#Psychic abilities
enchantedwitchling · 7 months
The Power of Intuition: Developing Your Psychic Abilities.
Intuition is a powerful gift that we all possess. It's the inner knowing, the gut feeling, the psychic sense that guides us. Whether you're new to exploring your intuitive abilities or looking to enhance them, here are some exercises and tips to help you tap into the magic of your own intuition.
1. Meditation for Clarity 🧘‍♂️🌌
Take time each day to meditate. Clear your mind, focus on your breath, and allow your intuition to surface. The more you practice, the more in tune you become with your inner wisdom.
2. Trust Your Gut Feeling 🤔💭
Start small by listening to your gut instincts in everyday situations. Trust that inner voice when making decisions. Over time, this will strengthen your intuitive muscle.
3. Tarot and Oracle Cards 🔮🃏
Experiment with divination tools like Tarot or Oracle cards. These can be excellent tools for honing your intuitive skills. Draw a card daily and interpret its message based on your intuition.
4. Dream Journaling 🌙📓
Keep a dream journal by your bedside. Record your dreams as soon as you wake up. Often, dreams contain intuitive insights and symbolism that can be deciphered over time.
5. Practice Empathy and Active Listening 👂❤️
Empathize with others and practice active listening. Tuning into their emotions and thoughts can help you fine-tune your intuitive abilities.
6. Nature Connection 🌿🌳
Spend time in nature. The natural world has its own intuitive energy. Take walks, sit quietly, and observe. Nature can amplify your intuitive senses.
7. Develop Your Third Eye Chakra 🧘‍♀️👁️
Work on balancing and opening your third eye chakra through meditation and visualization exercises. This energy center is often associated with intuition.
8. Trust the Process 🌟🌈
Remember, developing intuition takes time and patience. Trust in your own unique journey. Your intuition is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.
9. Seek Guidance 🤝🌠
Consider seeking guidance from experienced intuitives or psychics. They can offer insights and techniques based on their own experiences.
10. Keep a Journal of Intuitive Experiences 📔✨
Document your intuitive experiences in a journal. This helps you track your progress and learn from your insights.
Your intuition is a valuable compass on your life's journey. Embrace it, nurture it, and allow it to illuminate your path. The more you connect with your intuition, the more you'll discover the profound wisdom that resides within you.
Embrace the magic of your intuition, and let it lead you toward a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.
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luciddownloading · 4 months
Tarot Reading: What Are Your Intuitive or Psychic Gifts? 👁️
So, it's been a LONG time since I did a Tarot reading on here. I think it's more so been a case of not wanting to just spit one out to make more content and waiting til I felt inspired to do another one. So, the inspiration hit and guess who's back? Back again. Pick a card's back, tell a friend.
Okay, seriously, we are going to be delving into your intuitive or psychic gifts today. I do think there is a distinction between both. Psychic ability IS intuition but it's a particular gift, like being clairvoyant or a medium or a channeler, while intuitive ability is being able to effortlessly or unconsciously do something.
Intuitive powers are automatic and can't be taught or explained. Psychic powers are intuitive yet give you specific knowledge of or insight into something you otherwise wouldn't know.
Everyone has intuitive abilities. I personally don't think everyone has psychic ability (at least not at this point in human society) but most people who are very into spirituality do, like you fine folks, and even certain people who have not awakened yet.
So, we will be addressing both of these abilities in this reading. It may serve as confirmation for what you already know or it could open your eyes to one of your abilities. Pick the picture or pictures below that you're most drawn to and see what your pile has to tell you! As always, only take it if it resonates.
Today's theme for the pictures is cats. Did you know that cats are highly intuitive animals with very psychic abilities? They are able to easily see and interact with spirits. Ancient Egyptians also saw them as a bridge between the earthly realm and the afterlife. Maybe that's why some people these days are scared of cats or unsettled by them. They're too powerful! (Meanwhile, it's one of the reasons why I feel so connected to cats 😻)
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Ten of Cups
(clarified by: The High Priestess)
Two of Swords
(clarified by: Nine of Pentacles)
Six of Wands
(clarified by: The Empress)
The Emperor (back of the deck)
First off, Pile 1, you are blessed with some super-powerful Divine Feminine energy. This femininity isn't something you have to learn. It comes so naturally to you. It could just be a matter of you needing to unlearn certain masculine approaches that would inhibit your authentic self. Of course, everyone has some amount of both masculine and feminine within and I don't think you need to be told that. You inherently know that. But, you are at your best when leading with your feminine traits. Having a more feminine approach to life.
The thing is that you win at life when you're leading with your Divine Feminine self. You might be surprised to find how amazingly everything falls into place when you're fully receptive or rely on your intuition (your intuition is very, very strong, by the way, but I'll get to that). It can make your life look or feel sort of "backwards" to other people. The things that everyone else does to succeed don't really work for you. So, when you try to "hustle" and "grind", you fall flat. But, when you allow yourself to flow with the natural rhythm of your own energy/body as well as life, then everything works out perfectly. This is a big message your Guides want to relay, maybe because you're struggling with this very problem currently. I think you know this, deep down, but you might still not be fully committing to this way of living.
I am also being told that you work very well with Gaia, aka Mother Earth. If you were thinking of taking up planting or gardening, you have a green light to do it. The energy of this pile is very green. You have a very green thumb as well as a really open and very powerful heart chakra. Everything and everyone flourishes under your warm, loving care, whether that's plants and flowers or actual people. You have this very grounded nurturing energy. It's earthy and solid and comforting. You might have either your Moon or Venus in an Earth sign, especially Taurus or Virgo. I am also being told that you affect people like Mother Earth. You play that role in others' lives. Just like our society is now realizing, too late, that it has taken Nature for granted and is feeling the very devastating effect of that, people feel the karmic backlash of not treating you right. For some, it's like, without you nourishing them, they start to wither away, on some level. (This is especially true of a few masculines from your past and you know who they are lol)
You also have exceptional psychic prowess, as any formidable Divine Feminine being does. I am specifically getting that you may come from a very matriarchal lineage, on either your mom or dad's side. Most likely your mom's. A very female dominated family. And I think you inherited certain psychic gifts from a female ancestor or there's something there about a past life with her involving magic, spirituality or esoteric wisdom. I feel like it could have something to do with clairvoyance or it might also involve paganism or the craft. Whatever it is, it is a birthright of sorts and is the key to you living a happier life. Maybe happier than others in your family who did not follow this path.
I feel like this female ancestor is acting as a Guide to you. For some of you, this is your mother or grandmother; someone you knew in this life. But, for most of you, she is an ancestor from further down the line that you might not have known in this life but are very connected to. There is a big message here from her about being in charge of your life. Because this pile has such a strong feminine energy, it's very easy for people to take you for granted or want to undermine you. People often resent your power and see it before you do and many try to tear you down or discredit you to control you. Another message that I feel is a big theme of your life.
This Guide is very familiar with that herself from her prior life in your family and I think she didn't quite have the chance to fully empower herself. Something about a controlling or toxic husband she had or maybe a father figure. I think you have gone through similar struggles but you have the ability to intensely take your power back. This is what some people resent. Part of your ability to do this is this Guide helping you but it's also your innate power. You might have a Scorpio influence in your chart. Your Guide wants you to put a lot of effort into developing whatever your magical power is, whether it's being a witch or clairvoyant or a spiritual teacher, because it will allow you to take control of your life. You might feel like you are sort of powerless right now but there is tremendous power within if you just tap into it.
The World
(clarified by: The Sun)
The Lovers
(clarified by: Ace of Pentacles)
Seven of Swords
(clarified by: Knight of Wands)
Three of Wands (back of the deck)
Pile 2, I am getting a really interesting message here. Don't take this the wrong way but an intuitive ability you have is that you are like this trickster spirit in human form. The term "trickster" unfortunately has entirely negative connotations when that's not always the case. Although some tricksters are actually malicious and harmful in their deception, other tricksters "deceive" you only to shift your perspective. More high-vibe tricksters can create chaos or confusion but the creative kind that shakes people up and forces them out of their comfort zone. However, even good tricksters are often labeled as bad or scary by those who aren't seeing them clearly. Sound familiar?
Although you could be someone's worst nightmare if you chose, you're most likely the good trickster: mischievous, maybe maddening to some, but crucial to their growth. You might have a significant Gemini influence in your chart. People can project their negative feelings on to you and scapegoat you just because they're triggered or threatened by the energy you embody. But, you really don't mean any harm. Are you familiar with the "heyoka empath" concept? Because you could possibly be one and might want to look into that. The heyoka empath journey is all about being this psychological mirror to others, reflecting their wounds or flaws or even their strengths and potential back to them and triggering them to get them to grow.
(Side note: for anyone offended by the use of the Native American term "heyoka", I personally see it as more of a figure of speech. Not the literal cultural title. As someone who identifies as this type of empath, it's too resonant to dismiss. I also like to use "mirror empath" as a substitute, for those opposed to saying heyoka, as that's the essential meaning of it. But, do what works for you!)
Heyoka empaths are not the typical empaths, behavior wise. They are very sensitive but also defiant, headstrong, and unafraid to rock the boat. Sometimes even contrarian. You liberate people through your example, showing them that they don't have to conform or be a follower. Your fierce ability to think for yourself, to be your own person, is very much ingrained. I am willing to bet that you were not raised to be such an independent spirit. It's just something you innately understand. In fact, you might play this triggering role for your family, too, because you could fly in the face of outdated ways of thinking or doing things that keep them trapped. Yeah, I am getting that you have inspired your family majorly in this way, even your parents, although they may label you as "difficult" or the black sheep.
As an empath, you are especially clairsentient. In fact, you need a LOT of help in separating your emotions from others, which is something your Guides really want to help you with. The way people project heavily on you doesn't make it any easier. I think your psychic power also stems from how much you can predict people's reactions or behavior. This is why you can also be an expert button pusher. You might know what people are going to say before they say it or when people will call. This is your clairsentience because you FEEL it coming. You might also feel people's emotions from a far distance. Yeah, that is a specific message. There are certain connections you have where you know what the other is feeling from hundreds of miles away (it might even be long distance). Again, this can be very distressing or destabilizing if you don't stay grounded.
You definitely change people's lives. I am hearing "this stops with me". Heyoka empaths have this profound impact on others and leave people forever changed after knowing them. Whether you relate to this term or not, it's true of you! I feel like you have been in many relationships with toxic or immature romantic partners or friends. And, honey, once you call them on their shit, they are NEVER the same. Sometimes, this shift doesn't happen until you break up with them or leave them behind. But, whatever negative pattern they were indulging in before, they just can't get away with it anymore after being with you. You shine a light on their shadows that they can't ignore. And the thing is that you often don't even know you're doing it!
