#spiritual phenomena
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ascendantevolution · 7 days
Trust Your Experience
Fear tactics do not pave the path to true faith. Our society dictates that, if we do not listen and adhere to the teachings in a sacred text, spiritual authority, and the beliefs of our families, we will be doomed. The state of one's soul must be one's personal business. My Spirit Team brought me to this writing today with a very clear message for all of us: 
Trust your experience; trust what you feel in your heart.
Spiritual matters can indeed be scary matters. It feels like there is so much riding on making the right choices along the way, and there are so many choices to make, so many ways to screw up, so many ways to end up in hell. That is, if you believe in hell.
That is not to say, do not seek and study. Please seek and study as many things as you can, from as many cultures and beliefs and books and teachers and teachings, as you can. The more you can learn, the more your faith will be shaped by personal choice. Seems paradoxical, but absolutely true.
Beyond the studying and learning, there is the practice that must be put into place. Spiritual practice leads to personal, spiritual experiences. What each person experiences is going to be different, and yet there might be similar themes. The experiences are different as each person's perceptions are different, and that unique perspective can either give one power or sink one in fear. The similar themes, omens, symbols are wonderful confirmations that one is not alone in what they are experiencing spiritually, essentially helpmates for overcoming personal fears. 
Did you have imaginary friends as a child? Have you ever had an experience you cannot explain? Have you seen a ghost or heard phantom noises? Have you ever had a premonition to make a last minute change of course that saved your life? Have you ever felt the presence of Spirit? Have you ever felt like Spirit was communicating to you through your dreams? Through other people? Through a song? Through signs? Have you felt the hair raise on the back of your neck? 
Did you ever have caretakers tell you that there were no such things as imaginary friends? Have you ever been told that if you believe in ghosts or aliens you might be crazy? Have you ever been afraid to share an experience you have had because you might be called “crazy”? Have you ever felt alone in your spiritual world and development?
You are not alone. You are not crazy. You are awake to spiritual life on another level. Some would call it an energetic field. (And energy is a bonafide phenomenon.) 
Embrace being awake. 
Grow your sensitivity. 
Learn to trust your experience more than what someone else has to say about it. 
Trust comes from a feeling that is born in the heart. What does your heart say about your experiences?
© S'Tara Merit, 2024
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myhauntedsalem · 1 month
Will Be Adding Witchy and Spiritual Articles to MyHauntedSalem
Not only am I a Paranormal Investigator, but I am also a Solitary Witch and very Spiritual. I would like to make the most out of my Blog, therefore I will be adding many different topics to my blog to make it more interesting and more fun to post! I appreciate all your support and messages already, please keep em coming and would love some feedback! There are over 9000 Articles on the paranormal in this blog so you can always go to the archive to see past articles. Thank you
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udurghsigil · 9 months
not to sound anti-science or anything but i feel like a big reason for general human suffering right now is because we know too many of the secrets of this world
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leannareneehieber · 30 days
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We'll haunt you when it is no longer Women's History Month but if you'd like to do one last act of solidarity today, you can share this post and pick up this book if you haven't already! Thank you to those who have supported this venture already! We care deeply about women's history through the lens of ghost lore. We hope to keep writing about it and your support ensures we can! Thank you from the bottom of our haunted hearts!
Retailer links here - Also, libraries buy multiple copies of books and support authors directly! Asking for our book through your local library is a GREAT way to help your favorite writer! Cheers!
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blueheartbookclub · 4 months
"The New Revelation: Arthur Conan Doyle's Visionary Quest into the Mysteries of the Beyond"
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In "The New Revelation," Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, best known for his iconic detective tales, takes an audacious leap into the realm of the supernatural and spiritual exploration. Published in 1918, amidst the backdrop of World War I, Doyle's departure from the familiar terrain of Sherlock Holmes marks a profound shift in his literary endeavors. The narrative unfolds as a thought-provoking treatise on spiritualism, where Doyle invites readers on a journey beyond the veil of the tangible world. This visionary work is an earnest attempt to reconcile the mysteries of life, death, and the existence of an afterlife.
The author presents a compelling case for the existence of a new revelation, one that transcends traditional religious doctrines and offers a glimpse into the metaphysical. Drawing on personal experiences, anecdotes, and an array of paranormal phenomena, Doyle weaves a narrative that challenges conventional skepticism and beckons readers to consider the possibility of a divine connection. His exploration into automatic writing, mediumship, and encounters with spirits propels the reader into a realm where the boundaries between the corporeal and the ethereal blur.
