#stingray merman
calamity-on-crack · 22 days
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day three of stealing my boyfriend’s notebook and barfing creativity in it. Really happy with the shark merman :)
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hydravon · 2 months
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You ever post a pic and immediately delete it cause you don’t like it? Redid Marlowe
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universe-xlll · 2 years
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Hey so, I made this for mermay but forgot to post it here :p
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abacus-jpg · 2 years
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Redrew a really old merman oc, his names uh ray. He has a partner named puff shoes a pufferfish, I will be posting him tomorrow. If I get a high enough demand for these guys I’ll drop their new designs
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mazanarry · 7 days
dionilla but merman au mwahahahaha
under the wryyyyy! under the wryyyyy! everything's muda down with the tuna under the wryyyyyyyyyy
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-At first, Dio it would be a yellow splender betta fish but when he takes Jona's body (a blue splender betta fish) it fuses giving an appearance like that of a "Splender Fighting betta fish"
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Vanilla ice can be a Stingray And he had a powerful poison with his tail and attacked many in order to defend Lord Dio😫
Extra: Dio could be considered a traitor of the sea, calling him a bad or witchy fish, he would have mermaid allies😦
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nazrigar · 5 days
Mermay 2024: Merfolk Currency and Tidbits of the World of Urvara
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This Mermay has a lot less content than usual as this was a MAJOR May event, with a lot of artwork to do for patrons, but I still managed to hash out some stuff for Mermay worldbuilding!
Primarilly, it's all about currency, because I always wanted to explore littler details like "what would Merfolk exchange with one another besides bartering?"
For the singular images, one focuses on the Sea Lord, specifically his final opponent. The Titan, a Titanichthys merman that was considered THE force of nature to beat.
The other focuses on freshwater refugees, as river systems and lakes become landlubber territory, and thus harder to keep hidden. A giant stingray mermaid may be the biggest fish in her old homeland, but she is still dwarfed by the likes of say, a Mer-Manta man. While "Greenwater" folk are immune to the deadlier aspects of moving from fresh to saltwater in comparison to their wild animal counterparts, it's a long and resource intensive acclimation process.
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Atlas I seriously wanna know from the last time I asked for my future- cuz I got a crush on somebody but you said my partners currently in Octavinelle- can I have a clue who it is- like what’s he look like? I should be able to figure things out from there
Yeah, I can totally help with that!
He's a stingray merman in Octavinelle, a 1st year.
But if you have a crush, don't let my predictions stop you! Go for it.
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multi-lefaiye · 3 months
the absolute tiniest merman doodle. he's like a merman but instead of generic fish parts it's stingray. do u see the vision
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lightning-of-farosh · 10 months
Mermaid Legend
I think this was a livewrite at some point but i never edited it and i never posted it. have some mer-legend!
Sand billowed out in small, rolling clouds, kicked up by a flat, pink fin. Fish darted out of the way, fleeing beneath the shadow of wide stingray wings and into the deep corners of a reef. Nothing followed them; the merman happy enough to weave between a shiver of frowning sharks.
He bopped one on the top of the head and darted off into deeper, bluer waters.
 Desert stretched out before Legend; flat and full of sand, of wilderness, of everything and nothing all at once. He dragged his fingers along the ocean floor, winding back and forth with no set direction only to turn and watch as the murkiness he created settled grumpily behind him.
Spring had given way to summer, the waters warmed by currents from the south. Storms were replaced by bright blue skies and heavy sunlight that drew gold patterns along the sand. Legend admired the way they played across the stripes along his tail.
A sea turtle passed below him. No place to go, no place to be.
Dropping his hand, Legend traced the pattern along its shell with a finger and watched it head deeper into the blue. Sounds echoed from further out; whales and dolphins and beasts that had more teeth than he did. He debated heading over to see what the fuss was about but turned, instead, into a roll and kicked off in a random direction.
