#talon = tal
luvlyycy · 2 months
braiding yasuo's hair actually
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no-shxme · 2 months
so i read Mercy and HOLY FUCK where do i even start so first off talon is CLEARLY a trained bottom that man was so thoroughly a bottom from the first time sett had his hand around his throat in the storage room that is so very clear i love sett just being no-nonsense and animalistic god damn he's fun and then also we have the fact that not only do i ship this now, it is in my top 3 ships because i cant decide if i like rhaayn, twisted graves, or settalon more do you put crack in your writing or something? because holy shit, i am addicted, this was wonderful honestly im going to have to look up so much sett/talon content now jesus christ this was amazing and since it's part of a series im sure there'll be more in this storyline for me to enjoy-
talon is so bottom he'll bite and fight but in the end he likes it ;w; though he wouldn't admit it. AND SETT is SO FUN. not only to write by himself but how he interacts with talon specifically. (i have and could continue to go on and on about why their dynamic is so interesting).
AHHHHHH sett/talon is like, the most sickeningly rare pair that i never stop thinking about ever. i forget that i have a lot of stuff for them that i havent posted yet. (though there are i think 8 or 9 fics on my ao3 featuring them.) i do recommend the rest of the series (mostly just grit, as it establishes them pretty good i think) and then if you want other flavors i suggest tarnish (cowboy bias) or one of the other one shots ive written of them. or if you want something way more serious and also longer then i'm currently writing Teeth, which contains about 2 metric tons of angst and more serious topics.
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skunkes · 4 months
who is copycats…
my tag for smunker nyalon posts
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ifdragonscouldtalk · 1 year
TRAUMA RECORD SPEEDRUN! In one day, Steven: - Is almost killed by Jasper - Learns he can fuse with Amethyst - Watches Jasper become corrupt - Learns his mother killed Pink Diamond - Is flung into space - Is almost murdered by a vengeful Ruby
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yanlei-a · 10 months
if i had one nickel for every time a father in the league of legends universe had their child trained to be their heir and successor until they picked up some other kid to train and decided to make them the successor instead plus the second pupil helped the father fake his death for shady reasons while keeping the first in the dark about it i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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xiv. i was gonna say more but oh yeah this was about xiv baking. anyway i think around the start of the adventure xiv has this sourdough starter that they're working on they carry around. everybody thinks it has to do with them being a sorcerer/warlock at first then one night they're like ok who wants bread!!! and proceeds to make the most delectable delicious bread ever conceived by anyone ever.
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quiisquiliae · 1 month
@impcrriumm from X
"Not the goddamn Herald of Andraste, and certainly not the fuckin' Inquisitor," Talon shot back, unwilling to elaborate further. Of course there was more to it. Idolized and seen as a threat by the world all because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Someone with power he never asked for, and increasingly uncomfortable with the responsibility. A child, forced to grow up far too fast. An absolute disaster of a person who didn't know what they wanted, but certainly not this.
His bedroom was a perfect illustration of how his life was going. A beautiful room, with soft sheets and a nice bed. Bookshelves, rugs, and lovely stained glass windows with an impressive view. It was barely lived in. Instead, the most obvious sign that someone ever stayed there was the pile of blankets and pillows in a closet, a nest he created to sleep in. The room was too big, too much. Just like the titles placed upon him.
"I dunno what I want, and honestly, I don't think anyone gives a shit at this point what I do. But goddamn do I want people to stop tryin' to make me into somethin' I ain't."
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autistic-ranpo · 2 years
morien @ rags:
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tal @ iron spoons
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me when rags✨shows up
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it has come to my attention that master of one by jaida jones and dani bennet has virtually no fandom so im here to change that
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mercless · 20 days
🌌- Who is Talon dating?
together we've established most verses have Talon and Jhin as an item at this point, though with how I run multiverses I usually keep interactions separate unless it's brought up, talked about or connections are made, progress threads etc. 🤔
Canon & Headcanon are a weird mix since we went by the latter for years, canon of course staying that they're dating but maybe we can use the other to explore their relations together again idk tossing out ideas. Dreadnova, Zombie Slayer, Esport, and modern have them all dating too. Rift Quest depends on how we're playing it; as players they're definitely dating. But I can't recall what we decided on with their PCs.
