#that are Not neurotypical but are also definitely Not bipolar
savrenim · 2 years
thoughts on writing non-neurotypical characters that I am suddenly having looking at the two protagonists of trash novel of, like. there definitely is something to be said about knowing that you want to write a character who is [x], and carefully researching it, and reading about people’s lived experiences to get a sense of what to include, and finding an [x] beta reader; the whole standard process of respectfully portraying something that you are not. that is great and more authors should definitely do that. 
but there’s also something that is highly accurate about going “okay this person is fucking weird in [a],[b],[c] ways and cool here are some of the rules of how their brain and emotions work enough that I can write them consistently, fuck if I know what they’d be diagnosed as, they mostly fit the list of [x] I guess but there are some symptoms I you could argue fit way better from [y] thrown in there and then [z] isn’t on any diagnosis list” bc, like. tbh, that is a lot more accurate to the general experience of being neuroatypical, No One Fits Their Diagnosis Checklist Perfectly And There Is A Lot Of Overlap And A Lot Of Things That Don’t Make It Onto The Lists Bc Tbh Are Granular Enough To Be Personal
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transmasc-wizard · 11 months
AFFECTIVE EMPATHY: feeling other people's emotions. like, if someone is crying, you get sad. If someone is angry, you get angry. if someone is really excited, your emotions match that energy. etc.
HYPEREMPATHY: you are very very sensitive to the emotions of others and even non-intense emotions will frequently greatly affect your emotions.
LOW/NO AFFECTIVE EMPATHY: you almost never take on other people's emotions just bc they're feeling them. low-but-not-No empathy may experience "exception" people or feel empathy for really intense emotions, or large groups of people all feeling the emotion.
NORMAL is somewhere in between but hard for me to describe. probably just like... people's feelings influence yours, but not to the point of frequent distress or impaired functioning? like they definitely have an impact on your emotions but not an Intense one unless their emotions are also quite intense.
if you are AUTISTIC and have comorbidities, feel free to say what those are. if you are ALLISTIC/NON-AUTISTIC, feel free to clarify if you are completely neurotypical (no mental disorders or disabilties) or if you have something else (ADHD, bipolar, ASPD, OCD, whatever).
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imagine-a-shark · 5 days
Disability/mental illness headcanons for School Bus Graveyard because I just started reading it (no spoilers please!)
Ashlyn: Hyperacusis (canon).
Aiden: Schizoaffective disorder (bipolar type). His main symptoms include mania, disorganized thoughts, and abnormal/unexpected behaviors (usually related to impulsiveness and violence). Medication helps with delusions and hallucinations. Definitely has more mental illnesses but I don't know what's wrong with him. Probably a lot of things.
Tyler: Intermittent explosive disorder. Almost always irritable and tense. Outbursts occur often and are triggered by everyday annoyances.
Ben: Anger issues (canon). PTSD from previous bullying and physical assault.
Taylor: Neurotypical.
Logan: Autism. Struggles with identifying sarcasm, irony, and tone. Current special interest is space. Also he sits in that tire and I don't know if that's an autism thing or not but I like to curl up in tight spaces too so I'm going to say it is.
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ddlcpoly · 2 months
Sorry if someone asked this before, but what's your diversity headcannons for the dokis? (Neurodivergent in some way. Sexuality, gender. You get the gist) personally, I am incapable of not seeing Natsuki as transfem.
Well I have a bunch of head-cannons that I can’t really fit in a post and I don’t want to, but I’ll happily give you my ND, sexuality and gender headcannons, as well as a misc one for each one! I have already done a gender, sexuality and ND head cannon post, but I’m fine doing it again!
Sayori: She is definitely bisexual, maybe Omnisexual (<- projection), she is one of the most bisexual-coded characters I’ve seen. I also headcannon her as a cis girl (she/her), not much to say there. I also hc that she has ADHD (<- partially projection), because it she just has all the ADHD troubles and characteristics. I also have this like small headcannon that she doesn’t understand hot drinks, like why people want to get something inedibly hot and then waiting for it to cool down, that’s why she generally prefers warm, cool or cold food.