You could have a strong Fire influence in your chart (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), especially Leo. You are this larger-than-life force and leave an indelible mark on others. I think you don't realize how very powerful it is when you call someone out or tell them off. (I am also getting the message to be a bit more careful with your words because of this) You leave others shook because they know you're right about them, whether they admit it or not, or they feel like you see right through them. There is clairvoyance here, too, in that regard. But, I think there's a pattern in your life where exes or former friends really change their negative ways because of you. Family members can do this, too, especially ones you've cut off. If you come from a toxic family, you are absolutely the cycle-breaker. And you may underestimate that but please pat yourself on the back for that because it is not easy and most people just continue the cycle. You work a lot on yourself because you are also quick to call yourself on your own bullshit. You're just exceptional and I can see your Guides applauding you for what you've done and are still doing. (Insert the "you're doing amazing, sweetie" gif)
King of Wands
(clarified by: Seven of Wands)
Ten of Wands
(clarified by: Eight of Pentacles)
Three of Cups
(clarified by: The Magician)
Ace of Pentacles (back of the deck)
Pile 3, you are my pile that is more resistant to your psychic powers. This is constantly coming up when I discuss psychic abilities in my readings. So, you may have heard this from me before. But, obviously, you need to hear it again! Lol you're a much more practical person. Even though I can see you are highly connected to Spirit, you ignore or downplay this connection to focus on the material/physical realm. And it is wearing you out!
You could have a strong Earth influence (the signs of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) in your chart. You prefer to look at and do things the pragmatic way. Take manifestation, for example. You are probably very skeptical of manifesting and would rather put in effort and work hard to get what you want. There's a big emphasis here on feeling like you need to "earn it" and this may come from a more conservative or traditional upbringing. But, here's the thing. You are actually exceptional when it comes to manifesting! That's a big message coming through. Part of this is because you know how to put in the physical effort. You'd never just sit back and do nothing and wait for it. Well... some of that is part of your problem. You don't realize that you don't have to DO so much to get what you want. That you can be clear about it, set your intention and let go. Yes, a certain amount of effort is required. But, not nearly as much as you think!
You could currently be having financial struggles that are either persisting or getting worse because you aren't sitting back enough. You either worry too much about your goals or try to control everything too much. You start stressing about the outcome and that disturbs the flow of events. You need to learn to trust in the Universe and let things unfold naturally. Everything can't be up to you! Your Guides, for instance, would love to step in more to assist you. In fact, they are very eager to and it is tough for them to see you burn out and try to do it all alone. Again, your upbringing may have made you like this. But, being hyper-independent or using self-sufficiency as a defense mechanism can keep you blocked spiritually. Your Guides aren't scolding you for this. They're saying it with love and also because they can't step in on your behalf unless you let them or call on them.
There is one Guide, in particular, who is always around you and always trying to help. This Guide has a very masculine energy, very fiery and vibrant yet paternal. Very paternal and protective. It could actually be a passed-on father figure from this life but I don't get that for all of you. He is specifically saying that he is always here. Whether you want him to be or not! Lol he is pretty cheeky and funny. I think also that some stressful things in your life or things you find annoying are actually his doing. Not to punish or irritate you but to show you where you need help. Essentially, he wants you to know that it's not bad to seek help or guidance. This is what he is there for! And your life would be significantly easier if you just accepted what he is trying to teach you or offer to you.
Interestingly, unlike the other piles, I am not getting a lot about particular gifts and abilities. This is more about removing or overcoming the blockages to your gifts and abilities. I think whatever it is you can do, on a psychic or intuitive level, is something you're meant to discover yourself. You could discover it through spiritual work and practices. You are being called to devote a lot of time to a particular form of divination or spiritual teaching; something like Tarot or astrology or Reiki healing. This can be a passionate hobby but, for many of you, I am getting the sense that it's meant to be your line of work. Your profession. You are meant to mix the spiritual with the practical, to apply your insane work ethic to something metaphysical (Random download: some of you may have Mars or Saturn in the 12th or Saturn in aspect to Neptune, particularly Saturn conjunct Neptune in Capricorn)
In dedicating yourself to spiritual work, you will begin to unlock and discover your psychic gifts. And you won't even realize you're doing it, much of the time! You could downplay your gift and say, "Oh, I'm just reading the cards" or "It's the birth chart, it's not me". All while not realizing that you're making yourself a channel for the Divine. I think a lot of this is meant to feel very automatic and something you're not aware of. This is how your Guides communicate with you, too. You might be especially clairaudient because you could easily interpret your inner monologue as your own thoughts instead of realizing it's your Guides talking to you and you're just hearing it in your voice. You won't be able to consciously access your psychic gifts until you indirectly do so via these spiritual disciplines (And I know I have given this message before in a previous reading)
Yet, you will need to protect yourself, stay grounded, and make sure you are managing your psychic energies. When you don't understand your gift, it can drain you of your energy. And you're very gifted! You could have clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance and clairaudience, all at once. You are very blessed in this way. You also have to be careful what you wish for, going back to the effortless manifesting skills. Whatever you put out will take form, more so than the next person. On a more pragmatic level, I think you guys have the gift of either being introverted extroverts or just introverts who knows how to act extroverted in social settings. (Check your MBTI type!) You have the magical ability to manipulate your own energy and project whatever you want to others. And it's VERY convincing. It may be why people think you're incredibly capable or have your shit perfectly together, even if you don't feel that way at all inside. Sometimes, this means people don't really see you clearly, which is a blessing and a curse. They may have an exaggerated impression of you but this can also help you conceal your weaknesses or insecurities.
Ace of Swords
(clarified by: Justice)
Six of Cups
(clarified by: The Fool)
King of Wands
(clarified by: The Devil)
Four of Swords (back of the deck)
Pile 4, you have this incredible ability to make people feel comfortable around you, like they can just stop worrying and relax. You disarm people and they may share their deepest secrets and feelings with you. If you regularly get people you meet on the subway or at a party telling you their life story, then this is your pile! You can easily feel overwhelmed by other people, though. The unfortunate thing about this ability is that people just take and take so much of your energy that you have nothing left to give. Being around someone so healing can be like a drug, especially for low-vibrational or especially unhealed people. While some may be using you or taking advantage of your kindness, others may not even realize they're having a negative effect or doing you harm. But, it would be no surprise if, after a long day of dealing with people, you need plenty of alone time to recharge.
Your Guides are coming through to tell you to uphold any practices that help you "spiritually/energetically/emotionally detox". There are many examples of this, from taking a long bath to being out in nature to meditating and centering to journaling. Whatever makes you feel good and at peace. You are also being told to not feel guilty for taking this time and to make space in your schedule for it. No matter what your situation is. You could run your own business or have a very active social life or be a busy parent. But, regardless of who needs your time and attention, you need to carve out a certain amount of daily time to replenish in whatever way you desire. If not, you will feel increasingly depleted and this can manifest in destructive ways. As kind and empathic as you are, you could become testy or sharp-tongued whenever you are being pushed past your limit. Or you could just become overwhelmed with anxiety and nervous energy. So, everybody gets the best version of you when you consistently recharge.
You give me empath vibes yet I am specifically being told about the healing arts, in regards to you. Reiki or shamanic healing or maybe even working with herbs to create natural remedies. You intuitively know what people need to feel better. You not only have a healing touch but a healing voice. People are very soothed, just by the way you speak. I can see some of you having a YouTube channel or podcast and getting comments from your subscribers that they listen to you to fall asleep lol. In a good way. I also think you're that person who knows just what to say to others in regards to their problems, in a way that's uncanny. Sometimes, you don't even know how you give such great advice or where it comes from. This could be a sign of claircognizance and/or clairaudience. Sometimes, Spirit just talks directly through you, using you as a messenger.
You definitely could have been drawn to other piles because you have a complex energy. Your abilities are multidimensional, as is your nature. While you are compassionate and loving, you are a ferocious protector of others. (Maybe because you are so compassionate and loving) If and when you become a parent, good luck to anyone who tries to mess with your child! I also think you can feel very protective toward anyone in a very unhealthy relationship, especially if you've been through one yourself. In the latter case, this is a gift because you can be that catalyst someone needs to see their toxic situation with someone else clearly and put in the work to get out of it. In general, you excel at being a soothing yet sobering voice of reason. People can feel absolutely lost until you set them straight or wake them up.
Yet, you also seem to have a playful side that has a much more powerful effect than you realize. You really lift people's spirits. I think your inner child is very active and at the forefront of your personality. This makes you really powerful in this bleak world where people feel pressured to color inside the lines. Because you don't, they feel emboldened to loosen up, have more fun, break some social rules. You could have a major Air influence in your chart, especially Aquarius (but Libra is also coming through). Your influence on others is tremendous and you usually don't even realize you're doing it. You're just boldly living your life and serving as this empowering inspiration to them.
Okay, so something specific is also coming through. I think there is a particular male deity who wants to work with you and he is very insistent about it. Not in a bad way lol. He will just let himself be known! He has a very masculine energy but is also pretty wild or chaotic. He's like a lovable troublemaker or a crazy big brother. Loki is the one coming through the most but I am also getting Dionysus and Apollo. But, take what resonates! If you have felt called by a particular god, then there's your confirmation. I think he is coming through to also tell you that you have some of his energy. You are a lovable troublemaker yourself yet your kindness makes you, at times, hold that back some. But, you are actually at your best when you are letting loose (not to extremes, though). Even if it runs certain people the wrong way, it helps others free themselves, in the long run.
(Side note: the being I just spoke of may not be a deity but just a masculine Spirit Guide with an incredibly strong presence, in general and in your life, who embodies the energy I spoke of. But, it feels like a deity, for most of you, who's very close to you. )
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astrojulia · 9 months
Hello! How are you?
I want to Ask what are the placements which makes people intuitive,clairvoyant, healer, sense energies or becomes spiritual leader?
Really sorry if that was much just curious to know😅
Thank you❤
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Placements that indicates Psychic Abilities in the Natal Chart
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"A psychic is a person who claims to use extrasensory perception (ESP) to identify information hidden from the normal senses", Wikipedia. In this small part, I would like to remind you that before becoming an astrologer, I am a witch and my contact with the mystic is very different and unique. In case you're wondering "what do you mean by different?", I’ve possession and werewolf storie in my family. I say this, because for me psychic abilities goes much deeper than most posts I’ve seen. I WILL NOT BE WRITING "POSSIBLY/LIKELY" IN ALL ASPECTS!!
Remember tha psychic abilities are highly individual and may not be entirely influenced by astrological factors. It's important to approach such concepts with an open mind and respect for the beliefs and experiences of others.
Clairvoyance: The Ability to See Beyond the Ordinary Senses
✧⟶ Neptune in Pisces: Individuals with this placement possess a natural affinity for clairvoyance, allowing them to access glimpses of both the past and the future without the need for divination tools or instruments.
✧⟶ Neptune Dominant: Similar to Neptune in Pisces, but even more pronounced, individuals with a dominant Neptune have an effortless and heightened clairvoyant ability. Their intuition and psychic insights are readily accessible, guiding them through life's mysteries.
✧⟶ Uranus Dominant: While clairvoyance is not the primary focus for those with a dominant Uranus, their unique gift lies in foreseeing the outcomes of various actions. Their non-esoteric intuition enables them to predict reactions and events with ease, even in non-spiritual contexts.
✧⟶ Moon in Pisces: The Moon's placement in Pisces grants a visionary and mystical aspect to an individual's emotional nature. If this aspect remains unafflicted, their clairvoyant tendencies may come to the forefront, enhancing their intuitive perception.
