#supergirl episode review
smugraccoon137 · 1 year
Me watching the first 5 mins knowing full well that Kara’s not going to make it to Earth :”I
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Is It Really That Bad?
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I don’t think I’ve ever felt like the universe actively conspired against something until I witnessed the production of The Flash.
Since 1991 there have been quite a few proposals for Flash movies, but they never really got off the ground for whatever reason. Following Barry’s debut in Justice League, a movie finally was announced before multiple delays due to rewrites, in particular to cut Ray Fisher’s Cyborg from the story after he went public about the awful shit he had to deal with under Joss Whedon. Things seemed hopeless until It director Andy Muschietti came onboard, at which point production on the film finally started to go smoothly. Sure, there were rumblings about Ezra Miller having episodes on set, but that’s just typical actor nonsense, right? Surely it couldn’t get any worse!
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Look, I’m here to review a movie so I’ll keep this brief: Miller committed crimes. Lots of crimes. So many, in fact, you’d think they were method acting for the role of Reverse-Flash. The thing is, despite all of this, Miller was basically given a slap on the wrist by the studio, being forbidden from doing promos and press tours (oh no! The horror!). And as if the situation wasn’t already a fucking mess, while Miller’s crime spree was ongoing WB canned the nearly-complete Batgirl movie that featured Michael Keaton and Academy Award-winning actor Brendan Fraser while simultaneously inflating The Flash’s budget to nearly $300 million with reshoots. It seems baffling to cancel a movie that was nearly done and that people were marginally interested in for the sake of a movie that people were losing interest in quickly due to its star’s erratic behavior, but remember: Leslie Grace isn’t white, while Ezra Miller is. WB is never beating those racism allegations at this rate.
With a normal movie, this is where the nonsense ends. BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!
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This film was meant to smooth out the clusterfuck continuity of the “Snyderverse” with a soft reboot, with Henry Cavill filming a end-of-movie cameo alongside Miller, Gal Gadot, Keaton, and Supergirl’s actress Sasha Calle to establish the new direction of DC going forward. Unfortunately, the hierarchy of power at DC changed, and Gunn shot that down. While this meant the ending would probably not get people confused with regards to upcoming projects, it also meant the movie wasn’t going to really have any closure for the old universe. Affleck, Cavill, and who knows who else are just gone, and the future is just a big old question mark. At least Aquaman is safe, maybe?
Literally none of this news was very reassuring to fans. Nothing above is any good for a film’s perception to audiences under normal circumstances, but here we have all this news coming to a fanbase that genuinely did not want this fucking movie. The DCEU was already divisive when the film was announced, and Miller’s portrayal of Barry doubly so; the fact it was adapting Flashpoint was seen as lazy and uninspired, not to mention its not really a story that lets Flash stand on his own merits, making it seem more like this movie was just an excuse to reboot; it was a multiverse story in a day and age with an abundance of such stories, and it was releasing around the same time as Across the Spider-Verse to boot; and Gunn’s reboot plans meant this story was likely a narrative dead end. This movie had an uphill battle the likes of which haven’t been seen since Sisyphus.
But much like that mythological figure, the boulder came crashing right back down when the numbers came in. The movie would likely need to gross $500 million at minimum to break even after factoring in the reshoots and advertising, and it only managed half of that with a pitiful opening weekend followed by a massive 73% drop. It now sits alongside films like The Lone Ranger and Mortal Engines as one of the most expensive bombs in history, to the point where WB would have saved more money by cancelling it like they did with Batgirl. And despite glowing praise from the likes of Tom Cruise and Stephen King, it received middling reviews from mainstream critics.
Audiences haven’t been any less mixed, but considering most people weren’t particularly excited or invested in this film’s existence this is basically a miracle. Sure, there’s plenty of people out there saying this is the “worst comic book movie ever” like they do every time a new superhero movie drops, but even more people are saying they enjoyed the film… although even they tend to have some severe criticisms.
Even though I knew most of what was going to happen in the movie going in, I wasn’t really sure what to expect given everything surrounding the movie. But you know me, I’m willing to give almost any movie a chance, and bombs this big don’t happen every day, so even before it was voted on I was trying to make time to check it out. So sit down, microwave yourself a snack—
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—and watch as I try and determine if The Flash is really that bad.
The biggest shock of this film is that Ezra Miller is actually really good here.
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Their Barry is still a bit of a goofball, but he’s clearly matured as a character since his precious appearances. They managed to make him much more charming and likable than he ever was, and this gets compounded when he interacts with the younger Barry and gets confronted with how annoying he was before. I think young Barry could have come off as really insufferable, but the fact he annoys everyone around him and also ends up maturing makes him a lot more endearing.
Miller really kills it with the emotional moments, particularly the ending encounter with Barry’s mom and the scene where old Barry snaps at young Barry. The film is really carried by the dramatic, emotional moments far more than any of the superheroics, and Miller manages to sell a lot of it very well. It was to the point where I started thinking, “I really wouldn’t mind if they stick around.” Then a scene where Barry says the Justice League has no real psychiatric help or where his younger self ends up repeatedly exposing himself in public by accident happens, and then I remembered, “Oh yeah, aren’t they a mentally unwell criminal?”
Unsurprisingly, Michael Keaton absolutely kills it in his role as Batman, but much more shockingly is that Ben Affleck's brief return as Bruce is pretty great as well. I always thought Affleck, much like Henry Cavill, was desperately trying to give a great performance while weighed down by bad writing; here, he gets an actual poignant scene where he talks to Barry about how dwelling on tragedies isn't the way to do things, and you should try and move forward instead. It shows he really could have been great if given better material to work with.
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Okay, enough being nice to Affleck, I wanna talk about Keaton again. As much as the marketing hyped him up and as much as he is obviously the most blatant fanservice possible, it's still so cool to see him in the suit again. I am not immune to nostalgia pandering, and as corny as it could have been from anyone else, the zoom into his face when he says The Line really is a highlight of the movie. Keaton has a great deal of charisma, and while there are issues with Batman they aren't his fault at all. Most impressively, he doesn't steal the show away from Miller like I thought he would; he enhances the scenes he's in without stealing the spotlight completely from their performance. I feel like this is a problem in a lot of movies like this, where the lead gets overshadowed by a hyped up character, but somehow The Flash of all things managed to avoid this.
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And as bad as the cameos could get, this movie gave two of the greatest cameos ever put to film with the return of the GOAT George Clooney Batman and, best of all, Nicolas Cage Superman from the unmade Superman Lives, fighting a giant spider to the death just as God intended. I am not immune to the charms of Nicolas Cage.
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Overall, this movie presents us with a solid story, plenty of fun moments, great character dynamics, and more... for the first two acts, anyway.
Once this movie hits the third act, it basically just loses any and all focus and becomes a big dumb video game-esque battle against Zod and his forces in a bland desert landscape. While both Barrys admittedly get some pretty cool moments sprinkled in and Keaton’s Batman’s second death is actually a well done emotional moment, Supergirl ends up being completely wasted, with her sole role being to angrily scream and then die repeatedly.
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This actually highlights the problem with Kara in this movie: She’s basically nothing but a plot device and has zero personality, and a good 80% of her dialogue is just angry screaming. As hot as Sasha Calle is and how much she obviously wants to make Kara compelling, she is given so little to work with that her efforts end up being fruitless. She does nothing of consequence after helping Barry get his powers back, and could be replaced or written out of the story and it would still make perfect sense.