Darkness passed over him and Legend curled, watching the triangular shadow for a second. It flittered from left to right then back again and he darted after it, chasing across the sea floor with a boyish grin on his lips. One kick got him close enough that he could pounce, burying his fingers into the sand—
An octopus flashed bright red and scurried in the other direction.
Legend blew a few bubbles after it in apology and turned on his back, watching the shadow dart back and forth above him. Metal settled against his chest and he reached up absently, running his fingers along the edge of a ring before tangling his fingers in the leather necklace it was hanging from.
A bird passed over head. Another followed. He followed them with lazy flicks of his tailfin and spread out his arms to glide. The heaviness of the warm waters settled in his skin, chasing away the coolness that had been there for so long. Blonde hair drifted around his face, swirling like a pleasant storm. Pink was returning to it after all those years of dying it black and blonde.
He had missed it.
Fish scattered around him and Legend flared out his fins, using the drag to slow him to a stop. There were shadows above, shadows below. A school broke and formed around him, twisting as one and parting as many.
Legend swam below it, settling with his back in the sand to watch feathers break the surface of the water as beaks snatched what they could. It would have been easier for the birds with a pod of dolphins circling like a pack of shepherds because the fish would have nowhere to go.
As it was, the school simply parted and most of the birds shot back into the sky empty bellied.
Wondering—briefly—which group he should play with, Legend brushed his tail back and forth through the sand. It rose around him, drifting like a storm cloud across his bright scales, and there was a distant rumble of thunder.
He twisted, eyeing the sunlight that drifted through the surface, at the shadows of birds and fish and half formed clouds that dotted the bottom of the sea. Ignoring the dance of predator and prey behind him, Legend kicked away from the sand and broke the surface. His hair stuck to his face and ears, clinging to his skin and he wiped it out of the way with a scowl.
There was a pod of clouds in the distance. Grey. Dark. Heavy. They were singular in the sky; a patch of darkness on a blue canvas.
A seagull squawked above him. Legend glanced up at it and frowned.
“Yeah, yeah,” He told it and rolled his eyes. His fin caught the water and he kicked forward, diving back under the surface and shooting off towards the out-of-place storm. A few smaller fish got caught in his wake and were brushed to the side, little fins rushing to dart out of his way.
Legend didn’t notice, arching over the remains of a small fishing boat, around a small forest of kelp, and twisting between two of the larger boulders.
One scraped along his dorsal but he ignored it, watching the sky darken the closer he got to the storm. The water grew shallower; crab claws replacing small schools of fish and old nets threatened to snatch him from where they had been caught along rocks and branches of white streaked coral.
Heavy waves picked up the sand and he swam up, surfacing a second time to look up at the side of a towering cliff.
A wave crashed against the back of his head and Legend cursed when he was forced back under.
Stupid, he thought, waiting for another to pass before rising again. It took a second for his eyes to adjust to the different light and he kicked to steady himself, arms stretched out for balance. Crested white caps pushed against him, trying to nudge him closer to sharpened rocks but he kicked against the force, fighting to keep place.
Light flashed in the darkness. Thunder rumbled above his head.
Beyond the small patch of the storm, there was nothing but clear blue skies.
He dropped back down and swam back, closer to the edge of the clouds and kicked hard against the bottom to shoot up. Half his torso breeched the waves.
A flash of silver steel, of brown, of green.
Lightning crashed from the heavens, echoing a howl of rage.
Legend dropped back into the water before the earth shattering boom could rattle his bones.
Definitely magic. His fingers dug into sand and he watched for any more angry flashing light—but it only flickered, fading away and leaving the clouds behind. Legend pushed off the sea floor, rising slowly, and peeked his eyes above the waves to look up at the sky. His heart was hammering in his chest, old memories of storms rising like a tsunami in his chest—
Red caught his eye and he twisted, baring his teeth in a half formed snarl.
Fire fell, spitting and sparking, into the waves. It existed for a moment in the water despite its nature and then faded, swallowed up by the unforgiving ocean. Small bits of rock tumbled down the cliffside, knocked astray by a heel.