✧⟶ Venus in Pisces: People with Venus in Pisces possess an extremely psychic disposition. Their empathetic and sensitive approach to relationships allows them to tap into psychic energies, providing profound insights into the emotional dynamics between individuals.
✧⟶ Neptune Conjunct, Sextile, or Trine Ascendant: When Neptune forms harmonious aspects with the Ascendant, it bestows a heightened level of psychic and intuitive awareness. These individuals possess an innate ability to perceive and understand the subtle energies and emotions of others.
✧⟶ Neptune 12th House: In the 12th House, Neptune's influence deepens, making individuals compassionate and highly sensitive to emotional nuances in their surroundings. Their "psychic" abilities come naturally to them, and they may experience profound intuitive insights and spiritual connections.
✧⟶ Pluto in Scorpio/8th House: Though not directly related to clairvoyance, Pluto's placement in Scorpio or the 8th House can contribute to the ability to see beyond the surface, uncover hidden truths, and delve into the mystical and transformative realms.
✧⟶ Mercury in Pisces: Psychic and visionary minds, highly intuitive and telepathic on an unconscious level. These individuals possess a unique capacity to access information beyond the ordinary senses.
✧⟶ Moon Sextile Neptune: A potential for developing keen psychic sensitivity, facilitating a deeper connection to the intuitive realm and fostering an understanding of emotions on a profound level.
✧⟶ Moon Trine Neptune: Those with this aspect experience heightened psychic sensitivity, allowing them to tap into the emotional energies around them with ease and offering guidance through their empathetic nature.
✧⟶ Sun Conjunct Neptune: Psychically sensitive and mystically inclined, these individuals possess a profound understanding of the intangible, making them natural seekers of spiritual truths and insights.
✧⟶ Mercury Sextile Neptune: With an aptitude for psychic and mystical fields, these individuals can benefit from dreams and visions, allowing them to access higher planes of consciousness in sleep and meditation.
✧⟶ Mercury Trine Neptune: Possessing a natural gift for psychic and mystical pursuits, these individuals can easily tap into higher realms of consciousness, receiving guidance and instruction from the unseen world through dreams and meditative states.
Clairaudience: The Ability to Hear Beyond the Audible
✧⟶ Uranus in 1st House: Individuals with Uranus in the 1st House possess a unique and heightened sensitivity to astral travel and spiritual experiences. This placement allows them to easily detach their spirit from the physical body, enabling them to explore other dimensions, connect with the dead, and even journey through time.
✧⟶ Moon Sextile Neptune: With the harmonious aspect between the Moon and Neptune, individuals have the potential to develop keen psychic sensitivity, including clairaudient gifts. They possess an intuitive attunement to the subtle energies around them, allowing them to hear messages, guidance, or insights from the spiritual realm.
✧⟶ Moon Trine Neptune: The Moon's trine aspect with Neptune deepens an individual's clairaudient sensitivity, granting them a natural inclination to hear and perceive messages from the spiritual realm. They possess keen psychic awareness, particularly when it comes to emotions and intuitions.
✧⟶ Mercury in the 3rd House: With Mercury positioned in the 3rd House, individuals have a natural aptitude for communication and mental agility. This can extend to clairaudience, where they may hear inner guidance or receive messages from the spirit realm with clarity and precision. Their mind acts as a receptive channel for clairaudient and intuitive thoughts.
✧�� Gemini or Mercury Dominant: Individuals with a dominant Gemini or strong Mercury influence in their birth chart possess heightened clairaudient abilities. The communicative and curious nature of these signs and planet facilitates an open channel to receive messages and auditory guidance from the spiritual realm.
✧⟶ 9th House Stellium/Chart ruler in 9th house: When multiple planets cluster in the 9th House, it creates a powerful focus on spiritual exploration, higher knowledge, and intuitive understanding. This concentration of energy may lead to clairaudient experiences, where individuals receive divine messages and insights through auditory perceptions.
✧⟶ Pisces Moon: A Pisces Moon fosters a deep emotional connection to the spiritual and intuitive realms. Individuals with this placement may experience clairaudience as they hear messages from their higher self or spiritual guides, gaining profound insights through auditory sensations.
✧⟶ Neptune in the 3rd House: Neptune's influence in the 3rd House can enhance clairaudient abilities, making individuals more attuned to psychic messages and inner guidance. They may receive auditory impressions from the spiritual realm, tapping into the collective consciousness and higher wisdom.
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Clairempathy: The Profound Ability to Sense Emotions
✧⟶ Moon in Cancer: Individuals with the Moon positioned in Cancer possess a powerful and innate clairempathic ability. This placement grants them an extraordinary sensitivity to the emotions and feelings of others. Like a receptive sponge, they absorb and understand the emotional currents surrounding them, making them natural empaths. Their empathetic nature allows them to attune deeply to the emotional needs of those around them, providing comfort and support during times of distress.
✧⟶ Pisces Sun or Rising: The influence of Pisces in the Sun or Rising sign can amplify the clairempathic abilities of individuals. Being ruled by Neptune, the planet of intuition and sensitivity, Pisces imparts a deep emotional understanding and empathy to those with this placement. These individuals can feel the emotions of others on a profound level, often experiencing the emotions of others as if they were their own. Their compassionate and caring nature draws people to them, seeking solace and understanding in their presence. Their clairempathic insights can also extend to the spiritual realm, as they may receive intuitive guidance and emotional impressions from higher planes.
✧⟶ Venus in Scorpio: Venus in Scorpio enhances an individual's clairempathic sensitivity, adding depth and intensity to their emotional perception. They have the ability to sense the hidden emotions and desires that others may not readily reveal. This placement grants them an almost psychic understanding of the emotional undercurrents in relationships and interpersonal dynamics. They can be profoundly attuned to the emotional needs of their loved ones, providing unwavering support and empathy.
✧⟶ 4th House Stellium/Chart Ruler in 4th house: When multiple planets cluster in the 4th House, it creates a concentrated focus on emotions, family, and home. This stellium can enhance the clairempathic abilities of individuals, making them acutely sensitive to the emotional dynamics within their family and domestic environment. Their empathic nature enables them to be natural caregivers and nurturers, creating a harmonious and supportive atmosphere for their loved ones.
✧⟶ Water Dominant: Individuals with a dominant Water element in their birth chart (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces) possess heightened clairempathic abilities. The Water signs are naturally empathetic and sensitive, attuned to the emotional frequencies of others. This dominant influence enables them to be emotional conduits, absorbing and understanding the feelings of those around them with ease.
✧⟶ Pisces Moon in the 8th House: This powerful alignment combines the clairempathic nature of Pisces with the transformative energy of the 8th House. Individuals with this placement have a profound ability to sense the deepest emotions and spiritual energies. They may experience clairempathic insights as a gateway to spiritual transformation, gaining intuitive knowledge and understanding through emotional connections.
Clairsentience: The Remarkable Ability to Sense Emotions and Feelings
✧⟶ Neptune in the 9th House: When Neptune graces the 9th House of an individual's birth chart, it bestows a mystical and spiritually attuned nature. This placement fosters a deep connection to the higher realms of consciousness, allowing the individual to tap into their clairsentient abilities with profound intuition. Their clairsentience may manifest as a heightened sense of inner knowing, where they can tune into the emotional states of individuals and sense the energy of different environments, offering profound guidance and understanding to those they encounter.
✧⟶ Moon in Pisces: With the Moon nestled in the ethereal sign of Pisces, individuals possess an innate clairsentient gift. Their emotional sensitivity and intuition are deeply interconnected, allowing them to feel and sense the emotions of others as if they were their own. This empathic nature extends to their surroundings, enabling them to detect the energy and moods of different spaces.
✧⟶ Cancer Sun or Rising: The nurturing and empathetic energy of Cancer, whether it appears in the Sun or Rising sign, enhances an individual's clairsentient abilities. Being deeply connected to their emotions, they effortlessly sense the feelings of others, offering a safe space for people to express themselves without judgment.
✧⟶ 8th House Stellium: A concentration of planets in the 8th House intensifies an individual's clairsentient awareness. This stellium fosters a profound understanding of the hidden emotions and psychological depths within themselves and others. Their clairsentience enables them to penetrate the emotional layers of individuals and recognize the unspoken feelings and desires beneath the surface.
✧⟶ Water Dominant: Individuals with a dominant Water element in their birth chart (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces) possess heightened clairsentient abilities. The Water signs are naturally empathetic and emotionally attuned, making them exceptional clairsentients. Their intuitive perception extends beyond the realm of logic, allowing them to grasp the emotional undercurrents and energies around them effortlessly.
✧⟶ Sun Sextile Neptune: The harmonious aspect between the Sun and Neptune enhances an individual's clairsentient potential. This alignment facilitates a deep connection to the spiritual and intuitive realms, making them more receptive to emotional energies and subtle feelings. Their clairsentience may manifest as a heightened sense of intuition and inner knowing, guiding them through life with spiritual insights and emotional understanding.
Clairalience: The Unique Ability to Sense Smells Beyond the Physical Realm
✧⟶ Venus Sextile/Trine Neptune: They may possess a natural inclination to appreciate and notice different scents, finding great joy and inspiration in the world of aromas.
✧⟶ Neptune in the 2nd House: People with this placement may find that their sense of smell is highly attuned to the ethereal and mystical, allowing them to pick up on scents that others might overlook.
✧⟶ Moon in Taurus: People with this placement have a heightened ability to perceive and enjoy different aromas, and they might find comfort and emotional solace in familiar scents. Their clairalient experiences are grounded in the physical realm, with a strong connection to nature and the elements.
✧⟶ Moon in Virgo: Their clairalient abilities may manifest as an acute awareness of different scents and a talent for detecting even the most subtle changes in their environment. This placement can make them highly sensitive to the cleanliness and purity of their surroundings, as well as the effects of various aromas on their emotional well-being.
✧⟶ Moon in the 2nd House: Their sense of smell can be deeply connected to their emotional responses, with certain scents triggering nostalgic feelings or memories from their past. They may seek comfort and emotional satisfaction through pleasant aromas, and their clairalient experiences can be a source of emotional grounding and pleasure.
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Telepathy: The Remarkable Ability to Communicate Beyond Words
✧⟶ Mercury Sextile Neptune: Their telepathic abilities may be enhanced, allowing them to tap into higher planes of consciousness during sleep and meditation. They can receive vivid dreams and visions, and may even bring back profound insights and instructions from the subconscious or spiritual realms to their conscious mind. This aspect bestows a natural receptivity to non-verbal forms of communication, making them more attuned to subtle cues and messages from others.
✧⟶ Mercury Trine Neptune: They can effortlessly access higher planes of consciousness during sleep and meditation, receiving profound guidance and insights from the spiritual realm. Their dreams and visions may offer valuable symbolic messages and spiritual teachings. As skilled telepaths, they have a natural ability to connect with others on a deeper, soul-to-soul level, transcending verbal communication and understanding the unspoken emotions and thoughts of those around them.