Zod’s inclusion is pretty baffling as well, especially since they chose to water down one of the only good things from Man of Steel into a boring, generic doomsday villain. You can really feel that poor Michael Shannon would rather be doing anything else, and his bored performance just highlights how poorly implemented Zod is in the plot. Like, the Fladh has some of the best and most colorful DC villains in his rogues gallery, one’s that are often overlooked because Batman’s villains sell more toys. Why not highlight some of them instead of taking a Superman villain and stripping him of all personality to the point the actor clearly has no passion for the role? Cutting Zod would make cutting Supergirl even easier, and then two of the biggest problems with the movie are gone!
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The third act does manage to mostly rerail itself once it goes back to Barry trying to unfuck the timeline, with only a disgustingly egregious bit of fanservice that I’ll discuss in the next section hampering it. But at the end, despite the incredibly based George Clooney cameo, there’s just so many unresolved and unanswered questions, with the biggest one being who killed Barry’s mom? Considering her death is what kickstarted the whole plot, you’d think this might come up, but it never does. A lot of other things come up and get dropped too, like whatever was going on with Batman in the opening, but maybe I’m just crazy for wanting elements introduced in a plot to have significance beyond just being there to be cool.
Even beyond that, there’s the fact that Supergirl and Keaton!Batman’s final fates are never really resolved, something that apparently wasn’t a problem in early versions of the film since they showed up alive in the final scene. As much as I loved seeing Clooney, I think trading him for getting some closure for Keaton and Calle would have been more satisfying.
Everyone harps on how bad the CGI is—and it absolutely is, don’t get me wrong—but for the most part I found it endearingly bad. Like the opening with the CGI babies? That’s too goofy for me to hate. But once the movie revolves into bland grey and black CGI bad guys and creepy deepfake celebrity cameos, I stop being quite so forgiving.
Oh, and on the subject of cameos, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen one as pointless and unfunny as Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman showing up out of nowhere (complete with theme music) to make Bruce and Barry look like dumb assholes. Imagine thinking this was a good idea.
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The biggest point of contention surrounding this movie is the CGI necromancy used in the aforementioned cameo clusterfuck from the climax, which gives us George Reeve, Christopher Reeves, and Adam West posthumously reprising their DC roles in non-speaking appearances (there’s archived audio from West, but his cameo isn't really focused on to the point you can barely tell it's him) where they just stand there before the camera swoops around like in that Saul Goodman gif.
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I think this is one of the very few times where I actually think the outrage is mostly justified. To be clear, I’m not getting mad on behalf of dead celebrities I never knew, and as long as the filmmakers went through the proper channels and the estates of these stars were properly compensated, I don’t have any legal objections. All of my distaste is coming from a subjective, moral standpoint.
I have never liked this CGI necromancy ever since Rogue One popularized it. I find it really gross and distasteful, and in most cases I think finding a lookalike actor would be preferable than playing Weekend at Bernie’s with a computer generated facsimile of a dead person. In The Flash, I understand having lookalikes would diminish the wow factor of the crossover, but there was an extremely easy workaround to this: Have cameos from all the living DC stars.
Was Brandon Routh not available to put on the Superman tights? Would it have been so bad to let Grant Gustin pop in for a cameo? They acknowledge Helen Slater, so why not Melissa Benoist? Hell, if you want to reference bad, campy movies, have Shaq show up as Steel or Josh Brolin pop in as Jonah Hex! Or even Ryan Reynolds, I’d bet he’d be down to return if you gave him a real suit this time!
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Like there’s just no excuse for ghoulishly parading around dead guys when there’s so many alive guys you could use instead. People can complain all they want about the fanservice and cameos in the past few Spider-Man films, but at least they only had returning characters played by living actors. And when this movie already has the niche, out-there Nic Cage Superman cameo, proving they were down to do things as out there and inoffensively creative as reference unmade movies, it’s really just inexcusable. It doesn’t ruin the movie for me, but it makes me lose a bit of respect for the people who okayed this over less offensive cameo ideas.
To my surprise, this film actually turned out to be pretty good. Not “great,” not “the best superhero movie ever,” but genuinely mostly good and enjoyable.
My opinion is that the movie is good in spite of itself. The third act is truly a hot mess, the stupid desert battle against Zod is awful and boring, Supergirl is depressingly pointless, so many plot points are just dropped or otherwise forgotten, and the CGI necromancy is nothing short of ghoulish. But the rest of the movie is truly a lot of fun. Barry and his younger self have a fun dynamic, Keaton really manages to take what little he’s given and show that he’s still got it as Batman, the Clooney and Cage cameos were delightful, and most importantly the emotional moments are actually effective.
I think with a bit more polish this film could have actually lived up to the hype around it. There is a great movie in here being suffocated by fanservice and CGI but still managing to get a few gasps of air regardless. I think if they’d kept the conflict more grounded or made Reverse-Flash the primary antagonist, things might have turned out better.
I think its score is pretty fair. My friend @huyh172 described this as “the worst good DC movie,” and it’s an assessment I fully agree with. It’s not as good as Aquaman, Wonder Woman, The Suicide Squad, the Snyder Cut, or Shazam!, and it’s definitely not as bad as stuff like Wonder Woman 1984 or Josstice League. It’s also a bit too enjoyable to be mid. It’s just a really solid movie held back from true greatness by some damning flaws… and really, that makes it the perfect capstone to the "Snyderverse," a cinematic universe that had some solid movies but was held back from greatness by incredibly bad ones.
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leighlew3 · 7 months
Did you see The Continental is the #1 show on Amazon Prime in Brazil and the Philippines???? 🥰💁🏻‍♀️
That's amazing.
I'm so happy that overall, this is putting Katie McGrath on a whole new level in terms of exposure to new audiences and the industry, and in terms of her being one of the main positively reviewed elements of the show. It's her name (and face) that's generating the most buzz for the show on social -- to the point that Lionsgate, Peacock, Amazon Prime UK, etc are noticing and now posting about Katie and her role even though her role is practically cameo-sized. Even changing their bios as if they're now stan sites for KMG! Wild.
Her having a small role that shines bright and grabs the spotlight is what she does best, honestly. Same thing happened on Supergirl. Meant to only be in 3 episodes originally but instantly won over the fans, writers, cast and everybody involved to earn a spot as a series regular, and then became the most popular character amongst fans and the media, only behind the title lead/Kara herself. Only this time, the difference is the network/studios behind the show aren't afraid to lean into her popularity for fear of offending male egos or whatever the hell prevented SG/The CW from doing the same.
She's officially the most popular, stand-out character of TC -- despite limited screen time, in a series related to, again -- one of the biggest and coolest and most popular action franchises on the planet.
That's huge. And I believe even a director from the show -- who has seen fan reaction and engaged KMG fans a lot -- was talking about how cool her character is and now there's spin-off hopes or other similar talk/demand, apparently.
Whether she ever plays this role again or not in other related projects, this will only do great things for her career moving forward. And she deserves it. She's a hard worker, genuinely kind, authentic, etc.
Kudos to KMG. And congrats also to (most of, ahem) the other cast, some of them newbies to the scene and some of them also badass women, on the success of the show. Mixed critical reception aside, many fans are loving it, it's got a 7.7 on IMDB, and is topping the viewership charts internationally already.
And that's dope. That's great for her moving forward, which is great for long-time fans who hope to continue to see her in big, cool stuff.
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thatonebirdwrites · 5 months
26 for ask meme :)
Aww, thank you for asking! :D 26: If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
This is a hard choice.