Yuri: I also headcannon Yuri as bisexual, but specifically demisexual and she has a preference for men (even if she is literally called Yuri and has 4 gfs). I also headcannon her as a Trans girl (she/her) mostly because it just makes sense for her to be a t-girl for me, I mean just look at her and the way she acts! I don’t know why people don’t headcannon her a trans. I also hc that she has autism and borderline disorder, it just feels right. I also have the hc that she has two moms, and they’re the only ones of the doki’s parents that know about her relationship status.
Natsuki: I headcannon Natsuki as bisexual as well, but like she recently discovers she was bisexual, she used to think she was a lesbian, like she found men sexually attractive, but she never had a crush on a boy, so she thought that was how it was, but then MC came along. I also hc her as a demigirl ( <- projection) (she/them), dunno she’s a girl, but not like fully in the “girl spectrum” and she likes the title. She also has ADHD like Sayori. She’s a biter, she has biten everyone else at least a couple dozen times, but in a loving way.
Monika: I hc her as a cis girl (she/it), but like in the vaguely eldritch, ghost in the machine kinda way. I hc her as pan, obviously. I also hc her as neurotypical, mostly because there isn’t really any form of neurodivergency that I can see her being, maybe bipolar? but not really and I don’t really know much about it. I also headcannon her as half-Irish.
MC: I headcannon him as a cis straight boy, but like the biggest ally every, he wouldn’t hesitate to knee someone in the gut for making a face at his girlfriends kissing. I also hc him as autistic, but instead of the smart, but socially awkward kind like Yuri, more like he acts like and looks like a kuudere kind of autism, except not that smart. I also don’t think he’s as much of a gamer as you’d think, only really ever having a Wii, a 3ds and a ps4, and he only really plays in the ps4 nowadays and he doesn’t have a lot of games.
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n3onstarss · 1 year
Headcanons; How the Rottmnt boys deal with a reader with depression and muscle pain
Relationship; Rottmnt boys x reader
romantic or platonic?; either!
reader type; reader with depression, possible bipolar and constant muscle pains (projecting again)
Definitely tries his best to help
will nab you some Tylenol if it's bad, or mother hen you till you do something to relieve the pain and get yourself moving (eating, hydration, shower, etc.)
doesn't take shit during your mood swings, if you tell at him he'll yell right back. he knows what he's doing, probably
will let you wrestle or train with him during high energy episodes to blow off steam
on the other hand, will cuddle and comfort you during depressive episodes
Will gladly let you vent or talk shit with him
he encourages you to repair whatever is messing with you, be it a relationship or an activity or just yourself
love language is acts of service
He tries his best but it may not work at certain points
He also struggles with taking care of himself, so it's kinda a symbiotic relationship with y'all
you remind him to eat or moisturize his shell or even sleep and he'll remind you to drink water and brush your teeth and wake you up if you sleep too much
Will gladly let you camp out in his room or lab and just parallel play while he works
when you're high energy he either has you come help with moving heavy projects or helps you find an outlet for it (or just straight up banishes you to hang out with Splinter, it depends)
Will reluctantly but happily split his hoard of Tylenol and ibuprofen (that battle shell HAS to hurt)
Gets a lil territorial over his giant heated lamp, but after about a week he didn't mind anymore and would just flop down back to back for together alone time (Raph got to name it because he tried to explain it to Mikey after you both passed out one time)
love language is quality time
Eugh boy. he tries so hard but he doesn't notice that sometimes you need space and copic mechanisms aren't universal
will cling to you all the time during depressive episodes if you let him, and will gladly watch movies with you to keep you both busy
hyper episodes are his specialty though! blue boy is always down for chaos and will gladly portal you both to, like, the middle of Disney world if you're both stupid enough
insists that cold showers are better for muscle pain than lava showers, gets bit.