Legend turned his gaze up to the young man backed up against the ledge.
His blade was a hungry blaze, arching to block the swing from a mace, the thrust of a sword, the arch of an axe. Creatures with the faces of pigs and canines and lizards snarled at him, climbing over each other to get closer.
Legend cursed himself for leaving his sword behind as he reached for the ring against his chest.
Well, it wouldn’t matter. A rock could bash in a monster skull if it was thrown hard enough.
He tugged on the leather necklace, prepared to pull it over his head when hands grabbed a green tunic, pulling the teenager away from the edge of the cliff.
That’s nice of them, Legend thought. They normally try to push me off it.
The teen wrenched out of their grip, green fabric tearing as he stepped back—
His weight teetered backwards, shield flung out as if for balance. Gravity wrapped hungry, desperate fingers around the heavy metal and tugged the kid off the cliff and into the waters below.
“Shit!” Legend cried, diving under the water and racing forward. Not the rocks, he begged, having to take it slow because of the sand kicked up from the storm. Not the rocks, not the rocks, not the—*
His fingers found cloth. Found skin. He wrapped his arms around a chest and kicked back, heading up and away, diagonal from any possible danger. Nails dug into his shoulders and something batted uselessly against Legend’s chest as he kicked and kicked and kicked.
They surfaced with a gasp and he looked down at messy brown hair, at wide, half-coloured eyes—
A palm shoved against his face.
Legend sputtered and a fist knocked against his chin, his collar, his shoulder. “Wait, wait!” He almost dropped back beneath the surface. “Shit, kid! Stop it—!”
“Let go of me!” Toes caught on his scales and pushed.
“Fine! Hylia,” Legend snarled. “Have it your way,” He said, shoving the kid away.
The brown haired teen stayed above the water for a second, arms and legs flailing uselessly.
And then he dropped like a stone.
“Shit!” Legend scrambled down after him. He grabbed the back of the tunic that time, wrenching the teen back to the surface.
He was coughing, gagging on salt water.
Serves him right.
“What the hell, kid!”
“Geddoff me!”
“No!” Legend shook him like a misbehaving shark. “You can’t swim, you idiot!”
A hand missed his ear by inches. “Screw you! I’m not going back with you—”
Wait, Legend blinked. What?
“—pig faced, ugly ass, red loving shit stain of a—”
“First of all,” Legend cut him off, “rude. Look at me. I’m none of those things.”
The kid splashed water at his face.
Little shit.
Legend shook him again for good measure.  “Second of all, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Narrowed eyes stared at him, searched his face, caught on the point of his ears and the line of his jaw.
And then they looked down.
“You have a tail.”
Goddess, Legend rolled his eyes. “And you have legs. Let’s move on.”
“Why do you have a tail?”
“Because my mommy had one and my daddy had one and one day they decided to make babies—”
There was a splash behind them. Both turned and watched one of the lizards slipping through the waves like a serpent.
“Fuck,” Legend bared his teeth and watched the silver beast get closer. Its eyes flashed yellow in the lightening shadows as electricity sparked across the horn on its head. “Give me your sword.”
The teen muttered something.
Brown eyes flashed. “I said ‘I dropped it’!”
“Dropped it? Where?”
“Where do you think, genius?”
Legend cursed.
The lizard was getting closer. Above them, the storm clouds were clearing.
“Don’t hit me again,” Legend told the teen, turning around and pulling him closer. “And hang on.”
Timid fingers brushed against his shoulder then gained more confidence as they brushed against the leather of his necklace and the scales along his collar. Arms locked around his neck and Legend could feel the pounding of the kid’s heart against his back.
“Deep breath,” he said and waited for the sharp sound of an inhale before dropping. Using the extra weight to spin around, Legend kick off towards the side of the cliff.
The shadow of the lizard passed overhead. Sharp, white claws were too slow and Legend’s tail slipped easily past its grasp.
His burst of speed put enough distance between them and the monster for a moment and Legend used his hands to feel for stone and kelp and sand.
