#stab genders
savrenim · 1 year
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disappointingcabbage · 5 months
Fellas, is it gay to live inside another man forever with Satan himself by my side?
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stealth-black-leg · 4 months
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Twelve times the trans community saved Luffy (and the one time it didn't)
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chrliekclly · 1 month
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hike up that cute dress so i can giv u ur T shot bro
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A Winnipeg judge last week condemned a system that left a vulnerable 14-year-old girl without the housing supports she needed after her release from custody. A day later, the girl was dead. "I just think in this province, at this time when we have the concerns on missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls — how is that not a priority to see that she has the resources?" provincial court Judge Kusham Sharma asked during a hearing for the teen on Dec. 14, a day before the girl was stabbed to death in downtown Winnipeg.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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froggywritesstuff · 1 year
red is so your colour | yandere!amber freeman
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Pairing: yandere!Amber Freeman x g/n!reader
Warnings: character death, mentions of murdering, blood, knives, stabbing, degradation, non consensual kissing, mentions of sex, implied future kidnapping, unhealthy relationships, swearing, mentions of cheating (please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of these)
Fandom: Scream
Request: no
A/N: i do not in any way support yandere behaviour, please know that this writing is purely fictional, and should not ever be reenacted in real life
Amber could be very confusing. Now, you loved her more than anything in the world, but you genuinely had no idea how to act when she would randomly accuse you of being unfaithful. Every time she did it (and there were a lot of times) you told her over and over again how much you love her and how you'd never cheat on her, but this time, she went too far.
Recently there had been hundreds of news reports about another 'Ghostface' in the town who was going on a murdering spree. Everyone was on edge. Your friend group made a plan to always tell at least one person whenever one of you would leave to go out on your own, then if you didn't tell someone when you were back home in over half an hour, they'd all go looking for you. It gave everyone some false sense of calmness while more dead bodies were reported. That sense was immediately shattered when Chad's girlfriend Liv was reported dead.
If that didn't make you feel shitty enough, you were now dealing with Amber on your case for some reason.
"Y/N, why won't you just answer the fucking question?!"
You stared at her in disbelief, "I have Amber. And I'll give you the same answer I gave you the last four fucking times; I did not want to sleep with Liv."
"I want you to tell me the truth this time." she pressed, looking at you like she had watched you commit the worst of crimes in front of her, "You always acted different whenever she was around, you've barely been talking to me these last couple of weeks."
You clenched your jaw at her accusations, pulling your phone out of your pocket and pulling up your messages, "I've barely been talking to you? Well what the fuck are all these then?" you gestured to the endless amounts of texts you two had been sending each other. You could scroll for hours and you'd probably only make it to last week's conversations. The thought of that made your heart pang. You loved Amber with all your heart, but the way she was looking at you made you question that statement.
She just rolled her eyes at the messages, "Ok, well can you explain why Liv always looked at you like she wanted to fuck you?"
You stared blankly, not having the energy to show your anger, "No. Because she never did that. But can you explain why our friend is dead and all you're thinking about is whether I was cheating on you?"
Her eyes widened, "Oh, I just thought you had the hots for her but now you were cheating on her? Wow-"
You shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut tight, "Amber I'm done."
Her face fell, "What?"
"I said I'm fucking done. I'm not going to stand here and listen to you accuse me of this shit."
"You're not breaking up with me." you would've thought she meant that to be a question but her tone sounded certain.
"Yeah, I am." you sighed, turning around and walking for the door. Your heart felt heavy as you reached for the door handle, before a loud scream ripped from your throat. A knife was stabbed all the way through your hand going into the door. 
"No. You're not."
Your heart rate sped as you felt Amber's chest against your back, her arm snaking around your waist to hold you tighter to her. Not like she needed to.
Millions of thoughts ran through your mind. You wanted to say everything that came to your mind, but all those thoughts just muddled into one as you slowly breathed out, "Amber?"
"Wow, I was more convincing than I thought. I thought for sure you would've figured out I was Ghostface by now. Guess you're dumber than I thought."
Your breath came out heavy, still trying to process everything, "Why... why did you..." you winced as you heard Amber's sharp voice in your ear.
"What was that?" Ignoring your screams of pain, she ripped the knife out of your hand, grabbed your shoulder to turn you to face her, and stabbed your hand again through the palm of your hand. Her hand gripped your jaw tightly, pulling you against the knife that held your hand in place, "Cat got your tongue? Oh but you were so mouthy before, weren't you?"
"Why did you kill them?" you breathed out, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
Amber smiled, looking at you like you were a pathetic, lost puppy, "Speak up babe. What's the point of your pretty voice if I can't hear it?"
”Wh-why did you kill them?”
Her smile fell, before she laughed, “Wow you really are dumb,” she brushed the pad of her thumb over your quivering lip, “don’t worry, with me you won’t have to worry about being smart.” you felt like your heart would beat right out of your chest. What did she mean ‘with me’? You had no idea what she was capable of, “And I thought this was obvious but apparently not, but I killed everyone for you.”
Your eyes widened, “Wha-what?”