I feel like it's a tie between: When I finished the behemoth Shared Moments: Book Two Korrasami fanfic, AND when I finished writing the Kara's fight with Red Daughter, where she's killed, but Lena is with Alex this time. Lena's desperation and grief unlocks her magic, and she accidentally resurrects Kara.
I researched the hell out of my TLOK book 2 rewrite, as I wanted to explore a few things that was implied in the series and then never really touched upon again. I also wanted to give Asami more agency and to have Korra and her get together by the end of Book 2. It was so satisfying to see it finished and then discover that people liked it.
I also spent way too much time reviewing Supergirl episodes and researching lore for Confessions. I wanted that scene of Lena resurrecting Kara to flow smoothly and be a natural result of everything that led up to that moment. Based on the comments after I posted the chapter, I succeeded somehow! That was so satisfying.
So I honestly can't choose between the two.
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fancoloredglasses · 5 months
The saga of the Huntress and the Question (so what do you think their ship-name should be? Let me know in the comments!)
[All images are owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros Discovery. I hope I’m too small-fry to sue...]
In Justice League (Unlimited), and in fact the entire Dini-verse, despite the fact that it was written for a younger audience, there are a large number of themes that surprisingly mature. One theme is romance.
Obviously Batman has Catwoman and Talia Al-Guhl and Superman has Lois Lane. However, the two Justice League series has four (including a love triangle)!
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Green Arrow and Black Carnary
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John Stewart and Hawkgirl…
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…as well as Vixen
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Batman and Wonder Woman (they never go anywhere with this, but it’s obvious they have feelings for one another. I’ll have to do a deep dive on this one of these days)
And finally, the subject of this week’s review. First, let’s discuss the participants, as most people aren’t comic geeks who love the minor heroes more than the marquee ones…
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The Huntress debuted on Earth-2 (where DC stashed their Golden Age heroes until they were needed) prior to Crisis as Helena Wayne, the daughter of Bruce and Selina Wayne. Following Crisis, she was reimagined as Helena Bertinelli, the last surviving family member of a slain Mob Boss, who became a ruthless vigilante in an attempt to avenge her dead family.
Huntress makes her debut in a brief appearance fighting a bunch of robot spiders (but that’s not important for this review)
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The Question was created by Steve Ditko as part of Charleton Comics’ “Action Line” (which was ended a year later). When Ditko joined DC Comics, the company (as a “gift”) bought the rights to the Action Line, dumping them on Earth-4 in the DC Multiverse and forgetting about them until Crisis (though they were re-imagined in Watchmen, with the Question being the inspiration for Rorschach)
In the comics, the Question was a very philosophical hero (starting out following the teachings of Ayn Rand in Charlton, and Zen Buddhism following Crisis). However, in JLU the Question is a cynical conspiracy theorist looking for everyone’s “angle”.
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Question made his debut working with Supergirl and Green Arrow trying to find out why Supergirl was having disturbing dreams (while I won’t cover that for this review, it is kinda important as you’ll soon discover)
And now that we’ve established the players, on to the story!
NOTE: I will mainly be focusing the scenes involving Huntress and the Question. Any elements beyond their involvement I will likely ignore (unless it’s important later) If you would like to view the episodes in their entirety, they’re available on Max or behind your favorite paywall.
Following the events of A Better World, an organization known as Cadmus (a government shadow ops group with off-the-books funding from Luthor) emerges of the League’s radar, performing such acts as illegal cloning (including a clone of Supergirl, which was the source of her bad dreams (told you it would be important)) The Question begins poking into Cadmus’s business after helping Supergirl and Green Arrow, trying to find the bottom of that rabbit hole.
Meanwhile, Lex Luthor has announced his candidacy for President (and is apparently doing well despite his criminal past. A criminal billionaire with no prior political career running for President? Like that could ever happen!)
Now, on with the show!
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We open at the estate of Mafia Boss Steven Mandragora where a couple of his bodyguards are arguing about their secret scone recipe (sure, why not?) when they hear a noise in the bushes. Suddenly a figure from the bushes makes short work of them (but, this being for kids, doesn’t kill them despite using a crossbow) The figure then scales the building and enters the study.
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You were expecting someone else?
Huntress uses an aerosol to spot the alarm beams and evade them. She then enters Mandragora’s bedroom and shoots the figure under the blanket (OK, this got dark quick!) However…
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…as you may have guessed, Mandragora isn’t there. She then gets contacted by J’onn in the Watchtower and teleported.
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Guess who’s in trouble? J’onn expels Huntress from the Justice League. As she goes to her quarters to gather her things…
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Huntress enters the Question’s quarters, makes fun of his looks (what she thinks he looks like under his faceless mask) and his obsession before offering to help him with Cadmus in exchange for helping her track down Mandragora. (Something tells me she knows two things about Cadmus: Jack and Squat)
And where is Mandragora?
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In a safe house being guarded by the FBI, Green Arrow, and Black Canary. Turns out Mandragora has promised to turn State’s Evidence against his fellow Mob Bosses in exchange for Witness Protection.
Meanwhile, the Question has found out about Mandragora’s location, and offers to tag along with Huntress.
Later, Mandragora’s goons, dressed as cops, attack the FBI while Canary and Arrow are on lookout duty outside. Then…
(Thanks to Princess Darkseid)
A wee bit later, as Huntress and the Question head to the waterfront, the Question reveals he knows Huntress knows nothing about Cadmus. Further, he knows about her connection to Mandragora.
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So, if the Question knows why Huntress wants Mandragora, and that she has nothing to offer in exchange for his help, why is he helping?
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Meanwhile, Canary (with Arrow riding behind) has caught up with them and demands that they stop. Question drives his car into a rail tunnel. Just one problem…
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Question manages to turn into the side tunnel before the train hits him, but Arrow has to call for J’onn to teleport him and Canary. J’onn does so…over the bay where they land safely in the water.
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Meanwhile, Question reveals that there’s a freighter from Mandragora’s country arriving shortly.
(Thanks to Unlimited)
So now the Huntress and the Question are An Item, but it’s not their last appearance together. This episode focused primarily on the Huntress’s obsession, while the next is all about the Question.
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We open on Metropolis, where a warlord from Apokolips named Mantis is tearing up the city.
Fortunately, Superman is on the scene with an assist by Captain Atom (another Charlton import: Captain Nathanial Adams (USAF) was condemned for a crime he didn’t commit. He exchanged his death sentence for being a guinea pig for an experiment that turned him into a living nuclear reactor (similar to Firestorm, but with energy conversion instead of matter manipulation)) After a brief battle, Superman manages to activate Mantis’s Boom Tube and Captain Atom blasts Mantis through.
Following the attack, Lois Lane shows up looking for alone time with Superman, so Captain Adam makes himself scarce. After leaving, Captain Atom is summoned by General Eiling (calling the good Captain by his actual name)…
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…and drafts him into Cadmus.
Meanwhile, the Question and the Huntress have a “date night” where they break into LexCorp to dig up information about Cadmus.
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Eventually, Question manages to download the files, but Huntress now wants an actual date in return. (Exactly how can they have a date night like regular people when Huntress hasn’t even seen Question’s face? It’s not like he can eat while wearing that mask!)
Later in Question’s apartment (wait, why does he have an apartment? He has free housing in the Watchtower!)
(Thanks to Blue Kryptonite)
The Question goes to the Watchtower to confront Superman about this. Question reveals he knows what the Justice Lords did…and that events are lining up to make those same events happen in our universe!
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Despite Superman’s assurances, the Question storms out of the Watchtower and to…
(Thanks again to Unlimited)
Huntress guesses that Cadmus must have Question.