Bubbles blew past his hair.
Hang on, kid, he thought, patting frantically against the sand. Hang on, hang on—
The grip around his neck loosened.
Legend’s fingers hit metal. He snatched the hilt of the silver blade, dug out the shield beside it, and tucked both against his chest as he shot towards the surface. 
There was a frantic, desperate gasp against his ear and the teen shuddered against his back, shaking and coughing wetly against his shoulder.
“You okay, kid?” Legend adjusted his grip on the sword and watched as a crocodile shaped head lifted out of the water.
The monster opened its mouth bearing its curved, pointed teeth.
Legend bared his right back.
Coughing continued against his back, but the hand against his chest curled and offered a weak thumbs up.
Good lad, Legend thought, pressing the shield against his chest with one hand and hoisting the sword with the other. “Take another deep breath for me, then.”
There was a grumble against his skin. It was probably something rude.
Despite himself, Legend smiled. The kid had fight in him. That was good.
Lungs expanded and he heard the rush of an inhale. Legend dropped back below the surface and pushed himself as fast as he could, rushing forward in a roar of bubbling water. The sword was held out in front of him like a spear as sand rose in his wake, launched up with the force of his kicking. The lizard creature scrambled out of his way with a screech and Legend laughed, spinning he took the boy on his back further and further into the open ocean.
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jojorice · 12 days
aahhh I love your art so much!!! topaz as is so pretty in latest one and it's kinda fitting for her??? the whole comic is just so fun im giggling like stupid
LOL after rewatching the merman anime I was imagining aventurine inviting his other sea friends over! (topaz as an octopus felt strangely natural 😂) I was thinking of including trailblazer as a stingray hybrid, jade as a jellyfish, and the list goes on and on…😂
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artdragon22 · 1 year
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MerMay - Theme: Marbles Day 1: Stingray
I’m gonna try to draw a mermaid / merman for each day of MerMay inspired by themed marbles that I either currently have or plan to add to my collection :3
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hydravon · 2 months
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Another merman - a partner for Coralus.
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spicy-lefaiye · 3 months
i need to develop skaris the beautiful stingray merman more so i can finally share porn of him
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marinerainbow · 7 months
//So I'm thinking in the Mermaid!AU every human (and maybe Jessica Rabbitfish) is a merperson in this world and all the toons are sea creatures. Roger is a rabbit fish, Baby Herman's a grumpy puffer, Benny's a stingray or eagle ray, the Toon Patrol are eels. I think only Jessica is the one toon I would say to make a mermaid in this and even then the merpeople are half aquatic so her and Roger being together shouldn't be that weird. Also, genius, you coming up with her lower half as a lionfish that's perfect! Imagine her singing in an underwater cavern and her fins are like fans that add to her "dress." The rest of the toons are tropical reef fish, sharks, octopuses, crabs, lobsters, rays and various anemones and nudibranchs!
Also I think Eddie would be named Edmar and in his past he was a sort of undersea mediator, like a detective who complies and upholds with the laws of merpeople. He has a walrus or maybe sea lion's tail and was having quite a nice time living on an island near the surface before he was called down to the depths again. He hates actually going down there...a deep sea fish killed his brother. His seal wife Delores comes to bring him food and accompany him and try and coax him back into the water but to no avail. Until a rabbit fish comes looking for help. A fish has murdered a merman. Not hunted him...murdered in cold blood. This is very serious. So Edmar has to brave his fears and venture down there to help solve the mystery.
I love all of this! Especially how you included Eddie and Dolores. I'm an absolute sucker for content of those two being the couple ^^
I also like how Benny is a stingray/eagle ray! Kinda like Mr. Ray from finding Nemo. Maybe he let's the little fish ride him ^^ and I definitely want to see Baby Herman puff up in iritation XD
Also Jessica being a mermaid too despite being a toon is actually kinda genius. While making the film, to make sure all the actors would be able to look like they were actually looking at toons and not just air, they made little dummies of the toons. Except for Jessica, who had a human actress stand in her place. So Jessica did have a shot at being a human technically XD and here, she's a mermaid right along side the rest of the merfolk.