SG verse last I remember we had them as evil team partners with secret crushes on one another? PROJECT we haven't discussed, neither CE but that's also my weird hybrid child. And of course Gothic High Noon, Talon is an alone and sad half angel half demon thing. Who could ever lend a shoulder of sympathy to such an abomination?
compared across the verses
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ghost-bxrd · 1 month
in your Court of Owls au would Dick be interested in being a talon? His main example is Cobb. How would Bruce react if Dick was interested?
Does Cobb get nicknames from the batfamily?
I think Dick would be interested at first… up until Bruce sits him down and tells him how Talons are made. Then he‘d be horrified. And refuse to stop hugging Cobb for an hour at least. (Cobb really doesn’t get what all the fuss is about and can this little child PLS stop being sentimental thank you)
He still wants to keep training, but he‘ll pass on the electrum injections, please and thank you.
And YES! Absolutely! Cobb cannot escape being called “grandpa” by Dick. No matter how many times he threatens bodily harm.
Jason steadfastly calls him Will, just like Bruce, when they’re at home. And even with the Court he will call him “Tal” or “Birdy” (he really wants to see Cobb lose his composure but the guy is stubborn. The closest Jason came was during an official Court meeting when Jason sweetly asked “Flappy” to hand him a stapler.)
Tim is too scared of Cobb for the longest time to call him anything but “Sir”.
Steph joins the “grandpa” game.
Cass and Duke are too polite to call him by anything but his name or designation lol.
(Bruce would call him anything from “Will” to “sweetheart” (the latter of which almost made Cobb commit regicide) Bruce just loves pissing Cobb off too much to stop inventing new nicknames to embarrass him with)
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vhsgoghs · 2 months
similar (Simon Riley one shot)
Simon "Ghost" Riley x OC
Resumen: Ghost tiene que recibir a una nueva recluta que casualmente se llama igual que él.
TW: none
nota: también disponible en wattpad (vhsgoghs)
★ english ver here
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Simon no era excepcionalmente hábil con las personas. Lo era, si se lo proponía, pero ese día en particular no se había levantado de buen humor, tampoco tenía el ánimo para socializar con alguien nuevo y aunque pidió con todas sus fuerzas que alguien más tomara su lugar, cualquier fuerza de la naturaleza pareció abandonarlo ese día.
La llegada de soldados nuevos podía considerarse algo positivo; una ayuda extra jamás debía ser rechazada, sin embargo, odiaba ser el responsable de recibirlos, no le importaba estar ahí como una especie de apoyo silencioso, pero preferiría que otra persona manejara las presentaciones.
Al llegar a la entrada principal, solo se encontró con una camioneta vacía y dos personas que parecían esperar a alguien, ¿eran ellos? Era poco probable, el chico recargado sobre la puerta del conductor le resultaba familiar, pero la chica pequeña a su lado parecía todo menos una soldado.
¿Por qué todas las chicas que conocía eran tan bajitas? O tal vez él era demasiado alto.
—¡Ghost! —El chico se acercó estrechando su mano, un saludo que él aceptó casi de inmediato—. Price me dijo que vendrías tú, así que es toda tuya —habló soltando una risa antes de alejarse, parecía desesperado por irse.
—Oye, espera, ¿dónde está el nuevo soldado? —preguntó, girándose para mirarlo. El chico se detuvo y señaló a la persona detrás de él.
—Buena suerte, habla demasiado.
Ghost giró confundido y se sobresaltó ligeramente cuando la chica estuvo cerca de él. Retrocedió un paso, sintiendo que estaban invadiendo su espacio personal.