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Superman agrees to help Huntress rescue Question.
Obviously, Cadmus was expecting this. Fortunately for Huntress, Cadmus’s weaponry doesn’t affect Superman so she can hide behind him. Then Superman spots something and flies off, leaving Huntress to deal with Cadmus’s goon squad.
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I think she's fine, if a bit annoyed.
They eventually find Question and free him…
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…though he’s still a bit loopy (even for him) As they prepare to leave…
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(You thought I casually mentioned Eiling drafting Captain Atom?)
The episode ends there and picks up on the next episode…
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Fortunately, Superman manages to keep Captain Atom busy and gives Huntress his comlink so she can contact the Watchtower once she’s clear. One problem…
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Huntress tell J’onn what he can do with his attitude and demands transport to save the Question (who, despite everything, is still a Member in Good Standing)
Later, in the infirmary, Question tells Huntress about the aerosol that seals/removes the mask from his face and changes his hair color, since he was having trouble breathing through it. After using the spray…
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Now they can have a proper date night once he recovers!
Hope you enjoyed! Please let me know if there are any other JLU characters you would like to see a deep dive on (not that many got enough screen time to be able to)
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald, Thursday, November 2
Willow: It didn't break! How come it didn't break? Xander: Which is another secret to conscientious egg care: pot of scalding water and about eight minutes. Willow: You boiled your young?
~~Bad Eggs~~
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Supergirl Radio is reviewing an old S1 episode, and all this talk of Kara and Clark starting to rebuild their relationship via gchat or whatever makes me wonder what if Lex and Lena were in the same boat.
Like, what if Lex was a decent guy who just let work and life pull him away from his little sister when she needed him most? And now he's trying to reach out and the only method of communication she doesn't throw in the trash is AIM or something?
Idk, I'm off my adderall, someone help.
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watching-pictures-move · 10 months
Movie Review | The Flash (Muschietti, 2023)
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This review contains spoilers for this movie and Wonder Woman 1984.
So, if I can point out the positives about this movie, it’s that the special effects, through their shortcomings, achieve a sense of accidental surrealism. I don’t just mean the scenes in the Speed Zone (or whatever, I’m not looking it up), where the effect is intentional, but even things that are supposed to be closer to a superpowered reality. There’s an early scene where the Flash has to save a bunch of babies and a dog and a nurse falling from a crumbling tower, and aside from some conceptual novelty, the monstrous computer-generated faces of the babies make you feel like you’re watching an episode of Ren & Stimpy. What should be cartoonish fun is instead rendered into a grotesque, Boschian hellscape. But the majority of the effects are astoundingly bad, with many of the CGI-rendered characters having that unsettling dead-eyed Polar Express look, , doubling effects (which were perfected decades before CGI) being botched, and many of the scenes of rubbery, weightless supposed spectacle looking about as good as a PS3 cutscene from a decade and a half ago. Never has so much money been spent on effects that look this poor. (One shot in particular brought back memories of watching my brother play RTSs when he hogged the computer growing up.)
And I’ll say that compared to the other actors in supporting roles, Sasha Calle as Supergirl gives the kind of performance that feels like it belongs in a well executed version of these things, in that she actually tries to evoke some kind of emotional reality for her character. (I don’t put much effort in anticipating these things, but it does seem a bit cruel that she’s probably been jettisoned from future entries.) In comparison, Michaels Keaton and Shannon seem to be in a competition to give the lowest energy line readings possible to still meet the contractual definition of a performance Keaton wins, as his eyebrow raising provides a level of charisma that can’t be quashed, while Shannon seems so affectless and so frequently depicted through special effects that I’m not convinced he ever actually stepped on set and didn’t just bark his lines over the phone one afternoon. And Gal Gadot in her cameo gives a line reading so bad that you wonder how she ever passed an audition or screen test.
So aside from that freaky ass baby scene and Sasha Calle, this is quite bad at being an effective superhero movie. At this point I must concede that I struggle to muster much enthusiasm for the majority of entries in the genre, and the fact that this is bad in ways that suggest autocritique makes it a more interesting than a lot of these things. In fact, like Wonder Woman 1984, its badness gave me a lot to chew over. That one, while pretty awful as spectacle, laid bare the implied contempt of the genre and maybe doubled as a commentary for our present political situation. That movie, which has a grifter promising people their wishes will come true only to complicate them with monkey’s paw twists, ended not with Wonder Woman actually doing anything useful to save the day, but with her browbeating everyone for wanting better lives for themselves and taking back their wishes. You see, you shouldn’t expect these things to actually be good (or for our leaders to do anything to improve our situation), and in fact you’re a bad person for wanting that, so fuck you, eat your scraps and be happy. (Perhaps I have some firsthand skin in the game, having been accosted years ago by some fucking weirdo acting like he wanted to start a fight after a screening of Guardians of the Galaxy when he overheard me complaining to my friends. I am a man of peace, but motherfucker was scrawny as a toothpick, I could probably have taken him.)
This one, where the plot is instigated by the hero traveling back in time to save his mother from being murdered and ends with him accepting her death but managing to at least clear his father of the crime, offers a somewhat more optimistic message. We can’t fundamentally change what’s wrong with the genre or the world, but can maybe make things a bit more bearable. That being said, this absolutely is not more bearable, given its total failure as spectacle. (And to be honest, I’m normally one who finds the thinkpiece-brained moralistic handwringing about blockbusters to be a bit obnoxious, between the Oedipal obsessiveness with which this movie ponders the mother’s death and the glee with which it repeatedly kills Supergirl, I found its treatment of women a bit unseemly.) The fact that much of the plot hinges on the Flash trying to go back in time to course correct future events plays like a commentary on its release, having been crapped out by Warner Brothers when it’s in the midst of course correcting its handling of the DCEU, and the flagrant disrespect it shows cultural history (exhuming George Reeves and Christopher Reeve to turn them into unsettling CGI puppets) matches the attitudes of a certain WB exec who’s been in the news more than anyone would like. And perhaps the ending lends a certain self-critical read to this element.
Like Wonder Woman 1984, this feels like the overarching corporate strategy being exposed, or more accurately, falling apart. There’s the awkward mix of irony-tinged Whedonian quipping and solemn Snyderian destruction, executed so as to lack any of the timing of the former or the weight of the latter. And in that sense, Ezra Miller’s twitchy performance feels like a glitch in the algorithm, refusing to work on either level the movie aims for. That they weren’t recast despite their offscreen criminal antics and that this movie was released, despite the abrupt change in corporate strategy and the aggressive PR management these things normally have, give this all a certain morbid interest. The near-empty theatre I watched this in gave this an ambience of archeological decay, like I was watching the detritus of a collapsed civilization.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 2 years
This may be wrong, I sincerely hope I'm wrong but i saw a review of the TTG-DC Superhero Girls crossover say that DC Superhero Girls is cancelled? No more episodes after this season! Ugh so not cool! 
Yes, initially I was one of the naysayers,and didn't like the animation but then I actually watched it. I mean high school au is cliche but there's a reason it's popular. Plus it offered new ways to see the characters like Katana and Wonder Woman as training buddies, awesome. Oliver Queen as a literal drama queen, hilarious. 
And it is genuinely funny like when the girls had to fight off a kraen and the only advice Wondy's aunt had to stop it was "We need to sacrifice a beautiful maiden. Here, you all shall draw straws." Plus there was just the fun combinations of when superheroes have a conflict between driving test and stopping a robbery. Or transforming into a new alternate alternate superhero to get good publicity. 
