#te//rfs stay off my post
himbo-hypnos · 2 years
Hiya!! Please read this before continuing to follow my blog, if you could!
🌱 This blog is primarily for men and non-binary people who love men. If you align with any other identities, you can follow, but you must understand these posts are not for you. Kindly stay the fuck away from me if you are any of the following:
🌱 Te/rf + Twe/rf + Swe/rf, Ra/dfems, Anti LGBT, M/ap or Pe/do, Se/xist, a Ki/nk blog, Abl/eist, Xe/noph/obic, Det/rans weaponizers, Apho/bic —- if I forgot one I’ll add it, basically don’t be a fucking bigot, (Take out slashes between words if you can’t read them)
🌱 BLM, Covid is real, Pro choice, Trans rights are human rights, Trans men are men, Love is Love, and Gay men are not here for your pleasure. I will not discuss politics here, especially if you’re just here to argue. Any asks doing so will just be deleted.
🌱I may occasionally reblog posts that might be slightly suggestive; any of those will be tagged as “eyes emoji” if you’d like to avoid them. I am an adult, and if you are a minor, you might want to go elsewhere— if you do follow, I am asking that you PLEASE do not interact with any of the mature themed posts, as I can not physically stop you but I absolutely don’t condone it. Preferably, only 16+ are able to follow, and I apologize to anyone younger. If you follow me without an age in your bio or are younger than 16, it is not personal, but you will be removed as a follower.
🌱 I am not a therapist, and don’t have any professional mental health knowledge, so please don’t trauma dump on me! That’s something I’d only allow a mutual or friend do, because I simply can’t handle juggling other people’s issues with my own at the moment. (I’m trying to move into a shelter or low income housing, so I’m really not in a good place to be someone’s therapist)
About Me
🌱My name is Magni, but my friends tend to call me Mags for short. I’ve been given a lot of nicknames such as Sprout, Woomy, Beeb, Alastair (long story,) and Magpie!
🌱I am 20 years old (Aries sun, Capricorn moon, Taurus rising) and my birthday is April 3rd. I’m also 5’1 and a short chubby king >:)
🌱 I am bisexual, transmasc/trans-man, demiromantic, and polyamorous. This is to say, please don’t follow/message me just to flirt!
🌱I have multiple mental illnesses, but this blog is partially dedicated to my autism and adhd. I also suffer from a TBI as well as a few other disabilities, but I don’t think I should broadcast all of my problems on a tumblr blog, lol. For what it matters, I walk using mobility aids and suffer chronic pain, and might occasionally reblog or post about those two things.
🌱I have SO so many interests, some off the top of my head being Pokemon, DnD, Splatoon, HxH, FMA, BNA, She-Ra, Homestuck, Soulsborne, and absolutely way more.
🌱 I use plenty of other blogs, my main being @woomybeeb
🌱 My other blogs are:
@splat-of-all-trades (Splatoon)
@undercut-npc (Hyperfixations, posts go untagged so I can spam reblog)
@beebs-bettas (Fish and herpetofauna)
@beebs-babes (DND, art and writing refs)
@mags-bags (Cool shops and things I’ll never be able to buy. I can dream, though)
🌱I always try and make sure to tag any posts that might have triggering content, and when tagging something I’ll type the name of the trigger with tw after it. For example, “food tw” “eyes tw” “scars tw” and so on.
🌱I do digital art for all of my money, and if you’re interested in any of my art, reach out to me at my main blog, or any of my other links in my carrd. I take frequent short breaks from social media because of being a bit overwhelmed with irl things, but I’ll make sure to check as much as I can!
If you read this far, I absolutely applaud you for your patience. Congrats on passing my crash course on Me Things!
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turtlesinthesky · 2 years
! long post !
~ an exercise in memory ~
i have a really horrible memory when it comes to people. i tend to associate others with things they have done-- hopefully positive, or my first thought to do with whomever it is will be off-putting. but today i was thinking about this, and about the people i know, and others that i haven't seen in ages.
how do i remember them?
i remember O because when i was a child, he told me i didn't have to be It during tag since it was my birthday. i have not seen him in years.
i remember KB and JB and SC and a few others whose names i cannot recall for being the first few to tell me how much they liked my writing, and for the further encouragement in that.
i remember CA for hiding how much she loved under a confident facade, and making me feel like i had to leave because i could not be what she wanted, and then finally showing me what she meant.
i remember J for how brave she must have been to tell me without knowing how i would respond, and being confident enough that i would love her anyway (which i do).
i remember SJ for her friendliness, her openness, for being outgoing enough to find me on that first day and save me from my own mind without even knowing it.