doesn't mind parallel play, but something in him eggs him to be constantly talking and expecting a response (that man is not neurotypical) so he usually just rambles about how everything will get better and little affirmations till you return them or ask him to stop
Will share his heated blanket, unless it's winter, then it's his unless you bribe him with a turtle pile
does his best to remind you to take care of yourself, but is also forgetful and so it's just chaos
love language is words of affirmation
Will try to doctor feelings you and let you know you have someone to talk to
when it gets especially bad he organizes a movie binge and turtle pile with all the siblings (which includes April, Cass, CJ and Sunita!) and heated lamps until everyone feels better than before
Very much avoids babying you. he grew up with it, knows it's not nearly as fun as people make it out to be
will leave little sticky notes about very important things, but doesn't tend to be overbearing
will ask you to help him cook during any mood because it's calming and not too stressful
Definitely enjoys parallel play or cuddling, as long as you're cool with it! Will walk over and just cuddle you while you're sitting on the counter while he cooks (arms around your waist, head on your stomach)
Steals Tylenol from Dee for ya (aka asks for some) and encourages you to steal Leo's shampoo for shits n giggles
love language is physical touch
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TW: Mental Health
I struggled a lot with deciding whether or not to make this post. At various times while writing it, I have thought that it was (either separately, some simultaneously, or all together) vain, self-deprecating, self-indulgent, selfish, attention seeking, or too depressing for anyone else to read. And if you continue past this point, heads up: it probably is these things at various times.
For those of you that don't know, I have Bipolar 1 and Borderline personality disorder. I have been actively putting in the work for a few years to get myself toward a better place mentally. Therapy, psych, meds, you name it, I've been doing it. I firmly believe it's important to do the work. (Honestly, you should go to therapy too.) I need to start off by saying this because it's an important foundation for the rest of this post.
My pair of SWEET mental illnesses manifest together in various ways. Individually, they're kind of what you might expect. Take the Bipolar 1. If you've known me for a long time and we interact in person, socially, I GUARANTEE you have experienced one of my manic episodes, and possibly benefitted from it in some way. I'm "lucky" in that the way my manic/hypomanic episodes manifest is mostly in ways that don't directly harm people, especially physically. I get VERY charismatic and outgoing. Very impulsive. WAY more social. I get very generous with my friends, moreso than normal. These also have some really bad downsides, but they aren't the things that would get me hospitalized. (Except for a couple instances of auditory hallucination back in my younger days. Hasn't happened in over a decade, though.) But my impulsivity has hurt people's feelings when I do something careless. I've developed coping mechanisms for this that allow me to more responsibly indulge in mania (which DOES feel great, unfortunately) without harming anyone usually.
Y'all also definitely know I can get pretty depressed. It happens. It happened a LOT in the past. A little less often now. Part of the bipolar thing too.
In short, I feel things much more strongly than neurotypical folks. This applies to all emotional states. While not everything I feel is extreme, the strength at which I feel things has a greater capacity for highs and lows. I guess the best way to explain it would be that most neurotypical folks have an emotional capacity from 1-10, and it's a pretty even scale, proportional to events that occur to trigger that emotional state. I would characterize myself as having a 1-20 scale. One problem is that my emotional scale isn't exactly EVEN. The higher the initial emotional reaction, the more likely it is to slide up the scale if left unchecked. If I'm not careful, something that solicits a reaction of, say, 7, will work its way up higher and higher.
You've heard of people being "overcome by emotion," and I can tell you that it's… SOMETHING. My previous therapist described it as not just a negative thing, he referred to it as a kind of superpower. While yes, I can feel sadness, despair, anger, hopelessness, and outrage at incredibly strong levels, I also experience joy, love, excitement, and passionate at similarly high levels. This can be VERY dangerous if left unchecked for me. A strong "active" emotion like excitement, joy, or anger can trigger a full manic episode.