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I really like mermaids too. Fat guppies, flowing koi, traditional tail, orca mermaids, scary shark-maids, scary monster mermaids that want to drown you, disney princess mermaids that just want to swim and sing, mermaids in pearls and shells and gems and naked mermaids, mermaids with big books and mermaids that are more fish traditional anatomy. Male mermaids, female mermaids, a-gender maids?, Trans mermaids! (not enough of those omg I want those).
Gimme those mer people.
Did you watch that show "Siren" about the mermaids that was terrible but also stupid fun to watch?
What is your favorite kind of mermaid? I really like monster ones and also long flowing tails.
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I have NOT seen the show Siren but I've wanted to watch it forever because Mermaids haha. I knew it was probably terrible based on the trailer but I like mermaids enough to watch anyway haha.
I love all those kinda mermaids too!! All of them!! They're all wonderful aaaa!!!
My favorite though?? My favorite kinda mermaids?? My favorite are MINE
Which are actually called Syreni, and are from my original story called Lungs and Gills (aka Pearl Thief, as I originally called it on this blog)
Syreni are merfolk with the tails of different ocean creatures, and depending on what species they are, they have different powers. Shark syreni have super smell, Dolphin syreni have echolocation, Stingray syreni can sting people, etc etc.
Syreni also have access to 4 different types of magic: Sand, Storm, Flesh, and Water.
Sand Magic is magic that can manipulate sand as well as things MADE FROM sand, like pearls and glass
Storm Magic is magic that can manipulate everything to do with a storm: wind, light/heat, and sound
Flesh is exactly how it sounds, it's a magic that can manipulate flesh. Usually it's used in a medical sense, manipulating flesh to heal it, but you can take it in the complete opposite direction too if you'd like
Water of course is the most straightforward, it's the manipulation of water and ice, much like waterbenders in ATLA, but it definitely looks different from that considering it's all UNDER water
Unfortunately for Syreni, they all live in a pretty dystopian world in the ocean after humans polluted it to hell. Pollution has made it impossible to eat without ingesting pollution, which has the effect of making Syreni go insane, almost a slow, zombie transformation. Only thing that can clean food is pearls and the spell done on them, but of course pearls are hella rare, so it's not going great down there.
Also what I like about the name Syreni (which is just latin for mermaid lol), is that it's used for all genders! No need to differentiate between mermaid, merman, and merfolk anymore, they're all just syreni!
Anyway yeah those are my favorite type of mermaids lol, the ones I made up myself. I have syreni characters if you'd like to hear about them specifically, I call em my Sea Kiddos. I would talk about them here but it would make this post MUCH much longer lol.
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screechwhisper · 1 year
More horror icon mermaid headcanons
-The Fireflys, stingray merpeople have been terrorizing humans for generations and going Steve Irwin on anybody’s asses, especially Otis and Baby
-Brahms, a selkie falls in love dolphin merman Billy Lenz who will keep his coat safe when Brahms is going to the surface
-Despite Bubba being a giant humpback whale merman he actually doesn’t wanna be seen as threatening especially with a human named Stretch
-The Sinclair brothers, anglerfish mermen, have been fooling humans for years with their lights thinking theirs a boat or lighthouse nearby when in reality their the main course of the brothers meals especially Bo’s
-The Losers Club we’re recently turned into merpeople and a turtle named Maturin warn them not to go to IT, a cecaelia sea witch that can give you anything you want for a very hefty price
-Elvira and Frank N Furter are siren best friends that have been singing sailors to the rocks for years but they always find humans interesting, Frank N Furter especially with a couple on a honeymoon cruise
-Tom Hanniger aka Harry Warden a French angelfish mermaid wants to find love unfortunately he’s only interested in love from humans
This is so good!!! God I gotta get back into my art so I can pump out these designs!!
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