i remember PL for not being who i thought she was. i do not necessarily want to remember her, but i do.
i remember RF for confiding in me. they did their best, despite the gap, and we were there for each other when we fell.
i remember MS for amusing obsessions and failed crushes and conversation, and although we have drifted a bit apart, we still talk and keep in touch.
i remember CS for their support for everyone, their wonderful writing, and their taste in reading. i cannot remember their pronouns, but i remember this, and perhaps i will remember to ask them soon.
i remember ZA and M for being there-- not necessarily for me, but for someone else (and when i cannot always be there, though i try, it is nice to know they will be there instead).
i remember ZK and A for their unintentional flirting, their chaos when put together, and their similar energies. also for being the 'resident sexuals', even if sometimes that was a tad bit annoying. oops.
i remember KF for her big dreams and KW for always being effervescent and ever-present.
i remember N for trying their absolute best, and for staying for a very long time (perhaps longer than she should have).
i remember AW and SW for cups of tea and cambridge latin courses and boxed mac and cheese during school lunch break, and cottages and car rides and being so hilariously british.
i remember L and G for trying to be there and trying their best with me, even when i tested their patience, for an inordinately large amount of time (for my entire life), and for teaching me how to ride a bike, even if sometimes i still fall down.
and last but not least, i remember someone who has gone by so many names in so many different times and places that i cannot pick an initial. i hope xe is not offended by my inability to choose, but i wanted xem to stand out, because i remember more about them than most. (if i had to choose one, i think it would simply be R.) i remember swing sets and hallways and music and holding hands and forehead kisses and making this entire damn blog just so i could scream into the void and say i love you. (i remember loving you. amabo te etsi obliviscar, et ego numquam obliviscar tui.)
i remember more than this, usually, but these were the people who i could recall today.
this is how i remember people.
if you see this, and you find yourself here: i remember you.
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ghostmacaron · 4 years
honestly I would go down fighting for bi women. please never feel ashamed of your attraction to men or feel as if you have to make self-deprecating jokes about it. not all men are terrible and there is nothing wrong with you liking them. you’re not lesser wlw for liking men, you’re not lesser wlw if you have a preference for men!!
you deserve to be happy and find a relationship that makes you happy. and you’ll never be a lesser wlw if that’s with a man
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citrineghost · 3 years
The problem with DNI banners and announcements
So, you want to show your support of marginalized people and shun those who hurt them. That’s wonderful!
Here’s why using a DNI banner is a shitty way to do that:
Every single time a CSA survivor sees your banner, they have to read the word p__ or m__
Every time a trans person sees your banner, they have to read the words tru/sc/um and/or te/rf and be reminded that those exist and are so prevalent that they need to be premptively defended against
Every time a gay person sees your banner, they have to be reminded that there are homophobes who need to be preemptively defended against
Here’s why making DNI announcements for groups is also a shitty way to help:
If you decide you are so upset about a type of person interacting with your content, you may feel compelled to make an announcement telling them to fuck off.
The first issue with that is that any person in that group who is following you is either out and proud as being in that group and is probably not following you anyway if you have DNIs listed in a less aggressive place like your bio or about page. OR, that person is in hiding and is not going to be convinced to unfollow you by you creating a post denouncing their group. They already know it’s shitty, which is why they’re hiding it. Therefore, they have nothing to lose by continuing to follow you.
The second issue is that denouncing shitty groups, once again, forces your marginalized followers and the marginalized followers of rebloggers to be reminded, once again, that they are surrounded by shitty people who want to hurt them.
And here’s why making DNI announcements about certain topics is also a shitty way to help:
Let’s say a new word is being used to describe a shitty thing. Like, for instance, if p__s/M__s come up with some new words for their “attraction” or for content relating to it. Don’t just thoughtlessly make an announcement explaining all about it to your followers and its meaning. You are exposing victims of CSA to pedophilic content by doing that.
Something you need to remember:
People who are out here to hurt marginalized groups or to victimize people are not here to listen to your demands. Demanding they not interact with your content is not going to keep them from doing so. Demanding they not follow you is not going to keep them from doing so. SO, please try to find a way to be public about your stances that isn’t constantly shoving these harmful groups in the faces of their victims. 
Not only will it benefit your followers, it will probably also get you MORE followers, if that’s what you want. Because a LOT of marginalized or victimized people are simply not comfortable following someone who is consistently posting DNI banners on their content that repeatedly trigger or remind them of their abuse or oppression. 
Here’s how you can actually help or do these things safely:
Of course, I encourage making your stances public for people to see, because we should be shaming people for being harmful and cruel. The thing is, we need to do so in a way that isn’t further hurting the people we’re trying to help.