Plus it has started some very intriguing long standing developments like Supergirl's relationship with Superman, Batgirl and Harley Quinn's civilian friendship is at odds with their extracurricular activities, and-
Zee Zatara's light and dark magic. This is the most interesting one especially how her mom is apparently infused with dark magic and abandoned the family and now Zee has her own worries about her dark side taking over. If they don't resolve this because they got freaking cancelled, I'm going to be very annoyed. 
So someone, please tell me I'm wrong. 
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doberbutts · 2 years
I think there's a fundamental difference between "they killed Haldir and had Arwen show up instead of Glorfindel" and "they are literally making a TV show about an era that they don't have the rights to 80% of" and frankly I'm kind of tired of being told that I am being manipulated by racist simply because I think that's a shitty idea that's going to make for a shitty show. (And the first two episodes seem to prove that right. It's like the first episode of Supergirl where they bend over backwards to avoid name-dropping superman, dialed to eleven.)
Watch it if you want, but stop pretending like people who have issues with it are just being led astray by racists.
I mean I'm kind of tired of people being led astray and manipulated by racists claiming they happen to not like this show for reasons that also apply to the movies that have literally exactly the same problem, especially when those movies came out people were complaining about that and now suddenly they're the gold standard because they don't have people of color in them :)
What inspired this was someone's "hahaha Amazon's deleting bad reviews and blocking one-star reviews because they're embarrassed they have a bad show" while that person simultaneously ignores the fact that Amazon did so because they're getting review-bombed by white racist fans who are mad that there's a black guy in elf ears. So like. This isn't speculation that y'all are being led astray. This is me saying, flat out, y'all are being led astray and there's a reason there's a concentrated effort to make this one fail and it's not actually because of the reasons y'all are trying to defend.
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smugraccoon137 · 1 year
Supergirl Season 1 Episode 2 Review and Thoughts
*Bluey Voice* This episode is called “Let's all make Kara Cry”
Kara: Is this because I'm a-
J’onn: Woman?
Kara: I was gonna say Alien
Yes this is how painful it is every time the writers try being “allies”
*The news anchor talking about Supergirl being a fuck up*
Me: IS that The word with PERDD?????
I do love Kara flashbacks actually aiding her knowledge of aliens on earth
Slightly uncomfortable with how much kryptonite the DEO has just on hand. Also regardless of the dilution/percentage used wouldn’t the rock still like make Kara super ill and in pain??
Yes, let's take the girl who's never been in a fight before and just kick her ass instead of teaching her. Because that’ll make her learn faster?? Instead of just making her feel stupid and isolated. OH but its fine because they weren’t trying to teach her anything other than she sucks at fighting and needs to be careful. Mission accomplished!
This writing is lazy for having 45 mins to achieve something. Especially when it’s obvious Alex didn’t want to tackle it that way. And apologized for it anyways like 20 mins later.
I understand conflict resolution. What I can’t forgive is just writing characters however is convenient to your episodic plot
Wow episode two is all about lets make Kara fucking cry huh? Thats it thats the title of this review
Okay so Cat Grant’s speech was actually really good. I’d say probably one of the best parts of the episode actually
Like it bit. It was painful to hear and to watch Kara hear. But it was actually informative and motivating. And more helpful than anyone else has been so far to Kara’s journey. Alex has mostly been unsupportive, making Kara feel bad about the whole thing, and trying to push her back into normalcy. Winn and James have been supportive for sure helping her with the costume, talking her feelings out, and even helping her find crimes to handle. But no one has given her any advice. I’m looking at you Clark. No one has jumped in to say “Hey you know what would be a good idea? Or what you should do?” She’s been very isolated in her decision making. Which I dunno, maybe thats just normal adulthood. But it certainly feels lonely.
I like that Ms.Grant is Kara’s irritable fairy godmother/voice of reason character. It’s actually interesting because it contrasts Kara’s sunshine nature so hard. You expect Ms.Grant to put her down or to try to diminish her ambitions. But on some level you can see the genuine care she has for her assistant. And how she does uplift her and give her advice quite often. So far she’s one of the only people to put something into Kara not take away.
Gotta love Winn and James meeting in the alley and treating each other like an awkward hook up you’d rather not talk to right now
Not a huge fan of Kara's only friends both being dudes who are into her and are probably going to end up competing with each other. I’d really love for the girl to just have some regular friends who care about her and don’t want anything in return.
Which kind of adds to my thoughts on the writer's attempts at being feminist allies. Why spend all that time writing bad “is it because I’m a girl” one liners when you’re just going to make her just a girl anyways. Why try so hard to be like “We’re doing it! We’re writing a show about Supergirl a woman!!!” When you’re going to take the only two friends she has and make them romantically interested in her just because they’re both men?
It’s eye rolling
I appreciate the boys tag teaming to help her though
Not bicurious Winn lol
“I ahhhh helped make that outfit” Looking into James eyes with like 3 inches between them
“I got some mad sewing skills” awkward flirting noted
Ohhhh more super hero montages to hit me with your best shot!
I love all the classic crimes from bank robbery to car chase to rescuing a pet from a tree
Autism headcanon is holding up
Baby Kara scared of the popcorn maker. Thats audio sensitivity bitchhh
Can we talk about the fact that the DEO has government possession of the craft that got Kara here? And like how weirdly invading that is. Clarks ship had message crystals in his. Information and wisdom to help him on Earth. It was the first contact he really had with his heritage.
For Kara it's like the last thing her family gave her. I mean Alex brought that message from her mother in ep 1, where do you think she got it? Karas ship obviously
Like you don’t think Kara would have loved to here that message like 10 fucking years ago? Would have loved to hear her mothers voice again 10 years ago? Would have cried herself asleep with at least evidence of her home.
The fact that the DEO just confiscated her shit and hasn’t even relinquished it back to her as an adult is sickening to me.
Gotta love the government “shoot it shoot it now with lots of guns” that'll get that alien done in just fine
I really love this common ground between Kara and James about being in Clark’s shadow. That's a really good place to start for their relationship, and I’m curious to see them relate more over it
“Growing up, I was taught that to accept help from people is not a shame, it’s an honor” - Kara 
I have a feeling this is something that will be ignored or something she will struggle with in the future
AHHH “El Meyarah” Stronger Together
Okay I get it. Shes different from Clark. She wants super friends. I gotcha I gotcha
Not Kara educating James on Krypton when Clark don't know shitttttt
Alex dont fucking reveal you know shit holy fuck dude thats like first rule of secret ops. Bitch really just started running her mouth immediately 
I love this idea of Twins being rare on Krypton because of the matrix. Why would it make a copy when it already made what it needed?
Fight scene between Kara and her Aunt was good, but that was some bullshit about Kara actually learning from Alex and their “training” session earlier in the episode. You can’t act like she learned something when no one taught her anything!
I don’t like how quick to adapt Kara is about the whole Aunt Astra thing. That's a pretty big deal wtf
Alex: My parents had me prepared to deal with you being really sad and fucked up because your whole planet got destroyed. But then you were like super happy and not sad at all! You’ve always been like that tee hee
Sounds like Kara was really good at hiding all her sadness as a kid dude. Big oof
I like that Alex and Kara are going to work on defense stuff in the future and it's a mutual decision
I just realized that Clark never took Kara to the Fortress of Solitude  >:[
Love Alex introducing Kara to her Living Memory mother. But fuck this is torturesome. Again Clark has his crystal ai Dad. But it's like that's obviously not his father, that's not Jonathan. Jor-El is there to help him learn about Krypton. To understand the history, ability, and nature of his people. A people he doesn’t know. Jor-El isn’t a parent he goes to for comfort or advice. He’s an informant, a wise man.