—¿Eres la nueva recluta? —La chica asintió sin dudarlo, emocionada por esta nueva etapa—. No eres algo... joven. —Ghost levantó una ceja, aunque la chica no podía darse cuenta debido a su máscara.
Si alguien le hubiera dicho que la desconocida tenía diez años, lo habría creído sin pensar, sintió una punzada de culpa al observar cómo su sonrisa se desvanecía y su ceño se fruncía. Sin duda, había dicho algo mal.
—Tengo veinticuatro —dijo, señalando el portapapeles que tenía entre sus manos. Ghost bajó su mirada para leer lo básico sobre su información, solo para confirmar que, efectivamente, la chica tenía veinticuatro años. No podía quejarse; era varios años mayor que él cuando ingresó al ejército.
—Entonces... —Hizo una pausa mirando a su nombre, y ahora fue su ceño el que se frunció al notar el nombre de la chica—. ¿Ghosty? —La chica asintió, acomodando la mochila sobre sus hombros—. ¿Tu nombre es Ghosty?
La chica volvió a asentir sin entender el problema, no era su primer traslado, no entendía por qué esa vez estaba tomando tanto tiempo. Usualmente, alguien llegaba, la introducía con rapidez a su nuevo cuartel y apenas le explicaba lo que tendría que hacer ahí.
—¿Hay algún problema?
Ghost negó. No era una persona que se burlara con frecuencia, pero en esos momentos, deseó reír debido a la enorme coincidencia.
—Suena falso, ¿te cambiaste el nombre?
—No —negó balanceándose en sus talones, desesperada por terminar con aquellas preguntas que no parecían ser parte de la rutina.
—¿Es algún nombre clave?
—No, es mi nombre. —Que las personas dudaran de su nombre no era nada nuevo, pero jamás habían dudado de su nombre después de ver sus papeles; era algo evidente—. ¿Por qué?
Se quedó en silencio durante algunos segundos, esa mañana se había propuesto comportarse de la mejor manera posible, podía no haberse despertado de buen humor, pero era su trabajo. No podía darse el lujo de ser grosero.
—Nada... Soy Ghost, por cierto. —Extendió su mano en señal de saludo, pero la chica no respondió.
Llevó una de sus manos a la boca, claramente expresando sorpresa.
—No puede ser, no puede ser, ¿te llamas Ghost? —Él asintió—. Eso quiere decir que somos como... compañeros de nombre.
La chica soltó una risa y Ghost hizo su mayor esfuerzo por no prestar atención al revoltijo en su estómago. No era la primera vez que veía a un nuevo recluta emocionado por estar ahí, con el paso del tiempo, él se había acostumbrado a despertar todos los días en el mismo lugar.
—Claro que no, me obligaron y por eso estoy aquí. —Sacudió su cabeza en negación y pasó uno de sus brazos por los hombros de la chica, obligándola a caminar junto a él.
No era fan del contacto físico, pero por alguna razón, no le molestó sentir a la chica inclinarse ligeramente y pegarse a él. Le causaba gracia su altura y le resultaba curioso lo alegre que parecía, sabía que no iba a durar mucho, o al menos eso quería pensar, que se trataba de burla y no de algo más.
—Pero vamos a trabajar juntos, ¿no? —preguntó frunciendo el ceño.
—Sí, pero no tienes que actuar como si fuéramos mejores amigos.
—¿Por qué no? Somos Ghosty y Ghost. —Ambos caminaron por los pasillos; la chica parecía no querer caminar por su cuenta, así que él mantuvo su brazo alrededor de sus hombros—. Tal vez nos puedan llamar "los chicos Ghost".
—Vuelves a decir eso y te juro que no me vuelves a ver en tu vida. —Ghost quiso sonar intimidante, pero por alguna razón, su voz se suavizó.
Ghost fue rápido. Explicó lo básico pensando que alguien podría después explicarle el resto, no quería pasar más tiempo del debido junto a ella.