Every day is work for me, mentally. One of the things 3 separate therapists and 2 psychologists have told me is that I'm very good at metacognition. Metacognition is, in short, thinking about thinking. I'm pretty good at tracking my own thought patterns and examining root causes of present emotions. I'm pretty dang good at this point especially at pointing out to my partners when I can feel the mania or depression coming on. (Which I think they're pretty grateful for lmao) It helps me regulate my emotions, as I can usually backtrack something and figure out when/why it is that way. My last therapist told me it makes his job both easier and harder, because most people have trouble identifying their own thought patterns and processes in therapy, which is why they're in therapy.
I have, both inadvertently and on purpose, developed a lot of tools to help manage my behaviors. In general terms, the best metaphor I can think of is a sheepdog trying to herd a particularly unruly herd of sheep, with no fence. Part of me is just trying to get out, even though it'll objectively be bad for me. The other part of me is constantly running circles around the herd, doing its best to keep everything within safe boundaries. There's a problem with this, though, that the metaphor is also handy for.
A dog can't run forever. At some point, it's going to get tired. It's going to need a break, to rest. Even when the sheep aren't actively trying to get away, just remaining vigilant in place can be tiring. Because it KNOWS they're gonna try to get away again.
My biggest problem over the last couple years is… Hard to talk about. I've trained myself to be able to regulate, but it's a LOT of work. It can be VERY frustrating even when great things are happening, because I can't just let go and enjoy something, as if I let it go too far, it might be bad news. I keep myself in check because I don't want to hurt other people. In my deepest, most authentic self, I don't want to hurt anyone. But it's TIRING.
I think it's why one of my love languages is acts of service and gift giving. (Both giving and receiving.) Someone taking something off my plate without me having to ask is VERY meaningful to me, especially since I have a hard time asking for help. (Part of the whole 'not wanting to make my mental health other people's problem thing.) Gifts also show me concrete proof that other people think about me and care about me during the times I can't remember that any other way. If you've ever been in my office/game room, I'm surrounded by tokens of my friends'/partners'/former students' affection.
The big problem is that… This is kinda the rest of my life. It's a lot of work, with no end in sight if I want to be the person I want to be. Looking out over the horizon of years that I have remaining, however many that might be… The task seems daunting and despair inducing. A prior therapist suggested DBT, but I HAVE the tools to cope, which is what DBT offers. DBT involves twice weekly sessions, one individually and one group, where you learn the skills to deal with your strong emotions, your relationship with attachment, (whether you actively avoid, push away, or attach too strongly,) and develop the tools to handle it. And there's a lot of homework. A LOT. And diary work. And that's why it was never going to work for me. I ALREADY do the mental lists, the metacognition, the identification. The thought of duplicating that work only made the despair worse.
Sometimes I just want to let everything go and be truly reckless for a little while. (No, not like in a stupid "my jokerification moment" kind of way.) Not because I want to hurt other people, but because.. Well, selfishly, it's not fair to have to be this vigilant all the time. It's constant work that I have to do that others don't have to do. It's exhausting and tiring, and there's no therapy that can really address that part of my brain. The frustrating part of therapy and psychiatry is that there's a focus on bringing the patient/client to as close they can to functioning in society, and I put in a LOT of work. There's a lot that I can say about how much it sucks that the SOCIETY we're supposed to be a part of (USA + Capitalism) says, "get on board or fucking die," and does not do any work to accommodate us. But that's a whole other conversation, and this post is already REALLY long.
There's not much of a point here. There's no moral. I guess I just wanted to share my struggle. Maybe someone else will see this and relate. I know it's difficult to find. If you google, "why didn't DBT work for me," you'll get mostly articles talking about how it works for 70-77% of people with BPD, or forum posts telling those asking this question (usually asked in frustrated, despairing tones) that they just didn't work hard enough. Or buy in to the program enough.
I find that insulting. I do work hard, because I think the work is WORTH it. But a lifetime of work like this is daunting when you consider it as a whole, not just as the present. So I try to take it a moment at a time. A day at a time. A week, maybe.