DNI Stances
I think it’s generally understood that no decent person supports p__s/M__s, so probably keep that kind of thing to your about page. Putting it in your bio isn’t the worst thing, but not what I would consider ideal. Te/rfs and tru/sc/um on the other hand, are common enough and a controversial enough stance that putting that in your bio is perfectly called for.
DNI Announcements
These announcements, while I find them to be pretty virtue signally, can be comforting to those who are personally victims of certain groups. If you feel better announcing to certain people to stay away from you and unfollow you, I can’t stop you. But, please tag them for any relevant topic.
For te/rf DNIs, for example, tag for things like “transphobia,” “tw transphobia,” “tw terf” and so on. If the OP tags a post, it should be filtered for all reblogs as well. However, to be on the safe side, because Tumblr isn’t exactly known for its reliability, if you feel compelled to reblog one of these posts, please tag it as well.
Topical DNI Announcements
If you want to inform people of a new dogwhistle, that can be very important. However, there is a fine line between informing people of something to keep them safe, and forcing them to be aware of something that they are not emotionall/mentally safe/comfortable to handle.
If you find out about a new dogwhistle or term used by abusive people/groups online, please be cautious when sharing with your followers. My personal recommendation would be to title a text post something like “New Dogwhistle to Look Out For,” put at the text box something like “Topic Warning: CSA/Assault,” and then put a Read More. 
This will allow people who are on the lookout for people to block or report to read about the new term without forcing others to unwillingly learn about it.
And, again, remember to tag tag tag that post. Make redundant tags, make tags that are similar, make “mention” tags. Protect the people you are trying to protect!
Be Aware of Your Actions
Anyway, that’s all I had to say on that. Just, please be aware of what your good intent is Actually doing. And, if you are not in a group you’re DNIing about, yourself, please also be careful to think about whether you’re doing something for virtue signaling purposes or because you’re genuinely trying to make your blog a safe space for marginalized people and abuse victims.
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alloaro · 5 years
I'm at around 300 followers so yeet time to post more opinions again just so yall know
Anti transmed, if you didnt know this I have to wonder if you were on my blog at all??
Inclus, I'm aromantic, that alone makes me lgbt+ even if I wasnt also bi and trans, I would also appreciate if exclus didnt follow or interact with me
Map is just a fancy word for pedo, and I do not like them, they need therapy, away from children and websites that have children on them like tumblr, and I am very very uncomfortable with them following and interacting (this includes supporters of them btw)
Oh yeet, I'm not very fond of anti antis especially when they came onto my post of the nazi URLs to block and said basically all antis are nazis, so yeet I am not liking them
Cis people stay the fuck out of trans issues, idk if your bestfriend is trans it doesnt give you the right to talk over trans people on the other side
Oh yea, if you send anon hate, unless you somehow manage to piss me right off, I'll just meme you okei
Also it should be a given but I hate te/rfs
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sidetailedvixen · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
so as I said before, both of my SEA character are precious to me, and it has it own value to the point that even if I made the same character in JP, It wouldn't be the same as my SEA character
but lately as SEA closing, and many people migrating and use their SEA model in JP, I starting to wonder...what if I done the same? and I started to search for the hair, voice, and acc ticket, and turns out Astraleen could easily be made anew in JP (in fact it only needed 1 night opening 3 days shop to get all the tickets, except the clothes tho, I planned to use the layered wear); in which Side Pony which costs about 25M on SEA costs only 1M on JP, the Ulc (Mariya Ise) voice ticket is about the same price, and when I randomly tried to import her character data, and VOILA ROLL POST TITLE! Astraleen never looked so beautiful! (my friend said that she's kinda...uncanny valley, also on lower-JP image ver I forgot that I turned off the menu)
but...then again it still feels kinda different, more like I'm creating (and tweaking) a whole new Astraleen, if its a story I would probably considered that original Astraleen died on UrSEA, but ARKS managed to clone her and put on stasis to recreate her memory from photons spreaded on the accident and made her 2nd generation Astraleen (as Clariskrays II did) called Astraleen II, but I prolly gonna stay with Astraleen name, also she's a Tank HU- Ice-Light FO/TE on SEA, but I prolly gonna go with Bouncer-Tank HU as starter on JP
A side trivia: Astraleen was a name that I made for my Melee Female Cora on Rising Force Online first Indonesian Server (along with my ranged one Rosariosal, this one is kinda crappy sounding tho) back when I was in High School (about 10 years ago maybe?) the name itself came from Dark Angel figure named Leen (also a bluish white haired girl) and Astra since RF is a sci-fi, and had a space vibe; her PSO2 version however a Neumann born in Neudaiz
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