✧⟶ Jupiter Sextile Neptune: They may find themselves drawn to religious, spiritual, or philosophical groups where they can explore and nurture their psychic gifts. This aspect fosters a sense of faith and trust in their intuitive perceptions, making them open to receiving and interpreting messages beyond the ordinary senses.
✧⟶ Jupiter Trine Neptune: They are encouraged to follow their inner guidance and lead a life guided by spiritual truths. This aspect enables them to tap into higher realms of consciousness with ease, receiving divine inspiration and mystical insights. They may be naturally drawn to religious or philosophical pursuits, seeking deeper meaning and understanding in the mysteries of life.
Mediumship: "I see dead people..."
✧⟶ Moon Sextile/Trine Pluto: Their mediumistic abilities are enhanced by their emotional sensitivity, allowing them to connect with the subtle realms and receive messages from spirits. They may experience vivid dreams and intuitive visions that offer guidance and comfort to themselves and others.
✧⟶ Sun Sextile/Trine Pluto: They may have a natural talent for mediumship, as their connection with the spiritual realms is harmoniously aligned with their core self-expression. They radiate a sense of empathy and compassion, attracting others seeking solace and messages from departed loved ones.
✧⟶ Venus Sextile/Trine Pluto: They can forge deep connections with both the living and the spirit world, facilitating communication with grace and compassion. Their mediumship may be a source of healing and inspiration for those seeking closure and understanding.
✧⟶ Jupiter Sextile/Trine Pluto: They are drawn to spiritual exploration and may seek to develop their mediumistic abilities through study and practice. Their optimism and faith in the unseen world open them to profound spiritual experiences and insights.
✧⟶ Mercury Conjunct Pluto: When Mercury, the planet of communication, is conjunct Pluto, the individual's thoughts and perceptions are deeply influenced by intuitive and psychic insights. They possess a natural gift for receiving and interpreting messages from the spirit world, making them adept mediums and channels for spiritual guidance.
✧⟶ Venus Conjunct Pluto: They possess a deep sensitivity to spiritual energies and may experience strong psychic impressions. Their mediumistic abilities are intertwined with their sense of aesthetics, making their connections with the spirit world artistic and emotionally resonant.
✧⟶ Mars Sextile/Trine Pluto: This aspect provides individuals with the ability to channel spiritual energies into action. They may find that their mediumship is most effective when combined with healing practices or spiritual service. Their compassionate and gentle approach to mediumship enables them to provide support and solace to those seeking to connect with the other side.
✧⟶ Neptune in the 12th House: This placement grants them the ability to tap into the collective unconscious and the deepest layers of the human psyche.
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Healing: Channeling Energies for Restoration and Well-being
✧⟶ Pluto in Scorpio/8th House: Individuals with Pluto placed in Scorpio or the 8th House possess a unique capacity to heal supernatural illnesses, such as curses and "quebranto."
✧⟶ Mercury in Virgo/6th House: Ability to heal the physical body through magical, non-scientific means. Their intuitive understanding of the human body and its subtle energy systems allows them to access healing energies and apply them to support well-being. They may excel in practices such as energy healing, herbalism, or other alternative therapies.
✧⟶Moon 6th house/ Sextile or Trine Neptune: Ability to heal anxiety and fears through magical, non-scientific means.
✧⟶ Uranus Sextile/Trine Mercury: Their intuitive and psychic potential is heightened, enabling them to tap into higher levels of awareness and wisdom. With an innovative approach to healing, they may explore unconventional methods that lead to transformative and profound healing experiences for themselves and others.
✧⟶ Mars Sextile/Trine Neptune: This aspect provides individuals with the opportunity to work with psychic forces without being adversely affected. They have earned spiritual merits in past lives, making them adept at channeling healing energies and aiding others in their journey towards well-being. Their healing practices may involve a combination of intuition, energy work, and physical efforts to promote healing.
✧⟶ Venus Sextile Neptune: This aspect bestows a potential for a strong sixth sense, which is intuition. Their natural compassion and intuition can guide them towards healing practices that involve empathy and understanding, making them intuitive and nurturing healers.
“Meany” aka Manipulation and Curses:
✧⟶ Neptune 3rd House: Hypnotic. Manipulating people for their benefit should be effortless.
✧⟶ Venus or Mercury trine/sextile Neptune: They really know how to allure people.
✧⟶ Neptune 9th House: Very easy to manifest and make this person's wishes come true; they have the ability to shape their reality.
✧⟶ Neptune 12th House: They have the ability to cast irreversible curses.
✧⟶ Pluto 12th House: They have the ability to discover people's secrets without even trying, using these secrets for their own benefit.
✧⟶ Uranus 12th House: Can manipulate the others memories and view of reality.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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grey-sorcery · 6 months
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Title: Psychic Abilities: First Steps
Suggested Reading
Biases in Witchcraft Dualities Psychic Abilities & Mental Illness Shadow Work: First Steps Energetic Senses The Subtle Body Warding Basics
*- Closed or Semi-closed cultures/practices This article uses yellow text, which may be difficult to read outside of dark-mode.
Understanding Psychic Abilities
Psychic abilities often refer to skills or talents enabling individuals to gain information or influence beyond the scope of human senses or scientific understanding. Such capacities are frequently posited to transcend the boundaries of time, space, and matter. While they can be classified into various types – such as clairvoyance (perceiving remote or hidden information), telepathy (transmitting thoughts), and precognition (predicting future events) – the mechanisms underpinning these phenomena remain the subjects of controversy and speculation.
 Historical Perspectives
Throughout history, diverse cultures have recognized and integrated the notion of psychic phenomena into their daily lives and spiritual practices. From ancient civilizations like the Greeks and Egyptians, who consulted oracles and seers for guidance, to indigenous tribes who believed in the power of shamans and medicine people to communicate with forces beyond human perception, psychic phenomena have occupied a significant niche.
In the medieval period, psychic occurrences were often intertwined with religious or supernatural explanations. Those who claimed to possess these abilities were either revered as divinely gifted or, conversely, vilified and persecuted for heresy or witchcraft. Notably, the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods began to scrutinize such claims, emphasizing empirical evidence and rationality. This shift led to a decline in the public acceptance of psychic phenomena as mere superstitions or the result of charlatanism.
Modern Interpretations
In contemporary times, the debate surrounding psychic phenomena has bifurcated into two dominant perspectives: the skeptics and the proponents.
Skeptics, often armed with a scientific background, posit that claims of psychic abilities lack empirical evidence. They argue that such phenomena can be explained by cognitive biases, logical fallacies, or mere coincidences. For instance, the confirmation bias might lead someone to remember only the instances when a psychic prediction was accurate and dismiss those when it was not. They also highlight instances where purported psychics have been exposed as frauds, using tactics such as cold reading to feign genuine abilities.
On the contrary, proponents assert that the existence of psychic abilities is a genuine and untapped dimension of human potential. While acknowledging that fraudulence exists, they argue that there are genuine cases that defy conventional explanations. They contend that science, in its current form, may not be adequately equipped to understand or measure these phenomena. Some postulate that advancements in neuroscience, consciousness research, or quantum physics might one day elucidate the enigmatic nature of psychic abilities.
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Types of Psychic Abilities 
Derived from the French words "clair" (clear) and "voir" (to see), clairvoyance essentially translates to "clear seeing." Clairvoyance refers to the claimed ability to gather information about an object, person, location, or event without any known humanly means. This phenomenon is often described as receiving visual information in the form of symbols, colors, or visions. Throughout history, many societies have revered clairvoyants as powerful figures. In some cultures, they played significant roles as advisors to rulers or as mediators between the physical and unseen worlds. Contemporary society, with its emphasis on empirical evidence, often views clairvoyance with skepticism, yet there remains a persistent cultural fascination with this ability. In many spiritual traditions, clairvoyance is seen as a heightened state of consciousness, a gift or a skill that connects the individual with higher dimensions or spiritual guides.
Stemming from the Greek words "tele" (distant) and "pathos" (feeling), telepathy can be understood as "distant feeling." Telepathy is the purported transmission of information between individuals without using known human sensory channels or physical interaction. It encompasses the transfer of emotions, thoughts, or even complex ideas. From ancient legends to modern science fiction, telepathic communication has captured the human imagination. While empirical research in telepathy remains inconclusive, it is a recurrent theme in popular media, underscoring the human yearning for connection. Mystic traditions may regard telepathy as a manifestation of universal interconnectedness, suggesting that at a deep level, all consciousness is one and separateness is an illusion.
The term derives from the Latin "prae" (before) and "cognitio" (getting to know), effectively meaning "foreknowledge." Precognition involves knowledge or perception of future events before they occur, without any logical basis for such foreknowledge. This might manifest as dreams, feelings, or intuitions. Predicting the future has been a universal human pursuit, with precognitives often serving crucial societal roles as prophets, oracles, or seers. However, contemporary views on precognition are split, with skeptics pointing to cognitive biases as explanations. Many mystical traditions suggest that time, as humans perceive it, is an illusion. In such a framework, precognition might be understood as accessing timeless dimensions where past, present, and future coexist.
"Clair" (clear) combined with "cognizance" (knowledge) indicates "clear knowledge." Claircognizance denotes an intuitive ability to just "know" something, without any logical basis or prior information. Individuals with this ability might suddenly know facts, insights, or understandings without knowing how they acquired them. The concept of inherent knowledge or insight is recognized in many cultures, often attributed to divine inspiration or profound intuition. However, in a world valuing empirical data, such spontaneous knowledge can be met with skepticism. Some spiritual interpretations posit that claircognizance is a connection to universal knowledge or the collective consciousness, suggesting an innate ability to tap into an omniscient source.
Combining "clair" (clear) with "sentience" (feeling), clairsentience means "clear feeling." Clairsentience refers to the ability to physically feel or emotionally sense the energy or emotions of people, places, or events. This might manifest as gut feelings, sudden mood changes, or physical sensations. Empathy and heightened sensitivity have been recognized across various cultures. While some view clairsentience as a heightened form of empathy, others approach it with caution due to its inexplicable nature. Within mystical traditions, clairsentience might be seen as an enhanced sensitivity to the energy or vibrations of the universe, reflecting a deep interconnectedness of all things.
Derived from Latin "compellere," meaning "to drive or push together." Compulsion, in this context, refers to the purported ability to influence another's thoughts or actions without overt persuasion or physical interference. Historical records are replete with tales of individuals who held sway over masses, their compelling presence seemingly altering the will of others. Modern interpretations often approach such claims with caution, exploring psychological mechanisms behind suggestibility. Some spiritual interpretations suggest compulsion is an exertion of one's will or energy over another, tapping into the subtle dynamics of interwoven consciousness.
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Common Misconceptions
While psychic abilities have been recognized and debated for centuries, modern society often conflates them with broader supernatural phenomena. To distinguish: psychic abilities are often defined as potential innate capacities of the human psyche, whereas supernatural phenomena encompass a broader range of occurrences that supposedly defy natural laws. An example of such a conflation might be equating clairvoyance solely with ghostly apparitions or haunted locales, limiting the nuanced understanding of psychic phenomena. This conflation can be attributed to myriad factors, including cultural narratives, folklore, and limited exposure to diverse interpretations of psychic occurrences.