I guess I'll close with a quote from The Good Place. Because I just binge watched it again last weekend.
“I argue that we choose to be good because of our bonds with other people and our innate desire to treat them with dignity. Simply put, we are not in this alone.”
-Chid Anagonye
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spacedoutsheepy · 4 months
Been wanting to talk about this for a while because it's been bugging me and I know it's probably been mentioned on this site before because we're pro gamers when it comes to bitching about being stigmatized here but
Has anyone else noticed the alarming amount of people (men specifically) fetishizing cluster b, and objectifying us with bpd or bipolar or whatever severe illness it may be? Like even on here I have to scroll through post after post about how hot mentally ill girls are, or how 🔥bpd pussy is, and just because you queer-ify the language, or talk about how you want HER dick doesn't make it any less fetishizing or objectifying.
Everyday mediocre cis white men who watched Scott Pilgrim in middle school and whose only contribution to the world is an epidemic of untouched grass take to social media and post how much they would love a “mentally ill woman to destroy them😍” as if it’s cute and quirky and sexy and taboo. It frustrates me to no end because it's obviously coming from people who have never actually seen mental illness in action. I saw a mutual post once about how everyone loves to support and care about people with mental illness until you actually start manifesting symptoms, and while we're not talking about the same crowd, it's definitely the same cultural attitude.
I have seen it has become a popular trend on tik tok and Instagram for dudes to pretty much obsess over mentally ill women and dumb us down strictly into sexual objects because that’s literally all they see us as. They talk about how we're crazy, and they wanna take care of us and make it all better, while in the next breath when they think we're not listening they talk about how blue-haired mentally ill girls are Bad For You but also fuck the best. It's like they found the perfect minority who they can infantilize and sexualize at the exact same time, and I'll give you a minute to ruminate on the disturbing implications of that.
I just don’t fucking get why being literally at war with our own selves is seen as “sexy” or we’re seen as more “freaky” than your average neurotypical. This type of behavior towards those that suffer has taken away the legitimacy and severity of this type of disorder and others like it.
I have had men, and even some women, say TO MY FACE after warning them about my bpd that they could "handle" or “take care of me” or that they’ve always wanted a girl like me and I have never once taken that as a compliment, It’s just so fucking creepy and disgusting.
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03josten · 1 year
in addition to the appropriation of the term "intrusive thoughts" by neurotypical/unsick tiktokers, i've been seeing a rise in influencers using the term "manic" to just describe a silly crazy mood. bipolar mania ruins lives. people go into extreme debt, develop brain damage, ruin relationships, have to be hospitalised long term during manic episodes. you deciding to cut your hair off at 2am could be "manic behaviour" if you were experiencing mania. but you're not. im begging you to google the definition of words before u use them. im not trying to gatekeep these terms and everybody is different but generally speaking if you do not have bipolar disorder, stop using the term manic to describe your silly impulsive behaviour. and also fuck you !
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autimind · 1 year
neurotypical and allistic.. let's use these words correctly
Hey people,
Since I really am autistic and since technically correct is the best correct, let's deal with some terminology here. We tend to throw words like 'neurotypical' around as it they are clear to the rest of the world and even then we don't always use them correctly.
One of the members of my support group often uses the word 'neurotypes' for non-autistic people and not always in a friendly way. Words, as we can see, can set up barriers. Sometimes those barriers are real but sometimes not so much. (Full disclosure: he says 'neurotypen' in Dutch but I've translated his neologism.)
autistic ≠ neurodivergent
Well, to be sure, all autistic people are neurodivergent but not all neurodivergent people are autistic. In the same way all apples are fruits but not all fruits are apples. We should be careful to include the people with AD(H)D, Down syndrome, dyscaculia, dyslectia, some mental health disoders like bipolar disorder and obsessisive compulsive disorder, Prader-Willi syndrom and much more. All these people have brains that developed in a different way from what is considered typical.