Ghosty conoció su nueva habitación cerca de diez minutos después. No era demasiado diferente a las otras habitaciones que había tenido en el pasado; sin embargo, sentía una vibra extraña en su interior, había deducido que ese hombre no quería pasar tiempo con ella.
—¡Espera! —habló cuando notó que Ghost estaba a punto de marcharse.
Extrañamente, él no la ignoró, no parecía ser alguien grosero, pero sin duda, lucía como alguien completamente reservado que no hacía muchos amigos y por su actitud, supuso que ella no era alguien que pronto formaría parte de su grupo de amigos.
—¿Quieres ir a comer algo? —preguntó. Aquellas palabras salieron de su boca sin pensarlo, sonaba estúpido; ¿por qué iba a invitarlo a comer cuando tenían una cafetería? No necesitaba su invitación para ir a comer.
Ghost se quedó en silencio durante algunos segundos, su primer instinto fue rechazar la invitación, recordando que aquel día no había amanecido de buen humor, pero eso parecía haberse esfumado cuando la miró.
—Claro, te mostraré dónde está la cafetería. —Asintió, haciendo una señal para que saliera de la habitación junto a él.
Ghosty sonrió triunfante; su plan de hacer amigos parecía estar funcionando, o al menos ese hombre con quien compartía nombre no se había negado a aceptar su propuesta.
Ghost sintió un revoltijo cuando la chica se unió a él. Tal vez no sería demasiado malo tener a alguien tan alegre a su alrededor.
No sería la última vez que vieron a Ghosty y Ghost juntos.
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talonandelilah · 1 month
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“Tal, why were you hiding a neck tattoo earlier?  Does it mean something?” Lightly Del traced over it with one finger, the pattern ornate and flowing, she found it beautiful.  “Am I not supposed to see it?”  She looked at his face again and met his eyes.  He looked confused and that made her a little scared.
He didn’t HAVE a neck tattoo.  What was his girl…no…she wouldn’t tease him about....oh fuck!  Without saying anything Talon was up off the bed and into the attached bathroom in an instant and flipped on the lights which were way too fucking bright after being in the two dim rooms.  As his reflection greeted him though, there it was and he couldn’t deny what he saw.  Holy FUCK!  
“Uh, Red Hot, ya wanna come here?  We need to talk, sweetheart.”  Yeah…that was an understatement, genius.
He heard her coming behind him before he saw the red hair over his shoulder and when he turned around he saw it.  Fuck yeah!  “Babe, I got some good news and some bad news.  Which ya want first?”
Del’s eyes searched his face and she felt like crying.  After what had just gone on between them and now there was bad news of some kind?  Had she done something?  Was there something about Talon that Brie hadn’t told her?  Did he hate her?  Was she just a pity fuck?
“Bad.”  She choked out and tried not to cry. He really needed to get better at teasing her. She was going to break his heart if she kept crying when he was trying to to tease.
“K, if you say so.”  He got down right in her face so that their noses were touching.  “You’re absolutely and positively, 100%, without any doubt….stuck with me.  Yep, can’t get rid of me.  I mean, you are literally going to have to put up with my fucking ass for…well, ever.”  He saw confusion cloud her eyes and she did that thing where she looked back and forth between his eyes and her little eyebrows drew together.  FUCKING CUTE!  God, he was falling for her in less than five hours, and that was without the nifty magic tattoos they now had.  
Talon leaned in and kissed her softly.  “There’s more bad news.” Her eyes went wide and before she could react, he deftly moved behind her and pushed her forward so she could see herself in the mirror.  “You got one too.  Only yours is right over your heart.  Kinda cool.”  He grinned as he put his chin on her shoulder, watching her stare at herself in the mirror in disbelief.  “Ya do know what this means, right?”