For Kara that living memory is like a reminder. A reminder of everything she's lost. Of something that she will never have again. It's almost cruel. To come to it seeking guidance and affection, and not being able to receive that. Only information and calculations. 
You may say “But her foster parents! Her sister!” I’m not saying they aren’t her family, but if you’ve never had your family taken from you in some way, you won’t understand that it's just not the same. 
That's totally general Zod isnt it
Gotta love Kara picking Cat Grant's car up for her interview
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usaonetwothree · 1 year
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#but from someone who has been there arguing (politely) with tournament officials about poor reffing or inequality within the facility
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm on a Supergirl kick again and it's 'be mad at the writers for giving Winn these fantastic, dramatic episodes and then almost no support from his friends during them' hours.
24 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
I need Cisco, Winn and Ned to all meet, because they’d be the best of friends.
30 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
Jeremy Jordan's She Used to be Mine could bring me out of a Vecna trance.
39 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
Since we're getting yet another Fantastic 4 movie, I am once again begging Marvel to bring back Chris Evans, with absolutely no explanation of how or why Johnny could be Steve Rogers' twin.
40 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Can we talk about Aisha in Season 4 for a second? Because that scene was executed perfectly.
Youth sports are about more than just the actual exercise (though that's a great benefit). They teach valuable life lessons like teamwork and dedication and striving for something greater than you, that are applicable long after the season is over.
Case in point: Aisha, who is about the only person this season who saw the Cobra Kai creed as something more than literal. Strike first doesn't have to mean physical contact. It can just mean being proactive. Strike hard is being determined. No mercy is fighting for what you want and never giving up. When Aisha applied those principles to her bullying situation, she avoided conflict and made a friend.
Which is why it was so hard to watch the writers insist on the dojo's principles being hard, fast laws for the rest of the season.
They had the real meaning right there with Aisha, and then missed the rest by a mile.
46 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
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drowning-moonlight · 2 years
My review of Nightwing’s Arc in Young Justice Phantoms
Transcript under the cut.
Hello! This is my review of the last arc of Young Justice Phantoms and possibly the last of the whole series.
Now this was Nightwing’s arc but I feel like I’m not going to talk about Nightwing all that much since the arc wasn’t really about him. I mean yeah he was heavily involved in it and was important to the plot at some points but it wasn’t ABOUT him y’know? It wasn’t really a Nightwing arc, it was more of an Everyone arc, which I guess does make sense with it being the last arc so it ties up a lot of the loose ends from previous arcs and whatnot. I know a lot of people wanted his arc to be about rescuing Jason and Damian from Ra’s al Ghul and they were upset that that didn’t happen. I’m actually okay with that. Now I love Jason and Damian and I especially love their relationships with Dick and them being brothers but I’m glad Dick’s arc focused on the team instead. I mean Nightwing doesn’t know that Jason is still alive or that Damian even exists so why would he go looking for them in the first place? Save that for a future season... if we get future seasons.
So Nightwing’s arc was about tracking down and saving Conner. What did we learn about Dick as a character during these five episodes? Well we learned that he occasionally goes back to perform at Haly’s Circus. Zatanna mentions that he retreats there every few years so this can’t be the first time he’s been back since that episode near the end of season 1 where he takes the team on a mission to the circus. I really liked seeing that! I love that he goes back to his roots sometimes and that was honestly one of my favorite parts of the whole season. Nightwing is my absolute favorite character in all of DC Comics so I love seeing him be happy and he seemed to really enjoy being back at the circus. We’re shown that since Oracle is around, he doesn’t really stay up to date on his hacking skills which is kind of funny. We also learned that he quotes Lord of the Rings apparently. And we learn that he can fake his death by slowing down his heart. That does sound like something Batman would teach him how to do. Like when it was revealed that he quote unquote “died” in the second to last episode, I kind of had a feeling he wasn’t really dead. And that was pretty much all the new stuff we learned about him. Not much but I’ll take it.
Now speaking of fake deaths. There were a lot this season. Maybe a little too many. I know this season is called “Phantoms” which means ghosts which implies people would die but the number of fake deaths was just... kind of a lot. I know characters die and fake their deaths in comics all the time so the show is actually accurate in that way but still it was a little much. Like there was Nightwing, Superboy, basically everyone on Bioship, Rocket kind of. M’gann faked her death twice. Did anyone actually die?? Oh Tomar Re. Then Lor-Zod told Tomar’s son that he hoped he could follow in his father’s footsteps... that was messed up considering Lor was the one that killed Tomar Re. OH! Lor himself died too. I mean sort of. He DID die but his mom is still pregnant with him so he could some back. Isn’t time travel great! Now with baby Lor-Zod coming along, there is a chance that future seasons could do what’s done with him in the comics. Because in the comics Lor is actually adopted by Superman and Lois and raised as Christopher Kent. I saw that some people were upset that his character was changed so much in Young Justice but with his mom still being pregnant with him, there’s still a chance his true comic story line could come into play in season 5. If there will even be a season 5.
There is a pretty solid set up for season 5 with that end credit scene featuring Mary Marvel and Supergirl working for Darkseid. That would be really cool to see and they’ve both been evil in the comics before so there are story lines that Greg and Brandon could pull from. I think that could be really interesting. And it’s nice to finally have conformation that Kara even exists on Earth 16. I’ve been wondering for years if she would show up. Glad to finally see her even if she’s one of the bad guys at the time.
It kind of makes me think what could have happened if Superman had actually been sent to New Genesis like General Zod mentioned Clark’s biological parents could have done. Like in the last episode Zod talks about how Lara and Jor-El could have sent their son to New Genesis but didn’t. Wouldn’t that make for a really cool Alternate Universe? Kal on New Genesis and Kara on Apokolips? They would be enemies but in a totally different way. I just think that would be really cool. I mean there is that Alternate Universe where Superman lands in Russia and is raised there so a universe where he’s raised by the New Gods would be super interesting too. Or maybe that would be too fanfiction-ey.
While I thought that was interesting, there were some things I wish had been done differently.
I was disappointed that we didn’t get a reunion between Bart and Jay Garrick. I felt bad that Jay came home to an empty house and I really wanted to see them hug or something but we got nothing from them. I also wanted to see a reunion between M’gann and the original team right when she got back from Mars, earlier in the season. I just wanted to see them all mourn Conner together. I feel like we didn’t get to see too much of that. I think we saw more of Beast Boy mourning him than any of the others. And I wish we had gotten a bit more of a reunion between Conner and the other team members. I know he was suffering from Zone sickness and brainwashing but I wish we could have gotten a big group hug with the whole original team after his mind was fixed.
And about his mind getting fixed. I thought it was a little too easy. Like he changed rather quickly after M’gann showed him some memories of them, and I wish she had showed him memories of the whole team and not just solely memories of the two of them. Okay I know he had flashbacks earlier of Clark but what M’gann showed him was just her and him together, which is fine and all, but I wish she had shown him memories of the whole team interacting and bonding in addition to their love memories. It wasn’t bad, I just wanted a little bit more because I felt like it was too easy that he turned back to being good. He was confused and brainwashed for weeks. I feel like he would need more than just remembering his loved ones. He’s going to need some serious therapy after all of that.