In a way, saying neurodivergent and neurotypical is simply a way of avoiding words normal and abnormal. So why not use those words? Well, probably because they come loaded with value judgments. Normal is good and abnormal is bad, in the minds of many people. Still, the fact remains that 1% to 1.5% of all people seems to be autistic, which makes autism not normal in the frequency-sense. It is, in short, not exactly rare but also not what you'd expect in a random person.
There are various discussions about neurodivergency. Is the word even necessary? It is not a medical term, though. Does it describe a real thing? I will point to this excellent article from Cleveland Clinic as a starting point.
So, in short. if we don't want to say 'non-autistic' for some reason then we can't use the word 'neurotypical'. Just because someone is not in the Spectrum doesn't mean they are neurotypical. My best friend of old has ADD and is therefore neurodivergent but is not autistic.
This is why the word allistic was coined. Allism includes all non-autistic people, neurodivergent and neurotypical. It is a neologism which I hope will catch on. It is also not a medical term. We can however make it popular and at least it has a definite meaning.
It would be nice to know who was the first to use this word. If anyone can tell me, that would be welcome. All I can do now is point to a satirical piece on the Allism Spectrum Disorder on Speaking of Autism. It is a nice blog anyways; read some of it.
Let's speak of #allism and #autism, #allistics and #autistics or however you want to call yourself. Neurodivergency is something related but there is not one-to-one correspondence. Let's be precise.
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justanotherfacet · 2 years
Jury duty and trying to get out of it
 All these juries that have made decisions I definitely don’t agree with are starting to make me feel guilty about trying for a disability opt-out.
(I am legit disabled, as in bipolar II, memory and stress-linked tremor problems from a TBI back in college, intermittent chronic pain, and I’m somewhat immunocompromised due to kidney and liver issues.)
I also suspect I’d probably be a “strike for cause” if the case in question was DV, pretty much any type of sex offense other than maybe “consensual sexting pics by two underage people”, or the vast majority of drug/drug-related crimes due to some of my family history.
So, internet, should I feel guilty about trying to avoid being on a jury? (I look like a Karen and can’t pass for neurotypical on my best day, if either of those factors affect your answer.)
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the-holistic-goddess · 8 months
Understanding Neurodivergence and How It Relates to You!
What is Neurodivergence?
Once upon a time, it was solely associated with being on the Autism Spectrum or having other Mental disabilities, Disorders or Pathologies. But as we further continued to study the brain and how it functions, it soon became established as the term to explain when a brain process of a person is different from that of others, either due to genetic or environmental factors. Meaning how we receive, process and function might be different from what is considered “Neurotypical” behavior.
What is Neurotypical?
It is the exact opposite of being Neurodivergent. It means that your brain's ability to process and function is working exactly as it was designed and intended to. 
How does it relate to you?
Upon further research it has been determined that the majority of the population is more Neurodivergent than not. And without taking these factors into consideration, how society, the education systems and employments are established could really play a part to people having a difficulty succeeding. 
Many of the programs, systems and processes we have to get things done were designed with Neurotypical people in mind. People who function and process information normally. But the truth is that more people than not have some form of difference in the way they process information or function. Which may make it harder if they are expected to understand something in a form that does not properly compute with their brain. 
As previously mentioned, when the definition of Neurodivergence was expanded to consider people who might be different from others due to genetics and environmental factors, the list of people who technically fall under the list of Neurodivergent grew exponentially. 
Did you know that if you have any of these conditions listed below, you are considered to be Neurodivergent?
Tourette syndrome and tic disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive disorder
Epilepsy and seizure disorders
Intellectual disabilities
Developmental language disorder
Developmental coordination disorders
Bipolar disorder
Down Syndrome
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Personality disorder
Sensory integration disorder
Auditory processing disorder (APD)
Irlen Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Parkinson’s disease
Multiple sclerosis
Agenesis or Dysgenesis of the corpus callosum
Color Blindness
Left Handedness
As you can see the many different conditions that are being categorized as types of neurodivergence, we can understand the demand as to why there is the need to de-stigmatize them and fight for their inclusivity. While most of these conditions do not impose severe limitations on the capacity of the individual to fulfill their potential (some are gifted and can contribute much to society) how these individuals interact with the world is certainly a bit different than others.  And if there are limitations in capacity that limit an individual to reach their full potential, there are techniques, methods, medicines and treatments available.  