There it was, he wasn’t lying.  She did have one, and it matched his.  And, he was almost giddy over it.  He was happy.  She was afraid to be happy and could nor be more shocked if he’d said she’d sprouted a second head.  They. Were. Mated.  Married.  Bonded.  Paired.  Suddenly her eyes met his in the mirror and she still had a look of shock as she tried to take it all in, but as their eyes met the joy in his eyes was not debatable.  
“You’re happy about it?” She was hesitant. 
“You’re not?”  Now he looked unsure, but his arms came around her waist to hold her.  He was trying to comfort her, she could tell but she honestly wasn’t sure what she needed.
“I’m overwhelmed.”  She was honest, but she was happy and she put her arms over his to keep him from pulling back.  This caused his arms to tighten.  “I am happy, but this whole immortal thing is new.  Like a week old new.  And now, I’m married…ish…and…I just….well…I…” Del closed her eyes and took some deep breaths.  Her anxiety was kicking up.
“Red, shh..  You don’t have to explain any more than that.”  He understood now.  He had been afraid she hadn’t wanted him, but now he got it.  It hadn’t occurred to him how new all of it was and then this.  “We’ll take everything as slow as you need it to be, ok?”  Her head nodded and he kissed her cheek before turning her around and pulling her against him, then reaching over and flipping off the light.  “Come on, let's go back to bed.” Tracing them over to the bed again, they climbed in and he laid on his back, letting her choose where she wanted to be.  Her head came to rest on his chest and it made him smile.  “You can stay in here, or have your own place.  I’ll leave it up to you.  Or you can go back and forth depending on how you feel most comfortable.  Delilah, I’m not going anywhere.  Even without this new shit, I liked ya.  I liked ya A LOT.  I didn’t want what just happened to be a one time thing or just something casual.  I know we just kinda met and all, but I had a feelin about ya.”  Talon’s finger’s were gently caressing Del’s arm as he talked to her.  “Del, babe, I was gonna be all yours even before we knew about this.  From the second I saw ya and Brie told me about what ya liked, I just wanted to get to know you.  No one else.  Just so ya know.”  He stared up at the ceiling.  He had wanted her to know, to understand.
He was HERS?  Even before?  This sexy as sin man was hers?  He could have walked into any bar in any city and walked out with some hot chick and he had wanted her?  She found it hard to believe and just about said it, then her brain kicked in.  What was it he had asked her about when they’d left breakfast?  Gaming.  Hot as he was, how many women complained about their men being heavy into gaming?  And being immortal, how many women were going to want a man who was heavy into gaming and killing things?  Two things that were her passions.  
“Right now, I’m liking right where I am.”  One of her long legs moved to lay atop his and she heard a light chuckle and felt his chest move.  Her fingers played lightly in his chest hair.  Unlike so many of the “pretty boys” that her friend had dated, Talon was not smooth chested.  He was fuzzy, and she found it sexy.  “And don’t you ever shave, Feathers.  I like the fuzz.  Only place you can shave is the face.”  That earned her an outright laugh.
“As my lady wishes, Red Hot.”  His free hand rose to press her head briefly into his chest as he placed a kiss on the top of her head.  HIS  “Any other demands that I must obediently follow?  I might have a few demands of my own for you, you know?”
“Whatever this cologne is, wear it.  I think I could just smell it all day.  I might be addicted.”  She pressed her nose into the center of his chest and did a sniff and a slight sigh.  “So, what are your demands, Feathers?”  She liked their names for each other.
“Darlin, I’m not wearing cologne.  Welcome to matehood.”  He chuckled and kissed her head again.  Damn, this was gonna be good.  He might have to ask Brie to put him off of duty with the guard for a while and take her to the tropical area of Imperium for a bit of a honeymoon, a naked one.  
“I saw that sports bra and panties combo,” he felt her shift a little uncomfortable and he grinned knowing she wasn’t anticipating what was coming, “get more of those.” She froze. “Like lots.  When we’re gaming together, I want ya in that.  God, that would be so fuckin hot.  No lace, no strappy shit I gotta figure out.  Just that. K?”