Speaking of heroes needing therapy... Okay I’ve never actually read Heroes in Crisis so when Black Canary said they needed a Sanctuary, I had no reaction because I did not realize the significance of that. But I saw people talking about it and being worried so I read the summery for that story and yeah I’m kind of worried too. Now if you’re unfamiliar with Heroes in Crisis, it’s a comic about heroes and some villains getting mental health aid at a place called the Sanctuary, which is a good idea in theory, but it all goes bad and people die. That’s a very brief overview of it, like I said I’ve never read it (though maybe I will in the future). The thing about this comic though is that Wally West is incredibly important to the plot and as we know, Wally is -supposedly- dead in Young Justice. So does the possible inclusion of this story line in season 5 mean that Wally will come back? Maybe. But maybe not.
If there’s anything we know about Young Justice, it’s that it doesn’t really follow the comics all that much, for better or worse. Greg and Brandon will often take stories from the comics and tweak them, sometimes a little, sometime a lot. For example in season 3 they did the Judas Contract but they did it way different than how it’s usually done, which honestly I liked how they changed it. I thought it was good that they didn’t do a rehash of the same story that we’ve seen several times. Like I know the Judas Contract was done differently each time in the New Teen Titans comic, then in the Teen Titans cartoon, then that animated movie but I feel like Young Justice Outsiders did it way different than any of the others and I like that. Also as I mentioned earlier, they do Lor-Zod different than in the comics. Like Greg and Brandon sort of do the opposite in that Dru-Zod takes Superboy and quote unquote “raises” him to support Zod’s cause while in the comics it’s Superman who takes in Zod’s son to raise as his own. Young Justice sort of does the flip side of what’s done in the comics.
The point I’m trying to make is that since this show doesn’t always follow the comics, maybe the writers can find a way to tell the Heroes in Crisis story even though Wally is dead. Maybe they could give Wally’s role in that comic to Barry, or Bart, or Jay. Or some other completely random character that has nothing to do with the Flash. OR they might not have anything bad happen to the Sanctuary at all. Maybe on Earth 16, the Sanctuary totally works and is all around a good thing and no one dies as a result. I mean that wouldn’t be super interesting but maybe the writers could make it work. Who knows?
Despite some things that I didn’t like about this season, such as characters not actually being the focus of their own arcs, I will say that I enjoyed this season much more than season 3. I wasn’t a big fan of season 3 and it still remains my least favorite season out of the 4. The thing I didn’t like about Outsiders, and I think I mentioned this in my video of Rocket’s arc, is that I didn’t care that much about the new characters. I didn’t care about Brion, Forager, Dr. Helga Jace, or even M’gann’s brother M’comm that much. I did care about Halo but only a little bit. But now after Phantoms, I have to say that I do care about these characters a little bit more. Except for Forager. I still don’t care that much about Forager sorry. I don’t Hate him, I just don’t care that much about him. I still hate Dr. Jace though. I do care a little bit more about Brion now. Only a little bit though. Mainly just his interactions with Lizard Johnny and Fury I thought was nice. He’s just definitely not going to be one of my favorites though. I care more about Halo too. I did care about them in season 3, they were definitely my favorite of the new characters, but this season really made me care about them a lot. I really liked their new costume which is more inline with the comics version, and their new relationship with Harper Row and figuring out their pronouns. I also really enjoyed seeing them visit Gabrielle Daou’s mother and talking about Islam. Now I’m not Muslim so I don’t know how accurate their conversation was but I still thought it was a really nice character moment.
I saw some people were upset about the inclusion of LGBT characters and religion saying that it was pandering and took away from the show. Honestly it didn’t bother me at all. Religious people and LGBT people exist in real life so why shouldn’t they exist in media too? If it’s done respectfully at least, and I feel like it was done mostly respectfully. The only thing that even kind of bothered me about the religious stuff was when Zatara says the Lord’s Prayer in episode 11 but he doesn’t finish it. He leaves out the very last verse, “For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.” But it’s not that big of a deal I guess. It’s only one extra sentence and maybe there are different versions that I just don’t know about. Whatever it’s not that big of a deal.
Anyway, I got a bit off topic. I was saying that season 4 made me care more about characters that I didn’t care that much about in season 3 and the last one of those characters is M’comm or Ma’alefa’ak. I still don’t really like him because he’s y’know a jerk and tried to commit genocide. But I did really like his interactions with M’gann. One of my favorite parts of the whole season was the mirrored conversations between M’gann and Ma’alefa’ak and then Em’ree. M’gann talks to her brother and he accuses her of being a bad sister and abandoning him and asked why she didn’t help his as a kid to which M’gann says she was just a kid too. And then she has a similar conversation with her sister Em’ree accusing her of being a bad sister and not helping her when they were kids only for Em’ree to say the same thing: that she was just a kid too. I feel like that added so much to all three of their characters and it was really well done. It makes rewatching season 3 a little more enjoyable.
Another thing that I didn’t like about season 3 was the secret keeping and I’m really glad they kept that to a minimum in Phantoms. Every single season has had some secrets being held, and I get that because secrets cause conflict and you need conflict to tell a compelling story. I just didn’t like how the big secret in season 3 was handled about those League members quitting but other members were in on it. There’s that scene in episode 22 of Outsiders when Black Lightning is, understandably, upset at Nightwing for his lies and secrets. There’s a similar scene in episode 13 of Invasion when Superboy is, understandably, upset at Nightwing for his lies and secrets about Artemis not really being dead and Kaldur being undercover. I didn’t like that they basically rehashed the same secret-keeping conflict two seasons in a row. It felt like lazy writing in my opinion. Any why did it have to be Nightwing bearing the brunt of the secrets both times?  The only secret he kept in season 1 was his own identity and I’m not going to fault him for that. But some of the other secrets? It was just too much and kind of annoying.
And now in Phantoms, the only like really big secret was in this last arc when the team doesn’t tell M’gann that Conner might still be alive. And while I get their reasoning, I still kind of wish they had told her. Nightwing says they can’t tell her because it would give her false hope and if they ended up being wrong then it would kill M’gann. I kind of agree so that’s why I’m not like that upset about this secret. My only issue with that is Artemis. Think about it. Artemis knows EXACTLY what Miss Martian is going through. She lost Wally. Now put Artemis in M’gann’s place. What if the team had found evidence that Wally was still alive but they didn’t tell Artemis and she found out later? I feel like Artemis would be really pissed off in that situation so I do find it strange that she didn’t insist that they tell M’gann. It would have saved some confusion at least. But I admit that is kind of a small thing and it doesn’t really bother that much. Only a little bit.
And it all ended up being okay in the end with Conner coming back and him marrying M’gann. I still think it’s a weird relationship because they don’t have any romance in the comics, that I know of at least. I haven’t read ever single comic ever produced so maybe there are some where Conner and M’gann are together that I just don’t know about but as far as I’m aware, they don’t have a romantic relationship in the comics. Correct me if I’m wrong! I’ve just always thought it was a random relationship. It was still a cute wedding though. I liked seeing who all the guests were. Some guests surprised me. I thought it was really funny that Icicle Jr was at their wedding but  does that mean he knows their secret identities? I mean in M’gann and  Conner’s engagement video, they say that guests can come in costume or  as civilians because everyone there knows about all the hero stuff  (except for Marvin apparently). This implies that Icicle Jr knows who  they are. Maybe this is just a plot hole and I shouldn’t look into it so  much but it bothers me a little bit. Does he know who they are? Does he  know who all of them are? I doubt it but still. It’s the implication that bothers me. Someone needs to ask Greg.