”Well for us, technically. Baby there are so many people who wanna get in the way of us, I couldn’t let that happen. Like that bitch from your English class who wouldn’t get her hands off you,” you remembered her. Specifically Amber asking you about her. By ‘she wouldn’t get her hands off you’ she meant ‘handed you a book once’. “That slut had it coming.”
A tear fell from your eye which she wiped away with her thumb, “Aw, Y/N, why didn’t you tell me how pretty you look when you cry?” she cooed. The tone of her voice was sweet, though her words had the opposite effect on you. With no warning, she ripped the knife from your hand, before slashing it across your stomach, smiling as crimson blood splashed onto her face. A laugh escaped her lips, “I would’ve made you cry way earlier.”
You however, were in no laughing mood. You clutched your stomach in pain, legs so shaky you feared they would buckle down and let you fall to the ground, ”Just- just kill me already.” you cried.
Amber rolled her eyes, “God you’re pathetic. I’m not gonna kill you, dumby. I love you too much for that.” she stared at you, before grabbing your chin and lifting your head slightly, “And you look way too fuckable in this position right now.” she brought her knee up to your crotch area and laughed as you quickly pulled yourself away from her, cupping your cheek with her hand, “Calm down baby, I won’t do that now.”
She moved her hand, before noticing the blood red stain it made on your cheek. She brought the knife up to your face -heart fluttering when you flinched- and smeared the red liquid against your cheek with a wide smile. Pulling you toward her, she smashed her lips against yours, deepening the kiss at the sound of your muffled cries.
“Red is so your colour baby.”
buy me a coffee <3
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pink-amphibian · 3 months
god i seriously wanna go on t and just get my deep voice and body hair and t dick like i seriously cannot take this anymore i want it so bad
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rennenaway · 3 months
drew my pretty princess with mental illnesses ❤️
You guys know that meme right
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gorgynei · 5 months
btw i accidentally changed genders without realizing and only stopped to check when my character let out a bloodcurdling scream that i had never heard before. the girl player va is killing it in this game just saying
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martyrbat · 11 months
its so funny in a warped way anytime i see a panel of rose being turbo sexualized because like. thats a virgin. she does NOT fuck, her idea of fourth base is a blade penetrating her flesh
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in line to the bathroom just to cry!!
#random thoughts#gender dysphoria.#felt it especially this morning when some lady from this organization that worked with our school called me christine.#CHRISTINE.#do i honestly look like a christine??#(not her fault but still.)#but she kept fucking misgendering me. i bet it was the shirt i was wearing.#normally i wear more layers so as to make my body less. shaped.#BUT I RAN OUT OF NICE ONES AND SO I HAD TO WEAR ANOTHER.#it used to be my favorite shirt but now it is not. i hate it.#either it is too small for me or i am too large for it. and either way i want to fucking stab myself because of it#augh. wanted to cry earlier. but didn't.#still sort of do when i think about it. i get misgendered often but. augh.#and the comment my mother made a while ago. about. how can i be a boy if all my friends are girls?#WELL SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU HAVE NOT MET HALF THE BOYS IN MY SCHOOL. FUCKING IDIOT DUMBASS. HAVE YOU NO COMMON SENSE#TO KNOW THAT TIMES ARE CHANGING AND WE ARE NOT STUCK IN YOUR WARPED PERCEPTION OF GENDER NORMS?? HELLO??#i hate my body so much unironically. if i could fix it somehow.#i have been trying to fix it so hard for so long but it hasn't fucking worked and it's gone in the OPPOSITE WAY. and i am RUINING MY BODY.#AND I FUCKING HATE IT.#sometimes it feels as if nothing is good. i want to shave my head again and be perpertually ugly.#i need new hair.#i need to fix everything.#please.#i have no motivation to do it but i need to do it.#i know i'm a boy. i just want to be a boy for everyone else.
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melit0n · 2 months
Thank you to @moonchild-in-blue and @lifemod17 for tagging me <33
-> Using only song titles of one artist or band, answer the questions!
Artist: The Oh Hellos
What is your gender: Passerine
How do you feel: This Will End
If you could go anywhere: On The Mountain Tall
Favourite mode of transportation: Trees
Your best friend: Hello My Old Heart
Favourite time of day: Like The Dawn
If your life was a TV show: The Lament of Eustace Scrubb OR I Have Made Mistakes
Relationship status: Caesar
Your fear: I was wrong
Some no pressure tags are @hookedhobbies @branches-in-a-flood @cinnamo6 @kkarmatic @missilesilo and anyone else who wants to join :D
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serafimkrex · 1 year
About: You approach Gyutaro, before Daki is born. You share your rice with him!!! :) this is child/teen Gyutaro… 😊 but then Gyutaro gets silly 😭
Warnings: child abuse and kidnapping I swear I’m normal
You were just a kid yourself, you were poor, just like him. Did your mum have the decency to feed you…? Yeah, she did. Everything she did; she did it for you. Even if she fell prone to drinking and would end up hitting you. But… at least she didn’t sell you to be a courtesan. She says she’d miss you too much.
Thats besides the point. You were eating rice as you walked along the red light district, or rather the slumps where all the people who were poor lived..