“Are you serious?”  She sounded like she didn’t believe him.  She probably didn’t.
“Dead.  Get sets in every fucking color.  And do you mind just either sleeping in that or naked?  I want to feel your skin on mine when you’re with me. Like right now is heaven.” Another kiss to her head.  
“You’re being serious?  No sexy lacey stuff with heels?” Del asked again, still sure he was joking with her till he tipped her head back using his fingers under her chin and she saw his eyes.  No, he was serious.  “Okay, cotton panties and sports bras it is.  Every color of the rainbow and then some.  And I’ll steal your hoodies and shirts.”
“Now you’re talkin, Red Hot.” Talon grinned and she swore she felt herself start falling for him.
“If you hold me like this, I have no problem sleeping naked with you.”  Her hand again skimmed lightly over his chest.  Him being naked next to her was a pretty nice thing all on its own.  “In fact, I’m pretty happy to stay just like this until it’s time to get ready for the ball.  Unless you have other plans?”
“Fuck no.  Darlin, I am all yours in every way.  You and me are going to make plans for things for any time I’m not on duty with the legion.  Even if it’s just sittin on the couch and watchin a movie with the door locked and a privacy ward so everyone else can fuck off.”  His arm tightened around her.  “And tonight I’m talking to the boss and getting some time off.  You and me are gonna go to a private place I have here in Imperium on a honeymoon.  I’m going to take care of ya.  I told ya, I wanted ya before the mating thing.  I’m not changin a thing, cept I might be a bit more possessive.  Can’t help it, it kinda comes with the territory.”  Talon kissed her head, his own still reeling a bit from being mated. “I like the sound of that, Feathers.  We have a lot to learn about each other, but we have all the time in the world to do it.” 
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banner by @cafekitsune
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talonabraxas · 9 months
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Piltzintecuhtli ‘God of the Visions’
He is associated with Mercury (the planet that is visible just before sunrise or just after sunset)
Talon Abraxas
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league-of-starlight · 1 month
Katarina Voice Update concept:
Sorry to keep you waiting.
First Move:
“Who’s my target today?”
“Ready for some trouble?”
“All it takes is two knives to make a lady happy.”
Long move:
“I used to want to be my father. Now, I just want to be the best me.”
“A lot of people ask why I kill. They don’t really want to know, they just want me to stop.”
“True strength isn’t following orders, it’s about making your own decisions.”
“My Sister is missing, my brother is my enemy. The house of Du Couteau is my responsibility.”
First encounter:
“You’ve earned a death by my hand, fight for it.”
“How long can you last?”
Joke response:
“If you’re trying to make me spare you, it’s not working.”
Taunt response:
“Those are your last words? Okay.”
*yawn* “Sorry. What was that?”
“Blood for Noxus.”
“Need to sharpen my daggers.”
“Don’t miss me much.”
“Oh, now it’s personal…”
“Lucky swing.”
*Brief chuckle* “Oh, that’s how we’re playing?”
Character specific dialogue:
First encounter:
Cassiopeia: “Are you turning on me now?”
“You had your big sister worried, Cass.”
Draven: “I think I hear a breeze going through your ear and out the other.”
Fiora: “Two daggers against one sword? I like my chances.”
Garen: “Ready for a rematch?”
Kindred: “A true Noxian never backs down.”
*shaky exhale* “About time.”
Kled: “I… what are you?”
Leblanc: “I’ve always wanted to throw a dagger into one of you.”
“Don’t play any mind games with me.”
Lux: “You’d be a good Noxian.”
“Oh, look, Garen’s baby sister came out to play.”
Swain: “Let’s get this straight, you don’t own me.”
Tahm Kench: *Embarrassed* “Look, I’m not starving my heart, okay? Shut up.”
Talon: “Two blades, one free, the other stuck in another’s sheath.”
“Together again, Tal?”
Vladimir: “Could you be any more of an eyesore?”
