in it so for the time she was out exploring the world before she was carmen there was a wild gray on the loose with a crackle rod strong enough to break and burn on impact
He may say he doesn't regret anything but actually trying to hurt carmen specifically but gray does have his own sense of guilt when prodded about the philosophies he's adopted on the train at least
Especially when you "steal lives" which you could take as only referring to the attempt they're talking about at the moment or...
And as we see later this + carmen does result in the permanent stun mode when nobody knew (aka had nothing to do with carmen until the moment she used it)
No matter how CAPABLE of violence he actually seems to shy away from fights or kills he doesn't need to seem to take and like i don't see EVERY mission needing to mean bodies on the floor if you're just a good thief who doesn't get caught. Which he is. Even if it is VILE.
That being said there's not a zero possibility that he was put in another situation to kill a witness and he...would.
He doubles down on pushing through to the idea that this is his nature :/
Lmao he's lucky those guns at acme are stun gun equivalents. He is efficient and ruthless when taking them down.
O.o or maybe he knew? Idk how much difference that would make at that point in time
Hes bellums boy. It doesn't happen all the time but there are shown to be occasions for VILE faculty to call favorite agents for certain missions. Most Bellum missions have huge collateral damage potential
VILE does have that no loose ends rule at all
That being said this show has only given me 1 corpse. And its acme's. 1 1/2 if we count our poor almost barbecued gray (and that was VILE's but only if the agent on site was a traitor)
Those people at the dig that tigress and le chevre knocked out in ep 2 are...just knocked out to me. Like idk they wake up with a bad headache and stolen digsite with zero memories of who did it . Sorry I dont even count the cleaners as menace (sorry you guys are efficient and have a scary reputation i promise 😔✌)
Heck actually a lot of the crackle rods we see are at stun mode naturally(gray is always having to dial it up, eel did not die, carmen presumably did not kill the guards around gray☆ or even the 6 months she was dark! Kill count is not mentioned among her crimes and she's really ready to pounce on witnesses)
Counter point HE DOES DIAL IT UP ON SCREEN matching carmen for 2 attempts we can see and only fails because carmen is carmen ♡
Define...necessary to use for him?
No idea when he did the permanent stun mode . could have been immediately getting back could have been mid dark! Carmen era or the week before he turns himself in
I actually might think he'd be ok not needing to use the crackle rod and just taking comfort in the menace/power it projects ok
Like not even a carmen told him to way but a he takes a bit of time canonically way
But if its "necesary"...
TLDR: personally lean towards no (knee jerk blorbo biased reaction) and especially in dark! Red era even if we don't know when the permastun was enforced but im not against exploring the idea because its not impossible that he did come across the situations he "had " to offscreen before the train? Boy is a pretty efficient agent. And he's...capable.
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my family plays a game called Dirty Santa every year and because I’m usually short on money and gift ideas I tend to just Make Something for a present
so last december I made a sort of reverse mimic lol my relatives were pretty big fans of it
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skoulsons · 1 year
“It can’t be for nothing.”
And it wasn’t. Because they found each other.
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Rezaren was a real cutie appearance-wise but he was also a huge douche who played stupid games and won stupid prizes like. Lmao. My buddy my pal my guy you do not know what love actually is, cause it sure ain't that! People aren't toys or tools!
He got exactly what was coming to him. 😌
Fascinating villain, though! Because there are no Corypheuses in real life, but we've seen and even sometimes met Rezarens and Merediths, you know? People who do terrible terrible things and see themselves as heroes for it, power-hungry people, those that have a wildly self-centered idea of love. Fantastical villains are fun but the horror of villains like Rezaren is just how human they are.
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mydollsaregay · 1 year
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hi barbie!! 🥰
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imgoingtocrash · 2 years
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Obi-Wan Kenobi and Leia Organa + Being kind to droids
[Source Text: Padawan by Kiersten White + Obi-Wan Kenobi, Episode 1.]
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greypetrel · 1 year
Hi! What’s your favorite book??
Oh damn you uncovered Pandora's box, THANK YOU FOR DOING IT. :D
I can't choose only one to save my life, but a selection of my favourites, dividing between prose and poetry/theatre... Under the cut because IT LONG. And I'll jump at every chance to speak about my favourite books. (ask the Literature major about books and have them go on rambling for hours)
- Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien . Getting into the saga has been one of those formative events for me, as for many other people around. It's an adventure, it's full of love and hope, it can be fun and light and go into deep themes as well. I'm in love with all of Tolkien's works (the fairy tales are so sweet and tender, you can see how much he loves his children reading Roverandom)(and Tree and Leaf has a special place in my heart). I majored in Germanic Philology because of him, and I can say I wouldn't be the same person if I haven't ever read LOTR.
- Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov. Another one of those books I can tell had a "before" and "after" in my life. I LOVE a good satyre, and Bulgakov is just *chef's kiss*. Wouldn't recommend it to anyone that knows little of Russian History or thinks erroneously (sorry not sorry get better informations) that Lenin was a good statesman and a good person. But... There's love, there's a sad woman being empowered by going outside the fence and expectations, good and bad are reversed, there's this very russian theme of strong women saving their male love interest (or trampling them. Seriously, female characters in Russian or Ukrainian as in this case classic authors are SOMETHING ELSE). Social and political criticism. And, a giant cat walking around Moscow and causing ruckus, and I don't know what you could possibly want more from a book.
- The Count of Montecristo, Alexandre Dumas. I distinctly remember barging into my therapist studio after I finished it and saying I was sad because yes I could read this book again, but it wouldn't ever be the first time again. What a glorious, epic book! Managing to mash epic themes with that underlying TRASH that it's typical of Dumas and he manages always to make work so well (the convenient cave full of treasures that NOBODY ever found but this one priest? Seriously Alexandre? XD ). Great, great, great book.
- A Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf. It's one of those books, along Animal Farm and Se Questo è un Uomo, that I'd have EVERYONE read. It's technically non-fiction, but Mrs Woolf had her way to make it a great read. Go read it if you haven't.
- Two Years, Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights, Salman Rushdie. Salman Rushdie could write a shopping list and make it the best thing ever. I love his style, I love magical realism, and I'm choosing this only because it was the first I read and I had a blast. It's glorious it's great, I love it, and I'm so sad Midnight's Children has such a lame adaptation (but it's not a book that's easily translatable if not in a series Game of Thrones long...).
- Everything is Illuminated, Jonathan Safran Foer. My goodness, the heartbreak of this book. It's one I have quotes saved around notebooks. It's heart-breaking in the most beautiful way, he's definitely one of those authors you either love or hate... I'm on the love end of the spectrum.
- Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen. It's basic bitch of me, I know. I don't care. As above, I'm all for social satyre and Miss Austen was just on another plane of existance on that. I'll fight people saying she wrote romances. She did not. Northanger Abbey holds a special place in my heart as well, but who doesn't have a crush on Mr Darcy, beside people who read this book thinking it was a romance? No no no read it again in the perspective that the author is mocking the heck out of every single character. Lizzie included. Austen is FIERCE. And Mr Darcy is such a beloved character because he learns from his mistakes and he's not afraid to admit it. Wow.
- Vita Scritta da Esso (Life written by himself), Vittorio Alfieri. I am not the biggest fan of italian literature, it's too much impronted on realism at all costs and MEH. Vittorio Alfieri was an anglophile and one that looked well beyond the Alps for his writings. His life was so entertaining and damn if he can make it entertaining and fun! That man travelled Europe, looke the fucking Kaiser in the eye (it was very offensive to do), had affairs with a Duchess, his long term partner was another English noblewoman... Who was married! And they were together since they met until he died! She was the one who published this Autobiography! Also personal preference: he wrote a whole satyre saying shit about the Accademia della Crusca and I love him madly for that. GO READ ABOUT VITTORIO ALFIERI.
- Gitanjali, Rabindranath Tagore. Stop everything you're doing and read this. Now. You're welcome in advance.
- Poem Without a Hero, Anna Akhmatova. Anna Akhmatova would be very welcomed to step on me, I'm saying this shamelessly, it's just... URGH, it's melancholic, it's epic, it's heart-gutching.
- Anything by Christina Rossetti. Anything. Give me Christina Rossetti and some pre-raphaelites and I'd be happy.
- The Waste Land/The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, T.S. Eliot. That man loved his quotes. I loved that man because he loved his quotes and it's lyrical in a way that... Oh. How he depicts loneliness. "Coffee Spoons" is a quote from Prufrock ("I have measured out my life in coffee spoons". Is it pretentious? I don't care I have FEELZ for that poem)
- Cyrano de Bergerac, Edmond Rostand. The marvel of this comedy can't be fully expressed by words, I love it, I adore it, it made me feel better with myself as an owner of an important nose.
- Macbeth/Othello/Much Ado About Nothing, William Shakespeare. I majored in English Lit and I couldn't leave the Bard outside. I can't choose between these three, and choosing only three was difficult. I spent once 3/4 of an hour in an exam only speaking of the first three lines of Othello and I could do it again, ask me about it. :)))))
- Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. IT IS THE BEST THING EVER I love the Arthurian Cycle and this little thing is just... AAAAAAH. Gawain is a bisexual icon (it's not me headcanoning, he smooches both men and women, it's him. YOU GO GAWAIN). Yes I have deep feelings for the movie as well, Dev Patel we're not worthy of you.
I am leaving outside a lot of thing that I will remember in ten minutes and cry profusely about, yes. Also I am containing myself over fangirling about poetry too much because you won't hear the end of it otherwise, there are some things of Sylvia Plath and Auden and Yeats and Maya Angelou that just melt my little dark heart, but this is already far too long...
Also in this house we stan that Bob Dylan earned his Nobel Prize, fuck you Alessandro Baricco.
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dingo-saurus · 2 years
rereading lovecraft’s cosmic horror writing is like slogging through a thick waist-deep muddy bog whilst being harried and bitten by racist mosquitos the whole time
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