The Hollywood Influence
The entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood, has significantly molded perceptions of psychic phenomena. From sensationalized depictions of mediums speaking to the departed in horror movies to superheroes with telepathic abilities saving the world, these portrayals often prioritize spectacle over accuracy. While they capture the imagination and offer thrilling narratives, they may distort or exaggerate the nuances of genuine psychic experiences.
Hollywood's penchant for dramatization means that psychic abilities are frequently portrayed with an added layer of spectacle, potentially leading the general populace to harbor unrealistic or skewed expectations. For instance, telepathy in movies might be showcased as characters having fullblown conversations without speaking, while actual anecdotal accounts might reference fleeting impressions or emotions.
Skepticism and Belief
Public opinion on psychic phenomena is polarized, with skeptics and believers often at odds. Skeptics caution against gullibility, pointing to instances of fraud, the influence of cognitive biases, and the lack of empirical evidence as reasons for disbelief. On the other hand, staunch believers might dismiss skeptics as close minded or overly analytical.
However, a nuanced view acknowledges that both skepticism and belief have their merits. Blind skepticism might close one off to exploring uncharted territories of human experience, while unbridled belief risks being deceived by charlatans. An informed approach considers available evidence, remains open to possibilities, and constantly seeks deeper understanding, free from dogma.
New Age Influences and How to Avoid Them
The New Age movement, originating in the late 20th century, amalgamates various spiritual and metaphysical beliefs. While it has popularized many esoteric concepts, including some pertaining to psychic phenomena, it often does so without rigorous foundation or context.
To avoid undue New Age influences when exploring psychic phenomena:
Educate Yourself: Delve into historical, cultural, and scientific perspectives on psychic abilities. Understand that the New Age interpretation is just one among many.
Question Sources: Not all literature or speakers on psychic topics are reliable. Discern between those who have done comprehensive research and those echoing popular yet shallow narratives.
Practice Discernment: Be wary of commercialized aspects of the New Age movement, such as workshops or products that promise quick psychic awakenings without any substantial groundwork.
Theosophical Influences and How to Avoid Them
The Theosophical Society, founded in the 19th century, aimed to explore, study, and disseminate knowledge about the mystical and unknown. However, its interpretations of psychic and spiritual phenomena are specific to its doctrine.
To steer clear of Theosophical biases:
Broaden Your Horizon: While Theosophy offers a rich tapestry of esoteric thought, it's essential to explore other cultural, philosophical, and spiritual perspectives on psychic phenomena.
Recognize Distinctive Theosophical Concepts: By identifying core Theosophical tenets, one can differentiate them from other psychic or spiritual beliefs.
Engage in Open Discussion: Interacting with a diverse group of thinkers, researchers, and practitioners can help in discerning Theosophical influences from more universal or varied interpretations.
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The Science Behind Psychic Abilities
Psychic phenomena have long captured human curiosity, leading to extensive investigations, both informal and academic. Over the past century, numerous institutions have endeavored to study psychic abilities under controlled conditions. These include efforts by prominent universities and independent research bodies.
One well-documented approach has been the use of Zener cards — a set of five symbols (circle, cross, waves, square, star) — to test for extrasensory perception (ESP). Participants predict the sequence of cards, and results are assessed against statistical probabilities to discern any significant deviations suggesting psychic abilities.
Another area of interest has been the study of telepathy, where participants, often in isolated chambers, attempt to transmit or receive thoughts, images, or emotions. Success rates beyond chance levels could, in theory, indicate telepathic capabilities.
Controversies and Criticisms
Despite the extensive body of research, psychic phenomena remain a contentious topic in the scientific community. Some of the primary criticisms include:
Replicability Issues: A foundational principle of science is that experiments should produce consistent results when replicated. Psychic phenomena, however, often lack this consistency, leading many to question their validity.
Methodological Flaws: Critics often point out potential flaws in the design or execution of psychic experiments. These could range from insufficient controls, potential biases, or even fraud.
Statistical Interpretations: While certain psychic studies claim statistical significance, skeptics argue that these could be anomalies or the result of incorrect data interpretation.
Potential Explanations
Given the elusive nature of psychic phenomena, several hypotheses have been proposed, ranging from the purely physiological to the quantum mechanical:
Subconscious Perception: Some suggest that what's perceived as psychic ability might be heightened sensitivity to subconscious cues. This could mean picking up on subtle body language, temperature changes, or even pheromones.
Quantum Mechanics: Some posit that the nonlocality principle in quantum physics, where particles can be interconnected over vast distances, might provide a framework for understanding psychic interconnections. Though this argument tends to be provided by those who do not understand quantum theory.
Unified Field Theory: Drawing from physics, some speculate that a yet to be discovered unified field might explain the interconnectedness of consciousness. Though this argument also tends to be provided by those who do not understand quantum theory.
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Potential Biases Within Scientific Approaches
While the scientific method prides itself on objectivity, biases can infiltrate any field of study, including investigations into psychic phenomena:
Confirmation Bias: Researchers, like all individuals, can unconsciously favor data that aligns with their preexisting beliefs, potentially overlooking data that contradicts their hypotheses.
Publication Bias: Studies producing positive or sensational results are often more likely to be published than those with null or negative findings. This can skew the available literature and public perception.
Cultural and Historical Biases: Western scientific paradigms, rooted in materialism, might inherently dismiss phenomena that don't fit within this framework, whereas other cultures might approach the same phenomena differently.
It's crucial to approach psychic research with an awareness of these biases, ensuring comprehensive and balanced investigations.
Comfort with Paranormal Explanations and Experiences
Across the globe, individuals vary in their comfort levels with paranormal explanations. For some, a spiritual or mystical interpretation of an event is natural and enriching. For others, such interpretations might provoke discomfort, skepticism, or even fear.
Some cultures have rich traditions of spiritual and mystical experiences, making paranormal explanations more accepted and integrated. Direct personal experiences with phenomena that defy conventional explanations can either enhance comfort with the paranormal or, paradoxically, provoke greater skepticism. Awareness and understanding of various phenomena, whether through formal education, personal research, or exposure to diverse viewpoints, can influence one's comfort levels.
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Developing Psychic Abilities: A Comprehensive Approach
The initial phase in understanding psychic abilities requires identifying subtle indications that point towards their potential presence. Historically, various cultures have believed in the capability of certain individuals to perceive information hidden from the regular senses. These potential indicators might include:
Heightened Sensitivity: Some individuals report a heightened sensitivity to their surroundings, especially in terms of emotions and energies. They often feel strong empathic connections, allowing them to sense the emotions and moods of those around them, even if subtly expressed.
Frequent Déjà vu: The sensation of having experienced something previously, even when encountering it for the first time, may indicate a potential psychic inclination. While this phenomenon can be explained by various neurological processes, some interpret it as a sign of precognitive ability.
Predictive Dreams: Though dreams often arise from the subconscious mind processing daily events, some individuals note dreams that appear to foretell future events. While not always accurate, these dreams' predictive nature often stands out due to its specificity and detail.
Practice Techniques
To nurture psychic abilities, one must employ certain techniques and exercises that are designed to enhance these potential faculties. Here are some scientificallyacknowledged methods that might be beneficial:
Meditation: Meditation is a tool that aids in focusing the mind and building awareness of one's thoughts and surroundings. By practicing regular meditation, individuals can develop a heightened sense of intuition and possibly tap into deeper levels of perception.
Mindfulness: Being present in the moment can help individuals become more attuned to their surroundings and the subtle energies therein. Practicing mindfulness, like meditation, can be a foundation for honing psychic skills by fostering a keen awareness of the world around us.
Exposure to Varied Stimuli: Engaging with diverse environments, cultures, and experiences can sharpen one's intuitive skills. By exposing oneself to a broad array of stimuli, it becomes easier to identify patterns and connections that might not be immediately obvious.
Consistent Training
Consistency is vital when cultivating any skill, and the development of psychic abilities is no exception. Regular practice and a commitment to growth are imperative. Keeping a record of experiences, feelings, and intuitions can be beneficial. Over time, patterns may emerge, providing insights into the development and accuracy of psychic abilities.
Seeking feedback from trusted sources helps in gauging the accuracy of one's psychic perceptions and offers opportunities for refinement. Engaging with literature and scholarly articles on topics like parapsychology, cognitive science, and neurology can provide a rounded understanding and facilitate better practices.
Identifying Cognitive Bias
While exploring psychic abilities, it is crucial to be aware of cognitive biases. These are systematic patterns of deviation from rationality in judgment, where individuals create their own subjective reality from their perception. Examples include:
Confirmation Bias: The tendency to seek, interpret, and remember information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions. In the context of psychic abilities, this might manifest as remembering only accurate predictions while disregarding inaccuracies.
Apophenia: The human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns within random data. This could lead individuals to believe they've identified significant psychic insights when, in fact, they're drawing connections from unrelated events.
Identifying Mental Illness Symptoms that Seem Like Psychic Abilities
It is essential to differentiate between genuine psychic experiences and symptoms of mental illnesses. Some symptoms can mimic psychic phenomena, such as:
Hallucinations: These are sensory experiences in which a person can hear, see, smell, taste, or feel something that isn't there. While some might interpret these as psychic visions or messages, they are often associated with conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
Delusions: Strongly held beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. For example, believing that one has a unique ability to predict events or read minds, when, in reality, evidence does not support these claims.
Hyperactivity and Racing Thoughts: Conditions such as bipolar disorder can lead to periods of hyperactivity and rapidly changing thoughts, which can be misconstrued as psychic energy or heightened intuition.
If you or someone you know shows symptoms of mental illness, you can find a list of assistance and services at the end of THIS article.
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Psychic Abilities and the Mind
The intricate network of the human brain, with its myriad neural connections, governs how we think, act, and perceive the world. Central to our understanding of psychic abilities is the role of cognitive functions. These are the mental processes that allow us to carry out tasks, make decisions, and interpret the world around us. A cornerstone of cognition, memory allows us to store and retrieve information from the past. It's been posited that individuals who claim to have psychic abilities might have an enhanced or different utilization of memory, allowing them to recall events or details others might overlook.
The capacity to concentrate on specific stimuli or events in our environment is critical for any psychic exploration. An acute sense of attention might enable some individuals to pick up on subtle cues or information generally unnoticed by the average person. Processing Speed is the time it takes for an individual to interpret and respond to stimuli. A heightened processing speed might allow for faster interpretation of sensory input, which some argue could be linked to certain psychic phenomena.
Role of Subconscious
The subconscious mind, operating below the level of conscious awareness, is a vast reservoir of thoughts, memories, and feelings. Its role in psychic abilities is a topic of significant interest.
Our subconscious continuously processes information, even when we are not actively thinking about it. These processes can lead to sudden insights or "gut feelings" that seem to come out of nowhere but might, in reality, be the result of the subconscious working behind the scenes. While dreams are a regular part of the human experience, some propose that they can serve as a conduit for psychic information. The subconscious mind, active during dreaming, might present information in symbolic or direct ways that could be interpreted as precognitive or clairvoyant insights. The subconscious mind plays a pivotal role in our emotional responses. Some individuals claim to "feel" others' emotions, suggesting that their subconscious minds might be more attuned to emotional stimuli from the environment.