Annie: “I’m not a tea party type of person, kid.”
Cassiopeia: “While you were gone, I borrowed your perfume. What are you gonna do about it?”
Darius: “There’s more to strength than size and power.”
Demons: “Finally, a real challenge.”
“Let’s see if a demon bleeds!”
Garen: “Prepare to be gutted, dog!” (Whisper) “I missed being with you.”
*teasingly* “Who’s hiding under all that armour?”
Rell: “You’ve got anger, kid, but not enough direction.”
Shurima champions: “My sister visited one of your tombs. She turned into a half snake monster. So, not a fan.”
Swain: “All due respect, a demon doesn’t sound like a good choice for a new arm.”
Taunt Response:
Cassiopeia or Talon: “Aw, I missed you too~”
Cassiopeia: “I’ll remember you, sister. I promise.”
Darius: “What’d all that armour do for you?”
Garen: “It was a matter of time.”
Leblanc: “I don’t care if you’re a fake. That. Felt. Good.”
Lux: “A shame, you had potential.”
Swain: “Better I kill you than your demon.”
Talon: “It didn’t need to end like this.”
Vladimir: “Ugh, you’re such a creep.”
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ifdragonscouldtalk · 1 year
Pink/Rose mustve been the most charismatic bitch in the universe considering how shitty she treated everyone and how much everyone adored her.
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squeiky · 17 days
More Metaos interactions (Metal Sonic x Chaos0 )
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I like to think that when Chaos is more "solid" hes just very squishy, like jello and Metal likes to poke and prod him because the squishyness is so amusing to it. (If Chaos is annoyed he just puts his weight on Metal like those cats in funny videos who just sit on the other cats and turns them into a pillow cushion for a few minutes)
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Also this is just a continuation of the top one, as i think Metal Sonic gives really quick, rapid "pecks on the cheek" juxtasposed to Chaos's more slower, big ol' wet smackers.
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I had a scene in my fanfic, where they were dancing. I wanted to think of what they would wear, so i made some outifts for them.
+obligatory metal sonic photo op (more designs) because of course its going to have 100+ outfits because why not?!
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Cant help the fact i cannot unsee Chaos as the yippie autism creature. Also metal sonic, by default, is autistic to me. No reason, it just is.
Also theyre both trans in a weird, very strange way. (I say this cause by default chaos are kinda.. genderless? And sexless?? So i like to think that Chaos is just the "one with blue hair and pronouns" type thing going on because im pretty sure Tikal just wipped out the "he" and i like to think Chaos just went with it. )
(they are yuri to me.)
Small little comic strip below the cut:
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Btw, "Talon" is the nickname Chaos gave to Metal Sonic. It combines the "Tal" in "meTAL" and "on" in "sONic". Its because Metal Sonic reminds Chaos of a bird, and its hands are sharp like a bird's claws or "talons".
On a personal note, i dont like writing just "Metal" as metal sonic isnt just a peice of "metal" but nor is it just "Sonic". Metal Sonic is its name, because it is its own individual being. Thus, a shortend version would incoorperate both sides of its name, hence "Talon".
(Plus they hold hands a lot, so it makes sense Chaos would notice. Also, i doubt Chaos is incredibly familar with the innerworkings of robots or machines, so the closest comparision is a bird.)
(In that case, Chaos's nickname would probably be something cute. Though i haven't thought of one yet.)
(P.S. it meant eat as in literally eat. Consume. Devour. Dine on. Chew. Yknow, that kind. Thats why this is funny to me.)
(P.P.S. this is a continuation of my headcannon that chao (and by proxy, Chaos), "eat" the animal freinds and gain their abilities. Chaos and Metal are very alike in this sense as they both "copy" others "biodata" and apply it to themselves (think Chaos turning into a frog bcs he swallowed Froggy), the only difference is that while Chaos "eats" them to gain their ability and looks, Metal sonic does not. )
Bonus zoomins of my favorite doodles:
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