Doyle's prose is impassioned, and his sincerity in grappling with profound existential questions is palpable. He engages with the subject matter not as a detached observer but as a seeker of truth, infusing the text with a sense of urgency and conviction. The narrative is not without its controversies, as Doyle confronts skepticism and critics head-on, defending his belief in spiritualism with unwavering resolve.
"The New Revelation" serves as a captivating intersection of spirituality, philosophy, and the unexplored corners of the human psyche. While the work may not be embraced universally, its impact lies in its ability to spark introspection and foster a dialogue about the mysteries that continue to elude our comprehension. Whether one approaches this text as a believer or a skeptic, Doyle's venture into the metaphysical is undeniably a testament to the versatility and intellectual curiosity of one of literature's most celebrated minds.
In conclusion, "The New Revelation" stands as a bold departure from the detective fiction that defined Arthur Conan Doyle's career. This foray into the unknown provides readers with a unique perspective on spirituality, challenging preconceived notions and beckoning them to contemplate the enigmatic aspects of existence. Doyle's exploration of the supernatural serves as a testament to the boundless curiosity of the human spirit and its ceaseless quest for understanding in the face of life's greatest mysteries.
"The New Revelation," by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is available in Amazon in paperback 10.99$ and hardcover 17.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 103
Language: English
Rating: 8/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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blueheartbooks · 3 months
Navigating the Mysteries of the Astral World: A Review of "The Astral World: Higher Occult Powers" by Joel Tiffany
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In "The Astral World: Higher Occult Powers," Joel Tiffany delves into the enigmatic realm of the occult, offering readers a comprehensive exploration of clairvoyance, spiritism, mediumship, and spirit-healing. With meticulous detail and insightful commentary, Tiffany seeks to demystify these phenomena, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the unseen forces that shape our reality.
At the heart of Tiffany's work is an exploration of clairvoyance, the ability to perceive events or information beyond the scope of ordinary perception. Drawing on a wealth of historical anecdotes and personal accounts, Tiffany examines the various forms of clairvoyance, from precognition to remote viewing, shedding light on the ways in which these abilities manifest in different individuals. Through vivid descriptions and compelling narratives, he invites readers to contemplate the boundless potential of the human mind and its capacity to transcend the limitations of the physical world.
One of the most captivating aspects of "The Astral World" is Tiffany's exploration of spiritism and mediumship. With a keen eye for detail and a deep reverence for the spiritual realm, Tiffany examines the practice of communicating with the departed and the role of mediums as intermediaries between the living and the dead. Through firsthand accounts and case studies, he offers readers a glimpse into the profound experiences that often accompany encounters with spirits, providing valuable insights into the nature of consciousness and the afterlife.
Throughout the book, Tiffany also delves into the practice of spirit-healing, exploring the ways in which individuals can harness spiritual energies to facilitate healing and transformation. Drawing on ancient wisdom traditions and modern metaphysical teachings, he provides practical guidance for those seeking to cultivate their own healing abilities, offering techniques for channeling energy, balancing the chakras, and clearing energetic blockages. With compassion and clarity, he empowers readers to tap into their innate healing potential and embrace a path of spiritual growth and self-discovery.
In conclusion, "The Astral World: Higher Occult Powers" is a thought-provoking and illuminating exploration of the mysteries of the astral realm. Through his insightful commentary and profound wisdom, Joel Tiffany offers readers a roadmap for navigating the unseen forces that shape our world, inviting them to embark on a journey of spiritual exploration and self-discovery. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a curious novice, this book is sure to inspire and enlighten, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of the hidden dimensions of reality.
"The Astral World: Higher Occult Powers," Joel Tiffany is available in Amazon in paperback 12.99$ and hardcover 20.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 297
Language: English
Rating: 8/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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The paranormal is super interesting to me. I think a lot of people see the bad side of it because they don’t treat entities with respect and sensationalize them. Rationally, if they are real dead people, then they should be treated as one would any other human; if they are spirits, then they are simply another species as intelligent as ourselves, and should also be treated with the utmost sensitivity, since their culture is likely different than our own due to their lack of physical bodies. Terms like “angel” and “demon” moralize these phenomena, and could possibly be taken as slurs by non-corporeal beings who understand the language these words are spoken in.