Someone also please ask Greg how long they planned the school bus thing. I know that was earlier in the season but I can’t stop thinking about it. I noticed the school bus in season 3, episode 4, Private Security. Like I saw that the people on the bus were the same people on it from season 1, episode 5 Schooled. I didn’t think much of it at the time. I assumed they were just reusing character models because that’s a lot cheaper to animate than creating whole new character designs. I thought seeing the same people on the bus was just like a budget thing. But it actually ended up being relevant to the plot in ways that I would have never predicted. It came so far out of left field and I still can’t decide if it’s genius or kind of stupid. I really need to know how long Greg and the other writers planned that. Did they mean for the Magic School Bus to be a plot point all the way back in season 1? From more than 10 years ago?! I need to know when they decided to do that.
Another thing they did that I thought was really clever was having scenes during the credits. Now this isn’t the first show to ever do that but there aren’t many that use the credits as a way to add in just a little bit more content. Now some of the credit scenes were more important than others but still I thought it was a really good use of time where they could add in just a little bit that might not have fit in the runtime of the episode proper. I especially liked the credit scene when Superman talked about potential reserve members of the League. It was interesting to see who could show up as members in future seasons.
We still haven’t gotten any news on if there will be a season 5. I am a little worried that there’s been no news at all but I’m holding out hope. Ratings and fan demand have been very high and maybe they’re waiting to make an announcement at San Diego Comic Con. That would be a great place to announce a season 5 because there’s always a big attendance and large crowd and some media coverage so the announcement would reach a lot of people. Now Comic Con isn’t until July 21st so there’s more than a month away if they do make an announcement there which is frustrating but until then, the best way to show HBO and Warner Brothers that we want a season 5 is to continue binging the show and buying merch and the tie-in Targets comic. Remember, the whole reason Young Justice got canceled on Cartoon Network ten years ago was because of lack of toy sales. Even though the show has high viewership, it always comes down to money. So if you have the money to spare, consider buying merchandise and the comics. I will leave links down in the description box.
Young Justice just means so much to me. This show is what got me into DC Comics. I have loved it since day one. I remember watching the first episodes when they first aired back in November of 2010. It means so much to me and I would love to see it continue.
But we do have to face the reality that Phantoms very well could possibly be the last season of Young Justice. If that’s the case, are you satisfied with how the series ended? Of course I would love for there to be more but if this truly is the end, the last we will ever see on an animated Earth 16, I think I would be satisfied. The series began with the team rescuing Superboy from CADMUS and now it could end with the team rescuing Superboy from the Zods. It would make for a nice book-end to the series. What do you think?
With that being said, I do still really hope we get a season 5 and beyond, so HBOmax, Warner Bros get on board or get out of the way.
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#i love how fran starts the season obsessed with tomas but grows and is like nah that guys nothing but i want vilu with me forever like ok 🥹
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40 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
I was excited to get more Hartley x Amy content but I really wasn't expecting to be fed this well with the latest drop of episodes on Disney+ 👀
The Sunshine/Dark Cloud Halloween costumes:
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57 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
I think what I like about León is that you’d think he’d give off happy pretty boy vibes but he’s really grumpy tired guy vibes bc he’s always so exasperated by his peers' chaotic energy. But at the same time he can’t help but be a part of it bc it’s his friends or Violetta so he’s like ughhh fine.
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kudosmyhero · 2 years
World's Finest (vol. 1) #169: The Supergirl-Batgirl Plot, Clash of the Super-Teams!
Read Date: May 22, 2022 Cover Date: September 1967 ● Writer: Cary Bates ● Penciller: Curt Swan ● Inker: George Klein ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: {uncredited} ● Editor: E. Nelson Bridwell ◦ Mort Weisinger ●
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While on a patrol over Gotham City, Supergirl witnesses a large hand formed out of gas trying to grab her. As she fights it off, she is soon joined by Batgirl and the two end up being captured by the gaseous hand. However the two manage to get free and decide that they make a great team. Later as a televised broadcast where a time capsule dedicated to Superman, Batman and Robin is being buried, the two heroes (Who are watching the events in their civilian guises) become jealous of their male counterparts success as heroes and both decide to make everyone adore them instead.
Later in Metropolis, when Superman botches placing a corner stone into a building, Supergirl swoops in to stop it from toppling on the people. While in Gotham City, when a crook grabs Robin during a fight, Batman suddenly becomes a coward and Batgirl comes to Robin's rescue. Superman, Batman and Robin later meet in the Batcave to air their suspicions of the girls intentions.
The next day, coming back from a patrol, Batman and Robin are shocked to find that the entire contents of the Batcave have been stolen, while in the Arctic, Superman arrives just in time to see Supergirl making off with his Fortress of Solitude. Trying to stop her, Superman suddenly finds his powers fail, and he is soon picked up by Batman and Robin who arrive in the Batplane, they then give the power-less hero a lift back to Metropolis. The next day while busting up a hideout for criminals, Batgirl manages to take Robin and the Batplane while Batman is busy tying up the crooks.
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Speeding to Metropolis in the Batmoble, Batman finds Superman who still dosen't have his powers. Batman inspects himself and also finds that his secret identity has also changed as his face is no longer that of Bruce Wayne. Soon the Batmobile crashes and soon the two heroes are openly mocked by Supergirl and Batgirl as they struggle to change the Batmobile's flat tire.
Restoring Superman's powers, Supergirl challenges him to a duel in space. During the fight Supergirl hurls a meteor at Superman that Superman's X-Ray vision reveals to have Kryptonite inside. Defeating "Supergirl", Superman pulls off a mask revealing his opponent to be Black Flame from the bottle city of Kandor. Meanwhile, Batman battles who he thinks is Batgirl until he defeats her and unmasks her to reveal that "Batgirl" is really Catwoman in disguise. Defeated the crooks explain how they pulled off their latest exploit and take them to where they have the real Batgirl and Supergirl hostage.
As they do so, they are suddenly destroyed, and it turns out that they were really decoys and the real Supergirl and Batgirl arrive.
They explain that the whole thing was a plot to trick Superman and Batman from trapping themselves into another dimension. With the plot revealed "Catwoman" and "Black Flame" are revealed to really be Bat-Mite and Mr. Mxyzptlk, who were betting to see if they could trick the heroes into trapping themselves. As Batmite as the winner, he tricks Mxyzptlk into saying his name backwards and restores Robin and everything to normal before returning to his own dimension.
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{found here but I can't find the original source. sorry!}
Accompanying Podcast: Batgirl to Oracle: The Barbara Gordon Podcast - episode 02
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, October 2
Willow: Snyder must be in charge of the volunteer safety program for Halloween this year. Xander: Note his interesting take on the volunteer concept. Buffy: What's the deal? Xander: Oh, a bunch of little kids need people to take them trick-or- treating. Sign up and get your own pack of sugar-hyped little runts for the night. Buffy: Yikes. I'll stick to vampires.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Sunnypops! by illustrated_mixtape
Meme: Mean Girls (Sunnydale Edition) by gimmesomespace
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Manip: it's better than I ever knew (PG-13) by scratchmeout
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Meme: BTVS romancebookmemes by authordeeplex
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[Fandom Discussions]
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[none of the characters even understand souls] by deadwivesclub
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This is a shout out to the foley artists by skinky-dink
Wesley's expression in this pic would be my expression if I could ever see Faith in real life lol. I love the drama in Orpheus. What are everyone's opinions on the episode? by multiple authors
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[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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INTERVIEW: David Boreanaz Talks Being Part of Potential 'Angel' Reunion via popculture.
PUBLICATION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Is Setting the Stage for a Spike/Xander Romance via ScreenRant
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