Many of these individuals experience the world in a different manner, how they receive, process and translate information is certainly not the same. So we should allow for a more inclusive process to consider Neurodivergent individuals. Right now many product designs are normally catered to the typical right handed, non-texture issue, color seeing individual. Without the option to make adjustments based on individual needs. Also many objects have an assortment of intense flashing lights and loud noises and button options, which can cause a sensory overload for individuals who might have sensitivity conditions, PTSD, and attention disorders.
Differences in brain processes does not mean that there is a significant difference in what we can do. It simply just means how we can do or understand things is a bit different. If we were able to have the opportunity to be taught, explained to, or express ourselves the way our brain can understand, the likelihood of succeeding is greater. Strictly speaking, there is no reason to deny individuals what everyone has and to stigmatize them just because they are different.
Suffice it to say, we must erase the stigma and fight for neurodiversity and further inclusivity in society.
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mewharley · 1 year
I wish autistic posts stopped being so relatable 💔
I'm just, not autistic, you know?
But I feel guilty to be like "hey me!" "hey this applies!", everytime I see one of those posts
And how I do I know I'm not autistic? Well I'm not as """weird""" and as """smart""", as neurotypicals would say
I don't have big meltdowns, I don't have a specific super interests that I could know everything about of, I'm not even like super good at something specific like them
I'm just idk weird but not enough to be good at something or know everything about something
I'm """"too smart""" but not enough?!???
Like I was great at school but not the best, you know? Not as a good as incredibly good or gifted
I guess I just have ADHD but I can't even confirm that but I'm "too smart" to have it and I was "hyperactive" as a child and I was good at school so it "would be impossible to have been inattentive"
So what gives!?!?????
I can't just be neurotypical, I'm just too different for that, too much isolation, there's definitely a barrier that nobody could explain to me
For a second considered autism but like how do I say the high functional one? The one whose name it's actually eugenicist? But no, I don't fit with that
What about ADHD? Oh guess what it's hard to diagnose on adult women!!! Or even find a doctor willing to try!!
My therapist considered bipolarity but then he was like no, buuuut ADHD can be confused with that! So!!?!
Also like you could see me and be like but you're thriving (and it was really hard to get here! fuck you) and it's like that one post that says something silly like "do you have problem with socks?" And you're like "oh no, I don't have problems" them I'm fine! But it's actually like "oh no, I don't have problems, I have a whole system for it:D" but like you shouldn't need to have
And I'm like that! It's like too much effort for simple things that other people don't think through but I have to and it works so that's cool but it means it was a struggle to begin with so ??!!!
And on a similar vein idk if I'm dyslexic or what because like the letters look fine to me
I love reading big texts
But pretty often I'll see a word and my mind will be like "oh stop reading I know what it says!!"
And that's a lie
Or I'll see a sentence and just skim it and my mind will delete words or change words (but I see them correctly, you know?) And my mind will think of another thing and I'll be like wait what and read again and actually read what it says
Also about hearing fucking hell I have a terrible hearing but also pretty good?!?!?! The fucking clock is doing a specific noise lately and I hate it
But I have trouble hearing conversations if there's too much noise
So I don't know if I have a hearing processing problem or not! Because I can hear people though sometimes I'm like what ?? Or like with words where I hear a part and my mind is trying to guess the whole word or sentence ;-;
Honestly, the only thing my therapist could admit about me is that my mind goes way too fast
Faster than the majority
What does that even mean?!?