I dislike the term “ghost hunting” because the wording is much like the kind you’d use to refer to hunting a species of animal. I also dislike the concept of commercialized haunted locations. Imagine someone — who believes you are a horrifying monster — barging into your home with cameras, hoping to take pictures of you. Imagine someone opening up your house as a tourist attraction — a zoo — for the whole world because they think they can make money off of how creepy you are… Honestly, I don’t think the ghosts are the ones being creepy.
Yeah, I’d be strangling people and throwing shit across the room too if I had to deal with the clout-obsessed, phone-toting paparazzi that are living humans.
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knifekris · 10 months
look. microbes have souls too
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tophatandboots · 10 months
Pretty sure if I'd stayed up all night I wouldn't have noticed a glass of essentially wine across an hour
But apparently waking up at 4am makes it land like a sledgehammer
Have fun everyone, I'm going to eat some cheese and then go back to bed.
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circa-obsolete · 2 years
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© 1882
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myhauntedsalem · 1 month
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Spiritual Meaning of Waking Up At 3am
Do you often wake up around 3-5am and know something is up?
Do you wake up in the middle of the night and feel like you’re receiving some form of message or guidance from spirit, but aren’t sure what it is?
Waking up in the early hours of the morning is a common symptom of spiritual awakening, but there can be other causes too!
When we are going through a spiritual awakening and anchoring in higher energies this doesn’t just affect us energetically but emotionally and physically too. Taking care of your physical body and making self-care a priority will help you gain more clarity when it comes to distinguishing what is energetic and what is physical or if it’s a combination of both. When we adopt a daily spiritual practice we also become more mindful of our physical body, and so problems that we were ignoring can come up to the surface more easily.
You might be waking up at 3am on the dot several nights in a row and wondering what is happening. When you wake up you get the distinct sense that something is up. This is a form of synchronicity where you notice a pattern but aren’t sure what it signifies. This isn’t the case every time we wake up at these hours however sometimes it can feel like a literal wake-up call.
If you are receiving these spiritual wake-up calls it’s time to start keeping a record. The symbols and messages that we receive can have both a universal and personal meaning. In the space between waking and sleeping, there is a lot of information that we can pick up on, on a spiritual level. Our higher self can more easily send us a message through our dreams and our energy body (chakra system) may go through a rest and healing process just like our physical body.
These awakenings usually occur after a period of deep sleep when we transition to a REM sleep cycle. It’s in this phase that the spirit can more easily send us information which can cause us to awake.
It is said that the times between 3am and 5am are when the veil between the physical and spirit world is the thinnest. While there is some truth to this, it has less to do with the specific period and more to do with how we view the early morning hours.
These awakenings are also common during Full Moons and phases where the Moon is in our Sun sign. These are times of reflection and emotional purging, a lot of which happens as we sleep. You may find it helpful to track these dates and see how they correlate with your journal entries.
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people who bend over backwards to act like evangelical christianity is the only Problematique religion do far more damage than the fifteen year olds going through their edgelord atheist phases ever will
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Philosophy of mysterious agents, human and mundane: or, The dynamic laws and relations of man. Embracing the natural philosophy of phenomena styled "spiritual manifestations"  1853
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truthaboutarchons · 2 years
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Going to the pastebin link posted here will take you to a list of all the /par/ General threads thus far.
Q: What are ”/par/ Generals”? A: On the website “4chan”, there is a paranormal board called ”/x/“. As with any other board on the site, it has generals, which are threads dedicated to a single topic, wherein all information posted (ideally) pertains to said topic. In this case, the /par/ Generals discuss the existence and presence of the nonphysical, parasitic beings known as ”archons”; they are responsible for the ignorance of existential truth in the world, and the creation and upholding of things like government and religion. They suppress the freedom of expression of the soul, and the truth of its eternality and sovereignty. The ”archons” feed off negative energy.
(Please note that if you've never been on 4chan before you won’t be familiar with the conduct of some of the userbases on the site, which can be quite insensitive and say rather harsh, scathing and/or offensive things. I say this as it may shock you.)
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thespiritualparrot · 15 days
Sun Halo's Spiritual Meaning & Significance
Sun halo’s spiritual meaning has fascinated humankind for centuries. When you catch sight of a sun halo arching majestically across the sky, you’re witnessing more than just a meteorological marvel. These luminous rings encircling the sun hold a tapestry of history, spirituality, and natural science. Throughout history, cultures around the world have imbued these celestial phenomena with deep…
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