Perception and Intuition
At the intersection of psychic abilities and the mind lies the realm of perception and intuition. These faculties determine how we interpret the world and react to it, and they play a potentially significant role in psychic phenomena.
Enhanced Sensory Perception: Some who claim psychic abilities report a heightened sense of sight, hearing, or other senses. This enhanced perception allows them to detect stimuli that others might miss, potentially leading to insights that seem psychic in nature.
Gut Feelings: Intuition, often described as a "gut feeling," is a form of innate understanding or knowledge without the need for conscious reasoning. While everyone experiences intuition to some degree, its role in psychic abilities might be more pronounced. This intuitive sense might be more developed or refined in some individuals, leading to perceptions that are out of the ordinary.
Pattern Recognition: Humans are naturally inclined to seek patterns in the environment, a trait that has evolutionary advantages. However, some propose that those with psychic inclinations might have an enhanced ability for pattern recognition, allowing them to see connections or insights that might elude others.
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Ethical Considerations in the Exploration of Psychic Abilities
The exploration of psychic abilities is not merely an introspective journey; it often intersects with the lives of others, especially when abilities are employed to provide insights or guidance. Herein lies the critical juncture of ethical use versus misuse.
Objective Approach: It is paramount for individuals claiming to possess psychic abilities to approach every situation with an objective mindset. Allowing biases or personal beliefs to interfere can lead to skewed interpretations, which might misguide those seeking counsel.
Financial Exploitation: With the commercialization of psychic readings and related services, there is a risk of financial exploitation. Ethical practitioners should be transparent about their services' costs and avoid exorbitant fees or manipulative tactics that compel repeated visits.
False Claims: Authenticity and truthfulness are fundamental. Individuals should refrain from making unsubstantiated claims about their abilities or the results they can achieve, as this can mislead and potentially harm others.
Respecting Privacy
Delving into the personal lives of others, whether intentionally or inadvertently, comes with significant ethical implications.
Unsolicited Readings: It is ethically questionable to provide unsolicited readings or insights into another person's life or situation. Even if one believes they have valuable information, it is essential to respect boundaries and only offer insights when explicitly asked.
Confidentiality: Similar to medical or therapeutic professions, individuals offering psychic services should maintain strict confidentiality. People's personal information, emotions, and situations should never be divulged without explicit consent.
Consideration of Potential Harm
The potential repercussions of psychic readings or interventions are not always immediately apparent. Therefore, a deep sense of responsibility and foresight is required.
Emotional Impact: Interactions can leave a lasting emotional imprint. Whether the information shared is positive or negative, practitioners must be sensitive to how it might affect an individual emotionally and mentally.
Dependency: There's a potential risk of individuals becoming overly reliant on psychic insights, sidelining their own judgment or decisionmaking abilities. Ethical practitioners should encourage autonomy and personal growth rather than fostering dependency.
Physical Actions: On rare occasions, insights or predictions might prompt individuals to take specific actions in their lives. It's crucial for those with psychic inclinations to understand the weight of their words and the potential physical ramifications they might have on others.
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Psychic Abilities in Different Cultures
The concept of psychic abilities, while interpreted differently, exists in some form across various global cultures. Each culture's perspective provides a unique lens through which to understand and appreciate these phenomena.
Eastern Perspectives
In many Eastern traditions, psychic abilities are often interwoven with spiritual and philosophical systems.
Buddhism: Within Buddhist traditions, especially in Tibetan Buddhism*, there are references to "siddhis," which are supernormal powers attained through meditation and spiritual practice. These can range from clairvoyance to precognition. While these abilities are acknowledged, they're often considered secondary to the ultimate goal of enlightenment.
Hinduism*: Ancient Hindu scriptures, particularly the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, detail various psychic abilities termed "vibhuti." These abilities are said to emerge as one progresses along the path of yoga. However, they're treated with caution and are not the primary focus of spiritual development.
Daoism*: In Daoist traditions of China, psychic phenomena might be attributed to the harnessing of "qi" or vital energy. Daoist practitioners often engage in exercises to cultivate and balance qi, which in turn can lead to heightened abilities.
Western Perspectives
The Western world, influenced by a mix of JudeoChristian beliefs, scientific rationalism, and GrecoRoman philosophies, has its own take on psychic phenomena.
Ancient Greece: Oracles, like the famed Oracle of Delphi, played essential roles in ancient Greek society. These priestesses were believed to possess the ability to communicate with the gods and offer prophecies.
Medieval Europe: During the Middle Ages, individuals who claimed to have psychic abilities or other supernatural powers often faced persecution, associated with witchcraft and heresy.
Modern Era: With the rise of spiritualism in the 19th and 20th centuries, psychic abilities gained renewed interest. While often met with skepticism, especially from the scientific community, there remains a segment of the Western population that believes in and seeks out psychic experiences.
Indigenous Beliefs
Indigenous American Cultures: Among the Navajo*, there are individuals known as "hand tremblers" who are believed to diagnose illnesses or predict events. Similarly, the Lakota Sioux have "heyokas" or sacred clowns, who act in ways contrary to societal norms and offer unique insights.
Aboriginal Australians*: Dreamtime stories and spiritual beliefs play a central role in Aboriginal culture. The concept of "Dreaming" refers to both the ancient stories of creation and the personal dreamjourney of an individual, which can offer guidance and insights.
Shamanic Cultures of Siberia*: The term "shaman" originates from the Tungusic peoples of Siberia. Shamans in these cultures serve as intermediaries between the human and spirit worlds, accessing knowledge and healing through altered states of consciousness.
Maori of New Zealand*: The Maori have "tohunga," experts in specific areas, including those who interpret signs, dreams, and omens. They play a crucial role in guiding societal decisions and understanding the world.
African Cultures: Among the Dagara* of West Africa, there are individuals recognized as having a unique connection to the spirit world, often identified at a young age and trained to serve the community. Similarly, the Zulu* of South Africa have the "sangoma," traditional healers who diagnose and treat illnesses and communicate with ancestors.
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Psychic Abilities and Personal Growth
The exploration of psychic abilities transcends mere curiosity about the supernatural. For many, it is an avenue towards profound personal growth, fostering a deeper understanding of oneself and one's place in the larger tapestry of human experience.
Self-awareness and Understanding
The journey into psychic phenomena often demands a heightened sense of selfawareness. This introspective path can lead to significant personal revelations.
Delving into psychic practices necessitates continual selfreflection. This process can unearth previously unrecognized aspects of one's character, beliefs, and motivations. Such insights offer opportunities for personal development and transformation. The exploration of psychic abilities can help individuals distinguish between their inner voice — that intuitive sense of knowing — and the cacophony of external influences. Recognizing and trusting this voice can guide decision making and foster a stronger sense of identity.
Some individuals believe that their psychic inclinations provide clarity about their life's purpose or direction. By tapping into these abilities, they feel more aligned with their personal and spiritual goals.
Emotional and Mental Health
The intertwining of psychic exploration and emotional and mental wellbeing is multifaceted and profound.
Processing Trauma: For some, psychic practices serve as a conduit for addressing and processing past traumas. By confronting these issues, individuals often find a path to healing and acceptance.
Managing Stress: Techniques often associated with psychic development, such as meditation and mindfulness, are beneficial for managing stress. These practices promote relaxation, mental clarity, and emotional balance.
Boosting Confidence: Recognizing and honing psychic abilities can bolster confidence. Individuals often feel empowered by their unique insights and the validation they receive from accurate perceptions or predictions.
Influence on Relationships
The ripple effects of psychic exploration extend into interpersonal relationships, shaping interactions and connections in various ways.
Enhanced Empathy: A heightened sensitivity to the emotions and energies of others can foster deeper empathy. This understanding can lead to more compassionate and supportive interactions with loved ones.
Navigating Conflicts: With increased intuition and perception, individuals might find it easier to navigate conflicts. Recognizing underlying issues or emotions can facilitate communication and resolution.
Building Trust: For those who share their psychic experiences with close friends or family, it can foster trust. When perceptions or insights prove accurate, it reinforces the bond between the psychic individual and those they interact with.
Psychic Abilities and Shadow Work
Shadow work refers to the process of confronting and understanding the darker, often suppressed facets of oneself. The interplay between psychic abilities and shadow work is intricate.
Unearthing Hidden Fears: Psychic experiences can bring to the surface latent fears or insecurities. These revelations, while challenging, are essential for personal growth. By addressing these fears, individuals can move towards holistic wellbeing.
Confronting Denial: Denial is a defense mechanism, shielding individuals from painful truths. However, psychic insights can pierce this veil, forcing a confrontation with realities one might prefer to ignore. This confrontation, though initially unsettling, is a step towards authenticity and selfacceptance.
Integration for Wholeness: The culmination of shadow work, when combined with psychic exploration, is the integration of all aspects of oneself. Recognizing and accepting both light and dark facets lead to a more balanced and whole self.
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lovelydwyn · 7 months
Empaths are always exhausted because they see through the masks people wear as if they aren’t even there. It takes a lot of energy always having to wonder why people don’t want to live in their truth.
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magickrosegalaxy · 5 months
Free psychic readings are open!
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What they are:
ask me one question and I will answer to the best of my ability psychically. I might use tarot, pendulum, or no tools at all.
-One question only, please!
-Be respectful
-(if you can) like and reblog this post so I gain traction!
-star sign and initials are helpful, but not necessary
-I do not answer DMs or comments under this post. Ask box only!
Please consider tipping me here or purchasing a reading here! It really helps me out and motivates me to do more free readings.
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moonlight-divination · 7 months
✨🌙 Free Intuitive Readings Open here!! 🌙✨
Hi guys:) I’m back:)
None of you probably remember me lmao but I used to do intuitive readings on here a few years ago now I guess and now maybe its the influence of this Cancer Moon but I’m feeling very drawn to do some intuitive readings again.
I’m feeling people’s energies pretty intensely & easily these days and can tap into energies pretty well.
I used to do these to practice my intuition and improve it but I really feel I’m in a place where I can hear and trust my intuition well and easily now. And I’ve came back here because idk where else to really do these for now lol so if u guys have any suggestions on where I can do these intuitive reading’s please dm me or inbox me and let me know.
But yes I’m doing intuitive readings again and my inbox is open for your questions of all kinds.
My rules are generally no health or pregnancy or death questions (obvious ethical reasons). I am not a psychic medium I cannot channel spirit but I am highly empathetic and intuitive & can tap into your energy and feel it to answer any questions you may have about your situation when it comes to general, love, friendship, financial, spiritual, career or anything else. I’m very visual so I will see what my intuition is saying sometimes.
I am mostly claircognizant (clear knowing), clairvoyant (clear seeing), clairempathy (clear feeling), clairaudient (clear hearing) and clairsalience (clear smell) in that order.
So I will usually feel your energy first then I might see some visions in my mind regarding you and your situation and can map out an answer from there. I feel you’re energy deeply so I may feel your pain and emotions too.
