The found family remains together at the end of the movie.
They. Remain. Together.
Markl begs Sophie to stay, Howl refers to the house members as "our little family". That's what I love about Howl's moving castle: they find eachother, they decide to form a family and to live the rest of their lives together.
Don't touch me, I'm too emotional rn.
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strayfriend · 5 months
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Happy anniversary to Sully turning my television on with his cat beans and sticking his tongue at me when I came out to see what was going on
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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readplayerone99 · 17 days
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Prima di avere questo blog su Tumblr ne avevo un altro e, tra i vari post, ne vidi uno che mi rimase impresso. Era una fanart sul Castello Errante di Howl, sia il film della studio Ghibli, sia del libro. La cosa che mi colpì fu che da una parte c'erano gli Howl e Sophie che conoscevo, quelli di Miyazaki per intenderci, sorridenti e felici di essersi incontrari; dall'altra quelli del libro... completamente diversi. Parliamoci chiaro, se vi aspettate che il film di Miyazaki sia una semplice traduzione del racconto in immagini animate, resterete un po' delusi: le uniche due cose che le due opere hanno in comune sono qualche scena qua e là (anch'esse nel film molto rivisitate) e alcuni personaggi, anche se di questi il loro background è molto rivisitato. In poche parole, possiamo dire che film e libro sono due opere distinte, ma allo stesso tempo abbastanza simili.
Una cosa che hanno in comune è l'incipit della storia. Sophie è la maggiore di tre sorelle (vi ricordate? Anche nel film si accennava al fatto che Sophie, oltre Lettie avesse un'altra sorella più piccola); questo la porta ad avere molte responsabilità, soprattutto nei confronti delle altre due. Anche perchè, il mondo in cui vivono le tre ragazze non è un posto molto sicuro, popolato da Streghe e Maghi non sempre gentili e amichevoli. Infatti, proprio Sophie cadrà vittima della stregha delle Terre Desolate (la Strega delle Lande), che le lancierà una terribile maledizione, trasformandola in una vecchia. E' l'inizio del viaggio di Sophie, che la porterà a vivere varie avventure all'interno del castello errante, in cui vivono il demone Calcifer, con cui Sophie stringerà un patto per sciogliere le rispettive maledizioni, l'apprendista Michael e ovviamente il Mago Howl, con cui Sophie non farà altro che litigare; perchè sì, qui davvero Howl è egocentrico e codardo, aggiungerei vanitoso. Infatti, ammetto di essere rimasta un po' dispiaciuta che il rapporto tra Sophie e Howl fosse conflittuale, e non amorevole. Ma, ad essere sinceri, va benissimo così! Mi sono divertita molto a leggere i battibecchi tra i due, anzi, devo dire che rendono il finale ancora più tenero.
Vi do un consiglio! Se volete godere di questo libro al 100%, vi consiglio di leggerlo con la musica di Jo Hisaishi, il compositore di quasi tutte le colonne sonore della Ghibli, vi sembrerà proprio di essere lì, in quel mondo rimasto fermo alla Belle Epoque, ricco di magia. Un'altra cosa di cui è ricco questo libro è l'ironia, ci sono alcuni punti in cui sono scoppiata a ridere, perchè è ricco di quel British humor che tanto piace a noi.
Insomma, a tutti gli appassionati della casa di Totoro e dei libri fantasy, questo è proprio il libro che fa per voi!
Consigliato: Assolutamente sì
Voto: 8\10
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waleeddora · 9 months
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طرة () باسم: الشريف /صلاح سليمان أبوجبنة.
استعملت خط الثلث والإجازة
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sitting-on-me-bum · 5 months
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 Kuwait, 2022.
This photo was taken at the remote oil rigs site in Kuwaiti waters, east of Qaruh Island. The inactive oil rigs have come to represent an important artificial reef in Kuwait, attracting divers and fishers alike.
Photo by Suliman Alatiqi
The Prince Albert II Of Monaco Foundation Environmental Photographer Of The Year 2023
Environmental Photography Award
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tossawary · 7 months
In the "Howl's Moving Castle" movie, I was always kind of taken aback by Madame Suliman's identical blond boy servants and how closely Howl resembles them. Strict uniforms are definitely a thing, that blond hair could be dyed or could just be wigs or it could all be an illusion to disguise what they really look like, and it would fit the extravagance that we see of the palace to have such an absurd dress code for apprentices / servants.
But yeah, my first thought was clones or magical creations of some kind.
If not for the scene showing Howl as a boy meeting Calcifer, and I think a mention of having a wizard uncle when he and Sophie visit the flower field... (And also if not for having actually read the book and knowing Howl's backstory in that universe, but if the book didn't exist and the secret backstory there wasn't so funny...) then I would wonder about Howl having actually been created by Madame Suliman in some fashion. I mean, you could still do Secret Magical Clone Backstory as an AU for the movie 'verse: Howl could totally be lying about having a wizard uncle and the dark hair in the flashback could be a childhood rebellion thing.
It adds a whole extra layer of "what the fuck, this was never going to work" to Sophie briefly pretending to be Howl's mother to get him out of having to fight in the war, which is funny to me. I always got the vibe that Madame Suliman knew the "Mrs. Pendragon" bit was 100% fake from the beginning. And I think it would be funny to have Sophie yell at Howl for making her a distraction.
Anyway, I feel like movie 'verse Sophie could immediately cure Howl's upset over not being blond anymore by asking him if he also used to have to dress up like those boys when he was Madame Suliman's apprentice, and if he'd been trying to look like that still. (It's possible that the blond servant outfit of Suliman's servants and Howl's early outfits were just both of them separately trying to keep up with the latest fashions. The uniform may have looked entirely different when Howl was an apprentice.) "Is that the look you were going for?" Sophie asks dubiously, and Howl spends at least the next three days having a fashion crisis.
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Eyeshadowboi has some fabulous choices in posts & reblogs! Terrific Nikki, thanks!
Tintern Avenue -- Top Treasures -- Tintern Alley
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science70 · 1 year
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Agustín Hernández Navarro, Casa Amalia Hernández, Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City, 1969-70.
Photography: Julius Suliman
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strayfriend · 1 year
Brought the cats some of the grass that was displaced when I planted a magnolia seedling yesterday
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garadinervi · 5 months
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فرحة Farha, (2021, 92min), Written and Directed by Darin J. Sallam, w/ Karam Taher, Ashraf Barhom, Ali Suliman, Tala Gammoh, Sameera Asir, Majd Eid, Firas Taybeh
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spoondrifts · 10 months
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liviatrivia · 1 year
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“He picked the skull out of the sink and held it in one hand, mournfully. ‘Alas, poor Yorick!’ he said. ‘She heard mermaids, so it follows there is something rotten in the state of Denmark. I have caught an everlasting cold, but luckily I am terribly dishonest. I cling to that.’ He coughed pathetically.”
Chapter 17, Howl’s Moving Castle
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themakeupbrush · 11 months
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Eleen Suliman at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival
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rowanrowlandridley · 6 months
i can't stop thinking about that howl's moving castle au but like "hazel's moving castle"¿¿?? idk i wanna draw it so badly but it is final exams season at college, so-
the characters (pjo/hoo) won't have the same personalities as the hmc characters i know, i just love the concept.
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