Carefully, but hungrily chewing on your rice. Your mom hadn’t been able to afford food for a while, at least not food for you. She got too happy with the money she made and spent it on a new kimono for herself and a gem or two. you were just happy to be eating honestly, and your mom promised to get you a new kimono too, so what’s the harm?
As you continued to walk by, you saw kids eating leftovers, and playing with leaves they tied together into dolls.
You smiled and waved at the kids you knew, promising to play with them the next day— and then you stumbled upon him. You didn’t know his name, but most people knew him. The smelly, rotten, diseased and cursed child. You tried to approach him once before, but then he pushed you away and yelled, said he didn’t like your teasing.
But… you still felt bad for him. He was just a kid like you; you were fortunate to have your mom feed you… and according to rumors his mom didn’t.
With a huff, you sat down next to him, handing him some of your rice… okay let’s be honest… most of your rice.
at first, he thought you were teasing him, hiding him face, and muttering at you to go away.
“What? No, I want to feed you, eat the rice.” You say in response, sitting on your knees and moving his hand away from his face, and inching the rice closer to him.
He looked so confused… and scared, in all honesty. Like a cat, but eventually he took the rice, eating it. You ate it with him, and then he asked for your name.
“Y/N, my name is Y/N.” You smile at him, and you see him stumble over his next words, surprised that you gave him your first name, rather than your last name. “My name is Gyutaro.” Gyutaro says. “Why did you help me?” He asks, rice stuck to his teeth and between his teeth. “Why shouldn’t I? We all live in the slumps, we have to help each other out!” You reply, happily. “I like the black on your face,” you say, innocently not knowing the effect it would end up having on him. “I dunno why, but they look nice.” You smile - he doesn’t respond. Though you see a blush climbing up on his face.
years later, and you’ve slowly made it a habit to share your food with Gyutaro, at least until your mom made more money and you moved to a nicer area in the Red Light District.
Gyutaro promised himself to find you, promised himself to take you. He didn’t know why, but for you to be the only person to be nice to him— other than what would later become his sister. He would have to take you. He felt the need to protect you, and one day when he was at work (debt collecting) he saw a person flirt with you…
…he didn’t hesitate to follow them home and permanently blind them. He would’ve done more, if it weren’t time to go home to Ume.
He couldn’t help but watch you, wondering if you still remembered him. The day before Ume was killed, you approached him.
“Gyutaro?” You called out, with a small smile that would soon grow to cover your whole face. Fuck you were lucky. So fucking lucky that your mom loved you, made money, bought you nice things… you looked so clean. Clear face and skin, your hair, fuck. He wanted to take again… but it was you. So he would be sweet and nice to you, like how he was with Ume.
“Yes?” He replied back, croaky voice sending shivers through his spine, his, not yours. He wonders if he was handsome you’d date him…?
“you look nice, I heard your sister started working as a courtesan, I walked into her the other day… we didn’t talk but she was really pretty.” You smile completely now, looking at him. “I bet she’s a good girl.”
God, you almost compare to his sisters beauty… almost. Almost, almost, almost. He doesn’t know why he likes you so much, why you cloud his thoughts. But he has such fond memories of when he warmed up to you as a kid, when you fed him and played with him, his only friend. He wants to have you, he hopes your mom won’t marry you off, cause then he’ll have to make a mess.
You chuckle as he just stares at you, an obvious blush across his face as he thinks over his next words. But they never come out. So you talk instead. “Let’s get dinner sometime! I’ll cook for you.” He nods, fuck that sounds nice. He watches you walk away, umbrella in hand to protect your sweet face from the heat of the sun.
When Ume dies, he doesn’t have that dinner with you, but when he becomes a demon he realizes he just might. He forcefully takes you, and he feels a little bad about it… you treated him with such kindness. But you’ll learn to forgive him when he takes you, you were so sweet and nice to him the first time, didn’t care that he was ugly, didn’t care that he was diseased. And now he’s even more disfigured, you don’t look at him with disgust, only fear. He loves it. please say you’ll forgive him— it’s been so long, and Daki keeps complaining about you. One day you cry, cry so pretty he has no choice but to say you’re prettier than his sister. And fuck, he believes that now. He wants to smell you, but he won’t. You’re still crying, and it kinda reminds him of how whiny Daki is. ”Hey, ‘s’okay, ‘s’okay… I brought you mochi, eat it, please?” He whispers, trying to soothe you. If you keep misbehaving he may just eat ya. No,no,no, he can’t. You’re too precious to him.
“why do you want her anyway? There’s plenty of cute people in Yoshiwara… they’re not even a courtesan, not trained at all!” Daki says, to which he just forcefully takes you in his lap. “this one’s special.” He says, as you shake in his arms, squirm… like them bugs he used to eat.
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trans-cuchulainn · 22 days
the word 'psychosexual' is so intimidating when you already have issues about both your brain and sex. they gotta find a gentler label for that flavour of therapy
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lotus-duckies · 2 years
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mouseyippie · 2 months
Watching the Morvay Room....ASTER P*GS? (censored because tumblr sometimes is shitty)
aster is truly a trans king
i love you aster please keep being going
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