Reading rules
I just ask that you ask and send your questions into my inbox this format please:
• send all questions to my inbox
• anonymous questions are welcome. Just add your initials please
• your initials in your question please (it helps me focus on your energy)
• 3 free questions per day
• no health/pregnancy/death/spirit/celebrity or idol related questions please
• no spamming
• no future spouse readings
• feedback is not necessary but is greatly greatly appreciated. Feedback helps me understand and improve my intuition
• respect my space and time
Type of questions you can ask:
• yes or no questions
• how does X feel about me?
• test questions (test my intuition first if you like, ask what your pet’s name or initial is or something)
• should I pursue something?
• how do I feel about X?
• will I receive X by X amount of time?
• general questions regarding general, love, friendship, financial, spiritual, career
• what’s my energy/vibe like?
• what’s X’s energy like?
• I hear messages through songs ALOT so questions like: what song do you hear when you tap into my energy? What song represents our connection?
- Please take these readings with a grain of salt. I do these using my intuition, gut feeling & interpreting your energy. I feel out your energy whilst reading your question & discuss what the energies are like regarding your topic & what messages i may hear or see. Therefore my interpretation of the energies is subjective to your own.
- I do not claim to be 100% accurate or completely right. I just get a feel of the energy & I may not always be right. I understand sometimes I may misinterpret energy or get thing’s completely wrong and that’s okay but I try to separate my thoughts completely when tapping into readings & energies to avoid this as well as cleansing my energy regularly.
- Everything I say is based on the current energies of whatever situation. Think of energies as being in different restaurants or social settings; there’s a different vibe in each bar, restaurant or social setting & the people add to the energies within that setting. This is what I mean by “energy”. Therefore, I am extra sensitive & empathic to these energies & can feel the emotions of the environment/people/situations a whole lot easier.
Tips are also welcome if you feel inclined, it is much appreciated. 😊✨🤍
If you have any questions dm me but thank you so much! :)
(FAQS are in #faqs search tag in my profile)
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pyrajanison · 5 months
Ok Psychonauts OC creators, if your OC has psi powers, what colors are they and why?
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starseededhippie · 1 year
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thepalecrawlers · 2 months
Something speaking through a group of children
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Vent about “Psychic” Interaction
I’m mostly posting this because I want to see if anyone else has had the same experience. I went to a somewhat local metaphysical store yesterday and had a pretty frustrating experience with someone claiming to be a psychic. Full disclaimer, I fully believe some people have advanced psychic and medium abilities to where they are able to read people, but this woman clearly did not. To start with, I didn’t ask for a reading, I just wanted to know if the shop had a specific stone I was looking for and then she just started reading me before I fully knew what was going on. She had some general advice that was helpful, but was really off base with a lot of what she was “reading,” and I answered no to a lot of her questions and assumptions because they were not true. She kept coming back to animals for some reason, even though I kept saying that I had no strong reaction to what she was asking, before finally telling me that she saw me in a past life as someone who was skinning and preparing animal hides, not for commercial sale but to eat and make clothing out of, which would have been normal at the time she was describing.
That was weird, but whatever, but then she got to the shitty part. I had mentioned at one point that I have a connective tissue disorder because I was looking for a stone for my healing altar, and she proceeds to tell me that my disability is a PUNISHMENT for what she saw me doing in a past life. I wish I could’ve told her off instead of just leaving, because there is so much wrong with that. Even if that is something you truly believe for whatever reason, you DO NOT tell someone that a medical condition beyond their control (mine is genetic, everyone in my immediate family has it too) is a punishment for being a bad person. That sucks so fucking badly to be told that something like that is your fault. I know that none of what she “read” is true, but damn did that make me feel awful. Like I said, I don’t actually believe she has enough psychic ability to read people, but hearing that really sucked and you should not say shit like that to another person.
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astrodoll2 · 2 years
🧜🏻‍♀️Astrology observations part 3🧜🏻‍♀️
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I know so many cancer risings drawn to the moon and love the moon which makes sense since they’re ruled by the moon but if it is at 29° I notice they tend to love the sun much more or prefer day vs night which might be bc it is a leo degree or because they were just minutes away from being a leo rising which is ruled by the sun, they might also relate more to the description of a leo rising
11th house stellium with Lilith and Aquarius signature on the inside I had a hard time learning to accept myself because I always felt weird and like I couldn’t fit in with other people, no matter how hard I tried I could not “act normal” I felt like I always said the wrong things which would make me later on regret speaking and I also had a hard time accepting my sexuality. It’s been a journey learning to be authentic without the need of approval.
Sun square moon, sun square Uranus, moon conjunct Uranus can you tell I had emotionally unavailable parents who had a hard time getting along🫠
I love saturn energy I just feel like I can relate to them, they aren’t boring they probably just had a difficult childhood and had to learn to mature/grow quickly so they don’t let alot of people in because of that which doesn’t allow most people to see who they really are underneath the serious exterior, they’re also just so reliable and dependable which I really appreciate because I encounter way too many people who aren’t, you guys are really slept on but I guess that means more for me:)
Mercury square Mars 🤝🏻 impulsively let’s their anger out onto others then later comes to regret it and feel bad when they’ve calmed down
^Also Mercury square mars can come off unintentionally aggressive/rude without realizing it because they are so frank and to the point especially if Mercury is in an earth or fire sign
Sagittarius placements are always into that bohemian/hippie style which is really fitting since they’re ruled by jupiter they also always give me the vibe of someone with a yellow aura and they have such pretty smiles
Eros conjunct ascendant I have this and I can vouch for y’all we’re hot✋🏻 😔
Apollo in the 1st house gives off sun/leo energy loving to stand out and show off your beauty
Mars conjunct neptune 🤝🏻 your energy being so magnetic but in a mystical way it’s like you really draw people in to your own little world
Prominent Neptune in your chart aspects to mars/venus/moon may not need a physical relationship so it can be long distance or just someone you don’t see as often simply because they love to fantasize about them and they know it’s better in their heads than reality so they might try to keep a distance to keep the idealization going in their head
Mercurial dominant men 🤝🏻 attractive slender man
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Fire dominant composite chart can bring so much passion to the relationship you might feel very energetic with this person
Pisces moon and Venus composite gets a bad rep for having unrealistic expectations for the relationship but I think these are really cute placements the relationship is so dreamy and you really do get those butterflies everytime you see or speak to them it’s like it doesn’t matter if you talk everyday or haven’t spoken in years once you’re together those feelings come back because they’ll never fully disappear I feel like you will always have a soft spot for this person and the relationship you had
South node in the 4,7,8,12 could signify past life connections, you might feel as if you’ve known them forever
Someone’s ascendant falling in your 3rd house can really almost make you see that person either as a sibling/family or as if you’ve known them since your childhood regardless they will feel very familiar and warm/comforting to be around
Having 8th house placements both in synastry and the composite chart god good luck you will most likely end up obsessed with that person or the relationship and you might not even know why you like them so much or what keeps pulling you back but it’s like a never ending cycle of being drawn back to them (could be karmic so be mindful of that)
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luciddownloading · 2 months
Traits Of People With Psychic Abilities 🔮
The hardest thing about having psychic gifts is that no one teaches you about them or makes you aware that you have them. For most people, it is not until a medium, energy/chart/card reader or even your Guides tell you that you have psychic gifts that you realize you do. Otherwise, these things are just overwhelming, intense or confusing parts of your reality that are normal to you and you probably think everyone else experiences it too until you realize otherwise.
So, I am going to discuss the four primary "clairs" - claircognizance, clairaudience, clairsentience and clairvoyance - and the indicators you might have them. Full disclosure: I have all four. So, these are things that I experience, too, and that I had to realize were psychic abilities.
If you exhibit most or even all of the listed traits of the ability, you probably have it and should look into honing/mastering it
🔮 Whenever you're right, other people just know it and it hits them hard. If you make a valid point in an argument, the other person will either totally shut up or become wildly defensive or irrational trying to prove their point
🔮 Claircognizant people also regularly have others reject their advice or insights only to later on admit they were right all along
🔮 You get ideas and solutions that seem to come out of nowhere (real "light bulb" moments) that strongly energize or invigorate you. These are also known as "downloads"
🔮 You're a very accurate judge of character and have frequently pinpointed toxic, untrustworthy or insincere people before they were exposed (you can just SENSE fakeness from a mile off and really, really dislike it)
🔮 Extremely independent minded. You have an intense dislike of people telling you how to think and insist on trusting your own judgment
🔮 Claircognizant people give exceptionally good advice. It's always insightfully, exactly tailored to the other person and what they need to hear, to a degree that often amazes others. However, it feels almost impossible for them to find someone who can give them the same kind of guidance
🔮 You might constantly feel abandoned or neglected by God or your Spirit Guides. But, this is because they divinely trust you to find the answers and direction you need within, which you typically do. You are your own guide, in many ways
🔮Remarkably intelligent. Can process information very quickly and on multiple levels (literally, metaphorically, logically, emotionally). You can make connections that other people do not
🔮You are extremely receptive to signs from the Universe or your Guides, especially if they're repetitive. You easily "get the message", whether you like it or not
🔮 Claircognizance can actually be the hardest psychic ability to detect because a lot of it just feels like regular intelligence or good observation. In a lot of ways, it's the most "practical" psychic ability
CLAIRAUDIENCE (Psychic Hearing)
🔮 Clairaudient people often have insanely sharp hearing in a literal sense. It is one of their strongest senses, possibly the strongest. They can clearly hear conversations from very far away and are highly sensitive to loud or sudden noises
🔮 You "talk to yourself" a lot but in a productive way. It's like an actual conversation where you emerge with a new viewpoint than before. You also might not realize that, at times, you are actually talking to your Guides and are just hearing them in your voice
🔮Deep, deep love of music. It may be extremely easy for you to enter a trace-like or meditative state while listening to music
🔮 You could also frequently receive major signs and synchronicities through songs
🔮 Similar to those with claircognizance, clairaudient people seem to give the best advice and always know just what to say. This is largely because their words hold a LOT of power. A simple statement from them, whether positive or negative, can affect someone very deeply
🔮 You have always found it very easy to talk to God or other spiritual beings/presences. You might even hear their voice but this feels natural and not strange at all
🔮It sometimes feels like people don't hear what you just said, even though they obviously did. Certain things you say get ignored or repeated by someone else as if they came up with it. Your words are so powerful that they can make others shut down or latch on to them
🔮When you speak your mind in a group or public setting, you are met with more relief than opposition, with others remarking that you said what they were thinking but couldn't say. You might often even say the exact thing that someone is thinking at the moment it crosses their mind
🔮 You have unintentionally formed telepathic bonds with certain people in your life and/or have had telepathic conversations with people that led to physical communication, like wanting them to call you and they actually do, right after, or vice versa
CLAIRVOYANCE (Psychic Seeing)
🔮 You have VERY vivid dreams that are often very strange/nonlinear and you place a lot of importance on interpreting or understanding them. You may keep a dream journal or make journal entries about them
🔮 Prophetic or psychic dreams. You have had multiple instances of dreams that predicted future events or told you what was going on currently with someone else that you wouldn't have known otherwise, including how they may be feeling toward you
🔮 You have always had an absolutely wild imagination, which may have been very overwhelming as a kid. Being a huge daydreamer (to the point where it could be maladaptive) as well as a highly creative person is often an indicator of clairvoyance
🔮 You've seen spirits before. You might have had a memorable instance of seeing a deceased loved one, even if you never met them in this life
🔮 Clairvoyants usually have very striking/piercing eyes. Like clairaudience, it's an ability that can also show up in a literal way. You may constantly hear that your gaze makes people nervous because it's like you can "see right through them"
🔮 You could have the ability to see auras but this often takes some developing. Same with seeing spirits.