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starboy14176 · 2 years
Have mental illness stuff lmao- (I'm gonna be spamming u whenever I can now /lh)
Dracualura: Bpd and adhd (fp is either Clawd or Clawdeen)
Frankie: Adhd and anxiety
Jackson: Autism, depression, and anxiety (special interest is science)
Holt: Autism and (possibly) bipolar (special interest is music)
Spectra: Adhd
Abbey: Autism (special interest is skating (any kind lol))
Deuce: Adhd
Cleo: Bpd, autism, npd (special interest is cheerleading and fp is Deuce)
Gigi: Autism (doesn't know what it's special interest is :()
Twyla: Autism (special interest in horror)
Howleen: Bpd and adhd (fp is Twyla)
Clawdeen: Adhd
C.A Cupid: Doesn't know, but definitely not neurotypical
Venus: Autism (special interest is plants!)
Ghoulia: Autism (special interest is technology)
(If we ever annoy you just tell us and we'll stop- wnjadsjfskadfasl-) also- what's ur favorite Monster High movie??? Ours is either Haunted High or 13 Wishes- mkfkfmkvs- we also like Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love- those are prolly our top 3 lol- what about you???
No no plz keep spamming me!! This is so rad :>
My favorites are frights camera action and why do ghouls fall in love 100% !!!!
Haunted high and 13 wishes are up there tho !!!!!
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arctic-hands · 3 years
What would you say is the difference between a hobby and an obsession in the neurodivergent and mentally ill, and where does hyperfixation lay?
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borgerman · 2 years
im gonna post about tf2 again because god. fuckng jesus chrits
sniper: has autism. we know this. jesus christ this guy got the tism he's literally been a social outcast with a special interest in sniping since childhood to the point where that was all he did. he's got the monotone affect, he's got the ability to sit for a week in one spot to get the perfect shot, he is FUCKING ALIEN CODED? dont @ me
scout: adhd and honestly also autistic and yes MAYBE im projecting but i could not care less. he's the over-expressive affect rather than the monotone affect (just as valid) and this boy stims by jumping over fences and just throwing his body around like a ragdoll. literally have you EVER seen scout pick up a social cue. he is gullible as can be and gets upset when his worldview is questioned because that is his control. bonks him on the head with my magic bat and makes him autism adhd
pyro: ok if someone wants to headcanon pyro as autistic/adhd then i'm all for it but i just think pyro is a child at heart and isn't afraid to show it. neurotypical ally moments ily pyro. i think they'd have separation anxiety though
engineer: AUTISM. half this post is gonna be me saying mercs are autistic but he is like the textbook savant. the world's most gifted mechanic who is not the best at speaking his mind and probs has major anxiety and is a little teeny bit bonkers
spy: listen again if you headcanon spy as autistic i fully support it but personally hc that as coming from scout's mom's side. now adhd on the other hand? yeah this mf got it. stimming w his butterfly knife, mirroring PRO he's literally a spy. he probably sees a lot of himself in scout's brashness and honestly if scout had lived with spy instead of his ma he'd have been a phenomenal spy.
medic: probably has ocd and could very well also be autistic (shocker kirby makes another merc autistic) but hear me out- bipolar disorder. and this is coming from someone with it. medic would stay up for a week developing some medical miracle and crash and burn into a depressive episode. he prob self-diagnosed and medicates himself but stops taking it like a dingbat because he thinks it boosts his ability to work. cut it out dummy
demoman: i think demo is just a neurotypical guy. he's a RAGING alcoholic don't get me wrong, the dude's got issues, but i don't think he has any mental illnesses or neurodivergencies. he's just as much of a workaholic as he is an alcoholic but i think that's more due to pressure from his family than anything
soldier: i like to think that he could very well be autistic/adhd (special interest/hyperfixation in the armed forces, tonal issues galore, extreme over-expressive affect, no ability to read social cues or follow social norms, etc) and that many of the symptoms he experiences is amplified by the brain damage caused by lead poisoning. definitely vocally stims by just fucking screaming. ily soldier i want to give you a hug you rat bastard
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