In general, clairvoyance is the most unusual and unsettling psychic gift, imo. Seeing things like that can be scary! So, clairvoyants often learn to suppress a great deal of their gift early in life to feel safe (to the point where they may feel like they don't even have it). For this reason, for many people, it manifests most obviously through dreams until they work at it
🔮 Highly visual. You can very clearly picture situations and events in your mind, like a mini-movie playing in your head, and get lost in it. And no, everyone can't do that
🔮 You might have had very intense nightmares as a kid as well as a major fear of the dark. That could still carry on into adulthood (no judgment!) If you've ever dreamed of some weird, terrifying, otherworldly being you couldn't explain, you were probably being visited by them in your sleep
🔮 Clairvoyants tend to have an incredibly deep love of either movies and television or visual art
🔮 A very natural or totally self-taught aptitude for astrology or Tarot (especially the latter). An exceptional ability to just look at a birth chart or the cards and gain an abundance of information about a person or situation
🔮 You see various faces and images whenever you're meditating. Again, this could be communication from the other side. You actually might struggle to meditate at times because too many distracting "pictures" pop up in your mind
CLAIRSENTIENCE (Psychic Feeling)
🔮 Emotionally intense and highly sensitive. It's not enough to just be an empath. Clairsentient people have VERY powerful emotions of their own, to the point where it can be scary, and that only makes it easier to very deeply feel others' emotions
🔮Also, clairsentient people are very easily projected on. You are an emotional mirror. People can either take their negative states and insecurities out on you or they can feel wonderfully healed and hopeful and joyous just from your presence
🔮 From a young age, you have always been very emotionally intelligent and wise beyond your years. One key reason why is that you actually allow yourself to FEEL whatever you're feeling. You don't bury or run from your emotions
🔮 You can feel other people coming or sense their energy, even when you can't see or hear them. You would feel the difference between being alone in a house and someone quietly being in the other room
🔮 You might frequently feel like you're not alone or are being watched. You're not crazy! You feel spirits whenever they're around, especially your Guides
🔮 Extremely intuitive. You just know when something feels right or wrong and generally find it very easy to listen to and trust your gut
🔮 Regularly feeling sad or angry or tired without knowing why or having a reason. During these times, you're most likely picking up on the emotions of others you have a bond with, whether they're in your vicinity or far away, and confusing them with your own
🔮Clairsentient individuals seem to always know when someone is faking it, when they say "they're fine" and convince everyone but you. This is even truer of those you're close to or have known a long time
🔮 You have or once struggled with intense anxiety regarding big crowds or overwhelming social events. Even if you're outgoing, in a social setting you have a way of keeping to yourself and protecting your energy. Also, you definitely need time alone to recharge
🔮 People demand a lot of you emotionally. Strangers can spill their deepest secrets to you and friends may constantly seek your comfort or support. Your energy is very healing and you have to protect it or it will be taken advantage of (even if it's sometimes not done out of malice)
🔮 Children and animals feel really safe around you or strongly gravitate towards you. It might be a funny pattern in your life that fussy babies are very calmed by your touch or defensive/aggressive pets become friendly or docile with you
🔮 People with clairsentience tend to be great performers because their displays of emotion have an unusually strong effect on others. Again, you mirror others' feelings back to them and bring their emotions to the surface
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astrojulia · 9 months
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Psychic Abilities through Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
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If you read this post you must have seen the blatant presence of the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) and this is why they are mainly responsible for the blessings of psychic powers. The celestial bodies Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto hold mysterious and profound influences on human consciousness, often granting individuals psychic abilities beyond the realm of the material world. To comprehend this phenomenon better, let's delve deeper into the unique qualities and gifts each planet bestows upon those connected to them.
Uranus - The Visionary Wanderer:
Uranus challenges conventional realities, transcending the limitations of the physical body. For those closely attuned to Uranus, the material world becomes a mere vessel for the soul's journey. They possess the remarkable ability of astral travel, where their spirits roam unrestricted by earthly constraints. In their daily lives, they might experience shifts of reality, glimpsing alternate dimensions and parallel universes. Their open minds embrace multiple possibilities, for they understand that existence encompasses a vast tapestry of realities.
Neptune - The Oceanic Empath:
Neptune's essence lies in the depths of the vast oceans, disconnected from the earthly domain. Those deeply connected to Neptune find solace and belonging in the realm of emotions and intuition. Just as life under the sea follows different rules, these individuals perceive the world through heightened senses, akin to breathing water rather than air. Their empathic abilities allow them to perceive the emotions and energies of others, transcending language and logic to tune into the universal language of the heart.
Pluto - The Keeper of Souls:
Pluto's realm is that of death and transformation, bridging the gap between the living and the deceased. Those with a strong affinity for Pluto possess the unique gift of connecting with the spirit world. They can see beyond the veil of mortality, perceiving the memories of their own soul and the collective history of the world. In their presence, the boundaries of time and space blur, and they walk hand-in-hand with the past, present, and future.
The Zodiac Trio: Aquarius, Pisces, and Scorpio:
Among the zodiac signs, Aquarius, Pisces, and Scorpio are intrinsically bound to Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, respectively. These individuals are the cosmic children of the outer planets, and their connection to them is profound. Some of these individuals are fortunate to receive direct psychic gifts from their celestial patrons, while others may struggle to harness the full extent of their powers. The level of connection to the outer worlds varies among individuals. Some might effortlessly embrace the psychic realms, while others may find it challenging to detach from the influences of the old planetary rulers like Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars.
So, the psychic abilities granted by Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are a reflection of their celestial essence. Those who resonate with these planets ,which are usually those who have these planets as dominant, traverse the boundaries of human perception, delving into the mysteries of the universe. It is a delicate dance between the material and ethereal, where the fortunate ones find themselves equipped with profound psychic gifts.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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spiritualseeker777 · 1 year
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cordeliahrose · 1 year
Psychic Senses
More often called 'clairs', psychic senses parallel our physical senses. They can be a huge part of someone's life, or not so much at all. They can change how you interact with the world, or how you see it.
A common misconception about psychic senses is that they are a gift that few people have, and that you can't train yourself to develop and use them. In truth, anyone can develop psychic senses. For some, it might take longer, and others not long at all.
Clairvoyance - Clear sight
This ability can allow you to perceive energies that can't be seen with the physical eyes. It might also allow you to see past or future events.
When I say 'see', I don't mean physically see. Most people agree that clairvoyance comes through images within the mind.
~ Exercises to develop:
I know, you hear this everywhere. But in the case of clairvoyance, this is the most helpful exercise you can do.
Start by visualizing general things and can easily identify. Maybe a piece of fruit? When that gets easy, move on to harder things, like a landscape.
When that gets easy, start to visualize things moving. A squirrel running up a tree, waves crashing against the shore, a car driving on a street.
Dream journaling
A lot of messages from your subconscious come up during your dreams. A good way of understanding that is to write them down, and read through them when you're awake.
Clairaudience - Clear hearing
The ability can allow you to hear words, sounds, music, etc. within your mind, which you did not create. These are not sounds heard with your ears, but heard within your mind.
~ Exercises to develop:
Observe sounds
Take some time out of the day to just sit and listen to the sounds around you. Are the close, or far? Are the loud, or quiet? Do any sounds annoy you, or bring out different emotions? Just sit quiet and listen.
Listen to instrumental music
Listen to instrumental music, and focus on listening to only one instrument. Try to drown out all but that one instrument. Keep the volume moderate to low, not high.
Listen to lyrical music down really low
Similar to the first exercise. For this one, you will want the volume to be low, where you can just barely hear the words. Now try to understand the words in the song. It would be a good idea to write down the words as you hear them if you can, so that you can listen to the song again after at a normal volume and see what you got.
Imagine some else's voice
This can be a person you know, a character on a show or movie, anyone who isn't you. Just imagine them talking, hear their voice in your head. It will be easier to start with a person or character who's voice you know very well, and move up to someone who's voice isn't very familiar.
Clairsentience - Clear feeling
There seems to be two schools of thought on this ability.
The first is that this ability allows you to feel energy, emotions, and sometimes even someone else's pain.
The second is that this ability allows you to feel the sensation of touch, when nothing is physically touching you. This is the school of thought I fall into.
~ Exercises to develop
Notice physical feelings
This is the easiest exercise on this list. Just become aware of physical feelings. How your clothes feel on your body, how that fork feels in your hand, how your body feels throughout the day, the floor under your bare feet. Notice physical sensations.
Imagine a feeling
Imagine how it would feel if you were holding an object. It might be easier to start by holding the object and seeing how it feels, and then move the object away and try to remember how it felt. See how long you can hold onto that feeling.
Clairgustance - Clear taste
This ability allows you to taste things that aren't physically there. This is most commonly talked about in reference to a deceased loved on who like to cook, where a person will be able to taste a recipe they liked to make when they're around.
~ Exercises to develop
Notice how things taste while you're eating or drinking them
Just like the exercise for clairsentience, start with becoming aware of how things taste while you're physically eating or drinking them. Become aware also of how it feels, and how different foods or drinks feel different.
Imagine a taste
Imagine the taste of something. It will be easier to start with something you eat or drink often, something you really like. Alternatively, it might also be easier to start with something you find very gross, because the flavor is stronger in your mind. Imagine how it tastes, and how it feels. The flavor, the texture, can you discover why you do or don't like this taste? Hold on to this taste for as long as you can.
Clairalience - Clear smell
This ability allows you to smell things that aren't physically present. This, again, is most often talked about in refence to a deceased loved one. Smelling their perfume/cologne is a very common thing tied to clairalience.
~ Exercises to develop
Notice how things smell
Okay, so a lot of these start with observing. But a good way to train psychic senses is to learn how your physical senses work!
Look at how the smells you're observing make you feel.
Imagine a smell
This is going to be easiest with a scent you're very familiar with, whether good or bad. Maybe it's your shampoo, your favorite food, or something you can't stand. Imagine a scent, and hold onto it for as long as you can.
Claircognizance - Clear knowing
This ability allows you to simply know things, without a reason for why you know them. This is probably the hardest to develop because it requires a lot of trust. In yourself, and the spirits around you. There is usually no explanation as to why you suddenly know the thing, it just appears.
~ Exercises to develop
Trust your intuition/gut feelings
When you get a gut feeling, an intuitive tingle, whatever you chose to call it, trust it. See where it leads you. This a trial and error process, eventually you will learn what is intuition and what isn't.
Ask the spirits you work with to assist you
If you work with any spirits, ask them to give you a piece of information for the purpose of developing this ability. For example, if you work with a deity, ask them to tell you what they would like as an offering at a random point in the day. When you get that piece of information, trust it.
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